tion on disaster prepared- ness. Of these, 85% in- stalled at least 1 fire alarm in their home and 36% indicated they es- tablished a “go kit” in the event of a disaster. Because of you, 49 stu- dents received tutoring or mentoring during the school year. Of these, 82% of the students im- proved academic perfor- mance and 65% were promoted to the next grade level. Because of you, Colum- bus County is a great place to live! W e are excited about the accomplish- ments in 2014! This program year, 364 volunteers reported 79,903 hours of volunteer service! That told us you are com- mitted to volunteer service and supporting our non- profits and public schools. At the recognition event in May, we tried to rein- force the fact that what you do each day makes a tre- mendous difference to those around you. Because of you, 62 economically disadvantaged individuals received handicapped ramps. Due to this addition, the senior citizens and their families were able to safely enter the home. Because of you, 3,166 participants were served at congregate meal sites. Due to this service, 99% of the seniors were able to remain safely in their homes. Because of you, four sites around Lake Waccamaw and two sites along the 16.6 mile stretch of the River in Columbus County were monitored. Because of you, 138 individuals received comprehensive instruc- V OLUNTEERS , THE OF RSVP W HAT S N EW?! We won the national competition to continue to host RSVP in Columbus County! As we mentioned in last year’s annual report, beginning in April 2015, you will see a few exciting changes in RSVP. Our focus for 2015 will be on our children and senior adults. Did you know that just 45 minutes, twice a week, listening to a child practice their reading increased their reading comprehension? Did you know that checking in with a homebound senior citizen, whether with a visit or a phone call, resulted in them living longer and safer in their own home? Did you know that Lake Waccamaw is one of the C OLUMBUS C OUNTY RSVP ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 1, 2014 ~ MARCH 31, 2015 RSVP S TAFF Dr. Melody Prevatte Volunteer Services Director Mrs. Sue Bell Program Assistant Ms. Elizabeth Chase Recruiter INSIDE RSVP ACCOMPLISHMENTS 2 S PECIAL MOMENTS 2 P ARTNERSHIPS 3 VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES 3 TO HELP E XPLAIN ... 4 RSVP MISSION & CONTACT I NFO 4 most unique bodies of water in the world, has species of animals found nowhere else on the planet, rare plants and endangered animals. To keep this treasure healthy, residents need to become involved in protecting this valuable water source and to educate others. We are looking for more volunteers to help in these specific initiatives. Please help. 2015 Recognition Luncheon theme: Volunteers, the Heart of RSVP

COLUMBUS COUNTY RSVP ANNUAL REPORTsccnc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/annual-report15.pdfANNUAL REPORT APRIL 1, 2014 ~ MARCH 31, 2015 RSVP STAFF Dr. Melody Prevatte Volunteer Services

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Page 1: COLUMBUS COUNTY RSVP ANNUAL REPORTsccnc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/annual-report15.pdfANNUAL REPORT APRIL 1, 2014 ~ MARCH 31, 2015 RSVP STAFF Dr. Melody Prevatte Volunteer Services

tion on disaster prepared-

ness. Of these, 85% in-

stalled at least 1 fire

alarm in their home and

36% indicated they es-

tablished a “go kit” in the

event of a disaster.

Because of you, 49 stu-

dents received tutoring or

mentoring during the

school year. Of these,

82% of the students im-

proved academic perfor-

mance and 65% were

promoted to the next

grade level.

Because of you, Colum-

bus County is a great

place to live!

W e are excited about

the accomplish-

ments in 2014!

This program year, 364

volunteers reported 79,903

hours of volunteer service!

That told us you are com-

mitted to volunteer service

and supporting our non-

profits and public schools.

At the recognition event

in May, we tried to rein-

force the fact that what you

do each day makes a tre-

mendous difference to

those around you. Because

of you, 62 economically

disadvantaged individuals

received handicapped

ramps. Due to this addition,

the senior citizens and

their families were able

to safely enter the home.

Because of you, 3,166

participants were served

at congregate meal sites.

Due to this service, 99%

of the seniors were able

to remain safely in their


Because of you, four

sites around Lake

Waccamaw and two

sites along the 16.6 mile

stretch of the River in

Columbus County were


Because of you, 138

individuals received

comprehensive instruc-



We won the national competition to continue to host RSVP in Columbus County! As we mentioned in last year’s annual report, beginning in April 2015, you will see a few exciting changes in RSVP. Our focus for 2015 will be on our children and senior adults.

Did you know that just 45

minutes, twice a week, listening to a child practice their reading increased their reading comprehension?

Did you know that checking in with a homebound senior citizen, whether with a visit or a phone call, resulted in them living longer and safer in their own home?

Did you know that Lake Waccamaw is one of the


ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 1, 2014 ~ MARCH 31, 2015


Dr. Melody Prevatte Volunteer Services


Mrs. Sue Bell Program Assistant

Ms. Elizabeth Chase Recruiter
















most unique bodies of water in the world, has species of animals found nowhere else on the planet, rare plants and endangered animals. To keep this treasure healthy, residents need to become involved in protecting this valuable water source and to educate others.

We are looking for more volunteers to help in these specific initiatives. Please help.

