Companions Promised Paradise

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  • 8/10/2019 Companions Promised Paradise


    Companions Promised Paradise (Ashara Mubashara)

    Ashratul Mubashara : Ten who were promised Jannah during their

    lifetime :

    1. Abu Bakar As Siddiq

    2. Umar Al Khattab

    3. Uthman bin Affan

    4. Ali bin Abi Talib

    5. Talhah bin Ubaidillah

    6. Zubair bin Al Awwam

    7. Abdul Rahman bin Auf

    8. Saad bin Abi Waqas

    9. Abu Ubaidah bin Al Jarrah

    10. Said bin Zaid

    One of the goals believers want to reach is entering paradise, because the Quran commandspeople to race to enter paradise. "Be quick in the race for forgiveness your Lord, and for aGarden whose width is that (of the whole) of the heavens and of the earth, prepared for the

    righteous" (Al-i Imran 3/133).Who has gained Paradise will be apparent in the afterlife, but Allah promised it to theCompanions while they were still in this world.

    "Not equal among you are those who spent (freely) and fought before the Victory, (with thosewho did so later). Those are higher in rank than those who spent (freely) and fought

    afterwards. But to all has God promised a goodly (reward). And God is well acquainted with

    all that ye do" (Al-Hadid, 57/10).As is clearly seen in this verse, Allah promises Heaven to all the Companions. Just as the

    Companions, who had many admirable traits, were given the good news of Paradise ingeneral, there are also those who were promised Heaven individually while here on earth.The term Ashara Mubashara (the ten who were promised Paradise) designates those who

    were given these glad tidings by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) while they were living inthis world. In addition to the term "Ashara Mubashara," the phrase with the same meaning -"al-Mubashara bil-Jannah" - was also used.

    They are: Abu Bakr (634), Umar (643), Uthman (655), Ali (660), Talha (656), Zubayr (656),Abdurrahman ibn Awf (652), Sa'd (674), Said ibn Zayd (671), Abu Ubayy (639). The names

    of these Companions were mentioned in hadith and were, thus, fixed. Generally, when the

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    Companions of the Prophet, particularly the Noble Companions, are evaluated, it will be seen

    that this situation is very natural in respect to general Islamic principles.

    Some common traits of the Ashara Mubashara:

    All became Muslim in the early years of Islam.

    They made great service to the Prophet and the Islamic cause. They migrated. They participated in the battle of Badr. They swore allegiance to the Prophet at Hudaybiya. There are many narrations in hadith sources regarding their virtues. Sources of sound hadiths with narrations on these Companions.


    He is the first free man to his faith after Muhammad (pbuh) began preaching the message of

    Islam; he is the first of the rightly-guided caliphs and the first of the Ashara Mubashara. Hisoriginal name was Abdul-Kaaba. After the advent of Islam, the Prophet gave him the name of

    Abdullah. His patronymicis Abu Bakr. He is known with the sobriquets of Jamiul Quran, as-Siddiq, and al-Atiq. The most famous of these is as-Siddiq.His birth

    Abu Bakr was born two years and several months after the Event of the Elephant in Mecca in

    571. He was known for his admirable traits and chastity. It is related that Abu Bakr was oneor three years younger than the Prophet.

    His featuresHe was light-skinned with a lean body, a thin face, a sparse beard, deep-set eyes and a

    prominent forehead.

    His family

    From the Banu Taym tribe which held an important position in Mecca, was involved in trade,

    had social connections and broad culture, Abu Bakr's genealogy meets with Muhammad(pbuh) in Murra b. Kab. His mother's name is Ummul-Hayr Selma and his father's name is

    Abu Quhafah. From the Meccan notables, his father saw Abu Bakr's caliphate and death.

    He had several marriages. During the Age of Ignorance he first married a woman named

    Qutayla bint Abduluzza, and they had a son named Abdullah and a daughter named Asma.Aisha and Abdurrahman were born his wife Umm Ruman; Umm Kulthum was born Habiba,the daughter of Harija ibn Zayd who he married in Medina; and a son named Muhammad was

    born his wife, Asma.

    His pre-Islamic life

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    Abu Bakr was a person well-liked and known for his admirable virtues during the Age of

    Ignorance. He had the duty of overseeing the payment of blood money (asnaq) andcompensation in Mecca. As a prominent Meccan, he was famous for his knowledge ofgenealogy and narration. He was involved in the textile and clothing trades; his capital was

    forty thousand dirham, and he spent most of it for Islam.

    Entrance to IslamAbu Bakr was the first to his faith to the Prophet after Khadija. He worked to gain converts toIslam powerful tribes during the Meccan period. On the other hand, he protected the helpless

    and slaves who were subject to torture by the idolaters, and he used his wealth to buy and freepersecuted slaves.

    According to Aisha's narration, Abu Bakr, who had remained at the Prophet's side for thirteen

    years in Mecca, began to cry joy when he received the command the Prophet to emigrate andlearned that they would migrate together.

    He was present at the battles of Badr, Uhud and the Ditch. He participated in militaryexpeditions to Muraysi, Qurayza, Haybar, Mecca, Hunayn, and Taif.

    His caliphateBecoming ill in the eleventh year of the Hijra, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) died on

    Monday, the 13thof Rabi'al-awwal (June 8, 632). Abu Bakr was elected at the wish of the

    Companions, particularly Umar. In his speech in the masjid after he was elected to be "Caliphof the Prophet," Abu Bakr said, "I am not the best among you, but I have become your leader.

    If I do my duty fairly, help me; if I am mistaken, correct me. As long as I obey Allah and hisMessenger, obey me; if I rebel, your obedience is not required."He opened war on false prophets and those who said, "We pray, but we won't give the poortax." He suppressed rebellions in Bahrain, Umman, Yemen, and Muhra. He added Hira,

    Ajnadin and Anbar to the Islamic world by means of war during his reign, Iraq wasconquered and important cities in Syria were taken. Abu Bakr died while the Yarmuk War


    Abu Bakr enabled all the verses of the Quran to be gathered together by a delegation under

    the chairmanship of Zayd b. Sabit.

    When Abu Bakr became ill with a disease he got in Medina after the migration in the month

    of Jumada al-thani, 13 H., he wanted Umar to lead the prayer. Consulting the Companions, hesaid he thought Umar was suitable for the caliphate. He died at sixty-three like the Prophetwhom he loved so much. According to his will, he was buried next to the Prophet at shoulderlevel.

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    The Second Righteous Caliph, he was one of the Companions closest to the Prophet in his

    struggle for Unity in an attempt to spread Islam and make it reign in this world. Umar'ssobriquet was "Faruq," which means the one who discriminates between right and wrong.

    His birthUmar was born in Mecca thirteen years after the Event of the Elephant. According to

    narration related by himself, he was born four years after the Great Fijar war.

    His familyHis father was Khattab b. Nufayl and his genealogy meets with the Prophet in Kab. A

    member of the Adiw branch of the Quraish tribe, his mother was Hanteme the sister or cousinof Abu Jahl.

    His featuresUmar was tall with a big frame, light-skinned, a broad forehead, a long mustache and free-

    falling hair. Being a shepherd to camels in his childhood, Umar was busy with suchhonorable works among Arabs as learning genealogy and how to use weapons. At the sametime Umar was a very good speaker.

    His pre-Islamic lifeSources do not give much information regarding Umar's life before he became Muslim.

    However, it is known that in his childhood he shepherded his father's animals and that laterhe became involved in trade. Umar accompanied trade caravans going towards Syria. Amongthe notables of Mecca during the Age of Ignorance, he handled the duty of envoy for the cityof Mecca's government. When a war broke out, Umar would be sent as envoy to the other

    side and, upon his return, action would be taken according to the information and opinion hegave. In addition, he played an effective role in the resolution of conflict among tribes and the

    decisions he made were binding.

    Entrance to Islam

    Deciding to kill the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Umar girthed his sword and set out to killhim. However, when he learned that his sister and her husband had entered the new religion,he went to them first and, affected by the Quranic verses they read, he accepted Islam in the

    6thyear of the Prophet's apostleship.After he became Muslim, Umar was constantly at the side of the Prophet, and he dideverything possible to protect him.


