Coming to Gaza is no longer an excursion By : Dr.Akram Habeeb

Coming to Gaza is no longer an excursion By : Dr.Akram Habeeb

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Coming to Gaza is no longer an


By : Dr.Akram Habeeb

You Israeli soldiers who embrace to an incursion

Beware! Coming to Gaza is no longer an excursion.

Beware ! Gaza is no longer what you used to know

In Gaza! You will find people whom you never saw

Men, women, and who will for their country fight

With their souls, sons, daughters and sweat hearts

In Gaza the grandchildren of the Palestinian refugees

Will wait for you and make your mum forever wail

Your loss and then no trophies will ever them


Beware and for thousand times think how to be safe

We never want our lovely Gaza to be your gloomy


Tell your generals: I am not going to Gaza to fight

Those who in this country have the roots and right

To live and be free as every nation in the world

Beware! And deeply think about my warning word.

Coming to Gaza is no longer an easy excursion

Stay at home and get rid of that nasty burden

Coming to Gaza is no longer an excursion

By : Dr.Akram Habeeb