OPEN SPACE 2018 Munich, 25 October 2018 1 Connecting German, Swiss and Austrian capital with global infrastructure DACH INFRASTRUCTURE OPEN SPACE 3 25th October | Sofitel Bayer Post | Munich - Germany

Connecting German, Swiss and Austrian capital with global

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Page 1: Connecting German, Swiss and Austrian capital with global

3rd DACH INFRASTRUCTURE OPEN SPACE 2018 Munich, 25 October 2018


Connecting German, Swiss and Austrian capital

with global infrastructure

r DACH INFRASTRUCTURE OPEN SPACE 3 25th October | Sofitel Bayer Post | Munich - Germany

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Connecting first-rate infrastructure managers with the German,

Austrian and Swiss infrastructure investor community

The DACH Infrastructure Open Space 3 (DIOS 3) is an exclusive meeting for participants

in the infrastructure investment community.

DIOS 3 brings together high-quality, institutional investors/LPs looking to deploy capital to

the best-in-class GPs focused on infrastructure investments

▪ The audience: Decision-makers from the most active LPs in the DACH region meet

managing partners from leading infrastructure investment firms from across the globe

▪ The agenda: The most important themes driving infrastructure investment strategies

as identified by the investor community and thought leaders from the industry

▪ The format: The event starts with an informal dinner followed by a full day off-the-

record gathering with top-level discussions addressing industry issues and new

investment themes

The DACH Infrastructure Open Space is the perfect arena for the DACH region’s most

influential investors to interact with their peers and a selected group of invited senior fund


Why Attend?

Largest DACH-only

event focusing on infrastructure investing

Meet with leading

DACH investors

A powerful learning

environment Unrivalled networking


Discover innovative




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Sponsors, Supporting Organisations & Publishers

Absolut|report (www.absolut-report.de) has been launched in 2001 and is now the leading

independent publication for institutional investors in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Covering all topics of interest to institutional investors Absolut|report focuses on innovations and new

developments for the institutional asset management industry. Investment strategies in all asset

classes, along with risk management, legal and taxation aspects are provided by science and industry


In combination with Absolut|performance, our web platform and our professional approach, we

provide direct access to institutional investors’ decision makers through our outstanding quality and

prestigious platform. Absolut|report and Absolut|performance are, like all our publications, available

through an annual subscription.

Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. (BAI – www.bvai.de) is the central advocacy association

for the alternative investment industry sector in Germany.

The BAI serves as a catalyst between institutional and professional German investors and recognized

providers of alternative investment products worldwide. Particularly, one goal is to make it easier for

institutional and professional German investors to more effectively diversify their financial assets into

Alternative Investments, especially as many of those investors are responsible for safeguarding long-

term retirement pensions.

Another core task of the organization is to improve public awareness and enhance the understanding

of asset classes and strategies in public. The BAI maintains an intense dialogue with political

institutions as well as supervisory bodies. Furthermore, the BAI cooperates with various national and

international organizations and industry associations. It advocates for legal reforms to design an

attractive and competitive regulatory environment for Alternative Investments in Germany.

At present, BAI counts 200 members from all areas of the professional alternative investments sector.

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ICA (www.ic-ica.com) provides investment advisory and capital raising services and delivers unique,

exclusive investor events.

The focus of the firm lies on tailor-made investment solutions in the private equity, private debt and

real assets sectors.

In addition to that, ICA helps raising funds for alternative investment firms. The firm takes on a limited

number of assignments each year, preferring to work on a tailored basis with each mandate specified

and executed to best suit its client.

ICA is owner-managed and headquartered in Munich/Germany.

Stafford Capital Partners (www.staffordcp.com) is a leading private markets investment and advisory

group with a global presence and USD 4.1 billion under management and advice. Stafford works with

a wide range of institutions to deliver returns through active investing across the private markets.

Stafford is specialist in a range of real assets including Timberland, Infrastructure, Agriculture and

maintains a high proportion of secondary transactions across the various asset classes.

Stafford is owned entirely by its principals who have spent their careers investing in the private

markets on behalf of clients with relationships spanning decades. While underpinned by investment

performance, Stafford supports clients with complete integrity, open communication and a philosophy

of responsible investing.

