Sam Aginsky Joseph Marshall Roylan Abarca Kylie Matos Luis Almeyda Mia Matos Gabriella Artavia Savannah Matos Amelia Averso Julia McLaughlin Aiden Baird Isabella Minetti Ralph Barca Antonio Mioli Maria Barone James Mioli Matteo Benevenga Luis Morales Jewel Bonilla Dexton Morgan Natalia Bowden Gianna Mott Isabelle Cairoli Michael Napolitano Kalvin Castro Logan Naugle Amzie Cepeda Michelle Navarro Anthony Cristiano Ethan Nedswick Adrian DeJesus Mack O'Brien Ariel DeJesus Ella O'Hara Shahdy Delgado Isabella Ortez Dominick DiVincent Joshua Ortez Iverson Dougherty Victoria Ortez Shawn Doyle Charles Parisi Julian Dragone Damien Pierro Camille Drebeque Alessia Porporino Gemma Duignan Matthew Raineri Nolan Escobar Cingrid Ramos Joseph Febbo Justin Reilly Natasha Fortenbury Rosalia Ricci Santino Francesco Benjamin Rodriguez Benjamin Gerardo Kianna Sadati Emma Goff Luke Saingas Gianna Gomez Keith Scanlon Joseph Gregg Ariana Sisco John Hoffman Khloe Stonehouse Ryder Ihim Peyton TenHoeve Maximilian Jimenez Daniel Van Bever Sebastian Jimenez Kimberly Vargas Luca Kaca Quinn Villaruel Kyle Koch Mathias Villegas Liana Koch Margaret Walsh Alexander Komet Nicholas Warner Dawid Leo Grace Wenzke Jaehl Leo Emma Winkler Giuliana Ligouri Mathew Zevallos Bryce Longo Sadie Zmigrodski Eric Marano Congratulations to Our Communion Candidates Receiving First Holy Communion

Congratulations to Our Communion First Holy Communion · Amzie Cepeda Michelle Navarro Anthony Cristiano Ethan Nedswick Adrian DeJesus Mack O'Brien Ariel DeJesus Ella O'Hara Shahdy

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Page 1: Congratulations to Our Communion First Holy Communion · Amzie Cepeda Michelle Navarro Anthony Cristiano Ethan Nedswick Adrian DeJesus Mack O'Brien Ariel DeJesus Ella O'Hara Shahdy

Sam Aginsky Joseph Marshall Roylan Abarca Kylie Matos Luis Almeyda Mia Matos Gabriella Artavia Savannah Matos Amelia Averso Julia McLaughlin Aiden Baird Isabella Minetti Ralph Barca Antonio Mioli Maria Barone James Mioli Matteo Benevenga Luis Morales Jewel Bonilla Dexton Morgan Natalia Bowden Gianna Mott Isabelle Cairoli Michael Napolitano Kalvin Castro Logan Naugle Amzie Cepeda Michelle Navarro Anthony Cristiano Ethan Nedswick Adrian DeJesus Mack O'Brien Ariel DeJesus Ella O'Hara Shahdy Delgado Isabella Ortez Dominick DiVincent Joshua Ortez Iverson Dougherty Victoria Ortez Shawn Doyle Charles Parisi Julian Dragone Damien Pierro Camille Drebeque Alessia Porporino Gemma Duignan Matthew Raineri Nolan Escobar Cingrid Ramos Joseph Febbo Justin Reilly Natasha Fortenbury Rosalia Ricci Santino Francesco Benjamin Rodriguez Benjamin Gerardo Kianna Sadati Emma Goff Luke Saingas Gianna Gomez Keith Scanlon Joseph Gregg Ariana Sisco John Hoffman Khloe Stonehouse Ryder Ihim Peyton TenHoeve Maximilian Jimenez Daniel Van Bever Sebastian Jimenez Kimberly Vargas Luca Kaca Quinn Villaruel Kyle Koch Mathias Villegas Liana Koch Margaret Walsh Alexander Komet Nicholas Warner Dawid Leo Grace Wenzke Jaehl Leo Emma Winkler Giuliana Ligouri Mathew Zevallos Bryce Longo Sadie Zmigrodski Eric Marano

