COLLECTIONS - Broadleaf Expertise...الأحجار الكريمة والأشياء من الجمال لقرون عديدة، و بسبب هذا ، أصبحت كلمة لؤلؤة كناية

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Page 1: COLLECTIONS - Broadleaf Expertise...الأحجار الكريمة والأشياء من الجمال لقرون عديدة، و بسبب هذا ، أصبحت كلمة لؤلؤة كناية


Page 2: COLLECTIONS - Broadleaf Expertise...الأحجار الكريمة والأشياء من الجمال لقرون عديدة، و بسبب هذا ، أصبحت كلمة لؤلؤة كناية
Page 3: COLLECTIONS - Broadleaf Expertise...الأحجار الكريمة والأشياء من الجمال لقرون عديدة، و بسبب هذا ، أصبحت كلمة لؤلؤة كناية










FINISHING OPTIONSPrinted in Portugal, 2019 Edition.

All rights reserved. Utilization rights to the illustrations and the text contribution are held by Fertini. Not to be reproduced, duplicated or copied either wholly or in part, either manually or with the aid of electronic or mechanical systems including photocopying, recording on tape or data storage, without express permission.












Supported in the values of quality, elegance, beauty and luxury, Fertini produces the artistic version of furniture and interiors decoration for the best projects in the world. Each piece of these COLLECTIONS represents the hard work, dedication and craft skill of all Fertini team who contributes to it.

Page 4: COLLECTIONS - Broadleaf Expertise...الأحجار الكريمة والأشياء من الجمال لقرون عديدة، و بسبب هذا ، أصبحت كلمة لؤلؤة كناية

FERTINIA luxury decoration industry with two activity areas: FERTINI CASA COLLECTIONS and Projects. The company has vertical capacity, know-how and passion in the art of producing luxurious surroundings. Multifaceted artisans who share the dedication to the elements, phases and aspects of each project. Combining functionality and luxury features, we want to enrich lives!

Fertini Casa Collections are developed within a holistic concept of luxury home decoration of Italian Design. Each collection features the uniqueness in design, materials and luxury environments. FERTINI works also, per request, as partner for Design Contracting and Private Projects.

Upgrade is our motto, we work every day to move from good, to great, captivating your mind and your heart!

Une industrie de la décoration de luxe avec deux domaines d’activité: COLLECTIONS FERTINI CASA et Projets. La société dispose d’une capacité verticale, de savoir-faire et la passion dans l’art de produire un décor luxueux. Artisans polyvalents qui partagent le lien aux éléments, a les phases et les détails de chaque projet. Alliant fonctionnalité et le luxe, nous voulons enrichir la vie!

Fertini Casa Collections sont développées dans un concept holistique du Luxe décor à la maison. Chaque collection comporte le caractère unique de la conception, des matériaux et des environnements de luxe. FERTINI travaille aussi, par demande, en tant que partenaire pour la conception des Projets Privés et Hôtellerie.

L’amélioration continue est notre devise, nous travaillons chaque jour pour passer de bon à excellent, captivant votre esprit et votre cœur!

Предприятие имеет два подразделения : FERTINI CASA COLLECTIONS и Проектное направление. Создана вертикаль, объединяющая ноу-хау и чувственность в процессах производства роскошных интерьеров. Высокопрофессиональные специалисты полностью посвящают себя поэтапному созданию деталей, каждого проекта. Сочетанием функциональности и роскоши мы стремимся обогатить вашу жизнь!

Fertini Casa Collections создана в пределах концепции luxury home итальянского дизайна. Каждый предмет коллекции уникален своим дизайном, использованными материалами, производственными процессами и атмосферой роскоши. FERTINI работает по индивидуальным пожеланиям заказчика, может выступать в качестве Design Contracting и частного проектирования.

Совершенствование – это наш вызов. Каждый день мы трудимся, делая хорошее выдающимся, завоевывая Ваши сердца и мысли!

A طاشنلا تالاجم نم نينثا عم ةرخافلا روكيدلا ةعانص :

Fertini ةردقلا اهيدل ةكرشلاو . عيراشملاو تاعومجم ازاك

. رخاف طيحم جاتنإ نف يف ةفطاعلاو ةياردلاو ةيدومعلا

ينافتلا يف نوكرتشي نيذلا هجوألا ددعتم نييفرحلا

و ةفيظو نيب عمجلا . عورشم لك بناوجو لحارم و ،رصانعلل

! ةايح ءارثإل ديرن نحنو ، رخافلا

لماشلا موهفملا نمض تاعومجملا ازاك Fertini ريوطت متي

ةعومجم لك .يلاطيإلا ميمصت نم مخف لزنم روكيد لل

. ةرخافلا تائيب و داوملاو ميمصتلا يف درفتلا حمالم

Fertini ميمصتلل كيرشك ،بلطلا يف ، اضيأ لمعي

. ةصاخلا عيراشملاو تالواقملا

،ديج نم لاقتنالل موي لك لمعن نحنو ، انراعش وه ةيقرتلا

! كبلق و كلقع رسآ ، ميظع ل

作为葡萄牙高端奢华时尚的引领者,Fertini旗下有两个系列Fertini CASA 和 Fertini Projects。经过了一代又一代人的传承和努力,我们专注于发现生活中的点滴艺术,然后通过我们的设计,致力于生产一件又一件奢华的艺术品。通过精致和繁复的工艺,我们的巧夺天工的工匠把设计的每一个元素,层次和方面都一一呈现。通过奢华艺术和实用性的完美融合,每一件Fertini的艺术品都将更加丰富您的生活。

Fertini CASA系列的设计理念源于对意大利豪华家装设计的追求。每一件收藏品在其设计,材料和制造工艺上都是独一无二的。作为一个欧洲高端设计家具的品牌引领着,Fertini会根据设计师和客户的具体需求完善,为客户们量身定做出最适合的生活艺术品。



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Page 5: COLLECTIONS - Broadleaf Expertise...الأحجار الكريمة والأشياء من الجمال لقرون عديدة، و بسبب هذا ، أصبحت كلمة لؤلؤة كناية


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Mister Roberto Serio is the designer of the most glamorous Fertini Casa Collection – Collier.

Roberto Serio is devoted to the search for innovative materials and a creative genius that allows the artist to work at 360 ° in the world of fashion, industrial and interior design. The harmony between comfort and beauty is the root note in each creation. Roberto has an attitude of utmost passion and determination: “It has to be known that people who buy my creations, end up in the most beautiful houses around the world!

Monsieur Roberto Serio est le concepteur de la Collection Fertini Casa la plus glamoureux - Collier.

Roberto Serio est consacré à la recherche de matériaux innovants et un génie créatif qui permet à l’artiste de travailler à 360 ° dans le monde de la mode, de l’industrie et le design intérieur. L’harmonie entre le confort et la beauté est la note fondamentale dans chaque création. Roberto a une attitude de plus grande passion et détermination: “Il doit être connu que les personnes qui achètent mes créations, finissent dans les plus belles maisons du monde!

Господин Роберто Серио - дизайнер наиболее гламурной коллекции fertini Casa Collection - Collier.

Роберто Серио находится в постоянном поиске инновационных материалов, его творческий гений позволяет полностью погружаться в мир моды, индустриального и дизайна интерьеров. Гармония между комфортом и красотой является основополагающей в каждом его творении. Его стиль выделяется страстью и совершенством: “ Люди, которые покупают мои творения должны знать, что они созданы оказаться в самых прекрасных домах мира!”

عمجل ممصم وه ويريس وتربور رتسم

.ريلوك - ازاك Fertini الامجو ارحس رثكأ

داوم نع ثحبلل ويريس وتربور صصخيو

حمست يتلا ةقالخلا ةيرقبعلاو ةركتبم

ملاع يف ةجرد ٣٦٠ ىلع لمعي نأ نانفلل

.يلخادلا ميمصتلاو ةيعانصلاو ةضوملا

ةظحالملا وه لامجلاو ةحارلا نيب ماجسنالا

هيدل وتربور .قلخلا لك يف ةيرذجلا

نم دب ال“ :مزعو ىوصق ةفطاعلا نم فقوم

تاعادبإ نورتشي نيذلا سانلا نأ فورعملا

لمجأ لزانملا يف فاطملا ةياهن يف ،يدالب

!ملاعلا ءاحنأ عيمج يف

roberto serioRoberto Serio先生是Fertini Casa系列下的Collier单品的设计师。

Roberto Serio致力于追寻创新型材料和创意理念的有效融合。他专注于使艺术家可以尽情设计,使得所有设计原素都能百分之一百地在产品里有效呈现。Robert总是在舒适和美感中寻找和谐,而这种和谐都呈现在他的作品里的每一个细节。Robert的主要设计理念在于,他希望”每一个购买他作品的顾客的家,都将会是世上最美的家!

mazzaMister Samuele Mazza is the designer of the most recent Fertini Casa Collection – Tuscany. Samuele Mazza’s Signature has been formed by his starting point as “Fashion Designer” and has been evolving until the actual standing point with an unquestionable and inescapable recognition of creative master of the most prestigious luxury fashion brands. A unique inspiration for Interior Design lead him to Creative Director of remarkable concepts like Visionnaire, Saint Babila, Outrightly Fashionable, Colombo Style, Four Season Luxury Furniture, Medea Contemporary Classics and his eponymous collection “Samuele Mazza”.

