THE WASHINGTON HERALD SATURDAYS NOVEMBER 16 1907 n r > DRIVE LED BY BEARS Sagging Tendency in Stocks Due to Speculators MONEY IN PLENTY OFFERED Underlying Conditions In the Market More Favorable than nt Any Time for Week In Spite of Lower Prices Following Manipulation Brokers Look for Lower Premium Kate New York Nov slowly sag King tendencies In the security market that have boon in evidence the greater part of tho present week culminated today In a considerable de cline In prices for which responsibility was almost universally laid by compo tent critics both on and off the floor of the stock exchange to a more vigorous and widespread onslaught upon the mar ket by speculators for the fall than any that has occurred since the first of the month Those operators used to the greatest ex tent possible whatever Influence favor able to their purpose they could extract from the deplorable personal tragedy of yesterday although It was entirely plain today to every person that this event bore absolutely no relation to tho current affairs of any financial institu tion or to the financial situation gen- erally There was of course a certain degree of genuine In the market to- day The individuals to whom wore turned over the 5 per cent collateral trust bonds of the United States Steel Cor poratIon in return for Tennessee Coal and Iron stock are unquestionably converting these bonds or a certain proportion of them into cash as rapidly as they can in order to take up their loans with the in etitutions that advanced money on the security of the Tennessee Coal and Iron shares This however was the only sig nal Instance of the pressure of actual holdings of stocks for sate Money Offers Continue Tho aubstantJal underlying develop xncnts affecting the stock market today era more favorable than they have been a long time There was what looked se the beginning of a general breaking wn In the premiums on currency The fcrings of cash so as to obtain the emiums poured Into money brokers to iy in a rushing volume while the will guess to pay these premiums on the rt of Western banks and others steadily dined Indeod there were not wanting day bank officials who ventured the edlctlon that within two weeks all trace a premium on currency will disappear There many guesses today re rdlng the probable character of tomor ws bank statement The opinion may ventured that the statement will show considerable but not a very large ad Jon to the bank surplus reserve CURB MARKET notations are furnished lflrElt Chapaaa members New York Stock ExcbaBgo G Bwrte pman uuiaagcr 13W F sueet aortfemet Open High Lo Ctes- otmTCoid Cftftxr I tlsh Cot Copper i- te Ceaittkm 13 I call Sabway 1354 W 1SH H nit Central 55 9t- xrhTxl Ely S rfsDaljr 3H- ninion Copper 1ft 1 dfleM CooMifcfetedt 3 KK 3 W4C 3 KK 3 BK eae Caaaaea 9tt oae GoWSflv H- rmac Gold 3IM s Ife- KinleyDarrag HrM IMS 11W uda Con 7 7 6 M- iadaUtah Cupper 34- toing Mltriws Vh adaM OH 6 3W 3K taps ConsaMdatad M 31 a ittd Copper NEW YORK Yew York Xo MOMT epo d ON call at- i stock ox aa s at B per cent htghoot JS i closing S Moat ef UM loaM WH at pet cent Tim money thawed tafiRHW- t in cawdSUvM altfaifih tn WM ttltt wyi- lted Rates trrre quoted at It per cent for- ty to nlaetr days 8 per eat for 4x month latter quotation teiRg aer or few amataaLt- rcantiVe paper was taken in Merited TOhuae fer a r buyers The imtitntkms wairta an unulty- rctaters were trally ttiU oat o Ute lUtes were nominally Quoted at 7 to M ItcrHBR street te4r rttfc a K cst adraaee in nand to abo 417 1 strength cf the irtet WM due to actire dem nd for ittoac- etedarseaU easajemants Md to Loadoni lafes- rtootai Ilates for actual bafmeet doted Sixty re ITSalTP demand SMaUTO eaaee SCsSa- Ma CemmereMl MUs 4KK i The s p- f of oaUfla bBIs wui oed BOSTON STOCKS JuUtf at fxpijlheil wr B IL Cbapaw members N vr York Stock Kxehaag G Uewi- cJpaaa awkger Ml 1 street aortHwent- BhLAatMd bxntlc- igbam Boston and Altear i M9 Boston and llatoe tf- Calamet and 56S Copper Range 1K- 4Bdicon ISectrte IHt n Ml- PJtehbuiK pfd faasaehnaetU Electrte 9H 9- JUasttchwwtt Gas 3K New Yerk New Haven and Hartfted UK North Batte 31 Shannon 9 Tamarack 35 Trinity Id- Tnlted Fruit Ml United Sboe MacMBerjr fd 2i- UUh 3I- YlctorU i TREASURY STATEMENT Rescrre f nd Gold coin aud bullion IWKO9tOW Trust funds MId for red mpiM of outstanding ROtes asd eertiflcateo Gold com as36isee SUrer dollars M 4nm Silver daBar of 1590 55WOW tt Total Jlai 717J M General fund Gold ODIn and buHteu Gold certWeatM Standard silver dollars SUrer cerUteates- Bllrrr bullion United States note Trenrr notes of ISM Nation bank notea Subsidiary sllwr ojln 516131721- 7X269 8089 9 l W 65131608- 31S5M8 88- 13i5J9 M 7939 72 S3 1463174 87 Tn treawrr of rMtatfm Islands 4SOftJ IS hood sad intereet paid 3 O 31 Total S94UJ7J635 89- Liabilittea M5 B6Ji M- ArailaUe eaeh balance Recaipts c Htom VMfWsa- IutmAl rca 7HSIK UUeellantotts fii M Total nceffito net iBctadedl lSff09I 92 Expenditure foniat QipcudltHras uc poetal dedowr not lnetad il 1JS9JOOO 09- Kxccsa of exnendltiires 2SSOI3 18 Njti nal baRk fund uDder aat July M MM x i mlMBHd and retired ttHder act Jiy U UN 113431 M- reedffd for current redfw i Uoii SlWf M- SW661S02 09- J23 553 TO 6 I Kiubrr i u u M N 43 M 91 08 00 01 liThe throughout f sensible r 1ft Jib 1S m W 1 10 l iIi At 114 M1 S1 I M s a ffi- Ix dtvklsnd 1 lest e quite cent rate k u 5 5 to II ltt ii 131 t u II Shoe x R S JI n s m 55I5n- utSooal CIIIIYiMlcJ 1ther coin In natteaI bask tloPCIttams S3i2lil U5 ept its 1100 ti It r larch If 1900 1 II were L 1- A 34 t fl f I I P4 SS 4 I 71 6 3 2 3t 6 7 MONEY S kit were M 4 b lIe s 9 reited 2 t Iji 1 Y fledenptlon jntce ite > > > = = = i ji 0 D B M N N s NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Quotations furnbbcd by Poet Flacs manben of the New York fitodc Excbanje BenJ Woodruff manager 1331 F street northwes- tJjKlcs to noon 200722 bares Total sales 578100 ulinrCB Call money H li 15 low 5 close 0 AUUChalm- AlH ChaL pfd Aimal Copper Am a F Can COttOn Oil Am Grass lee c- Aw Lo- A Loco Pfd S F pfd Am Smelt Am SraelU pfd Am Sugar Am T i T- Am Teb pfd Am Wool pfd pfd At Ooast Line Ohte- IUUpUi Mtn Both Steel pfd Brook R T Can Pacific Cast Leather C at LMU pfd Che Ohio ChL AIL Chi at W Chi G W pfd B a 31 SU P CL a a st L C F I Cola So Cos Gas Oora P d Q H D B G Detroit Union Sec S a A pfd Brio 1st te M Fed Mta pfd GIlL Bectric- Gt yeah pfd Gt Nerth cU- rt Vrwl DM- Haraaa El c pfd IM Cent L L- Int Met Int Paper Int Pump pfd L s Cent f K T JL K T pfd MiASOurl PacMc Lead N Y Csat 0 W N W Am Pac Pac Coast Paeife Pa R R v Pwa StcolA v Pr Se i pfd Reading Reading lit Reading 9- dKL I 5 Ren I S pfd R ek Island Rook Island Ffd- SC L F 2d f Closing Sales high Low No15Noll tOO 5 5H SH 5H 200 13 11H 37 00 43 4JH 4SH 4 t 2100 25 211 24 25H 303 3H 3H SH 3H- 1W 3 3 23 23 813 3 i 3 3 3 2VS 24 2H 2 IS lH 11H 11H 10X 2600 37 33 33 43 100 91 91 91 100 26 S 25 25H 300 U 1000 85 S3V4 8 66 8150 101H SOH 100 101 300 Mtf l 89 91 0 H 63H 634 H 1200 11 13H 13H 1 4 100 70 70 70 72U 6800 31Vi 29H 30 31 4600 7U4 W14 WH 7U4 203 Sltt E1V4 81H 82 Hi M- 3SOO 1914 77K 7SH 79H 3H 3H 3li 34 100 2SV4 23H 28V4 28 3700 30H 23 30 31 2900 11H4 133S 140 U2K8- SO 13 13V Utt M 371 71 7S 72 73 2800 26 25K 23R4 26- MO 10 10 10 10 1000 7 7 7 7 162 97 i 96 500 130 129- jop 49 4 1500 SS 83 300 SH 9U 2250 1234 300 17H 17 165 32 32 23 33 350 12 12 150 16 15 2KX 37 4 37 300 36 25H- MO 54 M 2495 7 103W 6182 112U UO- U6 101 10S4- CV lAeU At 500 66 61 TOO 12U4 1 9 600 5 5 900 S 7 100 51 52 1400 93H RH4 900 1JI4 M TOO 21 224 400 M SJn1- CSO 54 H- lJM 34 33 32910 96 93 400 3U 29H 800 62H 1 87H 98 123 132- H WK- 15U 1- 5mi 17 83 7K 9 954- 126U 12SU- 17H 18 32 32 3SH J 12 KH 15 16 4 37 25H 26- MVi 10M- 4llH4 113 MSH 105- lAlf f 65K 11914 5 7 52 M 911 SJH 13 21 23 51H M 5CV4 54H 38 35 H4 94- So Padflc- So Paettc pfd Rr Coal TtxM Pacific ThW AMme Toledo Rys T a I W pfd Union PacMc U a PJ U S Rnhbor U S R k 1st U Steal U S Steel pfdr- Va Chena V Coal Wabaah pfd West Upkm 200 G6f- W 20 H 35800 100 W5H 655 im 17 400 68 67 61600 79H 76 MO 76 76 4W I7H K 200 It 14 400 67H 67H 1300 13H 12ft 500 31 33- Kfl 23 26- SH 33H 36 31630 6tJ H 1470 M Mi lien 1314 11HJ- OO 93- MO IS 17 100 17 17- MO 12 12H 353 S33i 33 193400 119 W 500 19 18 lie 15 li 30 05 6 9960 23 2SK 31500 81U Wi- KO 14 l i- W 3 38- MO 8 3- MO MU MH- M9 83 G5 65 C6- 19H 20K- 106i 106 17 17 68 76 39 76 78- 67H K 14 11- 6ZH 6S- MS UH 33 344 27 28H- 5J4 37H- 6Si 63 192 11- 9llli Htt 93 8H 1 IS 17 J7- 12H 12 3 i 34- Ml 15- M JS 14 16 64 M- 2H 2S 79 iSI 11 15 33 33- 8H 8- M Wi- B GOVERNMENT UOXDS yew Y rk 15CteslHC qnoUtlens of United State g T rameat bfadj BM la eMinoa MM HOH M6 Si tgM red ION IfKK 193 X gMerd BOS 102 M9 X QMiB9n KM 4m regfetervd BS Ml 44 GMn n M IM Panaaa Canal Si rrpaterad MG 4 l W MISCELLANEOUS BONDS New York Nor 15 CUcstes bend twasactioas ea the atoek escbange- Inti erfal Japanese first erios IKs H Iwaerial Japanese socoad 4Vis MS Imp Japanwe 4s M 77 Anwrican Tobacco 6a 9 American Tobacco 4e 994 Canada Southern irst