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HSH is one of Germany’s leading project financing banks, especially in the key focus sectors

Infrastructure & Energy. In both areas, HSH holds a significant market share in Europe and works in

close corporation with institutional investors and other syndicate partners in various forms: direct

loans, cash & non-cash risk sub-participation, club deals and fund-based financial arrangements.

HSH offers many years of experience in the financing business, good market access and extensive

origination know-how. HSH has a close network in the European market and reliable customer

relationships based on partnerships. Within the Infrastructure sector HSH provides support to projects

in the rail, road, port, airport, social and public projects as well as telecommunications and energy

infrastructure sectors. Overall the relevant team closes around 20 transactions per year in these

sectors. The volume of the Infrastructure & Logistic Portfolio comprises EUR 1.9 bn.

GRESB is an investor-driven organization that is transforming the way we assess the environmental,

social and governance (ESG) performance of real assets globally, including real estate portfolios and

infrastructure assets. Over 75 institutional investors, collectively representing over USD 18 trillion in

institutional capital, use GRESB data and analytical tools in their investment management and

engagement process, with a clear goal to optimize the risk/return profile of their investments.

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Speakers and Moderators



Head of Infrastructure Debt Team,


Head of Business Development,

Circuitus Capital

Kate Archer Thomas Bayerl Felipe Carvalho

Founder and Managing Partner,


Cartesius Group

Head of Infrastructure and Rail Team,

HSH Nordbank

Spence Clunie Dr. Gregor Kirstein Dr. Marcus Kleiner

Head of Infrastructure,

Uniqa Insurance Group


Independent Investor and Advisor,

Greentech Capital Advisors

Dimitar Lambrev Patrick Lemcke-Braselmann Jim Long

Managing Partner,

Stafford Capital

Executive, Capital Raising & Business Development Team,

Climate Fund Managers



Dr. Ingo Marten Darren Moens Hans Poser

Head of Infrastructure,

Golding Capital Partners

Head of Transactions Team,


Founding Partner,

Sequoia Investment Management

Dr. Matthias Reicherter Marc Schürch Greg Taylor

Managing Director, YIELCO Investments

Dieter Weiss

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25 October 2018





Infrastructure assets have experienced one of the strongest allocation

increases of all asset classes in recent years. The keynote presentation

will provide a guide to 2018 global investment patterns in infrastructure

and discuss the near-term global and regional market outlook.

Investor allocations to infrastructure

Market conditions – Global capital flows and regional market


Structural changes through technology, demographics and the rise

of sustainability in infrastructure

Speaker: Hans-Peter Dohr, IC Institutional Capital

9:45 AM – 10:20 AM PANEL SESSION


Examining the key themes which have emerged around the investment

and management of infrastructure assets held by private sector


Global vs European infrastructure trends

How to deliver enhanced returns on low risk infrastructure assets

How to extract value from combining greenfield projects and

brownfield assets

How can rising stars compete against the established infrastructure


Moderator: Dieter Weiss, YIELCO Investments


Felipe Carvalho, Circuitus Capital

Spence Clunie, Ancala Partners

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The transactions volumes in the infrastructure secondary market are

growing at a steady and increasingly rapid pace driven by the growth of

the primary infrastructure market, the need for liquidity and portfolio

restructurings. Infrastructure secondary investments provide investors

with differentiated access routes to quality fund and quality assets.

Speaker: Dr. Ingo Marten, Stafford Capital


11:20 AM – 11:35 AM KEYNOTE SPEECH



New Technologies such as battery storage, encryption software,

electric and autonomous vehicles are changing the way we build and

use infrastructure.

Increasingly new business models are emerging where assets are

bundled with technology and service to create service platforms — for

energy, for transport, for data. While these shifts may diminish the value

of asset ownership they create new business opportunities — which

come with different risks from traditional infrastructure. In addition, new

classes of infrastructure assets such as electric vehicle charging,

broadband fibre optic, and smart meters are emerging — which are

based on technology.

Are Infrastructure investors prepared to embrace technology risk and

new growth business models with service-based revenues? How far

should infrastructure managers go in actively managing assets to

exploit growth opportunities based on technology and services? Will a

shift toward big data and customer relationships shift infrastructure

investment toward technology and industrial players who possess the

tools to make infrastructure intelligent?

