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Submitted to Board the Examiners in Partial Fulfillment

of Requirement for Literature Degree

at English Literature Department











Jambi, 14 Januari 2021

Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, S.Pd., M.Ed

Supervisor II : M. Beni Saputra, S.Hum, MA

Address : Adab and Humanities Faculty

State Islamic University

Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi


The Dean of Adab and Humanities


State Islamic University



Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb

After reading and revising as necessary, then we agreed that the thesis of Raihan

Assiddiqy with register number AI160804 with the title “CONNOTATIVE


for the Munaqasyah exam in partial of the fulfillment to the requirement for the

degree of Literature Scholar. We submit this thesis so that it can be accepted and

used properly.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb

Supervisor I Supervisor II

Dr. Alfian, S.Pd., M.Ed M. Beni Saputra, S.Hum, MA

NIP. 197401031999031006



Jambi,14 Januari 2021

Pembimbing I : Dr. Alfian, S.Pd., M.Ed

Pembimbing II : M. Beni Saputra, S.Hum, MA

Alamat : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora


Kepada Yth

Ibu Dekan Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora




Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb

Setelah membaca dan mengadakan perbaikan seperlunya maka kami

berpendapat bahwa skripsi saudara: Raihan Assiddiqy, NIM. AI160804, yang


SONG LYRICS”, telah dapat diajukan untuk dimunaqosahkan guna melengkapi

tugas-tugas dan memenuhi syarat untuk memperoleh gelar sarjana srata satu (S1)

pada fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, UIN STS Jambi. Maka, dengan itu kami

ajukan skripsi tersebut agar diterima dengan baik.

Demikianlah kami ucapkan terima kasih, semoga bermanfaat bagi

kepentingan kampus dan para peneliti.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb

Pembimbing I Pembimbing II

Dr. Alfian, S.Pd., M.Ed M. Beni Saputra, S.Hum, MA

NIP. 197401031999031006



This thesis has been examined by the session of Adab and Humanity

Faculty of The State Islamic University Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi on

February 11th

, 2021 and accepted as a part of the requirement which has to be

fulfilled for obtaining Undergraduate Degree (S1) in English Literature


Jambi, 10 Maret 2021

Dean of Adab and Humanity Faculty

Dr. Halimah Dja’far, S.Ag., M.Fil,I

NIP. 196012111988032001

Chairman Secretary

Dr.Diana Rozelin, S.S., M.Hum. Rahmat Fajar, MA

NIP. 197604282005012004 NIP.1986122720201201005

Examiner I Supervisor I

Dian Mukhlisa, S. Pd., MA Dr. Alfian, S.Pd., M. Ed

NIP. 198808112015032006 NIP. 197401031999031006

Examiner II Supervisor II

Tira Mariana, SS., M.Hum M. Beni Saputra, S.Hum, MA




Allah does not require of any soul more than what it can afford.1

(Qur’an Surah Al Baqarah ayat 286)

“Allah tidak membebani seseorang itu melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya”

1 The Noble Quran (The Noble Quran, The Clear Quran, The Holy Quran, Al-Quran).

..Retrieved from https://quran.com/2 accessed on March 8nd

2021 on 23.51 pm



“In the name of Allah, The most Beneficial, The most Merciful”

First of all I would say the grateful to Allah SWT

always gives me health to finish this thesis.

I would like to dedicate this thesis to:

My beloved Father, Yakub for your love, supporting and praying

My beloved Mother, Yusriati for all your patients to educate me so far,

gave me a way to be the student, for your love, supporting and praying

And My beloved Sister and Brother, Ns. Luqyana Zulfa, S. Kep and Ns. M. Adly

Alpiansyah, S.Kep




All praises to Allah SWT, God the owner of the universe who wills over

everything who has given me ease in completing this thesis with the title

Connotative Meaning of Bon Jovi Selected Song Lyrics fulfill the requirement of

the degree of Sarjana (S1) of English Literature of Adab and Humanity Faculty of

State Islamic University Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Let‟s deliver our blessing and salutation to the last and final messenger of

Allah, Muhammad pbuh who has brought us from the darkness to the brightness

such as we feel today.

I also would like to deliver my best appreciation to those who have helped

me in writing this thesis. My sincere gratitude goes to:

1. The Rector of State Islamic University Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi,

Prof. Dr. H. Suaidi, M.A, Ph.D, the first vice rector, DR. Rofiqoh

Ferawati, the second vice rector, DR. As‟ad Isma, the third vice rector,

Dr. Bahrul Ulum, who allowed to study in this University.

