VITA January 2018 NAME: Raquel R. Marquez Department of Sociology MS 1.02.04; 210-458-5606 [email protected] EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: 1998. University of Texas, Austin; Ph.D. in Sociology 1995. University of Texas, Austin; Master of Arts in Sociology 1990-1992. Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas; Bachelor of Science in Applied Sociology 1991. University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware; Minority Opportunity Summer Training, American Sociological Association 1990. Our Lady of the Lake University, San Antonio, Texas 1989-1990. San Antonio College, San Antonio, Texas PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2018. Interim Associate Vice President for Student Success Initiatives. The University of Texas at San Antonio. 2017-2013. Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research in the College of Liberal and Fine Arts. The University of Texas at San Antonio. 2014. Research Scholar. Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. 2012–2005. Chair of the Department of Sociology, The University of Texas at San Antonio. (3 rd term contract through August 31, 2014). 1

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VITAJanuary 2018

NAME: Raquel R. Marquez Department of SociologyMS 1.02.04; [email protected]

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: 1998. University of Texas, Austin; Ph.D. in Sociology

1995. University of Texas, Austin; Master of Arts in Sociology

1990-1992. Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas; Bachelor of Science in Applied Sociology

1991. University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware; Minority Opportunity Summer Training, American Sociological Association

1990. Our Lady of the Lake University, San Antonio, Texas

1989-1990. San Antonio College, San Antonio, Texas

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2018. Interim Associate Vice President for Student Success Initiatives. The University of Texas at San Antonio.

2017-2013. Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research in the College of Liberal and Fine Arts. The University of Texas at San Antonio.

2014. Research Scholar. Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.

2012–2005. Chair of the Department of Sociology, The University of Texas at San Antonio. (3rd term contract through August 31, 2014).

Present – 1999. Full Professor, Department of Sociology. The University of Texas at San Antonio.

2011. Research Consultant. AARP. Latino Seniors Bienestar. San Antonio, Texas.

2007-2006. Research Consultant. Annie E. Casey Foundation. Making Connections - CRECER Research Group. San Antonio, Texas.


2004. Research Consultant. Annie E. Casey Foundation. Border Kids Count. July, 2004. San Antonio, Texas.

2003. Research Consultant. Annie E. Casey Foundation. Border Kids Count. November, 2003. Santa Fe, New Mexico.

2002. Research Consultant. Annie E. Casey Foundation. Strengthening Families on the Southwest Border. Planning Meeting. July, 2002. Baltimore, MD.

2002. Research Consultant. Annie E. Casey Foundation. Llano Grande Project. Youth Development. August, 2002. Edcouch-Elsa, TX.

2002. Research Consultant. Annie E. Casey Foundation. Transnational Families Consultative Session. Roundtable. September 23, 2002. Baltimore, MD.

1999-Summer. Student Coordinator. The Smithsonian Center for Latino Initiatives and Inter-University Program for Latino Research. 1999 Latino Graduate Training Seminar on Qualitative Methodology. Washington, DC.

1998-1999. Site/Project Co-coordinator. Population Research Center. The University of Texas at Austin. Texas/Mexico Border Project funded by the Mac Arthur Foundation.

1998-Spring. Assistant Instructor. Course entitled: Gender and Ethnicity, La Chicana. Course cross-listed in Mexican American Studies, Sociology, and Women's Studies. University of Texas at Austin.

1998-1996. Research Assistant. Poverty, Gender, and Household Strategies in Border Cities: An Ethnographic Perspective. Fieldwork conducted in Brownsville, Texas and Matamoros, Tamaulipas. Research funded by the MacArthur Foundation.

1998-1996. Consultant. AVANCE Ethnographic Study. Part of team that is conducting an ethnographic program evaluation of the AVANCE Family Support and Education Program. Evaluation is funded by the Ford Foundation. AVANCE National, San Antonio, TX.

1997. Consultant. U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform. Research, writing, review, and editing of the U.S.-Mexico Bi-national Report in English and Spanish. Washington, D.C. and Austin, Texas.

1997. Research Assistant. Inter-University Program for Latino Research. Assisted with the launching of the IUPLR National Office, Smithsonian Institution. Washington, D.C.

1997-1996. Research Assistant. Fellowship to Support Faculty Research. Assisted Dr. Yolanda Padilla in research on border health, poverty and immigration. Fellowship funded by the Center for Mexican American Studies at the University of Texas at Austin.


1996-1994. Research Assistant. The International Migration and Human Rights Project at the University of Texas at Austin. Planned and coordinated 1994 International Working Group Meeting; planned and coordinated 1995 International Working Group Meeting held in Granada, Spain.

1994. Consultant. The Tomas Rivera Center & Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF). Reviewed and summarized legal depositions for court case Ruiz vs. Santa Maria, CA.

1993-1992. Research Associate. The Tomas Rivera Center, Austin, Texas. Houston Community Evaluation Project: Interviewed Houston community leaders, data programming and analysis, writing and editing. Migrant Enumeration Project: Data analysis. North American Free Trade Debate Series: Research, writing and editing.

1992. Field research interviewing newly arrived immigrants. Austin, Texas.

1992-1991. Research Assistant Intern, The Tomas Rivera Center, San Antonio. Texas Hispanics in Higher Education, Contributor to survey questionnaire, research, writing, and editing.

1992-1991. Field research interviewing dislocated garment workers. San Antonio, Texas.

AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS2013. President’s Distinguished Diversity Award. UTSA. Women’s Professional Advancement and Synergy Academy.

2013. Top 14 Hispanic Professors in Texas. StateStats.org.

2012. The Constellation of Stars Award. San Antonio Women’s Chamber of Commerce. November, 2012.

2011. Oxford Round Table. Women in the Academy: Progress and Prospects. Oxford University, Oxford, England.

2010. Marquez, Raquel R. Nominated for the President's Advisory Commission on Education Excellence for Hispanic Americans. Washington, DC. Not selected.

2009-2010. Provost Leadership Development Program. Year-long leadership training. University of Texas at San Antonio

2005. Research Award. U.S. Census Workshop. Inter-University Program for Latino Research. University of Notre Dame. August, 2005. South Bend, Indiana.

2001. Faculty Research Award. College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. The University of Texas at San Antonio. Summer 2001.


2001-2000. Awarded Graduate Assistant. College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. The University of Texas at San Antonio. 2000. Awarded Graduate Assistant. College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. The University of Texas at San Antonio. Fall, 2000.

1999. Faculty Small Research Grant Award. College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. The University of Texas at San Antonio.

1999. Faculty Technology Development Award. College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. The University of Texas at San Antonio.

1992. American Sociological Association Honors Program Participant, ASA Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.

1992-1991. Alpha Kappa Delta, National Sociological Honor Society.

1992-91-90. Dean's List, Southwest Texas State University.

1991. Recipient of The American Sociological Association Fellowship, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware.

