CONMEMORATION WORLD COTTON DAY 2020 Sistematization of events October 5-9, 2020 TOGETHER WE ARE MORE COTTON

CONMEMORATION WORLD COTTON DAY 2020 · 2020. 11. 20. · [email protected]. On October 6, the Na onal Agricultural Technology Ins tute (INTA) of Argen na held mul ple discussions

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    Sistematization of events

    October 5-9, 2020


  • PRESENTATIONConsidering the vital role that the co�on sector plays in the world economy,

    with more than 100 million families dedicated to co�on produc�on, this

    product is important because it provides fiber to the tex�le industry, in addi�on

    to playing a significant role in the food industry, with by-products of high oil and

    protein content.

    Co�on is also a strategic resource for South American family farmers to

    generate income and employment. The export of tex�le goods contributes to

    grow the economy, with its mul�plying effect on job and income-genera�on in

    the industrial sector of countries.

    In order to posi�on and give value to La�n American co�on, the regional

    +Cotton Project, implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organiza�on of the

    United Na�ons (FAO), the Brazilian Coopera�on Agency (ABC/MRE) and seven

    La�n American and Caribbean countries (Argen�na, Bolivia, Colombia,

    Ecuador, Hai�, Paraguay and Peru) commemorated World Co�on Day 2020

    through mul�ple virtual webinars and seminars, in addi�on to other projects

    of the Brazilian South-South coopera�on program, such as the Shire Zambeze

    and Co�on with Decent Work projects, with the Interna�onal Labor

    Organiza�on (ILO).

    With over 1000 par�cipants and 46 speakers, three main strategic lines to be

    promoted in the region were iden�fied, with a view to a�aining the

    sustainability of the La�n American co�on sector:

    Advance in the implementa�on of good agricultural prac�ces, development of technological innova�ons and buy-in of digital tools.

    Efforts to posi�on of La�n American co�on in differen�ated markets, based on sustainable produc�on processes and adding value through fiber differen�a�on.

    Consolidate the ar�cula�on of the public and private sectors to benefit the La�n American co�on sector, especially family, indigenous, community and peasant agriculture.

    The following pages contain the calendar, the systema�za�on of the events held

    during the week commemora�ng #WorldCottonDay with the links to the news and

    videos on the campaign #AlgodonLatinoamericano.


  • Calendar ofevents 2020

    Country Date Name of the Event Speakers Participants

    Total participants 46 1.055


    Argen�na 06/10Seminar on technological and

    organizational innovations in the public-private framework.

    10 70 See video



    08/10Challenges for the sustainability of cotton: Cotton: Experiences for the articulation of

    the textile-apparel chain.5 77 Download

    Paraguay 06/10 Discussion on cotton varieties. 5 52 Download

    05/10Production of cotton seeds and other crops in the family farming production

    systems.4 168 Download

    Peru 07/10Cotton crops for food security and social

    inclusion; the experience of Embrapa-Brazil.

    5 63 Download

    09/10Discussion: Challenges and opportunities

    to reactivate the cotton, textile and apparel value chain.

    4 74 Download




    Regional 07/10 Commemoration of World Cotton Day in Latin America and Africa. 5 449 Download

    Regional 08/10Machinery innovations for cotton family farming - from production to processing. 6 63 Download

    Bolivia 09/10Production of cotton seeds and other crops in the family farming production

    systems.2 39 Download


  • COUNTRY-EVENT: ECUADORProduction of cotton seeds and other crops in the family farming production systems.

    Speakers of the Technical University of Manabí, FAO, EMPAER-PB and

    staff from the Governments of Brazil and Ecuador par�cipated in the

    event and discussed the importance of ar�cula�on to promote good

    agricultural prac�ces, innova�on on the ground and capacity building.

    The main topics included the combina�on of synthe�c fer�lizer-urea

    fer�lizer and efficient microorganisms to produce higher co�on yields,

    the implementa�on of prac�ces to mi�gate environmental impacts

    and enhance the social benefits of co�on produc�on. Another

    highlight was the University's use and valida�on of drone technology

    to monitor and control crops based on their precise loca�on and at the

    op�mal �me, promo�ng efficient use of inputs, lower costs, increased

    yields and less environmental impact.

