Features List Full Disk Encryption (FDE) Active Directory Integration Pre-boot Authentication Autoboot Single sign-on Network Pre-Boot Authentication* Wireless Pre-Boot Authentication* Centralized Management Console Mobile Device Management (MDM) Multiple OS Support Mac OS X support FileVault2 Linux Support OPAL Support SED Support Intel AT Support Container Encryption Solution Removable Media Encryption

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SummaryFeatures ListFeature DescriptionMcAfee Endpoint Encryption (SafeBoot & Intel)Symantec (GuardianEdge & PGP)Trend MicroWinMagicWinMagic Benefits OfferingsFull Disk Encryption (FDE)Protects information by converting it into unreadable code that cannot be deciphered easily by unauthorized usersYesYesYesYesActive Directory IntegrationThis allows to use domain user information instead of creating users manually in MMC of Encryption Solutions.YesYesYesYesPre-boot AuthenticationSecure Authentication process to ensure only authorize user can access the device.YesYesYesYesAutobootSeamless BootUp without Additonal authentication screen yet secure with encryption.YesYesYesYesSingle sign-onAllow to use windows credentials @ boot logon & redirect to user profile by skipping windows authenticationYesYesYesYesNetwork Pre-Boot Authentication*Ability to authenticate user through LAN N/W with AD at Boot LogonNoNoNoYesNetwork Pre-boot provides a means for authenticating encrypted devices to the network before the operating system ever loads. It means that before any data on a device is decrypted and a user granted access, the user must input credentials (a password) that are verified by a Active Directory server and then allow the user to log-on to a device and start the operating system (OS) log-in process. It means data is never exposed until the user credentials are verified before the standard OS log-in process.Wireless Pre-Boot Authentication*Ability to authenticate user through WiFi N/W with AD at Boot LogonNoNoNoYesExtending the Network Preboot ability to Wireless Connection provide similar protection of Network Preeboot. As most the Laptops are always cnnected to wireless network Wireless PBN gives secure access to Laptops wherever they are connected.Centralized Management ConsoleAbility to Manage wide range of OS platform from single consoleYesYesYesYesMobile Device Management (MDM)Ability to Manage Android & iOS smartphone from same applicationYes*NoNoYesFrom Single MMC allows organizations to secure mobile devices running iOS and Android and ensure they're SecuredMultiple OS SupportMultiple OS support withinn the same applicationYesYesNoYesMac OS X supportAbility to support MAC OSYesYesNoYesFileVault2Ability to manage MAC FV2 through centralized consoleNoNoNoYesLinux SupportAbility to support Linux OSYesYesNoYesOPAL SupportAbility to manage OPAL driveYesYesNoYesSED SupportAbility to manage SED driveYesYesYesYesIntel AT SupportIntel AT support withinn the same applicationYesYesNoYesContainer Encryption SolutionAbility to encrypt RM with container encryption providing flixibility to user & protection to organizationsNoNoNoYesAllows users the ability to create an encrypted container on a removable USB. This differs from traditional removable media encryption inasmuch as the user isnt required to encrypt the full volume of the media. With RMCE users can effectively create an encrypted partition on the removable media leaving the remainder of the volume unencrypted and free to use for other purposes. Their is no size limit of RM to create contianerRemovable Media EncryptionRM encryption within the same organizationYesYes (RSE)Yes (RSE)YesDynamic Key ProvisioningAbility to provide automated process for key creation & assigningNoYesYesYesCrypto EraseSecurely erasing keys keeping Data unreadable on HDDNoNoNoYesCrypto erase for software and hardware based encryption, enables administrators to restore a hard disk to factory standards in less than one second by overwriting the medias encryption key (MEK) / data encryption key (DEK), hence cryptographically shredding the hard drive.File and Folder EncryptionAbility to Encryption File & FolderYesYes (File)YesYesWith ability to encrypt Network Share files, also allows user to encrypt local folder with secure personal keys.Lenovo ThinkVantage Tools SupportAbility to Support LENOVO THINKVANTAGENoNoNoYesMulti-factor authenticationTwo factor authentication can be used as an additional security @ Boot LogonYesYesYesYesBiometric SupportAbility to support Biometric Technology for secure logonYesYesYesYesTrusted Platform Module (TPM) MgmtYesYesYes