Comms 336 Case Study

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  • 8/12/2019 Comms 336 Case Study



    Salt Lake City International AirportRedesign ProjectBrigham Young University

    Public Relations DepartmentDr. Kenneth Plowman

    Comms 336

    Linden BakerMary Dalrymple

    Samantha JensenKelby Jones

    Stephanie Ortiz

  • 8/12/2019 Comms 336 Case Study



    Research and Background

    External Environment

    The Salt Lake City International Airport is located five miles northwest of downtown Salt LakeCity. The SLC airport is a major hub for Delta airlines. It is Deltas fourth largest hubnationwide, making it the Deltas most prominent location in the western United States. Over74% of traffic at the airport is through Delta. Around 21 million passengers fly through theairport each year although passenger traffic has been slowing recently due to reductions inairline service (

    The SLC airport is the closest commercial airport for more than 2.5 million people living inthe greater Salt Lake area. It employs 14,000 people and is within a 30-minute drive to nearly1.3 million jobs. The Salt Lake area is considered a growing metropolitan area and is an ideal

    location for businesses (

    As of 2008, the SLC airport is self-sustaining and is the only airport in the country with nooutstanding debts. It became self-sustaining after retiring its bonds for a payout of nearly $50million. This put the airport in a better position for expansions and renovations because itrequires no funding from the government or taxes (

    The airport has been highly ranked in many areas including snow and ice removal and fewestflight cancellations. It has also been voted the nations best airport for domestic on-timeperformance.

    The airport provides convenient access to many recreational activities such as ski resorts andstate parks. It is just 15 minutes from the Salt Palace Convention Center, the Energy SolutionsArena and a variety of hotels. A new Trax line going directly to the airport was opened inSpring 2013 and allows travelers to commute to and from the airport easily.


    The SLC airport is managed by the Salt Lake City Department of Airports, a division of SaltLake City Corporation, the airports owner. The Salt Lake City Mayor, City Council and anadvisory board of citizen volunteers oversee the airports affairs ( The Terminal Redevelopment Program (TRP) is a plan designed by theSalt Lake City Department of Airports to redesign and rebuild the airports facilities. The $1.8billion plan will replace the three existing terminals with one terminal designed to betteraccommodate high traffic and an airline hub. Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker announcedthe plan on January 17, 2012 in his State of the City address (

    Product, Service or Issue

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    The SLC airport currently has three terminals and four runways spread over 7,700 acres. It has86 gates, 30 of which are only equipped for short-hop commuter flights ( Many of the airports facilities are reaching 50years of age. During busy times of day, the terminals are crowded and the facilities areoverstressed ( agingfacilities have outlived their usefulness and need to be improved ( ). Along with improved facilities, theairport needs to be redesigned to better accommodate an airline hub.

    The TRP is scheduled to begin in 2013 and continue for eight to ten years with a projectedcompletion in 2022. Along with a new terminal, the TRP will create two new concourses, adda parking structure and support facilities and replace the 86 existing gates with 74multipurpose gates. The purpose of the redevelopment is to address seismic risk, provideright-sized facilities, solve operational issues and improve customer service. The TRP plans toaccommodate growth while maintaining the airports competitive prices (

    Though a renovation would be quicker and less expensive, it would be less effective and theTRP plans for the airport facilities to be demolished and rebuilt in phases. Economic trends inthe airline industry are constantly changing so the details of the airport expansion are beingkept flexible. The phases of the plan are expected to change throughout the course of theproject.

    Construction will be separate from passenger experience and should not have a great effecton it ( Though some facilitiesmay be unavailable during construction, the project plans to work around the busiest areas ofthe airport. Certain facilities will be relocated such as the airports rental car facilities.Temporary roads will detour traffic around the construction zone and drivers will have to

    navigate a sharp curve. Local travelers may be impacted by the changes in the terminalroadway system as the road configuration will change occasionally with the projectprogression. However, the single terminal will result in less traffic when completed.

    The plan will help the airport accommodate growth over the next 50 years and will allowfuture projects to be implemented when the need arises. The TRP should improve nearlyevery aspect of the airport experience including gates equipped to accommodate any flight,modern, roomy facilities and more retail concessions (


    Once the TRP is completed, the SLC airport will be similar in design to the Atlanta and Denverairports that also serve as large hubs for airlines. The new airport configuration is recognizedas the optimal design for an airline hub.