2015 Recognition Luncheon theme: Volunteers, the Heart


Page 2: COLUMBUS COUNTY RSVP ANNUAL REPORTsccnc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/annual-report15.pdfANNUAL REPORT APRIL 1, 2014 ~ MARCH 31, 2015 RSVP STAFF Dr. Melody Prevatte Volunteer Services


Some of these terrific photos of RSVP volunteers were taken by Herb Harp. To see more of his work, go to http://www.herbharpphotography.com

Herb Harp passed away in January and is sincerely missed!

Page 3: COLUMBUS COUNTY RSVP ANNUAL REPORTsccnc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/annual-report15.pdfANNUAL REPORT APRIL 1, 2014 ~ MARCH 31, 2015 RSVP STAFF Dr. Melody Prevatte Volunteer Services



Many of our children are not

succeeding in reading and math.

Data from ncreportcards.org re-

flects our public school children

are not demonstrating adequate

student performance. For grades

3-8, only 32.4% of County

School children, 42.2% of White-

ville City Schools children are

demonstrating success in reading

as compared to 43.9% statewide.

Reading Buddies are needed.

Kindergarten through sixth grade

will be targeted for a reading

buddy. You can serve at school,

in after-school activities, and as

positive role models. Math tutors

are also needed.

Due to the lack of affordable

public transportation, some are

unable to access social services,

medical facilities, congregate

meal sites and food banks. Sen-

iors age 60+ represent 23% of

Columbus Co. population. Pov-

erty rates have climbed to an

alarming 23% (compare to na-

tion’s 14.3% and state’s 16.1%).

The poverty rate in the county

has been above 20% for the last

four consecutive census periods.

Homebound seniors need help with

activities of daily living: compan-

ionship to fight off loneliness and

isolation, understanding Medicare,

safety checks to identify/prevent

elder abuse, home repair, and

transportation assistance. These

activities greatly improve the

chances that a person can remain

living independently in their own


To help citizens better under-

stand local water quality in their

watershed, to establish trends and

to identify pollutants that may be

impacting these local waters, vol-

unteers are needed to assess water

quality conditions and track

changes over time and space. We

have a pressing need for volunteers

to serve at Babson’s Landing and


Columbus Co. residents are woe-

fully unprepared or do not know

how to respond in the event of a

disaster. Volunteer trainers and

training participants are needed

for this life-saving initiative.

APRIL 1 , 2014 ~ MARCH 31 , 2015

Partnerships continue to

be the foundation for

RSVP programs and


In addition to 364

volunteers and 80

volunteer stations, we

have strong relationships

with the following

partners. Please thank

them and support them

throughout the year.


Herb Harp Photography

All of these areas have been

identified through research as

needed and necessary for the

residents of Columbus County.

RSVP will be tracking the en-

hancement of the quality of life

for the senior citizens served,

the children that are tutored,

water quality in and along the

Waccamaw River, and partici-

pation in disaster preparedness

training and activities. To meet

these challenges, we need your

help. You can help by actual

participation in one or more of

these activities and by recruit-

ing friends and family mem-

bers you know would enjoy

this type of service.

The RSVP staff is looking

forward to sharing with you the

positive and measureable im-

pact that you are having with

our citizens and our environ-

ment. Look for these results in

next year’s annual report!

Trinity Baptist Church, Whiteville

Page 4: COLUMBUS COUNTY RSVP ANNUAL REPORTsccnc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/annual-report15.pdfANNUAL REPORT APRIL 1, 2014 ~ MARCH 31, 2015 RSVP STAFF Dr. Melody Prevatte Volunteer Services


Southeastern Community College 4564 Chadbourn Hwy

P.O. Box 151 Whiteville, NC 28472

Phone: (910) 642-7141, ext. 294 Fax: (910) 641-3962

Email: [email protected]

Non-Profit Org. US Postage Paid

Whiteville, NC 28472 Permit No. 53

An equal opportunity/affirmative action institution

375 copies of this public document were printed at a cost of $225.

Columbus County

The Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) provides opportunities for people aged 55 and over to make a difference in their community through volunteer service at non-profit organizations, public agencies, and public schools.

Every minute you volunteer is extremely important. Please continue to fill out and send in your volunteer time sheet each month.

Columbus County RSVP is proud to be sponsored by Southeastern Community College, the Columbus County

Board of Commissioners, and the Corporation for National and Community Service.

...the changes in RSVP that began in April 2015, the RSVP Staff will be hosting a series of lunch and learn sessions. At these sessions, the chang-es will be discussed, why the changes were made, how it was determined to address the community needs that are being addressed, and how you are needed in this process of change and growth.

The lunch and learn series is appro-priate for all RSVP volunteers and our community partners.

Our goal is for this time together to

be informative, encouraging, and an opportunity to ask questions and receive answers.

To make these sessions successful, we will need you to call and reserve lunch. There is no cost to partici-pate.

One session each month will be held at Southeastern Community College during July, August and September .

Interested? Call the RSVP Office and reserve your seat today!

How the RSVP Program is


Volunteer station managers

reported 100 percent of the

RSVP volunteers have the

knowledge, skills, work/life

experiences to perform their

volunteer service.