Panasonic Operati ng Instructions Commercial Microwave Ovens Model NE-l0547 NE-l0247 Betore operatingthis oven, please read these instructions completely.

Commercial Microwave Ovens Model NE-l0547 NE-l02471-888-350-9590 Chel support: 201-348-7305 Dealer's Name Dealer's Address Date of Purchase. Your microwave oven is a cooking device

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  • PanasonicOperati ng InstructionsCommercial Microwave OvensModel NE-l0547


    Betore operating this oven, please read these instructions completely.


    PRECAUTIONS TO AVOID POSSIBLE EXPOSURE TO EXCESSIVEMICROWAVE ENERGYIMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .Installation and Grounding Instructions.....Saietv PrecautionsHow Does the Microwave Work? .. . . . . . . . . . . 6

    Outline Diagram (NE-1 024T)How to Operate (NE-1024T)Outl ine Diagram (NE-'l 054T)How to Operate ( N E- 1 054T)

    HeatingA . Manua l S ing le S tage Hea t ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10B . Manua l 2 o r 3 S tage Hea t ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . 10C . P r o g r a m m e d H e a t i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 I

    ProgrammingA. Programming Memory Pads for Single Stage Heat in9.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "" . . . . . . . . . . . . . '12B. Programming Memory Pads for 2 or 3 Stage Heat ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . .13C. Programming the Double Quantity Pad for Multiple Portion Heating ..... 14

    Other FeaturesA. To Act ivate Program Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . .15B. To Release Program Lock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . .15

    Owner's Record Toll FreeModel No.

    Serial No.

    Service Information

    The serial number ol this oroduct mavbe found on the side of lhe oven.

    To locate a convenient service.agent call


    Chel support:

    201-348-7305Dealer's Name

    Dealer's Address

    Date of Purchase

  • Your microwave oven is a cooking device and you should use as

    When using this electric appiiance, basic safety precautionsshould be lollowed. includrng the following:

    WARNING-To reduce tne risk ot burns, etectricshock, f ire, injury to persons or exposure to excesstvemicrowave energy:

    1. Flead all Inslrucrons befo,e using lhe app|ance.

    2. Fead and follow the specific "PRECAUTIONS TO AVOIDPOSSIBLE EXPOSURE TO EXCESSIVE MICROWAVEENERGY," lound at the bottom of this page.

    3. This appliance must be grounded. Connect only to properlygrounded outlet. See "GROUNDING INSTBUCTIONS"found on page 4.

    4. Install or locate this appliance only in accordance with theinstallation instructions lound on page 4.

    5. Do not cover or block any openings on this appliance.

    6. Do not store or use this aooliance outdoors.Do not use this product near water-for example, near akitchen sink, in a wet basement, or near a swimming pool,and the l ike.

    7. Use this appliance only for its intended use as described in thismanual. DO NOT use conosive chemicals, vapours, or non-foodproduc{s in this appliance. This type of oven is specificallydesigned to heat or cook. lt is not designed for industrialorlaboratory use. The use ol conosive chemicals in heating orcleaning will damage the appliance and may resutt in radiationleaks.

    8. When cleaning surfaces of door and oven that cometogether on closing the door, use only mild, non-abrasivesoaps or detergents applied with a sponge or soit cloth.

    much care as you use with a stove or any other cooking device.

    9. Do not allow children to use this appliance, unless closelysupervised by an adult.

    '10. Do not operate this appliance if it has a damaged cord orplug, if i t is not working properly, or if i t has been damagedor drooDed.

    1 1. Do not immerse cord or plug in water.

    12. Keep cord away from heated surfaces.

    1 3. Do not let cord hang over edge of a table or counter.

    14. This appliance should be serviced only by qualified servicepersonnel. Contaci the nearest authorized servicentre forexamination, repair or adjustment.

    '15. Some products such as whole eggs, narrow neck bottlesand sealed containers-for example, closed glass jars-may explode and should not be heated in this oven.

    16. To reduce the risk of fire in the oven cavity:

    (a) Do not overcook food. Carefully attend appliance if paper,plastic, or other combustible materials are placed inside theoven to jacilitate cooking.

    (b) Remove wire twist.ties from paper or plastic bags beforeplacing bag in oven.

    (c) tt materials inside the oven should ignite, keep ovendoor closed, turn oven off, and disconnect the powercord. or shut oft power at the luse or circuit breakerpanel.

