thiit clicmiciil reiict.ioiis iirc ii very iiiisiifc giiirlc for dist.inguisliiiig l)et\\-ccii clcctro\-iilciit~ iiiitl coviileiit. coiiipoiiiids. Sodium iodide is untloiil)tctlly elect,ro- vnlcnt and inctliyl iodide coviilcnt., hit tlicrc is iio 'nppitrtvit diffcrcwce Iiotwccii their rciictioiis with silver iiitriitc in alcoliolic solut.ioiis except tliiit eotliiiiri iogidc gives rlcctroviiloiit sodiririi iiitrittc iiiid iiicthyl iodiclc, co\.iilt!iit, iiictliyl iiitrittc. Ail iiiinlogoris rciiinrk iiiiiy I)c riiiitle of iiii iittciiipt to follow the rritctioiis of tiiutoiiiorio coiiipouiiils iiritl of corijugiitccl cloiil)lc coviilciiws. 'I'lic rwctioii:: slioiild be ciircfiilly studied I)ut the cvitlciicc~ froin rerrctioiis shnultl hi! rciiifnrct!tl by ii coiisidcriit ion of liliy::iCiil proj)e*rtics. the octet rule ciiiplinsizetl by I'rof. liohiiisoii, the rulv for coiiiplcsions given irbovc, coiitliictiiiic-c ofsolut ions. dipole iiioniciits, Siigdeii's IiiiriicIior, iit)sorptioii spcctrii, crystiilliiic strrictiirv. boiliag poiiits iiiirl niclting points, iiioleciiliir weiglits in soliitioii iiii11 :is n gas, rind opticiil activity. 111 IS75 'l'horpc, on the 1i:isk of' tlw iiiolcciilitr voliiiiii, of pliosplioriis osyliloritlr, ooiicliitltrd that it hiis thv striii!tiirt! lJ--O--('l iiid thiit t111: plies- phorirs is trivirlcwt . I~I~.s;~II coiitciitlccl tliiit tliv structure is 0 2= P-CI, with tlw pliosplioriis qiiiiicliiv- \riileiit. Siiic-c sciiii-ioiiic osygeii ntoiiis Iii~vc I)coi kiiowi, piirtly on th basis of the priiclior, \ve ciiii S ~ C thiit ciicli \viis 1):irtIy riglit tiiill I)iirtlY \~roiig. 'I'li~ ,PI \ " : I , "I ' .CI -.. A:cl structure isiiliiicJ.~t.cicrtitiiily :O: 1 ' : C1. 'I'li(b pliospliorus * - :el is tctriic:oviilciit iiiitl uiii-ioiiic.viilc~iit. Iicr~iscri found t1iii.t ozow converts pliosplioriis tricliloritlc to tIic oxychloritlc. 'I'Iiis is siiiiilitr to thc recent. discovery (Scliiiiiinclicr iiiid Sprciigw, %. nriorg. nllgcvn. Clrcmic, 1!)29, 182, 139) tlrirt OZIJIIC ..- :o: .*+.. converts nitrosyl clilorirlc to iiitryl cliloriclc, C1 : S : 0. 111 110111 ciises iiii oxygen iitoiii scpiirirtcs froill t Iic ozone with six clect.roiis rind unites with n piiir of iiiisliiirctl clcctroiis, giving ii sciiii-ioiiic lrriioii iiiid th11 iiitrogcii niid pliospliorus I)CCOIIIC tctriico\'iileiit iiiitl iiiii-ioiiic:viilciit,. Ilotli lAc\vis iiiicI t,iiiigiiiuir Iiiivc used 1)IiysicxI properties of coiiilinirii(ls iis gtiitles t o clcctroiiic! st,riic*t urcs. 011 this Ijiisis pliospliorus pciitiifluoriclc, ii ?IS wliicli coiidciiscs to n licpicl rit ii very low tciii- penit urc, is iiliiiost certiiiiily ptwtncoviileiit. 1'110s- plioriis pciitiicliloritlc, with it nit lier liigli tcinpcriiturc> of siil)liiiiiitioii, is very p~ol~iil)l~ tct riiwviilciit iiiitl uiii-ioiiicvillciit., but Lewis docs iiot fiivour this vicw (G. X. Lewis, Viilencc iiiitl tlic Structiiri! of Atoilis iiiicl Jfolccules, 3023, p. 101). 'l'liis iiiid tlic striictiirv of iiiitiiiioiiy pciitiicliloritlc, wliicli hiis given SiigiIw soiiic difliculty, iiiiiy possilily lie dctcwiiiiiccl liy S-riiy itiiiilysis. 1Sspi.riiiic*iits in this tlircctiori iirv iiitciidctl iii this Irhoriitory. 111 conclusion I wisli to express iigaiii iiiy npp- cicrtion of the importiiiicc mi1 viiliie of l'rof. Ihhiii- son's :idiiiirnblc iiioiiogriipli. \Yliile t lie fuller cli~i*- troiiic forniul:c itre very tlcsiriil)lc iiiicl would Iiclp to clarify tlic itlcns of cliciiiisis, tliirt is ii iiiiittcr of' sccoiidiiry iiiiport iiiioc. 'I'h iiioiiogrupli iiiii~kcs no claiiii to coiiiplct ~~iic::s iiiitl iiii expiinsion iiiitl soiii~ i*liiiiigcs iiloiig lines suggcsilvl in this p i p secrii dcsiriildv. .. COMMENTS ON PROF. NOYES' REVIEW By PROF. R. I uiii iiiituriilly very iippreciiitivc of' t lit> iittent ion wliicli Prof. \\'. A. Soycs Iiirs givcii to tlic! pul~lislii~il iiccouiit of two Iccturcs tlelivcrt!cl I)cf'orc! tlic Instit iitv of C'licmistry in 1'332, rind 1 ii~ii piirticiiliirly griit ilic.cl tliiit t lie crit,icisins ciiil)otlic!tl in t lie review iirc diidly coticci7icil with questions of syiiil)olisiii itllll noiiieii- clilture. hi tlicsc foriiiiil iiiiit.tcrs tho cliicf wii- sidcriitioii should IJC t Iiitt IJ~ coiivenii~ii~x, coiiibiiicd with ill1 rivoitlitncc of' uiitluc rigidit,y of Iiypt Iicsis in cnses whcre ow kiiowlctlge of t lie circiiiiist iiiici:s is lukitig tlic first point, tliiit of' coiivciiiciicc, I still prefer tlic ortliiiiiry lioiid, rclJ~~Ss"lltl!ll I)p 41 st rolw, :IS t,lic S~llllJO~ for ii tlliplct to t Iio iiltcriiriti\~c IIW of' two dots or t \vo siiiiill crosses to rcpresciit tlic clcc- C~OILS. hi tlic snioll nuiiibcr of ciiscs wlicrc ii siiiglv dectroii must IJC rcl)rcscntctl, 1 iigrcc tlrrit it is incom~Jlct c. 1' IlcCcWllr)' t.0 (10 80 lly lllCllIlS Of' il dot, I1 Slllllll C'I'IJSS, ROBINSON

