Conflicts of Law Cases A

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  • 8/19/2019 Conflicts of Law Cases A


    Carnival Cruise Lines, Inc. vs. Shute

    Carnival Cruise Lines, Inc. v. Shute

    499 U.S. 585 (1991)

     Yeazell, pp. 1691!"


    #acts$ %he Shutes &ent 'n a cruise. n the ticet, there &as a *'ru+ selecti'n

    clause that sai an- litiati'n relate t' the cruise +ust /e trie in #l'ria. %he-

    eparte *'r their cruise *r'+ L's 0neles an the ship saile t' e2ic' an /ac t'

    L's 0neles. rs. Shute slippe 'n the ship an hurt hersel*. %he Shutes sue in

    3ashint'n an Carnival +'ve *'r su++ar- u+ent ue t' the *'ru+ selecti'n

    clause. 0t trial, the Shutes c'ncee that the- ha n'tice '* the *'ru+ selecti'n



    r'ceural 'sture$ %he suit &as rst /r'uht in the 3estern 7istrict '* 3ashint'n.

     %he inth Circuit re*use t' en*'rce the clause, an the cruise line appeale t' the

    Unite States Supre+e C'urt.


    Issue$ Is the *'ru+ selecti'n clause en*'rcea/le


    :ule$ C'urts have the resp'nsi/ilit- t' eter+ine &hether *'ru+ selecti'n clauses in

    *'r+ passae c'ntracts are *air.


    0nal-sis$ %he C'urt sa-s that the ticet c'ntract &as a r'utine c'++ercial passae

    c'ntract. It &as n't ne'tiate, an the parties i n't have e;ual /arainin



     %he C'urt enu+erates several '' reas'ns *'r a *'ru+ selecti'n clause in a cruiseticet c'ntract$


    1. 0 cruise &ill have passeners *r'+ all 'ver the c'untr-, an a/sent a *'ru+

    selecti'n clause, the cruise c'+pan- c'ul /e su/ect t' suit in all s'rts '* places.

  • 8/19/2019 Conflicts of Law Cases A


    ". 0 *'ru+ selecti'n clause eli+inates uncertaint- a/'ut the *'ru+ an av'is

    c'stl- pretrial +'ti'ns.

    &ere n't *reel-

    /araine *'r?, (") >create aiti'nal e2pense *'r 'ne part-?, 'r (en- 'ne part-

    a re+e-?. 

    'tes an r'/le+s



    a. It is +'st liel- that the suit &'ul either /e /r'uht in #l'ria 'r 3ashint'n.

    /. In #l'ria, there &'ul /e n' pr'/le+. #l'ria c'urts have eneral urisicti'n

    'ver Carnival /ecause that=s their principal place '* /usiness. %hus, an- *eeralc'urt l'cate in #l'ria &'ul have pers'nal urisicti'n 'ver Carnival. In

    3ashint'n, h'&ever, Carnival &'ul tr- t' arue that it 'esn=t have su@cient

    +ini+u+ c'ntacts. I* Carnival 'nl- s'licits /usiness thr'uh travel aents an

    'esn=t have %A c'++ercials (h++++B.) then the- +iht have a case *'r n'

     urisicti'n in 3ashint'n.


  • 8/19/2019 Conflicts of Law Cases A


    a. S' there=s a c'ntract la& issue.

    /. S' there=s a pu/lic p'lic- issue.

    c. %he +a'rit- spens +'re ti+e 'n the en*'rcea/ilit- issue. %he- arue that

    the c'ntract clause is en*'rcea/le even th'uh the passeners &ere n't all'&e t'

    ne'tiate it. %he c'urt ives three reas'ns &h- this is accepta/le$ (1) the iversit-

    '* Carnival=s passeners c'ul su/ect the+ t' suit in a variet- '* urisicti'ns (") a

    *'ru+ selecti'n clause reuces the uncertaint-, ti+e an +'ne- inv'lve in

    eter+inin a *'ru+ an (isc'uraDeE cruise passeners *r'+ pursuin leiti+ate clai+s?.

     %he- als' &'ul n't en*'rce a *'ru+ selecti'n clause that &as '/taine /- >*rau 'r


  • 8/19/2019 Conflicts of Law Cases A


    a. %his in '* clause sa-s &e=ll use the la&s '* suchansuch a *'ru+, even i*

    &e 'n=t ' the trial in that particular *'ru+.

    /. %his 'ne sa-s >&e enitel- can ' the suit in *'ru+ M, /ut n't necessaril- 'nl-

    *'ru+ M?.

    c. Here &e=re 'in an- an all suits in *'ru+ M an 'nl- *'ru+ M.

    . I lie ar/itrati'n.

    e. %his is prett- e2tre+e.


    C'nclusi'n$ %he *'ru+ selecti'n clause is en*'rcea/le.

     %he re+en vs. Napata FSh're C'.

    OS re+en v. Napata FSh're C'.

    4P! U.S. 1


     %he petiti'ner s'uht revie& '* the c'urt /- certi'rari rearin a u+ent that

    &as entere /- the #i*th Circuit c'urt '* appeals.

    0 *'ru+ selecti'n cause in a c'ntract /et&een a Ger+an c'rp'rati'n an the Unite

    States resp'nent c'rp'rati'n &as hel invali /- the l'&er c'urt.


    %he Ger+an c'rp'rati'n c'ntracte &ith the Unite States c'rp'rati'n t' +'ve an

    'il ri *r'+ L'uisiana t' the 0riatic Sea.

    7urin transp'rtati'n, the ri &as a+ae an &as t'&e t' %a+pa, #l'ria.

    %he Unite States c'rp'rati'n le suit in %a+pa.

    %he Ger+an c'rp'rati'n, h'&ever, ase the istrict c'urt t' en*'rce the *'ru+

    selecti'n clause that &as c'ntaine in the c'ntract. %his place urisicti'n in


    %he istrict c'urt re*use t' en*'rce the clause an the l'&er appellate c'urt

    a@r+e the istrict c'urtQs rulin.

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    %he c'urt hel that the *'ru+selecti'n clause sh'ul /e en*'rce unless the part-

    resistin the clause c'ul sh'& that en*'rce+ent '* the clause &'ul /e



    %he aru+ent that such clauses 'uste a c'urt '* urisicti'n &as *'un n't t' /e


    %he Ger+an c'rp'rati'n i n't &aive 'perati'n '* the clause /- appearin in the

    *eeral c'urt.

