Hey all, Getting rank in google SERP is not so easy, but not so difficult!! Just Need to follow some rules and algorithm. Before moving to 200 ranking factor kindly check out A-Z of SEO. Complete List of Google Ranking Factor There are many ranking factor that we need to keep it in the mind but this 200 ranking signals are quite important. This is also true that google has never disclose that which ranking signal are important according to the algorithm. However, they‟ve never published listed them all. The best place to hide a dead body is page 2 of #Google search results. #SEO #SERPCLICK TO TWEET DOMAIN FACTORS. 1. Age of the Domain: Matt Cutts states that: The difference between domains that’s six months old versus one year old is really not that big at all. 2. Keyword Appears In Top Level Domain: Using keyword in the domain is not that much effective and not give the boost that it is used to for ranking.

Complete Cracking List Of 200 SEO Google Ranking Factors

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Complete Cracking 200 Google Ranking Factors.Complete Cracking 200 Google Ranking Factors.Complete Cracking list of 200 Google Ranking Factors.

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Page 1: Complete Cracking List Of 200 SEO Google Ranking Factors

Hey all, Getting rank in google SERP is not so easy, but not so difficult!! Just Need to follow some

rules and algorithm. Before moving to 200 ranking factor kindly check out A-Z of SEO.

Complete List of Google Ranking Factor

There are many ranking factor that we need to keep it in the mind but this 200 ranking signals are

quite important. This is also true that google has never disclose that which ranking signal are

important according to the algorithm. However, they‟ve never published listed them all.

The best place to hide a dead body is page 2 of #Google search results. #SEO #SERPCLICK TO TWEET


1. Age of the Domain:

Matt Cutts states that:

The difference between domains that’s six months old versus one year old

is really not that big at all.

2. Keyword Appears In Top Level Domain:

Using keyword in the domain is not that much effective and not give the boost that it is used to for


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3. Keyword as First Word in Domain.

SEOMoz‟s agree that google panellists that a domain that starts with their target keyword. Google can

penalize your domain if your keywords coming in first words, in the middle or either in the end of the


4. Domain Registration Length

A Google patent states:

Valuable domains are often paid for several years in advance rarely are

used for more than a year. Therefore, the date when a domain expires in

the future can be used as a factor in preceding the legitimacy of a domain.

5. Keyword in Subdomain Name

SEOMoz‟s pane also agreed that a keyword appearing in subdomain boosts rank.

6. Domain History

Whois can easily tell everything about the domain. Continues changing of the owner (year to year

owner change) let Google to “reset” the site‟s history, which create negating links pointing to

your domain.

7. Exact Match Domain.

Matt Cutts already given the statement regarding EMDs. EMDs may help you if you‟re having high

quality website not to low quality website.

“Minor weather reports: small upcoming Google algo change will will reduce low-quality “exact-match”

domains n search results.”

8. Public VS Private Whois

Matt cutt already quotes in pubcon 2006 that Private Whois information may be sign of “something to


…When I checked the whois on them, they all had “whois privacy

protection service” on them. That’s relatively unusual. …Having whois

privacy turned on isn’t automatically bad, but once you get several of

these factor all together, you’re often talking about a very different type of

webmaster than the fellow who just has a single site or so.

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9. Google Can Penalized Owner.

If google found that any person doing spamming to get rank in search engine than google can

analyze other website owned by that person.

10. Country TLD Extension.

Having country specific domain extension can help to target local country wise user or clients. Few

domain can have ability to target globally.


11. Keyword in Title tag.

Title tag is one of the most important ranking signal factor in SERP. Title tag sends a strong relevancy

signal, so writing keyword in title is good idea.

Read More: How to improve meta tag in 5 minutes

12.Title Tag Starts With Keyword.

Starting of the title done by keywords can rank you much higher then writing keywords in the middle

or in the end said by moz.

13. Keyword in Description Tag.

Adding keywords in Meta description is an another important relevancy tag.

