www.siemens.com/comos Efficient engineering from EI&C planning to automation technology COMOS Automation

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Efficient engineering from EI&C planning to automation technology

COMOS Automation

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Integrated EI&C and automation engineering

Integrated software solution for EI&C and fluidics as well as function and automation planning in a single


Electrical, instrumentation and control engi­neering as well as the automation of pro­cesses represent important parts of plant engineering and may comprise of a large amount of data. The safe and reliable trans­fer of this data necessitates optimum inte­gration of the individual disciplines.

This is where COMOS Automation comes in as the ideal software solution as it guaran­tees seamless data consistency from the electrical engineering right down to the full automation of complete systems. With

COMOS EI&C, COMOS Fluidics and COMOS Logical, all areas of EI&C technology, control technology, fluidics, function planning and automation are covered and optimally interlinked.

This facilitates consistently controlled bidi­rectional data flows between the individual disciplines. Also optimum interlinking with the COMOS Process and COMOS Operations modules is ensured. This results in improved quality, minimized expenditures and increased productivity.

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Transparency down to the last detail The integrated COMOS software concept is based on object orientation. Compo­nents are described holistically and dis­played graphically in their true­to­life representation. The graphical and data­related description, which includes all data associated with the component, forms a single unit within the database – the object.

The complete plant information is stored in a central database. As a result, all disci­plines and departments involved in the engineering and operating phases always access the same data for a given object. Changes to objects or documents are thus available to every user directly within the relevant engineering document.

Related data sheets, lists, and other docu­ments are linked to the corresponding objects. Easy navigation between the dif­ferent document types and the individual objects is provided. All plant components are perfectly matched, which makes proj­ect work much faster and easier.

COMOS provides an optimum data trans­fer between all engineering and operating phases with continuously consistent and transparent data. The entire plant, right down to the individual components, can be examined and further developed from a functional and interdisciplinary perspec­tive. Time and cost expenditures are re duced. The object­oriented approach and the central database concept of COMOS ensure optimum networking of many individual pieces of information. The result is an optimally functioning over all system.

Open architecture – customizable software The open system architecture of COMOS enables optimal integration of third­party systems. COMOS can be adapted to exactly meet company­specific requirements and can be integrated seamlessly into existing EDP (Electronic Data Processing) land­scapes. As a result, COMOS contributes significantly to reducing the number of software applications a company needs to support.

Optimum application networking with object orientation

The correct information is available for the responsible party at any time and place.

Continuously consistent and trans­parent data across the entire life­cycle of a plant.

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COMOS EI&C – seamless transfer from process to EI&C engineering

Electrical, instrumentation and control technology represents an important part of system planning because the majority of electrical and electronic devices include I&C­relevant components. The representation of EI&C processes requires optimum networking with the process technology to allow for maximum accu­racy and expedited planning.

COMOS EI&C represents a software solu­tion which details and specifies all func­tional EI&C data that was schematically described during process planning. This is

Optimum EI&C engineering results through seamless data flows.

optimized by the seamless connection to upstream process engineering.

Seamless transition between basic and detailed engineering is also ensured within the EI&C phase, facilitating reli­able data transfer over all levels. All tasks in the field of devices and signals are included, as well as detailed field planning tasks.

Seamless transition from basic to detailed engineering

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Generation of circuit diagrams COMOS EI&C represents the ideal software solution for the quick and easy planning of switchboard systems, including auto­mation solutions. For an example, single­line (simplified circuit diagram represen­tation) and multi­line (detailed represen­ tation) standard­based representations are supported.

With an object­oriented approach, the individual planning object only has to be defined once in COMOS, irrespective of the representation form. The planning object is represented on the various plans, whether single­ or multi­line repre­sentation. The object contains attributes for all disciplines, which can be easily expanded by the user.

The possibility of saving exemplary data supports effectively quality enhancement and minimizes work expenditures. Indi­vidual templates can be created any time.

