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  • 7/31/2019 Complete Chapter With Page Nd Header


  • 7/31/2019 Complete Chapter With Page Nd Header


    Bhavani Bottle Supplier

    6. Difficult for different Divisions to make available the MCDO information in

    correct format.

    1.3 SCOPE:

    This software includes different modules which will provide various functionality to the

    user to be done automatically and fastly. It also saves time of the user.

    The main objective of this s/w is to provide the fastest solution and to manage and

    save the records for Monthly Cumulative Demi Official for the Northern Railway

    with suitable plan or decision to reduce the time and cost and to easy and quick

    search out.

    The main concern of this project is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of

    the whole system and all Record and expenditure information to manage and save

    the records of officers in an Organization for the long time with accuracy form and

    easy to quick search out.

    At last we have achieved what we were trying so far.

    This Digital MCDO is a fully computerized system and there are very less chances

    of error.

    The implementation of this project successfully reduced the amount of time and

    manual efforts in maintaining MCDO in Northern Railway and also in the

    generation of report.



    Servlet: A Servlet is a compiled Java class that is managed by a Servlet Container

    and exposes web-page-like functionality. A Servlet is conceptually similar to a


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    CGI executable except that it is .managed by a container (e.g., Tomcat) and can

    maintain state between client requests.

    Cookie: A cookie is a small text file that is stored on the client. A cookie contains

    arbitrary name-value pairs and is often used to store user preferences and other

    client-specific information. HTTP is a fundamentally stateless protocol, so cookies

    are often used to keep track of client state between page request

    Engine: This term persists from the original specification for Servlets but has been

    supplanted by the concept of a container (see above).

    Web server: The web server is a stand-alone application that handles the

    housekeeping chores of accepting, translating, and broadcasting content over



    MCDO: Monthly Cumulative Demi Official

    SRS: Software Requirements Specification

    DB: Database

    OS: Operating System

    SQL:Structured Query Language

    RAM: Random Access Memory




    DOT NET:

    .NET gives a feeling that it is something to do only with internet or networked applications.

    Even though it is true that .NET provides solid foundation for developing such applications


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    it is possible to create many other types of applications. Following list will give you an idea

    about various types of application that we can develop on .NET

    ASP.NET Web applications: These include dynamic and data driven browser based


    Windows Custom Controls: As with traditional ActiveX controls, you can develop

    your own windows controls.

    Web Custom Controls: The concept of custom controls can be extended to web

    applications allowing code reuse and modularization.

    Web services: They are web callable functionality available via industry

    standards like HTTP, XML and SOAP.

    Windows Services: They refer to applications that run as services in the

    background. They can be configured to start automatically when the system boots


    1.5.2 Features of .NET

    .NET framework provides a rich set of functionality out of the box. It contains

    hundreds of classes that provide variety of functionality ready to use in your

    applications. This means that as a developer you need not go into low level details

    of many operations such as file IO, network communication and so on.

    ASP.NET is a technology available on .NET platform for developing dynamic and

    data driven web applications. ASP.NET provides an event driven programming

    model (similar to Visual Basic 6 that simplify development of web pages (now

    called as web forms) with complex user interface. ASP.NET server controls

    provide advanced user interface elements (like calendar and grids) that save lot of

    coding from programmers side.

    OOPs Support: The advantages of Object Oriented programming are well

    known. .NET provides a fully object oriented environment. The philosophy of

    .NET is Object is mother of all. Languages like Visual Basic.NET now support


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    many of the OO features that were lacking traditionally. Even primitive types like

    integer and characters can be treated as objects something not available even in

    OO languages like C++.

    Multi-Device Support: Modern lift style is increasingly embracing mobile and

    wireless devices such as PDAs, mobiles and handheld PCs .NET provides

    promising platform for programming such devices. .NET Compact Framework and

    Mobile Internet Toolkit are step ahead in this direction.

    Strong XML support: Now days it is hard to find a programmer who is unaware of

    XML. XML has gained such a strong industry support that almost all the vendors

    have released some kind of upgrades or patches to their existing software to make it

    XML compatible. Currently, .NET is the only platform that has built with XML

    right into the core framework. .NET tries to harness power of XML in every

    possible way. In addition to providing support for manipulating and transforming

    XML documents, .NET provides XML web services that are based on standards

    like HTTP, XML and SOAP

    Configuration is another area where .NET especially ASP.NET shines overtraditional languages. The configuration is done via special files having special

    XML vocabulary. Since, most of the configuration is done via configuration files,

    there is no need to sit in front of actual machine and configure the application

    manually. This is more important for web applications; simply FTPing new

    configuration file makes necessary changes

    Security: Windows platform was always criticized for poor security mechanisms.

    Microsoft has taken great efforts to make .NET platform safe and secure for

    enterprise applications. Features such as type safety, code access security and role

    based authentication make overall application more robust and secure.


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    1.5.3 Windows forms programming with C#

    C# (pronounced C sharp) is a programming language designed for building a wide range of

    enterprise applications that run on the .NET Framework. Visual C# .NET enables

    developers to build solutions for the broadest range of clients, including Web applications,Microsoft Windows Forms-based applications, and thin- and smart-client devices. And,

    with an elegant, modern programming language, Visual C# developers can leverage their

    existing C++ and Java skills and knowledge to be successful in the Microsoft .NET

    development environment.

    1.5.4 C# SQl Server Connection

    The Sql Connection Object is Handling the part of physical communication between the

    C# application and the SQL Server Database . An instance of the SqlConnection class in

    C# is supported the Data Provider for SQL Server Database. The SqlConnection instance

    takes Connection String as argument and pass the value to the Constructor statement.

    Connetion String="Data Source=ServerName; InitialCatalog=DatabaseName; User

    ID=UserName; Password=Password" cnn = new SqlConnection(connectionString);

    When the connection is established , SQL Commands will execute with the help of the

    Connection Object and retrieve or manipulate the data in the database. Once the Database

    activities is over , Connection should be closed and release the Data Source resources .

    cnn.Close(); The Close() method in SqlConnection Class is used to close the Database

    Connection. The Close method rolls back any pending transactions and releases the

    Connection from the SQL Server Database.