1991-1990. President, Sociology Club, Southwest Texas State University.

1990. Recipient of The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Scholarship, Our Lady of the Lake University, San Antonio, Texas.

1990. President's Honor List, San Antonio College, San Antonio, Texas.


2013-2010. Latino Research and Policy Working Group. National-level group with an agenda to link research with policy makers. Meetings at La Fe, El Paso, TX; Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Present-2008. Mexico Center Faculty Fellow, The University of Texas at San Antonio.

2006-2001. Fronterizas: Latinas Working Group, http://colfa.utsa.edu: 16080/fronterizas/ Principal convener and participant. National collaboration of Latina Scholars. Research agenda: Families on the Southwest Border. Meetings at Notre Dame, IN; UTSA, TX, Tijuana, MX. Funded by Annie E. Casey Foundation, Inter-University Program for Latino Research, Notre Dame, IN.

2005-2004. UTSA Transnational Working Group. The University of Texas at San Antonio.


2006-2001. Institute for Law and Public Affairs at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Research Associate.

2002-2000. Hispanic Research Center at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Research Associate.

2002. San Antonio Local Learning Partnership: Data/Research Group. Collaboration with the City of San Antonio Department of Community Initiatives, United Way, Our Lady of the Lake University and the Center for Public Policy Priorities.

PUBLICATIONS A. Refereed Publications 1. Books 2008. Marquez, Raquel R. and Harriett Romo. Co-Editors. Transformations of La Familia on the U.S.-Mexico Border. University of Notre Dame Press.

2. Articles 2018. Aguilar, Carlos, Marquez R., Romo, H. and Gonzales, R.G. “Academic Citizenship: Learning to be American by the Book.” Harvard Educational Review. Under review.

2007. Marquez, Raquel R., Louis Mendoza and Steve Blanchard. "Neighborhood Formation on the West Side of San Antonio." Latino Studies. Palgrave Macmillan Ltd, Vol. 5, Issue 3. Autumn, 2007.

2003. Marquez, Raquel R. and Yolanda Padilla. "Migration in the Life Course of Women in the Border City of Matamoros, Tamualipas: Links to Education, Family, and Labor Trajectories." Journal of Borderland Studies. Texas A & M University at Laredo. Vol. 18.2. August, 2004.

2004. Marquez, Raquel R. and Yolanda C. Padilla. "Immigration in the Life Histories of Women Living Along the United States-Mexico Border Region." Journal of Immigrants and Refugees. University of Connecticut. Vol. 2, No. 1/2. August 19, 2004.

2001. Vila, Pablo and Raquel R. Marquez. "Hispanos/Latinos, o Mexicanos, Puertorriquefios, Cubanos? Rotulos identitarios y construccion de identidades sociales en los EE.UU." Araucaria. University of Sevilla, Spain. Pp. 158-184. December, 2001.

3. Book Chapters 2018. Aguilar, Carlos, Marquez, R. and Romo, Harriett. “From DREAMers to DACAdemics: A la Escuela sin Pasaporte” in Seen but not heard: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Child Migrants and Refugees. (Lexington Books). Edited by: Mary Grace Antony, and Ryan J. Thomas. Lexington Books, Rowman & Littlefield Publishing. Lanham, MD.


2017. Romo, Harriett and Marquez, Raquel R. “Embracing the “Other”: Dreamers Navigating Higher Education” in Mobilizing Public Sociology: Understanding Youth and Immigration through Minority Views in Southern California. Edited by Victoria Carty and Rafael Luevano. Brill Publishers. Brill Publishers, Leiden.

2015. Raquel R. Marquez (with Jordana Barton, E.S. Blum, E.R Preimeter. “Las Colonias in the 21rst Century: Progress Along the Texas-Mexico Border” in Ten Gallon Economy: Sizing Up Economic Growth in Texas. Editors Pia Orrenius, Jesus Canas, Michael Weiss. Palgrave Macmillan. 2015.

2010. Romo, Harriett, and Marquez, Raquel R. "Who’s Who Across the U.S.-Mexico Border: Identities in Transition." Editor Zartman, William I. Understanding Life in the Borderlands: Boundaries in Depth and in Motion. University of Georgia Press.

2008. Marquez, Raquel R. "Transborder Interactions and Transnational Processer in a Border Community, Laredo, Texas." Co-Editors Marquez, Raquel R. and Harriett Romo. In Transformations of La Familia on the U.S.-Mexico Border. University of Notre Dame Press.

2008. Marquez, Raquel R. and Harriett Romo. "Introduction." Co-Editors Marquez, Raquel R. and Harriett Romo. In Transformations of La Familia on the U.S.-Mexico Border. University of Notre Dame Press.

2004. Marquez, Raquel R. and Yolanda C. Padilla. "Immigration in the Life Histories of Women Living Along the United States-Mexico Border Region". Editor Drachman, Diane. In Social Work and Immigration: Thinking Beyond US Borders: Haworth Press.

4. Creative Works Marquez, Raquel R. Voices of the Texas UFW Project. Film documentary. Data collection completed. Film is in final production stage. Film released, Spring 2018.

Marquez, Raquel R. Voices of the Texas UFW Project. Online Digital Photograph Archive. Data collection primarily done, 2000 photos have been scanned. Targeted collaboration with Wayne State University Labor Archives. Targeted release, Summer 2019.

Marquez, Raquel R. Voices of the Texas UFW Project. Book Manuscript. Objective is to write a comprehensive analysis of the United Farm Workers Movement in Texas using the photographs and oral histories collected. Targeted press is University of Texas Press.

5. Book Reviews 2006. Marquez, Raquel. R. Book Review. The Price of Poverty: Money Work, and Culture in the Mexican American Barrio. By Daniel Dohan. University of California Press. Latino Studies Journal Volume 4, Issue 1-2 (Spring/Summer 2006): 196-198.


2002. Marquez, Raquel R. et al, "Between Necessity and Freedom: Roundtable on Current Immigration Issues". Editors Mendoza, Louis and S. Shankar. In Crossing into America: The New Literature of Immigration. The New Press. December, 2002.

6. Articles Posted on Internet Website 2000. Marquez, R., Padilla, Y., & Roberts, B. "Migration in the life course of women in Mexican border cities: Links to educational, family, and labor Trajectories." New York: Presented at the Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, February 26-29, 2000. Accessible on Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work. Anti-Racist Training and Material Project, http://www.mun.ca/cassw-ar/

7. Newspaper Articles 1999. Marquez, Raquel R. "A Response to: Charting a New Course for a Multiculturalism that Matters." El Noticiero, University of Texas at San Antonio. March, 1999.

B. Published Conference Proceedings – Peer Reviewed/Referred2015. Gonzales, Rhonda, Raquel R. Marquez and Patricia Sanchez. PIVOT, First to Go and Graduate. In Dominguez, N & Gandert, Y (Eds.), Albuquerque, New Mexico: 8th Annual Mentoring Conference Proceedings: New Perspectives in Mentoring, A Quest for Leadership Excellence & Innovation.

