Comparing Renewable Energy Planning Efforts: A Case Study of Freiburg, Germany and the Desertec Project Joshua Bissinger and Matthew Bouraee Green Cities CRP 3840 Photo 1: http://www.instablogsimages.com/images/2009/07/14/solar-plant_2_uhckx_69_lIJQU_11446.jpg Photo 2 : http://www.ict2009.its.org/system/files/images/Fotolia_7205516_XS.jpg

Comparing Renewable Energy Planning Efforts: A Case Study

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Page 1: Comparing Renewable Energy Planning Efforts: A Case Study

Comparing Renewable Energy Planning Efforts: A Case Study

of Freiburg, Germany and the Desertec Project

Joshua Bissinger and Matthew Bouraee

Green Cities

CRP 3840

Photo 1: http://www.instablogsimages.com/images/2009/07/14/solar-plant_2_uhckx_69_lIJQU_11446.jpg Photo 2 : http://www.ict2009.its.org/system/files/images/Fotolia_7205516_XS.jpg

Page 2: Comparing Renewable Energy Planning Efforts: A Case Study


As the world begins to take action to address global climate change, a wide

variety of strategies are being been proposed and implemented to reduce our

civilization’s dependence on fossil fuels. In evaluating how to reduce society’s fossil fuel

consumption, a number of methods to utilize the Earth’s abundant renewable resources

have been explored, especially with wind and solar power. Different approaches have

been taken to find novel ways to best generate electricity from renewable sources,

ranging greatly in scale from individual city based efforts to massive intercontinental

projects. In this paper we will discuss two very different energy planning approaches that

cover this wide spectrum: the city of Freiberg, Germany and the intercontinental Desertec

project. Through this case study approach we will detail two very different efforts to

utilize renewable energy sources, discuss their local and regional sustainability

implications, highlight key strengths and weaknesses, and detail important lessons

learned concerning the effectiveness of their scale.

Freiberg, Germany: Renewable energy projects on a local scale

Freiberg is located in the southern region of the country and is considered by

many to be the “sunniest and warmest city” in Germany (Saloman, 2009). The 150 km2

city has a population of 220,000 of which 23,000 are local university students. The city

has a square area of 150, comprised of 40% forestlands, part of Germany’s famous Black

Forest (Saloman, 2009). Freiberg is known as Germany’s “solar city” as its commitment

to utilizing the region’s abundant sunlight to generate solar power is very apparent and

can be seen from the thousands of Photovoltaic panels PV) on the city’s rooftops, to its


Wait - How can you compare these two cases - this is like apples and oranges!!
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myriad of solar research institutions, and successful solar industry. Furthermore, the city

of Freiberg has embraced sustainability and solar power (among other renewable sources

as well) on a community and political level in creating legislative and programming with

the goal of becoming “Europe’s most prominent solar city” (Dauncey, 2003).

Modern Development

After heavy bombing during World War II destroyed 80% of the city, Freiberg

had a unique opportunity to start anew and re-plan its built environment. While at the

time many of the destroyed European cities were planning for the automobile, Freiberg

chose to stray from this current and plan for a pedestrian based city, replicating the model

of the old city (O’ Hare, 2009; Dauncey, 2003). The rebuilt city was designed in a more

sustainable fashion with pedestrian streets and promenades (see figure 1), bike lanes, and

the later development of an excellent tram system (O’Hare, 2009). This unique walkable

city was able to differentiate itself as a hub of progressive ecological planning from this

point onward. In the 1970s, strong local opposition to a nuclear power project led to talk

about pursuing an alternative route of local renewable energy sources. Discussions about

transitioning toward a portfolio of renewables culminated after the Chernobyl disaster in

1986 when Freiburg’s municipal council “voted to adopt the guidelines for a future-

oriented energy policy” (Dauncey, 2003). Today the city of Freiburg has taken a two-

prong approach in both energy conservation and pursuing more sustainable and local

alternatives to fossil fuels as the dominant energy source.

A Green City

Freiburg is one of Germany’s greenest cities because of the many ways the city

and its residents have reduced energy consumption and fostered a more sustainable way


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of life. While part of this can be attributed to the city’s walkable scale (see figure 1),

efforts to create good public transportation, bike paths, and a pedestrian realm have been

very successful in reducing energy consumption. According to the city of Freiburg, 70%

of all transportation within the city is pedestrian, bike, or public transport (Saloman,

2009). It is projected that improved public transportation will further decrease auto use in

the city (Ehrenfield, 2009). In addition to the minimal auto use in the city, Freiburg has

enacted green building policies, the two main laws being; the low energy construction

policy created in 1992 and new building standards created in 2008. Additionally, the city

started a green building subsidy program in 2002 that has proven to be very effective in

promoting energy efficient building (Saloman, 2009; Dauncey, 2003). One example of

this success is the 30% reduction in CO2 emissions from new homes constructed under

these policies (Dauncey, 2003). Freiburg’s reduction in energy consumption coupled with

alternative energy projects has been a model approach on a citywide scale to reduce their

dependence on fossil fuels.

