CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES TO THE WHO FRAMEWORK … · iii PREFACE The seventh session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control was held

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Page 1: CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES TO THE WHO FRAMEWORK … · iii PREFACE The seventh session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control was held





Seventh session






Page 2: CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES TO THE WHO FRAMEWORK … · iii PREFACE The seventh session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control was held
Page 3: CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES TO THE WHO FRAMEWORK … · iii PREFACE The seventh session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control was held





Seventh session






Page 4: CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES TO THE WHO FRAMEWORK … · iii PREFACE The seventh session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control was held
Page 5: CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES TO THE WHO FRAMEWORK … · iii PREFACE The seventh session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control was held



The seventh session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on

Tobacco Control was held in Delhi, India, from 7 to 12 November 2016. The report of

proceedings (containing the decisions) was adopted by the COP at the end of the session, and

is available at http://www.who.int/fctc/cop/cop7/FINAL_COP7_REPORT_EN.pdf?ua=1. In

addition, the verbatim records of plenary meetings are issued in the current volume



The documentation, including the list of participants, is also available at



Page 6: CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES TO THE WHO FRAMEWORK … · iii PREFACE The seventh session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control was held




First plenary meeting

1. Opening of the session .......................................................................................................... 1

2. Opening remarks by the Minister of Health and Family Welfare of India, Shri J.P.

Nadda .................................................................................................................................... 1

3. Opening statement delivered, on behalf of Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of

WHO, by Mr Derek Walton, Legal Counsel ......................................................................... 4

4. Opening remarks by the Secretary of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of

India, Shri C.K. Mishra ......................................................................................................... 7

5. Adoption of the agenda and organization of work ................................................................ 8

6. Credentials of participants ..................................................................................................... 9

7. Applications for the status of observer to the Conference of the Parties .............................. 9

8. Address by H.E. Mr Maithripala Sirisena, President of the Democratic Socialist

Republic of Sri Lanka ........................................................................................................... 12

9. Continuation of point 7: Applications for the status of observer to the Conference of the

Parties .................................................................................................................................... 14

10. Address by the Head of the Convention Secretariat and report on global progress in

implementation of the WHO FCTC, followed by a general debate ...................................... 14

Second plenary meeting

Continuation of global progress in implementation of the WHO FCTC, followed by a

general debate ........................................................................................................................ 25

Third plenary meeting

Credentials of participants ..................................................................................................... 54

Fourth plenary meeting

1. Credentials of participants ..................................................................................................... 59

2. Organization of work ............................................................................................................ 59

Fifth plenary meeting

1. Adoption of first and second reports of Committee A .......................................................... 64

2. Adoption of first and second reports of Committee B .......................................................... 65

3. Date and place of the eighth session of the Conference of the Parties .................................. 66

4. Election of the President and Vice-Presidents of the Conference of the Parties ................... 66

5. Adoption of the provisional report of the seventh session of the Conference of the

Parties .................................................................................................................................... 67

6. Delhi Declaration .................................................................................................................. 68

7. Closure of the session ............................................................................................................ 70

Index of names ............................................................................................................................... 80

Index of countries and organizations ........................................................................................... 82

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Monday, 7 November 2016, at 10:00

President: Dr Oleg Salagay (Russian Federation)


Please be seated. Now we will have the National Anthem. All rise for the National Anthem

please, thank you.

(National Anthem of India plays)



Глубокоуважаемые дамы и господа, прошу вас занять свои места. Мы начинаем открытие

7 сессии Конференции Сторон Рамочной конвенции ВОЗ по борьбе против табака. Позвольте

мне поприветствовать вас на этом замечательном мероприятии и в первых словах

поблагодарить наших хозяев - правительство Индии - за замечательный и теплый прием,

который оказывается Конференции Сторон, и которым мы имеем удовольствие все


Для оглашения приветственного слова позвольте пригласить его Превосходительство

Министра здравоохранения Индии господина Джагата Пракаша Надда.




Dr Oleg Salagay, President of the COP, Dr Vera Luiza da Costa e Silva, Head of the Convention

Secretariat, Honourable Ministers, Distinguished Delegates & Participants, Members of the COP

Secretariat, officers of WHO, Observers to COP, civil society representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen.

It gives me immense pleasure to welcome all participants from across the world on behalf of the

Government of India to the seventh session of the Conference of the Parties of the WHO Framework

Convention on Tobacco Control. I am pleased to inform that Hon’ble President of Sri Lanka H.E.

Maithripala Sirisena has given his consent to grace this occasion. I believe his participation would

certainly enrich the ongoing conference.

It is indeed a historic occasion for India to host this Conference. I am proud to state that India was

one of the first countries to ratify the Convention in February 2004. In 2016, we have been bestowed

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the honour of hosting the seventh session of the Conference of Parties. We thank all of you for giving

us this opportunity.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen.

The challenges faced by India in the realm of tobacco control are formidable, both in their

number and in their complexity. However, despite our vast complexity, substantial investments for

implementation of WHO FCTC are slowly improving the situation.

This is a landmark year for tobacco control activities in India. We have successfully

implemented, from April 2016, the large pictorial health warnings occupying 85% of the principal

display area of tobacco packs and on all forms of tobacco.

We continue to take strong steps for regulation of the smokeless tobacco products and have

prohibited the production, sale, transportation and storage of certain forms of smokeless tobacco

products under our food safety regulations. There is now a complete ban on the manufacture and sale

of Gutkha and Pan Masala containing tobacco or nicotine, a form of chewing tobacco. Recently the

Hon`ble Supreme Court of India, has directed all the States and Union Territories in India to file

affidavits on compliance of the ban imposed on manufacturing and sale of Gutkha and Pan Masala

with tobacco or nicotine. We have, in coordination with the Convention Secretariat, set up the Global

Knowledge Hub for Smokeless Tobacco which will act as a global repository of knowledge related to

smokeless tobacco. India has successfully launched a toll-free Tobacco Cessation Quitline as well as

m-Cessation services under the Be Healthy Be Mobile Initiative.

In a recent landmark development, the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act

2015, has imposed a penalty of 7 years’ rigorous imprisonment and a fine of one hundred thousand

rupees for selling tobacco products to minors.

The Indian Government has also done pioneering work in regulating promotion of tobacco use

through films and TV programmes. Our regulations require display of anti-tobacco health spots,

disclaimer and messages in films depicting tobacco use. We are one of the global leaders in this area,

and since Indian films are watched across the globe, this messaging has great significance.

However, we still have a long way to go in India and in many other countries to prevent millions

of avoidable deaths resulting from the deadly habit of tobacco use. There are many challenges. New

products are emerging. The existing products are proliferating locally and internationally to newer

areas. In this age, the world is becoming smaller and more integrated due to the advances in

technology and transport. Tobacco products, their use and human behaviour are transcending physical

boundaries of countries and Parties.

The prevalence of tobacco use, in one form or the other, is still unacceptably high. Morbidity and

mortality due to tobacco use is also very high. There is a huge economic burden on people and

Governments due to adverse health consequences of tobacco use. Certain parts of the World, including

India, have a myriad of tobacco products. In many parts of the world, including in India, tobacco use is

part of socio-cultural fabric, and use of certain forms is considered ‘normal’ in the society. Their

control and regulation presents a big challenge.

We cannot do this alone. Along with national will and resources, we also need the strength of

international collaboration to mitigate the rising burden of health, social and economic costs of


Today, India and other developing countries in the South-East Asian, African and Latin American

regions face the dual burden of infectious diseases like malaria and TB, and emergent conditions like

Zika and Dengue along with noncommunicable diseases like cancers, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes

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etc. All countries are gearing up and making efforts to strengthen their health systems to tackle these

challenges. For this to happen, we need multi-sectoral action along with integrated approaches to

health programmes and health goals.

The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) is our strongest tool to

curb the emerging noncommunicable diseases. We cannot tackle noncommunicable diseases only by

making more hospitals, more cancer institutes and producing more doctors and allied health

professionals. We need to prevent the risk factors, tobacco being the biggest of them, since today’s

risk factors are tomorrow’s diseases.

The Government of India realizes this more than ever. We are committed to strengthening

noncommunicable disease programmes and interventions and implementation of the WHO FCTC as

an integral part of the post 2015 Sustainable Development Goals.

In 2013, India became the first country to adopt national voluntary targets for the prevention and

control of noncommunicable diseases. Earlier this year, we released a Multi-sectoral Action Plan to

attain these targets by 2025. We have also initiated the second round of the Global Adult Tobacco

Survey, whose results are expected later this year or early next year.

In India, there are nearly 275 million current users. Close to one million lives are lost every year

due to tobacco use, either directly or indirectly. The economic cost to India, i.e. the healthcare costs to

treat tobacco related diseases, is a whopping 22 billion US Dollars. As such, the target of achieving

relevant reduction of tobacco use prevalence by 30% is no longer a choice, it is necessary.

Tobacco use is detrimental to all aspects of life, and grips users in the most productive years. We

must reverse this tide. We must, for this purpose, target our young children, catch them young, and

sensitize them against the harms of tobacco use.

The Conference of the Parties is a unique platform where countries can demonstrate their

collective commitment to reduce the global burden of tobacco use. The Governments, the

WHO FCTC Covention Secretariat, WHO and other UN agencies, and civil society, as well as the

tobacco growers and workers are our partners and stakeholders in framing and implementing effective

tobacco control policies at the national and international levels. We can together review

implementation of WHO FCTC, to identify and applaud best practices across countries and to chart

the way forward. While doing so, we must be guided by the solemn thought of the destitute, the

vulnerable and the poor on the streets, in the fields, our children, whose destiny and future is at stake.

We must always keep in mind their interests, above all, while formulating our policies and taking our

decisions at the COP platform. Let us take solemn guidance from Helen Keller who said, “It is better

to light a candle than to curse the darkness.”

I thank the WHO FCTC Covention Secretariat and the World Health Organization for their

commitment to tobacco control and for the valuable technical assistance to Member States.

I congratulate the Parties to the Convention as well as the civil society alliances for the steely resolve

with which they are advancing their agenda on tobacco control, despite challenges. I would also like to

commend the officers of the Government of India for their dedicated efforts to organize this event with

meticulous attention to detail.

I wish you the best of success in the deliberations of COP7. I am confident that we will work

together to provide a unified and effective response to the global tobacco epidemic.

I wish you a memorable stay in India and invite you to experience the rich culture, heritage and

incredible natural beauty of India. India has something for everyone: golden deserts, serene

backwaters, beautiful hill stations, captivating beaches, historical monuments, rich wildlife and

colorful fairs that will capture your heart. I do not know whether you will find time for all of this in

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this visit. But I invite you to come to India in the future as well, as a tourist, to explore the incredible

India. I can assure you that the Indian hospitality, with its diverse cuisine and warmth of people will

make your experience truly unforgettable.

Thank you for your attention.



Большое спасибо, уважаемый господин Министр, за Ваше содержательное выступление.

Позвольте пригласить для оглашения приветствия от лица Всемирной организации

здравоохранения Господина Дерека Валтона.




Excellencies, honourable ministers, distinguished delegates, members of civil society, ladies and


This is the world’s most important global anti-tobacco conference. The government of India is to

be commended for hosting the event. Doing so sends a strong signal about the life-saving power of

tobacco control measures in a large and populous country, as well as worldwide.

The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control was adopted in 2003 and rapidly became

one of the most widely embraced treaties in the history of the United Nations. With its 180 parties

committed to implementing the treaty’s articles and obligations, we have a united legal way to fight

against what is not a matter of personal choice, but a powerful and deadly addiction. In a world full of

so many new and old threats, we turn to tobacco control as unquestionably one of our biggest, surest,

and best opportunity to save many millions of lives. This is a critical moment in our work.

The tide of tobacco use is beginning to turn. After decades of Big Tobacco targeting low- and

middle-income countries, and years of steadily increasing profits, tobacco sales are beginning to

decline. Guided by the Framework Convention, countries are passing stronger laws to reduce demand

for tobacco products, not envisioned even a few years ago. Countries large and small have stood up to

the tobacco industry by implementing plain packaging and large pictorial health warning labels. And

tobacco companies are losing the legal challenges they mount against these measures. This has been

a good year for winning in the courts. The European Court of Justice upheld the 2014 European Union

Tobacco Products Directive, which is based on the Framework Convention. After six years of

harassment by the tobacco industry and its army of lawyers, Uruguay, with its population of only

3.5 million people, defeated the world’s largest tobacco company. In July, an arbitration court run by

the World Bank ruled that Uruguay had the right to continue its strong anti-tobacco policies and

ordered Philip Morris to reimburse the country for some US$ 7 million in legal costs. This is

a landmark victory, as it upholds the right of a sovereign government to protect its citizens from

a deadly and addictive product. It gives precedence to that right over obligations set out in trade

agreements or infringements of intellectual property rights. So ends a cynical attempt by a rich

multinational Goliath to batter a small country with limited resources as a cautionary tale for the rest

of the world. This time, the good guys won. The good guys also won in Australia. A court there

dismissed a claim against plain packaging, and found that Philip Morris had engaged in an abuse of

process in bringing the claim. Similarly, the United Kingdom also won the first round of a major fight

over its plain “standardized” packaging law, with the High Court of England and Wales dismissing all

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17 of the tobacco companies’ legal challenges. WHO stood shoulder-to-shoulder with these countries.

In the Uruguay and UK cases, WHO, in partnership with the Convention Secretariat, made

submissions that were taken into account by the courts. However, amid these clear signs of progress,

the tobacco industry has made it clear that it has no intention of abandoning a business model that

depends on enticing millions of new users, especially women and youth, to become addicted to its

lethal products.

WHO works to build the capacity of countries to resist industry’s efforts to interfere with tobacco

control and weaken implementation of the Framework Convention. We help countries collect data on

tobacco use and measure the consequences for health. We offer advice on legal issues, including

international trade and investment law. We have helped more than 40 countries draft effective tobacco

tax policies. WHO devoted this year’s World No Tobacco Day to plain packaging, a Framework

Convention measure pioneered in Australia. France and United Kingdom have begun implementing

plain packaging laws, and New Zealand and Hungary have recently passed laws. Many other countries

are close behind.

Following implementation of Australia’s plain packaging law, smoking rates fell to historical

lows. The early evidence from Australia shows that plain packaging, as part of a comprehensive

approach tobacco control, is reducing the appeal of tobacco products, increasing the effectiveness of

health warnings, and diminishing the ability of the pack to mislead. This is what the compelling

evidence says to ministries of health. But the tobacco industry tells ministers of finance, trade and

foreign affairs a very different story. As industry argues, plain packaging does not work. It contributes

to smuggling, fuels the black market, funds organized crime and supports international terrorism.

This conference has already received a great deal of publicity, using these and many other

arguments not supported by a shred of evidence.For the past six weeks, nearly every day has seen

news stories planted by front groups and lobbyists paid for by the tobacco industry, often directly

attacking WHO as irrelevant or the Framework Convention as ineffective. In reality, illicit trade in

tobacco undermines government progress in tobacco control by making cheap and unregulated

products readily available. It is encouraging to see more and more governments becoming parties to

the new Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products.

Earlier this month, governments were called upon to exclude representatives of the tobacco

industry from their delegations to this conference. This is a wise precaution, and not a failure of

transparency on the part of WHO.

The battle lines are drawn. Let us use the world’s most important global anti-tobacco conference

to bend the course of public health history, to return home with a renewed determination to fully

implement the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.

To our allies in civil society we say this: out-shout the tobacco industry in getting the real facts

and evidence to parliamentarians and the public.

Tobacco use kills six million people a year. Every one of these deaths is an entirely avoidable




Большое спасибо, уважаемый Господин Валтон. И позвольте просить Вас передать нашу

благодарность за поддержку генеральному директору Всемирной организации

здравоохранения, госпоже Маргарет Чан. И перед тем, как двигаться дальше по повестке, я бы

хотел воспользоваться этим моментом и самому сказать несколько слов.

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Глубоко уважаемые министры, послы, делегаты, дамы и господа. Прежде всего, я хотел бы

поблагодарить Конференцию Сторон за оказанную мне честь председательствовать в этом

высоком собрании и руководить работой президиума конференции в ходе межсессионного

периода. За прошедшее время бюро провело четыре заседания, посвященные обсуждению

целого ряда актуальных вопросов в рамках тех политических направлений, которые были

определены Конференцией Сторон. Пользуясь случаем, я хотел бы поблагодарить членов бюро,

с которыми мне посчастливилось работать, за их энергичность, конструктивный диалог,

приверженность интересам общественного здоровья и готовность искать решения даже тогда,

когда стрелки часов уже давно пересекли пределы рабочего времени. Отдельное спасибо

позвольте сказать секретариату конвенции и персонально его руководителю доктору Вере да

Коста-э-Силва за неоценимую помощь и высокую компетентность во всех вопросах.

Уважаемые коллеги, год назад мы с вами праздновали десятилетие с момента вступления в

силу конвенции. Она стала самым успешным в истории международным договором в области

общественного здоровья. Сегодня уже 181 страна является стороной конвенции. А ее

положения стали неотъемлемой частью не только законодательства многих государств, но и

образа мышления, ценностей, философии. Пользуясь случаем, я хотел бы поприветствовать

Зимбабве и Мозамбик, государства, которые присоединились к конвенции за время, прошедшее

с Конференции Сторон. Добро пожаловать, уважаемые коллеги.

Однако, уважаемые коллеги, мир не стоит на месте. За прошедшее время на

международном и национальном уровне выработаны наилучшие практики, получены

результаты доказательных исследований, найдены решения многих важных задач для

антитабачной борьбы. Но за это время появились и новые угрозы, которые требуют

решительных действий без промедления. В противном случае мы рискуем оказаться в

ситуации, когда новый вид табачных изделий и формы потребления никотина сделают мир еще

более зависимым. Будущее общественного здоровья должно создаваться уже сегодня, а не

завтра. Именно поэтому мы должны настойчиво работать, шаг за шагом совершенствуя

способы защиты людей от табачного дыма, принимая во внимание новые вызовы и угрозы, не

допуская снижения продуктивности дипломатии общественного здоровья. Уверен, что

упорство и приверженность дадут свой результат, несмотря на то что многое сегодня может

казаться трудно достижимым или даже невероятным. Как справедливо заметил великий

индийский поэт Робиндранат Тагор: «Не удары молота, но танец воды доводит гальку до

совершенства». Давайте сегодня сделаем все, что от нас зависит, чтобы достичь этого

совершенства. Спасибо.

Перед тем, как передать слово глубокоуважаемому секретарю Министерства

здравоохранения Индии, господину Мишри, позвольте предложить вам посмотреть небольшое

видео, представленное правительством Индии.

(The video entitled Voice of youth for tobacco control was played.)



Большое спасибо за такой замечательный фильм. Позвольте пригласить на сцену

господина Мишру, секретаря Министерства здравоохранения Индии. Прошу Вас.


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Thank you Chair.

Excellencies, distinguished dignitaries, members from different countries, guests, Ladies and


It is indeed a moment of great pride for me to propose a vote of thanks on behalf of the

Government of India at the opening ceremony of the Seventh Session of the Conference of Parties of

the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.

Ladies and Gentlemen, let me thank all the Parties to the Convention for giving India this

opportunity to host this prestigious event. I attended the COP6 in Moscow and I still clearly remember

the day when it was decided by all of you that the host for the next COP would be India. Thank you

for that. It is a great occasion for us, not just for India to be hosting this but also for India to play a

critical role in saving lives across the globe through tobacco control activities. We are honoured by the

fact that His Excellency, the Honourable President of Sri Lanka, will be attending COP7 as an invited

speaker. We indeed look forward to his words of wisdom and guidance. On behalf of the Government

of India we extend a very warm welcome to him.

I’m extremely grateful to our Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, for

the guidance that he has given to us, and if we’re organizing this session today it’s thanks to his

guidance and his role in actively pushing us towards it. We are also grateful to the Minister of State,

who is present here, and we’re indeed grateful to both of them for their presence and participation in

this conference. Their participation demonstrates, apart from everything else, India’s unflinching

commitment to tobacco control and WHO FCTC.

I am also very grateful to Dr Oleg Salagay, President of the Conference of Parties, for his

guidance and valuable support in organizing this event. We express a deep sense of appreciation and

thanks to Dr Vera Luiza da Costa e Silva, Head of the Convention Secretariat, and indeed her entire

team for the inspiring conviction and extremely hard work that they have put into organizing this

conference. Several initiatives for improving the impact of FCTC across the globe have been taken by

Dr da Costa e Silva and her team. Thank you, Dr da Costa e Silva.

Ladies and gentlemen, we come from different parts of the world and speak different languages.

The one set of people who make all this meaningful for us are the interpreters, so I thought it right

from the beginning to express my sincere gratitude and thanks to all the interpreters who are here

today for their support at the event, because this conference is all about messaging and unless that goes

right we will not be able to move, so thank you very much.

We are extremely grateful to WHO, the Director-General Dr Margaret Chan, the Regional

Director, the Deputy Director-General, the Legal Counsel, and the WHO Representative in India and

his entire team who have worked tirelessly all these days to ensure that nothing goes wrong with this

conference and everything is put to perfection. Thank you very much to the entire team of the WHO.

We are grateful more than anything else to the Government of Uttar Pradesh, especially the district

police and administration of Noida and officials of Greater Noida authority who must have worked

more if not perhaps equal to all of us in ensuring that this is held in a peaceful atmosphere and that all

elements are in place. On behalf of all the members here, we thank the Government of Uttar Pradesh

and their entire team for the untiring effort in making this conference a success. I would also like to

thank all the officials from the Ministry. A great team! I really don’t know how to express my

gratitude, except to say that it was a wonderful, wonderful team which really worked hard for the last

several months to put this together and I do hope their efforts will bear fruit and all of the

distinguished guests who are here will see it in the days to come. I’m extremely grateful to my team

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for the hard work that they’ve put and they have been the live wire behind this conference. Thank you

for being such a wonderful team and for your support.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we value the participation of all the NGOs and acknowledge the support

of IGOs in putting up the India corner. Please have a look at it when you have time, it is right outside

on this floor in the corner. We also wish to extend our gratitude to all the staff and management of

Indian Expo Mart Limited Greater Noida and KW Conferences, because without their support and

participation and hard work they put in, we would not have been here today. I hope everything has

been put to perfection. If there is anything wanted, please do let us know. We’ll make sure that we do

our best. I thank the media who are present here in large numbers, both from the print and electronic

media, for attending the opening ceremony of COP7. I know most of you will be closely following the

proceedings over the next few days and will be reporting on it. Tobacco control is about awareness

and about messaging therefore I do feel that the critical, critical role lies with the media to send the

message of this conference and any message that we adopt to the people. It’s not about tobacco alone,

it’s about saving lives and that criticality needs to be understood. We are very happy to have you here

in India and I do hope even with a lot of work that is going to come in the next few days you do find

a little to see the wonderful country that is India, its rich, varied culture and rich heritage. I invite you

to India, not just to Delhi, not just to Noida, but to places across the country and if you could go there,

apart from everything else, let me assure you what will greet you the most is the warmth and

hospitality of Indians.

Welcome to India! Ladies and gentlemen, we have a long agenda ahead and I wish you all the

best for all the deliberations that we will have today and hope we move on to save more lives around

the world. Thank all of you for your support and participation. Thank you very much Ladies and





Большое спасибо, уважаемый господин Мишра за такое яркое выступление. Уважаемые

коллеги, позвольте мне предложить вам перейти непосредственно к обсуждению повестки дня

и организации нашей с вами работы. Я хотел бы привлечь ваше внимание к документу FCTC

COP_7 _1 F1 и FCTS COP 7 1, но я хотел бы также обратить ваше внимание на то, что сегодня у

нас с вами будет приглашенный гость. На наше приглашение любезно откликнулся президент

Демократической Социалистической Республики Шри-Ланка, его Превосходительство

господин Майтрипала Сиресена, которого мы ожидаем в ближайшее время, но пока мы

ожидаем его Превосходительство господина президента я предлагаю завершить принятием

повестки и организации нашей работы. Есть ли какие-то возражения, уважаемые коллеги? Я не

вижу никаких возражений, тогда мы считаем, что это принято.

Позвольте мне сказать несколько слов об организации работы нашей сессии. Секретариат

во взаимодействии с бюро определил порядок работы, и предлагается, чтобы как и ранее в

аналогичных сессиях мы разделились на два комитета, комитет А и комитет B. В обязанности

комитета А входили бы вопросы, связанные с пунктом 5 повестки дня и вопросы, связанные с

пунктом 6 повестки дня. Это вопросы договора и технические вопросы, а также вопросы

отчетности, помощи при имплементации и международного сотрудничества. В полномочия

комитета B входило бы обсуждение бюджетных и институциональных вопросов, т.е. то, что

относится к пункту 7 повестки дня. Остальные вопросы, а именно отчет по полномочиям,

заявление на статус наблюдателя, приглашенный выступающий, глобальный отчет, дата и

время следующего проведения сессии Конференции Сторон, выборы президента и вице-

президентов, а также принятие промежуточного отчета 7 сессии Конференции Сторон

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предлагается обсудить в ходе пленарного заседания. Если нет возражений, тогда таким образом

и решим.

Следующим вопросом являются традиционные назначения глав комитета в соответствии

со статьей 28.1 правил процедуры Конференции Сторон. Я бы хотел сказать, что на

сегодняшний момент у нас проведены консультации с регионами, а также заседания бюро, в

результате которых сформировались следующие предложения по составу комитетов. Комитет

А предлагается возглавить господину Кагстон Масуди Нгейво, представителю Африки.

Вице.председателями предлагается избрать господина Пушку, представителя европейского

региона, и господина Вализаде, представителя региона ЭМРО. В качестве руководства

комитета B предлагается кандидатура представителя региона Сиаро госпожи Нунтаванович

Титватакан, в качестве заместителя председателя госпожи Сьюзан Макдональд, представителя

региона Америк и господина Несто Сантьяго, представителя региона ВИПРО. Если нет

возражений, тогда таким образом мы и решаем. Уважаемые коллеги, пока мы ожидаем его

Превосходительство президента Шри-Ланки, я предложил бы секретариату сказать несколько

слов относительно текущей ситуации с поступившими полномочиями. Секретариат, прошу




Thank you very much and good morning to everybody.

Many delegates have submitted advance credentials and a number of delegates have submitted

their final credentials. Just to remind everybody that the process is for those delegations that have

submitted their original credentials – that they will be seated and registered. Those who have

submitted advance credentials will be seated provisionally and we would kindly remind everybody to

submit their credentials by Tuesday evening at the latest in the Credentials Office. This is located

outside in the entrance hall, on the ground floor, just as you enter the building to your right. The

credentials will then be examined by the Bureau as per the Rules of Procedure and the Bureau will

report back to the Plenary when it has done so.

Thank you very much.




Большое спасибо, секретариат. Правильно ли я понимаю, что в целом ситуация с

полномочиями является достаточно благоприятной в сравнении с предыдущими сессиями

Конференции Сторон?

Большое спасибо, секретариат. Далее позвольте перейти к пункту повестки дня «Заявление

на статус наблюдателей» и позвольте мне также поприветствовать всех наблюдателей в этом

зале, включая Палестину, и передать слово для краткого информирования нас относительно

данного пункта повестки дня секретариату.


Regarding Agenda Item 2, the document is FCTC/COP7/3, entitled: Applications for the status of

observer to the Conference of the Parties. The document contains applications the Convention

Secretariat received before the 90 day deadline before the COP7. Let me start with an

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intergovernmental organization, the East African Community (EAC). You will recall that COP6

deferred the decision to this COP pending the submission of additional information by the

organization. COP6 requested that EAC confirm that its application was approved by the EAC’s

governing body-Council of Minister or any other relevant higher body. The COP also sought

assurances of EAC’s full understanding of the objectives of the WHO FCTC, bearing in mind the 17th

and 18th preambular paragraphs and Article 5.3 of the WHO FCTC. Up to now, the Convention

Secretariat has not received any confirmation about EAC’s governing body decision. Therefore, and

after a careful review, the Bureau recommends rejection of EAC’s application. With regards to the

nongovernmental organizations, and again after a careful review of the received applications, the

Bureau recommends the granting of observer status to the American Cancer Society, the American

Heart Foundation and also to Vision Mondiale de la Santé and to reject the observer status to the 12

remaining NGOs in paragraph 14 of the document. To conclude, the COP is invited to consider the

Bureau’s recommendations after careful reviews based on the annex of the document.


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель секретариата. Будут ли какие-то ремарки по

поводу сформированных предложений? Я не вижу никаких флагов.

Слово предоставляется представителю Уганды.


Thank you very much, Chair. Uganda is one of the East African Community Member States and

we are requesting that instead of rejecting the application for the observer status to the COP, it is

deferred to allow us to have consultations with the Organization in order to give adequate information

to the Bureau and the Convention Secretariat for reconsideration at the next COP meeting.