ll S0 Coatral of Georgia canealUated 5a 9i Oatral Lther 5 Central P iflc Srrt 4 yfii Central Pacific 3Vis W Cmapeake and Ohio 4K- ikaao BurHneton and Qnhwy J 4 86 CUeano Erie lilt 54 Ml and Erie 5s Mn Delaware and Hudson 4s I 9 OfetlHiug C 5s 9M4 Krte oomolidiiUd 4 ST Brie general 4 79 Ldie Shore 4 1 C Si LAke Slide 4r 1931 W4 New York Centwl 3J4 Northern Paciae 4i 94H Northern Padfle fe 63 Or m Short Line 6s M OrccM Short Line Ss U2 Oregeo Sbort Un 71 PenMjrlnwia 3a H K Iemwlrania 3K K Bfc Kea uns 4s 8 ikmtbetn PadSe refaadias 4c S4U Sonthera RaOvray 5s 92 Union PacMc first 4s 95S Union Paeifie ovnTertlbte 8 United StatM SUet la WK United State Stool ngieteml 794 WabaA Se let WftfeMh P T socesd 4 16 WtpKern Maotend kit 4s 9S Went Short Is 95 Total wale JSKOOO aj lAst JiUS OO yesterday JCWI a w k and Ji b 9 a jwr as- 3IIXIXG STOCKS Gtwtatkms are fwafefetd l r Irrfeg K Fairinston AC SMBitim ef Uw New York Predate Excbooee Fnwk C KfcgslwMj Hlbte BalMlng BW Asked GMhtteU CowoHdated 31515 FraetiM 67 00 JlMHtW BxiMMfce u S3 55 OoldfcM Dftkr A n SL Imf 3t K SUrer PW 3 a Qt Bead S 28 Bm B 6 8 AdMM i Atlanta 21 Ited Hftk SK 25 DtaniMdidd la i Butt 16 13 Triangle 9 Tra OonsoJhJoted 18 Odd Dar 37 Jte B l r i 41 GoWen 5 7 OibraHar 11 K IloMtoke i 13H MontaM Ton xih life IK Nfphains 9 S McKtakyTwrraffk Floreoce 3R tSJls coats per LIVE STOCK MARKE- TS Ne KCATTLBReceint 2- eatteuted for heed HOOSRecetnts USOO head trtimated tut dar JL Market opened lc lower n- SOflaSJi 515a54S 4Ma51 SHBBPHecelpts 700t head estimated for to BMHTOW 00 hood Mo ket stud to utions Na Uit ifceeu 200aSS Western beep lSSa5KI lambs a6fl5 Western lambs 37u J8 New York 15 1901 Mad Stewm acflic mctlium and gwxl K I5 hlrfwr all grade Arm bulJ lOc hicUer medium and gooi- i75 636 Kan and osen 53a5 balh 300 X7a cows L al83 fat heifers 415 140 CALVES Receipts 300 head Market steady Veala no prime aTared culls 155 srut- en 39 Wotern calTei iSOsSiO Uroiscd thIS at adr citydressed TMls JHall oeuntrjdressed 8a SIIBBP AND 9500 heed Mar hof 2fc lower i both steep and Iambi Sheep 350 aW9 cults 303 laaiH 6eih7 3j rajUf tW 5W i S 5 i 4 I 14 k l- Am e 5S 5 6l m 6I n n A 1000 66 64 F 91 N W 4 93 Iffi Ii t 126 JeT Brie Ton Sit 5 J k at Y 291 I 1ri 38 Mii ortk 1515 tf 85i i S s T So w 64 t Asked Ie llnall boedt i lMi l 1 Baltl and Ohio 4o 8l Chbto end 001tGIa and lIdo f YtJrlc Central 4e Silt 4 ilL Past mAIN 4 tion I i l to 11 t 5 001 l1 d t Market riIIM UU5 JI8QI to 3a4S Jt toeiltra 332sLZ cows IUt41 z sISO 0MfItn USaz 4JiQfJ5 Woatl L1ldS Sit hud Light 3 OT eo bologna cows teaC ill sold Stters 4 G LA3 SI fpt Am- A 5 tAt > m Hid n teAleon Ito Ito 4014 k 33 1M4 151 t ii t 98 314 63- prlh 1736 404 14 16714 1114 1IT Mail 64 MbIr I f 13 M I ci 3140 Sec idtlis ew 4 i ego i 7 32 coiN o e bsos InedMam 8lcjcr Texano e t905Ll3 mughi 491t51e lxlIxo 4 hey pig nat at ws SkS00 1 dreisod grausri > < ½ ¼ ° CROPS HELP TRADE Movement to Market Goes on in Interior MILLS BUSY ON OLD ORDERS Sonic Hesitation Noted In Iron and Steel Contracts but Relief of the Money Situation Tends to Hasten Return to Xormnl Conditions Dun and BrntlHtreet Weekly Reports New York Nov 15 R G Dun Cos weekly review of trade tomorrow will say Liberal receipts of gold from abroad and a large Increase In bank note clr culatjon tend to relieve tho financial stress at Now York but the interior Is now feeling the scarcity of currency nnd commercial activity Is retarded to some extent Dispatches from leading oWes Indicate conservatism in prepara- tion for future business and irregularity In collections with most favorable news from agricultural sections In which the crops are being marketed as freely as tho supply of money will permit Rt turn to normal conditions will bo has by large exports of farm staples supplying credits abroad upon which the muchneeded gold may be Imported Of flclal returns Indicate that exports of this nature were at about H 000000 In October the outgo of grain and cotton la on a still larger scale this month Financial pressure has affected the Iron Industry curtailing new contracts for all forms of finished atael Few orders have been received by Ute mills and some deliveries on old contract are deferred because funds are not available to meet specifications Illlw Kept Fairly Busy Primary orders for cotton goods are quiet although the mills are still well occupied filling old contracts The buyer is not placing new orders for distant delivery because of the lack of accom rnodations Footwear factories note siaekaning In demand and output is being curtailed- to prevent overproduction Thus far the percentage of reduction is not hoary some plants operating ttve days a week and others sevenhour days There is lfttl effort to fores business being more concerned at clearing up old contracts and collecting accounts- It Is considered a good sign that new orders arc for quleH delivery indl atfng that wholesalers are not carrying heavy supplies Fluctuation finally resulted in a stantial rise for week option trading xhibltlng more activity than for some WQoks Variation in wnoaU were largely dependent upon the itnuncial sit- uation contracts being when K was suggested that full cash payment would be required in settlement of ma- turing obligations at the ODd of the month Commercial failures this week in United States as reported to R G Dun Co Bra 261 against 239 last 23 the preceding week and 23S corre- sponding week last year Rrndstreets Weekly Report IJradstreeta tomorrow will say Trade as a whole is quieter and trial operations are being curtailed in with the readjustment pfoes forced by the prevailing monetary stringency and the spread of acute currency scarcity to the countrj large Evidences oC these were found in the restriction of wholesale buying for future delivery in the confinement of jobbing trade to pure rtlllngln proportions anei in the qpr- tailment of retail buying by the nearby employment of credit Instruments In manufacturing lines there Is apparently- a determination to fill orders only ae they are received and an Imiisp 6ltkHi to accumulate stocks There are however more favorable elements which point to rehabiUta ion process being well under way There Is in the first place an absence of any thing like precipitate action in the bust ness community the ftrst flurry of rats ciel unsettlement has passed without much of the disorganization witnessed in other years and there has succeeded a steady determination to make the bee of a situation which by many la regarded- as but temporary and not of a lasting depressing kind GRAIN AND PROVISIONS QuoUitoss famished by MUter i Co annrtun f tile New York Stock Exchange ad ties CfcJwge Board of Trade 13B F street northweaC Chicago Nor laWh at was beary almott fwm- UM start Quotations were nmoua aad ebopfgr fluctuations wtre the role Weaknew in Mocks now buying In rUIn and support of this sort a tmed constantly necessary Selnas preMurt urns limited during the early hours a traders cautkms 1 yesterdays Soul balge Gradually thu larger local bear tpecaiaton satoed- gnwncl was selliag for Eastern aDd foreign Mootint and consIderable for the NorUrwwt The only s pp rt was early V the same prteeipal wile baa supported the market during the put three or four hrs Later in Ute day thIs efeawat were seitm Estimated tomorrow 17 cat Like wheat cern adranced from the n nro t5- ch9py aURe in which trading was light to a karr condition during which ralaai slumped sbsrply aad he rAJe expsftilcd oMsMeraWy matwi for carii corn was somewhat better today Kailerx stock lee and buyers te k hold a Mule btor Cull corn was K to 1 mat low r Fereicn mar8eti were lower Mght ibipr- aoHta from ATsrntine Estimated tomrtw 118 carl Oats were bilL a lust reflection of the otter grafes and SOW lower under light trade oats were ia tile staple market but fir at about yeMtd ys closing EatimaUd toMorrofr- MS cars WHEAT Qpetu Hi i Low December 9IS OATS December S5 MK SWi- 4R4 4W 4 4 H January 12S3 K8J 1275 J268- ilay 1317 13JI 13 1317 January 7J8 8J5 76Q 73S- 3t y 795 812 792 8W- UIBS January 692 C9J 547 S- Jlar 7M 715 7 b 7- Xevr Yerk NOT WHEATWoaker fair 4e and ha 1 Northern Duteth W arrbl US Ne- Ml f e b LM 2Co 2 bard f b 107 No 1 ma carnal f o b No 2 miearoal lOK- N 1 Manitoba 121 f o b Ne 2 Mandate lU f o k Bs itoes took 10 loads pun outport aad Interior Itumortd a oire of Mid winter for Odessa but not confirmed COKX VaJctr quiet tWdc No 2 elcralw C- GKc 2 f o b 69K for late KaTember No 2 f ft k 60tt No 2 67 f o b for late November Hxporters took G load UYBSteadj fair iainlry No I Si f loads for export OATHSteadr Hit bnaiaoos Bietatar priees- No 3 wWtc SE9i No 1 white Wli Xe 2 mised SL MILL quIeL Sprinj bran Wh city bras 2SM in bulk Western red tex SL te Now York NOT 15 Lawtr prky l trts ia all graIn markets tonlay wheat ntiiefa broke sfaanrty as offerings were h tr prompted portly by dswajHrsKhJ cables but mainly by UHsatlsfacJory financial adrices Export trade in com te slow The priots for ftttuns follow Yettds WHET Qpea High Low Close etoe December Llfti LW4 