統計関連ポリシーの設定 この章は、次の項で構成されています。 Configuring Statistics Collection Policies, 1 ページ Configuring Statistics Threshold Policies, 2 ページ Configuring Statistics Collection Policies 統計情報収集ポリシー 統計情報収集ポリシーは、統計情報を収集する頻度(収集インターバル)、および統計情報を報 告する頻度(報告インターバル)を定義します。 報告インターバル中に複数の統計データ ポイン トが収集できるように、報告インターバルは収集インターバルよりも長くなります。これにより、 最小値、最大値、平均値を計算して報告するために十分なデータが Cisco UCS Manager に提供さ れます。 NIC 統計情報の場合、Cisco UCS Manager は最後の統計情報収集以降の平均値、最小値、最大値の 変化を表示します。 値が 0 の場合、最後の収集以降変化はありません。 統計情報は、Cisco UCS システムの次の 5 種類の機能エリアについて収集し、報告できます。 アダプタ:アダプタ関連統計情報 シャーシ:ブレード シャーシ関連統計情報 ホスト:このポリシーは、将来サポートされる機能のためのプレースホルダです ポート:サーバ ポート、アップリンク イーサネット ポート、およびアップリンク ファイバ チャネル ポートを含むポートに関連した統計情報 サーバ:サーバ関連統計情報 Cisco UCS Manager CLI コンフィギュレーション ガイド、リリース 2.2 OL-31133-02 1

Configuring Statistics Collection Policies...Configuring Statistics Collection Policies 統計情報収集ポリシー 統計情報収集ポリシーは、統計情報を収集する頻度(収集インターバル)、および統計情報を報

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Page 1: Configuring Statistics Collection Policies...Configuring Statistics Collection Policies 統計情報収集ポリシー 統計情報収集ポリシーは、統計情報を収集する頻度(収集インターバル)、および統計情報を報



• Configuring Statistics Collection Policies, 1 ページ

• Configuring Statistics Threshold Policies, 2 ページ

Configuring Statistics Collection Policies





最小値、最大値、平均値を計算して報告するために十分なデータが Cisco UCS Managerに提供されます。

NIC統計情報の場合、CiscoUCSManagerは最後の統計情報収集以降の平均値、最小値、最大値の変化を表示します。値が 0の場合、最後の収集以降変化はありません。

統計情報は、Cisco UCSシステムの次の 5種類の機能エリアについて収集し、報告できます。






Cisco UCS Manager CLI コンフィギュレーションガイド、リリース 2.2 OL-31133-02 1

Page 2: Configuring Statistics Collection Policies...Configuring Statistics Collection Policies 統計情報収集ポリシー 統計情報収集ポリシーは、統計情報を収集する頻度(収集インターバル)、および統計情報を報

Cisco UCS Managerには、5つの機能エリアそれぞれについて、デフォルト統計情報収集ポリシーが 1つずつあります。追加で統計情報収集ポリシーを作成できません。また、既存のデフォルトポリシーを削除できません。デフォルトポリシーを変更することだけが可能です。


Configuring a Statistics Collection Policy



Enters monitoring mode.UCS-A# scope monitoringステップ 1

Enters statistics collection policy modefor the specified policy type.

UCS-A/monitoring # scopestats-collection-policy {adapter | chassis | host| port | server}

ステップ 2

Specifies the interval at which statisticsare collected from the system.

UCS-A /monitoring/stats-collection-policy #set collection-interval {1minute | 2minutes |30seconds | 5minutes}

ステップ 3

Specifies the interval at which collectedstatistics are reported.

UCS-A /monitoring/stats-collection-policy #set reporting-interval {15minutes | 30minutes| 60minutes}

ステップ 4

Commits the transaction to the systemconfiguration.

