!' COLIMBUS JOURNAL TROTHER ft STOCKWELL, Put. COLUMBUS NEBRASKA EPITOME OF EVENTS PARAGRAPHS THAT PERTAIN TO MANY SUBJECTS. ARE BRIEF OUT INTERESTING Rtcord of What it Going on In Con grass, in Washington and la tha Political Field. Wasnlngton. John D. Rocket el ler, always popular among the people of Tarn-town- , N. Y.. where he lives, is adding to that popularity this pring by his fondness for taking bis friends and neighbors out driving. Not a pleasant, days goes by without the oil king inviting some of them, men, women and children, to ride with him in automoble or car- riage, and it is safe to say that the in- vitations arc seldom declined, for his vehicles arc the best to be had, and the drives around Tarrytown are beau- tiful. Mr. Rockefeller, before starting for a ride, always dons a paper vest, declaring it a great protection against colds, and he insists that his guests do the same. Alter the ride he refuses to take back the garments, and con- sequently in nearly every home in Tar- rytown may be found a paper vest pre- served as a souvenir of a delightful ride with the multi-millionair- e. Attorney General Wickersham de- clined to send to the senate, in re- sponse to the resolution introduced by Mr. Smith of Carolina, information in connection with his investigation into the alleged pooling in cotton. The state department returned to Governor Shallenberger the extradi- tion papers which he forwarded with the request that the state department take steps to return to Nebraska Thomas F. Shircman who Is ,a fugi- tive from justice in Calgary, Canada, and is wanted in Keith county on a charge of obtaining money under false pretenses. Governor Shallen. berger's request for extradition was forwarded through Senator Brown. The house judiciary committee re- ported favorably a resolution offered by Representative Craig (dem.) Ala- bama, calling on the attorney gen- eral for information concerning the prosecution by the department of Jus- tice of the allccgd "ikjoI" in cotton. The exchange of ratifications of the treaty of January 11, 1909. between the United States and Great Britain, known as the international waterways treaty, was announced by the state department. This treaty was approved by the United States senate on March 3. 1909. A rate readjustment Is being made by all interstate carriers in the ter- ritory bteween the Mississippi river and the Atlantic seaboard. The routes included are the watcr-and-ral- l. as well as the standard and dif- ferential lines. It is understood the Increased rates will become effective about July 1. Generaf. The county treasurer nt Seattle forced the Seattle Electric company to pay up $167,000 of delinquent taxes by seizing 12 of its cars. The sundry civil bill carrying an appropriation of $1 ll.S4it.Ul 1. was re- ported to the house. Carrying an aggregate appropria- tion of ?241.000.000. the postofflce ap- propriation bill was passed by the senate after forty minutes' considera- tion. An imperative edict at Peking sum- mons the national assembly to meet October H and announces the appoint- ment of ninety-si- x members repre-eentin- g rll classes. Commander Robert E. Peary has accepted an invitation to lecture before the Royal Geographical society of Antwerp. Two comranles of militia that have been guarding the Runzen Coal com- pany's mine Xo. 2. nt Westville. HI., were taken to Danville to be held un- der Sheriff Helmick's orders. Eight special deputies are standing guard t the mine. The International & Great Northern railroad is to be so'd under foreclosure to satisfy the claims of the holders of second mortgace bonds, aggregating $12.1G5.545.fi0. The date of the sale will be fixed later. One hundred sociologists, land own- ers and men and women Interested in the back-to-the-far- ra movement, at- tended the first general meeting for the promotion of the national farm homes association at St. I.ouls. A soakint; rain fell over a good part of Nebraska. Insurgent senators, after a confer- ence, declared they will not be swerved from their course. . Regular trips were started on the Missouri river by a cargo steamer. In less than fifteen minutes time the senate considered and passed the pension appropriation bill earning about $155,000,000. Near!y two hundred miners are be- lieved to have been killed by an ex- plosion in an Alabama mine. Many Iowa manufacturing plants will close within a few days unless the mines resume work soon. Five Hunred people are reported killed and a town in Nicaragua de- stroyed by an earthquake. Crop damace rerorts from all parts of the country gave wheat at Chi- cago a net advance. Roosevelt delivered his Noble prize address at Christinia. The sundry civil appropriation bill will contain an item of $.".n.roo to en- able the department of justice to con- tinue the investigation and prosecu- tion of susrar customs frauds. W. K. Vanderbilt's Barbarosa won at Pari? tVe Tr'x des Cavaliers. ?r00 for three-year-old- s. The hnnso committee on expendi- tures in the irearury department has rororc1 aim'nst in investigation in the dedication of Ifll.nrO in the sub-trea"'- -v at St. IiOute and the shortage of SS.rn in the customs office there. The New York Stock exchange will be closed for two hours on Friday, May 20, during the funeral of Kins Edward. Montreal exporters fear a grain fam- ine at that port, owing to the refusal of Manitoba grain men to market last year's crop for less than 99 cents. Advices received at Guayaquil state that the Peruvian government has sta- tioned 100,000 men along the frontier to resist invasion. Millers' reports of the abandonment of wheat fields makes wheat at Chi cago turn sharply upward. King Edward VII died at Bucking- ham Palace, London, after an Illness of about one week, with pneumonia or complicated throat trouble. All Eng- land mourns for the beloved ruler, and from all over the British empire and other countries condolences poured in. Edward is succeeded by his second oldest son, the Prince of Wale3. The French minister of marines has ordered that all ships of the French navy carry their flags at half mast until after the funeral of Kins Edward. The department of justice at Wash- ington has begun its crusade against the bucketshops of the country. It would be criminal to sacrlBco the Indiviluality of tne independent party with a close alliance with either democrats or republicans, in the opir'-'- n of W. R. Hearst. Mujc Berbohm. the writer and critic, and Miss Florence Kahn, an Ameri- can actress, whose home is in Mem phis. Tenn., were married in London. The sundry civil appropriation bill will contain an item of $50,000 to en- able the department of justice to con- tinue the investigation and prosecu- tion of sugar customs frauds. The king's bench in London con- firmed the lower court's order for ex- tradition of Frank Matusio. wanted for alleged forgery in St Louis. Approximately C.000 trainmen and conductors employed on the lines of the New York Central cast of Boston will receive wage increases averaging 30 rer cent. The demand of the administration for two new battleships will be grant- ed, the senate committee on naval affairs having practically decided to accept the provision of the house bill on this subject. The federal government will con- struct a wireless station at Omaha. The house passed a bill providing that Indian lands near Falls City in Richardson count. Neb., be Included In the Nemaha river drainage im- provement now being made. After twelve years the ill-fat- bat- tleship Maine is to be removed from Havana harbor and the bodies which went down with the vessel and will he interred in the national cemetery at Arlington. The Minnesota democratic state convention will be held in Minne- apolis July 23. The National Conservation congress will not be held in St. Louis In August. J. B. White, chairman of the executive committee of the congress. has announced that Theodore Roose- velt will address the congress. A Nirnraugua citizen has written the American consul that cruelties are being practiced in Nicaragua. Mayor McCarthy is trying to show that San Francisco is the proper place for a Panama