Commentary on Atomistic Simulations of Materials Strength and Deformation: Prospects for Mechanistic Insights Ju Li, Wei Cai, Jinpeng Chang and Sidney Yip Department of Nuclear Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA Abstract: Multiscale materials modeling has emerged as a significant concept in computational materials research. We examine several case studies which seek to provide understanding of mechanical behavior of solids at the atomistic level, in the context of upper and lower limits to strength and deformation, the interplay between melting and stability criteria, the competition between pressure-induced polymorphism and amorphization, the role of kink mechanism in dislocation mobility, and the concept of a local free energy as an invariant measure of defect driving force. Through these illustrations we express the optimistic belief that further pursuits of this kind would be worthwhile. Key words: melting, stability criteria, dislocation mobility, local free energy 1. Introduction Understanding materials behavior at the atomic level has long been a grand challenge to scientists and engineers across many disciplines. Currently the in- terest in identifying problems in computational mate- rials research that offer the prospects of fundamental advances along with technological innovations has be- come intensified and widespread [1]. To provide a ba- sis for such inquiries, a particular focus on atomistic simulations has emerged in the context of multiscale approach to materials theory and simulation [2, 3]. Our aim here, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary celebration of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, is to examine, through selected investigations of phase stability and defect mobility, how atomistic simula- tions can lead to insights into the basic mechanisms underlying the strength and deformation of solids. We will begin in Sec. 2 by considering measures of strength through elastic and vibrational stability cri- teria which set the upper limit on theoretical strength. Expanding on this theme we then consider studies of melting in Sec. 3 and pressure-induced structural transitions in Sec. 4 to bring out the distinction be- tween thermodynamic and mechanical melting and the role of chemical disorder in solid-state amorphiza- tion. In the process we find that Born’s criteria on melting and stability can be unified, and the competi- tion between polymorphism and crystal-to-amorphous transitions clarified. Lower limits of strength in real materials are often governed by the mobility of the defect microstructure. We discuss in Sec. 5 a kinetic Monte Carlo study of kink mechanism in dissociated screw dislocations in Si to illustrate how one can over- come the problem of bridging the space and time scales between atomistics and experiments. Atomistic simulations of defect microstructure evo- lution are clearly central to the understanding of strength and deformation in terms of stress-strain re- sponses. However, the concept of stress field may be inapplicable at the nanometer level, while the con- cept of energy remains well-defined in the manner of an interatomic potential. In Sec. 6 we suggest a lo- cal formulation of the thermodynamic driving force to move a defect. By decomposing the system into a core zone connected to the remainder through a buffer layer and deriving a tractable method of local free-energy calculation, we find results for the free energy change in a defect displacement confirming its invariance to the size of the core region. It is also noteworthy that defect-environment interactions can be highly local. To conclude our commentary brief remarks on multi- scale materials modeling are offered in Sec. 7. 2. Theoretical Limits to Strength Material strength can be defined in terms of me- chanical stability. For a crystal lattice stability con- ditions can be formulated which specify the critical level of external stress that the system can withstand. Lattice stability is not only one of the most central is- sues in elasticity, it is also fundamental in any analysis of structural transformations in solids, such as poly- morphism, amorphization, fracture or melting. It was first shown by M. Born that by expanding the internal energy of a crystal in a power series in the strain and requiring positivity of the energy, one obtains a set of

Commentary on Atomistic Simulations of Materials Strength

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Commentary on Atomistic Simulations ofMaterials Strength and Deformation:Prospects for Mechanistic Insights

Ju Li, Wei Cai, Jinpeng Chang and Sidney YipDepartment of Nuclear Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

Abstract: Multiscale materials modeling has emerged as a significant concept in computational materialsresearch. We examine several case studies which seek to provide understanding of mechanical behavior ofsolids at the atomistic level, in the context of upper and lower limits to strength and deformation, theinterplay between melting and stability criteria, the competition between pressure-induced polymorphismand amorphization, the role of kink mechanism in dislocation mobility, and the concept of a local freeenergy as an invariant measure of defect driving force. Through these illustrations we express theoptimistic belief that further pursuits of this kind would be worthwhile.

Key words: melting, stability criteria, dislocation mobility, local free energy

1. Introduction

Understanding materials behavior at the atomiclevel has long been a grand challenge to scientists andengineers across many disciplines. Currently the in-terest in identifying problems in computational mate-rials research that offer the prospects of fundamentaladvances along with technological innovations has be-come intensified and widespread [1]. To provide a ba-sis for such inquiries, a particular focus on atomisticsimulations has emerged in the context of multiscaleapproach to materials theory and simulation [2, 3].Our aim here, on the occasion of the 50th anniversarycelebration of the Society of Materials Science, Japan,is to examine, through selected investigations of phasestability and defect mobility, how atomistic simula-tions can lead to insights into the basic mechanismsunderlying the strength and deformation of solids.

We will begin in Sec. 2 by considering measures ofstrength through elastic and vibrational stability cri-teria which set the upper limit on theoretical strength.Expanding on this theme we then consider studiesof melting in Sec. 3 and pressure-induced structuraltransitions in Sec. 4 to bring out the distinction be-tween thermodynamic and mechanical melting andthe role of chemical disorder in solid-state amorphiza-tion. In the process we find that Born’s criteria onmelting and stability can be unified, and the competi-tion between polymorphism and crystal-to-amorphoustransitions clarified. Lower limits of strength in realmaterials are often governed by the mobility of thedefect microstructure. We discuss in Sec. 5 a kineticMonte Carlo study of kink mechanism in dissociatedscrew dislocations in Si to illustrate how one can over-

come the problem of bridging the space and time scalesbetween atomistics and experiments.

Atomistic simulations of defect microstructure evo-lution are clearly central to the understanding ofstrength and deformation in terms of stress-strain re-sponses. However, the concept of stress field may beinapplicable at the nanometer level, while the con-cept of energy remains well-defined in the manner ofan interatomic potential. In Sec. 6 we suggest a lo-cal formulation of the thermodynamic driving force tomove a defect. By decomposing the system into a corezone connected to the remainder through a buffer layerand deriving a tractable method of local free-energycalculation, we find results for the free energy changein a defect displacement confirming its invariance tothe size of the core region. It is also noteworthy thatdefect-environment interactions can be highly local.To conclude our commentary brief remarks on multi-scale materials modeling are offered in Sec. 7.

