Computer Ergonomics Rushina

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  • 8/12/2019 Computer Ergonomics Rushina



    Production Quality management



    Ergonomics is a science whose main purpose is to design workspaces and tools that

    help people do their jobs and use their tools and other products comfortably and safely.

    Ergonomics uses knowledge of human abilities and limitations to design systems,

    organizations, jobs, machines, tools, and consumer products for safe, efficient, and

    comfortable human use. Ergonomics helps to make the best use of human and

    technical resources through optimizing the application of existing and new technology to

    the benefit of users and environment. Its applications enhance job satisfaction,

    productivity and maximize the product or system quality by improving usability. he

    importance of arranging a workstation in a healthy way has already been stated in old

    records dating back to the !"th #entury. $n old %atin quote notes that &the maladies

    that afflict the clerks arise from three causes' first, constant sitting, secondly the

    incessant movement of the hand always in the same direction and thirdly the strain on

    the mind from the effort to not disfigure the books by errors.& Ergonomics is the study of

    understanding the limitations of the human body in order to design productive and

    comfortable workplaces, tools and work tasks. (e study what postures are comfortable

    for computer work and what are not.

    COMPUTER ERGONOMICS#omputer Ergonomics is about things that you can do to make working on a computer

    more comfortable and better for your body. )or example, wearing a bike helmet when

    riding a bike and a seatbelt when riding in a car are two simple things that you do to be


    Computer Ergonomics is also called as the HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION

    !HCI" or MANMACHINE INTERACTION !MMI"# *uman+computer interaction is a

    discipline concerned with the design, evaluation and implementation of interactive

    computing systems for human use and with the study of major phenomena surrounding

    them. he basic goal of *#I is to improve the interactions between users and

    computers by making computers more usableand receptive to the users needs.

    he study of ergonomics is applied in the workplaces where computers are used in

    large numbers and for large durations in a day because it is very essential to design the
  • 8/12/2019 Computer Ergonomics Rushina



    Production Quality management

    layout of the place where the computer will be attached and how will each hardware of

    the computer be located in regards to the position of the computer user.

    -rotecting ones health by creating acomfortable environment through anergonomic computer workstation.

  • 8/12/2019 Computer Ergonomics Rushina



    Production Quality management

    #omputer related injuries are increasing with the explosion of computer technology in

    the workplace. -rolonged and repetitive work at your computer workstation can create

    discomfort, muscle aches, and be the cause of work related injuries. Improper posture

    and improper body positioning at your computer workstation can cause or exaggerate

    the problems. $s we use computers for longer hours every day, we may notice

    increasing aches and pains in some parts of our bodies. hese musculoskeletal

    problems can happen in anyone who uses a computer for long hours' computer

    programmers, engineers, data entry workers, telephone operators, customer service

    workers, and even graduate students. he problems can range from minor muscle

    aches that last less than a few hours to persistent tendon problems that can last for

    years. he more severe problems can lead people to leave a job they like or stop doing

    sports activities they enjoy, like tennis or bicycle riding. /o one should do what they can

    to prevent the minor aches of work from progressing to disabling conditions. he most

    common body areas to watch for are the hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders and neck.

    he problems may vary from aches to pain, burning, numbness or tingling. hesesymptoms may be felt during typing or mouse use or at other times when no work is

    being done, including during the night when the symptoms might wake you up.

    he research on computer ergonomics is important for the working individual as well as

    for the employer who is interested in limiting absenteeism, and in increasing worker


    $ simple+to+follow !0 step ergonomic

    guidelineshis will help you improve your working

    environment and protect your health

    while working at a computer workstation.

  • 8/12/2019 Computer Ergonomics Rushina



    Production Quality management

    1. 1se a good chair with a dynamic chair back that is angled slightly to the rear.

    2. op of monitor screen should be 0+2& above eye level

    3. 3o glare on screen4 use an optical glass anti+glare filter where needed


    /it at arms length from monitor4 further if distance is comfortable and screensreadable.

    5. 5est feet on floor or on a stable foot rest 6move feet frequently for circulation7

    6. 1se a document holder, preferably in+line with the computer screen

    7. (rists flat and straight in relation to forearms to use keyboard8mouse8input


    8. 9eeps arms and elbows relaxed close to body

    9. #enter monitor and keyboard in front of you

    10. 1se a negative tilt keyboard tray with an upper mouse platform or downward tilt+

    able platform adjacent to keyboard11. 1se a stable work surface and stable 6no bounce7 keyboard tray

    12. ake frequent short breaks 6micro breaks7 and stretch.


    1. *our monitor+s height is important ,or health- computer .or/# 0:ou should be able to view the screen without having to turn your head or tilt it

    up or down. here is a general rule that the top of your monitor should be

    positioned 0& to 2& above your seated eye level. ;ecide what setting is most

    comfortable and doesnt require your head to turn or tilt. here are height

    adjustable desks and using an ergonomic computer workstation helps set your

  • 8/12/2019 Computer Ergonomics Rushina



    Production Quality management

    comfortable sitting position and monitor height. $ much easier solution is to place

    monitors on flexible, counterbalanced %#; monitor arms. %aptop users will

    benefit with a height adjustable laptop stand which can accommodate to a variety

    of workers and work postures.

