Comprehensive evaluation of human immune system reconstitution in NSG and NSG -SGM3 mouse models toward the development of a novel ONCO-HU xenograft model Aaron Middlebrook, 1 Eileen Snowden, 2 Warren Porter, 2 Friedrich Hahn, 2 Mitchell Ferguson, 2 Brian Soper, 3 James Keck, 3 Joan Malcolm, 3 Shannon Dillmore, 2 Smita Ghanekar, 1 Rainer Blaesius 2 . 1 BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA; 2 BD Technologies, Raleigh-Durham, NC; 3 The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME Abstract The recent successes of immunotherapeutic approaches in the treatment of melanoma and the promise of similar treatments in a variety of other cancers underscore the importance of the immune system in cancer. Indeed, effective therapeutic design and evaluation require a comprehensive understanding of the interplay between the immune compartment and the proliferating tumor cells that comprise the tumor microenvironment. A humanized mouse strain engrafted with cancerous tissue from a patient derived xenograft (PDX) tumor provides researchers with a highly sophisticated tool, ideally suited to facilitate the design of treatment strategies that prevent tumor evasion of immune cells and improve cytotoxic responses.

Comprehensive evaluation of human immune system

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Page 1: Comprehensive evaluation of human immune system

Comprehensive evaluation of human immune system reconstitution in NSG™ and NSG™-SGM3 mouse models toward the development of a novel ONCO-HU™ xenograft modelAaron Middlebrook,1 Eileen Snowden,2 Warren Porter,2 Friedrich Hahn,2 Mitchell Ferguson,2 Brian Soper,3 James Keck,3 Joan Malcolm,3 Shannon Dillmore,2 Smita Ghanekar,1 Rainer Blaesius2. 1BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA; 2BD Technologies, Raleigh-Durham, NC; 3The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME

AbstractThe recent successes of immunotherapeutic approaches in the treatment of melanoma and the promise of similar treatments in a variety of other cancers underscore the importance of the immune system in cancer. Indeed, effective therapeutic design and evaluation require a comprehensive understanding of the interplay between the immune compartment and the proliferating tumor cells that comprise the tumor microenvironment. A humanized mouse strain engrafted with cancerous tissue from a patient derived xenograft (PDX) tumor provides researchers with a highly sophisticated tool, ideally suited to facilitate the design of treatment strategies that prevent tumor evasion of immune cells and improve cytotoxic responses.

Page 2: Comprehensive evaluation of human immune system

MethodsMiceNSG™ and NSG™ -SGM3 mice were humanized by transplantation of human cord-blood-derived CD34+ hSC by The Jackson Laboratory (Bar Harbor, ME) and shipped to BD Technologies (Raleigh-Durham, NC) for processing.

Tissue processingMice were euthanized and spleen, bone marrow and peripheral blood were harvested. Spleen was placed between two glass slides and crushed. The slides were then rinsed into a 50 mL conical tube using 10-20 mL PBS, then filtered using a 70-µm sieve to collect a single cell suspension. Bone marrow was expelled from femurs and broken up using wide-bore pipette tips and trituration. It was then filtered through a 70-µm sieve to create a single cell suspension. 200-400 µL of peripheral blood was taken during terminal blood draw. Peripheral blood samples and single cell suspensions derived from spleen and bone marrow were treated with 4 mL ACK Buffer (Gibco A10492-01) for 7 minutes at room temperature in order to lyse all red blood cells. Samples were then washed once with 45 mL DPBS/2%FBS. Supernatant was aspirated, pellets were incubated in human FcR block, resuspended in PBS and then transferred to Falcon® 96-well plates for staining with antibody cocktails.

Flow cytometryCell suspensions from each of the three sample types (blood, spleen and bone marrow) were stained for 30 minutes with each of the 14 color panels described in the Results section. Fluorochrome selection for each of the panels was performed using the BD Horizon™ Guided Panel Solution; you can learn more about the tool at bdbiosciences.com/us/tools/s/gps. Antibody cocktails were diluted in 50 µL of BD Horizon™ Brilliant Stain Buffer (BD Biosciences Cat. No. 659611). After staining, cells were washed two times with PBS and recovered via centrifugation (7 min at 300g). Samples were acquired on a Special Order BD LSRFortessa™ X-20 flow cytometer (BD Biosciences Cat. No. 658226R1) and data analysis was performed using BD FACSDiva™ software.

Severely combined immunodeficient mice such as NOD scid gamma (NSG™) and triple transgenic NSG™ mice expressing human cytokines KITLG, CSF2 and IL-3 (NSG™-SGM3) are proven hosts for the engraftment of human tumors and establishment of human immune system components following hematopoietic stem cell (CD34+) transplantation. The endogenous expression of cytokines that support the development of myeloid lineages and regulatory T (Treg) cells potentially represents a substantial improvement over standard NSG™ mice.

