Conflict-Aware Event-Participant Arrangement Jieying She, Yongxin Tong, Lei Chen, Caleb Chen Cao Department of Computer Science and Engineering The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, PR China {jshe,yxtong,leichen,caochen}@cse.ust.hk Abstract—With the rapid development of Web 2.0 and Online To Offline (O2O) marketing model, various online e vent-b ased s ocial n etworks (EBSNs), such as Meetup and Whova, are getting popular. An important task of EBSNs is to facilitate the most satisfactory event-participant arrangement for both sides, i.e. events enroll more participants and participants are arranged with personally interesting events. Existing approaches usually focus on the arrangement of each single event to a set of potential users, and ignore the conflicts between different events, which leads to infeasible or redundant arrangements. In this paper, to address the shortcomings of existing approaches, we first identify a more general and useful event-participant arrangement prob- lem, called G lobal E vent-participant A rrangement with C onflict and C apacity (GEACC) problem, focusing on the conflicts of different events and making event-participant arrangements in a global view. Though it is useful, unfortunately, we find that the GEACC problem is NP-hard due to the conflict constraints among events. Thus, we design two approximation algorithms with provable approximation ratios and an exact algorithm with pruning technique to address this problem. Finally, we verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed methods through extensive experiments on real and synthetic datasets. I. I NTRODUCTION The prevalence of Web 2.0 and Online To Offline (O2O) marketing model has led to the boom of various online e vent- b ased s ocial n etworks (EBSNs)[1]. For example, Groupon 1 collects group purchase events and recommends these group discounts to users. Taking another example, Meetup 2 receives information on recruitment of attendees in group events, such as gatherings, sports activities, etc., and sends the event in- formation to users. Such EBSNs facilitate organizing social events and ease the recruitment of group activity participants compared with that in the Web 1.0 age. Note that “participant” and “user” stand for the same meaning and they are used interchangeably in this paper. Although existing EBSNs can improve effectiveness and efficiency of organizing social activities, most of them only provide a public/open event information sharing platform[1], where strategic organization and global event-participant ar- rangement are absent. Imagine the following scenario. Bob is a sport enthusiast and usually attends sports activities organized on Meetup. In the evening of Saturday, Bob faces a dilemma since Meetup recommends him three conflicting sport activities on Sunday: a hiking trip from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., a badminton game from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., and a basketball game from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on a basketball court that is one-hour away by car from the badminton stadium. Though 1 http://www.groupon.com/ 2 http://www.meetup.com/ Bob is interested in all these three sports, he can only attend at most one of them. In fact, many users in EBSNs usually encounter the same problem: they have to confront with a confusing choice from many conflicting events. Furthermore, in EBSNs, event organizers tend to enroll more participants and participants look for arrangements with personally interesting events. However, existing approaches usually focus on the arrangement of each single event to a set of potential users. In such cases, apart from the aforementioned conflicting scenarios, the global satisfaction for both sides may not be optimized, which can be measured as the total interest scores between each event-participant pair of a given arrangement. In other words, most existing EBSNs do not support event-participant arrangement in a global view. Therefore, it is appealing to have a new event-participant arrangement strategy that satisfies all conflicting constraints and globally optimizes the arrangement benefits, especially when arrangements are paid. To further illustrate this moti- vation, we go through a toy example as follows. Example 1: Suppose we have three events v 1 ,v 2 ,v 3 and five users u 1 ,u 2 ,u 3 ,u 4 ,u 5 in an EBSN. We assume that each event/user is associated with a profile, which consists of a list of attributes. For events, some attributes can represent their preferences towards the participants, such as ages or gender, and the corresponding attributes of users characterize the users themselves. Likewise, some attributes can also represent users’ preferences towards different events. Thus, each event/user is represented by a multi-dimensional attribute vector. Then, we can calculate a user’s interest in an event based on the similarity between their attributes. TABLE I presents the interestingness values between each pair of event and user, as well as the conflicts between different events. In addition, each event/user may have a capacity. For an event, the capacity is the maximum number of participants, and for a user, the capacity is the maximum number of assigned events. In this example, v 1 - v 3 have event capacities of 5, 3, and 2, and u 1 - u 5 have participant capacities of 3, 1, 1, 2, and 3 respectively (in brackets). Events v 1 and v 3 are conflicting. Notice that u 1 is the most interested user for both v 1 and v 3 . However, u 1 can only be assigned to one of v 1 and v 3 due to conflicts. Existing methods do not consider conflicts of events and thus yield an infeasible arrangement. A feasible and also optimal arrangement that we want to achieve is shown in bold font in TABLE I, whose total interestingness values add up to 4.39. As discussed above, we propose a new event-participant arrangement strategy, called Global Event-participant Arrange- ment with Conflict and Capacity (GEACC). Specifically, given a set of events and a set of users, each one is associated with a 978-1-4799-7964-6/15/$31.00 © 2015 IEEE ICDE Conference 2015 735

Conflict-Aware Event-Participant Arrangement...on Meetup. In the evening of Saturday, Bob faces a dilemma since Meetup recommends him three conflicting sport activities on Sunday:

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Page 1: Conflict-Aware Event-Participant Arrangement...on Meetup. In the evening of Saturday, Bob faces a dilemma since Meetup recommends him three conflicting sport activities on Sunday:

Conflict-Aware Event-Participant ArrangementJieying She, Yongxin Tong, Lei Chen, Caleb Chen Cao

Department of Computer Science and EngineeringThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, PR China{jshe,yxtong,leichen,caochen}@cse.ust.hk

Abstract—With the rapid development of Web 2.0 and OnlineTo Offline (O2O) marketing model, various online event-basedsocial networks (EBSNs), such as Meetup and Whova, are gettingpopular. An important task of EBSNs is to facilitate the mostsatisfactory event-participant arrangement for both sides, i.e.events enroll more participants and participants are arrangedwith personally interesting events. Existing approaches usuallyfocus on the arrangement of each single event to a set of potentialusers, and ignore the conflicts between different events, whichleads to infeasible or redundant arrangements. In this paper, toaddress the shortcomings of existing approaches, we first identifya more general and useful event-participant arrangement prob-lem, called Global Event-participant Arrangement with Conflictand Capacity (GEACC) problem, focusing on the conflicts ofdifferent events and making event-participant arrangements ina global view. Though it is useful, unfortunately, we find thatthe GEACC problem is NP-hard due to the conflict constraintsamong events. Thus, we design two approximation algorithmswith provable approximation ratios and an exact algorithm withpruning technique to address this problem. Finally, we verifythe effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed methods throughextensive experiments on real and synthetic datasets.


The prevalence of Web 2.0 and Online To Offline (O2O)marketing model has led to the boom of various online event-based social networks (EBSNs)[1]. For example, Groupon1

collects group purchase events and recommends these groupdiscounts to users. Taking another example, Meetup2 receivesinformation on recruitment of attendees in group events, suchas gatherings, sports activities, etc., and sends the event in-formation to users. Such EBSNs facilitate organizing socialevents and ease the recruitment of group activity participantscompared with that in the Web 1.0 age. Note that “participant”and “user” stand for the same meaning and they are usedinterchangeably in this paper.

Although existing EBSNs can improve effectiveness andefficiency of organizing social activities, most of them onlyprovide a public/open event information sharing platform[1],where strategic organization and global event-participant ar-rangement are absent. Imagine the following scenario. Bob is asport enthusiast and usually attends sports activities organizedon Meetup. In the evening of Saturday, Bob faces a dilemmasince Meetup recommends him three conflicting sport activitieson Sunday: a hiking trip from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., abadminton game from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., and a basketballgame from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on a basketball court thatis one-hour away by car from the badminton stadium. Though


Bob is interested in all these three sports, he can only attendat most one of them. In fact, many users in EBSNs usuallyencounter the same problem: they have to confront with aconfusing choice from many conflicting events.

Furthermore, in EBSNs, event organizers tend to enrollmore participants and participants look for arrangements withpersonally interesting events. However, existing approachesusually focus on the arrangement of each single event to a setof potential users. In such cases, apart from the aforementionedconflicting scenarios, the global satisfaction for both sidesmay not be optimized, which can be measured as the totalinterest scores between each event-participant pair of a givenarrangement. In other words, most existing EBSNs do notsupport event-participant arrangement in a global view.