14. Keyword Appears in H1 Tag.

According to results from this correlation study, Heading tag specially H1 tag is 2nd most important

tag after title tag. Google consider as a powerful signal so try to use keyword in H1 tag.

15. Used Keywords in Documents or article.

Try to cover your focus keyword in the article or in the document/ It show relevancy in the content. It

affect in ranking factor.

16. Long Content.

Try to write long content. content is google ranking factor. Search engine love content having more

words. Try to elaborate your content compared to short note. Content length correlated with

SERP position.

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You know you are desperate for an answer... When you look at the second page of #Google. #SEO…CLICK TO TWEET

17. Keyword Density.

Keywords density is not that much important nowadays but doing over keywords stuffing can hurt

y9ou a lot. Google uses to determine the topic of a webpage by the keywords used in the content.

18. Latent Semantic Indexing Keyword in Content (LSI).

Try to use LSI of the keywords. keywords followed by LSI helps search engine to determine the

extract meaning from the word. The LSI of the keywords act as a content quality signal.

19. LSI Keyword in Title and Description Tags.

Try to cover LSI Keywords in the Title & meta description it will help to increase signal to rank in

search engine.

20. Page Loading Speed via HTML.

Each and every search engine whether it is Google, Bing, Yahoo or else, want webpage having low

file size. Search engine use page loading speed as a ranking factor. Search bot can get idea of the

page load from the HTML code of the webpage. You can use GTMetrix to overcome your website


21. Duplicate Contents.

Repeating same content for someone else site can be the major drawback of negative ranking signal.

Each and every search engine hate duplicate content.

22. Rel=Canonical.

Use rel-canonical properly to avoid page content duplication.

23. Page Loading Content via Chrome.

Google chrome user data can help google to handle speed load time of that account. Content

Delivery Network usage and other non HTML-related site speed signals help in ranking factor.

24. Image Optimization.

Yes, it‟s true that google can‟t scan you images. To get images in ranking, use proper alt tags, image

name and image title tags.

WordPress plugin for image optimization: WP Smush & Kraken

Online image optimization: Kraken image optimization

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25. Recency of Content Updates.

Recently Google has update caffeine , caffeine is especially for time-sensitive searches. Google will

highlight the updated date in the SERP.

26. Magnitude of Content Updates.

Update your blog or article on the regular basic. Rather updating 1-2 word try to update some section

or add new one.

27. Historical Updates Page Updates.

How often we need to update content ? Daily, weekly? Try to update content frequently it create

freshness in the page.

Great content deserves great ranking. #SEO #SERP #CTR #Content #ContentmarketingCLICK TO TWEET

28. Keyword Prominence.

Try to use keywords in top 100 words. It will send positive signal to the search engine at the time of


29. Keyword in H2, H3 Tags.

Try to make much paragraph in you page & highlight it wil H2 – H3 Tags. Heading tag boost ranking


30. Keyword Word Order.

Try to cover up all the LSI keywords in the content. LSI keywords in content help to get rank when

searcher‟s search LSI keywords.

31. Outbound Link Quality.

Many SEOs in the world think that getting link back from high authority help getting in rank.

32. Outbound Link Themes.

Search engine love your content only and only if it is relevant to the web pages. Example if your

having page on how to find keywords & you are write on keywords panning tools. Then search

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engine can understand you page is on keywords planning tools & how to find keywords with help of

keyword planning tool. Moz also believe in Outbound link quality

33. Grammar and Spelling.

In 2011 Matt cutt has given an mixed message regarding the grammar in the content whether it is

important or not. Though SEOs think proper grammar and spelling is a quality signal.

34. Syndicated Content.

Rss feed syndication is a good way of distributing the content. But when search bot got that content,

Is the content on the page original? If it‟s scraped or copied from an indexed page it won‟t rank as well

as the original or end up in their Supplemental index.

35. Helpful Supplementary Content.

According to a leaked Google rater guidelines document,supplementary content is helpful as an

indicator of a page‟s quality.