Monsieur Samuele Mazza est le concepteur de la plus récente Collection Fertini Casa – Tuscany.

La Signature de Samuele Mazza a été formé par son point de départ comme “Fashion Designer” et a été en constante évolution jusqu’à une reconnaissance incontestable et incontournable de la création maître des plus prestigieuses marques de mode de luxe. Une inspiration unique pour Interior Design l’a amené à directeur de la création de concepts remarquables comme Visionnaire, Saint Babila, Outrightly Fashionable, Colombo Style, Four Season meubles de luxe, Medea Contemporary Classics et sa collection éponyme “Samuele Mazza”.

Господин Самуэлле Мацца – дизайнер последней коллекции фабрики FERTINI CASA – «Toscany».

Подпись Самюэлле Мацца явилась отправной точкой для сотрудничества с “Модным Дизайнером”, до настоящего времени бесспорно признананного мастером креатива наиболее престижных модных брендов. Уникальный талант в создании дизайна интерьеров сделал его Креативным Директором выдающихся брэндов Visionaire, Saint Babila, Outrightly Fashionable, Colombo style, Four Season Luxury Furniture, Medea Contemporary Classics и его одноименной коллекции «Samu-elle Mazza».

Fertini عمجل ممصم وه ازام ليوماص رتسم

.اناكسوت - ريخألا ازاك

نع ازام ليوماص عيقوتلا ليكشت مت دقو

،”ءايزألا ممصم“ هنأب ةيادبلا ةطقن قيرط

ةيلعفلا ةمئادلا ةطقنلا ىتح روطتت دقو

هديس هنم رفم الو هيف كش ال فارتعا عم

.ةرخافلا ءايزألا تاكرام ىقرأ نم يعادبإلا

A يدؤي يلخادلا ميمصتلل ديرفلا ماهلإ

ةعئار ميهافملل يعادبإلا ريدملا ىلإ هب

يرصع ،اليبب تناس ،Visionnaire لثم

مسوملا ةعبرأ ،لياتس وبمولوك ،ايعطق

ةرصاعملا ةيكيسالكلا ةيدملا ،رخاف ثاثأ

.”ازام ليوماص“ ىمسم هتعومجمو

samuele mazzaSamuele Mazza先生是Fertini Case最新系列 – Tuscany的设计师。在

Samuele Mazza的早期设计生涯,他敏锐的时尚触觉使他开始成文葡萄牙时尚圈的新宠儿。随着Samu-ele 设计的不断成熟,他毫无疑问地成为了极具创意的时尚设计师,并且为多个极具声望的时尚奢侈品牌提供设计创意。作为Fertini的创意总监,他对室内设计的独特时尚灵感,激发他设计出多个著名的系列,例如Visionnaire, Saint Babila, Outrightly Fashionable, Colombo Style, 四季奢华家具系列,Medea经典现代系列,以及以他个人命名的系列“Samuele Mazza。

TINOCOJoana Tinoco was born in Porto. Her strong artistic flair allowed her to design interiors of Villas, Palaces and international headquarters in Arab Emirates, Russia , Africa and United States. Being a fine expert of the most exclusive clients, she proposes well-studied modern reinterpretations of that style. With this experiency, she developed a taste for expressing herself in the field of designing furniture.

Joana Tinoco est née à Porto. Son fort talent artistique lui a permis de concevoir des intérieurs de villas, de palais et de sièges sociaux internationaux dans les Émirats arabes unis, la Russie, l’Afrique et les Etats-Unis. Excellente experte des clients les plus exclusifs, elle propose des réinterprétations modernes bien étudiées de ce style. Avec cette expérience, elle a développé un goût pour s’exprimer dans le domaine de la conception de meubles.

Джоана Тиноко родилась в Порту. Ее сильный артистический талант позволил ей проектировать интерьеры Вилл, Дворцов и международной штаб-квартиры в Арабских Эмиратах, России, Африке и Соединенных Штатах. Будучи прекрасным знатоком самых эксклюзивных клиентов, она предлагает хорошо изученные современные интерпретации этого стиля. С этим experiency, она развила вкус для выражать в области конструировать мебель.

اهل حمس .وتروب يف وكونيت اناوج دلو

تاروكيدلا ميمصتل اهل ةيوق ةينف ةحسم

يلودلا راقمو روصق ،للفلل ةيلخادلا

ايقيرفأو ايسورو ةيبرعلا تارامإلا يف

ريبخ هنوك .ةيكيرمألا ةدحتملا تايالولاو

اهنا تلاقو ،ازيمت رثكألا ءالمعلل ةمارغ

نم ةسوردم ةثيدحلا ريسفت ةداعإ حرتقت

اهنا تلاقو ،experiency اذه عم .طمنلا اذه

لاجم يف اهسفن نع ريبعتلل معط تعضو

.ثاثألا ميمصت

JOANA TINOCOJoana Tinoco出生在波尔图。 她强大的艺术天赋让她设计别墅,宫殿和国际总部在阿拉伯联合酋长国,俄罗斯,非洲和美国的内饰。 作为最独家客户的优秀专家,她提出了深入研究的现代重新诠释的风格。 凭借这个经验,她开发了在设计家具领域表达自己的品味。

Page 6: COLLECTIONS - Broadleaf Expertise...الأحجار الكريمة والأشياء من الجمال لقرون عديدة، و بسبب هذا ، أصبحت كلمة لؤلؤة كناية

COLLIERThe finest quality natural pearls have been highly valued as gemstones and objects of beauty for many centuries, and because of this, the word pearl has become a metaphor for something very rare, fine, admirable, and valuable.

Our luxury furniture collection is seen as a set of pearls brought together, we named it COLLIER. The materials chosen are specially selected to offer an explosion of color and a three-dimensional effect.

COLLIER collection … luxurious combination of geometric shapes and gemstones … each piece as a Masterpiece.

This collection is exclusive and has been designed by the Italian designer Roberto Serio.

Les plus beaux perles naturelles ont été très appréciées comme des pierres précieuses et des objets de beauté pour de nombreux siècles, et de ce fait, le mot perle est devenue une métaphore de quelque chose de très rare, très bonne, admirable et précieuse.

Notre collection de meubles de luxe est considérée comme un ensemble de perles réunies, nous l’avons appelé COLLIER. Les matériaux choisis sont spécialement sélectionnés pour offrir une explosion de couleurs et un effet tridimensionnel.

COLLIER collection ... luxueuse combinaison de formes géométriques et de pierres précieuses ... chaque pièce comme un chef-d’œuvre.

Cette collection est exclusive et a été conçu par le designer italien Roberto Serio.

Натуральный жемчуг и его лучшие качества высоко ценились на протяжении многих веков и вместе с драгоценными камнями являлся объектом восхищения и поклонения. По этой причине, слово жемчуг является синонимом всего редкого, прекрасного,необычного и ценного.

Наша коллекция элитной мебели может рассматриваться как набор элегантно подобранных, идеально сочетающихся жемчужин, поэтому мы назвали его французским словом Collier. Выбранные материалы подобраны таким образом, что усиливают эффект наслаждения конечным результатом.

COLLIER - коллекция ... каждая часть которой является шедевром.

Эта коллекция эксклюзивна и была создана дизайнером Роберто Серио.