Thank you very much.


Большое спасибо, представитель Уганды.


Thank you to the distinguished delegate from Uganda.

Actually, COP6 deferred the decision to this session. The East African Community has been

contacted by letter and also by e-mail to check whether its governing body had made a decision.

Unfortunately, the Convention Secretariat has not received any response so far.


Слово предоставляется представителю Кении.

H.E. Mr WECHE (Kenya):

Thank you Chair for giving me the floor.

I want to concur and join my sister from Uganda by saying that we would like this matter to be

deferred. The Ministers will be meeting soon after the COP so we would rather like it to be

a deferment, not a rejection.

Thank you.

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Спасибо, глубокоуважаемый представитель Кении. Слово предоставляется представителю


Dr Al LAWATI (Oman):

Thank you Mr Chairman.

I just would like to clarify that it in the table of Annex 1, under the Declaration of Conflict of

Interest and in front of every applicant, it says that no interest, shouldn’t it be written has no conflict of

interest? It is just an editorial corrective. Please correct me if I am wrong, I would like to seek the

clarification from the Secretariat, please.

Thank you.


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Омана. Большое спасибо за Вашу

внимательность. Секретариат, прошу Вас


The form that the applicants submitted was adopted by COP5. The form has a section asking

whether the applicant has a conflict of interest. In some case, the applicant changed the declaration of

conflict of interest.


Большое спасибо, секретариат.

Уважаемые коллеги, с учетом двух предложений. Я больше не вижу желающих выступить,

поэтому позвольте подвести итог по EAC. С учетом предложений Уганды и Кении, позвольте

предложить отложить данный вопрос с учетом необходимости дополнительного его изучения

уважаемыми представителями данных стран. Есть ли возражения? Я не вижу возражений, тогда

в отношении данной организации так решено. Что касается следующих двенадцати

организаций, о которых сказал секретариат, позвольте мне их не перечислять, они были

названы и присутствуют в документах. По отношению к ним, как было проанализировано

бюро, существует как минимум одно из оснований по отклонению. В связи с этим предлагается

Конференции Сторон отклонить статус наблюдателя для этих 12 НКО. Я не вижу никаких

предложений высказаться. Тогда так и решено. Большое спасибо. И последнее в данном пункте

- это заявление World Farmers’ Organisation по получению статуса наблюдателя. Нужно сказать,

что ранее данная организация уже подавала свое заявление, однако, оно было отклонено, и

организация подает свое заявление повторно. Бюро также предлагает не наделять данную

организацию статусом наблюдателя. Я не вижу никаких возражений, тогда позвольте считать

данный вопрос решенным.

Уважаемые коллегия должен поздравить нас, мы движемся очень эффективно по повестке

дня и сейчас мы дошли до момента, когда должна выступить руководитель секретариата

Рамочной конвенции ВОЗ по борьбе против табака госпожа да Коста-э-Силва, но в настоящее

время она встречает его Превосходительство президента Шри-Ланки. В связи с этим я бы

предложил сделать небольшую паузу, но не вставая с мест, ожидая глубокоуважаемого

президента Республики Шри-Ланка.


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Honourable Delegates, please be seated. The President of Sri Lanka, His Excellency Maithripala

Sirisena, is approaching.




Уважаемые коллеги, позвольте сказать о том, что глубокоуважаемый президент Сиресена

известен в области достижений общественного здоровья не только у себя в стране, но и на

международном уровне. Его деятельность отмечена множеством наград в области

общественного здоровья. И его высокие заслуги в области общественного здоровья были также

отмечены Всемирной Ассамблеей Здравоохранения, избиравшей его одним из руководителей

Всемирной Ассамблеи Здравоохранения. Принимая это во внимание, уважаемые дамы и

господа, позвольте пригласить для приветственной речи его Превосходительство президента

Демократической Социалистической Республики Шри-Ланка господина Майтрипала Сиресена.

Distinguished Delegates, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my honour to introduce our

invited speaker, His Excellency Mr Maithripala Sirisena, President of the Democratic Socialist

Republic of Sri Lanka. Your Excellency, you have the floor.

H.E. Mr MAITHRIPALA SIRISENA (President, the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka):

Good Morning to all you! Ayubowan!!

Dr Salagay, President of the Conference of Parties; Honourable Minister of Health, Shri Jagat

Prakash Nadda; Dr Vera da Silva, Head of the FCTC Secretariat. Excellencies, Distinguished

delegates, Officials from the FCTC and other Organizations, Ladies and Gentlemen.

First of all let me thank you, Dr Salagay and Dr Vera da Costa Silva for the very kind invitation

to be the Guest Speaker at this important Conference. I consider it as a great honour and privilege

extended to me and to my country. Dr Vera, we deeply appreciate the enormous work that you and

your officials have undertaken during the past few months to ensure the success of this meeting. Let

me also warmly congratulate you on the WHO FCTC completing ten very productive years and wish

your outstanding work all success in the future. It is with much appreciation that I recognize the kind

hospitality of the Government of India and the deep interest of Prime Minister Narendra Modi

personally. This clearly indicates the deep commitment to the subject of this Conference. We must

also appreciate the generosity of the Government of India to host this session of the COP. I am also

happy to see the Deputy Director General of the WHO, Dr Asamoah Baa and our dear friend, Dr

Poonam Singh, the Regional Director of the WHO. As we open this 7th Session today, the Parties to

the Convention have grown to over 180 during the past 10 years, representing over 90% of the

population of the world. This shows the power and influence of the WHO FCTC and the level of

impact you can have on the health of the world. Sri Lanka has benefited immensely by the information

and evidence that you have generated over these years in order to frame our own policies and

regulations. I observed that the last Session in Moscow were extremely important and helpful. The

decisions made, helped us to advance the international policies to prevent tobacco harm in very

important ways. The agenda for your discussions at this COP is also extremely relevant and important

to all of us. Of special interest are subjects like control of new products such as e–cigarettes and

waterpipes, economically viable alternatives to tobacco growing, and gender related risks in tobacco


We, in Sri Lanka, have accepted many of the recommendations of the WHO FCTC from the time

we ratified it in 2005. Sri Lanka was one of the first countries in the South-East Asia Region to sign

the WHO FCTC and to later ratify it. Then, in line with the WHO FCTC we passed our own Tobacco

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and Alcohol Act in 2006 and set up the Tobacco and Alcohol Authority, popularly known as the

NATA. I believe our NATA is rather unique in the Region and elsewhere because it is perhaps the

only such organization that covers both tobacco and alcohol. There are some historical and technical

reasons for this. Since I assumed the Office of President in early 2015, tobacco and alcohol have been

on the top of my national agenda. I have set up a Presidential Task Force to monitor the situation with

regard to drugs and narcotics. In fact I hold a monthly review meeting to assess the progress of the

work in this field, where all sectors are represented and we are able to make multisectoral policies and

plans. In line with the recommendations of the WHO FCTC, we have also reviewed the tobacco

taxation policies and just a month ago we have been able to increase tobacco taxes by nearly 10%. My

Minister of Health is proposing to introduce plain packaging as another important measure in the near

future and here we thank the WHO FCTC for the excellent technical support. We are drawing freely

from the lessons and experiences of some of the countries that have already introduced plain

packaging. We are also addressing the tobacco issue in numerous other ways, by having adopted very

strict air pollution laws, banning smoking in public and closed spaces. Advertising of tobacco is totally

prohibited, although like in most countries the tobacco industry adopts very shrewd tactics to promote

tobacco to vulnerable groups, especially to the school children. In all our work we have found the

informed and willing guidance from the WHO FCTC and the WHO extremely helpful.

With support from the WHO and the WHO FCTC, we regularly monitor the trends in the

prevalence of tobacco among the population. Sri Lanka completed the Global Youth Tobacco Survey

earlier this year and we were pleased to learn that the prevalence of tobacco use and smoking among

the youth has shown a significant downward trend since the last survey. The WHO STEPS survey that

was just concluded showed us that the prevalence of smoking among the adults also has slowed down.

Encouraging as these results are, we are not fully satisfied because we believe that far too many people

in Sri Lanka still do smoke. We are hoping that together with you, Sri Lanka will be able to emerge as

one of the developing countries that successfully eliminates tobacco as a public health problem.

I recall Dr Margaret Chan addressing the COP6, and emphasizing the need to resist the attempts

of the tobacco industry to undermine tobacco control through litigation and interference in government

policy-making. When I was the Minister of Health until the beginning of 2015 I tried to bring in

a number of measures in line with the FCTC guidelines to control the harm from tobacco, particularly

among children. I experienced this first-hand when I was the Minister of Health when we tried to bring

legislation to include pictorial health warnings covering 75% on cigarette packets. I spent many days

and hours in court houses as the tobacco industry filed a series of cases challenging this move. The

Court finally reduced the percentage cover down to a maximum of 60%. The delay was also enormous

and ultimately my Minister of Health had to bring in a new Act of Parliament to increase the pictorial

warnings to cover 80% of the surface. As we know from long experience, the tobacco industry often

distorts and challenges the best scientific knowledge, promotes dishonest arguments that have nothing

to do with truth. We know that the industry will try to influence policymakers in many ways, often

support petitioners to challenge government legislation and persuade the mass media. This to me is

a direct interference in the internal policy matters of any country. We need not have any compromise

of any kind with the tobacco industry.

Another issue that we have to guard against is the illicit trade of tobacco products. This is doubly

so when we strengthen our tobacco control legislation and policies, especially our taxation policies. It

can pose a serious threat to public health and also seriously upset our national tobacco control policies.

It helps to avoid measures, like increases in taxes which we know will reduce demand. All these mean

that we will not be able to effectively implement and take full advantage of the provisions in the

treaty. Therefore, it is very essential that more of the Parties do ratify this Protocol quickly so that it

can become law. I need to bring to your attention the growing, serious problem of smokeless tobacco

in Sri Lanka and in the Region. While a form of betel chewing is a deep-seated lifestyle, commercial

preparations are also becoming popular mostly among the younger generation in Sri Lanka and in

urban and semiurban communities. A large body of scientific evidence shows the strong link between

smokeless tobacco use and several serious health outcomes, particularly mouth cancer. I would urge

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the WHO FCTC to also address the issue of smokeless tobacco very seriously in the years to come.

Cost of neglect can be very high. Finally, I wish to place the tobacco menace in the larger perspective.

Sri Lankan population is already at an advanced stage of ageing and disease transition. NCDs are now

the largest contributor to disease burden in Sri Lanka, accounting for most of ill health, disability and

early death. This makes risk factors such as obesity, smoking, alcoholism and high sugar and salt diets

the major health issues to be addressed in Sri Lanka. My Government is leading the nationwide efforts

to address the problem of noncommunicable diseases. The central theme of our NCD programme is

health promotion and prevention.

Sri Lanka is also very concerned with the wider issues related to health and we take the SDG

agenda very seriously. In addition to health-related policies, regulatory frameworks in other domains

such as education, trade, food, agriculture and environment also have a major bearing on NCD risk

factors. Therefore we have to put in place suitable integrated policy and regulatory measures to reduce

the level of exposure to the common modifiable risk factors for NCDs. While looking at improving the

health and wellbeing of our people we are also keeping in mind our wider obligations in the SDG

agenda. In this regard two weeks ago we organized an international round table on the role of

Sustainable Consumption and Production in climate change mitigation. This is a part of the “Sri Lanka

Next – A Blue Green Era” to advance progress on SDG 12 in Asia. Sri Lankan Renewable Energy

project has contributed to reduction of almost 3000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions annually since

2014, through the dissemination of biogas systems. My government has a target to increase renewable

energy up to 20% of the demand by 2020. We will continue to play our role on the global stage and

meet our global obligations without any reservations.

Finally, Mr President, distinguished delegates, I believe that our shared ambition should be to

ensure the full implementation of the WHO FCTC, to see its powers tapped fully to eliminate the harm

from tobacco, and passive exposure to tobacco smoke, everywhere in the world. In all of this work the

world looks forward to the leadership and guidance of the WHO FCTC, the WHO and the related

global institutions. I thank you very much and wish the Sessions all success.





Большое спасибо, Ваше превосходительство уважаемый президент Сиресена. Спасибо за

Вашу вдохновляющую речь.

Уважаемые коллеги. Перед тем как перейти к докладу руководителя секретариата,

позвольте обратить внимание на две небольших момента. Первый из них, время обсуждения

пункта 2 повестки дня. Мы с вами явно обозначили те организации, которым не будет

предоставлен статус наблюдателя, однако не прозвучали те организации, которым будет такой

статус предоставлен. Это необходимо для протокола. Я бы хотел еще раз их озвучить. Это

American Cancer Society, InterAmerican Heart Foundation и Vision mondiale de la Santé. Если нет

возражений по этим организациям, то мы также считаем, что статус наблюдателей им






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Позвольте пригласить на сцену глубокоуважаемую доктора Веру да Коста-э-Силва,

руководителя секретариата Рамочной Конвенции ВОЗ по борьбе против табака с тем, чтобы

представить нам ключевые элементы доклада о глобальном применении конвенции. Прошу

Вас, доктор да Коста-э-Силва.


Dr DA COSTA E SILVA (Head of the Convention Secretariat):

Good morning to all and may I welcome you all – His Excellency the President of the Democratic

Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, the President of the Conference, Ministers, WHO, delegates,

colleagues and friends – to the seventh session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO

Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.

It’s a great pleasure to see so many distinguished representatives and experts from our 180 Parties

here, courtesy of the generosity and hospitality of the Government of India. We meet at the end of an

extraordinary period since our last gathering in Moscow. The pace of progress at an international level

has been breath-taking and we should heartily applaud the world’s determination to make sustainable

development an ever-more important aim. A successful campaign by Parties, NGOs, IGOs and the

Convention Secretariat last year led to the inclusion of Target 3.a within the Sustainable Development

Goals, requiring the strengthening of WHO FCTC implementation. And similar advocacy in

partnership with WHO at last year’s Addis Ababa Financing for Development meeting secured the

agreement that tobacco taxation should be a key source of funds for SDG implementation. These

advances place the WHO FCTC and the work of this COP at the heart of the global health and

development agenda for the coming decade. It gives us a tremendous opportunity to agree on unified

action against the tobacco corporations whose thirst for profit is slaked only by a flood of human

illness and misery. I am delighted to look up and see the representatives of the Parties, the

Non-Parties, and those intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations who are here as

observers and who play such an important role implementing the Treaty. There is another observer

here too, although its representatives may not always wear badges. The tobacco industry takes a very

keen interest in COP meetings and makes every effort to insinuate itself into delegations and

proceedings. If anyone doubts the importance of what we do here, always remember the industry’s

malevolent presence and the strong need for transparency.

We are also watched by sugar- and alcohol-products manufacturers, who see the tobacco control

movement as a precursor to threats they now face from public health campaigns. These industries fear

a united international community acting on behalf of consumers. In the coming days, I hope their fears

will be fully justified as we take further steps to end the tobacco epidemic. This meeting is the

culmination of an enormous effort. COP7 will consider the greatest-ever number of documents in our

almost 12-year history, the product of subsidiary bodies established under its authority. The lead-up to

COP7 has seen preparatory regional meetings organized in close collaboration with WHO. Let me

thank the WHO technical team, especially from WHO regional and country offices, for their

commendable support. And of course, the intersessional period has also been filled with work by the

Bureau to the COP, so I must note the considerable support offered by the Bureau presidency of Dr

Oleg Salagay and his excellent vice-presidents and regional coordinators. We must applaud the bold

action taken by many Parties during the last two years and it's reassuring that the treaty and the

standards adopted by COP have helped you protect your decisions against legal challenges. To name

a few examples, Australia, Kenya, Thailand, India, Uruguay, the United Kingdom and France have

shown a steady approach to tobacco industry-initiated court cases, showing that international trade

cannot expand at the expense of health and human rights. The European Union has implemented

a strong tobacco control directive and sent a message to the world by terminating its agreement with

a tobacco company. It is also very pleasing that Ukraine, a Party to the treaty, has ended its plain pack

challenge against Australia at WTO, leaving us with almost no WHO FCTC Party opposing legitimate

public health measures. It is also pleasing to see Vietnam, Montenegro, Uganda and many others

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rejecting tobacco industry members in delegations attending COP7. In addition, many of you, starting

with Panama, are asking your delegates to sign voluntary disclosure of interest declarations.

Congratulations for voluntarily promoting the spirit of your treaty, the treaty you negotiated, the treaty

you are implementing, the treaty you protect against all odds.

The past two years have been extraordinarily busy. The Secretariat has worked with numerous

others to press forward with the Illicit Trade Protocol. At COP6, there were four Parties to the

Protocol, a number that has now risen to 24. Given this acceleration in adherence, it seems likely that

the Protocol will enter into force before we meet again at COP8 in 2018. The Secretariat has supported

a wide range of work, including individually tailored assistance to Parties, with more than 40 needs

assessment and post-needs assessment missions in the last years, 11 since the last COP. We have

helped, for example, on Article 5.3 dealing with tobacco industry interference. And for the first time,

we have issued, under the guidance of the Bureau, note verbales requesting that Parties exclude

representatives of partially or wholly state-owned tobacco companies from their delegations. By doing

this, the Secretariat is adhering to the mandate you have given to us to implement article 5.3 and its

Guidelines. We do not question the right of sovereign states to choose national representatives, but we

must be reminded that there is a fundamental and irreconcilable conflict of interests between the

tobacco industry and public health policy.

The Convention Secretariat has also made efforts to increase the transparency of COP, by

fostering new forms of engagement, providing a Jumbo Twitter wall. Throughout this week we will

have regular press releases and media briefings. We have worked on new ventures, as per your

decisions, like the establishment of Knowledge Hubs to provide global expertise. We have also helped

establish Observatories to act as global sentinels on tobacco industry behaviour. We should also

acknowledge the digital revolution, which has provided new avenues for tobacco industry advertising

and influence across national borders. The industry can’t be allowed to get ahead of us and I would

ask you to carefully consider proposals to monitor and confront this threat. The COP will also, I’m

sure, applaud the growing area of south-south and triangular cooperation, where Parties are

encouraged to pair up and offer support, advice and resources to one another. This is an ongoing

activity. The global progress report shows that Parties have improved their treaty compliance in

important areas. Implementation rates have increased significantly on matters like price and tax, and

liability. There is much to be proud of. However, there remains so much more to do. Let me touch on

some of the issues we will consider at this COP. We receive implementation reports from around

three-quarters of our Parties. However, one quarter of reporting Parties have not yet confirmed

implementation of time-bound measures under Article 8, and, 40% of reporting Parties lack

a comprehensive advertising ban. We will actively seek to strengthen these Parties’ engagement, and

are hopeful that the COP will endorse the expert group’s recommendation for establishing practical

means of reporting review and support mechanisms. As the tobacco epidemic evolves, males and

females are differently targeted and affected by tobacco use. Many Parties have rightly asked that the

COP strengthen the response to gender-specific risks in their tobacco control policy.

The tobacco industry has shifted much of its production to the southern hemisphere in recent

decades, where it exploits farmers. Please take the opportunity to view the photographic exhibition in

this building which shows the harsh reality of their lives. Articles 17 and 18 are among the most

poorly implemented of the Convention and require greater efforts from us. We must protect the


The Convention is maturing, and we have to adjust accordingly. That means renewing old ties

and establishing relationships beyond the health sector. Gaining observer status, for example with

human rights IGOs, offers an opportunity to extend the tobacco control agenda. The Convention

Secretariat has also extended ties to key partners, including COP observers. We have been an active

member to the UN Interagency Task Force on Noncommunicable Diseases and became a participant

of the WHO Global Coordination Mechanism on prevention and control of NCDs. And of course, we

have broadened our relationship with WHO, the “mother” of the Convention whose offices at all

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levels are valued allies in the fight against the tobacco epidemic. As with any maturing organization,

the Secretariat seeks more clarity on scope of work. Our hosting arrangements with WHO would

benefit from some clarification on the scope of work of the two entities, ensuring the Convention

Secretariat’s authority on treaty matters, guaranteeing our close collaboration, mutual respect and

cost-effective use of resources. This relationship would also be further strengthened, I believe, through

better ties between the COP and the World Health Assembly. The effect on people’s health of WHO

FCTC implementation should be continuously acknowledged in the political agenda, with COP

decisions regularly communicated to decision-makers at WHA and vice-versa. We will also consider

WHO FCTC finances during the coming week and I would ask you to bear in mind key points during

this discussion. The Convention has grown enormously since its birth. The number of Parties has risen

from around 100 in COP1 to 180, in COP7, while Voluntary Assessed Contributions increased by

little more than 10%. Demand for our work has increased and will continue to increase when the

Protocol enters into force. You can be assured that we are doing our part to ensure accountability,

transparency, responsible expenditure and value for money. We are mindful of the financial pressures

faced by the Parties. We sought to cut costs, working with limited staff while delivering on the

requests made to us by Parties. We have successfully raised funds and have been greatly assisted by

the generous discretionary contributions of some Parties, to such an extent that extra budgetary income

now exceeds VAC income. Nevertheless, one third of Parties are in VAC arrears. We have no option

but to ask you to consider sanctions for non-payment, as we have exhausted all other possible avenues.

I would ask that you give positive consideration to our modest proposals on VACs. For many

Parties, the increase in the contribution is not big, but taken together it makes a difference. Without

this, the Secretariat’s ability to deliver will be reduced and the defences of the treaty weakened. We

cannot lower our guard or the tobacco industry will quickly gain ground. Our future progress will also

be helped by the admission of new Parties, so I take this opportunity to reach out to our friends among

the Non-Parties, several of which are observers here. I can assure you of a warm welcome and I can

proudly announce that Mozambique is about to become the 181th Party to the treaty.

Let me end by thanking the WHO India country office, the South-East Asia regional office and

WHO headquarters for their support in the run-up to this COP. I must also mention the extraordinary

efforts of the Convention Secretariat staff. We work with passion for a great international cause and

provide a beacon to other global initiatives. My team has provided wonderful support to the Parties

and I would like to praise each one of them for the dedication and patience they have shown me. It is

in your hands, the Parties to the COP, to decide this week which measures to adopt, how quickly to

implement them and what reports to commission for COP8. I am certain that COP7 will mark

a significant moment in our march towards a tobacco-free world. Thank you.



Большое спасибо, доктор Вера да Коста-э-Силва. Спасибо за замечательный доклад. И

спасибо за Вашу эффективность.

Уважаемые коллеги, позвольте перейти к следующему пункту нашей повестки дня. Это

обсуждение доклада руководителя секретариата. Я бы хотел обратить ваше внимание, что в

целях повышения эффективности нашего обсуждения мы хотели бы предложить выступление

делегации ограничить временем трех минут. Выступления регионов ограничить пятиминутным


Далее, если нет возражений, позвольте перейти непосредственно к обсуждению.

Уважаемые коллеги, позвольте предоставить слово представителям регионов прежде всего.

Первым для выступления приглашается регион Африки. Регион АФРО. Прошу Вас.

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Mr SMAIL (Algeria):

Merci Monsieur le Président. L’Algérie a l’honneur de prendre la parole sur ce point de l’ordre du

jour au nom de la région africaine. Cette intervention se veut être la traduction de l’appel à l’action

d’Alger, sur la mise en œuvre de la Convention-cadre de l’OMS pour la lutte antitabac adoptée lors de

la deuxième réunion de haut niveau des Etats parties de la région africaine qui s’est réunie à Alger les

12 et 13 octobre derniers.

Tout d’abord la région africaine tient à exprimer ses remerciements et sa gratitude à l’Inde pour la

chaleur de son accueil et la qualité de l’organisation de cette COP7. La région africaine tient

également à féliciter le Zimbabwe pour avoir rejoint les Etats parties de la Convention-cadre et le

Mozambique pour les avancées réalisées dans le processus de ratification de cette dernière. Partant du

principe que la mise en œuvre de la Convention-cadre continue de présenter, malgré les progrès, un

défi majeur, et conscients que l’usage du tabac constitue un frein au développement durable par son

impact sanitaire, social, économique et environnemental, les pays de la région africaine appellent plus

que jamais à accélérer le développement, l’adoption, le renforcement et la ratification des dispositifs

juridiques et réglementaires de lutte contre le tabac, qui intègrent entièrement les obligations de la

Convention-cadre pour la lutte antitabac et le Protocole pour l’élimination du commerce illicite des

produits du tabac. Ainsi, la région africaine, souligne l’importance de l’institutionnalisation de

l’approche multisectorielle, à travers une approche tant gouvernementale d’une part, et l’intérêt de

mettre en œuvre des politiques financières et fiscales efficaces d’autre part.

La région africaine réitère son appel à accélérer l’adhésion et/ou la ratification du protocole visant

à éliminer le commerce illicite des produits du tabac, et rappelle le devoir de vigilance et le devoir de

transparence qui nous incombe vis-à-vis de l’industrie du tabac et des produits nouveaux, y compris

les pipes à eau et les cigarettes électroniques. Compte tenu de ce qui précède, la région africaine tout

en soulignant l’importance de la coopération sud-sud et la coopération triangulaire, invite l’OMS et le

secrétariat de la Convention à renforcer l’appui financier technique aux Etats parties, et appel l’ONU

et ses institutions spécialisées, les partenaires, les autres organes intergouvernementaux, et les acteurs

non étatiques concernés, à l’exclusion de l’industrie du tabac et de ses affiliés, à mobiliser et accroître

les ressources techniques et financières, tant pour la pleine mise en œuvre de façon durable de la

convention-cadre pour la lutte antitabac que pour la réalisation des objectifs de développement durable

dans nos pays. Je vous remercie pour votre aimable attention. Merci.


Большое спасибо, уважаемый регион АФРО. Позвольте предоставить слово представителю

региона ЭМРО, для выступления от имени региона.

Mr NEGM (Egypt):

. اسمح لي (EMROشكراً سيدي الرئيس. إن الوفد المصري يلقي هذه الكلمة نيابة عن دول إقليم شرق المتوسط )اإلمرو

في البداية أن أتقدم للهند بالشكر على استضافة هذا المؤتمر وعلى حفاوة الضيافة، كما أود أن أتقدم بالتهنئة ألمانة االتفاقية

على عقده وال يفوتني أن أقدم الشكر ألمانة االتفاقية ومنظمة الصحة العالمية ومكتبها اإلقليمي على كل الدعم التقني المقدم

في سبيل التطبيق الكامل لالتفاقية. لألطراف

يواجه إقليم شرق المتوسط عدداً من التحديات على رأسها عرقلة دوائر صناعة التبغعملية التصديق على البروتوكول

والتحديات المتعلقة باإلنتاج والزراعة المحلية وغيرها، باإلضافة إلى الموارد المحدودة لدول اإلقليم التي تعرقل في كثير

ن األحيان أنشطة مكافحة التبغ، حيث ال يتوافر لإلقليم الدعم الخارجي الكافي لمكافحة التبغ وإننا نود لفت االنتباه إلى هذا م

األمر خالل هذا الحفل إال أنه على الرغم من التحديات السابق ذكرها فإن دول اإلقليم تتلقى الدعم الفني المطلوب والمعاونة

من االستفسارات الفنية وإن لم يكن جميعها والتي تثيرها الحكومات المختلفة، كما تساعد في تبادل من خالل الرد على كثير

المعلومات حول كيفية قيام دول اإلقليم بالتصديق على البروتوكول.

السيدات والسادة:

يرات صحية مصورة كما دولة في اإلقليم في تبني تحذ 12لقد نجح إقليم شرق المتوسط في عدد من المجاالت، فقد نجحت

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أصدر عدد من الدول تشريعات جديدة في مجال مكافحة التبغ في الوقت الذي يواصل فيه عدد من الدول العمل من أجل

المحافظة على المكاسب القانونية في منع التدخين في األماكن العامة ومنع اإلعالن عن التبغ والترويج له ورعايته كليا أو

ت واضحه لمنع تدخل دوائر صناعة التبغ في سياسات المكافحة وال يفوتني أن أذكر انضمام كل من جزئياً وتبني سياسا

السعودية والعراق للبرتوكول.

سيدي الرئيس:

يسعدنا خالل مؤتمر األطراف هذا أن نعمل مع الجميع لمواجهة التحديات التي نواجهها في حظر اإلعالن عن التبغ في

ة ومناقشة التحدي الذي يواجه الجميع في الوصول للهدف الطوعي لألمراض غير السارية كذلك وسائل اإلعالم المختلف

ظاهرة انتشار الشيشة في اإلقليم بشكل كبير والضغوط المتكررة من أجل عدم حظر أو تقييد استخدام السيجارة اإللكترونية

وغير ذلك.

كد على أهمية الرسالة التي أرسلتها رئيسة أمانة االتفاقية لجميع مرة أخرى نهنئ الجميع على النجاح المأمول للمؤتمر ونؤ

الدول بضرورة عدم مشاركة دوائر صناعة التبغ في هذا المحفل األهم دولياً في مكافحة التبغ.