36. Number of Outbound Links.

If you are giving too many outbound link as a dofollow link then it may harm to your website ranking


37. Multimedia.

Multimedia such as image, infographics, videos or document send ranking signals to search engine.

38. Number of internal Links Pointing to Page.

Try to give much internal link but it must be appropriate as it indicate search engine as a important

relevant pages.

39. Quality of Internal Links Pointing to Page.

Try to get as much as quality link pointing to your page rather then getting links from no PR or from

low PR pages.

40. Broken Links

regularly check your page broken links. If Google continually found broken link on your webpage it

sign on neglecting search engine rules.

Check on : broken link checker, WordPress plugin,

41. Reading Level.

Google can estimate the content reading level.

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42. Affiliate Links.

Affiliate marketing is good way to earn some money. but keeping affiliate links everywhere on

webpage give change to search engine algorithm to pay closer attention like a thin affiliate website.

43. HTML Error/ WC3 Validation.

Try to clear all the HTML & w3c validation on the site. html or w3c validation error let your site down in

ranking. validation error is a weak quality signal.

44. Page Hosts Domain Authority.

Getting link on high authority help to get positive signal. page get higher in serp if pointing from high

authority page compare to low authority pages.

45. Page’s PageRank.

Higher PR page rank ranks better than Low PR.

46. URL Length.

Try to give accurate and short Seo friendly URLs, long URLs may hurt ranking said by search engine


47. URL Path.

URL path play sight ranking part. Urls closer to Homepage may get little bit authority boost.

48. Human Editors.

Yet google had not confirmed regarding a filed patent for a system that allows human editors to

influence the SERPs.

49. Page Category.

Relevant category of the article/blog help to rank higher in SERP. Blog posted under relevant

category are much better then posting in non-category or irrelevant category.

50. WordPress Tags

According to Yoast.com: Tags on a page represant page content. Tags are wordpress specific

relevancy ranking signal.

The only way it improves your SEO is by relating one piece of content to

another, and more specifically a group of posts to each other.

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51. Keyword in URL.

URLs containing keywords is another important signal for ranking.

52. URL String.

Displaying category in Url may affect positively in ranking the page.

53. References and Sources.

Try to give proper cities & reference url in the pages. It increase trust of the reader. Don‟t think that

you will lose your reader or client.

This is a topic where experience and/or authority source are important…

54. Bullets and numbered List.

Try to give bullets or numbers list in your content. It help reader they feel user friendly & search

engine also love it.

55. Priority of Page in Sitemap.

Try to include priority of the pages/post in sitemap.xml it will help it in ranking.

56. Too Many Outbound Links.

Don‟t give too many external links in your pages that reader got confused on your main content.

Some pages have way, way too many links, obscuring the pages and

distracting from the Main Content.

57. Many keyword rank for single page.

If your page rank for more than 1-2 keywords then google get sign about quality page.

58. Page Age.

Try to update your old content regularly otherwise newly content can overtake you.

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59. Parked Domains.

Parked domain visibility decrease after google release update in December 2011.

60. User Friendly Layout.

Try to make high quality pages with better content, it will help you getter visible soon in SERP.


61. Content Provides Value and Unique Insights.

Google started hunting site that do thin affiliate. If your working on affiliate than provide useful and

complete information regarding product or service or you may be hurted.

62. Contact Us Page.

Try to give complete information regarding your business in contact page. It should be similar to same

as mention on whois.

63. Domain Trust.

Improve domain trust to get rank high.

64. Site Architecture.

Proper site architecture help search engine to determine the content on site.

65. Site Updates.

As search engine is always hungry for the new content. Try to update your website continuously with

new content.

66. Number of Pages.

Less number of pages on site is a weaker sign to search engine compare to large website. Add new

pages regularly to your website.

67. Presence of Sitemap.

Update sitemap regularly, sitemaps help search engine to index your pages easily & improve visibility

in SERP.

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68. Site Uptime.