امك ةيلاع ةميق تاذ ةيعون لضفأ ةيعيبطلا ئلآللا مت

ببسب و ،ةديدع نورقل لامجلا نم ءايشألاو ةميركلا راجحألا

ةمارغ عفدو ، ادج ردان ءيش نع ةيانك ةؤلؤل ةملك تحبصأ ، اذه

.ةميقو ، باجعإلا ،

ؤلؤللا نم ةعومجمك رخافلا ثاثألا ةعومجم انيدل رظنيو

داوملا رايتخا متيو . ريلوك مسا هيلع اوقلطأ نحنو ، تعمج

ريثأت و ناولألا نم راجفنا لل رفوتل اصيصخ ةراتخملا

.داعبألا يثالث

راجحألاو ةيسدنهلا لاكشألا نم رخاف جيزم ... ةعومجم ريلوك

. ةفحت هرابتعاب ةعطق لك ... ةميركلا

ممصملا لبق نم اهميمصت مت و يرصح ريغ ةعومجملا هذه

. ويريس وتربور يلاطيإلا




这一系列是由意大利设计师Roberto Serio先生完美呈现。


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by Roberto Serio

Page 7: COLLECTIONS - Broadleaf Expertise...الأحجار الكريمة والأشياء من الجمال لقرون عديدة، و بسبب هذا ، أصبحت كلمة لؤلؤة كناية

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Page 8: COLLECTIONS - Broadleaf Expertise...الأحجار الكريمة والأشياء من الجمال لقرون عديدة، و بسبب هذا ، أصبحت كلمة لؤلؤة كناية

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Marble Top Coffee TableDimensions: 160x90x36 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,52 m3

Weight: 150 KgFinishing: Metal, Marble, Fabric/Leather

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3 Seater SofaDimensions: 260x100x76 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 1,98 m3

Weight: 310 KgFinishing: Fabric or Leather


BenchDimensions: 130x60x36 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,28 m3

Weight: 80 KgFinishing: Fabric or Leather


BookcaseDimensions: 285x50x250 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 3,56 m3

Weight: 480 KgFinishing: Fabric or Leather

Page 10: COLLECTIONS - Broadleaf Expertise...الأحجار الكريمة والأشياء من الجمال لقرون عديدة، و بسبب هذا ، أصبحت كلمة لؤلؤة كناية

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3 Seater SofaDimensions: 260x100x76 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 1,98 m3

Weight: 310 KgFinishing: Fabric or Leather

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BenchDimensions: 130x60x36 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,28 m3

Weight: 80 KgFinishing: Fabric or Leather

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ArmchairDimensions: 135x100x76 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 1,02 m3

Weight: 110 KgFinishing: Fabric or Leather


Marble Top Side TableDimensions: 70x70x63 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,31 m3

Weight: 60 KgFinishing: Metal, Marble, Fabric/Leather

Page 14: COLLECTIONS - Broadleaf Expertise...الأحجار الكريمة والأشياء من الجمال لقرون عديدة، و بسبب هذا ، أصبحت كلمة لؤلؤة كناية

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4-Door SideboardDimensions: 240x53x90 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 1,14 m3

Weight: 420 KgFinishing: Fabric or Leather

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4-Door SideboardDimensions: 240x53x90 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 1,14 m3

Weight: 420 KgFinishing: Fabric or Leather


Rectangular Marble Top Dining TableDimensions: 200x110x78 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 1,72 m3

Weight: 420 KgFinishing: Fabric or Leather


ChairDimensions: 55x65x104 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,37 m3

Weight: 20 KgFinishing: Fabric or Leather

Page 17: COLLECTIONS - Broadleaf Expertise...الأحجار الكريمة والأشياء من الجمال لقرون عديدة، و بسبب هذا ، أصبحت كلمة لؤلؤة كناية

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Wine CabinetDimensions: 140x50x205 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 1,44 m3

Weight: 320 KgFinishing: Fabric or Leather

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ConsoleDimensions: 160x50x79 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,64 m3

Weight: 105 KgFinishing: Italian Mirror, Several Colors


MirrorDimensions: 100x4x70 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,03 m3

Weight: 30 KgFinishing: Italian Mirror, Several Colors


Rectangular Marble Top Dining TableDimensions: 200x110x78 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 1,72 m3

Weight: 420 KgFinishing: Fabric or Leather


ChairDimensions: 55x65x104 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,37 m3

Weight: 20 KgFinishing: Fabric or Leather

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Upholstered Bed With Headboard For Slatted BaseDimensions: 218x240x145 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 2,05 m3

Weight: 460 KgFinishing: Fabric


Chest Of Drawers Dimensions: 160x50x95 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,76 m3

Weight: 240 KgFinishing: Fabric

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FT 30-70-24

Dressing Table ArmchairDimensions: 52x60x71 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,26 m3

Weight: 30 KgFinishing: Fabric


Dressing TableDimensions: 140x50x140 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,84 m3

Weight: 130 KgFinishing: Fabric


Bedside TableDimensions: 70x45x40 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,13 m3

Weight: 60 KgFinishing: Fabric

Page 22: COLLECTIONS - Broadleaf Expertise...الأحجار الكريمة والأشياء من الجمال لقرون عديدة، و بسبب هذا ، أصبحت كلمة لؤلؤة كناية

PONYPony Collection is the result of re-imagined luxury home decoration.

The strength and the beauty are represented in a unique concept of Dining Room, where the conju-gation of a classic style and modern way of living has been perfectly achieved.

A fusion of subtle pony leather, Portuguese famous marble and antique gold mirror, meet this year’s must-have Collection. With eye-catching design and unbeatable innovative design, these are pieces that you won’t be able to resist to.

Pony Collection is a symbol of fun and pleasure in a furniture Collection where Luxury is paramount. A decoration concept that recreates pleasures in your life!

This collection is exclusive and takes part in Fertini internal designs portfolio.

Pony Collection est le résultat de ré-imagination de la décoration luxueuse.

La force et la beauté sont représentées dans un concept unique de salle à manger, où la conjugaison d’un style classique et mode de vie moderne a été parfaitement atteint.

Une fusion subtile de cuir de poney, portugais fameux marbre et miroir d’or antique, traduit par la Collection Pony. Avec un design accrocheur et innovant imbattable, ce sont des pièces que vous ne serez pas en mesure de le résister.

Pony Collection est un symbole d’amusement et de plaisir dans une collection de meubles où luxe est primordiale. Un concept de décoration qui recrée plaisirs dans votre vie!

Cette collection est exclusive et prend part à Fertini portefeuille de conceptions internes.

Pony Collection – результат воображения luxury home декорации.

Сила и красота представлены в уникальной концепции столовой, где переплетаются классический и современный стили жизни в идеальном сочетании.

Использование натурального меха пони, знаменитого португальского мрамора и античного золотого зеркала соединяют две эпохи в этой обязательной для вашего дома коллекции. Останавливающий взгляд и инновационный дизайн перед которыми невозможно устоять.

Pony Collection – символ радости и удовольствия в коллекции, где роскошь является доминирующей состовляющей. Концепция дизайна, которая вносит радость в вашу жизнь!

لزنملا نييزت ل روصتي ةداعإ ل ةجيتن وه ليتكوك رهملا

. ةرخافلا

اوناك ثيح ، ماعطلا ةفرغ نم ديرف موهفم يف لامجلاو ةوقلا

ةثيدحلا ةقيرطلا و يكيسالكلا طمنلا نم جيزم قيقحتل

.لماكلاب ةشيعملا

و ريهشلا يلاغتربلا ماخرلا و رهملا قيقدلا دلجلا نم جيزم

ميمصت عم . ماعلا اذه اهل دب ةيبلت و ، بهذلا ةآرم ةقيتعلا

يه هذهو ، مزهي ال يذلا ركتبملا ميمصتلاو رظنلل ةتفال

. ل ةمواقم ىلع ةرداق نوكت نل يتلا عطقلا

ثاثألا ةعومجم يف رورسلاو حرملا نم زمر وه ليتكوك رهملا

دسجي يذلا روكيدلا موهفم .ةيمهألا غلاب رمأ ثيح رخافلا

! كتايح يف تاذلملا

Fertini ةظفحم يف ةكراشملاو ةيرصحلا ةعومجملا هذه

. ةيلخادلا





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by Fertini Casa

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44 45

FT 90-07-02

Pony Table - Round Marble Top Dining TableDimensions: 120 diameterx77 cm Volume: 1.123 m3

Weight: 310 KgFinishing: Pony leather

FT 90-07-01

Pony SideboardDimensions: 200x50x85 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,85 m3

Weight: 100 KgFinishing: Pony leather

Page 24: COLLECTIONS - Broadleaf Expertise...الأحجار الكريمة والأشياء من الجمال لقرون عديدة، و بسبب هذا ، أصبحت كلمة لؤلؤة كناية

tuscanyTuscany is the most recent flamboyant Italian style Collection from FERTINI CASA.

The Tuscan provinces have been considered World Heritage Sites. Each piece of our collection represents a locality. A combination of precious pieces of art, creating luxury decoration for magical home scenery.

Exceptional velvet fabrics and leathers have been matched with Marble from Carrara province. Tuscany is a Collection that lends itself to an individual’s way of living and creating his own decoration concept, by choosing the preferred finishing. The versatility of this collection confirms not only the sophistication of its design, but also how refined is each piece of the collection. A unique artistic legacy!

Breathtaking pieces to create memorable surroundings.

This collection is exclusive and has been designed by the Italian designer Samuele Mazza.

La Toscane est la plus récente Collection de FERTINI CASA de style italien flamboyant.