Speaker: Jim Long, Independent Investor and Senior Adviser,

Greentech Capital Advisors

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11:35 AM – 12:00 PM FIRESIDE CHAT

Tech & Infra

A fireside chat between Jim Long and Hans Poser of Finadvice




How a bank adapts to changing markets.

New business models for client solutions in corporate banking and

infrastructure finance.

Speaker: Dr. Marcus Kleiner, HSH Nordbank




Investment into infrastructure debt provides institutional investors with the potential for long-dated stable cash flows which can be used to match liabilities, provide a yield enhancement, which offers relative value to corporate credit and diversify risk. However, private infrastructure debt is a diverse market, covering a range of strategies with differing credit risks, maturities, payment terms, regions and sectors. The panel will discuss whether the current state of the infrastructure debt market creates enough opportunities for debt investors to justify the increased exposures.

Key aspects of the popularity of infrastructure debt with

institutional investors

Comparing senior and mezzanine infrastructure debt strategies

Investor allocations to infrastructure

Transaction values versus fundraising

Moderator: Hans-Peter Dohr, IC Institutional Capital

Panellists: Thomas Bayerl, MEAG

Dr. Marcus Kleiner, HSH Nordbank

Dimitar Lambrev, Uniqa Insurance Group

Greg Taylor, Sequoia Investment Management

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There is a growing and strong interest among individuals in seeing that their savings and investments do social good AND produce a financial return. The financial services industry, businesses, social enterprises and charities are crucial partners in delivering a society that works for all citizens. Large amounts of capital are looking for productive investment opportunities, on the other hand, there are many areas where generating positive social outcomes needs investment at scale. Infrastructure is such an area.

With rapid global population growth, increasing urbanisation, traffic

congestion, parking difficulties and air and water pollution, high-

performing green infrastructure, provides real economic, ecological,

and social benefits. Ensuring that the transport networks, energy

networks, and waste and water facilities in demand across the globe will

reduce carbon emissions and be socially inclusive. Integrating green

infrastructure into investment portfolios must be a priority.

Speaker: Hans-Peter Dohr, IC Institutional Capital & Supporter of the

Social Impact Investing Implementation Taskforce





GRESB provides insights into the ESG performance of infrastructure

portfolios across the world.

Speaker: Kate Archer, GRESB




What is responsible investment in infrastructure?

Implementing sustainable investment related policies and

processes and assessing the impact of ESG issues for

infrastructure investments

Understand and evaluate infrastructure investment managers’

approaches to integrating material environmental, social and

governance (ESG) factors into their investment practices

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Is sustainable and responsible investing delivering value (financial,

social and environmental returns) or is it just a way to manage risk

Outlook: Can Sustainable Infrastructure become a new asset class

Moderator: Hans-Peter Dohr


Kate Archer, GRESB

Dr. Matthias Reicherter, Golding Capital Partners



GLOBAL ENERGY & RENEWABLE ENERGY PERSPECTIVE – CHANGING LANDSCAPE AND OPPORTUNITY SET Global energy markets are affected by several countering trends. Population and income growth continue to boost energy demand, but global energy demand decelerates. The energy transition is shaking up the global energy system leading to the need to align the energy intensity of the global economy and the global fuel mix, including the rapid deployment of clean energy technologies and the growing electrification of energy. The decline in renewables’ cost accelerates further, out-competing new-built fossil capacity in the short to medium term. Which factors will play the dominant role and have most impact on

global energy European energy and climate policy - has the consistency of the

political and regulatory framework improved Repowering America Current state of the balance between capital flows, sourcing of

assets, pricing discipline and risk Where do investors find new value pools in the energy system

Moderator: Dr. Gregor Kirstein, Cartesius Group Panellists:

Patrick Lemcke-Braselmann, AREAM

Darren Moens, Climate Fund Managers

Marc Schürch, Fontavis



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Kate Archer

Company Profile

GRESB is an investor-driven organization that is transforming the way we assess the environmental,

social and governance (ESG) performance of real assets globally, including real estate portfolios and

infrastructure assets. Over 75 institutional investors, collectively representing over USD 18 trillion in

institutional capital, use GRESB data and analytical tools in their investment management and

engagement process, with a clear goal to optimize the risk/return profile of their investments.