    (d) Do not use the cavity for storage purposes.Do not leave paper products, cooking utensjls, or food inthe cavity when not in use.


    MICROWAVE ENERGY(a) Do not attempt to operate this oven with ihe door

    open since open-door operation can result in harmfulexposure to microwave energy. lt is impoftant not todefeat or tamper with the safety interlocks.

    (b) Do not place any objeci between the oven tront taceand lhe door, or allow soil or cleaner residue toaccumulate on sealinq surfaces.

    (c) Do not operate the oven if i t is damaged. lt is particularlyimportant that the oven door close properly and that thereis no damage to the:(1 ) door (bent )(2) hinges and latches (broken or loosened)(3) door seals and sealing surfaces.

    (d) The oven should not be adiusted or repaired by anyoneexcept properly qualified service personnel.

    - 3

  • Examine Your OvenUnpack oven, remove all packing material, and examine theoven for any damage such as dents, broken door latches orcracks in the door. Notify dealer immediately if oven isdamaged. DO NOT install if oven is damaged.

    Remove Protective Plastic Filmll a plastic film has been wrapped around the oven to protectthe painted finish from scratching during shipping, pleaseremove this plastic f i lm prior to using the oven. (However, allovens do not have plastic f i lm wrapping.)

    Placement of Oven'1. Oven must be placed on a tlat, stable surface. For proper

    operation, the oven must have sufficient air f low. Allow3-inches of space on both sides of the oven and l-inch olsoace on too ol oven.a. DO NOT block air vents. lf they are blocked during

    operation, the oven may overheat. lf the oven overheats,a thermal safety device wil lturn the oven otf. The ovenwill remain inoperable unti l i t has cooled.

    b. DO NOT place oven near a hot damp surface such as agas or ereclnc range.

    c. DO NOT operate oven when room humidity is too high.

    Grounding lnstructionsThis appliance must be grounded. In the event of an electricalshort circuit, grounding reduces the risk ol electric shock byproviding an escape wire for the electric current. Thisappliance is equipped with a cord having a grounding wirewith a grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into anoutlet that is properly installed and grounded.

    WARNING-Improper use ol the grounding plug can result ina risk ot electric shock.

    Consult a quali l ied electrician or service person if thegrounding instructions are not completely understood, or ifdoubt exrsts as to whether lhe app|ance rs properlygrounoeo.

    lf i t is necessary to use an extension cord, use only a threewire extension cord that has a three blade grounding piug,and a three slot receptacle that will accept the plug on theappliance. The marked rating of the extension cord should beequal to or greater than the electrical rating ol the appliance.

    Wiring Requirements'L The oven must be plugged into at least a 15 AMP 120

    VOLT, 60 Hz GBOUNDED OUTLET,Where a standard two-prong outlet is encountered, it is thepersonal responsibility and obligation of the user to have itreplaced with a properly grounded three-prongoutlet (Fig. 1).

    F ig . 1

    / @ @2. The oven must be on a SEPARATE CIRCUIT. No other

    aoDliance should share the circuit with the microwave oven.lf i t does, the branch circuit fuse may blow, or the circuitbreaker may trip or the tood may cook slower than thetimes recommended in this manual.

    3. The VOLTAGE used must be the same as specified on thismicrowave oven (120 V). Using a higher voltage isdangerous and may result in a fire or other accidentcausing oven damage. Using a lower voltage wil l causeslow heating. Panasonic is NOT responsible for damageresulting from the use of the oven with other than specifiedvoltaqe.

    - 4 -

  • General Use'1 . DO NOT tamper with or make any adjustments or repairs to

    door, control panel housing, satety interlock switches or anyother part of the oven. Do NOT remove outer panel fromoven. Repairs should only be done by a qualif ied serviceperson.

    2. DO NOT operate the oven if empty. The microwave energywill reflect continuously throughout the oven causingoverheating, if no lood or waler is present to absorbenergy. This could damage the oven and result in a risk ofl ire.

    3. lf a fire occurs in the oven, turn the timer to the"0" oosition or oress STOP/FESET Time Pad and LEAVEDOOR CLOSED.Disconnect the power cord, or shut oft power at the fuse orcircuit breaker panel.

    4. DO NOT dry clothes, newspapers or other materials inoven or use newspapers or paper bags for cooking. Firecould result.

