COMMUNICATIONS. State Equality..Mr. Buchanan, who now favors coercion, declared, in hi# ratifi¬ cation speech, that ''the people of the South¬ ern States never can abandou the great principle of State equality without self-deg¬ radation. It is," said he, "the most extraor¬ dinary thing in the world that this country should be distracted and divided because certain persons at the North will not agree that their brethren at the South shall have the same rights in the Territories which they enjoy." In reference to this equality, Mr. Lincoln himself declares that "the constitu¬ tion does not expressly say that Congress j may prohibit slavery in the territories.".! Yet, for resisting this confessedly implied j power, the South is charged with rebellion by those whose perversions ot the Constitution. ! have induced a revolution in order to the vindication of State equality. , J .'Rebellion ! foul, dishonoring word, Whoso wrong ul blight so oft has stained The holiest cause that tongue o: sword Of mortal ever lost or gained." LAW. The attention of the public is requested particularly to the Order issued by Govern- arnor Letcher, stated in the Alexandria Ua- zetee of yesterday, in the items uuder the head of V irginia News, to the effect, "that uo authority has been given for the impress- men i o\ horses for the state.that no such impressments shuil be made without .special instructions.and that all horses which have been impressed shall be returned to their own- ers." It will be well to recollect that our state is under the control of the established laws of the Commonwealth.that martial law does uot exist, nor is it believed, ic ever will, white the citizens of the state retain possession of their own territory; and that the civil authority, with the Governor at its head, duly capable of administering the laws. Many Citizens. Horace Greeley proposes allotments of laud in \ irginia, and Maryland, as suitable j rewards (or the marauders the North sends down. Creeley knows the Northern mind, and understands its agrarian difficulties; his proposition is therefore ingenious. Bur iiorace either forgot or was ingenious enough io suppress all tnentiou of the size of the al- Jotmente, in storejot his rubbers. We would respectfully suggest that six feet by four is the usual measure; though, as they are nu¬ merous, four feet by one will suffice the most .u>i that "sturdier race." Delegates to Congress. The Convention ou Monday appointed the following gentlemeu 'delegates to the Con¬ gress of the Confederate States: R. M. T. Hunter, Tide-Water. Wm. C. Rives, Piedmont. .Judge Brockenborough, Valley. Judge Camden, North-West. W. R. Staples, South-West. A letter from Norfolk, in the Fredericks¬ burg News, says:."1 wish 1 could describe the journey, and have time to express my praises of Newton's Hotel. He was a Prince iu this line when in Alexandria, and i3 now a King, if you get hungry, go there." Frederick Chatard, of Baltimore, comman¬ der U. S. N., has resigned. i~mr . EAHlilED. In this city,-on Tuesday, April, 30, by the Her. James T. Johnston, GEORGE THOMPSON and MAGGIE L>. MASS1E, both of Virginia. Ou the evening ot" the 2Sth uifimo, by the Rev. John 0. Smith, Mr. JULIUS C. VISSER to Miss MARY ANN F. LEAVETT, all of Wa»h- ington. DIED. ! In Washington, on the morning of the 29th ul¬ timo. SARAII, wife of R. W. Carter, esq. On the 22d ult., at Morrulown, New Jersey, aged tweuty-uine years. MARY, wife of Dr. John Thornley, I'. S. Navy, and daughter *f Nathan¬ iel Pearcu, of New York. At Spring Grove, Todd county, Kentucky, on the 2'Jd ult., CHARLES E. JESUP, youngeit son of the late Major General Jesup, aged. 26 years. JStr PUBLIC MEETING..At a. meeting held on the 26th of April, of citiieud of Prince William, Fairfax, and Loudoun couctios, resid¬ ing in the vicinity of Sudley, for the purpose of deliberating ou the beat means of protecting our homed aud property iu the prosent unsettled state of the country. Win. II. Thornton was called to the Chair, and Crawford Cushing appointed Se¬ cretary. The following preamble and resolutions wore oriered by Crawford Gushing, and unanimously adopted: Whereud, Abraham Lincoln, President of the I'nited State*, h'ts by Proclamation avowed bis determination to coerce the seceded States, form¬ erly composing a part of the Union, into sub¬ mission to t-he minrulf of tho Black Republican party.a party in deadly hostility to the cherished institutions and political doctrines of the South, and has now concentrated in our immediate vi¬ cinity, a military force, composed of the must fa¬ natical *f his Anti-Slavery aud Anti States Rights supporters, for the avwwed purpose ot on- forcing laws to which we no longer owe allegiance, whioh are odious to us, and to which we will nev¬ er submit, therefore Resolved 1st. That it is the duty of every true and loyal «on <»f Virginia, as well as of every man whatever hi? place of nativity, who expects protection under our laws, and who desires the privileges enjoyed by a residence oa our soil, to rally as one man to the defence of our lives, our property, and the honor of our Mother of State*. 2nd. In accordance with our settled convictions of what is our duty in the premises, we will or- ganize for the present as a Home Guard, arming ourselves a* speedily as possible at our own ex pense, meet regularly for drill, and hold ourselves in readiness af all times to move at a moment's warning, whenever necessary, in the defence of our homes, and the homes of onr fellow-citizens, who have already volunteered and marobed in the service of our State. ird. That the Chairman of this meeting appoiut a Committee to correspond with the proper au¬ thorities of the State relative to the purchase of the necessary arms, for which we will pay. The Chair appointed Crawford Cushing, J. T. Leachman and Geo. W. Lee the Committee nnder the above resolution. Messrs. K. C. W'eir, Crawford Cushing and John F. Thornberry, acting aa a Committee, re¬ ported a coustitutiou for the Guard, which was adopted. When, on motion of John F, Thorn- berry, an election of officers was heid, aud J T. Leachman was unanimously elected Captain and Robert C. Weir 1st. and Crawford Cushing "d Lieutenants. * On motion of J. F. Thornberry, it was agreed to meet alternately fit Sudley and Groveton every Friday evening for the transaction of busine-s and for drill. On motion, the Chair appointed Edward L. Car¬ ter.,). F. Thornberry and I'. W. Lewis a Com¬ mittee for the purpose of pressing upon our feU y citizens the necessity of enrolling their uames ai ouce, and organising for tho public safety. It *-as unanimously agreed to obey promptly all call . of the officers of the Company for drill i>r '»ther service, which the exigencies of the times may demand. On motiou of J. F. Leachman, the Secretary »*at directed 10 forward a copy of the proceedings <>f this meeting to the Alexandria Gazette and Virginia Seutiue\ with a request to publish them. Tue meeting th«.*>, after a vote of thanks to the Chairman and Secretary, adjourned. WM. II. THORNTON, Chairman, Crawford Cushing, Secretary. NrOTICE..Ail persons having claims agaiust the estate of A?htou A. Marshall, deceased, will please to }>resent them, properly authentica¬ ted, for settlement. JAS. EDW. MARSHALL, Administrator. Markham Station, P_0.f my 1.eolm AXI HK AC 11 E COAL..JuKt r<>t<eived a good su«:ply of Anthracite Coal. White Ked Ash, of the various si/.es iur family use. Pertfooe wishing lo lay in their stock had better send in their order »t once. For sale by my l--t£ D. 15. SMITH. L>kASTKR.- Fresh Ground Plu.