Mission Statement: Circles of Mercy honors the dignity of each person, offers hospitality and provides services to instill hope and empower individuals to reach their full potential. SPONSORED BY THE SISTERS OF MERCY NORTHEAST COMMUNITY WINTER/SPRING 2010 VOLUME 9 Number 1 Director: Richard Zazycki Hours: M-F, 9 a.m.– 4 p.m. Programs: • Mentoring • Tutoring • Computer Training • Support Groups • Parenting Classes • Self Enhancement Groups • Professional Clothing • Advocacy • Catherine’s Closet CIRCLES OF MERCY • 11 WASHINGTON STREET , RENSSELAER, NY 12144 • 518-462-0899 Connections ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• Circles of Mercy has more than a twelve-year tradition of providing hope, hospitality and empowerment ••• to individuals in the Rensselaer Community, especially women and women with children. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Spotlight on the Board – Sister Patricia Houlihan Christmas Adopt-a-Family at the Academy of the Holy Names By Allison House (Guest Contributor) As students of Academy of the Holy Names, we are required to complete service projects every year. Our class advisors presented us with various proj- ects we could participate in during the Christmas season. We gathered as a class and decided to adopt a family through Circles of Mercy. The excitement in the room to share our gifts with those less fortunate was inspiring. We all could not wait to get started. The families were pre-selected, the ages of the family members, and the gift wish lists were posted. The freshmen class hit the malls! Hearts, eyes and purses were open, with pure joy and inspiration. We wanted the children to have a special Christmas, where dreams can come true. “Adopting-a-Family really opened my eyes to the suffering right here in our Capital Region. Giving to this family made me really understand what Christmas is about and how I am fulfilled knowing I helped a family in need,” says Meredith Corsi, freshmen class president. Our classmates bought all of the items that were asked for, wrapped them, and brought them to Circles. What better way for a Christian community of young adults to share our faith, than to unconditionally give to others, as Jesus does. Sister Pat Houlihan recently joined the Board of Circles of Mercy as a Trustee. Sister is a graduate of College of St. Rose and received her Masters from SUNY Albany. Sister Pat has had a wide variety of experiences in elementary school education over the past fifty-three years. Most re- cently completing twenty-one years of service as the Administrator at St. Teresa of Avila School in Albany. Sister Pat has been a Sister of Mercy for fifty-six years and serves as a member of the Boards for both Catholic Central High School in Troy and at St. Peter’s Hospital in Albany. Since leaving St. Teresa’s School, Sister had been volunteering at St. Peter’s Hospital ER, helping and supporting pa- tients and families. When asked about this new chapter in her life, she quoted her favorite Catherine McAuley saying “There are three things the poor prize more highly than gold, though they cost the donor nothing; among these are the kind word, the gentle, compassionate look and the patient hearing of their sorrows”. Sister Pat brings with her an array of gifts, experiences and her Mercy Spirit, that will help further the mission of Circles. We are very glad to have Sister as a Trustee. sister Patricia Houlihan, RSM Left to right: Julia Ambros, Samantha Soldini, Mary Drucker, Mikaila Ford, Lorraine Lewis, Grade 9 students at Academy of the Holy Names, Albany, NY.

Connections - Circles of Mercycirclesofmercy.org/newsletter winter-spring 2010.pdf · In Memory of: Mr. and Mrs. A. Higgins – by Sister Josephine Higgins, RSM Sta nley E. Zazycki

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Circles of Mercyhonors the dignityof each person,offers hospitalityand providesservices to instillhope and empowerindividuals toreach their fullpotential.




Number 1

DDiirreeccttoorr::Richard Zazycki

HHoouurrss::M-F, 9 a.m.– 4 p.m.

PPrrooggrraammss::• Mentoring• Tutoring• Computer Training• Support Groups• Parenting Classes• Self EnhancementGroups

• Professional Clothing• Advocacy• Catherine’s Closet


Connections• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • • Circles of Mercy has more than a twelve-year tradition of providing hope, hospitality and empowerment • • •to individuals in the Rensselaer Community, especially women and women with children.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Spotlight on the Board – Sister Patricia Houlihan

CChhrriissttmmaass AAddoopptt--aa--FFaammiillyy aatt tthhee AAccaaddeemmyy ooff tthhee HHoollyy NNaammeessBy Allison House (Guest Contributor)

As students of Academy of the Holy Names, we arerequired to complete service projects every year.Our class advisors presented us with various proj-ects we could participate in during the Christmasseason. We gathered as a class and decided to adopta family through Circles of Mercy.