Les provinces toscanes ont été considérées comme sites du patrimoine mondial. Chaque pièce de notre collection représente une localité. Une combinaison de pièces précieuses d’art, créant la décoration de luxe pour les environnements magiques.

Velours et cuirs exceptionnelles ont été appariés avec marbre de la province de Carrara. TUSCANY est une Collection qui se prête à la façon de vivre et de créer son propre concept de décoration, en choisissant la finition préférée. La polyvalence de cette collection confirme non seulement la sophistication de son design, mais aussi le raffinement de chaque dessin de la collection. Un héritage artistique unique!

Pièces à couper le souffle pour créer un environnement mémorable.

Cette collection est exclusive et a été conçu par le designer italien Samuele Mazza.

Tuscany - самая новая коллекция итальянского flamboyant стиля от FERTINI CASA.

Провинция Тоскань признана всемирным достоянием. Каждый предмет коллекции представляет собой какую – нибудь местность. Сочетание прекрасных произведений искусства, создающих атмосферу роскоши для домашнего волшебства.

Удивительные вельветовые ткани и кожи, сочетаются с мрамором из провинции Car-rara. Коллекция Toscany позволяет создать собственный стиль жизни и индивидуальный концепт дизайна , выбирая различные отделки материалов. Разнообразие коллекции подтверждается не только совершенство дизайна , но и утонченностью каждого предмета. Удивительная эксклюзивность!

Удивительное, создающее незабываемую атмосферу!

Эта коллекция эксклюзивна и была создана итальянским дизайнером Самуэлле Мацца

. ازاك Fertini نم يلاطيإلا ثدحأ عمج بولسأ عمال وه اناكسوت

يملاعلا ثارتلا عقاوم ناكسوت تاظفاحملا يف ترظن دقو

عطقلا نم جيزم . ةلحم لثمي انتعومجم نم ةعطق لك .

دهشم ةيرحسلا لل ةرخاف روكيدلا قلخو ، نفلا نم ةنيمثلا


عم دولجلا و ةيئانثتسا ةيلمخملا ةشمقألا ةقباطم مت

حسفي نأ ةعومجم وه اناكسوت . اراراك ةعطاقم نم ماخرلا

روكيدلا موهفم هل قلخو ةشيعملا درفلا ةقيرط ل لاجملا

هذه ةعارب .لضفملا بيطشتلا رايتخا قيرط نع ، صاخلا

اضيأ نكلو ،اهميمصت روطت طقف سيل دكؤي ةعومجملا

نم ديرف ينف ثرإ A .ةعومجملا نم ةعطق لك وه رركملا فيك

! هعون

. ىسنت ال ءاوجأ قلخل ،سافنألا طاقتلال عطق

ممصملا لبق نم اهميمصت مت و يرصح ريغ ةعومجملا هذه

. ازام ليوماص يلاطيإلا

Tuscany是Fertini CASA旗下最新的意大利火焰迷人系列。意大利托斯卡纳省已经被世人们当作世界级艺术文化遗产,我们的系列之所有以Tuscany命名,是因为这一系列的每一件单品都传递着当地特色。珍贵艺术品与创新奢华装饰的和谐融合,为每一个家庭增添了魔幻般温暖色彩。


每一个独特的单品都为室内环境添加了过目难忘的元素。这一系列由我们著名的意大利设计师Samuele Mazza出品。


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by Samuele Mazza

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50 51


Florence 3 Seater SofaDimensions: 230x90x100 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 2,07 m3

Weight: 100 KgFinishing: Fabric or Leather


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52 53

FT 74-80-67

Florence Sofa TableDimensions: 122x122x49 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,73 m3

Weight: 120 KgFinishing: Fabric or Leather

FT 74-80-69

AREZZO - Ceiling LampDimensions: 112x112x55 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 1,22 m3

Weight: 30 Kg

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54 55

FT 74-80-64

Florence ArmchairDimensions: 88x90x100 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,79 m3

Weight: 50 KgFinishing: Fabric or Leather

FT 74-80-63

Lucca Side TableDimensions: 60x60x45 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,16 m3

Weight: 20 Kg

Page 29: COLLECTIONS - Broadleaf Expertise...الأحجار الكريمة والأشياء من الجمال لقرون عديدة، و بسبب هذا ، أصبحت كلمة لؤلؤة كناية

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FT 74-80-72

Pistoia Tv CabinetDimensions: 163x61x51cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,51 m3

Weight: 110 KgFinishing: Fabric or Leather

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Montecatini Madia 4-Door SideboardDimensions: 243x50x100 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 1,22 m3

Weight: 150 KgFinishing: Fabric or Leather

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FT 74-80-62

Lucca - Table LampDimensions: 43x28x50cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,30 m3

Weight: 5 Kg


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Carrara Table - Round or Oval Shapes Marble Top and BaseDimensions: 200 diameter x77 cmVolume: 1,51 m3

Weight: 160 Kg

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Carrara Table - Round or Oval Shapes Marble Top and BaseDimensions: 200 diameter x77 cmVolume: 1,51 m3

Weight: 160 Kg

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FT 74-80-58

Fiesole Vanity Desk Led Light MirrorDimensions: 153x50x80 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,61 m3

Weight: 75 KgFinishing: Fabric or Leather

FT 74-80-70

Arezzo - wall lampDimensions: 48x33x71 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 1,51 m3

Weight: 5 Kg

FT 74-80-58

Fiesole Armchair for Vanity DeskDimensions: 88x90x100 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,79 m3

Weight: 20 KgFinishing: Fabric or Leather


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72 73

FT 74-80-65

Florence BED - Upholstered Bed With Headboard for Slatted BaseDimensions: 230x243x125 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 2,50 m3

Weight: 150 KgFinishing: Fabric or Leather


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74 75

FT 74-80-74

Grossetto DresserDimensions: 132x63x105 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,87 m3

Weight: 100 KgFinishing: Fabric or Leather

FT 74-80-66

Florence Bedside TableDimensions: 65x40x47 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,13 m3

Weight: 60 KgFinishing: Fabric or Leather

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lotusThe dawn of a new style of home decoration furniture and complements, where luxury is combined with the lightness of natural shapes of Lotus flowers and the positive spirit of Bamboo canes. Lotus collection elevates contours and transforms home decoration, combining exquisite materials and avant-garde design. A futuristic yet innovative touch letting the best version of nature become Art!

Unveiling new standards in Luxury Home Decoration by delivering beautiful creations capable of taking the enchantment and the magic meaning of the pure lotus flower to each project.

This collection is exclusive and has been designed by the Italian designer Samuele Mazza.

L’aube d’un nouveau style de meuble et des compléments de décoration, où le luxe est combiné avec la légèreté des formes naturelles des fleurs de lotus et l’esprit positif des cannes de bambou. La collection Lotus élève les contours et transforme la décoration intérieure, alliant matériaux exquis et design avant-gardiste. Une touche futuriste et innovante qui permet à la meilleure version de la nature de devenir Art!

Dévoilant de nouvelles tendances dans la décoration de luxe en livrant les créations magnifiques capables de porter l’enchantement et la signification magique de la pure fleur de lotus à chaque projet.

Cette collection est exclusive et a été conçu par le designer italien Samuele Mazza.

Рассвет нового стиля мебели и аксессуаров для домашнего интерьера, в котором роскошь сочетается с легкостью природных форм цветков лотоса и позитивным духом бамбуковых тростей. Коллекция «Лотос» поднимает контуры и преображает декор дома, сочетая в себе изысканные материалы и авангардный дизайн. Футуристические и одновременно инновационные тенденции позволяют лучшей версии природы стать искусством!

Мы открываем новые стандарты роскошного украшения дома «Luxury Home Decoration», создавая в каждом проекте прекрасные творения, способные передать очарование и магическое значение чистого цветка лотоса.

Эта коллекция является эксклюзивной и разработана итальянским дизайнером Самуэлем Мацца.

