Newsletter NEW ERA, N°. 262 DECEMBER, 2014

Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos - Newsletter · 2015-02-18 · Doctor Jose Rios Estavillo, President of the State Hu-man Rights Commission of Sinaloa, ... test, issuing

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Page The voice of the President Event of the month Press Releases Article of the month Book of the month







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ing justice spirit and full re-spect for human rights.

The National Human Rights Commission also works in the search for a model of justice to avoid impunity and abuse of power.


Message by Mr. Luis Raul Gonzalez Perez, to mark the International Human Rights Day.

Mexico City, December 9th, 2014

The National Human Rights Commission is concerned about the sensitive situation faced by fundamental rights in our country.

No one should be con-tent with the many outstanding issues rela-ted to human rights violations in our country. The National Commis-sion underlines its en-gagement to be the voi-ce of victims, who have seen their rights violated and those whom autho-rities have refused to listen. Likewise, he expresses that this will counterbalance to public servants who abuse their duties and act as access channel to restore of violated rights.

On the International Human Rights Day, being worldwide commemorated on Decem-ber 10th, reaffirms that law and Rule of Law should be unique mechanisms to regu-late our social coexistence. All of us are bound to obser-ve it, and those exercising violence or acting outside it should be detained, made available to authority and submitted to respective pro-ceedings, maintaining respect

to their guarantees. The CNDH reiterates that its task is not to hinder or inhibit authorities in fulfilling their responsibilities, but to sup-port reasonable implemen-tation of law, always honor-

The voice of the President

Event of the month

National Human Rights Award 2014

Mexico City, December 12th, 2014

Participation of Mr. Luis Raul Gonzalez Perez, president of the CNDH, during ceremony of the National Human Rights Award 2014, held at Hall “Adolfo Lopez Mateos”, in the official residence of Los Pinos.

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December 8th, 2014 The CNDH underlines the importance to combat co-rruption till its erradica-tion, being a scourge that, in our country, exacerbates poverty and increases inequality among people, at same time that violates fundamental rights of suf-ferers To commemorate this Tuesday December 9th the International Anti-Corruption Day, this Natio-

nal Organism calls upon authorities and society to jointly, combat the perni-cious effects of corrupt practices that directly af-fect millions of Mexicans. It is noteworthy that on October 31st, 2003, the

United Nations General Assembly at resolution

58/4 decided to mark De-cember 9th, the Internatio-nal Anti-Corruption Day, as an opportunity to create awareness upon this phenomenon and its worldwide devastating effects within society . http://www.cndh.org.mx/sites/all/fuentes/documentos/Comunicados/2014/COM_2014_341.pdf

tions (Spanish acronym- FMOPDH), chaired by Doctor Jose Rios Estavillo, President of the State Hu-man Rights Commission of Sinaloa, the President of the CNDH stated that “The Ombudsman have power, not any power, the one given by the force of law, reason, truth and ethic”.

He stressed that the main mission is to protect and promote human rights, to go hand in hand with civil society and its organiza-tions, which demands great efforts to face challenges brought by serious cases of human dignity violation.

He summoned for consoli-dating and defending its autonomy, reiterating its nonpartisan character, independent and secular, focus on vocation of service to all, mainly to victims’ care. Gonzalez Perez poin-ted out his intention to make the CNDH an open door space for all voices, including, of course, those critical, and invited those present to form a common front to that purpose. http://www.cndh.org.mx/sites/all/fuentes/documentos/Comunicados/2014/COM_2014_344.pdf


December 9th, 2014

The President of the CNDH, stated that the only way to strengthen society’s legitimacy and recognition on tasks carried out by public human rights organ-isms, is by taking meaning-ful results, which its impact directly benefits victims.

He noted this is real com-mitment to the human dignity defense and true vocation of service . At opening of the XLI Ordi-nary General Assembly of the Federation of Public Human Rights Organiza-






December 12th, 2014

During the ceremony of the National Human Rights Award 2014, led by Presi-dent Enrique Peña Nieto, the head of the CNDH stat-ed: “All support for exercise freedom of expression and peaceful protest within law's framework, and strict application of it to the per-son who exercise violence affecting to others' rights and interests. This ceremony

was framed at Hall “Adolfo Lopez Mateos”, in the official residence of Los Pinos, where President Pe-ña Nieto presented the award to Mr. Juan Manuel Estrada Juarez, who has been recognized by the human rights defense to minors and has promoted the rescue of child victims of theft, missing, misappropri-ated, in different ways, from their families or from their parents' protection, for several purposes. Likewise, was given a honorable

mention to Mrs. Mayela Garcia Ramirez, who works for women rights favor, by supporting single mothers, denouncing femicides , promoting laws and safety protocols, the fight against gender violence and sup-port to regain custody of their children.


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against those who from their power infringe people’s dignity. In this meeting in which the President of the CNDH was accompanied by Isamel Eslava y Enrique Guadarrama both recently appointed as First and Second Visitor of the CNDH, introduced to parents and rela-tives to Mr. Jose Larrieta Car-rasco, as head of this national Organism's special office for Iguala case. He noted to has been entrusted for research of serious human rights violations , in addition to maintain close communication with them, likewise with their representatives and the NGO’s that accompany them, in order to provide claimed priority attention by the matter. He told them that also tasks will be strengthen towards de-termination of conducts or omissions violating human rights that might have oc-curred before, during and after the events.

