Complaint against 68 illegal meat shop cum slaughter houses in Hissar - Abhishek Kadyan

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  • 8/9/2019 Complaint against 68 illegal meat shop cum slaughter houses in Hissar - Abhishek Kadyan



    SHO, Police Station, Hissar.

    Subject: FIR against illegal meat shop cum slaughter houses in Hissar.


    Kinl! re"er to the orers passe b! the Hon#ble Supreme $ourt o" Inia in $%P &o. '() o" *((' an Hon#ble Punjab

    an Har!ana High $ourt orers in $%P &o. +'- o" *(( rea /ith the Go0t. o" Har!ana constitute State an 1istrict

    le0el $ommittees "or Slaughter Houses an Har!ana 2unicipal 3Regulation o" sale o" meat4 5!e6la/s, )7+ /ith Har!ana

    2unicipal $orporation 3Regulation o" Slaughter Houses4 5!e6la/s, *((, Soli /aste management in slaughter houses,

    Foo Sa"et! an Stanars 8uthorit! o" Inia 3FSS8I4 instructions ate &o0ember -, *(-, /here as unersigne is a

    non o""icial member o" the State $ommittee "or Slaughter Houses, 1epartment o" 9rban an ocal 5oies 3Go0t. o"

    Har!ana4, recei0e complaints that illegal meat shop cum slaughter houses are /or;ing in Hissar, slaughtering animals

    /ithout compliance o" the Pre0ention o" $ruelt! to 8nimals 3Slaughter Houses4 Rules, *((, 0iolating section ' an o"

    the Pre0ention o" $ruelt! to 8nimals 8ct. )+( rea /ith the FSS8I guielines an animals an birs are being brought

    to the illegal slaughter houses, 0iolating the $attle Transport Rules, )7 amene in *(( rea /ith the section )- o" the

    Har!ana 2otor

  • 8/9/2019 Complaint against 68 illegal meat shop cum slaughter houses in Hissar - Abhishek Kadyan


  • 8/9/2019 Complaint against 68 illegal meat shop cum slaughter houses in Hissar - Abhishek Kadyan


  • 8/9/2019 Complaint against 68 illegal meat shop cum slaughter houses in Hissar - Abhishek Kadyan


  • 8/9/2019 Complaint against 68 illegal meat shop cum slaughter houses in Hissar - Abhishek Kadyan


  • 8/9/2019 Complaint against 68 illegal meat shop cum slaughter houses in Hissar - Abhishek Kadyan


  • 8/9/2019 Complaint against 68 illegal meat shop cum slaughter houses in Hissar - Abhishek Kadyan


  • 8/9/2019 Complaint against 68 illegal meat shop cum slaughter houses in Hissar - Abhishek Kadyan


  • 8/9/2019 Complaint against 68 illegal meat shop cum slaughter houses in Hissar - Abhishek Kadyan


  • 8/9/2019 Complaint against 68 illegal meat shop cum slaughter houses in Hissar - Abhishek Kadyan


  • 8/9/2019 Complaint against 68 illegal meat shop cum slaughter houses in Hissar - Abhishek Kadyan


  • 8/9/2019 Complaint against 68 illegal meat shop cum slaughter houses in Hissar - Abhishek Kadyan


  • 8/9/2019 Complaint against 68 illegal meat shop cum slaughter houses in Hissar - Abhishek Kadyan


  • 8/9/2019 Complaint against 68 illegal meat shop cum slaughter houses in Hissar - Abhishek Kadyan


  • 8/9/2019 Complaint against 68 illegal meat shop cum slaughter houses in Hissar - Abhishek Kadyan


  • 8/9/2019 Complaint against 68 illegal meat shop cum slaughter houses in Hissar - Abhishek Kadyan


  • 8/9/2019 Complaint against 68 illegal meat shop cum slaughter houses in Hissar - Abhishek Kadyan


  • 8/9/2019 Complaint against 68 illegal meat shop cum slaughter houses in Hissar - Abhishek Kadyan