Comments on prof. Noyes' review

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Page 1: Comments on prof. Noyes' review

thiit clicmiciil reiict.ioiis iirc ii very iiiisiifc giiirlc for dist.inguisliiiig l)et\\-ccii clcctro\-iilciit~ iiiitl coviileiit. coiiipoiiiids. Sodium iodide is untloiil)tctlly elect,ro- vnlcnt and inctliyl iodide coviilcnt., h i t tlicrc is i i o 'nppitrtvit diffcrcwce Iiotwccii their rciictioiis wi th silver iiitriitc in alcoliolic solut.ioiis except tliiit eotliiiiri iogidc gives rlcctroviiloiit sodiririi iiitrittc i i i id iiicthyl iodiclc, co\.iilt!iit, iiictliyl iiitrittc. Ail iiiinlogoris rciiinrk iiiiiy I)c riiiitle of iiii iittciiipt to follow the rritctioiis of tiiutoiiiorio coiiipouiiils iiritl of corijugiitccl cloiil)lc coviilciiws. 'I'lic rwctioii:: slioiild be ciircfiilly studied I)ut the cvitlciicc~ froin rerrctioiis shnultl hi! rciiifnrct!tl by ii coiisidcriit ion of liliy::iCiil proj)e*rtics. the octet rule ciiiplinsizetl by I'rof. liohiiisoii, the rulv for coiiiplcsions given irbovc, coiitliictiiiic-c ofsolut ions. dipole iiioniciits, Siigdeii's IiiiriicIior, iit)sorptioii spcctrii, crystiilliiic strrictiirv. boiliag poiiits i i i i r l

niclting points, iiioleciiliir weiglits in soliitioii iiii11 :is n gas, rind opticiil activity.

111 IS75 'l'horpc, on the 1i:isk of' tlw iiiolcciilitr voliiiiii, of pliosplioriis osyliloritlr, ooiicliitltrd that

it hiis thv striii!tiirt! lJ--O--('l i i i d t h i i t t111: plies-

phorirs is trivirlcwt . I ~ I ~ . s ; ~ I I coiitciitlccl t l i i i t tliv

structure is 0 2= P-CI, with t l w pliosplioriis qiiiiicliiv-

\riileiit. Siiic-c sciiii-ioiiic osygeii ntoiiis Iii~vc I)coi kiiowi, piirtly on t h basis of the priiclior, \ve ciiii

S ~ C thiit ciicli \viis 1):irtIy riglit tiiill I)iirtlY \~roiig. ' I ' l i~






-.. A:cl structure isiiliiicJ.~t.cicrtitiiily :O: 1' : C1. ' I ' l i ( b pliospliorus

* - :el is tctriic:oviilciit iiiitl uiii-ioiiic.viilc~iit.

Iicr~iscri found t1iii.t ozow converts pliosplioriis tricliloritlc to tIic oxychloritlc. 'I'Iiis is siiiiilitr to thc recent. discovery (Scliiiiiinclicr iiiid Sprciigw, %. nriorg. nllgcvn. Clrcmic, 1!)29, 182, 139) tlrirt OZIJIIC . .- :o: . * + . . converts nitrosyl clilorirlc to iiitryl cliloriclc, C1 : S : 0. 111 110111 ciises i i i i oxygen iitoiii scpiirirtcs froill t Iic ozone with six clect.roiis rind unites with n piiir of iiiisliiirctl clcctroiis, giving ii sciiii-ioiiic lrriioii iiiid th11 iiitrogcii niid pliospliorus I)CCOIIIC tctriico\'iileiit iiiitl iiiii-ioiiic:viilciit,.

Ilotli lAc\vis iiiicI t,iiiigiiiuir Iiiivc used 1)IiysicxI properties of coiiilinirii(ls iis gtiitles t o clcctroiiic! st,riic*t urcs. 011 this Ijiisis pliospliorus pciitiifluoriclc, ii ?IS wliicli coiidciiscs to n l i c p i c l rit i i very low tci i i - penit urc, is iiliiiost certiiiiily ptwtncoviileiit. 1'110s- plioriis pciitiicliloritlc, with it nit lier liigli tcinpcriiturc> of siil)liiiiiitioii, is very p ~ o l ~ i i l ) l ~ tct riiwviilciit i i i i t l

uiii-ioiiicvillciit., but Lewis docs iiot fiivour this vicw (G. X. Lewis, Viilencc iii i t l tlic Structiiri! of Atoilis i i i ic l Jfolccules, 3023, p. 101). 'l'liis iiiid tlic striictiirv of iiiitiiiioiiy pciitiicliloritlc, wliicli hi is given SiigiIw soiiic difliculty, iiiiiy possilily lie dctcwiiiiiccl liy S-riiy itiiiilysis. 1Sspi.riiiic*iits in this tlircctiori iirv

iiitciidctl iii this Irhoriitory. 111 conclusion I wisli to express iigaiii iiiy n p p -

cicrtion of the importiiiicc mi1 viiliie of l'rof. Ihhiii- son's :idiiiirnblc iiioiiogriipli. \Yliile t lie fuller cli~i*-

troiiic forniul:c itre very tlcsiriil)lc iiiicl would Iiclp t o clarify tlic itlcns of cliciiiisis, t l i i r t is i i iiiiittcr of' sccoiidiiry iiiiport iiiioc. 'I'h iiioiiogrupli iiiii~kcs no claiiii to coiiiplct ~~iic::s i i i i t l i i i i expiinsion iiiitl s o i i i ~ i*liiiiigcs iiloiig lines suggcsilvl i n this p i p secrii dcsiriildv.