10 4 U 4 May J1M4 LlHi 169Ti l i L1H5 CORN Qecamber 674 t 3 Did fAsked i I valued nd now a pro- ducers not the the week the A- Ccord at l rag MIl been made D were despite CHIt slow 9J 9t- fU iWh OOU Ii 5I 56 i1 4i ifti hong L ltD 11 0 ublte It- o FEED k MckJ to arrire lake and rail tLM amt all 1 1 ti t te e ned sub covers I mile y the dlI There 0 cbs 0 93 V l141a55 1- Denbor Slit 53 14 Mttt 965 2 C yule lit ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < W 0 C v F i G WASHINGTON STOCK MARKET BalesRrcular call 12 oclock noon Washington Hallway and Electric 4s 6000 at 77H- 10Mat77V4 Capital Traction 10 at 12- 1WashiDRten Railway end Electric preferred S at 65- Mtreentlwlcr S at 193 4 at 192U Mining 100 at i 109 at H 100 at i 5Xat4 fur callMitchell Mining W at S5- 1COO at 77U GOVERNMENT BONDS BkL Asked Philippine Land PHrehasc 4 M8K- DIstriot of Columbia 365 4 GAB Wwhlnstoa Gas s 3T M2 Washington Gas cert lad 6 100 1 RAILROAD BQNDS Capital Traction 5s MMi 1W4- AuactMtU and Potomac fs Kfe 93ft City and Suburbao 5 97K Ml- CofcunW M mortgage 5s M8 IflH- Gdumbia Gs leG Metropolitan 5s 1WI Washington Railway and ElectrIc 4 T7 7S MISCELLANEOUS BONDS Potomac Electrio Light lit Ss 100 K Norfolk and Wasbiitston Steamboat 5s 109 Chaaneake and Potomac Telephone 5s Ml Mi- Wasbinston Market 5s 19W IWJa Market 5 WIT Mi uTILITY STOCKS Capital Traction BS W Washington Railway and Electric com H- Wahiagton Railway and Eleetrtc pfd life 71- Narfotk and Washington Steombaat 300 3M- Ge fgetewn Gas 16 SI Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone M SO Great Palls and Old Dominien Itwy R TYPE MAOUINB STOCKS MerjjenttaUr Linotype K3 Ma- Lanaton 61 Ins MINIXQ STOCKS Greene Cananea S Hi MlnlBjr K NATIONAL BANK STOCKS capital wk s SM Ml 290 Commercial T 2H Farmers and Mechanics 3W 33t- Liucaln 190 lit Metropolitan M RlKS W 601 s d M in leo Wa blMgtO 30- 9Wathinct4mExehaBxcBa k COMlAXi STOOKft- orrty aaff Twst ABMrten Natteoal Sariajs and Treat 195 Trust H3K Lose and Tn rt HiK SAVINGS BANK STQCKS nee Sarinc Bank ffl- OMershaHU and MadisHle S rh If- Ortea S rteos Ua 531 FIRE INSUBANCtt STOCKS ArttKtea S I CeaHMcebl I Cereoran u Pewna- cK8 t TITLB INSUUANCB STOCKS Real act Ue M- Seartty Sfc e taeto Ma e C sal 13 COTTON MARKET QUoIN tec Md bjr- Ik New Yet 8twk ad ezefcwcea awl the New Orleuw CoUoa Ssduase ISO K stnet aert- ktt Ztar York Nor tfTh merfcet ek awl tr nnU ed tat ia UM day u ar jult cf imttfttW- eoeidaioa la Wall street count w isis fMefa- rotferad aad a W elM tea0a ussr the iMrlwt te the shape of a bunt part of the crop m to toe kcted which te heW bdt either fontel or wflteslj With reeeipu 1I9W isis behind best year to eat tile ato tk would be rappMtly boOtik bat it it- o well kwwn Uwt Ute tfiscrepcacr to AM to eemes beyowi the eoatrol of the owmen of eottoa that ebody pculendi to comramte the seaaJI flcare to- sbertaae In the oevne cf tbs held beck cotr ton rill b Marketed sad the price mist civ RperU today were pMrtatsoe Fill Rive Morton froridew and PMadetifcta seadi heM It or wtiXliir ffcuHnni keMm slaM or MMC- XW DmiaiieTj- MMarjr March York Open CT Orleans OHM Hiak Le Cte MJI JUt MJfceU 56 MJf HK IMS MJI MK AltaMlU iue UM ma moiiut LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET aBBpHa nC Bcetiefapa te the vfcakeaJe aMCket ye teaia pksAtfut KMkat ww ttoa4y with a toadeacy te eedhw hi prtws w the flrsi dan of the awljr te the week be been met tbovsfa UM MurtM ia tarn and active on high grade fresh stock Madteai qvaic- oaniDC oa ediinf of a d c prteat yeaUnky w r icresBhr esas wcte lid A dfeat 4edtec- iau shown in batter with the awrkrt Ore oa Diet andes Cbofce caiefeew lalg aad weMSatieaed aid facer taekg aad sewe sue wa t4 aai the plea are 8m but all the ccauaon tirades of MM poultry are bftni to BJOT The arriwfe ef- ihtmd o kry ate hasty nod OMMMO Bndec ar Mac old irregular prim Live stock is qidet- aad the aarlMC slowly dedteanr Ceenaoa K Cbies d a aad- oaly choice et i MiaMe There is a ceaeral 4e dies in the price of froka Ge t la hfcfe Krkyd- aad BMttef qoieMy- Prites quoted ara TriMMM- demnTKRCmnatCT laser 2SHa29 ikk tints SaSS do Moaotts Matt procrsv faacy 3 26 do fair to gmd dairy cbofce 3m geed atercpackcd feefc K- CIIEKSEMarket toa Mtin en all Lteda York State hussy hMg K a7 dev fcU M do 15k do wawaer krs H J6 do mmiDcr amoS Mai4 do lair to good J M Mcateni factory MW cbetee HHaK d lab to good 11 Virginia M- EOes earby Virctaia teas off 31 aver- age 2Ga3l Wet Vfeaioia sod Soathn st Vlrjdala 3637 Tennessee SfaST North CaroHaa Ma8 coW Meraw M LIVE faacy Uali arerace 13 hea 11 roofers 7 doeks teiae ll J da mall laS groc MaK turkeys WItS per Ib 14 do hews 14 do Urin M 14 DRESSED POULTRYTurkey hew uadraim per lb lidS do average undrawn KalF de thin M old teas K chIckens Urge It teas cftoicr 12 roosters a9 decks old llalS tprtas lfc Kceee Salt DUBSSED MEATSCalv foU dreeMd ICOa MM honda 3M hee rescd ruins UM hams oqmttry sugarcured UalS bogs soull and neat 7aS do medi im 7a H da hoary 6Ha7 GAMERabbit per doHa LStelSfc da kits LSOaLS quail p r dazes 100a3SO do wall 1JO phMUnU each 90al 5 wild turkeys 2 each GaS oposscms each 23M0 wood eoefc each 25aK- VEGETABLESPoUtofts homegrown J7fciOO d rural C6 sweet potatoes per bW 173a2- Mrias 150 cabbage per bbl 50 cacmnbtrs North Carolina LOOal50 onions Maryland a d Virtiuia per bW 2J ati5 EgyptIan cratf GREEN FUUITSAwnfce York Imperial per bU iSOaASI Ben DarJs ieSa275 WiarSap MIL 300 faixr table fruit ItfalOO apy 13 ats loa e packed LOOaL- MDRIKI FRUITS Apples sli d fancy 6a7 do slked bright SONDRlESBtnwax SO tallow ai6K koney Mte clover Mb now 13 de Mb new ginseng per lb 6flOaL50 Seneca per 40 GeWen Seal 48al5 Pink laU Maadrake i3 Sdoke lt j t 35 OHAIN Vbeat choke LOOalK do fair to rood SSaLW da ordiBurj W rye 75 COOl Mwilcd 66a63 d x yellow NaIl ear 331400 WeaUm white No 2 58a do mixed 5fa 8 WOOL AND HIDB6Voel washed free of bars per ih 3S Ax MnnashaU free of burs 3f da 3i hides par Ib 7 da dry HalT Sttecp9kttM GaUl de dry 2a75 eaif- sUas grew 135 UlJJ rSUTSPcr lb 3 BALTIMORE PRODUCE MARKET Baltimore Nor Ji F towin are the price qnot the principal conuniisloii houses BITTTER Creamery fancy per lb 23aS Hciu- tioo SVtSI Maryland and Pennsylvania MaS- sicreparkid Ohio UI4a38H do Wcet Virgiak 2U 3 Maryland Virginia and PeRBsgrlronfa ilaS i LIVK POULTRYOld hens hoary lb 1U ttfc yoaiiff I3al3K mcsters seek Sn3 dncta pnddie large per lb Wall do small Wall do atauwvy sad moesrel 11 tarfecjs young 7 Iba and war J3ttal6 de aId 13Ka- KAdmlrnlH Brother Dead Seneca Falls N Y Nov I5rJacob- Crqwntnshield ned severity brpther of Roar Admiral A 5 Crownlnshiold was found dead In his apartments here to day x lat Wublnton Railway and Elfctr1c u mi un 1W ashington loootypo Citi TRUST ate W SII h l I1 SO II eRlIId- IUcI ra1e III 9 W U Tail 0 lMJIIMra l the ol trade UIII- TIIe N to a le1ll is if to Jt i tII law aII- C aa a 1515 IIA- 1lUI JUI wall ian fIN of aIt Isiese ap tilt see at MIL Pork is insler Iric8I Sate Jk3t sad CW POULTRY Nf Squirrels USf taJ lOa lb white do cat Miry Itt each at rods J vaT M t 300 at BONDS PUBLIC itch l1 i IbsinbIl 1 8Th nisi aiizIn6tos N obusilda 1I i rooltilu isaamadein ctN9IP93H 3- 6sss N i 3tISCLI4NBOlS OK- Szahss sIim wonaMs tna Cotta w S iM oats waidg wts0sst hi asissidi rb aesu be dessised oser apSIs ii pnIissiesib Ira w4 Ncsv w- W LN 51C 2118 jI Ian ILN Is 21 I gust olus sad lo uses see r wee acsay 7 nbc MI an lo 4iid aM aesesss93 b V key asi Wit a scan ties hiCInSs keith p- eel 10 greet eec < > ± < ¬ of LOCAL FINANCIAL GOSSIP Transactions yesterday on the Wash- ington Stock Exchange were 58500 in Washington Railway and Electric i per- cent bonds and 1621 shares of stock 1500 which were Mitchell Mining The bonds sold between 7T 58 and and the oteck of the mining company at 3j8 a big drop from about the same volume of the previous day Ten shares of Capital Traction sold at 12478 five of Washington Railway and Electric preferred at and six shares of Mergenthaler at 133 and It was announced yesterday by the local committee assembling the shares ot the Mitchell Mining Company In this city that it lacked tho number of shares de- sired and that Its office on F street would be kept open at least until next Tuesday for the purpose of receiving the shares of those who care to join in the movement of reorganization A letter was read on the stock ex- change yesterday from the secretary or tho Washington Railway and Electric Company that the usual dividend on the preferred stock of the company would be paid on December 1 agd requesting the holdorg of the trust certificates to ex hange tJem for stock certificates before the closing of the books about b r 20 YORK PRODUCE New York N r BSU ARTbe aarket for raw tost at 389 MaseoTaea 8 test at 331 aad e- kutes aagar 88 test at 195 Th LoadoB market for fe t r tiled sIr with buaiona quiet aad Xoresrbw d lower at Ss ittd sod Decenu r- at 9s Hid Keftaed segsr quiet and unciianged- JfAvAL STORBSTfce narket for apiritt turpo- Ue was higher with Machine made barrrls quoted at IT asked