لمكملا يلزنملا ثاثألاو روكيدلا نم ديدجلا طمنلا رجف

ةيعيبطلا لاكشألا ةفخو ةماخفلا نيب عمجلا متي هنا ثيح

.نارزيخلا بصق نم ةيباجيإلا حورلاو ستوتللا روهزل

عمجلا لزنملا روكيد لوحتو حمالم عفرت ستول ةعومجم

ةيلبقتسم يعيلطلا ميمصتلاو ةعئارلا داوملا نيب

ةيعيبط ميماصت لضفأ حبصتل ةركتبم ةسملب نكلو

!.نف ىلا لوحتت

نع يلزنملا روكيدلا فرت يف ةديدج ريياعم نع فشكلا

ذاختا ىلع ةرداق ةليمجلا تاعادبإلا ميدقت قيرط

لك يف ةيعيبطلا اهتافصاوم جمدو ةيفاصلا ستوللا ةرهز


لبق نم ميمصت مت دقلو ةيرصح يه ةعومجملا هذه

ازام ليوماص يلاطيإلا ممصملا


雅致的莲花为每个奢华家居装饰项目提供非凡的创造能力,魔幻的吸引力,神奇的魅惑力, LOTUS系列开启了一个奢华家居新标准。

这个系列由意大利设计师Samuele Mazza.倾情设计。


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by Samuele Mazza

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ENTRaNCE HaLLHALL D’ENTRÉE / Вестибюль / 入口大廳

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80 81


Royal SofaDimensions: 162x64x170 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 1,76 m3

Weight: 150 KgFinishing: Fabric


Lotus Leaf ConsoleDimensions: 110x30x90 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,30 m3

Weight: 30 KgFinishing: Gold Platted


Roses Wall LampDimensions: 42x26x64,5 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,07 m3

Weight: 8 KgFinishing: Gold Platted

Page 42: COLLECTIONS - Broadleaf Expertise...الأحجار الكريمة والأشياء من الجمال لقرون عديدة، و بسبب هذا ، أصبحت كلمة لؤلؤة كناية

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Lilly ConsoleDimensions: 170x45x80 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,64m3

Weight: 40 Kg


Flower ChairDimensions: 58x60x90 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,32m3

Weight: 20 KgFinishing: Fabric


Roses Wall LampDimensions: 42x26x64,5 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,07 m3

Weight: 8 KgFinishing: Gold Platted

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Lilly ConsoleDimensions: 170x45x80 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,64m3

Weight: 40 Kg


Roses Floor LampDimensions: 60x60x170 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,61m3

Weight: 20 KgFinishing: Gold Platted

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Bamboo Sofa TableDimensions: 180x80x57 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,82m3

Weight: 80 Kg


4-Drawers SideboardDimensions: 250x45x90 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 1,01m3

Weight: 180 KgFinishing: Fabric or Leather


2 Seats Flower SofaDimensions: 270x120x107 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 3,47m3

Weight: 200 KgFinishing: Fabric


Roses Table LampDimensions: 43,5x16x60 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,04m3

Weight: 8 KgFinishing: Gold Platted


Roses Wall LampDimensions: 42x26x64,5 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,07m3

Weight: 8 KgFinishing: Gold Platted

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Comb ArmchairDimensions: 94x88x64 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,53m3

Weight: 120 KgFinishing: Fabric


3 Seats Flower SofaDimensions: 300x120x107 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 3,85m3

Weight: 220 KgFinishing: Fabric


Roses Ceiling LampDimensions: 100x170 cm (DiamxH)Volume: 1,7 m3

Weight: 70 KgFinishing: Gold Platted


Cabinet & BookcaseDimensions: 300x45x294 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 3,97 m3

Weight: 260 Kg

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Comb ArmchairDimensions: 94x88x64 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,53m3

Weight: 120 KgFinishing: Fabric


Roses Ceiling LampDimensions: 100x170 cm (DiamxH)Volume: 1,7 m3

Weight: 70 KgFinishing: Gold Platted


3 seats Comb SofaDimensions: 260x88x64 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 1,46m3

Weight: 210 KgFinishing: Fabric

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Roses Wall LampDimensions: 42x26x64,5 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,07m3

Weight: 8 KgFinishing: Gold Platted


Lotus Sofa TableDimensions: 180x80x45 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,65m3

Weight: 80 Kg



3 Seats Comb SofaDimensions: 260x88x64 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 1,46m3

Weight: 210 KgFinishing: Fabric

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Tree Roots Dining Table MarbleDimensions: 275x110x78 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 1,65 m3

Weight: 200 Kg


4-Door SideboardDimensions: 214x60x90 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 1,16 m3

Weight: 120 KgFinishing: Wood or Leather


Leaf ChairDimensions: 54x54x117 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,34 m3

Weight: 10 KgFinishing: Fabric

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Tree Roots Dining Table Bronze CrystalDimensions: 275x110x78 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 1,65 m3

Weight: 200 Kg


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Bamboo Dining Table CrystalDimensions: 200x110x78 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 1,65 m3

Weight: 150 Kg


Flower ChairDimensions: 58x60x90 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,32m3

Weight: 20 KgFinishing: Fabric

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4-Door SideboardDimensions: 250x45x90 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 1,01 m3

Weight: 180 KgFinishing: Fabric or Leather

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Wardrobe 6 DoorsDimensions: 285x62,5x250 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,89 m3

Weight: 240 KgFinishing: Wood


Bedside TableDimensions: 70x45x40 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,13 m3

Weight: 60 KgFinishing: Wood


Butterfly ArmchairDimensions: 100x100x150 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 1,50 m3

Weight: 60 KgFinishing: Fabric


Chest of DrawersDimensions: 60x50x95 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,76 m3

Weight: 240 KgFinishing: Wood


Upholstered Bed With Headboard For Slatted BaseDimensions: 218x240x145 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 2,05 m3

Weight: 460 KgFinishing: Fabric or Silk

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Bedside tableDimensions: 70x45x40 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,13 m3

Weight: 60 KgFinishing: Gold Platted


BedDimensions: 218x240x145 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 2,05 m3

Weight: 460 KgFinishing: Fabric

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Tavolino Tre (3 side tables)Dimensions: 210x50x45 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,47 m3

Weight: 90 Kg



Comb ArmchairDimensions: 94x88x64 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,53m3

Weight: 120 KgFinishing: Fabric

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Fertini Casa is very proud to announce the very first one of the Disruptive Special Editions: Il Gattopardo.

The dedication to luxury in its most varied expressions is the context in which Fertini Casa develops all its collections. The intrinsic requirement of quality is allied to the exuberant de-mands of unique and dazzling pieces, yet preserving the most refined requisites of elegance.

In this continuously improving attitude, Fertini Casa found the need to make a remark in the luxury stage, by setting in motion a memorable piece, that preserves the crucial meaning of art, but simultaneously represents a radical reconfiguration!

Il Gattopardo is the disruptive special edition, pushing the luxury decoration forward and setting new milestones in the vision of art.

“We are the Leopards - We will continue to believe that we are the salt of the earth!”

This collection is exclusive and has been designed by the Italian designer Samuele Mazza.


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by Samuele Mazza

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Il Gattopardo Electric PIANODimensions: 210x270x95 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 5,38 m3

Weight: 385 KgFinishing: Glossy Black / Glossy Off-White Lacquer

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Il Gattopardo Electric PIANODimensions: 210x270x95 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 5,38 m3

Weight: 385 KgFinishing: Matte Black Lacquer


Piano BenchDimensions: 68x500x45 cm (WxDxH)Volume:0,16 m3

Weight: 30 KgFinishing: Black Leather and Swarovski Accessories

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Spider Dining TableDimensions: 180x78 cm (DxH)Volume: 2,52 m3

Weight: 210 KgFinishing: Lacquer, Smoked Crystal/Marble


Spider ChairDimensions: 70x74x118 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,61 m3

Weight: 25 KgFinishing: Glossy Black Lacquer Metal, Velvet

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Ceiling LampDimensions: 180x140x130 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 3,28 m3

Weight: 30 KgFinishing: Gold platted brass, Silk Abatjours


Multiple Mirrors PanelDimensions: 242x31x91 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,1 m3

Weight: 68 KgFinishing: Italian mirror


Gold Mirror ConsoleDimensions: 242x31x91 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,69 m3

Weight: 68 KgFinishing: Italian mirror

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FireplaceDimensions: 76x76x38 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,22 m3

Weight: 20 KgFinishing: Lacquer, Electric Fireplace accessory



Leopard ChairDimensions: 80x80x112 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,72 m3

Weight: 30 KgFinishing: Velvet

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Spider Sofa TableDimensions: 180x110x48 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,95 m3

Weight: 100 KgFinishing: Lacquer, Smoked Crystal/Marble


Sleepy Leopard SofaDimensions: 350x170x110 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 6,54 m3

Weight: 250 KgFinishing: Gold platted brass, Velvet

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Sleepy Leopard SofaDimensions: 350x170x110 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 6,54 m3

Weight: 250 KgFinishing: Gold platted brass, Velvet


Spider Wall LampDimensions: 40,5x15x90 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,06m3

Weight: 8 KgFinishing: Gold platted brass, Silk Abatjour


Spider Floor LampDimensions: 43,3x22,5x180 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,18 m3

Weight: 15 KgFinishing: Gold platted brass, Silk Abatjour


Decorative Cushion SignatureDimensions: 50x50/ 46x42/ 60x38 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,03 m3

Weight: 0,5 KgFinishing: Velvet with Swarovski Crystals

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Mirror High VaseDimensions: 50x50x150 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,38 m3

