Rbus 2900 business research method assignment 1 The Power Of Brand idenfication Name: SONG LI MIN Student Number: 4226309 Bachelor for Business Management

Combined RBUS Assignment 1

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Rbus 2900 business research method assignment 1

The Power


Brand idenfication


Student Number: 4226309

Bachelor for Business Management

Page 2: Combined RBUS Assignment 1

Rbus 2900 business research method assignment 1

Table of Content

1. Introduction .........................................................................................

2. Characteristic of Research design .....................................................

3. Summary of Research Design .............................................................

4. Critique .................................................................................................

5. Appendix (Table of Research Design) .................................................

6. References .............................................................................................

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Rbus 2900 business research method assignment 1


Brand identification can be considered as, when consumer aware of the brands, when

it can relate certain products or service that identify what the brands as. Most of the markets

brand is comparing national brand, multinational brands or local brands to identify the value

to consumers. From the past researches that acknowledge national’s brands are related with

consumer ethnocentric identity and value expressive influences. But the further research for

this argued that social identities are also would effect. Without brand identification, company

hardly energize the sales force. There are three articles that similar with this topic that are

related and research for different business research method.

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Characteristic of Research Design

Research Objective(s) is the goals to be achieved by conducting research.

Theory is a formal logical explanation of some event that includes predictions of how things relate to

one another.

Hypotheses Tested is formal statement of an unproven proposition that empirically testable.

Variables defined as anything that varies or changes from one distance to another and can exhibit

differences in value, usually in magnitude or strength, or in direction.

Researcher control of Variables is a variable which is held constant in a research by observing only

one of its levels.

Type of Research Design:

(i) Exploratory studies are usually a small scale research undertaken not defines the

exact nature of the problem and to gain a better understanding of environment

within which the problem has occur.

(ii) Descriptive studies are typically to study the variable and are quantitative. It can

be as demanding as explanatory studies, involving careful thought about

measurement and sampling.

(iii) Causal Studies are with study how variable affects, or is responsible for, changes

in another variable.

Data Collection Method:

(i) Communication method is questioning respondents to secure the desired

information, using data collection instrument called a questionnaire.

(ii) Observation methods are stated as the systematic process of recording the

behavioural patterns of people, objects, and occurrences as they are witnessed.

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Research Environment can be virtual or non virtual that a process, a tool or a system interoperating

to facilitate and enhance the research process within or without an institutional boundaries.

Time Dimension

(i) Cross-sectional dimension is a dimension in a study when a various segments of a

population are sampled and data are collected at a single moment in time.

(ii) Longitudinal Dimension is a time period when a survey of respondents at different

times, thus allowing analysis of response continuity and changes over time.

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Article 1

Due to the research of putting the relationship between consumer ethnocentric identity

and value expression influence with social identities, the preferences of consumer for

national’s brands will be affected largely. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to

investigate the social identities and influences through self-categorisation theory and nation

branding which trying to unpin consumer preferences for national brand. From the previous

studies that consumer ethnocentric identity (CEI) did not influences the brand preferences.

By adding the prediction of CEI, It will relate brand identity with consumers’ preferences

over local brands. Self-categorisation theory defined as the consumers’ identity with social

group that reflect consumer preferences for national brands. Yet, they also used similar

concept with social psychology concept. That is, instead of multi-items measure, they used it

only single-items measure into this study that would avoid psychometric problem and

increase predictive efficiency. There are similar variables of hypothesis that put into three

parts. In the first two hypothesis, both consumer ethnocentric identity(CEI) as independent

variable(IV) that make preference for a nation’s brand as dependent variable(DV). But

second hypothesize that strengthen the relationship in the gaining of age. Value-expressive

identity (VEI) tested as IV while preference of consumers for national brand as DV in the

third and forth hypothesise. Same as the second hypothesise that age would strengthen these

relationships as well. The last two hypothesises are important that related with social

influences as DV that effect CEI as the IV. It is positively for injunctive influence as well as

descriptive influences. There IV cannot be control as measurement but can through their

ethnocentric identity by using trained interviewers to week for potential customers to frame

down the age rage when conducting survey. This has been taken as exploratory studies that

clarify ambiguous situations such as this study using experience survey through

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questionnaire. This also indentified in causal inferences in cause-and-effect relationship for

each relevant identity to another. A survey was done from the company MOZAMBIQUE

CELLULAR (MCEL) that interview by trained interviewers with translated Portuguese

questionnaire to know their perception of social identity, preference for mobile service

provider, and social influences. This survey only conducted once in three shopping centre in

Maputo, capital of Mozambique as cross-sectional dimension. Results, age doesn’t affect

much of consumers’ VEI but it did affect to CEI. Adversely, injunctive social influence

highly in younger age than older age range of consumer. The further research for this study is

to continue exploring the role of identity of youth preferences for national brand that can be

use for developing country such as South Africa. Comparing the underdeveloped with

developed markets in area, this would able to know the strength social influences on brand

preferences in order to informed in better in these market at least access to the internet.