UCS-A /monitoring/stats-collection-policy #commit-buffer

ステップ 5

The following example creates a statistics collection policy for ports, sets the collection interval to one minute,the reporting interval to 30 minutes, and commits the transaction:UCS-A# scope monitoringUCS-A /monitoring # scope stats-collection-policy portUCS-A /monitoring/stats-collection-policy* # set collection-interval 1minuteUCS-A /monitoring/stats-collection-policy* # set reporting-interval 30minutesUCS-A /monitoring/stats-collection-policy* # commit-bufferUCS-A /monitoring/stats-collection-policy #

Configuring Statistics Threshold Policies




Cisco UCS Manager CLI コンフィギュレーションガイド、リリース 2.22 OL-31133-02


Configuring a Statistics Collection Policy

Page 3: Configuring Statistics Collection Policies...Configuring Statistics Collection Policies 統計情報収集ポリシー 統計情報収集ポリシーは、統計情報を収集する頻度(収集インターバル)、および統計情報を報




Cisco UCSを使用して、次のコンポーネントに対して統計情報のしきい値ポリシーを設定できます。









Server and Server Component Statistics Threshold Policy Configuration

Configuring a Server and Server Component Statistics Threshold Policy



Enters organizationmode for the specified organization.To enter the root organization mode, type / as theorg-name .

UCS-A# scope org org-nameステップ 1

Creates the specified statistics threshold policy andenters organization statistics threshold policy mode.

UCS-A /org # createstats-threshold-policypolicy-name

ステップ 2

(任意)Provides a description for the policy.

UCS-A /org/stats-threshold-policy# set descr description

ステップ 3

If your description includes spaces, specialcharacters, or punctuation, you must beginand end your description with quotationmarks. The quotation marks will not appearin the description field of any showcommand output.


Cisco UCS Manager CLI コンフィギュレーションガイド、リリース 2.2 OL-31133-02 3


Server and Server Component Statistics Threshold Policy Configuration

Page 4: Configuring Statistics Collection Policies...Configuring Statistics Collection Policies 統計情報収集ポリシー 統計情報収集ポリシーは、統計情報を収集する頻度(収集インターバル)、および統計情報を報


Commits the transaction to the system configuration.UCS-A /org/stats-threshold-policy# commit-buffer

ステップ 4

The following example creates the server and server component statistics threshold policy namedServStatsPolicy, provides a description for the policy, and commits the transaction:UCS-A# scope org /UCS-A /org* # create stats-threshold-policy ServStatsPolicyUCS-A /org/stats-threshold-policy* # set descr "Server stats threshold policy."UCS-A /org/stats-threshold-policy* # commit-bufferUCS-A /org/stats-threshold-policy #


Configure one or more policy classes for the statistics threshold policy. For more information, see "Configuringa Server and Server Component Statistics Threshold Policy Class, (4ページ)."

Deleting a Server and Server Component Statistics Threshold Policy



Enters organization mode for the specifiedorganization. To enter the root organizationmode, type / as the org-name .

UCS-A# scope org org-nameステップ 1

Deletes the specified statistics threshold policy.UCS-A /org # deletestats-threshold-policy policy-name

ステップ 2

Commits the transaction to the systemconfiguration.

UCS-A /org # commit-bufferステップ 3

The following example deletes the server and server component statistics threshold policy namedServStatsPolicy and commits the transaction:UCS-A# scope org /UCS-A /org* # delete stats-threshold-policy ServStatsPolicyUCS-A /org* # commit-bufferUCS-A /org #

Configuring a Server and Server Component Statistics Threshold Policy Class


Configure or identify the server and server component statistics threshold policy that will contain the policyclass. For more information, see "Configuring a Server and Server Component Statistics Threshold Policy,(3ページ)."

Cisco UCS Manager CLI コンフィギュレーションガイド、リリース 2.24 OL-31133-02


Server and Server Component Statistics Threshold Policy Configuration

Page 5: Configuring Statistics Collection Policies...Configuring Statistics Collection Policies 統計情報収集ポリシー 統計情報収集ポリシーは、統計情報を収集する頻度(収集インターバル)、および統計情報を報



Enters organization mode for the specifiedorganization. To enter the root organization mode,type / as the org-name .

UCS-A# scope org org-nameステッ

プ 1

Enters organization statistics threshold policy mode.UCS-A /org # scopestats-threshold-policy policy-name


プ 2

Creates the specified statistics threshold policy classand enters organization statistics threshold policy class

UCS-A /org/stats-threshold-policy #create class class-name


プ 3 mode. The class-name argument can be any of theclass name keywords available for the particularstatistics threshold policy being configured. To see alist of the available class name keywords, enter thecreate class ? command in organization statisticsthreshold policy mode.