I uiii iiiituriilly very iippreciiitivc of' t lit> iittent ion wliicli Prof. \\'. A. Soycs Iiirs givcii t o tlic! pul~lislii~il iiccouiit of two Iccturcs tlelivcrt!cl I)cf'orc! tlic Instit i i t v of C'licmistry in 1'332, r ind 1 i i ~ i i piirticiiliirly griit ilic.cl tliiit t lie crit,icisins ciiil)otlic!tl in t lie review iirc diidly coticci7icil with questions of syiiil)olisiii i t l l l l noiiieii- clilture. hi tlicsc foriiiiil iiiiit.tcrs t h o cliicf w i i - sidcriitioii should IJC t Ii i t t I J ~ coiivenii~ii~x, coiiibiiicd with ill1 rivoitlitncc of' uiitluc rigidit,y of I iypt Iicsis in cnses whcre o w kiiowlctlge of t lie circiiiiist iiiici:s is

lukitig tlic first point, t l i i i t of' coiivciiiciicc, I still prefer tlic ortliiiiiry lioiid, rclJ~~Ss"lltl! l l I)p 4 1 st rolw, :IS t,lic S ~ l l l l J O ~ for ii tlliplct to t Iio iiltcriiriti\~c I I W of' two dots or t \vo siiiiill crosses to rcpresciit tlic clcc- C ~ O I L S . hi tlic snioll nuiiibcr of ciiscs wlicrc ii siiiglv dectroii must IJC rcl)rcscntctl, 1 iigrcc tlrrit i t is

incom~Jlct c. 1 '

IlcCcWllr)' t.0 (10 80 lly lllCllIlS Of' il dot, I1 Sll l l l l l C'I'IJSS,


Page 2: Comments on prof. Noyes' review

iiiy Vcrsiich cincr 1Slckt roiiciitlicoric orgmiscli- clicniisclicr licnktioncn " (P. JBikc, 1932), 0s wcll as i n tlic tiistitiitc of Clicmistry piiinplilct,, I)ut I rcgrct t l i r i t . it; \vris not. csplirincd. In tlic licports of tlic Siilvriy Conference (Onlit Iiiwl'illrirs, 1031), Prof.

. l.owry's siigrgcstion will IIC fount1 on 1). 496, nntl its ii(.(*(llitiill(!e is iniplictl by i i rciiinrk of my own rc~cortlrtl on 1). 501.

:\nil iiow in rcgrirtl to t Iir ser(iiit1 p i n t , t liiit of i inc l i i e rigidity of lippot Iiwis, it. is ntwssnry to cwpli;isizc. t l i i i t I Iic iisc of ii ciirvccl iirrow to rc~prcselit clcctroiiicric cliriiigcs is iitlopt t d iintl i irdwrc(l Iic*c:iiisc it is cqiirilly iippliciililc! to t riirisfcrs of clrctroiis of rill clegrccs, riiicl ripprrirs to lie cii1iiililt* of t riiiislrit ion ii i trriiis of rill t litwries of t lie n i i t iirc of t lie covrileiit link. I \roiiltl lie qiiitc 1irq)nrcd to i i w c q i t t l i p i i ior~

On t lie qiiestioii of tlic iise oft Iic terins ' * iinioiioid " ii~itl " kationoitl " I crinnot ngrcc t l i n t *. ntyitivc " illid " poaitivc " nrc snitiililc riltcrnntivw. I t srriiis tlirit t l i c innst logicril systrin is to rct:iin tlic tcrnis negative niid positivc to iiiclicritc rictiiiil chrirgcs, :ind niiuiwoiis c.siiniplrs of coiifiisioii ciiiiscd l)y striiyiiig from this principle tire riotorioiis in tlic l i t cr:it i i w . 'I'lir t eriiis rinioiioitl rind kilt ioiioitl, iis

.first siiggrstctl I y 1;:ipworth (lo not iniply tlic vsistcncc of clcct riciil clirirgcs of I lie rcngriit molc- ci i l is In other words, they nrr npplictl not only to iiliioiis riiitl h i t ions, hiit to rerigc!nts possessing i I nrilopiis rcrirt ivity. Tlius i i i i niniiioiiin ~iiolwiile is siiriily riiiioiioitl I)y virtue of its iinsliiirt~d electrons, i i iid t l iv prorcss of forinnt ion of iiii iiniiiioniiiiii ioii froiii riiiiiiioiiiri is siircly niirilogoiis to tliiit involved in t lie formiition of riiiiiiioiiin froiii MI-. On t l i c ot I i w l i i i i id? i t \roiiltl bc confiising t o clrscrilic~ iiiniiioiiiii iis ii iirgrit ivc inolecrilc, I)cciiiisc the t m i i ncgrit ivc is iii gciicrill IISC for iiiriiiy piirposcs. i i I i l l niisriiitlvr- stiintliiig ivoiild lir Iioiiiitl to nrise.

I~ii~iilly, I liiiist point out tlirit Prof. LiiI)\vort 11 : in t i

iiiysdf ;ire ~)roli:ibly in coiiiplctc. iigrccniciit wit Ii

I'rof. Woycs on tlic siilijcct of tlir rciictivity of' t l i e ciirlioiiyl group. I t is liiirilly fair of Prof. Soycs t o siiy tlirit it, lins iiot occiirrctl to iis tlirit it is iiiiicli more liktdy t lirit rciictioii of t Iic crirlionyl groiip will Iw iiiitiiitccl by tlic strong nlfiiiity of osygcii for :I kittion rrithr tiinn by the rittnck of cnrlJoii of ii

(.iirlioliyl groiip by soiiic ncyitivc ion. \Ye hirvc! iiliviiys rcgiirclrd t Iic poliiriziitioii of t lie curl~oiiyl groiip :is tlie first stiigc in 1 1 i i b rciictioii, i i i i t l not, iis Prof. Noyc.s now siipposts. t Iir scroiiil : i i n d this Iiohriznt ion of t Iic! ciirlionyl groiip (intlicritctl by t lit! i*Ii.ct roiiicirit: rliringc i i i tlic iiliovc: scliciiic) is, of coiirsc, ~ I I C to t,hc circiiiiistiiiicc t Ii i i t t lie osygcii ciiii lioltl 11 negative chargc. Going oiic stiigc fiirtlier, this is rrrilly csiict ly t lie siiiiie t liiiig :IS sriying ttirit tlic osygrcn coiiil)incs with tlic p t i i ~ ~ i ~ l i i . In this ciisc Prof. Woycs is forciiig n ~ i opcii door, illid 1 i i i i i

vcry gliitl to I)c i n fiiiidiiiiiei1tril rigreciiiciit w i th liiiii on t lie p i n t , rilt.hoiigli 1 iroiiltl iiot cspress iiiysclf csrict.ly i i i tlic wriy which lie prcfers. It is Iiigrlily siitisliic-tory, tlicrcbforr, t h i i t our tlifrcrcllccs wi t 11 Prof. S o p s iirc 1)riict iciilly coiifiriccl to r ~ l i i t i ~ c l y iiiiiinpiirtriiik qiiest ioiis of forin of prcwiitiitioii ; 1111

t h i i i s t s iirc ful l o f ii4iniriit ion of' liis own iiiiportriiit; wiitriliiitioiis to tlic clcctroiiic iiiterlirctiition of cliciiiicril rcrictioiis.