    These technologies improve farmers' living condi�ons. However, this

    innova�on involves a comprehensive technical assistance model for

    co�on growers. The experience of EMPAER-PB has allowed the

    sharing of technical, social and organiza�onal exper�se on diversified

    produc�on in family farming in Brazil and La�n America & the


    The role of coopera�on and partnerships for capacity building of

    na�onal ins�tu�ons was underscored. In this regard, the Technical

    University of Manabí, EMPAER-PB, the Brazilian Coopera�on Agency

    and FAO play a key role in the process of trilateral South-South

    coopera�on, in innova�on and technology, and in rural development.

    Dr. Freddy Zambrano GavilanesResearcher, Tech. Univ. of Manabí

    [email protected]

    Ricardo PereiraEmpaer-BR Extensionist

    [email protected]

    Dr. Henry PachecoResearcher, Tech. Univ. of Manabí

    [email protected]


    Dra. Dorys Chirinos TorresResearcher, Tech. Univ. of Manabí

    [email protected]


  • COUNTRY-EVENT: ARGENTINASeminar on technological and organizational innovations in the public-private framework.

    On October 6, the Na�onal Agricultural Technology Ins�tute (INTA) of

    Argen�na held mul�ple discussions as part of World Co�on Day and

    to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Associa�on for the

    Promo�on of Co�on Produc�on (APPA), en�ty that encompasses the

    en�re co�on sector. The Interna�onal Co�on Advisory Commi�ee

    (ICAC), FAO, INTA, APPA and the Na�onal Agrifood Health & Quality

    Service (SENASA) also par�cipated at the event. Co�on growers and

    the INTA reviewed the gamut of soil conserva�on technologies, such

    as fer�liza�on and sustainable management of produc�on systems.

    Co�on covers over 50,000 hectares in the north of Argen�na,

    accoun�ng for more than 2,500 direct jobs throughout the chain,

    produc�on, ginning and the tex�le industry.

    The speakers discussed INTA's work on gene�c enhancement and the

    methodology of co�on varie�es to select suitable materials and

    produce the best characteris�cs of co�on associated with the needs

    of co�on growers and the country's value chain. They also described

    INTA’s ac�ons to reduce the environmental impact of co�on

    produc�on through environmental assessments in the territories,

    based on the applica�on of energy indicators. They also presented an

    agroecological approach to co�on, with innova�ons targe�ng family

    farming systems of fiber foods, with two specific experiences in six

    areas in the north of Argen�na.

    Another line of work is the social sustainability promoted by the INTA

    in the territories, through ar�cula�on with different territorial

    en��es which, albeit similar, have different approaches depending on

    their loca�on, culture, strengths and technical produc�on level. For

    this purpose, it is important to have adequate knowledge

    management, interconnec�ng synergic aspects of individuals and the

    environment, through public policies and access to strategic assets,

    such as training, infrastructure, machinery and financing.


    The co�on cluster is essen�al in Argen�na, therefore, INTA promotes

    technological development and innova�on in the territories,

    considering it is a sector related to territorial development, regional

    economies and that faces the huge challenge of mainstreaming

    technology in all produc�on processes.

    Lastly, the +Co�on Project presented their experience in La�n

    America and the Caribbean, their lines of work, contribu�ons to

    family farming and sectorial ins�tu�ons ranging from na�onal

    governments, agrarian directorates, research and rural extension

    ins�tu�ons. They emphasized the needs and gaps in the co�on value

    chain, a system of technical assistance and rural extension on the

    ground, climate monitoring, real-�me pest control, connec�vity and

    traceability of produc�on and access to markets.

    Similarly, the Project highlighted their results in the region, such as

    the implementa�on of technological innova�ons, seed recovery,

    promo�on of associa�vity, training of technicians and co�on

    growers, public policy-making and visibility of women, youth and

    na�ve peoples, based on economic, environmental and social

    sustainability approaches.