Weight: 50 KgFinishing: italian mirror, Gold platted Logo



Spider Floor LampDimensions: 43,3x22,5x180 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,18 m3

Weight: 15 KgFinishing: Gold platted brass, Silk Abatjour


Leopard ChairDimensions: 80x80x112 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,72 m3

Weight: 30 KgFinishing: Velvet

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Multiple Mirrors PanelDimensions: 242x31x91 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,1 m3

Weight: 68 KgFinishing: Italian mirror



Sleepy Leopard ArmchairDimensions: 160x170x110 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 2,99 m3

Weight: 100 KgFinishing: Gold platted brass, Velvet


Floor LampDimensions: 45x20x180 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,17 m3

Weight: 18 KgFinishing: Gold platted brass, Silk Abatjour

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BedDimensions: 210x210x30 cm (WxDxH)Dimensions Headboard: 210x7x250 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 2,40 m3

Weight: 240 KgFinishing: Gold platted brass, Velvet


Bed Cover and 7 Decorative CushionsDimensions: adjustable Volume: 0,43 m3

Weight: 4 KgFinishing: Silk Satin with Swarovski Crystals

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Gold Mirror frameDimensions: 122x7x95 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,11 m3

Weight: 40 KgFinishing: Italian mirror


Marble Wall LampDimensions: 19x19x53 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,02 m3

Weight: 28 KgFinishing: Gold platted brass, Marble


DeskDimensions: 210x45x66 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,62 m3

Weight: 80 KgFinishing: Lacquer, Gold platted brass, italian mirror, Velvet

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Marble Table LampDimensions: 50x50x55 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,14 m3

Weight: 7 KgFinishing: Gold platted brass, Marble, Velvet Abatjour


Bedside TableDimensions: 70x45x66 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,21 m3

Weight: 30 KgFinishing: Lacquer, Gold platted brass, italian mirror, Velvet


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ChairDimensions: 55x60x85 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,28 m3

Weight: 10 KgFinishing: Velvet

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BenchDimensions: 210x48x40 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,40 m3

Weight: 50 KgFinishing: Gold platted brass, Velvet

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The shape and elegance of each furniture piece is a testament to the high quality of craftsmanship, material, and design that remains at the core of Fertini Casa. The Signature Collection is a great example of the iconic and signature look.

Distinctive models where crafted as a form of identification of Signature Collection, a line of the best of the best that the company has to offer.

Being selected by Fashion TV for advertisement campaigns, Signature became the best known of all the collections produced by Fertini Casa, and recommended for the best projects in the world.

Signature Collection emphasizes the contemporary luxury design shapes, adding a touch of Italian la dolce vita to each area of the house. This notable collection pairs innovative upholstery techniques and designs to create comfortable products that will suit any room with contemporary flair.

Every stage of development is an example that no obstacle is greater than the vision, and that the maximum Fertini Casa has already achieved, is far from the maximum that can still be achieved.

This collection is exclusive and is part of Fertini internal designs portfolio.

SIgNATUREby Fertini Casa

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Table LampDimensions: 32x20x80 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,01 m3

Weight: 7 KgFinishing: Gold Platted Brass and Silk Abt-J


Bedside TableDimensions: 70x45x62cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,41 m3

Weight: 45 KgFinishing: Solid Wood Structure, Gold Platted Brass,ltalian Gold Mirror and Soft Velvet


Vanity DeskDimensions: 182x52x92cm (WxDxH)Volume: 1,42 m3

Weight: 140 KgFinishing: Solid Wood Structure, Gold Platted Brass, ltalian Gold Mirror and Soft Velvet


BedSommier: 220x220x36cm (WxDxH) Headboard: 230x15x250cm (WxDxH)Volume: 7,69 m3

Weight: 365 KgFinishing: Gold Platted Brass, Soft Velvet

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Bench w/ Decorative Logo RollsDimensions: 188x45x48 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 1,06 m3

Weight: 90 KgFinishing: Gold Platted Brass and Soft Velvet


MattressDimensions: 200x200x25cm (WxDxH)Volume: 1,32 m3

Weight: 75 KgFinishing: Aloe Vera Treatment, Velvet and Pocket Springs and Visco


Bed Cover and 6 Decorative CushionsDimensions: adjustable Volume: 0,43 m3

Weight: 4 KgFinishing: Silk Satin with Swarovski Crystals

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Vanity DeskDimensions: 182x52x92cm (WxDxH)Volume: 1,42 m3

Weight: 140 KgFinishing: Solid Wood Structure, Gold Platted Brass, ltalian Gold Mirror and Soft Velvet


Wall LampDimensions: 36x20x115 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,21 m3

Weight: 25 KgFinishing: Gold Platted Brass and Silk Abt-J


Vanity Desk Chair w/ Decorative CushionDimensions: 62x80 cm (DxH)Volume: 0,64 m3

Weight: 70 KgFinishing: Gold Platted Brass, Soft Velvetand Solid Wood Structure

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Wall LampDimensions: 36x20x115 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,21 m3

Weight: 25 KgFinishing: Gold Platted Brass and Silk Abt-J


Gattopardo ArmchairDimensions: 160x170x110 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 3,52 m3

Weight: 195 KgFinishing: Gold Platted Brass, High Velvet and Solid Wood Structure

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Natural Fur Decorative CushionDimensions: 50x50/ 46x42/ 60x38 cmVolume: 0,03 m3

Weight: 0,5 KgFinishing: Natural Fur Chinchilla Pattern


Marble Top Coffee TableDimensions: 160x90x36 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,52 m3

Weight: 150 KgFinishing: Metal, Marble, Fabric/Leather


SofaDimensions: 300x140x100 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 7,17 m3

Weight: 300 KgFinishing: Soft Velvet, Gold Platted, Brass Footer and Friezes


ArmchairDimensions: 135x140x100 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 3,05 m3

Weight: 155 KgFinishing: Soft Velvet, Gold Platted, Brass Footer and Friezes

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Natural Fur Decorative CushionDimensions: 50x50/ 46x42/ 60x38 cmVolume: 0,03 m3

Weight: 0,5 KgFinishing: Natural Fur Chinchilla Pattern


Coffee TableDimensions: 70x70x63 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,31 m3

Weight: 90 KgFinishing: Marble, Brass, Fabric/ Leather


SofaDimensions: 300x140x100 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 7,17 m3

Weight: 300 KgFinishing: Soft Velvet, Gold Platted, Brass Footer and Friezes


ArmchairDimensions: 135x140x100 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 3,05 m3

Weight: 155 KgFinishing: Soft Velvet, Gold Platted, Brass Footer and Friezes

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Piano BenchDimensions: 70x70x53 cm (WxDxH)Volume: - m3

Weight: - KgFinishing: Glossy Off-White, Lacquer, Hand-made Engraving and Soft Velvet


PianoDimensions: 170x270x110 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 7,09 m3

Weight: 300 KgFinishing: Glossy Off-White, Lacquer and Hand-made Engraving


ArmchairDimensions: 135x140x100 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 3,05 m3

Weight: 155 KgFinishing: Soft Velvet, Gold Platted, Brass Footer and Friezes


Floor LampDimensions: 45x20x180 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,04 m3

Weight: 30 KgFinishing: Gold Platted, Brass and Silk Abt-J

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Dining TableDimensions: 220x120x77 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 1,51 m3

Weight: 290 KgFinishing: Gold Platted, Brass Structure, Soft Velvet and Bronze Crystal


Dining ChairDimensions: 52x52x78 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,30 m3

Weight: 60 KgFinishing: Gold Platted, Brass Structure and Soft Velvet


SideboardDimensions: 200x53x92 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 2,00 m3

Weight: 135 KgFinishing: Solid Wood, Upholstery, Bronzed Crystal and Gold Platted Brass

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Dining TableDimensions: 220x120x77 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 1,51 m3

Weight: 290 KgFinishing: Gold Platted, Brass Structure, Soft Velvet and Bronze Crystal


Dining ChairDimensions: 52x52x78 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,30 m3

Weight: 60 KgFinishing: Gold Platted, Brass Structure and Soft Velvet


SideboardDimensions: 200x53x92 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 2,00 m3

Weight: 135 KgFinishing: Solid Wood, Upholstery, Bronzed Crystal and Gold Platted Brass

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Sideboard Gold MirrorDimensions: 140x15x140 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,68 m3

Weight: 95 KgFinishing: Italian Mirror


Ceiling LampDimensions: 100x120 cm (DxH)Volume: 1,82 m3

Weight: 60 KgFinishing: Gold Platted, Brass and Silk Abt-J

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RUgSFertini Casa produces a wide range of home furnishing pieces to create transformative residential spaces that work in syncronicity with their surroundings, respecting the desires of our clients. In this sense, the company sets its goals high through the creation of pieces that can be combined, creating a holistic concept of decoration, providing furniture, upholstery, lighting, cushions, bedding, wallpapers, and RUGS - all matching the same concept, for each area of the house.

