ARMA San Antonio 2012-2013 Officers and Directors President: Gilbert Barrera, CRM, PMP [email protected] Vice President: Clinton Wentworth, CRM [email protected] VP – Membership: Cathy Drolet [email protected] VP – Professional Development: Lisa Picardo [email protected] VP – Programs: Edward Barba [email protected] Treasurer: Jenny Barker, CRM [email protected] Secretary: Olga Pastrano [email protected] Board Chair: Anne Kelley [email protected] Directors: Anne Comeaux, CRM [email protected] DuWayne Headrick [email protected] Mellisa Wallis [email protected] Carri Wiggins [email protected] F E B R U A R Y S E M I N A R Thursday, February 21, 2013 * Embassy Suites Hotel Briaridge 8:00 am—3:00 pm Bridging the Gap: Transforming the Knowledge Worker Experience with RIM Scholarships available. See page 2! Successful RIM programs master competing interests by addressing the requirements presented by paper and electronic records as well as struc- tured and unstructured content. These successful programs are fluent in communicating across all organizational levels and to all employees, re- gardless of employee tenure or expertise. Despite best intentions, RIM programs can struggle communicating their value beyond achieving com- pliance objectives. Join us at our annual seminar as we explore how transforming the knowledge worker experience with best practices in RIM can gen- erate enhanced value. We will review the challenges facing knowledge workers in today’s RIM world, the role of IM strategies and technology in addressing issues, and ultimately how the future behavior of knowledge workers can be shaped. Cost: $99 - upon registration you will be entered for an IPAD draw- ing giveaway—must be present to win! Price includes breaks, lunch, and program. Payments are at the door with check, cash, or credit card Register Online at www.ARMASanAntonio.org For a detailed description of the seminar, please visit our website at http:// armasanantonio.org/Resources/Documents/Bridging%20the%20Gap_Seminar% 20Details.pdf February 2013 Collaborator Collaboration … people working together to solve the puzzle ARMA International San Antonio Chapter INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Seminar Scholarships Available 2 Letter from the President 3 New Rules for Social Business 4 Interesting Reading 5 Educational Opportunities 5 Getting to Know You 7 Care Bears 8 Schedule of Chapter Events 10 Page 1

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Page 1: Collaborator February 2013 - ARMA International San Antonio

ARMA San Antonio 2012-2013 Officers and Directors

President: Gilbert Barrera, CRM, PMP [email protected] Vice President: Clinton Wentworth, CRM [email protected] VP – Membership: Cathy Drolet [email protected] VP – Professional Development: Lisa Picardo [email protected] VP – Programs: Edward Barba [email protected] Treasurer: Jenny Barker, CRM [email protected] Secretary: Olga Pastrano [email protected] Board Chair: Anne Kelley [email protected] Directors: Anne Comeaux, CRM [email protected] DuWayne Headrick [email protected] Mellisa Wallis [email protected]

Carri Wiggins [email protected]


Thursday, February 21, 2013 * Embassy Suites Hotel Briaridge  

8:00 am—3:00 pm

Bridging the Gap: Transforming the Knowledge Worker Experience with


Scholarships available. See page 2!

Successful RIM programs master competing interests by addressing the requirements presented by paper and electronic records as well as struc-tured and unstructured content. These successful programs are fluent in communicating across all organizational levels and to all employees, re-gardless of employee tenure or expertise. Despite best intentions, RIM programs can struggle communicating their value beyond achieving com-pliance objectives. Join us at our annual seminar as we explore how transforming the knowledge worker experience with best practices in RIM can gen-erate enhanced value. We will review the challenges facing knowledge workers in today’s RIM world, the role of IM strategies and technology in addressing issues, and ultimately how the future behavior of knowledge workers can be shaped. Cost: $99 - upon registration you will be entered for an IPAD draw-ing giveaway—must be present to win! Price includes breaks, lunch, and program. Payments are at the door with check, cash, or credit card Register Online at www.ARMASanAntonio.org For a detailed description of the seminar, please visit our website at http://armasanantonio.org/Resources/Documents/Bridging%20the%20Gap_Seminar%20Details.pdf

February 2013

Collaborator Collaboration … people working together to solve the puzzle  

ARMA International San Antonio Chapter

I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E :

Seminar Scholarships Available 2 Letter from the President 3 New Rules for Social Business 4 Interesting Reading 5 Educational Opportunities 5 Getting to Know You 7 Care Bears 8 Schedule of Chapter Events 10

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ARMA San Antonio Collaborator

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Thank You to

for sponsoring our February seminar!