Search engine & user hate site which are always in maintenance mode or in downtime. Downtime

server issue can hurt your ranking factor.

69. Server Location.

Server location can help you to get rank if your targeting your website in particular geo location were

server located.

70. SSL Certificates.

Google indexing SSL security certificates. So those having HTTPS SSL security can rank higher.

71. Terms of Service and Privacy Pages

Terms & condition and privacy policy page indicated search engine that this site are trustworthy to


72. Duplicates Meta content.

Duplicate Meta information on website can deindex all the visible pages on website. Use Meta tag

very carefully.

73. Breadcrumb Navigation.

Breadcrumb navigation is a best sign of properly develop website architecture. Breadcrumb are

the sign of use friendly architecture & help search engine / user where they are on website.

74. Mobile Optimized.

Responsive website can rank better on mobile device. Google has recently launched new update for

Mobile responsiveness website. You can check mobile responsiveness in webmaster tools.

75. YouTube.

Youtube has given some extra preference in SERP. You can use youtube to get index your videos &

for traffic.

76. Site Usability.

Site usability can increase user if site has design properly. A site having difficult to use can drop

ranking by reducing time on site and bounce rate.

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77. GA & GSC

GSC (A.K.S Google webmaster tools) & Google Analytics can help you to increase

your traffic. Google has developed this powerful tools.

78. User reviews/Site Reputation.

Try to give review & rating on your website. Google like site like yelp.com as they show rating on

there site. Rating play an important role in algorithm. Rating given by user help search engine to

decide where to place website in SERP.


79. Linking Domain Age

Getting backlink from old domain help more then getting like from new domain.

80. Number Of Linking Root Domains.

As more domain linking to your website help more to rank. You can see domain linking to your root

domain in Majestic.

81. Number Of Links From Separate C-Class IP.

Try to get link from different different C Class IP address.

82. Number Of Linking Pages.

Increase number of linking page of the same domain. This will increase trust flow of the domain.

83. ALT Tag.

Give Alt tag to all the images on the website.

84. PR of Linking Text.

Pagerank plays the important ranking factor. Backlink coming from PR page rank faster.

85. Links From .EDU or .GOV Domains.

Matt Cutts announced that TLD doesn‟t effect into ranking factor.

86. Authority of Linking Domain.

Domain authority from where you‟re getting links play important factor in ranking your website.

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87. Links from Competitor.

Link your website where your competitor listed website.

88. Social Shares of Referring Page

Share page from where your getting backlink.

89. Links from Bad Neighbourhoods

Links from “bad neighbourhood” may hurt your site.

90. Guest Post.

Guest blogging is a best way to get link back only if you‟re link is getting contextual link. Link from

author bio may not be as valuable compare to contextual link.

91. Point link to Referral homepage.

Try to link homepage of the referral site. Referring homepage play important role in getting site


92. Nofollow Links.

SEO‟s most open to discussion topic. Here what Google say‟s:

I general, we don’t follow them.

Nofollow link help search engine to figure it out among natural links V/s unnatural links.

93. Too Many Link .

If you‟re getting too many nofollow backlink from a single page of forum, blog commenting or from

unidentified webpage that may indicate webspam. Try to get authority link & high quality link from

manyquality niche website.

94. Contextual Links

Link coming from high quality contextual page will be consider as a powerful links rather than link

coming from empty or lest content site.

95. Sponsored Links

If you‟re denoting „Link Partner, „Sponsors‟ & „sponsored link‟ may hurt you by making link value low.

96. Too Many Redirections.

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Too Many redirection is not good for website.

97. Backlink Anchor text.

According to google original algorithms.

First, anchors often provide more accurate description of web page than

the pages themselves.

It goes without saying that anchor text is not so relevant nowadays but still its help in sending positive

signals to rank.

98. Link Title Attribute.

Linking title tag is not a good idea. Linking title will send low relevancy signal.