This chapter is focused in proposing contemporary luxury designs for Rugs. Fertini Casa controls the design, the manufacture and the distribution of these luxury rugs.

According with the contemporary luxury philosophy, independently of the size of the house, there is no need to apply a great variety of styles of rugs, the crucial decision is to make the option for matching designs and make the correct combination of colors.

The proposal of Fertini Casa consists in 12 optional designs of Rugs, that are custom-made according to each project. The size, the colors and the accessories are all meticulously adjusted according with the area where the rug is going to be placed.

Fertini Casa Projects Division not only personally select the most luxurious combinations but is also committed to the principle of quality and craftsmanship. Fertini Casa Rugs are hand- -tufted using selected botanic silk, to obtain unique one of a kind bespoke rugs.


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RUGSTAPIS / коврики / 地毯

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Signature Rug lconic 2Dimensions: 4,10x2,75 m (adjustable)Volume: 0,50 m3

Weight: 85 KgFinishing: Hand tufted Botanic Silk with Gold/Silver platted logo


Signature Rug lconic 2Dimensions: 4,10x2,75 m (adjustable)Volume: 0,50 m3

Weight: 85 KgFinishing: Hand tufted Botanic Silk with Gold/Silver platted logo

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Signature Rug lconic 1Dimensions: 4,40x3,60 m (adjustable)Volume: 0,50 m3

Weight: 85 KgFinishing: Hand tufted Botanic Silk with Gold/Silver platted logo


Signature Rug lconic 2Dimensions: 4,10x2,75 m (adjustable)Volume: 0,50 m3

Weight: 85 KgFinishing: Hand tufted Botanic Silk with Gold/Silver platted logo

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lconic FC LogoDimensions: 3,20x4,20 m (adjustable)Volume: 0,50 m3

Weight: 85 KgFinishing: Hand tufted Botanic Silk with Gold/Silver platted logo


lconic Logo FrameDimensions: 4,10x3,00 m (adjustable)Volume: 0,50 m3

Weight: 85 KgFinishing: Hand tufted Botanic Silk with Gold/Silver platted logo

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lconicDimensions: 3,20x4,20 m (adjustable)Volume: 0,50 m3

Weight: 85 KgFinishing: Hand tufted Botanic Silk with Gold/Silver platted logo


Geometric 6Dimensions: 4,10x3,00 m (adjustable)Volume: 0,50 m3

Weight: 85 KgFinishing: Hand tufted Botanic Silk with Gold/Silver platted logo

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Signature Geometric 1Dimensions: 4,20x3,50 m (adjustable)Volume: 0,50 m3

Weight: 85 KgFinishing: Hand tufted Botanic Silk with Gold/Silver platted logo


Geometric 3Dimensions: 3,00x4,00 m (adjustable)Volume: 0,50 m3

Weight: 85 KgFinishing: Hand tufted Botanic Silk with Gold/Silver platted logo

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Geometric 7Dimensions: 2,20x2,20 m (adjustable)Volume: 0,50 m3

Weight: 85 KgFinishing: Hand tufted Botanic Silk with Gold/Silver platted logo


Geometric 2Dimensions: 2,51x2,69 m (adjustable)Volume: 0,50 m3

Weight: 85 KgFinishing: Hand tufted Botanic Silk with Gold/Silver platted logo

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Geometric 5Dimensions: 3,60x4,60 m (adjustable)Volume: 0,50 m3

Weight: 85 KgFinishing: Hand tufted Botanic Silk with Gold/Silver platted logo


Geometric 4Dimensions: 3,40x4,30 m (adjustable)Volume: 0,50 m3

Weight: 85 KgFinishing: Hand tufted Botanic Silk with Gold/Silver platted logo

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babyBaby is a collection of furniture and decoration complements for bedrooms of babies and children, that fits an environment of enchanting and magical serenity.

Because every baby is a shining star and needs to be treated like royalty, each piece is delicately hand-cut and hand-worked to the very highest standards, to welcome your precious tiny princesses into the world. The original design is a part of Fertini Casa timeless signature collections.

The aim is to combine beautiful aesthetics and a distinct point of view to give you incomparable product. Luxury, style, and timeless elegance are the hallmarks of Fertini Casa Baby design collection.

This collection is exclusive and has been designed by Joana Tinoco, taking part in Fertini internal designs portfolio.

Baby est une collection de meubles et accessoires de décoration pour chambres de bébés et enfants, qui s’adapte à un environnement de sérénité, enchanteresse et magie.

Parce que chaque bébé est une étoile brillante et a besoin d’être traité comme la royauté, chaque pièce est délicatement travaillée à la main, aux normes les plus élevées, pour accueillir vos précieuses petites princesses et princes dans le monde. Le design original fait partie des collections de signature intemporelles de Fertini Casa.

Le but est de combiner belle esthétique avec un point de vue distinct pour vous donner un produit incomparable. Luxe, style et élégance intemporelle sont les caractéristiques de la collection de design Fertini Casa Baby.

Cette collection est exclusive et a été conçue par Joana Tinoco, en participant au portefeuille de projets internes de Fertini.

Baby-это коллекция мебели и декора для спальни новорождённых детей и детей более старшего возраста, которая наполняет пространство очарованием и волшебным покоем.

Каждый ребенок – это яркая звезда, требующая к себе королевского отношения, поэтому каждый элемент мебели деликатно вырезан и обработан вручную по самым высоким стандартам, чтобы приветствовать приход ваших драгоценных маленьких принцев и принцесс в этот мир. Оригинальный дизайн является частью неповторимой вневременной коллекции Fertini Casa.

Наша цель заключается в том, чтобы совместить красивый эстетический вид и особую точку зрения, предлагая вам несравненное изделие. Роскошь, стиль и элегантность являются отличительными чертами коллекции Fertini Casa Baby.

Эта коллекция является эксклюзивной и разработана Джоаной Тиноко, принимающей участие во внутренних дизайнерских проектах Fertini.

فرغل ةلمكملا روكيدلاو ثاثألا نم ةعومجم نع ةرابع ،لفطلا

رحاسلا ءافصلا نم وج عم مءالتيل ،لافطألاو عضرلل مونلا


،كولملا لثم لماعي نأ ىلإ جاتحيو .مجن وه لفط لك نأل

بحرتل ،ريياعملا ىلعأب ةقدب ايودي اهلقس مت ةعطق لك

.ملاعلا اذه ىلإ ةريغصلا كتريمأ

.ةدلاخلا ازاك ينترف ةعومجم نم ءزج وه يلصألا ميمصتلا

ةحضاولا ةيؤرلاو ليصافتلاو لامجلا نيب عمجلا وه فدهلاو

يهاضيل جتنم كيطعن نأ لجأ نم

ةزيمملا تامسلا يه ةدلاخلا ةقانألاو بولسألاو ةماخفلا

..لفطلل ازاك ينترف ميمصت ةعومجمل

اناوج لبق نم اهميمصت مت دقلو ةيرصح ةعومجملا هذه

ميماصتلل ينترف ةعومجم يف ةكراشملل وكونيت



每个宝宝都是一颗闪耀的星星,需要皇室般尊贵待遇,Fertini Casa每一件纯手工家具,都使用行业最高标准,Fertini Casa愿意用最精湛和充满爱意的家具,和您一起欢迎小王子和小公主的到来。

Fertini Casa宝宝系列充分运用美学,人体力学,从不同的角度和方面来展示其豪华,优雅,永恒的设计特色。

宝宝系列是由Fertini Casa著名设计师Joana Tinoco独家专业设计的。


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by Joana Tinoco

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Magical Crib - Gold PlatedDimensions: 80x150x245 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 2,94 m3

Weight: 150 KgFinishing: Brass or Other Metal


Edredon, Decorative Cushions and CurtainsDimensions: adjustableVolume: 0,38 m3

Weight: 10 KgFinishing: Silk, Satin, Cotton

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Side TableDimensions: 30x30x30 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,03 m3

Weight: 30 KgFinishing: Mirror and Brass


ChairDimensions: 40x37x61 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,09 m3

Weight: 30 KgFinishing: Fabric or Leather

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Fairy Bed - Gold PlatedDimensions: 152x202x198 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 6,08 m3

Weight: 200 KgFinishing: Metal and Fabric/Leather

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Fairy Bed - White and BlueDimensions: 152x202x198 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 6,08 m3

Weight: 200 KgFinishing: Metal and Fabric/Leather


Bedside TableDimensions: 74x30x50 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,12 m3

Weight: 30 KgFinishing: Mirror and Fabric/Leather


Teddy Bear MirrorDimensions: 70 cm (Diameter)Volume: 0,02 m3

Weight: 20 KgFinishing: Metal and Lacquer Color


Dresser / Changing TableDimensions: 130x50x90 cm (WxDxH)Volume: 0,59 m3

Weight: 95 KgFinishing: Mirror and Fabric/Leather

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ATRESSThe Luxury Mattress is the outcome of our constant quest for new options to fulfill the holistic home decoration proposal.