Figure 1 http://www.pixdaus.com/pics/12323985899bFgU6V.jpg


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Local Energy Production

Freiburg employs a variety of efficient energy generating methods to produce a

considerable amount of local electricity. Currently, 50% of the city’s electricity comes

from a number of small-scale cogeneration and heat capture facilities throughout the city

and 30% from a nearby nuclear power plant (Ehrenfield, 2009). The city has been making

a transition away from these sources toward an energy portfolio comprised of more

renewable sources. While the most prominent renewable source in the city is solar power,

Freiburg has 5 large wind turbines (each capable of generating 1.8MW), utilizes

hydroelectric power, and biomass (from the Black Forest) to generate electricity. Still,

despite initiatives to utilize a variety of renewable energy sources, solar power remains

the most important and visible renewable resource to the city and its residents.

The “Solar City”

Freiburg is known a Germany’s “solar city” because of its widespread and

mainstream application of solar technology throughout the city, its leading centers for

solar research, world-class solar industry, and high degree of citizen participation. These

various aspects are embodied in the SolarRegion Freiburg vision, which gained serious

momentum in the late 1980s (Dauncey, 2003). The city has witnessed significant projects

that take advantage of the region’s abundant sunlight in a variety of applications

including over 400 solar Photovoltaic (PV) installations, solar thermal, solar sunrooms

(known as “wintergarderns”), passive solar design, solar cooling, and transparent solar

insulation (Dauncey, 2003). PVs can be seen all over the city and have been incorporated

into the design of many buildings both public and private. Examples of this include the

central train station which has a 19 story PV façade, solar installations on most schools


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and homes (see figure 2), a large solar roof on the New Fair Grounds, host of Europe's

largest solar trade fair, Intersolar, and even a major installation on the city’s soccer

stadium (see figure 3), the first of its kind in the world.

Figure 2 w.young-germany.de/uploads/pics/Solarsiedlung_von_oben.jpg http://ww Figure 3 http://www.solarserver.de/images/LR07-SCStadion1_low.jpg

All of the solar electricity is fed into the city grid, which is more efficient than

storing it in batteries or using it on the spot (Dauncey, 2003). In 2003, the PV capacity of

Freiburg was 3,200 kW (3.2 MW), which produced 3 million kWh per year for use in the

grid. An additional 8560 square meters of solar thermal heating had been installed and

700 square meters of solar swimming pool heating had been created as well (Dauncey,

2003). It is likely these numbers have increased significantly over time.

In addition to the widespread application of solar energy in the city, Freiburg is

home to a number of prestigious solar research institutions including the Fraunhofer

Institute for Solar Systems (the largest solar research institute in Europe) and the

International Solar Energy Society (ISES). Furthermore, private enterprise in the solar

industry has given birth to major companies such as Solar Factory, Concentric Solar

GmbH, Solar Market AG, and a number of related suppliers and services providers

(Ehrenfield, 2009). It is clear that solar power plays an integral role in the city and its


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importance in city life can also be seen in the vast public support and acceptance by the

local people.


Despite the lauded efforts of Freiburg to incorporate solar and other renewable

technologies into the local landscape and culture, the city still generates a minimal share

of energy from these sources. In 2003, solar energy combined with other renewable

sources only accounted for 3.9% of Freiburg’s energy supply (Dauncey, 2003). Although

this figure may be dated, it still illustrates the marginal amount of renewable energy

production and consumption on local scale in this “solar city”. While Freiburg is one of

Germany’s sunniest areas with average sunshine exposure of over 1800 hours, it only

receives 1,117 kWh per square meter of solar radiance, a relatively low amount when

compared with other regions in the world (Dauncey, 2003). Additionally the small scale

of the majority of Freiburg’s solar projects does not allow for economies of scale, making

these projects more expensive. Still, the city aims for a substantial increase of its local

renewables portfolio to comprise 10% of the city’s energy supply by 2010 (Ehrenfield,


Desertec: An unprecedented intercontinental energy project

The proposed Desertec project is a huge intercontinental undertaking involving

the cooperation of public and private entities throughout Europe, Northern Africa, and the

Middle East to utilize abundant renewable resources and create a more sustainable energy

supply. Desertec aims to construct a massive network of renewable power generation

facilities to take advantage of various renewable energy sources in Europe and Middle

Eastern and North African (MENA) countries. While wind power, hydroelectric,


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biomass, geothermal, and PV would be utilized; the primary energy source would lie in e

creation of solar thermal power plants (see figure 4) in the Sahara Desert (Bryant, 2009).