exposition. There is a disposition of the house committee to hold back the postal sav- ings bank bill. The tomb of Edward VII will be be nenth the memorial chapel at Wind- sor. Nearly a thousand bodies have been taken from the earthquake ruins at Cartago. Costa Rica. Fifteen people were killed and fifty injured by an explosion near the town of Hull. Quebec. The senate judiciary committee has reported favorab! a bill to aid the states bordering on Lake Michigan to break up gambling on specially chart- ered boats along the coast Personal. George V was publicly proclaimed King of Great Britain. Former State Printer Mark Slater was sentenced to four years in the Ohio penitentiary. Mr. Roosevelt may be designated a special ambassador to attend the fu- neral of King Edward. A warrant was issued for the ar- rest of Joseph G. Armstrong, director of the department of public works In the city of Pittsburg, charging him with forgery, perjury and false pre- tenses. Signor Marconi has completed the reconstruction of the wireless station 3t Glace bay and is now enroute to Montreal. Orville Wright has denied that he or his brother will attempt an aero- plane flight from Dayton to Chicago. Governor James O. Dav'dson ol Wisconsin, It is authoritatively an- nounced, will not be a candidate for renomination as governor or for any other office. President Taft has sent to the sen- ate the nomination of William H. Davis to be postmaster at Pittsburg, Pa. Gompers says he is not trying to form a new party, but wants farmers to be non-partisa- n. ' Turning Hawk, an Omaha Indian, saw the comet seventy-liv- e years ago when he was a young man. Thirty-tw- o awards of medals for acts of heroism were made by the Carnegie hero fund commission at its spring meeting. Secretary Wilson promised Senator Burkett he would loo kinto the hog cholera situation in Nebraska. I Senators Cummins and Dolliver were in Iowa to Kpen the campaign of progressive republicans. It is not likely that congress will adjourn before July. The late kin:; of England was one of the best beloved monarchs ol Europe. Right Rev. John B, MacGinley ol Philadelphia was consecrated bishop of Nueva Cacere. Philippine Islands. I Dr. B. C. Hyde and his wife were star witnesses for the defense in the Kansas City murder trial. President Taft conferred with sen- ate leaders on the status of the ad- ministration railroad bill. Roosevelt was welcomed by the king and queen upon bis arrival In Christiania. HEARING ROOSEVELT HIS ADDRESS IN BERLIN ON 'THE WORLD MOVEMENT." PROMINENT PEOPLE PRESENT Occupies Three Hours With Address and is Attentively Listened to. Berlin. Though suffering from an Irritation of the thropt which made his appearance before the University of Berlin a matter of doubt almost up to the last moment, former President Roosevelt on Thursday delivered his address on "The World Movement" and won for himself the plaudits ot the distinguished assembly that bad gathered to hear him, which had among its members the emperor and empress. Princess Victoria Louise, Prince and Princess Eitel Frederick and other members of the royal family. Mr. Roosevelt took occasion more than once to pay tribute to the emperor and he was warm in h!3 praise of German Institutions, mili tary and educational, and of the Ger- man people. That the former presi- dent's address pleased bis majesty was evidenced by the fact that the emperor sought the lecturer and ro mained for several minutes in animat- ed conversation with him. Colonel Roosevelt was the guest ot honor in the evening at the imperial chancellor's dinner and the reception which followed it. The ceremony of conferring the degree was staged and conducted with impressive simplicity. There were no flags or emblems of royalty and the government and the walls of the Aula were bare, save for the rows of busts of Germany's famous scholars and scientists. The only touch of color was iur-nishe- d by the senators of the uni- versity with their robes of scarlet and blue and the five heads of the stu- dent corps, who' wore blue jackets, white breeches, jack boots and parti- colored sashes. Four hundred guests of the uni- versity, who held cards of admission, were seated, when Emperor William, accompanied by Mr. Roosevelt, en- tered from a side door of the hall. As they appeared the university choir chanted "Hell Dir Im Siegerkranz." (Hail to Thee in the Conqueror's Wreath.) The two were followed by Empress Auguste Victoria, Princess Eitel Frederick, Prince and Princess August Wilhelm. Pirnce Adelbert. Mrs. Roosevelt, Miss Rooseelt and Kermit Roosevelt. The party took seats which had been reserved for them on the platform. Surrounding them were seated American Ambassador Hill and Mrs. Hill, the other ambassadors and their wives; Henry White, formerly Amer- ican ambassador to France, and Mrs. White; Seth Low and Mrs. Low, American Consul General Thackers, SL John Gaffney. American consul general at Dresden; Imperial Chanc- ellor Von Bethmann-Hollwe- g. Foreign Minister Von Schoen and the mem- bers of the cabinet. On either side of this block of chairs were the sen- ators of the university. Mr. Roosevelt occupied a chair during the reading of his address and at his side stood the heads of the student corps with drawn swords. This striking guard of honor re- mained standing and almost Immov- able for the three hours of the lecture and ceremony. BANKER HEINZE GOES FREE. Acquitted of Misapplying Funds of the Bank. New York. Frederick Augustus Heinze was acquitted of charges of misapplying the funds of the Mercan- tile National bank while he was presi- dent of the institution in 1907. and he was cleared of the charge of over-certifyi- the checks of his brother's firm. Otto Heinze & Co. A jury in the criminal branch of the United States circuit coqrt. aficr a trial lasting nearly three weeks, found him not guilty, and he was discharged. Mr. Bryan Going Abroad. Lincoln. Neb. W. J. Bryan will leave Nebraska Tuesday night for New York, when be will sail for Eng- land. He is a delegate to the big con- tention of the Presbyterian church which meets at Edinburgh June 15. Record Price for Cattle. Omaha. The highest price ever paid for a load of cattle on the South Omaha market was $2,3GS.50, which transaction took place Wednesday. These cattle were sold by Ralston & Fonda to the Cudahy Packing com-pan-y for Sc rer pound. NEW KING BUSY. From a Life of Case to Hard Worked Official. London. From a life of compara tive case and retirement King George suddenly finds himself one of the hardest worked officials of the kine-do- In addition to spending consid-- 1 erable time daily at Buckingham pal- ace, comforting his widowed mother. he has to attend to multifarious du-- i ties connected with receiving and en- tertaining th royal guests and ar ranging the difficult details of the lying- -in-state and the funeral. Roosevelt's Visit to London. London. Mr. Roosevelt will be pre- sented to King Georce soon after his arrival in London next Monday, ar- rangements to this end having been made at the wish of his majesty, who expressed the desire, through Ameri- can Ambassador Reid. to set the for- mer prcsi lent at the earliest oppor- tunity. The king personally extended, throueh the ambassador, his thanks to President Taft and the government and the people of the United States for their many tokens of condolence and sympathy. THE LATE KING EDWARD VII. fc&WnKSHKmKB& Kar'SBUBrJsHS9BBiBHa3BBHRlBBV Wj Ci2SflBv SssssssB&S?IHBBB939BsssBsssBlSSBiBflBBSSSK .SB BBSSr- - ;.4BaaT.aB3BBBBB7.'9BBSlSaBBaKlBBBK.B TSaV MM T1IT flaassssssaaWiW MBMMBISM T7W Iggk PaaassssssssrViflFiPllB1 lFwFm lWBBKWtiffiB&mMm&aB jBB&&BBBW3BfMM$&&&3 ?&'JimmBwP . ,&' n m m m mmm MMM .-- .. CAREER OF EDWARD VII., KING OF GREAT BRITAIN England's dead king. Edward VII.. whose full title was "king of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and or all the British domin- ions beyond the seas, emperor of In- dia," was the eldest son and the sec- ond child of Queen Victoria and A- lbert, the prince consort. He was born November 1. 