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    When Muslims were ordered to migrate to Medina, they secretly began to immigrate to

    Medina Mecca. Umar felt no need to be secretive and he set off for Medina with twentycompanions.

    Service to IslamUmar participated in the battles of Badr, Uhud, the Ditch and Haybar and in many small

    detached military expeditions. He acted as commander in some of these.

    Umar played a big role in eliminating the chaos that appeared immediately after the death of

    the Prophet in the election of Abu Bakr as caliph. He was the biggest assistant to Abu Bakrduring his short term as caliph.


    When Abu Bakr understood that he was going to die, he thought about appointing Umar ascaliph to himself and, revealing this idea, he consulted some of the Companions. Wheneveryone approved of Umar's being caliph, he became the second Islamic caliph.

    While making an effort to complete the conquest of Syria, on the one hand, Umar sent armies

    to the Iranian front to get solid results, on the other hand. The Iranian army had been defeatedin the Qadisiya War. Iran bowed to the sovereignty of Islam by means of war in some regionsand by means of peace in other regions. Azerbaijan and Armenia all the way to Khorasan

    were among the conquered Persian lands. Egypt and Jerusalem were also taken during this


    Umar was also trying to set up state organizations. He established the Council. He madeincome non-Muslim revenues to be formed into categories. In order to put legal matters inorder, he was the first person to appoint judges working independently the governors. In 17H. he printed money and put it in circulation. He established military headquarter towns in

    order for armies to be located close to enemy regions.

    He was stabbed by a non-Muslim slave and he died three days after this event.


    A monument of modesty, he is the third Rightly-Guided Caliph. His patronymic is Uthmanibn Affan ibn Abil-As ibn Umayya ibn Abdis-shams ibn Abdi Manaf al-Quresi al-AmawiAbu Amr. After he became Muslim, married Ruqayya, the Prophet's daughter, and had a son

    her named Abdullah, he became known as "Abu Abdullah." His patronymic is "AbuAbdullah." He was also called "Abu Amr" and "Abu Laila." His sobriquet is "Zinnurayn."

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    His birth

    Uthman (ra) was born 6 years after the Event of the Elephant and 47 years before theMigration. According to this, Uthman was 34 years-old when Muhammad (pbuh) was madeeminent with apostleship.

    His family

    A member of Banu Omayya, his genealogy connects with the Prophet in his fifth grandfatherAbdi Menaf. His mother is Arwa binti Qurayz b. Rabia b. Habib b. Abdi Shams. Hisgrandmother is the Prophet's aunt Beyda, the daughter of Abdulmuttalib.

    He was married with two of the Prophet's daughters. After Ruqayya died in the year 2 H., hemarried Umm Kulthum. His son Ruqayya, Abdullah, died in 4 H. at the age of six. Later hemarried women with the names: Fahita b. Gazwan, Umm Amr binti Jundub, Umm Benin

    binti Uyayna and Naila. From Umm Amr binti Jundub he had children named Amr, Halid,Aban, Umar, and Mariam; with Umm Benin binti Uyayna he had a child named Abdulmelik.The most well-known among these is his son, Aban.

    His features

    Uthman was handsome, very polite, of average height, with a thick beard and thick hairbetween his shoulders.

    His pre-Islamic life

    There is scarce information in sources regarding Uthman's life before he became Muslim. Hewas busy with trade in his youth. Due to his honesty in trade transactions, he was famous for

    this among the people.

    Entrance to IslamUthman ibn Affan became Muslim at the invitation of Abu Bakr's.


    He participated in the two migrations to Abyssinia. When the order was given for migration

    to Medina, Uthman went together with the other Muslims.

    Service to Islam

    He bought the Ruma well which was owned by a Jew for twenty thousand dirham andallowed for the free use of it by Muslims.

    Due to his wife Ruqayya's serious illness, Uthman did not join the Badr battle with the

    Prophet's permission. Except for Badr, he fought in all the battles made with the idolaters andthe enemies of Islam.

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    His caliphate

    When Umar was wounded, the people he chose elected Uthman as caliph after a publicsurvey.

    When Uthman took over the state administration, Islamic conquests were continuing at a fastpace. During this period Muslim armies conquered Juzejan, Taliqan, Faryab and Balh, almost

    all of the cities in the Toharistan region, the islands of Cyprus and Rhodes, and the Ifriqiyyaregion. Also in the interior of Anatolia the region was conquered as far as Tiflis.

    He died during rebellions that occurred as a result of dissent.


    Ali was the son of the Prophet's uncle, his son-in-law and the fourth caliph. His father wasAbu Talib, his mother was Fatima binti Asad the Quraish, and his grandfather was

    Abdulmuttalib. His patronymic was Abul Hasan and Abu Turab (father of earth), and hisnickname was Haydar. His title was Commander of the Faithful. He is also referred to as"Allah's Lion."

    BirthAli was born twenty years before the Migration. He was the youngest son of Abu Talib, the

    Prophet's uncle. His patronymic was Abu Hasan or Abu Turab.

    His familyAli was the son of the Prophet's uncle, Abu Talib.

    Ali's mother became Muslim after the death of her husband and migrated to Medina. When

    she died, the Prophet sent his blessed clothing and commanded that it be used as her winding


    Ali had 14 sons and 9 daughters. Among these Hasan, Husain, Zainab and Umm Kulthumwere the Prophet's daughter, Fatima. While Fatima was alive, Ali did not take a second wife.His other marriages occurred after her death.

    His featuresAli was of short-medium height, with dark skin, large black eyes and a thick and broad beard.According to Sawade ibn Hazala's description, he once used henna on his beard, but later left

    it in its natural state.

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    Entrance to Islam

    The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) invited members of the Banu Hashim to his house in order toexplain Islam to them. After dinner he said, "Hey, sons of Abdulmuttalib. I have been sent tomankind and you in particular. Who among you will pledge allegiance to me as a brother and

    friend?" Only Ali stood up and gave his allegiance as the Prophet asked.

    MigrationBefore the Prophet migrated, he left some items that he had taken in trust with Ali to return totheir owners. Then that night Ali slept in the Prophet's bed and surprised the unbelievers.

    After that he migrated to Medina, too.

    Service to IslamAfter the Migration he was always at the side of the Prophet and participated in all the battles.

    He was among those who kept vigil in his room while the Prophet was dying. When AbuBakr was elected caliph, Ali was in the Prophet's room swathing his corpse.

    During Umar's reign, Ali handled all the legal matters, serving like the chief justice of theIslamic state. Although he was not very happy with the administrative approach during

    Uthman's caliphate, he informed Uthman of the complaints coming various regions of theIslamic state and he made recommendations for their resolution. He did what he could tokeep at bay those besieging Uthman.

    His caliphateAfter Uthman's martyrdom, prominent individuals pledged their allegiance to Ali. When he

    became caliph he was confronted with many problems that needed to be solved. Thisconfusion gave birth to internal conflict like Jemel and Siffin. Great sacrifice and effort wereshown to resolve the disputes within the Islamic state.

    Eventually, in Kufa in the year 40 H. /661 A.D. Ali was wounded by Abdurrahman ibnMuljam, a Hariji, as he was going to the morning prayer. He became a martyr as a result of

    this wound.

    Because he was constantly at the side of the Prophet, he was advanced in Tafsir, Hadith and

    Fikih. In fact, in the Prophet's words he was the "gate to the city of knowledge," the mostknowledgeable of the community.


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    He is one of the ten Companions to be given the good tidings of Paradise while the Prophet

    was alive and one of the first Muslims. His original name was Abdulkaaba or, according toanother view, Abdu Amr. He was known by the patronymic of Abu Muhammad.

    Abdurrahman was born approximately twenty years after the Event of the Elephant.

    His mother was Sifa binti Awf b. Adil-Haris b. Zuhra b. Qilab. He was the son of Haris theBanu Zuhra of the Quraish tribe.