The excitement in the room to share our giftswith those less fortunate was inspiring. We all could not wait to get started. The families were pre-selected, the ages of the family members, and thegift wish lists were posted. The freshmen class hit themalls! Hearts, eyes and purses were open, with pure joy and inspiration. We wanted thechildren to have a special Christmas, where dreams can come true.

“Adopting-a-Family really opened my eyes to the suffering right here in our Capital Region. Giving to this family made me really understand what Christmas is about andhow I am fulfilled knowing I helped a family in need,” says Meredith Corsi, freshmen classpresident. Our classmates bought all of the items that were asked for, wrapped them, andbrought them to Circles. What better way for a Christian community of young adults toshare our faith, than to unconditionally give to others, as Jesus does. •

Sister Pat Houlihan recently joined theBoard of Circles of Mercy as a Trustee. Sister is a graduate of College of St. Roseand received her Masters from SUNY Albany. Sister Pat has had a wide variety ofexperiences in elementary school educationover the past fifty-three years. Most re-cently completing twenty-one years ofservice as the Administrator at St. Teresa ofAvila School in Albany.

Sister Pat has been a Sister of Mercy forfifty-six years and serves as a member ofthe Boards for both Catholic Central HighSchool in Troy and at St. Peter’s Hospital inAlbany. Since leaving St. Teresa’s School,Sister had been volunteering at St. Peter’sHospital ER, helping and supporting pa-tients and families. When asked about this

new chapter in herlife, she quoted herfavorite CatherineMcAuley saying“There are threethings the poorprize more highlythan gold, thoughthey cost the donornothing; amongthese are the kindword, the gentle, compassionate look andthe patient hearing of their sorrows”.

Sister Pat brings with her an array of gifts,experiences and her Mercy Spirit, that willhelp further the mission of Circles. We arevery glad to have Sister as a Trustee. •

sister Patricia Houlihan, RSM

Left to right: Julia Ambros, Samantha Soldini, MaryDrucker, Mikaila Ford, Lorraine Lewis, Grade 9students at Academy of the Holy Names, Albany, NY.

In Memory of:Mr. and Mrs. A. Higgins –

by Sister Josephine Higgins, RSM

Stanley E. Zazycki – by Sister Theresa Gottstein, RSM

Josephine M. DiDomenicantonio – by Mario E. DiDomenicantonio

Rodney Steinbach – by Jane Steinbach

Rev. William Jillisky – by Regina Sleasman Boyce

Alessandro “Alex the Barber” DiMeo – by Rev. C.B.Marbury, Bill Bowen, Richard Zazycki

Mary McDermott – by Sister M. Amata McDermott,RSM; Friends & Staff at Circles of Mercy

Roger Zanin – by Friends & Staff at Circles of Mercy

Robert Murray – by Mr. & Mrs. Shane M. Somerville

Yolanda Legnard – by Mr. & Mrs. Shane M. Somerville

William M. Davis – by Mr.& Mrs. Shane M. Somerville

Jean Fennessy – by Mr. & Mrs. Shane M. Somerville

Lois N. Spataro – by Mr. & Mrs. Shane M. Somerville

Elaine Rowley – by Mr. & Mrs. Shane M. Somerville

Raymond G. Clark – by Mr. & Mrs. Shane M. Somerville

Jennie B. Hughes – by Sister Nadine Farnum, RSM

Sleasman, Kieran and Horan Families – by Marie Sleasman and Rosemary Horan

Carmel T. (Vignola) Biffer – by Friends and Staff at Circles of Mercy

Mildred and Skip Mooney – by Judy & Lou Polsinello

Armand and Catherine Guerin – by Sister Eleanor Guerin, RSM

James C. Straney – by Friends & Staff at Circles of Mercy

Sister Lois M. Car, RSM –by Friends & Staff at Circles of Mercy

E. Paul Campion – by Neighbors and Friends: Mar-garet and James Schroll; Carol G. Donohue; Lynnand Richard Woodhouse; Joyce A. McElroy; Cheryland William Richardson; Maureen and ShaneSomerville; Judith and Ian Duckor; Karen and DavidSteindorf; Frances and Frederick Wood; Cynthiaand Mark Simonsen; Francis Coor; Donna andMichael Lamkin; and Ellen and William Halligan

In Honor of:Sister Madelene Colaneri, RSM (75th Jubilee Cele-

bration) – by Sisters Sheila Christensen, RSM; Marilyn Hickey, RSM; Nadine Farnum, RSM; AnneLawlor, RSM; Mary Hartnett, RSM; RosemarieMurray, RSM; Theresa Gottstein, RSM; JosephineReynolds, RSM; Peg Sullivan, RSM; Richard Zazycki, Mary Femia