Therefore, it is appealing to have a new event-participantarrangement strategy that satisfies all conflicting constraintsand globally optimizes the arrangement benefits, especiallywhen arrangements are paid. To further illustrate this moti-vation, we go through a toy example as follows.

Example 1: Suppose we have three events v1, v2, v3 andfive users u1, u2, u3, u4, u5 in an EBSN. We assume that eachevent/user is associated with a profile, which consists of a listof attributes. For events, some attributes can represent theirpreferences towards the participants, such as ages or gender,and the corresponding attributes of users characterize the usersthemselves. Likewise, some attributes can also represent users’preferences towards different events. Thus, each event/useris represented by a multi-dimensional attribute vector. Then,we can calculate a user’s interest in an event based on thesimilarity between their attributes. TABLE I presents theinterestingness values between each pair of event and user, aswell as the conflicts between different events. In addition, eachevent/user may have a capacity. For an event, the capacity is themaximum number of participants, and for a user, the capacityis the maximum number of assigned events. In this example,v1 − v3 have event capacities of 5, 3, and 2, and u1 − u5

have participant capacities of 3, 1, 1, 2, and 3 respectively(in brackets). Events v1 and v3 are conflicting. Notice that u1

is the most interested user for both v1 and v3. However, u1

can only be assigned to one of v1 and v3 due to conflicts.Existing methods do not consider conflicts of events and thusyield an infeasible arrangement. A feasible and also optimalarrangement that we want to achieve is shown in bold font inTABLE I, whose total interestingness values add up to 4.39.

As discussed above, we propose a new event-participantarrangement strategy, called Global Event-participant Arrange-ment with Conflict and Capacity (GEACC). Specifically, givena set of events and a set of users, each one is associated with a

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TABLE I: Interestingness and Conflicts between Events and Usersu1 (3) u2 (1) u3 (1) u4 (2) u5 (3) Conflicts

v1 (5) 0.93 0.43 0.84 0.64 0.65 v3v2 (3) 0 0.35 0.19 0.21 0.4 NAv3 (2) 0.86 0.57 0.78 0.79 0.68 v1

capacity to its type, which is the allowable maximum numberfor its counterpart, and some events are conflicting. Users havepreferences to different events, each of which is measured asa non-negative “interestingness value”. The GEACC problemis to find an event-participant arrangement, such that the sumof interestingness values over all the assigned pairs of eventand user is maximized, while the capacity and conflictingconstraints are satisfied.

It turns out that when there is no conflicting event con-straint and all capacity values are set to one, the GEACCproblem can be reduced to a classical problem, weightedbipartite graph matching[2][3]. Although the GEACC problemis quite related to traditional assignment or matching problems,we differ from them in that we introduce capacity to eachevent/user and thus study a many-to-many weighted matchingproblem. More importantly, we introduce the concept of con-flicting events in our problem, which is new compared withtraditional problems. Especially, as discussed later, the GEACCproblem is actually NP-hard after introducing the conflictingevent constraint, which is the main challenge to solve theproblem. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first workthat studies the GEACC problem. Therefore, we should designefficient algorithms specifically for our problem. We make thefollowing contributions.

• We identify a new event-participant arrangement prob-lem with extensive real-life applications, and propose aformal definition of Global Event-participant Arrange-ment with Conflict and Capacity (GEACC) problem.

• We prove that the GEACC problem is NP-hard anddesign two approximation algorithms, MinCostFlow-GEACC and Greedy-GEACC. MinCostFlow-GEACChas 1

α approximation ratio, where α is the maxi-mum of users’ capacities. MinCostFlow-GEACC isnot scalable for large datasets due to its quartic timecomplexity. Therefore, we further develop a greedy-based approximation algorithm, which is more effi-cient than MinCostFlow-GEACC and guarantees 1

1+αworst-case approximation ratio. We also present anexact algorithm, which utilizes an effective pruningrule to reduce redundant search space.

• We verify the effectiveness and efficiency of theproposed methods through extensive experiments onreal and synthetic datasets.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In SectionII, we formally formulate our problem and prove its NP-hardness. In Section III, we present two approximation al-gorithms with theoretically guaranteed approximation ratios.An exact solution with pruning is presented in Section IV.Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real datasets arepresented in Section V. We review previous works in SectionVI. We finally conclude this paper in Section VII.


We first introduce two basic concepts, event and user, andthen formally define conflicting event pairs.

Definition 1 (Event): An event is defined as v =< lv, cv >where lv =< l1v, l

2v, ..., l

dv > with liv ∈ [0, T ],∀1 ≤ i ≤ d is

a d-dimensional vector used to record attribute values of theevent, and cv is the capacity of the event, namely the maximumnumber of attendees of the event.

Similar to the definition of events, users are formallydefined as follows.

Definition 2 (User): A user is defined as u =< lu, cu >where lu =< l1u, l

2u, ..., l

du > with liu ∈ [0, T ],∀1 ≤ i ≤ d

is a d-dimensional vector to represent attribute values of theuser, and cu is the capacity of the user, namely the maximumnumber of arranged events for the user.

Basically, two events are conflicting if users cannot attendthem at the same time. For example, their timetables mayoverlap, or their locations may be too far away for users whoattend one of them to catch the other one. And we have thefollowing definition.

Definition 3 (Conflicting Event Pair): A pair of events{vi, vj} are conflicting if a user can attend at most one ofthe two events but not both.

Thus, in any feasible arrangement M of events and users,no user can be assigned to conflicting events simultaneously.We denote m(v, u) = 1 or {v, u} ∈M as user u is assigned toevent v, and m(v, u) = 0 or {v, u} /∈M as u is not assignedto v. We then define users’ interest in events as follows.

Definition 4 (Interestingness Value): A user u’s interest(interestingness value) in event v is measured by a similarityfunction sim(lv, lu) ∈ [0, 1] based on the hidden attributes lvof v and the hidden attributes lu of u.

Particularly, we use Equation (1) as our similarity functionin evaluation, where

√dT 2 is the furthest Euclidean distance

possible between any pair of lv, lu. Note that other similarityfunctions are applicable to our problem. We assume thatmaxu sim(lv , lu) > 0, ∀v ∈ V and maxv sim(lv , lu) > 0,∀u ∈ U .

sim(lv, lu) = 1− ‖lv − lu‖2√dT 2


We finally define our problem as follows.

Definition 5 (GEACC Problem): Given a set of events V ,each v of which with maximum attendee capacity cv andhidden attributes lv , a set of users U , each u of which withmaximum number of assigned events cu and hidden attributeslu, a set of conflicting event pairs CF and a similarity function,find an arrangement M among events and users to maximizeMaxSum(M) =

∑v∈V,u∈U m(v, u)sim(lv, lu) such that

•∑um(v, u) ≤ cv,∀v ∈ V and

∑vm(v, u) ≤

cu,∀u ∈ U• sim(lv, lu) > 0,∀{v, u} ∈M• There does NOT exist a triple vi, vj , uk such that

m(vi, uk) = 1, m(vj , uk) = 1, and {vi, vj} ∈ CF


Page 3: Conflict-Aware Event-Participant Arrangement...on Meetup. In the evening of Saturday, Bob faces a dilemma since Meetup recommends him three conflicting sport activities on Sunday:









(a) Flow graph constructed







(b) Minimum cost flow result (c) Final arrangement

Fig. 1: Illustrated example of MinCostFlow-GEACC.

Note that we assume that maxv cv ≤ |U | and maxu cu ≤|V |. Also note that “matching” and “arrangement” are usedinterchangeably in this paper. Example 1 in Section I explainsthe above definition. We next show the NP-hardness of theGEACC problem.

Theorem 1: The GEACC problem is NP-hard.

Proof: The maximum flow problem with conflict graph(MFCG) is NP-hard even if the network consists of onlydisjoint paths of length smaller or equal to three[4]. We reducethe MFCG with disjoint paths of length three (MFCGS) tothe GEACC problem. The following is an instance of theMFCGS problem. We are given a directed connected graphG = (N,A) with source node s, sink node t, and m disjointpaths Pi : s → pi,1 → pi,2 → t, where pi,1, pi,2 6= s, tand each arc (ni, nj) has capacity rni,nj

. A conflict graphH = (A,E) is also given with vertices corresponding to arcsof G s.t. if (a, a′) ∈ E, at most one of a and a′ can carryflow in a feasible solution. Without loss of generality, weonly consider the instances of MFCGS where any two arcs(a, a′) ∈ E are in two different paths P, P ′, otherwise wecan safely remove any path containing conflicting arcs withoutaffecting the solution of the problem. The decision problem ofMFCGS is to decide if there is a feasible flow F s.t. |F | = k.