Consequently, all basic data is already pre­defined or saved for new projects. The extraction of information from volt­

age buses is realized automatically, and ID codes are adopted.

Standards­based representations can be generated in IEC or JIC. Depending on the requirements, the view can be alternated between the two standards: The docu­ment is automatically converted in COMOS via only one click. This is possible in both directions, from IEC to JIC and vice versa. This makes manual transfer a thing of the past.

Object libraries Complete object libraries based on inter­national standards are available to the user for the generation of circuit and con­nection diagrams, etc. The objects can be immediately used and individually adjust­ ed or newly created.

Easy and transparent planning of switchgear in various representation types.

Changeover between conventional standards via a single click.

Advantages of COMOS EI&C

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Efficient preparation of organizational charts The COMOS Marshalling Designer supports easy bulk cre­ation of signal routes, doing away with the manual defini­tion of each individual connection. Flexible cable, terminal and I/O assignments are supported. Autoloops are created on the basis of routing data, and connections are auto­matically generated. This considerably reduces, reducing template update expenditures.

Evaluating documents Evaluating documents such as terminal diagrams, cable lists, parts and order lists do not have to be separately cre­ated in COMOS, but are automatically generated. The sys­tem facilitates automatic evaluation upon every document creation. The basic COMOS function of revision manage­ment, including change tracking, is very important in this context as the documents created within the scope of electrical engineering serve as mounting documents for future maintenance works. The software offers the option of implementing individual or large­scale revisions of the centrally collected and saved data in a controlled manner.

eBlock technology The eBlock technology (= engineering block technology) represents a COMOS solution for the intelligent manage­

ment of assemblys for step­by­step engineering with prog­ress control and workflow support.

eBlocks represent engineering blocks which offer the pos­sibility of integrating company standards for the realiza­tion of a specific function. The dependencies between the engineering disciplines as well as the documentation parts to be generated are saved in these blocks. The tasks defined in the eBlocks are displayed as plain text instruc­tion and reliably guide the planner through the decision process. Details can be specified within the scope of basic engineering, without any expert knowledge of other disci­plines and without major expenditures.

The execution of eBlock tasks within the planning project creates the required object structures. Consistent logging facilitates a complete reversal of all engineering decisions at any time and thus allows for an effective redesign with new parameters. The option of reusing ID code­neutral system components or sub­systems offers considerable efficiency in terms of plant engineering.

Load and power estimation The consumption of individual devices or entire networks can be defined and saved in COMOS in the form of a detailed load and power estimation. Any time the maxi­mum power limit is exceeded, it’s visually indicated in a

Intelligent assembly management based on engineering block technology

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clear manner. As a result, the required power supply or energy consumption can be easily determined.

2D/3D control cabinet design Control cabinet layout creation can be easily implemented in COMOS EI&C. COMOS supports various cabinet views, including 2D and 3D as well as various sizes. Control cabi­net planning and equipment is completed using various parameters such as installation clearances, depth and height offset. Subsequent collision checks verify whether the mounting parts can be installed as planned without impeding each other.

With autorouting, the connection routes within the con­trol cabinet can be implemented for the cable ducts’ filling degree in an uncomplicated and transparent manner. In addition, special conditions can be individually defined for lines.

The wires’ length and dimensions are calculated automatic­ally in COMOS. This data can be transferred to prefabri­cation machines which cut the wires to the required length, treat the wire end in the specified manner and correspondingly label the wires on both ends. Data for the control cabinet’s drilling plan are included in the circuit diagram and can be transmitted to a drilling / milling machine. This means that the preparation of cutouts and holes is automated.

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Your advantages COMOS EI&C

- Increased engineering quality through consistently object- oriented EI&C engineering

- High transparency through seamless transition from basic to detailed engineering

- Time and cost savings through minimization of iteration loops

- Reduced costs through early estimation of required devices and materials

- Incorporation of external part-ners or suppliers without data or quality loss

Signal tracking Signal routes can be tracked and followed in COMOS EI&C via the organizational chart’s connection routes. The transferred signal can be evaluated at every device and every connection point. The system saves which signal is transferred via which connection, from the signal source to the sink, in a detailed manner.