    The event closed recognizing the need for joint research with

    agricultural extensionists and on the ground. Everybody was invited

    to revisit the efforts made by ins�tu�ons, consider the human

    component and work together to generate public policies in benefit

    of the co�on sector through close ar�cula�on of the public and

    private sectors.

    Marcelo PaytasDirector, INTA Reconquista-AR

    [email protected]


    Martín WinklerAgronomy & Production, INTA-CONICET

    [email protected]

    Daniela VittiEnvironmental Sustainability, INTA

    vi�[email protected]

    Doriana FeuilladeSocial Sustainability, [email protected]

    Pablo DileoBiotechnology & Genetic Enhacement, INTA

    [email protected]

  • On October 6, the Na�onal Agricultural Technology Ins�tute (INTA) of

    Argen�na held mul�ple discussions as part of World Co�on Day and

    to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Associa�on for the

    Promo�on of Co�on Produc�on (APPA), en�ty that encompasses the

    en�re co�on sector. The Interna�onal Co�on Advisory Commi�ee

    (ICAC), FAO, INTA, APPA and the Na�onal Agrifood Health & Quality

    Service (SENASA) also par�cipated at the event. Co�on growers and

    the INTA reviewed the gamut of soil conserva�on technologies, such

    as fer�liza�on and sustainable management of produc�on systems.

    Co�on covers over 50,000 hectares in the north of Argen�na,

    accoun�ng for more than 2,500 direct jobs throughout the chain,

    produc�on, ginning and the tex�le industry.

    The speakers discussed INTA's work on gene�c enhancement and the

    methodology of co�on varie�es to select suitable materials and

    produce the best characteris�cs of co�on associated with the needs

    of co�on growers and the country's value chain. They also described

    INTA’s ac�ons to reduce the environmental impact of co�on

    produc�on through environmental assessments in the territories,

    based on the applica�on of energy indicators. They also presented an

    agroecological approach to co�on, with innova�ons targe�ng family

    farming systems of fiber foods, with two specific experiences in six

    areas in the north of Argen�na.

    Another line of work is the social sustainability promoted by the INTA

    in the territories, through ar�cula�on with different territorial

    en��es which, albeit similar, have different approaches depending on

    their loca�on, culture, strengths and technical produc�on level. For

    this purpose, it is important to have adequate knowledge

    management, interconnec�ng synergic aspects of individuals and the

    environment, through public policies and access to strategic assets,

    such as training, infrastructure, machinery and financing.

    The co�on cluster is essen�al in Argen�na, therefore, INTA promotes

    technological development and innova�on in the territories,

    considering it is a sector related to territorial development, regional

    economies and that faces the huge challenge of mainstreaming

    technology in all produc�on processes.

    Lastly, the +Co�on Project presented their experience in La�n

    America and the Caribbean, their lines of work, contribu�ons to

    family farming and sectorial ins�tu�ons ranging from na�onal

    governments, agrarian directorates, research and rural extension

    ins�tu�ons. They emphasized the needs and gaps in the co�on value

    chain, a system of technical assistance and rural extension on the

    ground, climate monitoring, real-�me pest control, connec�vity and

    traceability of produc�on and access to markets.

    Similarly, the Project highlighted their results in the region, such as

    the implementa�on of technological innova�ons, seed recovery,

    promo�on of associa�vity, training of technicians and co�on

    growers, public policy-making and visibility of women, youth and

    na�ve peoples, based on economic, environmental and social

    sustainability approaches.

    The event closed recognizing the need for joint research with

    agricultural extensionists and on the ground. Everybody was invited

    to revisit the efforts made by ins�tu�ons, consider the human

    component and work together to generate public policies in benefit

    of the co�on sector through close ar�cula�on of the public and

    private sectors.


