Compartment at i on Users Guide

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  • 8/18/2019 Compartment at i on Users Guide


    CompartmentationUser's Guide

    Version 2011 R1 (9.1) 

    May 2012 


  • 8/18/2019 Compartment at i on Users Guide



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    The information and the software discussed in this document are subject to change without notice and are subject to applicabletechnical product descriptions. Intergraph Corporation is not responsible for any error that may appear in this document.

    The software discussed in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with theterms of this license. No responsibility is assumed by Intergraph for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is notsupplied by Intergraph or its affiliated companies. THE USER OF THE SOFTWARE IS EXPECTED TO MAKE THE FINAL

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    Compartmentation User's Guide 3

    ContentsPreface .......................................................................................................................................................... 7 

    SmartMarine 3D Documentation Set ...................................................................................................... 9 

    Documentation Comments ................................................................................................................... 13 SmartMarine 3D and Oracle ................................................................................................................. 15 

    What's New in Compartmentation ........................................................................................................... 17 

    Understanding Compart mentation .......................................................................................................... 19 

    Compartmentation Workf low ................................................................................................................... 21 

    Compartmentation Common Tasks ...................................................................................................... 21 

    Create Space Folder .................................................................................................................................. 23 

    Create a space folder ............................................................................................................................ 24 

    Select Space Folder Dialog Box ........................................................................................................... 24 

    Create Volume Objects ............................................................................................................................. 25 

    Place Volume by Two Points ................................................................................................................ 28 Place a volume by two points ......................................................................................................... 29 Place a volume by two points using PinPoint ................................................................................. 30 Boolean Operation List Dialog Box ................................................................................................ 31 Select Volume Dialog Box .............................................................................................................. 31


    Place Volume by Four Points ................................................................................................................ 33 

    Place a volume by four points ........................................................................................................ 34 Create Imported Volume ....................................................................................................................... 35 

    Create imported volumes ............................................................................................................... 36 

    Place Volume Along Path ..................................................................................................................... 37 

    Place a volume along a path .......................................................................................................... 44 Define the path for a volume .......................................................................................................... 45 Sketch the cross-section for a volume ........................................................................................... 46 Define cross-sectional properties for a volume .............................................................................. 47  

     Add segments to a path.................................................................................................................. 48 

    Modify a straight segment in a path ............................................................................................... 49 

    Modify an arc in a path ................................................................................................................... 49 Modify a turn in a path .................................................................................................................... 50 Modify a sketched cross-section .................................................................................................... 50 Convert a standard cross-section to a sketch ................................................................................ 52  

    Create Volume by Faces ...................................................................................................................... 52 Place a volume bound by faces ..................................................................................................... 53 

     Add faces using the Faces list ........................................................................................................ 54 

    Face List Dialog Box ....................................................................................................................... 55 Bound Tab (Face List Dialog Box) ................................................................................................. 55


    Create Mul tiple Volumes Simu ltaneously ............................................................................................... 57 

    Create Multiple Volumes ....................................................................................................................... 57 Create multiple volumes in part of a ship ....................................................................................... 58 

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    4 Compartmentation User's Guide

    Create a filter for a grid system ...................................................................................................... 60  Create Compartments Automatically .................................................................................................... 61


    Create multiple volumes in an entire ship ...................................................................................... 61 

    Create Volume Objects f rom Exis ting Volumes ..................................................................................... 63 

    Merge Volumes ..................................................................................................................................... 65 

    Merge multiple volumes.................................................................................................................. 66 Operand List Dialog Box................................................................................................................. 67 

    Bound by Volumes ................................................................................................................................ 67 

    Place a volume bound by volumes ................................................................................................. 68 

    Modify Volume Objects ............................................................................................................................. 71 

    Move a volume to a new location .......................................................................................................... 72 Modify the placement points of a volume ............................................................................................. 72  Modify the volume size by dragging...................................................................................................... 73 Delete a volume object ......................................................................................................................... 73


    Update Att ributes ...................................................................................................................................... 75 

    Update compartment attributes............................................................................................................. 75 

    Export Compartment ................................................................................................................................. 77 

    Export a compartment ........................................................................................................................... 77 

    Loads .......................................................................................................................................................... 79 

    Create Load Folder ............................................................................................................................... 79 Create a load folder ........................................................................................................................ 80 Select Load Folder Dialog Box ....................................................................................................... 80 

    Create Load Combination ..................................................................................................................... 81 

    Create a load combination ............................................................................................................. 82 

     Add a load to a load combination ................................................................................................... 82  Add loads using Load List Control .................................................................................................. 83


    Remove a load from a load combination ........................................................................................ 83  Delete a load combination .............................................................................................................. 83 Load List Control Dialog Box .......................................................................................................... 84 

    Create Spatial Load .............................................................................................................................. 84 Create a spatial load ....................................................................................................................... 85 

    Create Unit Load ................................................................................................................................... 86 Create a unit load ........................................................................................................................... 86


    Compart Query Service ............................................................................................................................. 89 

    Run a compartmentation query ............................................................................................................. 92 Run a custom compartmentation query ................................................................................................ 92 

    Query Results Dialog Box ..................................................................................................................... 93 

    Select Filter Dialog Box ......................................................................................................................... 93 

    Edit Propert ies ........................................................................................................................................... 95 

    Edit volume properties .......................................................................................................................... 97 Edit cross-section properties ................................................................................................................. 97 Edit load combination properties........................................................................................................... 97 

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    Compartmentation User's Guide 5

    Edit load properties ............................................................................................................................... 98 

     Appendix: Property Dialog Boxes ........................................................................................................... 99 

    Common Property Tabs ........................................................................................................................ 99 Configuration Tab ........................................................................................................................... 99 

    Relationship Tab ........................................................................................................................... 100 

    Notes Tab ..................................................................................................................................... 100 Compartment Properties Dialog Box .................................................................................................. 101 

    General Tab (Compartment Properties Dialog Box) .................................................................... 101 

    Cross-Section Tab ........................................................................................................................ 107 

    Ship Zone Properties Dialog Box ........................................................................................................ 108 

    General Tab (Ship Zone Properties Dialog Box) .......................................................................... 108 Void Space Properties Dialog Box ...................................................................................................... 113 

    General Tab (Void Space Properties Dialog Box) ........................................................................ 114 Sketch Properties Dialog Box ............................................................................................................. 119 

    General Tab (Sketch Properties Dialog Box) ............................................................................... 119 Space Folder Properties Dialog Box ................................................................................................... 120 

    General Tab (Space Folder Properties Dialog Box) ..................................................................... 120 Spatial Load Folder Properties Dialog Box ......................................................................................... 120 

    General Tab (Load Folder Properties Dialog Box) ....................................................................... 120 

    Spatial Load Combination Properties Dialog Box ............................................................................... 120 General Tab (Spatial Load Combination Properties Dialog Box) ................................................. 121 

    Spatial Load Properties Dialog Box .................................................................................................... 121 General Tab (Spatial Load Properties Dialog Box) ...................................................................... 121 

    Unit Load Properties Dialog Box ......................................................................................................... 122 General Tab (Unit Load Properties Dialog Box) ........................................................................... 122 

    Glossary ................................................................................................................................................... 125 

    Index ......................................................................................................................................................... 145 

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    6 Compartmentation User's Guide

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    Compartmentation User's Guide 7

    This document is a user's guide for the SmartMarine 3D Compartmentation task and providescommand reference information and procedural instructions.