One study found that more solar energy strikes the world’s deserts in six hours than the

world’s population consumes in a single calendar year (Stimpson, 2009). The potential to

use this abundant and completely renewable resource is what the Desertec project aims to

utilize in capturing a small fraction of the sun’s solar energy supply to generate

renewable energy. While the Desertec proposal is of unprecedented scale and extremely

ambitious, the project aims to generate up to 50% of Europe’s electricity by 2050

(Stiftung, 2009).

Figure 4 http://www.physik.uni-giessen.de/dueren/images/DESERTEC-Map_small.jpg Investment

The proposed investment of €400 billion to design and construct the necessary

infrastructure throughout Northern Africa to be capable of providing Europe with solar


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energy is gaining support (Teske, 2009). Specialists from various locations across

Northern Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, and Europe amalgamated to develop the

Desertec initiative. The produced energy will be enough to meet Europe, the Middle East

and Northern Africa’s electricity demand (see collector area detail in figure 4) (Stiftung,

2009). In order to transmit the generated electricity from Northern Africa to Europe, high

voltage direct current cables, capable of being submerged in the Mediterranean Sea,

costing up to €50 billion will be necessary (Teske, 2009). These are considerable

investment costs that have made many weary of the project. However, if the project is as

successful as many proponents envision, the benefits of a substantial network providing a

continuous renewable energy supply would well outweigh the upfront expenses.


The threats of further climate change will far outweigh the costs of the Desertec

project if action is not taken. The Desertec initiative will create a more sustainable

regional energy infrastructure that can set an example for localities with high solar

exposure across the rest of the globe. The project has four core goals in further

diversifying the economy in Europe, Africa and the Middle East, positioning Europe as a

developer of sustainable, renewable technologies, expanding Europe’s position in global

energy markets, and making a meaningful contribution to one of the world’s most

pressing issues, climate change.

Middle Eastern Interest

A concrete business plan has yet to be developed, but it is expected that

prosperous stakeholders and corporations will invest because of the potential for large

profits (Teske, 2009). Oil companies throughout the Middle East, especially in Dubai,


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have unexpectedly shown great interest. It is easy to assume that Middle Eastern fossil

fuel companies would consider Desertec as competition, rather, Desertec is viewed as an

opportunity to continue Middle Eastern leadership in the energy industry (El- Hasan,

2009). Understanding that oil supplies will likely peak within 50 years and that Desertec

will be unable supply considerable amounts of energy until 2050, the oil stakeholders do

not view Desertec as opposition but rather an potentially lucrative investment (Teske,

2009). The wealth of these nations and private entities may also be important in

providing a major source of capital to make this proposed project a reality. Of course,

there are other energy resources that oil investors can explore, but governmental

associations all over the world aspire to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Many

nations agreed to the 80% reduction from 1990 to 2050 under the Kyoto Protocol

agreements and expect further stipulations to be created in the 2015 Copenhagen Climate

Summit (Stimpson, 2009). These agreements to reduce emissions limit the resource

options that can be used for energy production to just those that are carbon neutral.

Benefits for Europe

Although many Middle Eastern governments and private entities could benefit

considerably from Desertec, European countries have the largest opportunity to utilize

this vast supply of renewable energy in becoming more sustainable. Finding ways to

reduce CO2 emissions is critical for many European countries, as the EU has set high

target CO2 reduction levels for countries to meet by 2010 and 2020. Desertec is cited as a

very feasible way for European countries struggling to meet these targets to invest in

renewable energy sources. According to one article, Desertec could push EU countries to

meet or even exceed the target of a 20% reduction in CO2 by 2020 (Gross). For this and


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Desertec’s other many other positive contributions to society, the proposal has received

high-level political support in Europe (Mason, 2009).

Sustainable Renewable Energy

Desertec’s greatest strength is its environmental sustainability component.

Desertec employs the most progressive large-scale renewable technology system and

sustainable design which could vastly reduce Europe and MENA countries ecological

footprints and greenhouse gas emissions. If Desertec does come about, neutralizing the

environmental damage done by centuries of fossil fuel consumption will take time.

