Compiling Path Queries Srinivas Narayana, Mina Tahmasbi, Jennifer Rexford, and David Walker Princeton University Paper #5: 12 pages Abstract Measuring the flow of traffic along network paths is crucial for many management tasks, including traf- fic engineering, diagnosing congestion, and mitigating DDoS attacks. We introduce a declarative query lan- guage for efficient path-based traffic monitoring. Path queries are specified as regular expressions over predi- cates on packet locations and header values, with SQL- like “groupby” constructs for aggregating results any- where along a path. A run-time system compiles queries into a deterministic finite automaton. The automaton’s transition function is then partitioned, compiled into match-action rules, and distributed over the switches. Switches stamp packets with automaton states to track the progress towards fulfilling a query. Only when pack- ets satisfy a query are they packet counted, sampled, or sent to collectors for further analysis. By processing queries in the data plane, users “pay as they go”, as data- collection overhead is limited to exactly those packets that satisfy the query. We implemented our system on top of the Pyretic SDN controller and evaluated its perfor- mance on a campus topology. Our experiments indicate that the system can enable “interactive debugging”— compiling multiple queries in a few seconds—while fit- ting rules comfortably in modern switch TCAMs and the automaton state into two bytes (e.g., a VLAN header). 1 Introduction Effective traffic-monitoring tools are crucial for running large networks—to track a network’s operational health, debug performance problems when they inevitably oc- cur, account and plan for resource use, and ensure that the network is secure. Poor support for network moni- toring and debugging can result in costly outages [5]. The network operator’s staple measurement toolkit is well-suited to monitoring traffic at a single location (e.g., SNMP/RMON and NetFlow/sFlow), or probing an end- to-end path at a given time (e.g., ping and traceroute). However, operators often need to ask questions involv- ing packets that traverse specific paths, over time: for example, to measure the traffic matrix [18], to resolve congestion or a DDoS attack by determining the ingress locations directing traffic over a specific link [17, 51], to localize a faulty device by tracking how far packets get before being dropped, and to take corrective action when packets evade a scrubbing device (even if transiently). Answering such questions requires measurement tools that can analyze packets based both on their location and headers, attributes which may change as the packets flow through the network. The key measurement chal- lenge is that, in general, it is hard to determine a packet’s upstream or downstream path or headers. Current ap- proaches either require inferring flow statistics by “join- ing” traffic data with snapshots of the forwarding policy, or answer only a small set of predetermined questions, or collect much more data than necessary (§2). In contrast, when operators want to measure path-level flows in a network, they should be able to: 1. ask network-wide questions using concise, declara- tive queries, 2. program measurements without worrying about the network’s forwarding policy (or its changes), 3. program measurements without worrying about other measurements of the system, 4. get direct and accurate results, without having to “infer” them by joining multiple datasets, 5. have direct control over measurement overhead, and 6. use standard match-action switch hardware [8, 31]. A Path Query Language. We have developed a query language where users specify regular expressions over boolean conditions on packet location and header con- tents. To allow concise queries over disjoint subsets of packets, the language includes an SQL-like “groupby” construct that aggregates query results anywhere along a path. Different actions can be taken on a packet when it satisfies a query, such as incrementing counters, direct-

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Compiling Path Queries

Srinivas Narayana, Mina Tahmasbi, Jennifer Rexford, and David WalkerPrinceton UniversityPaper #5: 12 pages

AbstractMeasuring the flow of traffic along network paths

is crucial for many management tasks, including traf-fic engineering, diagnosing congestion, and mitigatingDDoS attacks. We introduce a declarative query lan-guage for efficient path-based traffic monitoring. Pathqueries are specified as regular expressions over predi-cates on packet locations and header values, with SQL-like “groupby” constructs for aggregating results any-where along a path. A run-time system compiles queriesinto a deterministic finite automaton. The automaton’stransition function is then partitioned, compiled intomatch-action rules, and distributed over the switches.Switches stamp packets with automaton states to trackthe progress towards fulfilling a query. Only when pack-ets satisfy a query are they packet counted, sampled, orsent to collectors for further analysis. By processingqueries in the data plane, users “pay as they go”, as data-collection overhead is limited to exactly those packetsthat satisfy the query. We implemented our system on topof the Pyretic SDN controller and evaluated its perfor-mance on a campus topology. Our experiments indicatethat the system can enable “interactive debugging”—compiling multiple queries in a few seconds—while fit-ting rules comfortably in modern switch TCAMs and theautomaton state into two bytes (e.g., a VLAN header).

1 Introduction

Effective traffic-monitoring tools are crucial for runninglarge networks—to track a network’s operational health,debug performance problems when they inevitably oc-cur, account and plan for resource use, and ensure thatthe network is secure. Poor support for network moni-toring and debugging can result in costly outages [5].

The network operator’s staple measurement toolkit iswell-suited to monitoring traffic at a single location (e.g.,SNMP/RMON and NetFlow/sFlow), or probing an end-to-end path at a given time (e.g., ping and traceroute).

However, operators often need to ask questions involv-ing packets that traverse specific paths, over time: forexample, to measure the traffic matrix [18], to resolvecongestion or a DDoS attack by determining the ingresslocations directing traffic over a specific link [17, 51], tolocalize a faulty device by tracking how far packets getbefore being dropped, and to take corrective action whenpackets evade a scrubbing device (even if transiently).

Answering such questions requires measurement toolsthat can analyze packets based both on their locationand headers, attributes which may change as the packetsflow through the network. The key measurement chal-lenge is that, in general, it is hard to determine a packet’supstream or downstream path or headers. Current ap-proaches either require inferring flow statistics by “join-ing” traffic data with snapshots of the forwarding policy,or answer only a small set of predetermined questions, orcollect much more data than necessary (§2).

In contrast, when operators want to measure path-levelflows in a network, they should be able to:

1. ask network-wide questions using concise, declara-tive queries,

2. program measurements without worrying about thenetwork’s forwarding policy (or its changes),

3. program measurements without worrying aboutother measurements of the system,

4. get direct and accurate results, without having to“infer” them by joining multiple datasets,

5. have direct control over measurement overhead, and6. use standard match-action switch hardware [8, 31].

A Path Query Language. We have developed a querylanguage where users specify regular expressions overboolean conditions on packet location and header con-tents. To allow concise queries over disjoint subsets ofpackets, the language includes an SQL-like “groupby”construct that aggregates query results anywhere alonga path. Different actions can be taken on a packet whenit satisfies a query, such as incrementing counters, direct-

Forwarding Policy

Query compiler and runtime

SDN controller

CountersRules Payloads



Figure 1: Path Query System.

ing traffic to a mirroring port or controller, or sampling ata given rate. These actions may be applied either beforeor after the packets traverse the matching trajectory.

The Run-time System. To implement a path query, therun-time system programs the switches to record pathinformation in each packet as it flows through the dataplane. While prior approaches have tracked packet pathsthis way [25, 45, 51], a naive encoding of every detail ofthe path—location and headers—would incur significantoverheads. For example, encoding a packet’s source anddestination MAC addresses, and connection 5-tuple (24bytes) at each hop incurs more than a 10% space over-head on a 1500-byte packet, if the packet takes six hops.

Instead, we customize packet path information to theinput queries. More specifically, the run-time systemcompiles queries into a deterministic finite automaton(DFA), whose implementation is then distributed acrossthe switches. The state of the DFA is stored in eachpacket as updated as it traverses the network. Upon re-ceiving a packet, the switch reads the current DFA state,checks conditions implied by the query, writes a newDFA state on to the packet, executes actions associatedwith forwarding policy, and sends the packet on its way.Further, if a packet reaches an accepting state of the DFA,the actions associated with the accepting state are trig-gered. Hence, if the action associated with an acceptingstate is to send the packet to a collector, only packets ac-tually matching a query are ever sent to a collector.