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    8 Compartmentation User's Guide

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    Compartmentation User's Guide 9

    SmartMarine 3D Documentation SetSmartMarine 3D documentation is available as Adobe PDF files. The content is the same asonline Help. To access these PDF documents, click Help > Printable Guides in the software.

    The documentation set is divided into four categories:

      Administrative guides contain information about installing, configuring, customizing, andtroubleshooting SmartMarine 3D.

      User's guides provide command reference and how-to information for working in eachSmartMarine 3D task.

      Reference data guides define the reference data workbooks. Not all tasks have referencedata.

      ISOGEN guides

     Administrat ive Guides

    SmartMarine 3D Installation Guide - Provides instructions on installing and configuring thesoftware.

    Project Management User's Guide - Provides instructions for setting up the databases, creating

    permission groups, backing up and restoring project data, assigning access permissions to themodel, defining and managing locations for Global Workshare, and version migration.

    SmartMarine 3D Global Workshare Guide - Provides instructions for setting up the software andthe databases to work in a workshare environment.

    SmartMarine 3D Interference Checking Guide - Provides information on installing, configuring,and using the interference detection service.

    SmartMarine 3D Integration Reference Guide - Provides information about installing,configuring, and using SmartMarine 3D in an integrated environment.

    SmartMarine 3D Interpreting Human Piping Specifications - Provides information about how tointerpret human piping specifications so that you can create the corresponding pipingspecification in the software.

    SmartMarine 3D Export to PDMS - Provides information about how to export model data from

    SmartMarine 3D to PDMS. Specific guidelines relating to best practices and known limitations ofthe export functionality are also included.

    SmartMarine 3D Point Cloud Reference - Provides information for referencing point cloud filesprovided by point cloud vendors in SmartMarine 3D.

    SmartMarine 3D Troubleshooting Guide - Provides information on how to resolve errors that youmay encounter in the software by documenting troubleshooting tips, error messages, and To DoList messages.

    SmartMarine 3D Plant Design System (PDS) Guide - Provides all information needed to usePDS with SmartMarine 3D. Topics include referencing active PDS projects in SmartMarine 3D,exporting PDS data and importing that data into SmartMarine 3D, and converting PDS referencedata to SmartMarine 3D reference data.

    SmartPlant 3D/SmartMarine 3D Programmer's Guide - Provides information about custom

    commands, naming rules, and symbol programming. This document is delivered, if you installthe Programming Resources, to the [Product Folder]\3D\Programming\Help folder.

    User's Guides

    Catalog User's Guide - Provides information about viewing, editing, and creating reference dataand select lists (codelists).

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    10 Compartmentation User's Guide

    Common User's Guide - Provides information about defining workspaces, manipulating views,and running reports.

    Compartmentation User's Guide - Provides instruction for placing volume objects such ascompartments and zones in the model.

    Electrical User's Guide - Provides information about routing electrical cable, cableway, cable

    tray, and conduit.Equipment and Furnishings User's Guide - Provides information about placing equipment.

    Geometry Analysis and Repair User's Guide - Provides instructions for importing and exportingmodel data, checking the data against a defined set of requirements, and repairing the data.

    Grids User's Guide - Provides instructions for creating coordinate systems, elevation gridplanes, vertical grid planes, radial cylinders, radial planes, grid arcs, and grid lines.

    Hangers and Supports User's Guide - Provides instructions on placing piping, duct, andcableway supports in the model.

    Hole Management User's Guide - Provides instructions for placing, reviewing, and approvingholes in a structure.

    HVAC User's Guide - Provides instructions for routing HVAC duct.

    Molded Forms User's Guide - Provides instructions for placing hull, bulkheads, major openings,

    stiffeners, and other major components of a ship's frame in the model.

    Orthographic Drawings User's Guide - Provides information about creating and managingorthographic drawings.

    Piping Isometric Drawings User's Guide - Provides information about creating and managingpiping isometric drawings.

    Piping User's Guide - Provides instructions for routing pipe and placing valves, taps, and pipe joints.

    Planning User's Guide - Provides instructions about defining the assembly hierarchy (productionbill of material) by creating blocks, assemblies, and by specifying the assembly sequence.

    Reports User's Guide - Provides information about creating and managing spreadsheet reports.

    Space Management User's Guide - Provides instructions for placing space objects such asareas, zones, interference volumes, and drawing volumes in the model.

    Structural Analysis User's Guide - Provides instructions for defining loads, load cases, loadcombinations, and the importing and exporting of analytical data.

    Structural Detailing User's Guide - Provides instructions for creating, detailing, and maintainingthe structural members of a Ship\Plant.

    Structural Manufacturing User's Guide - Provides instructions for creating and maintainingmanufacturing objects such as templates, jigs, and margins.

    Structure User's Guide - Provides instructions for placing structural members such as: beams,columns, slabs, openings, stairs, ladders, equipment foundations, and handrails.

    Systems and Specifications User's Guide - Provides instructions for creating systems andselecting which specifications are available for each system type.

    Reference Data GuidesSmartMarine 3D 2D Symbols User's Guide - Provides command reference information andprocedural instructions for creating 2D symbols used to represent collars, clips, profiles,brackets, and other items.

    SmartMarine 3D 2D Symbols Reference Data Guide - Provides information about thetwo-dimensional symbols used in all tasks.

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    Compartmentation User's Guide 11

    Compartmentation Reference Data Guide - Provides information about compartmentationreference data.

    Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide - Provides information about reports referencedata.

    Electrical Reference Data Guide - Provides information about electrical cable, cableway, cable

    tray, and conduit reference data.Electrical 3D Symbols Reference - Provides information about the cable tray and conduit 3Dsymbols that are available.

    Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data Guide - Provides information about equipmentreference data.

    Equipment 3D Symbols Reference - Provides information about the equipment, equipmentcomponent, design shapes, and design aides 3D symbols that are available.

    Hangers and Supports Reference Data Guide - Provides information about hangers andsupports reference data.

    Hangers and Supports 3D Symbols Reference - Provides information about the hanger andsupport 3D symbols that are available.

    Hangers and Supports SmartPart Symbols Reference - Provides information about the hanger

    and support SmartPart symbols that are available.Hole Management Reference Data Guide - Provides information about hole reference data.

    HVAC Reference Data Guide - Provides information about HVAC reference data.

    HVAC 3D Symbols Reference - Provides information about the HVAC 3D symbols that areavailable.

    SmartMarine 3D Reference Data Guide - Provides instructions about the Bulkload utility,codelists, and the reference data common to several disciplines.

    Piping Reference Data Guide - Provides information about piping reference data including pipingspecifications, piping specification rules, piping parts, and piping symbols.

    Piping 3D Symbols Reference - Provides information about the piping 3D symbols that areavailable.

    Space Management Reference Data Guide - Provides information about space managementreference data.

    Structure Reference Data Guide - Provides information about structural reference data.