    Abdurrahman, who entered Islam during the days of activity in Arkam's house, was giventhis name by the Prophet.

    He joined both migrations to Abyssinia. Eventually, when Muhammad (pbuh) encouraged the

    Companions to migrate to Medina, he did so with the others.

    Abdurrahman b. Awf began trading in the Medina market and Allah gave him great wealth.

    Known as one of the most generous Companions, Abdurrahman b. Awf made greatcontributions in Allah's path to many military expeditions, particular the Tabuk expedition.

    When he became very old during Uthman's time, Abdurrahman lived a very quiet life andfinally died in Medina in the year 32 H.

    Abdurrahman b. Awf heard many hadiths the Prophet, but he refrained relating them allbecause of his scrupulousness. He has up to sixty-five hadiths narrated in hadith collections.


    Mentioned with the sobriquet "Custodian of the Ummah," he is one of the first Muslims and

    one of the Ashara Mubashara. His original name was Amir ibn Abdullah ibn al-Jarrah. He isthe Banu Fihr of the Quraish tribe. His genealogy connects with the Prophet's genealogy in

    their forefather Fihr.

    He was famous with the sobriquet of "Custodian of the Ummah."

    Abu Ubaidah became Muslim by means of Abu Bakr's invitation or by going to the Prophetwith his friends under the leadership of Uthman ibn Maz. He was among the second convoyof immigrants to Abyssinia. Like the other great Companions, Abu Ubaidah participated in

    all the military expeditions. He was always at the Prophet's side in the conquest of Mecca, thesiege of Taif, and the Farewell Pilgrimage. During the jihad activities in Umar's time Abu

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    Ubaidah ibn Jarrah participated in the conquests in the Syria region which began during Abu

    Bakr's caliphate, and he served as a commander.

    He became ill during the plague in Syria, Egypt and Iraq historically called the Amwas

    Tauna, and he died.


    Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas Malik ibn Wuhayb ibn Abdi Menaf ibn Zuhra. His father was Malik ibnWuhayb. His patronymic being Abi Waqqas, Sa'd was called Ibn Abi Waqqas due to it.

    Because the Prophet's mother was the Banu Zuhra, his genealogy meets the Prophet's on hismother's side. Sa'd's mother was Hamene binti Sufyan ibn Umayya.

    Sa'd was one of the first to accept the Islamic faith. He remained in Mecca until the migrationto Medina.

    He participated in the battles of Badr, Uhud, the Ditch, Hudaybiya, Haybar, the conquest ofMecca and all other military expeditions. He performed great service, both military and

    political, during the caliphate periods.

    Sa'd (ra) died in the Aqiq valley outside of Medina where he was residing in the year of 55 H.


    His father was Zayd ibn Amr and his genealogy meets with the Prophet's in Ka'b. His

    patronymic was Abul-A'var. He was also called Abu Tur.

    His mother was Fatima binti Ba'ja. His father Zayd belonged to the Haneef religion ofAbraham.

    Said was raised according to the Haneef religion which his father Zayd taught him. He wasquick to follow the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

    He was married to Umar's sister Fatima.

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    With the exception of Badr, Said ibn Zayd participated in the battle at Uhud, the Ditch and all

    other battles.

    Said spent the last days of his life on his farm in the Aqiq valley outside of Medina and,

    surpassing the age of seventy, he died in 50 or 51 H.


    Talha ibn Ubaydullah ibn Uthman ibn Amr ibn Sa'd ibn Taym ibn Murra ibn Qatb ibn Lueyyibn Galib al Qurasi at-Taymi. His patronymic was Abu Muhammad.

    Talha was one of the first eight people to accept Islam and one of five people who becameMuslim through Abu Bakr.

    Talha was of medium height, broad-chested, broad-shouldered and had large feet. He was

    dark complexioned with thick hair, but his hair was neither short and curly nor long andstraight. He had a smiling face with a thin nose. He did not dye his hair. He walked quicklyand would turn with his whole body towards the place he was headed.

    Although he did not fight at Badr, he joined many other battles. He heroically defended theProphet at Uhud.

    He was killed at the Battle of the Camel by Marwan ibn Hakam. It is estimated that he wasbetween 60-64 years of age at the time of his death.

    Talha was the Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) brother-in-law. Four of his wives were the sistersof the Prophet's wives.


    Zubayr ibn al-Awwam ibn Khuwaylid ibn Asad ibn Abdil-Uzza ibn Qusayy ibn Qilab ibnMurra ibn Ka'b ibn Lueyy al-Qurasi al Asadi. He was called "Abu Abdullah" because of hisoldest son Abdullah. He was the Prophet's friend and disciple and, at the same time, the sonof his aunt Safiyyah binti Abdulmuttalib.

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    After Umar's death he was one of the 6-member council established to make the election of

    the caliph. His mother called him "Abu-t-Tahir." However, Zubayr was known by thepatronymic of his son Abdullah.

    He was either the fourth or fifth Muslim. However, neither his date of birth nor the age atwhich he became Muslim is known for sure. He migrated to Abyssinia.

    Just as he fought in all the battles, he played an important role in the conquest of Egypt.

    He fought in the battle of Siffin; however, he later left the war. On the road to Medina whenhe came to water belonging to the Tamim tribe, Amr ibn Jarmouz began to follow him. Hekilled Zubayr at a place called the Siba Valley.

    Ashab us-Suffah platform

    This diagram marks the location, towards the front of the present Masjid-e-Nabwi, of

    the platform that housed the Ashab us-Suffah (The People of the Bench). The platform

    was originally on the north wall of the masjid and was moved back when the masjid wasextended in 7 AH.

    The Ashab us-Suffah were companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah

    be on him) who, along with the performance of religious duties, were mostly

    tradesmen or farmers. Some had, however, dedicated their lives exclusively for prayerand spiritual discipline in the close company of the Prophet (peace and blessings of

    Allah be on him). They neither had wives nor children, and if any were to get married, he would leave

    the group. Many of them would go to the jungle in the day to collect wood, which

    would then be sold for money to feed themselves and the other members of thesuffah.

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    There currently exists a raised platform behind the platform where the Prophet (peace

    and blessings of Allah be on him) performed Tahajjud, it is on the right of thoseentering from Bab-e-Jibraeel. This platform is commonly mistaken to be the platformof the Ashab us-Suffah, it was actually built by the Turks for the service and custodial

    personnel of the masjid. This section sits outside the masjid in the time of the Prophet(peace and blessings of Allah be on him) so could not have been the suffah.

    The precise number of the Ashab us-Suffah is not known, but it is estimated that thesuffah could hold up to three hundred people at any one time, and that roughlyseventy people made up its permanent residents. The initial inhabitants of the suffah

    were members who had migrated from Makkah and were without anyaccommodation.

    Some of the companions who at one time were members of the Ashab us-Suffah were: Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him)

    Abu Dhar al-Ghifari (may Allah be pleased with him) Kaab ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) Salman al-Farsi (may Allah be pleased with him)

    Hanzalah bin Abi Amr (may Allah be pleased with him) Huzaifah bin Yaman (may Allah be pleased with him)

    Abdullah bin Masood (may Allah be pleased with him) Suhaib bin Sanan Roomi (may Allah be pleased with him) Bilal bin Ribah (may Allah be pleased with him)

    The Ashab us-Suffah passed their lives in the service of the Prophet (peace andblessings of Allah be on him). In the morning they would listen to his words of

    wisdom and at night, after sleeping for a while, they would spend the rest of the timein prayer. Because of their devotion and prayer, many of the Ashab us-Suffah werevery poor and unable to afford clothing. Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased withhim) said, I saw seventy of Ashab-us-Suffah in such a condition that none of them

    had complete dress for himself. Each one of them had one sheet that he tied up withhis neck. Some of them had their sheets reach near their ankles but others sheets

    reached just below their knees. Each of them used to hold the partition of his sheet

    with his hand lest his body is exposed.