Here, we employ three 14-color flow cytometry panels to perform a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the entire immune system. The three panels are designed to fully characterize specific branches of the immune system: 1) T cells 2) natural killer (NK) cells/ dendritic cells (DCs)/B cells and 3) myeloid lineages. Blood, spleen and bone marrow tissue from both NSG™ and NSG™-SGM3 mice were evaluated at 10, 16, 21 and 31 weeks post-engraftment using each of the four phenotyping panels. Our results indicate that the triple transgenic NSG™-SGM3 mice exhibit a more completely humanized immune system as compared to NSG™ mice, with specific improvements in the distribution of T-cell subsets and overall representation of the myeloid lineage.

NSG™ mice engrafted with allogeneic human tumors represent a valuable preclinical testing platform for immuno-oncology.

Page 3: Comprehensive evaluation of human immune system

Figure 1. NSG™ vs NSG™-SGM3 miceNSG™ mice (NOD.Cg-Prkdcscid Il2rgtm1Wjl/SzJ, 005557) are devoid of mature B, T and NK cells. NSG™-SGM3 (NOD.Cg-Prkdcscid Il2rgtm1Wjl Tg(CMV-IL3,CSF2,KITLG)1Eav/MloySzJ, 013062) are NSG™ mice that contain transgenes expressing human Stem Cell Factor (KITLG), GM-CSF (CSF2) and IL-3. Recipient mice were irradiated at 3-4 weeks of age and engrafted with human cord-blood-derived CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells. Prior to co-engraftment of human tumors, mice are validated for human multilineage engraftment and establishment of human immunity. Figure courtesy of The Jackson Laboratory.

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Figure 2. T-cell panel population hierarchy and gating strategyCell populations shown in blue (top) were measured across all tissue types and across all strain groups (10 weeks, 16-17 weeks, 23 weeks and 31 weeks). The population hierarchy was generated using the BD Horizon GPS tool (see Methods). Each population was defined according to the gating strategy shown above. The data shown is a representative set of plots from the spleen of a 23-week old NSG™ mouse. This gating strategy does not include all markers in the panel. Some markers were included to identify specific activated phenotypes that will be relevant in future comparative studies using tumor bearing mice.





LiveCD45 CD3





















CD197CD45RACD4 Naive

CD4 ActivatedCentral Memory

CD4 CentralMemory

CD4 ActivatedE�ector Memory

CD4 E�ectorMemory

TregsT Cells



CD8 Naive

CD8 ActivatedCentral Memory

CD8 CentralMemory

CD8 ActivatedE�ector Memory

CD8 E�ectorMemory

ResultsT-cell panelSample tissues (bone marrow, spleen and peripheral blood) were stained with a 14-color panel (see table on next page for reagent list). The panel was designed to enumerate T-cell subsets. Representative flow plots (spleen, 23-week old NSG™ mouse), demonstrate the gating strategy used for analysis. Enumerated populations are plotted as boxplots (next page, bottom). The green bands across each plot represent the range of each subpopulation in peripheral blood as measured in normal healthy adult donors (n=6) using the same panel. Not all enumerated population plots are shown. Those that showed little change or were in clear agreement with reference values (green band) were not shown. The intermediate 16-17 week and 23-week timepoints are not shown.

Page 5: Comprehensive evaluation of human immune system

Laser (nm) Fluorchrome T-Cell Panel Cat. No.

488FITC *Mouse Dump (at right)

PerCP-Cy™5.5 CD8 560662


PE CD38 555480

PE-CF594 CD197 562381

PE-Cy™7 CD28 560684


APC CD3 555342

APC-H7 CD45 560274

AF700 CD4 557922


BV421 CD45RA 562885

BV510 FVS Live/Dead 564406

BV605 HLA-DR 562846

BV711 CD25 563159

BV786 CD127 563324

355 BUV395 Hoescht 33342 561908

*Mouse Dump

Antibody Cat. No.

mCD45 553079

mH2Kd 553592

mTer119 561032

mCD31 558738

mCD41 561849

mCD71 553266

Reagents used in T-cell panel

Page 6: Comprehensive evaluation of human immune system

NK/DC/B cell panelSample tissues (bone marrow, spleen and peripheral blood) were stained with a 14-color panel (see table on next page for reagent list). The panel was designed to enumerate DC, NK-cell and B-cell subsets. Representative flow plots (spleen, 23-week-old NSG™ mouse) demonstrate the gating strategy used for analysis. Enumerated populations are plotted as boxplots (next page, bottom). The green bands across each plot represent the range of each subpopulation in peripheral blood as measured in normal healthy adult donors (n=6) using the same panel. Not all enumerated population plots are shown. Those that showed little change or were in clear agreement with reference values (green band) were not shown. The intermediate 16-17 week and 23 week timepoints are not shown.

Figure 3. NK/DC/B cell population hierarchy and gating strategyCell populations shown in blue (top) were measured across all tissue types and across all strain groups (10 weeks, 16-17 weeks, 23 weeks and 31 weeks). The population hierarchy was generated using the BD Horizon GPS tool (see Methods). Each population was defined according to the gating strategy shown above. Data shown is a representative set of plots from the spleen of a 23-week-old NSG™ mouse. This gating strategy does not include all markers in the panel. Some markers were included to identify specific activated phenotypes that will be relevant in future comparative studies using tumor bearing mice.


