    Structure 3D Symbols Reference - Provides information about the stair, ladder, footings, andequipment foundation 3D symbols that are available.

    SmartMarine 3D Structural Reference Data Overview - Provides an overview of theSmartMarine 3D structural reference data library.

    ISOGEN Guides

    Symbol Keys Reference Guide - Provides information about the symbol keys for isometricdrawings. This guide is from Alias, the makers of ISOGEN.

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    Compartmentation User's Guide 13

    Documentation CommentsWe welcome comments or suggestions about this documentation. You can send us an email at:[email protected].

    Documentation updates for supported software versions are available from eCustomer

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    14 Compartmentation User's Guide

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    16 Compartmentation User's Guide

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    Compartmentation User's Guide 17

    The following changes have been made to the Compartmentation task.

    Version 2011 R1 (9.1)   If two compartments share a common face, you can now move or edit that common face

    editing both compartments at the same time. The common face must be defined by points,be coplanar, and be defined the same way (by 2 points or by 4 points). (P3 CP:181838)

    What's New in Compartmentation

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    What's New in Compartmentation

    18 Compartmentation User's Guide

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    Compartmentation User's Guide 19

    S E C T I O N 1

    The Compartmentation task allows you to define the functional layout of a ship by creatingcompartments, ship zones, and other volume objects within the ship. Using theCompartmentation task, you can also assign loads and load combinations to volume objects.

    Compartments are physical spaces within the ship that cannot overlap, except for some limitedcases where one compartment, such as a fuel oil day tank, is completely enclosed by anothercompartment (such as the main machinery space). In almost all instances, a compartment iscompletely defined in terms of topological boundary relationships with a plate system, a deck, atransverse bulkhead, a longitudinal bulkhead, or a hull shell object.

    Ship zones are logical spaces within and around a ship that may or may not physically overlap.In most cases, ship zones are defined by a rectangular bounding box. The properties andspecifications of compartments, ship zones, and other volumes are defined in the reference datain the Catalog task.

    You can define the geometry of a volume object in a variety of ways - by two points, by fourpoints, by other surfaces, or by other volumes. You can also create a volume object in the modelby defining a path and projecting a cross-section along the path. In addition to these functions,you can import a SAT file to create compartments.

     After creating volumes, you can specify loads that are applied to the volumes. Load folders,spatial loads, unit loads, and load combinations appear on the Analysis tab in the WorkspaceExplorer .

    You can start the Compartmentation task by clicking Tasks > Compartmentation. TheCompartmentation task has the following commands:

    Select - Used to select objects in the model. For more information, see EditProperties (on page 95).

    Create Space Folder  - Creates a new folder for the organization of volumeobjects in the model. For more information, see Create Space Folder  (on page 23).

    Place Volume by Two Points - Defines a volume by selecting two points torepresent opposite vertices of the volume. For more information, see PlaceVolume by Two Points (on page 28).

    Place Volume by Four Points  - Defines a volume by entering three points todefine a base plane and a fourth point to define elevation or depth. For moreinformation, see Place Volume by Four Points (on page 33).

    Create Imported Volume - Imports an ACIS file (.sat) into the model to createvolumes. For more information, see Create Imported Volume (on page 35).

    Place Volume Along Path - Places a volume by specifying a cross-section andprojecting the cross-section along a path. For more information, see Place Volume Along Path (on page 37).

    Create Volume By Faces - Defines a volume by selecting sufficient boundingsurfaces to create a closed volume. For more information, see Create Volume byFaces (on page 52).

    Understanding Compartmentation

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    Understanding Compartmentation

    20 Compartmentation User's Guide

    Create Mult iple Volumes - Creates multiple compartments in a specified volume.For more information, see Create Multiple Volumes (on page 57).

    Merge Volumes - Merges multiple existing volumes into a single new volume. Formore information, see Merge Volumes (on page 65).

    Bound by Volumes - Defines a volume from sufficient bounding spaces thatcreate a closed volume. For more information, see Bound by Volumes (on page67).

    Create Load Folder  - Creates a new folder for the organization of load objects.For more information, see Create Load Folder  (on page 79).

    Create Load Combination  - Combines spatial and unit loads. For moreinformation, see Create Load Combination (on page 81).

    Create Spatial Load - Creates a load on a spatial volume. For more information,see Create Spatial Load (on page 84).

    Create Unit Load - Creates a load on a point. For more information, see

    CreateUnit Load (on page 86).

    Export Compartment - Exports a compartment solid body as a .sat file. Thiscommand is on the File menu. For more information, see Export Compartment (onpage 77).

    Create Compartments Automatically  - Creates compartments through an entireship in one operation. This command is located on the Tools menu. For moreinformation, see Create Compartments Automatically (on page 61).

    Update Attributes - Updates the attributes of selected compartments based oncustom code. This command is located on the Tools  menu. For more information,see Update Attributes (on page 75).

    In addition to commands on the vertical toolbar and menus, the Compartmentation task alsoprovides a custom command, Compart Query Service, which allows you to perform queries onobjects in the model, for example, to find all compartments that are on or cross a deck.

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    Compartmentation User's Guide 21

    S E C T I O N 2

     All compartments — or volume objects — are placed in the model using information defined inthe compartmentation reference data. Using the reference data workbook, you can createcustom volume objects that fit your specific requirements. Your first step should be to review,edit, and otherwise customize the delivered compartmentation reference data. For moreinformation about customizing the reference data that is delivered with the Compartmentationtask, refer to the Compartmentation Reference Data Guide, available from the Help > PrintableGuides command.

     After the reference data is customized, go to the Systems and Specifications task and begin todefine the systems that you want in your model. While you are not absolutely required to createyour systems first, doing so keeps you from having to edit your volume objects after placementto assign them to the correct system.

    With the systems defined, use the Grids task to define and place coordinate systems, elevation

    planes, and grid planes. Then, use the Molded Forms task to define the basic structure of theship, including: the hull, decks, bulkheads, major openings, stiffeners, beams, design seams,and so forth.

     After the compartmentation reference data and the needed systems, grids, planes, and shipstructures are defined, you can begin creating compartments, ship zones, and other volumeobjects in your model.

    When the volume objects are defined, you can create load objects, including spatial loads, unitloads, and load combinations.

    See AlsoUnderstanding Compartmentation (on page 19) 

    Compartmentation Common TasksThe following tasks are used frequently in the Compartmentation task.

    Customize Reference Data

    Create new volume object types by editing the compartmentation workbooks. For moreinformation, see the Compartmentation Reference Data Guide, available from the Help >Printable Guides command. 

    Organize Volumes and Loads

    Create folders to organize volume and load objects. For more information, see Create a spacefolder  (on page 24) and Create a load folder  (on page 80).

    Create Volume Objects

    Create volume objects in the model. There are several methods of creating volumes in theCompartmentation task. You can place a volume by two or four points, import volumes, place avolume along a path, create a volume bound by faces, create multiple volumes at once, ormerge volumes.

