Daniela Pavani <[email protected]> Comunicações da SAB N° 769 1 mensagem Daniela Pavani <[email protected]> 15 de janeiro de 2018 16:30 Responder a: [email protected] Para: Daniela Borges Pavani <[email protected]> Problema com a visualização da mensagem? Clique aqui. Comunicações da SAB 15 de janeiro de 2018 - Nº 769 Editado por Daniela Borges Pavani Oportunidades 1.Doutorado no Programa Internacional de Astrofísica, Cosmologia e Gravitação (PPGCosmo)/UFES (Comunicado por Davi C. Rodrigues 08/01/2018) Estão abertas as inscrições para o processo seletivo para doutorado no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Astrofísica, Cosmologia e Gravitação (PPGCosmo). O Programa é composto por pesquisadores de cinco instituições brasileiras (UFES, CBPF, UFJF, UFBA e UFRN) e de quatro instituições do exterior (University of Portsmouth, Reino Unido; Carnegie Mellon University, Estados Unidos; Universität Heidelberg, Alemanha; Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, França). O PPGCosmo é sediado na UFES (Vitória, ES).

Comunicações da SAB · - Document the outcome of the project in a detailed report, give a presentation at ESO's headquarters in Santiago, and (possibly) write a dedicated article

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Page 1: Comunicações da SAB · - Document the outcome of the project in a detailed report, give a presentation at ESO's headquarters in Santiago, and (possibly) write a dedicated article

Daniela Pavani <[email protected]>

Comunicações da SAB N° 769 1 mensagem

Daniela Pavani <[email protected]> 15 de janeiro de 2018 16:30Responder a: [email protected]: Daniela Borges Pavani <[email protected]>

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Comunicações da SAB

15 de janeiro de 2018 - Nº 769

Editado por Daniela Borges Pavani

Oportunidades1.Doutorado no Programa Internacional de Astrofísica, Cosmologia e Gravitação (PPGCosmo)/UFES (Comunicado por Davi C. Rodrigues 08/01/2018) Estão abertas as inscrições para o processo seletivo para doutorado no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Astrofísica, Cosmologia e Gravitação (PPGCosmo).O Programa é composto por pesquisadores de cinco instituições brasileiras (UFES, CBPF, UFJF, UFBA e UFRN) e de quatro instituições doexterior (University of Portsmouth, Reino Unido; Carnegie Mellon University, Estados Unidos; Universität Heidelberg, Alemanha; Observatoire de laCôte d'Azur, França). O PPGCosmo é sediado na UFES (Vitória, ES).

Page 2: Comunicações da SAB · - Document the outcome of the project in a detailed report, give a presentation at ESO's headquarters in Santiago, and (possibly) write a dedicated article

Maiores informações sobre o programa, edital e o formulário de inscrição se encontram em http://ppgcosmo.cosmo-ufes.org e http://www.astrofisica.ufes.br.

2. Bolsas de Pos-Doutoramento (Fapesp) em Astrodinâmica e Ciências Planetárias (Comunicado por Silvia Giuliatti Winter em 09/03/2018) O Grupo de Dinâmica Orbital e Planetologia oferece cinco bolsas de pós-doutoramento da agência FAPESP junto aoProjeto Temático “A relevância dos pequenos corpos em Dinâmica Orbital". Os candidatos devem ter experiência em aplicações de Dinâmica Planetária e/ou Dinâmica de Sondas Espaciais. Osprojetos deverão ser desenvolvidos na UNESP, Campus de Guaratinguetá, ou no INPE de São José dos Campos. Os

projetos a serem desenvolvidos são: - Órbitas de satélites e anéis planetários através de dados de missões espaciais; - Análise de atitude e órbita de uma missão a um asteroide triplo; - Acoplamento spin-órbita em dinâmica do Sistema Solar; - Dinâmica envolvendo pequenos corpos em encontros próximos; - Formação planetária. Interessados devem enviar CV Lattes e declaração do projeto de interesse até 03 de março para Silvia Giuliatti Winter ([email protected]).