Congratulations to Our Communion Candidates Receiving First Holy Communion

Page 2: Congratulations to Our Communion First Holy Communion · Amzie Cepeda Michelle Navarro Anthony Cristiano Ethan Nedswick Adrian DeJesus Mack O'Brien Ariel DeJesus Ella O'Hara Shahdy


ST.ANTHONY’SPARISHCOMMUNITY 276DiamondBridgeAvenueHawthorne,NewJersey07506

Rev. Msgr. Raymond J. Kupke, Ph.D. ................................ Pastor Rev. Sylwester Pierzak ........................................... Parochial Vicar Rev. Christopher Barkhausen……………….. In Residence Rev. Msgr. Elso C. Introini ................................. Pastor-Emeritus Mr. Anthony Bernardine ...........................................................Deacon Mr. Gerald Fadlalla ..................................................................... Deacon Mr. Richard Brudzynski ………………. Deacon (Retired) Sr. Colleen Clair F.M.A. .......................................School Principal Sr. Betty Ann Martinez, F.M.A. ...................... Rel. Ed. Director

Sunday Liturgies Saturday ............................................................................... 5:30 p.m. Sunday ................ 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 a.m. & 12 noon, 6PM Weekdays Monday - Saturday ........................................................ 7:30 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday ................................................................ 4:30 - 5:15 p.m.

Ms. Karen Monda ............................... Confirmation Coordinator Mr. Craig Jandoli…………... …….Confirmation Assistant Mr. Michael Riedel ..................................................... Music Director Mr. Jerry Pecoraro ........................................................Youth Minister Mrs. Diane Brown ..................................................... Parish Secretary Ms. Mary Ann Martone ………………….. Parish Secretary Mrs. Cathy Clyne ............................................. Finance Department Mr. William Chaky ……………..Maintenance Supervisor Mr. Eugene Morabito .................................................................. Trustee Mrs. Barbara Homler .................................................................. Trustee

Phone 973-427-1478

Fax 973-427-4826

Web www.stanthony-hawthorne.org

School 973-423-1818

Religious Education 973-427-7873

Divine Mercy Holy Hour for Vocations Every first Friday following the 7:30 a.m. Eucharist Anointing of the Sick Please call the rectory for a priest to anoint anyone who is seriously ill. Baptism are held on every other Sunday of each month at 1:30pm.


Served by

Page 3: Congratulations to Our Communion First Holy Communion · Amzie Cepeda Michelle Navarro Anthony Cristiano Ethan Nedswick Adrian DeJesus Mack O'Brien Ariel DeJesus Ella O'Hara Shahdy


Pray for the Sick of Our Parish The following names have been placed on our altar.