    Delta Airlines fully support the project and believe the redesign is the best option for theairport. Delta, along with other airlines, are providing $300 million in bonds for the project.

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    Passenger fees and fee-backed bonds will also provide a large share of the funds. Communityleaders and members of the greater Salt Lake area can serve as a resource to submitfeedback and input ideas for the new airport design. As their support for the projectincreases, they will spread the word about what is happening and community support willincrease. National media can be a resource to spread the word about the improved airportfacilities to travelers in other states. Other resources available for this are the advertisingresources already in place at the SLC airport such as banners, screens and announcements.


    The Salt Lake City Department of Airports has taken steps to ensure the SLC airport follows allrequirements of the Federal Aviation Administrations (FAA) National Environmental Policy Act(NEPA). The airport has operations in place for recycling, conserving water and minimizingimpact on wildlife ( The TRP will have minimaleffects on the natural and human environment and the plan will fall within the limits of allNEPA requirements. When the TRP is completed, air emissions will be reduced by shorterdelay times for aircrafts and other vehicles on the runways (

    cmsdocuments/EA/Final_SLC_EA_Aug2012.pdf). The construction will generate air emissionsbut they will stay well under the satisfactory levels established by the FAA. The new terminalwill also reduce energy consumption and be built using energy-efficient technology andenvironmentally safe materials. The TRP will involve land already being used by airportfacilities, so it will not affect floodplains or wetlands ( Additionally, because the redesign will take placeentirely on airport property, it will have no health or safety impact on communities.

    Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats


    " SLC Airport is financially self-sustaining and TRP does not require any taxpayer funds

    " TRP will keep airport costs affordable and improve user experience

    " TRP plan is flexible and allows for changes if necessary

    " Recently completed Trax line offers easy access to airportWeaknesses

    " Current crowded terminals and overstressed, aging facilities

    " TRP will not be completed for 8-10 yearsOpportunities

    " Increase airport passenger traffic

    " Increase public feedback and participation

    " Increase community support for TRP

    " Garner national interest for SLC Airport


    " Slowing airport passenger traffic due to reductions in airline services

    " Lack of facility availability during construction

    " Confusion regarding facility relocation

    " Changing driving routes will affect local travelers

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    Public Profiles

    1. Business Frequent Flyers

    DemographicsBusiness frequent flyers are mainly professional men and women between the ages 30 and 55.Most of the business frequent flyers that visit the SLC airport often are American citizens wholive in states west of the Mississippi ( This group is among the upper-middle classand well-educated. 97% of frequent flyers are enrolled in airline frequent flyer rewardssystems.Psychographics

    Business frequent flyers have demanding schedules. They fly across the country to holdbusiness meetings regularly. Therefore, flights arriving and departing on time is important tothem. They also want to receive all services that were promised them. This public believes

    hard work and results are very important. They represent the best of their respectiveorganizations.


    This public is most interested in efficiency. They want to travel as quickly and inexpensivelyas possible so they can complete company business. Another interest for this public isdependability. They want an airport and airline they can always count on to deliver them totheir destination efficiently. Additionally, convenience is important to this public. Becausetravel can be tiring, it is important to make the airport as convenient as possible to the needsof this public.Current Relationship

    Business frequent flyers are very interested in air travel. Because they have demanding

    schedules and they often fly to attend business meetings, they are very concerned aboutarriving at their destination on time. They may be worried that construction around theairport will delay their flights or cause other problems; re-routing their flights to otherairports may be an attractive option to them. They are likely to pay attention to any mediaconcerning the Salt Lake City airport and the Terminal Redevelopment Program. They spend agreat deal of time in airports and on flights and are familiar with the SLC airport. This publicis likely to pay attention to and remember airport and in-flight advertising. (

    This group is influenced by their bosses, colleagues and other business travelers. They listen

    to corporate travel agents who may arrange flights and hotels for them. They also interactwith airport and airline employees frequently and are likely to value their opinions.