    Here it is shown:

    Using System;

    using System.Windows.Forms;

    using System.Data.SqlClient;


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    1.5.5 What is C# ADO.NET Dataset

    TheADO.NET DataSet containsDataTable Collection and their DataRelationCollection . It

    represents a collection of data retrieved from the Data Source. We can use Dataset in

    combination with DataAdapter Class . The DataSet object offers a disconnected data

    source architecture. The Dataset can work with the data without knowing the source of the

    data coming from. That is , the Dataset can work with a disconnected mode from its Data

    Source . It gives a better advantage over DataReader , because the DataReader is working

    only with the connection oriented Data Sources.

    Fig.- 2.8.1

    The Dataset contains the copy of the data we requested. The Dataset contains more than

    one Table at a time. We can set up Data Relations between these tables within the DataSet.

    The data set may comprise data for one or more members, corresponding to the number of



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    Fig.- 2.8.2

    The DataAdapter Object allows us to populate DataTables in a DataSet. We can use Fill

    method of the DataAdapter for populating data in a Dataset. The DataSet can be filled

    either from a data source or dynamically. A DataSet can be saved to an XML file and then

    loaded back into memory very easily. A DataSet can read and write data and schema

    asXML documents. The data and schema can then be transported across HTTP and used by

    any application, on any platform that is XML-enabled. SqlDataAdapter provides the

    communication between the Dataset and the Data Source with the help

    of SqlConnection Object . The SqlConnection Object has no information about the data it

    retrieves . Similarly a Dataset has no knowledge of the Data Source where the data coming

    from. So the SqlDataAdapter manage the communication between these two

    Objects.A DataAdapter is used to retrieve data from a data source and populate tables

    within a DataSet. The DataAdapter also resolves changes made to the DataSet back to the

    data source. We can use Fill method of the SqlDataAdapter for populating data in a

    Dataset. The following c# source code shows a simple program that uses SqlDataAdapter

    to retrieve data from Data Source with the help of SqlConnection Object and populate the

    data in a Dataset .

    using System;

    using System.Data;

    using System.Data.SqlClient;


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    using System.Windows.Forms;

    namespace WindowsApplication1


    public partial class Form1 : Form


    public Form1()




    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


    string connetionString = null;

    SqlConnection connection ;

    SqlDataAdapter adapter ;

    DataSet ds = new DataSet();

    int i = 0;

    connetionString= "Data Source=ServerName;Initial Catalog=DatabaseName;User


    connection = new SqlConnection(connetionString);

    try {


    adapter = new SqlDataAdapter("Your SQL Statement Here", connection);



    for (i = 0; i

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    } }

    The DataAdapter Object allows us to populate DataTables in a DataSet. We can use Fill

    method of the DataAdapter for populating data in a Dataset. The DataSet can be filled

    either from a data source or dynamically. A DataSet can be saved to an XML file and then

    loaded back into memory very easily. A DataSet can read and write data and schema

    asXML documents. The data and schema can then be transported across HTTP and used by

    any application, on any platform that is XML-enabled. SqlDataAdapter provides the

    communication between the Dataset and the Data Source with the helpof SqlConnection Object . The SqlConnection Object has no information about the data it

    retrieves . Similarly a Dataset has no knowledge of the Data Source where the data coming

    from. So the SqlDataAdapter manage the communication between these two

    Objects.A DataAdapter is used to retrieve data from a data source and populate tables

    within a DataSet. The DataAdapter also resolves changes made to the DataSet back to the

    data source. We can use Fill method of the SqlDataAdapter for populating data in a

    Dataset. The following c# source code shows a simple program that uses SqlDataAdapter

    to retrieve data from Data Source with the help of SqlConnection Object and populate the

    data in a Dataset .

    1.5.6 Common Language Runtime:

    At the core of the .NET platform is the Common Language Runtime (CLR). The CLR

    simplifies application development, provides a robust and secure execution environment,

    supports multiple languages and simplifies application deployment and management. The

    diagram below provides more details on the CLR's features:

    In this section we will cover some of the more significant features provided to .NET

    applications by the CLR. These include:

    Memory Management

    Common Type System


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    Common Type System:

    The Common Type System defines how data types are declared, used, and managed in the

    runtime, and is also an important part of the runtimes support for the Cross- Language

    Integration. The common type system performs the following functions:

    Establishes a framework that enables cross-language integration, type safety, and high

    performance code execution.

    Provides an object-oriented model that supports the complete implementation of many

    programming languages.

    Defines rules that languages must follow, which helps ensure that objects written in

    different languages can interact with each other.

    The Common Type System can be divided into two general categories of types, Reference

    type and Value type each of which is further divided into sub categories. We will now

    discuss about the .NET Class Framework inn conjunction with the CLR, the Microsoft has

    developed a comprehensive set of framework classes, several of which are shown below:

    Since the .NET Class Framework contains literally thousands of types, a set of related

    types is presented to the developer within a single namespace. For example, the System

    namespace (which you should be most familiar with) contains the Object base type, from

    which all other types ultimately derive. In addition the System namespace contains types of

    integers, characters, strings, exception handling, and console I/Os as well as a bunch of

    utility types that convert safely between data types, format data types, generate random

    numbers, and perform various math functions. All applications use types from System

    namespace. To access any platform feature, you need to know which namespace contains

    the type that exposes the functionality you want. If you want to customize the behavior of

    any type, you can simply derive your own type from the desired .NET framework type. The

    .NET Framework relies on the object-oriented nature of the platform to present a consistent

    programming paradigm to software developers. It also enables you to create your own

    namespaces containing their own types, which merge seamlessly into the programming

    paradigm. This greatly simplifies the Software Development


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    Just-In-Time Compilation (JIT)

    Fig.- 1.5.6

    The MSIL is the language that all of the .NET languages compile down to. After they are

    in this intermediate language, a process called Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation occurs when

    resources are used from your application at runtime. JIT allows parts of your application

    to execute when they are needed, which means that if something is never needed, it will

    never compile down to the native code. By using the JIT, the CLR can cache code that is

    used more than once and reuse it for subsequent calls, without going through the

    compilation process again.

    The JIT process enables a secure environment by making certain assumptions:

    Type references are compatible with the type being referenced.