    5. DO NOT use recycled paper products unless the paperoroduct is labelled as safe for microwave oven use.Recycled paper products may contain impurit ies which maycause sparks, and result in f ires when used

    6. DO NOT hit or strike controi panel. Damage to controlsmay occur.

    7. POT HOLDERS should always be used when removingitems from the oven. Heat is transferred from the HOT foodto the heating container and from the cooking container tothe Glass Tray. The Glass Tray can be very HOT afterremoving cooking container from oven.

    8. DO NOT store flammable materials next to, on toD of. or inthe oven. lt could be afirc hazatd.

    UtensilsUse only containers and materials specified by theirmanufacturers to be for microwave use.

    1 . METAL CONTAINERS or dishes with metall ic trims shouldnot be used. Arcing may occur.

    2. METAL TWIST-TIES may not be used in the microwaveoven.

    3. DO NOT use SEALED JARS or NARROW NECK bottles forcooking or reheating. They may shatter.

    4. DO NOT use CONVENTIONAL THERMOMETERS in themicrowave oven. They may cause arcing

    5. Remove PLASTIC STORE WRAPS, before heatinq in theoven.

    6. When using foil, skewers, warming rack or utensils made otmetal in the oven allow at least one inch of space betweenmetal material and interior oven walls. lf arcing (sparking)occurs remove metal material (skewers, etc.) and/ortransfer to a nonmetall ic container

    Food1 . lt is better to UNDERHEAT RATHER THAN OVERHEAT

    foods. lf food is underheated, it can always be returned tothe oven for further heating. l i lood is overheated, nothrngcan be done. Always start with minimum heating times.

    2. SMALL OUANTITIES of lood or Joods with LOWl\,4OISTURE content can burn, dry out or catch on fire ifheated too long.

    3. Microwave popcorn which pops in its own package isavailable. Each brand of microwave ooDcorn recommendsthat their ooocorn be used in microwave ovens l isted at aspecific wattage. For example: "Use in a microwave oven600 watts or greatel', or "Tested in microwaves oi 450 to'1000 watts. " Follow ooocorn manufacturer's directionsand use a brand suitable for at least a 650 wattsmicrowave oven.

    4. Do not attempt to deep fat lry 'n your microwave oven.

    5. Do not boil eggs in their shell in a microwave oven.Pressure wil l build up and the eggs wil l explode.

    6. Potatoes, apples, egg yolks, whole acorn squash andsausages are examples ol foods with nonporous skrns.These types of foods must be pierced before cooking, toprevent Durslng-

    7. Liquids can become "superheated" in a microwave, andwhen the container is moved in any way, thesuperhealed l iquids can "explode" out ot thecontainer. "Superheated" water is hotter than boil ingwater. EVEN THOUGH lT DOES NOT APPEAR TOBUBBLE. To reduce the possibil i ty of this occurrence:Always make sure that l iquids are stirred vigorouslybefore heating to assure that the l iquid is mixed with air.NEVER HEAT LIOUIDS FOF AN EXCESSIVE LENGTHOF TIME,

    8. Do not use DaDer towels or cloths which conlain asynthetic l iber woven into them, such as nylon. Thesynthetic f iber may cause the towel or cloth to ignite.

    9. Do not use the oven for any reason other than theoreoaration of food.

    10. Your oven is equipped with a protective device designed1o turn the unit o11 in the event of overheating. The ovenwill automatically reset itself alter it has cooled. (approx.30-60 min . )

    - 5 -

  • Microwaves are a form of high frequency radio waves similarto those used by a radio including AM; FM and CB. They are,however, much shorter than radio waves; approximately tiveinches long. Electricity is converled into microwave energy bythe magnetron tube. From the magnetron tube, microwaveenergy is transmitted and absorbed.

    ReflectionMicrowaves are reflected by metaljust as a ball is bouncedotf a wall. A combination of stationary (interior walls) androtating antenna, located underneath the bottom shelf assurethat the microwaves are well distributed within the oven cavityto produce even heating or cooking of foods.

    TransmissionMicrowaves pass through some materials such as paper,glass and plastic much like sunlight shining through a windowBecause these substances do not absorb or r€tlect themicrowave energy, they are ideal materials tor microwaveoven heatino containers.

