Directions : Read each text, then complete the Venn Diagram below. Give 3 examples in each column. Lastly, write a 4 sentence summary Compare and Contrast Name: ______________________________________ Date:_____________________ RI.9.4.a Integrate information from two texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably. Topic: _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ Text #1: Text #2: _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Compare and Contrast - Mr. Strother's 4th Grade Class...Directions: Read each text, then complete the Venn Diagram below.Give 3 examples in each column. Lastly, write a 4 sentence

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Page 1: Compare and Contrast - Mr. Strother's 4th Grade Class...Directions: Read each text, then complete the Venn Diagram below.Give 3 examples in each column. Lastly, write a 4 sentence

Directions: Read each text, then complete the Venn Diagram below. Give 3 examples in each column. Lastly, write a 4sentence summary

Compare and ContrastName: ______________________________________ Date:_____________________

RI.9.4.a Integrate information from two texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably.











Text #1: Text #2:























Page 2: Compare and Contrast - Mr. Strother's 4th Grade Class...Directions: Read each text, then complete the Venn Diagram below.Give 3 examples in each column. Lastly, write a 4 sentence

Directions: Read each account, then complete the questions below.

Healing of a Paralyzed ManName: ______________________________________ Date:_____________________

RI.9.4.a Integrate information from two texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably.

Jesus got into a boat and went back across the lake to his own town. Some people brought to Jesus a man who was paralyzed. The man was lying on his mat. Jesus saw that these people had great faith, so he said to the paralyzed man, “Be happy, young man. Your sins are forgiven.”

Some of the teachers of the law heard this. They said to themselves, “This man speaks as if he were God—that is blasphemy!”

Jesus knew what they were thinking. So he said, “Why are you thinking evil thoughts? Which is easier: to tell this paralyzed man, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to tell him, ‘Stand up and walk’? But I will prove to you that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins.” Then Jesus said to the paralyzed man, “Stand up. Take your mat and go home.” And the man stood up and went home. The people saw this and were amazed. They praised God for giving power like this to men.

One day Jesus was teaching the people. The Pharisees and teachers of the law were there, too. They had come from every town in Galilee and from Judea and Jerusalem. The Lord was giving Jesus the power to heal people. There was a man who was paralyzed. Some men were carrying him on a mat. They tried to bring him in and put him down before Jesus. But because there were so many people there, they could not find a way to Jesus. So the men went up on the roof and made a hole in the ceiling. They lowered the mat so that the paralyzed man was lying right before Jesus. Jesus saw that these men believed. So he said to the sick man, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.”

The Jewish teachers of the law and the Pharisees thought to themselves, “Who is this man? He is saying things that are against God! Only God can forgive sins.”

But Jesus knew what they were thinking. He said, “Why do you have thoughts like that in your hearts? Which is easier: to tell this paralyzed man, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to tell him, ‘Stand up and walk’? But I will prove to you that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” So Jesus said to the paralyzed man, “I tell you, stand up! Take your mat and go home.”

Then the man stood up before the people there. He picked up his mat and went home, praising God. All the people were fully amazed and began to praise God. They were filled with much respect and said, “Today we have seen amazing things!”

Matthew 9:1-8 Luke 5:17-26

blasphemy: saying things against God

Page 3: Compare and Contrast - Mr. Strother's 4th Grade Class...Directions: Read each text, then complete the Venn Diagram below.Give 3 examples in each column. Lastly, write a 4 sentence

Directions: Read each account, then complete the questions below.

Healing of a Paralyzed ManName: ______________________________________ Date:_____________________

RI.9.4.a Integrate information from two texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably.

Jésus, étant monté dans une barque, traversa la mer, et alla dans sa ville.Et voici, on lui amena un paralytique couché sur un lit. Jésus, voyant leur foi, dit au paralytique: Prends courage, mon enfant, tes péchés te sont pardonnés.Sur quoi, quelques scribes dirent au dedans d'eux: Cet homme blasphème.Et Jésus, connaissant leurs pensées, dit: Pourquoi avez-vous de mauvaises pensées dans vos coeurs?Car, lequel est le plus aisé, de dire: Tes péchés sont pardonnés, ou de dire: Lève-toi, et marche?Or, afin que vous sachiez que le Fils de l'homme a sur la terre le pouvoir de pardonner les péchés: Lève-toi, dit-il au paralytique, prends ton lit, et va dans ta maison.Et il se leva, et s'en alla dans sa maison.Quand la foule vit cela, elle fut saisie de crainte, et elle glorifia Dieu, qui a donné aux hommes un tel pouvoir.