The mechanism we propose has an attractive “pay forwhat you query” cost model. Intuitively, our techniqueacts as an application-specific compression scheme forpacket content and paths: rather than coding every detailof the packet trajectory, only the information necessaryto answer queries is represented in the automaton state.When a packet hits an accepting state, all user-requestedinformation about the packet path can be reconstructed.

Prototype Implementation and Evaluation. We haveimplemented a prototype of our query system on thePyretic SDN controller [33] with the NetKat compiler[54]. Our compilation algorithms generate rules both forsingle and multi-stage match-action tables (e.g., Open-Flow [31], [8]), and we implemented several compileroptimizations that reduce rule-space overhead and querycompile time significantly. Our system design satisfies

requirements (1)-(6) outlined earlier. On an emulatedStanford network topology, our prototype can compileseveral queries we tested (together) in under 10 sec-onds. We believe such compile times can enable “in-teractive” network debugging by human operators. Theamount of packet state is less than two bytes, and fitsin standard fields like VLAN or MPLS headers. Fur-ther, the emitted data plane rules—numbering a fewhundreds—fit comfortably in the TCAM available onmodern switches [8, 13, 22].

Contributions. In summary, this paper contributes:1. the design of a query language that allows users to

identify packets traversing a given set of paths (§3),2. an evaluation of query expressiveness and the de-

bugging model through examples (§4),3. a run-time system that compiles queries to data-

plane rules that emulate a distributed DFA (§5),4. a set of optimizations that reduce query compile

time by several orders of magnitude (§6), and5. a prototype implementation and evaluation with the

Pyretic SDN controller and Open vSwitch (§7).We have open-sourced our prototype [61] and instruc-tions to reproduce the results are available online [43].

Our preliminary workshop paper [35] on designinga path query system was only partly implemented, andthe compilation strategy was prohibitively expensive foreven moderately-sized networks. In this paper, we imple-ment and evaluate a full system, and develop optimiza-tions essential to make the system work in practice.

2 Design of Path Measurement

How to know which path a packet took through the net-work? How to collect or count all packets going througha specific path? These are the questions that a numberof prior path measurement approaches [1, 15, 21, 45, 51,55, 60, 70, 72] aim to answer. We discuss this designspace in terms of two broad classes, out-of-band and in-band measurements. Policy-checking approaches, suchas header space analysis [27] and VeriFlow [28] cannotanswer these questions, as they only report packets thatcould satisfy certain conditions (e.g., reachability), butdo not capture the actual packets that do. These two setsof packets may be different because of congestion, faults,and misconfigurations in the data plane.

‘Out-of-band’ path measurement. These techniquescollect observations of packets from network devices,and infer path properties of interest—for example, fromindependent packet samples [1, 48], trajectory labels[15], postcards [21], or matched and mirrored packets[66, 72]. Unfortunately, it is difficult to determine thefull path of a single packet through observations spreadout in space and time both correctly and efficiently:


(i) Dynamic forwarding policies: A simple way toget path measurements is to capture traffic entering anetwork (e.g., packet samples [1]) and use the rout-ing tables to estimate the paths the traffic would take.However, packet forwarding changes often due to topol-ogy changes, failover mechanisms (e.g., MPLS fast re-route), and traffic engineering. Further, today’s devicesdo not provide the timestamps at which the forwardingtables were updated, so it is difficult to reconcile packet-forwarding state with collected traffic data.

(ii) Packets dropped in flight: It is tricky to estimateactual packet trajectories even when packet forwarding isstatic. Packets may be dropped downstream from wherethey are observed, e.g., due to congestion or faulty equip-ment, so it is difficult to know if a packet actually com-pleted its inferred downstream trajectory.

(iii) Ambiguous upstream path: The alternative of ob-serving traffic deeper in a network, on internal links ofinterest, cannot always tell where the traffic entered. Forexample, packets with identical header fields may arriveat multiple ingress points, e.g., when packet headers arespoofed as in a DDoS attack, or when two ISPs peerat multiple points. Such packets would follow differentpaths eventually merging on the same downstream inter-face: disambiguating them at that point is impossible.

(iv) Packets modified in flight: Compounding the dif-ficulty, switches may modify the header fields of packetsin flight. “Inverting” packet modifications to compute theupstream trajectory is inherently ambiguous, as the up-stream packet could have contained arbitrary values onthe rewritten fields. Computing all possibilities is com-putationally difficult [71]. Further, packet modificationsthwart schemes like trajectory sampling [15] that hash onheader fields to sample a packet at each hop on its path.

(v) Opaque multi-path routing: Switch features likeequal cost multi-path (ECMP) routing are currently im-plemented through hardware hash functions which areclosed source and vendor-specific. This confounds tech-niques that attempt to infer downstream paths for pack-ets. This is not a fundamental limitation (e.g., some ven-dors may expose hash functions), but a pragmatic one.

(vi) High data collection overhead: Since both up-stream and downstream trajectory inference is inaccu-rate, we are left with the option of collecting packetsor digests at every hop [21, 55]. However, collectingall traffic is infeasible due to the bandwidth overheads.Even targeted match-and-mirror solutions [66, 72] can-not sustain the bandwidth overheads to collect all traf-fic affected by a problem. Sampling the packets at lowrates [15] would make such overheads manageable, butat the expense of losing visibility into the (majority) un-sampled traffic. This lack of visibility hurts badly whendiagnosing problems for specific traffic (e.g., a specificcustomer’s TCP connections) that the sampling missed.

‘In-band’ path measurement: These approaches tagpackets with metadata that directly identify paths of in-terest [25, 29, 35, 51, 60, 70] from the packet. However,current approaches have multiple drawbacks:

(vii) Limited expressiveness: Unfortunately, existingapproaches only identify complete, topological paths,i.e., the full sequence of switches and ports traversed bya packet [45,51,60,70]. This is limiting for two reasons.First, operators also care about packet headers, includingmodifications to header fields in flight—e.g., to localizethe switch that violates a network slice isolation prop-erty [27]. Second, often an operator may only care aboutwaypoint properties—for example, packets that skip afirewall—but current approaches will still incur the tagspace overhead to record the entire path.

(viii) Strong assumptions: Current approaches requirestrong assumptions: e.g., symmetric topology [60], noloops [60, 70], stable paths to a destination [51], or re-quiring that packets reach the end hosts [25, 29]. Un-fortunately, an operator may be debugging the networkexactly when such conditions do not hold.

Our approach. We design an accurate “in-band” pathmeasurement system without the limitations of the priorsolutions. A run-time system compiles modular, declar-ative path queries along with the network’s forwardingpolicy (specified and changing independently), generat-ing the switch-level rules that process exactly the pack-ets matching the queries, in operator-specified ways—e.g., counting, sampling, and mirroring. Hence, our sys-tem satisfies requirements (1)-(6) laid out in §1. Further,since the emitted data-plane rules process packets at ev-ery hop, our system overcomes problems (i), (ii), (iii),and (v) above. Identifying packet paths “in-band” withpacket state untouched by regular forwarding actions re-moves ambiguities from packet modification (iv), andavoids unnecessary collection overheads (vi). Finally,our query language and implementation allow waypointand header-based path specification (vii) and do not re-quire strong operational assumptions to hold (viii).

However, we must overcome some challenges:(i) Resource constraints: The space to carry packet

trajectory metadata is limited, as packets must fit withinthe network’s MTU. Further, switch rule-table space islimited [13], so the system should generate a compactset of packet-processing rules. Finally, to be usable foroperator problem diagnosis, the system should compilequeries in an acceptable amount of time.