2. Theoretical Limits to Strength

Material strength can be defined in terms of me-chanical stability. For a crystal lattice stability con-ditions can be formulated which specify the criticallevel of external stress that the system can withstand.Lattice stability is not only one of the most central is-sues in elasticity, it is also fundamental in any analysisof structural transformations in solids, such as poly-morphism, amorphization, fracture or melting. It wasfirst shown by M. Born that by expanding the internalenergy of a crystal in a power series in the strain andrequiring positivity of the energy, one obtains a set of

Ju Li
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This paper is published in Proceedings of International Symposia on Materials Science for the 21th Century (ISMS-21), vol. A (The Society of Materials Science, Japan, Suita, Japan, 2001), p. 220-233.

conditions on the elastic constants of the crystal thatmust be satisfied to maintain structural stability [4,5].This leads to the determination of ideal strength ofperfect crystals as an instability phenomenon, a con-cept that has been examined by Hill [6] and Hill andMilstein [7], as well as used in various applications [8].

That Born’s results are valid only when the latticeis not under external stress was brought out explicitlyin a derivation by Wang et al [9] invoking the formu-lation of a path-dependent Gibbs integral. The lim-itation is most displayed by considering the relationbetween two second-rank tensors, the elastic stiffnesscoefficients B and the elastic constants C [10],

Bijkl = Cijkl + Λijkl, (1)


Λijkl =12(δikτjl+δjkτil+δilτjk+δjlτik−2δklτij), (2)

with δij being the Kronecker delta symbol and τij be-ing the applied stress tensor. The condition for theonset of elastic instability is [9],

det |A| = 0, (3)


Aijkl =12

(Bijkl + Bklij) . (4)

In the absence of an external stress the elasticstiffness coefficients are the same as the elastic con-stants, in which case Eq.(3) gives the Born criteria.Conversely, at finite external stress lattice stability,or strength, is in principle not an intrinsic materialproperty as are the elastic constants. In the deriva-tion of Eq.(3) [9] the origin of the term Λijkl arisesclearly from the work done by the external stress. Fur-ther discussions of Eq.(3) has been given by Zhou andJoos [11] regarding thermodynamic (ensemble) impli-cations and the deformation path, and by Morris andKrenn [12] regarding compatibility with the conditionfor internal stability formulated by Gibbs in 1876.

The connection between stability criteria and the-oretical strength is rather straightforward. For a givenapplied stress one can imagine evaluating the currentelastic constants to obtain the stiffness coefficients B.Then by increasing the magnitude of stress one willreach a point where one of the eigenvalues of the sym-metric matrix A (cf. Eq.(3)) vanishes. This criticalstress at which the system becomes structurally un-stable is then a measure of the theoretical strength ofthe solid. In view of this, one has a direct approachto strength determination through atomistic simula-tion of the structural instability under a prescribedloading. If the simulation is performed by molecular

dynamics, temperature effects can be taken into ac-count naturally by following the particle trajectoriesat the temperature of interest.

Under a uniform load the deformation of a singlecrystal is homogeneous up to the point of structuralinstability. For a cubic lattice under an applied hydro-static stress, the load-dependent stability conditionsare particularly simple, being of the form,

C11 +2C12 +P > 0, C11−C12− 2P > 0, C44−P > 0,(5)

where P is positive (negative) for compression (ten-sion), and the elastic constants Cij are to be evaluatedat the current state. While this result is known forsome time [13–15], direct verification against atom-istic simulations showing that the criteria do accu-rately describe the critical value of P (Pc) at whichthe homogeneous lattice becomes unstable has beenrelatively recent [9, 16–20]. One may therefore regardPc as a definition of the theoretical or ideal compres-sive (tensile) strength of the elastic body.

One may regard the stability criteria, Eq.(5), asmanifestation in the long wavelength limit of the gen-eral condition for vibrational stability of a lattice. Thevanishing of elastic constants then corresponds to thephenomenon of soft phonon modes in lattice dynam-ics. Indeed one finds that under sufficient deformationsuch soft modes do occur in a homogeneously strainedlattice. To see the lattice dynamical manifestation ofthis condition, we apply molecular dynamics to re-lax a single crystal sample with periodic boundarycondition at essentially zero temperature for a spec-ified deformation at constant strain. The resultingatomic configurations are then used to construct thedynamical matrices which are then diagonalized. Fig.1 shows two sets of dispersion curves for fcc Ar at0K described by the Lennard-Jones interatomic po-tential (rc = 2.5σ), one for the crystal at equilibrium(for reference) and the other when the lattice is de-formed under a uniaxial tensile strain of 0.138 whichis close to the critical value [21]. One can see in thelatter a Γ-point soft mode in the [011] direction. Sim-ilar results for deformation under shear or hydrostatictensile strain would show Γ-point soft modes in the[111] and [100] directions, respectively. All these areacoustic zone-center modes, therefore they would cor-respond to elastic instabilities. For a more compli-cated lattice such as SiC in the zinc blende structure,one would find that soft modes also can occur at thezone boundaries [21]. The overall implication here isthat lattice vibrational analysis of a deformed crystaloffers the most general measure of structural instabil-ity at 0K, and this again demonstrates that strengthis not an intrinsic property of the material, rather itdepends on the mode of deformation.

Returning to molecular dynamics simulations we












Γ X Γ′ L W X

ν [T


Equilibrium Argon crystal (LJ6−12, rc=2.5σ)

[ξ00] [0ξξ] [ξξξ]












Γ X Γ′ L W X

ν [T


Argon crystal (LJ6−12, rc=2.5σ) at ε

xx=0.138, σ

xx=266 MPa, σ


zz=119 MPa

[ξ00] [0ξξ] [ξξξ]

(a) (b)

Figure 1: Phonon dispersion curves of single crystal of Ar as described by the Lennard-Jones potential (solidlines), (a) comparison of results for equilibrium condition with experimental data (36Ar results (circles) arerescaled for m = 39.948 amu) [59], (b) results for uniaxial tension deformation at strain of 0.138, correspondingstresses of 266 MPa and 119 MPa along the tensile and transverse direction. The labeling tracks only one splitbranch of the original cubic-symmetry k-point. [21]

show in Fig. 2 the stress-strain response for a sin-gle crystal of Ar under uniaxial tension at 35.9K. Atevery stage of fixed strain, the system is relaxed andthe stress tensor evaluated. One sees the expected lin-ear elastic response at small strains up to about 0.05;thereafter the response is nonlinear but still elastic upto a critical strain of 0.1 and corresponding stress of130 MPa. Applying a small increment strain beyondthis point causes a dramatic stress reduction (relief)at point (b). Inspection of the atomic configurationsat the indicated points shows the following. At point(a) several point defect like inhomogeneities have beenformed; most probably one or more will act as nucle-ation sites for a larger defect which causes the strainenergy to be abruptly released. At the cusp, point(b), one can clearly discern an elementary slip on anentire [111] plane, the process being so sudden that itis difficult to capture the intermediate configurations.Figuratively speaking, we suspect that a partial dis-location loop is spontaneously created on the (111)plane which expands at a high speed to join with thedispersed inhomogeneities until it annihilates with it-self on the opposite side of the periodic border of thesimulation cell, leaving a stacking fault plane. As oneincreases the strain the lattice loads up again until an-other slip occurs. At (c) one finds that a different slipsystem is activated.