Besides, the researcher didn’t restrict the targeted audience that can lose sales from that.

There’s also unable to collect mass sample of citizens exerts pressure on individuals to be

pro-national and anti-foreign. Researchers less focus on youth group of audiences are

susceptibility to social pressure and didn’t identify a direct relationship with CEI and VEI in

hypothesis. Yet, there are no consideration in customer satisfaction with ethnocentric or


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Article 2

The purpose for this research is to investigate how are the brand personality of a

sports team will be related to consumer outcomes of indemnification and retail spending.

From the previous research, the researcher suggested single-items indicators for simplicity,

easy to use and increase face validity and flexibility. Exploratory or empirical research has

not been done for brand personality and brand indemnification in consumer-brand

relationship. This research using social identity theory in a sports context to predict retail

spending and the number of games watched. Asker’s brand personality also model for

characteristic of a sports team. First and second hypothesis both have positive causal

relationship between brand personality as IV and prestige as well as distinctiveness as DV.

Under team cognitive identification (TCI) of third and forth hypothesises, prestige and

distinctiveness as DV both positively causal with TCI. Besides, team cognition identification

as IV has also has positive causal relationship with the number of games and so do the team-

related retail spending influences to be DV. All hypotheses are relational to each other from

one variable to another. In order to create awareness to customer in stronger identification

that from brand personality to prestige and distinctiveness of team been manipulated as well.

Join membership for the team been enhanced through controlled over from team cognitive

identification. After the whole research, this has been exploratory studies conducted to clarify

ambiguous situations or discover ideas that maybe potential business opportunities using

experimental design that able to control over the variable. 162 students that have interest with

the sport take into this research as their primary data collection by doing a survey in

questionnaires to capture the respondents’ evaluation of brand personality, team prestige and

distinctiveness for seven years. There’s no exact physical place for students to do in this

survey but they have been observed in a way that able to access to premier facility and long

history success. Longitudinal studies in this research that used through brand personality,

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prestige and distinctiveness. Other than this, only second hypothesis were partially supported

and others hypothesis were fully supported as proved after the analysis. Though, there’s

negative influence to distinctiveness in success. Additional, both female and male involves

that resulted non-significant of charm influence prestige and distinctiveness. Antecedents of

cognitive identification with teams may be useful for understanding this relationship.

Conceptual model may find different facets of brand personality that are significant

predictors of prestige and distinctiveness for different teams and different sports. The next

expectation will be similar to the relationship by developing additional studies that further

explore consumer relationship with retail brands in multiple contexts. The researcher didn’t

restrict the targeted audience that lose sales from that. Due to unable to collect mass sample

of citizens exerts pressure on individuals to be pro-national and anti-foreign. They are less

focus on youth group of audiences are susceptibility to social pressure. From the hypothesis,

it didn’t identify a direct relationship with CEI and VEI.

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Article 3

The purpose of this paper is to identify the key features of identity standards manual and

assess the differences in the rules used for applying the brand to both low- and high-context

cultures, companies selling consumer goods and those selling services, and multinational and

local companies. First hypothesis has identity standards manual history, concept and

dimensions and defined by the five dimensions in the first part of first hypothesises and

divided into core and peripheral dimensions. Setting rules for applying the brand, differences

between low- and high-context cultures as the “presentation” section will have a higher

profile in manuals of low-context cultures than in manuals of high-context cultures ever since

low-context communication is reinforced by preliminaries to contextualise the receiver for

the first part for second hypothesis. The graphic aspects of the brand such as symbol and

logotype will have a greater presence in manuals of high-context cultures whereas the textual

aspect of the brand name will have a greater presence in manuals of low-context cultures due

to high-context communication gives more importance to non-verbal elements whereas low-

context communication gives more importance to textual elements. Rules for use of the brand

referring to decorative elements such as corporate tiled pattern, and per graphic will have a

higher profile in manuals of high-context cultures than in manuals of low-context cultures

when ambiguous, indirect, and elaborate messages are characteristic of high-context

communication be the third part of this hypothesis. The manuals of low-context cultures will

include more rules and consequently will have a more rigid tone than manuals of high-

context cultures while low-context cultures tend to be more legalistic and based on written

rules. Nevertheless, low-context cultures will have less-developed manuals due to their

preference for direct language and fast messages that high-context cultures will have more

complex manuals when their preference for indirect, elaborate language and slow messages

for the last part of second hypothesises. The other rules is for applying the brand: differences