1841, in Buckingham pal- ace and was christened Albert Ed- ward. At his birth he was created prince of Wales and by virtue of that dig- nity he became also knight of the gar- ter. As nelr apparent to the British throne be succeeded to the title of duke of Cornwall and Its emoluments, and as heir to the crown of Scotland he became great steward of Scotland, duke of Rothesay, earl of Carrlck, baron of Renfrew and lord of the Isles. Cn September 10. 1849, he was created earl of Dublin, this title being con- ferred on him and bis heirs in per- petuity. Among the other titles and commands held by Edward were duke of Saxony, colonel of the Tenih bus-Bar- s, colonel-in-chie- f of the Rifle bri- gade, field marshal of the British army and field marshal of the Ger- man army. The prince received a most elabo- rate, broad and carefully planned edu- cation. At first he was under the charge of four private tutors, and sub- sequently his education was directed by Baron Stockmar and Charles Kingslcy. In order to give him a taste of college life, he was sent for one session to the University of Ed- inburgh, for one year to Oxford and for four terms to Cambridge. During these years he acquired a wide gen- eral knowledge of the arts and sci- ences and became quite proficient In modern languages. In 1860 the prince made a tour of the United States and Canada and the next year he joined the British army at Curragh camp, Ireland. In 1SC2 he set out on his travels again. this time visiting Jersualem and oth- er places of biblical Interest His companion on the trip was Dean Stan-Ic- y of Westminster. Edward's public life began In Feb- ruary. 1S63. when, as heir to the throne, he took his 6eat in the bouse of lords. On March 10 of the same year be married Princess Alexandra Caroline Mary Charlotte Louise Julia, the eldest daughter of King Christian IX. of Denmark. Her beauty, grace and charming manners at once gave her a popularity In Great Britain that has continued unlessencd throughout her life as princess and queen. In 1S75-7-C the prince made an extended tour tnrough the Indian empire and was received everywhere with lavish and magnificent hospitality, the native rulers seeking to outdo one another In the gorgeousness of the entertain- ments provided for the emperor On the death of Queen Victoria. January 22. 1901. Edward succeeded to the throne. The coronation was set for June 26. 1902. and all preparations for the magnificent event bad been Absolute Rest. "Clyde Fitch was an indefatigable worker." said an actor who has played In many of the Fitch comedies. "When he had a play on the stocks he would labor over It day and night, often scarcely pausing for his meals, and getting very little sleep. Conse- quently his health suffered. He would work until on the verge or a nervous breakdown, and then bis phy- sician would step in and force him to knock off. "During one of these periods of en- forced idleness he was lounging in the Players club one day when Harry B. Smith, the prolific comic opera libret- tist, strolled in. "What are you doing now? asked Smith. "'I'm In ray doctor's nanus.' replied Fitch. 'He tells me I'm In a bad way. and has absolutely forbidden me to uu any brain work.' 'That's tough." said Smith. 'How do you manage to put in the time?' 'Oh. I'm writing the libretto of a musical comedy. replied Fitcb with oue of his cynical smiles." completed when disquieting rumors of the king's 111 health, which had been current for several days, were con- firmed by the postponement of the ceremony. It was announced that the king was suffering from perityphlitis, and on June 24 he underwent an After some weeks of the greatest anxiety, he recovered, and the coronation took plar August 9. During the long years of his prince-hoo- d Edward's public duties consisted solely In the office of representing the royal family at all manner of public J events, and he performed these du ties welL But the deadly monotony of such a life was too much for the vigorous man. and he found relaxa- tion In amusements that frequently gave rise to scandals and that gave the world a wrong impression of his real character. He was esneclallv fond of the theater and among his ooon companions tor years were ac- tresses and actors. Also he devel- oped a great liking for Paris and often visited that gay capital Incognito. The Riviera and Biarritz likewise were familiar with the face of the prince of Wales. But all this, as has been -- aId. was only bis relaxation, and after coming to the throne bis conduct always was so circumspect that not the most cap- tious critic could find any fault with it. As a diplomat Edward was unex- - JSSSLS: ?LP I His was to the side of International peace where compatible with national honor, and his advice and example had a steady- ing effect on all Europe. He looked with amused tolerance on the va- garies and extravagances of his neph ew, the emperor of Germany, but oc- casionally that ruler exasperated him to such an extent that he could not refrain from giving him soma stern advice. Such admonition was not re- ceived by William in a submissive spirit, and once In a while there were sensational rumors that the peaceful relations between the two countries were about to be ruptured. The development of the king's char- acter In his Inter years was espe- cially gratifying to the nation In ad dition to the love of his people, which r he had always had. he gained their admiration and respect. They had the utmost confidence in his good judg- - ment. as was amply exemp'ified dur- ing the late crisis over the budget, i and they were always sure he would do the right thing at the right time. To Edward and Alexandra were born six children. The first Prince Albert, duke of Clarence, died in 1832. I aged twenty-eigh- t years. The second. George Frederick Ernest Albert, born on June 3. 1S65. succeeds to the throne. The other children are: t Princess Louisa Victoria, married to the duke of Fife; Princess Victoria Alexandra: Princess Maude Charlotte, married to Prince Charles of Den- mark, and Prince Alexander Jonn. who died the day after his birth in 1S71. They All Serve. George C. Boldt. the well-know- n bo tel nian. was talking in Philadelphia about the hotels of Switzerland "They are good." said Mr. BoldL "At the price they are remarkably good. The Swiss are a nation of hotel keep- ers. "The Alps, you know, draw all the world to Switzerland, and the Switzer who want to become a millionaire ! goes into the hotel business as an f American would go into steel or sugar. He begins at the bottom; be is a v.aiter. "It is said that once In Berne, at a historic public meeting, all tut lead- ing men ot Switzerland were gathered I together. A vote had been taktn. and the intense silence preceding the epoch-makin- g verdict ot the tellers a wag shouted. 'Waiter! "Instantly the whole assembly rose as one man and answered. 'Yea. sir.' " Comparative Anatomy. You ma' be better than others, but that doesn't mean to say you are worth much. NEBBASKA IN BRIEF Religious, Social, Agricultural, Petit kal and Other Matters Given Due Consideration. ALL SUBJECTS TOUCHED UPON NEWS NOTES OF INTEREST FROM VARIOUS SECTIONS. Elks of North Platte will put up three-stor- y building. Democrats of Buffalo county wlU noid a banquet June 9th. Albion bad four fires in one week and two In the nearby county. Robert Bethel of Pawnee county, was killed by his horse falling upon him. All arrangements have been com- pleted for the establishment of an Elks' lodge In Fairbury. The contract has been let for a new opera house in Giltner. The old one was burned down last winter. The Aurora banker. A. G. Peterson, and bis wife and daughter, are about to start on a trip around the world. Kearney will hold a special election to vote on the question of $125,009 bonds for purchasing the water works. Ed Roberts, who has been traevl-In- g over Otoe county, reports potato bugs as being more numerous than for years. Gillman is dry so far. saloonkeep- ers beingers being unable to secure the requisite number of signatures to their petitions. The north-boun- d freight on the Omaha road was wrecked near Teka-ma- h and six cars of fruit and rock salt were thrown into the ditch. Jack