    Most of the companions went for two days in succession without food, so much thatwhen the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) came into the masjid tolead the congregational prayers, they would fall down due to weakness. Food given in

    charity to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) was given to them,and when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) was offered food as a

    present, he would invite them to share it.

    Often, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) would ask one of hisother companions to take some of the Ashab us-Suffah for supper, and to entertain

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    them as best they could. Sad ibn Ubada (may Allah be pleased with him) sometimes

    entertained as many as eighty men at once.

    Uqbah ibn-e- Amir (may Allah be pleased with him) has said: Rasulullah (peace and

    blessings of Allah be on him) came to us while we were sitting on the Suffah andasked if any one of us would like to go to the market of Buthan or Aqiq and fetch

    from there two she-camels of the finest breed without committing any sin or severing

    a tie of kinship. We replied that everyone of us would love to do so. Rasulullah (peace

    and blessings of Allah be on him) then said that going to the masjid (mosque) and

    reciting or teaching two ayaat are more precious than two she-camels, three ayaat

    are more precious than three she-camels, and that similarly reciting or teaching of

    four ayat is better than four she-camels and an equal number of camels.[Muslim]

    The City of Madinah

    Madinah Munawarrah (the enlightened city) ranks as the second most holiest place in

    Islam after Makkah. It is the city that gave refuge to the Prophet Muhammad (peace

    and blessings of Allah be on him) and the early Muslims upon their migration fromMakkah and where lies the burial place of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be

    on him). The city of Madinah was originally known as Yathrib, an oasis city dating as far back

    as the 6th century BCE. During the war between Jews and Romans in the thirdcentury CE many Jews fled Jerusalem and migrated to their ancestral place of Yathrib(present Madinah). Nero sent massive Roman force under Petra Lenidas to Madinahto massacre the Jews in 213 CE. A community survived and by the time the Prophet

    (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) had migrated there was a large Jewish

    presence around the city.

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    The Jews were eagerly waiting for the arrival of a prophet who, according to their

    scriptures, would appear in Madinah. They used to taunt the local Arabs that when hedid arrive, according to their prophesies, the Jews would destroy the pagans as theancient people of Aad and Thamud had been destroyed for their idolatry. However,

    when they realized that the final prophet was chosen among the Arabs rather thanfrom the Jews their pride got the better of them and they rejected him even though as

    the Quran mentions (in 2:146) they recognized him as they recognize their sons. Inspite of this there were some Jews who embraced Islam, most notably Hussain binSalam, one of their most learned Rabbis. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah

    be on him) changed his name to Abdullah bin Salam. The city of Madinah was not unfamiliar to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah

    be on him) when he emigrated there. His father Abdullah was buried there and whenhe was six years old he had travelled with his mother Aminah and their devoted slave

    girl Barakah (later to be known as Umme Ayman). In later life he recounted how hehad learned to swim in a pool which belonged to his kinsmen with whom they hadstayed, and how the boys taught him to fly a kite. However, not long after they had set

    out for the return journey his mother fell very ill, and died a few days later at Abwa,not far from Yathrib and there she was buried. Barakah did what she could to console

    the boy, now doubly an orphan and brought him back to Makkah. About a year before the migration, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on

    him) had dispatched Musab bin Umair (may Allah be pleased with him) on a mission

    to propagate Islam (Tableegh) to the people of Madinah. Many of the Ansar became

    Muslims at his hands. Madinah is 210 miles (340 km) north of Makkah. At the time of the Prophet (peace

    and blessings of Allah be on him), Madinah was approximately the size of the presentmasjid and the surrounding white tiled area.

    Narrated Anas (may Allah be pleased with him): Whenever the Prophet (peace andblessings of Allah be on him) returned from a journey and observed the walls of

    Madinah, he would make his mount go fast, and if he was on an animal (i.e. a horse),he would make it gallop because of his love for Madinah [Bukhari]. The Prophet

    (peace and blessings of Allah be on him): For the believer, Madinah is the best

    place. If only they could understand its virtue fully, they would never leave it, andwhoever departs from Madinah, having become disenchanted with it, Allah will send

    someone better to replace him. And whoever bears patiently the ordeals of Madinah,

    for him shall I be an intercessor(or witness) on the Day of Qiyamat.[Muslim] It is narrated by Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her): When we came to Madinah, it

    was an unhealthy, uncongenial place. Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) fellsick and Bilal (may Allah be pleased with him) also fell sick; and when AllahsMessenger (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) saw the illness of hisCompanions he said: O Allah, make Madinah as beloved to us as you made Makkah

    beloved or more than that; make it conducive to health, and bless us in its sa and

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    mudd (two standards of weight and measurement) and transfer its fever to

    Juhfa.[Bukhari] It is stated in another hadith: There will be no town which Ad-Dajjal (the anti-Christ)

    will not enter except Makkah and Madinah, and there will be no entrance (road) but

    the angels will be standing in rows guarding it against him, and then Madinah willshake with its inhabitants thrice and Allah will expel all the nonbelievers and the

    hypocrites from it.[Bukhari] Narrated Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him): The Prophet (peace and

    blessings of Allah be on him) said, Verily, Belief returns and goes back to Madinah

    as a snake returns and goes back to its hole (when in danger).[Bukhari]

    Doors on eastern side

    This is a view of the eastern wall of Masjid-e-Nabwi showing current prominent doors,

    some of which were used at the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on


    1. Bab-e-Baqi (Door of Baqi)This door was installed in 1408 AH and is exactly opposite to Bab-e-Salaam which is on thewestern side. This door is to facilitate the flow of people leaving the masjid after givingsalutation to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and his two companions.

    2. Funeral placeThe Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) used to lead Salat-ul-Janaza at this siteand the Sahaba continued this tradition. Abu Saeed Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him)described how and when this place was used for funeral services:

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    In the very beginning we used to inform the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on

    him) when someone was near death. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him)

    used to visit the ailing person and made supplication for his forgiveness. Many times the

    Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) stayed there till the completion of the

    funeral services. In this way the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) had to waitthere for a very long time at each such occasion. We, therefore, decided to take the body of

    the deceased person near the Hujrat (houses of the wives of the Prophet) so that the Prophet

    (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) can lead the salat more easily. The Prophet (peace

    and blessings of Allah be on him) started offering Salat-ul-Janaza in the area described


    The Turks built an enclosure around the funeral courtyard which used to be open toworshippers. Recently however, it is used as a storage space for materials needed in Masjid-e-Nabwi.

    3. Bab-e-Jibraeel (Door of Jibraeel)This door is also called Bab-un-Nabi since the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be onhim) used to enter the masjid through this door.

    Jibraeel (upon him be peace) came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him)after the battle of Ahzab (the battle of the Confederates and also known as the battle of theTrench), and talked to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) at the door stepof Bab-e-Jibraeel. It is mentioned in Bukhari as narrated by Aisha (may Allah be pleased withhim), After the battle of Ahzab, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him)

    disarmed himself and took a bath. In the meanwhile, Jibraeel (upon him be peace) cameriding a pony and talked to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) near the

    door step of of Bab-e-Jibraeel. Jibraeel (upon him be peace) said to the Prophet (peace and

    blessings of Allah be on him),You have put away your arms but we (the angels) are still inbattle uniforms. So you should come with us to attack the tribe of Banu Qurayza. Aisha(may Allah be pleased with her) added, I was looking at Jibraeel (upon him be peace)through the cracks in the door of my hut. Jibraeel (upon him be peace) was covered with


    4. Bab-un-Nisa (Door of the Women)

    Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) expanded the masjid during 17 AH. He built this doorat the end of eastern wall of the mosque. Women used to enter the masjid from this door andoffered their salat in the last rows and thus were able to avoid contact with men. Abu Dawudmentioned that Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said, We should let the ladies usethis door exclusively.

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    The city of Makkah

    Makkah is the blessed city which is the most beloved land in the sight of Allah

    (Glorified and Exalted is He) and the chosen location of His House. It was here that the

    final prophet and guide of the whole of mankind, Muhammad (peace and blessings of

    Allah be on him), was born and commenced his Prophethood.

    Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He) has called Makkah by five names in the Quran:Makkah, Bakkah, Al-Balad, Al-Qaryah and Ummul-Qura.

    In Surah Al-Imran, Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He) states:Verily, the first House(of worship) appointed for mankind was that at Bakkah (Makkah), full of blessing,

    and a guidance for Al-Alamin (mankind and jinn).[3:96]

    When the Muslims conquered Makkah. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah beon him) said,Allah had made this city sacred the day He created the heavens and theearth and its sanctity shall remain until the Day of Qiyaamah (Day of Judgement).

    Its thorns cannot be broken, its animals cannot be harmed and things fallen on its

    ground cannot be picked up unless with the intention of returning it to its owner or

    making public announcements (to locate the owner). It is also forbidden to cut the

    grass that (naturally) grows here.[Muslim]The reward of prayer offered in Masjidal-Haram is multiplied many times. Jabir bin Abdullah (may Allah be pleased withhim) narrates that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said: A

    prayer in in this mosque of mine is better than one thousand prayers anywhere else,

    except for Al-Masjid Al- Haram. A prayer in Al-Masjid Al-Haram is better than one

    hundred thousand prayers (anywhere else).[Ahmad]

    The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him), sitting on his camel in the Al-Hazwarah market, addressed Makkah saying,By Allah, you are the best land of

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    Allah, the most beloved land of Allah to Allah. Had I not been driven out of you, I

    would not have left you.[Zaadul Maaad]

    The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) once remarked:There is nocity in which Dajjal will be unable to enter besides Makkah and Madinah. Every

    street will be lined with angels standing in rows to protect them.[Bukhari]

    In the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him), camel caravanswere a major part of Makkahs bustling economy. Alliances were struck between the

    merchants in Makkah and the local nomadic tribes, who would bring goodsleather,livestock, and metals mined in the local mountains to Makkah to be loaded on thecaravans and carried to cities in Syria and Iraq. Historical accounts also provide someindication that goods from other continents may also have flowed through Makkah.

    Muslim scientists have provided evidence to show that Makkah is the true centre of

    the Earth, one argument being that unlike other longitudes, Makkahs is in perfectalignment to magnetic north.

    Daarul Arqam

    This area, at the foot of Mount Safa was the approximate area where Daarul Arqam (Thehouse of Arqam) was located. It was here in the initial period of Islam that the Prophet (peaceand blessings of Allah be on him) secretly preached Islam.

    The house belonged to a Sahabi named Arqam bin Abu Arqam (may Allah be pleased withhim). For some time after the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) proclaimedhis Prophethood, this house was the secret centre of propagation. It was here that the Muslimsgathered to perform salat and to learn about Islam. As it was a short walk away from theKabah and itsbustling crowds, the pagans who lived nearby did not take notice of the many

    people who used to gather here.

    Daarul Arqam was also known as Daarul Khaizaraan. It was here that the following verse

    from Surah al-Anfal was revealed:O Prophet, Allah is sufficient for you, and for those whofollow you among the believers. [8:64]

    When Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) wanted to take his Shahadah (declaration of thefaith of Islam) he asked Khabbab (may Allah be pleased with him) where he would find theProphet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). Upon hearing of his desire to accept Islam,Khabbab (may Allah be pleased with him) exclaimed,Umar, I have hope that Allah hath

    chosen thee through the prayers of His Prophet, whom yesterday I heard pray: O Allah,

    strengthen Islam with Abu Hakam (Abu Jahal) the son of Hisham or with Umar the son ofKhattab!. O Khabbab, said Umar, where will Muhammad now be, that I may go to him

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    and enter Islam? Khabbab (may Allah be pleased with him) told him that he was at thehouse of Arqam near the Safa Gate with many of his companions.

    Umar girt his sword again and went to Safa, knocked at the door of the house, and said whohe was. The Sahabah had been warned that he was coming but they were struck by thesubdued tone of his voice. One of the companions went to the door and looked through achink and came back in some dismay. O Messenger of Allah he said, it is indeed Umar

    and he is girt with his sword. Let him come in, said Hamza (may Allah be pleased with

    him). if he has come with good intent, we will give him a wealth of good; and if his intent beevil, we will slay him with his own sword. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on

    him) agreed that he should be admitted and, advancing to meet him, he seized him by the beltand pulled him into the middle of the room saying, What has brought thee here, O son of

    Khattab? I cannot see thee desisting until Allah sent down some calamities upon thee. O

    Messenger of Allah, said Umar, I have come to thee that I may declare my faith in Allah,and in his Messenger and in what he has brought from Allah. Allahu-Akbar!, said theProphet, in such a way that every man and woman in the house knew that Umar had enteredIslam; and they all rejoiced.

    Because the valour and courage of Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) was acknowledgedby all, it was after his conversion to Islam that the Muslims started performing salat in theopen and Islam was propagated in public.

    House of Umme Hani

    (may Allah be pleased with her)

    This area, on the side of the Bab-e-Abdul Aziz gate is believed to have been the locationof the house of Umme Hani (may Allah be pleased with her), the cousin of the Prophet

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    (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and the daughter of Abu Talib. It was from

    here that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) was summoned by

    Jibraeel (upon him be peace) and taken to Bayt Al-Maqdis in Jerusalem. This incident

    is known as al-Isra (the night journey) and occurred around 621 CE.

    The event of the night journey to Jerusalem is mentioned in Surah al-Isra (also knownas Surah Bani-Israeel) in the Quran:Glory be to the One who took His Slave for a

    journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the furthest Mosque, whose precincts we

    have blessed. [17:1]

    The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) had prayed the evening prayerswith Umm Hani and her family, then they all went to sleep. At dawn he said tothem,I prayed the evening prayers with you in this valley, then I went to Jerusalemwhere I prayed, and here I am praying the dawn prayers with you.Messenger of

    Allah, said Umm Hani, do not tell people this lest they reject and injure you..Indeed I shall tell,said the Prophet.

    The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) went to the Kabah where hebegan to recount his miraculous journey and ascension to heaven. The Makkanpagans, of course, ridiculed his claim. Some ran to Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleasedwith him) and told him the story, thinking that it would shake his faith in theProphet. If he said so,Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) said, it must betrue.Abu Bakrs answer as to why he believed is inspiring to all generations ofMuslims. Since he had believed Prophet was indeed a prophet, one to whom an angel

    brought revelations from Allah, Lord of the worlds, why should he not also believethe Prophets account of his travel through space and time? From that day onwards,

    Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) was called Siddeeq, one who believes.

    In an attempt to prove that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) waslying, those Makkans who were familiar with Jerusalem and the Sacred Mosque (al-Aqsa) quizzed him about his journey. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah beon him) described everything in detail, and no one could fault his description.Additionally, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) told the Makkansabout a caravan travelling from Jerusalem to Makkah, mentioning the number of

    camels, their condition, and the time that they would arrive in Makkah. The caravanfrom Jerusalem appeared exactly when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah beon him) said it would, and everyone saw that his description was accurate. But the

    pagans remained fettered to their disbelief.

    Some scholars are of the opinion that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be onhim) went to sleep at night in the house of Umme Hani (may Allah be pleased withher), then rose after a brief while and went to the Kabah, for he loved to visit i tduring the night hours. While he was there, the desire to sleep came over him againand he lay down in the Hijr. It was from here that Jibraeel (upon him be peace) awoke


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    Umme Hanis real name was Fakhita. She grew up with the Prophet (peace and

    blessings of Allah be on him

    Darun Nadwah

    This photo, which is north-west of the Kabah, shows the approximate place where the

    Darun Nadwah (Assembly House) was located. The house functioned as a house of

    parliament for the Quraysh and it was from here that they plotted to kill the Prophet

    (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). Note that this area is located in the new

    expansion project of the Haram.

    Qusay bin Kilaab built the Darun Nadwah approximately 150 years before the birth ofthe Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). The house was used for publicmeetings; discussions were held to settle important matters like war and peace,caravans assembled before going out, and marriages and other ceremonies wereconducted. It was also from here that battalions received their flags before marchingin battle.