What we have seen here in Fig. 2 is a typical stress-strain response on which one can conduct very detailedanalysis of the deformation using the atomic config-

uration available from the simulation. This atomic-level version of structure-property correlation can beeven more insightful than the conventional macro-scopic counterpart simply because in simulation themicrostructure can be as well characterized as one de-sires. As an illustration we consider the single-crystalresponse such as that shown in Fig. 2 a referenceand repeat the deformation simulation using initialatomic configurations which have some distinctive mi-crostructural features. We have performed such stud-ies on SiC using prepared amorphous and nanocrys-talline structures [21]. In this case the single-crystalreference at T = 1300K, under pure shear ratherthan uniaxial tension, shows a similar linear elasticresponse at small strain up to about 0.05; thereafterthe response is nonlinear but still elastic up to a crit-ical strain of εxy = 0.18 and corresponding stress ofσxy = 43 GPa. Applying a small increment strainbeyond this point causes a dramatic change, similarto that seen at point (a) in Fig. 2, with the internalstress suddenly reduced by a factor of 3. Inspection ofthe atomic configurations shows the nucleation of anelliptical microcrack in the lattice along the directionof maximum tension. With further strain incrementsthe specimen deforms by strain localization around thecrack with essentially no change in the system stress.

The responses of the amorphous and nanocrys-talline SiC differ significantly from that of the sin-gle crystal under hydrostatic tension. The formershows a broad peak, at about half the critical strain

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.180









σ xx [M


Uniaxial tension test of Ar perfect crystal at k B



(b) (c)

Figure 2: Atomistic stress-strain response of a sin-gle crystal of Ar under uniaxial tensile deformationat constant strain at a reduced temperature of 0.3(35.9K), simulation data are indicated as circles andsolid line is drawn to guide the eye. [21]

and stress, suggesting a much more gradual structuraltransition. Indeed, the deformed atomic configurationreveals channel-like decohesion at strain of 0.096 andstress 22 GPa. Another feature of the amorphous sam-ple is that the response to other modes of deformation,uniaxial tension and shear, is much more isotropic rel-ative to the single crystal, which is perhaps under-standable with bonding in SiC being quite stronglycovalent and therefore directionally dependent. Forthe nanocrystal, the critical strain and stress are simi-lar to the amorphous phase, except that the instabilityeffect is much more pronounced, qualitatively like thatof the single crystal. The atomic configuration showsrather clearly the failure process to be intergranulardecohesion. These observations allow us to correlatethe qualitative behavior of the stress-strain responseswith a gross feature of the system microstructure,namely, the local disorder (or free volume). This fea-ture is completely absent in the single crystal, welldistributed in the amorphous phase, and localized atthe grain boundaries in the nanocrystal. The disordercan act as a nucleation site for structural instability,thereby causing a reduction of the critical stress andstrain for failure. Once a site is activated, it will tendto link up with neighboring activated sites, thus giv-ing rise to different behavior between the amorphousand nanocrystalline samples.

3. Unifying Born’s Melting and Stability Cri-teria

In 1939 Born set forth a simple criterion for crystal

melting by postulating that melting should be accom-panied by the loss of shear rigidity [22]. Expressed interms of the shear modulus G for a cubic crystal, themelting point Tm is the temperature at which,

G(Tm) = 0. (6)

A year later he extended this stability concept to lat-tice deformation [4] by deriving the well-known condi-tions for mechanical stability, valid for cubic crystals,

C11 + 2C12 > 0, C11 − C12 > 0, C44 > 0, (7)

where C11, C12 and C44 (= G) are the three distinctelastic constants (in Voigt notation).

In this section we will examine the basis on whichBorn’s two criteria may be considered to be valid.Shortly after Eq.(6) was proposed, experimental re-sults obtained on NaCl single crystals were presentedshowing that the two shear constants, C44 and C11 −C12, have nonzero values at the melting point [23].Moreover, it was not clear how this criterion could ex-plain the existence of latent heat and volume changein a first-order thermodynamic phase transition. Incontrast, the stability criteria Eq.(7) seem to be gen-erally accepted, with neither stringent tests havingbeen performed nor qualifications concerning its pos-sible limitations discussed. The challenge of ascertain-ing whether such criteria are capable of predicting theactual onset of an instability is considerable. The dif-ficulty, on the theoretical side, has been that stabilityanalyses have been formulated in different ways [9,10],and few explicit calculations of elastic constants at thecritical condition have been reported to make possi-ble an unambiguous test. On the experimental side,competing effects frequently render the determinationof the triggering instability uncertain. Thus, whilethe shortcomings of Eq.(7) are well known, the use ofEq.(7) to define structural resistance to thermal agi-tation has gone unnoticed.

Our interest is to test Eq.(7) through molecular dy-namics simulation of melting instead of testing Eq.(6)using experimental data. By performing simulation ofisobaric heating to melting at zero pressure of a per-fect crystal without surfaces or defects of any kind, weachieve an unambiguous test since without an exter-nal stress Eq.(7) would be equivalent to Eq.(5). Aswe will see below, simulation shows that at the onsetof melting one of the shear constants indeed vanishes,although it is C11−C12 rather than C44. The observedmelting temperature, or equivalently the critical lat-tice strain, is in remarkable agreement with the predic-tions based on the stability criteria. Since the systemis initially a defect- and surface-free lattice, the homo-geneous melting observed here is to be distinguishedfrom the conventional melting which is a free-energy

based heterogeneous process of nucleation and growth.The latter process, if not kinetically suppressed in sim-ulation by eliminating all defects and surfaces, wouldset in at a lower temperature, the conventional meltingpoint of the material, and preclude the melting pro-cess associated with an elastic instability. Allowing forthese modifications, the melting and stability criteriaproposed by Born are reconciled. The qualificationwhich is nontrivial is that the concept of thermoelas-tic mechanism of melting indeed applies to a form ofmelting, but it is melting in the sense of mechanicalstability against thermal excitation as opposed to theconventional thermodynamic process which is alwaysdefect mediated and therefore heterogeneous.