99. Country TLD of Referring Domain.

Linking you‟re website from country specific domain such as (.co.in, .com.au, .com.ca) give high

relevancy signal in search engine.

100. Link Location in Content.

Given link in the starting of your content compare to end part. Start-up part of content get little bit of

more weightage in ranking.

101. Link on Page.

Location of your link is most important thing. Is your link embedded in contextual text in content or in

footer? Link in footer or in sidebar area is not so powerful.

102. Linking Domain Relevancy.

Always get link from relevant niche to rank higher in few days. Unwanted niche will give you backlink

but not effective signal to search engine.

103. Page Relevancy.

According to the Hilltop Algorithm link coming from relevant content page get high priority in ranking

compare to low relevancy page.

104. Text Link Sentiment.

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Google has figure it out that linking from negative comment content page may effect to your ranking.

So always link your webpage to positive comment content. If search engine figure out your website on

negative commented page may bring your page down.

105. Keyword in Title.

Write your keyword in Title tag. Search engine such as Google & Bing gave extra love to links on

pages that contain your page‟s keyword in the title.

106. Positive Links.

If you‟re getting positive link nonstop to your site, then Google will boost your website in SERP.

107. Negative Link.

Similar to Positive Link, if your website link to negative rated website, then within no time your website

will be out of search engine.

108. Links from “HUB” Pages.

If your website getting link from the HUB of resource, then search engine will give special treatment to

your website.

109. Links from Authority Sites.

Authority site transfer more authority juice than micro niche site.

110. Linked to as Wikipedia Source.

Linking from Wikipedia pass authority juice. Though Wikipedia is giving nofollow link search engine

count Wikipedia in high authorized website.

111. Co – Occurrence.

Anchor text which you used to get backlink denote search engine what your web page based on.

112. Backlink Age.

As mention in search engine journal, older backlink give more power to web page as to newly

grounded backlink.

113. Real & Fake Blog.

Due to many blog on specific brand, Google start distinguishing on real blog and fake blog. Google

Give more powerful weightage on real blog rather than fake & copy blog article.

114. Natural Link Profile.

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Naturally created profile will rank fast and stay in SERP for long time.

115. Reciprocal Links.

Don‟t exceed too much reciprocal link activity or you will be hurt from google for link scheme.

116. User Generated Content Links.

Google can easily identified that content has been publish by official site owner or by any user

generated for promotion.

117. Links from 301.

If possible try to give direct link of your website. 301 redirection may lose little bit of link juice which is

passing to your website. According to Matt Cutt nothing losing everything will be same.

118. Schema.org Microformats.

Micro formatted page get more CTR compare to normal page. So start using microformats on


119. DMOZ Listed.

Google give special trust if website listed in Dmoz. Learn how to give link to Dmoz.org.

120. Yahoo!! Directory Listed.

Google algorithm have special place for Yahoo directory. Yahoo directory give better trust in ranking.

121. Number of Outbound Links on Pages.

A link on a page with hundreds of out bound links passes less PR than a page with only a few out

bound links.

122. Forum Profile Links.

Google may consider low authority profile links as a spammy due to number to spammy activities

going in the market.

123. Word Count of Linking Content.

A content having words 1,000 and you‟re getting link back is more helpful in ranking compare to the

content having 50-100 words.

124. Quality of Linking Content.

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Link juice transfer when article is written unique with multimedia rich content, not when content is spin

or copy from somewhere.

125. Site Wide Links.

Matt Cutt already commented on Sitewide links. Check out below video.


126. Organic CTR for a Keyword.

Increasing organic traffic on particular keyword; increase CTR of your page which help in boosting


127. Organic CTR for all Keyword.

Getting ranked on every keywords increase CTR of website and help to more sales.

128. Bounce Rate.

Bounce rate may help google to decide whether webpage is good or not to rank in SERP. Lower the

bounce rate higher the SERP rank.

129. Direct Traffic.

Google chrome data help google to understand how user using it. Website getting direct traffic rank

little bit fast then website getting traffic from organic.