(ii) Interactions between multiple measurement andforwarding rules: Switches must identify packets on alloperator-specified paths—with some packets possibly onmultiple queried paths simultaneously. The switch rulesthat match and modify packet trajectory metadata shouldnot affect regular packet forwarding in the network, even


field ::= location | headerlocation ::= switch | inport | outportheader ::= srcmac | dstmac | srcip | dstip | ...

pred ::= true | false | field=value| pred & pred | (pred | pred) | ∼pred| ingress() | egress()

atom ::= in_atom(pred)| out_atom(pred)| in_out_atom(pred, pred)| in_group(pred, [header])| out_group(pred, [header])| in_out_group(pred, [header],

pred, [header])

path ::= atom| path ˆ path | (path | path) | path*| path & path | ∼path

Figure 2: Syntax of path queries.

when operators specify that packets matching the queriesbe handled differently than the regular traffic.

Practically, our query system is complementary toother measurement tools which are “always on” at lowoverheads [1, 48, 72]—as opposed to completely replac-ing those tools. Instead, our query system enables op-erators to focus their attention and the network’s limitedresources on clearly-articulated tasks during-the-fact.

3 Path Query Language

A path query identifies the set of packets with particularheader values and that traverse particular locations. Suchqueries can identify packets with changing headers, ashappens during network address translation, for instance.When the system recognizes that a packet has satisfied aquery, any user-specified action may be applied to thatpacket. Fig. 2 shows the syntax of the language. In whatfollows, we explain the details via examples.

Packet Predicates and Simple Atoms. One of the basicbuilding blocks in a path query is a boolean predicate(pred) that matches a packet at a single location. Predi-cates may match on standard header fields, such as:

srcip= & dstip=

as well as the packet’s location (a switch and interface).True and false are predicates which match all packets,and no packets, respectively. Conjunction (&), disjunc-tion (|), and negation (∼) are standard. The language alsoprovides syntactic sugar for predicates that depend ontopology, such as ingress(), which matches all pack-ets that enter the network at some ingress interface, i.e.,

an interface attached to a host or a device in another ad-ministrative domain. Similarly, egress() matches allpackets that exit the network at some egress interface.

Atoms further refine the meaning of predicates, andform the “alphabet” for the language of path queries. Thesimplest kind of atom is an in_atom that tests a packetas it enters a switch (i.e., before forwarding actions).Analogously, an out_atom tests a packet as it leaves theswitch (i.e., after forwarding actions). The set of packetsmatching a given predicate at switch entry and exit maybe different from each other, since a switch may rewritepacket headers, multicast through several ports, or dropthe packet entirely. For example, to capture all packetsthat enter a device S1 with a destination IP address (say192.168.1.10), we write:

in_atom(switch=S1 & dstip=

It also possible to combine those ideas, testing packetproperties on both “sides” of a switch. More specifically,the in_out_atom tests one predicate as a packet enters aswitch, and another as the packet exits it. For example, tocapture all packets that enter a NAT switch with the vir-tual destination IP address and exit witha private IP address, we would write:

in_out_atom(switch=NAT & dstip=,dstip=

Partitioning and Indexing Sets of Packets. It is oftenuseful to specify groups of related packets concisely inone query. We introduce group atoms—akin to SQLgroupby clauses—that aggregate results by packet lo-cation or header field. These group atoms provide a con-cise notation for partitioning a set of packets that matcha predicate in to subsets based on the value of a particu-lar packet attribute. More specifically, in_group(pred,[h1,h2,...,hn]) collects packets that match the pred-icate pred at switch ingress, and then divides thosepackets into separate sets, one for each combinationof the values of the headers h1, h2, ..., hn. Theout_group atom is similar. For example,

in_group(switch=10, [inport])

captures all packets that enter switch 10, and organizesthem into sets according to the value of the inport field.Such a groupby query is equivalent to writing a series ofqueries, one per inport. The path query system conve-niently expands groupbys for the user and manages allthe results, returning a table indexed by inport.

The in_out_group atom generalizes both thein_group and the out_group. For example,

in_out_group(switch=2, [inport], true, [outport])

captures all packets that enter switch=2, and exit it (i.e.,not dropped), and groups the results by the combination


of input and output ports. This single query is short-hand for an in_out_atom for each pair of ports i, jon switch 2, e.g., to compute a port-level traffic matrix.

Querying Paths. Full paths through a network may bedescribed by combining atoms using the regular pathcombinators: concatenation (ˆ), alternation (|), repeti-tion (∗), intersection (&), and negation (∼). The mostinteresting combinator is concatenation: Given two pathqueries p1 and p2, the query p1 ˆ p2 specifies a paththat satisfies p1, takes a hop to the next switch, and thensatisfies p2 from that point on. The interpretation ofthe other operators is natural: p1 | p2 specifies pathsthat satisfy either p1 or p2; p1* specifies paths that arezero or more repetitions of paths satisfying p1; p1 & p2specifies paths that satisfy both p1 and p2, and∼p1 spec-ifies paths that do not satisfy p1. Table 1 presents severaluseful queries that illustrate the utility of our system.

Query Actions. An application can specify what to dowith packets that match a query. For example, packetscan be counted using hardware counters, be sent out aspecific port (e.g., towards a collector), sent to the SDNcontroller, or extracted through sampling mechanisms onswitches. Below, we show pyretic sample code1 forvarious use cases. Suppose that p is a path query definedaccording to the language (Fig. 2). Packets can be sentto abstract locations that “store” packets, called buckets.There are three types of buckets: count buckets, packetbuckets, and sampling buckets. A count bucket is an ab-straction that allows the application to count the packetsgoing into it. Packets are not literally forwarded and heldin controller data structures. In fact, the information con-tent is stored in counters on switches. Below we illustratethe simplicity of the programming model.

cb = count_bucket() // create count bucketcb.register(f) // process counts by callback fp.set_bucket(cb) // direct packets matching p

// into bucket cb...cb.pull_stats() // get counters from switches

Packets can be sent to the controller, using the packetbuckets and an equally straightforward programming id-iom. Similarly, packets can also be sampled using tech-nologies like NetFlow [1] or sFlow [3] on switches.

In general, an application can ask packets matchingpath queries to be processed by an arbitrary NetKAT pol-icy, i.e., any forwarding policy that is a mathematicalfunction from a packet to a set of packets [4,33]. The out-put packet set can be empty (e.g., for dropped packets),or contain multiple packets (e.g., for multicasted pack-ets). For instance, packets matching a path query p canbe forwarded out a specific mirroring port mp:

1We have taken a few liberties to make the code easier to format.


Pkt.  flow  on  query  pathUpstream Downstream

Figure 3: Query Capture Locations.


CD100 70


Figure 4: An example debugging scenario (§4).

p.set_policy(fwd(mp)) // forward out mirror port

An arbitrarily complex Pyretic policy pol can be usedinstead of fwd above by writing p.set_policy(pol).

Query Capture Locations. The operator can specifywhere along a path to capture a packet that satisfies aquery: either downstream—once it has traversed a tra-jectory satisfying a query p, upstream—right as it en-ters the network, or spliced—somewhere in the middle.The difference between these three scenarios is illus-trated in Fig. 3. The packets captured for the same querymay differ at the three locations, because the network’sforwarding policy may change as packets are in flight,or packets appearing upstream may be lost downstreamdue to congestion and faults. For query p, the opera-tor writes p.down() to ask matching packets to be cap-tured downstream, p.up() to be captured upstream, andp.updown() to be captured at both locations. He writessplice(p1,p2) to ask matching packets to be capturedbetween two sub-paths of p, where p = p1 ˆ p2.