Potential tracking COMOS EI&C is able to forward logical potentials within the data structure via the connections. The potential can be forwarded in three ways: Via the linked connection, via special transfer with terminals and optionally via specified throughput connections.

Interfaces As an open system, COMOS offers numerous interfaces to other systems. For example, COMOS EI&C features inter­face to all conventional automation systems such as SIMATIC.

With interfaces to various manufacturer catalogs, COMOS supports the easy import of product data in various for­mats. The data is automatically interlinked with the COMOS data and can thus be easily integrated.

The bidirectional interfaces for intelligent data exchange with third­party systems facilitate the easy export and import of data sheets and lists, as well as the adoption of inventory data.

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In an ever­increasing competitive market, engineering time has to be optimized. These efforts effect configura­tion within the scope of functional planning. The reduced project runtimes result in the planning phases‘ shifting and overlapping.

As a result, function planning, which is usually carried out towards the project‘s end, often has to be implemented with incomplete information. This faulty information frequently has to be corrected. The changed framework conditions thus necessitate iterations for planning quality assurance. By using COMOS for integrated planning, these redundant cycles are effectively minimized.

COMOS Logical represents the ideal software solution for the graphical creation of function plans and sequences in accordance with applicable standards. The seamless infor­mation flow in COMOS facilitates planning on the basis of already defined signals. Changes can be tracked and implemented more rapidly and fault potentials are exten­sively minimized.

COMOS Logical – integrated function planning

Rapid response to changes and minimal faults through integrated data consistency

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Your advantages COMOS Logical

- Efficient function planning through intuitive interfaces

- Easier function planning through integration in the over-all process

- Reduced time and work expen-ditures through easy transfer of automation functions

Function plan generation The function plan is of central importance for control technology as it represents the system behavior in the form of sequence descriptions. The individual function blocks on the plan can consist of a complex network of simple blocks. Correspondingly, a function block can be represented in a separate plan. These hierarchical function plans can be opened and read in the planning project. Pro­cedures and dependencies are described and defined in these plans.

Some information on the number and type of signals as well as numerous parameters are available from EI&C planning. This information is directly available in COMOS Logical, where it can be defined in the next step. Signals are reused in a standardized manner and managed in the function planning. The function planning and control technology requirements are integrated in the system and can be easily applied.

Functions such as autoconnect and autorouting consider­ably ease the generation of plans. With autoconnect, two contacts on the plan are interlinked, and the connection is automatically created by means of autorouting. Also cross­references are created automatically.

Function plans can be represented in COMOS on the basis of IEC or VGB standards. In addition, the software offers libraries for function blocks which can be individually defined or imported. Depending on the requirements, the function plan can be customized to individual needs and graphically implemented.

Scalable code generation On the basis of graphical function planning, the automa­tion solution can be generated for various target systems. The number of target systems is expandable. This code or automation function can be easily transferred via inter­faces to the conventional control systems. Both individual functions as well as complete programs can be generated and transferred. System­neutral code generation thus facilitates optimum integration in the system lifecycle.

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COMOS Fluidics – efficient fluid-specific engineering

The area of fluidics, comprising hydrau­lics, pneumatics, cooling and lubrication, is often not defined as an independent discipline in the engineering process, but is assigned to mechanical or electrical engineering disciplines. Correspondingly, software solutions which are not matched to this discipline and which fail to meet the specific requirements are fre­quently employed for fluidics data entry and plan creation. This leads to compli­cated and inefficient workflows as well as high time and cost expenditures.

COMOS Fluidics represents a software solution specifically developed for this discipline which supports and optimally represents all planning processes per­taining to fluidics.