    Identities within the application are accurate.

    By following these rules, the managed execution can guarantee that code being executed is

    type safe; the execution will only take place in memory that it is allowed to access. This is

    possible by the verification process that occurs when the MSIL is converted into CPU-

    specific code. During this verification, the code is examined to ensure that it is not corrupt,


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    it is type safe, and the code does not interfere with existing security policies that are in

    place on the system.

    .NET Framework

    ASP.NET is built on the Microsoft .NET Framework. Microsoft introduced the .NET


    To help developers create globally distributed software with Internet functionally and

    interoperability.Programs written for the .NET Framework execute in a software

    environment (as contrasted to hardware environment), known as the Common Language

    Runtime (CLR), an application virtual machine that provides important services such as

    security, memory management, and exception handling. The class library and the CLR

    together constitute the .NET Framework.

    The .NET Framework's Base Class Library provides user interface, data access, database

    connectivity, cryptography, web application development, numeric algorithms, and

    network communications. Programmers produce software by combining their own source

    codewith the .NET Framework and other libraries. The .NET Framework is intended to be

    used by most new applications created for the Windows platform. Microsoft also produces

    a popularintegrated development environment largely for .NET software called VisualStudio.

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    Fig: 3.2

    The .NET Framework stack.

    Microsoft started development on the .NET Framework in the late 1990s originally under

    the name of Next Generation Windows Services (NGWS). By late 2000 the first beta

    versions of .NET 1.0 were released.Version 3.0 of the .NET Framework is included with

    Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista. Version 3.5 is included with Windows 7, and

    can also be installed on Windows XP and the Windows Server 2003 family of operating

    systems. On April 12, 2010, .NET Framework 4 was released alongside Visual Studio


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    The .NET Framework family also includes two versions formobile orembedded device

    use. A reduced version of the framework, the .NET Compact Framework, is available on

    Windows CE platforms, including Windows Mobile devices such as smartphones.

    Additionally, the .NET Micro Framework is targeted at severely resource-constrained



    NumberRelease Date Visual Studio Default in Windows

    1.0 1.0.3705.0 2002-02-13Visual Studio


    Windows XP Tablet and M

    Center Editions[4]

    1.1 1.1.4322.573 2003-04-24

    Visual Studio

    .NET 2003 Windows Server 2003

    2.0 2.0.50727.42 2005-11-07Visual Studio

    2005Windows Server 2003 R2

    3.0 3.0.4506.30 2006-11-06Windows Vista, Windows Se


    3.5 3.5.21022.8 2007-11-19Visual Studio


    Windows 7, Windows Se

    2008 R2

    4.0 4.0.30319.1 2010-04-12Visual Studio


    4.5 4.5.408052011-09-13 (Developer

    Preview)Visual Studio '11'Windows 8, Windows Server 8


    A more complete listing of the releases of the .NET Framework may be found on the List

    of .NET Framework versions.

    Interoperability:-Because computer systems commonly require interaction between

    new and older applications, the .NET Framework provides means to access

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    functionality that is implemented in programs that execute outside the .NET

    environment. Access to COM components is provided in the

    System.Runtime.InteropServices and System.EnterpriseServices namespaces of the

    framework; access to other functionality is provided using theP/Invoke feature.

    Common Language Runtime Engine:-The Common Language Runtime (CLR) is

    the execution engine of the .NET Framework. All .NET programs execute under

    the supervision of the CLR, guaranteeing certain properties and behaviors in the

    areas of memory management, security, and exception handling.

    Language Independence:-The .NET Framework introduces a Common Type

    System, or CTS. The CTS specification defines all possible datatypes and

    programming constructs supported by the CLR and how they may or may not

    interact with each other conforming to the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI)

    specification. Because of this feature, the .NET Framework supports the exchange

    of types and object instances between libraries and applications written using any

    conforming .NET language.

    Base Class Library:-The Base Class Library(BCL), part of the Framework Class

    Library (FCL), is a library of functionality available to all languages using the

    .NET Framework. The BCL provides classes which encapsulate a number of

    common functions, including file reading and writing, graphic rendering,database

    interaction, XML document manipulation and so on.

    Simplified Deployment:-The .NET Framework includes design features and tools

    that help manage the installation of computer software to ensure that it does not

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    interfere with previously installed software, and that it conforms to security


    Security:-The design is meant to address some of the vulnerabilities, such as buffer

    overflows, that have been exploited by malicious software. Additionally, .NET

    provides a common security model for all applications.

    Portability:-While Microsoft has never implemented the full framework on any

    system except Microsoft Windows, the framework is engineered to be platform

    agnostic, and cross-platform implementations are available for other operating

    systems Architecture

    Fig:3.2.1 ( Common Language Infrastructure)

    The purpose of the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) is to provide a language-

    neutral platform for application development and execution, including functions for18
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    Exception handling, Garbage Collection, security, and interoperability. By implementing

    the core aspects of the .NET Framework within the scope of the CLI, this functionality will

    not be tied to a single language but will be available across the many languages supported

    by the framework. Microsoft's implementation of the CLI is called the Common Language

    Runtime, or CLR.

    .NET assembly:-The CIL code is housed in .NET assemblies. As mandated by

    specification, assemblies are stored in the Portable Executable (PE) format,

    common on the Windows platform for all DLL and EXE files. The assembly

    consists of one or more files, one of which must contain the manifest, which has the

    metadata for the assembly. The complete name of an assembly (not to be confused

    with the filename on disk) contains its simple text name, version number, culture,andpublic keytoken.

    .NET has its own security mechanism with two general features: Code Access Security

    (CAS), and validation and verification. Code Access Security is based on evidence that is

    associated with a specific assembly. Typically the evidence is the source of the assembly

    (whether it is installed on the local machine or has been downloaded from the intranet or

    Internet). Code Access Security uses evidence to determine the permissions granted to the

    code. Other code can demand that calling code is granted a specified permission. The

    demand causes the CLRto perform a call stack walk: every assembly of each method in the

    call stack is checked for the required permission; if any assembly is not granted the

    permission a security exception is thrown.