The capabilities described above allow the implemen-tation of a network-wide packet capture tool. Drawing onwireshark terminology [65], an operator is now able towrite global, path-based capture filters to collect exactlyand only the packets matching a query.

4 Interactive Debugging with Path Queries

Consider a scenario shown in Fig. 4 where an operatoris tasked with diagnosing a tenant’s performance prob-lem in a large compute cluster, where the connectionsbetween two groups of tenant virtual machines A and Bsuffer from poor performance with low UDP throughput.The A→ B traffic is routed along the four paths shown.

Debugging this performance problem is challenging.Virtualization obscures visibility into the end-host net-working stacks, making network-stack-based analysis[58, 67] impossible. Coarse-grained packet sampling[1, 15] may still miss the specific traffic relevant to di-agnosis, between VMs A and B. Even the more targeted


Example Query code DescriptionA simple path in_atom(switch=S1) ˆ in_atom(switch=S4) Packets going from switch S1 to S4 in the network.Slice isolation true* ˆ (in_out_atom(slice1, slice2) | Packets going from network slice slice 1 to

in_out_atom(slice2, slice1)) slice2, or vice versa, when crossing a switch.Firewall in_atom(ingress()) ˆ (in_atom(∼switch=FW))* Catch packets evading a firewall device FW whenevasion ˆ out_atom(egress()) moving from any network ingress to egress interface.DDoS sources in_group(ingress(), [switch]) ˆ true* Determine traffic contribution by volume from all

ˆ out_atom(egress(), switch=vic) ingress switches reaching a DDoS victim switch vic.Switch-level in_group(ingress(), [switch]) ˆ true* Count packets from any ingress to any egress switch,traffic matrix ˆ out_group(egress(), [switch]) with results grouped by (ingress, egress) switch pair.Congested link in_group(ingress(), [switch]) ˆ true* Determine flows (switch sources→ sinks) utilizing adiagnosis ˆ out_atom(switch=sc) ˆ in_atom(switch=dc) congested link (from switch sc to switch dc), to help

ˆ true* ˆ out_group(egress(), [switch]) reroute traffic around the congested link.Port-to-port in_out_group(switch=s, true, Count traffic flowing between any two ports of switch s,traffic matrix [inport], [outport]) grouping the results by the ingress and egress interface.Packet loss in_atom(srcip=H1) ˆ in_group(true, [switch]) ˆ Localize packet loss by measuring per-path traffic flowlocalization in_group(true, [switch]) ˆ out_atom(dstip=H2) along each 4-hop path between hosts H1 and H2.

Table 1: Some example path query applications. Further examples can be found in an extended version [36].

“match and mirror” packet-collection techniques [72]would incur large overhead to collect all traffic from A toB. In general, it is complex for human operators to writepacket-mirroring switch rules (e.g., ACLs), since packetscan be modified in flight, e.g., to balance load [42, 63],and forwarded through several paths.

In contrast, we show the ease with which a declarativequery language and run-time system allow an operator toefficiently pull “the needle from the haystack”—to deter-mine the root cause of the performance problem.

As a first step, the operator determines whether the endhost or the network is problematic, by issuing a querycounting all traffic that enters the network from A des-tined to VM B. She writes the query p1 below:

p1 = in_atom(srcip=vm_a, switch=s_a) ˆ true*out_atom(dstip=vm_b, switch=s_b)


The run-time then provides statistics for A→ B traffic,measured at two points in the network: upstream (astraffic enters), and downstream (as traffic leaves). Bycomparing these two statistics, the operator can deter-mine whether packets never left the host NIC, or werelost in the network. She does not have to correlate sam-pled packet records, or manually program switch ACLsto collect information from multiple devices.

Suppose the operator discovers a large loss rate in thenetwork, as query p1 returns values 100 and 70 as shownin Fig. 4. Her next step is to localize the interface wheremost drops happen, using a downstream query p2:

probe_pred = switch=s_a & srcip=vm_a & dstip=vm_bp2 = stitch(in_atom(probe_pred),

in_group(true, [’switch’]),range(0,n))

The convenience function stitch(...) returns a set ofqueries by concatenating its first argument (an in_atom)with k copies of its second argument (an in_groupatom), returning one query for each k in 0..n. Forexample, stitch(A, B, range(0,2)) = { A, A ˆB, A ˆ B ˆ B} . This set of queries counts A→B traf-fic on each switch-level path and its prefix, from VMsA to B. The operator does not need to explicitly use thenetwork’s forwarding policy, or program specific devicesalong the paths, to get per-path statistics for this traffic.

Suppose the run-time returns, among statistics forother paths, the packet counts 25 and 3 shown in red inFig. 4. The operator concludes that link C→D along thefirst path has a high A→ B packet drop rate (22 out of25 dropped). Such packet drops may be due to persistentcongestion or a faulty interface, affecting all traffic on theinterface, or bugs in software or hardware (e.g., a “silentblackhole” [72]) which affect just A→ B traffic. To teaseout the possibilities, the operator writes two queries mea-sured midstream (shown) and downstream (elided):

probe_pred = switch=s_a & srcip=vm_a & dstip=vm_bp3 = splice((in_atom(probe_pred) ˆ true*

ˆ in_atom(switch=s_c)),in_atom(switch=s_d))

p4 = splice(true* ˆ in_atom(switch=s_c),in_atom(switch=s_d))

These queries determine the traffic loss rate on the C→Dlink, for all traffic traversing the link, as well as specif-ically the A→ B traffic. By comparing these two lossrates, the operator can rule out certain root causes in fa-vor of others. For example, if the loss rate for A→ B traf-fic is particularly high relative to the overall loss rate, itmeans that that just the A→ B traffic is silently dropped.


5 Path Query Compilation

Query compilation translates a collection of indepen-dently specified queries, along with the forwarding pol-icy, into data-plane rules that recognize all packetstraversing a path satisfying a query. These rules canbe installed either on switches with single-stage [31] ormulti-stage [8] match-action tables. We describe down-stream query compilation in §5.1-§5.3, and upstreamcompilation in §5.4. Downstream query compilationconsists of three main stages:

1. We convert the regular expressions correspondingto the path queries into a DFA (§5.1).

2. Using the DFA as an intermediate representation,we generate state-transitioning (i.e., tagging) andaccepting (i.e., capture) data-plane rules. These al-low switches to match packets based on the statevalue, rewrite state, and capture packets which sat-isfy one or more queries (§5.2).

3. Finally, the run-time combines the query-relatedpacket-processing actions with the regular forward-ing actions specified by other controller applica-tions. This is necessary because the state match andrewrite actions happen on the same packets that areforwarded by the switches (§5.3).

The run-time expands group atoms into the corre-sponding basic atoms by a pre-processing pass over thequeries (we elide the details here). The resulting queriesonly contain in, out and in_out atoms. We describequery compilation through the following simple queries:

p1 = in_atom(srcip=H1 & switch=1) ^out_atom(switch=2 & dstip=H2)

p2 = in_atom(switch=1) ^in_out_atom(true, switch=2)

5.1 From Path Queries to DFAsWe first compile the regular path queries into an equiva-lent DFA,2 in three steps as follows.

Rewriting atoms to in-out-atoms. The first step is quitestraightforward. For instance, the path query p1 is rewrit-ten to the following:

in_out_atom(srcip=H1 & switch=1, true) ^in_out_atom(true, switch=2 & dstip=H2)

Converting queries to regular expressions. In the sec-ond step, we convert the path queries into string regularexpressions, by replacing each predicate by a character

2We could conceivably use an NFA instead of a DFA, to producefewer states. However, using an NFA would require each packet tostore all the possible states that it might inhabit at a given time, andrequire switches to have a rule for each subset of states—leading to alarge number of rules. Hence, we compile our path queries to a DFA.