وشكرا سيدي الرئيس


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель региона ЭМРО. Уважаемая делегация Египта.

Позвольте предоставить слово представителю Еврорегиона. Прошу вас.

Mr RIETVELD (The Netherlands):

Mr President, I am speaking on behalf of the 51 Parties in the European Region. First of all,

I would like to thank the Secretariat on the global progress report on the implementation of the WHO

FCTC. It reflects the progress achieved by Parties over the last two years in implementing the


In this respect, I would also like to take the opportunity to congratulate you and the other

members of the Bureau for the work done since the sixth session of the Conference of the Parties two

years ago. Without prejudice to discussions later in the week regarding transparency of the

Delegations to the COP, the Parties of the European Region take positive note of the work by the

Convention Secretariat to promote the principles of Article 5.3. This is important, considering the

challenges faced by some Parties in implementing the WHO FCTC, in particular in relation to Article

5.3. The European Region also welcomes the Party that joined the Framework Convention,

Zimbabwe, since COP6. Our region takes this opportunity also to call on Observer countries present at

this COP and urges them to become Parties to the Convention.

We need the commitment of as many Parties as possible to progress towards full implementation

of the Convention. We are very committed to achieving the full implementation across the whole

region. For this reason, the region has adopted the “Roadmap of actions to strengthen the

implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in the European Region

from 2015–2025: making tobacco a thing of the past” at the WHO Regional Committee in 2015.

I would like to highlight some observations linked to the global progress report;

1. We welcome the progress made on some articles of the Convention and see that Parties continue

to identify further areas for action. It is great to see such focused action but Parties should also be

mindful, in making future plans, of those measures with most impact. We also note the stagnation

or lack of progress regarding the articles since the last COP. We need to work actively and with

renewed vigor to accelerate implementation of the Convention. We call on all Parties to involve

all necessary ministries across their governments to implement the Convention comprehensively,

to continue to work with other Parties and to share experiences.

2. To accelerate the implementation of the Convention, we strongly urge the WHO FCTC

Secretariat and the WHO Secretariat to strengthen their collaboration. There clearly is room for

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improvement here and we see this as a prerequisite for more effective implementation by Parties.

We urge both Secretariats to work on this matter since they both play a major role in achieving

sustainable goals on health. Improved cooperation will be beneficial to prevent overlapping work,

especially for the coordinated assistance to Parties.

3. We regret that the First Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in

Tobacco Products has not yet been held. We call on Parties in all regions, including our own, to

work towards ratifying or to acceding to the Protocol as soon as possible.

Mr President, from a Governance perspective, our Region is concerned about a growing number

of agenda items and documents for COP. We also note a tendency of closely related issues to be

presented in different reports to the COP. We urge the Bureau of the COP in its intersessional work to

specifically consider and advise the Secretariat on the possibility of merging agenda items with a view

to achieving more coherent discussions and reducing the number of agenda items. We have also

previously requested the Secretariat to produce shorter documents. This will be even more important

at the next COP, as documents for the next Meeting of the Parties could also be expected. Finally, on

behalf of the European Region, I want to thank the Indian Government for hosting this seventh session

of the Conference of the Parties; an important step in advancing the tobacco control agenda. We’re

excited to be here and look forward to working with other Regions and other Parties in order to make

this COP a success. We’re committed to contributing our best. Thank you for your attention.


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Еврорегиона, позвольте предоставить слово

региону СЕАРО.

Dr REDDY (India):

Thank you Mr Chair, distinguished delegates. I have the honour of delivering this statement on

behalf of the Parties from the South-East Asia Region. We are delighted that the COP has come to the

South East Asia Region and would like to welcome all the Parties to this session. We are encouraged

by the progress in the development of the treaty and its technical instruments, as also several aspects

of the treaty implementation. Our Region has made significant progress, particularly in the

implementation of Article 11. Nepal, from the Region, has introduced a pictorial warning occupying

90% of the pack, the largest in the world, closely followed by India, Sri Lanka and Thailand with

80-85% warnings. The Region has also been expanding its smoke-free areas, with all countries in the

Region having introduced smoke-free regulations and progressively extending it to public places.

Mr Chairman, smokeless tobacco use is a great concern for the Region, with a high prevalence

among vulnerable groups such as women and youth, with increasing numbers in the Region during the

years. We are hopeful that this COP will make concrete decisions to augment evidence such as

product testing and regulations. The countries in the Region are gearing up to ratify the Protocol to

Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products. Sri Lanka has been the first country from the Region to

ratify the Protocol and the rest of the Parties intend to follow suit. It is also important to ensure that the

unresolved challenges of Tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship (TAPS) ban being

violated-especially cross-border transgressions through the entertainment industry – will be addressed

in an impactful manner.

Mr Chairman, one of the major challenges rightly identified in the Global Progress Report is the

growing interference of the tobacco industry in the implementation of the treaty at the global and

national levels. While the COP has adopted significant guidelines such as Article 5.3, we believe we

need more stringent decisions to protect public health policies with respect to tobacco control from

commercial and other vested interests. It is also critical that we protect COP sessions from the undue

influence and interference of the tobacco industry.

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Mr Chairman, several countries in the Region have substantial tobacco farming. Alternative

livelihoods for tobacco farmers is an issue that needs to be addressed by the COP in a concrete

manner, not only for humanitarian reasons but also for reducing its harmful environmental impacts.

Effective implementation of the Framework Convention is mandated by Sustainable Development

Goal Target 3.a. This requires not only national commitment and international cooperation but also

resolutely combating tobacco industry tactics, whether they involve the lobbying policy makers or

influencing trade agreements. We call on the COP to develop a concrete strategic plan in meeting the

targets set forth for tobacco control in the SDGs. We also feel that as the COP enters an intense

implementation phase, it is critical that sustainable resources are mobilized to support Parties in

meeting their treaty obligations. Finally, Mr Chairman, we would like to acknowledge and appreciate

the efforts of the Convention Secretariat and WHO in continuing to provide global leadership and

expertise and assist Parties in meeting their obligations under the Convention. We hope this COP

marks a new phase in our collective efforts to move towards a tobacco free world. From development

of treaty provisions, it is time to focus on accelerated implementation. We hope the outcomes of this

COP will further advance the objectives of the Framework Convention. I thank you.


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель региона Юго-Восточной Азии.

Глубокоуважаемые коллеги, представители региона АМРО попросили предоставить слово

несколько позднее, и поэтому мы уважаем их просьбу и безусловно, когда им будет удобно, мы

будем рады предоставить им слово.

Приглашается для выступления делегат региона ВИПРО.

Mr SAMO (Federate States of Micronesia):

Thank you Mr President. I am speaking on behalf of the Western Pacific Region. Firstly, on

behalf of the Parties of the Western Pacific Region, I would like to start by extending our gratitude to

the Government of India for hosting this seventh session of the COP. The Western Pacific Region

would also like to thank the Convention Secretariat led by Dr Vera Luiza da Costa e Silva, for its

excellent coordination and organization. The COP7 documents clearly show the significant progress

that Parties are making in global tobacco control. The Parties of the Western Pacific Region welcome

the Secretariat’s report and commend Parties on their continuous progress in implementing tobacco

control measures. Consistent with the objectives of the WHO FCTC, the Parties in our Region

continue their support in effective implementation of the Convention to protect present and future

generations from the devastating effects of tobacco use and tobacco products. Over the past two years

the Western Pacific Parties have been extremely proud to have implemented a number of key tobacco

control measures, which I would like to take the opportunity of sharing with you now. Since COP6,

the Western Pacific Region has continued to make new and improved tobacco packaging and labelling

measures, as well as measures banning tobacco advertisements, promotion and sponsorship, consistent

with Articles 11 and 13. These have included the following:

1. The development and implementation of new and/or larger pictorial and text health warnings on

tobacco packaging, for example in Cambodia, Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of

China, Kiribati, the People’s Democratic Republic of Lao, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines

and Vanuatu; and

2. Banning point of sale displays in Kiribati, Singapore and Tonga.

We are proud to note that New Zealand has recently passed legislation for the implementation of

tobacco plain packaging, joining our colleagues from Australia.

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Mr President, the Region has also focused heavily on measures that protect against exposure to

tobacco smoke, consistent with Article 8. This has included the following as well:

1. The Western Pacific Region Tourism and Smoke-Free Environments Workshop held in Japan in

July, followed by an International Symposium on Tobacco Control & Law which advocated

national 100% smoke-free legislation; and the Fourth Smoke-free Cities ASEAN Regional

Workshop held in Thailand in October.

2. The regulation of smoke-free spaces at the national level, for example in Cambodia, Kiribati, the

People’s Democratic Republic of Lao, the Federated States of Micronesia, Papua New Guinea,

Singapore, Tonga and Vietnam.

3. Progress at the subnational level, for example China’s capital, Beijing, implemented a new

smoke-free law from 1 June 2015, requiring all indoor and many outdoor public places to become

100% smoke-free; and the Philippines has progressed through the Red Orchid Awards for 100%

Tobacco Free Environments;

4. Australia and New Zealand have also strengthened existing measures to limit smoking in most

indoor and many outdoor public spaces at the national and subnational levels. Wellington in New

Zealand is aiming to be the first smoke-free city by 2025.

Several Parties in our Region have also strengthened price and tax measures to reduce demand for

tobacco, consistent with Article 6, including Australia, China, Fiji, the Republic of Korea, the

Federated States of Micronesia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Samoa and Tonga. Parties in the

Region continue to monitor national tobacco use trends. Since COP6, Cambodia, the Cook Islands,

Fiji, the People’s Democratic Republic of Lao, the Marshall Islands, Mongolia, Papua New Guinea,

the Philippines and Vanuatu have conducted, or are conducting, Global Youth Tobacco Surveys. In

2015 the Philippines and Vietnam completed national Global Adult Tobacco Surveys.

Mr President, we are very pleased that we continue to strengthen implementation of the

Tobacco-Free Pacific 2025 initiative, as agreed by Pacific Island Ministers of Health in 2013. The

Western Pacific Region is extremely proud to share these stories with you today. Despite these

wide-ranging and highly effective tobacco control measures, there are continued and ongoing

challenges in implementing the WHO FCTC across the Region. For example, although the Region

supports measures to strengthen international cooperation against illicit trade in tobacco products,

several Parties have experienced challenges in relation to accession and implementation of the

Protocol. Despite these challenges, the Region continues to work collaboratively on this important

issue. In September 2016, Fiji hosted a multi-sectoral workshop for the Pacific Island countries to

promote entry into force of the Protocol with the support of the Convention Secretariat and the WHO

Western Pacific Regional Office. Another ongoing challenge to the Region is tobacco industry

interference. Despite such challenges, the Western Pacific Region remains strongly committed to

implementing Article 5.3 of the Convention, to protect public health policies from the commercial and

other vested interests of the tobacco industry. We look forward to working together to further address

this important issue during COP. Finally, Mr President, we would like to thank you for your leadership

and wish you well as you chair this seventh session of the COP, and look forward to decisions and

outcomes that contribute to preventing future generations from the harm caused by tobacco. Thank



Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель региона ВИПРО. Уважаемые коллеги. Для

выступления приглашаются представители организационного комитета. Прошу вас.

Announcement by the Conference Orgnanizer:

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Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention, please.

A marketplace and an artistic photo exhibition have been set up in Hall 6. Participants will be

able to visit the stands to observe the works undertaken by agencies and NGOs. A selected number of

booths will showcase Indian handcrafted items which will be available for purchase. The India corner

located in the second-floor lobby showcases India’s journey in tobacco control. Lunch will be served

in Hall 6 from 13:00 hours onwards. Menus have been designed to introduce you to cuisines from

across the country over six days. Tea and coffee will be available in Hall 6. Wi-Fi is available at the

venue. There will be a Wi-Fi helpdesk located at the lobby in case any help is required to activate the

Wi-Fi. An information desk and a foreign counter are located at the registration area in the lobby.

A travel counter to assist participants to book local sightseeing is available in the lobby. The

conference venue is two hours from the Taj Mahal. There is a medical room in the ground floor lobby

where a doctor is stationed in case of any requirement and an ambulance is stationed at the venue for

any medical emergency. In case of fire please leave the building in an orderly fashion without

panicking and gather outside. Ladies and Gentlemen, dinner is being hosted by the Minister of Health

and Family Welfare Shri J.P. Nadda at the India Expo. There is a cultural programme at 18:30 hours,

preceding the dinner, to give participants a flavour of Indian culture. Shuttle services to the official

hotels will be available after the dinner. The shuttle schedule is placed in each conference bag. The

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the professional conference organizers and the venue are at

your service. Thank you.


Большое спасибо за объявление. Уважаемые коллеги, у нас остается пять минут и время

для одного выступающего. Для выступления приглашается делегация республики Корея.

Mr SEONG II (Republic of Korea):

Thank you Mr President. The Republic of Korea has achieved meaningful progress since the sixth

session of the Conference of Parties in 2014. Firstly, 10 years after the price hike of 2004, the Korean

Government raised tobacco prices by 80%. Smoking prevalence among male adults aged 19 years or

more was over 40% while the average price of tobacco products was 2.50 US Dollars, which was very

cheap. Therefore, in January 2015, the Korean Government raised tobacco prices to 4.50 US Dollars.

Also, all indoor restaurants and cafes became completely smoke-free. As a result, cigarette volume in

the Korean market decreased from 4.5 billion packs in 2014 to 3.1 billion packs in 2015 and smoking

rates have also declined by 3.8%. Increased tobacco tax has been invested in stronger smoking

cessation services, and especially for smoking prevention programmes for non-smokers such as

females and children. The major success of Korea’s national smoking cessation services was

recognized as a best example at the Global Forum on Tobacco Control held in November 2015 to

celebrate the Tenth anniversary of the WHO FCTC, where the Head of the Convention Secretariat, Dr

da Costa e Silva was present.

In addition to the price increase, Korea finally adopted implementation of pictorial health

warnings on tobacco packages in line with Article 11. The strong commitment of the Korean

Government and implementation of the Article 5.3 of the WHO FCTC led to successful legislation.

From December 23 this year, all tobacco products including cigarettes and e-cigarettes for domestic

sale should carry 10 different pictorial health warnings on the package. But, we still have more work

to do. Market expansion of novel tobacco products including e-cigarettes is a global issue and Korea is

no exception. Korea defines almost every product containing nicotine as a tobacco product by law and

applies the same regulations to cigarettes and other tobacco products. However, new products such as

tobacco-like products, synthetic nicotine and cigarettes with flavoured capsules elude current

regulations and attract young people. In this situation, COP7 will significantly contribute to Korea’s

future tobacco control policies. We expect to see productive discussions especially on the regulation of

electronic nicotine and non-nicotine delivery systems and further adoption of guidelines on Articles 9

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and 10. Lastly, Korea proposed an agenda item on gender specific tobacco control measures to

facilitate constructive reviews of the Parties. The Korean Government considers a further strategy on

women’s tobacco use. We are faced with a huge perception gap on women’s tobacco use between

generations, and a significant gender difference in smoking prevalence. We expect that this

Conference will provide guidance for the future tobacco control strategies to take one step closer to the

tobacco-free world. Thank you, Mr President.


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Кореи. Уважаемые коллеги, сейчас ровно

тринадцать часов, ровно час дня. В связи с изложенным, я хотел бы предложить объявить

обеденный перерыв до 15 часов. В 15 часов мы продолжим обсуждение доклада руководителей

секретариата. Спасибо, уважаемые коллеги.

The meeting rose at 13:00

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Monday, 7 November 2016, at 15:00

President: Dr Oleg Salagay (Russian Federation)




Я прошу прощения, что у нас небольшая задержка. Уважаемые коллеги, с учетом

обратившихся делегатов, в настоящее время слово предоставляется Уругваю. Приготовиться

представителю Евросоюза.

Dr BASSO (Uruguay):

Buenas tardes, señores representantes e integrantes del Secretariado de esta Conferencia Mundial,

señores delegados de todos los países que conforman la Conferencia de las Partes, señores

representantes de la sociedad civil. Lo primero es agradecer a India por su hospitalidad. Uruguay viene

progresando, desde la firma del Convenio Marco, en la aplicación del conjunto de sus artículos:

ambientes libres de humo de tabaco, ayuda a los fumadores para abandonar su adicción, eliminación

de la publicidad y patrocinios, incremento de las alertas sanitarias en el empaquetado, eliminación de

términos engañosos, como light y ultralight, presentación única por marca y ahora vamos al

empaquetado plano, manteniendo la presentación única, trabajando además en la lucha contra el

comercio ilícito de los productos del tabaco. El reciente juicio de Philip Morris, como saben ustedes,

dedicó tiempo y recursos. Este juicio contra Uruguay dedicó muchos recursos, al ratificar las medidas

cuestionadas de acuerdo a la implementación del Convenio Marco. Y mientras el juicio se

desarrollaba, muchas personas siguieron muriendo por su causa, por la causa del tabaquismo. Tuvimos

muchos apoyos, de la sociedad civil, de voluntarios, de los organismos internacionales, como la

Organización Mundial de la Salud y de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud, pero la industria

tabacalera es la única industria que tiene como resultados grandes ganancias matando a sus clientes. El

fallo contundente estableció que ningún tratado comercial puede privilegiar a la enfermedad y la

muerte por sobre los derechos humanos vinculados a la salud. Es incompatible cualquier política

sanitaria y los intereses de la industria tabacalera. Y es por eso que nuestro país se adhiere a la

propuesta de promover la firma explícita de un formulario de conflicto de intereses de las delegaciones

que conforman la Conferencia de las Partes, haciendo transparente la inexistencia de vínculos con la

industria tabacalera.

El Presidente de Uruguay, Dr. Tabaré Vázquez, propone elevar la apuesta y seguir profundizando

la aplicación de las medidas antitabaco, conociendo su incidencia en las enfermedades no

transmisibles, tal cual recientemente lo expresara Naciones Unidas. Se requieren apoyos técnicos,

trabajo interdisciplinario, cooperación internacional, apoyo de la sociedad civil, asesoramiento

permanente, pero sobre todo, , voluntad política de no ceder a las fuertes presiones de poderosos

intereses que usan y usarán todos sus recursos para evitar que los ejemplos exitosos en el mundo se

propaguen. Harán todo lo posible para detener ese proceso. Las enfermedades no transmisibles son la

gran epidemia del mundo moderno. Las que acumulan y acumularán los mayores costos en vidas y en

presupuestos para la atención sanitaria. ¿Es posible enfrentar con éxito este desafío? ¿Hay suficiente

voluntad política para generar una mayor alianza contra las enfermedades no transmisibles? Creemos

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que es una buena pregunta. El privilegiar la salud pública de nuestras poblaciones es una razón de peso

para ser optimistas en que podemos seguir disminuyendo la prevalencia de fumadores, particularmente

de las nuevas generaciones, si somos fuertes y estamos más unidos como naciones. El tema de Philip

Morris nos permitió ver de cerca la larga estrategia de la industria tabacalera, la intención de intervenir

en el Convenio Marco, de bloquear a través de acciones legales en foros comerciales su

implementación. Es por esta razón que esta Conferencia de las Partes contará con la delegación de

Uruguay apoyando acciones y decisiones más allá de las declaraciones. La causa de salud de nuestros

pueblos justifica estos esfuerzos. Así lo creemos. Muchas gracias por su atención.


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Уругвая. Слово предоставляется

представителю Евросоюза. Приготовиться Франции.

Mr KOZLOWSKI (European Union):

Mr Chair, Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen.

First of all, I would like to extend my gratitude to the Government of India for taking the effort to

organize this important event and also the Secretariat of the WHO FCTC for the substantial

preparatory work essential for carrying out our deliberations in an efficient and focused manner in the

course of the next days. I speak here on behalf of the European Union and its 28 Member States. The

EU aligns its position with the statement delivered by the Parties from the European Region. As well

as expressing my support for the European Region statement, I would also like to inform you about

some important developments in the EU. On 20 May of this year, the new Tobacco Products Directive

became applicable in the EU Member States. This important piece of legislation brings EU tobacco

control better into line with the WHO FCTC and regulates several key product features such as

tobacco ingredients, emissions, labelling and packaging, as well as related products. The main reason

we are gathering here today is to make the conference a success by advancing the work of the WHO

FCTC, thereby strengthening the global battle against the devastating consequences of tobacco use.

The EU has high expectations for COP7, and we would like to encourage all Parties to focus on the

objectives of the Convention, such as transparency and Article 5.3, the partial guidelines for Articles 9

and 10, and ensuring that our work on WHO FCTC implementation is focused and effective. We are

also gathered here to agree on and discuss critical issues related to the Illicit Trade Protocol. By the act

of signing the WHO FCTC Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products in 2013, the EU

committed to ratify and implement it. I am therefore very pleased that the EU can now report on the

deposition of the instrument of ratification of the Protocol at UN Headquarters in New York on

24 June 2016. The EU is determined to fight illicit trade in tobacco in a transparent manner. Not only

does illicit tobacco trade drain the budgets of governments and feed into organized crime, but it also

severely undermines our efforts to protect public health. By circumventing tax and customs duty

regulations, the illicit tobacco trade offers consumers access to cheaper tobacco products – which in

turn increases its chances of attracting vulnerable groups, such as young people. Illicit tobacco

products are also unlikely to comply with the basic requirements of products regulation, such as

mandatory health warnings on packs, which have been proven to play a role in deterring consumers.

The Illicit Trade Protocol – as the first international legally binding instrument aiming specifically at

tackling the problem of illicit tobacco trade – is a milestone in the WHO FCTC development. It

recognizes that illicit trade is a global problem that cannot be solved by individual Parties acting in

isolation. In our view, a key measure of the Protocol is its Article 8, which established a global

tracking and tracing regime, consisting of national and regional systems, without unnecessary

interaction with the tobacco industry. In the EU, the Tobacco Products Directive will implement this

aspect of the Protocol by introducing an EU-wide tracking and tracing system for all tobacco products.

The systems will be introduced by May 2019 for cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco products, and

by 2024 for all other tobacco products. The task to establish an EU-wide tracking and tracing system is

an ambitious one, and work is already underway by the European Commission to prepare the

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necessary secondary legislation to implement the system in concrete terms. We are very committed to

this task and in particular to make the EU system fully compliant with the Protocol by providing

authorities full control over the supply chain of tobacco products to ensure a highly effective tool in

fighting illicit trade.

We sincerely hope that the EU will be soon followed by a critical mass of other Parties in

ratifying the Protocol and implementing its vital provisions, notably the tracking and tracing system.

In order to encourage such a development, the EU has also proposed a direct grant to the Convention

Secretariat to promote the implementation in EU Member States and key neighbouring countries. In

the more than ten years since it entered into force, the FCTC has been an important model for how

different sectors of government and multiple UN agencies can work together to reach a common goal.

We believe this is the opportunity to strengthen our cooperation even further to ensure that the

implementation of the treaty is widespread and effective. In relation to our commitment to a truly

worldwide FCTC implementation, I have the honour to ask my French and UK colleagues to take the

floor with some important announcements. Thank you.


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Европейского союза. Слово предоставляется

представителю Франции. Приготовиться представителю Великобритании.

Mr CABOUAT (France):

Merci Monsieur le Président, Mesdames et Messieurs les Ministres, Monsieur le Directeur

général adjoint de l’OMS, Madame la directrice exécutive du secrétariat de la Convention-cadre,

Mesdames et Messieurs. La France s’associe à la déclaration que vient de prononcer l’Union


Tout d’abord, nous remercions le Gouvernement indien et le secrétariat de la Convention pour

l’excellence de leur organisation. En France, un jeune de 17 ans sur 3 est un fumeur régulier, et les

femmes enceintes fument davantage qu’ailleurs. La consommation, et l’achat de tabac progressent.

C’est pourquoi le gouvernement français a fait de la lutte contre le tabac une priorité. Pour faire de la

génération d’enfants qui naît aujourd’hui la première génération d’adultes non-fumeurs. Il y

a quelques mois, à l’occasion de la dernière journée mondiale sans tabac, la ministre des Affaires

sociales et de la Santé, Mme Marisol Touraine, recevait un prix de la Directrice générale de

l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé, Dr Margaret Chan, pour l’ensemble de son action pour faire

reculer le tabagisme. Depuis 2012, beaucoup d’étapes ont été franchies, interdiction de fumer en

voiture en présence d’enfants de moins de 18 ans, ainsi que dans les airs de jeu des parcs publics,

meilleure prise en charge du sevrage par la solidarité nationale, obligations faites aux industries du

tabac de déclarer leurs dépenses de lobbying. Interdiction des arômes artificiels, interdiction des

marques promotionnelles, c’est-à-dire les dénominations qui visent à susciter une adhésion à un mode

de vie ou encore à des qualités telles que la féminité, la masculinité ou l’élégance. Malgré les pressions

des industriels du tabac, après l’Australie la France a mis en place le paquet neutre qui est désormais

en vente et sera obligatoire à partir du premier janvier 2017. En parallèle, le Royaume-Uni, l’Irlande et

la Hongrie, ont adopté de telles législations. Telles sont les mesures qui ont été mises en œuvre pour

aider les jeunes à ne pas commencer à fumer, et les plus âgés à réduire leur consommation. Vous le

voyez, la stratégie française de lutte contre le tabagisme s’inspire des expériences qui ont fait leurs

preuves chez nos partenaires. C’est pourquoi nous nous réjouissons qu’un cadre international existe,

pour échanger de manière régulière les expériences, et les stratégies nationales en matière de lutte

antitabac. Cette septième réunion des Etats Parties à la Convention-cadre de l’OMS pour la lutte

antitabac doit être un lieu d’élaboration de stratégies ambitieuses et de priorités communes pour venir

à bout du tabac. À cet égard, la France souhaite que la coopération internationale soit de plus en plus

forte. Les industriels rivalisent d’inventivité pour dénigrer nos politiques et n’hésitent pas à engager

des poursuites devant les juridictions nationales et internationales. Pour y faire face, nous devons faire

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preuve d’entre aide, et de solidarité, pour franchir de nouvelles étapes dans un monde sans tabacs. En

juillet 2015, 10 pays réunis à Paris se sont montrés fortement intéressés par le paquet neutre. Un an

après, en mai 2016, en marge de l’assemblée mondiale de la santé 17 pays affirmaient l’importance

stratégique de la lutte contre les stratégies de marketing des industriels. Le congrès mondial contre le

cancer qui s’est tenu la semaine dernière à Paris a été l’occasion pour l’ensemble des acteurs

institutionnels et non gouvernementaux, associations de patients, professionnels de la santé, instituts

de recherche, du nord comme du sud, de nous encourager à persévérer dans cette voie. La France sera

au rendez-vous et apportera tout son appui technique juridique et politique aux états qui souhaitent

s’engager dans l’adoption du paquet neutre. La lutte contre le commerce illicite doit être une priorité.

C’est pourquoi la France appelle à la ratification, sans délai du protocole de l’OMS. La France soutient

le système, de traçabilité. Elle soutient ainsi la lutte contre le commerce illicite de manière

indépendante et transparente.

La France félicite le travail de l’Union européenne sur ce sujet. Monsieur le Président, Mesdames

et Messieurs, cette enceinte doit nous permettre de renforcer les bases de notre coalition mondiale

contre le tabac, c’est dans cette optique que nous devons avancer. Au nom du gouvernement français,

nous voulons également saluer le leadership de la chef du secrétariat de la Convention, Madame le

Docteur Vera Luiza da Costa e Silva. Monsieur le Président, je vous remercie, et laisse maintenant la

parole au représentant du Royaume-Uni.


Большое спасибо, уважаемый делегат Франции, слово предоставляется представителю

Соединённого Королевства. Приготовиться Бразилии, выступающей от региона Америк АМРО.

Mr BLACK (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland):

Thank you. Good afternoon Mr President and colleagues.

The United Kingdom fully aligns itself with the statement made on behalf of the European Union

and its Member States. The purpose of this national statement is to announce a major new investment

of extrabudgetary funding in the WHO FCTC by the United Kingdom. The inclusion of the WHO

FCTC in the Sustainable Development Goals is a major step forward and recognizes that tobacco use

negatively impacts health and development. The United Kingdom has achieved a great deal in tobacco

control policy, including most recently, the introduction of standardized packaging. We recognize the

Parties that have introduced standardized packaging, or are taking the steps to put that policy in place.

In our experience, the comprehensive implementation of the treaty delivers reductions in tobacco


That is why the United Kingdom will be investing £15 million (almost 19 million US dollars) on

development funds between now and the year 2021 to fund a new initiative to promote the

implementation of the WHO FCTC in low- and middle-income countries. The project, to be called

“FCTC 2030”, will be delivered by the Convention Secretariat to directly support a number of Parties,

as well as wider initiatives to promote implementation of the treaty in low- and middle-income

countries. The title “FCTC 2030” recognizes the importance of the SDG Goal and WHO FCTC


The UK is committed to global tobacco control and to working in solidarity with the international

community to achieve the full implementation of the FCTC. We wish everyone success in their work

to implement the WHO FCTC in their countries.