    Compartmentation Workflow

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    Compartmentation Workflow

    22 Compartmentation User's Guide

      Place a volume by two points (on page 29) 

      Place a volume by four points (on page 34) 

      Create Imported Volumes (on page 36) 

      Place a volume along a path (on page 44) 

      Place a volume bound by faces (on page 53) 

      Create multiple volumes in part of a ship (on page 58)   Create multiple volumes in an entire ship (on page 61) 

      Merge multiple volumes (on page 66) 

      Place a volume bound by volumes (on page 68) 

    Create Loads

    Create loads associated with the volumes in the model. You can create load combinations,spatial loads, and unit loads.

      Create a load combination (on page 82) 

      Create a spatial load (on page 85) 

      Create a unit load (on page 86) 

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    Compartmentation User's Guide 23

    S E C T I O N 3

    Creates a new hierarchical folder for organizing your volume objects. You can create foldersto provide a hierarchical storage system for the volume objects that you create in theCompartmentation task. When you select the Create Space Folder command, a ribbon appearsthat allows you to define a parent and name for the new folder. After the space folder is created,

    the space folder icon appears on the Space tab in the Workspace Explorer .

    The Space tab of the Workspace Explorer  displays all the volumes in the workspace in aclassification hierarchy that reflects the various relationships defined for the volume objects. Thecontent represents the current volume objects loaded from the database into the active

    workspace. When you select a volume object in the Workspace Explorer , it appearshighlighted with the select color in the graphic view. Additionally, the software defaults to editmode and displays the Edit Volume ribbon, which you can use to modify the selected volumeobject.

    You can also right-click a folder on the Space tab of the Workspace Explorer , and thenselect Create Compartment Folder .

    Create Space Folder

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    Create Space Folder

    24 Compartmentation User's Guide

    Create Space Folder Ribbon

    Sets options for creating a new space folder. After you have completed the required fields, youcan click the Space tab in the Workspace Explorer  to view the results.

    Properties - Displays the Space Folder Properties dialog box, which allows you to setproperties for the folder that you are creating. For more information, see Space Folder

    Properties Dialog Box (on page 119).Finish - Creates the space folder with the Name and Parent properties that you specify.

    Name - Specifies a name for the new space folder.

    Parent - Specifies a location within the space hierarchy. The space folder becomes a child ofthe selected parent. Selecting More in the dropdown list opens the Select Space Folder  dialogbox, which displays the complete space hierarchy.

    Create a space folder1. Click Create Space Folder   on the vertical toolbar.

    You can also right-click a folder on the Space tab of the Workspace Explorer , and

    then select Create Compartment Folder .2. On the ribbon, type a name for the new space folder.

    3. Specify a parent for the new space folder in the Parent list.

    You can select More in the drop-down list to display the Select Space Folder DialogBox (on page 24), which displays the full hierarchy.

    4. Click Finish.

    You can click Properties  on the ribbon to modify the folder properties. For moreinformation, see Space Folder Properties Dialog Box (on page 119).

    Select Space Folder Dialog Box

    Specifies the parent needed for determining placement of a new folder within the spacehierarchy. This dialog box appears when you select More in the Parent box on the CreateSpace Folder  ribbon. By browsing through the space hierarchy, you can select a parent for thenew space folder. After you select the parent, the software returns you to the model, where youcan finalize the creation of the new folder.

    Look In - Specifies from which location you want the software to pull hierarchical information.You can retrieve hierarchical information from either the current workspace or from the entireModel database.

    See AlsoCreate Space Folder  (on page 23) 

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    Compartmentation User's Guide 25

    S E C T I O N 4

    Several methods of creating new volume objects exist in the Compartmentation task. You canprovide two or four points to identify a rectangular cube, or you can select existing boundaries,such as decks or bulkheads, to define the volume. You can also import volumes or place avolume along a path. It is up to the designer to determine which volume creation tools are mostapplicable for the specific requirements of a ship.

    Volumes are stored in the model. In a graphic view, a volume object appears as a gray box, bydefault.

    In the Workspace Explorer , a volume is represented by an icon on the Space tab. You canlocate and manipulate volumes quickly and easily in the space hierarchy.

    You can use SmartSketch points when you create volume objects. When you associate a set ofobjects to a volume point with SmartSketch relationship indicators, if the associated objectschange, then the volumes update accordingly. For example, if a volume is connected to a gridintersection or a reference plane and the grid or plane is moved, the associated volume is addedto the To Do list, and you can update the volume size.

     Another example is when the boundaries of volumes are defined by plate systems. When thestructural designers move the plate systems that are used to define compartments, the softwareplaces the volumes on the To Do list for updates.

    Most volumes created in this task do not update automatically, and therefore, must bemanually updated. You should check the To Do list regularly for out-of-date volumes, especiallyin a concurrent design environment.

    Merging o r Splitting Volumes

     After you create a volume, you can add to or subtract from the volume using booleanoperations. You can merge the volume with other volumes. You can also split the volume intomultiple volumes. When you perform these operations, the software changes the type for theinput volume(s) to a void space if the input volume has the same type as the output volume(s).

    For example, when you click the Create Multi ple Volumes  command, you select an existingvolume and then select the inner faces. The existing, parent volume is not deleted, but it ischanged to a void space if the parent is the same type as the children volumes.

    Creating Volumes by Points

    When doing the preliminary design of compartments and ship zones, it is often convenient to

    quickly create volumes by two or four points. Using the Place Volume By Two Points  

    command and Place Volume By Four Points   command, you select points in the model todefine a volume.

    Create Volume Objects

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    For the Two Points command, you select points (bottom- front-left and top-right-back points) atthe corners of the space. For the Four Points command, you first select three points to definethe base planar surface of the volume, and then you select a point to provide the necessaryelevation to extrapolate the plane in three dimensions.

     Alternatively, you can enter the X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates of the points using the PinPoint 

    command. Either way, these volumes are not linked or associative to any existing geometry.Only their location coordinates are relative to the defined origin of the model.

    You can also use the boolean operation buttons on the ribbon to add or subtract volumes fromthe overall volume.

    For more information about creating a volume by two points, see Place Volume by Two Points (on page 28); for information about creating a volume by four points, see Place Volume by FourPoints (on page 33).

    Creating Imported Volumes

    The Compartmentation task allows you to quickly create volumes by importing an ACIS file intothe model. For more information, see Create Imported Volume (on page 35).

    This functionality is similar to the Import Plate System command in the Molded Forms

    task. For more information, see the Molded Forms User's Guide, available with the Help >Printable Guides command.

    Placing Volumes along Paths

    In the Compartmentation task, you can create customized volumes in the location that you need

    and with the shape that you need using the Place Volume Along Path  command. Thiscommand is especially useful for volumes that need to have an unusual shape or that mustnegotiate around specific objects in the model. For example, if you need to leave adequatespace for equipment to reach a particular location, the Place Volume Along Path  commandallows you to specify the path where the equipment needs to travel as well as the appropriateamount of clearance that must be left on all sides. One application of this command is a fireevacuation route.

    When you place a volume along a path, a two-dimensional cross section is projected along thepath that you specify in the model to create the volume. The path determines the location of thevolume in the model. The cross section, on the other hand, defines the shape and dimensions ofthe volume.

    The following picture shows a path (yellow) and a rectangular cross section projected along thatpath, with the resulting volume shown in green.