2. The dean of Adab and Humanity faculty Dr. Halimah Dja‟far,

S.Ag.,M.Fil.I, the first deputy dean Dr. Ali Muzakir, M.Ag, the second

deputy dean Dr. Alfian, S.Pd, M.Ed, the third deputy dean Dr.

Raudhoh, S.Ag., SS., M.Pd.I, the head of English Literature

Department, Dian Mukhlisa, S.Pd., MA, and the secretary of English

Literature Department, Chandri Febri Santi, M.Pd and to all the

lecturers who have shared their knowledge.

3. I would like particularly to thank Dr. Alfian, S.Pd, M.Ed and Mr. M.

Beni Saputra, S.Hum, MA for the many insights they provided me for

writing this thesis. Discussions with them have also proven most


4. All of the lecturers and staffs of Adab and Humanity faculty for

became the place where I study until undergraduate in this university.

5. My father, Yakub who always reminds me of Allah, who always told

me to be patient and accept what happen for those are Allah‟s


teachings and plans. For my mother who always gives me the best she

could possibly give, for always there when I need her. For my siblings

and my grandfather or being the best family I could ever have.

6. For older brothers and sisters Luqyana Zulfa and M. Adly Alpianyah

to always encourage me, so this thesis is finished.

7. For my second family in Yayasan Bersama Rangkul Anak Bermimpi

who has become serenity when the relentlessness come.

8. For all of my classmates for sharing all the moments during 3 years


9. Last but not least, I want to thank me for believing in me, I want to

thank me for doing all of this hard work, I want to thank me for having

no days off, I want to thank me for never quitting, I want to thank me

for never giving up on me.

This thesis is still far from perfection, the writer humbly request some

critiques and suggestions in order to make it better in the future time. Finally, the

writer wishes that this thesis could extend useful contribution to the readers,

especially for the students of English Literature Department of Adab and

Humanity Faculty.

Jambi, 11 Februari 2021

Raihan Assiddiqy




Assiddiqy, Raihan. 2020. Connotative Meaning of Bon Jovi‟s Selected Song

Lyrics. English Literature Major, Adab and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic

University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, S.Pd., M.Ed.

Supervisor II : M. Beni Saputra, S.Hum, MA

This thesis discuss connotative meanings and messages that are contained

within Bon Jovi‟s song lyrics. The aims of this research are (1) to find out what

the connotative meanings delivered by the songwriter are (2) to find out what

messages are obtained from the connotative meaning that was delivered by the

songwriter. This research used the theory of Abdul Chaer, which states that

connotative meaning can be divided into two kinds, namely positive connotative

(purr word) and negative connotative (snarl word). Besides the positive and

negative connotative meaning, there is neutral that is mostly jargon language. H.

Hafied Cangara stated that a message, in communication process, is something

that is delivered by the sender to the recipient. The message can be delivered via

face-to-face or through media of communication. Its contents can be science,

entertainment, information, advice, or propaganda. Messages are essentially

abstract. To create a message so that it can be sent and received by the message

recipient, a man with his mind create many symbols of communication in the

form of sound, mimic, gestures, spoken language, and the language of writing for

messages. The method used in analyzing this research is descriptive qualitative


In Bon Jovi‟s song lyric, firstly, the writer found two types of connotative

meanings they are positive and negative connotative meaning. Within the song

lyrics six positive connotative and eight negative connotative meanings were

found. Secondly, the writer found the messages contained in the connotative

meaning are namely you don‟t have to be afraid to be different, you are free to

choose, hide your pain away, do not get overly attached to someone, failures are

part of relationship, find a better future, do not let your desire control you, be

careful of dangerous people.

Keyword: Connotative Meaning, Positive Connotative, Negative Connotative, Bon




Assiddiqy, Raihan. 2020. Connotative Meaning of Bon Jovi‟s Selected Song

Lyrics. Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, Universitas Islam

Negeri Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Pembimbing I : Dr. Alfian, S.Pd., M.Ed.