Scholarship Funds Available for Seminar Would you like to attend the February seminar but feel you cannot ask your company to support this or have the funds yourself? Apply for a scholarship! The ARMA San Antonio Chapter Scholarship Committee has funds available to pay for the seminar’s $99 registration fee. We will waive the normally required one month in ad-vance deadline for applications, but you must send us your application by Feb. 14th. Application forms and scholarship guidelines are found at http://www.armasanantonio.org/Default.aspx?pageId=1389001. Applicants must be a member of the San Antonio ARMA Chapter or a student pursuing a career as a records manager and a resident of Bexar or adjacent counties. Send completed applications to Anne Comeaux at [email protected] Remember, funds are limited and it is first come, first served. So, send in your application as soon as possible.

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Well we have reached the month for our annual seminar. Please note that this month our chapter does not have the regularly scheduled monthly educational event on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Instead, Mark your calen-dar for the annual seminar being held on Thursday, February 21, 2013. This a great opportunity to network with your peers and digest relevant knowledge on delivering best records and information management practices for your organization. This seminar will prepare you to: • Address the leading challenges encountered by RIM programs

• Describe today's typical records & information management environment

• Understand and present a highly functional information management roadmap to your company’s executives

• Offer business process management strategies that enable and empower users

• Identify factors that drive change

We have several very good speakers with great insight on the topics that will be presented. You will be exposed to some valuable knowledge at a more than reasonable cost. There will be several vendors as well who can share various services related to Records Management, providing you with the opportunity to talk to multiple vendor representatives, in person, within a short period of time. For more information on ARMA’s Annual Seminar and to register, visit your ARMA Website at www.armasanantonio.org.

Gilbert Gilbert Barrera, CRM, PMP President, ARMA San Antonio Chapter

From the President ARMA San Antonio Collaborator

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ARMA San Antonio Website Members Only Content The ARMA San Antonio website has a section for members only that features presentations from past luncheons as well as pictures and information submitted by members. To find it: • Link to http://www.armasanantonio.org/ • Click on the Membership section • Then click the Members Only link. You will be asked to login using your email address and password. You can create a

password if you have never logged in before. • Once you have logged in, click on the Members Home link to view the content of the page. Email sanantonioarma.org if you have pictures, videos or other content that you think would be fun to add to the Members Only section. Joseph Randle has just added a slideshow of the ARMA SA 2007 Christmas Party. Have fun viewing it!

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New Rules for Social Business — or Did Someone Fail to Notify Me That We Were Sup-posed to Bring Our Cell Phones to This Meeting?

- by Anne Comeaux, CRM A few months ago, I walked into a meeting at the library where we were planning a presentation on preservation of family records. It was Archives Month, and we wanted to alert our users to the need to take steps to preserve their precious photos, letters, and oth-er papers and digital materials before they were damaged or lost forever. I was incredu-lous that every other person at the meeting was happily typing on their laptops or texting away on their cell phones during the meeting. Was there an age gap here? I was the most senior staff member there, but I do own and use a cell phone and laptop and didn’t think bringing them to the meeting was necessary. There was almost NO eye contact, even during dis-cussions. There were some appropriate uses to their devices as ideas were jotted down or they looked on GoogleDocs to see if some previous presentation was already stored there or sent messages back and forth to each other, but a lot of it seemed to be responding to the latest twitters and texts from friends, even playing games during the meeting, while the conversation continued. Needless to say, I felt a little left out with the pen and pad I had brought to the meeting to take notes. I even jokingly asked at one point, if I was supposed to have brought a laptop or phone? I have also noticed recently when eating lunch with family or people from work some of our group repeatedly looking at their phones to read messages, typing messages, laughing to themselves at some funny message they had just received. Am I legitimate in feeling that perhaps they were not really thinking that talking with our group was as important as com-municating with someone else? They were not responding to pages or “on call,” or handling family emergencies; they were just having fun keeping up with their friends. An article by Erika Napoletano that recently appeared in Open Forum, an online newsletter for small businesses sponsored by American Express, sums up the whole new phenomenon of people being unable to detach themselves from their per-sonal devices long enough to pay attention to those with whom they are physically meeting. (Thanks to Jenny Barker, for sending me information on this article.) Entitled Stop Being Rude: the New Rules of Social Business, it describes our increasing inability to put down our smart phones, I-pads, and other de-vices long enough to really experience the real, live people in front of us or the meeting or conference we are attending. Erika gives us guidelines for how we can “tune back in” by posting new rules for social business: 1. Put your phone away so you won’t be a jerk and give it

more attention than the people standing in front of you. 2. You will not die if you close Twitter and Facebook so

you can “stop screwing around and start getting things done.”