Given that the generalized criteria Eq.(5) obvi-ously reduce to Born’s results in the limit of zero load,Eq.(7) is a valid description of lattice stability in thespecial case of a cubic crystal being heated to melt-ing at zero pressure. For the simulation we use aninteratomic potential model for Au [24] (details of thepotential are of no interest in this discussion) and asimulation cell containing 1, 372 atoms with periodicborder conditions imposed in the manner of Parrinelloand Rahman [25]. A series of isobaric-isothermal sim-ulations are carried out at various temperatures. Ateach temperature the atomic trajectories generatedare used to compute the elastic constants at the cur-rent state using appropriate fluctuation formulas [26].

Figure 3: Variation of lattice strain a/a0 with tem-perature along three Cartesian directions in the sim-ulation of an isobaric (P = 0) heating process.

Fig. 3 shows the variation with temperature ofthe lattice strain a/a0 along the three cubic symme-try directions [27]. The slight increase with increasingtemperature merely indicates the lattice is expandingnormally with temperature, and the results for thethree directions are the same as they should be. AtT = 1350K one sees a sharp bifurcation in the lat-tice dimension where the system elongates in two di-

Figure 4: Variation of BT , G, and G′ with latticestrain a/a0 in the isobaric (P = 0) heating process.

rections and contracts in the third. This is a clearsign of symmetry change, in the present case fromcubic to tetragonal. To see whether the simulationresults are in agreement with the prediction based onEq.(7), we show in Fig. 4 the variation of the elasticmoduli with temperature, or equivalently the latticestrain since there is a one-to-one correspondence asindicated in Fig. 3; the three moduli of interest arethe bulk modulus BT = (C11 + 2C12)/3, tetragonalshear modulus G′ = (C11 − C12)/2, and rhombohe-dral shear modulus G = C44. On the basis of Fig. 4one would predict the incipient instability to be thevanishing of G′, occurring at the theoretical or pre-dicted lattice strain of (a/a0)theory = 1.025. Fromthe simulation at T = 1350K the observed strain is(a/a0)observed = 1.024. Thus, we can conclude thatthe vanishing of tetragonal shear is responsible for thestructural behavior.

For more details of the system behavior at T =1350K we show in Fig. 5 the time evolution of the lat-tice strain, the off-diagonal elements of the cell matrixH, and the system volume. It is clear from Fig. 5(a)that the onset of the G′ = 0 instability triggers botha shear (cf. Fig. 5(b)) and a lattice decohesion (Fig.5(c)), the latter providing the characteristic volumeexpansion associated with melting. This sequence ofbehavior, which has not been recognized previously,implies that the signature of a first-order transition,namely, latent volume change, is not necessarily asso-ciated with the incipient instability. Our results alsoprovide evidence supporting Born’s picture of meltingbeing driven by a thermoelastic instability [22], laterreinterpreted by Boyer [28] to involve a combinationof loss of shear rigidity and vanishing of the compress-ibility. Moreover, it is essential to recognize that thisthermoelastic mechanism can only be applied to theprocess of mechanical instability (homogeneous melt-

Figure 5: Time responses of (a) lattice strain alongthree initially cubic directions, (b) off-diagonal ele-ments of the cell matrix H, H12, H13, H23, (c) nor-malized system volume. Arrow indicate the onset ofBorn instability in (a), shear instability in (b), andlattice decohesion in (c).

ing) of a crystal lattice without defects, and not tothe coexistence of solid and liquid phases at a specifictemperature (heterogeneous melting) [29,30].

It is perhaps worthwhile emphasizing again whatthe combination of stability analysis and moleculardynamics simulation has contributed to the under-standing of Born’s two criteria. That the stabilitycriteria Eq.(7) are valid only under vanishing externalload is quite clear, both theoretically and in simulationstudies. Since it is often advantageous to be able topredict a priori the critical stress or strain for the on-set of instability, the availability of Eq.(5) could facil-itate more quantitative analysis of simulation results.Although our results for an fcc lattice with metallicinteractions show that homogeneous melting is trig-

gered by G′ = 0 and not Eq.(6), nevertheless, theyconstitute clear-cut evidence that a shear instability isresponsible for initiating the transition. The fact thatsimulation reveals a sequence of responses apparentlylinked to the competing modes of instabilities (cf. Fig.5) implies that it is no longer necessary to explain allthe known characteristic features of melting on thebasis of the vanishing of a single modulus. In otherwords, independent of whether G′ = 0 is the initiat-ing mechanism, the system will in any event undergovolume change and latent heat release in sufficientlyrapid order (on the time scale of physical observation)that these processes are all identified as part of themelting phenomenon. Generalizing this observationfurther, one may entertain the notion of a hierarchy ofinterrelated stability catastrophes of different origins,elastic, thermodynamic, vibrational, and entropic [31].

Finally it may be mentioned that in several stud-ies over the last few years, the stability criteria Eq.(5)have lead to precise identifications of the elastic insta-bility triggering a particular structural transition. Inhydrostatic compression of Si, the instability whichcauses the transition from diamond cubic to β-tinstructure is the vanishing of G′(P ) = (C11 − C12 −2P )/2 [17]. In contrast, compression of crystallineSiC in the zinc blende structure results in an amor-phization transition associated with the vanishing ofG(P ) = C44 − P [20]. This is discussed further in thenext section. For behavior under tension, crack nu-cleation in SiC [18] and cavitation in a model binaryintermetallic [19], both triggered by the spinodal in-stability, vanishing of BT (P ) = (C11 + 2C12 + P )/3,are results which are analogous to the observations re-ported here. Notice also that in the present study acrossover from spinodal to shear instability can takeplace at sufficiently high temperature [9].