    AbsorptionDuring heatlng, microwaves wil l be absorbed by tood. Theyoenetrate to a deoth of about % to 1'l-inches. Microwaveenergy excites the molecules in the food (especially water, fatand sugar molecules), and causes them to vibrate at a rate of2,450,000,000 times per second. This vibration causeslriction, and heat is produced just as you wil l feel heatproduced il you vigorously rub your hands together. Theinternal heating of larger foods is done by conduction. Theheat which is produced by friction travels by conduction to thecenter of the food. Foods also continue to heat by conductionduring standing time.Because microwaves dissipate, much like sunlight as itreaches the Earth's surface, they are not stored in food.

    Radio lnterference1. Operation of the microwave oven may cause interference to

    your radio, TV or similar equipment.2. When there is interference, it may be reduced or eliminated

    by taking the following measures:a. Clean door and sealing sulaces of the oven. See Care

    of Your Microwave Oven found on page 18.)b. Place the radio, TV, etc, away from the microwave oven

    o- rc r o5 Pe- - rv rs .

    c. Use a properly installed antenna, to obtain strongersignal reception.

    - 6 -

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    Control Panel



    TimerControl PanelDoor Saiety Lock System

    1 . Make sure unit is plugged into a three-prong grounded 120 Vcircuit.

    2. Open the door. PLACE CONTAINER OF FOOD in theoven.

    3. CLOSE THE DOOR securely.


    5. You may open the door while the oven is operating. Assoon as the door is opened, the safety mechanisms stopmicrowave power and heating time.To continue heating, close door.Microwave heating begins again.lf you wish to change the time during heating, simply adjustthe timer to desired minutes.

    Oven WindowOven LampSplash Guard/Light Diffuser

    6. When time has elapsed, a boll wil l r ing and the unit wil l tumotf.> Oven light turns otf.

    o @\pj


    I icl6 t&t

    r ri.i D.!

    ' 1 4 . ' I f f i l o ' . , 0

    r H-rrF

    r c'|racr(tr't rfl.sr IrJc..Fr r:a.tn! L , i . M 5 f . * o

    NOTE:'1. lf heating is compleled BEFORE the

    timer has elapsed, tum the TIMER TO"0" position. The unit willoperate untilthe timer retums to "0".

    2. When setting timer for less than 30sec, tum timer past 30 sec and thenturn to correct timing.

    - 7 -

  • NE-'10547Control Panel

    (1) Digital Display Windov, (see below)(2) iriemory Pads(3) Por,v€r t.ercl Selec.tor Pad(4) PROG. Pad(s) STOP/RESET Pad(6) DOUBLE OUANTTTY (x 2) Pad(7) START Pad(8) ControlPanel(9) Door Safety Lock System('10) Oven Window with Heawapor Film

    (Do Not Remg\€)

    (11) Ol/En tamp

    (12) Splash Guard,/Light Oitluser\f


    Digital DisplayWindow IndicatorLocations

    A - PBOG lndicatorB - DOUBLE OUANTITY (x 2) Heating IndicatorC - Memory Pad Number and Heating Time Display (min.

    sec.) - each indicator 0-9D - Stage Heating Indicaior - 3 maximum



    - 8 -

    ( 1 1 )

  • Before OperatingVake sure the oven is connected to a properly groundgd electrical outlet.lvren the door is closed, the Display Window is sti l l blank. When the door is opened, the Display Window shows "0"..cr the detail operation, see the page on each feature.

    This oven is preset at the factory for the following:' Memory Pads are preset to High Power for the indicated heating times Jor single stage heating.

    1 - 10 sec.2 - 20 sec.3 - 30 sec.4 - 45 sec.5 - ' l min.

    The Double Ouantity (x 2) Pad is preset to automatically double the programmed time of each Memory Pad.

    Exampre: press @

    * E;l


    Program Unlock.Cycle counter set to "0" on all pads.

    To set the power level:Select power level betore programming the cooking time


    To set the cooking time:

    You can set up to 99 minutes 99 seconds.ExamDle 1 : To set 15 minutes 45 seconds

    Example 2: To set


    6 - 1 min. 30 sec.7 - 2 m i n .8 - 2 min. 30 sec.9 - 3 m i n .0 - 3 min. 30 sec.



    1 t r m e . . .2 times . .3 times . .4 times . .5 times . .6 times . .

