Compound Fractures(1)

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  • 7/30/2019 Compound Fractures(1)


    Compound Fractures


    - Fracture with break in skin communicating with fracture haematoma or fracture- Contamination with micro-organisms- Coupled with damage to ST and vascular supply- Leads to increased risk in infection and healing problems

    Gustillo Classification

    Grade I- low velocity / wound < 1cm- minimal contamination & minimal tissue injuryGrade II

    - wound > 1cm- moderate contamination / moderate tissue InjuryGrade IIIA

    High velocity injury

    - segmental- comminuted- suggests extensive injury or loss of soft tissue- damage to periosteum- Delayed Primary Closure possibleAutomatic Grade III

    - shotgun wound- high velocity gunshot wound- segmental fracture with displacement- diaphyseal segmental loss- wound occurring in a farmyard / highly contaminated environment- crushing force from a fast-moving vehicleGrade IIIB

    - High velocity injury- After debridement needs skin flap / graftGrade IIIC

    - Needed vascular repair to save limbInfection Rate

    I: 0-2%

    II: 2-7%

    IIIA: 7%

    IIIB: 10-50%

    IIIC: 25-50% with 50% or more amputation



    Prevent infectionManage the wound

    Stabilise the fracture

    Enable healing


    EMST / ATLS Principles

    Assess Limb

    - Vascular- Neurology- skin defect / contamination- photosTreatment- irrigate wound- apply betadine dressing- stabilise with POP if possible- appropriate antibiotics / tetanus

  • 7/30/2019 Compound Fractures(1)


    - early OT for irrigation / debridement / stabilisationAntibiotics


    - grade 1: first generation cephalosporin- grade 2: add gentamicin- farmyard / heavily contaminate add penicillin (clostridium / gas gangrene)- infection with preoperative cephalothin was 2.3%- infection 13.9% without antibiotic- studies finding of initial swab correlating with infecting organism has been discredited- no real correlation between road-side organisms & subsequent infection- subsequent infection are typically hospital acquiredTiming

    - delay > 3 hours increases infection risk- continue for 48 - 72 hours post injury- continue for 48 - 72 hours post each procedure

    Wound Management


    - infection higher if < 10L washout- pulse lavage 100 x effective than bulbDebridement- Must remove all non viable tissue- Remove cortical bone with no ST coveringTiming of wound closure

    - Do so when wound is clean- No evidence of increased infection with primary closure

    o may prevent secondary contaminationo risk of clostridial myonecrosis

    - DPC (delayed primary closure)o prevent anaerobic conditions in woundo facilitates drainageo allows second debridemento

    can seal the wound via vacuum dressing

    Fracture Stabilisation


    - prevent soft tissue from further injury- facilitates host response to bacteria despite presence of implants- allows mobilisation and functional rehabFemur

    - IMN best for I, II, IIIA and B- 10% deep infection in type III B- best to plate in type IIIC before revascularisationTibia

    - Reamed v unreamedo no difference in infection rate- IMN v External fixatoro reduced risk of revision surgery, malunion and superficial infection with IM nailo no difference in infection rate or union

    - External fixatoro heavily contaminated woundo non amenable to nail (i.e. very distal)o vascular injury

    Soft Tissue Reconstruction


    - Proximal tibia - local pedicle gastrocnemius flap- Middle third - soleus flap- Distal third - free muscle flap (rectus / gracilis / lat dorsi)Timing

    - early < 72 hours v late > 72 hours- 6% v 29% deep infection- did not use antibiotic beads