Please remember in your prayers: MaryAnn Abate, Chris Aiellos, Evelyn Alvarez, Joseph Anderson, Joyce Anton, Lisa Ballas, Harry Barone, Nina Benvenuto, Jeannine Brice, Deacon James Casapulla, Phyliss Carlough, Angie D. Chaplain, Madeleine Chenette, Vincent Chiocchi, Jean Cirocco, Thomas M. Clifton, Charlotte Colombo, Mary Colombo, Baby Benjamin Como, Florence Cona, Margie Corley, Mary DiIenno, Lucy De Muro, Robert Donohue, Stratton N. Drivanos, Frank DeLuccia, Christopher Eccles, Margaret Elwood, Baby Aria Farinella, Loretta Fox, Kevin Frick, Charles & Iris Getzoff, Nancy Giannaula, Jean Gilsinan, Sarah Goffredo, Edwin Gonzalez, Mae Grant, Dot Grier, Paul & Adrianna Gruber, Carmela Guida, Marie Haas, Julia Hill, Bishop Irwin of Boston, Marissa Jamer, Mary Izzo, Susan Lo Heack, Baby Kenneth Kaufmann, Lynn Kolb, Mylie Kolb, Sam Kotoulas, Alan Lacana, Anthony La Cateana, Judith La Guardia, Leonard Lang, Mary Lazor, Gerry Lembo, Nunzio Leo, Eileen Lescheck, Frank Longo, Marie Longo, Bobby Maggio Jr., Gary Maik, Monica Mangani, Kim Mapletost, Anselmo Martinez, Clara Maffie, Ray Mastrobuoni, Antonio Mazzola, Bill McCullum, Joan Mc Kenna, Charlie McCarthy, Frank Mc Carthy, Joseph McDonald, Monica McDonale, Maureen McLaughlin, Chet Mecka, Baby Victoria Stella Messina, Teresa Messina, Marie Miller, Joanne Mikolajczyk, Laura Mikolajczyk, Julieann Morabito, John Muth, Gail Neumann, Baby Angelina Rose Oliva, Phyllis Orbe, Mickey Palach, Ella Jane Pannacciulli, Rita Paretti, Allissa Passaro, Kathleen Patti, Ralph Petrucci, Jimmy Petrucci, Baby McKenna Phillippe, Grace Marie Piepoli, Mary Pisani, Dawn Perrine, Mary Rainey, Annie Ramaglia, Mark Reeves, Ken Remo, Charlie Richardson, Patty Rossman, Lucy Sarappo, Michael Scrittorali, Marie Shortino, Norma Simon, Rev. Donald J. Sella, Michela Sherman, Angel Serrano, Jimmy Soder Jr., Jeanne Sozzi, Joseph Spagnola, Carmine Terrizi, Eduardo Torres, Ida Troll, Robert Verolet, Donna Walesiewicz, Theresa Worster, Marie Zigarelli, Agnes Zimmer, Rosario Zisa,

The Sanctuary Lamp-honoring the Eucharistic Presence of our Lord in the Tabernacle, is burning this week in Loving Memory of the Nicholas Ambrose Bread & Wine-in Loving Memory of Vincent La Guardia

The Following Weekly Collection for Regular Sunday Envelopes $ 11, 863.52 Electronic Giving 1,489.00 Total $ 13, 352.52

Next Sunday Masses Sunday, April 29, 2018 7:00 AM People of the Parish Stanislaw Czop Paul Cavaliere, Jr. 8:30 AM Augustino & Theresa Giorgi Graziella Pellicciotta Vincent Abbatiello Maria Spina 10:00 AM Concetta D’Alessandro Giusippe Carbone Carmelo & Giuseppina Giudice Margaret Zizzi 12:00 Noon George C. Sherman Robert Derkacs Paul Villano Bruno Tirri 6:00 PM Carol Smith Bobbi Nice

Sunday, April 22, 2018 Mass Intentions Saturday April 21, 2018 5:30 PM Paul A. Elwood (10th Anniversary) Anthony Marangi Mary Majewski Irene Marie Skowronski Sunday, April 22, 2018 7:00 AM People of the Par ish Renato Corsini Richard Smetana Julia Arturi (10th Anniversary) 8:30 AM Maddalena Giaimo Pasqualina Matarazzo Anna Quatt 10:00 AM Eugene Bartell Saverio Caradonna Vivan Peene Tina Fadlalla Protection of the Babies in Womb and their families 12:00 Noon David Winkler Mariam Sawadogo Joan Herkomer Susan Gianella 6:00 PM Constance Maselik Joseph Valenti Florence Brolewicz Monday, April 23, 2018 7:30 AM Nicholas Alonge Tuesday, April 24, 2018 7:30 AM Leo Brady Wednesday, April 25, 2018 7:30AM Bette Baliman Thursday, April 26, 2018 7:30 AM People of the Parish Friday, April 27, 2018 7:30 AM Gianni Iacovo & Gugliemo Forestiero Saturday April 28, 2018 7:30 PM Edward Burns Special Intentions for Anthony Germagliotti Carmela Pirone John Jennings 5:30 PM Jerald Hanclich Christina Newman Mark Sproha Edward Graziano