2014. Marquez, R., & Gonzales, R. Two Steps Forward/One Step Back: Sustaining Women-Centered Developmental Initiatives. In Dominguez, N & Gandert, Y (Eds.), Albuquerque, New Mexico: 7th Annual Mentoring Conference Proceedings: Developmental Networks, Mentoring & Coaching at Work.

2013. Marquez, R., & Gonzales, R. "Professional Development: WPASA, 3 Years After Development," University of New Mexico Mentoring Conference, Albuquerque, NM. In Dominguez, N & Gandert, Y (Eds.), Albuquerque, New Mexico: 6th Annual Mentoring Conference Proceedings: Impact and Effectiveness of Developmental Relationships.

2012. Marquez, R., & Gonzales, R. “Women’s Leadership Development”. In Dominguez, N & Gandert, Y (Eds.), Albuquerque, New Mexico: 5th Annual Mentoring Conference Proceedings: Facilitating Developmental Relationships for Success.

1999. Marquez, Raquel. Mujeres Immigrantes en La Frontera Tejas/Mexico: Un Analisis Comparative del Aislamento y la Habilidadde las Mujeres para Integrarse Satisfactoriamente en sus Nuevas Comunidades. In P. M. Ward (Ed.), Final Report of the University of Texas System and the Desarrollo Integral de la Familia (DIF) Nacional de Mexico Workshops on Reducing Vulnerability Among Families in the Mexico and US Border Region (pp. 14-15). Austin, TX: University of Texas at Austin. 1999


1999. Padilla, Yolanda C. & Marquez, Raquel. The Role of Migration in the Life Course of Low-Income Mexican Women. In P. M. Ward (Ed.), Final Report of the University of Texas System and the Desarrollo Integral de la Familia (DIP) Nacional de Mexico Workshops on Reducing Vulnerability Among Families in the Mexico and US Border Region (pp. 128-131). Austin, TX: University of Texas at Austin.

C. Technical Reports 2016. Raquel R. Marquez (with Rhonda Gonzales and Patricia Sanchez) Technical Mid-year Report submitted to the Department of Education. PIVOT, Interim Report Oct. 115 to March 31 31, 2016.

2015. Raquel R. Marquez (with Jordana Barton, E.S. Blum, E.R Preimeter). Las Colonias in the 21rst Century: Progress Along the Texas-Mexico Border. http://www.dallasfed.org/assets/documents/cd/pubs/lascolonias

2004. Argilagos, Ana Marie, Raquel R. Marquez, et al. Border Kids Count. Annie E. Casey Foundation. September 2004.

2003. Marquez, Raquel R. The Border as a Resource: Maintaining Families at the Border. Report to Annie E. Casey Foundation. Baltimore Maryland. November 2003.

2002. Marquez, Raquel R. An Analysis of the Making Connections Youth Community Mapping Program. Report to Annie E. Casey Foundation and The Hispanic Research Center at The University of Texas at San Antonio. November 2002.

2002. Marquez, Raquel R. "The Process of Developing: A Family Security Portfolio and Family Security Index for the West Side of San Antonio". Presented at the Self-Sufficiency Standards Session. Baltimore, MD. September, 2002.

2002. Marquez, Raquel R., el al. "Families on the Southwest Border". Research concept paper submitted to the Annie E. Casey Foundation. September 2002.

2002. Marquez, Raquel R. A Community Assessment of the Frail and Homebound Elderly Living Within the Good Samaritan Center Service Area. Final Report to: The Good Samaritan Center, San Antonio, TX. July 2002.

2002. Marquez, Raquel R. et al. Making Connection NTFD Initiative: A Celebration on the Anniversary of the Family Summits 2001. Report to Annie E. Casey Foundation. June 2002.

2002. Hispanics in the State of Texas: Emerging Trends Findings from the 2000 Census. Hispanic Research Center at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Contributor to publication. January, 2002.


2001. Making Connections San Antonio: A Neighborhood Transformation & Family Development Initiative. Hispanic Research Center at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Research advisor and writing contributor to publication.

2001. Marquez. Raquel R. The 2001 San Antonio Making Connection Summit's: The Process and A Presentation of Qualitative and Quantitative Findings. Report to the Annie E. Casey Foundation. June 2001.

2000. Robert, Bryan R., Raquel R. Marquez and Yolanda C. Padilla. The Demography of Women's Health and Women's Employment on the US-Mexico Transborder. Final Report to: The John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.

1998. Cardenas, Gilberto, Raquel R. Marquez, and Susan Moreno. Final Report of Ethnographic Study of the AVANCE Expansion Process: Phase I, 1996-1997: A Case Study of the AVANCE Texas Initiative, San Antonio, Texas.

PRESENTATION OF SCHOLARLY ACTIVITIES: A. Invited Lectures/Discussant/Participant 2016. Marquez, Raquel R. October 2016. “1966 Farm Worker Strike in Rio Grande City”, La Cosecha”, Our Lady of the Lake University. San Antonio, Texas.

2013. Marquez, Raquel R. March. 2013. “Having It All? Female Professors at UTSA”. UTSA.

2010. Marquez, Raquel R. May 2010. Participant. Latino Research and Policy Platica. National forum to develop bridge the research to practice gap on the Latina/o population. El Paso, Texas.

2010. Marquez, Raquel R. April 2010. Panel discussant. 5th Annual NSF-Funded Conference on Racial/Ethnic Diversity in the Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciencs. University of Texas at Austin.

2008. Marquez, Raquel R. October 2008. Transformation of La Familia. University of Texas at El Paso, Chicano Studies.

2007. Marquez, Raquel R. April 2007. Panel discussant. SIGLO XXI Economies of Class, Economies of Culture. Austin, Texas.

2005. Marquez, Raquel R. July 2005. Participant. Fourth Annual Census Workshop. Institute for Latino Studies at Notre Dame University. South Bend, IN.

2005. Marquez, Raquel R. April 2005. Discussant. IUPLR-NALCAB Colegio Meeting sponsored by University of Notre Dame. Chicago, Illinois.

2004. Marquez, Raquel R. November 2004. Discussant. Crossroads and Contact Zones. American Studies Program: University of Texas at San Antonio.


2004. Marquez, Raquel R. June 2004. Research collaborator and contributor. Photo exhibit presented by Dr. Harriett Romo. Transnational Lives in San Antonio. Exhibit held at Instituto de Mexico in San Antonio, Texas.

2002. Marquez, Raquel R. September 2002. Presenter. Self-Sufficiency Standards Session. "The Process of Developing: A Family Security Portfolio and Family Security Portfolio for the West Side of San Antonio". Family Economic Success Session sponsored by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Baltimore, MD.

2002. Marquez, Raquel R. September 2002. Discussant. Transnational Families Session. Session sponsored by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Baltimore, MD.