-ter, t«>r oa.lt> by X *p tf .1. iiAKPEK A CO, LOCAL ITEMS. New Volunteer Company .A meetiug | was held last night al, the Armory (if the Alexandria Riflemen for the purpose of or- j ganizing a new Volunteer Company. David Funsten was called to the chair,"and A. G. Smith appointed Secretary. After a few un- (important preliminary proceedings, a paper | was prepared, and thirty-six names soon en- rolled. There will be a meeting every night. at the same place until the list is tilled.. Proper steps will immediately be taken for the thorough organization and equipmeut of the corps. Squad and company drills will be given nightly. Arrivals from Washington*..Mr. K'rk, ot Washington, who arrived here a few days since, reports upon being notified to leave that city, he applied to Gen. Scott, but the latter, on being informed that Mr. Kirk was a member of the "National Volunteers," was indisposed to interfere for his protec¬ tion. Quite a large number of the citizens of Washington have been forced to leave. County Court..The County Court of this county meets on Moud&y next. It will hold a short term, and its business will muinlv be confined to making some provis¬ ions for the present excited affairs. The .Justices classified >to hold the term are W. II. Fowle, Presiding -Justice ; Associate Jus¬ tices, Brockett, Hurchell, Price and Sum¬ mers. . \ .fciXHUKSSon Manassas Road..The Adams Express Company, that energetic aud ac¬ commodating carrier for the public, has, as will be seen by an advertisement in another column, extended the operations of their ex¬ press upon the Manassas Gup Bail road, asiar as Mount Jackson, and will carry freight at moderate rates. / .. Habitizinu..Must all the troops now quartered in this city are rendering them¬ selves as rapidly as possible capable of en¬ during the hardships and privations of Camp lite. Nearly all the b:irracks arc merely brick and mortar camps. Bunks, cooking and washing utensils abound, and the whole affair reminds one of the real soldiers' home. Fracas..On Monday night last, about 7 o'clock, a fight occurred on inshtowo. be¬ tween two men, named Penn and McCuin, in which the letter was severly hurt on the head. He was taken to the Watch house where he received the requisite medical at¬ tention. Salute..The report of heavy canuon in the direction of Washington, yesterday afternoon, was the occasion of much cu¬ riosity to ascertain the reason. It turned out that the guns were tired at the Wash¬ ington Navy Yard as a salute tor the troops who were landing from the Coatzacoalcos. The Volunteers..The soldiers in the bar¬ racks here are beginning the realities of a sol¬ dier's life, cooking their own meals, &o.. Several of the companies acknowledge the kindnesses of 3evera! citizens. They should not be forgotten by any of our people, who can minister to their comfort. Taken Up..Yesterday morning two sus¬ picious looking individuals, one having a revolver and the other a rille, were arrested by a scouting party of the Washington Home Guard and brought to this cit}*. After an examination before Major Commanding M. D. Corse, they were discharged. Returned IIome..The three trentlemen who escorted Gen. Harney to the boundary of Virginia, left this city yesterday evening, in a special train on the Alexandria, Lou¬ doun and Hampshire Railroad, for Winches¬ ter, and Harper's Ferry. The Baltimore..The steamer Baltimore now iu possession of the U. Government, stearawd slowly down the Potomac yesterday evening on her daily, or rather nightly tour of inspection of the various prominent points on the ri?er. Thanks..The Mount Vernon Guards re¬ turn their heartfelt thanks to Messrs. -J. II. McVeigh & Son, Isaac Buckingham and Wm. Buckingham, for the many favors they have received from them. River Movements..The steam transport Coatzacoaleos with federal troopa on board, passed up the river Potomac to Washington, this morning. The United States steamer Poeahontas steamed down the river soon af¬ terwards. Steamer Pmu.aokm'hia..The steiimpr Philadelphia, late 01' the Aquia Creek line, passed down the river yesterday afrernooo, having a body of military on hoard, which she landed at Fort Washington. High Wind..Yesterday, about noou, a heavy squall of wind came up. Some dam¬ age was done by blowing down trees and fences. Small Mail --The newspaper mail re¬ ceived at the Gazette office, last: night. con¬ sisted of one paper, the Philadelphia Amer¬ ican, of April 20th. Capon Spkings..It will be seen by an advertisement in another column, thai this pleasant resort is to he opened for visitor* at an early period. Hon. J as. M. Mas>on.- -Hon. -Jumes M. Mason arrived in this city yesterday after¬ noon. The City Council of Washington lm\e adopted "Tnion" resolutions. ....*- as». . Occo<ji.'an..We understand that during the late excitement in the neighboring ct.un¬ ties of Virginia many citizens of Occoquau and vicinity fled from their homes, many of them first taking down the enclosure* and turning the cattle into their fields of young wheat. Chit* man, wills a iiueiy cultivated little farm and a family of young children, offered his farm_and household effects f;>r enough money to enable him to get n> his former place of residence in Pennsylvania. Colonel Simms, of Virginia, (late L'eut. Simin*, (_'. S. Navy,) who has been charg¬ ed by (.Jov. Letcher with restoring quiet and protecting defenceless i'amilie.-. is actively engaged in f bar work of huinaniry, and late¬ ly visited Occuquan and promised the in¬ habitants the protection of the State. This is as it should be.. Wash. S/ar. The Washington Star has a private dis¬ patch from Baltimore, April 2'), which says: ."Secession is defunct in Baltimore.. Union sentiments again triumphant. But few men are willing to-day to announce themselves secessionists. On Wednesday our Custom House, which has been the den which most of this treason has been hatched will be cleared of its traitors, and the new appointees will" tsike their places. The American flag will be immediately hoi.-ted over the Custom il-.usc and responded to through the city. SUGAR. Q/\ IIJLl 1>S. N. 0. AM) ]'. K. Sl.OrAU. in store U autl fur s.ilo by T. A. 1JREWIS. ei>2ni IJlNGUSh T..l;tb U1)(J u air lfrusbes, a tine us- Ii sortinent, lor ,u # _ RICHAKDS' /"^OTTON \AKN. -10.000 fbsi^ si.,^(Iierii make \ ' o! YARN, a Iil iuiw ill liolc, lur ».,.v j,., jii) iit VVUKAT X Uhv...* LATEST HEWS. Washington News. Washington, >ri 1 oO..Washington to- day is «xtremely devoid of news. Not even a rumor of sufficient importance to obtain the slightest credence can be heard. The hotels are almost entirely vacated-. the only stir about them being at meal hours when the soldiers of the diflereut regiments collect in profusion. A train of ears catne in this evening at ;> o'clock, bringing more Northern troops, their equipments and baggage. j Capt. Ramsey, some time since, distrust- ing the fidelity of somebody, caused all the gunpowder which was stored in the expen- sive and secure government vault in the Congressional burying ground, to be remov- ed to the Navy Yard. Many of our most distinguished citizeus, have left the city, aud are at present, so¬ journing in Alexandria. A portion of the United States troops which are stationed at the northern end of the Long Bridge, crossed the bridge to-day and proceeded some distance down the Wash¬ ington and Alexandria truupiko. During their excursion they met two of the Virginia troops who wore guarding the entrance of the Columbian turnpike, and used towards them the most insulting and provoking lan- gunge. Ouo of the Virginians started to Alexandria for reinforcements, but. before they arrived the intruders had left for Wash¬ ington. Washington Items..The Washington Star says:.We have satisfied ourself that it was last night determined by the Govern- uu:nf to increase the new levy mentioned in our issue of Saturday last,.of volunteers, regulars, and sailors for the Navy.to full 83,000 men. And, further, to accept 2."»,000 throe months' men more then the original call, (7:1,000.) More than that number of the latter have already tendered their ser- vices over and above the 70,000 originally asked for. Thus the Government are push¬ ing arrangements to have as soon as possible iu arms a total of 1 oil,000 men. General Harney, U. S. A , is now in Washington at Willard's Hotel. On Monday evening, the Albany ltegi- inent, (the Twentv-fifth, )rn. Y. volunteers, arrived in this city by rail from Annapolis. They are seven hundred strong, and are weil uniformed and equipped; and the ranks are composed of line muscular young men. The six men who were arrested some days ago, aud have been kept under guard at the Capitol, have been transferred to the custody i of the Marshall of the district, and were com¬ mitted to the county jail yesterday by the Chief of Police. They stand charged with uttering seditious and treasonable senti¬ ments against the United States. Their j names are John W. Richardson, Adam Grinder. Alfred Wilkerson, F. A. Cunning- j ham, Dennis Callahan, and Kdrnund P. ! Bangs, Tiiev were arrestad under a miii- j tary order, and the course to lie pursued by the authorities is not yet determined on, s<> far as the committing magistrate is concern- j ed. We hear numerous complaints ol respect¬ able families being grossly insulted by .some uf the volunteers now here, and it is quite time the officers should put these men under stricter discipline. A ton free use of liquor seems to be at the bottom of this mischief. I From Europe. Halifax. April 29..The steamship Ara- bia, from Liverpool on the 20th, via Queons- town 21st, has arrived. Livekivul Cotton Market..Saies of the week OS,<>00 bales. 