We then construct an instance of the GEACC problem fromthe instance of the MFCGS problem accordingly:

(1) Each node in {pi,2} corresponds to an event in V , wherethe capacity of each event in V is set to 1.

(2) For any pi,2, pj,2, if there exist arcs ai ∈ Pi and aj ∈ Pjsuch that (ai, aj) ∈ E, the events vi and vj corresponding topi,2 and pj,2 are conflicting with each other.

(3) The set of nodes {pi,1} correspond to U in thefollowing way. For any pi,1, pj,1, if the events vi and vjcorresponding to pi,2 and pj,2 are conflicting as in (2), pi,1and pj,1 correspond to the same user u, namely pi,1 and pj,1share u, the capacity of which is set to the number of pi,1’s thatshare u. Each of the remaining pi,1’s that do not share userswith any other node corresponds to one user, the capacity ofwhich is set to 1.

(4) Let the capacity rPiof each path Pi be

min{rs,pi,1 , rpi,1,pi,2 , rpi,2,t}, and R =∑i rPi

. Theinterestingness value between a pair of event and user

is set to rPi

R if the corresponding vertices in N are connectedin Pi in G. Otherwise, the interestingness value is set to 0.

In this instance of the GEACC problem, we want to decideif we can find a feasible matching such that its MaxSum is k

R .It is easy to see that the MFCGS instance is YES if and onlyif the GEACC instance is YES, which completes the proof.


In this section, we present two approximation algorithmsfor the GEACC problem. The first one has a larger theoreticalapproximation ratio, but is not scalable for large datasets. Thusto overcome the scalability issue, we propose the second moreefficient approximation algorithm that guarantees a slightlylower approximation ratio.

A. MinCostFlow-GEACC Approximation Algorithm

The idea of the first approximation algorithmMinCostFlow-GEACC is to first ignore the conflictcondition and try to find a matching with maximum sum ofinterestingness values, and then resolve the conflict issues inthe matching afterwards. Without considering conflicts, i.e.CF = ∅, GEACC can be reduced to the minimum cost flow(MCF) problem as explained shortly. Thus, we transform aGEACC instance to an MCF instance and obtain a temporarymatching based on the solution of the transformed MCFinstance. To resolve the conflicting events after obtaininga temporary matching that may contain conflicts, we use agreedy method to select the most interesting non-conflictingevents for each user. We first explain the first step in detail.

Given an instance of GEACC with CF = ∅, we constructa flow network GF = (NF , AF ) as follows. NF = V ∪ U ∪{s, t}, where s is a source node and t is a sink node. For everypair v ∈ V, u ∈ U (including those with sim(lv, lu) = 0),there is a directed arc aF (v, u) ∈ AF from v to u withaF (v, u).cost = 1 − sim(lv, lu) and aF (v, u).capacity = 1.For every v ∈ V , there is a directed arc aF (s, v) ∈ AF froms to v with aF (s, v).cost = 0 and aF (s, v).capacity = cv .For every u ∈ U , there is a directed arc aF (u, t) ∈ AF fromu to t with aF (u, t).cost = 0 and aF (u, t).capacity = cu.We then send different amounts of flows from s to t. Specif-ically, for each ∆ ∈ {∆min,∆min + 1, · · · ,∆max}, where∆min = min{|V |, |U |} and ∆max = min{

∑v cv,

∑u cu},

we send an amount of ∆ flows and calculate its corresponding


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Algorithm 1: MinCostFlow-GEACCinput : V,U, {cv}, {cu}, {lv}, {lu}, CFoutput: A feasible arrangement M

1 construct GF = (NF , AF );2 m∅(v, u)← 0,∀v ∈ V, u ∈ U ;3 foreach ∆← ∆min to ∆max do4 F∆ ← MinCostFlow(GF ,∆);5 construct M∆

∅ accordingly;6 if MaxSum(M∆

∅ ) > MaxSum(M∅) then7 M∅ ←M∆

∅ ;

8 m(v, u)← 0,∀v ∈ V, u ∈ U ;9 foreach u ∈ U do

10 L← sorted list of {v|m∅(v, u) = 1} innon-increasing order of sim(lv, lu);

11 for i← 1 to |L| do12 vLi ← the i-th element of L ;13 if vLi does not conflict with u’s matched events

in M then14 m(v, u)← 1;

15 return M

minimum cost flow F∆ = {flow∆(aF )}. We also obtain anarrangement M∆

∅ corresponding to ∆ by letting m∆∅ (v, u) = 1

iff flow∆(v, u) = 1 and sim(lv, lu) > 0. Finally, we selectthe arrangement M∅ from {M∆min

∅ ,M∆min+1∅ , · · · ,M∆max

∅ }with the maximum MaxSum as the arrangement for theGEACC instance with CF = ∅.

After obtaining M∅, our second step of MinCostFlow-GEACC is then to resolve the conflicts in M∅. For eachu ∈ U , our task is to select a set of non-conflicting eventsfrom the ones assigned to u in M∅ such that the sum of theinterestingness values between u and the selected events ismaximized. Note that such selection procedure is identical tothe maximum-weight independent set problem by regardingnon-conflicting events as independent to each other and takingthe similarity between u and an event as the weight of theevent. The maximum-weight independent set problem is NP-hard[5]. Therefore, instead of finding the optimal independentset, we find a set in a greedy way by iteratively selecting themost similar unselected pair that does not conflict with anypair that is already selected.

The whole procedure of MinCostFlow-GEACC is illus-trated in Algorithm 1. In lines 1-7, we first construct a flownetwork GF and calculate the minimum cost flow on GFwith different amounts of flows as described previously, andthen obtain a matching M∅ for the GEACC instance withoutconsidering conflicting events. In the second step, we obtaina feasible matching M by resolving the conflicting events foreach u in lines 8-14. Particularly, at each iteration, we greedilyadd the most similar pair possible by checking its conflicts withthe selected pairs in lines 12-14.

Example 2: Back to our running example in Example 1.Fig. 1a shows the flow network GF . Fig. 1b shows the min-imum cost flow corresponding to M∅, where each presentedarc has flow at least one. The arcs with flows larger than oneare marked, and the others have flow of one. Notice that u1 is

assigned to conflicting events v1 and v3 simultaneously in M∅.Since sim(lv1 , lu1) > sim(lv3 , lu1), only v1 is assigned to u1

in the final result. Similarly, for u5, we remove {v1, u5} andassign v3 to u5. Fig. 1c shows the final arrangement result,which has MaxSum = 4.13.

Approximation Ratio. Next, we study the approximationratio of MinCostFlow-GEACC.

Lemma 1: The M∅ obtained from the minimum cost flowsof GF is optimal for the GEACC instance with CF = ∅.

Proof: Suppose to the contrary, there exists anothermatching M ′∅ for the GEACC instance with CF = ∅ suchthat MaxSum(M ′∅) > MaxSum(M∅).

Let M?∅ initially be a copy of M ′∅. We modify M?

∅ asfollows. If

∑v∈V,u∈U m?

∅(v, u) < ∆min, there must exist somepair {v′, u′} such that neither v′ nor u′ is fully occupied andm?∅(v′, u′) = 0. For each of such pairs, we assign v′ to u′

in M?∅ , i.e. changing m?

∅(v′, u′) to one, regardless of whether

sim(lv′ , lu′) = 0 or not. Therefore, we obtain a M?∅ such

that ∆ =∑

v∈V,u∈U m?∅(v, u) ≥ ∆min and MaxSum(M?

∅ ) ≥MaxSum(M ′

∅). Notice that it must hold that ∆ ≤ ∆max. Recallthat M∆

∅ is the matching obtained from the minimum cost flowwith amount ∆. Since MaxSum(M∅) ≥ MaxSum(M∆

∅ ), itholds that MaxSum(M?