    The .NET Framework includes a set of standard class libraries. The class library is

    organized in a hierarchy of namespaces. Most of the built in APIs are part of either

    System.* orMicrosoft.* namespaces. These class libraries implement a large number of

    common functions, such as file reading and writing, graphic rendering, database

    interaction, and XML document manipulation, among others. The .NET class libraries are

    available to allCLI compliant languages. The .NET Framework class library is divided into

    two parts: the Base Class Library and the Framework Class Library.

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    The Base Class Library(BCL) includes a small subset of the entire class library and is the

    core set of classes that serve as the basic API of the Common Language Runtime.[11] The

    classes in mscorlib.dll and some of the classes in System.dll and System.core.dll

    are considered to be a part of the BCL. The BCL classes are available in both .NET

    Framework as well as its alternative implementations including .NET Compact

    Framework,Microsoft Silverlight and Mono.

    The Framework Class Library (FCL) is a superset of the BCL classes and refers to the

    entire class library that ships with .NET Framework. It includes an expanded set of

    libraries, including Windows Forms, ADO.NET, ASP.NET, Language Integrated Query,

    Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Communication Foundation among others.

    The FCL is much larger in scope than standard libraries for languages like C++, andcomparable in scope to the standard libraries of Java.

    Web server & validation controls

    Web Server Controls:- Like HTML server controls, Web server controls are also created

    on the server and they require a runat="server" attribute to work. However, Web server

    controls do not necessarily map to any existing HTML elements and they may represent

    more complex elements.

    The syntax for creating a Web server control is:

    Web Server Control Description

    AdRotator Displays a sequence of images

    Button Displays a push button

    Calendar Displays a calendarCalendarDay A day in a calendar control

    CheckBox Displays a check box

    CheckBoxList Creates a multi-selection check box group

    DataGrid Displays fields of a data source in a grid

    DataList Displays items from a data source by using templates

    DropDownList Creates a drop-down list

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    HyperLink Creates a hyperlink

    Image Displays an image

    ImageButton Displays a clickable image

    LabelDisplays static content which is programmable (lets you apply

    styles to its content)

    LinkButton Creates a hyperlink button

    ListBox Creates a single- or multi-selection drop-down list

    ListItem Creates an item in a list

    LiteralDisplays static content which is programmable(does not let you

    apply styles to its content)

    Panel Provides a container for other controls

    PlaceHolder Reserves space for controls added by code

    RadioButton Creates a radio button

    RadioButtonList Creates a group of radio buttons

    BulletedList Creates a list in bullet format

    Repeater Displays a repeated list of items bound to the control

    Style Sets the style of controls

    Table Creates a table

    TableCell Creates a table cell

    TableRow Creates a table row

    TextBox Creates a text box

    Xml Displays an XML file or the results of an XSL transform

    Table:- 2

    Validation Server Controls:- A Validation server control is used to validate the data of an

    input control. If the data does not pass validation, it will display an error message to the


    The syntax for creating a Validation server control is:

    Validation Server Control Description

    CompareValidatorCompares the value of one input control to the value

    of another input control or to a fixed value

    CustomValidatorAllows you to write a method to handle the

    validation of the value entered

    RangeValidator Checks that the user enters a value that falls between

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    two values

    RegularExpressionValidatorEnsures that the value of an input control matches a

    specified pattern

    RequiredFieldValidator Makes an input control a required field

    ValidationSummary Displays a report of all validation errors occurred ina Web page


    Text Box control: Used for entering text on a page.

    Button control: Clicking a button on a page normally causes information to be sent tothe server, which reacts to that information and displays a result.

    Label control: Used for displaying simple text in a specified position on a page.

    Image control: Used for displaying images on a page

    Dropdown List control: Used for offering the user a list of options to choose from;

    collapses when not in use to save space.

    List box control: Used for offering a fixed-size list off items to choose from.

    Checkbox and Radio Button controls: Used for selecting optional extras with either a

    yes/no or this one out of many style, respectively.





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    The software requirement specification is produced at the culmination of analysis task; the

    function and performance allocated to software as a part of system engineering are refined

    by establishing a complex information description a detailed and behavioral description, an

    indication of performance requirements.

    2.1.1 PURPOSE:

    This Software Requirements Specification (SRS) specifies the requirements of the Bhavani

    Bottle Supplier (BBS), which will be used for the recycling of bottles.This document will

    be useful for the clients to ensure all specifications and requirements are conducive as

    mentioned by the software engineer to design the system.


    Our documents use certain types of document conventions to help you distinguish source

    code from language elements, from keyboard sequences, and so on.

    In this SRS document, we have used the following format:

    Main Section Titles:

    Font: 20pt

    Font-face : Times New Roman

    Font-weight :Bold

    Sub Section Titles:

    Font: 14pt

    Font-face : Times New Roman

    Font-weight :Bold

    Other Text Explanations :

    Font: 12pt


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    Font-face: Times New Roman

    Font-weight: Normal

    MCDO:Monthly Cumulative Demi Official

    SRS: Software Requirements Specification

    DB: Database

    OS: Operating System

    SQL:Structured Query Language

    RAM: Random Access Memory

    The following table clarifies the conventions used across Office developer documentation

    and calls out exceptions by product.

    Table 2.1: Typographic conventions that apply across all Office developer products and


    Convention Description Example

    Times New Roman Indicates source code, codeexamples, input to the

    command line, application

    output, code lines embedded

    in text, and variables and

    code elements.

    Public Class

    Bold Indicates most predefined

    programming elements,

    including namespaces,

    classes, delegates, objects,

    interfaces, methods,

    functions, macros,

    structures, constructors,

    Path class

    Resolve method

    href attribute

    snippets element



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    properties, events,

    Italic indicates placeholders, most

    often method or function

    parameters and HTML


    context parameter

    Capital letters indicates HTML element


    HTML element

    Line SpacingLeave the line spacing set at

    1.5 on word processor.


    JustificationJustification refers to how

    the lines of text line up at the

    left and right margins

    Left Justification at start of


    Full Justification.

    Page Breaks

    Page break refers to where

    we end a page of text

    At the Bottom.

    At the Top.

    Spacing After a PeiodUse a single space to

    separate the end of one

    sentence from the beginning

    of the next.