Un jour Jésus enseignait. Des pharisiens et des docteurs de la loi étaient là assis, venus de tous les villages de la Galilée, de la Judée et de Jérusalem; et la puissance du Seigneur se manifestait par des guérisons.Et voici, des gens, portant sur un lit un homme qui était paralytique, cherchaient à le faire entrer et à le placer sous ses regards.Comme ils ne savaient par où l'introduire, à cause de la foule, ils montèrent sur le toit, et ils le descendirent par une ouverture, avec son lit, au milieu de l'assemblée, devant Jésus.Voyant leur foi, Jésus dit: Homme, tes péchés te sont pardonnés.Les scribes et les pharisiens se mirent à raisonner et à dire: Qui est celui-ci, qui profère des blasphèmes? Qui peut pardonner les péchés, si ce n'est Dieu seul?Jésus, connaissant leurs pensées, prit la parole et leur dit: Quelles pensées avez-vous dans vos coeurs?Lequel est le plus aisé, de dire: Tes péchés te sont pardonnés, ou de dire: Lève-toi, et marche?Or, afin que vous sachiez que le Fils de l'homme a sur la terre le pouvoir de pardonner les péchés: Je te l'ordonne, dit-il au paralytique, lève-toi, prends ton lit, et va dans ta maison.Et, à l'instant, il se leva en leur présence, prit le lit sur lequel il était couché, et s'en alla dans sa maison, glorifiant Dieu.Tous étaient dans l'étonnement, et glorifiaient Dieu; remplis de crainte, ils disaient: Nous avons vu aujourd'hui des choses étranges.

Matthew 9:1-8 Luke 5:17-26


Page 4: Compare and Contrast - Mr. Strother's 4th Grade Class...Directions: Read each text, then complete the Venn Diagram below.Give 3 examples in each column. Lastly, write a 4 sentence

Directions: Read each account, then complete the questions below.

Healing of a Paralyzed ManName: ______________________________________ Date:_____________________

RI.9.4.a Integrate information from two texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably.




데려왔다. 예수님은그들의믿음을보시고중풍병자에게 “얘야,

용기를내어라! 네죄는용서받았다” 하고말씀하셨다.

그러자율법학자중에몇몇사람들이 “이사람이하나님을

모독하는군” 하며수군거리고있었다.

예수님은그들의생각을아시고 “어째서너희는마음에악한


‘네죄는용서받았다’ 하는말과 ‘일어나걸어가라’ 하는말중에



하시고중풍병자에게 “일어나네침구를가지고집으로

돌아가거라” 하고말씀하셨다.




어느날예수님이가르치고계실때갈릴리와유대의여러마을과예루살렘에서온바리새파사람들과율법학자들도거기에앉아있었다. 그리고 [a]예수님은하나님의능력으로병을고치기도하셨다.그때사람들이한중풍병자를침대에누인채메고와서예수님앞에데려가려고하였으나

사람들이너무많아안으로들어갈수가없었다. 그래서그들은지붕을뜯고구멍을뚫어병자를침대째로예수님앞에달아내렸다.예수님은그들의믿음을보시고 “네죄는용서받았다” 하고말씀하셨다.그러자율법학자들과바리새파사람들이 “도대체이사람이누군데감히하나님을모독하는가? 하나님한분외에누가죄를용서할수있단말인가?” 하며수군거렸다.예수님은그들의생각을아시고 “왜그런생각을하느냐?‘네죄는용서받았다’ 하는말과 ‘일어나걸어가라’ 하는말중에어느것이더쉽겠느냐?땅에서죄를용서하는특권이내게있다는것을보여주겠다”하시고중풍병자에게 “내가너에게말한다. 일어나네침구를걷어가지고집으로돌아가거라” 하고말씀하셨다.그러자그는즉시사람들앞에서일어나침구를걷어들고하나님을찬양하며집으로돌아갔다.사람들은모두놀라하나님을찬양하면서도두렵다는듯이 “오늘우리가본것은정말굉장한일이다!” 하고감탄하였다.

Matthew 9:1-8 Luke 5:17-26


Page 5: Compare and Contrast - Mr. Strother's 4th Grade Class...Directions: Read each text, then complete the Venn Diagram below.Give 3 examples in each column. Lastly, write a 4 sentence

Directions: Read each account, then complete the questions below.

Healing of a Paralyzed ManName: ______________________________________ Date:_____________________

RI.9.4.a Integrate information from two texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably.