'Slight advanced on finer qualities; market closing firm. Breadstuff's dull aud nrioes weak. Provis¬ ions steady. Consols 92. The news is unimportant. Liverpool, April 20..Cotton.Sales to¬ day of 8,000 bales. Hewitt reports the mar¬ ket quiet but firm. Consols 914. St. Johns, April 20..The Adriatic arriv¬ ed this afternoon. She ieit Galway on the 2i>d. The Africa arrived at Liverpool on the 22d. Cotton niarkt-t active.sales of Lo.OOl) bales. Bieudstufts dull. Provisions steady. Consols 9i|u92. Political news generally unimportant. The Washington Star publishes a detailed correction of a late erroneous statement in regard to the oxodus of .J. i>. Ilecd and i'ani- iiy front tlie vicinity of Bailee's Cro?s Roads. Mosi ui' t}«e similar fduteraents which huv«* appeared in the public prints will be found ?<. have been equally erroneous when the truth is brought to light. ihtjRuv. li. A. \V iso was not iorc-d t<» ifjive his charge in Philadelphia, but re¬ signed voluntarily, and comes to tako his place iu the ranks. th>v. Pickens, of South Carolina, hutj is¬ sued a patriotic address to tin* &<>ui|j Carwli na volunteer!?, who are leaving for Virginia. »l«~ i",.i m»li'ivcr^«.4ir<i> L»Trni -UL*ir->-r«£.'1-yT7ym.iiril iTl -TTTil "iTM OOMMKiWJAJ. Alexandria Fish Market, April 30. The supply ut Fish to-d'iy at the fish wharf w i.s jjood a.« wsiaalso tbe demand. '!'he permittal oi the fish boats i»> proceed to Washington city.: by l he authorities bore, ;«o»l the increased demand, have ruist-d the selling vales ui the hitter pan of 1m.?i vio»-k. Shad $6(«,i>7 per hundred: Herring $l(q £;. jier thousand. New York Market. N::\v Vuftii, April 2y..C'orton sternly: Utiles of i,8(ui bales. Breadstuff? firm. Sugar heavy.- ('oft't'e ijuioi. Molarscs unchanged. Turpentine firui hL 75(ri>S&e. Rico firm at aJf^Gjc. Ko>ii« firm at $1.85. r^T- -r-- *r%, , icll. " A L 25 AN AC. 1861. pi Km mckts. a o n a u.n MAY. rixru. ieti. f 1 Wednesday... 5 2; 6 62i u. n. y. 2 Thursday .! 5 li f> 5:5 La<r-ir.. 1 2 21 3 Friday i 56 54 isvvs y 5 5l> .v. .4 Saturday -1 5«v 0 55 First qr., 17 10 55 m J> San l y 4 57; 6 66 Guil 2-1 0 58 v. ti Monday 4 561 6 57 fiiuj; WATKlt. 7 ii'n&vJay 4 55| 58 .May 1 0 >. -u<>*. MARINE LIST. POUT OF ALEXANDRIA.APRIL 30. Mxmouanha. Scbr. C. StratMMi, HilliDui), hence at New York, 28 ult. i fiAKl)..Fit am-is l> Smith ha.- removed his jTx. Law Ofiicre to his resideuco oil Wolfe street, mv 1.««5lt - F 0 R PHIL A DEL PHI A..HA ND'S - Steamer .J. JEROME, Cap tain Jerome. will sail ou Tuesday or Wednesday oi' this week. Applvto iVil li. FOWI.E i SON. ap 21' No. !. Sooth Wharves r:?. FOR NEW V 0 R K. .The ochooner <T AT!.'SM A y wi i s.'i! iu a l'o*v days Apply >o W.M. H. FOWLE .fc SON. an L'll No. 4, South Wharves. TEAS. O" J O CHESTS, IMPERIAL GUN l'OW rj'O L-V DER ami BLA' K TEAS, in store, and for sail' by T. A. BREWIS. Itp 8 e«>2!ll 1)0'Z. RUCKE'iV will b< s.dd !uw, by /wVM.I culling at L. llERRlNti'S juh Jy Rr«M>m ai.d Willow Wmu Stoio. LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office, at Alexandria, Va., on the oOtu day of April, IbCl. Persons calling for Letters in this list will please si'Y they are advertised. A j ! Adams. Wm R Adams, Win E Bautngarducr, George Bayley, Henry (col d) Bruoc, J D Bodmor, Jacob Bancroft, L W Rev Bortort, Richard 11 Butler, Sallio E Mrs Batbee, Wm R Blair, Eliza Mrs C Crosby, Amelia F A Miss Cocke, Daniel i Col-ti Cross, James Charles worth, John-4 Crumbaugh, John H Carlisle, Nathan.t Coleman, Roath A Mrs Chinbuek, Willis G C'lunn, Wm-2 Culleu,Wm F Capt Culleu, John S D Dondall, J B Dr Duleliuut, John Darr, J W Diron, Jessy (eol'd) Daughorty, John Davis, Thoiuas-2 Dunn, Luther M E Everuham, A J Capt.2 East, Capt Eayre, Hannah Miss Eggleston, Horatio N F Felix, Auu Mrs Fonton, Charles Capt' Fabuluin, Go'>rg«»--2 Falkiuburg, S R Frances, Thomas G Gondmer, Albert Grayson, Alexander Gilmer, G K. H Herbert, George M Holte, lsaa<* P Haley, N'atbau W Hcuario, S W Karl in, Jami'.= J Jones, Charles Jenkins, J P Jones, Wm B L Laudstreet, A C Lore, Turin&n, Mr . Lilenthall, J Lamoth, John P Lauson, N W l.eoman, Win Mc McGleu, Catharine Mrs McElwee, Jas Capt Mo Garry, Matthew McClair, Wm J M Marks, Eliza A Mrs Mareeron, Joseph Murry, Wtu Masoa, P P Murks, Robert Capt Marstou, Capt P Penii, Andrew J Par3on.% Charles Capt Pat t ie, D M R Renown, Barkluy Cnpt-2 Rhodes, Win Roche, Georgie de La Mi>n S Seaman, Timothy-2 Shaw, Cordelius L Sharp, Einley-4 Shacklett, James Sprague, James Capt St ragg. James Silrey, Isabella 1' Mrs Smith, Hittv Mrs Smith, Martha Miss Sioelair. A '2.2 Stuart, Wm A Col-2 Swain, Wm W T Tibbetts, Crawford B Thompson, Elixabeth Tyler, Gratton Dr Thompson, Eugenie Mrs Turner. John M Turrett, Math H Tellier, Peter Le Thompson, Dodridge P Turner, Catharine A.Miss W Walker, Annie E Mrs Wheeler, Chas W-2 Walkur, Henry-8 Weed, J C Wheeler, Julia Miss Williams,Lemuel M Whatkius, D G my l . i t T. W. ASH BY, P. M. ~ ALEXANDRIA WATER COMPANY. NrOTICE..Water renters arc hereby notified that their WATER BILLS for the ensuing term will be due and payable on the lsi May, iStil. The Treasurer is at his office daily trom y a. in., to :> p. iu., where all interested are politely invited to call and settle. E. S. HOI,Gil, my I.eoOt Treasurer. P. H. HOOFF, Alexandria, Va., PLOUll, GRAIN, and GROCERY MERCHANT, SrouK No. r»S, Union sr., Soi:th of Phingk. Particular attention will be given to all consign¬ ments of PRODUCE.* PLASTER, SALT, and GROCERIES furnished at current rate*, my I.eoXt Offick of riii: Adams' Exi'itiiss Com tan* v, "J Ckntuai. Division, (- Alexandria. Va., April 21, ISfil. J II^OR THE accommodation of the Southern public, this Company nre now running regu¬ larly through lines from Alexandria to all points in tiie South and Southwest. Trcijjhts have been lowered to suit the exigencies of the times. R. W. FALLS, Agent ap *35.tf Adams' Express Company. Bank ok tiik Ot.n Dominion, I Alkxandima, April 2(5, 18B1. J 4 GENERAL MEETING of the Stockhuld- ers of the Bank of the Old Dominion, is re¬ quested at their Banking House, on Tuesday, 2*th day of Maynoxt, at 10 o'clock, A. M., that they may determine whether they will accept the amen *ed Charter, passed by the General Assem¬ bly April 2, IStiU. By order of the Board; ap 26.eotd W. N. MoVEIGH. President. XT bi ICE.FI RE INS U RAN CE COM PA N Y i\| OF ALEXANDRIA..A dividend of three per cent, on the capital stock paid in bu.t bc.cn declared, payable to the Stockholders or their legal representatives on and alter the lirst day ot May next. }-tj, 2'.J.e"2w C. W. WATTLES. Sec'y. A LEXANDRIA CANAL COMPANY .The jCX annual gtintral meeting <>f this Company, will bo held at the chambor of the Common Couu- oil in the city of Alexandria, on the f»th day of May next, at 11 o'clock, A. M. ap 12.eotd E. B. POWELL. Clerk. HENRY W. TKOMAS, ATTOUNEY AT LA W. HAS OPENED ail olTice in Alexandria, and tenders hi.-; professional .-»rvico.s to the pub¬ lic. lie will practice in the Courts of Alexandria Fairfax, Loudoun, Prince William, and rhe City of Washington. Oili-e in the room lately occu¬ pied by T. T. Hill, adjoining the Southern Pro¬ tection Insurance Company, iu the Exehauge Clock. iip S.tltiw NEW SITING STYLE OF CARPETINGS. UST RECEIVED at the old stand of the latt firm uf ClagKtt and Lioduoua new supply of elcfja lit Three ply :md Double iugruin Carpetisg.s, which were bought in Nt-.v Vork from the agents of the tuauufactorier at pahic prices, and will he sold accordingly. J AS. B. DODS0N. Washington, ap 17.co2\v rpHE WAR KENTON SP KINGS, KAUOUIER 1 CO l N1 i , \ 11:GINrA, will be opened oil fh- 16th of May. In the iuterval. a limited nutn- ber of visitor.- will be received. Terms for board. pet mouth, j!I) per week.S'* per day. White servant* (hree fourth.- ; colored .servants, and chil¬ dren under ten and over tw.:> years, half price. Horse-?, titty cents per da v. HOBT. HUDiilN, Proprietor. Fauquier county, Va., ap JJO.i32w STOKE AND DWELL!Nil F01t RENT.-- L;l?li The line store and L'U EE 1.1 NO on th« North west corner of King and Pitt streets, i.< uttered for rent on moderate terms, to a good tenant. Tin- stun is admirably .-ituated ibr any kind of busi ness, and the dwelling attached, i- large and com modiou.-. having six convenienlly arranged rooms Apply to HENRY CHATHAM, ap 17.entf |> I SI 10 P M EAD E'S N E W BOO K . The liihU !D a mi tin' ('hi.txirs, by the Right Rev. William Meade, Bishop of llie Protestant Episcopal Church of Virginia, one handsome octavo volume, price $2.01). A new revised Edition of the U'ti C/inm/ifx, Ministers, and Families of Virginia, by Bishop Meade, price $.r>. Just published iind for .-ale by ap 15 ROBERT BELL. ' QliPEKlOR BLACK WRITING INK..A bar- )0 rcl of the above, 'u.?t manufactured, aud lot sale in any quantity, by JAS ENTWISLE, .lit., ap li» Apothecary, 01 Kin;' strct ATENT COAL OIL ClilMNIES.A new article, not so liable to break as the ordinary kind. HENHV COOK & CO., Surepta Hall, ap 17 ),.0R SALE.. 1 will offer for sale, in front of . the Mayor's Office, on Thursday, May 2d, a ver.v superior BLACK HORSE. Sale to take pi ace at 12 o'clock. Term.