Religious Education Come and See Topic 2 – Signs & Symbols Year 2

Come and See Topic 2 Signs & Symbols Year 2

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Page 1: Come and See Topic 2 Signs & Symbols Year 2

Religious Education

Come and See

Topic 2 – Signs & Symbols

Year 2

Page 2: Come and See Topic 2 Signs & Symbols Year 2

Year 2

BAPTISM/CONFIRMATION – BELONGING Our lives are marked by many different experiences of being welcomed into new

situations and groups. We recognise the importance of welcome, of feeling

comfortable with new situations and belonging to new groups. We belong to

families, to work places and to social groupings. Before you start with your child, think


Q What experiences of belonging can you recall in the family, at work or in

leisure time?

Q Are these good experiences? Are there any difficulties?

Q What difference does ‘belonging’ make in your life?

Christians believe that everyone is invited to share in the life and work of God

through Baptism. The Bible recounts God’s invitations to people to share in his life

and work: among them are Moses, Samuel, the prophets, Mary and the apostles.

“Through Baptism, men and women are incorporated into Christ. They are formed

into God’s people and they obtain the forgiveness of all their sins. They become a

new creation through water and the Holy Spirit. Hence, they are called and are

indeed children of God. Signed with the gift of the Spirit in Confirmation, Christians

more perfectly become the image of their Lord and are filled with the Holy Spirit.

They bear witness to him before all the world and eagerly work for the building up of

the Body of Christ.” (General Introduction to the Rite of the Christian Initiation of


Word of God

“The next day, John again was standing with two of his disciples, and as he watched

Jesus walk by, he exclaimed, ‘Look, here is the Lamb of God!’ The two disciples

heard him say this, and they followed Jesus. When Jesus turned and saw them

following, he said to them, ‘What are you looking for?’ They said to him, ‘Rabbi

(which translated means ‘Teacher’), where are you staying?’ He said to them,

‘Come and see.’ They came and saw where he was staying, and they remained

with him that day.” (John 1:35-39)

Catechism of the Catholic Church

Baptism makes us members of the Body of Christ: ‘Therefore… we are members of one

another.’ Baptism incorporates us into the church. (CCC1267)

Prayer and Reflection

Almighty and eternal God,

you keep together those you have united.

Look kindly on all who follow Jesus your Son.

We are all consecrated to you by our common baptism;

make us one in the fullness of faith

and keep us one in the fellowship of love.


Page 3: Come and See Topic 2 Signs & Symbols Year 2

To know and understand:

Experience of signs and symbols

Signs and symbols used in Baptism

Scripture: John 15: 9 I love you just as the Father loves me; remain in my love.

Matthew 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them

in the name of the Father and of Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Mark 10: 13-16

Core vocabulary: garment, Easter candle, font, Chrism oil, light,

Good News, sign, symbols, water, scripture, tradition.

Questions for meaning & purpose to this topic:

How do symbols have power to convey meaning?

Why some symbols are important?

How Christians maintain the light of Christ in their lives?

Points to remember when learning about this topic:

1. Signs tell us something we need to know, for example, McDonald’s,

road signs, numbers.

2. Symbols mean something really important, for example, hugs, kisses,


Symbols and their meanings used in the story:

welcome: glad to see them hugs and kisses: love, friendship

food: caring and sharing a toast: good wishes, celebration

singing: joy, happiness

engagement ring: love, belonging, commitment, promise

party: celebration

tears: joy, happiness, memories

LEARNING INTENTION: Experience of signs and symbols

God’s love and care for every family

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Activity 1

Talk about signs and symbols, how a sign tells us something we need to know, and a

symbol means something really important.

Read the following story:

Cousin Liz’s engagement party

“Liz told us to look out for McDonald’s along this road,” said Dad.

“Then we’ve got to turn into Princess Road, opposite the park gates,” added Mum

who was holding a piece of paper with directions and a map.

“There’s McDonald’s,” shouted Jason. They drove along and there was Princess

Road. “Right, Dad!” said Jason.

“Now look out for No. 36,” said Mum. “I bet Liz is feeling like a princess.”

“Will I have to kiss everyone?” asked Jason. “I’ll hate it.”

Dad grinned, and Mum said, “Just remember to behave yourself and don’t get too

excited with your cousins, like you did last time.”

“There’s 36,” shouted Jason, glad to change the subject. “There’s the yellow burglar

alarm they told us to watch out for.”

Dad tooted the horn and Liz came out to welcome them. Jason was glad to see

that David was there as well. “I think that must be Liz’s fiancée, Derek,” said Mum,

“Isn’t he tall!”

There were hugs and kisses at the front door. Jason tried to escape before Auntie

Terry could kiss him, but he failed! David took Jason into the dining room. “Come

and see all this food. I can’t wait to get started,” said David.

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“Amazing!” said Jason, at the sight of the sandwiches, salads, trifles and gateaux,

crisps, sausages on sticks and pieces of cheese and pineapple. In the middle was a

cake with ‘Liz and Derek’ iced on it.