    Gonzalo ScarpinOrg. of INTA Santa Fe Cotton Cluster

    [email protected]

    Cristian ZorzónSENASA

    cris�[email protected]

    Ramiro CasolibaDirector, INTI Santiago del Estero


    Adriana GregolinGral. Coord. Project +Cotton

    [email protected]

    Analia FernandezGral. Coord. Plant Protection, SENASA

    [email protected]

  • COUNTRY-EVENT: PARAGUAYDiscussion on cotton varieties.

    Representa�ves of the Governments of Paraguay and Brazil, FAO, IPTA,

    Embrapa and na�onal coopera�ves par�cipated in the event, focusing

    on the importance of quality seeds to promote the compe��veness of

    the co�on sector, based on interna�onal research and coopera�on.

    Embrapa's emphasized that co�on growers had to make the important

    decision of selec�ng the variety before sowing, facilita�ng the addi�on

    of value by changing their produc�on system from conven�onal to

    organic, from white to colored co�on or from medium-fiber cul�vars

    to long or extra-long fiber. Growers can decide on a value-adding

    op�on once they have entered an agreement in advance with a

    company, i.e. contract farming, in order to ensure the sale of their

    produc�on and at differen�ated prices.

    For its part, the IPTA, presented two new co�on varie�es: IPTA 212 and

    IPTA 232 registered in SENAVE and validated on the ground, with

    botanical and phenological characteris�cs of good op�ons to sa�sfy

    both small and mechanized farmers, and complete IPTA’s varietal


    Lastly, the Chor�tzer Coop summarized the history of co�on crops in

    the Central Chaco and the varie�es used, also describing the main

    challenges for co�on produc�on in the country: pest control, the boll

    weevil, weeds, excessive growth and co�on boll rot, no�ng that these

    can be controlled with good agricultural prac�ces and technologies.

    The event iden�fied the contribu�ons of interna�onal coopera�on to

    the country, the good prac�ces and innova�ons generated, as well as

    the next steps: the challenge of adding value to co�on fiber in

    Paraguay and La�n America and the Caribbean.

    06/10/2020 Dr. Vicente QueirogaSeed Specialist, [email protected]

    Juan Carlos CousiñoCotton Researcher, IPTA

    [email protected]

    Alderi AraújoGeneral Director, Embrapa

    [email protected]

    Matthew GiesbrechtTechnical Advisor, Cotton, Chortitzer Coop


    Mark HiebertTechnical Advisor, Seed Production, SENAVE



  • COUNTRY-EVENT: PERÚ ICotton crops for food security and social inclusion; the experience of Embrapa-Brazil.

    Representa�ves of the Governments of Peru and Brazil, FAO,

    Embrapa, INIA Peru, co�on cer�fica�on companies and farmers'

    coopera�ves par�cipated in the event. The conference focused on

    sharing the diversified produc�on approach under organic

    cer�fica�on promoted by Embrapa, showing that this produc�on

    model is not incompa�ble, but instead reinforces, food security and

    social inclusion in the co�on value chain.

    ECOCERT panelists supplemented the informa�on on the op�ons for

    the cer�fica�on of co�on produc�on and co�on processing. Similarly,

    COSTACH panelists shared their experience with sustainable co�on,

    their strengths as producer organiza�on, as well as their expecta�ons

    vis-à-vis the produc�on of cer�fied co�on, seeking to diversify and

    add value to their produc�on for the interna�onal market.

    During the discussion, a pilot experience was proposed for the

    produc�on of Pima and Tangüis co�on t-shirts, adding colored co�on

    embroidery, where it can be ginned, spun and colored with natural

    dyes, applying ancestral regional designs as op�on to generate

    employment for women and youth.

    The event analyzed how Peru could strengthen its value chain by

    promo�ng na�onal produc�on, implemen�ng diversified sustainable

    produc�on systems, genera�ng technological innova�ons, promo�ng

    farmers’ associa�ons, and cer�fica�on as an op�on to add value and

    access differen�ated markets.