    1. Inspection Conducted:-

    This will show the various inspections like Surprise, Detailed, Casual etc done by different

    officers in each and every Division as well as in Head Quarter. This also show the

    inspection done in a particular period, Updation the Officer name at the time of transfer or

    retirement or in any other case.

    2. PME (Periodical Medical Examination):-

    There is an examination which is essential for the staff who are directly concerned with the

    train operation such as ASM, Loco Pilot, Points man etc. In this examination General

    Health, Vision, B.P & Diabetes is checked as routine measure. This is done after certain

    period of time according to the age limit.

    3. Vacancy Position:-


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    To run the stations & offices, number of staff members are required and posted at stations

    which are called Sanctioned Strength & the staff working at the stations is called On Roll

    & the balance shortage is called Vacancy. So this entire process is called as Vacancy

    Position. This is prepared for Safety & Non Safety categories.

    4. Safety Camp:-

    These are the camps available for different safety officers who are directly connected to

    train. So, classes are held for safety officers to increase their knowledge about the train

    safety and exams are also taken to know the status of each officer. It is necessary to pass

    this exam.

    5. Refresher Courses:-

    Refresher Courses are arranged in zonal training school in order to refresh the knowledge

    of rules and regulations. These courses are mandatory for both Safety as well as Non Safety

    staff members. Different types of courses have been defined for the different categories

    such as Operating, Commercial, Mechanical etc.

    The following points should be noted during the formation of Digital MCDO system-

    1. PME is done according to the age limit of the staff.

    PME is done

    After every 5 years for the staff members with the age below 45.

    After every 2 years for the staff members with the age from 45 to 50.

    After every 2 years for the staff members with the age above 50.2. Staff members have to go for Refresher Courses after every 3 years.

    3. The minimum qualifying marks for passing the exam of Refresher Courses is 60%.

    4. Aftereffect of Vacancy in Vacancy Position is for staff members to work for 24 hrs & for

    the whole week.

    The working of these functions will be improved from manual form to automated form. It

    will be converted into automized form by making it user friendly software. This will saves

    time of the user by making the work to be done faster. Lots of paper work will also get

    reduced to large level. So it will fulfill almost all the requirements of the user and also the

    proposed system will be user friendly.

    2.1.4 PROJECT SCOPE:


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    This software includes different modules which will provide various functionality to the

    user to be done automatically and fastly. It also saves time of the user.

    The main objective of this s/w is to provide the fastest solution and to manage and

    save the records for Monthly Cumulative Demi Official for the Northern Railway

    with suitable plan or decision to reduce the time and cost and to easy and quick

    search out.

    The main concern of this project is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of

    the whole system and all Record and expenditure information to manage and save

    the records of officers in an Organization for the long time with accuracy form and

    easy to quick search out.

    At last we have achieved what we were trying so far.




    Northern Railway is one of the important Railway Zones under the administration of

    Indian Railways (IR). Northern Railway boasts of its largest route track expanding about

    6807 km. The divisions of Northern Railway are amongst the cities of Delhi, Lucknow,

    Ferozpur, Moradabad and Ambala. The headquarters of Northern Railway is at Baroda

    House, New Delhi, with Divisional headquarters at Ambala, Delhi, Firozpur, Lucknow and

    Moradabad. This branch of Indian railway serves eight states, namely Delhi, Haryana,

    Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh and the

    Union Territory of Chandigarh.


    The MCDO should be running on the system so as to access the department details of the

    railway. The software will only respond to those users who are registered through the BBS.



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    Administrators: They are the core users and are able to add new users to the system and

    permit them to access the Factory or Godown. They can also view in real time what a user

    is performing right now. They can also get the overall report of the user sessions.

    Vendors: They login at the client level and this is to get access to the Factory or Godown at

    the client level. They can also view their account status in the client system.


    Table 2.2: Operating Environment

    Particulars Client System Server System

    OS Windows /Linux Linux

    Processors Pentium III 900MHz Pentium III 900MHz

    Hard Disk 20 GB 20 GBRAM 120 MB 120 MB

    2.2.5 CONSTRAINTS:

    Each user must keep their password as confidential. More over the user must have

    individual username for creating a login in the BBS system.

    Only Administrator can control vendor and user addition and deletion in the BBS system.

    Also this group could only create reports.

    Vendor is allowed by admin to provide raw material for the recycling.



    Initially server should be installed and started.

    Amin should have controll over the registered user.

    Each User must have a UserID and password.



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    Server must always run on localhost.

    Proper browsers should be installed.

    Text readers should be installed to view the help files.

    Internet connection should be there.


    Recycling: This system is specially design for the recycling of glass bottles in

    BBS,where vendors bring waste bottles to the admin of BBS and after recycling of

    that bottles it will provide to registered users.

    Different modes of Payment: Admin of BBS have controlled over the payment

    made by users or vendor through payment gateway.The Payment Gateway provides

    different modes of payment like cash or cheque which ease the functionality of

    payment for user or vendor,it also enhances security of the system.

    Report Generation: Report generation is also one of the basic need of BBS

    company for maintaining details of payment made by user or vendor. Factory

    admin can also generates the overall report of the items which have been operated.

    Admin can also generates report containing factory or godown stock details.

    Print Priveiw Option: In BBS system each page having an option of print priveiw

    so that anyone can see filled enteries in the recuired field previously before printing

    that page and corrects them if there is any error.



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    Login Screen: This is for the Administrator or user to get into the two different

    sections(Factory or Godown) of the system . It requires a user name and password.

    Account Details: This shows the account status of Admin or various users who get

    registered with BBS.

    New Registrations: This utility is to create new users or admin in the BBS.

    Reports Handeling: This utility is used to generate reports of the login and account details

    of the users,maintaining details of payment made by user or vendor. Admin can also

    generates report containing factory or godown stock details.

    User Login (Client Side): The user has to give a username and password by which he or

    she can access the details of BBS and also made payment to the BBS.

    User Account: This enables the user to view the account status of their account.

    Employee Maintenance: Creating, Granting & Revoking access and deleting employees

    from application.

    Stock item maintenance: Adding and removing the items according to the fluctuating


    Transaction handling: Payment to various vendors / customers.