130. Repeats Traffic.

User repeatedly visiting your website help sending positive signal to rank page in SERP.

131. Blocked Sites.

Thin affiliate site may get penalty on quality site.

132. Chrome Bookmarks.

Google use data usage on chrome. Website may get boost if anyone bookmark your webpage.

133. Google Toolbar Data.

Google use toolbar data to rank website in SERP.

134. Number of Comments.

Increasing number of comment increase rank in SERP at one and the same time.

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135. Time on Site.

Google has confirmed that they index SSL security certification, this is the reason e-commerce site

with SSL certification rank easily in SERP.

136. Time on Page.

Traffic getting from search query, stay longer time on page then it will boost in SERP.


Newly page may get little boost in SERP for short term.

138. Query Deserves Diversity.

Ambiguous keyword, such as “ted”, “WWF”, or “ruby” may get special appealing in SERP by Google.

139. User Browsing History.

Site user visiting every time using google sign in get boost in SERP.

140. User Search History.

Search chain influences searches result for later searches. For examples, if you search for review

then search for toasters. Google is more likely to show toaster review sites higher in the SERPs.

141. GEO Targeting.

Geo targeted domain/specific country domain / local IP get more preference from Google.

142. Safe Search.

Adult keyword will not rank if safe search term has been saved in preference.

143. Google + Circles.

Verified Google plus author get slightly more importance in SERP.

144. DMCA Complaints.

DMCA complaints page get negative influence in google SERP.

145. Domain Diversity.

“BigFoot Update” add more domains to each SERP page.

146. Transactional Searches.

Shopping and e-commerce result may be change based on your location.

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147. Local Searches.

If your sign-in in google then you may see google plus post in SERP above or in between organic


148. Google News Box.

Highly influence keyword may trigger Google news box in SERP.

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149. Big Brand Preference.

Are you a big brand? No..!! Google started began giving extra boost to branded domain after Vince


150. Shopping results.

Google shopping result display in SERP helping eCommerce site to rank.

151. Image Results.

Google help by showing our images in between of SERP.

152. Single Site Results for Brands.

Sometime Google fetch and show many result from single website due to highly trusted visitor.

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153. Number of Tweets

Tweet can influence Google for ranking in SERP.

154. Authority of Twitter User Accounts

If your twitter account is verified with tons of fans then with less work you can influence your link in


155. Number of Facebook Likes

Google can‟t crawl all the page of facebook so facebook likes have less preference for Google. But

low signal also create huge impact on SERP.

156. Facebook Shares

Facebook shares create more influence than Facebook likes. Why, because Facebook sharing is

similar to increasing backlinks.

157. Authority of Facebook User Accounts.

Similar to twitter authorize Facebook page send high authority signal.

158. Pinterest Pins.

Pinterest is considering as a best and powerful social signal social networking site. More number of

pins directly proportional to more signal. 1

159. Votes on Social Sites.

Social sharing on Stumbleupon, Reddit, Digg and many more site help to create good social signals.

160. Number of Google + 1’s.

Although Matt Cutts given disclaim regarding google plus ranking.

161. Authority of Google+ User Accounts.

Authorised google plus account with many follower get weight age in ranking.

162. Verified Google+ Authorship.

162.Google CEO Eric Schmidt claimed in Feb 2013.

Within search results, information tied to verified online profile will be

ranked higher than concerned without such verification, which will result

in most users naturally clicking on the top results.

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Google authorship shut down soon. But still its affect in ranking.

163. Site Level Social Signals.

Social sharing on site – wide help to increase social signal of webpage.


164. Brand Name Anchor Text

Keep Bold on brand keyword name. Bold attract google to make it on rank.

165. Branded Searches

If user start searching your blog name /company name then Google start understanding it brand.

166. Site Has Facebook Page and Likes

If your facebook page have good amount of like then it count as brand.

167. Site Has Twitter Profile and Followers

Too many follower your page, making popular social signal then it make brand signal create positive

branding of your social page.