    . . HIGH

    . . M E D I U M H I G H

    . . MEDIUM, . L O W. . DEFROST. . HOLD

    Display Window




    , , . " . [ # l * i l l | *E - ; - l ; 4 - " , 185 minutes

    E;|30 seconds

    * q-Jl . E;l + E-;|When you press the START Pad, the Display Window showst hour 25 minutes instead of 85 minutes 30 seconds. When selectedcooking time is over an hour, the Display Window shows hours and minutes,but the oven works for vour settino time.


    The Display Window will go blank (when the door is closed):. at rnore than 1 minute interruption.. at more lhan 1 minute after completion of heating and

    removing food.The display wil l f lash "0":

    . continuously il food is not removed.

    Oven Light:

    Oven light wil l be turned on, when:. you open the door.. heating starts.

    Oven light will be turned ott, when:. you close the door (no heating).. heating finishes.

    - 9 -

  • HEATINGOpen the door and place food in lhe oven cavity. Close the door. "0" must be shor,ving in the Display Window.

    A. Manual Single Stage Heating:This fealure gives the user maximum llexibil i ty to set the oven to desired heating time and power level. Ideal for menus thatrequire various h€ating requirements.

    Example: To heat for 2 minutes at High Power



    t PowER I


    Oisplay Window

    i ll - l


    l _ t s e )

    L U -

    q , -

    1 . .Press the POWER Level SelectorPad one time.

    .Press the Memory Pads 2, 0 and 0.

    . @ .Press the START Pad.Heating wil l start.The time in the Display Window willcount down.

    .All heating wil l stop.When opening the door, thedisplay wil l stop blinking.

    4. Beep tone wil l sound.

    B. Manual 2 or 3 Stage Heating:This feature allows you to set to begin heating at one power level then shitt automatically to a different power level after thedesignated amount of heating time.

    Example: To heat tor 2 minutes at D€lrost power tor 2 stage heating

    Displav Window

    - -----l_-=

    r - l

    , ,


    Llq0 l


    - ff-l

    I u l

    For a 3 slage heating cycle, select a power level again and set the cooking time, between steps 3 and 4 above.SPECIAL NOTE: For both single and 2 or 3 stage heating.1. While heating, one louch on the STOP/RESET Pad stops the oven. You can restart by pressing the START Pad or a second

    touch on the STOP/RESET Pad will cancelthe selected program.2. One touch on the STOP/RESET Pad, before the heatjng cycle is started, will cancelthe selected program.

    1, Follow steps 1 and 2 above.

    ' @

    [il;t PowER I


    5. Beep tone wil l sound.


    .Press the POWER Level SelectorPad 5 times. Indicator wil l changeeach time the pad is pressed.

    .Press the Memory Pads 2, 0 and 0.

    .Press the START Pad.The totalt ime for both stages wil l bedisplayed. The oven lamp wil l beturned on. Heating wil l start.

    .The time in the Display Window willcount down.

    .When oven shifts to the ngxt stage, asingle beep tone wil l sound.

    .All heating wil l slop.When opening the door, the displaywill stop blinking.

    - 1 0 -

  • C. Programmed Heating:Example: 1 stage; Memory Pad I to heal tor 3 minutes at HIGH Power

    1 .

    3. Beep tone wil l sound.

    .Press the Memory Pad 3.In Program Lock Mode oven willstart without pressing STARTPad. See page 15.

    .Press the START Pad.The total time for both stageswill be displayed. The time inthe Display Window will count down.Heating wil l start.

    .When lhe oven shifts to the next stage,a single beep tone wil l sound.

    .All heating wil l stop.When opening the door, the displaywill stop blinking.

    To Select Multiple Portion Healing:The Double Quantity Pad (x 2) is lactory sel to automatically double the programmed time for multipleportion heating.

    ExamDle: Memorv Pad 5



    , @

    3. Beep tone will sound.

    Example: 2 stage; Memory Pad 3 (toSee page 13 to program Memory Pad.See page l5 to activate Program Lock.

    ' t .

    . /-DorrBr.E )grui'*J

    3. Follow steps 2-3 above.

    .Press the Memory Pad 9.ln Program Lock Mode oven wil lstart without pressing STARTPad. See page 15.

    .Press the START Pad.Heating wil l start.The time in the Display Window willcount down.