B Cells

Naive B Cells

Memory B Cells

NK Cells

MatureNK Cells

ImmatureNK Cells





Page 7: Comprehensive evaluation of human immune system

Laser (nm) Fluorchrome NK/DC/B-Cell Panel Cat. No.

488FITC *Mouse Dump (at right)

PerCP-Cy™5.5 CD3 560835


PE CD19 555413

PE-CF594 CD11c 562393

PE-Cy™7 NKp46 562101


APC CD16 561304

APC-H7 CD14 560180

AF700 CD45 560566


BV421 IgD 562518

BV510 FVS Live/Dead 564406

BV605 HLA-DR 562845

BV711 CD123 563161

BV786 CD56 564058

355 BUV395 Hoescht 33342 561908

*Mouse Dump

Antibody Cat. No.

mCD45 553079

mH2Kd 553592

mTer119 561032

mCD31 558738

mCD41 561849

mCD71 553266

Reagents used in NK/DC/B cell panel

Page 8: Comprehensive evaluation of human immune system

























CD163 CD206

CD163 Cd206










CD33+ Myeloid

CD15+ Myeloid


Monocytes Monocytes(Intermediate and Inflammatory)









Myeloid panelSample tissues (bone marrow, spleen and peripheral blood) were stained with a 14-color panel (see table on next page for reagent list). The panel was designed to enumerate myeloid subsets. Representative flow plots (bone marrow, 10-week-old NSG™ mouse), demonstrate the gating strategy used for analysis. Enumerated populations are plotted as boxplots (next page, bottom). The green bands across each plot represent the range of each subpopulation in peripheral blood as measured in normal healthy adult donors (n=6) using the same panel. Not all enumerated population plots are shown. Those that showed little change or were in clear agreement with reference values (green band) were not shown. The 16-17-week and 23-week timepoints are not shown.

Figure 4. Myeloid population hierarchy and gating strategyCell populations shown in blue (top) were measured across all tissue types and across all strain groups (10 weeks, 16-17 weeks, 23 weeks and 31 weeks). The population hierarchy was generated using the BD Horizon GPS tool (see Methods). Each population was defined according to the gating strategy shown above. Data shown is a representative set of plots from the bone marrow of a 10-week-old NSG™ mouse. This gating strategy does not include all markers in the panel. Some markers were included to identify specific activated phenotypes that will be relevant in future comparative studies using tumor bearing mice.

Page 9: Comprehensive evaluation of human immune system

Laser (nm) Fluorochrome Myeloid Panel Cat. No.

488FITC *Mouse Dump (at right)

PerCP-Cy™5.5 CD195 560635


PE CD163 560933

PE-CF594 CD206 564063

PE-Cy™7 CD11b 557743


APC CD16 561306

APC-H7 CD14 560180

AF700 CD45 560566


BV421 CD192 564067

BV510 FVS Live/Dead 564406

BV605 HLA-DR 562845

BV711 CD33 563171

BV786 CD15 563383

355 BUV395 Hoescht 33342 561908

*Mouse Dump

Antibody Cat. No.

mCD45 553079

mH2Kd 553592

mTer119 561032

mCD31 558738

mCD41 561849

mCD71 553266

Reagents used in myeloid cell panel

Page 10: Comprehensive evaluation of human immune system

ConclusionsThe expression of three human growth factors (SCF, GM-CSF and IL-3) in the NSG™ mouse model represents a significant improvement in the development of a suitable xenograft model. BD’s sophisticated and flexible flow cytometry tools facilitated a deep and comprehensive analysis of the immune system in these mice. NSG™-SGM3 mice exhibit improved reconstitution compared to NSG™ mice as measured by the frequency of most major immune subsets including T cells, B cells, NK cells and DCs. In terms of percentage, significant deficiencies of the myeloid compartment (most evident in the reduced frequencies of monocytes and neutrophils) persist in both NSG™ and NSG™-SGM3 strains of mice. NSG™-SGM3 mice exhibit increased frequencies of Tregs (not evident in NSG™ mice), and an expanded memory T-cell pool with a concomitant reduction in naïve T cells (CD4+ and CD8+). While absolute cell numbers were not measured, there were qualitative increases in the total numbers of CD45+ cells as a whole in the NSG™-SGM3 derived samples. These observations clearly merit a more quantitative investigation into the absolute cell numbers of each of the target cell populations measured. The overall improvement in immune reconstitution seen in the NSG™-SGM3 mice compared to NSG™ mice demonstrates the utility of this strain as a potential host for PDX tumors and may improve the ability of researchers to study the complex interplay between immune and cancer cells within the tumor microenvironment, which could help in the design and development of immunotherapeutic approaches to cancer treatment.

Page 11: Comprehensive evaluation of human immune system


© 2017 BD. BD, the BD Logo and all other trademarks are property of Becton, Dickinson and Company.

BD Life Sciences, San Jose, CA, 95131, USA

Class 1 Laser Product. For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. Cy™ is a trademark of GE Healthcare. Alexa Fluor® is a registered trademark of Life Technologies Corporation.NSG™ and NSG™-SGM3 are trademarks of The Jackson Laboratory. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 23-20095-00