- cash, ap MO.CHAS. L^ ADAMS. EXICAN G UANO, of very superior qualify, for sale by V> M. E. tOWLE SON, up ?; No. 4. South Wharves. 1 A A B u 111 E L S POSEY PEACH-BLOW 1U1' POXAT0ES, for salo by ap 4 THOMAS PKRRY. J UMP AND GROUND PLASTER..j>(»U tons, I I for sale hy Wil. H. FOWLE A. SON", nils 25 No. 4, Sot!th Wiisirviw, H ones foit suarp&ning sewing ma- CHINE NEEDLES, an improved slvle; for sale at fuj. V] RICHARDS' 17VJR SALE..A desirabjo farm containing abou' .1? 668 ACFE3, ailu.vted iti L'uii--per .:(»ii!ity, on t'ic. -va.;,'.' Aii:: River, .ib-iU! 3.v utile- tr..ui Ellis' Mill.*, IVruis rurtsouabic a.- lu an:1 an! and time. Apply lu LEWIS EL Lin. Piuo View, P. O., Kau^uiorj oo,j 9.'Jttv* tt CAPON SPRINGS NOW OPEN. .< M 0 TINT A IN HOUSE." | X COMPLIANCE with the wishes of many J desiring a. >*1110 aud quiet retreat, the ~^bscri- ber will receive visitors at CAPON SPRINGS, 011 the 1st of May. Terms 3>S per weak anil $25 per mouth, until lit of July. Children under ten years old and eolored servants half-price. J. C. WADDLE; Lessee, my !.colm Mountain House, Capon Springs. EXPRESS TO MOUNT JACKSON. T71UK THE BETTER accommodation ot the i* merchants and others of Alexandria, and persons residing oq the line of the Manassas Gap Railroad, tho Adam's Express Compuuy will this dav commence carrying freight to and from MOUNT JACKSON,Shenandoah county, and all INTERMEDIATE STATIONS. All goods will be in charge ot trustworthy aud aceommod iting mesHOugers. ^ JZ&" Charges moderate. R. W. FALLS, my 1.tf Agent Adams' Express Company. NOTICE. FAoSliNGKRS from the Hotels and families of the city Hre requested to have their baggage at the Depot, by or betore half-post f> o'clock, A. M. J. M. BROAD US, ap 25.tf General Transportation Agent. OMNIBUSES FOR WASHINGTON. r T.J '-jJifVi Leave Alexandria at 8, Oi, jggffp^Sffand ll|, A.M., 14, 3, and Ah o'¬ clock, P. M. Leave Washington at S*. It), and 12, A. M., and 2, and 5 o'clock, P. M Offices in Alexandria at Green's Mansion Hou.-e, and opposite Luadbeater's St<»r«. Oflico in Washington at S. Stein mi t'/., 7th street, opposite Avenue House. ap 27.dtf HUGH-LATHAM. OMNIBUSES FOR WASHINGTON. *. Leave Alexandria at So. and ).III, A. M. and 2 and 4 o'clock. P. M. heave Washington at H and 101, A. M., aud 24 and o'clock, P. M. Offices in Alexandria at the City Hotel and Mar- »hall House. Office in Washington, corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and 7th street. ap 27.dtf WILLIAM WHALKV._ NEW STAGE LINE FROM THE PLAINS TO MIDDLEBURG! The subscriber having pur- jSSsS^chase.l this MAIL ROUTE, begs leave to inform the Traveiling public, that on and utter the 1st day of April, lie will run a DAILY LINE between these points. lie will have a comfortable Stage, good Horses, a careful anil accommodating Driver, and will use every effort to make tiiis route to and from Alex¬ andria a popular one. In order to save expense, Travellers will be careful to ask, at the Office in Alexandria, for " Tivkttn for Mi'Jdhhurfj." Fare to aud trom Alexandria, i2.25. J. G. .JOllNSOX. Middleburg, Va.. mh 22-rCotf GROCERIES. WE are now in roceipc of our Spring supply of choice F AM ILY G ROC E RI ICS, consist¬ ing ill part ot. N. 0. Sugar, Porto Itic.o do., Muscovado do Crush do.. Granulated do., C. Yellow Sugar do. Porto Rico Molasses Muscovado do Golden Syrup, prime .lava Coffee Rio and Maricaibo do. Green and Black Teas, part choice Adam mtiue and Mould Candles, Puppo* Nutmegs, Rice, l'lacking, <ic., Ac., all ol which we offer nt lowest market prices. :ip s A L\i K R T W. G It A V .t C 0. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. rnilE COPA RTN'ERSIIIP heretofore existing I between 11. A. HALL and J. W. HARPl'.K, under the firm ol Hall. Harper A Co., is by rr.u tual coi.Scnt tlii> day dissolved. Their books are nt their old Counting Room. J. W. Harper is authorized to settle up the business. All persons indebted to tbcm. either by note or open account are earnestly requested tocotnc- lorward and settle mi 11. A. HALL. .J. W. HARPER. Upperville, Va., ap 2<>.eo"t ._ mUREE SMALL AND DESIRABLE FARMS JL FOR SALE..I have for .-ale three small tracts of Itfnd in Fairfax ccnnly, about live miles from Alexandria, lying between the Little River Turnpike and the Orange and Manassas Gup Rail¬ roads, and in thfc vicinity of Cloud's Mill aud the Lebanon meeting house. Ihe laud is ol goou quality. No. 1 contains 133 ACR ICS, bus on it a DWELLING HOUSE. Ac., and plenty of wood. No. 2 contains about 101 acres, and is well wood- ed. . Both these tracts are about equally divided by Turkey Cook Run. a never failing stream, and are bounded partly by the Manassas road. Nu. :$ contains «.*;*» ACRES, is well watered jj'fcj and heavily wooded, and has a .-mall TLNL- ME NT upon it. Tkkms:.One third cash; one-ttiird in two year?; aud one-third in three years, l'he deterred pay¬ ments to boar interest, payable hali yearly, and to be secured by deed of trust. All deeds at the cost ol'tho purchasers. JOHN&TON, Attorney for Mrs. E. 15. Carter, sep I.eott EXUELSIOK NO. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO AND SOLUBLE PHOSPHATE, (COMMONLY kuown in this region as EXCEL- j SIOll DkTjUKG. KiiLipV kqlai.toNo I 1'k- uivian Ui.'ano: ani> tiik iikst mani*pa. :ti«'i< k p KKKTIl.l/KK is rui: Makkkt. It is composed of -Vo. ] t'cniriuti O'linnn, jt.irr ijniitnii buiivs d18«olci:tl in Siiffi/niric Af'nl, <>ml lJnliish <tn<f iSmin, aud it." materials arc w.ikhant i:n to hi: of Tin: ukst yiMLrrv. It bus been sold in this market for several sea sons past. a fill > ucli ha.- been the .siiLt'e*h of its ap¬ plication, iliut th.iy.: who have used it prefer it to al! other kinds,. isorn as a chop ukui\i:i: and ppkmankvi- nii'HovMt or iiik Son.. Pulti; ii Kill: Nil KONKs A It K t SKJl IN ITs COMPOSI¬ TION IN PKPPKHKNCK TO TIIK CIIKA I'Kli AM- l.KSS !Ili,IAH!.K, .so CAL.J.Kt>, PlJo.SPilA'i'lC (Jl'aN'OS; and \vc claim thai it contains mokk sol.uiii.n l'nos PUOIUC AClO IN COM IJIN'ATlON I i II Ll.M li (FOH.MlNCi Sol.I 'll I.h 1'tIOSPll.VTK OP LlilP.i AND I hKK KPGRK MORE v'AKIjAIILK TO TIIK F A ft M K ft, ill.HI UUy other nrti.'-iu now hot':To the public. J'i'tftS-i'S p«/' 'JO00 Ihst. JAMES C. N'KVLTT, a 11 «r lf».eotf Sole Agent for Alexandre. c. I ;W| Kt-;WAliL).. Kuuaway fr.iiu the sub- 1 U'/ scriber, living in Wurrenion, Fauquier county, Virgiui*, on the "J2d March, I.S0I, a negro boy named UKAYSoN, aged about lii or 17 years, about a feet S or Winches high, dark copper cwloi.his ev«> are of a yellowish cast. He had on when he left a suit of drab full linsey; a pair of mnv .shoes, a black slouch wool hat. with a broad biiui, and a broad ribbou around it. The above named boy was purchased by me of Win. Bennett, in Warren couuty, Va., on the 14th March. I will give (he above reward if taken out of the State, or Sol) if taken in auv of the adjoining counties and returned to me, or secured in jail, so that 1 get uiui again. RICMAKD COOl'EK. Wurrenton, Fauquier cr»., Va., ap 20.eotf SDUCATIO?»AL. rniiK FAl'Ql IKK FEMALE INSTITUTE of 1 fers special facilities ro those parents who, in these agitating times, desire a quiet, retired, aud .iialtliful situation for tIk education of theirdaugh- tcrs. The town of Wai teuton affords a pleasant anu sale retreat from the citics and other exposed places .is in the vicinity of the Fauquier Y/hite Sulphur Springs, with which it is connected by a turnpike road, and presents all the attractions ofg<Jod socie¬ ty.a salubrious climate, and a fair, prosperous eouutry. The Institute has a beautiful location, and possesses every advantage that could lie dc sired for a thorough aud complete education. For circulars containing terms, ««c., address either of the undersigned. J. S. UACON, I). I>, I l>t. . or 11. LATHAM, A. M, j p,in«',IlA«- Fauquier comity, Va., ap 23.eo2w Kerosene and photogen oils..We have taken the Agency of :i manufactory of these articles, and are authorized to warrant them equal to the best ever made; burning in any Coal Oil Lamp, and free from smoke and suiell. l'or sale in quantities to suit the trade, bv WM. i«. POWLE A SON, jip ii! No. 4. South Wharves. ni'RING TJtADE..We eall the attention nf our customers aud dealers generally, to our well selected Stock of DR1 GS, MEDICINES, OILS. ttc.. whieh we are prepared to sell low to iM-oinpt ;!e.iitrs, an'! v, i i n..ik-.« a I:. s,.