    2. Greater Salt Lake community members


    The greater Salt Lake area is comprised of the 2.5 million people who use the SLC airport astheir primary commercial airport. Over 1 million of these people reside in Salt Lake County,

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    while the rest live in the surrounding areas. A large majority of this community are betweenthe ages of 25 to 34. There is a growing number of young families with kids under the age of5. Many members of this public have obtained a bachelors degree or are currently attendingschool. The racial makeup of the community is 86.63% Caucasian and 11.71% Hispanic.Economically, this is an upper middle class/middle class community where median income fora household is $59,136. 100,000 jobs are located around the community (

    This public places a high value on education. Family, health and safety are important to themsince many are starting new families and have young children. A large majority of this publicis religious and very committed to their beliefs. They believe it is important to be involved intheir community. They want a safe and supportive environment for their families.Self-interests

    This group is motivated by their families and religious beliefs. They want to do what is bestfor their families and childrens futures. They are motivated by keeping their community safe.They care about the economic conditions in their community and are willing to work toimprove the areas they live.Current Relationship

    This group is the closest community to the SLC airport. It is the airport they are most familiarwith and many members of this community visit it at least once a year. In the past, thecommunity has demonstrated interest over projects that happen at the airport. They areconcerned with how construction and projects at the airport will affect their community.They want to be involved in decisions that will affect the area (

    This group is influenced by the other families that live near them, neighbors and extendedfamily members. They also place high importance on the opinions and advice of variousreligious and church leaders. They value the opinions of educational leaders and communityleaders.

    3. Airport and Airline Employees


    There are 14,000 jobs supplied by the airport. Employees are both Male and Female and rangefrom age 35- 55 years old. The members of this group earn a low to middle class income. Only20% of airport employees have obtained an undergraduate degree or education beyond thatlevel. (

    Airport employees value their jobs. They need money to support themselves and theirfamilies. In order to keep their jobs, they come to work on time, follow airport security rulesand work hard for the hours they are scheduled. Airport employees believe in America andhave taken oaths to keep both the airport and passengers safe while they are working. Amajority of these employees support their family and provide health benefits for their familythrough their airport job.Self-interests

    Airport employees are motivated by money. The employees hold their job because it provides

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    the means for them to pay their bills and enjoy their life. Job security is important to them.They are also motivated by having a good quality of life and enjoying their free time. Theyvalue their families and friends.Relationship

    The airport operates day-to-day because of their dedicated employees. The airport needsemployees because there are many jobs to be done each day to ensure the quality ofcustomer experience. The airport employees may not currently be aware of the plans for theairport redevelopment. As the project progresses, more jobs will be created.


    The most effective way to send messages to employees is through their boss. The boss givesdirections and the employees must follow those instructions. Another influencer of employeesis flyers that they are given at work. Airport employees value the opinions of their coworkersand airport customers. If customers have a negative experience and express their anger, itaffects their work experience. No one wants to work with unhappy customers.

    4. Airline Investors

    DemographicsBecause the new Salt Lake City airport will have no funding from taxpayers or customers ofthe airport, they rely heavily on their investors and the airlines who use the airport. Thelargest carriers at the airport are Delta (74 percent market share), Southwest (12 percentmarket share), United (three percent market share), American (three percent market share)and Frontier (two percent market share) ( Airlines are expecting their third-most profitable year since 2001 ( and estimate a 67 percent increase in profit from last year to thisyear. Most of the airlines that use the SLC airport are U.S. based. Over the past year, theseairlines employment number has gone down 2.3 percent (


    Airlines and investors want their customers to be happy, and believe for the most part thatthe customer is always right. They do their best to listen to their customers and makereasonable changes based on input.Self-interests

    Airlines value profit. Investments are normally made with the increased value of what is beinginvested in mind. The intent of most investors is to be able to increase their financialsituation, and make money throughout the future. They also value their own reputation. It isvery rare for an investor or stakeholder to put/keep money in something that will come backto haunt them in the future. Often, when an investor or stakeholder puts money towards

    something sketchy or illegal, and it enters the public, the reputation of the investor istarnished. An investor is only going to invest in something that will reflect positively on them.Funders also tend to fund things based on their reputation and how they will reflect onthings. Another self-interest for this group is risk. Investors and stakeholders will not invest insomething too risky, but will invest in something with a little risk in order to receive a higherreturn.Relationship