3. ESO internship in Virtual Reality and scientific data visualisation(Comunicado por Bruno Dias em 11/01/2018) An exciting internship opportunity linking Virtual Reality, Graphics Design and Scientific Data Visualization has just come up at the Santiago Headquarters ofthe European Southern Observatory in Chile. Detailed offer: https://recruitment.eso.org/jobs/2018_0001 The successful applicant will work closely with Dr. Frédéric Vogt to develop a dedicated VRexperience to visualize the 3D structure of dead stars. These datasets are based on state-of-the art observations acquired with one of ESO’s 8.2m telescope atthe observatory of Cerro Paranal, using the MUSE instrument. These observations have the special property to allow the full 3D reconstruction of dead starswithout any further modelling. During this internship, the successful applicant will be expected to: - Interact with Dr. Vogt and other ESO astronomers to understand the data formats and visualization needs specific to Astrophysics.- Identify suitable open-source solution(s) to transform real Astrophysical datasets (usually analyzed and dealt with in Python) into VR compatible content.- Create a full VR experience "from scratch" for the MUSE observations of supernova remnants at hand, using open source software.- Explore the possibility of creating "generic" VR solutions for other astrophysical datasets, in collaboration with the Education and Public Outreach Department(EPOD)- Document the outcome of the project in a detailed report, give a presentation at ESO's headquarters in Santiago, and (possibly) write a dedicated article inESO’s Messenger journal. The successful applicant will have full access to a dedicated VR system (most likely the HTC Vive and a dedicated computer running Linux or Windows) for theduration of the internship. The project is expected to primarily make use of Python and Unity3D, although the successful applicant is also encouraged tosuggest alternative (open source) tools if/where appropriate. We are looking for someone who wants to gain experience in VR and scientific data visualization.

Page 3: Comunicações da SAB · - Document the outcome of the project in a detailed report, give a presentation at ESO's headquarters in Santiago, and (possibly) write a dedicated article

*Candidates with knowledge of Unity3D (to develop a VR experience from scratch) and Python (the prime language of professional astronomers), currentlystudying or having completed aUniversity degree in informatics, game design, or any scientific field with suitable experience in the visualization of complex,multi-dimensional datasets are preferred. No astrophysics background is required, but the willingness to learn about typical data formats, tools andanalysis procedures in Astronomy will be expected.* This internship is for 3-3.5 months period, with a monthly allowance to cover your living expanses and accommodation in Santiago. We also cover the cost ofthe airfare for your return trip to/from Chile. The project is expected to start in June 2018. Earlier/later starts are possible, but not later than mid-August 2018.For any further questions, please contact Dr. Frédéric Vogt: [email protected]édito da Imagem: http://imgsrc.hubblesite.org/hvi/uploads/image_file/image_attachment/30449/STSCI-H-p1737c-z-1000x1000.pngCréditohttp://imgsrc.hubblesite.org/hvi/uploads/image_file/image_attachment/30449/STSCI-H-p1737c-z-1000x1000.png

Eventos1. IAU Focus Meeting on Radio Galaxies: Resolving the AGN Phenomenon at the IAUGeneral Assembly 2018 (Comunicado por Antonio Mario Magalhaes em 11/01/2018)


https://cricci69.wixsite.com/iau2018radiogalaxies The focus meeting will be held on August 22-23, 2018 during the XXXth General Assembly of the IAU in Vienna, Austria.