You can configure multiple classes for thestatistics threshold policy.


Creates the specified statistics threshold policy classproperty and enters organization statistics threshold

UCS-A /org/stats-threshold-policy /class# create property property-name


プ 4 policy class property mode. The property-nameargument can be any of the property name keywordsavailable for the particular policy class beingconfigured. To see a list of the available property namekeywords, enter the create property ? command inorganization statistics threshold policy class mode.

You can configure multiple properties forthe policy class.


Specifies the normal value for the class property. Thevalue format can vary depending on the class property

UCS-A/org/stats-threshold-policy/class/property# set normal-value value


プ 5 being configured. To see the required format, enterthe set normal-value ? command in organizationstatistics threshold policy class property mode.

Creates the specified threshold value for the classproperty and enters organization statistics thresholdpolicy class property threshold value mode.

UCS-A /org/stats-threshold-policy/class/property # create threshold-value{above-normal | below-normal}


プ 6

{cleared | condition | critical | info |major | minor | warning}

You can configure multiple thresholdvalues for the class property.


Specifies the de-escalating or escalating class propertythreshold value. The value format can vary depending

UCS-A /org/stats-threshold-policy/class/property/threshold-value # set{deescalating | escalating} value


プ 7 on the class property threshold value being configured.To see the required format, enter the set deescalating? or set escalating ? command in organizationstatistics threshold policy class property thresholdvalue mode.

Cisco UCS Manager CLI コンフィギュレーションガイド、リリース 2.2 OL-31133-02 5


Server and Server Component Statistics Threshold Policy Configuration

Page 6: Configuring Statistics Collection Policies...Configuring Statistics Collection Policies 統計情報収集ポリシー 統計情報収集ポリシーは、統計情報を収集する頻度(収集インターバル)、および統計情報を報


You can specify both de-escalating andescalating class property threshold values.


Commits the transaction to the system configuration.UCS-A /org/stats-threshold-policy/class/property/threshold-value #commit-buffer


プ 8

The following example creates the server and server component statistics threshold policy class for CPUstatistics, creates a CPU temperature property, specifies that the normal CPU temperature is 48.5° C, createsan above normal warning threshold of 50° C, and commits the transaction:UCS-A# scope org /UCS-A /org* # scope stats-threshold-policy ServStatsPolicyUCS-A /org/stats-threshold-policy* # create class cpu-statsUCS-A /org/stats-threshold-policy/class* # create property cpu-tempUCS-A /org/stats-threshold-policy/class/property* # set normal-value 48.5UCS-A /org/stats-threshold-policy/class/property* # create threshold-value above-normalwarningUCS-A /org/stats-threshold-policy/class/property/threshold-value* # set escalating 50.0UCS-A /org/stats-threshold-policy/class/property/threshold-value* # commit-bufferUCS-A /org/stats-threshold-policy/class/property/threshold-value #

Deleting a Server and Server Component Statistics Threshold Policy Class



Enters organization mode for the specifiedorganization. To enter the root organizationmode, type / as the org-name .

UCS-A# scope org org-nameステップ 1

Enters the specified statistics threshold policy.UCS-A /org # scopestats-threshold-policy policy-name

ステップ 2

Deletes the specified statistics threshold policyclass from the policy.

UCS-A /org/stats-threshold-policy #delete class class-name

ステップ 3

Commits the transaction to the systemconfiguration.

UCS-A /org/stats-threshold-policy #commit-buffer

ステップ 4

The following example deletes the server and server component statistics threshold policy class for CPUstatistics and commits the transaction:UCS-A# scope org /UCS-A /org* # scope stats-threshold-policy ServStatsPolicyUCS-A /org/stats-threshold-policy* # delete class cpu-statsUCS-A /org/stats-threshold-policy* # commit-bufferUCS-A /org/stats-threshold-policy #

Cisco UCS Manager CLI コンフィギュレーションガイド、リリース 2.26 OL-31133-02


Server and Server Component Statistics Threshold Policy Configuration

Page 7: Configuring Statistics Collection Policies...Configuring Statistics Collection Policies 統計情報収集ポリシー 統計情報収集ポリシーは、統計情報を収集する頻度(収集インターバル)、および統計情報を報

Uplink Ethernet Port Statistics Threshold Policy Configuration

Configuring an Uplink Ethernet Port Statistics Threshold Policy



Enters Ethernet uplink mode.UCS-A# scope eth-uplinkステップ 1

Enters Ethernet uplink statistics threshold policy mode.UCS-A /eth-uplink # scopestats-threshold-policy default

ステップ 2

You cannot create (or delete) an uplinkEthernet port statistics threshold policy. Youcan only enter (scope to) the existing defaultpolicy.