Oackes and C. H. Johnson were sentenced to thirty days in the Dodge county Jail on conviction of the charge of stealing two bicycles. Jacob Weiss, of York county, charged with attempting to murder Frau Zook. whom he brought from Germany, promising marriage, which he refused, was bound over to dis- -' trlct court. The state convention of the wom- an's Foreign Missionary society was in session in Sutton. Missionaries from China. Japan and India gave daily lectures on their work and con- ditions in foreign fields. Judge Grimes of North Platte held a special term of district court at Bridgeport to receive the plea and Sentence George Hunt, charged with horse stealing. The accused pleaded guilty and was sentenced to the peni- tentiary for one year. A petition was circulated at Stella and funds raised by popular subscrip- tion to send to a hospital the little girl that was injured in the gas tank explosion of the moving picture show. A sentence of five years Impose upon Regnar Aabcl of Harlan county is reduced by the supreme court to two years. Aabel was convicted of grand larceny, being charged with stealing $500 worth of property in the store where he was employed as a clerk. The Tccuraseh school board Is still without two teachers for next year. ' Great difficulty has been experienced this year in the securing of a full corps, the pedagogues seeming to be scarce. Upon the complaint of W. T. Kill . -a- rshall of Brady. John Wat kins of that village has been lodged in Jail upon a charge of being a dipso- maniac. Plans ahve been perfected by the merchants of Kearney for a 200-mil- e trade excursion bv automobile train i early in June. About forty Kearney . automobiles will make the trip, car- rying about 100 business men, a brass band, a male quartet, plenty of ban- ners, 1 souvenirs, advertising matter and other matter to delight the tour-- l ists and their friends, and several ma- chinists to look after the cars. A deal was consummated which will mean the IocaC'on of another electric light plant in Beatrice. Messrs. Marris Freshman and H. A. Wheler of that city have been grant- ed a site on the Blue river five miles southeast of Beatrice where a con- crete dam wl'l be built to use the water for power. It The Nebraska railway commission has given the Bell Telephone com- pany permission to lower its rates in Kearney 20 to 30 per cent, to meet competition from the Independent "A !co"lra,V:.. ine rtoiarege commercial ciud nas sent invitations to the members of the state railway commission and to its secretary, to be present at a func-- I tlon to be given on the evening of May 20. Invitations have also been issued to General Manager Holdrege, Solicitor Kclby. Attorney Dilworth, Vice President Byram and Superin- tendent Ko'er of the McCbok di- vision. Ed Burke, a resident of Wymore. who escaped from the asylum at Lin- coln the latter part of January, was taken into custody at Wymore. Burke j was sent to the asylum for inebriacy and no attempt was made to again ' take him In charge until it was as- -' certained that he had gone back to his old habits. Custer county democrats are plan-- , ning a grand rally and love feast for J June C. thus passing on the feature ' of the fall campaign that has become a habit already. Governor Shallen- - j berger and other prominent demo- - J crats have been invited. j A. W. Buffum of Tecumseh recently wrote to John Wilson of Houston. I Tex., said to be the rightful heir to the estate of the late Judge and Mrs John Wilson of Tecumseh. and ad- - vised him in case he could prove his I rights to come on and claim them, j He renlics that he can prove his ' rights but will not come after the money. The Schoolmasters' club. In session at Lincoln, e'ected the following of- ficers: President. A. H. Waterhouse Fremont; secretary-treasure- r, Geergc L. Towne. Lincoln. Chancellor Averj 'a the retiring president CHURCHMAN'S STOMACH WEAK Laalav Suffered Twelv Y Fram It How He Cenur4 It; Ym AIm Cam Free. Threat ii aa aa wceweat that he saw to his local paper the Re. J. D-- Lapley f Avoadate 8tatloa. BlrmiBghaat. Ala., learned that he could obtain a free trial bottle of a remedy for the cure of ladl-geatlo- B. and as be wmm Interested, be-- kiiih ha anfforMi BTlBBL.BSv that way. he wrote for It. The reme- dy was Dr. Cald- well's Syrup Pep-et- a. Mr. Lapler. who te a mlaiater of the Methodist Epis- copal Church, and a member of the Cen- tral Alabama Con- ference, took the free bottle with the tery apeedily cured. Mn-- A1 Northruf You or any other sufferer from coastl- -. eattoa. Indirection and dyspepsia, stele headache and such digestive troubles caa have a free trial bottle sent to your home prepaid by forwarding your name and address. It Is the gentiest. mildest, beat tastlnc. most effective laxative tonte you ever tried. Druggists will sell you the reeutar bottles ut 50 cents or ft. and re- sults are guaranteed. A picture of Mrs. Northrup. of Qu'ncy. I1L. a cured pitlent. ta presented herewith. If there Is any- thing about Toirr case that you don't un- derstand wr't tb doctor and he will nd-v- ls you. Tbe addr Is Dr. TV. B. CiM-we- ll. 201 Caldwell Bldg.. Montlcello. HI. A girl Isn't neecssarily a jewel be- cause she Is set In her ways. Many who wed to smoke 1(V cigar sow bay Lewis' Single Binder straight 0c Poor Indeed. Ella My face Is my fortune. Stella You destitute thing! The Usual Thing. Mrs. Rangles I am always outspo- - ken. Mr. Rangles And I am generally outtalked. Smart Set Neither. English Walter Which side of the table do you wish to sit on. sir? American Guest I prefer to sit oa a chair. Judge. CUT THIS OUT And mail to the A. II. Lewis Medicine Co. fit. Louts. Mo., and they will scail you free a 10 day treatment of XATUUE'S REME- DY INR tablets) Guaranteed for Rheu- matism. Constipation. Sick Headache, Liv- er. Kidney and Blood Diseases. Sold by all Druggists. Better than Pi!l3 for Liver Ula, It's free to you. Write today. Drain on Country's Resources. In 1908. the foreign-bor- n popula- tion of 13.6 per cent, furnished 15.6 per cent, of the criminals, 20.8 per cent, of the paupers, and 29.5 per cent, of the insane. Between 1904 and 1908. the aliens In these institutions increased 34 per cent. Tit for Tat. Stranger (to prominent clergyman) I came In here. sir. to criticise your church management and tell you how it ought to be rua. Prominent Clergyman (amazed) What do you mean, sir? How dare you? Who are you. anyway? 1 am the humble editor of the pa- per you have been writing to " Life. Something to Crow About. The Gander Suffering cats! What sort of noise-ger- has got into that ridiculous rooster lately? His darn crowing has developed Into a continu- ous performance. The Drake Why, he Imagines he's In the public eye since the production of Rostand's "Cbantecler." A Boomerang. One of the officials of the Midland railway, coming from Glenwood Springs the other day. was telling a young woman on the train how won- derfully productive Colorado's Irri- gated ground is. "Really." he explained. "It's so rich that girls who walk on it have big feet It just simply makes their feet grow." "Huh." was the young woman's re-- ( Joinder, "some of the Colorado men must have been going around walk ing on their heads." Denver Post. Knew Her Latin. spelled the young- ster on the rear seat as the "rubber- neck" wagon was passing the Twenty-secon- d Regiment armory, at Broadway and Sixty-eight- h street. "What does that mean, auntie?" "I didn't quite catch what the guide said." replied the old lady. "Oh, Mr. Guide, won't you kindly tell us what says on that building?" "Def-en-dum- roared the guide through bis megaphone, dividing the word Into three sections. "That's what It Is." said the old lady. deaf and dumb asylum." Children Especially Like The sweet, . toastie' flavour of Post Toasties Crisp, fluffy bits of per- fectly ripe white 00017-cook- ed, rolled and then toasted to an appetizing brown. Served with cream and sometimes fruit, this dainty food pleases the whole family. Give the home-folk- s a treat. "The Memory Lingers" rackages Its and 15c K)STUM tCREAL COMPANY. LuL. Battle Creek. Mich.

