connected business grant schemes

connected business grant · PDF fileGrant Schemes Derby ... Katapult 20 Severn Trent 22 Sustrans ... Date project completed: August 2013 Area of Derby: London Road

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Page 1: connected business grant  · PDF fileGrant Schemes Derby ... Katapult 20 Severn Trent 22 Sustrans ... Date project completed: August 2013 Area of Derby: London Road

connected business grant schemes

Page 2: connected business grant  · PDF fileGrant Schemes Derby ... Katapult 20 Severn Trent 22 Sustrans ... Date project completed: August 2013 Area of Derby: London Road


Page 3: connected business grant  · PDF fileGrant Schemes Derby ... Katapult 20 Severn Trent 22 Sustrans ... Date project completed: August 2013 Area of Derby: London Road


ContentsForeword 4

Grant Schemes Derby NHS Trust 6Reckitt Benckiser 8Tracsis Plc 10Enthusiasm Trust 12Derby Probation Service 14Derbyshire Enterprise 16Katapult 20Severn Trent 22Sustrans 24Synergy Health 26Pektron 28Interfleet 30Moore Large 34EPM Technology 36Milner Commercial 38Psycho Interactive 40Derby College 42Pennine Healthcare 44

Grants 2015/16 46

Page 4: connected business grant  · PDF fileGrant Schemes Derby ... Katapult 20 Severn Trent 22 Sustrans ... Date project completed: August 2013 Area of Derby: London Road


ForewordSince Connected was launched two years ago, a large number of local employers and individuals have benefittedfromgettingConnected. The Connected grant scheme has been made available to businesses, and voluntary and community groupsbasedacrossthecitytogivethemthefinancialhelptheyneedtomeetthecostoffundingworkplaceorcommunity-basedtravelimprovementsandinitiatives.Themajorityhaveusedtheirgrantsto help pay for the installation of cycle shelters, lockers, showers, and changing facilities, in response to employee’s requests for better facilities, which had previously acted as a barrier to walking and cycling towork.

Over the last two years we’ve distributed over £170,000 grant funding to help local businesses improve theirsustainabletravelfacilitiesforstaffandvisitors. EachorganisationisdevelopingasimpleTravelActionPlanthatreviewshowtheirstaffandvisitorstraveltotheirsiteandsetsbasicgoalsandobjectives.WorkingwithourTravelAdviceService,theyhavereceived free help and advice on travel measures that encourage greater use of alternatives to the car suchaswalking,cycling,usingpublictransport,carsharingandflexibleworking. ThisportfoliohighlightsjustsomeoftheorganisationsthathavebenefittedfromthegrantschemeandtheimpactthishashadonpromotingsustainabletravelinDerby.Thegrantfundinghashelpedmorepeoplereducetheircarusehelpingthemsavemoney,andtime,aswellasgettingfitandhealthyastheytravel.

Adam SendallLocal Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF) Team Leader

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From 2013 - March 2015

organisations received grants18177,140

total amount of grants issued£

£278,273match funding received


Page 6: connected business grant  · PDF fileGrant Schemes Derby ... Katapult 20 Severn Trent 22 Sustrans ... Date project completed: August 2013 Area of Derby: London Road


Derby NHS Trust - London Road Community HospitalGrant Awarded: £10,000Match Funded: £5,000Date project completed: August 2013Area of Derby: London Road

Award for: The refurbishment of three rooms, one female, one male and one unisex,whichwerebeingusedtostorebrokenequipmenttobechangedintostaffchangingfacilitieswithshowersandlockersforexistingandnewstaffmovingtotheLondonRoadHospital.

Achievements: • Outof172lockersintotal,140ofthelockersareoccupied. Thelockersrunonadepositsystem.

• Resultsfromthetravelsurveyshowthat136staffaretravellingsustainablytoworkattheLRCH.

• Since the survey was completed the Hospital have had the new secure cycle shelter installed which has proved very popular and resultedinmorepeoplecyclingtothesite.

• 12freeentriesforregularcyclistsintothecarpark.• Twomembersofstaffhavegivenuptheircarpermitalready.

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Reckitt BenckiserGrant Awarded: £8,336Match Funded: £79,000Date project completed: September 2013Area of Derby: Sinfin Lane

Award for: Thesupplyandfittingofacycleshelterfor50cycles.Thisformedpartof a larger refurbishment scheme at Reckitt Benckiser for showers and changingfacilities,aswellasinstallinglockersandsafercyclestorage.

Targets by 31 March 2015: • Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebysustainabletravelmodesby17%to27%.

• Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebywalkingandcyclingby10%to16%.

• Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebypublictransportby4%to6%.

• Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebycarsharingby4%to6%.

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Tracsis PlcGrant Awarded: £2,800Match Funded: £1,000Date project completed: October 2013Area of Derby: Pride Park

Award for: The supply and installation of showers converting an upstairs toiletfacility.

Achievements: • Increasedthenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebysustainabletravelmodesby10%to60%.

• Increasedthenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebywalkingandcyclingby6%to18%.

• Increasedthenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebypublictransportby2%to41%.

• Increasedthenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebycarsharingby2%to3%.

Tracs splc

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Enthusiasm Trust - Merlin Green and Elton Road BridgeGrant Awarded: £11,500Match Funded: £5,600Date project completed: October 2013Area of Derby: Cotton Lane

Award for: Clearing walking and cycle routes at Merlin Green and Elton Road Bridgewhichwascoveredwithgraffiti,householdwaste,flytippingfurniture,needlesandalcoholbottles.

Theseroutesareusedbycyclistsandpeoplewalkingtomajoremployment and retail sites including S&A Foods, Sainsbury’s, B&Q,ShowcaseCinemaandMcDonalds.

Achievements: • Moreemployeesusingtheroutestocycleandwalk.Positivefeedback has been received from both local businesses and residents.Theynowfeelsafeandhappyusingthepaths.

• Recruited young volunteers who were not in education, employmentortrainingandwereatriskofanti-socialbehaviour.

• Oneyoungpersonfoundfulltimeemploymentthroughthisproject.

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Derbyshire Probation TrustGrant Awarded: £4,100Match Funded: £4,130Date project completed: November 2013Area of Derby: Stuart Street

Award for: The supply and installation of showers converting an upstairs toilet in to ashowerfacility.

Achievements: • Twocarsharebayshavebeeninstalled.• Installationofanewcycleshelter.• Tenpeoplenowcarshareondifferentdaysoftheweek.• 25%ofstaffnowcycletowork.• 25%ofstaffnowtraveltoworkeitherbywalkingorusing


Derbyshire Probation Trust

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Derbyshire Enterprise Agency - Brian Clough Business Centre Grant Awarded: £15,000Match Funded: £5,000Date project completed: March 2014Area of Derby: Cotton Lane

Award for: Installation of a cycle shelter and changing a disabled toilet in to a showerfacilityfortenantsrentingbusinessspace.

Achievements: • Ten more businesses have started renting at this business centre andanincreaseof20%ofstaffareusingthefacilities,givingatotalof40%usage.

• The number of people who cycle to work has increased from zero tofive.

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38of trips are made by sustainable transport.

people have found jobs and are now in full time employment.Sustrans

05The number of people who cycle to work has increased from zero to Derbyshire Enterprise Agency

40% Severn Trent

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KatapultGrant Awarded: £12,839Match Funded: £8,515Date project completed: April 2014Area of Derby: Ashbourne Road

Award for: Conversion of ground floor offices to showers and changing facility, installationoflockersandpurchasingofpoolbikes.

Targets by March 2015: To change the behaviour of the business to commute to work using moresustainabletravelmodes.

Mode Shift

Mode 2014 Baseline 2015 Target

Car 44% 25%

Walk 22% 26%

Bike 24% 33%

Public Transport 2% 6%

Car Share 9% 0%

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Severn TrentGrant Awarded: £25,000Match Funded: £19,871Date project completed: May 2014Area of Derby: Pride Park

Award for: FollowingtherelocationofcallcentrestafffromRayneswaytoPridePark,arefurbishmentprogramwasnecessarytomeetthestaffrequirements.Theschemeofworksincludedanewpedestrianentrance and associated path onto the site, the refurbishment of shower facilities, including the installation of drying and changing facilities, plus the installation of a 20 space cycle shelter with integral bike pump, lightingandCCTV.

Targets by March 2015: • Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebysustainabletravelmodesby5%to40%.

• Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebywalkingandcyclingby2%to17%.

• Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebypublictransportby2%to10%.

• Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebycarsharingby1%to14%.

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Bike IT Officer SustransGrant Awarded: £5,000Match Funded: Bike It Officer post time and resourcesDate project completed: May 2014 - 31 March 2015Area of Derby: City Wide

Award for: AspartoftheBikeITOfficerposttheprovisionofbikeswerekeyforunemployed people to get to interviews, training placements and employmentsitesoncerecruited.TheBike-ItOfficerneededtohaveaccess to a sum of money for which he could purchase bikes for these jobseekers.TheBikesarepurchasedfromBikeBackDerby.

Achievements: • 38bikeshavebeenpurchasedsofar.• 38peoplehavefoundjobsandarenowinfull-timeemployment


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Synergy HealthGrant Awarded: £13,690Match Funded: £13,690Date project completed: May 2014Area of Derby: Wyvern Business Park

Award for: The installation and supply of showers, lockers, changing facilities andcyclesheltersfollowingtherelocationfromAscotDrivetoWyvernBusinessPark.

Targets by March 2015: • Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebysustainabletravelmodesby10%to25%.

• Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebywalkingandcyclingby6%to10%.

• Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebypublictransportby2%to3%.

• Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebycarsharingby2%to11%.

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PektronGrant Awarded: £5,771Match Funded: £2,000Date project completed: September 2014Area of Derby: Alfreton Road

Award for: The installation of a secure bike shelter for 20 cycles as part of their sustainabletravelshiftforemployeesandtheirgreentravelplan.

