Information Hubs” that Support Civic Engagement and Community Problem Solving What Will it Take to Collect, Maintain and Share Information that anyone in community can use? Property of Tutor /Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Chicago, Il. tutormentor2@ea rthlink.net

Community Information Collection: A Shared Effort

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8/3/2019 Community Information Collection: A Shared Effort

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“Information Hubs” that SupportCivic Engagement andCommunity Problem Solving

What Will it Take to Collect, Maintain and ShareInformation that anyone in community can use?

Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Chicago, Il. [email protected]

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“On June 10, 2011 the Aspen Institute Communications and SocietyProgram and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation released a

new policy paper that calls on community and elected leaders to adoptsensible strategies to strengthen civic communication and citizenengagement, including the creation of a new Civic Information Corpsthat takes advantage of the considerable capacity and creativity ofAmerica’s young people and digital media.

Civic Engagement and Community Information: Five Strategies to Revive Civic Communication , by Peter Levine, urges federal, state andlocal leaders to adopt five specific strategies that are critical to efforts toreverse the troubling trends away from civic engagement in recentdecades. Levine is the director of CIRCLE: the Center for Information

and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement and researchdirector of the Jonathan Tisch School of Citizenship and Public Serviceat Tufts University.”

2011 policy paper calls for the creation of a

“new Civic Information Corps”

Quoted from: http://www.aspeninstitute.org/news/2011/06/10/new-policy-paper-calls-investments-new-corps-young-americans-create-share-civic-info

Pg 2Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Chicago, Il. [email protected]

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“Colleges and universities to make modest shifts in incentives and investments serve as local information hubs.

Because of their physical presence in the community and the information and knowledge work they already do,colleges and universities could make a significant difference in the quantity and quality of civic 


Journalism, library and engineering schools and departments are well situated to partner with local 

communities on information-related projects. Other knowledge that is scattered across the institution could be aggregated and shared with the local community.

2011 policy paper recommendations include

Quoted from: http://www.aspeninstitute.org/news/2011/06/10/new-policy-paper-calls-investments-new-corps-young-americans-create-share-civic-info

Pg 3Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Chicago, Il. [email protected]

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The Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLCalready is an information hub.

Colleges, universities, business and others areinvited to help support this on-going information

collection, organization and sharing process.

Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Chicago, Il. [email protected]

Database ofChicago areatutor/mentorprogramsrequiresconstantupdate.

Innovativestrategiesneed toincreasenumber of

people usingthe data tohelp kids inpoverty.

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Tutor/Mentor Programs are places where adult

volunteers are connecting with k-12 youth.

Programs vary in size, structure, age group served and

type of activities. Until Tutor/Mentor Connection beganbuilding a master database of what programs operatedin Chicago in 1994, no such database existed.

Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Chicago, Il. [email protected] Pg 5

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T/MC focuses on non-school hours

While many leaders and billions of dollars focus on schools, T/MC focuses onthe non-school hours, including after 5pm when workplace volunteers aremoving from work to home, and safe places where youth, volunteers and extralearning are available.

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Copywrite 2011 Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Merchandise Mart PO Box 3303, Chicago, Il. 60654

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Instead of a few great programs in a few places, great

programs are needed in every high poverty area ofChicago region

To keep kids and volunteers

connected, these resources areneeded at every tutor/mentorprogram in the region … everyday of the year.

* volunteers* public visibility

* operating dollars

* technology

* training/learning* leadership


The shadedareas of thismap of Chicago arethe areas of mostconcentratedpoverty.

Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Merchandise Mart PO Box 3303, Chicago, Il. 60654 Email for permission to use: [email protected]

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Most programs can’t get enough needed resources

on their own. We need the help of many leaders.

Without the database, no city can form a strategy that helps ALL of theexisting programs grow from year to year. Nor can it identify and fill voids in

neighborhoods with no programs.



college you

faith business media


This city needs leaders in every sector who help attract resources to programs.




Talent &


Pg 8

Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Merchandise Mart PO Box 3303, Chicago, Il. 60654 Email for permission to use: [email protected]

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Since 1993 the Tutor/Mentor Connection has made asystematic effort to identify every non-school, volunteer-based tutor/mentor program in the Chicago region.

Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Chicago, Il. [email protected]


sorted by typeof program,age groupserved, time ofday

Visitors cansearch by zipcode,

communityarea, name ofprogram tofindinformationabout specific


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The Program Locator search providesinformation volunteers, parents, donors can use

to connect with individual programs.

Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Chicago, Il. [email protected]

Names of

programs,contactinformation,web sites areshown.

ProgramLocationsshow on amap, whichshows therelationship ofdifferentprograms insame area.

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Using Interactive Program Locator leaders can determineavailability of programs in small area, potential business, faith andcollege partners, and build collaboration strategies intended to

strengthen mix of programs in different parts of city.

Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Chicago, Il. [email protected]

Layers of

informationcan be addedto create mapshowing whereneed is basedon poverty,schools, etc.

Layers ofinformationcan showbanks,hospitals,colleges, faithgroups whooccupy samegeography.

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This information is no good if itcannot be updated continuously.

• Tutor/Mentor Connection operated as part of nonprofit from 1993-2011 and never had more than$125,000 each year to do this informationcollection, mapping, and public education

• Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC was created in July2011 in an effort to create new partnerships andnew ways to fund this knowledge managementeffort.

• Even with greater funding the collection and use of

this information needs to be shared by manyorganizations so that the knowledge accumulatesand grows and is never lost when a singleknowledge hub disappears.



Pg 12Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Chicago, Il. [email protected]

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Help collect and maintain thisinformation.

Teams from high schools, colleges, faithgroups, businesses could take role in

collecting tutor/mentor program data forspecific zip codes or community areas.

Pg 13Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Chicago, Il. [email protected]

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Adopt a NeighborhoodThis map shows police districts ofChicago. In each area we seek onepartner who will build an in-depth

understanding of tutor/mentorprograms and other youthresources operating in the area.




Program locations can be plottedon maps such as this and can beadded to Tutor/Mentor Program

Locator Maps

Pg 14Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Chicago, Il. [email protected]

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Help share this information.Collecting this information is only the firstchallenge. Creating daily advertising thatincreases the number of people who view theinformation, understand it, then use it is an

equal challenge.

This information could be discussed in manygroups led by students, volunteers,retirees…leading to a more consistentdistribution of resources to support “good togreat” tutor/mentor programs throughout an

urban region.Pg 15Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Chicago, Il. [email protected]

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Information hubs need to be places with long-term rootsin a neighborhood, such as schools, police stations,

libraries, colleges, banks, faith groups.

Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Chicago, Il. [email protected]

1) Local hubscollect andupdatetutor/mentorand youthprograminformation…

2) Localleaders leadneighborhood

collaborationsaimed atstrengtheningyouthsupports.

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Local leaders connectand share their

information through city,state, national and

international networks.

Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Chicago, Il. [email protected]

On this portal anyone can look atideas working in some parts of the

world and apply those ideas to theirown part of the world…as long asthey can find the resources to do so.


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This system consists of many independent operators allworking under a common set of goals and supported by

intermediaries like the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC.

Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Chicago, Il. [email protected]

1) Existingprograms areconstantlysupported sothey get betterevery year.

2) Newprogramsgrow in areaswhere none, ortoo few, nowoperate.

3) More youthliving inpoverty gainaccess to


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Learn more. View other Tutor/Mentor Connection Power Point Essays.

* http://www.tutormentorconnection.org

• http://www.tutormentorexchange.net

• http://tutormentor.blogspot.com

• http://debategraph.org/mentoring_kids_to_careers

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @tutormentorteam

Learn more about how you can beinvolved. Consider ways you couldapply these ideas in your own citywith Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC asyour partner.

Visit these web sites:

Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC and Tutor/Mentor Connection, Merchandise Mart PO Box 3303, Chicago, Il. 60654Pg 19

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As a result of what we do more youth in disadvantagedneighborhoods will have adult networks helping them through

school and into careers.

“If this (initiative) is accepted and acted upon, it can change theway philanthropy and charities work together in America andthroughout the world. It can change the future for millions of kidsborn into poverty each year.”

--Daniel F. Bassill, President of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC and the Tutor/Mentor Connection

Http://www.tutormentorconnection.org [email protected] Twitter @tutormentorteam

Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Merchandise Mart PO Box 3303, Chicago, Il. 60654 Email for permission to use: tutormentor2@earthl ink.net