FERTINI CASA MATTRESS feature the uttermost technical aspects of a sublime mattress: comfort, correct support and stability are the main benefits from our combination of natural and high-technol-ogy materials - latex and memory foam. Maximum ventilation potentiates antibacterial, anti-mite and antifungal are guaranteed by latex, while mem-ory foam provides ergonomics and temperature control.

The padding velvet with notes of pearls gives the Matress the bright of a luxury philosophy.

All the models complies with the demanded standards, namely: EN 1021-1 and 2; Oeko-Tex Standard 100; BS 5852 Part 2; BS 7175, Crib 5; EN 597 - part 1 and 2.

Le matelas de luxe est le résultat de notre quête constante de nouvelles options pour remplir la proposition de décoration holistique.

FERTINI CASA MATELAS disposent les aspects techniques extrêmes d’un matelas sublime: le confort, le soutien correct et la stabilité sont les principaux avantages de notre combinaison de matériaux de haute technologie – latex naturel et mousse à mémoire. Ventilation maximale potentialise antibactérien, anti-acariens et antifongique sont garantis par le latex, tandis que la mousse fournit l’ergonomie et le contrôle de la température.

Le velours de rembourrage avec des notes de perles donne au Matelas la brillance d’une philosophie de luxe.

Tous les modèles sont conformes aux normes exigées, à savoir: EN 1021-1 et 2; Oeko-Tex Standard 100; BS 5852 Partie 2; BS 7175, Crib 5; EN 597 - partie 1 et 2.

Luxury Mattress – коллекция матрацов, результат нашего постоянного стремления предложить новые возможности в удовлетворении нужд домашнего интерьера.

FERTINI LUXURY MATTRESS - идеальные в своих технических аспектах матрацы: удобные, поддерживающие правильное положение тела, со многими возможностями, созданными из комбинации натуральных и высоко технологичных материалов – латекса и memory foam. Максимальная вентиляция, антибактериальный, противогрибковый эффект, гарантированный использованием латекса с температурным и эргономическим контролем предлагаемым memory foam.

Вельветный чехол с вкраплениями жемчужин придает матрацам блеск философии роскоши.

ةديدج تارايخ ل رمتسملا انيعس ةجيتن وه رخاف شرفم

. ةيلزنملا تاروكيدلا حارتقا لماش قيقحتل

Fertini شارف لل ةينقتلا بناوجلا ىصقأ ةزيم شرفم ازاك

دئاوفلا يه رارقتسالاو حيحصلا معدلاو ةحارلا : ةيماس

ةينقتلا ةيلاع داوم نم جيزم انرظن ةهجو نم ةيسيئرلا

ةيوهتلا نم ردق ىصقأ .ةركاذلا ةوغرو سكتاللا - و ةيعيبطلا

تايرطفلا و ثعلا ةحفاكمو ، ميثارجلل داضم يوقي

ةئيب ةركاذلا ةوغر رفوت نيح يف ، سكتال لبق نم ةنومضم

. ةرارحلا ةجرد يف مكحتلا و لمعلا

سيرتام يطعي ؤلؤللا نم تاظحالم عم وشحلا ةيلمخملا

. ةرخافلا ةفسلف قرشم

EN :يهو ، ةبولطملا ريياعملا عم قفاوتي جذامنلا عيمج

، ٨١٨٥ BS ؛(٢) ءزجلا ٥٨٥٢ BS ؛ ١٠٠ رايعملا سكت OEKO ؛٢ و ١-١٠٢١

٢ و ١ ءزج -٥٩٧ EN ؛٥ريرس

奢华床垫系列是我们的一个专注于生产床垫的系列。Fertini CASA床垫融合了多项超群技术和精心挑选的材料:舒适,人体工学弯曲度,稳定,高科技面料天然橡胶和记忆棉。天然橡胶最大化了空气流通性,同时增强了抗病毒性,抗螨虫和抗真菌性。记忆棉提供了舒适的人体工学弯度和恒温控制。

天鹅绒的表面处理和填充物,配以珍珠点缀,更加增添了这一系列的奢华元素。所以的尺寸规模都可以根据具体要求而改变:现有系列EN 1021-1 和 2; Oeko-Tex 标准 100; BS 5852 部分 2; BS 7175, Crib 5; EN 597 – 部分 1 和 2.


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Matelas / матрасы / تاشرف / 床墊

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Pick and choose from a wide range of exceptional velvet fabrics and leathers, to dazzling marble and antique mirrors to suit your decorations concepts and preferences.


Choisir parmi une vaste gamme de tissus et de cuirs exceptionnelles, à marbre éblouissante et miroirs anciens en fonction de vos décorations et préférences.


Подберите из широкого спектра эксклюзивных вельветовых тканей и кож, ослепите выбором отделок мрамора и античных зеркал, создайте Вашу концепцию интерьера.





Finitions / отделка / 精加工


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LEATHER / CUIR / кожа / 皮革

Acciaio - 630 Amaranto - 655 Antic - 616 Antracite - 645 Arancio - 618 Asfalto - 660 Avio - 643 Avorio - 636 Azzurro - 624 Begonia - 617

Beige - 604 Bianco Ottico - 601 Bordeaux - 615 Burgundy - 625 Caffelatte - 637 Castagna - 612 Cielo - 649 Cinder - 648 Cipria - 606 Cotto - 656

Crema - 605 Fango - 627 Fondotinta - 662 Foresta - 658 Gesso - 634 Giallino - 619 Giallo - 620 Green - 631 Grey - 626 Grigio - 623

Grigio Perla - 647 Latte - 635 Lilla - 650 Lotus - 641 Marrone - 608 Mascara - 640 Mattone - 613 Mogano - 610 Moretto - 646 Nero - 622

Nocciola - 607 Notte - 644 Ombretto - 652 Panna - 603 Pergamena - 654 Pino - 653 Rosa Antico - 651 Rosso - 614 Rosso Antico - 657 Sabbia - 628

Siena - 638 Smoke - 639 Stone - 629 Testa Moro - 611 Vaniglia - 602 Verde - 621 Verdone - 632 Viola - 633 Wood - 609


Thara 1 Thara 2 Thara 3 Thara 4 Thara 5 Thara 6 Thara 7 Thara 8 Thara 9 Thara 10

Thara 11 Thara 12 Thara 13 Thara 14 Thara 15 Thara 16 Thara 17 Thara 18 Thara 19 Thara 20

Thara 21 Thara 22 Thara 23 Thara 24 Thara 25 Thara 26 Thara 27 Thara 28 Thara 29 Thara 30

Thara 31 Thara 32 Thara 33 Thara 34 Thara 35 Thara 36 Thara 37 Thara 38 Thara 39

LACqUERED / LAqUÉE / лаковый / 上漆

Agata Argilla Bianco Bosco Castoro Cipria Corallo Corda Creta Fango

Fuoco Ghiaia Grafite Malva Mandorla Muschio Nero Origano Ottanio Peonia

Pietra Pistacchio Riso Turchese Vinaccia Zafferano Zaffiro

MARBLE / MARBRE / мрамор / 大理石

Bianco Carrara Arabescato Grafite Nero Marquinia Emperador Bronzo Amani Calacatta Vagli Paonazzetto Lipica


Fumè Acciaio Lucido Acciaio Oro

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MIRRORS / MIRROIR / Зеркалo /鏡

Polvere di Stelle Arcobaleno Policromo Galassia Vulcano Policromo Cobalto Polvere di Stelle Blu Golden Antique Tramonto Fumé

Canna di Fucile Black Mirror Oro Smeraldo Rubino Bianco Topazio Diamante Ametista Zaffiro Argento

Perla Giallo Bianco e Nero Grigio Argento Meteora Saturno Antico Veneziano Urano Venere Cometa

Iride Apollo Minerva Venezia Siena Taranto Como Ragusa Miami Dallas

Atlanta Los Angeles


White Pearl Noir Rouge de Roses Turquoise Bleu

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Fertini reserves the right to apply improving changes to the products at any time without prior notice. The samples are purely indicative.

Fertini se réserve le droit d’apporter modifications pour l’amélioration du produit, à n’importe quel moment et sans préavis. Les echantillons sont à caractère purement indictif.

Fertini, Lda.

Rua Gonçalves Zarco, 1624,

4455-822 Santa Cruz do Bispo, Portugal

[email protected]


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