    0s a result, the c'urt state that the *'ru+ selecti'n clause &as vali.

    %he case &as re+ane *'r a eter+inati'n '* &hether en*'rce+ent &as



    #'ru+selecti'n clauses are pri+a *acie vali an sh'ul /e en*'rce unless

    en*'rce+ent is sh'&n /- the resistin part- t' /e unreas'na/le uner the

    circu+stances. %his is the c'rrect 'ctrine t' /e *'ll'&e /- *eeral istrict c'urtssittin in a+iralt-.

    U%C$ %he c'urt vacate the l'&er appellate c'urtQs u+ent an re+ane

    this case *'r a eter+inati'n '* &hether the en*'rce+ent '* the *'ru+selecti'n

    clause &as unreas'na/le 'r reas'na/le.

    urer Jin C'rp vs. :uze&icz


    :uze&icz (7) an acShara entere int' a *ranchise c'ntract &ith urer Jin

    C'rp. () t' 'pen a restaurant in ichian. urer Jin &as inc'rp'rate in #l'ria

    an a ch'ice '* la& clause in the c'ntract inicate that #l'ria la& &as c'ntr'llin.

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     %he c'ntract all'&e :uze&icz t' use urer Jin=s trae+ars an service +ars

    *'r "P -ears in ichian. 0ll nancial '/liati'ns '&e t' urer Jin &ere sent t'

    #l'ria an 7 receive trainin in #l'ria. 0n ec'n'+ic '&nturn le t' ecrease

    sales an :uze&icz *aile t' +eet his '/liati'ns uner the c'ntract.

    urer Jin /r'uht a iversit- suit aainst :uze&icz in the S'uthern 7istrict '*

    #l'ria. :uze&icz an acShara +'ve t' is+iss 'n the r'uns that the c'urt

    i n't have pers'nal urisicti'n 'ver the+ /ecause the- i n't have su@cient

    +ini+u+ c'ntacts &ith the state. %he c'urt enie :uze&icz +'ti'n an rule that

     urisicti'n &as pr'per uner #l'ria=s l'n ar+ statute. %he c'urt entere

     u+ent in *av'r '* urer Jin an :uze&icz appeale.

    n appeal, the c'urt hel that &hile :uze&icz ha su@cient c'ntacts &ith the

    state '* #l'ria t' satis*- the state=s l'n ar+ statute, the e2ercise '* pers'nal urisicti'n &as *una+entall- un*air an &as a vi'lati'n '* ue pr'cess. urer

    Jin appeale.


    ust a plaintiF sh'& that an 'ut '* state e*enant has /'th +ini+u+ c'ntacts

    &ith the *'ru+ state an that it is *air an e;uita/le t' re;uire a e*enant t'

    e*en a suit in the state

    3hat *act'rs +ust the c'urt /alance in aressin reas'na/leness in urisicti'nal


    H'lin an :ule (rennan)

    '. 0 plaintiF nee n't sh'& that an 'ut '* state e*enant has /'th +ini+u+

    c'ntacts &ith the *'ru+ state an that it is *air an e;uita/le t' re;uire the

    e*enant t' e*en a suit in the state.

     %he *act'rs the c'urt +ust /alance in aressin reas'na/leness in an anal-sis '*

    pers'nal urisicti'n are$

    (1) the e2tent '* a e*enant=s purp'se*ul interecti'n in the *'ru+ state

    (") the /uren 'n the e*enant in e*enin in the *'ru+

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  • 8/19/2019 Conflicts of Law Cases A


    sta/lishin that the e*enant has +ini+u+ c'ntacts creates a re/utta/le

    presu+pti'n that it is *air t' re;uire hi+ t' e*en there. %he /uren shi*ts t' the

    e*enant t' sh'& that it &'ul /e un*air t' e*en in the state. %he ;uesti'n '*

    *airness re;uires a /alancin '*$ the *'ru+=s interest in the litiati'n, the plaintiF=sinterest in e@cient an c'nvenient relie*, the e+ans '* the *eeral s-ste+ as a

    &h'le, the /est interests '* the *eeral s-ste+, an the e*enant=s interest in n't

    havin t' e*en a suit in a re+'te 'r isavantae'us *'ru+.

     %he c'urt hel that in this case the *ranchise aree+ent &ith urer Jin all'&e

    :uze&icz t' /enet *r'+ an ass'ciati'n &ith a #l'ria c'rp'rati'n *'r t&ent-

    -ears. :uze&icz ha c'ntinuin an irect c'ntacts &ith urer Jin. %he *act that

    :uze&icz=s c'ntacts &ere purp'se*ul all'&e the state t' e2ercise pers'nal

     urisicti'n espite that th'se c'ntacts &ere +ini+al. %he c'ntract inicate that

    #l'ria la& &'ul appl-. It cann't /e a sh'c that urer Jin &'ul sue :uze&icz

    there *'r a /reach '* the c'ntract in liht '* the clear c'ntractual ter+s '* the


    :uze&icz ha n't sh'&n that he &'ul /e un*airl- preuice 'r har+e /- a trial

    in #l'ria an the purp'se*ul inv'lve+ent '* :uze&icz in the c'ntract +et the

    +ini+u+ c'ntact re;uire+ents.


     u+ent *'r e*enant :uze&icz reverse.

    7issent (Stevens)

    It is un*air t' re;uire a *ranchisee t' e*en a case '* this in in a *'ru+ ch'sen /-

    the *ranchis'r. :uze&icz i n' /usiness in the state '* #l'ria. %he principal

    c'ntacts &ere in ichian &ith the l'cal '@ce '* urer Jin. :uze&icz ha a l'cal

    'perati'n &ith *ar less res'urces than urer Jin. It &'ul /e *una+entall- un*air*'r :uze&icz t' /e re;uire t' e*en in #l'ria.

    'te$ It is i+p'rtant t' re+e+/er that the c'ntract ha ch'ice '* la& clause, /ut

    n't a *'ru+ selecti'n claus

  • 8/19/2019 Conflicts of Law Cases A


    S&eet Lines, Inc. vs. %eves, et al.