2002. Marquez, Raquel R. July 2002. Discussant. Strengthening Border Children and Families. Session sponsored by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Baltimore, MD. 2001. Marquez, Raquel R. November 2001. Panel Presenter. Crossing Into America: A Roundtable on Post 1965 Immigration. Held at the University of Texas at San Antonio. San Antonio, Texas.

2001. Marquez, Raquel R. March 2001. Co-facilitator and presenter. Panel On The Use of Community Ethnography. LLP Conference sponsored by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Baltimore, MD.

2001. Marquez, Raquel R. July 2001. Panel presenter. "Latina Academics: Living, and Teaching on the Borderlands. Gender on the Borderlands. St. Mary's University, San Antonio, Texas.

2000. Marquez, Raquel R. March 2000. Commentator for Film Preview: "The Status of Latina Women". Women Who Inspire Us: Imagina El Futuro, sponsored by The Center for the Study of Women and Gender, The University of Texas at San Antonio.

2000. Marquez, Raquel R. April 2000. Discussant. Exploring Educational Links Through Mexican American Studies. Annual Symposium sponsored by the Division of Bicultural-Bilingual Studies, The University of Texas at San Antonio.

1999. Marquez, Raquel R. November 1999. Panel Discussant. "Resistance, Alliances and Coalitions: Chicanas Negotiating Within the Academy." Texas Association of Chicanes in Higher Education. San Antonio, Texas.

1999. Marquez, Raquel R. March, 1999. Presenter. "Multiculturalism: Women on the Texas/Mexico Border: Inclusion & Diversity". Multiculturalism at the Century's End College of Social & Behavioral Sciences, 5th Annual Symposium. The University of Texas at San Antonio. San Antonio, Texas.


1999. Marquez, Raquel R. February 4, 1999. "Women Immigrants Along the Texas/Mexico Border: Isolation and the Women's Ability to Successfully Integrate." Raza Cozmica Symposium. The University of Texas at San Antonio.

1998. Marquez, Raquel R. April 8, 1998. Presenter. "Life Transitions of Women and Poverty: Life at the U.S.-Mexico Border." Colloquium at The University of Texas at San Antonio. San Antonio, Texas.

B. Conference Participation

2017. Marquez, Raquel, Cynthia McCowen and Tiffany Jackson, “PIVOT: Building Student Support Services Through Collaborative Partnerships”. Conference for the Association of Hispanic Serving Institutions. Las Vegas, NV.

2015. Gonzales, Rhonda, Raquel R. Marquez and Patricia Sanchez. PIVOT, First to Go and Graduate. In Dominguez, N & Gandert, Y (Eds.), Albuquerque, New Mexico: 8th Annual Mentoring Conference Proceedings: New Perspectives in Mentoring, A Quest for Leadership Excellence & Innovation.

2014. Marquez, Raquel R. and Rhonda Gonzales. Two Steps Forward/One Step Back: Sustaining Women-Centered Developmental Initiatives. University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

2014. Marquez, R., "Families of the U.S. - Mexico Border Colonias – A Legacy of Resilience," Panel Presentation. American Sociological Meeting, ASA, San Francisco, CA.

2013. Marquez, Raquel R. and Rhonda Gonzales. “Professional Advancement Programs: Top-Down or Bottom-Up, What Works for Women?” University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

2013. Marquez, Raquel R, and Harriett Romo. August. 2013. “Dreamers Navigating Higher Education”. ASA. International Migration Section, Panel on Education, the Second Generation, and Social Mobility. New York, NY.

2013. Marquez, Raquel R. March. 2013. Origins and History of the United Farm Worker Movement in Texas. National Farm Workers Organization Annual Meeting. San Antonio, Texas.

2012. Marquez, Raquel R. February 2012. Fourth Biennial SIGLO XXI Conference: Forging the Future of Latinos in a Time of Crisis. “The Future for DREAM Act Students.” NY, NY.

2012. Marquez, Raquel R. October 2012. University of New Mexico, Mentoring Institute. “Between Women: Reflection on Mentor/Mentee: Initiatives and Outcomes at UTSA.” Albuquerque, New Mexico.


2011. Marquez, Raquel R. June 2011. Texas State Bar Annual Conference: “Perspectives on the Changing Roles of Women and Men in the Workplace.” San Antonio, Texas.

2009. Marquez, Raquel R. October 2009. Plenary presentation: Migration in the Texas/Mexico Borderland: The Contexts of Family Strategies. Association of Applied and Clinical Sociology section in the ASA. San Antonio, Texas.

2009. Marquez, Raquel R. September 2009. "Latino Families on the Border". Siglo XXI: The State of Latino Studies, 3rd biennial conference of the Inter University Program for Latino Research. University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, 111. 2007. Marquez, Raquel R. April 2007. Presenter. "Voices of the UFW." SIGLO XXI Economies of Class, Economies of Culture. Austin, Texas.

2007. Marquez, Raquel R. September 2007. "Voices of the United Farm Worker Movement in Texas." Chicanas Righting History, UTSA.

2006. Marquez, Raquel R. April 2006. Discussant. Latino Graduate Student Panel. SSSA Annual Conference. San Antonio, Texas

2006. Marquez, Raquel R. March 2006. Presenter. "Latina Living: Family, Work and Community." Women's History Symposium, UTSA.

2006. Marquez, Raquel R. February 2006. "Family Interactions at the US/Mexico Border." American Psychological Association: Immigration Expert Summit. San Antonio, Texas.

2005. Marquez, Raquel R. April 2005. "Identity Construction in Transnational Lives: Characteristics and Complexities." Association for Borderlands Studies. Albuquerque, New Mexico.

2005. Marquez, Raquel R. January 2005. "Transborder Interactions and Transnational Processes in a Border Community, Laredo, Texas." SIGLO XXI: Latino Research into the 21st Century. Austin, Texas.

2004. Marquez, Raquel R. October 2004. "Identity Construction in Transnational Lives." U.S.-Mexico Transnationalism & Transnational Communities. Mexico-North Research Network. Washington, DC.

2004. Marquez, Raquel R. and Yolanda Padilla. August 2004. "Migration and Life Course of Border Women: Links to Educational, Family and Labor Trajectories."American Sociological Association Annual Meetings. San Francisco, CA.

2003. Marquez, Raquel R., Louis Mendoza and Steve Blanchard. November, 2003. "Neighborhood Formation on the West Side of San Antonio: A Barriological Approach." American Studies Association of Texas 2003 Conference. San Antonio, Texas.


2002. Marquez, Raquel R. and Yolanda C. Padilla. August, 2002. "Immigration in the Life Histories of Women Living in the United States-Mexico Border Region." American Sociological Association Annual Meetings. Chicago, Illinois.

2002. Marquez, Raquel R. and Louis Mendoza. March 2002. "Making Connections, San Antonio: Mujeres Making a Movement. National Association of Chicana/o Studies.