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between companies offering consumer offering services that they have dimension

“applications of brand.” has the greatest difference in contents between the manuals of

tangible goods companies and service companies. The service providers’ manuals will also

have a more rigid normative tone than tangible goods companies’ manuals. Then, service

providers will tend to use simple manuals while product-based companies will tend to have

more complex manuals. For the last hypothesis, the different between multinational and local

companies, in the sections on “architecture” and “signage”, the contents of the identity

standards manuals of multinational companies will vary from those of local companies in the

dimension “applications of brand”. The identity standards manuals of multinational

companies will have a more rigid normative tone than those of local companies. It will tend

to be more complex than those of local companies if it’s the identity standards manuals of

multinational companies. The first hypothesise are descriptive relationship that dimension

were divided into two. Second hypothesises will be causal relationship because the greater

one side of context culture will be as independent variable (IV), greater the other side of

context culture would be dependent variable (DV) and they would compare which is higher.

As for the third hypothesises are also descriptive relationship but two variables are in contra.

Multinational companies are different from local companies that these researches hypothesise

in certain section or complexity would be varying for each other but not directly influence.

Among the companies neither the product-based company nor based on product that would

able to control. The second hypothesis will be controlled by the independent variable with

independent variable would only changes accordingly. This research take design into

exploratory to define exact nature of the problem between multinational company and local

company and to gain better understanding of the environment within which problem has

occur. At first, it start with they consulted with three different website to observe why and

how to design and came out with 341 manuals in few features for the manuals. The design

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rules should be convey in the same coherent, reinforce he coordinated image and enhance the

company’s communication with the public. It will not be limited the verbal and graphic signs

but to lay down the rules for their use and convey the documents. The literature research

followed by experience, then through Projective technique to estimate each section in each

dimension. They are using secondary data as data collection method to estimate the entire

related variable such as context culture, product influence. It’s also due to have some

empirical research has done in the past to help for the resources to analyse more in brand

identity. The cluster analysis method was also used in hierarchical mode to distribute the 39

variables studied into those dimensions. They doing survey or 106 studio for work in the area

of visual identity, It depends on which hypothesis of research according to make use of the

research environment. When consulting the web page are not necessary to find a physical

place than just look for the person in charge of the web page and analyse with it. The survey

was conducted in the studio where the respondents work. They on take as cross-sectional

dimension that all the measurement, analysis and survey were done in once in a short period

of time due to exploratory research design. The results divide the contents of the manual into

two blocks into core and peripheral the predictions are accepted.

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Article 1

Although they are using communication method to conduct survey that is faster than

observation but it will rush the result as the result might not be accurate. This is also might

not have as quality survey as the proper period of time to get responds but due to the time

period can save cost. Besides, cross-sectional dimension that conduct only one time also will

be not that accurate to get the result. Yet, this research has been improved as in they put in

different ages into the variable different that some has affect the only two variable. Even

interview survey would have non sampling error as the age of respondents cannot be control

but the sample size.

Article 2

In this research, they only explore the research as using several empirical researches into

students and observing for 7 year. It has taken too many times and cost to conduct as well as

might change the interest of sport and lifestyle would affect the perception in brand

preference. Age also can be one of the issue that change the purchasing the brand according

to standard of living. The researchers are still unable to find a direct relationship between

CEI and VEI. Most of the hypothesis were not supported that they didn’t identify whether

there’s third variable to proof that CEI and VEI is the main relationship to influence the brand

preferences. Team cognitive identity also has not been test to influence the sport sales.

Membership is a good way to hold consumers on purchasing same brand as either brand

royalty or due for the reward.

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Articles 3

Using their own concept to make this research as that they are a lot of hypothesis that are not

support as they looking at the issue for brand identification. There appear to be having non-

response error that the amount survey required were less and or not accurate to the report.

The time is also be the issue that cross-sectional dimension would not meet the accurate data

needed. The communication method is another issue that the interviewers would influence

respondents for accurate answer.