4. Competing Mechanisms in Pressure-Induced Structural Transitions

When a homogeneous lattice without defects ofany kind is driven to structural instability by hydro-static compression, two types of responses generallycan be expected, a polymorphic transition to anotherlattice structure, or a transition to a disordered state,a phenomenon known as solid-state amorphization.Molecular dynamics simulations of compression load-ing on Si [17] and cubic SiC (β-phase) [20] using es-sentially the same many-body interatomic interactionmodel have shown that the former undergoes a transi-tion from diamond cubic to β-tin tetragonal structure,while the latter undergoes amorphization. The behav-ior of stability criteria in these two studies are shownin Fig. 6, where one sees that the two transitions in-volve different instability modes, the vanishing of the

Figure 6: Variation of the elastic moduli, K, G, andG′, with lattice strain under hydrostatic loading at0K, (a) β-SiC, (b) Si. r/r0 = 1 denotes the conditionof zero stress.

tetragonal shear modulus G′ and the rhombohedralshear modulus G, respectively. The potential modelsfrom which the elastic constants are calculated are ofthe same bond-order form proposed by J. Tersoff [32]for covalent crystals. In both cases, the critical strainspredicted in Fig. 6 agreed with what was observed inthe direct simulations. The question then arises as towhat is the underlying cause of the different structuralconsequences of shear instability.

Table 1: Calculated properties of the Tersoff modelfor β-SiC and its two modifications [20].

Tersoff Model I Model IIlattice constant[A] 4.32 4.34 4.32

cohesive energy[eV] -6.18 -6.03 -6.18bulk modulus[GPa] 225 218 225

C11[GPa] 436 419 331C12[GPa] 120 117 172C44[GPa] 255 242 161

C11 − C12[GPa] 316 302 159

It is apparent that an obvious difference betweenthe two lattices is that one is an elemental systemwhile the other is a binary (AB) compound. Thus inSiC there are chemical ordering effects which are notpresent in Si. Since in the context of chemical order-ing a distinction is made between atomic size effectsand chemical bonding effects, it is of interest to as-sess which effect is more responsible for the observedamorphization. For this analysis one can manipulate

the description of interatomic interactions to inten-tionally suppress one effect or the other. Two mod-ified forms of the Tersoff potential model have beenproduced, in one variant chemical bond preference issuppressed through an adjustment of the interactionbetween atoms of different species (model I), and inanother variant size effects are suppressed by adjustingthe bond-order parameter and cross interaction at thesame time to leave heat of mixing unchanged (modelII) [33]. The relevant physical properties of the Ter-soff potential for β-SiC and its two modifications areshown in Table I. It is clearly seen that eliminationof chemical bonding preference has little effect (modelI), whereas all three elastic constants are significantlyaltered in the absence of atomic size difference. Al-though both C11 − C12 and C44 are appreciably re-duced, the lowering of the former is more drastic suchthat in model II the instability mode becomes the van-ishing of G′. Thus one may deduce that not only is thepresence of size effects responsible for the rhombohe-dral shear instability in β-SiC, but also their absenceallows the tetragonal shear to vanish first in Si. To ex-plicitly verify that these interpretations are correct, asimulation of model II under compression was carriedout, indeed revealing a transition from zinc-blende torock salt structure triggered by a tetragonal shear in-stability. This is an illustration of the use of modifiedor manipulated interatomic interaction in simulation;it can be a potentially very useful device for isolatingcause-and-effect in probing complex phenomena.

We have demonstrated that in terms of the com-petition between instability modes, in this case thevanishing of the two shear moduli, one can gain someinsight into the underlying nature of polymorphic andcrystal to amorphous transitions. With regard to theexperimental implications of our results on β-SiC, wenote that amorphization of β-SiC single crystals in-duced by electron irradiation have been reported [34],the data revealing chemical disordering to take placebelow a critical temperature of 340◦C. On the otherhand, the structural transition in β-SiC under com-pression is found by X-ray diffraction to be polymor-phic, from zinc-blende to a rock salt-type structure at100 GPA [35]. The reason that the simulation pre-dictions do not match precisely with the experimentalfindings can be attributed to two factors. First is thatthe empirical classical interatomic potential descrip-tion is likely not adequate to correctly resolve com-peting mechanisms involving subtle effects of chemicalbonding. Secondly, the role of crystal defects in con-trolling the experimental observations has not beenquantitatively assessed, while for the simulations oneknows for sure that no defects were initially present.These uncertainties aside, it is noteworthy that bothamorphization and polymorphic transitions have been

observed in β-SiC. Apparently, under the relatively“gentle” driving force of pressure the latter, associatedwith G′ = 0, prevails over the former which entailsG = 0. The driving force induced by electron irra-diation is the destabilizing effect of point defect pro-duction; under this condition β-SiC undergoes amor-phization rather than transforming to another crystalstructure.

Even though in β-SiC pressure-induced amorphiza-tion appears to be precluded by a polymorphic transi-tion, several experimental studies of this phenomenonin AB compounds can be cited to provide further in-sights into the kinetics of competing transitions. X-raymeasurements show that Nb2O5 becomes amorphousat 19.2 GPa at 300 K which is novel because the ox-ide is simultaneously reduced in the process [36]; thecompeting polymorphic transition is believed to be ki-netically impeded. In BAs a transformation from zincblende to amorphous structure was observed at 125GPa, just slightly above the calculated equilibriumtransition pressure to the rock salt phase, and inter-preted as signifying a kinetically frustrated process[37]. In more complicated systems, such as CaSiO3

an MgSiO3 perovskites, it has been conjectured thatstress-induced amorphization arises from the near si-multaneous accessibility of multiple modes of instabil-ity [38]. The amorphization of α-quartz under pres-sure is a particularly well-known case where molecu-lar dynamics simulation gives a transition pressure inagreement with experiment [39]. The physical mech-anism underlying the elastic instability was first iden-tified as the softening of a phonon mode [40]; latera dynamic instability associated with a soft phononmode at one wave vector was found [41]. These de-velopments are not surprising in view of our discus-sions in Section 2. It is interesting that the dynamicinstability in α-quartz precede the elastic instability,occurring at 21.5 GPa and 25 GPa respectively.

5. Dislocation Mobility in Silicon

How the motion of a single dislocation in silicon isaffected by temperature and stress is a longstandingquestion in crystal plasticity [42]. Much of our presentunderstanding is based on a semi-empirical theory ofkink diffusion [43] which does not properly account forimportant mechanistic details of the processes govern-ing dislocation glide. For example, the effects of in-teractions between partial dislocations in dislocationsthat have dissociated have been appreciated for sometime [44], but we still do not know how to interprettheir quantitative effects on the measured data. Re-cently, atomistic studies have revealed the existenceof kink multiplicity [45–47], giving further impetusto seek extension beyond the standard treatment of

dislocation glide via the double kink mechanism [43].Finally, atomistic calculations ranging from empiricalpotential models [48,49] to electronic structure meth-ods based on tight-binding approximation [47] andfirst principles methods [50, 51] are starting to givekink formation and migration activation energies, in-cluding results specific to detailed kink structures. Ifthese results are to be used in predicting dislocationmobility, a method is needed to relate the microscopicdetails on the angstrom length scale to existing mo-bility data measured on the micron scale.