    Stakeholders have already agreed to the changes in the airport, so they obviously have a good

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    relationship. There have been small fees put into place for many airlines (particularly DeltaAirlines) which have been agreed upon and will take in place in order to help fund the newairport. This means that stakeholders believe in what is being done and have a commoninterest when it comes to modernizing and recreating the Salt Lake City airport. It ismutually beneficial for the stakeholders and the airport.Influentials

    Airlines are influenced by customer opinions. The customer is always king for mostorganizations. The airport is no exception. Without customers, the airport would not exist.The customers are where the profit comes from and if they are not happy, the profits will godown. If they feel the airport construction is too much for comfort, they will not use it asmuch. Customer input is something that is or should be held in high regard. Airlines also mustlisten to government officials. There are a lot of regulations put into place by governmentofficials which are either beneficial or detrimental to the airport and its organization. Ifregulations slow profit down, the stakeholders will not be happy, and investors will not bewilling to place funds. Economic forecasters are also often opinion leaders for investors. If aneconomic forecaster, whether internal or external, says the economy is not going well,stakeholders will look to sell their shares, investors will not be willing to invest, and funderswill look to hold onto their money in order to sure up their futures.

    Situational Analysis

    The Salt Lake City Department of Airports has planned a terminal redevelopmentprogram for the Salt Lake City International Airport to begin in 2013. The program willcontinue over the next eight to ten years, and has an expected completion date in 2022. TheTRP will replace the three existing terminals at the SLC airport with a single terminaldesigned to be much more efficient. The SLC airport has been financially self-sustaining since2008 and the redevelopment plan will not require any taxpayer funds to support the project.

    When completed, the TRP will greatly improve almost every aspect of the airport experiencefor customers. The purpose is to replace the airports current aging facilities with animproved terminal designed to allow for growth but also keep airport costs affordable. Thenew airport will present the opportunity for an increase in passenger traffic. Because trendsin the airline industry change quickly, the TRP plan is flexible and may change if necessary.The project already has the support of investors such as Delta airlines but it has the challengeof gaining both community and national support. The Department of Airports is interested inlistening to feedback from community members and investors. Construction and changingroad directions may be inconvenient to local travelers during their commute to the airport,but the recently completed Trax line offers easy access to the airport and will not be affectedby the construction.

    Currently, the airport terminals are overstressed and the facilities need renovation.Because the TRP plan will take a long time to complete, passengers will have to continueusing old facilities during the construction. The construction may also decrease theavailability of certain airport facilities, as they are shut down to accommodate constructionzones. Airport customers may be confused when facilities are relocated and driving directionschange. Airport passenger traffic has been lower because of the reduction in operating airlineservices and the airport needs to keep traffic at a self-sustaining level in order to continuewith the TRP.

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    Core Problem

    If the Salt Lake City airport fails to communicate that travel experience will not be negativelyaffected during construction, they will risk losing business which will cause a decrease in

    profits and inhibit community support and national interest.


    Increase support and national interest for the Terminal Redevelopment Program bycommunicating the benefits of the program to increase business.


    i. Keep airport traffic at a self-sustaining rate of 21 million passengers annuallythroughout the next two years.

    ii. Increase participation whether feedback is positive or negative by 10% over the nexttwo years.

    iii. Increase key public support by 10% over the next two years.iv. Increase national interest annually by 5% during the next two years.

    Big Idea

    Your airport, your ideas.

    A big idea is needed to tie all of the messages and tactics together. For the redevelopmentprogram to succeed, each public needs to feel involved with the program. The ideas ofownership and investment into the airport are expressed by the slogan Your airport, yourideas. The words of the slogan are interchangeable so they can fit the self-interests of eachpublic; examples of this include Your airport, your voice and Your airport, yourconvenience. This big idea is integrated into each of the messages and tactics outlined inthis campaign.

    Key Publics, Messages, Strategies and Tactics

    Key Public # 1: Business Frequent Flyers

    Demographics: American, professional men and women aged 30 to 55 who frequently flythrough the SLC airport on business trips.Psychographics: They value time, quality service and hard work.

    Self-interests: Efficiency, time, money, dependability and convenience.Relationship: Familiar with the SLC airport, concerned about construction affecting flightschedules, arrivals and departures, and ease of traveling.