2000. Marquez, Raquel R. and Yolanda C. Padilla. February 2000. "Women in Poverty from a Life History Perspective: Stories of Struggle and Resilience." Council on Social Work Education. New York, NY.

1999. Marquez, Raquel R. and Yolanda C. Padilla. February, 2000. Co-presenter. "Women in Poverty from a Life History Perspective: Stories of Struggle and Resilience." Council on Social Work Education. New York, NY.

1999. Marquez, Raquel R. October, 1999. Presenter. "Procesos de Migration Sobre La Frontera de Tejas a mexico: Un Estudio Sobre Inmigrantes Mexicanas. " Tercer Taller International, Mujeres en el Umbral del Siglo XXI. Universidad de La Habana, Cuba.

1999. Marquez, Raquel R. April, 1999. Chair. Panel on Relaciones Orales: Doing Mexican and Chicano/a Oral History, Three Projects. National Association of Chicano Studies. San Antonio, Texas.

1999. Marquez, Raquel R. March, 1999. Presenter. "El Rol de la Migration en el Curso de Vida de Mujeres Mexicanas de Bajos Recursos. " Desarollo Intergral de la Familia (DIF) National, Mexico and the University of Texas System. Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico.

1999. Marquez, Raquel R. March, 1999. Presenter. "Un analysis comparativo de familias en Matamoros y Brownsville mantenido por mujeres y el rol de islacion social. " Desarollo Intergral de la Familia (DIF) Nacional, Mexico and the University of Texas System. The University of Texas at El Paso. El Paso, Texas.

1998. Marquez, Raquel R. June, 1998. Presenter, "Mexicanas and Chicanas Bridging Two Worlds: A Study of Poverty on the Texas-Mexico Border." National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies. Mexico City, Mexico.

1998. Marquez, Raquel R. March, 1998. Presenter. "Chicana Labor in Texas" at the 1998 Texas State Historical Association Annual Meetings. Austin, Texas.

1998. Marquez, Raquel R. February, 1998. Presenter. "Timing of First Job, School Completion, and Migration for Two Age Cohorts of Low Income Mexican Women." The Survival of Families in Poverty in the United States/Mexico Border Region: Working Group Meeting. Mexican Center of the Institute for Latin American Studies, Population Research Center, World Health Organization Collaborating Center. Austin, Texas.


1997. Marquez, Raquel R. August, 1997. Presenter. "Women in Poverty on the U.S.-Mexico Border: Life Trajectories, Employment and Migration." American Sociological Meetings in Toronto, Canada.

1997. Marquez, Raquel R. May, 1997. Presenter. Panel on Immigration and Communities in the Southern Borders of the United States and Mexico. International Migration Conference. Center for Immigration Research, University of Houston.

1997. Marquez, Raquel R. April, 1997. Panel Participant. Latin American Studies Association's Conference. Guadalajara, Mexico.

1997. Marquez, Raquel R. March, 1997. Presenter. Photograph display. "Una Vista a la Frontera: The Cultural Center of Cameron Park in South Texas: Learning About the Lives of Families and Children in the U.S. - Mexico Border Region." Year of the Child Resource Fair. Austin, Texas.

1997. Marquez, Raquel R. February, 1997.Presenter. "Crossing Borders: A Life History Approach to Women Living Along the Texas-Mexico Border." Annual Meetings of the Southwest Council of Latin American Studies.

1996. Marquez, Raquel R. and Yolanda Padilla. October, 1996. Co-presenter. "Women's Employment and Life Chances on the U.S.-Mexico Border." Fourth Biennial Texas-Mexico Border Health Symposium. South Padre Island, Texas.

1996. Ugalde Antonio and Raquel R. Marquez. Findings presented by Antonio Ugalde. "Immigrants and Incorporation: Human Rights Standards for Immigrants." American Sociological Association Annual Meetings. New York, N.Y.

1996. Marquez, Raquel. R. Presenter. "Chicana Labor and Activism in Texas." National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies. March, 1996.

1995. Marquez, Raquel. R. Presenter. "Chicana Labor Organizers." National Chicana History Conference. University of Houston. July 1995.

1995. Marquez, Raquel. R. Tabled Paper. "Immigrant women as promotoras: mobilizing health-related resources in the community." International Meeting on Immigration: Health and Social Policies in Granada, Spain. May, 1995.

1995. Marquez, Raquel. R. Presenter. "Chicanas and Union Organizing." Annual meetings for the Labor Legal Association, Georgetown University. March, 1995.

1994. Marquez, Raquel R. Panel Member for the Minority Information Center at the University of Texas at Austin: "Surviving at the Margins and Making It: Helping Students of Color Prepare for Graduate School. Feb, 1994.


1993. Marquez, Raquel. R. Presenter. "Study of Displaced Female Workers: The 1990 Closure of the Levi Strauss Plant in San Antonio." American Sociological Association Annual Meetings, Miami, Florida. August, 1993.

1993. Marquez, Raquel R. Presenter. "Si Hablo, Escuchame: The Women from Fuerza Unida." National Association for Chicano Studies Conference, University of California at Santa Cruz. March, 1993.

1993. Marquez, Raquel R. Presenter: Policy research in the Latino Community, "The Migrant Enumeration Project." Society for Applied Anthropologists Conference, San Antonio, Texas. March, 1993.

1992. Marquez, Raquel R. Organizer and Moderator: Seminar on Policy Implications of Levi-Strauss plant closure, sponsored by The Tomas Rivera Center. June, 1992.

1992. Marquez, Raquel R. Panel member at Fuerza Unida Community Tribunal, sponsored by Our Lady of The Lake University, San Antonio, Texas. September, 1992.

1992. Marquez, Raquel R. Presenter. "Conducting Research on Non-Elite and Ethnic Women." Second Annual Conference of Women Historians in Texas. May, 1992.

GRANTS/GRANT WORK: 2018. Gonzales, Rhonda, Raquel R. Marquez and Patricia Sanchez. PIVOT: for Academic Success (First Generation Students). Title V: Department of Education. Year 3 funding awarded at $650,000.

2017. Marquez, Raquel and Gabriel Acevedo. Expanding the Bench in Performance Management. Annie E. Casey Foundation. $55,000 award.

2017. Gonzales, Rhonda, Raquel R. Marquez and Patricia Sanchez. PIVOT: for Academic Success (First Generation Students). Title V: Department of Education. Year 2 funding awarded at $650,000.

2016. Gonzales, Rhonda, Raquel R. Marquez and Patricia Sanchez. PIVOT: for Academic Success (First Generation Students). Title V: Department of Education. $3,249,779 (2015-2019). Awarded October 1, 2015. Programmatic Implementation begun Spring 2016.