Columbus journal (Columbus, Neb.). (Columbus, NE) 1910-05 ...€¦ · by Representative Craig (dem.) Ala-bama, calling on the attorney gen-eral for information concerning the

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Page 1: Columbus journal (Columbus, Neb.). (Columbus, NE) 1910-05 ...€¦ · by Representative Craig (dem.) Ala-bama, calling on the attorney gen-eral for information concerning the







Rtcord of What it Going on In Con

grass, in Washington and latha Political Field.

Wasnlngton.John D. Rocket el ler, always popular

among the people of Tarn-town-, N.

Y.. where he lives, is adding to thatpopularity this pring by his fondnessfor taking bis friends and neighborsout driving. Not a pleasant, days goesby without the oil king inviting someof them, men, women and children,to ride with him in automoble or car-riage, and it is safe to say that the in-

vitations arc seldom declined, for hisvehicles arc the best to be had, andthe drives around Tarrytown are beau-tiful. Mr. Rockefeller, before startingfor a ride, always dons a paper vest,declaring it a great protection againstcolds, and he insists that his guests dothe same. Alter the ride he refusesto take back the garments, and con-sequently in nearly every home in Tar-rytown may be found a paper vest pre-

served as a souvenir of a delightfulride with the multi-millionair- e.

Attorney General Wickersham de-

clined to send to the senate, in re-

sponse to the resolution introducedby Mr. Smith of Carolina, informationin connection with his investigationinto the alleged pooling in cotton.

The state department returned toGovernor Shallenberger the extradi-tion papers which he forwarded withthe request that the state departmenttake steps to return to NebraskaThomas F. Shircman who Is ,a fugi-

tive from justice in Calgary, Canada,and is wanted in Keith county on acharge of obtaining money underfalse pretenses. Governor Shallen.berger's request for extradition wasforwarded through Senator Brown.

The house judiciary committee re-

ported favorably a resolution offeredby Representative Craig (dem.) Ala-

bama, calling on the attorney gen-eral for information concerning theprosecution by the department of Jus-

tice of the allccgd "ikjoI" in cotton.The exchange of ratifications of the

treaty of January 11, 1909. betweenthe United States and Great Britain,known as the international waterwaystreaty, was announced by the statedepartment. This treaty was approvedby the United States senate on March3. 1909.

A rate readjustment Is being madeby all interstate carriers in the ter-ritory bteween the Mississippi riverand the Atlantic seaboard. Theroutes included are the watcr-and-ral- l.

as well as the standard and dif-ferential lines. It is understood theIncreased rates will become effectiveabout July 1.

Generaf.The county treasurer nt Seattle

forced the Seattle Electric companyto pay up $167,000 of delinquent taxesby seizing 12 of its cars.

The sundry civil bill carrying anappropriation of $1 ll.S4it.Ul 1. was re-

ported to the house.Carrying an aggregate appropria-

tion of ?241.000.000. the postofflce ap-

propriation bill was passed by thesenate after forty minutes' considera-tion.

An imperative edict at Peking sum-mons the national assembly to meetOctober H and announces the appoint-ment of ninety-si- x members repre-eentin- g

rll classes.Commander Robert E. Peary has

accepted an invitation to lecturebefore the Royal Geographical societyof Antwerp.

Two comranles of militia that havebeen guarding the Runzen Coal com-pany's mine Xo. 2. nt Westville. HI.,were taken to Danville to be held un-

der Sheriff Helmick's orders. Eightspecial deputies are standing guard

t the mine.The International & Great Northern

railroad is to be so'd under foreclosureto satisfy the claims of the holdersof second mortgace bonds, aggregating$12.1G5.545.fi0. The date of the salewill be fixed later.

One hundred sociologists, land own-ers and men and women Interested inthe back-to-the-far- ra movement, at-tended the first general meeting forthe promotion of the national farmhomes association at St. I.ouls.

A soakint; rain fell over a goodpart of Nebraska.

Insurgent senators, after a confer-ence, declared they will not beswerved from their course.. Regular trips were started on theMissouri river by a cargo steamer.

In less than fifteen minutes timethe senate considered and passed thepension appropriation bill earningabout $155,000,000.

Near!y two hundred miners are be-lieved to have been killed by an ex-plosion in an Alabama mine.

Many Iowa manufacturing plantswill close within a few days unlessthe mines resume work soon.

Five Hunred people are reportedkilled and a town in Nicaragua de-stroyed by an earthquake.

Crop damace rerorts from all partsof the country gave wheat at Chi-cago a net advance.

Roosevelt delivered his Noble prizeaddress at Christinia.

The sundry civil appropriation billwill contain an item of $.".n.roo to en-

able the department of justice to con-

tinue the investigation and prosecu-tion of susrar customs frauds.

W. K. Vanderbilt's Barbarosa wonat Pari? tVe Tr'x des Cavaliers. ?r00for three-year-old- s.

The hnnso committee on expendi-tures in the irearury department hasrororc1 aim'nst in investigation inthe dedication of Ifll.nrO in the sub-trea"'- -v

at St. IiOute and the shortageof SS.rn in the customs office there.

The New York Stock exchange willbe closed for two hours on Friday,May 20, during the funeral of KinsEdward.

Montreal exporters fear a grain fam-ine at that port, owing to the refusalof Manitoba grain men to market lastyear's crop for less than 99 cents.

Advices received at Guayaquil statethat the Peruvian government has sta-tioned 100,000 men along the frontierto resist invasion.

Millers' reports of the abandonmentof wheat fields makes wheat at Chicago turn sharply upward.

King Edward VII died at Bucking-ham Palace, London, after an Illnessof about one week, with pneumonia orcomplicated throat trouble. All Eng-land mourns for the beloved ruler,and from all over the British empireand other countries condolencespoured in. Edward is succeeded byhis second oldest son, the Prince ofWale3.

The French minister of marineshas ordered that all ships of theFrench navy carry their flags at halfmast until after the funeral of KinsEdward.

The department of justice at Wash-ington has begun its crusade againstthe bucketshops of the country.

It would be criminal to sacrlBcothe Indiviluality of tne independentparty with a close alliance with eitherdemocrats or republicans, in theopir'-'- n of W. R. Hearst.

Mujc Berbohm. the writer and critic,and Miss Florence Kahn, an Ameri-can actress, whose home is in Memphis. Tenn., were married in London.

The sundry civil appropriation billwill contain an item of $50,000 to en-

able the department of justice to con-tinue the investigation and prosecu-tion of sugar customs frauds.

The king's bench in London con-firmed the lower court's order for ex-

tradition of Frank Matusio. wantedfor alleged forgery in St Louis.

Approximately C.000 trainmen andconductors employed on the lines ofthe New York Central cast of Bostonwill receive wage increases averaging30 rer cent.

The demand of the administrationfor two new battleships will be grant-ed, the senate committee on navalaffairs having practically decided toaccept the provision of the house billon this subject.

The federal government will con-struct a wireless station at Omaha.

The house passed a bill providingthat Indian lands near Falls City inRichardson count. Neb., be IncludedIn the Nemaha river drainage im-

provement now being made.After twelve years the ill-fat- bat-

tleship Maine is to be removed fromHavana harbor and the bodies whichwent down with the vessel and willhe interred in the national cemeteryat Arlington.

The Minnesota democratic stateconvention will be held in Minne-apolis July 23.

The National Conservation congresswill not be held in St. Louis InAugust. J. B. White, chairman of theexecutive committee of the congress.has announced that Theodore Roose-velt will address the congress.

A Nirnraugua citizen has writtenthe American consul that crueltiesare being practiced in Nicaragua.