    2. Control glare #+ 9eep the screen perpendicular to any strong light source. 1sean anti+glare8anti+radiation computer filter.

    3. Monitor positioning#

  • 8/12/2019 Computer Ergonomics Rushina



    Production Quality management

    5. Organi2e -our des/ sur,ace# ;ocument stands eliminate desktop chaosand help you work more effectively and in maximum ergonomic comfort.

  • 8/12/2019 Computer Ergonomics Rushina



    Production Quality management

    Importance of Ergonomics in ;esigninga (orkplace for #omputers

    =usculoskeletal disorders 6=/;s7, a superset of repetitive strain injuries 65/Is7, are a

    mammoth cause of

    medical costs, lost work time and reduced productivity. his issue affects both

    companies and

    employees. >overnment bodies that track such statistics consistently show that the

    problem is significant. /ince these injuries develop slowly over time, they can be muchmore difficult to identify than an injury that is attributable to a single traumatic event. $s

    a result, people tend to neglect the warning signs and work through the pain, unaware

    that they may be suffering significant injury. =eanwhile, the damage continues to

    accumulate. (orse, these injuries can be very costly and difficult to treat once they

    develop into a full =/;. It is often much easier to address these problems early than it

    is to treat them after they have become full+blown disorders. $s the severity and depth

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    Production Quality management

    of these problems grow and begin to draw public attention, more emphasis is being

    placed on the science aimed at studying and addressing these work+related problems'

    ergonomics. Ergonomics is an applied science aimed at studying peoples physical

    patterns of work and helping improve them. Ergonomics seeks to make a better match

    between workers physical capabilities and their work environment and activities. his

    can be accomplished through better design and operation of tools, workstations,

    equipment and controls. Ergonomically designed products have been appearing in a

    variety of industries in response to the increasingly visible problems addressed by

    ergonomics. Ergonomically designed office furniture, luggage, garden tools and

    computer products are growing in popularity. In the area of computer input, ergonomics

    is aimed at maximizing productivity by reducing worker fatigue and discomfort, reducing

    errors, and increasing input speed. ?y applying the principles of ergonomics to the

    design of workplace tools such as keyboards and mice, =icrosoft and other companies

    are able to make products more comfortable and worker+friendly, particularly during

    periods of extended use.

    he keyboard is a crucial component of a properly designed computer workstation.

  • 8/12/2019 Computer Ergonomics Rushina



    Production Quality management

    computer users from different occupations, " percent of females and "D percent of

    males reported that they were experiencing at least one musculoskeletal symptom.

    $ddressing these symptoms before they become full+blown injuries is very important

    because it is generally much easier to prevent 5/Is than it is to treat them. )or this

    reason, effective ergonomic programs are extremely important. o help deliver on an

    important component of effective ergonomic programs, =icrosoft has developed

    numerous input devices designed for comfort. he =icrosoft 3atural line of keyboards,

    launched in !AAB, has become the 3o. ! best+selling ergonomic keyboard design of all

    time.!! In fact, this fixed alternative keyboard design has been shown to reduce wrist

    and carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms. )ollowing on the success of the 3atural

    9eyboard design, =icrosoft now offers two new ergonomic keyboard designs.

    )irst, the advanced 3atural 9eyboard, 3atural Ergonomic 9eyboard BCCC, offers a

    breakthrough in ergonomic design that builds on the design principles used in the

    original 3atural keyboard design. /econd, the #omfort #urve design offers an easy+to+

    approach design, providing a greater comfort benefit that is more accessible toeveryone, especially those who prefer a flat keyboard design. =icrosoft also has

    developed a comfortable line of mice by focusing on providing proper contact area with

    the hand. 1sing these devices as part of a solid ergonomics program can lead to a

    reduction in the instance of repetitive strain injury. $ recent study demonstrated the

    injury+prevention benefits of using the fixed alternative design of the =icrosoft 3atural

    9eyboard over time, concluding that, FIn terms of primary prevention, only the fixed

    alternative keyboard demonstrated a significant effect on the incidence of

    musculoskeletal symptoms.G In turn, this reduction in 5/I risk can lead to dramatic cost

    savings H over "CC,CCC per year based on the hypothetical example of !C percent

    injury reduction in a JCC+person company.

    Implementing a strong ergonomics program based on ergonomically designed mice and

    keyboards H such as those offered by =icrosoft H can result in many advantages and

    cost savings that not only boost employee morale and engagement, but bolster the

    bottom line as well.

  • 8/12/2019 Computer Ergonomics Rushina



    Production Quality management

  • 8/12/2019 Computer Ergonomics Rushina



    Production Quality management