-r dia-.ount tbiU- n-u.;i for casb. ml, 1-j F'KEl, .t SrrjVKXP, M h'w? ¦<>. /"^AKDEN SEED,.We have juot received a V.7T I'mII supply of AULT'S ENGLISH <tAK- L'KN S10EL>, which ar«> wm ranted Iresh uUil gen¬ ii inc. [ftb lsj ^JhAUE A MAUVE. mo THE FARMERS AND PLANTERS OF 1. VIRGINIA AND MARYLAND. FOWLE & CO'S SOLUBLE PHOSPHATED PERUVIAN G U A N 0, The Best, Cheapest, and most Permanent FER¬ TILIZER ever offered to the Agriculturalists. Approved by Pro*'. Campbell Morkit, Oue of the moat prominent Chemists of America, the moat reliable and eificieut com¬ bination of Phosphatic and Ammoniated Guanos Vet offered in a rbally soluulk form. It is comnosed of No. 1 PERUVIAN & SOMBRERO GUANOS, Oj IJlfci't liiijiijt'tdlinn from the Chixcha and Sombrero Islands, and is warranted fret from all in< purities. This Fertilizer has been severely tested, in com¬ parison with Peruvian Guano, by many of the most successful and intelligent Farmers of Vir¬ ginia and Maryland, from whom we have received numerous letters and certificate* of approval.. We submit the following extract from Prok. Mokkit's Report upon the "Solultfe Phonphuted riti'imi liiiauo," viz.: .'Tiic tthove analytical results express a lii^h value for this Fertilizer, and indicate that the torniula for its prepa¬ ration i-> founded upon sound principles of agricultural economy and efficiency. Though replete with the jndiv jjen>.'ible elements of a fruitful soil, the relative propor¬ tions are so skillfully adjusted as to promote their mutual action, and render it a utoM prolitablemanure, adapted for crops general I v. without distinction as to kiud. CAMPBKLL Molt KIT." Copies of tfie above-named documents, together with Prof. Morfit's Analysis, aud other interest¬ ing matter, will be found iu our pamphlets and circulars, showing lhat-our Fertilizer i> far better adapted to general use than Peruvian Guano aloue, besides being Sixteen per Cent. Cheaper. The Sombrero Guauo, before its combination with the Peruvian, is reudered immediately solu¬ ble by n process recently discovered and pecu¬ liarly our own. The value of Peruvian Guano, presented in this modified and improved form, can hardly be over estimated. We will continue to receive our usual supplies of PERUVIAN and SOMBRERO GUANO, of direct importation, which we idler at lowest market rates, ap I.1( DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? BELLINO HAM'S CKI.KUItATKD STIMULATING ONGUENT, FOR THE WHISKERS A SI) UMl!. The subscribers take pleasure in announcing to the citizens ol' the United States, that they have obtained the Agency for, and are now enabled to offer to the American public, the above justly celebrated aud world-renowned article. THE STIMULATING ONGUENT Is prepared by Dr. C. P. Bkllixgham, an emi¬ nent physician of London, and is warranted to bring out a thick set of WHISKERS OR A MUSTACHE, in from three to six weeks. This article is theon- ly one of the kind used by the French, and in London and Paris it is in universal use. It is a beautiful, economical, soothing, yet stimulating compound, acting as if by magic upon rhe rootf, causing a beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. If applied to the scalp, it "will cut e hali» nkss, and cause to spriug up iu place of the bald spots a line growth of new hair Applied accord¬ ing to directions, it will turn rkd or towy hair dark, and restore gray hair to its original color, leaving it soft, smooth, and flexible. The ''Ox- .jukxt" is an indispensable article in every geu- tleuiau's toilet, and after one week's use they would not for any consideration be without it. The subscribers are the only Agents for the ar¬ ticle iu the United States, ro whom all orders must be addressed. Price One Dollar a box.for sale by all Drug¬ gists and Dealers; or a box of the "ONGUENT" (warranted to have the desired effect) will be sent to any who desire it, by mail (direct,) securely packed, on receipt of price and postage, $1.18. Appiv to, or address HORACE L. IIEGEMAN k CO.. ^ Druggists, ifcc.. 24 William street, N. Y. New York, feb 22.eotim IWPECTINE, THE PERSIAN FEVER CHARM, FOR the prevention and cure of feimrand Ayite (iml liiliouH Fever*. This wonderful remedy was brought to the knowledge of the present pro¬ prietors by a friend who has been a great traveler in Persia and the Holy land. While going down the river Euphrates, ho ex¬ perienced a si-re/'* attack of Fever and Ague. On discovering his condition, one of the Boatmen took from his person an Amulet, saying, " Wear thin iinU mo ferry trill touch you." Although iucredu- lous as to its virtues: he complied, and experien¬ ced immediate relief, and has since always found it an effectual protection from all malarious com- plaints. Ou further investigation he found that the boat¬ man attributed to it miriicu/tniM powers, and said that it eoulii only be obtained from the Priests of the Sun. Sometime afterwards, the gentleman in I'ouvers.ng with a Priest obtained lrom him tho se¬ cret of its preparation, and ascertained where the medicinal herbs wore found, of which it was com¬ pounded. The wonderful virtues of this article have induced a full belief in the minds of the na¬ tives in the miraculous healing powers of their Priests. Since his return to America. It has been tried with the happiest effect by several Ladies and (Jeu- tletuen of high character, who have given it the most unqualified praise. This remedy having been a specific in Persia for hundred* of t ears, for the prevention and cure of Fever and Ague and Bilious Fevers.is now offered, to the American people. Jt will bo sent by mail, prepaid, with full directions for use on receipt of one dollar. Principal Depot and Manufactory, 188 Main St. Richmond, Ya. Branch Office, Bank of Commerce Building. New York. Address. jy 10. wly JOHN WILCOX & CO._ A VERY FINE FA KM IS CULPEPEH JT.L COUNTY, FOR SALE..I offer for sale the Fariu ou which 1 reside. "Cole's Hill," one of the most valuable estates in the County. This farm contains about SliVEN HUNDRED AND FIF¬ TY ACRES, of which about tive hundred are ara ble, and the baiauco heavily timbered. It liet beautifully ou Mountain Hun, which pa.-see through it, within two and one half to three mile* of Brandy Station, on the Orange stud Alexandria Hail road, from which p«dut the ."it its of Washing¬ ton, Alexandria, and Richmond, oan bo reached in 9bout three hours. It is well watered, every field having never-failing Springs. The <oii i> ol the best quality, producing tine crops of wheat and corn, and luxuriant crops ol grai»s. The location is beautiful and proverbial f««r health. Two Manu¬ facturing, and two (Jrisl Mills are \*ifiiin a fcTt miies. Churches, of thw various denomination.' are of easy access. 4S$, The BUILDINGS are all new, and of the tSjiiii best kind. In fact, it combines alltheadvau tflges of a lirst class Farm: in its fertility of soil, abundance of tine water, healthfulness, pro.\iu:it) to Railroad, and new and commodious buildings All persons wishing t<» purchase .-neb an estate, are respectfully iu\ ...-d to examine "Cwle's Hill' in person. Those who may wish to come b> Railroad to Braudy, will be furnished with a eon- veynueeto my residence by giving roe a day's no¬ tice. For Terms, »leM appl.t either to me or to P. P. Nalle. at Raccoon Ford Post Office. My Post Office, i> Brandy Station Culpeper County. N. B "Cole's Hill" can be readily divided iotc two compact Farms, of about three hundred ami fifty and four hundred acres, each having au abundance of timber and wafer. B. W. 1IANSBR0UGH. Culpeper Co., sep 1.eotf *6 O LOOMSBURY" FOR SALE..The under- I ) signed offers for sale the TRACT OF LAND called "Bioomsbury," i}ing in Culpepei Couutv, about tiiree miles from Brandy Station, containing SEVEN HUNDRED ACRES. It adjoins the farm lately sold by Ww. B. Ross to Messrs. Wise <fc Kennedy, and the lands of C. C. Beckham, Dr. J. C. Thorn and Wm. J. Fife. This farm is situated in a neighborhood remark¬ ably adapted to the growth of wheat and grass. The BUILDINGS are rather old, but with b";jg nwuWiit>. repairs will be ;uffeient for the comfortable accommodation of a family. Persons desirous o'" purchasing arc invited to examine the place for themselves. We will merely rum ark that it has always been considered one of tbe best farms in this neighborhood, especially lor wheat. Term.- will be made accommodating. For further information apply to John Slaugh¬ ter, near Wnylandsburg, Culpeper County, or to .J. C. .i .). \Y. Grecti, ai Culpeper Court House. JOHN SLAUGHTER. HILL C. BRADFORD Culpeper County, jy 1-1.»»<>*>' fJlOK HALK OR EXCHANGE..The adverti ' set* has 500 ACRES of GOOD LAN D in the State of Iowa, and three LOTS eligibly situated in the towD of Green Bay, W iseousin, which he will sell, or exchange for lands in Virginia or jiiuie other Southern State. Address 11. A, C. Alexandria, Virginia. ap 24.2aw'.'w WHITE WASH BRUSHES, Scrub and Shoe | Brushes, Foiiiher and Hair Dusters, for sale by PERRY BHoS., j «! Al&liaiuJt HoUsc Bnilditljj< 1 pUBLIC SALE..I win offer for «ale, on Sa. a \tk °f MaL ,lext> at th« bouae "ely occupied by W;cki, upper end of iOlS^pnrnrtVAleiandril1' Va*' aU 8a'd Wicka o ? ,&nd KITCHEN FURNITURE, >aloxat in '°i *lUe A* H" Bradt- Terms cuh. my l.eot« A/,M* H' L' MONROE, . ¦.