(任意)Provides a description for the policy.

UCS-A/eth-uplink/stats-threshold-policy# set descr description

ステップ 3

If your description includes spaces, specialcharacters, or punctuation, you must beginand end your description with quotationmarks. The quotation marks will not appearin the description field of any showcommand output.


Commits the transaction to the system configuration.UCS-A/eth-uplink/stats-threshold-policy# commit-buffer

ステップ 4

The following example enters the default uplink Ethernet port threshold policy, provides a description for thepolicy, and commits the transaction:UCS-A# scope eth-uplinkUCS-A /eth-uplink* # scope stats-threshold-policy defaultUCS-A /eth-uplink/stats-threshold-policy* # set descr "Uplink Ethernet port stats thresholdpolicy."UCS-A /eth-uplink/stats-threshold-policy* # commit-bufferUCS-A /eth-uplink/stats-threshold-policy #


Configure one or more policy classes for the statistics threshold policy. For more information, see "Configuringan Uplink Ethernet Port Statistics Threshold Policy Class, (8ページ)."

Cisco UCS Manager CLI コンフィギュレーションガイド、リリース 2.2 OL-31133-02 7


Uplink Ethernet Port Statistics Threshold Policy Configuration

Page 8: Configuring Statistics Collection Policies...Configuring Statistics Collection Policies 統計情報収集ポリシー 統計情報収集ポリシーは、統計情報を収集する頻度(収集インターバル)、および統計情報を報

Configuring an Uplink Ethernet Port Statistics Threshold Policy Class



Enters Ethernet uplink mode.UCS-A# scope eth-uplinkステップ 1

Enters Ethernet uplink statistics threshold policy mode.UCS-A /eth-uplink # scopestats-threshold-policy default

ステップ 2

Creates the specified statistics threshold policy class andenters Ethernet uplink statistics threshold policy classmode.

UCS-A/eth-uplink/stats-threshold-policy# create class class-name

ステップ 3

The class-name argument can be any of the class namekeywords available for the particular statistics thresholdpolicy being configured. To see a list of the available classname keywords, enter the create class ? command inEthernet uplink statistics threshold policy mode.

You can configure multiple classes for thestatistics threshold policy.


Creates the specified statistics threshold policy classproperty and enters Ethernet uplink statistics threshold


ステップ 4

policy class property mode. The property-name argument/class # create propertyproperty-name can be any of the property name keywords available for

the particular policy class being configured. To see a listof the available property name keywords, enter the createproperty ? command in Ethernet uplink statistics thresholdpolicy class mode.

You can configure multiple properties for thepolicy class.


Specifies the normal value for the class property. The valueformat can vary depending on the class property being

UCS-A/eth-uplink/stats-threshold-policy/class/property # set normal-valuevalue

ステップ 5

configured. To see the required format, enter the setnormal-value ? command in Ethernet uplink statisticsthreshold policy class property mode.

Creates the specified threshold value for the class propertyand enters Ethernet uplink statistics threshold policy classproperty threshold value mode.

UCS-A/eth-uplink/stats-threshold-policy/class/property # create

ステップ 6

threshold-value {above-normal You can configure multiple threshold valuesfor the class property.

(注)| below-normal} {cleared |condition | critical | info | major| minor | warning}

Specifies the de-escalating or escalating class propertythreshold value. The value format can vary depending on

UCS-A/eth-uplink/stats-threshold-policy/class/property/threshold-value #

ステップ 7

the class property threshold value being configured. To seeset {deescalating | escalating}value

the required format, enter the set deescalating ? or setescalating ? command in Ethernet uplink statisticsthreshold policy class property threshold value mode.