From the standpoint of analyzing dislocation mo-bility on the experimental spatial and time scales,1 − 100 microns and 1 − 100 milliseconds, a directsimulation using discrete atoms is well beyond the cur-rent computational capabilities. On the other hand,it is quite feasible to represent a dislocation by a largenumber of line segments, which individually can be al-lowed to evolve under the influence of temperature andapplied stress. For the model to be capable of givingquantitative results, a mechanism for the displacementof an individual line segment has to be prescribed. Inthis discussion we will adopt the well-known mecha-nism of double kink nucleation and migration as theunderlying process for dislocation mobility [43].

Figure 7: Kink mechanism of dislocation glide involv-ing activation of a dislocation segment over two Peierlsenergy barriers, Ek and Wm, for kink nucleation andmigration, respectively.

The physical picture illustrating the kink mecha-nism of dislocation glide is displacement of a singledislocation line on a potential energy surface with pe-riodic barriers as shown in Fig. 7. The surface is seento be corrugated along two directions; the heights ofthe barrier along the direction of displacement con-trolling kink nucleation and that along the transversedirection controlling kink expansion (migration) aredenoted as Ek and Wm respectively. Backward ac-tivations are allowed so that a narrow double kinkcan annihilate, or one of the two ledges of the dou-ble kink can contract. The displacement of the entiredislocation line over arbitrary number of Ek barriersis realized by dividing the line into a large number ofsegments with each segment undergoing the unit glide

process depicted in Fig. 7.The application of Monte Carlo as an energy-based

method for efficiently sampling a large number of suchunit events is potentially a practical solution to thetime scale problem of relating mobility events occur-ring over periods of seconds to the underlying mech-anistic processes which take place over picoseconds.At present it is still somewhat of an open questionwhether reasonable behavior of dislocation mobilityseen by experiments can be produced by treatingstochastically a large number of the unit events. Theessence of the kinetic Monte Carlo, in contrast to sam-pling statistical ensembles for calculations of equilib-rium properties, lies simply in expressing activationenergy barriers for defect mobility as a rate in tran-sition state theory which is to be sampled with everystep in the simulation.

For the operation of the kink mechanism it followsthere are two such rates, one for nucleation and an-other independent one for migration. We write thenucleation rate as,

jdk(1) = ω0 exp

(−Eemb + (±γSF − ~τ ·~bα)A/2



(8)where ω0 is the sampling frequency factor, which wewill set equal to the Debye frequency, ~τ = (σyz,−σxy)is the applied stress, ~bα = (bz, bx)α, α = 0, 1 are theBurgers vectors of the leading and trailing partials,~b0 = (b/2, b

√3/6) and ~b1 = (b/2,−b

√3/6) , A = ±bh

is the area swept out by the dislocation during suchtransformation, with“+” or “−” sign for upward ordownward nucleation respectively, kB is the Boltz-mann’s constant and T is the temperature. The signbefore γSF takes “+” or “−” for leading and trailingpartials. The factor of 1/2 appears because we assumethat in the saddle point configuration the dislocationhas swept out half of the total area A. A similar ex-pression, with appropriate modifications, holds for thekink migration rate.

For the implementation of our kinetic Monte Carlomodel we refer the readers to our previous reports[52, 53], here we will discuss further the physical con-tent of the simulation and the mechanistic insightsthat can be extracted from the analysis. One shouldnote that there are a total of four energies entering inour description, the activation energies for kink nucle-ation and migration, Ek and Wm, the stacking faultenergy, γSF, and the elastic interaction energy betweena given segment and all the other segments and theapplied stress (so-called Peach-Koehler interaction),EPK. The first two are necessary for describing thedisplacement of a straight dislocation line through thedouble-kink mechanism, the third appears because thedislocation is dissociated so the line is actually an elas-

tic ribbon, and finally the elastic interaction is neededto account for the local dislocation microstructure aswell as the external applied stress. With kink nucle-ation or migration coupled to expansion or contractionof the stacking-fault ribbon, and the elastic interac-tions, our model can be expected to be able to accountfor nontrivial behavior of the dislocation velocity.

Table 2: Kink’s formation energy Ek and migrationbarrier Wm (in eV) on 30◦ and 90◦ partials in sili-con obtained from atomistic calculations using EDIPpotential, tight-binding (TB) and density functionaltheory (DFT), and experimental measurements usingtransmission electron microscopy (TEM) and high res-olution electron microscopy (HREM).

30◦ 90◦

Ek Wm Ek Wm

EDIP [60] 0.52 0.89 0.70 0.62TB [47] 0.82 1.52 0.12 1.62DFT [61] 2.1DFT [50] 0.1 1.8DFT [51] 0.04 1.09TEM [62] ≥0.4 ≤1.2TEM [63] 1∼1.2 1∼1.2HREM [64] 0.8 1.55 0.74 1.55

Of the four energies in our formulation, the de-termination of the kink nucleation and migration ac-tivation energies poses the most direct challenge toatomistic simulation. In Table 2 we list the literaturevalues, experimental and calculated, for Ek and Wm.Very little agreement is seen among the theoreticalpredictions, which range from empirical interatomicpotentials to electronic structure calculations. At thesame time the experimental data also are not conclu-sive. Given this situation, we consider all the availableinformation in Table 2 without favoring any particularresult, and in this way arrive at a set of “effective” orestimated values, Ek = 0.7 eV and Wm = 1.2 eV [53].By adopting these estimates, along with a reasonableω0 and a typical value for the entropy, we find disloca-tion velocities given by the kinetic Monte Carlo simu-lation are of the same magnitude as the measurementswith satisfactory agreement in the temperature varia-tion over a considerable range. While we are cautiousin giving too much significance to this agreement, wedo believe that this is an encouraging and useful resultproviding a guide for future calculations and measure-ments of kink energetics.