    Less'ns 0pplica/le$ C'ntract '* 0hesi'n (%ransp'rtati'n)

    La&s 0pplica/le$


    0tt-. Le'viil' %an' an :'eli' %ir' /'uht ticets *'r %a/ilaran Cit- via the

    p'rt '* Ce/u

    Since +an- passeners &ere /'un *'r Suria', OS TS&eet H'pe &'ul n't /e

    pr'ceein t' 'h'l

     %he- &ent t' the pr'per /ranc '@ce an &as rel'cate t' OS TS&eet %'&nT &here

    the- &ere *'rce t' aree Tt' hie at the car' secti'n t' av'i inspecti'n '* the

    '@cers '* the hilippine C'astuar.T an the- &ere e2p'se t' the sc'rchin heat

    '* the sun an the ust c'+in *r'+ the shipQs car' '* c'rn rits an their ticets

    &ere n't h'n're s' the- ha t' purchase a ne& 'ne

     %he- sue S&eet Lines *'r a+aes an *'r /reach '* c'ntract '* carriae /e*'re

    the C'urt '* #irst Instance '* isa+is riental &h' is+isse the c'+palitn *'ri+pr'per venue

    0 +'ti'n &as pre+ise 'n the c'niti'n printe at the /ac '* the ticets


    instant petiti'n *'r pr'hi/iti'n *'r preli+inar- inuncti'n

    ISSU$ 3O a c'++'n carrier enae in interislan shippin stipulate thru

    c'niti'n printe at the /ac '* passae ticets t' its vessels that an- an all

    acti'ns arisin 'ut '* the c'ntract '* carriae sh'ul /e le 'nl- in a particular

    pr'vince 'r cit-

    HL7$ .petiti'n *'r pr'hi/iti'n is 7ISISS7. :estrainin 'rer LI#%7 an S%


    c'ntract '* ahesi'n

  • 8/19/2019 Conflicts of Law Cases A


    n't that in '* a c'ntract &here the parties sit '&n t' eli/erate, iscuss

    an aree specicall- 'n all its ter+s, /ut rather, 'ne &hich resp'nents t''

    n' part at all in preparin ust i+p'se up'n the+ &hen the- pai *'r the *are *'r the *reiht the-

    &ante t' ship

    3e n an h'l that C'niti'n '. 14 printe at the /ac '* the passaeticets sh'ul /e hel as v'i an unen*'rcea/le *'r the *'ll'&in reas'ns circu+stances '/liati'n in the interislan ship &ill preuice rihts an interests '* innu+era/le passeners in iFerent s '*

    the c'untr- &h', uner C'niti'n '. 14, &ill have t' le suits aainst

    petiti'ner 'nl- in the Cit- '* Ce/u su/versive '* pu/lic p'lic- 'n trans*ers '* venue '* acti'ns phil's'ph- unerl-in the pr'visi'ns 'n trans*er '* venue '* acti'ns is the

    c'nvenience '* the plaintiFs as &ell as his &itnesses an t' pr'+'te "1 the

    ens '* ustice

    HSC vs. ac :'/ert Sher+an, et al.

    G.:. '. !"494 0uust 11, 1989

    HGJG 07 SH0GH0I 0JIG C::0%I, petiti'ner,


     0CJ ::% SH:0, 770% :L an %H I%:7I0% 0LL0%

    CU:%, resp'nents.

    uias'n, aalintal, ar't V %'rres *'r petiti'ner.

    0leanr', 0ranzas' V 0ss'ciates *'r private resp'nents.


    7I0L70, .$

  • 8/19/2019 Conflicts of Law Cases A


     %his is a petiti'n *'r revie& 'n certi'rari '* the ecisi'n '* the Inter+eiate

    0ppellate C'urt (n'& C'urt '* 0ppeals) ate 0uust ", 1985, &hich reverse the

    'rer '* the :ei'nal %rial C'urt ate #e/ruar- "8,1985 en-in the 'ti'n t'

    7is+iss le /- private resp'nents ac :'/ert Sher+an an 7e'at' :el'.

    0 c'+plaint *'r c'llecti'n '* a su+ '* +'ne- (pp. 495", :'ll') &as le /-

    petiti'ner H'n'n an Shanhai anin C'rp'rati'n (hereina*ter re*erre t' as

    petiti'ner 0J) aainst private resp'nents ac :'/ert Sher+an an 7e'at'

    :el', 'cete as Civil Case '. 4"85P /e*'re the :ei'nal %rial C'urt '* uez'n

    Cit-, ranch 84.

    It appears that s'+eti+e in 1981, astern '' Suppl- Service %, Lt.

    (hereina*ter re*erre t' as C0Y), a c'+pan- inc'rp'rate in Sinap're applie

    &ith, an &as rante /-, the Sinap're /ranch '* petiti'ner 0J an 'verra*t*acilit- in the +a2i+u+ a+'unt '* Sinap're 'llars "PP,PPP.PP (&hich a+'unt &as

    su/se;uentl- increase t' Sinap're 'llars

    *acilit- as a securit- *'r the repa-+ent /- the C0Y '* su+s avance /-

    petiti'ner 0J t' it thr'uh the a*'resai 'verra*t *acilit-, 'n ct'/er !, 198",

    /'th private resp'nents an a certain :'/in e Clive L'&e, all '* &h'+ &ere

    irect'rs '* the C0Y at such ti+e, e2ecute a 'int an Several Guarantee (p.


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    n 7ece+/er 14,1984, private resp'nents le a +'ti'n t' is+iss (pp 5456,

    :'ll') &hich &as 'pp'se /- petiti'ner 0J (pp. 586", :'ll'). 0ctin 'n the

    +'ti'n, the trial c'urt issue an 'rer ate #e/ruar- "8, 1985 (pp, 6465, :'ll'),

    &hich rea as *'ll'&s$

    In a 'ti'n t' 7is+iss le 'n 7ece+/er 14, 1984, the e*enants see the

    is+issal '* the c'+plaint 'n t&' r'uns, na+el-$

    1. %hat the c'urt has n' urisicti'n 'ver the su/ect +atter '* the c'+plaint


    ". %hat the c'urt has n' urisicti'n 'ver the pers'ns '* the e*enants.