^l_-__Alexandria County Constable. PL?R0RYTTro^n5AL^^OF COR"- j rA?,? / ALEXANDRIA STOCK.. a front A 5 |i«tered Stock of th« Corporation' of /loi.ndS *ale to take place at I] o'clock, a. m> Terms ash on delivery. JOHN T. CREIGUTON, ~UiZ-3. Auctioneer. BY J. T. CREiGHTON-AtotiOM-KH " pOMAIISSIONERS'S 8ALE OF A VALUA U BLE FARM IN ALEXANDRIA COUNTY. Ly virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court of Alexandria oounty. rendered in the suit of Louisa, rlunter vs. Tochmun and William, the under- igne.i Commissioners, will, ON SATURDAY, ruK th iuv of AfRih, 1SC1, in front of tJ <s 1 Vr O&ce, in the city of Alexandria, bell et CiruMr?0^ l^al va'Usible farm known jh UMIk .UILL'" "" ">» Aii'ianjria a. ingtou Turnpike, and about midway betwceu jpi/v " C1?eSl- fh° tarm C0Dta'us about 150 ACRES, of which about one-tbird is iu wood. It is well unproved, and commands tbe beueiit f be three markets of Washington, Oeoicwtowu uid Alexandria., Tkrm.s :.One-tenth the purchase money iu M?h, and the residue in three equal inttalments, it 6, 12, and IS months, to be secured bv tho JOnds of the purchaser, and a retentiou oi the :itle till the bonds are paid. ieh 28.2awtd JB&* The above sale is postponed till SATUR¬ DAY, April 20th, 1861. ap 6.2awtd i'he above sale is postponed to SATUR¬ DAY, May 4th, 18(51, at 12 o'clock, M. CHRISTOPHER NEALE, I n GEORGE W. BRENT, i Couilu'r»- aji 21).2awfd pOMMISSIONERS' SALE OF LAXlT.bY \J virtue ol » decree of the Circuit Court of A»r- ..xandria county, reudered in tbe suit of Swanu k's- Dempsey and others, at November term, I860, ibe undersigned, will on tht 18//. day of )l*Jt 186!, Ut 12 o'clock, J/., in front of the Mavor's Othee, in the city of Alexandria, sell at public auction, a tract ot land in the county of Alexan¬ dria, containing about 247 ACRES, lying on tbe waters of Four Mile Run, being the tract of land ul which Dr. R. B. Alexander, died seized. Also, a LOl Oi GROUND known as tbe OLD FACTORY', contoining2 1-2 ACRES. Tliti property will be divided into parccls, and ii desired, by the present proprietor, the lots will be .sold separately. Tkkms ok Saj.k :.A sufficieiit amount of the purchase money in cash, to pay $3560.24, with interest from 28th December, 1S58, and expenses of sale, and the residue in three equal payments, at 6, 12, and 18 mouths, .from the day of sale. the deferred payments to bear interest from tbe day ot sale, and to be secured by the bonds of tho purchusers, and th<Ttitle to be retained till said bonds are paid. F. L. SMITH, ") L. B. TAYLOR, S Commr's. ap I8.2awts L_L._KINZER. J PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ES¬ TATE..Under authority of a decree of tbe Circuit Court of Fairfax county, Va., rendered at the June term, I860, in the suit of Carter, against Look and others, the undersigned, Commissioners therein named, will, on Tuenday, the hh any of May, J861, ot 3 o'clock, P. J/., at the front door of the Court House, in Alexandria, offer at public auction, that portion of tbe valuable TRACT OF LANDcalled "RED HILL," containing by re¬ cent survey 960 ACRES. This land lies partly in the county of Fairfax and partly in tbe coun¬ ty ot Prince William. The portions situated ia tho respective counties will be sold separately.. The independent line of tbe Manassas Gap Rail¬ road passes by or through the land, and it is near a contemplated depot. The land is considered the very best and most productive in that region of country, and is of the red clay soil, thire held in such high estimation, and is well adapted to the production of all kinds of grain and grasses. There is an abundance of wood on tie land, and Mit is proverbially healthy. The BUILDINGS are comfortable. Teums ok Sali; :.Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paid in cash, on the day of sale as a deposit to be forfeited on the failure of ttoe pur¬ chaser, to complete his purchase, tbe residue of the purchase money to be paid in three equal in¬ stalments, in 12, and IS months from tbe day of sale, with interest from the day of sale, to be secured by the bunds of the purchaser, and tho ti¬ tle to bo retained until the purchase money is ful¬ ly paid, the land to bo resold at the risk of the purcha.-er, upon his dclault al any time to pay the cash deposit or the deferred instalment*. Posses¬ sion at once given. FRANCIS L. SMITH, ) Comm'rs. MATTHEWHARRISON, j of Sale. nib 20.wts Sale or valuable real estate..By virture of a deed of trust from Mrs. Nancy Humiltou to Daniel Jauuey, dated the llith day of January, 1866, and of record in the office ot* Fairfax County Court, and under an order of the said Court, made at ito March term, I860, ap¬ pointing me trustee iu the place of tb« said Dan¬ iel Jauuey, deceased, I shall, on Jlouday, the 20tfi day of May next, in front of the court bouse ot" Fairiax county, Ya., offer at pubiic auction, to the highest bidder, a certuin TRACT OF LAND con. veyed by said deed, situate on the Little River Turnpike Road, iu~tbe said county of Fairfax, about four miles fr'>iu the court house ol said county, and containing 315 3-4 ACRES. The land is of the celebrated red .soil, is well wooded and watered, under good fences', and has upon it P»5§Sun excellent DWELLING HOUSE and all iiijEn eeessary out buildings The independent line ol'the Manama* (Jap Railroad passes through this land, and a depot is located iu it. Take it ail together, it is one of the most desirable farms over otiered for sale in the county of Fairt'ux. Terms of Sale..A sufficient amount will bo required in band on the day of sale to pay thd costs and expenses of sale, and the amount uow duo underpaid deed of trust aud unpaid; the resi¬ due upon a credit until the 1st d;»y of December, ISfil, with interest from the da} of sale. ALFRED MOSS, Trustee. Fairfax county, ap 12.lawts 1AND AT PUBLIC SALE..Wok s7"jobn- J stou and others v* Francis E. Johnston and others. . Persuaut to a decree of the County Court of Fairfax, made in this cause at its Match term, ISrtl, the undersigned Commissioners therein named will offer at public sale, at Fairfax C. H.. on Monday, th>>20tfi day of May, 1861, (court da^) the FARM of the late Francis Johnston, deceased, near Fobick Church, containing 143 ACRES, and adjoining the tarrn of the late Robert B. Kirby. The land is of good quality, and the farm, from its proximity to Alexandria, will make ai-omiort*- ble residence. Terms ok Balk..One tenth of (he purchase money in haud and the residue in three e<jual payment*' at six, twelve and eighteen months, with interest from the day of sale; the said deferred payments to be secured by good personal security and the retention of the title until the last pay¬ ment is made ; the cash payment to be forfeited and a land resold at the risk of the purchaser upon his failure to comply with the terms of sale. H. W. THOMAS, ) F. E. JOHNSTON, }. Comm'rs. A. L. MeKENZIK, J Fairfax co., Vy., ap 12.1 awtMayI«12awts ^ rpRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND..Pursuant to J_ the decree of the County Court of Fairfax County in the suit of Edward Lindsay and wife vs. Charles H. Triplett and others, rendered at its March term, 1801, the undeisigned Commissioner ' of sale, by said decree named, will, on Monday, the 20tk day of May, 1S01, (Court day) before the front door of Fairfax Court House, sell to tho higbept bidder, at public sale, a TRACT OF LAM J) coutaiuingld 3-4 ACRES. This laud lias adjoin¬ ing the j'arm of the late (Jee. W. Triplett, known as "Round Hill," and others, and is principally in TIMBER. Teiims ok Sale as Prescribed bv the Court. .One-tenth of the purchase money to be paid iu hand, on the day of sale, and the residue in three equal instalments at fi, 12 and 18 months, with interest from date, to be secured by the notes of tho purchaser, with approved security, aud reten¬ tion of the titl of this land till the last payment is made; the cash payment to be forfeited and the land resold at the cost of the purchaser in tho event of his failing to comply with the terms of sale. THOMAS MOOJftE, Commissioner. Fairfax county, Va.. ap 12.lawts IjlOR SALE.THREE YOUNG MARES, sui- ' table for farming purposes. They are of lino sue, work well, are very gentU and perfectly sound. For further particulars, address R. C. G., Thoroughfare Station, Manassas Gap Railroad.-*- TLey can be scon at Thoroughfare auy day, by giving notiee. mh 11.eotf CLOV'ERSEED, of prime quality, from tho Valley aud Ohio, for sule by tab is MEaDE d MA.KYE,

chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · COMMUNICATIONS. State Equality..Mr. Buchanan, who nowfavors coercion, declared, in hi# ratifi¬ cation speech, that ''the people ofthe South¬ ern States

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  • COMMUNICATIONS.State Equality..Mr. Buchanan, who

    now favors coercion, declared, in hi# ratifi¬cation speech, that ''the people of the South¬ern States never can abandou the greatprinciple of State equality without self-deg¬radation. It is," said he, "the most extraor¬dinary thing in the world that this countryshould be distracted and divided becausecertain persons at the North will not agreethat their brethren at the South shall havethe same rights in the Territories which theyenjoy." In reference to this equality, Mr.Lincoln himself declares that "the constitu¬tion does not expressly say that Congress jmay prohibit slavery in the territories.".!Yet, for resisting this confessedly implied jpower, the South is charged with rebellion bythose whose perversions ot the Constitution. !have induced a revolution in order to thevindication of State equality. , J

    .'Rebellion ! foul, dishonoring word,Whoso wrong ul blight so oft has stainedThe holiest cause that tongue o: sword

    Of mortal ever lost or gained." LAW.

    The attention of the public is requestedparticularly to the Order issued by Govern-arnor Letcher, stated in the Alexandria Ua-zetee of yesterday, in the items uuder thehead of V irginia News, to the effect, "thatuo authority has been given for the impress-men i o\ horses for the state.that no suchimpressments shuil be made without .specialinstructions.and that all horses which havebeen impressed shall be returned to their own-ers." It will be well to recollect that ourstate is under the control of the establishedlaws of the Commonwealth.that martiallaw does uot exist, nor is it believed, ic everwill, white the citizens of the state retainpossession of their own territory; and thatthe civil authority, with the Governor at itshead, i» duly capable of administering the

    laws.Many Citizens.

    Horace Greeley proposes allotments oflaud in \ irginia, and Maryland, as suitable jrewards (or the marauders the North sendsdown. Creeley knows the Northern mind,and understands its agrarian difficulties; hisproposition is therefore ingenious. Buriiorace either forgot or was ingenious enoughio suppress all tnentiou of the size of the al-Jotmente, in storejot his rubbers. We wouldrespectfully suggest that six feet by four isthe usual measure; though, as they are nu¬merous, four feet by one will suffice the most

    .u>i that "sturdier race."

    Delegates to Congress.The Convention ou Monday appointed the

    following gentlemeu 'delegates to the Con¬gress of the Confederate States:

    R. M. T. Hunter, Tide-Water.Wm. C. Rives, Piedmont..Judge Brockenborough, Valley.Judge Camden, North-West.W. R. Staples, South-West.

    A letter from Norfolk, in the Fredericks¬burg News, says:."1 wish 1 could describethe journey, and have time to express mypraises of Newton's Hotel. He was a Princeiu this line when in Alexandria, and i3 nowa King, if you get hungry, go there."

    Frederick Chatard, of Baltimore, comman¬der U. S. N., has resigned.


    EAHlilED.In this city,-on Tuesday, April, 30, by the Her.

    James T. Johnston, GEORGE THOMPSON andMAGGIE L>. MASS1E, both of Virginia.Ou the evening ot" the 2Sth uifimo, by the Rev.

    John 0. Smith, Mr. JULIUS C. VISSER toMiss MARY ANN F. LEAVETT, all of Wa»h-ington.

    DIED. !In Washington, on the morning of the 29th ul¬

    timo. SARAII, wife of R. W. Carter, esq.On the 22d ult., at Morrulown, New Jersey,

    aged tweuty-uine years. MARY, wife of Dr. JohnThornley, I'. S. Navy, and daughter *f Nathan¬iel Pearcu, of New York.At Spring Grove, Todd county, Kentucky, on

    the 2'Jd ult., CHARLES E. JESUP, youngeitson of the late Major General Jesup, aged. 26years.

    JStr PUBLIC MEETING..At a. meetingheld on the 26th of April, of citiieud of PrinceWilliam, Fairfax, and Loudoun couctios, resid¬ing in the vicinity of Sudley, for the purpose ofdeliberating ou the beat means of protecting ourhomed aud property iu the prosent unsettled stateof the country. Win. II. Thornton was called tothe Chair, and Crawford Cushing appointed Se¬cretary.The following preamble and resolutions wore

    oriered by Crawford Gushing, and unanimouslyadopted:Whereud, Abraham Lincoln, President of the

    I'nited State*, h'ts by Proclamation avowed bisdetermination to coerce the seceded States, form¬erly composing a part of the Union, into sub¬mission to t-he minrulf of tho Black Republicanparty.a party in deadly hostility to the cherishedinstitutions and political doctrines of the South,and has now concentrated in our immediate vi¬cinity, a military force, composed of the must fa¬natical *f his Anti-Slavery aud Anti StatesRights supporters, for the avwwed purpose ot on-forcing laws to which we no longer owe allegiance,whioh are odious to us, and to which we will nev¬er submit, therefore

    Resolved 1st. That it is the duty of every trueand loyal «on renough money to enable him to get n> hisformer place of residence in Pennsylvania.Colonel Simms, of Virginia, (late L'eut.Simin*, (_'. S. Navy,) who has been charg¬ed by (.Jov. Letcher with restoring quiet andprotecting defenceless i'amilie.-. is activelyengaged in f bar work of huinaniry, and late¬ly visited Occuquan and promised the in¬habitants the protection of the State. Thisis as it should be.. Wash. S/ar.

    The Washington Star has a private dis¬patch from Baltimore, April 2'), which says:."Secession is defunct in Baltimore..Union sentiments again triumphant. Butfew men are willing to-day to announcethemselves secessionists. On Wednesdayour Custom House, which has been the denwhich most of this treason has been hatchedwill be cleared of its traitors, and the newappointees will" tsike their places. TheAmerican flag will be immediately hoi.-tedover the Custom il-.usc and responded tothrough the city.

    SUGAR.Q/\ IIJLl 1>S. N. 0. AM) ]'. K. Sl.OrAU. in storeU autl fur s.ilo by T. A. 1JREWIS.


    IJlNGUSh T..l;tb U1)(J u air lfrusbes, a tine us-Ii sortinent, lor ,u#_

    RICHAKDS'/"^OTTON \AKN. -10.000 fbsi^ si.,^(Iierii make\ ' o! YARN, a Iil iuiw ill liolc, lur ».,.v j,.,jii) iit VVUKAT X Uhv...*

    LATEST HEWS.Washington News.

    Washington, A¦ >ri 1 oO..Washington to-day is «xtremely devoid of news. Not evena rumor of sufficient importance to obtainthe slightest credence can be heard.The hotels are almost entirely vacated-.

    the only stir about them being at meal hourswhen the soldiers of the diflereut regimentscollect in profusion.A train of ears catne in this evening at ;>

    o'clock, bringing more Northern troops, theirequipments and baggage.

    j Capt. Ramsey, some time since, distrust-ing the fidelity of somebody, caused all thegunpowder which was stored in the expen-sive and secure government vault in theCongressional burying ground, to be remov-ed to the Navy Yard.Many of our most distinguished citizeus,

    have left the city, aud are at present, so¬journing in Alexandria.A portion of the United States troops

    which are stationed at the northern end ofthe Long Bridge, crossed the bridge to-dayand proceeded some distance down the Wash¬ington and Alexandria truupiko. Duringtheir excursion they met two of the Virginiatroops who wore guarding the entrance ofthe Columbian turnpike, and used towardsthem the most insulting and provoking lan-gunge. Ouo of the Virginians started toAlexandria for reinforcements, but. beforethey arrived the intruders had left for Wash¬ington.Washington Items..The Washington

    Star says:.We have satisfied ourself that itwas last night determined by the Govern-uu:nf to increase the new levy mentioned inour issue of Saturday last,.of volunteers,regulars, and sailors for the Navy.to full83,000 men. And, further, to accept 2."»,000throe months' men more then the originalcall, (7:1,000.) More than that number ofthe latter have already tendered their ser-vices over and above the 70,000 originallyasked for. Thus the Government are push¬ing arrangements to have as soon as possibleiu arms a total of 1 oil,000 men.

    General Harney, U. S. A , is now inWashington at Willard's Hotel.On Monday evening, the Albany ltegi-

    inent, (the Twentv-fifth, )rn. Y. volunteers,arrived in this city by rail from Annapolis.They are seven hundred strong, and areweil uniformed and equipped; and the ranksare composed of line muscular young men.The six men who were arrested some days

    ago, aud have been kept under guard at theCapitol, have been transferred to the custody

    i of the Marshall of the district, and were com¬mitted to the county jail yesterday by theChief of Police. They stand charged withuttering seditious and treasonable senti¬ments against the United States. Their

    j names are John W. Richardson, AdamGrinder. Alfred Wilkerson, F. A. Cunning-j ham, Dennis Callahan, and Kdrnund P.! Bangs, Tiiev were arrestad under a miii-j tary order, and the course to lie pursued bythe authorities is not yet determined on, sfar as the committing magistrate is concern-

    j ed.We hear numerous complaints ol respect¬

    able families being grossly insulted by .someuf the volunteers now here, and it is quitetime the officers should put these men understricter discipline. A ton free use of liquorseems to be at the bottom of this mischief.

    I From Europe.Halifax. April 29..The steamship Ara-

    bia, from Liverpool on the 20th, via Queons-town 21st, has arrived.

    Livekivul Cotton Market..Saies of theweek OS,00 bales. 'Slight advanced on finerqualities; market closing firm.