2014. Rueda, H. A. (Supporting), Romo, H. (Principal), Zenteno, R. (Co-Principal), Sánchez, P. (Supporting), Jones, R. C. (Supporting), Marquez, R. (Supporting), Nolan-Ferrell, C. A. (Supporting), Sanchez-Soto, G. (Supporting), & Hoffman, S. (Supporting), "Transnational Youth Research Project," Sponsored by Office of the Vice President for Research, UTSA, $20,000.00. (September 1, 2014 - August 31, 2015).

2009-2010. Fundraising campaign with private donors to support the UFW Project. $10,100 raised from 36 donors.


2008. Texas Humanities Council, Voices of the UFW Project. $3000.

2008. Yip Harburg Foundation, Voices of the UFW Project. $1,500.

2008. UTSA Mexico Center Educational Research Fellowship. $1,500. Awarded to conduct research in Monterrey, Mexico.

2007. Raynier Foundation. Voices of the UFW Project. $5,000.

2006. Inter-University Program for Latino Research. University of Notre Dame. Transnational Families on the Southwest Border. Principal Investigator. $12,000.

2005. Inter-University Program for Latino Research. University of Notre Dame. Transnational Families on the Southwest Border. Principal Investigator. $12,500.

2004. Inter-University Program for Latino Research. University of Notre Dame. Transnational Families on the Southwest Border. Principal Investigator. $12,386.

2003. Annie E. Casey Foundation. Borderland Families - Transnational Communities in Texas and Mexico. Principal Investigator. $20,000.

2003. Annie E. Casey Foundation. Transnationalism and Latinas on the Border. Principal Investigator. $15,000.

2003-2002. Rockefeller Foundation. Knowledge, Culture and Construction of Identity in a Transnational Community: San Antonio, Texas. Research Associate. Grant awarded to Dr. Harriett Romo at the University of Texas at San Antonio.

2002. Annie E. Casey Foundation: Shaping a Learning Partnership for Making Connections in San Antonio, Texas. Co-Principal Investigator. Hispanic Research Center at the University of Texas at San Antonio. 3rd year of 10 Year Strategic Plan. $202,255.

2002. Hispanic Leadership Institute in Agriculture and Natural Resources. Co-Principal Investigator. Funded by the USDA Agriculture and Forest Service. Hispanic Research Center at the University of Texas at San Antonio. 1st year of 3-year project. $175,000.

2001. Good Samaritan Center. Principal Investigator. Assessment of the West Side Community's Frail and Elderly. Hispanic Research Center at the University of Texas at San Antonio. $7,960.



Fall 2017SOC 6973 Immigration and US SocietyFall 2016SOC 3433 Mexican Immigration and U.S.SOC 6983 Master’s Thesis (1)Spring 2016SOC 6983 Master’s Thesis (1)Fall 2015SOC 5223 Mexican Americans: Community, Culture and ClassSummer 2015No classes taughtSpring 2015SOC 3263 Latinas in U.S. SocietySOC 4913 Independent StudyFall 2014SOC 5213 Race and Ethnic RelationsSummer 2014SOC 3043 Race and Ethnic RelationsSpring 2014SOC 6966 InternshipFall 2013No classes taughtSpring 2013No Classes taughtSummer 2013SOC 3043 Race and Ethnic Relations SOC 4913 Independent StudySOC 6953 Master’s Independent Study Fall 2012SOC 5223 Mexican Americans: Community, Culture and ClassSOC 6963 InternshipSummer 2012SOC 3043 Race and Ethnic Relations SOC 6963 Internship Spring 2012SOC 5033 Qualitative Research MethodsFall 2011SOC 5213 Race and Ethnic RelationsSpring 2011SOC 6983 Master’s Thesis (2)SOC 6953 Master’s Independent StudySOC 3433 Mexican Immigration and U.S.Fall 2010SOC 6983 Master’s Thesis (2)SOC 5033 Qualitative Research Methods


Summer 2010SOC 6953 Master’s Independent StudySOC 6983 Master’s ThesisSOC 6986 Master’s ThesisSOC 3043 Race and Ethnic Relations Spring 2010 SOC 5223 Mexican Americans: Community, Culture and Class **SOC 6953 Master’s Independent Study SOC 6983 Master’s Thesis Fall 2009 SOC 3373 Qualitative Research Methods Summer 2009 SOC 6953 Master’s Independent Study SOC 3043 Race and Ethnic Relations Spring 2009 SOC 6973 Immigration and US Society **SOC 6983 Master’s ThesisFall 2008 SOC 3433 Mexican Immigration and U.S. *SOC 6953 Master’s Independent Study SOC 6983 Master’s Thesis (2) Spring 2008 SOC 5223 Mexican Americans: Community, Culture and Class **SOC 4913 Independent Study SOC 4993 Honor’s Thesis SOC 6961 Comprehensive Exam SOC 6986 Master’s Thesis (2) Fall 2007 SOC 6983 Master’s Thesis SOC 6961 Comprehensive Exam SOC 6953 Master’s Independent Study SOC 6986 Master’s Thesis Summer 2007 SOC 6961 Comprehensive Exam SOC 3043 Race and Ethnic Relations Spring 2007 SOC 6973 Immigration and US Society * **SOC 6983 Master’s Thesis SOC 6966 Internship SOC 6961 Comprehensive Exam SOC 4913 Independent Study Fall 2006 SOC 5213 Race and Ethnic Relations **SOC 4913 Independent Study SOC 6953 Master’s Independent Study


Spring 2006 SOC 6961 Comprehensive Exam SOC 6966 Internship (2) SOC 6983 Master’s Thesis (2) SOC 4913 Independent Study (2) Fall 2005 SOC 5223 Mexican Americans: Community, Culture and Class * ** SOC 3043 Race and Ethnic Relations SOC 6953 Master’s Independent Study (2) SOC 6983 Master’s Thesis Summer 2005 SOC 3043 Race and Ethnic Relations SOC 3043 Race and Ethnic Relations SOC 6953 Master’s Independent Study SOC 6983 Master’s Thesis Spring 2005 SOC 4953 Latinas in the US Society WGS 4853 Latinas in the US Society SOC 4936 Internship (6 hours) SOC 5033 Qualitative Research Methods **SOC 6983 Master’s Thesis Fall 2004 SOC 3373 Qualitative Research Methods SOC 4936 InternshipSOC 5213 Race and Ethnic Relations **SOC 6953 Master’s Independent Study SOC 6983 Master’s Thesis Summer 2004 SOC 4933 Internship SOC 6983 Master’s Thesis Spring 2004 SOC 5033 Qualitative Research Methods **SOC 4953 Latinas in the US Society SOC 6961 Master’s Thesis, Chair SOC 6953 Master’s Independent Study (2) HON 4993Honor’s Thesis, Chair SOC 4913 Independent Study (2) Fall 2003 SOC 4973 Senior Seminar SOC 3043 Race and Ethnic Relations SOC 3373 Qualitative Research Methods SOC 6983 Master’s Thesis, Chair HON 4993Honor’s Thesis, Chair Spring 2003 SOC 4953 Latinas in the US Society