    Defining Paths

    When you define the path along which a cross section is projected, you can choose from a

    straight line or an arc by three points . Or, if you want to break the path at a particular

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    point, you can select No Line  . You can also control characteristics of the path by specifyingthe types of turns (bend, cornice, or chamfer), the dimensions of the turns, and the plane for thepath.

    Defining Cross Sections

    When you define the cross section for the volume, you can select from a standard set of crosssections defined in the reference data, or you can sketch your own two-dimensional crosssection.

    When you use a standard cross-sectional type, you can change the dimensions and the cardinalpoint of the cross section on the Cross-Section tab on the Volume Properties dialog box. Thecardinal point of the cross section is important in determining the shape and location of theresulting volume. The cardinal point is the point where you want the software to attach the crosssection to the path. All standard cross section types have cardinal points from which you canchoose.

    For example, in the following picture, you can see that the cardinal point (represented by a blackdot) is located in the center of the cross section. If the cardinal point were moved to anotherlocation, the resulting volume would be different.

    When you sketch a cross section, you must sketch the cross section on the two-dimensionalplane that is orthogonal to the first leg of the path. The software displays this plane, which isperpendicular to the path, as you sketch the cross section. The cardinal point is also displayedas you sketch.

    Editing Customized Volumes

     After creating customized volumes, you can edit them. The edit path ribbons allow you to modify

    the arcs, turns, or straight segments that are part of an existing path, either at placement orafterward.

    For more information about creating and editing customized volumes, see Place Volume AlongPath (on page 37).

    Creating Volumes by Faces

     Another way to create a volume is by selecting plate systems or reference planes in the model.For more information, see Create Volume by Faces (on page 52).

    While using the Create Volume by Faces  command, you select the faces for thecompartment. The software determines if there is any ambiguity and if so, allows you to chooseamong the resulting volumes.

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    When you are creating a volume by faces, it is often helpful to select a specific coordinatesystem (grid system). The Plate Filter  box on the ribbon allows you to select a grid system forthis purpose. For more information, see Create a filter for a grid system (on page 60).

    See AlsoCreate Multiple Volumes Simultaneously (on page 57) 

    Create Volume Objects from Existing Volumes (on page 63) 

    Place Volume by Two Points

    Defines a volume by selecting two points to represent the opposite vertices of the volume

    that you need. The two points can be located using standard tools, such as PinPoint , or byusing SmartSketch relationship indicators.

    While using this command, you can associate the volume with a design specification from theCatalog database. You can also add or subtract volumes to or from the overall volume.

    In a graphic view, a volume appears as a gray box, by default. In the Workspace Explorer , avolume is represented by an icon on the Space tab.

    Place Volume by Two Points RibbonSets options for placing volume objects defined by opposite vertices using the Place Volume byTwo Points command.

    Volume Properties - Displays the Properties dialog box, which allows you to set propertiesfor the compartment, ship zone, or void space that you are placing. For more information, seeCompartment Properties Dialog Box (on page 101), Ship Zone Properties Dialog Box (on page108), or Void Space Properties Dialog Box (on page 113).

    Volume Point 1 - Defines the first point for the definition of the volume.

    Volume Point 2 - Defines the second point for the definition of the volume.

    Finish - Places the volume as specified.

    Select Volumes for Addition - Allows you to select additional volumes (graphically or from

    the Workspace Explorer ) to add to the current volume definition. First, select a volume in agraphic view or from the Workspace Explorer , and then click Add to add it to the list.

    Select Volumes for Subtraction - Allows you to select volumes (graphically or from theWorkspace Explorer ) and then remove the selected volume from the volume definition.

    Volume List - Displays the Boolean Operation List Dialog Box (on page 31) dialog box,which lists the volumes added to or subtracted from the overall volume. You can add or removevolumes using the buttons on this dialog box.

    Name - Displays the default name for the volume object (as dictated by the active name rule),and allows you to enter a different name, if needed. Names must be unique across the entiremodel.

    Type - Specifies the type of volume. Selecting More from the dropdown list opens the SelectVolume Dialog Box (on page 31) dialog box from which you can select a type.

    Space folder  - Allows you to assign the new volume to a folder in the space hierarchy. Forinformation about creating space folders, see Create a space folder  (on page 24).

    What do you want to do?

      Place a volume by two points (on page 29) 

      Place a volume by two points using PinPoint (on page 30) 

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    Place a volume by two points

    1. Click Place Volume by Two Point s  on the vertical toolbar.

    2. Define the first point of the rectangular volume.

    3. Specify a name for the volume in theName

     box.4. Select a volume type from the Type list.

    The list in the Type box provides only the last few volumes selected from the catalog.Choosing More displays the Select Volume Dialog Box (on page 31), which allows you toselect any type of volume found in the catalog database.

    5. Select a folder from the Space folder  list.

      The default folder is the last folder used when creating a volume. In a new session file,the default is the model (root).

      Assigning volumes to a space folder organizes volumes in the current model. Folderscan be created with the Create Space Folder  (on page 23) command.

    6. Define the opposite corner of the rectangular volume.

    7. If necessary, click Select Volumes for Addit ion   or Select Volumes for Subtraction on the ribbon to add to or subtract from the resultant volume.

    8. Click Finish.

      You can also define the rectangular volume by using PinPoint  on the horizontal toolbarto enter coordinates for the points.

      You can click Volume Properties  on the ribbon to modify the volume properties. Formore information, see Compartment Properties Dialog Box (on page 101), Ship ZoneProperties Dialog Box (on page 108), or Void Space Properties Dialog Box (on page 113).

      The Type list is populated by the reference data and can be customized on a model-by-model basis. For more information on customizing compartmentation reference data, see

    the Compartmentation Reference Data Guide, available from the Help > Printable Guides  command. 

      By default, the global coordinate system is used to orient the rectangular volume relative tothe placement points; however, you can use the Coordinate system list on the PinPoint ribbon to select a different active coordinate system. After the volume object is placed, itmaintains a local coordinate system that is used in future edits of the volume object. Theorientation of the volume object does not change if the active coordinate system changes.For more information, see the Common User's Guide, available from the Help > PrintableGuides  command.

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    Place a volume by two points using PinPoint

    1. Click PinPoint  on the horizontal toolbar.

    2. Select the Rectangular Coordinates  option on the PinPoint ribbon.

    3. Click Place Volume by Two Point s  on the vertical toolbar.4. Define the first point of the rectangular volume.

    By default, the software displays help lines and distance values as you create the

    volume. You can use Display On/Off   on the PinPoint ribbon to toggle the display onand off.

    5. Select a type of volume from the Type list.

    The list in the Type box provides only the last few volumes selected from the catalog.Choosing More displays the Select Volume Dialog Box (on page 31), which allows you toselect any type of volume found in the catalog database.

    6. Specify a name for the volume in the Name box.

    7. Select a folder from the Space folder  list.

    The default folder is the last folder used when creating a volume. In a new session file,the default is the model (root).

    8. On the PinPoint ribbon, type the coordinates of the volume that you want to place. Thesoftware displays a footprint of the new volume in the model.

    You can also use relationship indicators such as intersection and point on surface

    to assist in positioning the corners of the volume.