Targets by March 2015: • Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebywalking by4%to15%.

• Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebycycling by13%to15%.

• Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebypublictransportby10%to15%.

• Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebycarsharingby17%to40%.

• Reducethenumberofstaffcommutingtripstoworkbysolocar by19%to40%.

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InterfleetGrant Awarded: £17,000Match Funded: £23,475Date project completed: October 2014Area of Derby: Pride Park

Award for: A whole scheme of works which includes refurbishment of showers, anewcycleshelterandlockers.

Targets by March 2015: • Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebysustainabletravelmodesby10%to55%.

• Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebywalking andcyclingby6%to25%.

• Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebypublictransportby2%to21%.

• Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebycarsharingby2%to8%.

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Staff commuting by sustainable travel has increased byTracsis

staff are now travelling sustainably to work.London Road Community Hospital

young person found full time employment through this project.Enthusiasm01


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Moore LargeGrant Awarded: £5,000Match Funded: £4,000Date project completed: December 2014Area of Derby: Sinfin Lane

Award for: The supply and installation of a cycle storage area, and refurbishment of showersandchangingareas.

Targets by March 2015: • Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebysustainabletravelmodesby5%to66%.

• Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebywalking andcyclingby2%to41%.

• Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebypublictransportby13%to40%.

• Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebycarsharingby1%to12%.

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EPM TechnologyGrant Awarded: £7,000Match Funded: £60,838Date project completed: January 2015Area of Derby: Raynesway

Award for: Supplyandfitacycleshelteraspartofaschemeofsustainableworks.Matchfundingwasusedtoinstallshowersandchangingfacilities.

Targets for 2015: • Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebysustainabletravelmodesby10%to34%.

• Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebywalkingandcyclingby5%to17%.

• Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebypublictransportby3%to4%.

• Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebycarsharingby2%to13%.

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Milner Commercial - Melbourne and Stadium Business CourtsGrant Awarded: £3,967Match Funded: £4,500Date project completed: January 2015Area of Derby: Pride Park

Award for: Theinstallationofacycleshelterinplaceoftwocarparkingspaces.

Targets to acheive by 2016: • Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebysustainable

travelmodesby10%to39%.• Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebywalkingand

cyclingby5%to14%.• Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebypublic

transportby3%to12%.• Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebycarsharing


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Psycho InteractiveGrant Awarded: £767Match Funded: £2,500Date project completed: January 2015Area of Derby: London Road

Award for: Thepurchaseofthreebikes.

Targets by March 2015: • Toreducethenumberoftaxijourneysmadebycorestaffwho workunsociablehours.

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Derby CollegeGrant Awarded: £19,309Match Funded: £30,000Date project completed: February 2015Area of Derby: City Centre

Award for: The supply and installation of a cycle shelter at the Joseph WrightCentre.

• Derby College have had a travel plan coordinator in place since 2008 (costing around £150,000), which has made a huge change tothewaypeopletraveltothecollege.

• Derby College have installed cycle and shower facilities at all other sites, including a large investment in state of the art facilities at theRoundhouse.

• Derby College has invested in other schemes such as improvements to local cycle routes as part of the Roundhouse build.TheJosephWrightCentrerequiredmoresecurefacilitiestoallowtheCollegetocontinuetoeffectivelypromotesustainabletraveltostudentsandstaff.

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PennineGrant Awarded: £10,062Match Funded: £9,154Date project completed: February 2015Area of Derby: London Road Business Park

Award for: The refurbishment and installation of new showers, toilets and dryingequipment.

Security cameras will also be installed at the cycle shelter as well as securityequipmentforcyclists.

Targets by March 2015: • Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebysustainabletravelmodesby10%to51%.

• Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebywalkingandcyclingby5%to21%.

• Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebypublictransportby3%to11%.

• Increasethenumberofstaffcommutingtripsmadebycarsharingby2%to18%.

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Connected have secured additional funding for the grant scheme for 2015/16 from the Local Growth Fund.Organisationsareinvitedtoapplyforgrantsuptoamaximumof£15,000forbothinfrastructureand incentives that help to promote walking, cycling, public transport, car sharing and smarter working including:• installingcycleparkingandstoragefacilitiesforstaffandvisitors• car share signs and marking out priority car share parking bays• showers and changing facilities• buyingpoolbikesforstafftouse• site access improvements for walking and cycling• electric vehicle charging points and pool vehicles• supportfortargetedevents,campaignsandpromotionsinsidetheworkplace.

What’s not covered by the grant? The following items are not covered by the Connected Grant Scheme:• laptops or computers• video-conferencing suites• non-electric vehicle pool cars• bus and rail tickets• maintenanceofinfrastructurepurchasedthroughthegrantscheme.

Organisationscanapplyonlineatderbyconnected.com/connected-grants,orrequestanapplicationformby calling 01332 641759, or email [email protected]

Grants 2015/16

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derbyconnected.com [email protected] @DerbyConnected /DerbyConnected