Jesus entrou no barco e atravessou novamente o lago, voltando para sua própria cidade.Algumas pessoas lhe trouxeram um paralítico deitado numa maca. Ao ver a fé que eles tinham, Jesus disse ao paralítico:—Coragem, meu filho! Os seus pecados estão perdoados.Alguns professores da lei ouviram aquilo e começaram a comentar entre si:—Este homem está insultando a Deus.Jesus, porém, sabia o que eles estavam pensando e disse:—Por que estão pensando essas coisas malignas? O que é mais fácil dizer ao paralítico: “Os seus pecados estão perdoados”, ou “Levante-se e ande”? Mas eu vou lhes mostrar que o Filho do Homem tem poder na terra para perdoar pecados.E então disse ao paralítico:—Levante-se, pegue a sua maca e vá para casa.E o homem que era paralítico levantou-se e foi para casa. Quando a multidão viu aquilo ficou com muito medo e deu glória a Deus por Ele ter dado tal poder aos homens.

Um dia, quando Jesus estava ensinando, achavam-se presentes alguns fariseus [a] e professores da lei, vindos de todas as vilas da Galiléia e da Judéia e da cidade de Jerusalém. E o poder do Senhor estava com Jesus para realizar curas. Alguns homens chegaram trazendo um paralítico numa maca e tentavam levá-lo para perto de Jesus. E, como não tinham conseguido entrar com ele por causa da multidão, subiram no telhado e, por entre as telhas, abaixaram a maca no meio das pessoas que estavam ali e o puseram diante de Jesus. Ao ver a fé que eles tinham, Jesus disse:—Homem, os seus pecados estão perdoados!Os professores da lei e os fariseus [b] começaram a perguntar a si mesmos:—Quem é este homem que está ofendendo a Deus com estas palavras? Quem pode perdoar pecados, senão um, que é Deus?Jesus sabia o que eles estavam pensando e disse-lhes:—Por que vocês estão pensando essas coisas? O que é mais fácil dizer: “Os seus pecados estão perdoados” ou “Levante-se e ande”? Mas eu vou lhes mostrar que o Filho do Homem [c] tem poder na terra para perdoar pecados. E então disse ao paralítico:—Levante-se, pegue a sua maca e vá para casa!E imediatamente ele se levantou, pegou sua maca e foi para casa louvando a Deus. Todos ficaram maravilhados e muito impressionados e por isso louvavam a Deus, dizendo:—Que coisa maravilhosa nós vimos hoje!

Matthew 9:1-8 Luke 5:17-26


Page 6: Compare and Contrast - Mr. Strother's 4th Grade Class...Directions: Read each text, then complete the Venn Diagram below.Give 3 examples in each column. Lastly, write a 4 sentence

Directions: Read each account, then complete the questions below.

Healing of a Paralyzed ManName: ______________________________________ Date:_____________________

RI.9.4.a Integrate information from two texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably.








「なんと罰あたりなことばだ! まるで、自分が神だと言って













ある日、イエスが教えておられると、パリサイ人(特におきてを守ることに熱心なユダヤ教の一派)と律法の専門家たちもそばに座っていました〔ガリラヤやユダヤの村々、またエルサレムから来た人たちです〕。イエスには、病気を治す神の力がありました。 その時、数人の人がやって来ました。見ると、中風(脳出血などによる半身不随、手足のまひ等の症状)の男を、それも床のままかついでいます。彼らは何とか群衆をかき分けてイエスのところへ行こうとしましたが、人が多くて、とても近づけたものではありません。しかたなく彼らは屋根にのぼり、天井に穴をあけ、病人をふとんごと、人々の真ん中に立っておられるイエスの目の前につり降ろしました。イエスはこれほどまでの信仰を見て、病人に、「あなたの罪は赦されました」と宣言なさいました。 すると、「なんと罰あたりなことばだ! いったい自分をだれだと思ってるのか。明らかに神への冒瀆だ! 罪を赦すことなど、神にしかできないことなのに」と、パリサイ人や律法の専門家たちは、心の中で強く反発しました。 それを見抜いたイエスは、「なぜ、わたしのことばが神を汚すことになるのですか。この人に、『あなたの罪は赦されました』と言うのと、『起きて歩きなさい』と言うのと、どちらがむずかしいですか。わたしは病気を治す力も、罪を赦す権威も持っているのです。それを証明してみせましょう」と言い、中風の男に、「さあ、起きなさい。床をたたんで、家に帰りなさい」とお命じになりました。 男はすぐにはね起き、床をたたむと、並み居る人をしり目に、神を賛美しながら帰って行きました。居合わせた人たちは、みな恐れに満たされて、「不思議だ。まるで考えられないことだ」と幾度もくり返しては、神をほめたたえました。

Matthew 9:1-8 Luke 5:17-26


Page 7: Compare and Contrast - Mr. Strother's 4th Grade Class...Directions: Read each text, then complete the Venn Diagram below.Give 3 examples in each column. Lastly, write a 4 sentence

Directions: Read each account, then complete the questions below.

Healing of a Paralyzed ManName: ______________________________________ Date:_____________________

RI.9.4.a Integrate information from two texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably.



















Matthew 9:1-8 Luke 5:17-26