Pembimbing II : M. Beni Saputra, S.Hum, MA

Tesis ini membahas makna konotatif dan pesan yang terkandung dalam

lirik lagu Bon Jovi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk mengetahui makna

konotatif yang disampaikan oleh pencipta lagu (2) untuk mengetahui pesan apa

yang diperoleh dari makna konotatif yang disampaikan oleh pencipta lagu

tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Abdul Chaer yang menyatakan bahwa

makna konotatif dibedakan menjadi dua macam, yaitu konotatif positif (kata purr)

dan konotatif negatif (kata snarl). Selain makna konotatif positif dan negatif, ada

netral yang lebih banyak menggunakan bahasa jargon. H. Hafied Cangara

menyatakan bahwa pesan dalam proses komunikasi adalah sesuatu yang

disampaikan oleh pengirim kepada penerima. Pesan tersebut dapat disampaikan

melalui tatap muka atau melalui media komunikasi. Isinya bisa ilmu pengetahuan,

hiburan, informasi, nasehat, atau dakwah. Pesan pada dasarnya abstrak. Untuk

membuat pesan agar dapat dikirim dan diterima oleh penerima pesan, manusia

dengan pikirannya menciptakan banyak simbol komunikasi berupa suara, mimik,

gerak tubuh, bahasa lisan, dan bahasa tulisan untuk pesan. Metode yang

digunakan dalam menganalisis penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif.

Dalam lirik lagu Bon Jovi, pertama penulis menemukan dua jenis makna

konotatif yaitu makna konotatif positif dan makna konotatif negatif. Dalam lirik

lagu ditemukan enam makna konotatif positif dan delapan makna konotatif

negatif. Kedua, penulis menemukan pesan-pesan yang terkandung dalam makna

konotatifnya yaitu anda tidak perlu takut untuk tampil beda, anda bebas memilih,

menyembunyikan rasa sakit, jangan terlalu terikat pada seseorang, kegagalan

adalah bagian dari. hubungan, temukan masa depan yang lebih baik, jangan

biarkan keinginan anda mengendalikan anda, berhati-hatilah terhadap orang yang


Kata Kunci: Connotative Meaning, Positive Connotative, Negative Connotative,

Bon Jovi



APPROVAL ...................................................................................................... i

NOTA DINAS .................................................................................................... ii

LETTER OF RETIFICATION ....................................................................... iii

ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT .............................................................. iv

MOTTO ............................................................................................................. v

DEDICATION ................................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................ vii

ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... ix

ABSTRAK ......................................................................................................... x

TABLE OF CONTENT .................................................................................... xi


A. Background of Problem ...................................................................... 1

B. Formulation of Problem ..................................................................... 5

C. Limitation of the Research ................................................................. 5

D. Purpose of the Research ..................................................................... 6

E. Significance of the Research .............................................................. 6


A. Semantics ............................................................................................ 7

B. Meaning .............................................................................................. 9

C. Kinds of Meaning ............................................................................... 9

1. Lexical Meaning ............................................................................ 9

2. Grammatical Meaning ................................................................... 10

3. Contextual Meaning ....................................................................... 10

4. Denotative Meaning and Connotation Meaning ............................ 11

5. Referential and Non-Referential .................................................... 13

D. Definition of Lyric .............................................................................. 13

E. Connotation of Lyric .......................................................................... 14

F. Messages ............................................................................................. 17


G. Review of Related Research ............................................................... 18


A. Design of Research ............................................................................. 22

B. Source of Data .................................................................................... 23

C. Technique of Data Collection ............................................................. 23

D. Technique of Data Analysis ............................................................... 24


A. The Data Finding ................................................................................ 26

B. The Data Analysis .............................................................................. 26

1. The Connotative Meaning .......................................................... 27

a. Possitive Connotative ........................................................... 27

b. Negative Connotative ........................................................... 30

2. The Messages .............................................................................. 35

a. You don‟t have to be afraid to be different .......................... 38

b. You are free to choose .......................................................... 39

c. Hide your pain away ............................................................. 40

d. Don‟t get overly attached to someone .................................. 40

e. Failures are part of relationship ............................................ 40

f. Find a better future ............................................................... 41

g. Do not let your desire control you ........................................ 42

h. Be careful of dangerous people ............................................ 43


A. Conclusion .......................................................................................... 45

B. Suggestion .......................................................................................... 46






A. Background of the Problem

Communication can be founded upon an understanding between the

speaker and the listener. The main objective is to suggest something or some

relationships or even concepts, and it can be shown or named as important. In

this case, significance is both significant and important. If the hearer is unable

to grasp the speaker's words attempt to show the message will not be

conveyed smoothly.

Language is primarily and neccesarily composed of symbol-as bearers

of representational content-situated within a field. These word-as lexical unit

of meaning-are themselves composed of units, or rather bundles of units,

which in themselves have no meaning.2 In this research language have play

an important role for more understanding in the lyric of song.