∅ ) > MaxSum(M∆∅ ).

Now we construct a flow F ? = {flow?(aF )} on GF fromM?∅ as follows. Let flow?(v, u) = m?

∅(v, u) for each {v, u}pair, flow?(s, v) =

∑u∈U m

?∅(v, u) for each {s, v} pair, and

flow?(u, t) =∑v∈V m

?∅(v, u) for each {u, t} pair. It is easy

to see that F ? is feasible with a total amount of ∆ flows. Thus,

F ?.cost =∑


flow?(v, u)× (1− sim(lv , lu))

= ∆−∑


m?∅(v, u)× sim(lv , lu)

< ∆−∑


m∆∅ (v, u)× sim(lv , lu)

= ∆−∑


flow∆(v, u)× sim(lv , lu)



flow∆(v, u)× sim(lv , lu)

= F∆.cost

We obtain a feasible flow F ? with cost less than F∆,contradicting with the fact that F∆ is the minimum cost flowon GF with amount of ∆ flows. It follows that M∅ is optimalfor the GEACC instance with CF = ∅.

Corollary 1: Let MOPT = {mOPT } denote the optimal fea-sible matching. It holds that MaxSum(MOPT ) ≤MaxSum(M∅).

Theorem 2: For the matching M returned byMinCostFlow-GEACC, it holds that MaxSum(M) ≥MaxSum(MOPT )

max cu, i.e. MaxSum(M) is at least 1

max cuof the

optimal result.

Proof: For each u that is matched to at least one eventin M , let vmaxu denote the most interesting event matchedto her/him, i.e. vmaxu = arg maxv{sim(lv, lu)|m(v, u) = 1}.Obviously, sim(lvmax

u, lu) × cu ≥

∑v|m∅(v,u)=1 sim(lv, lu).

Notice that m(vmaxu , u) = m∅(vmaxu , u) = 1 as vmaxu is always

selected in Algorithm 1 if u is matched in M (and thus is alsomatched in M∅). Thus, it holds that


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MaxSum(M) =∑

u|vmaxu ∃


sim(lv , lu)


u|vmaxu ∃


, lu)


u|vmaxu ∃

∑v|m∅(v,u)=1 sim(lv , lu)



u ∃∑

v|m∅(v,u)=1 sim(lv , lu)

max cu


max cu≥

MaxSum(MOPT )

max cu

Complexity Analysis. For the first step of MinCostFlow-GEACC, numerous algorithms have been proposed for theMCF problem. [6] pointed out that Successive Shortest PathAlgorithm (SSPA) is the one suitable for large-scale dataand many-to-many matching with real-valued arc costs. Thenthe first step takes O((∆2

max − ∆2min)((|V | × |U | + (|V | +

|U |)) log(|V | + |U |))) time. For the second step, the timecomplexity is O(|U |((max cu) log(max cu) + (max cu)2)),where O((max cu) log(max cu) is the cost of line 10 andO((max cu)2) is the cost of lines 11-14. Since max cu is rela-tively small compared to the other parameters, the major timeconsumption of MinCostFlow-GEACC comes from computingthe minimum cost flow. In summary, the total time cost isO((∆2

max−∆2min)((|V |×|U |+(|V |+ |U |)) log(|V |+ |U |))+

|U |((max cu) log(max cu) + (max cu)2)).

B. Greedy-GEACC Approximation Algorithm

MinCostFlow-GEACC could be inefficient when the scaleof data is large. In this subsection, we present a more efficientalgorithm, Greedy-GEACC, with a slightly lower approxi-mation ratio compared with that of MinCostFlow-GEACC.The main idea of Greedy-GEACC is to greedily add themost similar unmatched pair {v, u} that does not conflictwith existing matched pairs into the current matching at eachiteration. Unlike MinCostFlow-GEACC that resolves conflictsafter obtaining a temporary result, Greedy-GEACC avoidsconflicts from the first beginning.

Specifically, we maintain a heap H to store the most similarpair candidates between v ∈ V and u ∈ U and extract themost similar one from H at each iteration. We initialize Has follows. For each v ∈ V , we find its first nearest neighbor(NN) unn ∈ U , i.e. sim(lv, lunn

) ≥ sim(lv, lu′),∀u′ ∈ U .We call unn a visited neighbor of v, and the others unvisitedneighbors. Each such pair {v, unn} is pushed into H . Notethat sim(lv, lunn

) > 0 according to our problem definition.Similarly, for each u ∈ U , we also find its first NN vnn ∈ V .We also call vnn a visited neighbor of u. For each such pair{vnn, u}, if it is not yet in H , we push it into H . Thus, NO pairis pushed into H for more than once. After the initializationstep, we enter the iteration of greedily adding the most similarpair in H into the current matching, which is empty initially.

We then iterate as follows. At each iteration, we pop thepair {v, u} with sim(lv, lu) ≥ sim(lv′ , lu′),∀{v′, u′} ∈ Hfrom H , which we call a visited pair. Thus, pairs that have notyet been pushed into H or those that are still in H are calledunvisited. If neither v nor u is full in capacity, and {v, u}

Algorithm 2: Greedy-GEACCinput : V,U, {cv}, {cu}, {lv}, {lu}, CFoutput: A feasible arrangement M

1 H ← ∅;2 foreach v ∈ V do3 unn ← v’s first NN in U ;4 push {v, unn} into H;5 foreach u ∈ U do6 vnn ← u’s first NN in V ;7 if {vnn, u} /∈ H then8 push {vnn, u} into H;

9 heapify H;10 m(v, u)← 0,∀v ∈ V, u ∈ U ;11 while H 6= ∅ do12 extract the most similar pair {v, u} from H;13 if (cv > 0) and (cu > 0) and (v does not conflict

with u’s matched events) then14 m(v, u)← 1;15 decrease cv, cu by 1;16 if cv > 0 then17 unn ← v’s next feasible unvisted NN;18 if unn∃ and {v, unn} /∈ H then19 push {v, unn} into H;

20 if cu > 0 then21 vnn ← u’s next feasible unvisited NN;22 if vnn∃ and {vnn, u} /∈ H then23 push {vnn, u} into H;

24 return M

does not conflict with existing matched pairs, we can safelyadd {v, u} into the current matching by setting m(v, u) = 1and decreasing the available capacities of v and u by onerespectively. Whether {v, u} is added to the current matchingor not, we then update H as follows. For v, if it is not yetfully occupied, we find its next feasible unvisited NN unn ∈ U ,i.e. sim(lv, lunn

) ≥ sim(lv, lu′),∀ feasible unvisited neighboru′ of v, where we call an unvisited neighbor u′ feasible ifsim(lv, lu′) > 0 and {v, u′} satisfies the capacity and conflictconstraints if it is to be added to the matching. Note that unnmay not exist as there may be no more feasible unvisitedneighbors in U for v. In such case, we do nothing to H .Otherwise, {v, unn} is pushed into H if it is not yet in H . Wecall v a finished node if unn cannot be found for v. Similarly,for u, we also find its next feasible unvisited NN vnn ∈ V ifu is not yet fully occupied. If vnn exists and {vnn, u} is notyet in H , we push {vnn, u} into H . We also call u a finishednode if vnn cannot be found for u. unn(vnn) becomes v(u)’svisited neighbor if it exists. After updating H , we proceed tothe next iteration. The iteration procedure terminates when Hbecomes empty.

The procedure of Greedy-GEACC is illustrated in Algo-rithm 2. In lines 1-9, we initialize the heap H by pushingeach v(u) and its first NN in U (V ) into H . In lines 11-23, weiteratively pop the most similar pair {v, u} from H and addit to the current matching if possible. Lines 13-15 check thefeasibility of the pair before adding it to the matching. Then in


Page 6: Conflict-Aware Event-Participant Arrangement...on Meetup. In the evening of Saturday, Bob faces a dilemma since Meetup recommends him three conflicting sport activities on Sunday:

lines 16-23, we push v(u) paired with its next feasible unvisitedNN in U (V ) into H if possible. The whole iteration terminateswhen H becomes empty.