168. Official LinkedIn Company Page

Mostly all company have official LinkedIn page.

169. Employees listed at LinkedIn

According to Rand Fishin LinkedIn is a great platform for branding.

170. Legitimacy of Social Media Accounts

Increasing too many follower doesn‟t make brand. Interaction with follower make branding. 10, 00,000

follower with interaction create positive branding.

171. Brand Mention on News Sites

If your article display in google news then understand your branding going perfectly. Slowly and

steadily all your article will start displaying in Google News.

172. Co – Citation

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Brands get mentioned without getting linked to Google likely looks at non – hyper linked brand

mentioned as a brand signal.

173. Number of RSS Subscribers

Having high number of Rss feedburner subscriber help in ranking.

174. Google+ Local Listing

Local listing help building trust on your business. Trust increase ranking increased simultaneously.

175. Website is Tax Paying Business

SEOMoz‟s reports that Google may look at whether or not a site is associated with a tax – paying



176. Panda Penalty

Site with thin content/copy content may be penalized by google panda algorithm.

177. Bad links

Linking with payday loan site hurt your ranking.


Tricky redirects lead you to penalize if caught by Google.

179. Popups Ads

Popups ads count as low quality website. Don‟t add popup ads if you want to rank high. Start earning

with affiliate marketing or with Google Adsense.

180. Site Over Optimized

Keywords stuffing is also a part of black hat SEO. Everyone know Google hate Black hat SEO.

181. Page over – Optimization

Google fighter Panda & penguin hate over optimized page with keyword & links.

182. Ads Above the Fold

Page layout update hit you for above fold ads.

183. Hiding Affiliate Links

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Google hit penalty for hiding affiliate links. Clocking affiliate links doesn‟t hurt any algorithm.

184. Affiliate Sites

Google is die heart fan of affiliate marketing. Not to worry if your website having affiliate link. Affiliate

link doesn‟t but you behind the penalty.

185. Auto generated Content

Google isn‟t die heart fan of Auto generated content. Auto generated content may be hit by penalty

and it affect website by de index.

186. Excess PageRank Sculpting

Over optimized link & making each outbound link as a no-follow may give hint to Google for gaming

the system for page rank sculpting.

187. IP Address Flagged as Spam

If your IP address reported as spam then it will hurt all the site under same IP.

188. Meta Tag Spamming

Adding keyword stuffing in meta tag hit your website & de index all your webpages.


189. Unnatural Influx of Links

Suddenly getting number of link is the signal of unnatural link. Unnatural link is a symbol of fire.

190. Penguin Penalty

If you‟re penalized by Google penguin algorithm then visibility changes are too low.

191. Link from Low Quality Links

Lots of low quality link give hint to Google for gaming of links (black hat seo). Get quality link not in

quantity. 2 Link of High quality is far better than 100 black hat links.

192. Linking Domain Relevancy

Unrelated links are the main target of penguin to attack. Beware of unnatural linking method. If you

want to be in game.

193. Unnatural Links Warning

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Every time Google sent notice to web master for unnatural link found. Slight dropping of rank will start

along with notice. Slowly it will increase to de index.

194. Links from the Same Class C IP

Getting number of link from same C class IP sign of unnatural blog network link building.

195. “Dangerous” Anchor Text

Having “Dangerous” anchor text linking to your website may sign of getting hacked.

196. Manual Penalty

Google help web master too recover by doing manual recovery from the unnatural link.

197. Selling Links

Selling link may hurt your ranking as Google tool bar can figure it out everything.

198. Google Sandbox

Too many link from same domain hurt you like a poison. Google can send your website to sandbox.

199. Google Dance

Google dance algorithm shake you‟re ranking for some time just to check whether you‟re playing the

game or not with Google.

200. DISAVOW Tool

Disavow tool help to improve link building by removing links manually.

201. Reconsideration Request

A successful reconsideration request can lift a penalty.

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