Thank you.


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Большое спасибо не только за ваше заявление, но и за такую замечательную поддержку

работы секретариата. Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Великобритании. Слово

предоставляется представителю Бразилии, выступающего от региона АМРО.

Mrs CAVALCANTE (Brazil):

Thank you, Mr Chair.

Mr Chair, Oleg Salagay, the President of the Conference of the Parties to the Framework

Convention on Tobacco Control, Dr Vera Luiza da Costa e Silva, Head of the Convention Secretariat,

Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen.

The Region of Americas would like to express particular gratitude for India’s hospitality and all

its efforts on planning and organizing COP7. We also would like to commend the Secretariat for the

excellent organization of this conference.

Ten years after WHO FCTC came into force, the Region of the Americas has significantly

benefited from implementing its tobacco control policies. Approximately half of the Region’s

population is protected by measures such as smoke-free environments and graphic health warnings.

85% of countries of the Region are Parties of the WHO FCTC. These countries have implemented

comprehensive tobacco control measures, allowing them to achieve a significant decrease in

prevalence. On the other hand, only six countries have implemented at least four of the main measures

of the WHO FCTC as its highest level of achievement. It is a matter of concern that 11 Parties are yet

to implement at least one of these measures. Tobacco is a significant risk factor for the main NCDs

and in the Region of the Americas it is responsible for 80% of all deaths and 77% of premature deaths

of people aged 30 to 70 years. WHO estimates that mortality attributable to tobacco in the Region is

14% among adults aged 30 or more. Tobacco industry interference to block, delay or weaken tobacco

control policies is still a big challenge in the Americas Region.

As early as 2002, the Pan American Health Organization summarized this experience in the report

“Profits over People”- a series of secret tobacco industry documents that revealed its strategies in the

Region. After WHO FCTC came into force, the tobacco industry has increased its efforts, including

the litigation strategy, to delay the implementation of tobacco control measures in the Region. More

than ever, it is important for Parties to implement Article 5.3, keeping that in mind in setting and

implementing their public health policies with respect to the tobacco control. Parties shall act to

protect these policies from commercial and other vested interest of the tobacco industries in

accordance with their national law. Also, the Americas Region welcomes the establishment of

Knowledge Hubs on the implementation of Article 5.3 and the exchange of information on tobacco

industry tactics in order to give WHO FCTC Parties the opportunity to counteract this interference

quickly and effectively. In COP6, Parties adopted a decision to promote a higher degree of

transparency in order to ensure that the WHO FCTC meetings are free from tobacco industry

interference. The Region is committed to transparency and looks forward to discussing proposals in

depth on how to maximize transparency in the delegations. We recognize that 2015 was an important

year with the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in which health is

a cross-cutting theme. Our region has demonstrated a new way of thinking about sustainable

development, combining its three dimensions: economic, social and environmental. We are open to

cooperate with the Convention Secretariat to implement the 2030 agenda, including tobacco control,

as one of the SDG 3 targets.

Our region believes that the synergy between the Conference of the Parties and the World Health

Assembly is necessary, as well as cooperation and coordination of the Secretariat with the various area

of WHO responsible for tobacco-related issues. The illicit trade of tobacco products poses a serious

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threat to global public health, as it increases the availability of and access to tobacco products, thereby

undermining tobacco control policies and generating financial losses in our countries. The region

would like to highlight that Ecuador, Nicaragua, Panama and Uruguay have ratified the Protocol,

among the 24 parties to do so. Another three countries in our Region are in the process of ratifying or

acceding to the Protocol. We commend the Secretariat for is efforts to support countries in all regions

in this process. The region of the Americas would like to emphasize the importance of raising

awareness on alternative livelihood for tobacco producers in the context of Articles 17 and 18. It is

critical to strengthen international collaboration mainly through the exchange of information on best

practice and successful diversification policies, including financial support to socially vulnerable

producers, and on the impact of tobacco production, and through a centralized knowledge platform to

facilitate access to information.

To conclude, the Americas region would like to mention that it is time to take a step back and

reflect collectively on where we have been, on what we have accomplished, but also to think forward

on where we want to go and what we want to accomplish next. Looking at the COP agenda, we notice

that several items could be better articulated and integrated through a medium- and long-term strategic

vision that brings together all of these activities into one framework where overall priorities can be

identified so that we reduce duplication and maximize efficiencies. We would be willing to engage in

discussion with this view. Thank you, Mr Chair.


Большое спасибо, Бразилия. Уважаемые коллеги, я хотел бы обратить ваше внимание на

несколько вещей. В случае, если вы хотите сделать заявление, я бы просил вас передать

соответствующую информацию о вашем желании в секретариат, и в порядке очередности, мы

предоставим вам такую возможность. Кроме того, во время выступлений я просил бы вас

обращать внимание на экран. На нем есть небольшой таймер, который показывает то время,

которое осталось, из тех пяти минут для регионаили трех минут для выступающей делегации.

И, я прошу вас, в целях конструктивного диалога с тем, чтобы мы успели все обсудить,

придерживаться временного регламента. Секретариат сообщил мне, что Бразилия хотела бы

также сделать заявление от страны. Бразилия.

Mr NUNES (Brazil):

Thank you, Mr Chairman.

It’s an honour to be here. I would like to, first of all, thank the Republic of India for hosting this

Conference. We would also like to commend the Head of the Secretariat, our fellow Brazilian Dr Vera

Luiza da Costa e Silva, as well as the Secretariat staff, for their relentless efforts since COP6 to

strengthen the Convention institutionally, politically and financially and for the organization of the


We also thank the Bureau for its remarkable preparatory work. Mr President, Brazil fully aligns

itself with the statement of the Region of the Americas. The tenth anniversaries of the entry into force

of the Convention last year and of the COP, this year, get their full meaning against the backdrop of

the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. We have come a long way, yet many Parties still face

fundamental challenges. For most Parties, implementing general obligations such as establishing and

ensuring the effectiveness of national coordinating mechanisms, protecting their policies from the

interference of the tobacco industry or ensuring that sufficient resources are devoted to tobacco control

is still a major challenge.

In Brazil, implementation of WHO FCTC is coordinated by a National Commission chaired by

the Minister of Health and composed of 18 different government agencies, achieving the intersectoral

approach which we view as a condition to speed up the implementation of WHO FCTC. Our

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delegation’s composition, which reflects our National Commission, does fully take Article 5.3 into

account, and we ask all our delegates to sign a declaration of interest form, which we will voluntarily

hand to the Secretariat. We support the adoption of such a practice by the Conference, not as

a sanction, but to ensure, by making information public, the expected transparency in the composition

of delegations. In closing our statement, I would like to wish very productive days of work to all of us,

in the hope that the decisions to be made at COP7 will further strengthen the implementation of the

Framework Convention.

Thank you.


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Бразилии, слово предоставляется

представителю Эквадора. Приготовиться представителю Мексики.


Muchas gracias Sr Presidente.

Sr Presidente, Sra Jefa de la Secretaría del Convenio Marco, señores delegados, damas y

caballeros. Mi delegación se asocia a la intervención formulada por Brasil en nombre de la región de

las Américas. El Convenio Marco de la OMS para el Control del Tabaco es de singular importancia

para mi país, pues es uno de los pocos, si no el único instrumento internacional vigente, de carácter

obligatorio, mediante el cual se ha conseguido emitir normas claras y de aceptación general para

regular a la empresas transnacionales del tabaco, tanto en sus actividades de producción y mercadeo,

como en sus intentos, lamentablemente inagotables, por interferir en los espacios multilaterales de

discusión e imponer o guiar a su conveniencia las agendas internacionales. Con ocasión de esta

Conferencia, su Excelencia el Primer Ministro de la India ha señalado: “Protejamos a nuestros pueblos

de los riesgos a la salud y de las consecuencias sociales y económicas del consumo del tabaco”. Al

coincidir con estas expresiones, mi delegación resalta la importancia de que los seres humanos y la

protección de sus derechos estén por encima de intereses comerciales.

Mi país considera que esta visión, que se aplica de manera exitosa con el Convenio Marco de la

OMS, debe ser extendida a otras áreas, y con tal objetivo en mente, es grato compartir con ustedes que

en cumplimiento de la resolución 29/9, adoptada en junio de 2014 por el Consejo de Derechos

Humanos, Ecuador preside el Grupo de Trabajo Intergubernamental de Composición Abierta, con el

mandato de elaborar un instrumento internacional jurídicamente vinculante sobre empresas

transnacionales y otras empresas con respecto a los derechos humanos. En la segunda sesión de este

Grupo de Trabajo, celebrada en Ginebra hace pocos días, del 24 al 28 de octubre, contamos con las

inspiradoras palabras de la Dra. Vera Luiza da Costa e Silva, Jefa de la Secretaria del Convenio Marco

, quien como panelista invitada resaltó los efectos positivos del Convenio Marco para el Control del

Tabaco en la salud de las poblaciones de los países en los que se está implementando, así como las

medidas reales que los gobiernos han puesto en práctica para contrarrestar las estrategias de la

industria tabacalera para interferir en la aplicación del Convenio Marco, algunas de la cuales fueron

elocuentemente mencionadas por la OMS esta mañana. Según lo demuestra la evidencia, las medidas

no obligatorias que existen hasta el momento en otras áreas, como la de los derechos humanos, han

sido ineficaces para que las empresas transnacionales dejen de cometer abusos, y los logros obtenidos

por el Convenio Marco son una clara demostración de la necesidad imperante de contar con normas

internacionales obligatorias y de aplicarlas en beneficio de las poblaciones y sus derechos, incluido el

derecho a la salud.

En la presidencia del mencionado Grupo de Trabajo, Ecuador presta mucha atención a los logros

y buenas prácticas que se derivan del Convenio Marco para el Control del Tabaco, en particular su

artículo 5.3, e invita a que sus Estados Miembros y la Secretaría den seguimiento y se integren con sus

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constructivas experiencias al proceso de elaboración del instrumento vinculante sobre empresas

transnacionales y otras empresas con respecto a los derechos humanos, proceso que tiene como uno de

sus objetivos el control de los abusos corporativos cometidos por ciertas empresas transnacionales, así

como la dotación de herramientas legales para la defensa de los afectados por dichas acciones

corporativas. Mi delegación se congratula deque la perspectiva de derechos humanos se haya incluido

en las discusiones de esta Conferencia, está lista para participar en dicho debate y resalta la

importancia de preservar celosamente este espacio de todo intento de interferencia, o peor aún, captura

corporativa. En coherencia con lo dicho, mi delegación ratificó el Protocolo del Convenio Marco y

presentará voluntariamente una declaración de interés. Para finalizar, Ecuador agradece al Gobierno y

pueblo de la India por la organización de esta Conferencia y por las generosas atenciones que están

brindando a quienes participamos en ella. Muchas gracias.


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Эквадора, спасибо за Вашу замечательную

инициативу. Слово предоставляется представителю Мексики. Приготовиться представителю


Ms PRÍA (Mexico):

Sr Presidente, distinguidos delegados y organizaciones. Permítame primeramente agradecer a la

India su anfitrionía.

México reconoce el fortalecimiento de las respuestas internacionales a la epidemia de tabaquismo

derivado de la entrada en vigor hace once años del Convenio Marco para el Control del Tabaco de la

OMS. Especial reconocimiento merecen tanto las Partes como el Secretariado en la implementación de

los compromisos derivados de este instrumento, con un claro enfoque de salud pública. Estamos

convencidos que bajo el espíritu renovado de la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible, los

Estados y otros actores interesados podremos mejorar la colaboración que existe o, inclusive, generar

nuevas asociaciones para que las políticas de control del tabaco se incorporen como elementos

centrales en el combate a las enfermedades no transmisibles y refrendando la transversalidad, en las

estrategias nacionales de desarrollo. Sr Presidente, esta sesión de la Conferencia de las Partes es un

parteaguas en la evaluación de las acciones realizadas y las metas cumplidas. Vemos con buenos ojos

la realización del ejercicio de evaluación de impacto del Convenio Marco, así como la evaluación de

propia Jefatura del Secretariado. Bajo esa lógica, creemos necesario sumar a otros sectores adicionales

a los responsables de la salud pública. La respuesta mundial al tabaquismo debe partir de un enfoque

multisectorial que, basado en evidencia científica, coloque a las personas en el centro de las políticas

públicas en esta difícil materia. México muestra avances en la aplicación del Convenio Marco. La

mayor parte de sus disposiciones se han integrado y homologado al marco jurídico de nuestro país, ,

algunas en total concordancia con las disposiciones y otras contextualizadas al marco jurídico

nacional, esto ha permitido que el tabaquismo no se haya incrementado en el país, pero aún hay mucho

por hacer. Entre los principales avances se encuentra la publicación periódica de las imágenes y

advertencias sanitarias en los empaques de los productos de tabaco, que cumplen con lo dispuesto en

las directrices del Artículo 11 de este Convenio. En relación al Artículo 13, es importante destacar que

la promoción y el patrocinio se han eliminado por completo y la publicidad se ha disminuido de

manera significativa, aunque aún quedan mínimas excepciones. México se siente especialmente

orgulloso de los resultados de la aplicación del Artículo 17 sobre Alternativas Económicas Sostenibles

al Cultivo del Tabaco. Este programa de reconversión de cultivo de tabaco ha reducido tanto la

producción como la superficie cultivada en 60%, tomando como línea base el año 2004.

Dicho programa se ha convertido en una política en materia de desarrollo rural, pues no sólo los

productores han transitado a cultivos que ofrecen la misma rentabilidad del tabaco o más inclusive,

sino también se han visto beneficiados de programas de acceso a servicios de salud, educación y

desarrollo comunitario. Reconociendo el enfoque fundamental de salud pública, hemos fortalecido la

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aplicación del Artículo 14. Y contamos con un diagnóstico desarrollado en conjunto con la sociedad

civil sobre servicios de cesación del consumo de tabaco, con los cuales se han desarrollado

lineamientos nacionales con metas específicas para el sector salud. Hemos desarrollado medidas

concretas para combatir el comercio ilícito de productos de tabaco, desde una perspectiva

intersecretarial, que incluye a las autoridades tributarias, a las de procuración de justicia, e inclusive,

a las de propiedad intelectual. Lo que ha dado como resultado una cifra récord en el aseguramiento de

más de 310 millones de cigarros ilegales. Con relación al cigarro electrónico que será objeto de debate

en esta Conferencia, México tiene una política clara: éste se encuentra prohibido al amparo de la

legislación vigente. Dicha prohibición ha dado como resultado un consumo que no llega siquiera al

1% de los productos del tabaco. Sr Presidente, México refrenda su compromiso con la respuesta

mundial al tabaquismo y, particularmente, con el Convenio Marco para el Control del Tabaco.

Estamos en un momento clave para fortalecer las acciones desarrolladas y buscar nuevas asociaciones

que refuercen las metas avanzadas. Asimismo, invitamos a las Partes a que las respuestas nacionales

incorporen a todos los sectores gubernamentales involucrados en este tema, con el liderazgo de las

autoridades de salud, pero que incluyan a las responsables de las políticas de desarrollo, comerciales,

agrícolas, de procuración de justicia, entre otras, buscando la promoción de la salud pública en todas

las políticas vinculadas con el control del tabaco. Muchas gracias.


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Мексики. Слово предоставляется

представителю Японии. Приготовиться делегации Ирана.


Mr President, Distinguished Delegates.

Japan congratulates you for assuming the presidency of the seventh session of the Conference of

the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC). My delegation

would like to thank the Government of India for hosting this important meeting.

Firstly, Japan welcomes the steady progress and development of the WHO FCTC. To date, the

number of the Parties which join in this Convention has reached 180. The WHO FCTC has become

a true global framework for protecting present and future generations from the devastating health,

social, environmental and economic consequences of tobacco consumption and exposure to tobacco


Secondly, I have the honour to share with you the progress made by the Government of Japan

since COP6 for further implementation of the Convention. Japan has made efforts for

awareness-raising on the health impact on smoking. In this context, we have discussed the health

consequences of smoking and its report after 15 years. And the Japanese Government has been

considering the strengthening of preventive measures against passive smoking. Last, but not least,

Japan is proactive towards global implementation of the Convention. Japan established “Basic Design

for Peace and Health” in September 2015, which is the guidance in the field of health under the

Development Cooperation Charter, to contribute to accelerate the implementation of SDGs. Based on

this guidance, Japan stipulated the achievement of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) as one of the

pillars of its international cooperation which means to secure seamless utilization of basic health

services in response to various health-related challenges throughout the life-course.

Furthermore, it clearly includes the direction for providing preventive services in order to

decrease the disease burden, including non-smoking. Mr President, I reiterate that Japan would like to

make its efforts in order to actively and continuously contribute to the global implementation of the

FCTC. I thank you, Mr President.

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Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Японии. И слово предоставляется делегации

Ирана. Приготовиться делегации Того.

Dr SAYYARI (Islamic Republic of Iran):

In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful,

Mr President, Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen.

Tobacco control is an important part of the wider health agenda of the Islamic Republic of Iran

and is a priority area indeed. I am glad to report that the Islamic Republic of Iran has already fully met

its obligation as a Party to the WHO FCTC. Ratifying the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in

Tobacco Products at the Parliament and incorporating the NCD targets at National Strategic Plan of

Action, show our determination to implement the international treaties and to protect public health

against tobacco and reducing its prevalence at a national level. On the national implementation of the

Protocol, the Islamic Republic of Iran, as one of the main target markets in the Region, received

crucial support from the Supreme Leader’s strong opposition against the illicit trade and his order to

tackle the issue in a collaborative manner which has been forcefully implemented. To counter illicit

activities, focusing on the heart of the Protocol, we have taken some important measures, such as the

application of a tracking and tracing system, control of distribution channels by an effective licensing

policy, stricter border control, applying effective penalties up to 30 times the value of seized tobacco

products, including destroying and complete disposal, which are among preventive activities taken in

this regards. Although some positive results have been achieved in the last two years, in the absence of

international support and cooperation of all Parties to the WHO FCTC by ratifying the Protocol and

implementing its key measures, nothing is quite satisfactory and illicit tobacco trade rates continue to

be considerable.

Mr President, having in mind the tobacco attributable diseases and disabilities at the global level

as a direct result of tobacco industries’ deadly activities, the international community needs to force

tobacco industries to be responsible towards the consequences of their business against public health

and should hold them liable. The tobacco industry has to shoulder its responsibility on public health


Considering the rapidly increasing trend of water pipe consumption as the result of tobacco

industries’ strategic approach in using a variety of flavours in tobacco, especially in water pipe

tobacco, to increase its attractiveness to hook the young and make them addicted, to protect public

health against this tobacco industries’ deadly strategy, flavours in tobacco should be banned by the

international community. I invite you all, distinguished delegates, to support the draft decision on

water pipes and have a unified voice to ban using flavours in water pipes. In conclusion, I would like

to reiterate that the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran remains committed to the global

efforts to fully implement WHO FCTC and its Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products.

Thank you for your attention.


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Исламской республики Иран. Слово

предоставляется представителю Того. Приготовиться представителю Кении.

Dr KUMAKO (Togo):

Merci Monsieur le Président, le Togo prend la parole pour vous féliciter de la manière dont vous

dirigez le débat, le Togo félicite l’Inde pour la chaleur de son hospitalité et le chef du Secrétariat et

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à travers elle, tout le Secrétariat pour les progrès faits dans la mise en œuvre de la Convention et les

initiatives prises pour que le Protocole soit ratifié. Nous prenons également la parole pour appuyer la

déclaration de l’Algérie par rapport à la déclaration sur la mise en œuvre de la Convention dans la

région africaine. Par rapport au Togo, aujourd’hui la lutte contre le tabac est une réalité. Il existe une

loi, qui est faite dans l’esprit de la Convention. Aujourd’hui l’interdiction de fumer dans les lieux

publics est une réalité, l’interdiction totale de la publicité, du parrainage de toute activité par les

industries du tabac est une réalité. Les lieux de vente sont complètement réglementés selon l’esprit de

la Convention. La vente de tabac par les enfants et aux enfants est complètement interdite. Il est

également interdit à tout fonctionnaire de l’état d’avoir tout lien de près et de loin avec l’industrie du

tabac. Les emballages au Togo couvert à 65% de leur face principale permettent de donner les

informations sur les méfaits du tabac aux usagers. Aujourd’hui, le Togo a commencé les procédures

pour pouvoir ratifier le Protocole. Donc d’ici la fin de l’année ou au maximum en début de 2017, le

Togo devrait déposer tout ce qu’il faut pour devenir membre du Protocole contre le commerce illicite

des produits du tabac. Nous pensons que cette COP permettra de donner de bonnes orientations à la

Convention pour que la mobilisation de fond, qui nous permettra d’avancer surtout dans toute notre

région, dans la lutte contre le tabac soit une réalité. Nous proposons également que d’ici demain le

groupe africain soit uni en terme d’espace, et dans le même espace pour que nous puissions discuter

ensemble. Puisqu’actuellement nous sommes un peu éparpillés et donc pour pouvoir se parler et avoir

des informations d’un pays à l’autre, c’est plus difficile. Je vous remercie.


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Того. Слово предоставляется представителю

Кении. Приготовиться представителю Уганды.

Mrs WECHE (Kenya):

Thank you Mr Chairman. I would take the floor to appreciate the warm hospitality of the

Government of India to our Delegation and to also congratulate the Government of India and the

WHO FCTC Secretariat for the great organization of this conference. Kenya associates with the

statements made by other participants.

Mr Chairman, Kenya is fully committed to the implementation of the WHO FCTC and its

Guidelines and Protocols. To this end Kenya has made significant progress in assuring the attainment

of the treaty. From the enactment of the Tobacco Control Act in 2007 to the development of the

Tobacco Control Regulation in 2015, which has included pictorial health warnings on cigarette packs,

Kenya has seen a decade of leaps and bounds in tobacco control. This, Mr Chairman, has been enabled

by multisectoral action, partnership and collaboration in the documentation of anti-tobacco control

initiatives in the country. Mr Chairman, while Kenya is in the process of ratifying the Protocol to

Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products, the country is implementing most of the provisions of the

ITP including the implementation of an elaborate track and tracing system for the control of illicit

trade in tobacco products and the licensing of manufacturers and importers of tobacco products in

carrying out due diligence of persons purchasing tobacco from Kenya. This has gone a long way in

curbing illicit trade reducing the consumption and use of tobacco products as well as increasing

government regulation. Kenya has also been involved in sharing its experiences on the implementation

of the track and tracing system and has so far hosted more than 50 countries through facilitation and

support of the WHO Regional and Country Offices. Mr Chairman, in this period of experience

sharing, the Kenya Revenue Authority will be showcasing their track and tracing system at the

marketplace of this COP. We encourage all delegates to visit the Kenya exhibition, just to see what we

are doing in that regard. To conclude, Kenya wishes all delegates success for their deliberations.

Thank you, Mr Chairman.


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Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Кении. Слово предоставляется представителю

Уганды. Приготовиться Филиппинам.


Thank you Chair. Uganda joins the other Parties in thanking India for hosting this Conference and

I would also like to congratulate the Convention Secretariat and all State Parties on the progress made

towards effective implementation of the WHO FCTC since COP6, and welcome the new State Parties

to the Convention. Since COP6, Uganda has made great strides in this regard and passed

comprehensive tobacco control legislation that is WHO FCTC compliant and most importantly

enshrines provisions for effective implementation of Article 5.3. Uganda urges Parties to adopt the

proposals for maximizing transparency of Parties’ delegations, public and the media during sessions of

the COP and meetings of its subsidiary bodies. Uganda appreciates the support of the WHO FCTC

Secretariat on deterring the tobacco industry from joining the Ugandan delegation to COP7. The

tobacco industry has been infiltrating and influencing the COP for years. We have more evidence now

than ever for this. It is time that we, who are here to uphold public health and tobacco control, stand

together and close the loopholes the tobacco industry exploits. We must clear the air. I encourage the

COP to consider options to remove the tobacco industry from disrupting us any further. Parties should

give the WHO FCTC Secretariat and the Bureau the mandate to vet and where appropriate reject any

nominations and participation of the tobacco industry and its affiliates. I thank you very much and

look forward to the other deliberations. Thank you very much, Chair.


Спасибо большое представителю Уганды. Слово предоставляется представителю

Филиппин. Приготовиться представителю Панамы.

Ms DELA ROSA-BALA (Philippines):

Excellencies from fellow Member States, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen.

Good afternoon. Firstly, our delegation expresses appreciation to the host country, India, and to

the WHO FCTC Secretariat for the excellent arrangements. Our country has identified tobacco control

as a priority agenda under Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) on health (Goal 3a), which speaks of

strengthening implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control as well as in

the Philippine Health Agenda 2016-2022, “All for health towards health for all” (Lahat para sa

kalusugan! Tungo sa kalusugan para sa lahat).

The Philippines has implemented the Sin Tax Reform Law, which significantly contributed to the

reduced tobacco consumption and the proceeds of which increased the health insurance coverage of

indigent Filipinos from 46% to 92%. In view of the best practice of increasing tobacco taxes, the

Philippines also provided technical assistance to Mongolia and Malaysia. In 2015, the health sector

recognized 788 local government units and workplaces as Red Orchid Awardees for having strictly

enforced measures that protect people from tobacco smoke. Furthermore, the Philippine Commission

on Elections implemented a “No smoking policy” in polling precincts during election time. This year,

all cigarette packs are required to have 50% graphic health warnings. Furthermore, the Civil Service

Commission – the central human resource institution of the Philippines government – which I chair;

and the Department of Health, headed by Secretary Paulyn Ubial, have collaborated to ensure the

whole-of-government approach in the sustained implementation of the WHO FCTC, through a policy

that strictly prohibits unnecessary interactions between public officials and the tobacco industry. The

Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) 2010-01 – which is fully consistent with the Article 5.3 guidelines

– is globally recognized as the first and only policy of its kind. The Philippines has made significant

progress but the journey is far from over.

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More lives need to be saved from the harm of tobacco. We will continue to keep up with the

commitments by ensuring that all treaty requirements have been satisfactorily fulfilled. Let us use the

seventh session of the Conference of Parties as a platform not only to highlight what the Parties have

done, but also to share and learn from the various experiences as we aim for a tobacco-free world.

Thank you and good day.


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Филиппин, слово предоставляется

представителю Панамы. Приготовиться представителю России.

Dr ROA (Panama):

Gracias Sr Presidente, distinguidos miembros de la Mesa, delegados, organizaciones no

gubernamentales, señores y señoras. Panamá aplaude al Gobierno de la India y al Secretariado por la

organización de la séptima Conferencia de las Partes, así mismo se une a la declaración de la región de

las Américas que hace un recorrido sobre diversos temas de interés en materia de implementación del

Convenio Marco, primer tratado mundial de salud pública. Enfatizamos la importancia que tiene para

la delegación panameña fortalecer la implementación del artículo 5.3, referente a la interferencia de la

industria tabacalera, manifestada en diferentes formas y acciones orientadas a frenar las medidas de

protección a la salud pública y a desproteger a los ciudadanos del mundo de un derecho humano

fundamental, como lo es la salud y la vida, recogido en tratados internacionales de derechos humanos

y en nuestro caso particular, reconocidos en sendos fallos de la Corte Suprema de Justicia relacionados

con las demandas de la industria tabacalera a la normativa nacional de control de tabaco. Reiteramos la

importancia de garantizar la transparencia y es por ello que Panamá adoptó como parte de su marco

legal la declaración de conflicto de interés como medida administrativa para este fin. En esta

Conferencia Panamá, Brasil y Uruguay hemos entregado declaraciones voluntarias de conflicto de

interés al Secretariado, por lo que exhortamos a otras Partes a hacer lo mismo. Instamos a las Partes

a continuar asumiendo el compromiso con la salud, incluso al aplicar los tratados comerciales que

consideran en su articulado la primacía de la protección de la salud por encima de los intereses

comerciales y particulares, como consta en diversos documentos de la OMS. Auguramos éxitos en esta

Conferencia y quedamos a la orden para participar en todas las actividades que sean requeridas.



Большое спасибо, представитель Панамы. Слово предоставляется представителю России.

Приготовиться представителю Индии.