Radio galaxies provide us with natural laboratories for a wide range of (astro)physical processes. As they are the parent population of the whole class ofbeamed active galactic nuclei (AGN), understanding radio galaxies is vital for deriving a complete picture of accretion and emission throughout the Universe.Radio galaxies show us the most important aspects of AGN: the central engine with potential obscuration, the accretion process with its characteristicfeatures, relativistic emission in the form of jets with knots and shocks, and radio lobes with occasional hot spots and visible interaction with the surroundingmedium. This meeting will bring together multi wavelength observers and theorists to synthesizeprogress made in recent years and define future directions. *Confirmed invited speakers:* Shep Doeleman, Andy Fabian, Elaine Sadler, Lukasz Stawarz, and Alexander Tchekhovskoy Rapporteur: Annalisa Celotti*Scientific Organising Committee:* Loredana Bassani, Volker Beckmann (chair), Markus Bttcher, Chris Done, Melanie Johnston-Hollitt, Anne Lhteenmki,Raffaella Morganti, Rodrigo Nemmen, Paolo Padovani, Claudio Ricci (co-chair), Yoshihiro Ueda, Sylvain Veilleux, Diana Worrall (co-chair). *See also:* Event Poster (https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/0dfbec_e4514a198c5b456e9396accd2a9ee5f2.pdf) and news on Twitter (https://twitter.com/iau18radiogalax) *Registration and all other administrative steps* are organised through the General Assembly website: http://astronomy2018.univie.ac.at *Important dates:*January 31: Early-bird registration deadline. Register here: http://astronomy2018.univie.ac.at/registration/ February 28: Deadline for regular abstract submission for oral and poster contributions; deadline for IAU grant submission

Page 4: Comunicações da SAB · - Document the outcome of the project in a detailed report, give a presentation at ESO's headquarters in Santiago, and (possibly) write a dedicated article

May 1: Announcement final program May 31: Deadline for poster-only submissions June 30: Deadline for regular registration August 20-31: IAU general assembly

2. The XXX IAU General Assembly (Comunicado por Antonio Mario Magalhaes em 11/01/2018) Vienna, August 20-31, 2018.he XXX IAU General Assembly is approaching and I like to remind you that the deadline for Early-bird Registration - *January 31st, 2018* - is getting very close! Please note that those participants who, in addition to an abstract for an oral or poster contribution to the Symposia, Focus Meeting or Division Days, aresubmitting a request for an *IAU travel grant*, can benefit from the Early-bird Registration rate irrespective of the result of the grant allocation. They are notrequested to pay at the time of the submission, but only after the decision about the grant will be communicated to them by mid April, 2018. Please read thedetails on the Registration page https://astronomy2018.univie.ac.at/registration/ I also would like to raise your attention to the possibility, for astronomers who are not yet IAU members, to apply to become Junior or Individual Member: theapplication procedure is described at the page https://www.iau.org/administration/membership/individual/qualification/ Please note that the deadline for applying through the appropriate National Committee for Astronomy (NCA) is *February 2nd, 2018*. Please help us ininforming your colleagues who are not IAU Members about this possibility and the relevant deadline. Looking forward to seeing you in Vienna!

Credito da Imagem: STS-41B, NASA

Orientações de formato para publicar no Comunicações da SABO formato das notícias a serem publicadas no "Counicações da SAB" deve ser o que segue. Informamos que não serãoeditadas ou compostas mensagens com base em links ou textos, não serão editadas tabelas ou imagens. Deve serinformada a sessão de publicação (Informes, Oportunidades, Eventos). Arquivos ou imagens associadas devem serenviadas preferencialmente como links, ou arquivos anexados em pdf.

Título: XXXXXX (Comunicado por XXXX em xx/xx/xx)

Texto do que se deseja divulgar: XXXXX

Page 5: Comunicações da SAB · - Document the outcome of the project in a detailed report, give a presentation at ESO's headquarters in Santiago, and (possibly) write a dedicated article

As contribuições devem ser enviadas para o e-mail:[email protected]

Credito da Imagem: FORS, 8.2-meter VLT Antu, ESO

E-mails de contato com a SAB

Membros da Diretoria Presidência - Reinaldo de Carvalho: [email protected] Secretário Geral - Helio Jaques Rocha Pinto: [email protected] Secretária da SAB - Daniela Borges Pavani: [email protected] Tesouraria - Lucimara Martins: [email protected] Gerais Diretoria: [email protected] Secretaria da diretoria: [email protected] Suporte ao Portal: [email protected]

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