Cisco UCS Manager CLI コンフィギュレーションガイド、リリース 2.28 OL-31133-02


Uplink Ethernet Port Statistics Threshold Policy Configuration

Page 9: Configuring Statistics Collection Policies...Configuring Statistics Collection Policies 統計情報収集ポリシー 統計情報収集ポリシーは、統計情報を収集する頻度(収集インターバル)、および統計情報を報


You can specify both de-escalating andescalating class property threshold values.


Commits the transaction to the system configuration.UCS-A/eth-uplink/stats-threshold-policy

ステップ 8

/class/property/threshold-value #commit-buffer

The following example creates the uplink Ethernet port statistics threshold policy class for Ethernet errorstatistics, creates a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) error count property, specifies that the normal CRC errorcount for each polling interval is 1000, creates an above normal warning threshold of 1250, and commits thetransaction:UCS-A# scope eth-uplinkUCS-A /eth-uplink* # scope stats-threshold-policy defaultUCS-A /eth-uplink/stats-threshold-policy* # create class ether-error-statsUCS-A /eth-uplink/stats-threshold-policy/class* # create property crc-deltaUCS-A /eth-uplink/stats-threshold-policy/class/property* # set normal-value 1000UCS-A /eth-uplink/stats-threshold-policy/class/property* # create threshold-value above-normalwarningUCS-A /eth-uplink/stats-threshold-policy/class/property/threshold-value* # set escalating1250UCS-A /eth-uplink/stats-threshold-policy/class/property/threshold-value* # commit-bufferUCS-A /eth-uplink/stats-threshold-policy/class/property/threshold-value #

Deleting an Uplink Ethernet Port Statistics Threshold Policy Class



Enters Ethernet uplink mode.UCS-A# scope eth-uplinkステップ 1

Enters Ethernet uplink statistics thresholdpolicy mode.

UCS-A /eth-uplink # scopestats-threshold-policy default

ステップ 2

Deletes the specified statistics thresholdpolicy class from the policy.

UCS-A /eth-uplink/stats-threshold-policy #delete class class-name

ステップ 3

Commits the transaction to the systemconfiguration.

UCS-A /eth-uplink/stats-threshold-policy #commit-buffer

ステップ 4

The following example deletes the uplink Ethernet port statistics threshold policy class for Ethernet errorstatistics and commits the transaction:UCS-A# scope eth-uplinkUCS-A /eth-uplink # scope stats-threshold-policy defaultUCS-A /eth-uplink/stats-threshold-policy # delete class ether-error-statsUCS-A /eth-uplink/stats-threshold-policy* # commit-bufferUCS-A /eth-uplink/stats-threshold-policy #

Cisco UCS Manager CLI コンフィギュレーションガイド、リリース 2.2 OL-31133-02 9


Uplink Ethernet Port Statistics Threshold Policy Configuration

Page 10: Configuring Statistics Collection Policies...Configuring Statistics Collection Policies 統計情報収集ポリシー 統計情報収集ポリシーは、統計情報を収集する頻度(収集インターバル)、および統計情報を報

Server Port, Chassis, and Fabric Interconnect Statistics Threshold PolicyConfiguration

Configuring a Server Port, Chassis, and Fabric Interconnect Statistics Threshold Policy



Enters Ethernet server mode.UCS-A# scope eth-serverステップ 1

Enters Ethernet server statistics threshold policy mode.UCS-A /eth-server # scopestats-threshold-policy default

ステップ 2

You cannot create (or delete) a server port,chassis, and fabric interconnect statisticsthreshold policy. You can only enter (scopeto) the existing default policy.


(任意)Provides a description for the policy.

UCS-A/eth-server/stats-threshold-policy# set descr description

ステップ 3

If your description includes spaces, specialcharacters, or punctuation, you must beginand end your description with quotationmarks. The quotation marks will not appearin the description field of any showcommand output.


