COMPENSATION OF THE THRESHOLD-VOLTAGE TEMPERATURE DRIFT IN A DIODE LIMITER (UDC 621.382.2.088.6) L. D. Kaurov Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 9, pp. 90-91, September, 1966 t ~ D2 Dv ~, 0'in e~ try type DI02A D 18 Fig. 1 Ds ~;I ~ g l U~ d Fig. 2 In designing circuits with semiconductors it is often necessary to use diode limiters intended for working with signals whose amplitude is of the order of units and tenths of a volt. Under such conditions the threshold voltage temperature drift contributes an appreciable error to the operation of the circuit. Changes in the threshold voltage Uth produced by changes in the volt-ampere characteristic of the limiting diode Dz and due to ambient temperature variations are compensated in the circuit shown in Fig. 1 by means of diodes DI and D3. If diodes D2 and D 3 are identical, the dis- placement in the forward branches of their volt-ampere characteristics compensate each other. Variations in the reverse current Irv(t ~ of diode D z leads to changes in the voltage drop across divider resistance Rz. The displacement of the forward branch of the volt-ampere characteristic of diode D 1 reduces these changes. It is impossible to eliminate complete- ly the limiting threshold drift owing to the fact that variations in the re- verse diode current have a pronounced nonlinear characteristic, whereas those of the forward branch of the volt-ampere characteristic are linear. By using a piecewise-broken approximation of the diode volt- ampere characteristic (Fig. 2) it is possible to write U B = E -- U 0 (1) U . =KE+Uo, (2) where U0 is the abscissa of the inflection point in the straight branch of the volt-ampere characteristics; K = Rz/(R1 + R 2) is the transfer factor of the voltage divider R I + ~. t ~ c Without compensa- tion 17r 40 . 54 62 76 36 With com- 46 48 I 50 53 56 I0 pensation ] Without 42 53 I 66 84 106 64 compensa- I t_~n With corn- 33 [ 33 34 35 36 3 I pensation I From (1) and (2) the limiting threshold is Uth = E (l--K)-- U0 on the other hand, (3) Oth Uin--U~176 (4) where Uin and Uout are, respectively, the amplitudes of the input and the limited signal (the transfer factor of the limiter is taken as 1). From (3) and (4) we obtain E(1 - K) = Uin -- Uou t. 1230

Compensation of the threshold-voltage temperature drift in a diode limiter

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C O M P E N S A T I O N OF T H E T H R E S H O L D - V O L T A G E


(UDC 621.382.2.088.6)

L. D. K a u r o v

Translated from Izmer i t e l ' naya Tekhnika, No. 9,

pp. 90-91, September, 1966

t ~ D2

Dv ~, 0'in e ~ try



D 18

Fig. 1



~ g l U~


Fig. 2

In designing circuits with semiconductors i t is often necessary to use diode l imiters intended for working with signals whose ampl i tude is of the order of units and tenths of a volt . Under such conditions the threshold vol tage temperature drift contributes an appreciable error to the operation of the circuit .

Changes in the threshold vol tage Uth produced by changes in the vo l t - ampe re character is t ic of the l imit ing diode D z and due to ambient temperature variations are compensated in the circuit shown in Fig. 1 by

means of diodes D I and D 3. If diodes D 2 and D 3 are ident ical , the dis- p lacement in the forward branches of their vo l t - ampe re characterist ics compensate each other. Variations in the reverse current Irv(t ~ of diode D z leads to changes in the vol tage drop across divider resistance Rz. The displacement of the forward branch of the vo l t - ampe re character is t ic of diode D 1 reduces these changes. It is impossible to e l imina te comple te - ly the l imit ing threshold drift owing to the fact that variations in the re-

verse diode current have a pronounced nonlinear characterist ic , whereas those of the forward branch of the vo l t - ampe re characteris t ic are l inear.

By using a p iecewise-broken approximation of the diode vol t - ampere character is t ic (Fig. 2) i t is possible to write

U B = E - - U 0 (1)

U . = K E + U o , (2)

where U 0 is the abscissa of the inf lect ion point in the straight branch of the vo l t - ampe re characteristics; K = Rz/(R 1 + R 2) is the transfer factor of

the vol tage divider R I + ~ .

t ~ c

Without compensa- tion 17r 40 . 54 62 76 36

With com- 46 48 I 50 53 56 I0 pensation ]

Without 42 53 I 66 84 106 64 compensa- I t_~n

With corn- 33 [ 33 34 35 36 3


pensation I

From (1) and (2) the l imit ing threshold is

Uth = E ( l - - K ) - - U0

on t h e other hand,


Oth Uin--U~176 (4)

where Uin and Uout are, respect ively, the ampli tudes of the input and the l imi ted signal (the transfer factor of the l imi ter is taken as 1).

From (3) and (4) we obtain E(1 - K) = Uin -- Uou t.


It is possible to de te rmine from the above expression for a given E the va lue of the transfer factor K:

Uin - - U out K = I

E (5)

From the va lue of the transfer factor K thus obtained, we find the va lue of Rz:

AUfw(t~ (t') R2, (6)

where AUfw(t ~ is the d isp lacement of the forward branch of the diode D 1 v o l t - a m p e r e character is t ic ; Alrv(t ~ is the

var ia t ion in the reverse current of diode Dz; AUfw(t~ =jAt~ AI (t*) = I tz -- I tl ; j is the forwaxd-voltage t empera - rV r v r v

ture coeff ic ient which for germanium diodes is equal to 2.2-2.5 m V / d e g , and for si l icon diodes to 1.85-1.95 m V / d e g .

At ~ = t 2 - - t l .

The values of I ~ and Irtl v axe taken from reference data or ca lcula ted .

From (6) we obtain

Rz -- A Ufw (t ~ K , R1 __ R~ - - K____~R~ A i r v (t ~ g

The tab le shows the measured pulse ampli tudes at the output of a compensated and a noncompensated l imi ter . In assembling the c i rcui t the diodes are not selected.