Short Biography

Kate is an Associate at GRESB, focussing on the implementation and development of the GRESB

Infrastructure Assessment. Previous to joining GRESB, Kate worked within the Project Finance team at

SMBC (London) and Commercial Banking team at ASB (NZ). Kate holds a bachelor’s degree in Finance,

Economics and Business Law from Otago University.

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Thomas Bayerl

Company Profile

MEAG is one of the world’s leading asset managers with around EUR 250 billion in assets under

management (figures correct as at 31 March 2018). Part of the Munich Re Group, the company provides

solutions to institutional investors and partners based on active portfolio management. Its clients benefit

from its risk-controlled investment approach and many years’ investment expertise. Numerous awards

for the MEAG investment funds from high-profile rating agencies demonstrate just how successfully

MEAG operates on the European and international investment markets.

It manages the assets of its own group in accordance with the principle of delivering steady returns while

keeping a handle on risk. This investment philosophy dovetails with the business purpose of, in particular,

insurers, pension schemes, pension funds, church organisations, foundations, municipalities and

industrial companies – in other words, any entity seeking to at least preserve their capital and generate a

predictable return.

Short Biography

Thomas Bayerl started his career in August 2004 as Portfolio Manager for structured products at

Landesbank Baden-Württemberg (LBBW) after he finished successfully his studies of Mathematics.

End of 2005 Thomas left LBBW und joined HSH Nordbank London Branch for nearly three years as

Portfolio Manager for structured credit. Since October 2008 Thomas is working for MEAG the asset

manager for MunichRe and Ergo Insurance located in Munich. During his activity as Portfolio Manager for

ABS/MBS and Corporate Debt, Thomas established the asset class Infrastructure Debt – target allocation

€6 bil. - within the MEAG investment universe. Since 2014 he is heading the Infrastructure Debt team

which consists out of 10 Investment Managers.

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Felipe Carvalho

Company Profile

Circuitus Capital is an independent alternative asset management firm headquartered in London and

specialised in infrastructure equity investments mainly focused on Europe. Circuitus Capital seeks to

deliver attractive risk-adjusted returns with an investment strategy focused on value creation and

downside risk mitigation. The Circuitus Capital team has extensive experience in infrastructure, asset

management and finance. The firm is focused on sourcing assets mainly through public tenders or

exclusive negotiations and offers superior deal origination capabilities in Europe and Latin America via

the local presence of its Industrials Partners in over 25 countries.

Short Biography

Felipe is responsible for all fundraising and investor relations activities at Circuitus Capital, based in the

London office. Most recently he was Board Member and Chief Financial Officer of AMS, a Silicon Valley

based environmental technology company, where he led its fund raising and international business

development activities. Felipe has previously held senior positions with Macquarie Group and BTG

Pactual, where he built extensive global experience investing in the infrastructure, utilities, renewables

and resources sectors. Felipe has a MSc degree in Finance and Economics with distinction from the

London School of Economics and a BA degree in Economics with highest honors from Insper in São


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Spence Clunie

Company Profile

Ancala Partners is an independent infrastructure investment manager. The firm has over €1.1 billion of

funds under management and focuses on mid-market infrastructure investments in Europe. Ancala’s

investment team combines experienced infrastructure investors with operational leaders who have a

strong track record of de-risking business and improving cashflow. Ancala provides investors enhanced

returns from core and core+ infrastructure investments from pro-active sourcing and active asset


Ancala is currently raising its second infrastructure fund. The fund held a first close in July 2018.

Short Biography

Spence Clunie, Founder and Managing Partner of Ancala Partners, has 24 years infrastructure investment

experience. Ancala focuses on mid-market infrastructure investments in Europe and has over €1.1 billion

of funds under management. Ancala is currently raising its second mid-market infrastructure fund.

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Hans-Peter Dohr

Company Profile

ICA (www.ic-ica.com) provides investment advisory and capital raising services and delivers unique,

exclusive investor events.

The focus of the firm lies on tailor-made investment solutions in the private equity, private debt,

infrastructure and real estate sectors. Our clients benefit from the strength of our global private markets

platform through our co-operation with Pavilion Alternatives Group.