Q What signs did Jason’s family have to look for on their way to the party?

Q What symbols did they experience during the party?

Q What do you think the signs and symbols meant?

Q Which symbol did Jason dislike and why?

Q What was your favourite symbol in the story and why?

Q What are some of the symbols you experience in everyday life and what do

they mean to you?

Suggested Activity:

Under two headings, make a list of the signs and symbols in the story or on the

walk. Discuss why they are important and what you think they mean.

Draw as many signs as you can remember that you see on the way to school

or on any regular walk. What do you think these signs mean and why?


Have a quiet moment to reflect on the signs which help you in everyday life and

some of the symbols you like most and what they mean to you. Did anything surprise


The order of the Rite of Baptism

Welcome by name

Sign of the Cross

Listening to the Word of God

(Baptismal promises Year 3)

Baptism with water in the name of the Father, Son

and Holy Spirit

Anointing with the oil of Chrism

Being clothed in the white garment

Being given the baptismal candle (the light of Christ)

Praying the ‘Our Father’ (the family prayer of the


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Activity 2: Review the Sacrament of Baptism.

Watch a film clip of a Baptism

What did you remember about Baptism that you learnt in Reception and Year 1?

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Activity 3: Signs and symbols: the welcome

We are thinking about some special symbols and their importance in the celebration

of Baptism. When someone opens the door for you it means welcome. The open

door of the church is a symbol of welcome for the baby. The priest says some words

of welcome and makes the Sign of the Cross on the baby. He asks the parents what

name they give their child, and makes the Sign of the Cross on the baby’s head and

invites the parents and godparents to do the same. Godparents support the

parents, as they bring up their child, in the ways of Jesus.


Q What does it feel like to be welcomed and for someone to call you by your


Q Who welcomes the baby?

Q What is the baby welcomed into?

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Q What is the first question the priest asks the family?

Q What do the family do?

Q What do you think this symbol means?


Suggested Activities

Write down some ideas for words of welcome a priest might use at the

beginning of a baptism.

Design an invitation card to a baptism. Explain how the baby will be


Using the image above attach speech bubbles (or speech marks) showing

what each person might be saying and describe what symbol the priest is


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Activity 4: Signs and Symbols: anointing with the oil of


Athletes often use oil to massage their muscles and make them strong. Sometimes

people use perfumed oil to moisturise their skin. Oil has healing properties. When

someone becomes a king or a queen they are anointed with oil to show they are

royal and that they promise to serve God and the people they rule. After the

Baptism in water the priest anoints the baby with the oil of Chrism. That is special oil

blessed by the Bishop during Holy Week. The oil is a symbol that the baby has the gift

of the Holy Spirit and has been made holy, a special friend of Jesus who is king.

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Q What kinds of things is oil used for?

Q What is oil a symbol of in Baptism?

Suggested Activities

Write a prayer for a newly baptised baby including the characteristics of oil

and the Holy Spirit.

In Baptism a baby has been made holy, think of ways the baby can grow to

be holy. Write this as a list or in a chart.

Develop a class spider diagram with oil at the centre and showing its uses

and meaning using the page below.

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Activity 5: Signs and symbols: the white garment.

At this point the parents wrap a white garment around the baby.

The priest/deacon explains that the white garment is a symbol that the baby is now

a Christian and that with the help of family and friends will grow up to be like Jesus.


Q Can you think of anyone else who wears a white garment for a special


Q Why do you think they do so?

Q What does the white garment symbolise in Baptism?

Suggested Activity

Design a white garment for a baby which has the symbols of Baptism on it.

Dramatise the putting on of the white garment using words to say how you

can become more like Jesus.


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Activity 5: Signs and symbols: The Baptismal candle

Towards the end of the ceremony of Baptism the parent of the child then lights a

candle from the Easter Candle (see picture on page 35). The priest says, “Receive

the light of Christ.”

The priest tells the parents that they have been entrusted with this light of Christ so

they will help their child follow the light of Christ, so they will always have the flame

of faith alive in their hearts.

Finally, everyone prays the Our Father; the family prayer of the Church. This is a sign

that the baby is a new member of the family of Jesus.

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Q What does the candle symbolise?

Q How do the parents help their children follow Jesus?

Q What are the signs that someone has the light of Christ within them?

Q Why does everyone pray the Our Father at Baptism?

Suggested Activities:

Design a baptismal candle using some of the signs and symbols of Baptism.

Teach the children the song; ‘The Light of Christ has come into the world.

The light of Christ

Has come into the world (Descant)

The light of Christ

Has come into the world (Descant)

All men must be born again

To see the Kingdom of God

The water and the Spirit bring

New life in God's love

God gave up His only Son

Out of love for the world

So that all men who

Believe in Him will live forever

Write about how a child of the light would grow so they would show the light

of Christ to those around them.