Comparison of Electrorheological Characteristics Obtained in Two Geometrical Arrangements: Parallel Plates and Concentric Cylinders Petra Peer 1, a) , Petr Filip 1, b) , Martin Stenicka 2, c) and Vladimir Pavlinek 2, d) 1 Institute of Hydrodynamics, Acad. Sci. Czech Rep., Pod Patankou 5, 166 12 Prague, Czech Republic 2 Centre of Polymer Systems, University Institute, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Nad Ovčírnou 3685, 760 01 Zlín, Czech Republic a) Corresponding author: [email protected] b) [email protected] c) [email protected] d) [email protected] Abstract. The electrorheological characteristics of suspensions of PANI powders suspended in silicone oil measured by a rotational rheometer Physica MCR 501 (Anton Paar Co.) are compared for two different geometrical arrangements – parallel plates and concentric cylinders. The individual differences in the results of the measured parameters are discussed. INTRODUCTION The general validity and reproducibility of rheological measurements in various laboratories is neither simple nor obvious in spite of the permanent development of new sophisticated rheometers. There is a coincidence of ‘classical’ rheological characteristics (such as, e.g., shear viscosity) measured for common classical materials. However, for more complicated characteristics and materials the results are quite often different. This can be documented from the examples of M1 and A1 projects carried out in a considerable number of prominent laboratories round the world (Sridhar [1], Hudson and Jones [2]). The non-coincidence of elongational viscosity is remarkable. As the materials used were identical, it proves that other complementary attributes connected with rheological measurements substantially participate in the proper analysis of the studied materials. Generally, among other things, it is possible to mention the process of the preparation of the measured samples, the adequacy of their volume for an applied geometrical arrangement, the materials of which contact surfaces are made, the stability of rheometers, etc. The same problems concern not only measuring the rheological characteristics of the same material in different laboratories, but also measuring the same material at the same laboratory using different rheometers (Rides et al. [3]) or the same rheometer but with various geometrical arrangements (Modigell and Pape [4]). The literature describing and analysing this discrepancy is very scarce and does not correspond to the significance of the problem, which is further emphasized with the onset of a new generation of so-called smart materials such as those now appearing in magneto- or electro-rheology. Electrorheological (ER) fluids quickly and reversibly change their structure under the application of an external electric field. The formation of a chain-like structure occurs due to particle polarisation in the direction of an electric field. A number of studies of this mechanism have been summarized in several review papers (Block and Kelly [5], Jordan and Shaw [6], Block et al. [7], Parthasarathy and Klingenberg [8], See [9], Hao [10,11], Sheng and Wen [12]). Most commercially available rheometers can be equipped with ER cells making full use of the functionality of the host instruments. In principle, these devices differ according to the geometry applied – with either parallel plates or concentric cylinders. Novel Trends in Rheology VI AIP Conf. Proc. 1662, 040005-1–040005-8; doi: 10.1063/1.4918893 © 2015 AIP Publishing LLC 978-0-7354-1306-1/$30.00 040005-1

Comparison of Electrorheological Characteristics Obtained

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Comparison of Electrorheological Characteristics Obtained in Two Geometrical Arrangements:

Parallel Plates and Concentric Cylinders

Petra Peer1, a), Petr Filip1, b), Martin Stenicka2, c) and Vladimir Pavlinek2, d)

1Institute of Hydrodynamics, Acad. Sci. Czech Rep., Pod Patankou 5, 166 12 Prague, Czech Republic 2Centre of Polymer Systems, University Institute, Tomas Bata University in Zlín,

Nad Ovčírnou 3685, 760 01 Zlín, Czech Republic

a)Corresponding author: [email protected] b)[email protected]

c)[email protected] d)[email protected]

Abstract. The electrorheological characteristics of suspensions of PANI powders suspended in silicone oil measured by a rotational rheometer Physica MCR 501 (Anton Paar Co.) are compared for two different geometrical arrangements – parallel plates and concentric cylinders. The individual differences in the results of the measured parameters are discussed.


The general validity and reproducibility of rheological measurements in various laboratories is neither simple nor obvious in spite of the permanent development of new sophisticated rheometers. There is a coincidence of ‘classical’ rheological characteristics (such as, e.g., shear viscosity) measured for common classical materials. However, for more complicated characteristics and materials the results are quite often different. This can be documented from the examples of M1 and A1 projects carried out in a considerable number of prominent laboratories round the world (Sridhar [1], Hudson and Jones [2]). The non-coincidence of elongational viscosity is remarkable. As the materials used were identical, it proves that other complementary attributes connected with rheological measurements substantially participate in the proper analysis of the studied materials. Generally, among other things, it is possible to mention the process of the preparation of the measured samples, the adequacy of their volume for an applied geometrical arrangement, the materials of which contact surfaces are made, the stability of rheometers, etc. The same problems concern not only measuring the rheological characteristics of the same material in different laboratories, but also measuring the same material at the same laboratory using different rheometers (Rides et al. [3]) or the same rheometer but with various geometrical arrangements (Modigell and Pape [4]).

The literature describing and analysing this discrepancy is very scarce and does not correspond to the significance of the problem, which is further emphasized with the onset of a new generation of so-called smart materials such as those now appearing in magneto- or electro-rheology.