hors aai at Sannaak the aarket was steady at H to Kasia was dolt and lower wttk eMMaw U jood qtMted at SS Tar M steady but wet at to 5H foe oil banak- BKlTTBltltewipU 3SS packasca Frwh butter af fancy quality ia so ticit r offered that en StoCk of this descriptiosi the awxTet fe firm Mcdiuot and mater ccadee are dedl sad mte weak but quota ttoas are as Ia t repsrted Extiaa under the aew- lala nusst rae froat 9a M poteta Pfoeeae butter b outlet but ira ifwdal 3M creamery axtsa JW4 creaaMor State dairy tabs fnah fair to choice Staff BGOSit pu UK seen Storage ts are baRly steady offaciaas of aU kinds are heavy susie Oi Wettera freehauaered- xtra SUtt fraaVaUhrred dbtita cmuitiy OtadM BaM VLOURPbm awdesMc awrtty SfKiac paUata- S9MJI spcUrc data M al2l visttr HninBta dean 4Jiat Kaaaaa in aaeks SJML sUaRAU U9aX aa JX4 Ul RYB FLOlTRiS4oadr lafht coppir IJMJa- OORKMaALPkai aodatate ianntrr Kfla 4riai far cnort IVaXSl ooane med bas ULHU- KVfintVT MX CRnna weft aoapry- Caeeee XMalX- ILVYrmmtor bjaettM tiada MeceaaU UM- teaa Pda ttmethy N J IJi Ne S- KCEFStoadr auaaV Msirt Faadej MJOaaWO- aaeker ttMaKJC- TAIXOWWeaker City ia hcsfcaads Us- LARDEaakr Prhae Weeterv t dbr Mi- retaed I Soatk Aawkaa KJI te- flard ttrazUiaa zeta USV cK atewte Ri eJao- steattee nceaiml Now Ya Mai tee 9k BALTIMORE GRAIN PRICES BatttaoTC Xae ltFon w act the afacfel pries for tedajr 411 ATStock ia f tors MMR ka sfc- Salea Car ejected tad X car No sad era spot freaX LO DcaaaMr LMi 9at- ttog priraa No S red Western L H for eoa- uaet spat L4t No J red MR ntiissir Na 2 red Haasaar No S rad- iaat KuMaabtr L i OeoBBear LM chMod aMier NOT M Ml L R Jacaary IJK May L rLOCRWtoter isis US da disc do atiaieBx 4JaK da astaat 4KaSM- tpdwc dear stoad MiJ hhjhisade ata i do stateat 5 do- dhoico far tJJ- CDHy4tMk Ja esetaton RUG aiaia Tkck new core ijnaissfk datt eo at t aH j teabol or carloU priaw on spot Contract year 6- eedan Shfea Car ateasarr yeikw track JV- Srttlir prtaea Fw Xo 2 white 13 a xod H- aew stcoKcr naized old S sew 9 No Jl H Tat Basket for Weatcn discO duQ spvt Xoaaahor OaOfc year Jaaaary K F laacy Wi OATS3 oek hi eleratoca VttK basbok skip awata fnm aamtoo TJM baseaU White No t- haarx mo3i do Xa S rfcbt ta awttna do Ne J iMMT MaOlk Xo X saodaam BiBVi do No I Hiht 9aMH do Na i ttgat to heary Sa l adwd Xo 1 Malfflt do No 1- Ul da Xa t t5alt- RYK SUK in ohmtara K8W aaAets ship Mate froam etenUon l ff assfcrti Na 3 om ry MIll U Jloff a hartt- rtWASHiycroy CATTLE MARKET CATTLEExtim DOT asrt i MM bakeaeE iSa- 3J9 eesaano LHatJI UOOSPer stow 53aUO ordto ry Silo SHEKPClipped 4N IJ snmmo- iCALVUSIThae per Hi 834 fli- GOWSPiBK each Hla- iMaaUl old and dry SMaMaX LOCAL ATTORNEY IN SUIT Alonzo Cnrman Brlnp Action to Re- cover a Commission Trial is undenvay In the Supreme Court of New York before Justice Newbttrger id jury of Ute suit brought b Amass Carman W aW gtoa attanMr to recover 2 cent commission on the 9rtMQ coatract for the cOAsirueOon of the Norfolk dry dock In 1W John C Rogers and Frank I Sylvester who MId the contract are the defendants Carman says his connection In Wash- ington particularly his intimacy with Rear Admiral EiwJteoU and other mem- bers of the Navy Department allowed hint to get information that enabled Rogers and Sylvester to put in a lower and closer bid than of the ether The defendants deny Curman performed any such Cervices for them or that they owe him anything MORE GOLD PROM EUROPE Enprnsemontfi to Dnte Amount to Over 07000000 New York Nov li Lazard Fretes to day engaged J35WOOO additional gold for import making their total eagagements to date on the present movement lfi3l5W Heldelbach Ickelheimer Co t dAy engaged S5 COO additional gold for import making their total engagements on the present movement SllffTSCGO The total engagements on the present movement to date are now 717Jlft FINANCIAL 4 1 K 4 t ii s Under Supervision of the I 0 S Treasury I H In your bank account youll H- S find one good friend who T H doesnt care how much it is used 7th and Mass Ave H W and II ne 430 7th Kt W MONEY AT 5 PER CENT LOANED ON D C HEAL ESTATE HEISKELL KcIERAN 1103 II STKEET TI 14 sales 81 192 oem W wsar Was aBII with uif1 96 Jot 551 CRt ts Wee 111 1- No J Lueg 117 a West R p- ot l tal4aMBII IW Is 13 ft West W N- aH tab per any contra tors Ct 9 n n a Home Savings Bank fil I f th it ti- t t I cclltt I F n < p 12 4511 scales woe 41 43 lists drat wit s SloL- NTXkWMoeNt 8en Mse r- psa POKWlOsissati dlbs 34ssu 21IW less NNoa coat I Wp N Wsse l3ss 51 Silo Ca- ss b sst dl bell cut 20- 1AMItS4IIduC tht wd1ass 7 eelis es II ala ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ < FINANCIAL ESTABLISHED OCTOBER 1904 Capital 1 350000000 Surplus and Undivided Profits 23228749 An Important Question Properly Answered can I deposit my money to best is a question to which every of this bank is receiving a satis- factory answer A large number of foremost busi ness and professional men are daily reaping the bank lag advantages insured by our conservative methods ample resources and uniformly courteous treatment Your business or personal account will be wel- comed here irrespective of its size FINANCIALS 9 I WHERE t The COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ OFFICERS Frederick C Stevens Pres R L Chester 1st VICe Pres N H Shea 2d Vice Pres jgco W White Cashier V B Dcvber Secretary DIRECTORS- P J Breaa Waiter A Brows Sense A OUiU CWter Wm Mass Kettt A Ralph W Lee Anter C Mesa TO X U arc TVta A MeanM- SftMMiG CwwMH JeJa L NcuhtM 1C J Colbert H MM B ItbeeM- U Bndley itaridftec F 4eriek a Ste wn- JJ IHrHnstcn X H Shin W White I Y I lOyar Cbs VieW D Dcrbtr Qwte F SOnd4c Gee Notaa Gait Risdoip Kauffisuen Cor 14th and G n II- n J u UNDER NE ROF 710 FOURTEENTH STNW WASH1NtTONt1XC Sts0- H i Your Children A pleasant surprise can be iven your son or daughter e savings ac- count at this and pro- viding for regular deposits It win not b long the boy or the girl will extra money for edu- cation there will be an elevating fe titg of inde- pendence ta tbe ready money te his or her own right by opening nil n d- ome l it4 l I 111 7 f I ¬ ¬ ¬ THE WASHINGTON COMPANY Capital 1000000 Surplus 700000 BANKING DEPARTMENT This Company receives deposits and allows interest upon them Persons responsible for the care of funds large or small may with confidence intrust them to this JOHN JOY EDSON President LOANTRUST in- stitution 4 iLij1 iWiIiJ1 M Q BUILDING ASSOCIATION ISSUE OF STOCK OPEN FOR SUBSCRIPTION AND FIRST IAYMENT SHARES Jt PER MONTH- S KZipUMK Joe SHh ton e stock sal Stat inMit shares KiN te reortrrf UBj- t Uw Mec of UM AMOcteUem Four per- cent fcrt rt aunt w altoired thorn Jan Jqr B6 w PiesMeBt EMs SiMr Vice PnMest P B Tnate M Vlec Cwshkct Frank KcoMe S a tarj- J ha E Jr AaaC Secj Frtd B Rjte JB A HteBtos GIla FiUier A M LaUnp BwaftoL GM U Hunts B Ltacr F V Cess these that 4 Mt iactMie disturbed vadttioaa oC the BBO CJ or stock aaittU FIrst of aotw aMrtcacoi well Kceted- e teal ia Ue District of Cabartfeu cmt- KtU gflt dse iBT 9tawats They de n cpaa l upon tile saucta iHimMietlity ef iadi- tdHb corpocaUoo for their UWUtT J are apt fro ttr t1oa M poninal iMBvem CM wpp Rich iaTestaecte ia amousts from m upwowL booklet Cenctra Swartzell Rheem O Hensey Co 816 F STREET KORTHWBST Capital SlOWOQO Surplus UOOMd issued direct the principal of world Exchange bought and sold Letters of Credit issued Money transmitted by cable Stocks Bonds sold Collections Investments made National BANK- Pa Ave Opposite U S Treasury EQUITABLE I COOPERATiVE I r4th tile yet ell of full eump I DlRe TO ItS W lob Joe 0 The Safest InvestmentsA- re dozing deed treat er We Sued Is Ioa Drafts I RIGGS Uot rusuetty stuck an Joy tint estate fur and lsvectauets > Night Banking and other buM De who appreciate the csnveabece of Issuing cheeks Ja payment el an hUla an M- In tI bank to sfts tad cheCks cutI at tims between tbe Jtowll of 111 a m 211ft Merchants ieen have additional yaaine pstroaizing heve tasy lIpo Special Saturday For the convenience of depos itors who find tbe hours inconvenient our SAVUJ DEPT Is open every Saturday From 6 to 9p m During which hours deposits are received and accounts opened In- terest paW on savings dollar opens an account THE TRADERS NATIONAL BANK lOth and Fcnna Avenue Irving K Farrington ESTABLISHED 1960 Banters and Brokers Mcafeen New York Produce Exchange SPECIALISTS IN NEVADA SECUBITIB- Slllbbn Bnlldln 723 Fifteenth St FRANK C SINGSLAND Muftsnr- ALIi LISTED SHADES OX A 2SK PER CENTHARCIK DaSh Market Letter Free oa RcigMst OFFICES New Turk G W4 W Wuhiac a- Pittsbws lkaa4 pWa S a Fnacfcce IMPORTANT MPCHELL MINING STOCKHOLDERS WILL PLEASE CALL AT THE T t POKARY OFFICE CK F SE CUt OK JUDttB STRIDER 311 D SX XW TO ARRASGK FOR THfi Q POSIT OF STOCK AND ACR- ilSNTS 1ROatrX ACTION Ig 0tG- BNTLY KEQfBSnSD- JOUN A L CASHOr PIUs You Save Better open an account with us We pay 3 per cent interest oa all savings accounts ERCHANTS AND ECKANiCS SAVINGS BANK Cor 7th and G Streets N W I PMM za P Q IJ MONEY M Con a 3kb Operating Depaxtne- GeldeI NeT seNds ¬