    The leaders of the Quraysh gathered in Darun Nadwah to scheme against Islam andthe Muslims. When Islam was gathering strength in Makkah and the Quraysh fearedtheir power would become undermined they held a special council to discuss howthey could get rid of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him).

    Iblees (Satan) was also present in this meeting disguised as Sheik Jaleel of Najd.Some of the leaders of the Quraysh were of the opinion that they should banish theProphet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) from their territory, while others feltthey should imprison him till death. Finally, Abu Jahl put forth his idea that they

    should each select a strong youth from their tribe, arm them with swords and strikethe Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) in one go. By assassinating the

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    Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) in this manner,all of the clans wouldhave a share of his blood and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him)s

    protectors, Banu Abdu Munaf could not take on all of the Quraysh at one time. SheikJaleel (Iblees) commended the plan and the Quraysh set their trap.

    However, Jibraeel (upon him be peace) came to the Prophet (peace and blessings ofAllah be on him) and told him of the plot to assassinate him. That night, the Prophet(peace and blessings of Allah be on him) asked Ali (may Allah be pleased with him)to sleep in his bed after assuring him that no harm would come to him and he himselfmanaged to slip away unnoticed. It was only at dawn that the Quraysh realised that itwas Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) that was sleeping on the bed and that theyhad been tricked. Regarding this incident Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He) makesmention in Surah al-Anfal:Remember how the unbelievers plotted against you toimprison you, to kill you, or to exile you from Makkah. They plot and plan, but Allah

    plans too, and the best of planners is Allah.[8:30]

    Darun Nadwah came into Muslim control after the conquest of Makkah. Due to theclose proximity to the Masjid Haram, many Muslim leaders and Khulafa stayed therewhen they performed Hajj and Umrah, among them being Umar (may Allah be

    pleased with him) on one occasion.

    The Abbasi Khalifah, Mutadhid Billah included the Darun Nadwah in the MasjidHaram in the year 284 AH (897 CE)

    Bab ul-Fatah

    This gateway to the Kabah is know as Bab-ul-Fatah (Door of Victory). It was from here

    that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) entered during the conquestof Makkah on Friday, 20 Ramadhan 8 A.H.

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    When the army of Muslims came towards Makkah, they first halted at Dhu Tuwa, notfar from the city but within sight of it. When his camel Qaswa came to a halt, theProphet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) bowed his head until his beardalmost touched the saddle, in gratitude to Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He).

    The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) then drew up his troops to enterMakkah. Khalid bin Waleed (may Allah be pleased with him) took command of theright and entered from the lower part of Makkah. Zubayr (may Allah be pleased withhim) took command of the left wing and entered from the upper part of Kada. Thecentre part of the army was divided into two; half of it was led by Sad bin Ubadah(may Allah be pleased with him) and his son, and the other half, in which the Prophet(peace and blessings of Allah be on him) himself rode, was led by Abu Ubaidah binJarrah (may Allah be pleased with him) who commanded the infantry. The sheersurprise of the attack stunned the Quraysh and very little resistance was put up against

    the Muslims.

    It is reported that Ali , the grandson of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah beon him) through his daughter Zainab (may Allah be pleased with him), sat with theProphet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) on the camels back during the

    triumphal entry into Makkah.

    A red leather tent was pitched for the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be onhim) in which he made wudhu (ablution) and performed 8 rakah of nafl salat, afterwhich he rested for an hour or more. Then he called for Qaswa, and having put on his

    coat of mail and his helmet, he girt on his sword; but in his hand he carried a staff,and his visor was up. Some of those who had ridden with him that morning werealready in line outside the tent, and they made an escort for him as he went to theHaram, talking to Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him), who was at his side.

    The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) went to the Kabah andperformed tawaf. Around the Kabah were three hundred and sixty idols. With a stick

    he was carrying he pushed them over, saying:The truth has come and falsehood hasvanished away. Falsehood is ever vanishing[Quran 17:81]The truth has come and falsehood originates not nor brings again[Quran 34:49]

    After performing the circle the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him)dismounted from his camel and prayed at the Maqame Ebrahim, then drank from thewell of Zamzam. He then asked for the keys to the Kabah and went inside for awhile. By the time he came out the Quraysh had filled the Haram , awaiting anxiouslyto see what he would do next.

    The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) stood at the door of the Kabah,holding its frame and spoke at length to his former persecutors humbled before him,explaining several laws of Islam and abolishing all pagan practices. Then he asked

    them, Men of the Quraysh! What do you think I will do to you?. They said, Wehope for the best. You are a noble brother and the son of a noble brother! . The

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    Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) replied, I say to you what Yusufsaid to his brothers, No reproach shall be on you this day. Go on your way, you are


    The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) ordered Bilal (may Allah bepleased with him) to climb up on the roof of the Kabah and give the athan (it is

    narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) himself offered hisshoulder for Bilal (may Allah be pleased with him) to climb from). It was the firsttime the leaders of the Quraysh had heard the word of Allah rising up; the valley ofMakkah reverberated with the sound.

    The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) entered the house of his cousinUmme Hani (may Allah be pleased with him), had a bath and prayed eight rakah ofSalatul-Fath, the Prayer of Victory, to thank Allah for the conquest.

    Many eminent members of Quraysh, former bitter enemies, came into the fold ofIslam on this day including Abu Sufyan and his wife Hind who had during the battleof Uhud chewed the liver of Hamza (may Allah be pleased with him).

    Zamzam Well

    The photo shows the source of the Zamzam water within its well. The Zamzam well has

    provided some 4000 years of almost continuous water supply, a living miracle.

    Ebrahim (upon him be peace) took his son Ismail (upon him be peace) and the childs

    mother Hajrah (upon her be peace) to Makkah where he left them with only somewater and dates as provisions. Once the provisions ran out, mother and son becamethirsty and restless. Hajrah (upon her be peace) climbed up Mount Safa to see whether

    she could sight any people from whom she could get water. When she saw nothing,

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    she crossed the valley and then climbed up Mount Marwah for the same reason. Whenshe saw nothing here either, she started running from Safa to Marwah and back againin her anxiety. When she had done so seven times and was atop Mount Marwah, sheheard a sound. When she returned (to where her son lay), she saw that an angel had

    struck his wing on the ground, causing water to gush forth from the spot. The name ofthe well comes from the phrase Zome Zome, meaning stop flowing, a commandrepeated by Hajra (upon her be peace) during her attempt to contain the spring water.

    When the Jurhum tribe from Yemen arrived in Makkah some time afterwards, theysettled there and Ismail (upon him be peace) married one of them. It was the childrenof Ismail. (upon him be peace) who had the honour of looking after the Kabah andafter them, the Jurhum tribe assumed responsibility. However, once these peoplestarted violating the sanctity of the place, the Zamzam well dried up as a form of

    punishment for them and eventually no sign was left of it. For centuries, people did

    not even know where it was located.

    Abdul Muttalibs son, Abdullah, the father of the Prophet (peace and blessings of

    Allah be on him), was a handsome youth. He was called Dhabih (the sacrificed) in

    reference to the rediscovery of Zamzam . When Abdul Muttalib was digging besidethe Kabah in search of the old well, the Quraysh watched him idly. Once he began to

    reach wet soil, they insisted on sharing in his discovery, and they raised a greatclamour. Abdul Muttalib vowed to Allah that he would sacrifice one of his ten sons ifhe were allowed to uncover the well. In the end, Abdul Muttalib continued excavatingand discovered the old well.

    Afterwards, he drew lots to determine which son he would sacrifice and Abdullah waschosen. Abdul Muttalib took Abdullah to the Kabah and was prepared to sacrificehim, but the Quraysh, particularly Abdullahs brother and maternal uncles, were

    opposed to the sacrifice. Finally, it was decided that one hundred camels should besacrificed in his place. Hence the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) iscalled the descendent of the two sacrificed ones for Ismail (upon him be peace) was

    ransomed for a ram and his father for a hundred camels.