Electrorheological (ER) fluids quickly and reversibly change their structure under the application of an external electric field. The formation of a chain-like structure occurs due to particle polarisation in the direction of an electric field. A number of studies of this mechanism have been summarized in several review papers (Block and Kelly [5], Jordan and Shaw [6], Block et al. [7], Parthasarathy and Klingenberg [8], See [9], Hao [10,11], Sheng and Wen [12]). Most commercially available rheometers can be equipped with ER cells making full use of the functionality of the host instruments. In principle, these devices differ according to the geometry applied – with either parallel plates or concentric cylinders.

Novel Trends in Rheology VIAIP Conf. Proc. 1662, 040005-1–040005-8; doi: 10.1063/1.4918893

© 2015 AIP Publishing LLC 978-0-7354-1306-1/$30.00


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n the spring wimall shear rate

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teady hear

Amplitude weep

requency weep

Measurement o

5. Flow curve of


Shear rate Duration Voltage Shear rate Strain Duration Voltage Shear rate Frequency Duration Voltage

of storage and lo

f the silicone oil

E 1. Measureme

Mixing 10 s-1 30 s 0 V 10 s-1 30 s 0 V 10 s-1 30 s 0 V

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l (E = 0 kV.mm-

ent parameters in

Pause 0 s-1 30 s 0 V 0 s-1 30 s 0 V 0 s-1 30 s 0 V

fferent geometrie

1), left: open hoo

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0 s-1 60 s xxx V 0 s-1 60 s xxx V 0 s-1 60 s xxx V

es with the 'emp

od, right: closed


Measurement 0.01 - 100 s-1 (00.01 - 100 s-1 (x

0.0001 – 0.01[-]0.0001 – 0.01[-] 0.1-10 Hz / 0.000.1-10 Hz / 0.00

pty' cell.

d hood.

0 V) xxx V)

] / 5 Hz (0 V) ] / 3 Hz (xxx V)

01 [-] (0 V) 006 [-] (xxx V)


Electrousing botheach measuand frequeindividual point in thsweep andprolonged

For sheviscosity oparticles. Fshear rate 0become lefrequency suspension

orheological chh ER cells. Theurement. Cons

ency sweep). Tvalues of volta

he steady shead frequency swwith lower val

ear mode, Figsof oil) for both Figure 9 presen0.23 s-1. This lss significant. for both geom

ns with 5 and 1




haracteristics oe samples werequently, comphe courses of tage as indicate

ar flow measurweep) was mealues of the stud. 6-8 compare geometries (PPnts a mutual colower shear ratThe comparis

metries is prese5 wt.% concen

Relative viscosity

elative viscosity

gical Measur

of the suspense stirred mechparisons were the measuremeed in the figurerements as weasured at leastdied characteristhe behaviour

P 50 and CC 1omparison of fte value was chson concerningented for 10 wntration is analo

y in dependence

in dependence o

rements of E

ion (shear vishanically and thmade for threeents (time interes), range of mell as in the smt three times. stics. of relative vis7) consequentlflow behaviouhosen intentiong the dependenwt.% concentraogous.

on shear rate of

on shear rate of P

ER Suspens

scosity, storagethen placed in e different modrvals, electric f

measured pointmall-strain oscThe time of m

scosity (ratio oly for 5, 10, an

ur for the abovnally, as for hignce of viscoelaation in Figs. 1

f PANI suspensio

PANI suspensio


e and loss moan ultrasonic

des (steady shefield strength (ts) are summarcillatory tests measurement w

f the viscosity nd 15 wt.% conve-stated concegher values theastic moduli o10 and 11. Th

on (5 wt.% conc

on (10 wt.% conc

oduli) were obbath for 30 s ar, amplitude s

(xxx V stands frised in Tab. 1(dynamic amp

was correspon

of suspensionncentrations of entrations at coe studied diffe

on strain and ahe flow behavi



btained before sweep, for the . Each plitude


n to the f PANI onstant erences angular iour of



The exThis fact isusing extru

There i- different - different - differenc- more com- anti-shoc- different - possible

in combi- the way o- different


9. Flow behavio

xperimental dats not surprisingusion rheometeis a series of regeneration of flow condition

ce in contact sumplicated (trimck balancing ingeneration of appearance of nation with poof calculating rsedimentation

elative viscosity

our of different c

ta obtained forg: cf. e.g. Rideers (the same measons for this dflow; ns for suspendeurface; mming) placemn the laboratoryan electric fielwall slip (Mod

ossible sedimenrheological cha

n times of ER fl

y in dependence o

concentrations ofat fixed s


r the two geomes et al. [3], whmanufacturer) indeviation:

ed particles;

ent of suspensiy (significant fod (radial vs. pldigell and Papentation); aracteristics frofluids in differe

on shear rate of

f PANI powder shear rate (0.23


metrical arrangho compared shncluding an in

ion into paralleor lower valueslan-parallel, seee [4], Barnes [1

om raw data geent geometries.

PANI suspensio

in silicone oil ins-1).

ements exhibithear viscosity

nstrumented inj

el plate geomets of independee Fig. 12); 14]) (+ differen

enerated by eith

on (15 wt.% conc

n dependence on

t some degree results obtaineection mouldin

try; ent variables);

nt manifestatio

her geometry;


n electric field str

of non-coincied at high sheang machine.

on in either geo


dence. ar rates






IGURE 10. Sto

GURE 11. Stora


orage and loss m

age and loss mod

adial and plan-pa

moduli in depend

duli in dependen

arallel orientatio

dence on strain o

nce on frequency

on of an electric f

of PANI suspens

y of PANI suspen

field generated i

sion (10 wt.% co

nsion (10 wt.% c

in the individual



l geometries.



The authors wish to acknowledge the RVO: 67985874.


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