COMMERCIAL NATIONAL Cor 14th and - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1907-11-16/ed-1/seq-11.pdf · t in cawdSUvM altfaifih tn WM ttltt wyi- ... United

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r >


Sagging Tendency in StocksDue to Speculators


Underlying Conditions In the MarketMore Favorable than nt Any Timefor Week In Spite of Lower PricesFollowing Manipulation BrokersLook for Lower Premium Kate

New York Nov slowly sagKing tendencies In the security marketthat have boon in evidencethe greater part of tho present weekculminated today In a considerable decline In prices for which responsibilitywas almost universally laid by compotent critics both on and off the floor ofthe stock exchange to a more vigorousand widespread onslaught upon the market by speculators for the fall than anythat has occurred since the first of themonth

Those operators used to the greatest extent possible whatever Influence favorable to their purpose they could extractfrom the deplorable personal tragedy ofyesterday although It was entirely plaintoday to every person that thisevent bore absolutely no relation to thocurrent affairs of any financial institution or to the financial situation gen-

erallyThere was of course a certain degree

of genuine In the market to-

day The individuals to whom woreturned over the 5 per cent collateral trustbonds of the United States Steel CorporatIon in return for Tennessee Coal andIron stock are unquestionably convertingthese bonds or a certain proportion ofthem into cash as rapidly as they can inorder to take up their loans with the inetitutions that advanced money on thesecurity of the Tennessee Coal and Ironshares This however was the only signal Instance of the pressure of actualholdings of stocks for sate

Money Offers ContinueTho aubstantJal underlying develop

xncnts affecting the stock market todayera more favorable than they have been

a long time There was what lookedse the beginning of a general breakingwn In the premiums on currency The

fcrings of cash so as to obtain theemiums poured Into money brokers toiy in a rushing volume while the willguess to pay these premiums on thert of Western banks and others steadilydined Indeod there were not wantingday bank officials who ventured the

edlctlon that within two weeks all tracea premium on currency will disappear

There many guesses today rerdlng the probable character of tomorws bank statement The opinion mayventured that the statement will show

considerable but not a very large adJon to the bank surplus reserve


notations are furnished lflrElt Chapaaamembers New York Stock ExcbaBgo G Bwrte

pman uuiaagcr 13W F sueet aortfemetOpen High Lo Ctes-

otmTCoid Cftftxr Itlsh Cot Copper i-

te Ceaittkm 13 Icall Sabway 1354 W 1SH Hnit Central 55 9t-

xrhTxl Ely SrfsDaljr 3H-

ninion Copper 1ft 1dfleM CooMifcfetedt 3 KK 3 W4C 3 KK 3 BKeae Caaaaea 9ttoae GoWSflv H-

rmac Gold 3IM s Ife-KinleyDarrag HrM IMS 11Wuda Con 7 7 6 M-iadaUtah Cupper 34-toing Mltriws VhadaM OH 6 3W 3Ktaps ConsaMdatad M 31 aittd Copper


Yew York Xo MOMT epo d ON call at-i stock ox aa s at B per cent htghoot JS

i closing S Moat ef UM loaM WH atpet cent Tim money thawed tafiRHW-t in cawdSUvM altfaifih tn WM ttltt wyi-

lted Rates trrre quoted at It per cent for-ty to nlaetr days 8 per eat for 4x month

latter quotation teiRg aer or few amataaLt-rcantiVe paper was taken in Merited TOhuae fer ar buyers The imtitntkms wairta an unulty-rctaters were trally ttiU oat o Ute

lUtes were nominally Quoted at 7 to M

ItcrHBR street te4r rttfc a K cst adraaee innand to abo 417 1 strength cf theirtet WM due to actire dem nd for ittoac-

etedarseaU easajemants Md to Loadoni lafes-rtootai Ilates for actual bafmeet doted Sixty

re ITSalTP demand SMaUTO eaaee SCsSa-Ma CemmereMl MUs 4KK i The s p-f of oaUfla bBIs wui oed


JuUtf at fxpijlheil wr B IL Cbapawmembers N vr York Stock Kxehaag G Uewi-

cJpaaa awkger Ml 1 street aortHwent-BhLAatMd


Boston and Altear i M9Boston and llatoe tf-Calamet and 56SCopper Range 1K-4Bdicon ISectrte IHt n Ml-PJtehbuiK pfdfaasaehnaetU Electrte 9H 9-

JUasttchwwtt Gas 3KNew Yerk New Haven and Hartfted UKNorth Batte 31Shannon 9

Tamarack 35Trinity Id-

Tnlted Fruit Ml

United Sboe MacMBerjr fd 2i-

UUh 3I-


Rescrre f ndGold coin aud bullion IWKO9tOWTrust funds MId for red mpiM of

outstanding ROtes asd eertiflcateoGold com as36iseeSUrer dollars M 4nmSilver daBar of 1590 55WOW tt

Total Jlai 717J M

General fundGold ODIn and buHteuGold certWeatMStandard silver dollarsSUrer cerUteates-Bllrrr bullionUnited States noteTrenrr notes of ISM

Nation bank noteaSubsidiary sllwr ojln

516131721-7X269 8089

9 l W65131608-

31S5M8 88-

13i5J9 M7939

72 S3

1463174 87

Tn treawrr of rMtatfm Islands 4SOftJ IShood sad intereet paid 3 O 31

Total S94UJ7J635 89-

Liabilittea M5 B6Ji M-

ArailaUe eaeh balance

Recaiptsc Htom VMfWsa-IutmAl rca 7HSIKUUeellantotts fii M

Total nceffito net iBctadedl lSff09I 92Expenditure foniat QipcudltHras uc

poetal dedowr not lnetad il 1JS9JOOO 09-

Kxccsa of exnendltiires 2SSOI3 18

Njti nal baRk funduDder aat July M MM

x i mlMBHd and retired ttHder actJiy U UN 113431 M-

reedffd for current redfw i Uoii SlWf M-

SW661S02 09-

J23 553 TO

6 IKiubrr
















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Shoe x RSJIn

s m55I5n-

utSooal CIIIIYiMlcJ

1ther coinIn natteaI bask tloPCIttams S3i2lil



its 1100

tiItr larch If 1900





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Quotations furnbbcd by Poet Flacs manbenof the New York fitodc Excbanje BenJ Woodruffmanager 1331 F street northwes-tJjKlcs to noon 200722 baresTotal sales 578100 ulinrCBCall money H li 15 low 5 close 0

AUUChalm-AlH ChaL pfdAimal CopperAm a F

CanCOttOn Oil

Am Grass

lee c-

Aw Lo-A Loco Pfd

S F pfdAm SmeltAm SraelU pfdAm SugarAm T i T-

Am Teb pfdAm

Wool pfd

pfdAt Ooast Line


IUUpUi MtnBoth Steel pfdBrook R TCan PacificCast LeatherC at LMU pfdChe OhioChL AILChi at WChi G W pfd Ba 31 SU PCL

a a st LC F ICola SoCos GasOora P dQ HD B GDetroit Union

SecS a A pfd

Brio 1stte M

Fed Mta pfdGIlL Bectric-Gt yeah pfdGt Nerth cU-rt Vrwl DM-

Haraaa El c pfdIM Cent L L-

Int MetInt PaperInt Pump pfdL

s Centf K T

JL K T pfdMiASOurl PacMc

LeadN Y Csat

0 WN W


Pac CoastPaeifePa R R vPwa StcolA vPr Se i pfdReadingReading litReading 9-dKL I 5Ren I S pfdR ek IslandRook Island Ffd-SC L F 2d