Easter Collections Thank You for your generosity! Collection: $38,555 E-giving: $1,489 Total: $40,044

Page 4: Congratulations to Our Communion First Holy Communion · Amzie Cepeda Michelle Navarro Anthony Cristiano Ethan Nedswick Adrian DeJesus Mack O'Brien Ariel DeJesus Ella O'Hara Shahdy



• New Altar Server Training: Father Sylwester will begin training for new altar servers beginning on Wednesday, April 25 from 3:30 to 4:30 P.M. in the church. This is open to all parishioners, fourth grade and up. The training will continue for several Wednesday afternoons.

• Our annual Novena to Saint Anthony of Padua, the patron saint of our parish. The Novena continues each Tuesday evening through June 12, the eve of the saint's feast day. The Novena begins at 7:30 P.M. Come out and honor our holy patron saint.

• This weekend and next weekend we are in the middle of First Holy Communion Season. Some 90 of our younger parishioners will be receiving Our Lord in Holy Communion for the first time over these three weeks. Congratulations to them and to their families.

• Ordination Season - On Friday evening, May 4, Bishop Serratelli will ordain four men to the Diaconate at Saint Peter the Apostle Church, Parsippany. Among those being ordained are two sons of our parish, Deacon Charles H. Lana, Jr. and Deacon Dailon Lisabet.

Charlie is a life-long member of Saint Anthony's Parish, an all-conference soccer and baseball player at Hawthorne High School from which he graduated in 2003. He continued his studies at Seton Hall University and Seton Hall Law School. Dailon came to Saint Anthony's with Father Roberto in 2011, and has lived in the rectory and worked in our parish ever since. He is a native of Gibara on the northeast coast of Cuba, and emigrated with his father to the United States a dozen years ago.

Both new deacons will serve at the 5:30 P.M. Mass on Saturday, May 5. Deacon Lana will preach. The following morning, Deacon Lisabet will serve and preach at the 8:30 A.M. Mass.

The ordination is open to everyone - no tickets are required. After the Saturday night Mass on May 5, there will be a parish reception for both the new

deacons in the Auditorium. All are welcome. To assist with planning for the ordination, we ask those who intend to come to the reception to fill out the tear-off in this bulletin, and drop it off at the rectory or the sacristy.

One of the other men being ordained a deacon that evening also has Saint Anthony's connections. Deacon Andrew Dutko, while working for the Central Intelligence Agency, lived for a time with his wife in Fair Lawn and was a member of our parish. After his wife's sudden death, he eventually entered the seminary, and two years ago was at Saint Anthony's on Tuesdays as part of his seminary pastoral assignment.

In addition to these three men, Bishop Serratelli will also ordain to the priesthood on May 26, Father Joseph Boykow of Rockaway. Joe spent a summer pastoral assignment at Saint Anthony's in the summer of 2015.

Please keep all these men and their classmates in your prayers as they approach Ordination.

Banns of Ordination: The seminarians, Charles H. Lana and Dailon Lisabet, are to be ordained to the Sacred Order of

Deacon on May 4, 2018. Christ's faithful are obliged to reveal impediments to sacred orders, if they know of any, to the Ordinary or to the pastor before ordination according to the norms of Canons 1043, and 1051.2 of the Code of Canon Law. If you know of any reason why these men should not be ordained deacons in the Catholic Church, please contact Rev. Edgar Rivera, Diocesan Director of Vocations.