    07/10/2020Marenilson Batista

    Cotton Researcher, [email protected]

    Pierre NeyraBusiness Manager, ECOCERT

    [email protected]

    Rachel MoreauTextil Auditor, ECOCERT

    [email protected]

    Percy Yarleque VilchezAgent, COSTACH

    [email protected]

    Genaro Valverde RivasTechnical Advisor, [email protected]


  • TOGETHER WE ARE MORE COTTON REGIONAL COTTON FORUMCommemoration of World Cotton Day: Latin America and Africa.


    Silvana AbdoFirst Lady of Paraguay

    [email protected]

    Roberto RodriguesFormer Minister of Agriculture, Brazil

    [email protected]

    Carla BacigalupoMinister of labor, Employment & Social

    Security, [email protected]

    Alexandre PelembeProject Gral. Technical Coord. Shire-Zambezi, [email protected]

    Yolanda Milena GonçalvesCotton and Oliseed Institute, Mozambique

    [email protected]


    This event focused on 3 interna�onal coopera�on projects implemented

    in La�n America and Africa. ABC/MRE Director, Ambassador Ruy Carlos

    Pereira made the opening remarks. The FAO Representa�ve in Brazil,

    Rafael Zavala and the LAC ILO Regional Director, Vinícius Pinheiro

    emphasized the successful results of South-South coopera�on to for�fy

    the La�n American and African co�on sector, giving more interna�onal

    visibility to co�on fiber and contribu�ng to decent jobs, higher income

    and a dignified life for family farmers.

    Brazil presented their first experience organizing and supplying quality

    fibers and food through the implementa�on of technologies and digital

    solu�ons at the agribusiness and family farming level, with a focus on the

    sustainability of natural resources. Peru also described their efforts to

    implement the Na�onal Co�on Plan as policy to support the na�onal


    Paraguay presented their program “Cimentando Sueños” (Cemen�ng

    Dreams), which targets several loca�ons of the country to promote

    decent work and economic growth, retrieving ancestral techniques, also

    promo�ng training, entrepreneurship, marke�ng and economic

    development. ABC and ILO coopera�on, which promotes decent work

    throughout the co�on chain in Paraguay, was also men�oned.

    The Co�on & Oilseed Ins�tute of Mozambique presented their ini�a�ve

    to integrate family farming into the co�on value chain, through

    technology, access to financing and infrastructure, in a scenario where

    250,000 co�on growers seek to make a profit of USD 500 per year for the

    crop, and on average produce 0.7 hectares/plot, with poor quality seeds

    and low yields of 400 kg per hectare. The Ins�tute is working with Brazil

    on seed training and research in order to improve this scenario.

  • COUNTRY-EVENT: COLOMBIAChallenges for the sustainability of cotton: Experiences for the articulation of the textile-apparel chain.

    Representa�ves of the Governments of Brazil and Colombia, FAO,

    ABRAPA, and private en��es of the tex�le and apparel sector

    par�cipated in the event. The Ministry of Agriculture of Colombia

    made the opening remarks, describing the program to support the

    growing and marke�ng of Colombian co�on. This ini�a�ve is linked to

    the recommenda�ons and needs of the Colombian fashion and

    apparel industry, such as strengthening the produc�vity of the

    agro-tex�le sector through the implementa�on of a sustainable

    co�on mill with cu�ng-edge technology and coordina�on among

    several stakeholders of the sector, for the manufacture of garments

    with added value and with a market niche, such as sustainable, organic

    and socially responsible products.

    ABRAPA also presented their strategy “Soy de Algodón” (I am of

    co�on), which seeks to strengthen the co�on produc�on chain and

    the tex�le industry with the idea of sustainable fashion, recognizing

    the value of the ‘Responsible Brazilian Co�on’ (ABR) seal, pursuing

    coordina�on with government en��es, the co�on business

    associa�on and the tex�le-apparel industry to achieve the buy-in of

    the brand, as joint strategy to promote Brazilian co�on. ABRAPA also

    discussed the promo�on and iden�fica�on of the opportunity

    available in agroecological produc�on of colored co�on, sustainable

    fashion, using recycled materials, recovered fibers, and sustainable

    and organic co�on.

    The event concluded with the willingness to strengthen and promote

    Colombian co�on, working together to build the country and fostering

    the inclusive par�cipa�on of the community in the

    co�on-tex�le-apparel chain.