Mayor McCarthy is trying to showthat San Francisco is the proper placefor a Panama exposition.

There is a disposition of the housecommittee to hold back the postal sav-ings bank bill.

The tomb of Edward VII will be benenth the memorial chapel at Wind-sor.

Nearly a thousand bodies have beentaken from the earthquake ruins atCartago. Costa Rica.

Fifteen people were killed and fiftyinjured by an explosion near the townof Hull. Quebec.

The senate judiciary committee hasreported favorab! a bill to aid thestates bordering on Lake Michigan tobreak up gambling on specially chart-ered boats along the coast

Personal.George V was publicly proclaimed

King of Great Britain.Former State Printer Mark Slater

was sentenced to four years in theOhio penitentiary.

Mr. Roosevelt may be designated aspecial ambassador to attend the fu-

neral of King Edward.A warrant was issued for the ar-

rest of Joseph G. Armstrong, directorof the department of public works Inthe city of Pittsburg, charging himwith forgery, perjury and false pre-tenses.

Signor Marconi has completed thereconstruction of the wireless station3t Glace bay and is now enroute toMontreal.

Orville Wright has denied that heor his brother will attempt an aero-plane flight from Dayton to Chicago.

Governor James O. Dav'dson olWisconsin, It is authoritatively an-nounced, will not be a candidate forrenomination as governor or for anyother office.

President Taft has sent to the sen-ate the nomination of William H.Davis to be postmaster at Pittsburg,Pa.

Gompers says he is not trying toform a new party, but wants farmersto be non-partisa- n.


Turning Hawk, an Omaha Indian,saw the comet seventy-liv- e years agowhen he was a young man.

Thirty-tw- o awards of medals foracts of heroism were made by theCarnegie hero fund commission at itsspring meeting.

Secretary Wilson promised SenatorBurkett he would loo kinto the hogcholera situation in Nebraska. I

Senators Cummins and Dolliverwere in Iowa to Kpen the campaign ofprogressive republicans.

It is not likely that congress willadjourn before July.

The late kin:; of England wasone of the best beloved monarchs olEurope.

Right Rev. John B, MacGinley olPhiladelphia was consecrated bishopof Nueva Cacere. Philippine Islands.


Dr. B. C. Hyde and his wife werestar witnesses for the defense in theKansas City murder trial.

President Taft conferred with sen-ate leaders on the status of the ad-ministration railroad bill.

Roosevelt was welcomed by theking and queen upon bis arrival InChristiania.




Occupies Three HoursWith Address and is Attentively

Listened to.

Berlin. Though suffering from anIrritation of the thropt which madehis appearance before the Universityof Berlin a matter of doubt almost upto the last moment, former PresidentRoosevelt on Thursday delivered hisaddress on "The World Movement"and won for himself the plaudits otthe distinguished assembly that badgathered to hear him, which hadamong its members the emperor andempress. Princess Victoria Louise,Prince and Princess Eitel Frederickand other members of the royalfamily. Mr. Roosevelt took occasionmore than once to pay tribute to theemperor and he was warm in h!3praise of German Institutions, military and educational, and of the Ger-

man people. That the former presi-dent's address pleased bis majestywas evidenced by the fact that theemperor sought the lecturer and romained for several minutes in animat-ed conversation with him.

Colonel Roosevelt was the guest othonor in the evening at the imperialchancellor's dinner and the receptionwhich followed it.

The ceremony of conferring thedegree was staged and conductedwith impressive simplicity. Therewere no flags or emblems of royaltyand the government and the wallsof the Aula were bare, save for therows of busts of Germany's famousscholars and scientists.

The only touch of color was iur-nishe- d

by the senators of the uni-versity with their robes of scarlet andblue and the five heads of the stu-

dent corps, who' wore blue jackets,white breeches, jack boots and parti-colored sashes.

Four hundred guests of the uni-versity, who held cards of admission,were seated, when Emperor William,accompanied by Mr. Roosevelt, en-

tered from a side door of the hall.As they appeared the university choirchanted "Hell Dir Im Siegerkranz."(Hail to Thee in the Conqueror'sWreath.)

The two were followed by EmpressAuguste Victoria, Princess EitelFrederick, Prince and PrincessAugust Wilhelm. Pirnce Adelbert.Mrs. Roosevelt, Miss Rooseelt andKermit Roosevelt. The party tookseats which had been reserved forthem on the platform.

Surrounding them were seatedAmerican Ambassador Hill and Mrs.Hill, the other ambassadors and theirwives; Henry White, formerly Amer-ican ambassador to France, and Mrs.White; Seth Low and Mrs. Low,American Consul General Thackers,SL John Gaffney. American consulgeneral at Dresden; Imperial Chanc-ellor Von Bethmann-Hollwe- g. ForeignMinister Von Schoen and the mem-

bers of the cabinet. On either sideof this block of chairs were the sen-

ators of the university.Mr. Roosevelt occupied a chair

during the reading of his addressand at his side stood the heads of thestudent corps with drawn swords.This striking guard of honor re-

mained standing and almost Immov-able for the three hours of the lectureand ceremony.


Acquitted of Misapplying Funds ofthe Bank.

New York. Frederick AugustusHeinze was acquitted of charges ofmisapplying the funds of the Mercan-tile National bank while he was presi-dent of the institution in 1907. andhe was cleared of the charge of over-certifyi-

the checks of his brother'sfirm. Otto Heinze & Co. A jury in thecriminal branch of the United Statescircuit coqrt. aficr a trial lastingnearly three weeks, found him notguilty, and he was discharged.

Mr. Bryan Going Abroad.Lincoln. Neb. W. J. Bryan will

leave Nebraska Tuesday night forNew York, when be will sail for Eng-land. He is a delegate to the big con-tention of the Presbyterian churchwhich meets at Edinburgh June 15.

Record Price for Cattle.Omaha. The highest price ever

paid for a load of cattle on the SouthOmaha market was $2,3GS.50, whichtransaction took place Wednesday.These cattle were sold by Ralston &Fonda to the Cudahy Packing com-pan-y

for Sc rer pound.


From a Life of Case to HardWorked Official.

London. From a life of comparative case and retirement King Georgesuddenly finds himself one of thehardest worked officials of the kine-do-

In addition to spending consid-- 1

erable time daily at Buckingham pal-ace, comforting his widowed mother.he has to attend to multifarious du-- ities connected with receiving and en-

tertaining th royal guests and arranging the difficult details of the lying-

-in-state and the funeral.

Roosevelt's Visit to London.London. Mr. Roosevelt will be pre-

sented to King Georce soon after hisarrival in London next Monday, ar-

rangements to this end having beenmade at the wish of his majesty, whoexpressed the desire, through Ameri-can Ambassador Reid. to set the for-mer prcsi lent at the earliest oppor-tunity. The king personally extended,throueh the ambassador, his thanks toPresident Taft and the governmentand the people of the United Statesfor their many tokens of condolenceand sympathy.





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England's dead king. Edward VII..whose full title was "king of theUnited Kingdom of Great Britain andIreland, and or all the British domin-ions beyond the seas, emperor of In-dia," was the eldest son and the sec-ond child of Queen Victoria and A-lbert, the prince consort. He was bornNovember 1. 1841, in Buckingham pal-ace and was christened Albert Ed-ward.