In addition to that, ICA helps raising funds for alternative investment firms. The firm takes on a limited

number of assignments each year, preferring to work on a tailored basis with each mandate specified and

executed to best suit its client.

ICA is owner-managed and headquartered in Munich/Germany.

Short Biography

Hans-Peter Dohr is founder of ICA. He has over 30 years of investment and finance experience, including

board positions at state investment holding companies and infrastructure investment funds. Prior to

founding ICA, he served as head of advisory at DC Placement Advisors, one of the leading European

private markets advisory firms. Earlier in his career, he worked for multiple groups within investment

banking at Fox-Pitt, Kelton, Salomon Brothers, Credit Lyonnais and Chase Manhattan Bank as well as

the Ministry of Finance and the State Development Bank in Austria. Hans-Peter Dohr holds a master’s

degree in Business Administration from the Vienna University of Economics and Business.

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Dr. Gregor Kirstein

Company Profile

Cartesius is an advisory firm serving the alternative energy and infrastructure sectors as well as alternative

investment managers. Our primary businesses are Corporate Finance Advisory and Placement Agent


As a corporate finance advisor, we work with corporations and project sponsors from the energy and

infrastructure industry to focus on renewable energy projects.

In our Placement Agent practice, Cartesius represents a selected group of alternative investment manager

in the Real Assets, Private Equity and Private Debt space.

Cartesius is management-owned and independent. The team has many years of experience in energy,

infrastructure, consulting, investment banking and research.

Short Biography

Gregor Kirstein has long-term experience in energy finance. Gregor started his career as a management

consultant in Cap Gemini’s energy practice. Between 2006 and 2010 Gregor covered energy, renewable

energy and CleanTech as a sell-side analyst for Sal. Oppenheim. During his tenure at Sal. Oppenheim

Gregor was involved in numerous corporate finance projects in the energy sector. Since 2010 Gregor has

been exclusively focused on corporate finance projects, working for KBR Finance in Frankfurt and

Capstan Capital Partners in London. Gregor holds a PhD in business administration from the University

of Duisburg-Essen where he worked as post-grad at the Institute for Energy Economics.

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Dr. Marcus Kleiner

Company Profile

HSH is one of Germany’s leading project financing banks, especially in the key focus sectors Infrastructure

& Energy. In both areas, HSH holds a significant market share in Europe and works in close corporation

with institutional investors and other syndicate partners in various forms: direct loans, cash & non-cash

risk sub-participation, club deals and fund-based financial arrangements.

HSH offers many years of experience in the financing business, good market access and extensive

origination know-how. HSH has a close network in the European market and reliable customer

relationships based on partnerships. Within the Infrastructure sector HSH provides support to projects in

the rail, road, port, airport, social and public projects as well as telecommunications and energy

infrastructure sectors. Overall the relevant team closes around 20 transactions per year in these sectors.

The volume of the Infrastructure & Logistic Portfolio comprises EUR 1.9 bn.

Short Biography

Dr. Marcus Kleiner is heading HSH Nordbank’s Infrastructure & Rail team based in Hamburg since June

2011. Marcus and his team are responsible for all of HSH Nordbank’s activities in infrastructure including

inter alia airports, sea ports, rail infrastructure, roads, rail assets, storage, networks and PPP projects.

Focus of HSH Nordbank’s activities is Europe. Marcus has a long-term project finance background and

he has been responsible for UniCredit’s Transportation & PPP activities for 15 years successfully closing

more than 150 transactions including selected ones which received deal of the year awards since 2001

on an ongoing basis.

Marcus studied economics, politics and history at the universities of Tübingen, Paris and Munich. In

Munich he worked as assistant professor and made a doctor grade in political science. Thereafter he

worked for Bayerische Vereinsbank AG and its successors in various functions. Since 1993 he has been

part of the banks project finance team with managing responsibilities since 1996.

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Dimitar Lambrev

Company Profile

The UNIQA Group is one of the leading insurance groups in its core markets of Austria and Central and

Eastern Europe (CEE). The group has approximately 40 companies in 19 countries and serve more than

10 million customers. Together with Raiffeisen Versicherung, UNIQA has the two strongest insurance

brands in Austria and is well positioned in the CEE markets. The company operates in all lines of insurance

and currently has 21,300 UNIQA employees and employees of the general agencies working exclusively

for UNIQA, approximately 5,000 of whom work in Austria. UNIQA Capital Markets is an investment firm

which is responsible for the asset management activity of the group's subsidiaries. Currently the firm has

approximately EUR 20bn of AuM across various asset classes and geographical regions.