3. Be fully present if you’re going to a meeting or confer-ence, not only half there, and you just might find that time spent in the situation is much more worthwhile.

4. Meetings—don’t give them a chance (to get bored). Keep meetings from being time-consuming and without purpose and ask only that required people attend. And… make everyone leave technology at the door.

Erika’s full article is found at http://www.openforum.com/articles/stop-being-rude-the-new-rules-of-social-business/

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Interesting Reading (Editor’s note: Thank you to Clinton Wentworth, CRM for submitting information on the following article.)

Divided road for corporate file-sharing Does you company allow filing sharing using commercial websites such as DropBox or YouSendIt? How does this compare to the practices of other major corporations or government agencies, and what are the major concerns with this type of sharing? A recent survey conducted by IDM among Australian and New Zealand companies and government agencies shows that more than 85% of those responding still use email attachments to share files, while use of physical media such as USB drives and CD/DVDs remains in the top three methods. The article lists major concerns about using public online file sharing platforms expressed by those surveyed and describes some solutions that companies have come up with as alternatives. You can read the article by IDM on their survey results at http://idm.net.au/article/009280-divided-road-corporate-file-sharing

Educational Opportunities Chapter Education: San Antonio Chapter

This session from the MER Conference is brought to you through ARMA International’s Session of the Month partnership NOTE: This feature has had technical problems and may be discontinued from the ARMA website.

Closing Keynote—The Disposition of “Stuff ” - Three Judicial Perspectives There are three operational reasons why the disposition of Stuff (no longer needed e-content) is a very important issue: • There is so much e-stuff—with ever-increasing rate of growth • The cost of storing e-stuff is skyrocketing—with unsustainable budgetary impact • The operating risks of having unwanted e-stuff are unacceptable—and contrary to good governance. From the legal perspective, there is a corollary challenge: • There is little legal guidance—due to the digital world’s relative newness. This web seminar brings the operating and legal issues together before three federal magistrate judges with extensive knowledge and case law experience regarding electronically stored information (ESI). The judges address a special “hypothetical” case where the general counsel of a company—which is regularly sued and has accumulated lots of Stuff—presents to the panel an escalating series of “real-life” operating issues that have legal implications and would benefit from legal input/guidance. To access: Login to the ARMA International website. It is free with your membership.

Availability began Feb 01, 2013 Availability ends Feb 28, 2013

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Webinars Available from the Texas State Library & Archives Commission

The Texas State Library & Archives Commission has an excellent 2 part webinar on Digital Preservation which is designed for records managers and may be viewed by anyone. Strategies for Preserving Electronic Records: Part 1 Part 1 is located at https://slrmtraining.tsl.state.tx.us/course/view.php?id=39 . You may print out a handout and login as a guest to view the recorded webinar. This webinar is for anyone interested in the challenges of digital preser-vation. The webinar discusses: • The fragility of digital information. Electronic records present

myriad preservation challenges, like technical dependency and ob-solescence. Why is an electronic record often more fragile than a paper one?

• Why is digital preservation important? Why is this something that records managers have to know about? • Storage choices. Where should digital information be saved? What’s the life expectancy of a hard drive? Are gold CDs

the way to go? How do you save information so that it’s really accessible for the long term? • File formats for long-term preservation. Is PDF/A a good format for preserving textual or imaged records? What

about audio and video recordings, digital photos, spreadsheets, and email?

Strategies for Preserving Electronic Records: Part 2

Part 2 will be presented on Feb. 20 a 11:00 am. To register, link to https://slrmtraining.tsl.state.tx.us/course/category.php?id=8 . Select the webinar from the list and log in as a guest. You will then be allowed to register. This continuation of Part 1will discuss : • Preservation strategies of digital records, such as migra-

tion, normalization, emulation, and printing to hard copy.

• First steps for establishing a digital preservation pro-

gram, including defining the scope of file formats accept-ed, conducting a needs assessment, and preparing a busi-ness case.