Commits the transaction to the system configuration.UCS-A/eth-server/stats-threshold-policy# commit-buffer

ステップ 4

The following example enters the default server port, chassis, and fabric interconnect statistics thresholdpolicy, provides a description for the policy, and commits the transaction:UCS-A# scope eth-serverUCS-A /eth-server* # scope stats-threshold-policy defaultUCS-A /eth-server/stats-threshold-policy* # set descr "Server port, chassis, and fabricinterconnect stats threshold policy."UCS-A /eth-server/stats-threshold-policy* # commit-bufferUCS-A /eth-server/stats-threshold-policy #


Configure one or more policy classes for the statistics threshold policy. For more information, see "Configuringa Server Port, Chassis, and Fabric Interconnect Statistics Threshold Policy Class, (11ページ)."

Cisco UCS Manager CLI コンフィギュレーションガイド、リリース 2.210 OL-31133-02


Server Port, Chassis, and Fabric Interconnect Statistics Threshold Policy Configuration

Page 11: Configuring Statistics Collection Policies...Configuring Statistics Collection Policies 統計情報収集ポリシー 統計情報収集ポリシーは、統計情報を収集する頻度(収集インターバル)、および統計情報を報

Configuring a Server Port, Chassis, and Fabric Interconnect Statistics Threshold Policy Class



Enters Ethernet server mode.UCS-A# scope eth-serverステップ 1

Enters Ethernet server statistics threshold policy mode.UCS-A /eth-server # scopestats-threshold-policy default

ステップ 2

Creates the specified statistics threshold policy class andenters Ethernet server statistics threshold policy class mode.

UCS-A/eth-server/stats-threshold-policy# create class class-name

ステップ 3

The class-name argument can be any of the class namekeywords available for the particular statistics thresholdpolicy being configured. To see a list of the available classname keywords, enter the create class ? command inEthernet server statistics threshold policy mode.

You can configure multiple classes for thestatistics threshold policy.


Creates the specified statistics threshold policy classproperty and enters Ethernet server statistics threshold


ステップ 4

policy class property mode. The property-name argument/class # create propertyproperty-name can be any of the property name keywords available for

the particular policy class being configured. To see a listof the available property name keywords, enter the createproperty ? command in Ethernet server statistics thresholdpolicy class mode.

You can configure multiple properties for thepolicy class.


Specifies the normal value for the class property. The valueformat can vary depending on the class property being

UCS-A/eth-server/stats-threshold-policy/class/property # set normal-valuevalue

ステップ 5

configured. To see the required format, enter the setnormal-value ? command in Ethernet server statisticsthreshold policy class property mode.

Creates the specified threshold value for the class propertyand enters Ethernet server statistics threshold policy classproperty threshold value mode.

UCS-A/eth-server/stats-threshold-policy/class/property # create

ステップ 6

threshold-value {above-normal You can configure multiple threshold valuesfor the class property.

(注)| below-normal} {cleared |condition | critical | info | major| minor | warning}

Specifies the de-escalating or escalating class propertythreshold value. The value format can vary depending on

UCS-A/eth-server/stats-threshold-policy/class/property/threshold-value #

ステップ 7

the class property threshold value being configured. To seeset {deescalating | escalating}value

the required format, enter the set deescalating ? or setescalating ? command in Ethernet server statisticsthreshold policy class property threshold value mode.

Cisco UCS Manager CLI コンフィギュレーションガイド、リリース 2.2 OL-31133-02 11


Server Port, Chassis, and Fabric Interconnect Statistics Threshold Policy Configuration

Page 12: Configuring Statistics Collection Policies...Configuring Statistics Collection Policies 統計情報収集ポリシー 統計情報収集ポリシーは、統計情報を収集する頻度(収集インターバル)、および統計情報を報


You can specify both de-escalating andescalating class property threshold values.