I he I iitcriiiit i o i i i i l 'l'iii Rcsl'iirc*li i i i i t l I~c~clopnient, (.'oiincil of U.S.:\. is to stiirt ti coiiilircliciisivc pro- grriinnit! of !.in rcsciircli, ehidly i n roiiiirsioii with t,lic iisi! of' t i n with colipw, Iciitl, i in i l stccl, cliciiiicril coii~~)oiiiiiIs, riiitl 1)riil)lviiis Iwi~liiig to new iisc's of' tlic l l l r l a l .


I I 4

Page 3: Comments on prof. Noyes' review

CORROSION RESEARCH IN HOLLAND I t is pIriisiiig to rccortl, iis indiriitiiig t Iic iwreiisiiig

iiiternationril co-opwition i n scic!ntific r i w m d i , t I i i t t

to\vnrds tlic rntl of Iiist y : i r it relircscwtritive tlrlc- grit ion froin tlic Ihtcli Corrosion C'oiiiriiitt ct!. w i i i - pow1 of Ir. 17. 1:. 31. IYirtz, lh. (.'. A. I,oliry t l v J3riryn, Dr. Ir. J. A. Jl'cyiiiiinii, I)r. Ir. I?, J. Scllwi- stryn, Ir. 11. S. l'rins, i i d I)r. Ir. 11. viiti tlcr Y c c ~ , paid i i visit to tlic Corrosion Coniniittcc of t.lic Iron iintl Steel Institiitv iind the X i i t i o d Fctlerntioii of Iron : i d Stecl JIiinufiict uribrs. I i i tlie conrse of tlic-ir visit the Ihitcli tlelrg:itc.s inslwctotl t,wo of t,lic! niiiin

esI)crirurntal stilt ions o f tlic Ih-itisli Coiniiiit tcv i i t

\\'oolwicIi iind Slicfiicltl, i i i rttltlit ioii to visiting tlie Inlwrittories of several of its nicinl)crs, wlicrc cwrrosioii rcseiirrli is i n progrrss. l'hr iollo\ving hr id wcoiiiit. of the nctivitics of tlic 1)iitch Coininittee inrty Iio of gencral intercast. The Ihitcli Corrosion Coniiliittcc! x i s foriiied in 1!131 by tlic Bticliting voor hteriiiiil- oiitlcrzock (Rcscnrcli lnstitutc for Jliitt:riiils), iiIid his tlclcgatctl its sercriil rcscnrclm 0 1 1 corrosioii nnd corrosion prevention to viirioiis siili-coiiiiiiittc.cs, ns follows : C ' o n i w i / / ( ~ I1 I'or stiitlyin~ tlip corrosive +!fleet, of soils on pipes. C h t t n t i t t w I l l for st utlyiiiy tlic corrosive effect of soils on cii1)lcs. for studying protec-t ivc cwitings ns npplietl to s t c d st ructurcs.

C'ot,r/)ii//ce If liris undertaken the csiitiii1iiit ion of sitiiiples of pipes, soil, iintl ground wntcr tiikcti frorii v:irious pluces in lIollniid, wlicrc corrosion I ~ i t t l occurred, and S O I ~ C iiiiportnnt o1)servirtioiis hrtvc

been nssuiiied t l in t certain grntles of cnst iron are wry rcsistiint to corrosion owing to tlitbir tliick skiii, nietnllo,nrit~~liiciil exniiiination of i t litrgc riuiriIrcr of riist-iron pipes of clitlerent niiike itnd origin in gcncriil rcveuled only it th in skin, so t l iut it is tloiibtful dietlicr this skiii tias my significciuce from the point of view of corrosion. On the other hiitid, n 1)oundury zone rich i u ccincntitc wris fountl in several pipes, \diich iiiiiy dfortl consitlcrablc resistance ngninst corrosion by soils. A s rcgurds the eilect of different soils, the Coininittee hris the iiii1)rcssion t h t corroion occurs ~~nrticu1;irly in boggy ;in0 sell- clay soils. I n the cnsc of u sc\~crcly corroded pipdine sercrnl kiloirietrcs long, the ground iiutl tlitcli w t c r were found to contain an cstrciiicly high pcrcentiigc of electrolytes, SO tliiit, t.licre iippetired to IJC 11 distinct coiincsion 1)etwecn electrolyte content und corrosion. I n n few cases i t wis also founcl tliiit direct elcctric currcuts froin trniiiliiics i n tlic vicinity liutl strayed to tlic pipc systeiii, Iicccssiirily causing corrosion n t t,he places of dischnrgc from tlic pipe to the gro~11ci. The possibility of corrosion through striiy currents has thus to Ire tnkcu into account,.