    .All heating wil l stop.When opening the door, the displaywill stop blinking.

    heat for 3 minutes at HIGH and 2 minutes at DEFROST)

    .Press the DOUBLE OUANTITY (x 2)Pad.

    .Press the Memory Pad 5.In Program Lock Mode oven willstart without pressing STARTPad. See page 15.





    L U I

    Display Windor.v

    IL I

    - 1 1 -

  • Disolav Window

    lt l

    Disolay Window


    q l)

    --:=-- =--7 n n

    _ t u u I


    LJJ 2z

    Programming- DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR _The Display Window MUST be blank before programming can begin. lf any indicator l ight isi l luminated in the digital Display Window: Close the door, press STOP/RESET Pad and wait 1minute unti l the Display Window goes blank.

    A. Programming Memory Pads for Single Stage Heating:Example: To program 30 seconds at Medium Power for Memory Pad Number 5

    .Press the PFOG. Pad.NOTE:.lf no PROG Indicator appeared in theDisplay Window, "Program Lock" shouldbe cancelled. (See page 15.)

    .Do not keep pressing PROG. Pad lor morethan 30 seconds, or a false tailure codemay result.

    .Press N,lemory Pad 5.The pad number and the previouslyselected time and power level wil lappear in the Display Window.

    .The pad number and StageHeating Indicator wil l appearin the Display Window again.

    .Press the Porrrer Level SelectorPad 3 times. The Memory Paddisplay wil l go out.

    .Press Memory Pads 3 and 0.

    .Press the PROG. Pad again.You have completed programmingthe selected Memory Pad forsingle stage heating and doubleheating time for multiple portionheating automatically.

    .2 seconds later, the time andpower level setting for singlestage wil l appear in the Display Window.

    .2 seconds later, Double Quantity (x 2)Heating lndicator and then thedouble heating time wil l appearin the Display Window.

    .2 seconds later, the Display Windowwill go blank.


    I-lt,;;lL PowER l




    5 .


    q, - )

    1 n n 1| , _ u u i

    - 1 2 -

  • NOTE: . Program the remaining Memory Pads as desired by repeating steps 1-5. You may insert up to 10 memory Programs.. When the PROG indicator is blinking, the program can be cancelled and/or the Pad erased by pressing the


    B. Programming Memory Pads for 2 or 3 Stage Heating:Example: To program tor 2 minutes at DEFROST for 2 stage heaiing using Memory Pad Number 5

    1. Complele Steps 1 to 4 or page 12.

    .Press the POWER Level Selector Pad5 trmes. DEF indicator l ight wiI hght.

    .Press the Memorv Pads 2, 0 and 0.

    ' @ .Press the PROG. Pad again.You have completed programming theSelected l\,lemory Pad for 2 stage heatingand double heating time for mull iple portionheatjng automatically.

    .2 seconds later, the Display Window will showyour setting program as step 5 on page 12.

    Display Window


    [ - i 0 ]' . " " ' .

    Ii = J

    '-" ;

    GNTl q I


    E-_ !!!9_ _ _L_

    I e o g l



    .After all of your programming has beencompleted. the Display Window will go blank. ]

    NOTE; . Program the remaining pads as desired by repeating the steps above.DO NOT OPEN THE OVEN DOOR during programming.

    . For a 3 stage heating cycle, select a further power level and set the desired healing time between steps 3 and 4 above.

    - 1 3 -

  • C. Programming the Double Quantity Pad - For multiple portion heating:

    your oven is lactory set to automatically double thg programmed time for multiple portion heating - this is the correct settingtor heating multipleportions of most small foods items. No Iurther programming of the time is necessary for these lood items

    The time iequired to heat multiple portions ot some large planers and most bulk food loads is slightly less than double that ol a

    single portion.Thi; model incorporates a Multiple Portion Heating Custom Program feature lhat allows you to customize the heating timeand/or power level for multiple portions of your menu items.For example, if Memory Pad 3 is set for 6 minutes at DEFROST, 12 minutes at DEFROST is set for double quantity heating

    automatically. Howevei, il your own tests have determined that the correct heating times required is less (only 10 minutes 30

    seconds at OeFROSTI tot t*o portions, the "Multiple Portion Heating Custom Program" feature can be programmed tor 10

    minutes 30 seconds at DEFROST.

    Disolav window



    ' t .