Mr KOSTENNIKOV (Russian Federation):

Спасибо, господин председатель, прежде всего, уважаемые дамы и господа, хотелось бы

поблагодарить секретариат Рамочной конвенции за содержательный доклад и отметить

большую значимую роль секретариата по консолидации международных усилий,

направленных на реализацию конвенции. Россия в полной мере разделяет ключевые цели и

идеи конвенции, способствует их активному продвижению в нашей стране. В России перестали

курить в местах общественного питания и в транспорте, была запрещена реклама табачных

изделий на телевидении, появились предупреждающие заставки, если в программах содержатся

сцены курения. За восемь лет, прошедших с момента присоединения России к Рамочной

конвенции, мы ввели в действие все основные предусмотренные в ней меры. В результате,

жители нашей страны сегодня защищены от пассивного курения, наши дети больше не видят

табачной рекламы, а все формы продвижения табака запрещены. Акцизы на табачные изделия

ежегодно растут. При этом каждый, кто захочет получить информацию о состоянии своего

здоровья, может пройти бесплатное обследование, а те, кто нуждаются в медицинской помощи,

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включая помощь по отказу от курения и лечению табачной зависимости, могут также получить

ее бесплатно. За время активной антитабачной политики к 2015 году потребление табака в

России сократилось на 25%. В настоящее время мы работаем над внедрением электронной

системы прослеживания и отслеживания табачной продукции на всех стадиях ее оборота.

Хотелось бы обратить внимание на одно обстоятельство. Уже говорилось, что Конвенция

предусматривает приоритет здравоохранения над интересами промышленности, табачной

промышленности. Доктор Вера да Коста-э-Силва отметила в докладе деструктивную роль

табачных корпораций, действующих через потребителей своей продукцией. Потребители

активно заявляют о нарушении их прав теми запретами и ограничениями, которые вводятся в

национальное законодательство на основании конвенции. Полагаю, что нам на международном

уровне следует однозначно закрепить приоритет права некурящих и особенно будущих

поколений на право жить в мире без табака над интересами потребителей табачной продукции.

В заключение, хотелось бы выразить благодарность правительству Индии за организацию

КС7. Это свидетельствует о том внимании, которое правительство Индии уделяет проблемам

имплементации Рамочной конвенции. И пожелать всем участникам сегодняшнего заседания

продуктивной работы. Спасибо.


Большое спасибо, представитель России. Слово предоставляется представителю Индии, и

приготовиться представителю Лаоса.


Thank you Chair. Distinguished Chair and Delegates. Once again we welcome you to India to the

COP7. India takes note of the global progress report prepared by the Convention Secretariat. We are

encouraged by the improvements of the implementation of several of the substantive articles of the

treaty in 2016, such as Articles 11, 8, 6 and 15.

We are particularly concerned about two cross-cutting issues identified by the report:

1. the gap in terms of lack of sustainable resources for treaty documentation available in the

documentation reported by one in every three of the Parties;

2. the measure barrier of tobacco industry interference as reported by over two-thirds of the


Having said this, it is our sincere hope that this COP in India will be remembered for its concrete

decisions to address these measures, challenges and barriers in WHO FCTC implementation. We have

already heard the Honourable Health Minister speaking about the strides that we have made in India.

I would just like to briefly reiterate them and say that as per Article 15 we have established

an inter-ministerial committee of 11 relevant ministries chaired by the CAPSEC, which is the highest

in the bureaucracy in India, and India’s National Tobacco Control Programme been implemented

allocating about 1.3 million US dollars for five years which has been extended to all states and

districts in a fair manner. The Honourable Health Minister has also initiated dialogue to impose a Sin

Tax on tobacco products and other goods and the funds will be geared towards public health. India has

also taken strides for Articles 9 and 10 to establish tobacco testing at its final state of establishment,

and the Government of India has introduced new large pictorial health warnings which were detailed

in the morning. The new warnings imply that India now has the largest warnings for all forms of

tobacco products. India’s requirement to have anti-tobacco health spots depicted in films and

television serves multiple purposes without extra funding so it is one of the best practices in the world.

India has also taken steps to ensure that these treaties do not entail the use of tobacco companies

or are utilized by the tobacco companies. Mr Chair, we are happy to inform that the next committee of

the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has been involved in

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a dialogue in preparation to the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products and

implementation of Article 15 of the treaty. We have prohibited smokeless tobacco in many other

States under the Foods Act and the Ministry is also working in collaboration with other ministries such

as Agriculture and Commerce making rules for comprehensive tobacco control for tobacco growers

and workers. During this period the Government has provided about 4 million US dollars to diversify

tobacco consciousness in ten States, and the second round of implementation is going on. We reiterate

our commitment to continue our efforts to the full effect on implementation of the WHO FCTC and in

contributing to the global discussion on tobacco control. We sincerely hope that COP7 in India will

deliver and decide on critical issues that could accelerate WHO FCTC implementation and save lives

from tobacco use. Thank you very much.


Большое спасибо уважаемому представителю Индии. Слово предоставляется

представителю Лаоса.

Prof. MUONGPAK (Lao People's Democratic Republic):

Honourable Mr President, Excellencies, Ministers, Vice Ministers, Distinguished Delegates,

Ladies and Gentlemen, good afternoon.

On behalf of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic Delegation (Lao PDR), I would like to

extend our sincere appreciation to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of the

Republic of India, for hosting this seventh session of the Conference of Parties. The Government of

Lao PDR is committed to fully implementing the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

(WHO FCTC) and notable achievements have been made in legislation and multisectoral

coordination. Lao PDR adopted the Law on Tobacco Control and it came into force on 16 December

2009. In addition to the Tobacco Law, there are other laws including tax law, decrees and regulations

related to establishing the National Committee for Tobacco Control. Over the past two years, Lao

PDR has continued its tobacco control efforts and has enacted new tobacco control regulations as


1. On packaging and labelling, 75% pictorial warnings are required, the regulation will be

implemented in May next year.

2. On smoke-free environments, designated smoking rooms are no longer allowed in indoor

workplaces and public places. Smoke free initiatives have been actively conducted by provincial


3. Advertising, promotion and sponsorship including Cooperate Social Responsibility (CSR) by the

tobacco industry are totally banned.

4. The Tobacco Control Fund is established by government decree, requiring tobacco manufacturers

to pay additional excise tax at 0.02 US dollars/pack. However due to imbalanced contract with the

tobacco industry, our government has not yet been able to collect the additional tax from the


Mr President, the tobacco industry is actively introducing new products into the market including

electronic cigarettes. The latest Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) found that some teenagers in

Lao PDR had already started using e-cigarettes, while there was no such finding from the previous

study. Therefore, regulating these emerging products is a priority and we urge Parties to tackle these

issues decisively and give clear guidance. Finally, Mr President, we would like to wish you well as

you steer this COP7 to a successful result and we look forward to seeing decisions that are productive

and that prevent future generations from tobacco harm. Thank you for your kind attention.

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Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Лаосской Народной Демократической

Республики. Слово предоставляется представителю Гватемалы. Приготовиться представителю


Embajador CASTILLO POLANCO (Guatemala):

Gracias Presidente.

Sr Presidente, colegas delegados de los países, en esta séptima Reunión de la Conferencia de las

Partes en el Convenio Marco de la OMS para el Control del Tabaco, Guatemala quisiera, en primer

lugar, agradecer la hospitalidad y organización de este importante evento a la India, como país

anfitrión. A la Secretaría del Convenio, asimismo, una sincera felicitación y nuestro agradecimiento

por su incansable y eficiente labor de organización y de apoyo. Guatemala está convencida que esta

Conferencia se desarrollará en un espíritu constructivo que nos encaminará a una conclusión exitosa al

final de esta semana. Mi país está consciente de las terribles consecuencias sanitarias, sociales,

económicas y ambientales producidas por el consumo de tabaco y de la exposición al humo de tabaco

en el mundo entero. Por ello, a pesar de sus limitados recursos, mi país continuará realizando

importantes esfuerzos en la implementación de medidas para el control del tabaco. Para Guatemala, la

protección de la salud es una de sus prioridades fundamentales, garantizada por la Constitución

Política de la República.

Para nosotros es importante preservar el éxito y la continuidad de este Convenio. Para tal efecto,

apoyamos las iniciativas encaminadas a mejorar la implementación de sus disposiciones,

particularmente, a través de la cooperación y la asistencia técnica. También estamos convencidos que

la legitimidad y la credibilidad de las decisiones de la Conferencia de las Partes radica en la

transparencia, la participación inclusiva y, últimamente, en el consenso de todos sus integrantes. Estas

decisiones deben, además, respetar el principio de legalidad y ser coherentes con el Derecho

Internacional Público. Solamente de este modo se garantizará que tales decisiones superen cualquier

prueba derivada de una potencial impugnación o litigio, consolidando aún más la legitimidad y la

credibilidad de las acciones bajo el Convenio Marco. Sr Presidente, finalmente, quisiera manifestar

nuestra preocupación por el crecimiento exponencial de los temas de agenda para cada Conferencia de

las Partes, así como la poca anticipación con la que algunos proyectos de decisión serán examinados

durante esta semana. El simple hecho de que se lleven a cabo reuniones simultáneas desfavorece

a pequeñas delegaciones como la nuestra. Es importante empezar a considerar metodologías

alternativas para cubrir los temas de la agenda, que permitan a la mayoría de delegaciones pequeñas

participar en los procesos de decisión. Esto reforzará la legitimidad y credibilidad de las decisiones de

la Conferencia de las Partes. Muchas gracias.


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Гватемалы. Слово предоставляется

представителю Шри-Ланки. Приготовиться Египту.

Dr SOMATHUNGA (Sri Lanka):

First of all, let me congratulate you Mr Chairman and the Bureau on your election and assure you

of the strong collaboration of the Sri Lanka delegation in the productive execution of this important

seventh session of the Conference of Parties (COP) to WHO FCTC. Mr Chairman and Distinguished

participants from Member Countries. We are pleased to mention that Sri Lanka was the first country in

the Region and fourth in the world to ratify this globally important public health treaty. Adding to that,

we were able to ratify the first ever Protocol under the WHO FCTC to Eliminate Illicit Trade in

Tobacco Products, becoming the only country in the Region so far. Being a strong collaborator on

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tobacco control, the Government of Sri Lanka has taken many initiatives to combat tobacco use.

Among many major measures, we have launched a movement called “Building a nation free from the

addiction from Tobacco, Alcohol and all forms of Drug Abuse”. We realize that comprehensive

national legislation for tobacco control is needed for implementation of our obligations as a Party to

the treaty. We have taken measures to amend the existing Act to be more comprehensive, allowing

more powers to Authorized Officers.

As mentioned by H.E. the President of Sri Lanka in his key note address, we are committed to

save future generations from the devastating effects of tobacco use, targeting a healthier Sri Lankan

nation. In the same spirit, I am pleased to announce that we have already enabled a reduction of

consumption by 4%, which is 15% of current smokers at the moment, and there is growing public

awareness of the devastating health, social, environmental and economic consequences of tobacco

consumption and exposure to tobacco smoke. In conclusion, Mr President, while thanking the

Government of India for hosting COP7, Sri Lanka would like to re-emphasize its dedication to protect

present and future generations from the tobacco epidemic in our country and we offer assurances our

commitment to the global community by supporting and implementing WHO FCTC provisions to the

highest level. Thank you.


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Шри-Ланки. Слово предоставляется

делегации Египта. Приготовиться делегации Гайаны.

Dr LABIB (Egypt):

سيدي الرئيس

د التحية أشكر سيادتكم على إتاحة الفرصة لي للتحدث باسم مصر بع

أوالً أود أن أهنئ دولة الهند واألمانة على عقد هذا المؤتمر المميز، كما أود أن أشكر األمانة ومنظمة الصحة العالمية

االتجار غير ضاء علىوالمكتب اإلقليمي لمنطقة شرق المتوسط على الدعم المستمر خاصة في مجال توقيع بروتوكول الق

المشروع بمنتجات التبغ حيث هناك الكثير من الجهد المبذول للتواصل الدائم وإزالة العقبات وحل المشاكل التي تواجهنا

إلتمام الخطوات الممهدة لتوقيع البروتوكول ونأمل أن تكلل هذه الجهود بالنجاح وإعالن التوقيع في أقرب فرصة ممكنة وال

جه العديد من المشاكل مثل انتشار الشيشة بصورة واضحة في اإلقليم وفى مصر بالذات وخاصة بين الشباب ننكر أننا نوا

ولذلك نحرص على زيادة الضرائب بصفة دورية، كما نواجه محاوالت دوائر صناعة التبغ المستمرة للترويج لمنتجاتها

المنع التام لإلعالن المباشر في الفترة الماضية. وأخيراَ عن طريق اإلعالن غير المباشر وخاصة في الدراما المصرية بعد

أود أن أشكركم جميعاً وأتمنى التوفيق والنجاح المتوقع لهذا المؤتمر الهام وأن يؤتي ثماره في أقرب فرصة وشكراً


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Египта. Слово предоставляется

представителю Гайаны. Приготовиться делегации Китая.

Dr NORTON (Guyana):

Thank you very much, Mr Chairman.

In the global progress report in the implementation of the WHO FCTC by the Convention

Secretariat, in paragraph 11, Guyana was mentioned among other countries that reported delays in the

passing of tobacco control Bills. I can assure you, Mr Chairman, that had it not been for this COP7

meeting here in India, then last Friday this Bill would have been on the Order Paper of the National

Assembly of Guyana, but come Monday 21st of this month [November], it certainly will be there and

this Bill will include among others the following Articles. In Article 8, we will include protection from

exposure to tobacco smoke in all indoor places, all indoor public spaces and specific outdoor spaces.

In Article 11, that deals with packaging and labelling of tobacco products, we will hope to include

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60% of that space and in Article 13 there will be a complete ban on tobacco advertising, promotion

and sponsorship. In Article 16, there will be the ban on sales to minors.

I am confident, Mr Chairman that this Bill will have a successful passage to the Parliament, for

not only was it the opposition party in parliament drawing on its time in Parliament who actually

initiated this Bill, but we are also meeting with them to iron out all doubts and disagreements that

there might be. We, at the Ministry of Public Health, are working closely with the Ministry of Legal

Affairs and the Ministry of Finance because we would also like to involve Article 6 which deals

directly with price and tax measures that the Ministry of Finance will be able to help us through.

Thank you very much.


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Гайаны за хорошие новости. Слово

предоставляется представителю Китая. Приготовиться делегации Зимбабве.

Ms GUO (China):




























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Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Китая. Слово предоставляется делегации

Зимбабве. Приготовиться делегации Туниса.

Colonel KATSANDE (Zimbabwe):

Thank you, Mr Chairman.

Head of the Convention Secretariat, Dr Vera da Costa e Silva, Excellencies, representatives of

countries here present, Distinguished Delegates. On behalf of the delegation of the Government of

Zimbabwe, allow me to extend my profound gratitude and appreciation to the Government of the

Republic of India for wonderfully hosting this prestigious event. I would also like to thank the Head of

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the Convention Secretariat, Dr Vera da Costa e Silva and her staff for all the efforts that they have

applied to make this event a success. My delegation is pleased to participate at this Seventh

Conference of Parties (COP7) as a Party to the WHO FCTC for the first time after our successful

accession to the Convention in March 2015, and wishes to associate itself with the statement issued by

Algeria on behalf of the Regional Group for Africa.

Mr Chairman, the Government of Zimbabwe is committed to and supports the legitimate public

health objective of the Treaty and its Protocol on illicit tobacco. To this end, even before admission as

a Party, Zimbabwe had already put in place a legislative framework, with a number of laws and

regulations on the sale and consumption of cigarettes and other tobacco related products. This is

happening in the context of a state economy that is heavily reliant on agriculture in which maize,

cotton and tobacco are the major crops. This is so because these three and specifically tobacco have

much greater yields and therefore higher export earnings than other crops. Naturally, the country

processes, infrastructure and policies have over the decades been geared to support production and

marketing of these crops. Tobacco accounts for a substantial contribution to Zimbabwe’s Gross

Domestic Product, accounting for over 800 million US dollars in annual export earnings. The tobacco

value chain therefore remains a significant employer and a major pillar of Zimbabwe’s Land Reform

Programme complementing the country’s current economic blueprint – the Zimbabwe Agenda for

Sustained Socio-Economic Transformation. It is therefore only realistic and pragmatic for Zimbabwe

as a State Party that any measures designed to regulate the production and sale of tobacco and related

products be considered with due regard not only to this background, but with due consideration of the

relevant supportive scientifically based evidence and the usual expected respect to the sovereignty of

State Parties. As I conclude, Mr Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, my delegation looks forward to

constructive discussions as well as progressive and sustainable decisions from this meeting. I thank

you for your attention.


Большое спасибо, уважаемая делегация Зимбабве. Поздравляю вас с первым выступлением

в качестве стороны конвенции. Слово предоставляется делегации Туниса. Приготовиться

Коста- Рике.

Dr SMAALI (Tunisia):

كذلك نشكر جمهورية الهند على التنظيم المحترم لهذا المؤتمر، كذلك نشكر منظمة الصحة .شكراً سيدي رئيس المؤتمر

كافحة التبغ. يعتبر التدخين مكافحة التبغ على جهودهم الكبيرة المبذولة في مجال مبشأن العالمية وأمانة االتفاقية اإلطارية

فة التدخين في تونس هي ألإن الحالة الوبائية .مراض غير السارية في بالدنا في تونسلأل الخطورةمن أهم وأخطر عوامل

% من المراهقين هم من 20و مدخنات % من النساء البالغات هن10ون ي% من الرجال البالغين هم من المدخن50 :كما يلي

تفاقية االفي هذا اإلطار صادقت تونس على .ا المجال سعت بالدنا الى وضع استراتيجية لمكافحة التدخينالمدخنين وفى هذ

سنة القضاء على االتجار غير المشروع بمنتجات التبغعلى بروتوكول وقعتو 2010مكافحة التبغ سنة بشأن االطارية

القضاء على االتجار غير المشروع بمنتجات التبغن جهود إ .ونأمل في المصادقة عليه في المرحلة القريبة القادمة 2016

كذلك أصدرت تونس ،جهزة المختصة هي هامة وهي من أولويات الحكومة الحاليةمن طرف األال سيما من طرف تونس،

لتي يمنع مع إقرار أوامر تطبيقية تحدد األماكن العامة وذات االستعمال الجماعي ا 1998لمكافحة التدخين منذ سنة اً قانون

كذلك وضعت أمراً يحدد أماكن خاصة بالمدخنين وأماكن خاصة أخرى معزولة تماماً لغير المدخنين في ،التدخين فيها

مكافحة بشأنالئمته للمبادئ التوجيهية لالتفاقية اإلطارية لم بالنسبةنحن اآلن بصدد مراجعة القانون القديم .المقاهي والمطاعم

إستراتيجية وطنية تشاركية بين كل القطاعات ذات العالقة لمكافحة عوامل الخطورة المسببة كذلك نحن بصدد وضع بغ،الت

فى إطار تقديم المساعدة للمدخنين الذين يرغبون في اإلقالع عن التدخين .ساريه وخاصة منها التدخيناللألمراض غير

لقد .دخين مع تقديم المعوض النيوكيتيني بالمجانآليات المساعدة في االقالع عن الت من أرست وزارة الصحة بتونس العديد

قمنا بالعديد من الحمالت التحسيسية والتثقفية والتوعوية في مجال مكافحة التدخين في الوسط المدرسي والجامعي وفى

في مزيد ونأمل بغمكافحة التبشأن االتفاقية اإلطارية في الوسط المهني ونحن بصدد العمل على تنفيذ كل ما جاء من بنود

حتى نتمكن من تقليل نسبة استهالك التبغ بغمكافحة التبشأن من التعاون مع منظمة الصحة العالمية وأمانة االتفاقية اإلطارية

ببالدنا مع الشكر

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Большое спасибо за Ваше выступление, уважаемый представитель Туниса. Слово

предоставляется делегату от Коста-Рики. Приготовиться Австралии.

Ms AMADOR BRENES (Costa Rica):

Sr Presidente, miembros de la Mesa, asistentes a la COP7.

Costa Rica agradece la hospitalidad del Gobierno de la India, a la Secretaría por los esfuerzos que

realiza para fortalecer la implementación del Convenio Marco y a nuestros aliados que apoyaron

nuestra presencia acá, ya que actividades como esta son una gran oportunidad para mejorar las

acciones que las Partes estamos realizando a fin de que el derecho a la salud prive y de manera que

podamos, como lo indica el objetivo del Convenio Marco, proteger a las generaciones presentes y

futuras. Costa Rica, por medio de la aplicación del Convenio Marco y su ley que lo penaliza, sigue

firme en su lucha contra el tabaco, y recientemente, nuestra Asamblea Legislativa, el 14 de septiembre

pasado, aprobó la ratificación del Protocolo para la Eliminación del Comercio Ilícito de Productos del

Tabaco y sólo estamos a la espera de la firma del mismo por parte de nuestro Sr. Presidente y su

publicación en nuestro Diario Oficial para que se convierta en ley. Hemos realizado grandes esfuerzos

respecto a las medidas necesarias para el control del consumo de tabaco y lo demuestra la encuesta

GATS del 2015, que señala una prevalencia nacional del consumo de tabaco de 9,1%, lo cual se debe

a todas las medidas aplicadas y a la concientización que hemos logrado en nuestras comunidades sobre

los peligros del tabaco.

Lo vemos también en la encuesta que indica que la exposición al humo de tabaco en los hogares

es sólo el 4%. Contamos con ingresos económicos por impuestos a los productos de tabaco que

ingresan a nuestro Ministerio de Salud, Seguridad Social, al Instituto de Deportes, al Instituto de

Farmacodependencia, lo cual apoya las acciones regulatorias, atención de patologías derivadas del

consumo de tabaco, clínicas de cesación, programas educativos, planes de comunicación en medios de

prensa y páginas de internet, investigaciones y promoción de la actividad física como protectora del

consumo de tabaco. También estamos instalando un laboratorio para verificar el contenido de

emisiones de cigarrillos, puros y cigarrillos electrónicos a fin de corroborar las declaraciones juradas

que con respecto a los productos del tabaco se exigen a la industria tabacalera para que pueda

comercializar sus productos, y estará disponible a finales del 2017. Está prohibida la promoción, la

publicidad del tabaco, la venta por y para menores de edad de productos del tabaco. Todos nuestros

espacios públicos cerrados son siempre 100% libres de humo de tabaco. Asimismo todos los sitios de

trabajo, centros educativos, bares, restaurantes, centros de recreación, centros deportivos, todos los

transportes públicos y sus paradas. También los espacios abiertos, como Parques Nacionales y parques

en la ciudad y lugares donde se desarrollan actividades de concentración masiva, como conciertos y


Contamos con un reglamento de etiquetado con pictogramas en todos los productos de tabaco y

con multas por incumplimiento a la ley. Asimismo con un registro de morosos que tiene que ser

consultado por las diferentes instituciones que dan permisos previos a su otorgamiento. Por otro lado,

estamos fortaleciendo todos los programas de cesación para incluirlos dentro de la estrategia nacional

para lograr integrar a las personas con problemas relacionados con el consumo de drogas psicoactivas,

que estamos liderando desde el Ministerio de Salud y que cuenta con respaldo de la Presidencia de la

República, y en el que se incorpora ya el tema del artículo 5.3. Tenemos muchos retos más, estamos

acá con toda la energía para poder apoyar esta COP y decir que aunque Costa Rica es un país pequeño

localizado en América Central, con orgullo podemos afirmar que somos grandes en la lucha contra el

consumo de tabaco. Gracias.


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Большое спасибо, уважаемая представитель Коста-Рики. И слово предоставляется

представителю Австралии.

Ms DAVIS (Australia):

Thank you, Mr President. We align ourselves with the statement delivered by the Federated States

of Micronesia on behalf of the Western Pacific Region, and we take this opportunity to add some brief

comments on developments in Australia since the COP last convened.

We are proud to note that our daily smoking rates are now at unprecedented lows. However, as

national prevalence continues to fall, we must continue work to ensure that tobacco control measures

are appropriately adapted and targeted toward increasingly smaller smoking populations. Australia has

recently implemented a range of measures targeted directly at reducing smoking among Aboriginal

and Torres Strait Islander communities. Since 2013, Australia has also continued to introduce annual

12.5% increases to tobacco excise and will continue to do so until 2020. The retail price of a pack of

25 cigarettes is now approximately 26 Australian Dollars. The continued increases are predicted to

take Australia’s total excise to 69% of the average price of a cigarette, and we are redoubling our

efforts to combat illicit trade in tobacco products.

Since we last met in 2014, we have also begun to see the effects of Australia’s world-first tobacco

plain packaging measure. In February, Australia’s Post-Implementation Review of Tobacco Plain

Packaging concluded that the measure has already begun to achieve its objectives of reducing smoking

and exposure to tobacco smoke and is expected to continue to do so into the future. An expert analysis

of smoking prevalence data estimated that there were around 108,000 fewer smokers over the period

December 2012 to September 2015 than there would have been without plain packaging and updated

and expanded graphic health warnings. In 2015, Australia successfully defended the dispute brought

by Philip Morris Asia under the Australia-Hong Kong Bilateral Investment Treaty. We continue to

defend WTO challenges and, like other WHO FCTC Parties, await the Panel’s final report, which is

expected in 2017.

Mr President, beyond our national tobacco control efforts, Australia continues to work with

international colleagues to strengthen implementation of the WHO FCTC, including by:

sharing our resources and technical expertise, and

supporting training undertaken by our local Knowledge Hub, the McCabe Centre for Law and


We would like to express our gratitude to colleagues in the Western Pacific Region for their

collaboration and support over the past two years while we have had the privilege of acting as

Regional Coordinator. And finally, we would like to reaffirm Australia’s strong commitment to

effective implementation of the WHO FCTC to protect present and future generations from the effects

of tobacco products. We look forward to continuing to work together with all of you towards this

fundamental objective. Thank you Mr President, thank you to India and best wishes to all for

a successful COP7.


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Австралии. Поскольку все те

государства-члены конвенции, которые хотели высказаться к настоящему моменту

высказались, далее слово будет предоставлено государствам, не являющимися членами

конвенции. Слово предоставляется Мозамбику.

Mr FERREIRA (Mozambique):

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Thank you very much Mr Chairman.

Members of the Bureau, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen, on behalf of the

Mozambique delegation, I would like to express support to the resolution of the African Region

adopted in Algiers, although we are still not Party to the Convention, and to inform you that on

November 2, 2016, the National Parliament of the Republic of Mozambique adopted a resolution that

ratifies the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. Currently procedures are underway for

the deposit of the legal instrument with the Secretary-General of the United Nations. Although we

have only now approved the Convention, the country has been implementing some of its provisions

such as banning smoking in public places, advertising, promotion and sponsorship, high taxes, and the

introduction of medical services in all health units among others.

We are aware of the challenges ahead in the implementation process, however, Mozambique is

determined to proceed in order to reach the objectives of the Convention, with the support of all

Parties. In conclusion, I thank the Indian Government for hosting this important Conference (COP7)

and for its hospitality. I also commend the Secretariat for the excellent arrangements made. Thank you

very much.


Большое спасибо, уважаемый делегат от Мозамбика. Появилась еще одна страна-член

конвенции, которая бы хотела высказаться. Это Ливан. Слово предоставляется уважаемому

делегату из Ливана.

Mr SNAN (Lebanon):

تنظيم هذا المؤتمر في االتفاقية اإلطارية بالشكر على جهودكم أمانة أعضاء وبدايةً أتقدم لكم ولرئاسة .حضرة الرئيس

وممثلنا (EMRO)اإلمرو شرق المتوسط المكنب اإلقليمي لوللدولة الهندية وكل من ساهم في نجاحه وأخص بالشكر إدارة

نحن في لبنان من أولى الدول الموقعة والمساهمة في االتفاقية اإلطارية، ومن الدول التي وقعت قانون مميز .مكتبفي ال

للحد من التدخين ووضعت سياسات لتطبيقه غير أننا ومجموعة من الدول في هذه المنطقة نعاني من أوضاع خاصة في هذه

لويات، حسب األوضاع السياسية واألمنية واألنظمة المطبقة في هذه الدول األيام لذلك نقترح أن يتم تقسيم العالم حسب األو

لتطبيق القوانين الخاصة بالحد من التدخين، كما أقترح أن يتم تخصيص جزء من موازنات االتفاقية اإلطارية للمرحلة

من التدخين في العالم، كما القادمة للقيام بإحصاءات من قبل شركات متخصصة في موضوع االتجاهات التي يسير فيها الحد

أقترح أن تتم دراسات واقعية وحقيقية على مدى تحقيق االتفاقية اإلطارية لمعدالت خفض استهالك التدخين في العالم منذ

بشأن منتجات التبغ الجديدة مثل إجراءات سريعة اتخاذسريعاً و تحرككذلك أقترح أن يتم ال ،تطبيق االتفاقية وحتى اليوم

االلكترونية وغيرها.السيجارة

وتطرح إحدى شركات التبغ العالمية تريد أن تنتج فمنتجات جديدة في العالم في مجال إلكترونيات التدخين إننا اليوم نواجه

قترح أن يتم اتخاذ أنه مفيد للصحة ويساعد في اإلقالع عن التدخين لذلك إتقول جديدً اً األسواق في العام القادم منتج في

تم تكذلك أقترح أن ،لكي تستطيع الدول أن تسترشد بمنظمة الصحة العالمية بهذا الشأن أو مواقف واضحةقرارات

إننحن لدينا وضع خاص أيضاً في لبنان حيث .المساعدة في الدراسات واألبحاث التي تعمل على اإلقالع عن التدخين

نأمل أن كون وإننا زراعة تقليدية في لبنان وقديمة ي % من الشعب اللبناني يعمل في زراعة التبغ وه2% أو 3حوالي

، تُمكِّن مزارعي التبغ خاصة في الدول الفقيرة من واضحة ومساعدة عالمية، يعني عبر منظمات عالمية اً هناك خطط

.إيجاد زراعات بديلة وشكرااإلقالع عن زراعة التبغ و


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Ливана. Слово предоставляется еще одной

стороне конвенции, делегату от Бангладеша.