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Research Objectives Theory/Framework Used to Develop the


Hypotheses Tested Variables Included (in each hypothesis) and the nature of the variables

Researcher Control of Variables

Type of Research Design Used

Investigating the social identities and influences through nation branding which unpin consumer preferences for national brand is the purpose of this research.

From the previous studies that consumer ethnocentric identity (CEI) did not influences the brand preferences. By adding the prediction of CEI that related to brand identity to for consumers preferences over local brands.

There is using self-categorisation theory to know consumers’ identity with social group will be reflected with consumer preferences for national brands.

It also have its own concept that similar with social psychology concepts that instead of multi-items measure that measure with single-items measure put into this study.

This has been as to avoid the psychometric problem and increase predictive efficiency.

Consumer ethnocentric identity The increase level of a person’s

consumer ethnocentric identity related to the increasing level of their preference for a national brand over foreign brand positively be as the first hypothesis,

Second hypothesis use the higher age of consumers that strengthen the relationship between consumer ethnocentric identity and preference for a national brand.

Value-expressive identity(VEI) Another hypothesis stated to increase

preference for a national brand over a foreign brand with a higher of a person’s value expressive identity.

Again, the higher age of consumers that strengthens the relationship between value expressive identity and preference for national brand.

Social influences(SI) The hypothesis predicts that

consumer ethnocentric identity and injunctive influence have positive relationship.

The last hypothesis stated consumer ethnocentric identity also has positive relationship with descriptive influence.

All hypothesis above are relational that for each influences influent one

Consumer ethnocentric identity(CEI)

A person’s consumer ethnocentric identity as independent variable that make their preference for a national brand over a foreign brand as the dependant variable

The second hypothesis exist with moderating variable as the age would affect the relationship between independent variable of consumer ethnocentric identity and dependent variable of their preference for a national brand.

Value-expressive identity(VEI) A person’s value expressive identity as

Independent variable effect dependent variable in preference for a national brand for the third hypothesis.

Age also become moderating variable for strengthen relationship for independent variable of value expressive identity and preference for a national brand in this hypothesis.

Social influences(SI) Under social influence that consumer

ethnocentric identity is independent variable that injunctive influence as dependent variable.

While consumer ethnocentric identity remaining as independent variable that affects descriptive influence as

The researcher controlled over a person’s consumer ethnocentric identity to make preference for consumer for nation brand over foreign brand.

These variables control through their behaviour of their ethnocentric identity to manipulate the results such as trained interviewers could seek for potential consumers in certain of age rage to strengthen the relationship.

Exploratory Studies is defined as conducted to clarify ambiguous situations or discover ideas that maybe potential business opportunities.

After the whole research, this has been exploratory studies using experiences survey in conducting questionnaire for the respondents.

It also has had causal research that allow causal inferences to be made and seeks to identify cause-and-effect relationship that each relevant identity to another.

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and another. dependent variable.Data Collection Method Research

EnvironmentTime Dimension Findings Future Research

DirectionsLimitations of the

Study They’re using a research

technique in which a sample is interviewed in questionnaires to observe respondents’ behaviour as a survey sampled with 611 samples in communication method..

The data was collected in three shopping centres in Maputo, capital city of Mozambique that trained interviewers will approach and screened potential customers.

It was a cross-sectional dimension that they only conducted the survey once in the environment to analyse in 2007.

Although the first hypotheses succeed tested but the age for consumer ethnocentric identity doesn’t affect much of the result in the survey of second hypothesise.

In this research, age doesn’t affect much on value expressive identity in brand preferences but yes for consumer ethnocentric identity as well as descriptive social influence.

Conversely, injunctive social influence highly in younger age than older age range of consumer.


The further research for this study is to continue exploring the role of identity of youth preferences for national brand.

There are future studies for this as can be use for developing country such as South Africa.

Comparing the under develop with developed markets in area, this would able to know the strength social influences on brand preferences in order to informed in better in these market at least access to the internet.

Individualistic developed and collectivistic under developing

The researcher didn’t restrict the targeted audience that will lose sales from that.

There’s also unable to collect mass sample of citizens exerts pressure on individuals to be pro-national and anti-foreign.

Moreover, they are less focus on youth group of audiences are susceptibility to social pressure.

From the hypothesis, it didn’t identify a direct relationship with CEI and VEI.

Yet, there are no consideration in customer satisfaction with ethnocentric or value-

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Research Objectives Theory/Framework Used to Develop the Hypotheses

Hypotheses Tested Variables Included (in each hypothesis) and the nature of the variables

Researcher Control of Variables

Type of Research Design Used

The purpose for this research is to investigate how are the brand personality of a sports team will be related to consumer outcomes of indemnification and retail spending.