f ClosingSales high Low No15Noll

tOO 5 5H SH 5H200 13 11H

37 00 43 4JH 4SH 4 t2100 25 211 24 25H

303 3H 3H SH 3H-

1W 3 3 23 23813 3 i 3 33 2VS 24 2H 2IS lH 11H 11H 10X

2600 37 33 33 43100 91 91 91100 26 S 25 25H300 U

1000 85 S3V4 8 668150 101H SOH 100 101

300 Mtf l 89 91

0 H 63H 634 H1200 11 13H 13H 1 4

100 70 70 70 72U6800 31Vi 29H 30 314600 7U4 W14 WH 7U4

203 Sltt E1V4 81H 82

Hi M-

3SOO 1914 77K 7SH 79H3H 3H 3li 34

100 2SV4 23H 28V4 283700 30H 23 30 312900 11H4 133S 140 U2K8-

SO 13 13V Utt M371 71 7S 72 73

2800 26 25K 23R4 26-

MO 10 10 10 101000 7 7 7 7

162 97 i 96500 130 129-

jop 49 4

1500 SS 83300 SH 9U

2250 1234300 17H 17165 32 32

23 33350 12 12

150 16 152KX 37 4 37

300 36 25H-

MO 54 M2495 7 103W6182 112U UO-

U6 101 10S4-CV lAeU At

500 66 61

TOO 12U4 1 9600 5 5900 S 7100 51 52

1400 93H RH4900 1JI4 MTOO 21 224400 M SJn1-

CSO 54 H-

lJM 34 3332910 96 93

400 3U 29H800 62H 1

87H 98123 132-


15U 1-5mi 1783 7K

9 954-

126U 12SU-

17H 1832 323SH J

12 KH15 16 437

25H 26-

MVi10M-4llH4 113MSH 105-

lAlf f



52 M

911 SJH1321 2351H M5CV4 54H38 35

H4 94-

So Padflc-So Paettc pfd


TtxM PacificThW AMmeToledo RysT a I W pfdUnion PacMcU a PJU S RnhborU S R k 1stU StealU S Steel pfdr-Va ChenaV CoalWabaah

pfdWest Upkm

200 G6f-

W 20 H35800 100 W5H

655 im 17400 68 67

61600 79H 76MO 76 764W I7H K200 It 14400 67H 67H

1300 13H 12ft500 31 33-

Kfl 23 26-

SH 33H 3631630 6tJ H1470 M Mi

lien 1314 11HJ-

OO 93-

MO IS 17100 17 17-

MO 12 12H353 S33i 33

193400 119 W

500 19 18lie 15 li30 05 6

9960 23 2SK31500 81U Wi-

KO 14 l i-

W 3 38-

MO 8 3-

MO MU MH-M9 83 G5

65 C6-

19H 20K-

106i 10617 176876 3976 78-

67H K14 11-

6ZH 6S-

MS UH33 34427 28H-

5J4 37H-

6Si 63192 11-

9llli Htt93 8H1 IS17 J7-

12H 123 i 34-

Ml 15-M JS14 1664 M-

2H 2S79 iSI

11 1533 33-

8H 8-

M Wi-B


yew Y rk 15CteslHC qnoUtlens of UnitedState g T rameat bfadjBM

la eMinoa MM HOH M6Si tgM red ION IfKK 193X gMerd BOS 102 M9X QMiB9n KM

4m regfetervd BS Ml44 GMn n M IMPanaaa Canal Si rrpaterad MG

4 l W


New York Nor 15 CUcstes bend twasactioas eathe atoek escbange-Inti erfal Japanese first erios IKs HIwaerial Japanese socoad 4Vis MSImp Japanwe 4s M 77Anwrican Tobacco 6a 9American Tobacco 4e 994

Canada Southern irst ll S0Coatral of Georgia canealUated 5a 9iOatral Lther 5Central P iflc Srrt 4 yfiiCentral Pacific 3Vis WCmapeake and Ohio 4K-

ikaao BurHneton and Qnhwy J 4 86CUeano Erie lilt 54 Ml

and Erie 5s MnDelaware and Hudson 4s I 9OfetlHiug C 5s 9M4Krte oomolidiiUd 4 STBrie general 4 79Ldie Shore 4 1 C SiLAke Slide 4r 1931 W 4

New York Centwl 3J4Northern Paciae 4i 94HNorthern Padfle fe 63Or m Short Line 6s MOrccM Short Line Ss U2Oregeo Sbort Un 71PenMjrlnwia 3a H KIemwlrania 3K K BfcKea uns 4s 8ikmtbetn PadSe refaadias 4c S4USonthera RaOvray 5s 92Union PacMc first 4s 95SUnion Paeifie ovnTertlbte 8United StatM SUet la WKUnited State Stool ngieteml 794WabaA Se letWftfeMh P T socesd 4 16WtpKern Maotend kit 4s 9SWent Short Is 95

Total wale JSKOOO aj lAst JiUS OO yesterdayJCWI a w k and Ji b 9 a jwr as-


Gtwtatkms are fwafefetd l r Irrfeg K FairinstonA C SMBitim ef Uw New York Predate ExcbooeeFnwk C KfcgslwMj Hlbte BalMlngBW Asked

GMhtteU CowoHdated 31515FraetiM 67 00

JlMHtW BxiMMfce u S3 55OoldfcM Dftkr A nSL Imf 3t KSUrer PW 3 aQt Bead S 28Bm B 6 8AdMM iAtlanta 21Ited Hftk SK 25DtaniMdidd la i Butt 16 13Triangle

9Tra OonsoJhJoted 18Odd Dar 37Jte B l r i 41GoWen 5 7OibraHar 11 KIloMtoke i 13HMontaM Ton xih life IKNfphains 9 SMcKtakyTwrraffkFloreoce


tSJls coats per


TS Ne KCATTLBReceint 2-

eatteuted for heed

HOOSRecetnts USOO head trtimated tutdar JL Market opened l c lower n-

SOflaSJi 515a54S 4Ma51SHBBPHecelpts 700t head estimated for to

BMHTOW 00 hood Mo ket stud to utions NaUit ifceeu 200aSS Western beep lSSa5KIlambs a6fl5 Western lambs 37u J8

New York 15 1901Mad Stewm acflic mctlium and gwxl K I5 hlrfwrall grade Arm bulJ lOc hicUer medium and gooi-

i75 636 Kan and osen 53a5 balh 300 X7acows L al83 fat heifers 415 140

CALVES Receipts 300 head Market steadyVeala no prime aTared culls 155 srut-en 39 Wotern calTei iSOsSiO Uroiscd thISat adr citydressed TMls JHall oeuntrjdressed 8a

SIIBBP AND 9500 heed Marhof 2fc lower i both steep and Iambi Sheep 350aW9 cults 303 laaiH 6eih7 3j rajUf tW 5W










Am e 5S 5 6l




1000 66 64




493 Iffi Ii

t 126





5 J


Y 291

I1ri 38 Mii

ortk 1515 tf85i i





Ie llnall boedti



Baltl and Ohio 4o

8lChbto end 001tGIa


fYtJrlc Central 4e







Iil to



001 l1 dt MarketriIIM UU5 JI8QI to 3a4SJt toeiltra 332sLZ cows IUt41 zsISO 0MfItn USaz 4JiQfJ5 WoatlL1ldS



eo bologna cows teaC ill sold Stters4


LA3 SI fpt










k 33 1M4 151







prlh 1736 404 14

16714 1114 1IT










Sec idtlis

ew 4






oebsos InedMam



t905Ll3 mughi 491t51e lxlIxo 4hey pig

nat at



1 dreisod grausri







Movement to Market Goeson in Interior


Sonic Hesitation Noted In Iron andSteel Contracts but Relief of theMoney Situation Tends to HastenReturn to Xormnl Conditions Dunand BrntlHtreet Weekly Reports

New York Nov 15 R G Dun Cosweekly review of trade tomorrow willsay

Liberal receipts of gold from abroadand a large Increase In bank note clrculatjon tend to relieve tho financialstress at Now York but the interior Isnow feeling the scarcity of currencynnd commercial activity Is retarded tosome extent Dispatches from leadingoWes Indicate conservatism in prepara-tion for future business and irregularityIn collections with most favorable newsfrom agricultural sections In which thecrops are being marketed as freely astho supply of money will permit Rtturn to normal conditions will bo has

by large exports of farm staplessupplying credits abroad upon which themuchneeded gold may be Imported Offlclal returns Indicate that exports ofthis nature were at about H000000 In October the outgo of grainand cotton la on a still larger scale thismonth

Financial pressure has affected theIron Industry curtailing new contractsfor all forms of finished atael Feworders have been received by Ute millsand some deliveries on old contract aredeferred because funds are not availableto meet specifications

Illlw Kept Fairly BusyPrimary orders for cotton goods are

quiet although the mills are still welloccupied filling old contracts The buyeris not placing new orders for distantdelivery because of the lack of accomrnodations

Footwear factories note siaekaningIn demand and output is being curtailed-to prevent overproduction

Thus far the percentage of reductionis not hoary some plants operating ttvedays a week and others sevenhour daysThere is lfttl effort to fores business

being more concerned at clearingup old contracts and collecting accounts-It Is considered a good sign that neworders arc for quleH delivery indl atfngthat wholesalers are not carrying heavysupplies

Fluctuation finally resulted in astantial rise for week optiontrading xhibltlng more activity than forsome WQoks Variation in wnoaU werelargely dependent upon the itnuncial sit-uation contracts being when Kwas suggested that full cash paymentwould be required in settlement of ma-turing obligations at the ODd of the month

Commercial failures this week inUnited States as reported to R G Dun

Co Bra 261 against 239 last 23the preceding week and 23S corre-sponding week last year

Rrndstreets Weekly ReportIJradstreeta tomorrow will sayTrade as a whole is quieter and

trial operations are being curtailed inwith the readjustment pfoes forced

by the prevailing monetary stringencyand the spread of acute currency scarcityto the countrj large Evidences oCthese were found in the restriction ofwholesale buying for future delivery inthe confinement of jobbing trade to pure

rtlllngln proportions anei in the qpr-tailment of retail buying by the nearbyemployment of credit Instruments Inmanufacturing lines there Is apparently-a determination to fill orders only aethey are received and an Imiisp 6ltkHito accumulate stocks

There are however more favorableelements which point to rehabiUtaion process being well under way ThereIs in the first place an absence of anything like precipitate action in the bustness community the ftrst flurry of ratsciel unsettlement has passed withoutmuch of the disorganization witnessedin other years and there has succeededa steady determination to make the beeof a situation which by many la regarded-as but temporary and not of a lastingdepressing kind


QuoUitoss famished by MUter i Co annrtunf tile New York Stock Exchange ad ties CfcJwge

Board of Trade 13B F street northweaCChicago Nor laWh at was beary almott fwm-

UM start Quotations were nmoua aad ebopfgrfluctuations wtre the role Weaknew in Mocks

now buying In rUIn and support of thissort atmed constantly necessary Selnas preMurturns limited during the early hours a traders

cautkms 1 yesterdays Soul balgeGradually thu larger local bear tpecaiaton satoed-gnwncl was selliag for Eastern aDd foreignMootint and consIderable for the NorUrwwt Theonly s pp rt was early V the same prteeipal wilebaa supported the market during the put three orfour hrs Later in Ute day thIs efeawat wereseitm Estimated tomorrow 17 cat