It facilitates integrated mechatronics planning through the seamless interlink­ing of fluidics and EI&C technology. The COMOS functionalities ensure consider­ably minimized efforts, enhanced accu­racy and reduced time expenditures for the fluidics discipline.

Specialized software solution for the support of all fluidics planning processes.

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Interconnection of fluidics and EI&C technology The interlinking of fluidics and EI&C tech­nology allows for data from the EI&C planning or previous planning steps to be available to the fluidics engineer for easy further processing. This enhances project planning and communication by facili­tating the implementation of reusable construction procedures. Numerous inter­faces to automation programs support effortless data exchange with program­mable logic controllers (PLC systems).

Professional fluidics configuration Fluid­specific documents can be rapidly and easily created. Initially, the structures are defined: All system components are structured and organized by system, cir­cuit and equipment. The fluidics diagram is configured by simply positioning the components on the circuit diagram by means of drag & drop. Selection lists for instance allow for the rapid and fault­free specification of valve characteristics. Sub­sequently, all connections are created and specified.

Project evaluation as well as the creation of parts lists, piping lists, tubing lists and lubrication point lists, is carried out auto­matically. Furthermore, large­scale pro­cessing and information supplementation are supported. The system‘s clear structu­ring facilitates a transparent circuit confi­guration and allows for early fault detec­tion and correction.

Mechatronics representation through interlinking of fluidics and

EI&C technology.

Easy fluidics configuration through automatic evaluation and large­

scale processing.

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Simplified displacement-step diagrams The displacement­step diagram offers an ideal overview of the functional depen­dencies between electrical and fluidics technology. Furthermore, it facilitates considerably eased and accelerated PLC programming as the procedures are already defined in the diagram.

Connection to product catalogs COMOS Fluidics is coupled to manufactur­ er databases in cooperation with fluidics suppliers such as FESTO. Via an interface, devices offered by the respective supplier can thus be selected. Not only the cata­log attributes, but also manufacturer­spe­cific symbols are transferred to COMOS.

Thanks to the connection of product catalogs, configuration can be realized directly with the corresponding products. This eases the planning process and mini­mizes data management expenditures.

Your advantages COMOS Fluidics

- Discipline-specific fluidics im-plementation based on an inde-pendent software solution

- Accelerated fluidics engineer-ing through unique logic func-tions and automatisms

- Planning optimization by per-forming engineering processes in parallel

- Direct access to product cata-logs

Time and cost advantages through mechatronics representation

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Autoloop Autoloop represents a functionality of COMOS which eval­uates connection information available within a signal route and creates the plan based on this information.

Autoconnect and autorouting Two contact points are interconnected on a plan and the line curve is automatically created in COMOS.

Data consistency Data is entered only once and is then available to all stake­holders anytime and anywhere. Stringent inheritance and linkage mechanisms provide all stakeholders involved in a project with access to up­to­date and consistent data from any location and at all times.

Data integration Data integration brings information together from various data sources to construct a common data model with a standard structure. In software engineering, data integra­tion extends from linking different applications up to the central provision of data and services on a unified user interface.

eBlock eBlock technology (= engineering block technology) rep­resents a solution for the intelligent management of blocks. eBlocks represent engineering blocks with defined tasks and standards which guide the planner through the decision process. Consistent logging facilitates effective redesign.

Object orientation in COMOS Object orientation is the holistic description of an existing component and its true­to­life graphical representation. The graphical and alphanumeric manifestations within the database constitute a single entity – the object.

Transparency Holistic, function­oriented mapping of a plant makes for end­to­end communication across all levels, offering all stakeholders consistent data, without any losses, on a uni­fied data platform. As a result, the complete documenta­tion can be traced anytime.

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Let’s tackle things together and elaborate on our claim “From Integrated Engineering to Integrated Operations” in a personal dialogue. Get in touch with us – we will be happy to answer all your queries!

More detailed information is available on our website at: www.siemens.com/comos

Use the opportunity to move closer to the future!


Talks for new approaches and new goals

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