From the previous research, the researcher suggested single-items indicators for simplicity, easy to use and increase facia validity and flexibility.

This is research has not done any exploratory or empirical research yet for brand personality and brand indemnification in consumer-brand relationship.

Social Identity theory in a sports context to predict retail spending and the number of games watched.

Aaker’s brand personality model for characteristic of a sports team.

There are six hypothesises this research.Brand personality

The first hypothesis is positive causal relationship between brand personality and prestige.

It also hypothesize that brand personality and distinctiveness have positive causal relationship.

Team cognitive identification Prestige and team cognitive

identification will be third hypothesis that will be positive causal relationship.

Team cognitive identification positively affected by distinctiveness in forth hypothesis.

The fifth hypothesis stated to use the number of games positively affected by team cognition identification.

Team cognition identification

Brand personality from the first hypothesis is independent variable (IV) that would affect prestige as dependent variable (DV).

Same for second hypothesis that brand personality as IV that affect distinctiveness of the team as DV.

Another hypothesis stated that prestige then be IV when team cognition identification as the DV.

Distinctiveness for the fourth hypothesis as IV that affect team cognitive identification as DV.

According to the fifth hypothesis for team cognitive identification to be IV affect the number of games watched as the DV.

Brand personalities manipulated as controlled variable to enhance prestige and distinctiveness,

In order to create awareness to customer in stronger identification that from brand personality to prestige and distinctiveness of team been manipulated as well.

Join membership for the team been enhanced through controlled over from team cognitive identification.

Exploratory Studies is defined as conducted to clarify ambiguous situations or discover ideas that maybe potential business opportunities.

After the whole research, this has been exploratory studies using experimental design that able to control over the variable.

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also effect team-related retail spending positively in sixth hypothesis.

All hypotheses are relational to each other from one variable to another.

Data Collection Method Research Environment Time Dimension Findings Future Research Directions Limitations of the Study Through observation

method, there’s a sample of students that related interest with the sport take into this research as their primary data collection by doing a survey in questionnaires to capture the respondents’ evaluation of brand personality, team prestige and distinctiveness for seven years

There’s no exact physical place for respondents to do in this survey but they have been observed in a way that able to access to premier facility and a long history success.

Longitudinal studies in this research that used through brand personality, prestige and distinctiveness.

Only second hypothesis were partially supported and others hypothesis were fully supported as proved after the analysis,

Both team prestige and distinctiveness influences brand personality.

Although, there’s negative influence to distinctiveness in success.

Additional that both prestige and distinctiveness influenced by non-significant of charm as from both female and male.

Antecedents of cognitive identification with teams may be useful for understanding this relationship.

Conceptual model may find different facets of brand personality that are significant predictors of prestige and distinctiveness for different teams and different sports.

The next expectation will be similar to the relationship by developing additional studies that further explore consumer relationship with retail brands in multiple contexts.

The researcher didn’t restrict the targeted audience that loose sales from that.

They also unable to collect mass sample of citizens exerts pressure on individuals to be pro-national and anti-foreign.

They are less focus on youth group of audiences are susceptibility to social pressure.

From the hypothesis, it didn’t identify a direct relationship with CEI and VEI.

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Research Objectives Theory/Framework Used to Develop the


Hypotheses Tested Variables Included (in each hypothesis) and the nature of

the variables

Researcher Control of Variables

Type of Research Design Used

The purpose of this paper is to identify the key features of identity standards manual and assess the differences in the rules used for applying the brand to both low- and high-context cultures, companies selling consumer goods and those selling services, and multinational and local companies.

There is no theory or concept in this research to study for the hypothesis.

First hypothesise:Identity standards manual history, concept and dimensions The content s of an identity standard

manual defined by the five dimensions in the first part of first hypothesises.

The second part for this hypothesises is divided the five dimensions into core and peripheral dimensions.

Second hypothesises:Rules for applying the brand : differences between low- and high-context cultures The “presentation” section will have a

higher profile in manuals of low-context cultures than in manuals of high-context cultures ever since low-context communication is reinforced by preliminaries to contextualise the receiver.

The graphic aspects of the brand (symbol and logotype) will have a greater presence in manuals of high-context cultures whereas the textual aspect of the brand (name) will have a greater presence in manuals of low-context cultures due to high-context communication gives more importance to non-verbal elements whereas low-context communication gives more importance to textual elements.