Tlie Committee points out tliitt tlio cstciisivc esperiiiiciit6 on soil corrosion Lcguii in Aincricit S O ~ P . 10 years iigo, wliich urc iioiv IJcgililiirig to yiuld definite results, inrty iiot I N directly ~ipplicul~lc to Jlollnntl, since t l i c cliiiriictt!ristics of 1)irtcli and

Cowmillie I I

nlreittly been ill:tdt!. l'liiIs, iiltliot~~li it hiis frcc~trciitly

t\iiicriciiii soils riiiiy IJC quite tliffc!reiit niitl furt.licr. iu scvcriil piirts of lrolliind, t l i c w t c r pipes lie perinit- neiitly or at. intcrvuls in tile groiiiitl writer, wliicli ilp~)iirr~itly only occi~rz slioriitlic~iilly i n Ainericii. Ihiicriiiients, i n wliicli t lie loasrs in wiglit of sni:ill blocks of scvcriil kiiitls of iron 1)iirictl i n clitlcrcnt types of'soil :ire licing drtwiiined rit rrgu1:ir intcrviils, nrc now i i i progress :it tlic liiiiorritorics of tlic An i s t r rh i i \Vat mvorks i t ~ i t l l1iivc iilrcittly slio\\.li tliat t lie corrosivrness of v:irioiis soils tlillcrs coii- siclcritbly. riiiotlicr invest igiition in tile 1itiJOriitorics of the Sort I1 1 lo1l:iiitl l'roviii(*iiil \\'ittcrworks 011 wlpliiite rctliwtion I)y Iiricteriii iis t Iic ciiii~;* of corrosion in iron pip: lilies Iiiis so fi ir led to tlic c.onclusion tliat in uriiicrobic soils tile osygen required f'or tlic corrosion mriy IIC generiitetl by this rctliiction proccss. Tlie in\-rstipttioas of Coininittee I1 arc Iwing continued and estrndctl t o include tlic corrosion

. t ~ f botli iron :ind 1r:itl [iipcs : t r d 11 study of iiictliods of protection of iron pipes in priicticc.

In a report on itn investigation 011 the Cit I ISc of deterionition of the lend sl~rii t l i iqp of uncli~rground cal~lc.~, Coininittee 111 points out tliiit it is nccessrtry to tlistinguisii between tlircct corrosion by substiinces contniiietl in the miterids iisctl for tlic coinpound upplied to the leritl sheathing und indirect corrosion resulting wlicn the protective compound is uealtle to prevent eitlier tlic flow of stray currents or the :ivcess of moisture frorii t.hc soil to the leiid. In tlic latter casc, cis the iiioisturc may contain coin- po~iciitcc that nre detrimcnt;il to Icnd, tlic nctioii of the soil is also involved i n the prollciii. At tlie very outset of its researches, the Conimittcc fouiid i t necessary to tnke into iiccouIit the fiict t.liiit corrosiou niiglit be cuused or promoted by substitiices coiitriiicd in tlic coiiipoiind, wliicli oftcu consists of tar. In general, tar contt~iiis ucitls sucli its plienol or crcsol, which mny liuve u corrosive oction on Iccicl. Laborn- tory tests were thcrcforc iundc over a period of sevenil wceks on lciid plates \vhich \\'ere half immersed in the following liquids, the otlier half beiiig esposed to iiir :


( 1 ) (2) 84';; rcsiii iri sylol (3 ) (!) { 2 2 gr. plic~id + II~I) gr, syld 3- .~OO fir. jiiiriitliii oil (.>) (0) GO(;& qiriiiiies i i i syliil (7) chnmhcr OWJI tcir ( 8 ) trip w t c r (0) tlithillcd wntcr (10) t i tp witcr saturiitcd wi th Cot ( I I ) vrcriol

(19) piiriilliii oil

12.5 gr. rrcriol -+- ~ O O gr. sy ld - i - 1 0 i 1 gr. pinillin oil

2..S1;& pliciiol iii 1iiiJ witcr

.10 ,lJ qiriiiiics i i i piiriitliii oil

(12) sylol

All the speciiiieiis, otlier tliiin Sou. 5, 0 , 12, itnd 13. sliowcd corrosion o w n nftur u few t1iy.s. Xo. 3 was wry severely corroded, wliilst Xo, 7 silowed IL 8 s - colorrition of the Icittl. 21s corrosion hiid also occurred on ciihlw e ~ ~ ~ o s e d only t o 1 I I C iit,inosplicru,

Page 4: Comments on prof. Noyes' review

:L iiuinbcr of tests were Iiiittlc i n wliicli tlicsc conditions mcrc iniitntcd. l'icccs of .lend pnckcd in jute sntl sonkc11 i n iisplinlt o r tiir \\'ere Iieiitctl to TO" C. for t.lircc \vccks, so ns to iiccclcrirtc t.lic proccss. Under thrse coriditkms chriiiibcr oven tar (O*25',!(, tnoisturc, tiir ncid nil) t i n t 1 spriinics (I!KJ--210) proved non- corrosive, but corrosioii occurred in criitlc tirr (3-Gc;/o inoisturt., tar iicitl 4*5%,). 'I'liiis t,lic corrosive iict ion on leiitl wiis :igiiin confiiictl to tlic product coiitiiiuing free tiir iicid.

Finnlly, on rcpciitiiig tests I , 2, nntl 4 i ~ i wmw, t o invest i p t c ivlictlicr the 1)rwncc of iiir nintcriiilly nffct-t s the corrosiou, corrosion wits ouly oliscrvecl on sliecinictu 4. Coiiscqiicnt ly only pI!ciiol ciiiisw corroeiun i j t twctw, wlicrciis tlic liiglicr tirr ncitls (lo not. 'I'o cliicidritc tlic corrosive iiction of plicnol, ii sttirill piccc of lciitl froin i i new power c d h wits

1)liicctl i n :L wide tcst tllbC with ii inistiire of water nntl plt~nol. 'l'hc tcst t i h e liiitl ii sitlc tuhc cont,nining XrilKU1, 90 tliiit on liciiting to 100" C. iiliotit 4 ntinos- p l i c w of W, was present. 'l'lic ~vltolc wiis fillctl with

plnccs hy tlic compound thnt Iiiid I m n iipplicd, so tlint i i Imc for subscqucnt corrosion w i s prcscnt.

Tlicsc tests sho\\-ed that griidcs of tar containing phenols and Iiighcr tiir :icitls arc lcss siiitiible for cablc coinpounds tliiin nspliiilt :ind it l~ccnmc iinport- ant, thcrcforc, to nsccrtaiu \vhcthcr this ditrcrencc in propcrties :ilso tlcpcnds on tlifTcrciiccs in the pcr- incirbility of tiir iind iispliiilt to writer. 'I'o test thc innttcr, stiiiill porons jiirs wcrc cnrcfully covcrctl with :L lioniogencoiis hycr of crridc t:ir, iLspIialt, or coitipountl from n corrotlctl ciiblc, filled with JIjM K,SO, soliltion iind pliicctl iu \vittcr. Transport of witcr occurred f'roin tlic concentriited soliltion to tho outsitlc, i.e., :in :ibiioriiiiil osmosis, wliicli tlitninislicd in coursc of tirnc and ccirscd ciitircly aftcr 30 driys.