    In the liht '* the pp'siti'n theret' le /- plaintiF, the C'urt ns n' +erit in the

    +'ti'n. Tn the rst r'un, e*enants clai+ that /- virtue '* the pr'visi'n in the

    Guarantee (the acti'na/le 'cu+ent) &hich reas K

     %his uarantee an all rihts, '/liati'ns an lia/ilities arisin hereuner shall /ec'nstrue an eter+ine uner an +a- /e en*'rce in acc'rance &ith the la&s

    '* the :epu/lic '* Sinap're. 3e here/- aree that the c'urts in Sinap're shall

    have urisicti'n 'ver all isputes arisin uner this uarantee,

    the C'urt has n' urisicti'n 'ver the su/ect +atter '* the case. %he C'urt ns

    an c'nclues 'ther&ise. %here is n'thin in the Guarantee &hich sa-s that the

    c'urts '* Sinap're shall have urisicti'n t' the e2clusi'n '* the c'urts '* 'ther

    c'untries 'r nati'ns. 0ls', it has l'n /een esta/lishe in la& an urispruence that

     urisicti'n '* c'urts is 2e /- la& it cann't /e c'n*erre /- the &ill, su/+issi'n 'rc'nsent '* the parties.

    n the sec'n r'un, it is asserte that e*enant :'/ertQ , Sher+an is n't a

    citizen n'r a resient '* the hilippines. %his aru+ent h'ls n' &ater. urisicti'n

    'ver the pers'ns '* e*enants is ac;uire /- service '* su++'ns an c'p- '* the

    c'+plaint 'n the+. %here has /een a vali service '* su++'ns 'n /'th e*enants

  • 8/19/2019 Conflicts of Law Cases A


    an in *act the sa+e is a+itte &hen sai e*enants le a Q'ti'n *'r 2tensi'n

    '* %i+e t' #ile :esp'nsive leain 'n 7ece+/er 5, 1984.

    3H:#:, the 'ti'n t' 7is+iss is here/- 7I7.

    S :7:7.

    0 +'ti'n *'r rec'nsierati'n '* the sai 'rer &as le /- private resp'nents

    &hich &as, h'&ever, enie (p. 66, :'ll').

    rivate resp'nents then le /e*'re the resp'nent Inter+eiate 0ppellate C'urt(n'& C'urt '* 0ppeals) a petiti'n *'r pr'hi/iti'n &ith preli+inar- inuncti'n anO'r

    pra-er *'r a restrainin 'rer (pp.

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  • 8/19/2019 Conflicts of Law Cases A


     %here is n'thin +'re i+perative an restrictive than &hat the aree+ent

    cate'ricall- c'++ans that Qall rihts, '/liati'ns, an lia/ilities arisin hereuner

    shall /e c'nstrue an eter+ine uner an +a- /e en*'rce in acc'rance &ith

    the la&s '* the :epu/lic '* Sinap're.Q

    3hile it is true that Tthe transacti'n t'' place in Sinap'rean settinT an that the

     'int an Several Guarantee c'ntains a ch'ice'**'ru+ clause, the ver- essence '*

    ue pr'cess ictates that the stipulati'n that TDtEhis uarantee an all rihts,

    '/liati'ns an lia/ilities arisin hereuner shall /e c'nstrue an eter+ine

    uner an +a- /e en*'rce in acc'rance &ith the la&s '* the :epu/lic '*

    Sinap're. 3e here/- aree that the C'urts in Sinap're shall have urisicti'n 'ver

    all isputes arisin uner this uaranteeT /e li/erall- c'nstrue. ne /asic principle

    unerlies all rules '* urisicti'n in Internati'nal La&$ a State 'es n't have

     urisicti'n in the a/sence '* s'+e reas'na/le /asis *'r e2ercisin it, &hether the

    pr'ceeins are in re+ ;uasi in re+ 'r in pers'na+. %' /e reas'na/le, the urisicti'n +ust /e /ase 'n s'+e +ini+u+ c'ntacts that &ill n't 'Fen

    traiti'nal n'ti'ns '* *air pla- an su/stantial ustice (. Sal'na, rivate

    Internati'nal La&, 1981, p. 46). Inee, as p'inte'ut /- petiti'ner 0J at the

    'utset, the instant case presents a ver- ' situati'n. In the 'rinar- ha/its '* li*e,

    an-'ne &'ul /e isincline t' litiate /e*'re a *'rein tri/unal, &ith +'re reas'n

    as a e*enant. H'&ever, in this case, private resp'nents are hilippine resients

    (a *act &hich &as n't ispute /- the+) &h' &'ul rather *ace a c'+plaint aainst

    the+ /e*'re a *'rein c'urt an in the pr'cess incur c'nsiera/le e2penses, n't t'

    +enti'n inc'nvenience, than t' have a hilippine c'urt tr- an res'lve the case.

    rivate resp'nentsQ stance is harl- c'+prehensi/le, unless their ulti+ate intent is

    t' evae, 'r at least ela-, the pa-+ent '* a ust '/liati'n.

     %he e*ense '* private resp'nents that the c'+plaint sh'ul have /een le in

    Sinap're is /ase +erel- 'n technicalit-. %he- i n't even clai+, +uch less

    pr've, that the lin '* the acti'n here &ill cause the+ an- unnecessar- tr'u/le,

    a+ae, 'r e2pense. n the 'ther han, there is n' sh'&in that petiti'ner 0J

    le the acti'n here ust t' harass private resp'nents.

    In the case '* 'l-trae C'rp'rati'n vs. lanc', G.:. '. L"!P

  • 8/19/2019 Conflicts of Law Cases A


    plaintiF 'r e*enant. %he plain +eanin is that the parties +erel- c'nsente t' /e

    sue in anila. uali*-in 'r restrictive &'rs &hich &'ul inicate that anila an

    anila al'ne is the venue are t'tall- a/sent there*r'+. 3e cann't rea int' that

    clause that plaintiF an e*enant /'un the+selves t' le suits &ith respect t' the

    last t&' transacti'ns in ;uesti'n 'nl- 'r e2clusivel- in anila. #'r, that aree+ent

    i n't chane 'r trans*er venue. It si+pl- is per+issive. %he parties s'lel- areet' a the c'urts '* anila as tri/unals t' &hich the- +a- res'rt. %he- i n't

    &aive their riht t' pursue re+e- in the c'urts specicall- +enti'ne in Secti'n

    "(/) '* :ule 4. :enuntiati' n'n praesu+itur.

