Conflict Management Styles

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  • 5/20/2018 Conflict Management Styles



    This questionnaire is designed to help you further identify your preferred style of conflictresolution.

    Choose, from the following 30 pairs of statements, the one in each case which best fits yourpreferred style of handling differences between you and others:

    1. (1 ! am usually firm in pursuing my goals.(" ! attempt to get all concerns and issues immediately out in the open.

    ". (1 ! put my cards on the table and in#ite the other person to do li$ewise.(" %hen conflicts arise ! try to win my case.

    3. (1 &nce ! adopt a position ! defend it strongly.(" ! prefer not to argue but to loo$ for the best solution possible.

    '. (1 ! sometimes sacrifice my own wishes for the wishes of the other person.(" ! feel that differences are not always worth worrying about.

    . (1 ! accept the #iews of the other, rather than roc$ the boat.(" ! a#oid people with strong #iews.

    ). (1 ! li$e to co*operate with others and follow their ideas.(" ! feel that most things are not worth arguing about. ! stic$ to my own ideas.

    +. (1 ! try to find some compromise situation.(" ! am usually firm in pursuing my goals.

    . (1 %hen conflicts arise ! try to win my case.(" ! propose a middle ground.

    -. (1 ! li$e to meet the other person half*way.(" &nce ! adopt a position ! defend it strongly.

    10. (1 ! feel that differences are not always worth worrying about.(" ! try to find a compromise solution.

    11. (1 ! propose a middle ground.(" ! a#oid people with strong #iews.

    1". (1 ! feel that most things are not worth arguing about. ! stic$ to my own #iews.(" ! li$e to meet the other person half*way.

    13. (1 ! am usually firm in pursuing my own goals.(" ! sometimes sacrifice my own wishes for the wishes of the other person.

    1'. (1 ! accept the #iews of the other, rather than roc$ the boat.(" %hen conflicts arise ! try to win my case.

    1. (1 &nce ! adopt a position ! defend it strongly.(" ! li$e to co*operate with others and follow their ideas.

    SP/IS/sp43cmq - 21 July 1995 1

  • 5/20/2018 Conflict Management Styles


    1). (1 ! try to find a compromise solution.(" ! sometimes sacrifice my own wishes for the wishes of the other person.

    1+. (1 ! would accept the #iews of the others, rather than roc$ the boat.(" ! propose a middle ground.

    1. (1 ! li$e to meet the other person half*way.

    (" ! li$e to co*operate with others and follow their ideas.

    1-. (1 ! feel that differences are not always worth worrying about.(" ! am usually firm in pursuing my goals.

    "0. (1 %hen conflicts arise ! try to win my case.(" ! a#oid people with strong #iews.

    "1. (1 ! feel that most things are not worth arguing about. ! stic$ to my own #iews.(" &nce ! adopt a position ! defend it strongly.

    "". (1 ! attempt to get all concerns and issues immediately out in the open.(" ! feel that differences are not always worth worrying about.

    "3. (1 ! a#oid people with strong #iews.(" ! put my cards on the table and in#ite the other people to do li$ewise.

    "'. (1 ! prefer not to argue but to loo$ for the best solution possible.(" ! feel that most things are not worth arguing about. ! stic$ to my own #iews.

    ". (1 ! attempt to get all concerns and issues immediately out in the open.(" ! try to find a compromise solution.

    "). (1 ! put my cards on the table and in#ite the other person to do so.(" ! propose a middle ground.

    "+. (1 ! prefer not to argue but ! loo$ for the best solution possible.(" ! li$e to meet the other person half*way.

    ". (1 ! sometimes sacrifice my own wishes for the wishes of the other person.(" ! attempt to get all concerns and issues immediately out in the open.

    "-. (1 ! put my cards on the table and in#ite the other person to do li$ewise.

    (" ! would accept the #iews of others, rather than roc$ the boat.

    30. (1 ! li$e to co*operate with others and follow their ideas.(" ! prefer not to argue but to loo$ for the best possible solution.

    SP/IS/sp43cmq - 21 July 1995 2

  • 5/20/2018 Conflict Management Styles


    Statement Pair Conflict Resolution a!e

    " # C $ %

    1 1 2

    2 2 1

    3 1 2

    4 2 1

    5 2 1

    & 2 1

    ' 1 2

    ( 2 1

    9 1 2

    1) 1 2

    11 2 1

    12 1 2

    13 2 1

    14 1 2

    15 2 1

    1& 2 1

    1' 1 2

    1( 2 1

    19 1 2

    2) 2 1

    21 1 2

    22 2 1

    23 1 2

    24 2 1

    25 2 1

    2& 2 1

    2' 2 1

    2( 1 2

    29 2 1

    3) 1 2


    " # C $ %

    SP/IS/sp43cmq - 21 July 1995 3