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    Influentials:Corporate travel agents, business leaders, bosses, colleagues and airport orairline employees.Objectives Accomplished: 1 and 4


    i. Your airport. Your value. The Salt Lake City International Airport representssubstantial value.

    i. Changes coming to the airport make it an even bigger bargain. i i.

    ii. Cost per passenger at the SLC airport is lower than other airports.

    iii. The redevelopment program will update the airport facilities to meet thehighest standards.

    ii. Your airport. Your convenience. The Salt Lake City International Airport isconvenient to business travelers.

    i. The new parking garage and car rental facility will make traveling through theSLC airport even more convenient.

    ii. Traveling through SLC airport is easy with TSAs Pre program that allowsfrequent passengers to pass through security quicker.

    iii. Airport services including dining and lodging are convenient for travelers.

    iv. Well trained airport and airline staff make the travel process easier fortravelers.

    iii. Your airport. Your business hub. The Salt Lake City International Airport issurrounded by guest and business amenities.

    i. The airport is within 30 minutes of 1.3 million jobs.

    ii. The airport is only four miles from Salt Lakes central business district.

    iii. The airport is nearby Utahs silicon slopes area, a region with numerous bigtech companies.

    iv. The airport is near many popular travel and vacation spots.

    Strategies and Tactics

    1. Inform business frequent flyers of SLC airport changes through targeted media inthe airport.Objectives met: 1 and 2Tactics:

    " Produce an in-flight magazine article for frequent flyers to read about thechanges coming to the airport.

    " Design airport banners with primary messages to be displayed in the airport.

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    " Design graphics with primary messages to be displayed across televisions in theairport.

    " Design bathroom advertisements with primary messages for frequent flyers toread about changes coming to the airport.

    " Develop a free flight contest where publics can submit their best ideas andfeedback about the airport online or in the airport and win up to free flightsfor a year. (No more than 12 flights.)

    " Create a renovations information booth where frequent flyers can getinformation about the changes coming to the airport. The booth should includethe following things:

    " Brochures about the changes coming to the airport

    " Submission slips for the contest to win a free flight

    " A list of frequently asked questions about airport changes and theiranswers

    " Employees trained to answer questions about airport changes

    2. Convince business frequent flyers that the SLC airport changes are beneficial tothem through opinion leaders.Objectives met: 1 and 4Tactics:

    " Write a prompt for airport and airline employees to make gate and terminalannouncements about changes coming to the airport.

    " Write a prompt for airplane crews to make in-flight announcements aboutchanges coming to the airport.

    " Write a prompt for airport travel agents to explain changes coming to theairport.

    Key Public #2: Greater Salt Lake Community members

    Demographics:Educated, young, middle-class parents aged 25 to 43.Psychographics: Value education and having a safe community.

    Self-interests: Safe community, family values and education, local communitys economy andprojects.Relationship: The SLC airport is the closest airport to this public. Because they live close toit, it affects their community and they are interested in projects related to their community.Influentials: Neighbors, family, religious leaders, community leaders and educational leaders.Objectives Accomplished: 1 and 3

    Messagesi. Economic benefits are coming to the Salt Lake area. Your airport. Your economy.

    " The airport industry brings sustained economic growth and works as aninvestment in the communities they serve.

    " Airports provide access to international business opportunities.

    " The Salt Lake Airport is a catalyst for business expansion, job growth and it is

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    critical to Utahs economic well-being and cultivation as a thriving regionalmetropolis and tourist hot spot.

    " As one of Utahs major employers, the Salt Lake City Airport makes significantcontributions to the states economic vitality.

    " No local tax dollars will be used for the project. It will be paid for using acombination of airline and user passenger user fees.

    2. Fewer terminals. Less traffic. Your airport. Your home.

    " A Utah Transit Authoritys (UTA) Airport light rail station will be built. This willmake for faster and easier transportation to and from the airport to localareas.

    " The construction happening at the airport would not affect local traffic in thegreater Salt Lake area or freeway access.

    " The construction happening at the airport would not affect freeway accessfrom the airport to Salt Lake County.

    3. Submit your ideas, change the airport. Your airport. Your voice.

    " We have the communitys best interest in mind. Let us know how the newterminal would work best for you.