    9. Click in the graphic view to place the volume.

    10. If necessary, click Select Volumes for Addit ion   or Select Volumes for Subtraction on the ribbon to add to or subtract from the resultant volume.

    11. Click Finish.

      The PinPoint command helps you place objects with precision by displaying coordinatedata relative to a specified coordinate position. For more information, see the CommonUser's Guide, available from the Help > Printable Guides command.

      By default, the global coordinate system is used to orient the rectangular volume relative tothe placement points; however, you can use the Coordinate System list prior to placementto select a different active coordinate system. After the volume object is placed, it maintainsa local coordinate system that is used in future edits of the volume object. The orientation ofthe volume object does not change if the active coordinate system changes.

      If a different coordinate system is selected in the Coordinate System field, you must click

    Set Target to Origin  to reset the ribbon values.

      You can use function keys with the PinPoint command. Press F6 to lock and unlock the Xvalue or absolute distance. Press F7 to lock and unlock the Y value or horizontal angle.

    Press F8 to lock and unlock the Z value or vertical angle. Press F9 to turn the display of helplines and distance values on and off. Press F12 to reposition the target.

      You can also click the middle mouse button or wheel to lock the X, Y, or Z dimension.

    See alsoCreate Volume Objects (on page 25) 

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    Boolean Operation List Dialog BoxLists the volumes that have been added to or subtracted from the overall volume definition. Youcan click Add to add a volume or Remove to remove a volume from the definition. The order ofthe volumes in the list does not affect the output.

     Added Volumes Tab (on page 31) Subtracted Volumes Tab (on page 31) 

    See AlsoCreate Volume Objects (on page 25) Understanding Compartmentation (on page 19) 

     Added Volumes Tab

    Lists the volumes that have been added to the overall volume definition.

    Subtracted Volumes Tab

    Lists the volumes that have been subtracted from the overall volume definition.

    Select Volume Dialog BoxSpecifies the type of volume needed for placement. This dialog box appears when you selectMore in the Type box on a horizontal ribbon. By browsing through the space hierarchy, you canfind any type of volume defined in the catalog database. After you select a volume object, thesoftware returns you immediately to the model, where you can finalize configuration andplacement of the volume.

    Save - Saves the active row to the catalog database. This command is available only in theCatalog task.

    Copy - Copies the selected object. This command is available only in the Catalog task.

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    Paste - Pastes a copied object. This command is available only in the Catalog task.

    Delete - Deletes the selected object. This command is available only in the Catalog task.

    Undo - Reverses the most recent operation. This command is available only in the Catalogtask.

    Insert Row - Inserts a blank row into the grid view. This command is available only in theCatalog task.

    Move Up - Moves the select list entry up one in the editable grid. This command is availableonly in the Catalog task.

    Move Down - Moves the select list entry down one in the editable grid. This command isavailable only in the Catalog task.

    Properties - Displays the properties of the selected object. The properties on this dialog boxare read-only.

    Preview - Opens a bitmap file that was assigned to a part or part class in the referencedata.

    Filter  - Filters the data in the content view to quickly find what you are looking for. You must

    first switch to Grid View  to make the Filter  button available.

    Sort - Sorts data in the content view by multiple columns to quickly find what you are lookingfor. This command is available only in the Catalog task.

    Customize Current View - Controls which property columns display in the content view andin what order. This command is available only in the Catalog task.

    List View - Displays the information in the content view in a list format.

    Grid View - Displays the information in the content view in a table format.

    Back - Highlights the last selected item or folder.

    Forward - Advances the display forward to return the browser display to the last item thatyou selected before you used the Back command.

    Up One Level - Moves the focus up one level in the catalog hierarchy. Address  - Specifies your exact location within the displayed hierarchy.

    See AlsoCreate Volume Objects (on page 25) Understanding Compartmentation (on page 19) 

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    Preview Dialog Box

    Displays bitmap image associated with the selected object. You can leave this Preview  windowopen as you select different part and part classes.

    Preview graphics must be added to the reference data before they can be viewed in the catalog.For more information on defining a graphical preview of a specific part, see "Add a PreviewGraphic to Parts" in the SmartMarine 3D Symbols Reference Data Guide available from theHelp > Printable Guides command in the software.

    Place Volume by Four Points

    Defines a volume by entering three points to define a base plane and a fourth point to defineelevation or depth. By selecting the three planar points in a plan view (looking down), you canensure that the volume is parallel to the base elevation plane of your design.

    While using this command, you can associate the volume with a design specification from thecatalog database. You can also add or subtract volumes to or from the overall volume.

    Place Volume by Four Points Ribbon

    Sets options for placing a volume defined by three planar points and an elevation point.

    Volume Properties - Displays the Properties dialog box, which allows you to set propertiesfor the compartment, ship zone, or void space that you are placing. For more information, seeCompartment Properties Dialog Box (on page 101), Ship Zone Properties Dialog Box (on page108), or Void Space Properties Dialog Box (on page 113).

    Volume Point 1 - Sets the first point for the definition of the volume.

    Volume Point 2 - Places the second point for definition of the volume, which determines the

    length of the volume in one direction.Volume Point 3 - Defines the third point for the volume to be created, which determines the

    width of the volume and defines the horizontal plane of one face.

    Volume Point 4 - Sets the elevation, or depth, of the new volume.

    Finish - Places the volume as specified.

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    Select Volumes for Addition - Allows you to select additional volumes (graphically or fromthe Workspace Explorer ) to add to the current volume definition. First, select a volume in agraphic view or from the Workspace Explorer , and then click Add to add it to the list.

    Select Volumes for Subtraction - Allows you to select volumes (graphically or from theWorkspace Explorer ) and then remove the selected volume from the volume definition.

    Volume List - Displays the Boolean Operation List Dialog Box (on page 31), which lists thevolumes added to or subtracted from the overall volume. You can add or remove volumes usingthe buttons on this dialog box.

    Name - Displays the default name for the volume (as dictated by the active name rule), andallows you to enter a different name, if needed.

    Type - Specifies the type of volume. Selecting More from the dropdown list opens the SelectVolume Dialog Box (on page 31) from which you can select a type.

    Space folder  - Allows you to assign the new volume to a folder in the space hierarchy. Forinformation about creating space folders, see Create a space folder  (on page 24).

    Place a volume by four points

    1. Click Place Volume by Four Points   on the vertical toolbar.

    2. Select three points to define a plane.

    3. Select a volume type from the Type list.

    The list in the Type box provides only the last few volumes selected from the catalog.Choosing More displays the Select Volume Dialog Box (on page 31), which allows you toselect any type of volume found in the catalog database.

    4. Specify a name for the volume in the Name box.

    5. Select a folder from the Space folder  list.

      The default folder is the last folder used when creating a volume. In a new session file, thedefault is the model (root).

      Assigning volumes to a space folder organizes volumes in the current model. Folders can

    be created with the Create Space Folder  (on page 23) command.

    1. Select a fourth point to define the elevation from your defined plane for the volume.

    2. If necessary, click Select Volumes for Addit ion   or Select Volumes for Subtraction to add to or subtract from the resultant volume.