• Last Monday, without realizing it, I happened to be in the seminary at the time that Charlie

Page 5: Congratulations to Our Communion First Holy Communion · Amzie Cepeda Michelle Navarro Anthony Cristiano Ethan Nedswick Adrian DeJesus Mack O'Brien Ariel DeJesus Ella O'Hara Shahdy


and Dailon and their classmates went through one of the preparatory rituals required before Ordination, namely the Profession of Faith and Oath of Fidelity. The ritual requires the candidates for Diaconate Ordination to stand up at Mass after the homily, and publicly before the congregation recite the Nicene Creed as their profession of faith, and publicly promise to be faithful to all that the Catholic Church teaches and holds to be revealed by God. The candidates then proceeded to the altar itself and signed the profession on the altar. I do not think I have witnessed this ritual since I did it myself a few decades ago.

As I listened to the two of them and their classmates recite the Creed, I thought of how many hundreds and hundreds of times they have both recited that same Creed here in the context of our Sunday worship. Charlie would have first heard those words as a little boy here at Saint Anthony's, and here, Sunday after Sunday, would have come to memorize them, and learn what they mean through C.C.D and learned how to put them into practice through the lived faith of our parish community, and ultimately taught them to others as a C.C.D. teacher in our religious education and Summer Bible programs .. Dailon, who first learned the Creed in Spanish in a persecuted Church in Cuba, learned how to express those truths in English here among us. I wish you could all have been there. It was a small ceremony, but a proud moment for our parish, who have handed on the Catholic faith to these two fine men who now seek to serve the Church through Holy Orders.

God bless you all,

Father Ray

Page 6: Congratulations to Our Communion First Holy Communion · Amzie Cepeda Michelle Navarro Anthony Cristiano Ethan Nedswick Adrian DeJesus Mack O'Brien Ariel DeJesus Ella O'Hara Shahdy



St. Anthony Novena

Join us in praying our annual novena in honor of our patron St. Anthony beginning Tuesday April 17th, and continuing each Tuesday evening through June 12th, at 7:30 P. M.


An open invitation to all high school students and their parents to attend the 2nd Annual Catholic College Night to be held at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Ridgewood on Thursday, May 10th from 6:30PM to 8:30PM. the event will be held in the Parish Center located in the church building at 1 Passaic Street. Currently, thirty six Catholic colleges and univer-sities from across the country have confirmed their attendance. For a full list of schools attend-ing please visit their website at www.olmcridgewood.com

FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER First Reading: Acts 4:8-12 Peter explains to the elders that his healing of a cripple was done in the name of Jesus Christ. He reminds he elders that they cruci-fied Jesus, but God rose him up so that all people could be saved in his name. Second Reading: I John 3:1-2 John expresses amazement at the fact that God allowed us to be called his children. Although we are unsure exactly what we will be after this life, we do know that we will see God as he is and be like him. Gospel: John 10:11-18 Jesus speaks of a shepherd working only for pay, with no real concern for the sheep being well cared for. But Jesus is our shepherd and would lay down his own life for all those in his flock. God loves him for his willingness to sacrifice himself for the sake of all God’s children.

Page 7: Congratulations to Our Communion First Holy Communion · Amzie Cepeda Michelle Navarro Anthony Cristiano Ethan Nedswick Adrian DeJesus Mack O'Brien Ariel DeJesus Ella O'Hara Shahdy




We invite you to collect and clip baby product coupons for clients of Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center. Please Clip and place in an envelope and put in the basket in the front vestibule. NO EXPIRED COUPONS PLEASE. Thank You!

Medical and Dental Appointments

Volunteers provide rides, by appointment, to Hawthorne senior citizen residents who need trans-portation for medical and dental appointments. Call (973) 427-5555 ext. 340 to leave a message if you need this transportation as-sistance. This program is NOT for emergency service and cannot be used for admission to or discharge from a hospital or nursing home. Passengers must be able to get to the vehicle on their own. A personal care attendant may ac-company a passenger to assist on the trip, but must travel to and from the same destination. Pas-sengers are required to schedule ride requests 24 hours in advance for in-town appointments, and 48 hours in advance for out-of-town appointments, and are encouraged to call to schedule the ride as soon at the appointment is made. Passaic County also provides trans-portation for medical and dental appointments. Call (973) 305-5756 for details.