    NOTE: . program the remaining Memory Pad as desired by repeating steps 1-6 above. (You may insert up to 10 memoryprograms.)DO NOT OPEN THE OVEN DOOR while programming

    . When the PBOG indicator is blinking, the program can be cancelled and/or the pad erased by pressing STOP/RESETPad.

    Example: To program 30 seconds at HIGH

    I PBoG. I

    Power on Memory Pad Number 2

    .Press the PROG. Pad.NOTE:.lf no PROG lndicator appeares in theDisplay Window, "Program Lock" should becancelled (see page 15).

    .Do not keep pressing PROG. Pad formore than 30 seconds, or a lalsefailure code may result.

    .Press DOUBLE OUANTITY (x 2) Pad.

    .Press Memory Pad 2.The pad number and the PreviouslYselected time and power level formultiple portion heating wil lappear in the Display Window.

    .The pad number and Stage Heating Indicatorwil l appear in the Display Window again.

    .Press the POWER Level Selector Padonce. The Memory Pad displaY wil lgo out.

    .Press the Memory Pads 3, 0.

    .Press the PROG. Pad again.You have completed programming theselected Memory Pad lor multiPleportion heating.

    .2 seconds later, the setting for singlestage heating wil l appear in the Display Window.

    .2 seconds later, the Display Windowwill go blank.






    l-ril-lt PowER I



    t -" . -

    f tol) )l L

    rut l


    - 1 4 -

  • Other Features

    A. To Activate Program Lock:

    This procedure "Locks" the control panel Memory Pads into their programmed heatingtimes and power levels. DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR. The Display Window must beblank before the Program Lock leature can be activated.

    B. To Release Program Lock:

    This procedure deactivates "Program Lock" and activates all other features.Oven reverts to a 2 touch operating mode (Memory Pad plus START Pad).DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR. The Display Window must be btank before the ReleaseProgram Lock feature can be activated.

    Displav Window

    1 . .Press the STOP/RESET Pad.While pressing this pad, press thePROG. Pad unti l the DisplayWindow shows "P" (for 6 seconds).

    .Program Lock Feature is deactivated,oven is now in "Program Unlock" mode.

    [ ; ; ;1 .@

    NOTEi .Do not press PROG. Pad for longer than 30 seconds continuously, or a false failure code may result.. ln "Program Unlock"a. Repeat and interrupt features are operational.b. Memory Pads can be programmed.c. Tone loudness control is operational.

    Disolav Window

    ' @ .Press and hold in the PBOG. Paduntil the display shows'P' and "1". (for 6 seconds)

    .Program Lock feature is nowactrvated.

    NOTE: .DonotpressPROG.Pad lor longer than30secondscont inuous ly ,o r fa lse fa i lu recodemayresu l t .. ln "Program Lock"a. The oven is started by pressing the desired Memory pad. There is no need to press the START pad.b. The interrupt feature is deactivated-opening the door cancels the remaining time on the program.c. The oven cannot be programmed until the program lock feature is deactivated.



    - 1 5 -

  • C. To Read Program List:

    Allows you to review all currently programmed Pad Number, heating time and power level for each

    1. Open the door.

    , F;;;I .While pressing the STOP/RESET Pad,press and hold in the START Pad.The Beep Tone setting wil l show in theDisplay Window.Example; Stage Indicator ' l : Beep tone is ON

    Stage Indicator 2: BeeP tone is OFF

    2 seconds later, the Program Locksetting wil l show in the DisplayWindow.

    Program Lock : "P L"Program Unlock: "P"

    .Press Memory Pad you desiredto read program.Example; The Memory Pad

    Number 5.Display Window will display;Program Memory Pad Number 5,first stage heating time and powerlevel currently programmed onl\ilemory Pad.

    2 seconds later, the sameintormation wil l be displayedfor the 2nd and 3rd stageheating.

    .After all settings have beendisplayed, the Pad Number andthe Stage Heating Indicator wil lappear in the Display Window again.

    NOTE: .lf you want to go to another program, press the Memory Pad you desired to read program, while the information otlvlemory Pad is being displayed.

    .lf you want to show the Multiple Portion Heating (x 2) program, press the DOUBLE OUANTITY Pad belore pressing

    the l,remory Pad.


    Displav window

    t-n--lI u l






    - 1 6 -

  • D. To Select Beep Tone Options:

    The Beep Tone can be set. ON or OFF.

    Open the door.

    @E ''-@

    1 .