At his birth he was created princeof Wales and by virtue of that dig-nity he became also knight of the gar-ter. As nelr apparent to the Britishthrone be succeeded to the title ofduke of Cornwall and Its emoluments,and as heir to the crown of Scotlandhe became great steward of Scotland,duke of Rothesay, earl of Carrlck,baron of Renfrew and lord of the Isles.Cn September 10. 1849, he was createdearl of Dublin, this title being con-ferred on him and bis heirs in per-petuity. Among the other titles andcommands held by Edward were dukeof Saxony, colonel of the Tenih bus-Bar- s,

colonel-in-chie- f of the Rifle bri-gade, field marshal of the Britisharmy and field marshal of the Ger-man army.

The prince received a most elabo-rate, broad and carefully planned edu-cation. At first he was under thecharge of four private tutors, and sub-sequently his education was directedby Baron Stockmar and CharlesKingslcy. In order to give him ataste of college life, he was sent forone session to the University of Ed-inburgh, for one year to Oxford andfor four terms to Cambridge. Duringthese years he acquired a wide gen-eral knowledge of the arts and sci-

ences and became quite proficient Inmodern languages.

In 1860 the prince made a tour ofthe United States and Canada andthe next year he joined the Britisharmy at Curragh camp, Ireland. In1SC2 he set out on his travels again.this time visiting Jersualem and oth-er places of biblical Interest Hiscompanion on the trip was Dean Stan-Ic- y

of Westminster.Edward's public life began In Feb-

ruary. 1S63. when, as heir to thethrone, he took his 6eat in the bouseof lords. On March 10 of the sameyear be married Princess AlexandraCaroline Mary Charlotte Louise Julia,the eldest daughter of King ChristianIX. of Denmark. Her beauty, graceand charming manners at once gaveher a popularity In Great Britain thathas continued unlessencd throughouther life as princess and queen. In1S75-7-C the prince made an extendedtour tnrough the Indian empire andwas received everywhere with lavishand magnificent hospitality, the nativerulers seeking to outdo one anotherIn the gorgeousness of the entertain-ments provided for the emperor

On the death of Queen Victoria.January 22. 1901. Edward succeeded tothe throne. The coronation was setfor June 26. 1902. and all preparationsfor the magnificent event bad been

Absolute Rest."Clyde Fitch was an indefatigable

worker." said an actor who has playedIn many of the Fitch comedies."When he had a play on the stockshe would labor over It day and night,often scarcely pausing for his meals,and getting very little sleep. Conse-quently his health suffered. Hewould work until on the verge or anervous breakdown, and then bis phy-

sician would step in and force him toknock off.

"During one of these periods of en-

forced idleness he was lounging in thePlayers club one day when Harry B.Smith, the prolific comic opera libret-tist, strolled in.

"What are you doing now? askedSmith.

"'I'm In ray doctor's nanus.' repliedFitch. 'He tells me I'm In a bad way.and has absolutely forbidden me to uuany brain work.'

'That's tough." said Smith. 'Howdo you manage to put in the time?'

'Oh. I'm writing the libretto of amusical comedy. replied Fitcb withoue of his cynical smiles."

completed when disquieting rumors ofthe king's 111 health, which had beencurrent for several days, were con-firmed by the postponement of theceremony. It was announced that theking was suffering from perityphlitis,and on June 24 he underwent an

After some weeks of thegreatest anxiety, he recovered, andthe coronation took plar August 9.

During the long years of his prince-hoo- d

Edward's public duties consistedsolely In the office of representing theroyal family at all manner of public

J events, and he performed these duties welL But the deadly monotonyof such a life was too much for thevigorous man. and he found relaxa-tion In amusements that frequentlygave rise to scandals and that gavethe world a wrong impression of hisreal character. He was esneclallvfond of the theater and among hisooon companions tor years were ac-tresses and actors. Also he devel-oped a great liking for Paris and oftenvisited that gay capital Incognito.The Riviera and Biarritz likewise werefamiliar with the face of the prince ofWales.

But all this, as has been --aId. wasonly bis relaxation, and after comingto the throne bis conduct always wasso circumspect that not the most cap-tious critic could find any fault with it.

As a diplomat Edward was unex- -


His was tothe side of International peace wherecompatible with national honor, andhis advice and example had a steady-ing effect on all Europe. He lookedwith amused tolerance on the va-

garies and extravagances of his nephew, the emperor of Germany, but oc-casionally that ruler exasperated himto such an extent that he could notrefrain from giving him soma sternadvice. Such admonition was not re-

ceived by William in a submissivespirit, and once In a while there weresensational rumors that the peacefulrelations between the two countrieswere about to be ruptured.

The development of the king's char-acter In his Inter years was espe-cially gratifying to the nation In addition to the love of his people, which r

he had always had. he gained theiradmiration and respect. They had theutmost confidence in his good judg- -

ment. as was amply exemp'ified dur-ing the late crisis over the budget, i

and they were always sure he woulddo the right thing at the right time.

To Edward and Alexandra wereborn six children. The first PrinceAlbert, duke of Clarence, died in 1832. I

aged twenty-eigh- t years. The second.George Frederick Ernest Albert, bornon June 3. 1S65. succeeds to thethrone. The other children are:


Princess Louisa Victoria, married tothe duke of Fife; Princess VictoriaAlexandra: Princess Maude Charlotte,married to Prince Charles of Den-

mark, and Prince Alexander Jonn.who died the day after his birth in1S71.

They All Serve.George C. Boldt. the well-know- n bo

tel nian. was talking in Philadelphiaabout the hotels of Switzerland

"They are good." said Mr. BoldL "Atthe price they are remarkably good.The Swiss are a nation of hotel keep-ers.

"The Alps, you know, draw all theworld to Switzerland, and the Switzerwho want to become a millionaire !

goes into the hotel business as an f

American would go into steel or sugar.He begins at the bottom; be is av.aiter.

"It is said that once In Berne, at ahistoric public meeting, all tut lead-ing men ot Switzerland were gathered I

together. A vote had been taktn. andthe intense silence preceding the

epoch-makin- g verdict ot the tellers awag shouted. 'Waiter!

"Instantly the whole assembly roseas one man and answered. 'Yea. sir.' "

Comparative Anatomy.You ma' be better than others, but

that doesn't mean to say you areworth much.


Religious, Social, Agricultural, Petitkal and Other Matters Given

Due Consideration.



Elks of North Platte will put upthree-stor-y building.

Democrats of Buffalo county wlUnoid a banquet June 9th.

Albion bad four fires in one weekand two In the nearby county.

Robert Bethel of Pawnee county,was killed by his horse falling uponhim.

All arrangements have been com-pleted for the establishment of anElks' lodge In Fairbury.

The contract has been let for a newopera house in Giltner. The old onewas burned down last winter.

The Aurora banker. A. G. Peterson,and bis wife and daughter, are aboutto start on a trip around the world.

Kearney will hold a special electionto vote on the question of $125,009bonds for purchasing the waterworks.

Ed Roberts, who has been traevl-In- g

over Otoe county, reports potatobugs as being more numerous thanfor years.

Gillman is dry so far. saloonkeep-ers beingers being unable to securethe requisite number of signaturesto their petitions.

The north-boun- d freight on theOmaha road was wrecked near Teka-ma-h

and six cars of fruit and rocksalt were thrown into the ditch.

Jack Oackes and C. H. Johnsonwere sentenced to thirty days in theDodge county Jail on conviction ofthe charge of stealing two bicycles.

Jacob Weiss, of York county,charged with attempting to murderFrau Zook. whom he brought fromGermany, promising marriage, whichhe refused, was bound over to dis--'

trlct court.The state convention of the wom-

an's Foreign Missionary society wasin session in Sutton. Missionariesfrom China. Japan and India gavedaily lectures on their work and con-ditions in foreign fields.