    Breadstuff's dull aud nrioes weak. Provis¬ions steady. Consols 92.The news is unimportant.Liverpool, April 20..Cotton.Sales to¬

    day of 8,000 bales. Hewitt reports the mar¬ket quiet but firm. Consols 914.

    St. Johns, April 20..The Adriatic arriv¬ed this afternoon. She ieit Galway on the2i>d.The Africa arrived at Liverpool on the

    22d.Cotton niarkt-t active.sales of Lo.OOl)

    bales. Bieudstufts dull. Provisions steady.Consols 9i|u92.

    Political news generally unimportant.The Washington Star publishes a detailed

    correction of a late erroneous statement inregard to the oxodus of .J. i>. Ilecd and i'ani-iiy front tlie vicinity of Bailee's Cro?s Roads.Mosi ui' t}«e similar fduteraents which huv«*

    appeared in the public prints will be found ?. -u*.


    Mxmouanha.Scbr. C. StratMMi, HilliDui), hence at New York,

    28 ult.

    i fiAKl)..Fit am-is l> Smith ha.- removed hisjTx. Law Ofiicre to his resideuco oil Wolfe street,mv 1.««5lt- F0R PHILADELPHI A..HAND'S

    - Steamer .J. JEROME, Captain Jerome. will sail ou Tuesday or Wednesdayoi' this week. ApplvtoiVil li. FOWI.E i SON.ap21' No. !. Sooth Wharves

    r:?. FOR NEW V 0 R K. .The ochooner years, half price.Horse-?, titty cents per da v.

    HOBT. HUDiilN, Proprietor.Fauquier county, Va., ap JJO.i32w

    STOKE AND DWELL!Nil F01t RENT.--L;l?li The line store and L'U EE 1.1NO on th« Northwest corner of King and Pitt streets, i.< uttered forrent on moderate terms, to a good tenant. Tin-stun is admirably .-ituated ibr any kind of business, and the dwelling attached, i- large and commodiou.-. having six convenienlly arranged roomsApply to HENRY CHATHAM,ap 17.entf

    |> I SI 10 P M EAD E'S N E W BOO K . The liihU!D a mi tin' ('hi.txirs, by the Right Rev. WilliamMeade, Bishop of llie Protestant EpiscopalChurch of Virginia, one handsome octavo volume,price $2.01).A new revised Edition of the U'ti C/inm/ifx,

    Ministers, and Families of Virginia, by BishopMeade, price $.r>. Just published iind for .-ale byap15 ROBERT BELL.


    QliPEKlOR BLACK WRITING INK..A bar-)0 rcl of the above, 'u.?t manufactured, aud lotsale in any quantity, by

    JAS ENTWISLE, .lit.,apli» Apothecary, 01 Kin;' strctATENT COAL OIL ClilMNIES.A newarticle, not so liable to break as the ordinary

    kind. HENHV COOK & CO., Surepta Hall,ap 17

    ),.0R SALE.. 1 will offer for sale, in front of. the Mayor's Office, on Thursday, May 2d, aver.v superior BLACK HORSE. Sale to takepi ace at 12 o'clock. Term.- cash,apMO.CHAS. L^ ADAMS.EXICAN G UANO, of very superior qualify,for sale by V> M. E. tOWLE SON,

    up ?; No. 4. South Wharves.

    1 A A B u 111 E L S POSEY PEACH-BLOW1U1' POXAT0ES, for salo byap 4 THOMAS PKRRY.

    J UMP AND GROUND PLASTER..j>(»U tons,I I for sale hy Wil. H. FOWLE A. SON",nils 25No. 4, Sot!th Wiisirviw,

    H ones foit suarp&ning sewing ma-CHINE NEEDLES, an improved slvle; forsale at fuj. V] RICHARDS'17VJR SALE..A desirabjo farm containing abou'.1? 668 ACFE3, ailu.vted iti L'uii--per .:(»ii!ity, ont'ic. -va.;,'.' Aii:: River, .ib-iU! 3.v utile- tr..ui Ellis'Mill.*, IVruis rurtsouabic a.- lu an:1 an! and time.Applylu LEWIS EL Lin.

    Piuo View, P. O., Kau^uiorj oo,j 9.'Jttv* tt

    CAPON SPRINGS NOW OPEN.., PlJo.SPilA'i'lC (Jl'aN'OS;and\vc claim thai it contains mokk sol.uiii.n l'nosPUOIUC AClO IN COM IJIN'ATlON I i II Ll.M li (FOH.MlNCiSol.I 'll I.h 1'tIOSPll.VTK OP LlilP.i AND I hKK KPGRKMORE v'AKIjAIILK TO TIIK FA ftM K ft, ill.HI UUy othernrti.'-iu now hot':To the public.

    J'i'tftS-i'S p«/' 'JO00 Ihst.JAMES C. N'KVLTT,

    a 11 «r lf».eotf Sole Agent for Alexandre.c. I ;W| Kt-;WAliL).. Kuuaway fr.iiu the sub-1 U'/ scriber, living in Wurrenion, Fauquiercounty, Virgiui*, on the "J2d March, I.S0I, anegro boy named UKAYSoN, aged about lii or17 years, about a feet S or Winches high, darkcopper cwloi.his ev«> are of a yellowish cast.He had on when he left a suit of drab full linsey;a pair of mnv .shoes, a black slouch wool hat.with a broad biiui, and a broad ribbou around it.The above named boy was purchased by me ofWin. Bennett, in Warren couuty, Va., on the 14thMarch. I will give (he above reward if takenout of the State, or Sol) if taken in auv of theadjoining counties and returned to me, or securedin jail, so that 1 get uiui again.RICMAKD COOl'EK.Wurrenton, Fauquier cr»., Va., ap 20.eotf

    SDUCATIO?»AL.rniiK FAl'Ql IKK FEMALE INSTITUTE of1 fers special facilities ro those parents who, inthese agitating times, desire a quiet, retired, aud.iialtliful situation for tIk education of theirdaugh-tcrs. The town of Wai teuton affords a pleasant anusale retreat from the citics and other exposed places.is in the vicinity of the Fauquier Y/hite SulphurSprings, with which it is connected by a turnpikeroad, and presents all the attractions ofg, I l>t. .

    or 11. LATHAM, A. M, j p,in«',IlA«-Fauquier comity, Va., ap 23.eo2w

    Kerosene and photogen oils..Wehave taken the Agency of :i manufactory ofthese articles, and are authorized to warrant themequal to the best ever made; burning in any CoalOil Lamp, and free from smoke and suiell. l'orsale in quantities to suit the trade, bv

    WM. i«. POWLE A SON,jip ii! No. 4. South Wharves.

    ni'RING TJtADE..We eall the attention nfour customers aud dealers generally, to our

    well selected Stock of DR1 GS, MEDICINES,OILS. ttc.. whieh we are prepared to sell low toiM-oinpt ;!e.iitrs, an'! v, i i n..ik-.« a I:. s,.-r dia-.ounttbiU- n-u.;i for casb.

    ml, 1-j F'KEl, .t SrrjVKXP, M h'w? ¦.

    /"^AKDEN SEED,.We have juot received aV.7T I'mII supply of AULT'S ENGLISH Termsash on delivery. JOHN T. CREIGUTON,

    ~UiZ-3. Auctioneer.BY J. T. CREiGHTON-AtotiOM-KH


    pOMAIISSIONERS'S 8ALE OF A VALUAU BLE FARM IN ALEXANDRIA COUNTY.Ly virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court of

    Alexandria oounty. rendered in the suit of Louisa,rlunter vs. Tochmun and William, the under-igne.i Commissioners, will, ON SATURDAY,ruK th iuv of AfRih, 1SC1, in front of tJ » Aii'ianjriaa. ingtou Turnpike, and about midway betwceujpi/v " C1?eSl- fh° tarm C0Dta'us about 150ACRES, of which about one-tbird is iu wood.It is well unproved, and commands tbe beueiit fbe three markets of Washington, Oeoicwtowuuid Alexandria.,Tkrm.s :.One-tenth the purchase money iu

    M?h, and the residue in three equal inttalments,it 6, 12, and IS months, to be secured bv thoJOnds of the purchaser, and a retentiou oi the:itle till the bonds are paid.ieh 28.2awtdJB&* The above sale is postponed till SATUR¬

    DAY, April 20th, 1861.ap 6.2awtd

    i'he above sale is postponed to SATUR¬DAY, May 4th, 18(51, at 12 o'clock, M.


    aji 21).2awfd

    pOMMISSIONERS' SALE OF LAXlT.bY\J virtue ol » decree of the Circuit Court of A»r-..xandria county, reudered in tbe suit of Swanuk's- Dempsey and others, at November term, I860,ibe undersigned, will on tht 18//. day of )l*Jt186!, Ut 12 o'clock, J/., in front of the Mavor'sOthee, in the city of Alexandria, sell at publicauction, a tract ot land in the county of Alexan¬dria, containing about 247 ACRES, lying on tbewaters of Four Mile Run, being the tract of landul which Dr. R. B. Alexander, died seized.

    Also, a LOl Oi GROUND known as tbe OLDFACTORY', contoining2 1-2 ACRES.

    Tliti property will be divided into parccls, andii desired, by the present proprietor, the lots willbe .sold separately.Tkkms ok Saj.k :.A sufficieiit amount of the

    purchase money in cash, to pay $3560.24, withinterest from 28th December, 1S58, and expensesof sale, and the residue in three equal payments,at 6, 12, and 18 mouths, .from the day of sale.the deferred payments to bear interest from tbeday ot sale, and to be secured by the bonds of thopurchusers, and th