Commits the transaction to the system configuration.UCS-A/eth-server/stats-threshold-policy

ステップ 8

/class/property/threshold-value #commit-buffer

The following example creates the server port, chassis, and fabric interconnect statistics threshold policy classfor chassis statistics, creates an input power (Watts) property, specifies that the normal power is 8kW, createsan above normal warning threshold of 11kW, and commits the transaction:UCS-A# scope eth-serverUCS-A /eth-server* # scope stats-threshold-policy defaultUCS-A /eth-server/stats-threshold-policy* # create class chassis-statsUCS-A /eth-server/stats-threshold-policy/class* # create property input-powerUCS-A /eth-server/stats-threshold-policy/class/property* # set normal-value 8000.0UCS-A /eth-server/stats-threshold-policy/class/property* # create threshold-value above-normalwarningUCS-A /eth-server/stats-threshold-policy/class/property/threshold-value* # set escalating11000.0UCS-A /eth-server/stats-threshold-policy/class/property/threshold-value* # commit-bufferUCS-A /eth-server/stats-threshold-policy/class/property/threshold-value #

Deleting a Server Port, Chassis, and Fabric Interconnect Statistics Threshold Policy Class



Enters Ethernet server mode.UCS-A# scope eth-serverステップ 1

Enters Ethernet server statistics thresholdpolicy mode.

UCS-A /eth-server # scopestats-threshold-policy default

ステップ 2

Deletes the specified statistics thresholdpolicy class from the policy.

UCS-A /eth-server/stats-threshold-policy #delete class class-name

ステップ 3

Commits the transaction to the systemconfiguration.

UCS-A /eth-server/stats-threshold-policy #commit-buffer

ステップ 4

The following example deletes the server port, chassis, and fabric interconnect statistics threshold policy classfor chassis statistics and commits the transaction:UCS-A# scope eth-serverUCS-A /eth-server* # scope stats-threshold-policy defaultUCS-A /eth-server/stats-threshold-policy* # delete class chassis-statsUCS-A /eth-server/stats-threshold-policy* # commit-bufferUCS-A /eth-server/stats-threshold-policy #

Cisco UCS Manager CLI コンフィギュレーションガイド、リリース 2.212 OL-31133-02


Server Port, Chassis, and Fabric Interconnect Statistics Threshold Policy Configuration

Page 13: Configuring Statistics Collection Policies...Configuring Statistics Collection Policies 統計情報収集ポリシー 統計情報収集ポリシーは、統計情報を収集する頻度(収集インターバル)、および統計情報を報

Fibre Channel Port Statistics Threshold Policy Configuration

Configuring a Fibre Channel Port Statistics Threshold Policy



Enters Fibre Channel uplink mode.UCS-A# scope fc-uplinkステップ 1

Enters Fibre Channel uplink statistics threshold policymode.

UCS-A /fc-uplink # scopestats-threshold-policy default

ステップ 2

You cannot create (or delete) an uplink FibreChannel port statistics threshold policy. Youcan only enter (scope to) the existing defaultpolicy.


(任意)Provides a description for the policy.

UCS-A/fc-uplink/stats-threshold-policy #set descr description

ステップ 3

If your description includes spaces, specialcharacters, or punctuation, you must beginand end your description with quotationmarks. The quotation marks will not appearin the description field of any showcommand output.


Commits the transaction to the system configuration.UCS-A/fc-uplink/stats-threshold-policy #commit-buffer

ステップ 4

The following example enters the default uplink Fibre Channel port statistics threshold policy, provides adescription for the policy, and commits the transaction:UCS-A# scope fc-uplinkUCS-A /fc-uplink* # scope stats-threshold-policy defaultUCS-A /fc-uplink/stats-threshold-policy* # set descr "Uplink Fibre Channel stats thresholdpolicy."UCS-A /fc-uplink/stats-threshold-policy* # commit-bufferUCS-A /fc-uplink/stats-threshold-policy #


Configure one or more policy classes for the statistics threshold policy. For more information, see "Configuringa Fibre Channel Port Statistics Threshold Policy Class, (14ページ)."

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Fibre Channel Port Statistics Threshold Policy Configuration

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Configuring a Fibre Channel Port Statistics Threshold Policy Class



Enters Fibre Channel uplink mode.UCS-A# scope fc-uplinkステップ 1

Enters Fibre Channel uplink statistics threshold policymode.

UCS-A /fc-uplink # scopestats-threshold-policy default

ステップ 2

Creates the specified statistics threshold policy class andenters Fibre Channel uplink statistics threshold policy class

UCS-A/fc-uplink/stats-threshold-policy #create class class-name

ステップ 3

mode. The class-name argument can be any of the classname keywords available for the particular statisticsthreshold policy being configured. To see a list of theavailable class name keywords, enter the create class ?command in Fibre Channel uplink statistics threshold policymode.