Gonzalez Perez unveiled vari-ous actions taken by the CNDH since he assumed the presiden-cy of the national Organism, such as his prevailing stances upon the legitimate social pro-test, issuing precautionary measures and accusations against the Federal Govern-ment, to accept the interven-tion of the Committee on En-forced Disappearances UN and legislature, to output the General Law Enforced Disappearances. Previously, parents and relatives recounted dif-ferent stories about the young teacher trainers and asked him for sup-port so that the various go-vernment authorities would not disqualify their movement, nor stigmatize them by ca-rrying out legitimate social pro-test . http://www.cndh.org.mx/sites/all/fuentes/documentos/Comunicados/2014/COM_2014_358.pdf

CGCP/358/14 December 28th, 2014 Parents and relatives of teach-er trainers accepted the sup-port and collaboration of the CNDH, in its competence scope, aiming to know true facts, jus-tice be done, punish those re-sponsible, to know youths whereabouts and without re-taliatory action by the exercise of social protest. At meeting held at the premis-es of the rural teacher training school “Raul Isidro Burgos”, parents and relatives asked to the national Ombudsman, to commit by heart and not by obligation, also not to rest until know youths whereabouts and to be always on behalf of vic-tims. Gonzalez Perez thanked the trust and vowed to respond with facts that the CNDH will be close to society, will be de-manding and discerning before authorities and relentless




December 17th, 2014 The President of the CNDH, met with this National Organ-ism personnel , to which he convened to make the victims the center of their professional performance, in order to pro-vide them support and repre-sentation, aiming to enforce their rights under the Constitu-tion. We must find that the victim will have the truth of facts, justice to be done, repair dam-age, and punish those responsi-ble. We must not leave any impunity gap. Who deviates from the law, whoever he is, should pay the price, he said. At pointing out that the CNDH has qualified personnel and engaged, who even at the most difficult situations con-ducts their labor, he sued effort and dedication of all, in order

that promotion, protection and defense of human rights become a reality in our coun-try. He expressed that together; we must undertake institutional transformation responsibly and professionally, for serving socie-ty from the trench representing this national Organism, is a privilege that involves over-coming great challenges de-manded by current situation. He noted that this joint effort will restore citizens’ credibility on the CNDH. The National Ombudsman urged Institution’s transfor-mation, to make it consistent with society requirements, to develop a new institutional paradigm allowing to act more decisively, firmness, dynamism and passion, as well as to work with the conviction of being the voice of those voiceless, that lost it or has been robbed.

Gonzalez Perez invited to be inflexible before human rights violations, to d e v e l o p a CNDH close to society ; discern-ing and de-manding before authority, and relentless against those who from their power infringe peo-ple's dignity. He highlighted that in his fight against inequality and indiffe-rence, will remain vigilant, alert and sensitive to potential grievances to people's dignity. http://www.cndh.org.mx/s ites/all/f u e n t e s / d o c u m e n t o s /Comunicados/2014/COM_2014_353.pdf

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Solidarity with brave de-fenders of women’s human rights By the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein

December 1st, 2014 Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, is the United Nations High Commis-sioner for Human Rights ( Spa-nish acronym- ACNUDH), and with great experience on in-ternational diplomacy and human rights protection. Was the first President of the As-sembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the Interna-tional Criminal Court and ex-President of the United Na-

tions Security Council. In this article he talks about achie-vements and deficiencies at assuring rights equity to all, and underlines importance and braveness of defenders of women’s human rights, and the difficulties they face. The ACNUDH will began a new campaign "The Human Rights Day” on December 10th, to pursue recognition for activists working on hu-man rights favor. Almost two decades ago, at Beijing, China, 189 countries committed to achieve wom-en’s equity, within law and in practice, so in this way all women at last could fully enjoy their rights and liber-ties as human beings upon

equality basis . http://beijing20.unwomen.org/es/news-and-events/stories/2014/12/oped-ohchr


UNESCO’s Universal Dec-laration on Bioethics and Human Rights and Disa-bility

BY MARIA CASADO GONZA-LEZ; ANTONI VILA MANCE-BO BARCELONA UNIVERSITY. PUBLICATIONS AND EDI-TIONS = UNIVERSITAT DE BARCELONA. 1ST ED., 1ST IMP. (07/2014) 120 PAGES; 24X17 CM This book provides clues allo-wing the States and involved actors to adopt the functional diversity perspective and the differentiated capabilities to

avoid exclusion, from a hu-man rights based focus. 1. Approach: How thus the Universal Declara-tion on Bioethics and Hu-man Rights of the UNESCO could and should become reference for the bioethics addressing the issue of disa-bility matter.

2. The Universal Dec-laration on Bioethics and Human Rights of the UNESCO (2005) as refer-ence to the States and other actors within the bioethics addressing the issue of disa-bility matter.


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Luis Raul Gonzalez Perez

First General Visitor

Ismael Eslava Perez

Second General Visitor

Enrique Guadarrama Lopez

Third General Visitor

Ruth Villanueva Castilleja

Fourth General Visitor

Norma Ines Aguilar Leon

Fifth General Visitor

Edgar Corzo Sosa

Sixth General Visitor

Executive Secretary

Nabor Carrillo Flores

Technical Secretary of the

Advisory Council

Joaquin Narro Lobo



Defends and Protects your Rights

Periférico Sur 3469,

Col. San Jerónimo Lídice,

Delegación Magdalena Contreras,

C.P. 10200, México D.F.

Phones (55) 56 81 81 25 y 54 90 74 00,

Toll Free 01800 715 2000

Executive Secretariat

Blvd. Adolfo López Mateos, 1922, 1er piso,

Col. Tlacopac, Del. Álvaro Obregón,

C.P. 01049, México, City.

Telephone: (52 55) 17 19 20 00 ext. 8712

Fax: (52.55) 17 19 21 53

Toll Free : 01 800 715 2000


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