Predicate Regex Predicate Regexswitch=1 & srcip=H1 a ∼switch=1 fswitch=1 & ∼srcip=H1 d ∼switch=2 gswitch=2 & dstip=H2 c switch=1 a|dswitch=2 & ∼dstip=H2 e switch=2 c|etrue (in) a|d|f true (out) c|e|g

Figure 5: Strings emitted for the running example (§5.1).

Q0  a Q5  Q1  

[ceg]  Q2   Q3   c

Q8  [ce]  

Q6   Q7   Q4  [ceg]  



[adf]  e

Figure 6: Automaton for p1 and p2 together. State Q4 acceptsp2, while Q5 accepts both p1 and p2.

literal. However, this step is tricky: a key constraint isthat different characters of the regular expressions can-not represent overlapping predicates (i.e., predicates thatcan match the same packet). If they do, we may inadver-tently generate an NFA (i.e., a single packet might matchtwo or more outgoing edges in the automaton). To ensurethat characters represent non-overlapping predicates, wedevise an algorithm that takes an input set of predicatesP, and produces the smallest orthogonal set of predicatesS that matches all packets matching P. The key intuitionis as follows. For each new predicate new_pred in P, thealgorithm iterates over the current predicates pred in S,teasing out new disjoint predicates and adding them to S:

int_pred = pred & new_prednew_pred = new_pred & ∼int_predpred = pred & ∼int_pred

Finally, the predicates in S are each assigned a uniquecharacter. The full algorithm is described in Appendix B.

For the running example, Fig. 5 shows the emittedcharacters (for the partitioned predicates) and regular ex-pressions (for input predicates not in the partitioned set).Notice in particular that the true predicate coming in toa switch is represented not as a single character but as analternation of three characters. Likewise with switch=1,switch=2, and true (out). The final regular expressionsfor the queries p1 and p2 are:

p1: a^(c|e|g)^(a|d|f)^cp2: (a|d)^(c|e|g)^(a|d|f)^(c|e)

Constructing the query DFA. Finally, we construct theDFA for p1 and p2 together using standard techniques.The DFA is shown in Fig. 6. For clarity, state transitionsthat reject packets from both queries are not shown.

5.2 From DFA to Tagging/Capture RulesThe next step is to emit policies that implement the DFA.Conceptually, we have two goals. First, for each packet,


Concept Example DescriptionModification port←2 Rewrites a packet fieldMatch switch=2 Filters packetsParallel monitor + route The union of resultscomposition from two policies.Sequential balance >> route Pipe the output fromcomposition the first in to the secondEdge predicate pred_of(c) Get predicate of symbolPath policy p.policy() Policy to process packets

accepted by query p.

Figure 7: Syntactic Constructs in Query Compilation.

a switch must read the DFA state, identify the appropriatetransition, and rewrite the DFA state. This action mustbe done once at switch ingress and egress. Second, ifthe packet’s new DFA state satisfies one or more queries,we must perform the corresponding query actions, e.g.,increment packet or byte counts.

State transitioning policies. The high-level idea here isto construct a “test” corresponding to each DFA transi-tion, and rewrite the packet DFA state to the destinationof the transition if the packet passes the test. This isakin to a string-matching automaton checking if an in-put symbol matches an outgoing edge from a given state.To make this concrete, we show the intermediate steps ofconstructing the transitioning policy in pyretic code.

We briefly introduce the notions of parallel and se-quential composition of network policies, which we useto construct the transitioning policy. We treat each net-work policy as a mathematical function from a packet toa set of packets, similar to NetKAT and Pyretic [4, 33].For example, a match srcip= is a functionthat returns the singleton set of its input packet if thepacket’s source IP address is, and an emptyset otherwise. Similarly, a modification port←2 is afunction that changes the “port” field of its input packetto 2. Given two policies f and g—two functions on pack-ets to sets of packets—the parallel composition of thesetwo policies is defined as:

(f + g)(pkt) = f(pkt) ∪ g(pkt)

The sequential composition of policies is defined as:

(f >> g)(pkt) = ∪pkt ′∈ f (pkt)g(pkt’)

For example, the policy

(srcip= + dstip= >> (port←2)

selects packets with either srcip or dstip10.0.0.2 and forwards them out of port 2 of a switch.

Now we produce a policy fragment for each edge ofthe DFA. Suppose the helper function pred_of takes ina character input c and produces the corresponding pred-icate. For each edge from state s to state t that readscharacter c, we construct the fragment

state=s & pred_of(c) >> state←t

We combine these fragments through parallel composi-tion, which joins the tests and actions of multiple edges:

tagging = frag_1 + frag_2 + ... + frag_n

We produce two state transitioning policies, one each foringress and egress actions. Each edge fragment belongsto exactly one of the two policies, and it is possible toknow which one since we generate disjoint characters forthese two sets of predicates. For example, here is part ofthe ingress transitioning policy for the DFA in Fig. 6:

in_tagging =state=Q0 & switch=1 & srcip=H1 >> state←Q2 +state=Q0 & switch=1 & ∼srcip=H1 >> state←Q6 +... +state=Q7 & ∼switch=1 >> state←Q8

Accepting policies. The accepting policy is akin to theaccepting action of a DFA: a packet that “reaches” anaccepting state has traversed a path that satisfies somequery; hence the packet must be processed by the actionsrequested by applications. We construct the acceptingpolicy by combining edge fragments which move pack-ets to accepting states. We construct the fragment

state=s & pred_of(c) >> p.policy()

for each DFA edge from state s to t through character c,where t is a state accepting query p. Here p.policy()produces the action that is applied to packets matchingquery p. Next we construct the accepting policy by aparallel composition of each such fragment:

capture = frag_1 + frag_2 + ... + frag_n

Similar to the transitioning policies, we construct twoaccepting policies corresponding to switch ingress andegress predicates. For example, for the DFA in Fig. 6,part of the accepting policy looks as follows:

out_capture =state=Q3 & switch=2 & dstip=H2 >> p1.policy()+ ... +state=Q8 & switch=2 & dstip=H2 >> p2.policy()

Ingress tagging and Egress un-tagging. The run-timeensures that packets entering a network are tagged withthe initial DFA state Q0. Symmetrically, packets leavingthe network are stripped of their tags. We use the VLANheader to tag packets, but other mechanisms are possible.

5.3 Composing Queries and ForwardingThe run-time system needs to combine the packet-processing actions from the transitioning and acceptingpolicies with the forwarding policy. However, this re-quires some thought, as all of these actions affect thesame packets. Concretely, we require that:


1. packets are forwarded through the network nor-mally, independent of the existence of queries,

2. packet tags are manipulated according to the DFA,3. packets matching path queries are processed cor-

rectly by the application-programmed actions, and4. no unnecessary duplicate packets are generated.To achieve these goals, the run-time system combines

the constituent policies as follows:

(in_tagging >> forwarding >> out_tagging)+ (in_capture)+ (in_tagging >> forwarding >> out_capture)

The first sequential composition (involving the twotagging policies and the forwarding) ensures boththat forwarding continues normally (goal 1) as well asthat DFA actions are carried out (goal 2). This worksbecause tagging policies do not drop packets, and theforwarding does not modify the DFA state.3 The re-maining two parts of the top-level parallel composition(involving the two capture policies) ensure that pack-ets reaching accepting states are processed by the cor-responding query actions (goal 3). Finally, since eachparallelly-composed fragment either forwards packetsnormally or captures it for the accepted query, no un-necessary extra packets are produced (goal 4).