Tlic tlirily wiitcr tninsport nt :Lii osniotic prcssiirc of I iitinosplicrc, n wnll snrfiicc of 43 sq. cni. nnd R d l thicknessofO.1 inin.\\xsO.22 c.c.for tnr,0.(Jk C.C.

for iispliiilt, untl 0.05 C.C. for thc inisturc u s e d in prncticc. Sulpliirtc detcrniin:itions sliowetl tlist in 36 diiys t I I C iirtlollnts of IC,SO, trirlisportctl through

.psygcu r i d ~ciilctl ; iillotlicr piccc of lc:d \\'as plircc~tl in ii siini1:ir tube Init without plicnol. Lifter liciiting both tubcs for ti \\.ecl;s :it IOUo C., 8 ingr. of corrosioii products wcrc fount1 on tlic sntuplc without plicnol but 35 mgr. on tliiit with plicnol. 'I'lic corrosion products on the two sriitiple~ irnt l t Iii it on it uscil ciiblc ttrkcn f'roni service w r e fonnd to coiitirin 1 1 - 7 , 11 - 1, t int1 I I -6yo of CO, respectively ; thus tlic corro- sion product forincd, Iiot li with : ~ n d witlioiit plicriol, is nl\viiys bnsic leiid crirliotiritc 2L'lk!03*l'I)(OIC), ( I 1 *'I.'% CO,) ; tlic plicnols iiccelcriitc tlic corrosion.

'I'lic :rpl)c:iritncc of tlic corrosion on thc siittiple trrkcn from ficrvicc closcly rcscinl)lcd tliiit of thc spccinicn licatctl with plicnol ; i n both ciiscs tIic surface showctl pitting, iis shown i n Fig. 1, whcrciis thc spccimcn Iicritctl witlioiitp plicnol w i s iiniforrnly corrotlcd. It is :i rcniiwkablc liict t l i i i t the liiborntory (phcuol) snmplc shows n row of tlccqi pits iu the snnic direction try thiit tiikcli froni scrvicc, wliicli iirc iudiciitctl by nrrows in Fig. 1. 1'rol)nbly thc lent! hntl rrlrcndy bccii very slightly rorrotlctl n t ilicsc

tlic \virll \verc 17.5, 0.7, nntl 1.0 mgr. for tnr, iis~>Iinlt, and thc scrvicc niisture respcctivcly. Tlic results shoiv that tnr is sufficicntly perincnblc to watcr for tlic continuous supply of wiitcr required for the fonniitiou of bnsic lcnd' ci1rl)otiiitc. Purthcr tlic pcr- incnbility of tlic snmplc of irspliiilt to miLter is remiirk- iibly low conipnrcil with tlitit of tlic saniplc of t:rr, but npI)rosiiniLtely cquiil to t l i i r t of the mistma iisetl in prii&C.

In iitlclition scvcrsl ciiscs of corrosion of thc leiid covcriiig of buried cdilcs Iiiive becii iiivustigiitcd. bIetiLllogri~phicrLI cstLliiiiiiLtioli slio\~ctl thiLt tlic iiupuritics prcscnt consistctl csclusivcly of tlic corrosion products fornicd tint1 in no ci~sc, tlicrcforc, \ w s tlic corrosion ~rttribiit~r~blc to dcfcctivc inctal. It w i s tlicn found that tlie cotit.ing compositions on :ill tlic corroded cnblcs cont,irinctl tirr with tiir ncitl, wliich \vw reiidily dctcctctl by tlic siiicll ; in i i fcw c w c s tlic slinpo of blic corrotlctl pliiccs of tlic lcritl slicirtliing corresponilctl to tliiit of tho jutc wrapping. In vicw of tlic rcsiilts of tlic Inborntory tests it wits

Page 5: Comments on prof. Noyes' review

pro11iiI)lc tliiit the cornposition liiitl in rill ciiscs pliiyctl ii pirt ,iii tlic corrosion process niid it wis tlierefore tlilticult. to dccitlc \vlictlicr tlic soils or striiy currents l i i it l pliiyctl niiy p r t in tlic corrosion

Ic\d ; iiiclccd, csiiiiiiiiritioii of tlic soil slio\vccI it:, moisture coiitciit to lie very Io.w (ribout lo%), whilst its p l l wiis :il)oiit 8. This Iccitl slierithing is sliowri i i i Fig. 3.

1 ! _.


ol~served. Iii one ciisc it. \ w s possiblt! to coiiclritle with rviiwiiil)le certainty from the lociil coiitlitioiis thiit striiy elrc-tric currents Iiiitl 1)ccii tlic priiiiriry ciiusv of t lie wrrosioii. l'liotogriiplis of this c~ible nrc shonn i n Fig. 2 : iii one of these the iiiitldlc pirt of tlie 1e.iitl slicntliiiig i s Inid hire, wliilst the other sliow tlic coiitlit ion of tlie cii1)Ic iiiiiii~~liiif~!Iy

r -

C'oiiiiiiittcc I I I tlicreforc coiic.lutlcs tliiit t.lic. i i w of tar is .to Iw consitlcrctl tlic priiiiiiry ciiusc of tlic corrosioii of' lciitl slicnt liiiips i i i i t l suggests t I I C followiiip iiicnsiires for its prcvtwtioii :

(1) 'l'lic coiiipo~~~itls of all protc*ctive coiit iiigs niiist be free from plicnol.

(2) 'l'lic protect,ivc coritiiigs iipylied to t lie lend dieiitliiiig must. foriii :is fiir its possil~lc i i w i t c!r-tight ii lid clcctricirlly iiisuliitiiig wliolc. Siiicc* 110 iipproveel iiictliotl of test iiig tlic periiic:iI)ility to wirtc*r or tlie t~1ectric:il resistriricc 011 tlic roiiiplctctl ( ' i l lJ lC is iis p t itviiild)Ie, st ipiilations cirii only be iiiritlc wit 11 rcg:ird to properties intlircctly coiirii~tetl tlicrcwitli. Oiic of tlic. priiicipiil clciiiiiiitls is i l siitisfiivtory iitllicsioii hct,\vccii t lie vririorrs corit~irigs, piirt iciiliiriy bet ~ v c c ~ i tlic co~iipoui~d Iiiiiss i i p p l i t s l directly to tlic 1c:irl sliriitliirig uiitl t l i c Iciitl ~lit~t. l i i i ig itself.