     %his rulin &as reiterate in the case '* eville Y. La+is nts., et al. v. Laa+'n,

    etc., et al., G.:. '. 5!"5P, ct'/er 0s rears the issue 'n i+pr'per venue, petiti'ner 0J avers that the '/ecti'n t'

    i+pr'per venue has /een &aive. H'&ever, 3e aree &ith the rulin '* the

    resp'nent C'urt that$

  • 8/19/2019 Conflicts of Law Cases A


    3hile in the +ain, the +'ti'n t' is+iss *ails t' cate'ricall- use &ith e2actitue

    the &'rs Qi+pr'per venueQ it can /e perceive *r'+ the eneral thrust an c'nte2t

    '* the +'ti'n that &hat is +eant is i+pr'per venue, %he use '* the &'r

    Qurisicti'nQ &as +erel- an atte+pt t' c'p-cat the sa+e &'r e+pl'-e in theuarantee aree+ent /ut c'nve-s the c'ncept '* venue. rushin asie all

    technicalities, it &'ul appear that urisicti'n &as use l''sel- as t' /e

    s-n'n-+'us &ith venue. It is in this spirit that this C'urt +ust vie& the +'ti'n t'

    is+iss. ... (p.

    auth'rize /- la& t' e2ercise urisicti'n. 0n even i* it is s' auth'rize, it +a- still

    re*use t' entertain the case /- appl-in the principle '* *'ru+ n'n c'nveniens. ...

    H'&ever, &hether a suit sh'ul /e entertaine 'r is+isse 'n the /asis '* the

    principle '* *'ru+ n'n c'nveniens epens larel- up'n the *acts '* the particular

    case an is aresse t' the s'un iscreti'n '* the trial c'urt (. Sal'na, rivateInternati'nal La&, 1981, p. 49).lX&ph1.Z[t %hus, the resp'nent C'urt sh'ul n't

    have relie 'n such principle.

    0lth'uh the 'int an Several Guarantee prepare /- petiti'ner 0J is a c'ntract

    '* ahesi'n an that c'nse;uentl-, it cann't /e per+itte t' tae a stan c'ntrar-

    t' the stipulati'ns '* the c'ntract, su/stantial /ases e2ist *'r petiti'ner anQs

    ch'ice '* *'ru+, as iscusse earlier.

    Lastl-, private resp'nents allee that neither the petiti'ner /ase at H'n'n n'r

    its hilippine /ranch is inv'lve in the transacti'n sue up'n. %his is a vain atte+pt

    'n their part t' *urther th&art the pr'ceeins /el'& inas+uch as &elln'&n is the

    rule that a e*enant cann't plea an- e*ense that has n't /een interp'se in the

    c'urt /el'&.

    0CC:7IGLY, the ecisi'n '* the resp'nent C'urt is here/- :A:S7 an the

    ecisi'n '* the :ei'nal %rial C'urt is :IS%0%7, &ith c'sts aainst private

    resp'nents. %his ecisi'n is i++eiatel- e2ecut'r-.

    S :7:7.

  • 8/19/2019 Conflicts of Law Cases A


    arvasa, Cruz, Ganca-c' an GriZ'0;uin', ., c'ncur.

    3hite vs. %ennant

    3hite v. %ennant

    Supre+e C'urt '* 0ppeals '* 3est Airinia

    8 S.. 596 (1888)


     %he 3hites '&ne a lare *a+il- *ar+ al'n the 3est Airinia an enns-lvania

    /'rer, &ith pr'pert- l'cate in each state. %he +ansi'nh'use &as l'cate in 3est

    Airinia. ichael 3hite an his &i*e Lucina (e*enant) s'l their h'use in 3est

    Airinia in 'rer t' +'ve int' a h'use 'n the *a+il- pr'pert- in enns-lvania. n

    0pril ", 1885, ichael an Lucina travele t' the ne& resience &ith all '* their

    p'ssessi'ns an livest'c. Lucina &as ill at the ti+e, an the- *'un the h'use t'

    /e an an unc'+*'rta/le. %hus, the- accepte the invitati'n '* ichael=s /r'thers

    an sisters (c'llectivel-, plaintiFs) t' spen the niht at the +ansi'nh'use /ac in

    3est Airinia. %he- le*t all '* their p'ssessi'ns an livest'c at the enns-lvania

    pr'pert-. ichael returne t' enns-lvania ail- t' ten t' his livest'c /ut

    c'ntinue t' sta- &ith Lucina at the +ansi'nh'use /ecause she turne 'ut t'

    have t-ph'i *ever. %&' &ees later, ichael ca+e '&n &ith t-ph'i *ever as &ell.He su/se;uentl- ie, intestate. +r' %ennant (e*enant), the a+inistrat'r '*

    ichael=s pers'nal estate, istri/ute it in acc'rance &ith 3est Airinia la&, &hich

    ave ever-thin t' Lucina. ichael=s /r'thers an sisters sue %ennant an

    Lucina in a 3est Airinia circuit c'urt, aruin that enns-lvania la&, &hich &'ul

    entitle the+ t' hal* '* ichael=s estate, sh'ul appl-. %he- appeale the c'urt=s

    is+issal '* their clai+.

  • 8/19/2019 Conflicts of Law Cases A


    :ule '* La&

     %he rule '* la& is *'r +e+/ers 'nl-. %' access this secti'n, please l'in 'r ive

    ui+/ee a tr-, itQs *ree t' et starte.


     %he issue secti'n is *'r +e+/ers 'nl- an inclues the isp'sitive leal issue in the

    case phrase as a ;uesti'n. %' access this secti'n, please l'in 'r ive ui+/ee a

    tr-, itQs *ree t' et starte.

    H'lin an :eas'nin (Sn-er, .)

     %he h'lin an reas'nin secti'n is *'r +e+/ers 'nl- an inclues$

    0 >-es? 'r >n'? ans&er t' the ;uesti'n *ra+e in the issue secti'n

    0 su++ar- '* the +a'rit- 'r pluralit- 'pini'n, usin the C:0C +eth' an

     %he pr'ceural isp'siti'n (e.. reverse an re+ane, a@r+e, etc.).

     Ya+aa vs. Yasua

     Ya+aa C'rp. v. Yasua Insurance C'., Lt., '. "981P!<

    "n 7istrict, 4 une 1999

     Y0070 C::0%I an Y0070 0:IC0, IC.,



     Y0SU70 #I: 07 0:I ISU:0C C0Y, L%7., an %H Y0SU70 CL0IS

    S:AIC, IC.,


  • 8/19/2019 Conflicts of Law Cases A


    0ppeal *r'+ the Circuit C'urt '* Jane C'unt-.

    '. 96:416

    H'n'ra/le atric . 7i2'n, ue, resiin.