You can configure multiple classes for thestatistics threshold policy.


Creates the specified statistics threshold policy classproperty and enters Fibre Channel uplink statistics threshold


ステップ 4

policy class property mode. The property-name argument/class # create propertyproperty-name can be any of the property name keywords available for the

particular policy class being configured. To see a list of theavailable property name keywords, enter the createproperty ? command in Fibre Channel uplink statisticsthreshold policy class mode.

You can configure multiple properties for thepolicy class.


Specifies the normal value for the class property. The valueformat can vary depending on the class property being

UCS-A/fc-uplink/stats-threshold-policy/class/property # setnormal-value value

ステップ 5

configured. To see the required format, enter the setnormal-value ? command in Fibre Channel uplinkstatistics threshold policy class property mode.

Creates the specified threshold value for the class propertyand enters Fibre Channel uplink statistics threshold policyclass property threshold value mode.

UCS-A/fc-uplink/stats-threshold-policy/class/property # create

ステップ 6

threshold-value {above-normal You can configure multiple threshold values forthe class property.

(注)| below-normal} {cleared |condition | critical | info | major| minor | warning}

Specifies the de-escalating or escalating class propertythreshold value. The value format can vary depending on

UCS-A/fc-uplink/stats-threshold-policy/class/property/threshold-value #

ステップ 7

the class property threshold value being configured. To see

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Fibre Channel Port Statistics Threshold Policy Configuration

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the required format, enter the set deescalating ? or setescalating ? command in Fibre Channel uplink statisticsthreshold policy class property threshold value mode.

set {deescalating | escalating}value

You can specify both de-escalating andescalating class property threshold values.


Commits the transaction to the system configuration.UCS-A/fc-uplink/stats-threshold-policy

ステップ 8

/class/property/threshold-value #commit-buffer

The following example creates the uplink Fibre Channel port statistics threshold policy class for Fibre Channelstatistics, creates an average bytes received property, specifies that the normal average number of bytesreceived for each polling interval is 150MB, creates an above normal warning threshold of 200MB, andcommits the transaction:UCS-A# scope fc-uplinkUCS-A /fc-uplink* # scope stats-threshold-policy defaultUCS-A /fc-uplink/stats-threshold-policy* # create class fc-statsUCS-A /fc-uplink/stats-threshold-policy/class* # create property bytes-rx-avgUCS-A /fc-uplink/stats-threshold-policy/class/property* # set normal-value 150000000UCS-A /fc-uplink/stats-threshold-policy/class/property* # create threshold-value above-normalwarningUCS-A /fc-uplink/stats-threshold-policy/class/property/threshold-value* # set escalating200000000UCS-A /fc-uplink/stats-threshold-policy/class/property/threshold-value* # commit-bufferUCS-A /fc-uplink/stats-threshold-policy/class/property/threshold-value #

Deleting an Uplink Fibre Channel Port Statistics Threshold Policy Class



Enters Fibre Channel uplink mode.UCS-A# scope fc-uplinkステップ 1

Enters Fibre Channel uplink statisticsthreshold policy mode.

UCS-A /fc-uplink # scopestats-threshold-policy default

ステップ 2

Deletes the specified statistics thresholdpolicy class from the policy.

UCS-A /fc-uplink/stats-threshold-policy #delete class class-name

ステップ 3

Commits the transaction to the systemconfiguration.

UCS-A /fc-uplink/stats-threshold-policy #commit-buffer

ステップ 4

The following example deletes the uplink Fibre Channel port statistics threshold policy class for Fibre Channelstatistics and commits the transaction:UCS-A# scope fc-uplinkUCS-A /fc-uplink # scope stats-threshold-policy default

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Fibre Channel Port Statistics Threshold Policy Configuration

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UCS-A /fc-uplink/stats-threshold-policy # delete class fc-statsUCS-A /fc-uplink/stats-threshold-policy* # commit-bufferUCS-A /fc-uplink/stats-threshold-policy #

Cisco UCS Manager CLI コンフィギュレーションガイド、リリース 2.216 OL-31133-02


Fibre Channel Port Statistics Threshold Policy Configuration