Example 3: We continue to use Example 1 for illustrationof Greedy-GEACC. Fig. 2a shows the state of H after thefirst iteration, where {v1, u1} is popped from H and addedto the matching. The next feasible unvisited NN of v1 is u3

but {v1, u3} is already in H , so we do not push {v1, u3} intoH. As the next feasible unvisited NN of u1 cannot be found,u1 becomes a finished node. Then in the second iteration,as shown in Fig. 2b, we pop {v3, u1} from H. Note that v3

conflicts with v1, which is already matched to u1, so we cannotadd {v3, u1} to the matching. The next NN of v3 is u4, and{v3, u4} is already in H , so we do not push {v3, u4} into H .Then during the third iteration, {v1, u3} is popped from H ,which can be added to the matching. The next NN of v1 isu5, and we push {v1, u5} into H (in bold). Note that u3 hasbeen fully occupied, so we do not find the next NN of u3.Subsequent iterations are omitted for brevity. Fig. 2d showsthe final iteration, where H becomes empty and we have afinal arrangement with MaxSum of 4.28.

We next show some properties and the correctness ofGreedy-GEACC.

Lemma 2: For every v(u), if v(u) is not a finished node, atleast one pair incident to v(u) is in H before the next iteration.

Proof: In the initialization step, for each v, exactly onepair {v, unn} incident to v is pushed into H . For each u, eitherone pair {vnn, u} incident to u is pushed into H or {vnn, u}is already in H . Therefore, Lemma 2 holds before entering theiteration procedure of Greedy-GEACC. Then at each iteration,whenever a pair {v, u} is popped from H , either a new pair{v, unn}({vnn, u}) for v(u) is already in or pushed into H ,or v(u) becomes a finished node. It follows that at least oneedge incident to v(u) is in H before proceeding to the nextiteration if v(u) is unfinished.

Lemma 3: At each iteration of Greedy-GEACC, the mostsimilar unvisited pair {v, u} possible is popped from H , i.e.sim(lv, lu) ≥ sim(lv′ , lu′) for all feasible unvisited {v′, u′} ∈{{v′, u′}|v′, u′ are unfinished}.

Proof: For any feasible unvisited pair {v′, u′} whose v′, u′are both unfinished, it is either in H or has not yet beenpushed into H . Obviously, if {v′, u′} ∈ H , sim(lv, lu) ≥sim(lv′ , lu′). It remains to analyze the case when {v′, u′} hasnot yet been pushed into H . In such case, Lemma 2 indicatesthat at least one pair {v′, u′nn}({v′nn, u′}) incident to v′(u′) isin H . It is easy to see that sim(lv′ , lu′nn

) ≥ sim(lv′ , lu′) andsim(lv′nn

, lu′) ≥ sim(lv′ , lu′) from the way we push pairsinto H . Thus, sim(lv, lu) ≥ sim(lv′ , lu′nn

) ≥ sim(lv′ , lu′)and sim(lv, lu) ≥ sim(lv′nn

, lu′) ≥ sim(lv′ , lu′).

Corollary 2: At each iteration of Greedy-GEACC, for thepopped pair {v, u}, it holds that sim(lv, lu) ≤ sim(lv′ , lu′),∀visited {v′, u′}.

Lemma 4: Greedy-GEACC terminates after a finite num-ber of iterations.

Proof: First, it is easy to see that each pair {v, u} ispushed into H for at most once. Since each v(u) has |U |(|V |)neighbors in U (V ), it follows that a finite number of pairs are

pushed into H . It follows that H becomes empty after a finitenumber of iterations.

Lemma 5: When Greedy-GEACC terminates, no more un-matched pair {v, u}, i.e. m(v, u) = 0, can be added to thecurrent matching.

Proof: For each unmatched pair {v, u}, it is either visitedor has never been pushed into H . In the first case, {v, u} isunmatched either because v or u or both are fully occupied,or because {v, u} conflicts with the existing matching. Thus,{v, u} cannot be added to the current matching. In the lattercase, since {v, u} has never been pushed into H , it follows thatu is NOT a feasible unvisited neighbor of v or v is NOT afeasible unvisited neighbor of u. Thus, {v, u} cannot be addedto the current matching. It follows that Lemma 5 holds.

Lemmas 2 to 5 ensure that Greedy-GEACC adds themost similar unvisited pair possible into the matching at eachiteration and terminates when the current matching can nomore be improved by adding new unmatched pairs.

Approximation Ratio. We next study the approximationratio of Greedy-GEACC.

Theorem 3: For the matching M returned by Greedy-GEACC, it holds that MaxSum(M) ≥ MaxSum(MOPT )

1+max cu, i.e.

MaxSum(M) is at least 11+max cu

of the optimal result.

Proof: For any {v, u} ∈ M , i.e. m(v, u) = 1, either(1) mOPT (v, u) = 1, or (2) mOPT (v, u) = 0, and thereare at most max cu pairs {v′1, u}, {v′2, u}, · · · , {v′k, u}, 0 ≤k ≤ max cu that are matched in MOPT but unmatchedin M because of {v, u} (due to conflicts with {v, u} orcapacity constraint as {v, u} occupies one capacity of uand sim(lv, lu) ≥ sim(lv′i , lu), 1 ≤ i ≤ k), and thereis at most one pair {v, u′} that is matched in MOPT butunmatched in M due to {v, u} (since {v, u} occupies onecapacity of v and sim(lv, lu) ≥ sim(lv, lu′)), and thusthere are at most 1 + max cu pairs that are matched inMOPT but unmatched in M because of {v, u}. It followsthat sim(lv, lu) ≥ 1

1+max cu(sim(lv, lu′) +

∑i sim(lv′i , lu)).

Notice that for each {v′, u′} ∈ MOPT \M , there must be atleast one pair {v, u} ∈ M \MOPT that is “responsible for”the “unmatched case” of {v′, u′} in M due to (2), otherwise{v′, u′} would have been added into M in Greedy-GEACC.Then we have

MaxSum(M) = MaxSum(M ∩MOPT ) + MaxSum(M \MOPT )

= MaxSum(M ∩MOPT ) +∑


sim(lv , lu)

≥MaxSum(M ∩MOPT )


1 + max cu

∑{v′,u′}∈MOPT \M

sim(lv′ , lu′ )

= MaxSum(M ∩MOPT )


1 + max cuMaxSum(MOPT \M)


1 + max cu(MaxSum(M ∩MOPT )

+ MaxSum(MOPT \M))


1 + max cuMaxSum(MOPT ) (2)


Page 7: Conflict-Aware Event-Participant Arrangement...on Meetup. In the evening of Saturday, Bob faces a dilemma since Meetup recommends him three conflicting sport activities on Sunday:

H = {{ }:0.93,

{ }:0.86, { }:0.84,

{ }:0.79, { }:0.68,

{ }:0.57, { }:0.4}

(a) 1st iteration

H = {{ }:0.86,

{ }:0.84, { }:0.79,

{ }:0.68, { }:0.57,

{ }:0.4}

(b) 2nd iteration

H = {{ }:0.84,

{ }:0.79, { }:0.68,

{ }:0.65, { }:0.57,

{ }:0.4}

(c) 3rd iteration

H = {{ }:0.21}

(d) Final iteration

Fig. 2: Illustrated example of Greedy-GEACC.

Complexity Analysis. Without limiting ourselves to usingspecific index, let σ(S) denote the time to find a k-th NN in aset S. Note that a number of index techniques can be used inour problem, such as iDistance[7] and VA-File[8]. It followsthat the time cost of the initialization step is O(|V |σ(V ) +|U |σ(U) + |V |+ |U |), where O(|V |+ |U |) is the time cost inbuilding H . In the second step, we have at most O(|V ||U |)iterations, each of which takes O(log(|V |+ |U |)) to pop a pairfrom H and O(σ(V ) + σ(U) + log(|V | + |U |)) to push newpairs into H . In summary, Greedy-GEACC takes O(|V |σ(V )+|U |σ(U)+ |V |+ |U |+ |V ||U |(σ(V )+σ(U)+log(|V |+ |U |)))time in worst case.


In this section, we present an exact solution for the GEACCproblem. Since GEACC is NP-hard, it seems that the onlyway to find an optimal solution is to enumerate all possiblematchings and select the optimal one. Without pruning, thesearch space will be as large as 2|V |×|U |. To improve efficiency,we propose a pruning technique to reduce the search space. Wename this exact algorithm Prune-GEACC.