HON 3223Honors: Racism in America * SOC 6983 Master’s Thesis, Chair Fall 2002 SOC 4973 Senior Seminar * SOC 4913 Independent Study (2) SOC 6953 Master’s Independent Study SOC 6983 Master’s Thesis, Chair Spring 2002 SOC 3323 Research Design and Application * SOC 4913 Independent Study SOC 4953 Special Topic in SOC: Latinas in the US Society SOC 6983 Master’s Thesis, Chair Fall 2001 SOC 1013 Introduction to the Study of Society SOC 3043 Race and Ethnic Relations SOC 6983 Master’s Thesis, Chair Summer 2001 SOC 1013 Introduction to the Study of Society SOC 1013 Introduction to the Study of Society Spring 2001 SOC 4953 Special Topic in SOC: Latinas in the US Society * SOC 6983 Master’s Thesis, Chair Fall 2000 SOC 1013 Introduction to the Study of Society SOC 4913 Independent Study SOC 4933 Internship SOC 5033 Qualitative Research Methods * ** Summer 2000 SOC 1013 Introduction to the Study of Society (2) SOC 4933 Internship Spring 2000 SOC 1013 Introduction to the Study of SocietySOC 3043 Race and Ethnic Relations SOC 4913 Independent Study SOC 4933 Internship SOC 4953 Special Topic in SOC: Latinas in the US Society * Fall 1999 SOC 1013 Introduction to the Study of Society SOC 3043 Race and Ethnic Relations Summer 1999 SOC 1013 Introduction to the Study of Society (2) SOC 4913 Independent Study SOC 4936 Internship Spring 1999 SOC 1013 Introduction to the Study of Society *


SOC 3043 Race and Ethnic Relations * * (indicates new course prep) ** (indicates graduate level course)

B. STUDENTS MENTORED: THESIS DIRECTED 1. Chair, Master’s Thesis – Completed

2017. Carlos Aguilar. Dacademics Redefine Citizenship. Graduated May 2017.

2010. Carlos Valenzuela. Brown – White Divided: Mexicans and Mexican Americans Race and Self-Identity.

2010. Juan Livas. Mexican Domesticas: Utilization of Earnings. (Defense: April 2011).

2010. Syreeta Sweeney, Normative Monosexualism and the Bisexual Experience. (Defense: April 2011).

2009. Jesse Avila. A Content Analysis of Television News Commercials.

2008. David E. Rangel. The Role of Hispanic Serving Institutions in Building Social Capital.

2008. Mario Vela. An Analysis of Senior Resource Systems in Bexar County: Implications for Elder Residents.

2006. Jorge Burwick. Xicana/o Community-Based Pedagogy: A Case Study of the Xicana Xicano Education Project, 1999 to 2004. 2004. Angela Casas. Beneath the Surface: A Life of Substance Use.

2004. Tamara Davis Casso. A Taste for Mexico: Food in Transnational Culture.

2. Chair, Internship – Completed

2013-2014. Peggy Burford Chavez. Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, San Antonio Branch. (in progress)

2012. Carlos Cassanova. CAPRI Center, UTSA.

2007. Mitche Uthe. The United Service Organization. Washington, DC.

2006. Criselda Rivas. Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund. San Antonio, Texas.

2005. Amiee Gessel. St. Mary’s University –University Ministry. San Antonio, Texas.

2005. Christopher Ray. San Antonio Police Department. San Antonio, Texas.


C. Service on Graduate Committees and Student Advising Activities 1. Ph.D. Committee Members Cynthia McGowen, The University of Texas at San Antonio. 2017, In progressHector Chapa, The University of Texas at San Antonio. 2017, In progressSara Harrington, The University of Texas at San Antonio. Completed, 2016Laura Lopez, The University of Texas at San Antonio. Completed, 2012Larissa Mercado, The University of Texas at San Antonio. Completed, 2012Victor Castillo, The University of Texas at San Antonio. Completed, 2012

2. Chair Comprehensive Exam – Completed Juan Livas. March, 2010 Syreeta Sweeney. March, 2010 James Ordner. April, 2008 Jesse Avila. November, 2008 Mitch Uthe. May, 2007 Mario Vela. December, 2007 Amiee Gessel. February, 2006 Criselda Rivas. January, 2006 David Rangel. December, 2006 Tamara Casso. January 2005 Jorge Burwick. December, 2005 Angela Casas. April, 2004

3. Comprehensive Exam Committees Kimberly Dalton. (2010) Ebony Cook. April, 2010 Wan-chia Yeh. April, 2008 Julie Lindborg. October, 2007 Shannon Ontiveros. April, 2006 Rhonda Barnard. July, 2006 Christy Granada. June, 2006 Ricardo De La Cruz. January, 2006 Sophia M. Ortiz. December, 2006 Joanne Ford-Robertson. Fall, 2005 Christopher Ray. March, 2005 Gilbert Suarez. August, 2004

4. Students Placed in Ph.D ProgramsCarlos Aguilar, Harvard University (Education)Francisco Lesso, The University of Texas at San Antonio (Demography)Carlos Cassanova, The University of IowaCarlos Valenzuela, The University of Texas at San Antonio (Demography)David Rangel, The University of Wisconsin-Madison. James Ordner, The University of Kansas. Criselda Rivas, The University of California San Diego.


Gilbert Suarez, The University of Texas at San Antonio.

5. Honor’s Thesis Regina Cantu, Committee Member. La Santa Muerte as a Cultural Product: A Content Analysis of Texas Newspapers. (In progress).

Nikky Greer. Chair. December, 2008. Muslim Students at Texas Universities: Perspective and Identity. Film: Peace Be Upon You: Conversations with Muslim Students in Texas.

Hilda Cavasos. Chair. December, 2004. Prejudice and Racism Embedded in the United States; Political and Legal Institutions beginning, bound, beyond.

DEPARTMENT SERVICE:2016. Exit Examination Committee.

UNIVERSITY and SYSTEM SERVICE: 2017-2018. University Provost Search Committee.

2017-2018. Member of the President's Initiative on Student Success Task Force.

2017-2018. Member of the President's Strategic Enrollment Task Force.

2016-2018. UTSA Co-chair (with Lisa Firmin). UT System Chancellor’s Committee for the Advancement of Women.

2013-2018. UT System. UTSA representative on the Committee on Addressing the Advancement of Women in the UT System.

2011-2018. Women’s Professional Advancement and Synergy Academy. Co-founder, and steering committee member.

2011-2013. University Student Services Fee Committee.