Rules for use of the brand referring to decorative elements (e.g. secondary typefaces, secondary colours, corporate tiled pattern, and per graphic) will have a higher profile in manuals of high-context cultures than in manuals of low-context

The first hypothesise are descriptive relationship that dimension were divided into two.

Second hypothesises will be causal relationship because the greater one side of context culture will be as independent variable (IV), greater the other side of context culture would be dependent variable (DV) and they would compare which is higher.

As for the third hypothesises are also descriptive relationship but two variables are in contra.

Multinational companies are different from local companies that these researches hypothesise in certain section or complexity would be varying for each other but not directly influence.

Among the companies neither the product-based company nor based on product that would able to control.

The second hypothesis will be controlled by the independent variable with independent variable would only changes accordingly.

This research take design into exploratory to define exact nature of the problem between multinational company and local company and to gain better understanding of the environment within which problem has occur.

At first, it start with they consulted with three different website to observe why and how to design and came out with 341 manuals in few features for the manuals.

The literature research then with experience survey. It also proof through Projective technique to estimate each section in each dimension.

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cultures when ambiguous, indirect, and elaborate messages are characteristic of high-context communication.

The manuals of low-context cultures will include more rules and consequently will have a more rigid tone than manuals of high-context cultures while low-context cultures tend to be more legalistic and based on written rules.

Low-context cultures will have less-developed manuals due to their preference for direct language and fast messages that high-context cultures will have more complex manuals when their preference for indirect, elaborate language and slow messages for the last part of second hypothesises.

Third Hypothesise:Rules for applying the brand : differences between companies offering consumer offering services The dimension “applications of brand.” has

the greatest difference in contents between the manuals of tangible goods companies and service companies.

Service providers’ manuals will have a more rigid normative tone than tangible goods companies’ manuals.

Service providers will tend to use simple manuals while product-based companies will tend to have more complex manuals.

Forth Hypothesise:Rules for applying the brand different between multinational and local companies.

In the sections on “architecture” and

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“signage”, the contents of the identity standards manuals of multinational companies will vary from those of local companies in the dimension “applications of brand”.

The identity standards manuals of multinational companies will have a more rigid normative tone than those of local companies.

It will tend to be more complex than those of local companies if it’s the identity standards manuals of multinational companies.

Data Collection Method Research Environment Time Dimension Findings Future Research Directions

Limitations of the Study

They are using secondary data as data collection method to estimate the entire related variable such as context culture, product influence.

It‘s also due to have some empirical research has done in the past to help for the resources to analyse more in brand identity. The cluster analysis method was also used in hierarchical mode to distribute the 39 variables studied into those dimensions.

It depends on which hypothesis of research according to make use of the research environment.

When consulting the web page are not necessary to find a physical place than just look for the person in charge of the web page and analyse with it.

The survey was conducted in the studio where the respondents work.

They on take as cross-sectional dimension that all the measurement, analysis and survey were done in once in a short period of time due to exploratory research design.

The results divide the contents of the manual into two blocks into core and peripheral the predictions are accepted.

Although, there are differences between the manuals of high- and low-context cultures in term with language and rigid tine was not identified.

Companies that sell consumer goods and those selling services, and multinational and local companies were no significant different or changes toward another.

The design rules should be convey in the same coherent, reinforce he coordinated image and enhance the company’s communication with the public. It will not be limited the verbal and graphic signs but to lay down the rules for their use and convey the documents.

By measuring coherence in

The number of tests we undertook that would have had error. Limitation of study to a description of manuals and to collating opinions from experts in the sector.

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They doing survey or 106 studio for work in the area of visual identity,

use to improve and enhance a consistent application of the brand. , Therefore, we should

Observed some statistical differences when there were none.

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Lee, J. & Thorson, E. 2008, "Energising the Reseller's Sales Force: The Power of Brand Identification," Journal of Marketing, 74(4), 81-96.

Lee, Richard; Klobas, Jane; Tezinde, Tito; Murphy, Jamie, 2010, International Marketing Review, 2010, Vol. 27 Issue 4, p450-465, 16 (Article 1: The underlying social identitiesOf a nation’s brand)

Carlson, Brad D.; Donavan, D. Todd; Cumiskey, Kevin J. 2009, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, , Vol. 37 Issue 4, p370-384, 15p( Article 2 : Consumer-brand relationships in sport: brand personality and identification)

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identity documentation: a cross-national examination of identity standards manuals )