Christian Health Care Center (CHCC) in Wyckoff offers monthly "Faith & Grief" luncheons which provide opportunities for those mourning the loss of a loved one to gather and be strengthened through sharing, scripture, prayer, and reflection. They are held from noon to 1 p.m. on third Wednes-days of the month in the Auditorium, 700 Mountain Ave., Wyckoff. Registration is required by visiting FaithAndGrief.org, emailing [email protected], or calling 201-848-4264.


The St. Cajetan Ministry Network (parishes of St. Catharine's in Glen Rock & St. Anne's in Fair Lawn) invites all unemployed/underemployed men and women to join their ministry which provides support through prayer and helpful guidance in the job search pro-cess. For more information contact Ed Grzesiak at 201-321-5144, John Lederer at 201-286-9354, or Joe Bonis at201-390-7169. You need not be a member of either parish to participate; all are welcome.

Page 8: Congratulations to Our Communion First Holy Communion · Amzie Cepeda Michelle Navarro Anthony Cristiano Ethan Nedswick Adrian DeJesus Mack O'Brien Ariel DeJesus Ella O'Hara Shahdy


Ministries & Organizations Golden Horizon

Prayer Praise & Healing

The Holy Name Society

Rosary society

St. Anthony catholic

Men's Group

Knights of Columbus

We meet 1st and 3rd Wednesday, every month at 7:30PM in the school cafeteria. We do a lot of charitable work. We are looking for younger men to join us. Call Kevin Duffy at 973-427-3358.

"Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, May 8th, immediately following the Novena, in the School Cafe-teria. The May meeting will be our last meeting of the year before summer break, so please come out and join us, if you can. There will be no June meeting due to The Feast. Any questions, please call Leilani Feliciano at (201) 281-5267.

Prayer Group will meet this Monday, at 7 PM in the chaplaincy center. Thank You!

The next Holy Name Society will be Second Sunday of every month following the 8:30 Mass. In the school cafeteria. Please join us!

Youth Group

St. Anthony’s High School Youth Group Attention all high school students: please join us at our next meeting, April 22 at 7:00pm in the Don Bosco Youth Center located on the ground level of St. Anthony’s School. If you haven’t been to a meeting before or haven’t stopped by in a while, this is a great opportunity to connect, meet new friends from different high schools in a relaxed and social atmosphere, and have fun! All are welcome! Upcoming Meetings & Events April 22- Youth Group meeting - 7:00pm May 20- Youth Group meeting - 7:00pm – Final Meeting of the Year About Us St. Anthony’s Youth Group is a place for all high school-aged teenagers to get together in a re-laxed, social atmosphere to have fun and ex-plore their faith in a positive environment. We meet bi-weekly on Sunday nights from 7:00-9:00pm in the Don Bosco Youth Center located on the ground level of St. Anthony’s School. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our youth minister, Jerry Pecoraro, at [email protected].

The Saint Anthony's Catholic Men's Group gathers on the first and third Tuesday of every month for informal discussions on our Christian walk and other topics of interest to men of faith. All interest-ed guys are welcome and encouraged to attend. Ours is a friendly and spontaneous atmosphere of camaraderie and sharing, bring a friend and make some new ones! For more information, or if you would like to be included in our mailing list to keep abreast of upcoming events, please contact Jim (973-219-8564 / [email protected]) or Ed (862-321-2007 / [email protected]).

