Community Outreach Project Presented by Marie Gillott External Relations Manager Jobcentre Plus Anne Gent Local Partnership and Project Manager Jobcentre Plus

Community Outreach Project Presented by Marie Gillott External Relations Manager Jobcentre Plus Anne Gent Local Partnership and Project Manager Jobcentre

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Page 1: Community Outreach Project Presented by Marie Gillott External Relations Manager Jobcentre Plus Anne Gent Local Partnership and Project Manager Jobcentre

Community Outreach Project

Presented by

Marie GillottExternal Relations Manager Jobcentre Plus

Anne GentLocal Partnership and Project Manager

Jobcentre Plus

Page 2: Community Outreach Project Presented by Marie Gillott External Relations Manager Jobcentre Plus Anne Gent Local Partnership and Project Manager Jobcentre

Community Outreach Project

Page 3: Community Outreach Project Presented by Marie Gillott External Relations Manager Jobcentre Plus Anne Gent Local Partnership and Project Manager Jobcentre

Project Aims & Objectives

• To reduce the numbers of families in poverty by tackling generational unemployment in deprived estates

• Work with Family Units in the community to address collective barriers and move them into employment

• Ensure vulnerable customers are not left further behind society as a result of the current economic downturn

• Transform the culture within deprived estates to instigate a work ethic providing a lasting legacy that improves peoples lives

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Where and why?...Norley

• Level of worklessness is included in the top 3% of deprivation in the country

• Level of ESA/IB is double the national average• Many people made redundant in the last recession are still

claiming benefits• 59.4% of children living in child poverty• Lone Parents are double the national average• Lack of cohesive work focussed approach in the area.• Youth employment is significantly higher than the regional /

national level. High number of residents aged 10-14 and 20-24 age group

• Land use is mainly residential, primarily Social Housing of 75%• A Citizens Panel Survey if the residents felt involved in their local

community - results: Norley Ward – 28% against a Borough average of 45%• 52% of all crimes in the Pemberton Wards happen in Norley East.

Highest factors are ‘woundings’ and ‘drug abuse’

Page 5: Community Outreach Project Presented by Marie Gillott External Relations Manager Jobcentre Plus Anne Gent Local Partnership and Project Manager Jobcentre

The Strategy

Small team of Jobcentre Plus Advisers working

directly in the community

• To address the entrenched problems of inter-generationalworklessness prevalent on some estates / neighbourhoods

To engage with local jobless people:

• Focus on those who don’t use mainstream services;

• Address negative conceptions of work;

• Help move closer to the labour market and into work

Page 6: Community Outreach Project Presented by Marie Gillott External Relations Manager Jobcentre Plus Anne Gent Local Partnership and Project Manager Jobcentre

How we deliver

• Provide a wrap round service based on ‘whole families’ in the community

• Build on, link and enhance the current Wigan MBC Learning and Employment Skills Project/Wigan Life Project

• Work in partnership with:• Local Authority – Wigan and Leigh Housing• Private Sector Providers• Voluntary Sector

• Expand the work with our Working Neighbourhood Teams

• Build on the local Children’s Centre’s Outreach services

• Link with Employers

Page 7: Community Outreach Project Presented by Marie Gillott External Relations Manager Jobcentre Plus Anne Gent Local Partnership and Project Manager Jobcentre

Where and how


• Working collaboratively with local agencies and partners in developing an holistic approach

• Advisers based in the community on deprived estates

• Work with Family Units not just individuals

• Premises provided by local Partners

• Staffed by JCP

• Work with our Employers-local jobs for local people

• Helping customers to help themselves to develop skills through participation and ownership

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What we offer our customers

• Customers will be offered a tailored, joined up personalised service

• We will offer a choice of venues to customers-where they feel most comfortable

• Build a relationship with a personal adviser to ensure trust and ownership

• Use funding innovatively and effectively –evaluating outcomes

• Listening to our customers and react to feedback

• Adopt a flexible approach to how often the customer is seen on their journey out of worklessness

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How we work with the community

• Engage all workless customers and their families by means of introduction through Housing Officers, LA Learning, Employment and Skills Partnership, PCT, Children Centre Link Staff, Wigan Life Skills Centre/Shops and Jobcentre Plus Advisers

• Link with WNF commissioned projects to engage with physically and mentally disabled customers

• Ex-Offenders and their families. Building on relationships already achieved via Probation and ETE Forums

• Employer Strategy to be created

• Identify local training opportunities

• Work with local JCP Partnership Manager

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• The project started 1 September 2010

• Staffing comprises:1 Project Manager, 7 Advisers and 1 Admin Support

• The project outcomes to date are:

• 499 Engaging with the project

• 724 Job submissions

• 146 Into work

• 190 Into training

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Keys to success

• Experienced and highly motivated staff with a wide knowledge base, i.e. Lone Parent Advisers, Jobsearch Advisers, Employment Engagement and Outreach staff, Disability Employment Advisers and they’re all local people

Comprehensive training consisting of:

• 2 days induction overview of the project

• Health Trainers Certificate training

• Debt Counselling

• Providers’ overview

• Housing Benefit Calculation accreditation

• Better-off in Work advice

• Health and Safety on the front line

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Keys to success

• Working in partnership with Wigan and Leigh Housing to secure premises and understand the local estates, including attending local resident’s tenant forums

• Based on the estate

• Good relationship with the press

• Events

• Understanding the labour market in the area

• Being brave to use new ways of working, addressing new barriers and issues

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How to contact us

Wigan Community Outreach Team

Wigan 01942 758167

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Good news stories

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