Basically, in any matching, each pair {v, u} has two states:matched or unmatched. Thus, we search possible matchings byenumerating different combinations of states of all pairs in arecursive way. Specifically, for each v, let uv,j be its j-NN inU and sv be sim(lv, luv,1

). Let L be the sorted list of v innon-increasing order of sv × cv , where the i-th element is vLi .We visit each element in L in order, and enumerate each pair{v, u} incident to v in non-increasing order of sim(lv, lu). Inother words, we visit |U | NNs of v in order. Let {vLi , ui,j}be the pair that will be visited next, Mvisited be the partialmatching determined by the states of the visited pairs, andMbest be the best complete matching found so far. And wehave the following lemma.

Lemma 6: Let

summax(vLi , ui,j) = MaxSum(Mvisited)+∑i+1≤k≤|V |

svLk × cvLk + sim(lvLi , lui,j)× cvLi ,remain (3)

Algorithm 3: Prune-GEACCinput : V,U, {cv}, {cu}, {lv}, {lu}, CFoutput: A feasible arrangement M

1 M ← Greedy-GEACC();2 foreach v ∈ V do3 uv,1 ← 1-NN of v;4 sv ← sim(lv, luv,1


5 L← sorted list of v in non-increasing order of sv × cv;6 sumremain ←

∑2≤k≤|V | svLk × cvLk ;

7 mc(v, u)← 0,∀v ∈ V, u ∈ U ;8 Search-GEACC(1, 1);9 return M

where cvLi ,remain is the remaining capacity of vLi after be-ing assigned partially in Mvisited. If summax(vLi , ui,j) ≤MaxSum(Mbest), for any matching M ′ ⊇Mvisited, it holdsthat MaxSum(M ′) ≤ MaxSum(MOPT ), where MOPT isthe optimal matching.

Proof: Let Mremain denote the partial matching onthe remaining unvisited pairs. Note that Mremain has noeffect on Mvisited. Thus, for matching M ′ ⊇ Mvisited,MaxSum(M ′) = MaxSum(Mvisited) + MaxSum(Mremain).It is easy to see that for each vLk (i + 1 ≤ k ≤ |V |), itholds that svLk × cvLk ≥

∑umremain(vLk , u) × sim(lvLk , lu).

For vLi , it holds that sim(lvLi , lui,j) × cvLi ,remain ≥∑

j≤l≤|U |mremain(vLi , ui,l) × sim(lvLi , lui,l). Therefore, it

follows that MaxSum(Mbest) ≥ summax(vLi , ui,j) ≥MaxSum(Mvisited) + MaxSum(Mremain) = MaxSum(M ′).Since MaxSum(Mbest) ≤MaxSum(MOPT ), it follows thatMaxSum(M ′) ≤MaxSum(MOPT ).

Lemma 6 indicates that when we are about tovisit a pair {vLi , ui,j} during the recursion process, ifsummax(vLi , ui,j) ≤ MaxSum(Mbest), we can safely pruneat {vLi , ui,j} as no matching better than the current onecould be found by visiting the remaining unvisited pairs.Therefore, in Prune-GEACC, we maintain summax(vLi , ui,j)and prune at a certain search node whenever Lemma 6holds. First note that actually we do not need to repetitively


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Algorithm 4: Search-GEACCinput : vid, uid

1 v ← vLvid ;2 u← uid-NN of v;3 if cv > 0 and cu > 0 and v does not conflict with u’s

matched events then4 mc(v, u)← 1;5 decrease cv, cu by 1;6 if uid = |U | or cv = 0 then7 if vid = |V | then8 if MaxSum(Mc) > MaxSum(M) then9 update M to Mc;

10 else ifMaxSum(Mc) + sumremain > MaxSum(M)then

11 sumremain ←sumremain − svLvid+1

× cvLvid+1;

12 Search(vid + 1, 1);13 recover sumremain;14 else15 unn ← (uid + 1)-NN of v;16 if MaxSum(Mc) + sumremain +

sim(lv, lunn)× cv > MaxSum(M) then

17 Search(vid, uid + 1);

18 mc(v, u)← 0;19 increase cv, cu by 1;20 Same as lines 6-17;

calculate summax(vLi , ui,j) by summing over all unvisitedpairs. We maintain sumremain =

∑i+1≤k≤|V | svLk × cvLk ,

and summax(vLi , ui,j) = MaxSum(Mvisited)+sumremain+sim(lvLi , lui,j

)× cvLi ,remain. sumremain is maintained as fol-lows. Initially, sumremain =

∑2≤k≤|V | svLk × cvLk . Whenever

we are about to visit {vLi , ui,1}, we simply subtract svLi × cvLifrom sumremain. Also note that initially, our best matching isempty, which could reduce the efficiency of Prune-GEACC atthe beginning of recursion. Therefore, we run Greedy-GEACCfirst before running Prune-GEACC, and use the matchingfound by Greedy-GEACC as the best matching found so farso that to prune poor matchings from the first beginning.

The main procedure of Prune-GEACC is illustrated inAlgorithm 3. In line 1, we find an initial matching M byrunning Greedy-GEACC. In lines 2-4, we find the 1-NN uv,1in U for each v and obtain sv . In lines 5-7, we initialize L,sumremain and Mc. We enter recursion by visiting the firstelement in L and its 1-NN in line 8.

Algorithm 4 illustrates the Search recursion procedure ofPrune-GEACC. At each depth of recursion, we enumerate thetwo states of a particular pair {v, u}, where v is the vid-thelement in L, and u is the uid-NN of v. If {v, u} satisfiescertain constraints (line 3), we enumerate the state of {v, u} asmatched in lines 4-19. In lines 4-5, we add {v, u} to the currentmatching Mc, and decrease the capacities of v, u properly.If uid is |U | or v is fully occupied, we proceed to the nextelement vLvid+1 in L and enumerate the states of pair vLvid+1and its 1-NN in U (lines 7-13). Otherwise, we proceed to the

TABLE II: Real DatasetCity |V | |U | cv cu

|CF ||V |(|V |−1)/2

VA 225 2012 Uni.: [1, 50] Uni.: [1, 4] 0, 0.25,Auckland 37 569 Nor.: µ = 25, Nor.: µ = 2, 0.5, 0.75,Singapore 87 1500 σ = 12.5 σ = 1 1

next NN of v and enumerate the states between it and v (lines15-17). In lines 7-9, we check whether all pairs have beenenumerated and update the best matching found so far (lines8-9). Otherwise, we check whether enumerating the remainingpairs could yield a better matching (line 10). If finding a bettermatching is possible, we update sumremain and proceed toenumerating the next pair (lines 11-13). Similarly, we checkwhether finding a better matching is possible in line 15 if weare to proceed to enumerating the pair of v and its next NN.In line 20, we enumerate the state of {v, u} as unmatched, theprocedure of which is the same as lines 6-17.


We use both real and synthetic datasets for experiments. Weuse the Meetup dataset from [1] as real dataset. In the Meetupdataset, each user is associated with a set of tags and a location.Each event in the dataset is also associated with a location. Theevents are not explicitly associated with tags. Note that eachevent is created by a “group” on Meetup, which can be viewedas a community, and each group is associated with a set of tags.Thus, for each event, we use the tags of the group who createsit as the tags of the event itself. Since the tags are createdby users, some of them have misspellings and different tagsreferring to the same thing are used by users. To address thisproblem, we merge the tags with the same meaning and select20 most popular tags as attributes of users/events, where eachinitial attribute value is the number of original tags associatedwith the user/event that refer to the same merged tag. Forexample, if a user/event is tagged with “outdoor-activities”and “outdoor-lovers-and-travel-lovers”, both of which refer tothe same merged tag “outdoor”, then the user/event has initialvalue of 2 for attribute “outdoor”. We further normalize eachattribute value by the total number of original tags associatedwith the user/event. For example, if the user/event with initialvalue of 2 for attribute “outdoor” is associated with 10 originaltags in total, the final value of attribute “outdoor” will be0.2 for the user/event. Notice that it is unlikely for a userliving in a city to attend a meet-up event held in anothercity. Therefore, we cluster events and users based on theirlocations and focus on the events/users located in the samecity. We select three popular cities, Vancouver, Auckland, andSingapore, and extract events and users located within the areaaround each city. Since capacity and conflict information isnot given in the dataset, we generate capacity of events/usersfollowing Uniform and Normal distribution, and randomlyselect a subset of event pairs as conflicting pairs. TABLE IIpresents the statistics and configuration. For synthetic data, wegenerate attribute values and capacity of events/users followingUniform, Normal and Zipf distributions respectively. Statisticsand configuration of synthetic data are illustrated in TABLEIII, where we mark our default settings in bold font. Note thatall generated capacity values are converted into integers.