Judge Grimes of North Platte helda special term of district court atBridgeport to receive the plea andSentence George Hunt, charged withhorse stealing. The accused pleadedguilty and was sentenced to the peni-tentiary for one year.

A petition was circulated at Stellaand funds raised by popular subscrip-tion to send to a hospital the littlegirl that was injured in the gas tankexplosion of the moving pictureshow.

A sentence of five years Imposeupon Regnar Aabcl of Harlan countyis reduced by the supreme court totwo years. Aabel was convicted ofgrand larceny, being charged withstealing $500 worth of property in thestore where he was employed as aclerk.

The Tccuraseh school board Is stillwithout two teachers for next year. '

Great difficulty has been experiencedthis year in the securing of a fullcorps, the pedagogues seeming to bescarce.

Upon the complaint of W. T. Kill. -a-rshall of Brady. John Wat

kins of that village has been lodgedin Jail upon a charge of being a dipso-maniac.

Plans ahve been perfected by themerchants of Kearney for a 200-mil- e

trade excursion bv automobile train i

early in June. About forty Kearney.

automobiles will make the trip, car-rying about 100 business men, a brassband, a male quartet, plenty of ban-ners,


souvenirs, advertising matterand other matter to delight the tour-- l

ists and their friends, and several ma-

chinists to look after the cars.A deal was consummated which

will mean the IocaC'on of anotherelectric light plant in Beatrice.Messrs. Marris Freshman and H. A.Wheler of that city have been grant-ed a site on the Blue river five milessoutheast of Beatrice where a con-crete dam wl'l be built to use thewater for power. It

The Nebraska railway commissionhas given the Bell Telephone com-pany permission to lower its rates inKearney 20 to 30 per cent, to meetcompetition from the Independent "A

!co"lra,V:..ine rtoiarege commercial ciud nas

sent invitations to the members ofthe state railway commission and toits secretary, to be present at a func--Itlon to be given on the evening ofMay 20. Invitations have also beenissued to General Manager Holdrege,Solicitor Kclby. Attorney Dilworth,Vice President Byram and Superin-tendent Ko'er of the McCbok di-

vision.Ed Burke, a resident of Wymore.

who escaped from the asylum at Lin-coln the latter part of January, wastaken into custody at Wymore. Burke j

was sent to the asylum for inebriacyand no attempt was made to again '

take him In charge until it was as- -'

certained that he had gone back tohis old habits.

Custer county democrats are plan-- ,

ning a grand rally and love feast for J

June C. thus passing on the feature'of the fall campaign that has become

a habit already. Governor Shallen- -j

berger and other prominent demo- - J

crats have been invited. j

A. W. Buffum of Tecumseh recentlywrote to John Wilson of Houston. I

Tex., said to be the rightful heir tothe estate of the late Judge and MrsJohn Wilson of Tecumseh. and ad- -

vised him in case he could prove his I

rights to come on and claim them, j

He renlics that he can prove his '

rights but will not come after themoney.

The Schoolmasters' club. In sessionat Lincoln, e'ected the following of-

ficers: President. A. H. WaterhouseFremont; secretary-treasure- r, GeergcL. Towne. Lincoln. Chancellor Averj'a the retiring president



Laalav Suffered Twelv Y

Fram It How He Cenur4 It;

Ym AIm Cam Free.

Threatii aa aa wceweat that he sawto his local paper the Re. J. D-- Lapleyf Avoadate 8tatloa. BlrmiBghaat. Ala.,

learned that he could obtain a free trialbottle of a remedyfor the cure of ladl-geatlo- B.

and as bewmm Interested, be--kiiih ha anfforMi BTlBBL.BSvthat way. he wrotefor It. The reme-dy was Dr. Cald-well's Syrup Pep-et- a.

Mr. Lapler.who te a mlaiater ofthe Methodist Epis-copal Church, and amember of the Cen-tral Alabama Con-ference, took thefree bottle with thetery apeedily cured. Mn-- A1 Northruf

You or any other sufferer from coastl- -.

eattoa. Indirection and dyspepsia, steleheadache and such digestive troubles caahave a free trial bottle sent to your homeprepaid by forwarding your name andaddress. It Is the gentiest. mildest, beattastlnc. most effective laxative tonte youever tried. Druggists will sell you thereeutar bottles ut 50 cents or ft. and re-sults are guaranteed. A picture of Mrs.Northrup. of Qu'ncy. I1L. a cured pitlent.ta presented herewith. If there Is any-thing about Toirr case that you don't un-derstand wr't tb doctor and he will nd-v- ls

you. Tbe addr Is Dr. TV. B. CiM-we- ll.

201 Caldwell Bldg.. Montlcello. HI.

A girl Isn't neecssarily a jewel be-

cause she Is set In her ways.

Many who wed to smoke 1(V cigarsow bay Lewis' Single Binder straight 0c

Poor Indeed.Ella My face Is my fortune.Stella You destitute thing!

The Usual Thing.Mrs. Rangles I am always outspo--

ken.Mr. Rangles And I am generally

outtalked. Smart SetNeither.

English Walter Which side of thetable do you wish to sit on. sir?

American Guest I prefer to sit oa achair. Judge.

CUT THIS OUTAnd mail to the A. II. Lewis Medicine Co.fit. Louts. Mo., and they will scail you freea 10 day treatment of XATUUE'S REME-DY INR tablets) Guaranteed for Rheu-matism. Constipation. Sick Headache, Liv-er. Kidney and Blood Diseases. Sold byall Druggists. Better than Pi!l3 for LiverUla, It's free to you. Write today.

Drain on Country's Resources.In 1908. the foreign-bor- n popula-

tion of 13.6 per cent, furnished 15.6per cent, of the criminals, 20.8 percent, of the paupers, and 29.5 percent, of the insane. Between 1904 and1908. the aliens In these institutionsincreased 34 per cent.

Tit for Tat.Stranger (to prominent clergyman)I came In here. sir. to criticise your

church management and tell you howit ought to be rua.

Prominent Clergyman (amazed)What do you mean, sir? How dareyou? Who are you. anyway?

1 am the humble editor of the pa-per you have been writing to " Life.

Something to Crow About.The Gander Suffering cats! What

sort of noise-ger- has got into thatridiculous rooster lately? His darncrowing has developed Into a continu-ous performance.

The Drake Why, he Imagines he'sIn the public eye since the productionof Rostand's "Cbantecler."

A Boomerang.One of the officials of the Midland

railway, coming from GlenwoodSprings the other day. was telling ayoung woman on the train how won-derfully productive Colorado's Irri-gated ground is.

"Really." he explained. "It's so richthat girls who walk on it have bigfeet It just simply makes their feetgrow."

"Huh." was the young woman's re--(Joinder, "some of the Colorado menmust have been going around walking on their heads." Denver Post.

Knew Her Latin.spelled the young-

ster on the rear seat as the "rubber-neck" wagon was passing the Twenty-secon-d

Regiment armory, at Broadwayand Sixty-eight- h street. "What doesthat mean, auntie?"

"I didn't quite catch what the guidesaid." replied the old lady. "Oh, Mr.Guide, won't you kindly tell us what

says on that building?""Def-en-dum- roared the guide

through bis megaphone, dividing theword Into three sections.

"That's what It Is." said the old lady.deaf and dumb asylum."


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Served with cream andsometimes fruit, thisdainty food pleases thewhole family.

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