• Continuing education opportunities for digital content


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Getting to know … Merry Dirienzo – Cathy Drolet

ARMA San Antonio Collaborator

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Merry Dirienzo has been an ARMA member since December 2011. Merry was born in Oklahoma City – but don’t worry – her parents got her to Texas by the age of 3! Merry’s father was a business owner in Houston specializing in the challenges of waste stream solutions for large organizations. Of course Merry entered into the business and soon met her wonderful husband Matt; they were married in 1987. In 1995 Merry and Matt moved their family to New Braunfels, and in 2007 they started their own business. Matt is the own-er of Compass Recycling/Shredding, which is headquartered in New Braunfels. Compass Recycling/Shredding turns your “Going Green” or “LEED” initiatives into a reality. Merry and Matt have two daughters; Christina who graduated from Texas State last year and majored in fashion marketing; and Julie who is currently a sophomore at UT – “Hook’em Horns”! In her spare time Merry volunteers her time and talent to Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in New Braunfels; Merry works tirelessly within a ministry that produces two four-day spiritual retreats a year. These retreats serve the spiritual needs of many wom-en, some of whom travel from all over the country to attend. Please join me in celebrating Merry’s accomplishments! Blessings, Cathy Drolet

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Bear Update – By DuWayne Headrick

The new year, 2013 has started off nicely. During our January luncheon the chapter’s members contributed $40 to the Care Bear fund. Thanks to all who made a donation. Thanks to my granddaughter, Meghan Weber, who donated eight of her bears. On January 18th I went to Hobby Middle School (Northside ISD) and picked up 85 stuffed animals. The Hobby MS PTA held a bear drive from November 1st through December 21st. Tomi Papanikolaou, as the PTA Outreach Chairperson, coordinated the drive. Thanks to Tomi, the PTA members, Hobby MS administration and staff and of course the students of Hobby MS who made the donations. Pictured are Lawrence Carranco, Vice Principal; Greg Dylla, Assistant Principal; Audrey Grant, Academic Dean. PTA members are Michelle Montemayor, 2nd Vice Presi-dent and Tomi Papanikolaou and 8th Grade students are Sophia Carranco, Haley Faircloth, Gabriela Cavasos and David Noble. My timing of the pickup was perfect as the Hobby MS staff were having a chili contest. There were seven contestants and of course one had to try all seven in order to vote. Once that was done we feasted on chili, cornbread, sandwiches and many different desserts. This morning, February 5th I picked up three bags of stuffed animals from Girl Scout Troop 568. I do not have a count as of the newsletter deadline, more details next month. And, on January 10th I delivered 325 animals to the SAPD Special Victims Unit. Keep the children in your thoughts as you drive by that sign which is advertising a garage sale just up or down the street from where you live.

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The ARMA San Antonio Collaborator

Editor: Anne Comeaux, CRM

[email protected] Category

Association newsletter Frequency

Ten issues per year, September through June Publisher

San Antonio Chapter, ARMA International P.O. Box 18331

San Antonio TX 78218 [email protected]

Website www.armasanantonio.org

For information on advertising in the Collaborator,

contact Cathy Drolet at 210-860-6906 or [email protected],

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ARMA San Antonio Collaborator

Schedule of CHAPTER Events for 2012-2013


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Luncheon Meeting and Program: The Elements of Program Compliance and Records Managers’ Responsibilities. Nanette Pfiester, Texas State Library & Archives Commis-sion.

Embassy Suites, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012 Luncheon Meeting and Program: Human Resources Rec-ords. Karen Munson.

Embassy Suites, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012***

Luncheon Meeting and Program: Disaster Recovery & Compliance in the Cloud. Don Douglas.

Embassy Suites, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Luncheon Meeting and Program: 3 Tiered Email Records Management at NuStar Energy LP. Clint Wentworth, CRM, NuStar Energy LP.

Embassy Suites, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013 Luncheon Meeting and Program: Privilege in Corporate Email. Dr. Gavin Manes.

Embassy Suites, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Annual Educational Seminar—Bridging the Gap: Trans-forming the Knowledge Worker Experience with RIM.

Embassy Suites, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013 Luncheon Meeting and Program: Social Media. Jon Lee. Embassy Suites, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.


Tuesday, April 16, 2013 Luncheon Meeting and Program: Digital Archives. Carol Brock, CRM, Research Fellow at the University of Texas at Austin working on a Ph.D. in Digital Preservation.

Embassy Suites, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Saturday, April 20, 2013 Annual Shred Day SACU Locations

May 2013 Golf Tournament – Swing and “Bear” It

Tuesday, May 14, 2013*** Luncheon Meeting and Program: Project Management. Embassy Suites, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Tuesday, June18, 2013 Luncheon Meeting and Program: Leadership - T.J. Wasden, Director, Texas FPS Management Support Division. Also Awards and Installation of 2013 - 2014 Officers

Embassy Suites, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013— Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Southwest Region CRM Conference Emily Morgan Hotel 8:00 am—5:00 pm

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***Meeting scheduled 1 week earlier than normal.

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