    " We love Utah and want to add a community flavor to our airport. Share with ushow we can make the new terminal look and feel like Utah.

    " Travel a lot? Share with us what youve loved or would love to see on ourairport.

    " Share with us your opinions and questions regarding the new Salt Lake Cityairport online.

    Strategies and Tactics

    1. Inform Greater Salt Lake community members of upcoming changes to the airport

    through mass media.Objectives met: 2 and 3Tactics:

    " Produce VNR regarding planned airport changes and benefits of changes forlocal and national TV news shows and stations.

    " Put together and distribute a media kit containing:

    " Press Release

    " B-roll

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    " Resource contact sheet

    " Website

    " Produce and distribute Radio advertisement for local radio stations.

    " Produce commercials for local television stations to be played betweenpopular TV shows and during movie reels at local movie theaters.

    " Produce one-page advertisements to be published on local magazines (Salt LakeMagazine, Utah Business, Utah Bridal, Utah Homes).

    " Create billboards to go along I-15 and I-80 highways leading to greater SaltLake community.

    2. Encourage Greater Salt Lake community members that airport changes will benefitthem through social media.Objectives met: 2 and 3Tactics:

    " Produce videos on Youtube regarding the airport renovation plans and how tobe part of the changes by voicing their opinions and ideas.

    " Create a Facebook page in which community members can comment and voicetheir opinions and ideas and get contact information.

    " Create a Twitter account in which community members can be reached withupdates regarding the renovation and in which they can voice their opinionsand ideas.

    Key Public #3: Airport and Airline Employees

    Demographics:14,000 employees at SLC airport primarily aged 35 to 55.Psychographics: Value their jobs and money. Believe in America and safety.Self-interests: Money, job security and quality of life.Relationship: Responsible for day-to-day operation of SLC airport.

    Influentials: Bosses, coworkers and family members.Objectives Accomplished: 2


    i. The construction wont affect your work; Your airport. Your workplace.

    " Airport employees will always be updated on current and future constructionprojects.

    " The construction happening at the airport would not affect local traffic in thegreater Salt Lake area or freeway access.

    " There will always be an easily accessible place designated for employeeparking.

    2. Airport expansion will provide more or better jobs for our current employees. Yourairport. Your opportunities.

    " The airport will serve 3 million more passengers a year after completion.Wewill have new jobs to serve those traveling .

    " The Salt Lake Airport is a catalyst for business expansion, job growth and it is

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    critical to Utahs economic well-being and cultivation as a thriving regionalmetropolis and tourist hot spot.

    " There will be many new job opportunities and youll be the first to hear aboutnew positions.

    3. The reconstruction of the airport will provide a better workplace.

    " Reconstruction is necessary because all buildings at the airport are currently atseismic risk due to age and location.

    " Our plan is that this is the last airport were ever going to build,Riley said.

    " The airport will be able to serve 3 million more passengers a year aftercompletion of the TRP.

    Strategies and Tactics

    1. Inform employees of upcoming changes through opinion leaders.Objectives met: 2 and 4Tactics:

    " Work meeting announcements to inform employees of upcoming changes andopportunities.

    " Newsletters and emails sent to all employees informing them of advancementsin the project and current updates on the construction.

    " Presentation meetings and luncheons, held twice a day (AM/PM) so allemployees can attend. The presentations will show pictures of the newconstruction projects and give information about future plans.

    2. Encourage them to give feedback through opinion leaders.Objectives met: 2Tactics:

    " Hold an employee forum and allow employees to give feedback on theredevelopment program.

    " Distribute surveys at the meetings that will tell the SLC airport if the staff is insupport of the program.

    " Include surveys in the email/newsletters for employees to report their opinionsand feedback. This will be an effective way to measure support throughout the

    entire project.

    Key Public #4: Airline Investors

    Demographics: Airlines including Delta, Southwest, United and American. Delta has 74% ofthe market share at the SLC airport.

    Psychographics:Value customer happiness and loyalty. They want to listen to their customers

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    and continue improving their airlines.Self-interests: Profit, reputation and risk.Relationship: The airlines have agreed to support and help fund airport redesign.Influentials:Customers, government officials and economic forecasters.Objectives Accomplished: 2, 3 and 4


    i. SLC is a growing market that will drive airport traffic.