Sister Mary Angeline Mastro, RSM (70th Jubilee Celebration) – by Sisters Sheila Christensen, RSM;Marilyn Hickey, RSM; Nadine Farnum, RSM; AnneLawlor, RSM; Mary Hartnett, RSM; RosemarieMurray, RSM; Theresa Gottstein, RSM; Josephine

Reynolds, RSM; Peg Sullivan, RSM; Richard Zazy-cki, Mary Femia

Sister Rita Carr, RSM (60th Jubilee Celebration) – byBarbara Quinn; Sister Theresa Gottstein, RSM;Josephine Reynolds, RSM, Mary Femia

Sister Erin Davine, RSM (70th Jubilee Celebration) –by SisterTheresa Gottstein, RSM & Mary Femia

Sister Barbara Dudley, RSM (60th Jubilee Celebra-tion) – by Sisters Theresa Gottstein, RSM &Josephine Reynolds, RSM; Richard Zazycki, JoanneScheibly, Mary Femia

The 2009 Fifty Year Jubilarians: Sisters Helen M.Charles, RSM, Sheila M. Christensen, RSM, RenéeCudhea, RSM, Phyllis M. Herbert, RSM, JeanMcGinty, RSM and Rosemary J. Sgroi, RSM – by Sisters Aloise Almond, RSM; Josephine Reynolds,RSM; Theresa Gottstein, RSM; Kathleen Schongar;Richard Zazycki; Helene B. Conroy and MaryFemia

Sister Ellen Kurtz, RSM (50th Jubilee Celebration) –by Richard Zazycki

Sister M. Kathleen Pritty, RSM – by Marcia and Herb Dunn

Emily Pingelski’s Tenth Birthday – by David and DianeKonarski, Kerri Arserio, Marie and Jeffery Trom-betta, Kelly and Roger Murray, Bethann and ToddSilaika, Beth and Thomas Ratsep •

ConnectionsA newsletter to promote the mission and values of Circles of Mercy, a program sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy.

Eleanor Guerin, RSM, EditorJoanne Scheibly, Editor

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS:Rosa BarbaNancy LaRowKathleen PingelskiShannon O’NeillMary Linton

Barbara A. Roman, RSM, LAYOUT

Circles of Mercy11 Washington StreetRensselaer, NY 12144518-462-0899 • FAX: 518-462-2892www.circlesofmercy.org

11 Washington StreetRensselaer

Open Monday – Friday10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Tuesdays only, until 5 p.m.Clothes & Household Goods

• • • • • • • • • • • •

Circles of MercyBoard MembersRose A. BarbaSister Patricia Houlihan, RSMJanice LabasNancy L. LaRowShannon O’Neill, Ph.D.Kathleen G. PingelskiSister Jane S. Somerville, RSMJack M. Sweeney

Corporate Sponsors

M.M. Hayes Company, Inc.Nigro CompaniesPolsinello Fuels, Inc.SEFCUSisters of Mercy Northeast CommunityStewart’s FoundationWalmart Store East Greenbush W.J. Lyons, Jr. Funeral Home, Inc.


HHoonnoorraarryy GGiiffttss aanndd MMeemmoorriiaall DDoonnaattiioonnssCircles of Mercy gratefully acknowledges the following donations.

“The only action Godrequires of us for all his favors

is a return of love.”– Catherine McAuley

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Great Support for theBack to School Program“Cate’s Kids Back to School Program”is held at Circles of Mercy, where low-income parents may obtain free schoolsupplies for their children. Donationsof both supplies and monies collectedthis year amounted to over $1,200!!More than 69 children from Rensselaerwere given all the supplies theyneeded to begin school last fall. In addition, the extra supplies receivedwere also shared with the RensselaerCity School District. A big “thank you”to SEFCU who assisted the programwith a donation of 75 new back packsfor our client students.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


I would like to reflect on what an awe-some year this has been and to thankyou for all that you have done to helpsupport Circles of Mercy. We recentlycompleted our Annual Fund Appeal byraising $3,000 more than last year, areally amazing feat given the currenteconomic trends which we all are experiencing.

It positively reinforces our belief thatthere are many friends and supporterswho identify with the works of theSisters of Mercy; many of whom at-tempt to live and integrate the Spirit of Mercy daily in their lives. The firstSister of Mercy, Catherine McAuley,provided us with guidelines on how tocarry out the Mercy mission: preferen-tial option for the poor, life of gener-ous service to persons in need with aspecial concern for women and chil-dren, along with a spirit of hospitality,justice and compassion for all. This

charism is made available here eachday at Circles. The only reason thishappens is because of YOU. We relyon the generosity of others in the shar-ing of their time, talent and treasure,making sure that Mercy is always offered.