    08/10/2020Sandra Vasconcelos

    Representative, Natural Cotton Color [email protected]

    Silmara FerraresiAdvisor, Presidency ABRAPA

    [email protected]

    Juan Pablo MartínezExpert Designer of Sustainable Fashion

    [email protected]

    María Clara VallejoMarketing Director, COLTEJER

    [email protected]

    Julio Cesar MendozaDirector, CORMODA

    [email protected]


  • REGIONAL EVENT PROJECT +COTTONMachinery innovations for cotton family farming - from production to processing.

    The event highlighted family farming as an important segment of co�on

    produc�on to meet the demand of the local tex�le industry. However,

    there are obstacles, such as the lack and cost of labor that requires

    farmers to turn to mechaniza�on to perform their tasks at a lower cost and

    higher quality. Embrapa has developed machinery and equipment such as

    electric and motorized harvesters, seed delinters, mini-ginners and

    single-row harvesters, technologies developed through partnerships with

    ins�tu�ons such as those that support the +Co�on Project and the

    Coopercat Coop, of Catu�/Brazil.

    The second presenta�on described the development of machinery for

    co�on handicra�s in the framework of the +Co�on Project, in

    coordina�on with the Municipality of Aguachica and the departmental

    government of Cesar, to strengthen the social fabric to support women in

    vulnerable situa�ons, crea�ng income genera�ng alterna�ves and

    economic sustainability based on co�on handicra�s. The machines were

    taken to Bolivia to be tested in 2021 with ar�san organiza�ons as part of

    the +Co�on Project.

    The last presenta�on described the experience of Diaconía with

    agroecological co�on family farming in the semi-arid northeast of Brazil.

    Through the Project Co�on in Agroecological Consor�ums, family

    agriculture has been strengthened with areas of 1 to 3 hectares of co�on

    crops associated with corn, beans and sesame, implemen�ng adapted

    technologies and with less carbon footprint such as: micro-tractor, seeder,

    motorcycle-driven plough, brush cu�er and protec�ve equipment; co�on

    boll harvester/stripper, co�on gin and bale press.

    The event concluded emphasizing the commitment required to con�nue

    building regional networks and sharing breakthroughs, research,

    technologies, experiences and knowledge among all stakeholders of the

    co�on sector in the region.



    Odilon SilvaCotton Researcher, Embrapa

    [email protected]

    Valdinei SofiattiCotton Researcher, Embrapa


    Carlos BrigardCotton Machinery Developer

    [email protected]

    Marcelo PaytasDirector, INTA Reconquista-AR

    [email protected]

    José TiburcioTechnical Advisor, COOPERACT

    [email protected]

    Fabio SantiagoGral. Coord. Cotton Project, Agri-ecological Consortium

    [email protected]

  • COUNTRY-EVENT: PERÚ IIDiscussion: Challenges and opportunities to reactivate the cotton, textile and apparel value chain.

    Representa�ves of the Ministry of Agriculture of Peru, the

    Government of Brazil, FAO, producer associa�ons, and tex�le

    promo�on commi�ees par�cipated in the discussion.

    The first part of the event reported on the measures adopted by the

    government to reac�vate the co�on, tex�le and apparel chain, in the

    context of COVID-19 and the recovery on the ground and in

    government ins�tu�ons. Although the measures did not target the

    co�on sector, it is evident that the government applied them as a

    whole and they include fiber produc�on and industrializa�on, with the

    highly relevant funding of 250 million soles for agricultural produc�on,

    which includes co�on. Also men�oned was the officializa�on of the

    Na�onal Co�on Plan and that the General Agricultural Directorate is

    commi�ed to this Plan. Similarly, the posi�ve experience of the

    COSTACH Coop was underscored, providing details on its associa�on,

    produc�on and marke�ng model, highligh�ng the need to promote

    greater coordina�on between the produc�on link and the

    manufacturing link so as to facilitate the dialogue between the

    different par�es of the nego�a�on and sale of products. In addi�on,

    ANPAL reviewed the opportuni�es and challenges to reac�vate the

    co�on, tex�le and apparel value chain from the perspec�ve of the

    private sector, and the Tex�le & Apparel Commi�ee discussed the

    measures to reac�vate the tex�le and apparel industry in the

    post-COVID-19 context.