2013-2005 (3 multiple terms, 3rd term starts Fall 2011). Department Chair, Sociology Department

2009-2011. Co-Chair, University Department Chair's Council 2009-2010. Provost Leadership Development Program

2009-2013. Provost Diversity Board

2011-2013. Diversity Board Subcommittee: President’s Diversity Award

2009-2013. Vice Provost, UTSA Developmental Education Plan Taskforce


2009-2013. Provost Academic Scheduling Committee

2009-2010. Provost Task Force, Undergraduate Academic Advising

2010. Provost’s Committee on Faculty Recruitment Manual

2010. Honor’s College. Archer Fellows Selection Committee

2008. Provost Task Force, Chair's Council Review

2008-2007. University Committee to revise the UTS A, Handbook of Operating Procedures

2011-2007. University Ad Hoc Committee for Major in Public Health degree

2007. University Provost Search Committee

2007. IDEA Survey Seminar participant. February 25-27

2007-2006. Learning Communities Advisory Board. The University of Texas at San Antonio.

2006. Student Academic Success Task Force. The University of Texas at San Antonio

2005. American Council on education Workshop. November, 2005. San Antonio, Texas. 2005-2004. Graduate Advisor of Record. Department of Sociology. The University of Texas at San Antonio.

2004. Graduate Advisor Workshop. August 2004. Sponsored by the American Sociological Association. San Francisco, CA.

2004. Video-taped Interview by Dr. Dwight Henderson. Freshman Orientation and Academic Success. Freshman Initiative, The University of Texas at San Antonio, March 24.

2004. COLFA Research Poster Competition: Juried. Entries submissions: Tamara Casso (1rst Place, Graduate); Clarissa Parker (3rd Place, Undergraduate)

2004. UTSA Women's History Month. Student Poster Presentation of Las Tejanas 300 Years of History: presented in conjunction with Teresa Paloma Acosta, and Cherie Moraga.

2004-2001. Faculty Senate. Senator from the Department of Sociology. The University of Texas at San Antonio. 2003. Marquez, Raquel R. November 2003. Moderator. "The Women of Juarez". Supported by the Institute for Law and Public Affairs at the University of Texas at San Antonio.

2003. Marquez, Raquel R. October 2003. Moderator. "Las Tejanas: 300 Years of History, A Symposium." University of Texas at Austin. Austin, Texas.


2003-2001. Faculty Senate. Teaching Effectiveness and Development Committee. The University of Texas at San Antonio.

2003-2000. Curriculum Review Committee. Mexican American Studies. The University of Texas at San Antonio.

2003-2000. Sociology Advisor to the Mexican American Studies program. The University of Texas at San Antonio.

2002. ADP coordinator Search Committee. Tomas Rivera Center at The University of Texas at San Antonio.

2002. Faculty Search Committee. Department of Sociology. The University of Texas at San Antonio. 2002-2001. University Assembly Ad Hoc Bylaws Committee. The University of Texas at San Antonio.

2002-2000. Hispanic Research Center. The University of Texas at San Antonio. Faculty advisor.

2001. Women and Gender Studies Ad Hoc Committee. The University of Texas at San Antonio. 2001. Faculty Senate Teaching Effectiveness and Development Committee. The University of Texas at San Antonio. 2001-2000. The University of Texas at San Antonio Extended Services. Summer 2000. UTSA Faculty Representative at the 2001 and 2000 UTSA/Hachar Foundation Student Reception. Laredo, Texas.

2001-2000. Tomas Rivera Center for Student Success Program: Faculty advisor, and Selection Committee Member for ADP coordinator position. Summer 2000-Fall 2000; Summer 2001. 2000. Division of Social and Behavioral Sciences: Fall 2000. Division Research Committee.

2000-1999. Mexican American Studies Committee. Hispanic Research Center. The University of Texas at San Antonio. Committee responsibility is to review current Mexican American Studies curriculum and to propose guidelines and course changes.

1999. Contributor. "A Response to: Charting a New Course for a Multiculturalism that Matters". Article for El Noticiero. La Raza Faculty Association. The University of Texas at Austin. 1999. Cross-Cultural Lecture Series Committee. Hispanic Research Center. The University of Texas at San Antonio. Committee responsibility is to develop a lecture series that promotes and fosters Chicano intellectual scholarship.

COMMUNITY SERVICE 2016. Bexar County Democratic Party. Delegate to State Convention.


2013. Keynote speaker for Hispanic Heritage Month. Pearson Publishing. San Antonio, Texas. “Latino Trends in the US”.

2011. Texas Diversity Council Young Women Leadership Symposium. Faculty mentor. October, 2011.

2008. Keynote speaker at San Antonio Young Women's Leadership Academy, San Antonio, Texas.

2008. Kendall County Democratic Party. Delegate to State Convention; 2008 Election Official.

2007. Keynote speaker at Rayburn Middle School. Junior National Honor Society, San Antonio, Texas, May 15.

2005. United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County. United Way Issues Council. San Antonio, Texas.

2001. Spanish language TV broadcast on Telemundo. Live interview. February, 2001. Topic: response to "New study shows San Antonio is becoming more ethnically integrated".

2001. Spanish language TV broadcast on Univision. Taped interview. November, 2001. Topic: How are post Sept. 11th events affecting local immigrants?" 2001-1999. Mentor Committee Member. Las Escuelitas Project. San Antonio, Texas.

2000. Interview with the Christian Science Monitor. "Orphans of Border Crossings.

1997-1996. Graduate Student Representative. Center for Mexican American Studies Executive Committee. Committee responsibilities included decisions on faculty hiring, center's annual budget, curriculum, etc. University of Texas at Austin.

1997- 1996. Curriculum Review Committee. Committee for the Center for Mexican American Studies Executive Committee. Review curriculum for past 4 years, present findings and recommendations to Executive Committee. University of Texas at Austin.

1997- 1996. RA/TA Selection Process Committee. Sub-committee for the Center for Mexican American Studies Executive Curriculum Review Committee. Review selection process, present findings and recommendations to Executive Committee. University of Texas at Austin. 1997- 1996. Enrollment Committee. Sub-committee for the Center for the Mexican American Studies Executive Curriculum Review Committee. Review enrollments for past 4 years, present findings and recommendations to Executive Committee. University of Texas at Austin.

1996. Guest Lecture. "Women's Employment and Life Chances on the US-Mexico Border". Lyndon Baines Johnson Public School of Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin. October, 1996.


1996. Representative for the Chicano/a-Latino/a Graduate Student Association to Washington, D.C. Met with Congressmen and White House Staff to discuss the Hopwood vs. The University of Texas Affirmative Action Case. April, 1996.

REVIEWER: 2009. Journal of Immigrants and Refugees: Article 2009. Notre Dame Press: Book. 1992. Gender and Society.

MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: 2013-1992 American Sociological Association: General Member, Latino Section, Immigration Section, Race and Ethnicity Section; Honor Graduate Student.

SPECIALTIES Bilingual: English and Spanish. Experience in conducting open-ended and closed-ended interviews and focus groups in Spanish. Experience in writing, reading, and translating questionnaires and interviews from English into Spanish. Qualitative software skills: Atlas, ti; QSR Envivo.