Short Biography

Dimitar Lambrev joined UNIQA Insurance Group in February 2015. Dimitar is based in Vienna and is

responsible for leading UNIQA’s global infrastructure activities. Within his current role, Dimitar is

responsible for the origination, structuring and execution of infrastructure debt products across the

transportation, social infrastructure, communication and energy sectors.

Dimitar offers more than 15 years of relevant experience in the industry having previously worked in

project finance, private equity and real estate projects across Europe and North America.

At the beginning of his career, Mr. Lambrev worked in the United States where he held various positions

in the banking sector with primary focus on underwriting, originating, and executing project/commercial

debt financings in the U.S. Mid-West market. Prior to joining UNIQA, Dimitar worked at Strabag AG where

he was responsible for raising equity and arranging debt finance for the infrastructure projects worldwide

as well as the asset management of the infrastructure portfolio.

Dimitar earned a Bachelor of International Economic Relations and graduated with a master’s degree in

international Banking and Finance from the Vienna University of Applied Sciences. Mr. Lambrev is

currently a PhD-candidate in the space of capital market financing for infrastructure investments.

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Patrick Lemcke-Braselmann

Company Profile

AREAM is one of the leading independent fully integrated investment and asset managers with a focus

on sustainable energy infrastructure investments for institutional investors with over 10 years of

investment and management experience. AREAM has offices in Germany, Italy and UK and manages

solar and wind assets with a value of more than 850 million Euro.

Short Biography

Patrick joined AREAM Group in 2009 and has successfully led over 20 renewable energy projects as well

as selected advisory mandates. He has over 15 years of experience in investment and transaction

management as well as financing. Before joining AREAM, Mr. Lemcke-Braselmann has worked at

Fortress Investment Group, Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein and UBS. Patrick holds a degree in Business

Management (BWL) from the European Business School in Oestrich-Winkel.

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Jim Long

Short Biography

Jim Long is an independent investor and advisor as well as a Senior Advisor at Greentech Capital Advisors

(GCA), a boutique advisory firm focused on sustainable infrastructure. He has over 25 years of experience

as an adviser and investor across the power, energy, infrastructure, environmental, and technology

sectors. Jim was formerly a Partner at GCA where he has worked closely with companies and investors

to identify strategic opportunities in global markets. He has a wealth of cross-border transaction

experience, helping both larger corporations optimize their business portfolios and leading growth

companies toward value-added partnerships with leading companies and investors, utilizing a full range

of capital and financing alternatives in support of client objectives.

Prior to joining GCA, Jim was a Managing Director at Ecofin, a leading specialist investor in utilities,

renewable energy, and infrastructure. He led the private equity and infrastructure investment activities

with over $500 million invested across wind, solar, water, and related sectors and over $750 million in


Prior to Ecofin, Jim spent 12 years at Citigroup in London in a number of roles, most recently as co-

Chairman of Global Power and Utilities Investment Banking.

Jim has a Dual Degree in Economics (Wharton School) and English from the University of Pennsylvania.

He holds both a Master of Philosophy and Master of Studies in Modern History from Oxford University,

where he was also a tutor. He is a dual French and American national and speaks French, Spanish, and


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Dr. Ingo Marten

Company Profile

Stafford Capital Partners is a leading private markets investment and advisory group with a global

presence and $5.4 billion under management and advice.

Stafford works with a wide range of institutions to deliver returns through active investing across private

markets segments such as infrastructure, timberland, agriculture, private debt, green growth private

equity, and venture.

The company works diligently and creatively to find the best investment opportunities across a range of

market sectors. Stafford is owned entirely by its principals - principals who have spent their careers

investing in the private markets on behalf of clients with relationships spanning decades. While

underpinned by investment performance, Stafford supports clients with complete integrity, open

communication and a philosophy of responsible investing.

Short Biography

Dr. Ingo Marten is Managing Partner for Stafford’s infrastructure activities based in Zurich. Ingo has over

fifteen years of principal investment experience in both direct and fund transactions. Ingo bolsters

Stafford’s regional European capabilities and his substantial sector expertise in clean technology and low-

carbon infrastructure complements Stafford's global sustainable capital team.