It could be said that obtaining the correct tem-perature dependence of the dislocation velocity is nota stringent test of the model, since temperature ap-pears only as a multiplicative factor in the exponent.Without changing any parameter in our description,

� �




Figure 8: Stress variation of the velocity of a screwdislocation in Si at T = 1000 K. kMC predictions areshown in closed symbols, diamond for the commensu-rate condition and circle for the non-commensuratecondition, while experimental data showing corre-sponding behavior are shown in open symbols [52].Solid lines are drawn to guide the eye.

we now turn to examine the stress variation and finda somewhat subtle effect of the mobility of a dissoci-ated dislocation that had not been previously appre-ciated. The origin of this effect lies in the couplingbetween the leading and trailing partials which itselfinvolves the interplay of three factors, the Peierls bar-rier for a unit displacement of a partial (same as thebarrier Ek for kink nucleation in Fig. 7), the cohesiveaction of the stacking fault ribbon between the par-tials, and the elastic interactions between the movingsegment of partial and its local environment in thepresence of an applied stress. To describe the cou-pling in more details, it is helpful to consider that, inthe absence of the Peierls barrier, the ideal separationbetween the two partials would be This separation,which we denote as X0, is given by the expressionX0 = µb2α/(γSF−σxybx), where µ is the shear modu-lus, α = (1/4− 1/12(1− ν))/2π, bx = b

√3/6, and ν is

the Poisson ratio. The significance of X0 is that whenit is a multiple of the period of the Peierls barrier (thekink height in Fig. 7), it becomes a characteristic sep-aration distance between the two partials with the par-tials strongly confined to their lowest energy configu-ration at the valley of the Peierls potential. We willrefer to this as the commensurate condition, since atthis separation for one partial to move to the next val-ley, the only way to avoid the inherent energy penalty

is for the other partial to move in unison. Under thiscircumstance, the reduced mobility of the unit eventmay be expected to manifest in low values for the dis-location velocity at low stress on experimental scaleand a sublinear variation with stress. This behaviorindeed has been observed as well as measurements ofa linear variation, both shown in Fig. 8.

The reasoning we have just given for the strongcoupling between the partials allows, in a self-consistent manner, for a different type of mobility be-havior when X0 is not commensurate with the periodof the Peierls barrier. Then the two partials can beexpected to behave much more independently of eachother. This can be seen by considering X0 to be halfintegral multiple of the period, in which case the low-est energy state of the dissociated dislocation is dou-bly degenerate. Now each partial can migrate inde-pendently to the adjacent valley without penalty, pro-vided the displacements follow appropriate sequencesuch that with each unit displacement the separationbetween the nucleated double kink and the other par-tial is again at the low energy state.

The simulation results in Fig. 8 demonstrate thatone indeed obtains significantly different stress vari-ations, essentially a sublinear behavior when X0 ismultiple and a linear behavior when it is half-integralmultiple of the period of the Peierls barrier. Com-pared to the experimental data we see rather goodagreement in the case of linear stress variation, andqualitatively similar behavior for the threshold effect.The latter is not unreasonable given that the measure-ments are necessarily averages over a range of localconditions whereas the prediction is strictly for thecase of commensurate barrier. We should also addthat the threshold effect should manifest only at lowstresses since potential barriers become less importantat higher stresses. Based on our model we can esti-mate the critical stress where the transition may beexpected, obtaining a value of 16.8 MPa, which is whatis seen in Fig. 8 and compatible with another estimatebased on different considerations [54].

We close this section with a final comment. Theeffect of coupling between the partials has been consid-ered in the theoretical analysis of mobility of a straightdislocation [55–57]. What we have shown here is thatthe distinction between integral and half-integral sep-aration applies equally well to the dislocation mobilityby kink mechanism. The precise value of X0 is deter-mined by a number of physical properties, the stackingfault energy, the elastic constant, or any other factorwhich affects the dissociation width. In reality it islikely that the value of X0 will experience significantlocal variations over the length of the dislocation linedue to intrinsic lattice defects, dopants, impurities,stress gradients, etc., all of which can affect the lo-

cal condition of partial-partial interaction. Our sim-ulations indicate that in locations where X0 is nearhalf-integer value, kinks can form and glide indepen-dently on each partial, while in other locations whereX0 is near integral value, kink formation and migra-tion can only occur simultaneously on both partials, inthe low-stress regime. Since the rates of the strongly-coupled processes are much lower, in the overall sce-nario of dislocation motion, kink nucleation will occurat weak or “uncorrelated” sites, followed kink propa-gation and arrest at the strong or “correlated” sites.An arrested kink can still pass through the strong seg-ment if pushed from behind by kinks piling up on thesame partial. Alternatively, the kink can capture apartner kink on another partial, at which point thehard segment becomes penetrable for the coupled mi-gration of the newly formed kink pair. In either case,such “correlated” segments act as effective obstacles tokink migration. This line of argument provides a nat-ural explanation of the “weak obstacle” effect, a con-cept which had been advanced to explain the unusualdislocation behavior observed in semiconductors [58].

6. Defect Driving Force - Search for a LocalInvariant

In the present examination of how atomistic struc-tures and interactions affect strength and deformationon the microscopic level, it is clear the system responseis governed by the defects or microstructure present.By studying the stability of a single crystal, a systemwithout microstructure, one obtains the upper limitor theoretical strength of the lattice, as discussed inSecs. 2 through 4. In real solids where defects are in-variably present, the stress-strain response is expectedto show considerably lower strength and usually morecomplex deformation than simple linear or nonlinearelasticity. Dislocation mobility, discussed in Sec. 5,plays an important role in providing an estimate ofa lower limit to strength. A fundamental questionhere is the local force acting on a defect, whether itis the dislocation core or a crack tip, that causes itto move. This conceptually simple quantity is centralto any physical description of mechanical behavior,yet it is surprisingly difficult to calculate. To see thebottleneck, one should rephrase the problem by ask-ing for the force to move an isolated defect. Whilea single defect in an infinite and otherwise defect-freecrystal is easy to imagine, it is not at all simple torealize this condition in practice. In other words, ifone were to determine this force by a simulation, theresult must be independent of the system size. Toooften in simulation studies this invariance property isnot demonstrated, thus rendering the resulting defectdriving force suspicious.

It is intuitive to expect that the invariance of thedriving force is intimately connected to the questionof how local are the interactions between the defectand its immediate surrounding in the system. If theeffects are sufficiently local on the scale of separationdistances between defects, then it is likely that a finitesimulation cell with one or more defects is adequateto give the desired defect driving force. In any eventit is clear that to establish invariance or study local-ity, one can perform simulation on cells of increasingsize. Then the question is, what quantity should onecalculate?