(3) 'J'lic properties ot' the protcctivc coiitiiig iiic:ntioriccl iiiitlcr ('3) must iiot lie lost, ivliilst t.lic cirLIi: is lying i i i tlic soil. 'J'eiiil)eriit~irc cliii~igc~ cncoiiiitcrctl iii srrvicc iiiiiy iiltcr t.lic coiisistcncy of tlic coiii- positioii. At i t Iiigli tc1iipriLtI1rc dripping olf of t.lic coriiliositioii is t o be feared, espccirilly siiicc ~ l i c use of tliiri griitlcas of tirr is preferred in practice 11s Iwiiig rciidily \vorkiil,lc. At. :L low tcnipcrtiturc tlic.rc is i i cliiriger of 1 . 1 1 ~ coiiipositioii Iwcoiiiiiig brittle niitl p(diiig olE uiitler tlic iictioii of tlic soil ~)rcssiire. Ilciic~c tlic coiiiposiitioii slioiiltl iiot IJC too h i t tlr, nor too t, l i in irt iioriiiiil tcinpcrcituros, rior bccoiiic so \rit.liiii tlic riiiigc of tcinpcraturc encountered in scwicc. 'k'urtlicr the CiilJlC itself slioultl consist. of n piiysiciilly stiiblc rrititcritil, tio 11s ~iot 1.0 IJC mhjcct to cliiiiigcs in tlic course of tiiiic.

In view of tlic! rctluircniciits spcciilietl uutlcr ( 2 ) i i i i t l (3) i t woultl be clcuirii1)lc to 1)roliil)it cilso t,lic use of tirrs csccpt those free t'roii~ tiir ircitl. 'J'liis hiis i iot . , IIOIVC'\W, been doiic i n IIolliiiitl in view of the t l i l l i - ciiltiuv of enforcing sucli 4 1 rcgulritioii.

Page 6: Comments on prof. Noyes' review

Coiiiitiittcc 11' Itiis dccitlcd to confine its rcsciircltcs for the tirttc )icing to the invcstigntion of t,hc pro- tection of stccl struct.urcs i n t,lie 011~11 air by p i n t niitl n progrittiittic of field tests on paintctl plntca in ~Ioll:iiitl It:ts been dniftetl, in wlticlt n n iitteitipt will lie ittndc to nsccrtiiiti what prittiing p i n t itflortls tltc liest protection iigitinst rust. Forty difTcrrnt corn- psitionst sclcctctl i n conformity \\,it11 citrrertt views, oil the sitl)ject, Itnvc lice~t choscti ns ~irirniog !mints. 'J'ltc pignicnts to lie npplictl iticlrtdc viirioits kinds of red Iriid, viwioits kinds of iron ochre, ~nistures of rctl Icittl i i n d iron ochre i n different proportions. nittl zittc c.Iiroittittc. The vclticlcs to be itsctl iiiclttclc :in rqititl ttiistrirc of mw iiiid 1)oiled liusccd oil, piily- iiicrizccl linscctl oil, mixtiires of ~iolyiiicrizctl lirtscctl nil i r r t t l t u n g oil, atttl biitclcrs with resin. 'l'lt(w priiiiinK pnints will be iL1)plied to tnild steel I)iriicls, the pitttiitg :itid espositrc I)cittg contliicte~l urttlcr ciire- frilly stittttlnrdizctl cotitlitioiis, rind csposcd i t t Iiotlt onc nricl two conts, pnrtly wit11 iintl piwt,ly \vithoitt

one nitcl the snnic finishing paint. The properties of the pititits iind of tlic biise nintcrinls used will be dctcrtniticd hy chc.micnl iind physical tests. The open iiir tests will bc ntndc st four places iu Uollnnd, representing :I piirc iiinrinc climntc, n marine clinintc in iuditstriid siirroundings, n pure 1:rnd elitnntc, nnd n littttl clitniitc in irttlii~triiil sitrroittidj!tgs rcspcctivrly. Comniittcc 1 \' ltirs cstnlilislictl coiitnct with the Uritislt Corrosion Coniiiiittco with tlte result that soiiie of t lie ~tiiiitli~rtl paiittrtl spcciitieits of the lnttcr will rilso lie cs~iosed on the h i t c h corrosion ficlcls, thtis serving to corrcliitc the work of the two Conimittccs. It is proli:iblc tltiit Coitttitittec I \' will follow its first series of tvsts with ii second ; nic:tnwliile it is iirriingitig to siipplci~ic~~t its observntions liotlt 1 y routiite inslicctioits of stritct itrcs in iit*tti:il us(! t l t i t t iire painted under known cotiditions iintl by scrira of pitriillel i~c*cclcrittcd Ii~liorirtory trsts in artificial \rcutlteriitg ii1)I)iiriit 11s of t lie viirious types now nvailiibIc.



'I'Iiere ltns bccti sottie t l i ~ c t t s ~ i ~ i i of the tlitiryittg ittdustry i n tltc country, utttl of' the possibility uf ilwclopittg i i t i csport triiilc i n frcsli butter niitl cliccw. d report prcsctitctl to tltc iiutltorities rccctttly poiittcd oiiL tltiit, t,lic stittc of tltc iittliistry iu t.lic coiitttry \viw not yet, such iis to tiiiike it; possible to csport, iuty of its products. It is ttcccssiiry to ititprow thc co~tdit,ioiis, i i i t d , i t i piirticitltir, to riiisc the qiiiility of tlic iiiilk-giving iiiiitiiiils, bcforc butter L'IIII be c!sportctl. So fitr its clicc~sc is coticcriicd, Jdgypt. Itiis itot yet proditccd 11 kititl pccitliitr to tho coiititry, siirli t ts iiiost ot,licr cslwtitig coiiiitric~

Page 7: Comments on prof. Noyes' review

hiivc .protliicctl, iiiitl for tlic tiinc I~ciiig tlicrc is little likelihood of oiic bciiig iiiiitlc.