    Creation of new Vendor: This will includes manual data entry of the personal details of

    the new vendor. Both the employee and the administrator will have right to create vendor.

    Transaction Processing: This includes the transaction details of good taken by the vendor

    on a particular date, received good, rejected good, accepted good, rate, total bill.

    Payment: In this administrator can pay the amount to individual vendor on basis of totalbalance, transaction of that vendor till payment date.

    Adding new items type: In this the administrator will add the new item types according to

    change in requirement of the vendor.



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    The server is directly connected to the client systems. Also the user has the access to the

    database for accessing the account details and storing the payment updation.

    The user access to the database in the server is only read only he or she is not able to

    modify the contents of the databases.


    BBS is a multi-user, multi-tasking environment. It enables the user to interact with the

    server and attain access to the BBS and also leaves a record in the inbuilt database.

    Front End: It uses JSP,Servlets and Struts framework as front end programming


    Back End: It uses SQL as the backend application tool.


    The BBS uses java servlets and struts, and hence require HTTP protocol for transmission

    of data and uses HTTP Request,Response cycle. More over this allows easy interaction

    between the various clients and the server.



    The important aspects of BBS software is time constrain. BBS software system is real time

    and hence should be performed in minimum requirements. The accountability is a vital

    feature and this could only be assured if the system is working in full capability. So

    uninterrupted power supply is needed.


    The data handled in the BBS system is very vital. The server should always be confirmed

    to run properly and the data are saved to the database at consecutive intervals. Power is a

    significant feature and the power supply should be always taken care of. An Uninterrupted

    Power Supply is always recommended.


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    The security system features from having a login for all the users and admin to access the

    software. The login details will be used in the system also. So the chances of the software

    getting intruded are very less.The users are only have accessibility of database in read onlymode,and only admin have authorization to update the database.



    Designing is the most important phase of software development. It requires a careful

    planning and thinking on the part of the system designer. Designing software means to planhow the various parts of the software are going to achieve the desired goal.

    System design sits at the technical kernel of the software engineering process and is applied

    regardless of the software process model that is used. After the software requirements have

    been analyzed and specified, software design is the first of the three technical activities


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    Designing, Coding and Testing that are required to build and verify the software. Each

    activity transforms information in such a manner that ultimately results in validated

    computer software.

    3.1 ER DIAGRAM:

    Fig 3.1: ER Diagram


    The software development methodology also known as SDM, is a framework that is used

    to structure, plan, and control the process of developing an information system. The

    software development methodology is an approach used by organizations and project teams

    to apply the software development methodology framework.

    The software design methodology involves carrying out two activities:

    Structured Analysis:

    In Structured Analysis, the SRS (Software Requirement Specification) document is

    transformed into a DFD (Data Flow Diagram) model.


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    Structured Design:

    In Structured Design, the (DFD (Data Flow Diagram) document is transformed into

    a structure chart.


    A software development model is typically structured into a large number of development

    teams. Each team either develops some software product or handles some outsourced

    projects. In our project we use Agile Design Pattern:

    Fig: 3.2 Software development model


    It is an approach to building software in which overall life cycle is composed of several

    iterations. Each iteration is self contained mini project.


    Evolutionary iterative development implies that the requirements, plan, estimate and

    solutions are refined over the course of iterations, rather than fully defined fully defined

    and frozen in major upfront specification before the development iteration begins.



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    Agile development apply time boxed iterative and evolutionary development, adaptive

    planning and include other values and practices that encourage rapid and flexible response

    to change. (It is not possible to exactly define Agile method, as specific practices varies).


    A database is an organized mechanism that has the capability of storing information

    through which a user can retrieve stored information in an effective and efficient manner.

    The data is the purpose of any database and must be protected.

    The database design is a two level process. In the first step, user requirements are gathered

    together and a database is designed which will meet these requirements as clearly as

    possible. In the second step, this Information level design is transferred into a design forthe specific DBMS that will be used to implement the system in question. This step is

    called Physical Level Design, concerned with the characteristics of the specific DBMS that

    will be used. A database design runs parallel with the system design. The organization of

    the data in the database is aimed to achieve the following two major objectives.

    Data dictionary

    Data independence

    Data dictionary:

    The end result of the requirement analysis phase is a set of DFDs, some SOPs (standard

    operating procedures), completed questionnaires, notes on interviews, system flowcharts

    etc. The next step is to compile this diverse information into an easily understandable way.

    It is necessary to clearly define each and every property or data structure or data flow of the


    The data dictionary is used to define the system clearly and precisely. A data dictionary is a

    compilation of all the terms, words, data stores, data flows etc. used in the system. Each

    term is defined clearly and all the terms are listed alphabetically.


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    It is, however, not enough to only list and define all the terms, data stores, process and data

    structures. They have to be defined in a special way. All the terms in the data dictionary

    must be self-defining and partitioned into component parts.

    Data independence:

    In data independence, a module perform a single task and needs very little interaction with

    modules. Data independence is a key to any good design primarily due to error isolation,

    reuse and understandability.

    3.4.1 SCHEMAS:

    1.Factory: This table shall store information about employees working in factory. Itshall store information about employees working in factory. It

    contains following fields.contains following fields.

    Table 3.1:FactoryTable 3.1:Factory

    Field name Data type Constraint/Description


    DC_NODC_NO NUMBER(8,0)NUMBER(8,0) NullNull


    PLACEPLACE VARCHAR2(4000)VARCHAR2(4000) NullNull

    ITEMITEM VARCHAR2(4000)VARCHAR2(4000) NullNull




    RATERATE NUMBER(8,2)NUMBER(8,2) NullNull



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    BILLBILL NUMBER(8,2)NUMBER(8,2) NullNull



    2.FactoryItemList :This table shall store information of all items in factory. It containshis table shall store information of all items in factory. It contains

    following fields.following fields.

    Table 3.2: FactoryItemListTable 3.2: FactoryItemList

    Field name Data type Constraint/Description

    ITEMDETAIL VARCHAR2(4000) Primary keyPrimary key

    3.FactoryPaymentToVendor:3.FactoryPaymentToVendor: This table shall store the details of payment made byThis table shall store the details of payment made by

    factory admin to Vendor.factory admin to Vendor.