Baselines. We use two random algorithms as baselines. Forthe first baseline, Random-V, we iterate over each v ∈ V , and


Page 9: Conflict-Aware Event-Participant Arrangement...on Meetup. In the evening of Saturday, Bob faces a dilemma since Meetup recommends him three conflicting sport activities on Sunday:

TABLE III: Synthetic DatasetFactor Setting|V | 20, 50, 100, 200, 500|U | 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000d 2, 5, 10, 15, 20

liv, liu

(T = 10000) Uniform: [0, T], Zipf: 1.3Normal: µ = T/4, σ = T/4; µ = 3T/4, σ = T/4

cvUniform: [1, 10], [1, 20], [1, 50], [1, 100], [1, 200]

Normal: µ = 25, σ = 12.5

cuUniform: [1, 2], [1, 4], [1, 6], [1, 8], [1, 10]

Normal: µ = 2, σ = 1|CF |

|V |(|V |−1)/20, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1

Scalability |V | = 100, 200, 500, 1000|U | = 10K, 25K, 50K, 75K, 100K

at each iteration add each pair {v, u},∀u ∈ U into M withprobability cv

|U | if {v, u} satisfies all the constraints. For thesecond baseline, Random-U, we iterate over each u ∈ U , andat each iteration add each pair {v, u},∀v ∈ V into M withprobability cu

|V | if {v, u} satisfies all the constraints.

We mainly evaluate our algorithms in terms of MaxSum,running time and memory cost, and study the effect of varyingparameters on the performance of the algorithms. The algo-rithms are implemented in C++, and the experiments wereperformed on a machine with Intel i7-2600 3.40GHZ 8-coreCPU and 8GB memory.

Effect of cardinality. We first show the effect of varyingcardinality of V and U . The first column of Fig. 3 showsthe results on varying |V |, where the other parameters areset to default. We have the following observations. First,Greedy-GEACC outperforms in every aspect. Greedy-GEACCconsumes as less as running time and space as the baselinesdo, and returns matchings with the largest MaxSum. ThoughGreedy-GEACC has a theoretically lower approximation ra-tio than that of MinCostFlow-GEACC, in practice Greedy-GEACC can outperform MinCostFlow-GEACC in terms ofMaxSum. The reason is that the worst case of Greedy-GEACC as analyzed in Section III.B can rarely happen. Thus,Greedy-GEACC can perform much better in practice. Second,MinCostFlow-GEACC achieves larger MaxSum than the base-lines do but is much less efficient in both time and space. Third,MaxSum increases when |V | becomes larger, but the increasebecomes smaller when |V | gets large. This is because when|V | is larger, users generally have more matching options andthere may be more matched pairs. However, when |V | becomestoo large, users’ capacity will become saturated and thus theMaxSum will increase slower. Finally, the running time andmemory cost increases (slightly for Greedy-GEACC) as |V |increases, which is natural as the data size becomes larger.

The second column of Fig. 3 shows the results on varying|U |, which have similar patterns to those when |V | varies.

Effect of dimensionality. We next show the results ofvarying the dimensionality d of the attribute space in the thirdcolumn of Fig. 3. We can observe that MaxSum decreases asd increases since the attribute space becomes sparser when dincreases, which leads to the larger averaged distance betweenattribute vectors. Also, d has little effect on both the time andspace consumption of the algorithms.

Effect of conflict set size. The last column of Fig. 3 showsthe results of varying |CF |, where we vary the size of CF

w.r.t. the size of event pairs, i.e. |V |(|V | − 1)/2. Notice thereare two extreme cases: when |CF |/(|V |(|V | − 1)/2) = 0,i.e. CF = ∅, and when |CF |/(|V |(|V | − 1)/2) = 1, i.e.every pair of events are conflicting. The other parametersare set to default. We have the following observations. First,when CF = ∅, MinCostFlow-GEACC has a slightly betterMaxSum than Greedy-GEACC does, which is reasonableas MinCostFlow-GEACC returns an optimal matching in thiscase. Second, MaxSum decreases when the relative size ofCF increases. This is reasonable as the number of possiblematched pairs decreases as |CF | increases. Finally, the varyingsize of CF has little effect on the running time of thealgorithms, as the cost of the algorithms mainly depends onthe size of V and U .

Effect of capacity. We next study the effect of capacityof events and users. We first study the results when cv varies,which are shown in the first column of Fig. 4. The values of cvare generated uniformly in range [1, max cv], where max cvvaries in our experiment. Thus, when max cv increases, theoverall capacity of v increases too. We have the followingobservations. First, MaxSum generally increases as cv be-comes larger. This is reasonable as events can accommodatemore users who are interested in them when their capacityincreases. Second, increasing cv results in larger time costof MinCostFlow-GEACC, but has little effect on Greedy-GEACC and the baselines. This is because when cv increases,the number of iterations for calculation of minimum costflow in MinCostFlow-GEACC also increases, leading to largertime consumption of MinCostFlow-GEACC. Notice that whencv is large w.r.t. |U |(= 1000), the increase of time costof MinCostFlow-GEACC becomes slighter since the amountof flow in such cases is determined by cu (remember that∆max = min{


∑cu}. Finally, varying cv has little effect

on the memory cost of all the algorithms.

The second column of Fig. 4 shows the results of varyingcu. Similary, the values of cu are generated uniformly in range[1, max cu] and max cu varies in our experiment. We observethat the results have similar patterns as those of varying cvthough with some fluctuation due to the small gap betweenconsecutive max cu’s.

Effect of distribution. The third column of Fig. 4 showsthe results when we generate the synthetic data according todifferent distributions. Specifically, we present the results whenthe attribute values are generated following Zipf distributionand the capacity values are generated following Normal distri-bution. We observe that the general patterns of data generatedby different distributions are similar in every aspect. Therefore,it indicates that we do not lose generality by studying the otherexperiments on data generated uniformly.

We also study the results when the attribute values aregenerated following Uniform, Normal and Zipf distributionsrespectively and the capacity values are generated followingUniform and Normal distributions. The results have similartrending patterns, and we do not present them for brevity.

Real dataset. The last column of Fig. 4 shows the resultson real dataset (Auckland) when the capacity values are gener-ated following Uniform distribution. Notice that the results onreal dataset have similar patterns to those of the synthetic data.Similar patterns are observed on the other two real datasets


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2050 100 200 5000













(a) MaxSum of varying |V |






















(b) MaxSum of varying |U |

2 5 10 15 20800
















(c) MaxSum of varying d

0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1













(d) MaxSum of varying |CF |

2050 100 200 5000






3x 10













(e) Runtime of varying |V |





4x 10





















(f) Runtime of varying |U |

2 5 10 15 200






6x 10













(g) Runtime of varying d

0 0.25 0.5 0.75 10






6x 10













(h) Runtime of varying |CF |

2050 100 200 5000















(i) Memory of varying |V |
























(j) Memory of varying |U |

2 5 10 15 203


















(k) Memory of varying d

0 0.25 0.5 0.75 12
















(l) Memory of varying |CF |

Fig. 3: Results on varying cardinality, dimensionality and the size of conflict set.

and when the capacity values are generated following Normaldistribution, and we omit the results due to limited space.

Scalability. MinCostFlow-GEACC is not efficient enoughaccording to our previous experiment results. Thus, we studythe scalability of Greedy-GEACC in this part. The resultsare shown in Fig. 5a and 5b. Specifically, we set |V | =100, 200, 500, 1000 respectively, and vary the size of |U |.Since |U | is relatively large, we set max cv to 200. The otherparameters are set to default. We observe that the memory costof Greedy-GEACC grows linearly with the size of data andis relatively small subtracting those consumed by input data.Also, the time cost of Greedy-GEACC grows nearly linearlywith the size of data. The results show that Greedy-GEACCis scalable in both time and space.