    " Unemployment dropping and currently around three percent lower than thenation

    " Recent job growth higher than national average.

    " Average household income higher than national average.

    " State recently on improved freeway system.

    " Public Transportation System is expanding and recently opened metro lines toand from the airport and frontrunner line from Ogden to

    " Procter & Gamble, ITT, Home Depot, Adobe, Ebay, and Boeing all recentlyexpanded in Utah or have announced expansions in Utah. Others will likelyfollow.

    " Provo and Salt Lake City areas in top ten of fastest growing U.S. cities.

    " Tour of the area during getaway to show growth that has occurred.ii. We value your feedback.

    i. Airlines helping to pay for renovations and will be kept happy. (page 28)

    ii. Get feedback after tours of construction and city during getaway.iii. Harm to customer experience during construction will be minimal.

    i. One of our key goals is to stay customer-friendly. -Maureen Riley

    ii. "The idea is to phase this in a way that there will be no disruption of operationsat the airport." - SLC Mayor Ralph Becker

    iii. The project is proposed to be "phased and staged in a way that we can operateefficiently without impacting customer service to a large degree." -Barbara

    Gann, airport spokeswoman.

    iv. Customers wont pay any more for the construction.

    v. Tour of the facility and surrounding city will show investors and airline officialstheir investment is safe.

    iv. The segmented plan requires minimal risk and allows investors to stop if they areunhappy with results.

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    i. Reconstruction done in phases which allows for accountability andresponsibility.

    ii. Customers will stay happy.

    iii. Construction to last around ten years to make sure everything is being builtefficiently and effectively.

    iv. Presentation during getaway to help reassure and excite investors and highranking airline officials.

    Strategies and Tactics

    1. Inform investors of upcoming changes through personal contact.Objectives met: 2, 3 and 4Tactics:

    " Make announcements in investor meetings that include vital information.

    " Schedule personal meetings with high-ranking airline and investor officials torelay vital information and build relationships with the key public.

    " Design and distribute a brochure to the key public which will relay theinformation needed and offer a schedule of upcoming events pertaining to theairport.

    " Create and distribute a survey handout/online survey which will providevaluable feedback and show we are interested in the key publics opinion.

    2. Involve investors through various events.Objectives met: 2, 3 and 4Tactics:

    " Plan an airport sponsored getaway for high ranking airline and investmentofficials and their guests.

    " Pay for and organize flights to and from the event.

    " Pay for and organize hotel rooms for them to stay.

    " Plan out and pay for food and beverages for the key public.

    " Schedule and pay for a day of skiing for the key public.

    " Plan parties and different social gatherings.

    " Give a presentation to key public regarding the airport and theupcoming changes that are being made.

    " Plan a tour of the facilities and surrounding areas in SLC to show the keypublic that the area is booming and the facilities are being worked on ina quality way.

    " Offer the key public a box at a Utah Jazz game if they would like.


    Objective 1

    Criteria: Continued airport traffic rate of 21 million passengers throughout the nexttwo years.

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    Tool: Look at sales from restaurants and airport stores, gather data from each airlineabout number of flights through SLC airport, tickets sold and flight attendance. Reviewdata at beginning and end of campaign as well as every six months throughout toensure target traffic rate is being met.

    Objective 2Criteria: 10% increase in participation from key publics over the next two years.Tool: Survey each key public about their current level of participation in project atbeginning and end of campaign. Distribute surveys every six months for key publics tosubmit feedback. Record number of surveys completed. Track attendance of keypublics at events to measure level of participation.

    Objective 3Criteria: 10% increase in support from the greater Salt Lake community over the nexttwo years.Tool: Send surveys to members of the greater Salt Lake community at beginning andend of campaign to measure levels of interest, support and attitudes towards project.

    Objective 4Criteria: 5% annual increase in national interest during the next two years.Tool: Survey travel agents, business frequent flyers and national airlines at beginningand end of campaign to measure knowledge of project, attitudes and interest level.Record positive and negative media mentions of project throughout campaign. Look atnumber and attitude of media mentions at beginning of campaign. At end of campaign,evaluate whether a 5% increase in positive mentions was achieved.