Like wheat cern adranced from the n nro t5-ch9py aURe in which trading was light to akarr condition during which ralaai slumpedsbsrply aad he rAJe expsftilcd oMsMeraWymatwi for carii corn was somewhat better todayKailerx stock lee and buyers te k hold aMule btor Cull corn was K to 1 mat low rFereicn mar8eti were lower Mght ibipr-aoHta from ATsrntine Estimated tomrtw 118

carlOats were bilL a lust reflection of the otter

grafes and SOW lower under light tradeoats were ia tile staple market but fir atabout yeMtd ys closing EatimaUd toMorrofr-MS carsWHEAT Qpetu Hi i Low

December 9IS



4R4 4W4 4 H

January 12S3 K8J 1275 J268-ilay 1317 13JI 13 1317

January 7J8 8J5 76Q 73S-3t y 795 812 792 8W-

UIBSJanuary 692 C9J 547 S-

Jlar 7M 715 7 b 7-

Xevr Yerk NOT WHEATWoaker fair 4eand ha 1 Northern Duteth W arrbl US Ne-

Ml f e b LM 2Co 2 bard f b 107 No1 ma carnal f o b No 2 miearoal lOK-N 1 Manitoba 121 f o b Ne 2 Mandate lUf o k Bs itoes took 10 loads pun outport aadInterior Itumortd a oire of Mid winter forOdessa but not confirmed

COKX VaJctr quiet tWdc No 2 elcralw C-GKc 2 f o b 69K for late KaTember No 2f ft k 60tt No 2 67 f o b for lateNovember Hxporters took G load

UYBSteadj fair iainlry No I Si floads for export

OATHSteadr Hit bnaiaoos Bietatar priees-No 3 wWtc SE9i No 1 white Wli Xe 2 mised SL

MILL quIeL Sprinj bran Wh

city bras 2SM in bulk Western red tex SL te

Now York NOT 15 Lawtr prky l trts ia allgraIn markets tonlay wheat ntiiefa brokesfaanrty as offerings were h tr prompted portly bydswajHrsKhJ cables but mainly by UHsatlsfacJoryfinancial adrices Export trade in com te slow

The priots for ftttuns follow

YettdsWHET Qpea High Low Close etoe

December Llfti LW4 10 4 U 4May J1M4 LlHi 169Ti l i L1H5

CORNQecamber 674 t 3

Did fAsked







not the







MIlbeen made





9J 9t-


Ii 5I56

i1 4iifti


L ltD





FEED kMckJ to arrire lake and rail tLM




1 ti t












cbs 093 V

l141a55 1-

Denbor Slit53 14

Mttt 965


















BalesRrcular call 12 oclock noonWashington Hallway and Electric 4s 6000 at 77H-

10Mat77V4Capital Traction 10 at 12-

1WashiDRten Railway end Electric preferred S at 65-

Mtreentlwlcr S at 193 4 at 192U

Mining 100 at i 109 at H 100 at i5Xat4fur callMitchell Mining W at S5-


BkL AskedPhilippine Land PHrehasc 4 M8K-

DIstriot of Columbia 365 4

GABWwhlnstoa Gas s 3T M2Washington Gas cert lad 6 100 1

RAILROAD BQNDSCapital Traction 5s MMi 1W4-AuactMtU and Potomac fs Kfe 93ftCity and Suburbao 5 97K Ml-CofcunW M mortgage 5s M8 IflH-Gdumbia Gs leGMetropolitan 5s 1WIWashington Railway and ElectrIc 4 T7 7S

MISCELLANEOUS BONDSPotomac Electrio Light lit Ss 100 KNorfolk and Wasbiitston Steamboat 5s 109

Chaaneake and Potomac Telephone 5s Ml Mi-

Wasbinston Market 5s 19W IWJa


Capital Traction BS WWashington Railway and Electric com H-Wahiagton Railway and Eleetrtc pfd life 71-

Narfotk and Washington Steombaat 300 3M-

Ge fgetewn Gas 16 SIChesapeake and Potomac Telephone M SO

Great Palls and Old Dominien Itwy RTYPE MAOUINB STOCKS

MerjjenttaUr Linotype K3 Ma-


Greene Cananea S HiMlnlBjr K



Commercial T 2HFarmers and Mechanics 3W 33t-

Liucaln 190 litMetropolitan MRlKS W 601s d M in leoWa blMgtO 30-9Wathinct4mExehaBxcBa k

COMlAXi STOOKft-orrty aaff TwstABMrten

Natteoal Sariajs and Treat 195Trust H3K

Lose and Tn rt HiKSAVINGS BANK STQCKSnee Sarinc Bank ffl-

OMershaHU and MadisHle S rh If-Ortea S rteos Ua 531


ICeaHMcebl ICereoran u

Pewna-cK8 t


Seartty Sfc etaeto Ma e C



QUoIN tec Md bjr-

Ik New Yet 8twk ad ezefcwcea awl theNew Orleuw CoUoa Ssduase ISO K stnet aert-

kttZtar York Nor tfTh merfcet e k awl

tr nnU ed tat ia UM day u a r jult cf imttfttW-eoeidaioa la Wall street count w isis fMefa-rotferad aad a W elM tea0a ussr the iMrlwt tethe shape of a bunt part of the crop m to toekcted which te heW bdt either fontel or wfltesljWith reeeipu 1I9W isis behind best year to eattile ato tk would be rappMtly boOtik bat it it-o well kwwn Uwt Ute tfiscrepcacr to AM to eemes

beyowi the eoatrol of the owmen of eottoa thatebody pculendi to comramte the seaaJI flcare to-

sbertaae In the oevne cf tbs held beck cotrton rill b Marketed sad the price mist civ

RperU today were pMrtatsoe Fill RiveMorton froridew and PMadetifcta seadi

heM It or wtiXliir ffcuHnni keMm slaM or





CT OrleansOHM Hiak Le Cte


IMS MJI MK AltaMlUiue UM ma moiiut

LOCAL PRODUCE MARKETaBBpHa nC Bcetiefapa te the vfcakeaJe aMCket ye

teaiapksAtfut KMkat ww ttoa4y with a toadeacyte eedhw hi prtws w the flrsi dan of the

awljr tethe week be been met tbovsfa UM MurtM ia tarnand active on high grade fresh stock Madteai qvaic-

oaniDC oa ediinf of a d c prteat yeaUnky w ricresBhr esas wcte lid A dfeat 4edtec-iau shown in batter with the awrkrt Ore oa Dietandes Cbofce caiefeew lalg aad weMSatieaed

aid facer taekg aad sewe sue wa t4 aaithe plea are 8m but all the ccauaon tirades ofMM poultry are bftni to BJOT The arriwfe ef-ihtmd o kry ate hasty nod OMMMO Bndec arMac old irregular prim Live stock is qidet-aad the aarlMCslowly dedteanr Ceenaoa K Cbies d a aad-oaly choice et i MiaMe There is a ceaeral 4edies in the price of froka Ge t la hfcfe Krkyd-aad BMttef qoieMy-

Prites quoted ara TriMMM-demnTKRCmnatCT laser 2SHa29 ikk

tints SaSS do Moaotts Matt procrsv faacy 3 26do fair to gmd dairy cbofce 3m geed

atercpackcd feefc K-

CIIEKSEMarket toa Mtin en all LtedaYork State hussy hMg K a7 dev fcU

M do 15k do wawaer krs H J6 dommiDcr amoS Mai4 do lair to good J MMcateni factory MW cbetee HHaK d lab togood 11 Virginia M-

EOes earby Virctaia teas off 31 aver-age 2Ga3l Wet Vfeaioia sod Soathn st Vlrjdala3637 Tennessee SfaST North CaroHaa Ma8 coWMeraw M

LIVE faacy Uali arerace13 hea 11 roofers 7 doeks teiae ll J damall laS groc MaK turkeys WItS per Ib 14

do hews 14 do Urin M 14DRESSED POULTRYTurkey hew uadraim

per lb lidS do average undrawn KalF dethin M old teas K chIckens Urge It teascftoicr 12 roosters a9 decks old llalS tprtaslfc Kceee Salt

DUBSSED MEATSCalv foU dreeMd ICOaMM honda 3M hee rescd ruins UM hamsoqmttry sugarcured UalS bogs soull and neat

7aS do medi im 7a H da hoary 6Ha7GAMERabbit per doHa LStelSfc da kits

LSOaLS quail p r dazes 100a3SO do wall1JO phMUnU each 90al 5 wild turkeys 2

each GaS oposscms each 23M0 woodeoefc each 25aK-

VEGETABLESPoUtofts homegrown J7fciOOd rural C6 sweet potatoes per bW 173a2-Mrias 150 cabbage per bbl 50 cacmnbtrs NorthCarolina LOOal50 onions Maryland a d Virtiuiaper bW 2J ati5 EgyptIan cratf

GREEN FUUITSAwnfce York Imperial perbU iSOaASI Ben DarJs ieSa275 WiarSap MIL300 faixr table fruit ItfalOO apy 13 ats loa epacked LOOaL-

MDRIKI FRUITS Apples sli d fancy 6a7 doslked bright

SONDRlESBtnwax SO tallow ai6K koneyMte clover Mb now 13 de Mb new

ginseng per lb 6flOaL50 Seneca per 40GeWen Seal 48al5 Pink laU Maadrake i3Sdoke lt j t 35

OHAIN Vbeat choke LOOalK do fair torood SSaLW da ordiBurj W rye 75 COOlMwilcd 66a63 d x yellow NaIl ear331400 WeaUm white No 2 58a domixed 5fa 8

WOOL AND HIDB6Voel washed free of barsper ih 3S Ax MnnashaU free of burs 3f da

3i hides par Ib 7 da dry HalTSttecp9kttM GaUl de dry 2a75 eaif-sUas grew 135

UlJJ rSUTSPcr lb 3

BALTIMORE PRODUCE MARKETBaltimore Nor Ji F towin are the price

qnot the principal conuniisloii housesBITTTER Creamery fancy per lb 23aS Hciu-

tioo SVtSI Maryland and Pennsylvania MaS-sicreparkid Ohio UI4a38H do Wcet Virgiak 2U3 Maryland Virginia and PeRBsgrlronfa ilaS i

LIVK POULTRYOld hens hoary lb 1Uttfc yoaiiff I3al3K mcsters seek Sn3 dnctapnddie large per lb Wall do small Wall doatauwvy sad moesrel 11 tarfecjs young 7 Ibaand war J3ttal6 de aId 13Ka-

KAdmlrnlH Brother DeadSeneca Falls N Y Nov I5rJacob-

Crqwntnshield ned severity brpther ofRoar Admiral A 5 Crownlnshiold wasfound dead In his apartments here today x