    When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) was a young boy and

    playing with other children near Haleemah As-Sadiyahs house, Jibraeel (upon him bepeace) appeared and made him lie down. He then opened up the boys chest, took out

    his heart and extracted a lump of flesh from it, saying: This is the portion of Shaitanin you. Then he put his heart in a golden tray filled with Zamzam water, washed itand replaced it in his chest. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) later said that hesaw the scar on the Prophets chest where it had been sewn back together.

    There is healing power in Zamzam. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him)reports that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said,The best wateron the face of the earth is the water of Zamzam. In it is complete nourishment and

    healing from sickness.[At-Tabarani]

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    Jaabir (may Allah be pleased with him) says, I heard the Messenger of Allah (peaceand blessings of Allah be on him) say: Zamzam is a cure for any purpose for which it

    is drunk.Another Hadith states,If you drink it to quench a thirst, it will do so, andif you drink it to fill the stomach in place of food, it will do so, and if you drink it for a

    cure from some illness, it will do so.[It-Haaf] Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reports that when the Prophet (peace and

    blessings of Allah be on him) drank Zamzam he said the following prayer: O Allah,grant me beneficial knowledge, abundant sustenance and a cure from all diseases.

    The Bible makes a reference of the miracle of Zamzam when it talks about thepassing through of Ismail (upon him be peace) and his mother through thevalley: Blessed is the man whose strength is in Thee; in whose heart are the ways ofthem who passing through the valley of Bacca make it a well.[Psalm 84:5-6. Notethat the Quran also refers to Makkah as Bakkah]

    The Zamzam well is approximately 30m deep. Up until 1953 water was drawn bybucket, electric pumps now pump water into tanks.

    Maqame Ebrahim

    The Maqame Ebrahim refers to the stone on which Ebrahim (upon him be peace) stood

    on while he was building the Kabah. As Ismail (upon him be peace) passed stones onto

    Ebrahim (upon him be peace) and as Ebrahim (upon him be peace) continued laying

    them in place the Maqame Ebrahim miraculously continued rising higher and higher as

    the walls rose. Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He) caused the trace of his footprints to

    remain on the stone as a reminder to the believers among his descendants.

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    It has been reported from Saeed bin Jubair (may Allah be pleased with him) that the

    Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said:The stone is the station ofEbrahim. Allah made it soft and made it a mercy. Ebrahim would stand on it and

    Ismail would hand the stones up to him.[Muthir Al-Gharam]

    Ebrahim and Ismail (upon them be peace) used to mention the following Quranicverse as they were constructing the Holy Kabah,Our Lord! Accept (this service)

    from us: for you are the All-Hearing, The All-Knowing.[2:127]

    Ebrahim (upon him be peace) constructed the Kabah using rocks from fivemountains; Hira, Thubayr, Labnaan, Toor and Jabalul Khayr. Toor Seena is actuallysituated in the eastern desert of Egypt.

    When Ebrahim (upon him be peace) completed the construction of the Kabah he wascommanded by Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He): And proclaim to mankind the

    Hajj (pilgrimage). They will come to you on foot and on every lean camel, they willcome from every deep and distant (wide) mountain highway (to perform Hajj).[al-Hajj 22:27] Ibn Kathir says in his commentary that this verse means: Proclaim (OEbrahim) the Hajj to the people, calling them to come on pilgrimage to this Housewhich We have commanded you to build. It was mentioned that he said, O Lord,

    how can I proclaim it to the people when my voice does not reach them? He said,Call and We will convey it. So he stood at his Maqam (station) or according tosome narrations on al-Safa, or on mount Abu Qubays and said: O people, yourLord has taken a House, so come to it on pilgrimage. And it was said that the

    mountains lowered themselves so that his voice could reach all parts of the earth andthose who were still in the wombs or in mens loins also heard, and everything that

    heard him, cities, nomad encampments and trees, and everyone whom Allah hasdecreed should perform Hajj until the Day of Resurrection responded (saying)Labbayk Allahumma labbayk (Here I am, O Allah, here I am). This is the summary ofwhat was narrated from Ibn Abbas, Mujahid, Ikrimah, Saeed ibn Jubayr and others

    (may Allah be pleased with them).

    Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reports that Allah (Glorified and Exalted isHe) fulfilled three wishes that he had. One of these is that when he proposed to the

    Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) that the Maqame Ebrahim should bemade a place for performing salah (prayer). Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He)revealed the following verse in the Quran in Surah al-Baqarah:Take the Maqam of

    Ebrahim as a place of salah (a place behind which you perform two rakahs of salah

    after Tawaf)[2:125]

    At the time of Ebrahim (upon him be peace) the Maqam was attached to the Kabah.

    Umar (may Allah be pleased with him), seeing that leaving it where it was wouldmake the space too crowded for Tawaf or for prayers had it moved to the place it isnow to make it easier for people. There was consensus among the Sahabah for this

    action of Umar (may Allah be pleased with him), for he was the one who had

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    suggested it should be taken as a place of prayer.

    Juhm bin Hudhayfah (may Allah be pleased with him), a Sahabi who was presentwhen the Quraysh rebuilt the Kabah as well as when Abdullah bin Zubair (may Allah

    be pleased with him) rebuilt it says that the blessed footprints of the Prophet (peaceand blessings of Allah be on him) very closely matches those of Ebrahim (upon him

    be peace). The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) alsomentioned:From all the children of Ebrahim (upon him be peace) it is I whoresembles him the most.[Bukhari]

    Although the Arabs worshipped stones during the Period of Ignorance, no one everworshipped the Hajar al-Aswad or the Maqame Ebrahim even though the Arabsrevered them. It appears that it was Allahs explicit intention to protect the Maqame

    Ebrahim from Shirk and all types of worship.

    Note that the significance of the Maqame Ebrahim is that it is a place for theperformance of salat and not for touching or kissing. When there are lots of peopleperforming tawaf it is better to perform salat some distance away from the MaqameEbrahim to avoid causing unnecessary inconvenience to others.

    City of Makkah


    Inside the Kabah

    Hajar al-Aswad


    Door of Kabah

    Rukan Yamani


    Hateem/Hijr Ismail

    Maqame Ebrahim

    Zamzam Well


    Safa Marwah

    House of Umme Hani (may Allah be pleased with her)
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    Daarul Arqam

    House of Khadija (may Allah be pleased with her)

    Bab ul-Fatah

    House of Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him)

    Darun Nadwah

    House of Abu Jahal

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    Hajar al-Aswad

    The picture above shows the Hajar al-Aswad (The Black Stone), which is set in the

    eastern corner of the Kabah. Tawaf is started and ended by facing this sacred stone.

    Throughout the ages, innumerable people including many of the Prophets (upon him be

    peace), the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) himself, the

    Sahabah (may Allah be pleased with him), pious personalities and millions of Muslims

    who have performed Hajj and Umrah have placed their blessed lips on it.

    The Hajar al-Aswad was brought from Jannah and presented to Ebrahim (upon him bepeace) to be placed on the corner of the Kabah. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased

    with him) narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him)said:The Black Stone came down from Paradise and it was whiter than milk, but the

    sins of the sons of Adam turned it black.[Tirmidhi]
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    Duas are accepted at the Hajar al-Aswad and on the Day of Judgement it will testifyin favour of all those who kissed it. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be onhim) said:By Allah! On the Day of Qiyaamah, Allah will present the Hajar al-Aswadin such a manner that it will have two eyes and a tongue to testify to the Imaan (faith)

    of all those who kissed it.[Tirmidhi] When the Quraysh demolished the Holy Kabah in order to reconstruct i t, a dispute

    arose when the building reached the level of the Black Stone. They differed on theissue of who was eligible to restore the Black Stone to its original place. A civil warwas about to break out. Banu Abdud-Dar brought a bowl full of blood and all of thetribes inserted their hands in it, which meant that they had made up their minds tofight one another. But Abu Umayya Ibn al-Mugheera , their elder, asked Quraysh toagree on the judgement of the first person to come through the Bani Shaibah gate andthey all agreed on this suggestion. The first to come through this gate was the Prophet

    (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). This was five years before his mission. Heput the Black Stone in the middle of a piece of cloth, and asked a representative ofeach tribe to hold one of the edges of the cloth and raise it close to its place. Then theProphet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) picked it up with his own noblehands and restored it to its original place. This was how the Prophet (peace and

    blessings of Allah be on him) prevented a war from breaking out among the Qurayshby a supreme demonstration of wisdom.

    Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) relates that the Prophet (peace andblessings of Allah be on him), while leaning against the Kabah said:The Hajr al-

    Aswad and al-Maqam (Ebrahim) are two jewels from the jewels of Paradise. HadAllah (Glorified and Exalted is He) not concealed their radiance, they would

    illuminate everything between the East and the West.[Tirmidhi]

    Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) once kissed the Hajar al-Aswad and said, Iknow well that you are just a stone that can do neither good nor harm. Had I not seen

    the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) kiss you, I would not have done

    so.Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) made the statement because there weremany people who were newly converted to Islam and he did not want them to get theimpression that Muslims also revered stones as the Arabs revered and worshippedstone idols during the Period of Ignorance. Umar (may Allah be pleased withhim) made it clear that he was following the Sunnah practice of the Prophet (peaceand blessings of Allah be on him) and that although the stone is blessed, it can doneither harm nor good.

    The Hajar al-Aswad was stolen from the Kabah around 930 CE by Qarmatianwarriors who were an Ismaeeli Shia sect. They sacked Makkah, desecrating the Wellof Zamzam with Muslim corpses and carried the Black Stone away to their base inIhsaa, in medieval Bahrain. According to the historian Al-Juwayni, the Stone was

    returned in around 952 CE and restored to its original location.

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    The Hajar al-Aswad was originally a complete stone but due to various historicalincidents now consists of eight pieces of varying sizes affixed to a large stone andencased in a silver frame. The silver frame was first made by Abdullah bin Zubayr(may Allah be pleased with him) and replaced by later Khalifas as the need arose.

    Six (additional) pieces are claimed to be in Istanbul, Turkey. One is displayed in themihrab of the Blue Mosque, one above the entrance of the tomb of Sulaiman theMagnificent and four in the Sokullu Sehit Mehmet Pasa Camii masjid (one over themihrab, one below the lower pulpit, another is above the upper pulpit and the last isover the entrance door). The authenticity of these additional pieces has beenquestioned, although the Turks did rule over what is now Saudi Arabia for many yearsand hold many historical Islamic relics. And Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He)knows best.

    Note that when kissing the Hajar al-Aswad, one should neither push people nor harmanyone because while kissing the Hajar al-Aswad is Sunnah, causing harm to peopleis a forbidden act (haram). When the area is crowded, it will suffice to merely pointtowards the Hajar al-Aswad with ones hand or a stick while reciting the Takbeer andthen to kiss the hand or stick. Although the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah beon him) kissed the Hajar al-Aswad directly, he also pointed towards it when the areawas crowded, it is therefore clear that both kissing it and pointing towards it areSunnah.

    Rukan Yamani

    This corner of the Kabah is called the Rukan Yamani because it is situated on the side

    of the Kabah which faces the land of Yemen. It is on thewall opposite to that of the

    Hajar al-Aswad.

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    Because this corner is still standing on the foundation that Ebrahim (upon him bepeace) built, the narration of Abdullah bin Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him)states that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) made Istilaam of it.

    Istilaam refers to the touching of the corner whether this is done by hand or by

    kissing. As the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) touched the RuknYamaani by hand, this practise is Sunnah. However, there is no harm if one is unableto touch it due to the crowds.

    It was the practice of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) that whenhe passed between the Rukn Yamani and the Hajar al-Aswad, he recited the followingduaa:O Rabb, grant us (all that which is) good in this world, (all that which is)

    good in the Aakhirah and save us from the punishment of the fire (of

    Jahannam).[Surah Baqarah, verse 201]

    The city of Makkah

    Makkah is the blessed city which is the most beloved land in the sight of Allah

    (Glorified and Exalted is He) and the chosen location of His House. It was here that the

    final prophet and guide of the whole of mankind, Muhammad (peace and blessings of

    Allah be on him), was born and commenced his Prophethood.

    Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He) has called Makkah by five names in the Quran:Makkah, Bakkah, Al-Balad, Al-Qaryah and Ummul-Qura.

    In Surah Al-Imran, Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He) states:Verily, the first House(of worship) appointed for mankind was that at Bakkah (Makkah), full of blessing,

    and a guidance for Al-Alamin (mankind and jinn).[3:96]

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    When the Muslims conquered Makkah. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah beon him) said,Allah had made this city sacred the day He created the heavens and theearth and its sanctity shall remain until the Day of Qiyaamah (Day of Judgement).

    Its thorns cannot be broken, its animals cannot be harmed and things fallen on its

    ground cannot be picked up unless with the intention of returning it to its owner ormaking public announcements (to locate the owner). It is also forbidden to cut the

    grass that (naturally) grows here.[Muslim]The reward of prayer offered in Masjidal-Haram is multiplied many times. Jabir bin Abdullah (may Allah be pleased withhim) narrates that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said: A

    prayer in in this mosque of mine is better than one thousand prayers anywhere else,

    except for Al-Masjid Al- Haram. A prayer in Al-Masjid Al-Haram is better than one

    hundred thousand prayers (anywhere else).[Ahmad]

    The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him), sitting on his camel in the Al-

    Hazwarah market, addressed Makkah saying,By Allah, you are the best land ofAllah, the most beloved land of Allah to Allah. Had I not been driven out of you, I

    would not have left you.[Zaadul Maaad]

    The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) once remarked:There is nocity in which Dajjal will be unable to enter besides Makkah and Madinah. Every

    street will be lined with angels standing in rows to protect them.[Bukhari]

    In the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him), camel caravanswere a major part of Makkahs bustling economy. Alliances were struck between the

    merchants in Makkah and the local nomadic tribes, who would bring goodsleather,livestock, and metals mined in the local mountains to Makkah to be loaded on thecaravans and carried to cities in Syria and Iraq. Historical accounts also provide someindication that goods from other continents may also have flowed through Makkah.

    Muslim scientists have provided evidence to show that Makkah is the true centre ofthe Earth, one argument being that unlike other longitudes, Makkahs is in perfect

    alignment to magnetic north.

    City of Makkah

    Kabah Inside the Kabah Hajar al-Aswad Multazam Door of Kabah Rukan Yamani Meezab Hateem/Hijr Ismail Maqame Ebrahim Zamzam Well Mataf Safa Marwah House of Umme Hani (may Allah be pleased with her) Daarul Arqam
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    House of Khadija (may Allah be pleased with her) Bab ul-Fatah House of Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) Darun Nadwah House of Abu Jahal

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    Inside the KabahThe diagram above shows a rare view of what the interior of the Kabah lookslike. The construction made by Ebrahim (upon him be peace) contained noroof, it was the Quraysh who raised the walls of the Kabah and added a roof.Today, only a privileged few have had the opportunity to step inside theKabah.

    During the times of Jahiliyyah (Ignorance), a man and woman from the Yemenite tribe ofJurhum called Isaf and Nailah committed adultery inside the Kabah. Allah (Glorified and

    Exalted is He) turned them into stones. When they were found the next day, they werecarried outside and were set up at the Kabah as a warning. Over time these two stoneswere worshipped along with the other idols. One of the stones was placed right next tothe Kabah; the other one was set up at the spring of Zamzam. Finally, the Qurayshordered that the stone next to the Kabah to be carried to the other one at Zamzam. Fromthen on, people slaughtered their sacrificial animals at that spot.

    When Islam began to spread, the Quraysh became more embittered and could nottolerate the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) any longer. The chiefs drewup a document which called for the social and economic boycott of the Prophet (peaceand blessings of Allah be on him) and all those who supported him and his family. All ofthem signed this document on 1st Muharram of the seventh year of the Prophethood and

    the scroll was hung up inside the Kabah to give it full sanctity. For three long years theProphet