Ingo joined Stafford from Macquarie where he was responsible for the launch and management of the

infrastructure secondary fund activities as well as the European aspects of Macquarie’s sustainable capital

investment activities. Both of these activities have been transferred to Stafford in 2014.

Prior to joining Macquarie, Ingo was Director in Alternative Investments at Swiss Re, responsible for the

development and management of its sustainability- and infrastructure-focused portfolio. Prior to Swiss Re,

Ingo worked in Corporate & Strategy Development at UBS.

Ingo holds a PhD (magna cum laude) in Business Administration from the University of Fribourg


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Darren Moens

Company Profile

Climate Fund Managers (CFM) is a leading fund manager dedicated to securing a sustainable future

through impactful investing across global emerging markets. CFM is established as a joint venture

between the Netherlands Development Finance Corporation (“FMO”) and Sanlam Infraworks, both of

which have extensive track records in emerging market renewable energy infrastructure investment. CFM

manages Climate Investor One (“CIO”) which is a blended finance facility with a mandate to invest in utility

scale renewable energy projects ranging from 25-100 MW in emerging markets. CIO was founded after

winning the 2015 Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance and benefits from the support of leading

public and private sector institutions which make up its investor base. CIO consists of two funds: (i) a

Development Fund to work with developers to bring early stage renewable projects to financial close; and

(ii) a Construction Equity Fund which finances the construction of renewable energy projects on an all

equity basis. Total commitments to CIO are in excess of USD 500 mln. CFM manages all investments

through CIO with regional investment teams in Singapore and in Nairobi, Kenya.

Short Biography

Darren is an Executive in the Capital Raising & Business Development team at Climate Fund Managers,

responsible for structuring a blended finance investment vehicle which directs funds from commercial

investors, development banks and public institutions into climate investments in emerging markets. Prior

to joining Climate Fund Managers Darren spent six years in the renewable energy investment team at the

Netherlands Development Finance Corporation (FMO), covering eastern Africa and south Asia.

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Hans Poser

Company Profile

Finadvice Zürich is focused on M&A consulting in the utility sector. In addition to municipal transactions

and conventional power stations, Finadvice frequently advises on transactions in the renewable energy

field. This includes the structuring of cooperative or transactional structures, the management of M&A

projects, due diligence, profitability calculations and contract negotiations. Furthermore, our office in

Zurich is especially skilled in power plant optimization, management consulting for the supply sector, price

forecasts as well as energy management risk management.

Short Biography

Hans is one of the founders of Finadvice. He has extensive deal experience in Germany, France and

Switzerland, and in particular is specialized in advising clients in the utility and waste management sector.

While working at UBS, Hans was Vice President of the European utilities team and provided M&A and

strategic advice. Prior to that he was a Project Leader in the Energy and Utilities Practice Group of BCG.

Hans holds an ME from TU Berlin and a DESCAF (similar to MBA) from Toulouse Business School. His

clients are mainly Swiss, German and French utility companies and international investors. Not to mention

he also sits on the advisory council at Yielco and Luftmeister GmbH.

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Dr. Matthias Reicherter

Company Profile

Golding Capital Partners is one of the leading independent asset managers for private equity, private debt

and infrastructure in Europe. With innovative investment solutions and competent advice, we help

institutional investors to build a sustainably successful investment strategy. Our client base is made up of

more than 150 institutional investors including insurance companies, pension funds, foundations and

banks, especially savings banks and cooperative banks. With our team of about 80 employees we are

responsible for assets under management over € 7.0 bn.

Our range of products and services extends from funds of funds to individual alternative investment

structures (managed accounts) and advisory services. Our solutions always meet the particular tax and

regulatory specifications of institutional investors.

Short Biography

Dr. Reicherter looks back on more than 15 years of investment experience, which he gained working

internationally for banks and investment organizations as well as in his prior role as Head of Infrastructure

at Golding Capital Partners. Prior to joining Golding Capital Partners, Dr. Reicherter was a Director with

Barclays Private Equity and Infrastructure Funds in London, as well as with DEPFA Bank plc in London

and Dublin, were he focused on the acquisition, financing and asset management of infrastructure

companies in Europe and North America.