The next meeting of the Golden Horizon Seniors will be held on Friday, April 27 at 1:15 in the school cafeteria. We are announcing our next trip: Tomasello Winery Tour & Lunch/Resorts Casino, AC, June 14 for $70; $25pp in slot credit. Must have 40 people to book trip. For more information on this & future activities, please call Barbara at 201-797-2715; for mem-bership information, please call Noreen at 973-304-4317. Of course, guests are always wel-come. Love to have you join us!

Page 9: Congratulations to Our Communion First Holy Communion · Amzie Cepeda Michelle Navarro Anthony Cristiano Ethan Nedswick Adrian DeJesus Mack O'Brien Ariel DeJesus Ella O'Hara Shahdy



St. Anthony School will be holding a Used Clothing Collection from MONDAY, APRIL 16 THROUGH FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 2018 We are collecting the following items: Wearable and usable clothing (Men’s Women’s and Children’s) Shoes, Belts, Handbags Linens Stuffed Animals Please put clothing items in “well tied, strong, closed plastic garbage bags. Drop off your items at the garage (in the School Parking Lot) during school hours. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE BAGS AT THE RECTORY GARAGES. The school will receive a donation for the total poundage that is collected. All items collected will be distributed to countries in Eastern Europe, Africa and South America.



(973) 238-0579

Fridays, May 18th & 25th at 6:00pm and Saturdays May 19th & 26th at 8:00am, equipment cleanup and zeppoli platform construction. Wednesday, May 30th at 4:00pm and Thursday, May 31st at 5:30pm Tent set up. Thursday & Friday, May 31st & June 1st at 5:30pm and Saturday, June 2nd at 8:00am – Electrical and final grounds construction. Monday & Tuesday, June 4th & 5th at 5:30pm, final and remaining grounds setup. *Please send in used dishtowels and brown garbage bags for Joan to the rectory.

Watch for the Feast Mailing, We need your Help!



Page 10: Congratulations to Our Communion First Holy Communion · Amzie Cepeda Michelle Navarro Anthony Cristiano Ethan Nedswick Adrian DeJesus Mack O'Brien Ariel DeJesus Ella O'Hara Shahdy

SAVE THE DATE To celebrate the

Ordina on to the Transi onal Diaconate of

Charles Lana & Dailon Lisabet

There will be a light recep on for the two new deacons following the

5:30 PM Mass on Saturday May 5th Please Rsvp by April 20, 2018

Please return to rectory! Name ________________________

Number of People A ending ______


Page 11: Congratulations to Our Communion First Holy Communion · Amzie Cepeda Michelle Navarro Anthony Cristiano Ethan Nedswick Adrian DeJesus Mack O'Brien Ariel DeJesus Ella O'Hara Shahdy


Thursday April 26, 2018 at 7:00pm

Friday April 27, 2018 at 7:00pm

Tickets available at


For additional informational contact the school office at

(973) 423-1818


Page 12: Congratulations to Our Communion First Holy Communion · Amzie Cepeda Michelle Navarro Anthony Cristiano Ethan Nedswick Adrian DeJesus Mack O'Brien Ariel DeJesus Ella O'Hara Shahdy