Wublnton Railway and Elfctr1c u mi











eRlIId-IUcI ra1e III

9WU Tail

0 lMJIIMra l


ol trade UIII-TIIe N to a

le1ll is if to

Jt i tII

law aII-C aaa1515 IIA-




fIN of aIt Isiese ap



atMIL Pork is insler Iric8I









white docat


Itt each







300 at



itch l1






Nobusilda 1I i


ctN9IP93H 3-6sss N i


sIim wonaMs





oats waidg wts0sst hi asissidirb aesu be dessised

oser apSIs ii pnIissiesibIra



w-W LN 51C

2118 jIIan ILN Is


Igust olus sad lo uses see r

weeacsay 7 nbc

MI an lo 4iid aM aesesss93 b V



Wit a

















Transactions yesterday on the Wash-ington Stock Exchange were 58500 inWashington Railway and Electric i per-

cent bonds and 1621 shares of stock 1500which were Mitchell Mining The

bonds sold between 7T 58 and andthe oteck of the mining company at 3j8

a big drop from about the same volumeof the previous day

Ten shares of Capital Traction sold at12478 five of Washington Railway andElectric preferred at and six sharesof Mergenthaler at 133 and

It was announced yesterday by thelocal committee assembling the shares otthe Mitchell Mining Company In this citythat it lacked tho number of shares de-

sired and that Its office on F streetwould be kept open at least until nextTuesday for the purpose of receiving theshares of those who care to join in themovement of reorganization

A letter was read on the stock ex-

change yesterday from the secretary ortho Washington Railway and ElectricCompany that the usual dividend on thepreferred stock of the company would bepaid on December 1 agd requesting theholdorg of the trust certificates to exhange tJem for stock certificates beforethe closing of the books aboutb r 20


New York N r BSU ARTbe aarket for raw

tost at 389 MaseoTaea 8 test at 331 aad e-

kutes aagar 88 test at 195 Th LoadoB marketfor fe t r tiled sIr with buaiona quietaad Xoresrbw d lower at Ss ittd sod Decenu r-

at 9s Hid Keftaed segsr quiet and unciianged-JfAvAL STORBSTfce narket for apiritt turpo-

Ue was higher with Machine made barrrls quotedat IT asked hors aai at Sannaak the aarket wassteady at H to Kasia was dolt and lowerwttk eMMaw U jood qtMted at SS TarM steady but wet at to 5H foe oil banak-

BKlTTBltltewipU 3SS packasca Frwh butteraf fancy quality ia so ticit r offered that en StoCk

of this descriptiosi the awxTet fe firm Mcdiuot andmater ccadee are dedl sad mte weak but quotattoas are as Ia t repsrted Extiaa under the aew-

lala nusst rae froat 9aM poteta Pfoeeae butterb outlet but ira ifwdal 3M creameryaxtsa JW4 creaaMor State dairytabs fnah fair to choice Staff

BGOSit pu UK seen Storage ts arebaRly steady offaciaas of aU kinds are heavy

susie Oi Wettera freehauaered-xtra SUtt fraaVaUhrred dbtita cmuitiy

OtadM BaMVLOURPbm awdesMc awrtty SfKiac paUata-

S9MJI spcUrc data M al2l visttr HninBtadean 4Jiat Kaaaaa in aaeks


RYB FLOlTRiS4oadr lafht coppirIJMJa-

OORKMaALPkai aodatate ianntrr Kfla 4riaifar cnort IVaXSl ooane med bas ULHU-

KVfintVT MX CRnna weft aoapry-Caeeee XMalX-

ILVYrmmtor bjaettM tiada MeceaaU UM-teaa Pda ttmethy N J IJi Ne S-

KCEFStoadr auaaV Msirt Faadej MJOaaWO-aaeker ttMaKJC-

TAIXOWWeaker City ia hcsfcaads Us-

LARDEaakr Prhae Weeterv t dbr Mi-retaed I Soatk Aawkaa KJI te-flard ttrazUiaa zeta USV cK atewte Ri eJao-steattee nceaiml Now Ya Mai tee 9k


BatttaoTC Xae ltFon w act the afacfelpries for tedajr

411 ATStock ia f tors MMR ka sfc-

Salea Car ejected tad X car No sadera spot freaX LO DcaaaMr LMi 9at-ttog priraa No S red Western L H for eoa-

uaet spat L4t No J red MR ntiissir Na 2red Haasaar No S rad-

iaat KuMaabtr L i OeoBBear LMchMod aMier NOT M MlL R Jacaary IJK May L

rLOCRWtoter isis US da discdo atiaieBx 4JaK da astaat 4KaSM-

tpdwc dear stoad MiJ

hhjhisade ata i do stateat 5 do-dhoico far tJJ-

CDHy4tMk Ja esetaton RUG aiaia Tkcknew core ijnaissfk datt eo at t aH j teabolor carloU priaw on spot Contract year 6-

eedan Shfea Car ateasarr yeikw track JV-

Srttlir prtaea Fw Xo 2 white 13 a xod H-

aew stcoKcr naized old S sew 9 NoJl H Tat Basket for Weatcn discO duQ spvtXoaaahor OaOfc year Jaaaary K Flaacy Wi

OATS3 oek hi eleratoca VttK basbok skipawata fnm aamtoo TJM baseaU White No t-haarx mo3i do Xa S rfcbt ta awttnado Ne J iMMT MaOlk Xo X saodaam BiBVido No I Hiht 9aMH do Na i ttgat toheary Sa l adwd Xo 1 Malfflt do No 1-

Ul da Xa t t5alt-RYK SUK in ohmtara K8W aaAets ship

Mate froam etenUon l ff assfcrti Na 3om ry MIll U Jloff a hartt-


CATTLEExtim DOT asrt i MM bakeaeE iSa-3J9 eesaano LHatJI

UOOSPer stow 53aUO ordto ry Silo

SHEKPClipped 4N IJ snmmo-

iCALVUSIThae per Hi 834fli-

GOWSPiBK each Hla-iMaaUl old and dry SMaMaX


Alonzo Cnrman Brlnp Action to Re-cover a Commission

Trial is undenvay In the SupremeCourt of New York before JusticeNewbttrger id jury of Ute suit broughtb Amass Carman W aW gtoa attanMrto recover 2 cent commission on the9rtMQ coatract for the cOAsirueOon ofthe Norfolk dry dock In 1W John CRogers and Frank I Sylvester who MIdthe contract are the defendants

Carman says his connection In Wash-ington particularly his intimacy withRear Admiral EiwJteoU and other mem-bers of the Navy Department allowed hintto get information that enabled Rogersand Sylvester to put in a lower and closerbid than of the etherThe defendants deny Curman performedany such Cervices for them or that theyowe him anything


Enprnsemontfi to Dnte Amount toOver 07000000

New York Nov li Lazard Fretes today engaged J35WOOO additional gold forimport making their total eagagements todate on the present movement lfi3l5W

Heldelbach Ickelheimer Co t dAyengaged S5 COO additional gold for importmaking their total engagements on thepresent movement SllffTSCGO

The total engagements on the presentmovement to date are now 717Jlft


4 1 K4 t ii

s Under Supervision of the I0 S Treasury I

HIn your bank account youll H-

S find one good friend whoT

H doesnt care how much it isused

7th and Mass Ave H W

and II ne430 7th Kt W



TI 14






wsar Was aBII with uif1 96




111 1-

No JLueg




R p-ot ltal4aMBII IW Is





aH tab


any contra tors





Home Savings Bank fil


f thit ti-

t t I








4511 scales


41 43




SloL-NTXkWMoeNt 8en Mse r-


POKWlOsissati dlbs 34ssu 21IW lessNNoa



Wp N Wssel3ss



Ca-ss b sst




20-1AMItS4IIduC tht wd1ass 7














ESTABLISHED OCTOBER 1904Capital 1 350000000Surplus and Undivided Profits 23228749

An Important Question

Properly Answeredcan I deposit my money to best

is a question to which everyof this bank is receiving a satis-

factory answerA large number of foremost busi

ness and professional men are daily reaping the banklag advantages insured by our conservative methodsample resources and uniformly courteous treatment

Your business or personal account will be wel-comed here irrespective of its size


9 I








OFFICERSFrederick C Stevens PresR L Chester 1st VICe PresN H Shea 2d Vice Pres

jgco W White Cashier

V B Dcvber Secretary

DIRECTORS-P J BreaaWaiter A BrowsSense A OUiU


Wm Mass

Kettt A Ralph W LeeAnter C Mesa

TO X U arc TVta A MeanM-SftMMiG CwwMH JeJa L NcuhtM1C J Colbert H MM B ItbeeM-U Bndley itaridftec F 4eriek a Ste wn-J J IHrHnstcn X H Shin

W White




lOyar Cbs

VieW D Dcrbtr Qwte F SOnd4cGee

Notaa Gait

Risdoip Kauffisuen

Cor 14th and Gn






iYour Children

A pleasant surprise can beiven your son or daughter

e savings ac-count at this and pro-viding for regular depositsIt win not b long theboy or the girl will

extra money for edu-cation there will be anelevating fe titg of inde-pendence ta tbeready money te his or herown right

by opening

niln d-










COMPANYCapital 1000000Surplus 700000


This Company receives deposits and allowsinterest upon them Persons responsiblefor the care of funds large or small maywith confidence intrust them to this














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Capital SlOWOQO Surplus UOOMd

issued directthe principal

of worldExchange bought and soldLetters of Credit issuedMoney transmitted by cableStocks Bonds soldCollections Investments made


Pa Ave Opposite U S Treasury





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The Safest InvestmentsA-re dozing

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Night Bankingand other buM

De who appreciatethe csnveabece of Issuingcheeks Ja payment el anhUla an M-

In tIbank tosfts tad cheCks

cutI at tims betweentbe Jtowll of 111 a m 211ft


have additionalyaaine pstroaizing



Special Saturday

For the convenience of depositors who find tbehours inconvenient our SAVUJDEPT Is open every Saturday

From 6 to 9 p mDuring which hours deposits arereceived and accounts opened In-terest paW on savings dollaropens an account


lOth and Fcnna Avenue

Irving K FarringtonESTABLISHED 1960

Banters and BrokersMcafeen New York Produce Exchange

SPECIALISTS IN NEVADA SECUBITIB-Slllbbn Bnlldln 723 Fifteenth St



DaSh Market Letter Free oa RcigMst

OFFICESNew Turk G W4 W Wuhiac a-

Pittsbws lkaa4 pWa S a Fnacfcce





You SaveBetter open an account with us We

pay 3 per cent interest oa all savingsaccounts


SAVINGS BANKCor 7th and G Streets N W


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Operating Depaxtne-GeldeI NeT

