Benchmarking road safety 1 29 november 2012 Comparing areas to stimulate progress in road safety dr. Letty Aarts (SWOV) ing. Rob van den Ban (city of Amsterdam)

Comparing areas to stimulate progress in road safety … · 29 november 2012 Benchmarking road safety 1 Comparing areas to stimulate progress in road safety dr. Letty Aarts (SWOV)

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Benchmarking road safety 1 29 november 2012

Comparing areas to stimulate progress in road safety

dr. Letty Aarts (SWOV) ing. Rob van den Ban (city of Amsterdam)

29 november 2012 Benchmarking road safety 2

How it all started…

29 November 2012 Benchmarking road safety 3

Amsterdam 0.79 million inhabitants 0.88 million bikes

29 november 2012 Benchmarking road safety 4

Differences and similarities between areas…

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Grouping comparable areas

The Hague

Utrecht Rotterdam

29 november 2012 Benchmarking road safety 6

Do we understand this?

The Hague




29 november 2012 Benchmarking road safety 7

Characteristics of G4 in the Netherlands (2008)

City Area (acers) Inhabitants Road length (km)

KSI crashes (2000-2009)

Amsterdam 16 593 747 093 1 980 2 752

Rotterdam 20 889 595 504 2 113 1 944

Utrecht 9 476 294 737 1 159 974

The Hague 8 190 475 681 1 151 1 098

29 november 2012 Benchmarking road safety 8

Explanations for differences (2008)

City Inhabitants/ area

Road length/1000 inhabitants

KSI crashes/ inhabitants

KSI-crashes/ road length

Amsterdam 45 2.65 3.68 1.39

Rotterdam 29 3.55 3.26 0.92

Utrecht 30 3.93 3.30 0.84

The Hague 58 2.42 2.31 0.95

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Road safety patterns in G4

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Share of fatal road crashes (1990-2011)

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Framework and context

SUNflower studies (SafetyNet): • 1e study: SUN-countries • 2e study: SUN+6 • 3e study: SUN-flower next

PIN-studies (ETSC)

DaCoTA (2010 - 2012) RS composite index

Grouping layer

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Highly urban Moderatly urban Rural mixed Rural plain Nature

Example of municipality grouping Amsterdam



The Hague

29 november 2012 Comparing areas 13

Shares per area type Area type Share of land Share of serious


Highly urban 4.0% 22.4%

Moderately urban 9.5% 22.3%

Rural mixed 21.3% 20.0%

Rural plain 55.9% 26.7%

Nature 9.3% 8.5%

Name Title 14

Example: serious pedestrian crashes

Highly urban


Very low share Low share Moderate share High share Very high share

29 November 2012 Benchmarking road safety 15


• Further steps – Explanations in better exposure measures (data!) – Further in-depth explanations (risks SPIs)

• Benchmarking road safety – Grouping of homogeneous areas – Basic similarities: structure and culture layer – Tune to relevant characteristics & local views – Normalize for exposure differences in risk? policy making?

29 November 2012 Benchmarking road safety


Further information

[email protected] +31 70 317 33 79