Circles has truly been blessed thispast year with many friends, not onlyfrom local parish communities andbusinesses, but also new friends whorecognize their responsibility of shar-ing their gifts with those who are inneed. This past year we developed newpartnerships with the freshman stu-dents at The Academy of the HolyNames, The Doane Stuart School’seight grade students and employeegroups from both Phoenix Home LifeInsurance and the NY State UnitedTeachers.

Each day, all involved in this min-istry consciously choose to show the

Spirit of Mercy in our world and morespecifically, to the Rensselaer Commu-nity, by loving and helping to supportpersons in need. We are truly gratefuland at times simply amazed, by howour friends and benefactors show theircourage, by the out pouring of theirgenerosity and by responding thoughsimple acts of charity and kindness toothers.

My thanks to all for continuing sup-port! During these difficult economictimes, our clients need your supportmore than ever. Thank you again forall you do to help support Circles, theMercy Spirit, the values of CatherineMcAuley and the mission of the Sis-ters of Mercy Northeast Community.Mercy is alive, doing well and growingat Circles. Our “Circle” of Mercy con-tinues to grow, ever widens, is neverending and is always in need offriends. •

Director’s Remarks by Richard Zazycki

Circles of Mercy’s 2009 ChristmasAdopt-a-Family program was verysuccessful despite the economic cli-mate. This year, 50 families enjoyedgifts for the holiday season because ofthe generosity of our donors. Thisnumber is unchanged from 2008.

The families served consisted of 177people, with 116 of these children and61 adults. In total contributions ofcash and gifts were close to $20,000,with an average gift from each donorof $100. Circles of Mercy is grateful tothe many individual donors, employergroups, and area schools who partici-pated in this program and made theholidays happy for those less fortu-nate than themselves.

We especially appreciated the effortsof Karen Maritnez, a Siena Collegestudent, who worked with the staff atCircles of Mercy to make this year’sprogram so successful. We extend aspecial thank you to Siena College’sFranciscan Center for Service and Advocacy which adopted 10 familiesand helped with shopping and wrapping.

It is because of the spirit of everyone who participated, that Circles is able to carry out its mission to minister to the under-served, especially women andwomen with children. •

Christmas 2009 Adopt-A-Family Program

Employees from the NYS Assembly ProgramDevelopment Group are seen here wrapping aportion of the many gifts donated for Circles’

Adaopt-A-Family Christmas Project.

Circles of Mercy11 Washington StreetRensselaer, NY 12144

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MMaakkee aa GGiifftt ttoo CCiirrcclleess ooff MMeerrccyyIs there a loved one whom you would like to remember in a special way fora birthday, anniversary, or even at the time of death? Why not honor him orher with a donation to Circles of Mercy? If you choose, donations will berecognized in future newsletters. We will also send a personal acknowledge-ment of your gift. Contributions to Circles of Mercy are tax deductible.Please call us at 518-462-0899 for further information.

I am enclosing my gift of $

In honor of: (living)

In memory of: (deceased)



Street Address:

City, State, Zip

Please mention my loved one (name only) in your newsletter:

� Yes � No

Mark Your Calendar!Circles of Mercy is planning some wonderful events – so mark your calendar. You will have the opportunity towarm the heart of a child by donating to the Cate’sKids Easter Basket Program. All baskets need to be atCircles by March 29th so that they will be ready for theEaster Bunny to pick up.

Circles is again participating in the VITA Tax Preparation Program which provides free income taxpreparation for low income families. To schedule an appointment call 462-0899. The final day for the pro-gram is March 29th, 2010.

We have three great fundraisers planned this year...wewill again participate in the 22nd Annual Freihofer’sCommunity Walk in memory of Sister Gail Rieth, RSM,which will be held on Saturday, June 5th, from 8:00amto 9:30am, Empire State Plaza.

We will also have our gala, “A Taste of Mercy”, whichwill be held at Carmella’s (Formerly Casey’s BanquetHouse) on Thursday, June 10th from 5:30pm-7:30pm.

Finally, we will have our Annual Irish Night Celebration

at Mercy Center on October 2nd from 6:00pm –

10:00 pm.

These are wonderful community builders and can begreat opportunities to introduce more people to theworks of Circles of Mercy. See who you might like toinvite so that our Circle of Mercy continues to grow!