     US%IC CL3LL elivere the 'pini'n '* the c'urt$

    7e*enants, Yasua #ire V arine Insurance C'+pan-, Lt. (Yasua #ire), an %he

     Yasua Clai+s Service, Inc. (Yasua Clai+s) (c'llectivel-, e*enants), appeal *r'+

    an 'rer '* the circuit c'urt '* Jane C'unt- rantin su++ar- u+ent in *av'r '*plaintiFs, Ya+aa C'rp'rati'n (Ya+aa) an Ya+aa 0+erica, Inc. (Ya+aa

    0+erica) (c'llectivel-, plaintiFs), 'n c'unt I '* plaintiFsQ rst a+ene c'+plaint.

    n appeal, e*enants c'nten that the trial c'urt err'ne'usl- re*use t' en*'rce a

    *'ru+selecti'n clause, a ch'ice'*la& clause, an a p'lluti'n e2clusi'n clause an

    err'ne'usl- struc p'rti'ns '* t&' '* e*enantsQ a@avits. 3e reverse an re+an

    &ith irecti'ns /ase 'n the *'ru+selecti'n clause.

    #0C%U0L 0CJG:U7 07 :C7U:0L HIS%:Y

    n ct'/er "5, 1994, an air'perate iaphra+ pu+p, +anu*acture /- Ya+aa

    an purchase /- C3C #luis, Inc., O/Oa Cullian 3ater C'niti'nin (C3C), t'

    pu+p aci an caustic s'luti'ns *r'+ t&' separate tans t' reenerate spent &ater

    puricati'n s-ste+s, *aile. %he pu+pQs *ailure resulte in the release '* aci an

    caustic s'luti'ns that estr'-e the +etallic parts '* the reenerati'n s-ste+

    encl'se &ithin a c'ncrete retenti'n &all. In aiti'n, the release pr'uce an aci

    vap'r that travele thr'uh the interi'r '* C3CQs /uilin, a+ain electrical,

    +echanical, +etallic, an 'ther structures. 3hen the retenti'n &all evel'pe a

    crac, the aci als' spille 'nt' the +ain plant R''r an int' the rain t' the cit-se&er s-ste+.

    n ct'/er 1, 1996, C3C le a c'+plaint in the circuit c'urt '* C'' C'unt-

    aainst plaintiFs, a+'n 'thers, allein strict pr'uct lia/ilit-, /reach '* the

  • 8/19/2019 Conflicts of Law Cases A


  • 8/19/2019 Conflicts of Law Cases A


    n 7ece+/er 1", 1996, plaintiFs le a c'+plaint *'r eclarat'r- u+ent an

    'ther relie* aainst e*enants, an e*enants le a secti'n "619 (!

  • 8/19/2019 Conflicts of Law Cases A


    ut- t' e*en an ut- t' ine+ni*- in c'unts I an II. laintiFs als' /r'uht

    causes '* acti'n *'r /reach '* c'ntract in c'unts III an IA an causes '* acti'n

    uner secti'n 155 '* the Illin'is Insurance C'e ("15 ILCS 5O155 (3est 1996)) an

    the C'nsu+er #rau an 7eceptive usiness ractices 0ct (C'nsu+er #rau 0ct)

    (815 ILCS 5P5O1 et se;. (3est 1996)) in c'unts A an AI.

     %herea*ter, e*enants le a +'ti'n t' rec'nsier the trial c'urtQs une "5, 199!,

    an ul- "1, 199!, 'rers an alternativel- s'uht certicati'n t' appeal. ue

    7unn enie the +'ti'n.

    7e*enants then le their ans&ers an a@r+ative e*enses t' plaintiFsQ rst

    a+ene c'+plaint. laintiFs later le a +'ti'n *'r su++ar- u+ent 'n c'unt I

    '* their rst a+ene c'+plaint, an e*enants s'uht su++ar- u+ent 'n all

    c'unts '* the rst a+ene c'+plaint.

    n arch 4, 1998, ue 7i2'n re;ueste that the parties *urther /rie* the *'ru+

    selecti'n clause issue. 0*ter the parties /rie*e the issue, this c'urt enie a

    petiti'n *'r leave t' appeal the *'ru+selecti'n clause issue, an ue 7i2'n

    inicate that he &'ul c'nsier the issue as part '* the +'ti'ns *'r su++ar-

     u+ent. ue 7i2'n then rante plaintiFsQ +'ti'n. :earin the *'ru+

    selecti'n clause, ue 7i2'n state that ue 7unn ha previ'usl- rule that the

    clause &as unen*'rcea/le an that this c'urt ha ecline t' revie& the issue 'n an

    interl'cut'r- /asis. 7e*enants appeale.

    S%070:7 # :AI3

     %he isp'siti'n '* a su++ar- u+ent +'ti'n is n't iscreti'nar- an the

    stanar '* revie& is e n'v'. #lint v. C'urt 0pp'inte Special 0v'cates '* 7u ae

    C'unt-, Inc., "85 Ill. 0pp.

  • 8/19/2019 Conflicts of Law Cases A


    0 *'ru+selecti'n clause in a c'ntract is pri+a *acie vali an sh'ul /e en*'rce

    unless the 'pp'sin part- sh'&s that en*'rce+ent &'ul c'ntravene the str'n

    pu/lic p'lic- '* the state in &hich the case is /r'uht (aher V 0ss'ciates, Inc. v.

    ualit- Ca/inets, "6! Ill. 0pp.

  • 8/19/2019 Conflicts of Law Cases A


     %' eter+ine &hether a *'ru+selecti'n clause is unreas'na/le, this c'urt sh'ul

    c'nsier the *'ll'&in *act'rs$ (1) &hich la& 'verns the *'r+ati'n an c'nstructi'n

    '* the c'ntract (") the resienc- '* the parties inv'lve (

  • 8/19/2019 Conflicts of Law Cases A


    0 c'rp'rati'n is a resient '* the state 'r c'untr- uner &h'se la&s it &as

    'ranize. Lelanc v. G.7. Searle V C'., 1!8 Ill. 0pp.