Desertec relies on renewable energy sources to generate electricity. Supplying large

amounts of electricity to various countries on three different continents, solar energy will

become the primary renewable energy source for the region.

Figure 5 http://www.duurzamer.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/desertec.jpg

There will be a number of power plant sites constructed throughout the desert

using concentrated solar thermal power for energy (see figure 5) (Kankter, 2009). The

solar thermal model is far more efficient than traditional PV panels to generate electricity.


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The generated energy from solar power can be transported via conduction in cable wires

as well. This is evidently much more energy efficient than transporting barrels of oil or

tons of coal in ocean tankers that are very energy consumptive and threatening to

ecosystems, as they are vulnerable to accidents and spills.


Still, some critics argue that the regionally confined solar power project will

engender more severe difficulties than continuing to construct minor scale solar projects,

such as the city of Freiburg, throughout Europe. Other critics argue that Europe should

seek alternative energy sources closer to home that will be available much sooner

(Stiftung, 2009). Producing renewable energy from within their continent’s borders for

energy security regions is important. Additionally, many question the need for European

nations to seek such a distant source of energy in order to maintain their high energy

consumption patterns. Rather than pursue an undertaking like Desertec, European

countries could first strive to conserver energy, reduce their consumption patterns, and

then evaluate their needs to see if such a project is actually worthwhile.

The project has also received heavy criticism for being very expensive and many

argue that there is too much uncertainty involved. It seems like European, African, and

Middle Eastern governments would need to become tightly coordinated in regards to

planning and managing Desertec in order for the overseas plan to be successful (El-

Hasan, 2009). The expropriation of assets, reneging on sectors of license agreement,

corruption and bureaucratic red tape are more of the problems that may arise between

governments at the expense of the Desertec project (El- Hasan, 2009).


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One final concern that has surfaced involves the scarcity of African water

resources and the large amount of water needed for solar thermal energy production. A

similar solar thermal project constructed in California’s Mojave Desert was found to

consume 3000 liters of water for every megawatt hour of electricity produced (Pearce,

2009). In applying this figure to a proposed solar thermal farm in North Africa, it was

estimated that such a facility would require 350 million liters of water a year (Pearce,

2009). This is a substantial amount of water for a dry region like Africa to divert from

humans to provide for dozens of these large solar farms. Questions concerning the

allocation of Africa’s scarce water resources are one of the greatest concerns associated

with the project.

Case Study Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses

Freiburg -Community involvement -Energy conservation -Local economic development -Energy security

-Dependence on fossil fuels -Small scale -High costs

Desertec -Economies of scale -Utilizing abundant renewable resources -Regional economic development -International cooperation

-Vulnerability to natural disasters -High water use -Dependence on foreign energy -High costs -Distant completion date

Figure 6


] So, which approach is better - global, transnational or city level approach? Or do both have merits? If so, how can they be integrated? 01 40MN What is the relationship between the local (city) and the regional or international? How do they relate? How should we measur e successes at both scales?
Page 14: Comparing Renewable Energy Planning Efforts: A Case Study

Lessons Learned

City-wide and smaller scale local efforts are important in promoting community involvement and fostering sustainability.

Decreasing energy consumption and promoting energy conservation are key

components in decreasing greenhouse gas emissions.

Large-scale projects may prove to be more cost effective and efficient in novel energy generation from renewable sources.

Regional cooperation is essential in sharing diverse knowledge and allocating



In evaluating the vastly different Freiburg and Desertec cases, we can draw a

number of important conclusions relating to the effectiveness of renewable energy

planning on two opposite scales. The city of Freiburg’s success in creating a “solar city”

that plays an important role in community life is unique and noteworthy. All aspects of

city life have a connection to the city’s commitment to solar power. Furthermore, the city

has demonstrated that a commitment to energy conservation and reducing energy

consumption is essential in curbing energy related emissions. The Desertec project

contrasts with the scale and objectives of a city such as Freiburg due to its

intercontinental scope and bold approach to utilizing the world’s renewable resources.

Although Desertec is still in the planning phases, the project may prove that economies of

scale and regional cooperation are vital components in taking advantage of Earth’s many

abundant renewable energy sources. In looking for novel approaches to curb society’s

greenhouse gas emissions, the Desertec model has the potential to have a dramatic impact

on Europe and the MENA countries. Despite the promises and shortcomings of each of

these cases, it is important to draw from these examples in formulating the best practice


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approaches of utilizing renewable resources to guide society toward a more sustainable



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