Mr QUDDUS (Bangladesh):

Mr President, Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen.

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The Bangladesh delegation thanks the Government of India for hosting the seventh session of the

COP. We also thank WHO for advancing the control on tobacco activities globally. Bangladesh is one

of the past signatories of the WHO FCTC. Bangladesh has been working on implementation of the

WHO FCTC. In accordance with the provisions of the WHO FCTC, Bangladesh has enacted rules and

regulations. The Government of Bangladesh has enacted the Smoking and Control of Tobacco

Products Uses Act in 2005 and in compliance with WHO FCTC, we amended it in 2013 and

formulated another Rule in 2015.

The Bangladesh Government has established a national tobacco control cell and tobacco control

activities in Bangladesh and has also prohibited smoking in public places and also prohibited all sorts

of advertising and sponsoring by tobacco companies. We have also imposed 1% sin tax on all tobacco

sales. We have already given this money for health development. We are trying to use this money for

tobacco control activities and for this we are promoting a policy which is called “Health Development

Management Policy”.

At this moment, we are also formulating another policy for tobacco control policy and that is also

the strategy, so that by 2040 we can reduce tobacco use by up to 5%. We are also formulating another

policy on the control of tobacco cultivation and for this we have involved the Department of Public

Administration and Ministry of Agriculture along with other ministries and departments. We are also

encouraging our farmers to switch over to other economic crops. We have established extended

collaboration to ensure better coordination for tobacco control activities with WHO and other UN

Agencies, regional and international organizations at global level to continue activities against current

tobacco use. Bangladesh would like to emphasize the need for providing adequate financial and

technical support for the Parties to the WHO FCTC including Bangladesh. Bangladesh offers

appreciation to WHO for taking the lead role in tobacco control globally. The Bangladesh delegation

wishes for a positive outcome to the COP. Thank you all.


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Бангладеша. Слово предоставляется

представителю Сальвадора.



Sr Presidente, Sra. Jefa del Secretariado del Convenio Marco para el Control del Tabaco. El

Salvador desea expresar nuestros saludos y agradecimientos al país anfitrión, la India, al Secretariado

del Convenio Marco de Control del Tabaco, al Comité Organizador y a la Oficina Regional de la

Organización Mundial de la Salud, la Organización Panamericana de la Salud, por su hospitalidad y la

excelente labor organizativa que han desarrollado para la organización de esta Conferencia.

El Salvador, a partir de 2014 en que ratificó el Convenio Marco de Control del Tabaco ha

realizado con éxito sus recomendaciones y medidas y hemos aprendido mucho del intercambio de

experiencias con los países que nos antecedieron. Tenemos todavía brechas importantes que nos

esforzamos en acortar. Sr Presidente, El Salvador quiere más bien utilizar el tiempo que nos da esta

oportunidad de dirigirnos a la plenaria para señalar el hecho de la aparente contradicción entre el

respeto a la soberanía de los Estados parte al integrar sus delegaciones y los conflictos de interés de

algunos de estos delegados, contradicción que aprovecha la industria del tabaco para incidir

ilegítimamente en una convención como esta, cuya razón de ser es precisamente combatir el producto

de esta industria que tanta muerte y dolor causa entre nuestros pueblos. No dudamos de la buena fe de

los países que aluden al bloqueo de su soberanía o del principio de transparencia, pero nos parece que

no tener una alternativa a esta ausencia de normativa para cumplir con una directriz de las primeras

COP para cumplir con el Convenio Marco de Control del Tabaco debilita nuestra lucha y nuestra

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misión de velar por la salud de nuestros pueblos. Por ello, El Salvador expresa su voluntad para

sumarse a la iniciativa de Panamá, Brasil, Uruguay, Ecuador y Costa Rica para hacer una declaración

voluntaria de no conflicto de interés para esta y sus futuras delegaciones a la Conferencia de las Partes,

y hace una invitación a los demás Estados parte a que se incorporen a esta iniciativa a fin de ser

consecuentes con lo contemplado en el artículo 5.3 del Convenio Marco de Control del Tabaco.

Muchas gracias Sr. Presidente.


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Эль Сальвадора. Поскольку выступили все

государства-члены, которые хотели выступить, других заявок на текущий момент нет. Слово

предоставляется делегации США.

Ms WONG (United States of America):

Thank you very much Mr Chair. Thank you also to the Secretariat and we would like to extend

our thanks and appreciation to India for hosting us here at COP7. The United States appreciates the

opportunity to attend this Seventh Conference of Parties as an observer and commends the efforts of

the Secretariat and Parties to reduce the preventable toll of tobacco use. Although we have had success

reducing tobacco use rates in the United States, prevalence of smoking and of using other tobacco

products is still unacceptably high, and tobacco use remains the single largest preventable cause of


Cigarette smoking kills more than 480,000 Americans each year, with more than 41,000 of these

deaths from exposure to second-hand smoke. In addition, smoking-related illness in the United States

costs from than 300 billion US dollars a year, including nearly 170 billion US dollars in direct medical

care for adults. Significant disparities across race or ethnicity, socioeconomic status and gender also

persist. We are taking important actions to curb the tobacco epidemic. For example, this May our Food

and Drug Administration finalized a rule extending its regulatory authority to all tobacco products,

including e-cigarettes, cigars, hookah tobacco and pipe tobacco, among others. This historic rule helps

implement the bipartisan Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act of 2009 and allows the

FDA to improve public health and protect future generations from the dangers of tobacco use through

a variety of steps, including restricting the sale of these tobacco products to minors nationwide. The

United States was supportive of including noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and key risk factors,

including tobacco use, in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and recognizes the role of

strengthening WHO FCTC implementation in reaching these ambitious goals. We appreciate the

efforts by the Secretariat, Parties and international partners to accelerate action to meet the SDGs and

the global NCD targets, in particular through implementing evidence-based approaches like the WHO

FCTC provisions. We look forward to continued collaboration to support achieving our shared goals

for health and well-being. Thank you.


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель США

Глубокоуважаемые коллеги, еще одна заявка от страны-члена конвенции. Слово

предоставляется Сирийской Арабской Республике.

Dr AL OBEID (Syrian Arab Republic):

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم

ينحن في الجمهورية العربية السورية نعتبر أن مكافحة التدخين ه .لمنظمي المؤتمر وللحكومة الهندية نتوجه بالشكر

2009لعام 62هناك المرسوم التشريعي رقم جزء من حق الصحة للجميع ومن هنا كان ياستثمار في طريق التنمية وه

مالعب الالذي صدر بعد التوقيع على االتفاقية اإلطارية والذي ينص على منع التدخين في كل األماكن العامة والمغلقة و

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ولكن عندنا حالياً ارتفاع ا المرسومالقطارات والمواصالت والمدارس وكل ما يتعلق باألماكن التي نص عليهومحال الو

لشباب اأمر شائع ونوع من تقليد تدخين النرجيلة بالذات هو للنرجيلة.وخاصة اً وإناث اً بنسبة الشباب المدخنين ذكور

ونحاول جاهدين أن نستفيد من كل خبرات الموجودين حالياً في المؤتمر إلنقاص االستهالك واإلقبال على بعضهم بعضاً

هذه المادة

وشكراً للجميع


Большое спасибо, представитель Сирийской Арабской Республики. Поскольку нет новых

заявок от стран-членов, слово предоставляется Швейцарии.

Mr VON KESSEL (Switzerland):

Monsieur le Président, Mesdames et Messieurs les délégués, la Suisse attache une grande

importance à la prévention des méfaits du tabac et se réjouit de pouvoir suivre, même si ce n’est

qu’à titre d’observateur les débats de cette septième COP. Nous remercions par ailleurs l’Inde pour

son hospitalité.

Selon nos estimations, le tabagisme cause en Suisse près de 9500 décès par an. La consommation

de tabac représente ainsi la première cause évitable de décès en Suisse. Concernant la

Convention-cadre de l’OMS pour la lutte antitabac, nous souhaitons rappeler que la Suisse l’a signée

et que sa ratification demeure un objectif du Conseil fédéral, c’est-à-dire du gouvernement suisse.

Mais conformément à une pratique établie, la Suisse ne ratifie toutefois une convention internationale

qu’après avoir adapté sa législation nationale. Le droit suisse satisfait aujourd’hui déjà à de

nombreuses exigences de la Convention, par exemple en matière de protection contre la fumée

passive, d’impositions en matière de tabac, ou des mises en garde pictographiques sur les paquets de

cigarettes. Par contre, des adaptations sont nécessaires encore dans le domaine de la réglementation, de

la publicité, de la promotion et du parrainage, ainsi que l’interdiction de vente de produit de tabac aux

mineurs. L’an dernier le gouvernement suisse a élaboré un projet de loi national sur les produits du

tabac, celui-ci prévoit justement l’interdiction de la vente aux jeunes de moins de 18 ans et une

réglementation plus stricte de la publicité, de la promotion et du parrainage. Ce projet couvre

également les cigarettes électroniques. Tel qu’élaboré par le conseil fédéral ce projet est compatible

avec les exigences de base découlant de la convention et pourrait permettre dans un deuxième temps

sa ratification. Ce projet a été soumis au parlement en novembre 2015. En juin dernier, le Conseil des

États, la chambre des cantons, a décidé de renvoyer le projet au conseil fédéral en lui demandant de

revoir son projet et d’alléger certaines mesures. Ceci pourrait, le cas échéant, rendre une ratification

plus difficile. Et le mois dernier, toutefois, la commission du Conseil national, la Chambre du peuple,

elle n’a pas soutenu ce renvoi et a décidé d’entrer en matière. Le Conseil national devra débattre de la

suite à donner à ce projet lors de la prochaine session cet hiver. Ce processus dont on ne connaît pas

aujourd’hui l’issue retardera vraisemblablement l’entrée en vigueur d’une nouvelle loi et par

conséquent tout processus de ratification. Nous regrettons de ne pouvoir vous donner de meilleures

nouvelles quant à la situation actuelle de notre projet de loi national sur les produits du tabac et à nos

perspectives de ratification. Ce sont là, toutefois, les lois de la démocratie propres à la Suisse

auxquelles nous nous soumettons. Nous vous souhaitons au cours de ces prochains jours des débats

fructueux, que nous nous réjouissons de suivre. Je vous remercie.


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Швейцарии. Поскольку больше нет

стран-членов конвенции и не сторон конвенции, которые бы хотели выступить, я предлагаю

высказаться представителям некоммерческих организаций и межправительственных

организаций, если есть желающие высказаться. Поскольку межправительственные организации

не выразили желание выступить, слово предоставляется неправительственным организациям.

Первой из записавшихся является организация Accountability International. Прошу вас.

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Mr DORADO TORRES (Corporate Accountability International):

Buenas tardes. Sr Presidente, Sra. Secretaria del Convenio Marco, distinguidos delegados de las

Partes, miembros de la OMS, sociedad civil, señoras y señores, muchas gracias por la oportunidad de


“La vida siempre evoluciona y conforme evoluciona la vida debe evolucionar por ejemplo el

Convenio Marco para el Control del Tabaco”. Una frase que sin duda refleja el significado y visión de

un gran líder que dedicó los últimos años de su vida a la implementación y evolución de este

Convenio. Así es, este líder que partió el primero de mayo de este año y al que muchos recordarán,

Yul Francisco Dorado Mazorra, de Corporate Accountability International, de quien me siento

orgulloso de ser su hijo y de continuar llevando en alto su legado en compañía de su organización,

proyectaba el Convenio Marco como un instrumento “vivo” y de “permanente evolución”, que poco

a poco debe ir invitando y motivando a las Partes y a quienes aún están pendientes por ratificar el

Convenio, a implementar cada uno de sus artículos en orden a mitigar la pandemia del tabaquismo y

a propender por la eficacia del derecho a la salud pública. Así pues, en correspondencia con la visión

de mi padre, Yul Dorado, y en nombre de Corporate Accountability International, quisiera aprovechar

esta privilegiada oportunidad, para invitar respetuosamente a todos los delegados de las Partes a que

sientan el latente llamado del Convenio a continuar evolucionando, considerando en las discusiones y,

por supuesto, respaldando tres de nuestros objetivos que están en línea con la agenda que se tiene

prevista para esta VII Conferencia y que respectivamente se refieren a: mantener a las tabacaleras por

fuera de la salud pública y de estas reuniones de las COP; segundo, adoptar nuevas medidas para

promover el artículo 5.3 del Convenio a nivel mundial; y por último, responsabilizar a la industria

tabacalera a través del artículo 19 del Convenio Marco para el Control del Tabaco. Como pueden ver,

los anteriores objetivos de Corporate Accountability International, con los cuales el espíritu de mi

padre, Yul Dorado, está presente, están en total armonía con la evolución que el Convenio Marco

demanda en esta VII Conferencia. La responsabilidad de continuar mitigando la pandemia del

tabaquismo y de dar ejemplo de su compromiso con la salud pública está en sus manos, respetados

delegados; no permitan que la confianza de millones de personas que sufren los efectos letales y

nocivos de la pandemia del tabaquismo y que desde luego, celebran su compromiso con la aplicación

de los objetivos mundiales relativos a las enfermedades no transmisibles y los derechos humanos de la

Agenda para el Desarrollo Sostenible, se vea defraudada.

Corporate Accountability International está más que dispuesta a apoyarlos en este camino.

Muchas gracias.


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Accountability International за ваше яркое

выступление. Я не вижу дополнительных флагов. Таким образом, все желающие выступить в

рамках обсуждения доклада руководителя секретариата, который был любезно нам

представлен, выступили. Уважаемые коллеги, я думаю, что у нас остается с вами еще пять

минут до завершения сегодняшнего мероприятия, и мы можем легко закончить немного раньше

для того, чтобы все успели пройти к месту проведения приема от имени индийского

министерства здравоохранения. Уважаемые коллеги, еще одна страна пожелала высказаться.

Это представитель Таиланда. Прошу вас.


Thank you Mr President.

Mr President I wish to draw your attention to the Rules of Procedure, Rule 32 which states that

Sessions of the Conference of the Parties shall be held in public unless the COP decides that they shall

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be open or restricted. This rule shall be implemented in accordance with Article 5.3 of the Convention.

Thailand wishes to propose that the remainder of the meetings during COP7 be restricted to the public.

Thank you.


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Таиланда. Уважаемые коллеги, нет ли

возражений против того, чтобы продолжить обсуждение в закрытом режиме, т.е. не позволять

участвовать общественности и публике. Я не вижу возражений. В связи с изложенным,

предложение Таиланда принимается, большое спасибо за Вашу инициативу. Уважаемые

коллеги, я хотел бы информировать вас, что заседание комитета А пройдет в этой же комнате,

завтра, а заседание комитета B - в комнате 2B. Заседания начнутся завтра в 10 часов утра ровно,

пожалуйста, обратите внимание на региональные заседания.

Уважаемые коллеги, прошу прощения, еще одну минуту. Поскольку хотел бы высказаться

представитель Австралии. Австралия, прошу вас.

Ms HEYWARD (Australia):

Thank you Mr President. Yes, it was just a clarification in relation to the proceedings. Our

understanding is that the sessions from now will be open and not restricted and we wanted to have that

clear as a matter of procedure. Thank you.


Насколько я понял, именно таким было предложение Таиланда. У нас существуют

ограниченные по-английски restricted, у нас существуют открытые сессии или встречи open

sessions. Предложение Таиланда состояло в том, чтобы проводить дальнейшее заседание в

формате, который по-английски будет open sessions. Верно ли я вас понял, уважаемый

представитель Таиланда?


I think I will need guidance from the Legal Adviser. I think what I meant is to close to the public,

but the NGOs and the observers will be able to attend.


Большое спасибо. Просим секретариат разъяснить.


Thank you very much. Yes indeed, that is the understanding. If the session is not open to the

public but open to everybody else then it is open. Restricted would be restricted only to Secretariat

staff and Delegates. Thank you.


Уважаемый представитель Таиланда, удовлетворяет ли Вас разъяснение секретариата?


Yes, I do. Thank you.

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Большое спасибо.

Уважаемые коллеги, с учетом того, что все вопросы, которые были сегодня, с учетом того,

что все вопросы, которые были сегодня в повестке дня, мы обсудили, сейчас шесть часов одна

минута и я объявляю сегодняшнее пленарное заседание закрытым.

The meeting rose at 18:00

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9 November 2016, at 15:18

President: Dr Oleg Salagay (Russian Federation)



Прошу вас занять ваши места. Мы начинаем пленарное заседание. В повестке дня

пленарного заседания, которая была запланирована в настоящее время, один вопрос. Это пункт

повестки дня 1.2 «Полномочия участников», это документ Конференции Сторон FCTC COP_7

_1 F1 и FCTS COP 7 1. Я бы хотел обратить ваше внимание, что сегодня утром формальные

полномочия от Армении, Кот-д'Ивуар и Судана, которые указаны в нижней части этого

документа, были получены секретариатом, кроме того на конференции сегодня присутствуют

также представители Афганистана, Саудовской Аравии и Йемена, которые также представили

официальные полномочия. Таким образом, я предлагал бы включить данные государства также

в список и с учетом этих изменений, т.е. внесение тех государств, которые я перечислил, в

список представивших полномочия, принять данное решение. Я не вижу возражений. Таким

образом, решение по полномочиям принято. Большое спасибо.

Коллеги, перед тем, как завершить пленарное заседание, которое является таким коротким,

я бы хотел обратить внимание еще на два момента. Первый из них. Несколько делегаций

обратились ко мне по итогам решения о закрытии сессии Конференции Сторон для

представителей и общественности. Эти делегации полагают, что присутствие общественности

было бы полезным на заключительной сессии пленарного заседания. Таким образом,

предлагается открыть заключительную сессию пленарного заседания для представителей

публики. Я вижу Еврорегион просит слово. Прошу Вас, Еврорегион.

Mr RIETVELD (the Netherlands):

Thank you very much Mr President. I am speaking on behalf of the 51 Parties of the European

Region. The European Region proposes to open the closing session of the Plenary to the public.

Thank you very much.


Большое спасибо, Еврорегион. Я вижу, представитель Бразилии просит слово. Прошу вас.

Mr NUNES (Brazil):

Thank you very much Mr President. The Brazilian delegation would like to align itself with the

intervention made by the European Union. We believe that the COP should be able to communicate

more effectively with the broader society and we totally believe in your talent and tact to come up with

a solution. We agree that the Final Plenary should be made public.

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Thank you.


Большое спасибо, представитель Бразилии. Делегация Омана.

Dr Al LAWATI (Oman):

Thank you Mr President.

On this matter, we had consultations and the position is that the final plenary should be closed to

the public.

Thank you.


Большое спасибо, Оман. Пожалуйста, Канада. Приготовиться Эквадору.

Ms MCDONALD (Canada):

Thank you very much Mr President.

Canada would like to align with the EU and Brazil and is committed to the transparency as it

relates to the proceedings of the COP. However, the Conference must be mindful of the obligations

under Article 5.3.

With this in mind, we feel that opening the closing of the Plenary to the public meets both of

these criteria. For future COPs, and recognizing that these decisions should be made by consensus, we

look forward to working with other countries to explore options on increasing transparency while

being mindful of protecting the processes from tobacco industry interference.


Большое спасибо, представитель Канады. Слово предоставляется представителю Эквадора.


Sí, muchas gracias, Sr Presidente.

Mi delegación apoya la posibilidad de que la sociedad civil esté presente en la sesión de clausura,

sin embargo, tomando en cuenta la sensibilidad que presenta para algunos países, creemos que la

sugerencia presentada hace pocos momentos por Canadá es una sugerencia que vale la pena tener en

consideración. De todas maneras estamos en este momento constituidos en Conferencia de las Partes y

creemos, pues, que desde esa perspectiva, tenemos toda la potestad para tomar una decisión al

respecto. Adicionalmente, Sr Presidente, le hago una consulta. Mi delegación tiene instrucciones de

efectuar una intervención en relación con la exposición que fuera presentada por la Organización

Mundial de Aduanas, tanto en el Comité A como en el Comité B, y acudo a su guía para saber en qué

momento sería lo más oportuno hacer esta intervención, que como digo es una reacción a lo escuchado

de parte de la Organización Mundial de Aduanas. Muchas gracias.


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Эквадора. Мы проконсультируемся с

руководителями комитетов и дадим Вам соответствующую информацию. Действительно, один

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из комитетов заслушивал выступление таможенной организации. Слово предоставляется

представителю Австралии и затем представителю Мексики.

Ms DAVIS (Australia):

Thank you Chair.

Australia aligns with the European Region, Brazil and Canada and we support the proposal to

open the closing session of the Plenary to the public. Thank you Chair.


Большое спасибо, Австралия, слово предоставляется представителю Мексики.

Ms PRÍA (Mexico):

Sr Presidente, por parte de México no existe inconveniente para que se abra al público,

considerando que esto beneficia la transparencia de la misma COP7. Muchas gracias.


Большое спасибо, представитель Мексики. Слово предоставляется представителю Новой


Mr BAKER (New Zealand):

Thank you, Mr President. New Zealand just speaks to support the intervention by the EU,

Australia, Canada and others allowing the Plenary to be open to the public. Thank you.


Большое спасибо, представитель Новой Зеландии. Слово предоставляется представителю


Mr SMAIL (Algeria):

Merci Monsieur le Président, je voudrais juste avoir quelques clarifications : par ouvert au public,

est-ce que la plénière finale il s’agira tout simplement de présenter les résultats ? Et la deuxième

clarification : est-ce que le public, si bien entendu il y a consensus sur ce point-là, lui sera permis de

prendre la parole.


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Алжира. Для прояснения юридической

стороны вопроса и юридических последствий слово предоставляется юридической службе



Thank you very much Mr Chairman. Just to recall the Rules of Procedure adopted by the COP.

We have Rule 10 according to which public sessions are open to attendance by Parties States and

regional economic organizations that are non-Parties, secretariats, intergovernmental and

nongovernmental organizations and the public so those are the public sessions that are open to

everybody. Then, you have in accordance with Rule 11, Open Sessions that are open, again, to non-

Parties, secretariats, intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations, but not the public.

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Finally, you have restricted sessions and these are open only to Parties and essential staff of the

Secretariat. So, these are the three types of sessions that you have in respect to access by different

actors according to the Rules of Procedure. Thank you.


Большое спасибо, секретариат. Слово предоставляется представителю Зимбабве.

Brigadier General GWINJI (Zimbabwe):

Thank you Chair.

Zimbabwe supports the proposal by the EU, Australia, Canada and others to have our closing

session open to the public. Thank you.


Большое спасибо представителю Зимбабве. Слово предоставляется представителю Перу.


Sr Presidente, Perú apoya que las sesiones se hagan abiertas a la sociedad civil, sin embargo,

esperamos que en esto podamos tener un consenso para mejor claridad de desarrollo de las sesiones.


Большое спасибо, представитель Перу. Слово предоставляется делегации Уганды.


Thank you very much. While for this COP we may have the closing session open to the public,

Uganda would like to request that the COP considers putting into place a mechanism, in line with

Article 5.3, to ensure that in future COP delegations do not nominate people from the tobacco industry

and those favoring the interests of the tobacco industry. Also, members of the public need to be

screened along those lines, which should be made available now because in the last COP we did not

consider it. We don’t think this should continue and the COP should have discussed recommendations

for ensuring that the public did not include people who are going to counteract the efforts we are

making in our deliberations, along with recommendations in 4.9 and 8.3 of the Guidelines for Article



Большое спасибо, представитель Уганды. Вопрос транспарентности действительно очень

важен, поэтому он обсуждается в целом сразу в нескольких пунктах нашей повестки дня.

Спасибо еще раз, что обратили на это внимание.

Уважаемые коллеги я не вижу других делегаций, которые хотели бы выступить. В связи с

этим, насколько я понимаю, в настоящий момент консенсус у нас отсутствует. Делегация

средиземноморского региона ЭМРО полагала бы необходимым провести дополнительные

региональные консультации, с учетом высказанной позиции. И, если будет необходимость, мы

к этому вопросу можем еще дополнительно вернуться. На текущий момент в связи с

отсутствием консенсуса открыть данный вопрос для пересмотра возможным не представляется.

Я не вижу других флагов, уважаемые коллеги, тогда предлагаю завершить пленарное

заседание и предложить продолжить совещание, как это и было ранее запланировано, в

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форматах комитета А и комитета B. Комитет А продолжит заседание здесь же, а комитет B

будет заседать в комнате 2B там, где он и заседал до этого. Большое спасибо, коллеги.

The meeting rose at 15:32

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11 November 2016, at 15:24

President: Dr Oleg Salagay (Russian Federation)



Уважаемые дамы и господа, прошу вас занять свои места. Мы начинаем пленарное

заседание. Я прошу прощение за то, что оно несколько задержалось. Но поясню причины этого

чуть позднее. Для обсуждения я хотел бы предложить несколько вопросов. Первый из них это

полномочия. Я хотел бы уведомить вас о том, что делегация Украины представила формальные

полномочия, и мы рекомендовали бы эти полномочия признать и включить в соответствующее

решение. Я не вижу возражений. Таким образом решение принято. Полномочия приняты.



Уважаемые коллеги, сегодня мы в рамках пленарного заседания хотели рассмотреть два

отчета. Соответственно, отчет комитета А и комитета B. Однако, до пленарного заседания ко

мне подошли некоторые делегации и изъявили желание внести некоторые поправки в решения,

принятые комитетами. В связи с изложенным, я бы хотел предложить вам отложить принятие

первого отчета комитета А и комитета B до завтрашнего пленарного заседания. Таким образом,

завтра мы с вами примем уже консолидированные версии отчетов, которые будут включать в

себя уже поправленные решения и новые решения, принятые к этому моменту комитетами А и

комитетами B. Я не вижу возражений. Тогда принято. Завтра мы с вами обсудим оба отчета. Я

бы хотел обратить ваше внимание, уважаемые коллеги, что завтрашние обсуждение отчетов

будет посвящено уже принятым решениям. Именно поэтому прошу вас обратить особое на них


Слово предоставляется делегации Омана.

Dr Al LAWATI (Oman):

Thank you, Mr Chair. These amendments you are suggesting, could we request to have them

highlighted to compare them with the ones before us? This way, we would know exactly what

amendments will be made compared to the usual decisions that have already been adopted in

Committee A or B. Thank you.


Уважаемая делегация Омана, большое спасибо за ваше внимание к тем поправкам,

которые были приняты. Мы сейчас не говорим о том, что какие-то поправки приняты или даже

могут быть приняты. Речь идет о том, чтобы пока не принимать отчеты и разрешить комитетам

дополнительно проработать данный вопрос. Поэтому, если вы не возражаете, то данные

поправки могли бы быть показаны на экране непосредственно в том комитете, в котором этот

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вопрос обсуждается. Если это для вас приемлемо, тогда мы так и поступим. Я вижу, что

представитель Омана кивает. Большое спасибо вам за согласие.

Уважаемые коллеги, у меня еще есть несколько вопросов. Других желающих выступить я

не вижу, поэтому данный вопрос считаю решенным.

Уважаемые коллеги, у меня еще есть один вопрос для того, чтобы предложить вам для

обсуждения. Поскольку мы приближаемся к завершению сессии Конференции Сторон,

учитывая сокращенное время и достаточный объем работы, который остался, я бы хотел

предложить пленарному заседанию решить, что, в соответствии с статьей 33 правил процедуры

Конференции Сторон, конференция разрешила обсуждение всех предложений и поправок, даже

если с момента их представления не прошло 24 часов.

Уважаемые коллеги, слово предоставляется представителю Панамы.

Dr ROA (Panama):

Cuando se abran las decisiones, que ya han sido aprobadas en Comisión A, consensuadas en

Comisión A, para introducir nuevos elementos, ¿sólo será para introducir esos nuevos textos y no para

abrir todos los textos en debate o cómo vamos a proceder?