We propose to take a thermodynamic approach tothis issue and consider a free-energy formulation [21].We imagine separating our system into a core region(C) of interest with a buffer layer (L) between it andthe remainder of the system (A). The interaction en-ergy for the system then can be written as,

Utot(qN ) = U(qA) + U(qA,qL) + U(qL,qC) + U(qC),(9)

where an argument denotes the degrees of freedom inthat particular region. Notice that regions C and Aare coupled to the buffer region through the secondand third terms respectively. With this decomposi-tion one can evaluate the partition function by hold-ing L fixed and integrating over C and A so that theHelmholtz free-energy becomes,

Ftot = FC(qL) + FA(qL), (10)

Now we consider a defect moving from one poten-tial valley to the next (cf. Fig. 7) so that the energychange between initial and final configurations can beexpressed as,

∆GC ≡ ∆Ftot = ∆FC(qL)−∑


〈f exti 〉 ·∆〈qL

i 〉, (11)

where 〈〉 denotes ensemble average, and GC is the local(atomistic) Gibbs free energy which depends explicitlyonly on local knowledges of qC and qL, not qA. Inwriting Eq.(11) we have approximated the change inFA to first order in the displacement qL; f ext

i beingthe force acting on L due to A.

Now we want to show that ∆GC can play the roleof an invariant with a specific example [21]. Considera dumbbell self-interstitial in a bcc lattice of Fe atomsplaced just 14Aaway from a surface, as shown in Fig.9. The free surface provides a driving force for theinterstitial to move toward the surface. The exactenergy change for the interstitial to move one latticeconstant, a repeat distance of 2.85A, is calculated byperforming full relaxations for the entire system be-fore and after the move. The result is quite small,−0.00013921 eV. In Table 3 we show the results ob-tained by using Eq.(11) with various sizes for region C

Figure 9: Migration of a 〈110〉 dumbbell self-interstitial in α-Fe near a (100) surface. [21]

and corresponding radius of the buffer region L. Onecan see that the convergence is quite satisfactory for acore size of 506 atoms. We have also obtained resultsfor the energy change for a crack tip in the vicinity ofa spherical hole, and a screw dislocation in the vicin-ity of another dislocation or a notch [21]. In all thesescases of a defect in the presence another defect, theexact energy change can be obtained to high accuracyusing Eq.(11), with convergence achieved with regionC containing no more than several hundred atoms.The implication is that the free-energy change formu-lated above is an appropriate measure of local defectdriving force; it has the desired invariant property andis more robust and easier to use in practice than theconventional (local) stress approach for studying de-fect mobility by atomistic calculations.

7. Outlook

It is perhaps worthwhile to point out again that theimportance of materials technology in our society com-bined with the advent of high performance computinghas given rise to the current focus on multiscale mate-rials modeling as a new component of computationalmaterials research. This in turn provides exciting op-portunities for the investigation of longstanding seem-ingly simple but fundamentally enduring issues where

r [A] C atoms [eV]8 170 -0.000226679 265 -0.0001268310 338 -0.0001363411 506 -0.0001400512 610 -0.0001386013 776 -0.0001385614 952 -0.0001385915 1240 -0.00013866

Table 3: Convergence of approximate free-energychange calculation for migration of a 〈110〉 dumbbellself-interstitial near a (100) surface in α-Fe [21]. Exactvalue is −0.00013921 eV.

atomistic inputs can lead to significant new insights.In this Commentary we have discussed illustrative re-sults on strength and deformation which clearly bringout the important role of defect microstructure at theatomistic level. Three more examples may be brieflycited to emphasize that this type of development willbe of growing interest.

For the predictive simulation of crystal plasticitya key question is how can quantitative knowledge ofthe dislocation core and atomistic methods for ana-lyzing dislocation interactions be used to develop amechanism-based description of strain hardening? Ina large-scale molecular dynamics simulation of crackpropagation, it was observed that a Lomer-Cottrelllock, formed by two intersecting Shockley partials, canbe destroyed by the action of another partial nearby[65]. The critical stress for unzipping (destroying) thejunction was estimated to be about 15 MPa, whichis consistent with values previously deduced from ex-perimental data, thus demonstrating the feasibility oflinking molecular dynamics and dislocation dynamicssimulations and eliminating the need for intermediateexperimental input.

Atomistic simulation can play a similar role in ourunderstanding of brittle-ductile behavior in fracture.The current continuum approach is to introduce an in-terplanar potential, equivalent to specifying a stress-displacement constitutive relation on the slip plane,associated with rigid block sliding in a homogeneouslattice. Through this potential one may introduce cer-tain atomic-scale effects and therefore make the ap-proach a continuum-atomistic hybrid. This strategyhas been implemented, in part, in a molecular dy-namics simulation in which dislocation emission froma crack tip under an applied tensile stress has been iso-lated and analyzed to produce the stress-displacementrelation on activated slip plane before and after nucle-ation [66]. The results revealed clearly the essential

role of surface steps in the nucleation event and theeffects of crack-tip shielding once the dislocation isemitted.

Another emerging and significant challenge foratomistic simulations is plastic flow in polycrystallinesolids where the understanding of how crystal grainsdeform on decreasing length scales is needed [67]. Ithas been found recently from simulations of deform-ing nanocrystals that the well-known Hall-Petch effectwhere strength increases with decreasing grain size(in the micrometer range) does not hold in nanocrys-tals where the grain size is only a few nanometers;instead, a reverse Hall-Petch behavior was observedwhich could be attributed to small-scale sliding inthe grain boundaries. This suggests the existence ofa critical size separating the two types of behavior,which in turn implies that as grain size is reducedacross this critical value, the deformation mechanismchanges from the intragranular processes of disloca-tion nucleation and pile-up to intergranular sliding. Asimilar transition may occur in nanometer-scale elec-tronic components, such as epitaxial films and quan-tum dots. In these heterostructures, the lattice mis-match between different materials induces strain, andhow it relaxes during fabrication will determine thematerial structure, and hence its properties. Again,one expects competition between processes mediatedby misfit defects such as dislocations, and surfaced-based processes such as roughening or morphologicalchanges.

We conclude by returning to the opening themeof our discussion and noting from the Summary ofthe Report on National workshop on Advanced Sci-entific Computing, July 1998 [1], that success in anygrand challenge enterprise will require not only scienceand technology, but also integration and partnershipamong its participants. We believe the field of mate-rials science will be continually enriched as it expandsto include scientists and engineers from a multidisci-plinary range of background and interest, from physicsand engineering, to chemistry, and to biology.

Acknowledgment - This work was supported byAFOSR (F49620-00-10082), NSF (DMR-9980015),Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (ASCI-Level 2 grant), and Honda R&D, Ltd. We acknowl-edge longstanding collaborations with V. Bulatov, D.Wolf, A. S. Argon, J. F. Justo, M. Tang, J. Wang, F.Cleri and S. Phillpot.


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