Colonial debts extractive nostalgias imperial insolvencies A two-day workshop to reimagine financialization goldsmiths university deptford town hall, london e Reimagining Value Action Lab Lakehead University under Bay, Canada rival.lakeheadu.ca September 22 & 23 Please register online at perc.org.uk Image: CK Wilde “e Flower Seller’s Wife (After Rivera)” 2010 - currencycollage.com Design: Max Haiven (RiVAL) Friday, September 22 9h30 Doors open 9h45 Welcome from the organizers 10h15 Plenary Conversation: Ann Pettifor in dialogue with Johnna Montgomerie on “Money, Debt and Global Justice Today” followed by discussion 11h45 Coffee 12h00 Facilitated break-out discussion groups 1. Imperial Insolvencies: Debt, Citizenship & Belonging “After” Globalisation 2. Colonial Debts: The Financing of Violence, the Violence of Finance 3. Extractive Nostalgias: Reweaving Histories of Finance, Race and Empire 13h00 Lunch (provided to those registered in advance) 14h00 Plenary Conversation: Justin Leroy in dialogue with Max Haiven on “Financialization between Racial Capitalism and (Settler) Colonialism: Histories and Legacies,” followed by discussion 15h30 Coffee 15h45 Self-organized break-out groups 17h00 Farewell and adjournment. Followed by socializing at the Rose Pub saturday, September 23 10h45 Welcome and recap 11h00 Plenary Conversation: Anita Rupprecht in dialogue with Paul Gilbert on “Slavery, Insurance and Alternative Histories of Financialization,” followed by discussion 12h30 Lunch (provided to those registered in advance) 13h30 Facilitated plenary conversation: Deepening the dialogue between political economy and postcolonial theory” 15h00 Coffee 15h15 Facilitated plenary conversation: “Resisting and overcoming financialization and (neo)colonialism today” 16h30 Closing words followed by socializing at the New Cross House Pub

Colonial debts extractive nostalgias imperial insolvencies · Colonial debts extractive nostalgias imperial insolvencies A two-day workshop to reimagine financialization goldsmiths

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C o l o n i a l d e b t s extractive nostalgias imperial insolvenciesA two-day workshop to reimagine financializationgoldsmiths university deptford town hall, london

The Reimagining Value Action LabLakehead UniversityThunder Bay, Canada rival.lakeheadu.ca

September 22 & 23 Please register online at perc.org.uk

Image: CK Wilde “The Flower Seller’s Wife (After Rivera)” 2010 - currencycollage.com Design: Max Haiven (RiVAL)

Friday, September 229h30 Doors open

9h45 Welcome from the organizers10h15 Plenary Conversation:

Ann Pettifor in dialogue with Johnna Montgomerie on “Money, Debt and Global Justice Today” followed by discussion

11h45 Coffee12h00 Facilitated break-out discussion

groups 1. Imperial Insolvencies: Debt, Citizenship & Belonging “After” Globalisation 2. Colonial Debts: The Financing of Violence, the Violence of Finance3. Extractive Nostalgias: Reweaving Histories of Finance, Race and Empire

13h00 Lunch(provided to those registered in advance)

14h00 Plenary Conversation: Justin Leroy in dialogue with Max Haiven on “Financialization between Racial Capitalism and (Settler) Colonialism: Histories and Legacies,” followed by discussion

15h30 Coffee15h45 Self-organized break-out groups17h00 Farewell and adjournment.

Followed by socializing at the Rose Pub

saturday, September 2310h45 Welcome and recap

11h00 Plenary Conversation: Anita Rupprecht in dialogue with Paul Gilbert on “Slavery, Insurance and Alternative Histories of Financialization,” followed by discussion

12h30 Lunch(provided to those registered in advance)

13h30 Facilitated plenary conversation: “Deepening the dialogue between political economy and postcolonial theory”

15h00 Coffee15h15 Facilitated plenary conversation:

“Resisting and overcoming financialization and (neo)colonialism today”

16h30 Closing wordsfollowed by socializing at the New Cross House Pub