    Table 3.3: FactoryPaymentToVendorTable 3.3: FactoryPaymentToVendor

    Field name Data type Constraint/Description


    TOTALTOTAL NUMBER(10,2)NUMBER(10,2) NullNull





    4.4.FactoryUser:This table shall store the details of user login as Factory.


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    Table 3.4: FactoryUser

    Field name Data type Constraint/Description


    UNAMEUNAME VARCHAR2(4000)VARCHAR2(4000) Primary KeyPrimary Key

    PWDPWD VARCHAR2(4000)VARCHAR2(4000) NullNull

    U_TYPEU_TYPE VARCHAR2(4000)VARCHAR2(4000) NullNull



    Table 3.5:FactoryVendorTable 3.5:FactoryVendor

    Field name Data type Constraint/Description

    NAMENAME VARCHAR2(4000)VARCHAR2(4000) Primary keyPrimary key


    STATESTATE VARCHAR2(4000)VARCHAR2(4000) NullNull


    6.6.Godown:This table shall store the information regarding godown.

    Table 3.6: Godown

    Field name Data type Constraint/Description


    GR_NOGR_NO VARCHAR2(4000)VARCHAR2(4000) NullNull


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    PLACEPLACE VARCHAR2(4000)VARCHAR2(4000) NullNull

    ITEMITEM VARCHAR2(4000)VARCHAR2(4000) NullNull



    RATERATE NUMBER(8,2)NUMBER(8,2) NullNull


    BILLBILL NUMBER(8,2)NUMBER(8,2) NullNull



    7.GodownItemList:This table shall store information regarding number of items in


    Table 3.7: GodownItemlistTable 3.7: GodownItemlist

    Field name Data type Constraint/Description

    ITEMDETAILITEMDETAIL VARCHAR2(4000)VARCHAR2(4000) Primary KeyPrimary Key

    8.GodownPaymentToVendor:This table stores the details of payment made by Godown

    to Vendor .

    Table 3.8: GodownPaymentToVendor.

    Field name Data type Constraint/Description


    TOTALTOTAL NUMBER(10,2)NUMBER(10,2) NullNull



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    9.GodownUser:This table stores information about users registered as Godown.

    Table 3.9: GodownUser.

    Field name Data type Constraint/Description


    UNAMEUNAME VARCHAR2(4000)VARCHAR2(4000) Primary KeyPrimary Key

    PWDPWD VARCHAR2(4000)VARCHAR2(4000) NullNull

    U_TYPEU_TYPE VARCHAR2(4000)VARCHAR2(4000) NullNull


    10.GodownVendor:This table shall stores the information about GodownVendor.

    Table 3.10: GodownVendor

    Field name Data type Constraint/Description

    NAME VARCHAR2(4000) Null


    STATESTATE VARCHAR2(4000)VARCHAR2(4000) NullNull




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    A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a diagram that describes the flow of data and the processes

    that change or transform data throughout a system. Its a structured analysis and design tool

    that can be used for flowcharting in place of, or in association with, information oriented

    and process oriented system flowcharts..

    Four basic symbols are used to construct data flow diagrams. They are symbols that

    represent data source, data flows, and data transformations and data storage. The points at

    which data are transformed are represented by enclosed figures, usually circles, which are

    called nodes. The symbols used are namely:


    _ Source or Destination of data

    _ Data Flow

    _ Process

    _ Storage

    Fig 3.3: DFD Symbols


    Four steps are commonly used to construct a DFD

    1. Process should be named and numbered for easy reference. Each name should be

    representative of the process.

    2. The direction of flow is from top to bottom and from left to right.

    3. When a process is exploded into lower level details they are numbered.

    4. The names of data stores, sources and destinations are written in capital letters.



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    Arrows should not cross each other.

    Squares, Circles and files must bear names.

    Decomposed data flow squares and circles can have same names.

    Choose meaningful names for dataflow.

    Draw all data flows around the outside of the diagram.


    Add Detail Add Detail

    Show Detail Show Detail

    Query Processing Give Result

    Fig 3.4: Context Level Data Flow Diagram


    User/Employee Factor

    y DSR




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    Fig 3.5: User Authentication and Authorization security Level DFD

    Successful Message



    user Authentic






    user or

    Home Page

    ADD Item

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    if Successful

    if unsuccessful

    Unsuccessful Message

    Fig3.6: Add/Remove Item List DFD

    Report Criteria

    Report in HTML format

    Fig 3.7: Report Generation DFD on basis of different Requirement.



    Item Update Item

    Delete Item




    Report DataHandler

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    Activity Diagrams of BBS are as shown below:

    U s e r lo g in

    [ C a n c e l i s c l i c k e d ]

    U s e rn a m e

    P a s s w o rd

    C a n c e l L o g in

    U s e r e n t e r s n a m e

    U s e r e n t e r s p a s s w o r d

    C a n c e l L o g i n S y s t e m c h e c k s

    u s e r / p a s s w o r d

    [ L o g i n i s c l i c k e

    D i s p l a y e r r o r

    m a s s a g e

    D i s p l a y n e x t v i e w

    [ ID &

    p a s s w o r d

    i n v a l i d ][ I D & p a s s w o r d v a l id ]

    Fig: 3.8 Activity Diagram for Login Page


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    Enter Current Data

    Select Vender Name

    Application showtotal due


    Enter Payment

    Application showbalance


    Enter Payment ModeCash/Cheque

    Update DB

    Fig 3.9: Activity Diagram for Payment


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    Fig: 3.10 Class Diagram


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    L o g i n f ro m :

    L o g i n

    A m e m b e r:

    E m p l o y e e

    L o g i n v a l id a t e s :

    Va l id a t e lo g in

    E n t e r u s e r ID &p a s s w o r d

    D B a c c es s

    V a l id a t e l o g i n ( ID &

    p a s s )

    [ L o g i n f a il e d ]

    [ L o g i n

    s u c c e s s ]D i s p a t c h

    E x e c u t e

    Q u e r y

    Fig: 3.11 Sequence Diagram for Employee Login


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    4.1 TESTING:


    Testing performs a very critical role for quality assurance and for ensuring the reliability of

    the software. The aim of testing is to find the maximum possible number of errors. To state

    simply, the aim of testing is to identify maximum number of errors with a, minimum

    amount of effort and realistic effort and realistic time period. Testing is the phase where the

    errors from the previous phases are detected. It is time consuming and perhaps one of the

    most important phases of Software Development.