Effectiveness of approximate solutions. We next study theeffectiveness of our approximate solutions, whose results arepresented in Fig. 5c and 5d. Notice that since we need to findthe exact solutions in this part of evaluation and Prune-GEACCis infeasible on large dataset, we set |V | = 5, |U | = 15and cv ∼ Uniform[1, 10]. The other parameters are set todefault. In Fig. 5c, we compare the approximated MaxSumsreturned by MinCostFlow-GEACC and Greedy-GEACC withthe optimal MaxSum. We first observe that when |CF | = ∅,MinCostFlow-GEACC returns the optimal matching, which isreasonable. We also observe that the MaxSums returned byGreedy-GEACC are quite close to the optimal ones, indicating

that Greedy-GEACC returns quite good results in practicethough with a theoretically lower approximation ratio. Fig. 5dshows the running time of different algorithms. The resultsindicate that the two approximate solutions are very efficientcompared with the exact solution. Therefore, in overall, ourapproximate solutions are both effective and efficient.

Effectiveness of pruning. We finally study the effective-ness of our pruning technique, whose results are shown inFig. 6. In Fig. 6a, we present the averaged depth of recursionwhen a pruning takes place in Prune-GEACC. Specifically,we set cv ∈ [1, 10] and |V | = 5, |U | = 10 and |V | = 5,|U | = 15 respectively, and set the other parameters to default.The dash lines indicate the largest depths of recursions inthe two settings, which is 50 when |V | = 5, |U | = 10 and75 when |V | = 5, |U | = 15. We observe that the averageddepth pruned by Prune-GEACC is quite small compared withthe largest depth, indicating the effectiveness of pruning. InFig. 6b, we present the running time of Prune-GEACC andthat of exhaustive search without pruning, with |V | = 5,|U | = 10 and cv ∈ [1, 10]. We can observe that Prune-GEACCis much more efficient than exhaustive search without pruning.In Fig. 6c, we present the number of complete searches, i.e.the number of times when the recursion reaches the largestdepth possible and finds a complete matching. We observethat the number of complete searches of Prune-GEACC ismuch smaller than that of exhaustive search without pruning,


Page 11: Conflict-Aware Event-Participant Arrangement...on Meetup. In the evening of Saturday, Bob faces a dilemma since Meetup recommends him three conflicting sport activities on Sunday:

1020 50 100 2000





Max cv








(a) MaxSum of varying cv

2 4 6 8 10500




Max cu








(b) MaxSum of varying cu

0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1400
















(c) MaxSum of varying distribution

0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1300
















(d) MaxSum of real dataset (AKL)

1020 50 100 2000






6x 10


Max cv











(e) Runtime of varying cv

2 4 6 8 100




8x 10


Max cu











(f) Runtime of varying cu

0 0.25 0.5 0.75 10





2.5x 10













(g) Runtime of varying distribution

0 0.25 0.5 0.75 10

















(h) Runtime of real dataset (AKL)

1020 50 100 2002






Max cv










(i) Memory of varying cv

2 4 6 8 102






Max cu










(j) Memory of varying cu

0 0.25 0.5 0.75 12
















(k) Memory of varying distribution

0 0.25 0.5 0.75 13















(l) Memory of real dataset (AKL)

Fig. 4: Results on varying capacity, distribution and on real dataset.

10K 25K 50K 75K 100K0


















(a) Runtime of scalability test

10K 25K 50K 75K 100K0














|V|=100, input

|V|=200, input

|V|=500, input

|V|=1000, input

(b) Memory of scalability test

0 0.25 0.5 0.75 18















(c) MaxSum of various methods

0 0.25 0.5 0.75 10

















(d) Runtime of various methods

Fig. 5: Study of scalability and effectiveness of approximate solutions.

indicating that many partial matchings are pruned by Prune-GEACC during recursion. Finally, in Fig. 6d, we present thenumber of times Search-GEACC is revoked, i.e. the numberof times we enter a level of recursion. We observe again thatPrune-GEACC revokes Search-GEACC much less often. Insummary, the results in this part indicate that our pruningtechnique is quite effective.

Conclusion. Greedy-GEACC and MinCostFlow-GEACCare both efficient compared with the exact solution, and theyyield acceptable approximate results. Greedy-GEACC, thoughwith a theoretically lower approximation ratio than that ofMinCostFlow-GEACC due to its worst-case approximationratio, outperforms MinCostFlow-GEACC in every aspect ofMaxSum, running time and memory cost. Finally, Greedy-

GEACC is effective and also scalable in both terms of timeand space in practice.


Location and activity/event recommendation. This topichas been studied a lot in recent years due to the risingpopularity of location-based social network (LBSN) and EBSN[9][10][1][11][12][13][14][15]. However, such works focusedon user-oriented recommendation. In other words, they fo-cused on mining interests of each user in certain items (lo-cations/events) and made recommendation in a single user’sview. Also, they did not consider conflicts and capacity ofevents/users. Our work is distinct from them in that we supportevent-participant arrangement in a globally systematic wayso that to satisfy the interests of most users and consider


Page 12: Conflict-Aware Event-Participant Arrangement...on Meetup. In the evening of Saturday, Bob faces a dilemma since Meetup recommends him three conflicting sport activities on Sunday:

0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1









e P





Largest Depth, |V|=5, |U|=10

Avg Pruned Depth, |V|=5, |U|=10

Largest Depth, |V|=5, |U|=15

Avg Pruned Depth, |V|=5, |U|=15

(a) Averaged pruned depth

0 0.25 0.5 0.75 10












Without Pruning


(b) Runtime

0 0.25 0.5 0.75 10





5x 10



# o

f C



te S




Without Pruning


(c) # of complete searches

0 0.25 0.5 0.75 10






12x 10



# o

f T


s S





e R




Without Pruning


(d) # of times search revoked

Fig. 6: Performance of Prune-GEACC against the exact solution without pruning.

conflicts and capacity of events/users. In addition, based onthe classical influence maximization problem[16], [17] studiedthe problem of discovering influential event organizers inEBSNs. Different from their work that only considered eventorganizers, our work focuses on how to make a globallysatisfactory arrangement towards both sides of event organizersand users.

Travel route recommendation. Travel route recommenda-tion [18][19] is a technique that recommends one or a seriesof landmarks to travelers, which is related to our problemsince conflicts between landmarks should be considered. How-ever, we differ from such works in that we study a globalarrangement problem for all events and users instead of mininginterests of users and making recommendation to a single user.

Bipartite graph matching. Assignment on bipartite graphhas been a hot research topic for decades. The branch ofbipartite matching problems most related to ours is maximumweighted bipartite matching [2][3]. However, the original prob-lem does not consider conflicts between nodes or capacity ofnodes. Recent works [6][20] introduced capacity to nodes, butstill they did not take conflicts of nodes into consideration.Notice that without the conflict constraint, the maximumweighted bipartite matching with/without capacity constraintscan be solved in polynomial time. However, our problemdiffers from previous works since our problem is much harder(NP-hard) due to the conflict constraints of nodes.


In this paper, we identify a novel event-participant arrange-ment problem called Global Event-participant Arrangementwith Conflict and Capacity (GEACC). We first analyze ourdifferences compared with traditional matching problems andprove the NP-hardness of our problem. Then, we design anexact algorithm and two approximation algorithms. The exactalgorithm is efficient for small datasets by means of a prun-ing rule. The MinCostFlow-GEACC approximation algorithmobtains a tight approximation ratio but is not scalable to largedataset due to its quartic time complexity. In order to enhancethe scalability, we propose the Greedy-GEACC approximationalgorithm which runs significantly faster than MinCostFlow-GEACC and guarantees a slightly lower approximation ratio.We conduct extensive experiments which verify the efficiency,effectiveness and scalability of the proposed approaches.


We are grateful to anonymous reviewers for their construc-tive comments on this work. This work is supported in part

by the Hong Kong RGC Project N HKUST637/13, NationalGrand Fundamental Research 973 Program of China underGrant 2014CB340303, NSFC Grant No. 61232018, MicrosoftResearch Asia Gift Grant, Google Faculty Award 2013, andMicrosoft Research Asia Fellowship 2012.


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