  • 8/19/2019 Conflicts of Law Cases A


    :earin inc'nvenience, Illin'is is inc'nvenient *'r Yasua #ire. apan, h'&ever, is

    n't inc'nvenient t' Ya+aa, Yasua #ire, 'r Yasua Clai+s. 0iti'nall-, Ya+aa

    0+ericaQs irect'rs resie in apan an h'l +eetins at Ya+aaQs hea;uarters in

     apan. 're'ver, Ya+aa 0+erica &as n't resp'nsi/le *'r purchasin eneral

    lia/ilit- insurance rather, Ya+aa purchase the eneral lia/ilit- insurance p'lic-

    'n Ya+aa 0+ericaQs /ehal*. #urther+'re, the clause pr'vies Ya+aa &ith theassurance that its pr'ucts istri/ute ar'un the &'rl &ill /e c'vere uner 'ne

    uni*'r+ la& leain t' certaint-, c'nsistenc-, an c'nvenience.

    6. arainin '&er

     %here is n' evience in the rec'r that the p'lic- &as n't e;uall- /araine *'r.

    ase 'n the nu+/er '* pr'ucts c'vere, the c'+ple2it- '* th'se pr'ucts, the

    nu+/er '* aiti'nal insures, an the l'cati'n '* istri/ut'rs &'rl&ie, it is sa*et' presu+e that Ya+aa is a s'phisticate insure.

    ase 'n the *act'rs enu+erate in Calanca, there is little evience that

    en*'rce+ent '* the *'ru+selecti'n clause &'ul /e unreas'na/le. #urther+'re,

    there is n' evience in the rec'r that &'ul e+'nstrate that plaintiFs &'ul /e

    enie their a- in c'urt.


    laintiFs als' arue that the *'ru+selecti'n clause vi'lates Illin'is pu/lic p'lic-.

    0cc'rin t' plaintiFs, TDtEhe *una+ental pu/lic p'lic- at stae in the present

    acti'n is t' pr'tect insures an inure thir parties in an eF'rt t' +ae sure that

    there is c'verae availa/le *'r a iven clai+,T citin 7C lectr'nics, Inc. v.

    +pl'-ers 'ern Li*e C'., 9P Ill. 0pp.

  • 8/19/2019 Conflicts of Law Cases A


    p'lic- pr'visi'ns ilute 'r i+inish an- statut'r- pr'visi'ns in the Illin'is Insurance

    C'e. In c'ntrast, in 7C lectr'nics, the insurance c'+pan- arue that the p'lic-

    lanuae re;uirin a rene&al pre+iu+ t' have /een pai &ithin

  • 8/19/2019 Conflicts of Law Cases A


    Illin'is, "14 Ill. 0pp.

  • 8/19/2019 Conflicts of Law Cases A


    Illin'is la&. #'r instance, apanese la& alleel- 'es n't pr'vie *'r *ees, c'sts, an

    e2e+plar- a+aes as pr'vie *'r uner secti'n 155 '* the Illin'is Insurance

    C'e. In aiti'n, apanese la& alleel- 'es n't have re+eies si+ilar t' the

    statut'r- re+eies availa/le t' c'nsu+ers uner the C'nsu+er #rau 0ct. laintiFs

    then arue that, as a result, apanese la& 'es n't aF'r the sa+e pr'tecti'ns t'

    plaintiFs as Illin'isQ la&. n ul- "1, 199!, ue 7unn aree &ith this aru+ent&hen he rule that TIllin'is pu/lic p'lic- re;uires that *'ru+ selecti'n clause DsicE /e

    ee+e unen*'rcea/le in that pers'ns an entities livin an 'in /usiness in

    Illin'is &'ul /e re;uire t' pr'cee in apan an uner apanese la& &here c'sts

    an att'rne- *ees incurre &'ul n't /e c'+pensa/le.T

     %he *act that an internati'nal transacti'n +a- /e su/ect t' la&s an re+eies

    iFerent *r'+ 'r less *av'ra/le than th'se '* the Unite States is n't al'ne a vali

    /asis t' en- the en*'rce+ent '* *'ru+selecti'n clauses. 'nn- v. S'ciet- '*

    Ll'-Qs, < #.

  • 8/19/2019 Conflicts of Law Cases A


    /et&een a sales representative an principal purp'rtin t' &aive an- '* the

    pr'visi'ns '* this 0ct shall /e v'iT (8"P ILCS 1"PO" (3est 199")). ase 'n this

    pr'visi'n, the c'urt *'un that the leislature &as ann'uncin *una+ental pu/lic

    p'lic- pr'tectin sales representatives. In the present case, plaintiFs ' n't irect

    us t' a si+ilar pr'visi'n in the Illin'is Insurance C'e, an &e &ere una/le t' l'cate

    a si+ilar pr'visi'n 'urselves.

    3e n'te that plaintiFs als' arue that e*enantsQ reliance 'n *eeral case la& is

    inappr'priate /ecause the cite *eeral cases *'ll'& the strictl- *eeral c'++'nla&

    test *'r appl-in *'ru+selecti'n clauses, a test that plaintiFs escri/e as a +'re

    'ner'us stanar. ne '* the cases plaintiFs cite *'r this pr'p'siti'n is the .S.

    re+en case. Illin'is c'urts, h'&ever, a'pte the anal-sis in that case l'n a'

    an have since relie 'n *eeral case la& &hen interpretin *'ru+selecti'n clauses.

    See, e.., Calanca, 15! Ill. 0pp.

  • 8/19/2019 Conflicts of Law Cases A


    the release '* +eth-l is'c-anate as in 7ece+/er 1984 *r'+ Uni'n Car/ieQs

    h'pal plant 'n the r'uns '* *'ru+ n'n c'nveniens. S''n a*ter the accient, the

    rst '* 145 class acti'ns, inv'lvin appr'2i+atel- "PP,PPP plaintiFs, &as le in a

    *eeral istrict c'urt. %he c'+plaints &ere c'ns'liate in the S'uthern 7istrict '*

    e& Y'r in une 1985. In the +eanti+e, Inia enacte the h'pal Gas Lea

    7isaster (r'cessin '* Clai+s) 0ct in arch 1985, rantin the Uni'n '* Inia (UI)the e2clusive riht t' represent the victi+s. In 0pril 1985, the UI le a c'+plaint

    in the S'uthern 7istrict '* e& Y'r 'n /ehal* '* all victi+s '* the accient. In a-