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Панамы. Спасибо, что Вы привлекли

внимание к этому вопросу. Я бы хотел пояснить, что мы не говорим о каких-то конкретных

изменениях сейчас и мы не ограничиваем возможность комитетов решать самостоятельно,

какие вопросы должны быть дополнительно обсуждены. Поэтому предложение состоит в том,

чтобы сейчас мы не принимали отчет, ограничились лишь этим или принятием отчета на

завтра, а сами комитеты приняли те решения, которые необходимы, по их мнению, для того,

чтобы завершить работу над соответствующими решениями. Большое спасибо. Слово

предоставляется представителю Европейского союза.

Mrs BROZMANOVA (Slovakia):

Thank you Chair. We have a problem with this decision because in Committee B we have two

documents and this decision applies to these two documents, so we can’t agree on it.


Большое спасибо, делегация Европейского союза. Я думаю, что есть некоторая проблема с

тем, что мы предлагаем. Могу я попросить юридического советника прояснить правовую

сторону этого решения.


Thank you. The decision that the President has suggested is simply that we postpone our

consideration of the reports until tomorrow. The reason is to give the Delegations and the Chair the

opportunity, if they wish to do so, to see whether a Committee is prepared to use Rule 48 to reopen

a decision. Now, that doesn’t mean that the decisions will be reopened, it doesn’t mean that any

amendments that might be suggested will be made. It simply means that it avoids having to have the

discussion about the substance of any proposed amendments in the Plenary and it would be for the

Committee to decide whether to entertain reopening of any decisions which would have been adopted.

The Rule is that decisions are not reopened unless by two-thirds majority of the Committee agrees. So

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there would have to be a decision within the Committee to reopen a decision before anything could be

done with it.


Большое спасибо. Пожалуйста, Евросоюз.

Mrs BROZMANOVA (Slovakia):

Thank you Chair for this explanation. If this is without prejudice to Committee B decision, on

agenda items 7.9 and 7.10, then we can agree.


Большое спасибо, уважаемые представители Евросоюза. С учетом того, что прояснил

юридический советник, и с учетом вашей обеспокоенности, я хотел бы привлечь ваше

внимание к тому, что в самом отчете комитета B в настоящее время пункты повестки 7.9 и 7.10

отсутствуют, поэтому мы не предлагаем, не предлагали их сейчас принимать.

Большое спасибо. Слово предоставляется делегации Мексики.

Ms PRÍA (Mexico):

Thank you Mr Chair. I think there has been a lot of work done in Committees A and B, so if

there’s specific points that were not taking decisions until tomorrow. I think we should actually put

a name and number to those that are going to be discussed tomorrow.


Большое спасибо, представитель Мексики. Мы можем назвать сейчас те пункты, по

которым предлагалось завершить обсуждение. Они содержатся в соответствующих отчетах

комитета А и комитета B, но, я думаю, что мы можем попросить также председателей комитета

А и комитета B информировать вас, если вы на этом настаиваете, относительно того, что

планируется обсудить завтра. Поскольку я не имел согласия тех стран, которые ко мне

подходили сообщить сейчас на пленарном заседании о том, какие именно поправки

предлагались, я думаю, что, наверное, это тот вопрос, который должен быть обсужден

непосредственно в комитете. Но, если вы позволите мне сделать некоторые суждения на этот

счет, я бы сказал, что эти поправки не носят существенного характера и, в связи с этим, я не

ожидаю, что это откроет большую дискуссию в комитетах. Поэтому я думаю, что они будут

безболезненно приняты, а мы с вами будем иметь дополнительную возможность для того,

чтобы изучить отчеты комитетов, которые нам представлены. Кроме того, в настоящее время

отчеты комитетов представлены на английском языке, они переводятся на другие официальные

языки ООН и после завершения этого перевода, мы ожидаем, что перевод будет сделан уже

через несколько часов, мы сможем представить тексты всех отчетов комитета А и комитета B

на тех языках, которыми мы пользуемся.

Большое спасибо, уважаемые коллеги, я не вижу других табличек и, с вашего позволения,

я считаю, что мы с вами приняли решение относительно переноса принятия отчетов на

завтрашнюю пленарную сессию. Я бы хотел вернуться, просить вас вернуться к правилу 33

процедуры поскольку у нас остается немного времени и, в целях эффективного завершения

работы, я бы предложил воспользоваться той возможностью, которая предоставлена нам

правилом 33 правил процедуры и разрешить обсуждать те предложения и поправки, которые

поступают, даже если не прошло 24 часа с момента их предложения. Я думаю, что это может

быть принято, имея в виду факт, что до завершения конференции сторон остается совсем

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немного времени, и это существенно повысит нашу эффективность и позволит комитетам

быстрее завершить свою работу.

Я не вижу возражений. Пожалуйста, Евросоюз.

Mr NOLAN (European Union):

Thank you Chair. We can agree with this proposal as long as it is crystal clear that it does not

apply to the discussions under agenda points 7.9 and 7.10 which have yet to be finalized in Committee

B, plus 5.5.1 in Committee A.


Большое спасибо, Евросоюз, слово предоставляется делегации Омана.

Dr Al LAWATI (Oman):

Thank you Mr Chair. If I remember rightly, I think the Legal Counsel has indicated that although

the Rule requires 24 hours, it also, in the second paragraph of the same rule, permits Parties to present

whatever amendments they want on the same day. So, can the Legal Counsel clarify that? If that’s the

case then perhaps you don’t need whatever you have asked us, Mr Chair, and the Committees can

proceed their work as they have indicated before the lunch break.


Прошу Вас, юридический советник.


Thank you. The delegate from Oman is indeed correct. There are two aspects to this Rule, in Rule

33. The first requires 24 hours’ notice of proposals and amendments. The second allows the COP or

indeed a Committee to effectively waive that Rule. The Chairman’s proposal was to have a general

waiver of the Rules so it would be applying the final sentence of Rule 33 to everything that happens in

the Conference and in the Committees from now on. I understand that there has been a proposal which

had made that decision, excluding certain agenda items. That is certainly an option which is open to

you, as is it open to simply leave it to the Committees to decide on a point by point basis.


Большое спасибо, юридический советник, за разъяснения. Может быть, тогда было бы

целесообразно дать такую возможность непосредственно комитетам решать, как было Вами

разъяснено. И тогда сами комитеты с учетом конкретных обстоятельств могли бы данный

вопрос обсудить и применительно к отдельным пунктам соответствующее решение принять в

том числе с учетом той обеспокоенности, которая была выражена уважаемым представителем


Уважаемые коллеги, я еще раз повторю предложение. Оно состоит в том, чтобы дать

возможность комитетам самим решать относительно соблюдения или нет правила 24 часов,

применительно к тем пунктам повестки дня, которые рассматриваются комитетом. В том числе,

принимая во внимание ту обеспокоенность, которая была выражена некоторыми делегатами. Я

не вижу возражений. Таким образом, данное решение принято.

Уважаемые коллеги, последний вопрос, который я хотел бы предложить вам обсудить, это

вопрос повестки дня заседания комитетов. Меня проинформировали о том, что председатели

комитета А и комитета B провели дополнительное совещание и предложили пункт 6.2

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повестки, а также пункты 6.6 и 6.7 переместить в комитет B. Мне кажется, что такое

перераспределение работы могло бы помочь комитету А завершить свою работу в

установленный срок, поскольку повестка комитета А является исключительно насыщенной. Я

еще раз повторюсь, председатели комитета А и комитета B договорились о том, что, если

пленарное заседание сочтет возможным, они бы полагали целесообразным переместить из

повестки комитета А в повестку комитета B пункты 6.2, 6.6, 6.7. Я не вижу возражений.

Большое спасибо, уважаемые коллеги, и, я полагаю, что это вопрос решенный, тогда сейчас мы

продолжаем работу в комитетах, а завтра также встретимся с вами во время пленарного

заседания. Большое спасибо.

The meeting rose at 15 :46

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12 November 2016, at 12:05

President: Dr Oleg Salagay (Russian Federation)



Уважаемые дамы и господа, позвольте поприветствовать вас на заключительном

пленарном заседании 7 сессии Конференции Сторон. Сегодня у нас с вами большая повестка

дня, нам предстоит принять два отчета комитета А и комитета B, определиться с датой и

местом проведения 8 сессии Конференции Сторон, выбрать председателя и заместителя

председателя Конференции Сторон, утвердить предварительный доклад 7 сессии Конференции

Сторон, принять Делийскую декларацию и, соответственно, закрыть сессию. Я бы предложил

сейчас главам комитета А и комитета B, соответственно, проинформировать нас кратко о той

работе, которая была проведена в комитетах, и о тех решениях, которые комитетами были

приняты. Для доклада по комитету А я бы хотел пригласить председателя комитета,

уважаемого господина Кагстона Масуди Гейво. Прошу Вас.

Mr NGEYWO (Kenya):

Thank you Chair.

First, I would like to thank you for the leadership of this COP. Secondly, Chair, allow me to thank

the Parties for letting me chair Committee A. Also, I would like to thank all the Parties that

participated in the deliberations of Committee A for their constructive deliberations, especially in

seeking consensus in all the matters that were discussed in this Committee. I would also like to offer

my appreciation to the Secretariat for their professional support to the deliberations of Committee A

and specifically I would like to thank the Head of the Secretariat, Dr Vera Luiza da Costa e Silva and

the officers of the Secretariat who participated in Committee A. Chair, I would also like to thank the

Vice-Chairman of Committee A who participated in coordinating the deliberations on various other

matters before this Committee, especially in providing support to the informal drafting groups that

were appointed by this Committee, Dr Pekka Puska from Finland and Mr Bezhad Valizadeh from the

Islamic Republic of Iran. Chair, this Committee has been sitting from Tuesday and we have two

reports to present to the Plenary.

The first report has decisions on item 5.5.1, on the Control and Prevention of Waterpipe Tobacco

Products and 5.9 on Tobacco Advertising, Promotion and Sponsorship, the Depiction of Tobacco in

Entertainment Media. This is contained in document FCTC/COP/7/A/R/1.

The second report is contained in document FCTC/COP/7/A/R/2. So the second report of

Committee A has several other Agenda items covering 5.1 on The Status of the Protocol to Eliminate

Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products; Agenda item 5.2 on Impact Assessment of WHO FCTC; Agenda

item 5.3 on Protection of Public Health Policies with Respect to Tobacco Control from Commercial

and other Vested Interests of the Tobacco Industry; Agenda item 5.5.2 on Electronic Nicotine Delivery

Systems; Agenda item 5.6 on Economically Sustainable Alternatives to Tobacco Growing in relation

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to Articles 17 and 18 of the WHO FCTC; and Agenda item 5.7 on Implementation of Article 19 of the

WHO FCTC on Liability. Also on Agenda item 5.8 on, when addressing gender specific risks when

developing tobacco control strategies and we also have a decision on Agenda items 6.1, 6.3, 6.4 and

6.5 on Measures to Strengthen Implementation of the Convention through Coordination and


This morning, Chair, the Committee deliberated and proposed for adoption the decision on

Agenda item 5.4 contained in the document before us, still reading as conference paper No. 17. This is

on further development of partial guidelines for the implementation of Articles 9 and 10 of the WHO


Chair, Committee A presents its first and the second report for the adoption by the Plenary. Thank

you very much, Chair.



Большое спасибо, уважаемый господин Кагстон Масуди Гейво. Большое спасибо за

проделанную работу, за приложенные усилия и за поиск компромисса по многим сложным

вопросам, которые входили в повестку дня комитета А. С учетом тех комментариев, которые

были сделаны председателем комитета А, я бы хотел предложить конференции сторон принять

доклады комитета А. Первый доклад и второй доклад. Я не вижу возражений. Таким образом

первый и второй доклад комитета А приняты.

Слово предоставляется председателю комитета B, доктору Нунта Варн Вичид-Вадакан.

Прошу Вас.


Thank you, Mr President and I wish to echo my colleague, the Chair of Committee A, for

thanking the Convention Secretariat staff who has worked tirelessly in supporting the work of

Committee B and we wish to also thank the Head of the Convention Secretariat for being available in

Committee B to answer questions and provide very instructive information.

Mr President, I wish to present Agenda items in the first report of Committee B describing

document FCTC/COP/7/B/R/1 dated 11 November 2016 which outlines Agenda items 7.6, 7.7, 7.8,

7.11, 7.12 and 7.13 together with corrigendum 1 for adoption. May I now turn to the second report of

Committee B described in document FCTC/COP/7/B/R/2 dated 11 November 2016, which outlines

the Agenda items 6.7, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 and 7.5 that were adopted in Committee B. In addition, I wish to

read a statement that has been put forth by a few Parties in relation to Agenda item 7.3, from Canada

and Brazil.

Brazil expressed reservations with the decision but did not stand in the way of its adoption by

consensus. Canada also made a statement of position but also did not stand in the way of the adoption

of the decision by consensus. I would like to read Canada’s statement as requested by the Delegate

from Canada: In order to facilitate a consensus on the removal of the word “voluntary” from VAC,

Canada would like to have a statement of position reflected in the records of COP7 which explains our

position. The removal of the word “voluntary” required a complex and lengthy process in Canada,

likely making it difficult to implement this decision. Regarding Agenda item 7.4, Work Plan and

Budget FCTC/COP/7/25, the budget for voluntary assessed contributions remains at 8,800,522 US

Dollars with zero nominal growth, as adopted in Committee B. The Secretariat will adapt the

workplan and budget based on decisions made at the COP which will be subject to extra-budgetary

funds. In addition, Committee B adopted two draft decisions on Agenda item 6.2 with two parts. Part 1

is in reference to Human Rights and part 2 is on Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable

Diseases. We also adopted a draft decision on Agenda item 9.10. With regards to Agenda item 7.9 we

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had a very constructive discussion. Unfortunately, we are not able to reach any consensus. Committee

B would like to share with the Plenary a statement on from this agenda item will be as follows:

After extensive discussion of document FCTC/COP/7/30 in Committee B and in informal

drafting group and after examining Conference Paper FCTC/COP/7/B/Conference Paper No.1, no

consensus was reached and it was decided that COP would ask the Bureau to instruct the Secretariat to

develop a proposal to be discussed at COP8 addressing Transparency Measures for Parties,

Non-parties, Non-Party States, IGOs, NGOs and members of the public and the media.

Mr President, I feel that the Parties in Committee B were of the opinion that this is an important

agenda item and would like to move forward so I think that there is a spirit of cooperation that will

take place in COP8. If I could make one last statement, I also forgot to thank my Vice Chairs,

especially the distinguished delegate from Canada, Ms Suzy McDonald, who stepped in and assisted

when needed, so I sincerely wish to thank her for her excellent work. Thank you, Mr President.


Большое спасибо, уважаемая доктор Вичид-Вадакан. Коллеги, я предлагаю принять доклад

комитета B, первый и второй доклады, соответственно, принимая во внимание высказанные

оговорки некоторыми делегациями. Данные оговорки, позвольте мне вас уверить, будут

отражены в итоговом отчете Конференции Сторон, и у всех у нас будет возможность отразить

что-то дополнительное в этом отчете с учетом состоявшегося обсуждения. Он будет в

ближайшее время подготовлен секретариатом и в течение пятнадцати дней будет доступен на

защищенном вебсайте для дополнительных корректировок. С учетом этого, уважаемые

коллеги, я предлагаю принять отчеты комитета B. Я не вижу возражений. Таким образом

отчеты комитета B приняты. Благодарю вас, уважаемые коллеги, если бы мы с вами

утверждали все пункты с такой скоростью, я думаю, что мы бы уже были дома.




Следующий пункт повестки дня - это дата и место провидения 8 сессии Конференции

Сторон. В соответствии с правилом 3 правил процедуры Конференции Сторон, сессии

Конференции Сторон проводятся в месте нахождения секретариата. Если Конференция Сторон

не примет иного решения. Перед вами решение Конференции Сторон проекта решения

Конференции Сторон о проведении следующей сессии в Женеве в месте нахождения

секретариата. Данным решением предлагается наделить бюро Конференции Сторон правом

определить конкретные даты, выбрав из двадцать шестого ноября первого декабря или из

периодов первое октября шестое октября 2018 года. Предлагаю одобрить данное решение

Конференции Сторон. Таким образом, следующая сессия будет проведена в Женеве в одну из

указанных дат. Я не вижу возражений, тогда это решение принято.




Уважаемые коллеги, следующий пункт повестки дня это выборы председателя и

заместителя председателя конференции сторон. Регионы проинформировали меня, что выборы

в регионах завершены и определены следующие кандидатуры. Я читаю в алфавитном порядке

по регионам. Африканский регион - доктор Вионио Кодзакумако, представитель Того,

представитель Американского региона - доктор Рейна Роа, представитель Панамы, от

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Восточно-Средиземноморского региона - доктор Джават Альлавати, представитель Омана, от

Еврорегиона - господин Кари Пасо, представитель Финляндии, от стран западной части Тихого

океана - Седрик Алериндаво, представитель Соломоновых островов, от стран Юго-Восточной

Азии - господин Мишра, представитель Индии. Я не вижу возражений.

По сложившейся традиции, принимающая текущую сессию Конференции Сторон сторона

конвенции избирается в качестве председателя следующей Конференции Сторон. Таким

образом, если следовать этому правилу, следующим председателем конференции сторон будет

глубокоуважаемый господин Мишра, представитель Индии. Нет ли возражений против

кандидатуры председателя и соответственно заместителей председателя, порядок которых нам

сейчас предстоит определить? Я не вижу возражений. Таким образом, состав членов бюро


Перед тем, как нам утвердить решение, нам необходимо определить последовательность

заместителей и председателя. Для этого традиционно используется лотерея. В этом мне

поможет юрист секретариата. Могу ли я просить вас помочь мне.


Thank you very much, Mr President.

It will be an honour to do so. I have here the names of all the Bureau Members who have just

been elected, except for India who will serve as President, and has just been decided. So, I’m going to

draw one by one the names of each delegate and that will determine the order of the Vice-Presidents.


Уважаемые коллеги, первым заместителем председателя следующей Конференции Сторон

будет доктор Рейна Роа из Панамы. Вторым заместителем председателя Конференции Сторон

будет господин Седрик Алериндаво из Соломоновых островов. Третьим заместителем

председателя Конференции Сторон будет доктор Вионио Кодзакумако из Того. Четвертым

заместителем председателя Конференции Сторон будет доктор Джават Альлавати из Омана. И

пятым заместителем будет господин Кари Пасо из Финляндии.

Уважаемые коллеги, теперь нам предстоит также выбрать докладчика, рапортера.

Следующая номинация, которую я достану из лотереи, и будет, соответственно, докладчиком.

Докладчиком назначается доктор Вионио Кодзакумако из Того. Большое спасибо, уважаемые

коллеги. Сейчас решение полностью подготовлено, есть ли возражения против определенных

кандидатур? Я не вижу возражений, поэтому выборы президента и вице президентов

конференции следующей Конференции Сторон завершены.




Следующий пункт нашей повестки дня, уважаемые коллеги, это утверждение

предварительного доклада 7 сессии Конференции Сторон. Этот документ имеется перед вами.

Я бы хотел обратить внимание еще раз на тот факт, что, в соответствии с действующими

правилами процедуры, доклад должен быть завершен секретариатом, после чего он должен

быть размещен на защищенном вебсайте и доступен сторонам на всех официальных языках в

течение последующих пятнадцати дней для его рассмотрения и корректировки. Можем ли мы

принять предварительный доклад 7 сессии Конференции Сторон с учетом того правила

процедуры, о котором я сказал и возможности его дополнительной корректировки всеми

сторонами в течение пятнадцати дней после его размещения на специальном вебсайте? Я не

вижу возражений. Тогда доклад утвержден.

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Уважаемые дамы и господа, традиционно по завершении сессии Конференции Сторон,

Конференция Сторон принимает соответствующую декларацию. Для представления данной

декларации, которая была любезно подготовлена нашей уважаемой принимающей стороной, я

бы хотел пригласить делегацию Индии. Прошу вас.

Dr REDDY (India):

Thank you, Mr President.

Regarding the Draft Delhi Declaration and after receiving comments from all member states,

a revised version was sent this morning and I want to make sure all Delegations have received a copy.

We just wanted to highlight one last change which was incorporated in the Draft Delhi Declaration,

which I would be reading with the permission of the President. The specific change refers to paragraph

6, paragraph C and I will be reading this out when I go through the Draft Declaration. With your

permission, Mr President, let me go through the Delhi Declaration.

Mindful of Article 25 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the preamble of the

Constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO), which states that the enjoyment of the highest

attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being.

Recalling decisions FCTC/COP6(26) on the adoption of the Moscow Declaration;

FCTC/COP5(5) on the adoption of the Seoul Declaration; and FCTC/COP4(5) on the adoption of the

Punta del Este Declaration on the Implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco


Reiterating that it is the sovereign right of the Parties to protect public health by adopting national

public health policies pursuant to and in consonance with conventions and commitments under WHO,

particularly the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) and welcoming the

recent developments and decisions of international tribunals that reaffirm the sovereign right;

Welcoming the United Nations General Assembly resolution on Transforming our world: the

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development1, and in particular the inclusion of Target 3.a, Strengthen

the implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in all countries, as

appropriate, in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);

Welcoming also the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, adopted by the Third International Conference

on Financing for Development and endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly as the

framework for post-2015 development financing2, which recognizes the role of tobacco price and tax

measures in the prevention of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs);

Considering the importance of safeguarding regulatory space for public health objectives,

including tobacco control policies, when entering into trade and investment agreements;

A new preamble paragraph has been added here considering the importance of safeguarding of

regulatory space for public objectives including tobacco control policies when entering into trade and

investment agreements.

1 Resolution A/RES/70/1, 2015.

2 Resolution A/RES/69/313, 2015, paragraph 32.

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Recalling the Political Declaration of the High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on the

Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases1, and emphasizing the crucial role of the WHO

FCTC in its implementation;

Noting the 2016 report of the Convention Secretariat on Global progress in the implementation of

the WHO FCTC (document FCTC/COP7/4) and the observations contained in the reports of the

intersessional working and expert groups, particularly those identifying priority needs of Parties,

The Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control:

1. REAFFIRMS that the effective implementation of the WHO FCTC, its guidelines and protocols

facilitate the realization of the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable

standard of physical and mental health, recognized in the WHO Constitution and international

human rights law as well as in national legislation of several States;

2. NOTES that the heaviest burden of tobacco-related disease continues to be borne by the most

disadvantaged population groups and is disproportionately high in lower-income countries;

3. EXPRESSES concern that the tobacco industry and its affiliates are continuing to promote

tobacco products and intensify interference with international forums and national public health


4. NOTES that the review of the assistance for the implementation at the country level are critical to

facilitate progress in treaty compliance;

5. REITERATES the need:

a) to counter any efforts by industry and other non-State actors that work to further the interests

of the tobacco industry to subvert and undermine government policies on tobacco control;

b) to promote innovative financing and other measures for ensuring effective and sustainable

assistance towards the implementation of the WHO FCTC and for making the best possible

use of existing resources;

c) to support rapid entry into force and effective implementation of the Protocol to Eliminate

Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products by encouraging Parties to take requisite steps towards this


d) to promote alternative livelihoods for tobacco growers and workers, tendu leaf growers and

cigar leaf growers as a response to the expected gradual reduction in global tobacco

consumption and promote regional and international cooperation for reaching this objective;

e) to counter the threats from proliferation of all forms of tobacco use, including smokeless

tobacco, as well as new and emerging tobacco or nicotine products that may encourage

tobacco use and addiction;

6. CALLS ON Parties:

a) to actively pursue the achievement of SDG Target 3.a and strengthen the implementation of

the WHO FCTC, to request the Convention Secretariat to take the lead in coordinating

support to Parties to this effect in collaboration with WHO and other intergovernmental

organizations, and to make all efforts to promote additional related targets including but not

limited to gender equality and reduced inequalities;

b) to increase their efforts to prevent interference by the tobacco industry at all levels, in

accordance with Article 5.3 of the WHO FCTC through legislative and regulatory measures

and to inform non-health government departments of their obligations under Article 5.3;

1 Resolution A/RES/66/2, 2014.

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c) to increase, as appropriate, coordination and cooperation between health and

trade/investment departments, including in the context of negotiations of trade and

investment agreements;

This is the second change that we have brought to the Declaration, in the paragraph which ends

after the investment agreements.

d) to engage in international cooperation to ensure effective implementation of the WHO

FCTC, and to promote new and innovative forms of cooperation, including South-South and

Triangular cooperation;

e) to strengthen efforts, as appropriate, to increase financial, technical and human resources,

particularly for and in developing countries, in order to assist Parties in fulfilling their

obligations and providing support to build domestic technical capacities;

f) to strengthen national capacity for tobacco taxes in accordance with Article 6 of the WHO

FCTC in an effort to reduce consumption of tobacco products and improve revenue

collection and domestic resource mobilization to meet the commitments contained in the

Addis Ababa Action Agenda and support the implementation of the SDGs;

g) to continue to promote ratification, acceptance and approval of the Protocol to Eliminate

Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products in order to facilitate its early entry into force;

h) to ensure that WHO FCTC implementation is an integral part of national multisectoral action

plans and monitoring frameworks for the prevention and control of NCDs;

i) to promote the implementation of policy options and recommendations on economically

sustainable alternatives to tobacco growing, in relation to Articles 17 and 18 of the WHO


j) to promote a strengthened United Nations and bilateral interagency collaboration at the

national, regional and international levels towards assisting WHO FCTC implementation;

k) to use existing platforms, such as the WHO FCTC implementation database, and establish

new mechanisms, where appropriate, to share and exchange best practices, lessons learnt and

challenges in implementation including those related to implementation of policies and

measures to prohibit, restrict or reduce the consumption of smokeless tobacco products as

well as new and emerging tobacco or nicotine products that may encourage initiation ,

continued tobacco use and addiction;

l) to utilize available resources and mechanisms of assistance, such as from the knowledge

hubs and tobacco industry observatories, and to actively contribute to resource mobilization

and assistance based on the recommendations from COP mechanisms;

m) to integrate mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation of the Convention such as the

regularly updated reporting system, lessons learnt during needs assessment exercises, and the

findings and methodology deriving from the work of the impact assessment expert group to

facilitate effective implementation;

And finally request the Convention Secretariat to support the implementation of the WHO FCTC

as well as this Declaration.

I thank you, Mr President.



Большое спасибо, уважаемая делегация из Индии за замечательную декларацию и за ее

представление. Уважаемые коллеги, данный текст был прочитан, и поскольку я не вижу

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каких-либо возражений, я предлагаю принять Делийскую декларацию, поблагодарив нашу

уважаемую принимающую сторону за прекрасно проделанную работу. Я не вижу возражений,

предлагаю принять это аккламацией. Аплодисментами.

Уважаемые коллеги, мы переходим к закрытию сессии Конференции Сторон. Позвольте

мне пригласить для заключительных ремарок госпожу Ануприя Патель, министра штата по

здравоохранению и семейному благополучию. Индия. Прошу Вас, госпожа Патель.

Ms PATEL (Minister of State for Health & Family Welfare, India):

Dr Oleg Salagay, President of the COP, Dr Vera Luiza da Costa e Silva, Head of the Convention

Secretariat, distinguished Delegates and participants, members of the COP Secretariat, officers of the

WHO, observers to the COP, Ladies and Gentlemen.

I’m extremely pleased to be here with you today for the closing ceremony of the COP7 which is

coming to a successful conclusion. It has indeed been an honour for India to host a conference of this

magnitude which also happens to be the most important global conference of the tobacco control

fraternity. We welcome the fact that the conference arrives at its decisions through a collective and

democratic process. This process, at times, may appear to be strenuous but it is necessary in order to

make meaningful use of the collective wisdom of Parties to take well thought-out and reasoned

decisions. Through collective wisdom, this Conference can steer the course of public health history

and shape its destiny. I have no doubt in my mind that the delegates who have come from across the

world to attend the conference will return to their respective countries with a renewed energy to

implement the WHO FCTC and pursue tobacco control efforts in the service of mankind. I have gone

through the reports and the proceedings of COP7 and have noted that a number of key issues have

been discussed and deliberated at length by the Parties. The conference has been able to discuss

important areas, having wide ramifications for international collaboration. I am very happy to see that

the COP is thinking ahead and linking FCTC to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as well

as the Global NCD targets and human rights. The support of other international public health tools and

instruments is crucial to the success of FCTC implementation. I understand that over the last six days

you all have worked long hours to deliberate and collaborate on these important issues and have

collectively made key decisions. For a successful implementation of Article 17 it is an imperative that

our tobacco farmers and workers are provided with economically sustainable alternatives. As such, the

decision to implement this provision of the Convention with the whole of government approach by

engaging all the relevant stakeholders, IGOs and the international community at large is indeed a very

welcome step. Trade and investment is a very important issue as the tobacco industry has been using

such treaties to undermine implementation of the WHO FCTC. However, the victory of Uruguay over

a multinational tobacco company, as well as the decision in favour of the Australian plain packaging

law has established that it is the sovereign right of countries to protect the public health of their

citizens over trade and investment obligations. India is in the process of establishing tobacco testing

laboratories. We’re pleased, therefore, to know that COP7 has decided to continue the ongoing work

for the development of the guidelines for the implementation of Articles 9 and 10 of the WHO FCTC

to guide and further build the capacity of the Parties.