    3. Click Finish.

      You can also define the rectangular volume by using PinPoint  on the horizontal toolbarto enter coordinates for the points.

      You can click Volume Properties  on the ribbon to modify the volume properties. Formore information, see Compartment Properties Dialog Box (on page 101), Ship ZoneProperties Dialog Box (on page 108), or Void Space Properties Dialog Box (on page 113).

      The Type list is populated by the reference data and can be customized on a model-by-model basis. For more information on customizing compartmentation reference data, seethe Compartmentation Reference Data Guide, available from the Help > Printable Guidescommand. 

      By default, the global coordinate system is used to orient the rectangular volume relative tothe placement points; however, you can use the Coordinate system list on the PinPoint ribbon to select a different active coordinate system. After the volume object is placed, it

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    maintains a local coordinate system that is used in future edits of the volume object. Theorientation of the volume object does not change if the active coordinate system changes.For more information, see the Common User's Guide, available from the Help > PrintableGuides command.

    See also

    Create Volume Objects (on page 25) 

    Create Imported VolumeImports an ACIS file into the model, in order to create volumes. The ACIS file is typically

    created using third-party applications such as Napa, TID, or Proteus. For more informationabout ACIS files, see the Molded Forms User's Guide, available from the Help > PrintableGuides command in the software.

    This functionality is similar to the Import Plate System command in the Molded Formstask.

    While using this command, you can associate the volume with a design specification from thecatalog database. You can also add or subtract volumes to or from the overall volume.

    Create Imported Volume Ribbon

    Sets options for creating imported volumes from an ACIS file.

    Properties - Displays the Volume Properties dialog box, which allows you to set propertiesfor the volume that you are placing. For more information, see Compartment Properties DialogBox (on page 101), Ship Zone Properties Dialog Box (on page 108), or Void Space PropertiesDialog Box (on page 113).

    Select the File - Select the .SAT file to import.

    Move the Object - Places the volume in the model.

    Select Volumes for Addition - Allows you to select additional volumes (graphically or fromthe Workspace Explorer ) to add to the current volume definition. First, select a volume in agraphic view or from the Workspace Explorer , and then click Add to add it to the list.

    Select Volumes for Subtraction - Allows you to select volumes (graphically or from theWorkspace Explorer ) and then remove the selected volume from the volume definition.

    Volume List - Displays the Boolean Operation List Dialog Box (on page 31), which lists thevolumes added to or subtracted from the overall volume. You can add or remove volumes usingthe buttons on this dialog box.

    Name - Displays the default name for the volume (as dictated by the active name rule), andallows you to enter a different name, if needed.

    Type - Specifies the type of volume. Selecting More from the dropdown list opens the SelectVolume Dialog Box (on page 31) from which you can select a type.

    Space folder  - Allows you to assign the new volume to a folder in the space hierarchy. Forinformation about creating space folders, see Create a space folder  (on page 24).

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    Create imported volumes

    1. On the vertical toolbar, click Create Imported Volum e  .

    2. Select the .SAT file to import.

    3. Click Open.

      If the .SAT file does not generate a closed volume, the software displays a messageinstructing you to choose a different file.

      After you choose a valid file, a volume appears in dynamics in the graphic view. Thevolume is attached to the mouse pointer at the centroid of the volume.

    4. Specify a name for the volume in the Name box.

    5. Select a volume type in the Type list.

    The list in the Type box provides only the last few volumes selected from the catalog.Choosing More displays the Select Volume Dialog Box (on page 31), which allows you toselect any type of volume found in the catalog database.

    6. Select a folder from the Space folder  list.

      The default folder is the last folder used when creating a volume. In a new session file,the default is the model (root).

      Assigning volumes to a space folder organizes volumes in the current model. Folderscan be created with the Create Space Folder  (on page 23) command.

    7. Click in a graphic view to place the volume.

    8. If necessary, click Select Volumes for Addit ion   or Select Volumes for Subtraction to add to or subtract from the resultant volume.

    9. Continue placing volumes as necessary.

    10. Click Finish.

      You can open a different .SAT file, if necessary, by clicking Select the File  on theribbon.

      You can click Volume Properties  on the ribbon to modify the volume properties. Formore information, see Compartment Properties Dialog Box (on page 101), Ship ZoneProperties Dialog Box (on page 108), or Void Space Properties Dialog Box (on page 113).

      After importing a volume, you can move it using the Move  command. For precision, use

    PinPoint  when moving the volume. For more information about these commands, seethe Common User's Guide, available from the Help > Printable Guides  command in thesoftware.

    See alsoCreate Volume Objects (on page 25) 

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    Place Volume Along Path

    Sketches a path in three-dimensional space, defines a cross-section, and projects thecross-section along the path to define a volume. The path can consist of straight lines, arcs, or

    even breaks in a line.While using this command, you can associate the volume with a design specification from thecatalog database. You can also add or subtract volumes to or from the overall volume.

    This command is especially useful for volumes that need to have an unusual shape or that mustnegotiate around specific objects in the model. For example, if you need to leave adequatespace for equipment to reach a particular location, the Place Volume Along Path  commandallows you to specify the path where the equipment needs to travel as well as the appropriateamount of clearance that must be left on all sides. One application of this command is a fireevacuation route.

    When you place a volume along a path, a two-dimensional cross-section is projected along thepath that you specify in the model to create the volume. The path determines the location of thevolume in the model. The cross-section, on the other hand, defines the shape and dimensions ofthe volume.

    The following picture shows a path (yellow) and a rectangular cross-section projected along thatpath, with the resulting volume shown in green.

    Defining PathsWhen you define the path along which a cross-section is projected, you can choose from a

    straight line or an arc by three points . Or, if you want to break the path at a particularpoint, you can select No Line  . You can also control characteristics of the path by specifyingthe types of turns (bend, cornice, or chamfer), the dimensions of the turns, and the plane for thepath.

    Defining Cross-Sections

    When you define the cross-section for the volume, you can select from a standard set ofcross-sections defined in the reference data, or you can sketch your own two-dimensionalcross-section.

    When you use a standard cross-sectional type, you can change the dimensions and the cardinal

    point of the cross-section on the Cross-Section tab on the Volume Properties dialog box. Thecardinal point of the cross-section is important in determining the shape and location of theresulting volume. The cardinal point is the point where you want the software to attach thecross-section to the path. All standard cross-section types have cardinal points from which youcan choose.

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    For example, in the following picture, you can see that the cardinal point (represented by a blackdot) is located in the center of the cross-section. If the cardinal point were moved to anotherlocation, the resulting volume would be different.

    When you sketch a cross-section, you must sketch the cross-section on the two-dimensionalplane that is orthogonal to the first leg of the path. The software displays this plane, which isperpendicular to the path, as you sketch the cross-section. The cardinal point is also displayedas you sketch.

    Editing Customized Volumes

     After creating customized volumes, you can edit them. The edit path ribbons allow you to modifythe arcs, turns, or straight segments that are part of an existing path, either at placement orafterward.

    Place Volume Along Path Ribbon

    Sets options for placing volumes defined by a path and a cross section projected along the path.