Adult Catechumenate Sr. Betty Ann 973-427-7873 Advisory Committee Mike Firrincili 973-427-0800 A.A. Meets Mondays - 7:00 PM in School Altar Servers 973-427-1478 Art & Environment Com. Frank Abate 973-423-2440 Preparation for the Sacrament of Baptism Deacon Anthony Bernardine Mary Ann Martone 973-427-1478 Children’s Liturgy Dana Hampson 973-427-2439 Catholic Men’s Group Jim Jekonski 973-219-8564 Communion Ministers Jamie Blanchard 973-454-3123 Golden Horizon Club Noreen Savaria 973-304-4317 Holy Name Society Kevin Duffy 973-427-3358 Hospitality Committee Knights of Columbus Kevin Duffy 973-427-3358 Lectors Tom Hoffman 201-493-7971 Liturgy Committee Karen Monda 973-427-4197 Music Ministry Michael Riedel 973-696-7225 Prayer & Healing Carolyn Gerrish 973-304-1498 Pre-Cana Tina & Bill Martin 201-314-2698 Deacon Tony 973-427-1478 Rosary Society Leilani Feliciano 201-281-5267 Scouting Stephen Fitzsimmons 973-423-3613 Social Services Deacon Gerald Fadlalla 973-427-1478 Special Friends of St. Anthony Betty Baliman 973-427-7588 St. Anthony’s Feast Frank Rambala 973-238-0579 Joseph Silvestri 973-423-9515 Joseph Wojtecki 973-427-1121 Joan Elia 973-238-0780 Frank DeLuccia 201-317-2173 St. Vincent DePaul Society Ken Silvestri 973-427-6299 Ushers Michael Zakur 973-427-2599 Women’s Cornerstone Madeleine Carlson 201-575-5052 Kellyanne Morrissey Youth Ministry Jerry Pecoraro 201-452-6698

Organiza ons & Ministries

4X8 -$100.00 or 12X12 pavers $500.00 ). For more information contact Mary Ann at the rectory office. (973-427-1478) f you would like to memorialize a loved one, why not choose a paver in our St. Anthony’s Jubilee Garden. Pavers are still available.

Join Fr. Martin

Mark Your Calendar

1968 2018

In the spirit of joy and gratitude

the Jubilee Committee invites you and your family to attend a

12 noon Mass of Thanksgiving celebrating

The Fiftieth Anniversary of Ordination

to the Priesthood


Reverend Monsignor Martin McDonnell

Sunday, June 3, 2018 or Sunday, June 10, 2018

Good Shepherd Church Saint Ann Church Andover, NJ Parsippany, NJ

Refreshments to follow in the Parish Hall

Please RSVP by May 20th to

[email protected] so the Committee can properly plan.

Page 13: Congratulations to Our Communion First Holy Communion · Amzie Cepeda Michelle Navarro Anthony Cristiano Ethan Nedswick Adrian DeJesus Mack O'Brien Ariel DeJesus Ella O'Hara Shahdy

Sign up today!


Annual 5k Color Run / Walk

Hawthorne NJ SEPAC on 5/6/18 **Rain date 5/20/18

Register online! https://events.myschoolcolorrun.com/event/HawthorneSEPAC

Or at hawthornenjsepac.com

The run will be held at Goffle Brook Park – Corner of Goffle Road and Rea Ave. Hawthorne, NJ at 8:00am

Register by 4/20/18 to guarantee a race bib, color packet, and t-shirt! Prices raise on 4/21/18

Returning participants that register by 4/20/18 will receive one free color packet!

My School Color Run is an exciting fundraising event where participants are doused

with color while raising funds!

Bring nonperishable food items for donation to the Hawthorne Borough's food pantry & Bring nonperishable food items for donation to the Hawthorne Borough's food pantry

aluminum pull tabs for donation to the Ronald McDonald House.


Page 14: Congratulations to Our Communion First Holy Communion · Amzie Cepeda Michelle Navarro Anthony Cristiano Ethan Nedswick Adrian DeJesus Mack O'Brien Ariel DeJesus Ella O'Hara Shahdy

Gospel Today

Jesus is the Good Shepherd who will give up His life for us, His flock. 


Cycle B 

©2015 Bon Venture Services, LLC 

Fourth Sunday of Easter | John 10: 11-18


‐ color and cut the lost sheep and add them to the flock of believers below ‐ 

I believe I believe

I believe

These sheep are lost, but when they hear the voice of Jesus, they find their way.  


Page 15: Congratulations to Our Communion First Holy Communion · Amzie Cepeda Michelle Navarro Anthony Cristiano Ethan Nedswick Adrian DeJesus Mack O'Brien Ariel DeJesus Ella O'Hara Shahdy

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