We look forward to continued and fruitful collaboration with WHO FCTC through the global

knowledge hub on smokeless tobacco established in India. As responsible global citizens, it is our duty

to protect our future generations from the lure of new and emerging tobacco products. I’m glad to note

that COP7 has deliberated at length to foster international cooperation of this issue. I’m also happy to

note that COP7 has taken a strong view on all the new and emerging products and has taken a decision

urging Parties to consider regulating e-cigarettes, ENDS and ENNDS including prohibition thereof as

appropriate to the national interest. India has implemented a policy for regulating the depiction of

tobacco in films and television and has achieved public health education benefits from this initiative.

We welcome, therefore, the decision of the Parties to monitor the use of tobacco advertising and

promotion in entertainment media and cross-border advertising in accordance with national legislation

and priorities.

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Countries are developing national action plans for NCD prevention and control. The decision,

therefore, to report to COP8 and efforts to set national tobacco use reduction targets is in line with the

Global NCD Targets. Further, the development of a six-year strategic framework to guide the

development of combined work plans and budgets of the COP are also commendable. Against the

background of these key decisions undertaken by COP, the Delhi Declaration has in its preamble

rightly highlighted that it is the sovereign right of Parties to protect public health by adopting national

policies including implementation of the WHO FCTC. The Delhi Declaration alerts us to the

importance of increasing international and collaborative efforts to effectively prevent and counter

interference by the tobacco industry at all levels in accordance with Article 5.3 of the WHO FCTC.

I hope that the Delhi Declaration would be successful in drawing the attention of our political

leadership to the needs of developing and promoting new strategies and in generating greater

enthusiasm for tobacco control and for achievement of SDGs. Ladies and Gentlemen, I have strong

faith in the power of belief. There was a time when no one really believed that it was possible to make

India polio free. However, the victory over polio has shown us the power of community, participation,

the power of ownership, the power of commitment. Tobacco control needs to be pursued with the

same zeal, the same spirit and the same commitment, perhaps even more, even greater, even higher.

Tobacco control needs to be pursued like a mission, a social movement and a noble cause, a cause

with which we can live, identify and die peacefully in the certainty that we did something worthwhile

for mankind. I am mindful of the fact that the fight against tobacco is a fight between public health and

private wealth. It pains me to see that private wealth could go to any length to challenge the legality of

the measures that protect public health. This is happening with alarming regularity. We are all witness

to this. We need to be mindful of the same, which will weaken our resolve, however we must not bow

down to such threats. Let us remember that in our fight for tobacco control we have a moral high

ground since we are in the path of righteousness. If we are on the right path, let us do out duty and not

worry about the consequences of our actions. Let us take this as our guiding spirit. Let there be an

outcry, let there be rage, let there be anger against any attempts to dilute or weaken tobacco control

efforts, policy or law. I have no doubt in my mind that together we can win this battle and make

a historic difference. For this we need to play our role with a high sense and call of duty. We need to

stay in the right course and not stray from the right path, come what may. Let us today do this to attain

the goal of a tobacco-free and healthy world. We are all tobacco control ambassadors of the world and

I truly admire your courage and determination to work in this capacity. I hope you have all had

a comfortable stay in India and wish you safe travel back to your families. We tried our best to make

your stay in India comfortable and make adequate arrangements to facilitate your effective

participation in the meetings. I do not know how far we have succeeded in our effort to do so. I would

seek your forgiveness for shortcomings that you may have noticed, if any, in the arrangements. While

bidding adieu, I urge you to keep walking this difficult but meaningful path with renewed zeal, vigour

and energy for saving precious lives of our future generations from the harmful effects of tobacco use.

Finally, please accept our sincere thanks and gratitude for giving the opportunity to India to be the

next COP President. I assure you that India will make best efforts to play its assigned role and take the

COP Agenda forward during the next two years. Thank you for your attention.


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Большое спасибо, уважаемая госпожа министр, спасибо за такое сильное и яркое заявление

и за тот высокий уровень гостеприимства, который был нам оказан в вашей замечательной

стране. Большое спасибо и, дорогие коллеги, давайте еще раз поблагодарим наших уважаемых

хозяев, принимающую сторону аплодисментами.

Слово предоставляется руководителю секретариата Рамочной конвенции, доктору Вера да

Коста-э-Силва. Прошу вас.

Dr DA COSTA E SILVA (Head of the Convention Secretariat):

Good morning Dr Salagay, President of the COP, Ms Patel, Minister of State Health and Family

Welfare of India, Chairs of Committees A and B, Ministers, delegates, colleagues and friends. Well,

you did it! This has been one of the most intense COPs. We arrived here six days ago and Parties had

a record number of documents to discuss and decisions to make and your dedication and commitment

led us to reach the end of another Conference of the Parties with a set of decisions that we continue to

accelerate the public health gains of the WHO FCTC. The Secretariat has clear guidance to work on

a number of new fronts, supporting Parties for example in the implementation of Article 5.3 and

strengthening our ability to protect the Treaty against the commercial and other vested interests of the

tobacco industry.

The Secretariat is grateful for the mandate to explore the creation of a knowledge hub that will

coordinate a global response to this global epidemic. I once again want to express my thanks to the

Parties that submitted the conflict of interest forms. Your strong actions generated a very strong

reaction from the industry. This is good. It is clear that Parties’ unwavering commitment to protect its

population against the predatory practices of the tobacco industry grows ever stronger and we will

never lower our guard. Great progress was also made in mandating work for events that increase the

knowledge-base for tobacco product regulation including non-cigarette tobacco products. These

decisions offer welcome guidance to address the growing trend of water pipe and electronic

nicotine-delivered devices use.

I am personally very grateful that the Parties recognized the significance of integrating the

defence of human rights as an integral part of tobacco control including supporting the development of

gender-specific components in our work. This was a breakthrough!

Human rights and gender were also recognized as important components of our work on

exploring alternatives to sustainable livelihoods for farmers that grow tobacco. We can never, ever

forget that the best way to protect these farmers is through full implementation of Article 17. As we

saw in the impact assessment report, as the implementation of the FCTC gains force prevalence drops

and with it the demand for tobacco. Thus, we have an obligation to protect the vulnerable members of

the tobacco chain who are farmers, but we do that not through encouraging more growing as the

tobacco industry does, but through the development of solid, sustainable alternatives that promote

a better future for farmers and for their families. I am also grateful for the support and encouragement

for the Secretariat’s work provided by the Parties. I am looking forward to strengthening relationships

with WHO colleagues, the World Health Assembly and those partners working to reach NCD goals

and SDGs including those agencies involved in promoting a healthier environment, IGOs and our very

dearest civil society. We will continue to promote the entry into force of the Protocol to Eliminate the

Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products to ensure that we meet you again, back to back with COP8. I promise

you, we will do it. In the next two years, we have an incredible amount of work which we will

undertake with the professionalism, enthusiasm and dedication that you come to expect from us. The

Secretariat respects the Parties’ decision to maintain a zero-growth budget, reduce staff and not

increase Parties’ assessed contributions, but we are aware that these decisions add to our previous

COPs mandates. In that vein, the Secretariat welcomes the announcement by the United Kingdom of

its £15 million contribution that will strengthen Treaty implementation in the context of SDGs. We are

looking forward to start this work which will be pivotal to help us in the future. We call upon Parties

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to follow two case examples and both in support of implementation of the Treaty through your

international assistance mechanism. We need you, we need you to really implement and strengthen the

Framework Convention of Tobacco Control.

I need to extend my deepest gratitude to a terrific team that worked non-stop to make this COP

possible. The Secretariat’s staff, WHO colleagues, interpreters, the venue staff and so many others

who have supported your work this week deserve our deepest gratitude and above all, I would like to

extend my deepest thanks to the generosity and hospitality of the Government of India who hosted our

work with such grace. Yes, India, you made it very, very welcoming, we are very grateful, very


And before we go I would like to extend our gratitude to the Chairs of Committee A and

Committee B for their leadership, the outgoing Bureau, we are going to miss you, regional

coordinators for their guidance and to the leadership of Dr Salagay. This is a small token of

appreciation. I am sure that he will continue to collaborate with the Secretariat, with all Parties and

support the advancement of the Treaty not only in his home country but in the international agenda.

I would also like to welcome the newly elected Bureau members and regional coordinators, who under

the capable guidance of Mr Mishra from India, will take us through the intersessional period.

I welcome you and am looking forward to working with each and every one of you representing your

respective regions. I wish you all a safe journey and let’s catch our breath, roll up our sleeves and

continue our work implementing the Convention. Thank you very much.



Большое спасибо, уважаемая госпожа да Коста-э-Силва. Большое спасибо и за яркое

выступление и за подарок, который, конечно, очень приятно было получить.

Уважаемые коллеги, перед тем, как мне сделать свое заявление, я бы хотел предложить вам

высказаться, если есть какие-то дополнительные заявления от стран-членов конвенции.

Представитель Алжира, прошу Вас.

Mr SAMIR (Algeria):

Merci Monsieur le Président, je reconnais qu’il est très difficile d’intervenir après l’intervention

de la représentante du Ministère de la Santé de l’Inde, ainsi que celle de Madame, la cheffe du

Secrétariat, et je vais lire rapidement la déclaration qui a été préparée au nom du groupe de la régiona

africain concernant le point de l’ordre du jour 8 relatif aux élections. Monsieur le Président, Madame

la cheffe du Secrétariat, Mesdames et Messieurs : l’Algérie, au nom de la région africaine, voudrait

saisir ce moment particulier et solennel, pour exprimer ses remerciements et sa gratitude au bureau

sortant pour son remarquable travail et les avancées réalisées avec l’appui du secrétariat et son

personnel dans la mise en œuvre de la convention-cadre de l’OMS pour la lutte antitabac. La région

africaine tient à saluer les membres du bureau sortant, dont son président Monsieur le docteur Oleg

Salagay de la Russie, et la représentante de notre région, Madame Dorcas Kiptui du Kenya. La région

africaine félicite tous les membres de bureau nouvellement élus, dont son nouveau président Monsieur

Mishra de l’Inde, ainsi que le représentent de notre région, le Docteur Vinyo Kodzo KUMAKO du

Togo. La région africaine tient à souhaiter la bienvenue aux nouveaux membres de bureau et à leur

exprimer tout son soutien et son engagement pour la pleine mise en œuvre de la convention. La région

africaine remercie tous les états parties pour leur contribution constructive durant cette session et pour

avoir permis à son représentant monsieur Caxton Masudi Ngeywo du Kenya de présider la

commission A de la Cop7. La région africaine tient à féliciter également les présidents des

commissions A et B ainsi que leurs vice-présidents pour la façon remarquable selon laquelle ils ont

dirigé vers le succès les travaux de nos sessions. La région africaine adhère pleinement à la déclaration

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de Delhi, et saisit cette occasion pour remercier le gouvernement de l’Inde, pays hôte de la Cop7, pour

sa chaleureuse hospitalité et l’organisation parfaite de cet événement. Enfin, la région africaine prend

note de la décision relative à la tenue de la Cop8 à Genève et attend avec impatience la réalisation de

nouveaux progrès dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de la convention. Je vous remercie pour votre



Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Алжира, выступавший от имени

Африканского региона. Слово предоставляется представителю региона ЕВРО. Прошу Вас.


Thank you, Mr President.

Dear colleagues, I speak on behalf of the 51 parties of the European region. The European Region

looks back on a constructive, fruitful and successful Conference of the Parties. We have discussed

a range or important topics that all have one goal: the full implementation of the Framework

Convention and improved health for all. With this statement, I don’t want to recap all the

achievements of this COP because it was very well addressed in the Delhi Declaration, but I want to

thank, on behalf of the European Region, everybody who worked so hard to make this COP a success.

Mr President, you and the chairs of Committees A and B have guided us excellently through the

agenda. We recognize that your work has been supported by a FCTC Secretariat which has worked

day and night. I would like to take the opportunity to thank the Head of the Secretariat and all her staff

for their dedicated work. Hosting this COP in Noida, New Delhi is a symbol of a very clear

commitment of the Indian government to the Framework Convention. We are impressed by Indian

hospitality and dedication to tobacco control, for which we want to thank our Indian hosts. The food

was wonderful and it felt good to be assisted by the friendly and helpful staff at the conference centre.

To finalize, the European Region looks forward to working with the newly elected Bureau of the

Conference of Parties. We would like to remind you of our suggestions for improving COP efficiency

as expressed at the opening Plenary: we request the new Bureau to work with the Secretariat on a

shorter agenda and shorter documents for next COP. We wish them success in the intersessional

period. Dear colleagues, we look forward to seeing you all again at COP8. Thank you.


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Грузии, выступавший от Еврорегиона. Слово

предоставляется делегации Исламской Республики Иран.

Mr VALIZADEH (Islamic Republic of Iran):

Thank you, Mr President.

I’m speaking on behalf of the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Mr President, I’d like to extend our

appreciation to you for your leadership at this COP and to members of the Bureau, the Head of the

Convention Secretariat and her staff for their entire work to make this meeting a success. Our thanks

also goes to the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the Committees to this COP, distinguished Delegates who

have worked tirelessly relying on the spirit of compromise and progress by all Parties. Our Region

would like to send a note of thanks to WHO Office for Eastern Mediterranean for organizing

a pre-COP meeting to discuss documents and coordinate our positions in a way to make EMRO

Parties’ contribution more visible in global public health policy. Special thanks also goes to the

Government and people of India for their generous hospitality and excellent arrangement of this great

event. Finally, we couldn’t possibly go home without mentioning the tremendous efforts of all the

interpreters for their vital contribution to this meeting. Thank you all. See you in COP8.

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Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Ирана, слово предоставляется делегации


Mr NUNES (Brazil):

On behalf of the Americas Group allow me first to congratulate you and all members of the

Bureau for the progress achieved during this session of the COP. We definitely leave Noida, India,

convinced that we have contributed to strengthening the Convention and we very much look forward

to COP8 and also look forward to the very able and promising Chairmanship of India. We would like

to thank Dr Vera Luiza da Costa e Silva and through her all members of the Secretariat, which would

include not only interpreters and translators but also the very helpful staff that put up with us during

the whole Session. Thank you.


Слово предоставляется делегации Мальдив.

Mr MOHAMED (Maldives):

Thank you Chair.

I am making this intervention on behalf of the countries of the South-East Asia Region. We wish

to, firstly, profoundly thank India for excellent hosting of the COP. We appreciate the very

professional leadership and facilitation of the work of the COP by the Head of the Convention

Secretariat and her staff, the President and the other members of the Bureau of COP. Let us also

congratulate the new members of the Bureau. The South-East Asia Region will stay committed and

engaged to tobacco control and to continue our work throughout the process up to the next COP and

beyond. Just as another session of the COP concludes and while we may still be wondering whether

this has been a good COP or a bad COP, let us leave the venue, firstly, satisfied that all of us have

given our optimal contributions to the deliberations in this COP. Secondly, content that we have been

able to make much progress in many of the Agenda items. Thirdly, confident and resolute that these

successes have been achieved in a joking environment of industry interference, some even jokingly

remarked that they are less worried about the smoking inside than the fog outside. We hope that in the

future and in the next COP we will make more progress in ensuring transparency at the Conference

and ensuring an environment of less industry interference. Finally, as the closing remarks by the

distinguished Minister of Health and Family Welfare of India stated, we leave committed to saving

human lives with even greater zeal, vigor and energy. Ladies and gentlemen, colleagues, let us not

lower our guard, let us solidify our solidarity. Our work is not in vain, we are saving human lives,

nothing should be placed above human lives. Thank you.



Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Мальдив. Слово предоставляется

представителю Соломоновых островов.

Dr ALEPENDAVA (Solomon Islands):

Mr President, I speak on behalf of the Western Pacific Region.

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Mr President, Head of the Convention Secretariat, distinguished Delegates, colleagues, Ladies

and Gentlemen. The Western Pacific Region would like to firstly profoundly thank our host, India, for

their gracious hospitality provided to every one of us in this week. We have enjoyed a warm, cordial

welcome in Delhi and we are delighted in experiencing the many and varied tastes of India, here in the

Conference Centre during breaks in our hard work over the past week. The Western Pacific Region

would like to thank the Convention Secretariat for its coordination and organization during this

Seventh Session of the COP.

COP7 has a positive example of our spirit of collegiality, cooperation, collaboration and a clear

demonstration of our commitment to improve the health of our people. We have achieved much during

the COP7, worked hard, long hours and made many important decisions. All Parties present here

would be proud of these achievements and as such we are proud of the achievement for the betterment

of our public health and for our respective countries. However, there is still much work to be done

before we meet again in COP8. We look forward to the important outcomes of the intersessional work

that has been agreed by the COP, including outcomes of the expert working groups that have been

mandated and key steps forward to support FCTC implementation on the ground. That Parties

continued progressive implementation of FCTC is to be commended. We must continue to build on

our accomplishments and continue to stand firm to protect public policies from commercial and other

vested interests of the tobacco industry. Together our efforts will enable us to reduce the prevalence of

tobacco use and to achieve the common objectives of the FCTC that we are all working towards to

protect present and future generations from the devastating health social, environmental and economic

consequences of tobacco consumption and exposure to tobacco smoke. We, in the Western Pacific

Region would like to look forward to meeting all of you, our colleagues, again at COP8 in Geneva,

Switzerland. Thank you very much.


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Соломоновых островов, выступающий от

региона ВИПРО. Слово предоставляется делегации Гватемалы. Прошу Вас.

Mr MOLINA TEJEDA (Guatemala):

Thank you Mr President.

Guatemala joins the other Delegations in celebrating the results of COP7. This week has been

intense and often difficult but we end the meeting with a renewed and strengthened commitment to

tobacco control.

Our attention should now focus on implementing our commitments at a national level, ratification

of the Protocol on the illicit trade is a pending task for some Parties and Guatemala renews its

commitment to ratify it immediately. We must also acknowledge that the FCTC Treaty tells us that

harm reduction is an integral element of tobacco control strategies. It is important to do more

individually and collectively to develop the harm reduction component of tobacco control.

Furthermore, we must also learn from the lessons of COP7 and apply them as we look ahead to COP8.

The principle lesson, in our view, is the need for rationalization, the process of COP7 showed that

original improvements are needed and Guatemala is committed to work constructively on this as well.

As Guatemala explained this morning, we must abandon the misperception that the Rules of Procedure

are an obstacle. The Rules of Procedure, on the contrary, ensure that the proceedings are conducted

efficiently and fairly. We note some of our work concerns today’s discussion in Committee B. We are

particularly troubled by the amendments adopted today to Rule 24, the process that was codified in

that rule is slow and was clearly put into evidence at this COP. Our preference would have been not to

adopt a new Rule 24 until we had the chance to undertake a more meaningful view of the process. In

the spirit of being constructive, however, we did not impede the consensus despite our reservations.

However, we would request that our objection be noted in the record. Our goal, when we meet at the

COP, is not just to adopt as many decisions as possible. We must adopt carefully, considering the

decisions that are evidence based and we must ensure their legitimacy. Legitimacy of decisions is

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essential for domestic implementation. However, if the process is not improved we run the risk that

many countries will feel excluded from it and this will undermine the legitimacy of the decisions

adopted in the COP and ultimately of the FCTC Treaty itself. We cannot let this happen.

The FCTC and its objectives are too important. Guatemala wishes to express its appreciation to

India for hosting this meeting and for all of those who contributed to its success. We request that this

statement be included directly in the records of the meeting. Thank you.


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Гватемалы, Ваше выступление и просьба

приняты к сведению. Уважаемые коллеги, поскольку больше нет стран, которые являются

членами конвенции, желающих выступить, я предлагал бы передать слово странам-нечленам

конвенции и наблюдателям. Первый в списке из заявленных - Тунис. Представитель Туниса,

прошу Вас.

Dr SMAALI (Tunisia):

مكافحة بشإن نحن نشكر أمانة االتفاقية اإلطارية .شكراً لجمهورية الهند على استضافة هذا المؤتمروسيدي الرئيس، شكراً

سنعمل على عرض هذه القرارات والتوصيات والتوجيهات على الحكومة وهذا المؤتمر السابع لألطراف التبغ على تنظيم

بالتعاون مع أمانة االتفاقية ومنظمة الصحة اعلى تحقيقه في حال تبنيها سنعمل حسب أولوياتهاالتونسية في اقرب وقت و

العالمية مع الشكر


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Туниса. Слово предоставляется Сомали.

Dr OSMAN (Somalia):

Mr President, on behalf of the Somalian Government I want to thank the Government of India for

the good hospitality. Second, Mr President, Somalia is a non-Party and it’s the first COP we at which

we have been present and we hope to come to COP8 as a Party and not as Observers and hope all

Parties will help us. Thanks India, again and again, and see all of you in Geneva with Somalia as

a Party.


Большое спасибо, Сомали, мы будем счастливы видеть Вас стороной конвенции. Слово

предоставляется Палестине.

Dr DWEKAT (Palestine):

Thank you Mr President for giving me this opportunity to talk to the COP.

First of all, as representative of the State of Palestine, I would like to thank the Secretariat of the

Convention as well as the Conference of Parties, for accepting our request to attend their COP as

an Observer and non-Party State. I also would like to thank all Parties for their valuable contributions

and active participation at this COP. Also, I would like to thank the Government of India for their

hospitality and for hosting this COP. Although it is not a Party to the Convention due to some political

and legal barriers, Palestine has believed in the treaty from the first beginning and voluntarily adopted

all the strategies introduced by the Convention. We are already doing so well in some fields, while we

have a lot to do in some others. Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Palestine has a lot of political issues that

I don’t want to mention here but here we are talking about the health of our people which is a mandate

of humanity.

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It is said that political and some legal issues can be a barrier for Palestine to be an active Party to

this Convention. Even though we have all the will and all the patience to work hard until we succeed

in being a Party to the Convention, and we are requesting all who may have impact to help us in this

issue. Thank you again Mr President and thank you for all Parties, and hope to see you all in the

COP8 with Palestine as a Party to the Convention. Thank you very much.


Большое спасибо, уважаемый представитель Палестины. Поскольку выступили все

желающие слово предоставляется неправительственным организациям. Прошу Вас.

Mr THOMPSON (Framework Convention Alliance on Tobacco Control):

Thank you very much Mr Chair for giving me the floor. On behalf of the Framework Convention

Alliance we would like to apologize unreservedly for what was intended to be a humorous piece in

this morning’s FCA Bulletin and we would like to apologize in particular to colleagues from the

European Commission who are representing the European Union. Just to mention, an updated version

of the FCA Bulletin is available on our website right now and we have a small number of paper copies

available for those who would like it. We recognize that the EU takes its legal obligations in the

preparations for the FCTC COP very seriously and it therefore pays close attention to the drafting of

COP decisions which sometimes leads to protracted discussion. We are also aware that the EU has

been and continues to be a leader in the application of FCTC Article 6 and more broadly in the

regulation of tobacco products and in the implementation of the FCTC including via multiple

extrabudgetary contributions to the COP budget. Finally, on a more positive note, we would of course

like to take the opportunity to thank COP delegates and the Secretariat for their very hard work and to

wish you all safe travels. See you at COP8.


Большое спасибо, FCA.

Уважаемые коллеги, подходит к завершению 7 сессия Конференции Сторон. В связи с

этим, я хотел бы в первую очередь поблагодарить правительство Индии за высокий уровень

гостеприимства, предоставленный делегатам конференции. Память о вашем гостеприимстве

навсегда останется в нашем сердце. Позвольте мне также поблагодарить все делегации за

конструктивную работу. Решения, принятые на этой конференции, безусловно станут важным

шагом в деле контроля над табаком. Отдельное спасибо Секретариату Конвенции и лично его

руководителю, доктору да Коста-э-Силва. Сотрудники секретариата, как кажется, не спали всю

неделю, помогая сделать нашу работу более легкой и эффективной. Отдельное спасибо группе

переводчиков. Спасибо представителям гражданского общества, вовлеченного в контроль над

табаком, которые традиционно внесли свой вклад в успех конференции. Еще раз большое

спасибо всем и счастливой дороги домой. Ожидаем вас на конференции номер 8. С этими

словами позвольте, уважаемые коллеги, объявить 7 сессию Конференции Сторон Рамочной

конвенции ВОЗ по борьбе против табака закрытой.


The meeting rose at 13:33

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This index contains the names of speakers, apart from Dr Oleg Salagay, the President of the

seventh session of the Conference of the Parties, reported in the present volume


Al Obeid, A. (Syrian Arab Republic), 50

Alependava, C. (Solomon Islands), 76

Al Lawati, J. (Oman), 11, 55, 59, 62

Amador Brenes, N. (Costa Rica), 45


Baker, B. (New Zealand), 56

Basso, J. (Uruguay), 25

Black, A. (United Kingdom of Great Britain and

Northern Ireland), 28

Brozmanova, M. (Slovakia), 60, 61


Cabouat, M.B. (France), 27

Castillo Polanco, G.R. (Guatemala), 40

Cavalcante, T. (Brazil), 29


Da Costa e Silva, V. (Head, Convention

Secretariat), 15, 73

Davis, J. (Australia), 46, 56

Dela Rosa-Bala, A. (Philippines), 36

Dorado Torres, D.F. (Corporate Accountability

International), 51

Dwekat, R. (Palestine), 78


Espinosa-Salas, L. (Ecuador), 31, 55

Espinoza Fiallos, E. (El Salvador), 48


Farias Alburqueque, C. (Peru), 57

Ferreira, E. (Mozambique), 47


Guo, X. (China), 42

Gwinji, G. (Zimbabwe), 57


Heyward, M. (Australia), 52

Hinoshita, E. (Japan), 33


Katsande, C.M. (Zimbabwe), 44

Kostennikov, D. (Russian Federation), 37

Kozlowski, T. (European Union), 26

Kumako, V. (Togo), 35


Labib, S. (Egypt), 41


Maglakelidze, N. (Georgia), 75

Mcdonald, S. (Canada), 55

Mishra, S. (India), 7

Mohamed, H. (Maldives), 76

Molina Tejeda, M.T. (Guatemala), 77

Muongpak, P. (Lao People's Democratic

Republic), 39


Nadda, S. (India), 1

Ndyanabangi, S. (Uganda), 10, 36, 57

Negm, M. M. (Egypt), 18

Nolan, C. (European Union), 62

Norton, G. (Guyana), 41

Nunes, T. (Brazil), 30, 54, 76


Osman, M. (Somalia), 78


Patel, A. (the Minister of State for Health &

Family Welfare, India), 71

Pría, M. (Mexico), 32, 56, 61


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Quddus, M.R. (Bangladesh), 48


Reddy, K. S. (India), 20, 68

Rietveld, G. (the Netherlands), 19, 54

Roa, A. (Panama), 37, 60


Samo, M. (Federate States of Micronesia), 21

Sayyari, A.A. (Islamic Republic of Iran), 34

Seong II, Y. (Republic of Korea), 23

Sirisena, M. (President, Democratic Socialist

Republic of Sri Lanka), 12, 41

Smaali, F. (Tunisia), 44, 78

Smail, M. M. (Algeria), 18, 56, 74

Snan, F.S. (Lebanon), 47

Swasticharan, L. (India), 38


Thompson, F. (Framework Convention Alliance

on Tobacco Control), 79


Valizadeh, B. (Islamic Republic of Iran), 75

Vichit-Vadakan, N. (Thailand), 52, 53, 65

Von Kessel, A. (Switzerland), 50


Walton, D. (Legal Counsel, WHO), 4

Weche, F. (Kenya), 10, 35, 64

Wong, H. (United States of America), 49

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This index lists the countries, organizations and bodies represented by the speakers whose

names appear in the index on the preceding pages

ALGERIA, 16, 52, 68

AUSTRALIA, 42, 48, 51


BRAZIL, 26, 28, 50, 70




13, 21, 49, 62, 67





OF SRI LANKA, 10, 11, 38

ECUADOR, 28, 51

EGYPT, 17, 38










INDIA, 1, 6, 18, 35, 63, 65



KENYA, 9, 32, 59





MEXICO, 29, 52, 56


NETHERLANDS (the), 17, 50


OMAN, 9, 51, 54, 57


PANAMA, 34, 55

PERU, 53




SLOVAKIA, 55, 56





THAILAND, 48, 49, 60

TOGO, 32

TUNISIA, 41, 72

UGANDA, 9, 33, 53






55, 57

ZIMBABWE, 40, 53