Dr. Reicherter graduated in Economics from the University of Augsburg and completed a doctorate in

Corporate Finance at the University of Greifswald.

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Marc Schürch

Company Profile

Fontavis is an owner-managed, independent fund manager who delivers sustainable returns from direct

investments in clean energy and infrastructure assets. As a FINMA-regulated asset manager of collective

investment schemes, the company manages assets in excess of CHF 750 million, including two

infrastructure funds launched with UBS and the most recently launched Fontavis Renewables

Infrastructure Fund Europe, a subfund of Fontavis SCS SICAF-RAIF in Luxembourg. The investment

portfolio currently comprises around 20 investments in Switzerland and Northern and Western European

countries. The aim is to achieve stable and market-independent returns through investments in clean

energy and infrastructure facilities and to achieve a positive and sustainable impact on investments with

regards to ESG sustainability criteria. The company has an extensive network and has established itself

as a reliable partner for investors, energy suppliers, project developers and the public sector.

Short Biography

Dr. Marc Schürch is heading the Transactions team at Fontavis. He has over 10 years of experience in

M&A, investment management and consulting for energy companies. Most recently, he was a member of

the founding team of Credit Suisse Energy Infrastructure Partners AG, where he also led the transaction

team. In this role, he led, among other mandates, the transactions to acquire sub-participations in the

Swiss electricity transmission system operator and the purchase to acquire a 40% stake in the largest

European wind farm in Norway. Previously, he was an Associate Partner at The Advisory House AG, a

consulting firm specializing in the energy industry. His clients included Swiss and international energy

utilities as well as public authorities, which he advised on strategic, financial and organisational issues.

Marc received a doctorate in international business of HSG in St. Gallen.

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Greg Taylor

Company Profile

Sequoia Investment Management Company is a specialist in infrastructure debt asset management. The

London based company was founded in 2010 with current assets under management (AUM) of £1.087

billion. The company is focused on delivering top risk-adjusted returns to our investors. Sequoia’s directors

are seasoned capital markets and investment professionals with 20-25+ years of experience each.

Short Biography

Greg Taylor is a founding partner of Sequoia Investment Management Company and is one of two

Portfolio Managers at the company. Sequoia is investment advisor to two infrastructure debt funds: The

Sequoia Economic Infrastructure Income Fund (“SEQI”) launched March 2015 with a market cap of

approximately £1.17 billion and the Sequoia Infrastructure Debt Fund (“IDF”) that launched July 2017 and

has AUM of approximately €90 million. Mr. Taylor has been working in infrastructure debt for more than

30 years in the United States and Europe. He began his investment banking career in the U.S. municipal

bond market at PaineWebber before working in London for Moody’s, Merrill Lynch and UBS prior to

founding Sequoia in 2010. Mr. Taylor’s experience spans the full range of infrastructure assets including

airports, toll roads, rail lines, student housing, fibre optic cables, renewables, regulated utilities and rolling


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Dieter Weiss

Company Profile

YIELCO Investments AG was founded in 2011 with a focus on Infrastructure, Private Debt and Private

Equity. The management team has extensive experience in the alternative investment space with the

founding partners working in the alternative industry since the end of the nineties. Currently the company

service assets of approximately € 2.7bn across these 3 asset classes (mainly for well-known German

institutional investors) with a team of 25 investment professionals. The company offers to its clients

discretionary Fund of Fund products as well as tailor-made managed accounts solutions (including

investment advisory).

Short Biography

Dieter Weiss has been managing director of YIELCO Investments AG since 2016. As co-head of

infrastructure, he shares the responsibility for YIELCO’s infrastructure practice. Until 2016, Dieter Weiss

was finance director with TransnetBW GmbH, Stuttgart. TransnetBW GmbH is a subsidiary of EnBW AG

and operates the electricity transmission network in Baden-Württemberg. Dieter Weiss was responsible

for the controlling, corporate planning, accounting and risk management of the company. Prior to this, he

worked in various functions (M&A, equity capital markets and infrastructure investments) in the financial

industry. Dieter Weiss is a Diplom-Kaufmann (University of Regensburg) and has a master’s degree from

St. Andrews University, UK.

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