    Display Window

    .Press the PFOG. Pad.The display wil l not change.

    .Press the Memory Pad 0.

    .Repeat pressing ol 0 Pad. Select "OFF"

    of Beep Tone.Stage lndicator l -ONS t a g e l n d i c a t o r 2 = O F F

    .Press the PROG. Pad again.You have completed programmingthe beep tone.

    .2 seconds later, the Display Window willgo blank.

    .While pressing STOP/RESET Pad,press POWER Levei Selector Pad. Thedisplay shows the total cumulative number oftrmes the oven has been used.Example:

    .9999 means, the oven has beenused 999900 times.

    .0020 means the oven has beenused 2000 times.

    . lf the total cumulative numberof t imes less than 100 times, thedisplay wil l not be changed.

    .2 seconds later, "0" wil l reappear in theDisplay Window.




    E. To Read the Cycle Counter:The oven can dispiay the total number of t imes the oven has been operated cumulatively.Great for analyzing usage of the oven and tratfic f low at the,ocation.

    1 . Open the door.




    Disolay Window

    - 1 7 -

  • rlif



    This oven monitors its operation and displays a Failure Code in the Display Window when a problem occurs.

    Whal to do when a failure code appears:

    NOTE: Above codes shown in Display Window do not indicate all the possible failures on the unit.

    1. Unplug the oven before cleaning.

    2. Keep the inside of the oven clean. When food spatters orspil led l iquids adhere to oven walls, wipe with a damp cloth.N4ild detergent may be used if the oven gets very dirty. Theuse of harsh detergent or abrasives is not recommended.The air intake splash guard/l ight diffuser can be removed forcleaning by removing the center plugs from the two plasticrivets. The top is held by two tabs.Wash in warm dishwater and replace.

    3. The outside oven surfaces should be cleaned with a dampcloth. To prevent damage to the operating parts inside theoven, water should not be allowed to seep into the ventilationopenrngs.

    4. lf the Control Panel becomes wet, clean with a sott, dry cloth.Do not use harsh detergents or abrasives on Control Panel.When cleaning the Control Panel, leave oven door open toprevent oven from accrdentally lurnrng on.After cleaning, touch STOP/RESET Pad to clear DisplayWindow.

    5. lf steam accumulates inside or around the outside of the ovendoor, wipe wilh a soft cloth. This may occur when thernicrowave oven is operated under high humidity conditionsand in no way indicates mallunction of the unit.

    6. Clean off grease and dust on bottom surfaces otten. Usewarm detergent solution.

    7. Cleaning inside the oven outer panel and inside the ovenbase should be performed only by qualif ied service personnelafter taking precautions to drain all stored voltage potential.The bottom is accessible by removing the center section ofthe base and the power and sensor control areas are withinthe outer wrap around housing. Avoid using l iquids andcleaning solutions in these areas. Use a dry sott bristle brushor a cloth. Reolace all oarts-Do not connect the oven to theelectricity supply i l any parts are not reassembled.


    F01 'Overcooked lood.Temperature of exhaust air too high.

    'Press STOP/RESET Pad to stop beep.'Wait for oven to cooi down and reset.' l t a flame is Dresent, do not open oven door.' l f normal operation does not resume, call the service agent withinformation of tailure code.

    F33-34 'Defective sensor circuit . Unplug the oven and wait more than 10seconds before reconnecting.

    ' lf normal operation does not resume, cali theservice agent with the information of tailurecode.

    F44 'When a pad was pressed for morethan 30 seconds

    "Detective pad or control circuit

    - 1 8 -

  • NE-10547 NE-10247

    Power Source 120V,60 Hz, s ingle phase

    Required Power 13.44 1500WOutput' 1000 w

    Frequency 2,450 MNZ

    Outer Dimensions( H x W x D )

    '12" x2O'/;' x 14'/;'306 mm x 510 mm x 360 mm

    Cavity Dimensions( H x W x D )

    8 ' l , " x 1 3 ' x 1 3 '205 mm x 330 mm x 330 mm

    Net Approximately 34 lb (15.4 kg)

    Approximately 39 lbs (17.7 kg)

    Timer 99 min 99 sec (Digital)x 10 Memory Pads

    with Double Quantity(x2) Pad

    6 minutes Rotary


    . lEC 705-88 Test ProcedureSpecifications subject to change without notice.