    To satisfy its definition, testing must accomplish the following goals:

    1. Specification: Find cases where the program does not do what it is supposed to do.

    2. Unwanted Side Effect: Find cases where the program does things it is not supposed

    to do.

    4.1.3 TEST PLAN:

    Each and every module should be tested for correctness and completeness. The system is to

    be tested for functional requirements that were to be satisfied in order to satisfy the proper

    functioning of the system. Also the interactions of the modules with other modules are

    properly tested. Test cases are designed before starting to code, and their outcome is found


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    out manually. The mismatch of outcome of these test cases and the corresponding manual

    results depicts an error. For an error-free program, the developer or tester would like to

    determine all the test cases. It is very difficult to test with all possible test cases due to cost

    and effort needed to generate a test case, time consumed to execute the program. Hence,

    more number of errors has to be detected with minimum number of test cases.

    4.1.4 UNIT TESTING:

    The unit-testing focuses on the smallest executable program units. In our project there are

    different modules those are considered as units. In the unit-testing phase each unit is tested

    for its functional requirement individually. After testing of each unit the units are integrated

    and integration testing will be carried out.


    White box testing (also known as clear box testing, glass box testing or structural testing)

    uses an internal perspective of the system to design test cases based on internal structure. It

    requires programming skills to identify all paths through the software. The tester chooses

    test case inputs to exercise paths through the code and determines the appropriate outputs.

    While white box testing is applicable at the unit, integration and system levels of the

    software testing process, it's typically applied to the unit. So while it normally tests paths

    within a unit, it can also test paths between units during integration, and between

    subsystems during a system level test. Though this method of test design can uncover an

    overwhelming number of test cases, it might not detect unimplemented parts of the

    specification or missing requirements. But you can be sure that all paths through the test

    object are executed.


    Integration testing is a systematic technique for constructing the program structure while

    conducting tests to uncover errors associated with interfacing. After this testing is done, the

    next layers of modules called dependent units that use the independent modules are tested.


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    This sequence of testing layers of dependent units continues until the entire system is

    constructed. Integration testing is done thoroughly to ensure that every thing is working

    fine. All required modules are integrated along with the test generation module and then it

    is integration tested to ensure proper interactions between the modules and proper working

    of the system.


    At the culmination of Integration testing, software is completely assembled as a package.

    Now the validation testing may begin. The validation of the software is said to be

    successful only when the software functions in a manner that can reasonably be expected

    by the customers. Software validation is achieved through a series of black box tests that

    would demonstrate conformity with the requirements. Each of the one the modules were

    tested from the functionality point of view to check whether they provide the required



    The last part of the testing is the system testing. Here the system is checked with all the

    possibilities. The system is found compatible with all the possibilities.

    Test whether inter-system communication data is passed correctly from system to


    Inspect the results of each test completely.

    Include test cases for invalid or unexpected conditions.


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    4.2 SNAPSHOTS:


    Fig 4.1: This is the page where the user or administrator can login with their respected

    user name and password correctly.

    Fig 4.2: This is the main page which allows us to access factory or godown according to

    our selection.


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    Factory Admin Home Page:

    Fig 4.3: This page is meant for the factory administrator only to perform the various


    Add Item Detail:

    Fig 4.4: This page is meant for the factory administrator to add the item details.


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    Viewing Godown Inward Detail:

    Fig 4.5: Factory admin can see the godown inward details in print preview option.

    Home Page of Generate Report:

    Fig 4.6: Generates report home page


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    Generating Overall Report:

    Fig 4.7: Factory admin can generates the overall report of the items which have been


    Godown Stock Details:

    Fig 4.8:The above shown table format represents godown stock details.


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    Add/Remove Vendor Form:

    Fig 4.9: This page is accessed through the add/remove vendor link option by administrator.

    Successful Addition Of Vendor:

    Fig 4.10: Vendor gets added successfully and the list of existing vendors are shown.

    Create User Form:


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    Fig 4.11: The page is displayed after we go on to the link tagged create user which helps to

    create user form which is only accessible for the administrator.

    Add/Remove Item Home Page:

    Fig 4.12: The page is displayed after we go on to the link add/remove item detail.

    Factory User Home Page:


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    Fig 4.13: This page is specific for limited functions only such as adding items (bottles)

    which is received from vendor.

    Godown Admin Home Page:

    Fig 4.14: Godown admin main page.

    Add Item Details:


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    Fig 4.15: Adding item details.

    Add Item Form:

    Fig 4.16: Showing existing items.

    Item Added Sussesful:


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    Fig 4.17: Successful addition of item message is shown.

    Factory Payment Home Page:

    Fig 4.18: Payment form of Factory users.

    Factory Payment And Previewing Details:


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    Fig 4.19: Viewing details of the Factory payment

    Payement Made By Vendor Reports:

    Fig 4.20: Generating report of the payment made by vendor.

    Report Of Vender:


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    Fig 4.21: Generated report.


    Fig 4.22: For additional information user may visit this page.



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    The project titled as Bhawani Bottel Supplier is a web based system. This system is

    easer than the conventional method. The Company BBS can calculate the turnover with

    ease everyday. All the transaction is saved at a single place and can be accessed easily by

    the administrator.

    The project Bhawani Bottel Supplier is designed keeping certain constraints in view. The

    most important among them are the resources available and the time given. We would like

    to state that given the minimum required amount of time we will be able to make all the

    enhancements that has been provided by us.This software is developed with scalability in

    mind. Additional modules can be easily added when necessary. The software is developed

    with modular approach. All modules in the system have been tested with valid data and

    invalid data and everything work successfully. Thus the system has fulfilled all the

    objectives identified and is able to replace the existing system.

    The Web application functions very well in the organization as long as all the required

    resources are provided. All the test cases have been successfully implemented and the

    necessary conditions required are satisfied.

    The project has been completed successfully with the maximum satisfaction of the

    organization. The constraints are met and overcome successfully. The system is designed

    as like it was