Translating to match-action rules in switches. The run-time system hands off the composed policy above toPyretic, which compiles it down to a single match-action table [19, 33]. To leverage multi-stage tableson modern switches [8, 39], we rewrite the joint policyabove as follows:

(in_tagging + in_capture)>> forwarding>> (out_tagging + out_capture)

This construction preserves the semantics of the origi-nal policy provided in_capture policies do not forwardpackets onward through the data plane. This new rep-resentation decomposes the complex compositional pol-icy into a sequential pipeline of three smaller policies—which can be independently compiled and installed toseparate stages of match-action tables.

5.4 Upstream Path Query Compilation

Upstream query compilation finds those packets at net-work ingress that would match a path, based on the cur-rent forwarding policy—assuming that packets are notdropped (due to congestion) or diverted (due to updatesto the forwarding policy while the packets are in flight).We compile upstream queries in three steps, as follows.

3The run-time ensures this by constructing tagging policies with avirtual header field [33] that regular forwarding policies do not use.

Compiling using downstream algorithms. The first stepis straightforward. We use algorithms described in sec-tions §5.1-§5.3 to compile the set of upstream queriesusing downstream compilation. The output of this step isthe effective forwarding policy of the network incorpo-rating the behavior both of the forwarding policy as wellas input queries. Note that we do not install the resultingrules on the switches.

Reachability testing for accepted packets. In the secondstep, we cast the upstream query compilation problemas a standard network reachability test [27, 28]. Specif-ically, we ask: when processed by the effective for-warding policy from the previous step, which packets—starting from the network ingress—eventually reach anaccepting DFA state? We leverage header space analy-sis [27] to efficiently compute the full set of packet head-ers that match the query. We briefly review header spaceanalysis and reachability testing below.

Header space analysis (HSA) models packets as ob-jects existing in an L-dimensional geometric space: apacket is a flat vector of 0s and 1s of length L, whichis the upper bound on the number of packet header bits.Sets of packet headers, h, are hence regions in the spaceof {0,1}L. A switch T is modeled as a transfer functionthat maps headers arriving on a port, to set(s) of headersand ports: T (h, p) : (h, p)→{(h1, p1),(h2, p2), . . .}. Theaction of the network topology is also modeled similarly:if p1 and p2 are ports on the opposite ends of a link, thenT (h, p1) = {(h, p2)}. The inverse of a switch or topologytransfer function is well-defined [27].

Reachability testing asks which of all possible packetheaders at a source can reach a destination header spaceand port. To compute this, HSA takes the set of all head-ers at a source port, and applies the network’s transferfunction iteratively until the header spaces reach the des-tination port. If the final header space at the destinationport is empty, the source cannot send any packets thatreach the destination port. Otherwise, the inverses of thetransfer functions are iteratively applied to the headers atthe destination port to compute the full set of packets thatthe source can send to reach the destination.

Now we simply ask which packets at network ingress,when forwarded by the effective policy above, reachheader spaces corresponding to accepting states forquery p: let’s call this packet match upstream(p).

Capturing upstream. The final step is to process theresulting packet headers from reachability testing withapplication-specified actions for each query. We generatean upstream capture policy for queries p1, ..., pn:

(upstream(p1) >> p1.policy()) + ...+ (upstream(pn) >> pn.policy())

We make a few remarks. First, without downstreamquery compilation, a straightforward application of HSA


does not provide us the packets matching a regular ex-pression query. Further, we can implement complex ap-plications of HSA like loop detection and detecting leak-age between slices [27, §5] simply by compiling the cor-responding upstream path query [36]. Finally, we cancompile spliced queries, e.g., splice(p1,p2), by ask-ing for packets that reach p2-accepting states starting outas packets accepted by p1 at any network port.

6 Optimizations

We implemented several key optimizations in our proto-type to reduce query compile time and data-plane rulespace. Later we show the quantitative impact of theseoptimizations (§7, Table 2). We briefly discuss the keyideas here; full details are in an extended version [36].

Cross-product explosion. We first describe the “cross-product explosion” problem that results in large compi-lation times and rule-sets when compiling the policiesresulting from algorithms in §5. The output of NetKATpolicy compilation is simply a prioritized list of match-action rules, which we call a classifier. When two classi-fiers C1 and C2 are composed—using parallel or sequen-tial composition (§5.2, Fig. 7)—the compiler must con-sider the effect of every rule in C1 on every rule in C2. Ifthe classifiers have N1 and N2 rules (resp.), this results ina Θ(N1×N2) operations. A similar problem arises whenpredicates are partitioned during DFA generation (§5.1).The number of orthogonal predicates may grow expo-nentially (O(2N)) on the input predicate set (of size N),since in the worst case every input predicate may overlappartially with every other one.

Prior works have observed similar problems [14, 20,54,69]. Our optimizations curtail such explosive runningtimes through domain-specific techniques, as follows.

(A) Optimizing Conditional Policies. The policy gen-erated from the state machine (§5.2) has a very specialstructure, namely one that looks like a conditional state-ment: if state=s1 then ... else if state=s2 then ... else if ....A natural way to compile this down is through the par-allel composition of policies that look like state=s_i>> state_policy_i. This composition is expensive,because the classifiers of state_policy_i for all i,{Ci}i, must be composed parallelly. We avoid comput-ing these cross-product rule compositions as follows: Ifwe ensure that each rule of Ci is specialized to matchon packets disjoint from those of C j—by matching onstate s_i—then it is enough to simply append the classi-fiers Ci and C j. This brings down the running time fromΘ(Ni×N j) to Θ(Ni+N j). We further compact each clas-sifier Ci: we only add transitions to non-dead DFA statesinto state_policy_i, and instead add a default dead-state transition wherever a Ci rule drops the packets.

(B) Integrating tagging and capture policies. Taggingand capture policies have similar conditional structure:

tagging = capture =(cond1 >> a1) + (cond1 >> b1) +(cond2 >> a2) + (cond2 >> b2) +... ...

Rather than supplying Pyretic with the policy tagging+ capture, which will generate a significant cross-product, we construct a simpler equivalent policy:

combined =(cond1 >> (a1 + b1)) +(cond2 >> (a2 + b2)) +...

(C) Flow-space based pre-partitioning of predicates. Inmany queries, we observe that most input predicatesare disjoint with each other, but predicate partitioning(§5.1) checks overlaps between them anyway. We avoidthese checks by pre-partitioning the input predicates intodisjoint flow spaces, and only running the partition-ing within each flow space. For example, suppose ina network with n switches, we define n disjoint flowspaces switch=1, ..., switch=n. When a new pred-icate pred is added, we check if pred & switch=i isnonempty, and then only check overlaps with predicatesintersecting the switch=i flow space.

(D) Caching predicate overlap decisions. Often we findan input predicate (e.g., true) checked for overlaps re-dundantly after a previous occurrence of the same pred-icate was partitioned. We avoid such checks by cachingthe latest overlap results for all input predicates4, and ex-ecuting the remainder of the partitioning algorithm onlywhen the cache is missed. Caching also enables intro-ducing new queries incrementally into the network with-out recomputing all previous predicate overlaps.

(E) Decomposing query-matching into multiple stages.Often the input query predicates may have significantoverlaps: for instance, one query may count on M sourceIP addresses, while another counts packets on N desti-nation IP addresses. By installing these predicates ona single table stage, it is impossible to avoid using upM×N rules. However, modern switches [8, 40] supportseveral match-action stages, which can be used to reducerule space overheads. In our example, by installing the Msource IP matches in one table and N destination matchesin another, we can reduce the rule count to M+N. Thesesmaller logical table stages may then be mapped to phys-ical stages on a multi-stage hardware table [26, 52].