    1986, the istrict c'urt is+isse the c'ns'liate c'+plaints 'n the r'uns '*

    *'ru+ n'n c'nveniens, su/ect t' three c'niti'ns. %he appellate c'urt rst

    eter+ines that plaintiFsQ ch'ice '* a Unite States *'ru+ is entitle t' little 'r n'

    e*erence, since all /ut a *e& '* the "PP,PPP plaintiFs are Inian citizens &h' have

    replace their 0+erican c'unsel &ith the UI, &hich n'& &ishes t' pr'cee in

    Inian c'urts. %he istrict c'urtQs nin that Inian c'urts pr'vie a reas'na/l-

    ae;uate alternative *'ru+ &as n't clearl- err'ne'us. laintiFsQ c'ntenti'n that the

    istrict c'urt sh'ul retain urisicti'n /ecause Uni'n Car/ie has its principal place

    '* /usiness in the Unite States is n't persuasive, since Uni'n Car/ie has

    c'nsente t' Inian urisicti'n. laintiFsQ asserti'n that the +'st pr'/ative

    evience 'n nelience an causati'n is l'cate in the Unite States is n't

    supp'rte /- the rec'r. %he principal &itnesses an 'cu+ents are l'cate al+'st

    entirel- in Inia. %he c'urt reects plaintiFsQ aru+ent that trans*er '* the cases t'

    Inia &ill e'parize a \

  • 8/19/2019 Conflicts of Law Cases A


    is+isses 'n the r'uns '* *'ru+ n'n c'nveniens. 0n- enial '* ue pr'cess /-

    the Inian c'urts can /e raise as a e*ense t' an- atte+pts t' en*'rce an Inian

     u+ent in Unite States c'urts. #urther, the lanuae '* the istrict c'urtQs

    c'niti'n, &hich re;uires that the u+ent Tc'+p'rt &ith +ini+al re;uire+ents '*

    ue pr'cess,T +a- /e +isc'nstrue as pr'viin *'r a lesser stanar than

    0+erican c'urts &'ul 'ther&ise re;uire. %he c'urt h'ls that the istrict c'urt als'erre in re;uirin Uni'n Car/ie t' c'nsent t' isc'ver- /- plaintiFs in acc'rance

    &ith the #eeral :ules '* Civil r'ceure &hen Uni'n Car/ie is c'nne t' the +'re

    li+ite isc'ver- uner Inian la&. asic ustice re;uires that /'th sies have e;ual

    access t' evience.

    Saui 0ra/ian 0irlines vs. C'urt '* 0ppeals

    "9! SC:0 469 ] C'nRict '* La&s ] rivate Internati'nal La& ] Situs ] L'cus 0ctus

    ilar's 'raa &as &'rin as a ste&aress *'r Sauia 0ra/ian 0irlines. In 199P,

    &hile she an s'+e c'&'rers &ere in a la-'ver in aarta, In'nesia, an 0ra/ c'

    &'rer trie t' rape her in a h'tel r''+. #'rtunatel-, a r''+/'- hear her cr- *'r

    help an t&' '* her 0ra/ c'&'rers &ere arreste an etaine in In'nesia. Later,

    Sauia 0irlines reassine her t' &'r in their anila '@ce. 3hile &'rin in

    anila, Sauia 0irlines avise her t' +eet &ith a Sauia 0irlines '@cer in Saui.

    She i /ut t' her surprise, she &as /r'uht t' a Saui c'urt &here she &as

    interr'ate an eventuall- sentence t' 5 +'nths i+pris'n+ent an "89 lashes

    she alleel- vi'late usli+ cust'+s /- part-in &ith +ales. %he rince '* aah

    't &in '* her c'nvicti'n an the rince eter+ine that she &as &r'n*ull-

    c'nvicte hence the rince a/s'lve her an sent her /ac t' the hilippines.

    Sauia 0irlines later 'n is+isse 'raa. 'raa then sue Sauia 0irlines *'r

    a+aes uner 0rticle 19 an "1 '* the Civil C'e. Sauia 0irlines le a +'ti'n t'

    is+iss 'n the r'un that the :%C has n' urisicti'n 'ver the case /ecause the

    applica/le la& sh'ul /e the la& '* Saui 0ra/ia. Sauia 0irlines als' pra-e *'r

    'ther relie*s uner the pre+ises.

    ISSU$ 3hether 'r n't Sauia 0irlines= c'ntenti'n is c'rrect.

    HL7$ '. #irstl-, the :%C has ac;uire urisicti'n 'ver Sauia 0irlines &hen the

    latter le a +'ti'n t' is+iss &ith petiti'n *'r 'ther relie*s. %he asin *'r 'ther

    relie*s eFectivel- ase the c'urt t' +ae a eter+inati'n '* Sauia 0irlines=s rihts

    hence a su/+issi'n t' the c'urt=s urisicti'n.

  • 8/19/2019 Conflicts of Law Cases A


    Sec'nl-, the :%C has ac;uire urisicti'n 'ver the case /ecause as allee in the

    c'+plaint '* 'raa, she is /rinin the suit *'r a+aes uner the pr'visi'ns '*

    'ur Civil La& an n't '* the 0ra/ian La&. 'raa then has the riht t' le it in the

    C :%C /ecause uner the :ules '* C'urt, a plaintiF +a- elect &hether t' le anacti'n in pers'na+ (case at /ar) in the place &here she resies 'r &here the

    e*enant resies. /vi'usl-, it is &ell &ithin her riht t' le the case here /ecause

    i* she=ll le it in Saui 0ra/ia, it &ill /e ver- isavantae'us *'r her (an '* c'urse,

    aain, hilippine Civil La& is the la& inv'e).

     %hirl-, 'ne i+p'rtant test *act'r t' eter+ine &here t' le a case, i* there is a

    *'rein ele+ent inv'lve, is the s' calle >l'cus actus? 'r &here an act has /een

    'ne. In the case at /ar, 'raa &as alrea- &'rin in anila &hen she &as

    su++'ne /- her superi'r t' ' t' Saui 0ra/ia t' +eet &ith a Sauia 0irlines

    '@cer. She &as n't in*'r+e that she &as 'in t' appear in a c'urt trial. Clearl-,

    she &as e*raue int' appearin /e*'re a c'urt trial &hich le t' her &r'n*ul

    c'nvicti'n. %he act '* e*rauin, &hich is t'rtu'us, &as c'++itte in anila an

    this le t' her hu+iliati'n, +iser-, an suFerin. 0n appl-in the t'rts principle in

    a c'nRicts case, the SC ns that the hilippines c'ul /e sai as a situs '* the t'rt

    (the place &here the allee t'rti'us c'nuct t'' place).