    Properties - Displays the Properties dialog box, which allows you to set properties for thecompartment, ship zone, or void space that you are placing. For more information, seeCompartment Properties Dialog Box (on page 101), Ship Zone Properties Dialog Box (on page108), or Void Space Properties Dialog Box (on page 113).

    Path - Displays the Create Path Ribbon, which allows you to define the path along which thevolume will be created.

    Cross-Section - Sets properties for the cross section. If one of the standard cross-sectiontypes is selected in the Cross-Section box, this button displays the Cross-Section Tab (on page107) of the Volume Properties dialog box to allow you to modify the properties of the cross

    section. If you select Sketch as the cross-section type, this button displays the Create Path ribbon to allow you to sketch the two-dimensional cross section. The Cross-Section button isonly available after you define a path for the volume.

    Select Volumes for Addition - Allows you to select additional volumes (graphically or fromthe Workspace Explorer ) to add to the current volume definition. First, select a volume in agraphic view or from the Workspace Explorer , and then click Add to add it to the list.

    Select Volumes for Subtraction - Allows you to select volumes (graphically or from theWorkspace Explorer ) and then remove the selected volume from the volume definition.

    Volume List - Displays the Boolean Operation List Dialog Box (on page 31), which lists thevolumes added to or subtracted from the overall volume. You can add or remove volumes usingthe buttons on this dialog box.

    Finish - Places the volume along the path specified with the cross section.

    Cross-Section - Specifies the type of cross section that you want to project along the specifiedpath. You can either select a standard cross-section defined in the reference data, or you cansketch your own custom cross-section.

    Name - Displays the default name for the space (as dictated by the active name rule), andallows you to enter a different name, if needed.

    Type - Specifies the reference data used for determining the properties of the volume.

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      Create Volume Objects

    Compartmentation User's Guide 39

    Space folder  - Allows you to assign the new volume to a folder in the space hierarchy. Forinformation about creating space folders, see Create a space folder  (on page 24).

    Create Path Ribbon

    Sets options for defining a new path.

    Properties - Displays the Sketch Properties dialog box, which allows you to viewproperties for the path. For more information, see Sketch Properties Dialog Box (on page 119).

    Finish Path - Displays the path in the active graphic view and returns to the Place Volume Along Path command.

    Cancel - Cancels the changes that you have made, and returns you to the model.

    Edit - Allows you to modify and move the existing path. When you initially create a path, thisoption is only available after you place at least two points in the path. You can select a segment,a turn, or multiple segments to which you want to make modifications.

    Create - Sketches the path or adds segments to an existing path.

    First Point - Specifies that you are defining the first point of the path segment.

    Second Point (Straight Line) - Specifies that you are defining the second point of a straightpath segment.

    Second Poin t (Arc) - Specifies that you are defining the second point of an arc. This optiononly appears when Arc is selected in the Path Type list.

    Third Point (Arc) - Specifies that you are defining the final point of an arc.

    Path Type - Specifies the type of line for the current segment in the path. To change thesegment type, select a different type in the Path Type list.

      Line - Specifies that the line type for the segment is a straight line.

       Arc by 3 Points  - Specifies that the line type for the segment is an arc. To define thearc, you must click three points in the view.

      No Line - Specifies that you do not want the current segment of the path to have a lineassociated with it.

    Plane - Activates options for selecting a working plane for the path.

      Plan Plane - Defines the work surface as the XY plane. You can also press CTRL+1 toselect this option.

      Z Plane: X-West - Defines the work surface as the XZ plane. You can also pressCTRL+2 to select this option.

      Section Plane: Y- South - Defines the work surface as the YZ plane. You can alsopress CTRL+3 to select this option.

      Plane by Turn - Defines the work surface as the plane defined by an existing turn. Youselect the turn to set the plane. You can also press CTRL+4 to select this option.

      Plane by Three Points  - Defines the work surface using three points you define. Youcan also press CTRL+5 to select this option.

      No Plane - Clears any work surfaces. The software does not project points that youplace to any plane. You can also press CTRL+6 to select this option.

    Lock Angle - Locks or unlocks the Angle box. Locking the corresponding angle valuecreates a constraint along which the selected turn angle can be moved.

     Angle - Specifies the angle for the turn.

    Lock Length - Locks or unlocks the Length box.

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    Create Volume Objects

    40 Compartmentation User's Guide

    Length - Specifies the length of the selected path segment.

    Turn Type - Specifies the type of turn associated with the current path segment. The Turn Type option is not available if you select Arc or No Line in the Line Type list.

      None - Indicates that no special turn type is applied to the turn.

      Bend - Specifies that the turn type between two segments is a bend. You can specify the

    angle of the bend in the Value box.  Cornice - Specifies that the turn type between two segments is a cornice. You can specify

    the radius of the cornice in the Value box.

      Chamfer  - Specifies that the turn type between two segments is a chamfer. You can specifythe dimensions for setback A and setback B of the chamfer in the Value box. Thedimensions of setback A and setback B for the chamfer must be the same.

    The following graphic includes an example of each of the available turn types:

    Value - Defines dimensions for the selected turn type.

    Offset - Enter or select the offset between the path and the working plane.

    Edit Path Straight Segment Ribbon

    Sets options for modifying a straight segment of an existing path. This ribbon appears when youselect a straight segment in the existing path.

    Properties - Displays the Sketch Properties dialog box, which allows you to viewproperties for the path. For more information, see Sketch Properties Dialog Box (on page 119).

    Finish Path - Displays the path in the active graphic view and returns you to the Place Volume Along Path command.

    Cancel - Cancels the changes that you have made and returns you to the model.

    Show Cross Section View  - Opens a new window that is oriented to display the sketch(cross section) plane as viewed from the end of the first path segment. The option is onlyavailable when the cross-sectional type is defined as Sketch.

    Edit - Allows you to modify and move the existing path. You can select a segment, a turn, ormultiple segments to which you want to make modifications.

    Create - Displays the Create Path ribbon to allow you to add segments to an existing path.

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      Create Volume Objects

    Compartmentation User's Guide 41

    First Point - Specifies that you are selecting the starting location of the move vector.

    Second Point - Specifies that you are selecting the ending location of the move vector.

    Path Type - Specifies the type of line for the current segment in the path. To change thesegment type, click a new type in the Path Type list.

      Line - Specifies that the line type for the segment is a straight line.

       Arc by 3 Points  - Specifies that the line type for the segment is an arc. To define thearc, you must click three points in the view.

      No Line - Specifies that you do not want the current segment of the path to have a lineassociated with it.

      Plane - Activates options for selecting a working plane for the path.

      Plan Plane - Defines the work surface as the XY plane. You can also press CTRL+1 toselect this option.

      Z Plane: X-West - Defines the work surface as the XZ plane. You can also pressCTRL+2 to select this option.

      Section Plane: Y- South - Defines the work surface as the YZ plane. You can alsopress CTRL+3 to select this option.

      Plane by Turn - Defines the work surface as the plane defined by an existing turn. Youselect the turn to set the plane. You can also press CTRL+4 to select this option.

      Plane by Three Points  - Defines the work surface using three points you define. Youcan also press CTRL+5 to select this option.

      No Plane - Clears any work surfaces. The software does not project points that youplace to any plane. You can also press CTRL