    Lastly, the ac�vi�es celebra�ng World Co�on Day were described, as

    well the willingness of the country's authori�es and coopera�on

    agencies to con�nue working jointly to recover the image of

    Peruvian co�on.

    José Muro VenturaGeneral Director, MINAGRI

    [email protected]

    Jaquelin Olaza ChacónSpecialist, Formulation, Execution and

    Evaluation of Productive [email protected]

    Elvin PalmaRepresentative, National Association

    of Cotton Producers (ANPAL)[email protected]

    Martín ReañoManager, Textile-Apparel Committee

    [email protected]



  • COUNTRY-EVENT: BOLIVIAProduction of cotton seeds and other crops in the family farming production systems.

    Representa�ves of the Brazilian Embassy, FAO, EMPAER-PB and

    universi�es of the country par�cipated in this event on the produc�on

    of co�on seeds and other crops in family farming produc�on systems.

    The first part of the discussion focused on the experience of

    EMPAER-PB and other agroecological agriculture and seed produc�on

    ini�a�ves in the northeast of Brazil. In this regard, the par�culari�es of

    agriculture in the area were discussed, as well as successful

    experiences, such as the Paraíba Co�on Project, partnered with

    Embrapa Algodão, Norfil S.A. Indústria Têx�l, the Coop of Co�on

    Tex�le Produc�on (Coopnatural). The challenges to be addressed in

    order to promote seed produc�on were also men�oned, such as the

    current legisla�on for the Cer�fica�on of Organic Seeds.

    Regarding the Bolivian experience, they presented the +Co�on Project

    ini�a�ve of implemen�ng co�on seed demonstra�on plots in 4

    municipali�es of the department of Santa Cruz, its coordina�on with

    the Na�onal Ins�tute of Agricultural & Forest Innova�on (INIAF), the

    implementa�on of 3 Field Schools in the La Verdad, Rosal Centro and

    25 de Mayo communi�es of the Pailón municipality, for the

    produc�on of yucca, sweet potato, beans and purple corn seeds in

    agri-food systems with co�on family farming.

    The challenge in Bolivia is to set up Community Seed Banks with some

    type of INIAF cer�fica�on, resuming the research of co�on as crop,

    considering a sustainable and diversified produc�on system based on

    the needs of the communi�es, also salvaging na�onal criolla varie�es,

    and strengthening conserva�on methodologies that contribute to the

    na�onal and La�n American iden�ty of co�on.

    Jefferson Ferreira de MoraisTechnical Director, EMPAER-PB

    [email protected]

    Victor Choque ColqueProfessor, Gabriel René Moreno

    Univ. Inst. of Agricultural Research The Vallecito

    [email protected]



  • World Co�on Day is an opportunity to show the

    posi�ve impact of co�on in the future and to persuade

    the interna�onal community to join the celebra�on.

    Stakeholders of the global co�on community met

    during 5 days to share the mul�ple advantages of

    co�on with the audience, describing its quali�es as

    natural fiber and the mul�ple benefits stemming

    from the transforma�on, produc�on, trade and

    consump�on for peoples around the world.

    We express our gra�tude to everybody who

    contributed to this series of events

    commemora�ng World Co�on Day 2020:

    moderators, speakers, country-project coordinators

    and all those who constantly accompany the

    ac�ons of the +Co�on Project.


    What is cotton for you?

    Video part 1

    Video part 2

    Video part 3

    Video part 4

    Video part 5

    Video part 6

    Message of ICAC

    Bolivia and seed produc�on

    Living on co�on

    Co�on, an alterna�ve

    Single row, co�on picker

    Read the news of the central event


    Follow us on Twitter Visit the project’s website Watch our audiovisual material