ELECTRICAL FllTlNGS Until coiiipiiriitivcly rccciitly t.licrc wiis no factory

i n Egypt making clcctricnl fittings :tiid Inmps, h t tliwt. is iio loiipcr the cnsc. A coiiipaiiy IVM

foiinded i i i 1'330 which dc\~otctl its iitteiitioii first. of all to the iiiiikiiig of insiilnt.iiig tiihiiig of the Ikrg- iiiii1iti t y p . which it iiinrkctccl uiiclc.r tlic iiniiie of '. Isolit." I t cstciidctl its riiiigc riipitlly, iiiid bcgnii to iiinkc sockcts, switch plntcs, brll piislics, fiisc liostis, iiiitl tlic likc, iiiid is JIOW Iniikiiip over forty kiiitls of rlcctriciil cqiiipniciit forincdy o1)tiiiiictl froiri iibrond. The Iiitcst tlcvclopiiiciit is nil cstciisioii of the fiictory for tlic iiinkiiig of electric l~iill)s, wliicli iirc bciiig turiictl out nt tlic riitc of 'LOCI0 1icr t h y in sizes froiii 10 to 60 watts. The cqiiipriiciit is riullicieiit. t o clciil wi th iiii output. of 5000 liiiiips ( M y , iiiid phiis iirc o i i foot for ii i l i l i t ioii i i l iiiiiidiiiicry which will initkc. possil)li~ t l i v iiiiiiiIifiict lire of I:IIIIIIX

c.iiiployt.rs iirc ciigiigcil ui i t lcr t l i v siijicrvisioii of s~ii~ciiilists i i i ci~c*Ii tlcpiirt i i i e i i t .

Of higllt'r CilI)ilCit\ ' t1 l i l l l (io WiIttS. t \ l J O U t 200

the SociBtC tlcv Sirliiics dc Djibouti, tlc Sfiis ct tlc JIiidngiisciir, by which ii sclliiig coiiipany hiis I m i i foriiictl of tlic ciipit:il of which the Port Said Siilt t\sf;ociiit.ioii lioltls 22$% niitl tJic Niitliigiiscar Coni- pniiy tlic reiiiiiiiidcr, to ~vliicli tlic piirciit coiiipiiiiics will sell tlicir ciitirc out.piits. The selliiig orgiiiiiziitinir tnkcs t,lic products iit, cost. pricc iiiid Iiiis the c'sclusive right of re-siilc tliroughoiit t lie \vorld ~vitlioiit. coin- pctitioii froui tlic Port Siiicl o r tlic Xiiliigiisciir ciiiii- piiiiics. The coiiwiitioii cstiiblisliiiig tlic iiciv wiii-

piiiiy cwic iiito force o i i .Jiiiiiiiiry 1, 1!)3.1., i i i i t l i t s lifc is 50 yciirs. 'l'lic ciipitiil is Fr. f,r iOO,OW, i i i it l

tlic hciid ofticc is iit Djihoiiti.


I he Alcsniitlrin 'l'cstiiig lloiisc w i s op"!tl i i i July, I!)%!, iiiitl 1111 to tlic ciid of Jiiiiiiiiry, l!t3& suiiic 3'700 or iiiorc tests w r c ~ ~ ~ i i t l ~ , iiiostly of c o t t ~ i i froiii up-coiiiitry fiictoribs or i i i coiiiicsioii witt i lii(*;il

i i i ( w l i i i i i t t riiiisiict i t i n s . 'l'liv Cloiiiiiiissioii of t Iii!

Ihiursc. ( i f lliiict el lhssiil rwogiiizvtl t lie ' l ' c ~ s t i i i ~ llousc. i i i Scptciiibcr, I!);& iis t I i c oftichl ~i i (*i i i is

of nrl)it riitioii on tlie qucbstioii of iiiciisturc iii ccittoii. I Iicrc wiis st roiig opps i t i o i i froiii sciiiie i i i iwhiii i ts

iintl 1)iiiikcrs who rc~fiiscd to s c 4 CSWJJt iuitlcr t lit.

old coiiditioiis of '* cspcrts," bat i t ~ i i s felt thiit this \~iis tlric, iit riiiy riite so fiir iis the biiiiks ivcrc con- ccriictl, to the pcrsoriiiI iiitcrcst of rioiiic iiicrc1iiiiit.G i i i the old iiii.tliod rather tliiiii to any hick of trust or coiifitIciicc i i i tlic 'l'cstiiig Ilousc. 'l'licre is ii

c w t n i i i iitiiount of wiiteriiig in 1~:ilcs from i i~~-coi~i i~rg . i i i i t l i t is thought that this is iiitc.iitioiiii1, tlic scii~lcrs giiiiil~liiig on the Test iiig lloiisc clioosiiig dry liiiles h r test. Out IJf 'LSSS tcsts of liyilr~iiilic lots froii i O(:tobcr, 1!)33, to tlic cud of Jniiiiiiry, 1!)3.1., 72% t ~ f tlic total coiitiiiiicd iiiorc tl i i i i i the staiidrirtl nllowiiiicc of iiioist iire.


I t will be rcnieiiibcrctl that tlie Ninistcr of l'iil~lic \\'arks proimscd to iit ilizc tl iu eiicrgy tlt!vclol)ctl by the cstrii wetcr iiiipoiiiidctl by tlic A ~ i i i i i i 1)iLiii

iiow t,liut it Iiiis bccii riiiscd for the second t h e , ti , geiicriite eject ricity for tlic iiiiiiiufect,urc o f iirt,ilici:il f'crtilizcrs iiiid to electrify tlic wliolc of Upper JSgypt. The scliciiic wiis cvcii l J l l t uiiilcr iicljutliciitioii, but liirs bocii \vitIidriiwii, :IS it; is uiidcrstood t l i i r t it is iiow coiisidcrcd tliut the Iirirrtigc iit Assiiit is ii i i i o r i b siiitiLblc place froiii ~vliicli to electrify tlic couiitrg suiiLli of Ciiiro. If this is i loi i t ! , the p u w r g<!iii~riitd i r t tbui i ir i i 1viI1 IIC used for fertilizer iiiiiiiiducturc


Kcwspriiit in iidiiiittctl at i i rctlucctl ciintoiiis nit(! OIL couditioii tlitit tlic wciglit per slicct docs not. cscccil 80 gruiiis. Soiiic of tlic local piiLlislicrs coiisidi.r that this is too light iiiid liiivc proliosetl t h t tlic weigh sliiill be riiiscd to 160 g., h i t tlie C'iIHtOJIIS Adiiiiiiistnitioii is l i t i t , iviIIiiig to iiiorciisc the weight to iiiorc tliirii I N I g. For tlic tiiiic hciiig tlic iiiiittcr reiiiiiiiis uiisct.tlctl.

, *