We devise an optimization problem to divide queriesinto groups that will be installed on different table stages.The key intuition is that if we avoid grouping queries that

4We index this cache by a hash on the string representation of thepredicate’s abstract syntax tree.


match on dissimilar header fields in one table stage, wecan significantly reduce rule count. To formalize this, wespecify a cost function that estimates the worst-case rulespace when combining predicates (Appendix A). The re-sulting optimization problem is NP-hard; however, wedesign a first-fit heuristic to group queries into multipletable stages, given a limit on the number of table stagesand rule space per stage. The compilations of differenttable stages are parallelizable.

(F) Detecting overlaps using Forwarding Decision Dia-grams (FDDs). To make intersection between predicatesefficient, we implement a recently introduced data struc-ture called Forwarding Decision Diagram (FDD) [54].An FDD is a binary decision tree in which each non-leafnode is a test on a packet header field, with two outgoingedges corresponding to true and false. Each path fromthe root to a leaf corresponds to a unique predicate whichis the intersection of all tests along the path. Inserting anew predicate into the FDD only requires checking over-laps along the FDD paths which the new predicate inter-sects, hence the FDD can efficiently maintain the set ofpartitioned predicates in its leaves.

7 Performance Evaluation

We evaluated the expressiveness of the query languageand the debugging model in Table 1 and §4. Now, weevaluate the prototype performance quantitatively.

Implementation. We implemented the query languageand compilation algorithms (§3 and §5) on top of thePyretic SDN controller [33] and NetKat compiler [54].We extended the Hassel-C [44] implementation of headerspace analysis with inverse transfer function applicationfor upstream compilation. NetFlow samples are pro-cessed with nfdump [38]. The query language is em-bedded in Python, and the run-time system is a libraryon top of Pyretic. As the target of compilation, our proto-type supports single-stage (OpenFlow 1.0) tables, as wellas multi-stage tables (with Open vSwitch Nicira exten-sions [41]). We use Ragel [11] to compile string regularexpressions. Our prototype is open-source [61]. We eval-uate our system using the PyPy compiler [46], and in-structions to reproduce results are available online [43].

Metrics. A path-query system should be efficient alongthe following dimensions:

1. Query compile time: Can a new query be processedat a “human debugging” time scale?

2. Rule set size: Can the emitted match-action rules fitinto modern switches?

3. Tag set size: Can the number of distinct DFA statesbe encoded into existing tag fields?

We do not report on query install time since this is highlyswitch-dependent (10-300 flow setups/sec have been re-

ported [13, 22]). Further, packet-processing latency andthroughput are unaffected as switches are already de-signed to do the necessary data plane actions at line rate5.

Experiment Setup. We pick a combination of queriesfrom Table 1, including switch-to-switch traffic matrix,congested link diagnosis, DDoS source detection, count-ing packet loss per-hop per-path6, slice isolation betweentwo IP prefix slices, and firewall evasion. These queriesinvolve broad scenarios such as resource accounting, net-work debugging, and enforcing security policy. We runour single-threaded prototype on an Intel Xeon E3 serverwith 3.70 GHz CPU (8 cores) and 32GB memory.

Compiling to a multi-stage table is much more effi-cient than single-stage table, since the former is not sus-ceptible to cross-product explosion (§6). For example,the traffic matrix query incurs three orders of magnitudesmaller rule space with the basic multi-stage setup (§5.3),relative to single-stage. Hence, we report multi-stagestatistics throughout. Further, since optimization (E) de-composes queries into multiple stages (§6), and the stagecompilations are parallelizable, we report the maximumcompile time across stages whenever (E) is enabled.

(I) Benefit of Optimizations. We evaluate our system onan emulated Stanford campus topology [2], which con-tains 16 backbone routers, and over 100 network ingressinterfaces. We measure the benefit of the optimizationswhen compiling all of the queries listed above together—collecting over 550 statistics from the network.

The results are summarized in Table 2. Some tri-als did not finish7, labeled “DNF.” Each finished trialshown is an average of five runs. The rows are keyedby optimizations—whose letter labels (A)-(F) are listedin paragraph headings in §6. We enable the optimiza-tions one by one, and show the cumulative impact of allenabled optimizations in each row. The columns showstatistics of interest—compile time (absolute value andfactor reduction from the unoptimized case), maximumnumber of table rules (ingress and egress separately) onany network switch, and required packet DFA bits.

The cumulative compile-time reduction with alloptimizations (last row) constitutes three orders ofmagnitude—reducing the compile time to about 5 sec-onds, suitable for interactive debugging by a human op-erator.89 Further, the maximum number of rules requiredon any one switch fits comfortably in modern switchmemory capacities [8, 13, 22]; and the DFA state bits (2bytes at most) fit within tag fields like VLANs. Finally,

5except sending packets to the controller.6We use the version of this query from §4, see p2 there.7The reason is that they run out of memory.8Interactive response times within about 15 seconds retain a human

in the “problem-solving frame of mind” [32, topic 11].9We disabled FDDs (F) for this experiment as it increases compile

time to 98s; empirically we find (F) beneficial for larger networks.



Compile Time Max # Rules # StateBitsAbs. (s) Rel. (X) In Out

None > 4920 baseline DNF DNF DNF(A) only > 4080 1.206 DNF DNF DNF(A)-(B) 2991 1.646 2596 1722 10(A)-(C) 56.19 87.48 1846 1711 10(A)-(D) 35.13 139.5 1846 1711 10(A)-(E) 5.467 894.7 260 389 16

Table 2: Benefit of optimizations on queries running on theStanford campus topology. “DNF” means “Did Not Finish.”

Network # Nodes CompileTime (s)

Max # Rules # StateBitsIn Out

Berkeley 25 10.7 58 160 6Purdue 98 14.9 148 236 22.5RF1755 87 6.65 150 194 16.8RF3257 161 44.1 590 675 32.3RF6461 138 21.4 343 419 29.2

Table 3: Performance on enterprise and ISP (L3) networktopologies when all optimizations are enabled.

multi-stage query decomposition (E) reduces rule spaceusage significantly with more state bits.

(II) Performance on Enterprise and ISP networks. Weevaluate our prototype on real enterprise and inferredISP networks, namely: UC Berkeley [6], Purdue Univer-sity [59], and Rocketfuel (RF) topologies for ASes 1755,3257 and 6461 [50, 57]. All optimizations are enabled.For each network, we report averages from 30 runs (fiveruns each of six queries). The results are summarized inTable 3. The average compile time is under 20 secondsin all cases but one; rule counts are within modern switchTCAM capacities; and DFA bits fit in an MPLS header.

(III) Scalability trends. We evaluate how performancescales with network size, on a mix of five syntheticISP topologies generated from Waxman graphs [64] andIGen, a heuristic ISP topology generator [47]. We dis-cuss the parameters used to generate the topologies in anextended version of this paper [36]. We report averagemetrics from 30 runs, i.e., six queries compiled to fivenetworks of each size. The trends are shown in Fig. 8.The average compile time (see red curve) is under ≈ 25seconds until a network size of 140 nodes. In the samesize range, the ingress table rule counts (see black curve)as well as the egress (not shown) are each under 700—which together can fit in modern switch TCAM memo-ries. DFA packet bits (see numeric labels on black curve)fit in an MPLS header until 120 nodes.

For networks of about 140 nodes or smaller, our querysystem supports interactive debugging—continuing toprovide useful results beyond for non-interactive tasks.Among large ISP topologies mapped out in literature[57], each ISP can be supported in the “interactive”






20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160








ss R





ile t



Number of nodes

Compile time (s)#Rules






Figure 8: Scalability trends on synthetic ISP topologies. Nu-meric labels on the curve correspond to # DFA packet bits.

regime for PoP-level queries. We leave further scalingefforts, e.g., to data centers, to future work.

8 Related Work

We already discussed the most relevant prior works in§2; this section lays out other related work.

Data-plane query systems. Several query languageshave been proposed for performing analytics overstreams of packet data [7,12,19,62]. Unlike these works,we address the collection of path-level traffic flows, i.e.,observations of the same packets across space and time,which cannot be expressed concisely or achieved by(merely) asking for single-point packet observations.

Control-plane query systems. NetQuery [53],PIER [23], DECOR [9] and Akamai ‘Query’ [10]allow operators to query configuration or other opera-tional information (e.g., next hop in the forwarding table,attack fingerprints, etc.) from tuples stored on networknodes. As such, these works do not query the data plane.SIMON [37] and ndb [30] share our vision of interactivedebugging, but focus on isolating control plane bugs.

Summary statistics monitoring systems. DREAM [34],ProgME [69] and OpenSketch [68] answer a different setof monitoring questions than our work, e.g., detectingheavy hitters and changes in traffic patterns.

Programming traffic flow along paths. Several priorworks [16, 24, 49, 56] aim to forward packets alongpolicy-compliant paths. However, our work measurestraffic along operator-specified paths, while the usual for-warding policy continues to handle traffic.

9 Conclusion

We have shown how to take a declarative specificationfor path-level measurements, and implement it in the dataplane with accurate results at low overhead. We believethat this capability will be useful for network operatorsfor better real-time problem diagnosis, security policyenforcement, and capacity planning.


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A Multi-stage rule-packing problem

Below we write down the integer optimization problemthat minimizes the number of table stages subject to con-straints on the number of stages and rule space available


per stage. Typically, predicate partitioning time is pro-portional to the size of the output set of predicates, sothis also reduces the compile time significantly:

minimize: S = ∑ j y j

variables: qi j ∈ {0,1},y j ∈ {0,1}subject to:∀ j : cost({qi j : qi j = 1})≤ rulelimit∗ y j∀i : ∑ j qi j = 1S≤ stagelimit

Here the variable qi j is assigned a value 1 if query i isassigned to stage j, and 0 otherwise. The variable y j is 1if stage j is used by at least one query and 0 otherwise.The constraints ensure, respectively, that (i) queries in agiven stage respect the rule space limits for that stage, (ii)every query is assigned exactly one table stage, and that(iii) the total number of stages is within the number ofmaximum stages supported by the switch. The optimiza-tion problem minimizes the number of used table stages,which is a measure of the latency and complexity of thepacket-processing pipeline.

We now write down the cost function that deter-mines the rule space usage of a bunch of queriestogether. First, we define the type and count foreach query as the set of header fields the querymatches on, and the number of total matches re-spectively. In the example in §6, the query typesand counts would be q1: ([’srcip’], 100), q2:([’dstip’], 200), q3: ([’srcip’], 300). Weestimate the worst-case rule space cost10 of putting twoqueries together into one stage as follows:

cost ((type1, count1), (type2, count2)) :=case type1 == ϕ:count2 + 1

case type1 == type2:count1 + count2

case type1 ⊂ type2:count1 + count2

case type1 ∩ type2 == ϕ:(count1 + 1) * (count2 + 1) - 1

case default:(count1 + 1) * (count2 + 1) - 1

The type of the resulting query is type1 ∪ type2, as thepredicate partioning (Alg. 1) creates matches with head-ers involving the union of the match fields in the twoqueries. Hence, we can construct a function which pro-duces a new query type and count, given two existingquery types and counts. It is easy to generalize this func-tion to more than two arguments by iteratively applyingit to the result of the previous function application and

10It is in general difficult to compute the exact rule space cost ofinstalling two queries together in one stage without actually doing theentire overlap computation in Alg. 1.

the next query11. Hence, we can compute the worst-caserule space cost of putting a bunch of queries together intoone stage.

Our cost function and formulation are different fromprior works that map logical to physical switch tables[26, 52] for two reasons. First, query predicates can beinstalled on any table: there is no ordering or dependencybetween them, so there are more possibilities to explorein our formulation. Second, our rule space cost func-tion explicitly favors predicates with similar headers inone table, while penalizing predicates with very differentheader matches.

Reduction of bin-packing to rule-packing. It isstraightforward to show that the problem of minimizingthe number of bins B of capacity V while packing n itemsof sizes a1,a2, · · · ,an can be solved through a specific in-stance of the rule packing problem above. We constructn queries of the same type, with rule counts a1, · · · ,an re-spectively. We set the rulelimit to the size of the binsV , and stagelimit to the number of maximum bins al-lowed in the bin packing problem (typically n). Since allqueries are of the same type, the rule space cost functionis just the sum of the rule counts of the queries at a givenstage. It is then easy to see that the original bin-packingproblem is solved by this instance of the rule-packingproblem.

First-fit Heuristic. The first-fit heuristic we use is di-rectly derived from the corresponding heuristic for bin-packing. We fit a query into the first stage that allowsthe worst-case rule space blowup to stay within the pre-specified per-stage rulelimit. The cost function aboveis used to compute the final rule-space after including anew query in a stage. We use a maximum of 10 logi-cal stages in our experiments, with a 2000 rule limit perstage in the worst-case.

The logical stages match and modify completely dis-joint parts of the packet state. We believe that a packetprogram compiler, e.g., [26], can efficiently lay out thequery rules on a physical switch table, since there are nodependencies between these table stages.

B Predicate Partitioning

To ensure that characters represent non-overlappingpredicates, we apply Alg. 1 to partition the input pred-icates. The algorithm takes an input set of predicates P,and produces an orthogonal set of predicates S.

The partitioned set S is initialized to a null set (line 2).We iterate over the predicates in P, teasing out overlapswith existing predicates in S. If the current input pred-icate new_pred already exists in S, we move on to the

11We believe, but are yet to show formally, that this cost function isassociative.


Algorithm 1 Predicate partitioning (§5.1).1: P = set_o f _predicates2: S = /03: for new_pred ∈ P do4: for pred ∈ S do5: if pred is equal to new_pred then6: continue the outer loop7: else if pred is a superset of new_pred then8: di f f erence = pred &∼ new_pred9: S← S∪{di f f erence,new_pred}

10: S← S\{pred}11: continue the outer loop12: else if pred is a subset of new_pred then13: new_pred← new_pred &∼ pred14: else if intersect then15: inter1 = pred &∼ new_pred16: inter2 = ∼ pred & new_pred17: inter3 = pred & new_pred18: S← S∪{inter1, inter2, inter3}19: S← S\{pred}20: new_pred← new_pred &∼ pred21: end if22: end for23: S← S∪{new_pred}24: end for

next input (lines 5-6). If a predicate pred in S is a su-perset of new_pred, we split pred into two parts, cor-responding to the parts that do and don’t overlap withnew_pred (lines 7-11). Then we move to the next in-put predicate. The procedure is symmetrically appliedwhen pred is a subset of new_pred (lines 12-13), ex-cept that we continue looking for more predicates in Sthat may overlap with new_pred. Finally, if pred andnew_pred merely intersect (but neither is a superset ofthe other), we create three different predicates in S ac-cording to three different combinations of overlap be-tween the two predicates (lines 14-20). Finally, any re-maining pieces of new_pred are added to the partitionedset S. Under each case above and for each predicate in P,we also keep track of the predicates in the partitioned setS with which it overlaps (details elided).