In Semantics, meaning is divided into two parts, literal meaning and

non-literal meaning. Literal means based on the actual words. Non-literal

meaning is the other way around.3 The speaker means something different

from his literal meaning of the words, he has another intention‟s which

different from the meaning of words he said. The hearer may find it is

difficult to understand what the speaker wants to convey if the speaker speaks

2 Robert E. Innis. Karl Buhler Semiotic Foundations of Language Theory. New York:

Plenium Press, 1982), p. 14 3 F.R Palmer. Semantics: A new Outline. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2010.



non-literally. There are a number of ways in expressing ideas which deviate

from the semantic conventions, some of which are through the use of

denotative and connotative meaning.

Semantic is also at the centre of the study of the hman mind-though

processes, cognition, and conceptualization – all these are intricately bound

up with the way in which can classify and convey in expeience of the world

through language.4

The words has two main kinds of meaning, denotation and

connotation. Denotation is the meaning of a word, which it is primarily, refers

to the real word, the "dictionary definition”. It is the type of meaning which

may be described in terms of a set of semantic properties which serve to

identify the particular concept associated with the word in question. For

instance “cow” shows a kind of animal, “house” shows a kind of building.

According to Barker, connotation is “the part of the meaning of a word and

he says that connotative as an implicit meaning”. For instance, if I say “the

sun rise in the morning” (1) You may defined the word sun (1) that I mean is

something big where shining the world, rises from the east and sets in the

west, but if I meet to my wife or my girl friend then I say “She is my sun” (2)

These two sentences used the same word, but do they have the same

meaning? The word Sun in the sentence “she is my sun” is meaningful. The

word sun (2) here is connotative meaning (positive connotation) that she is

4 Geoffrey Leech, Semantics the Study of Meaning Second Edition-Revised and Updated.

New York: Pinguin Books,1981. p. 5


like a sun. which we cannot life without the sun, same like we cannot life

without our wife or our girl friend.5

In addition, Chaer states that connotative meaning can be divided into

two kinds, namely positive connotative (purr word) and negative connotative

(snarl word). Besides the positive and negative connotative meaning, there is

neutral that is most of them is jargon language.6

One part of literature that has connotative meaning is a song. Song is

poem set to music, intended to be sing. Song is the combination of word or

lyric and the musical instrument. Song is also a short importance given to the

music and the word, written in one or several voices, performed with

imstrument accompaniment.7

The message in the communication process is something that is

delivered by the sender to the recipient. The message can be delivered in a

face-toface way or media of communication. It is contents can be a science,

entertainment, information, advice, or propaganda. Messages essentially

abstract. To create a message into the concrete so it can be sent and received

by the message recipient, a man with his mind create many symbols of

communication in the form of sound, mimic, gestures, spoken language, and

the language of writing.

Lyric in the song have meaning inside the labguage that singer song

writer used. According o M. H. Abrams: “lyric is any fairly short poem,

5 Armawansyah, An Analysis of Connotative Meaning in Selected Maher Zain’s Songs

Lyrics, (thesis English Letters Departement Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah of

Jakarta,2016), p. 2 6 Chaer, Abdul. Linguistik Umum. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta 1994. p. 292

7 Oxford Learner Dictionary fourth edition,2008


consisting of the utterance by a simgle speaker, who expresses a state of mind

or a process of perception, though, and feeling”.8

The writer used Bon Jovi‟s songs in this analysis because Bon Jovi is

a hard rock band from New Jersey formed in 1983 with lead singer Jon Bon

Jovi, guitarist Richie Sambora, keyboardist David Bryan, bassist Alec John

Such and drummer Tico Torres. The lineup has remained the same for last 23

years other than the departure of Alec John Such in 1994. In 1990, the band

went on a hiatus after the New Jersey tour and during this period Jon Bon

Jovi and Richie Sambora concentrated on their solo careers, which were quite

successful. In 1992, the band had a double platinum with Keep the Faith and

has had many platinum albums ever since.9

Bon jovi‟s particular blend of pop sensibility and working-class

lyrical themes, along with a string of MTV videos showcasing Jon Bon Joi‟s

good looks, gave them a wider appeal and longer career life than almost any

of their direct peers, to the extent that they have continied to enjoy a viable

career into the new millennium.10

Bon Jovi has broadened its musical

horizons by combining rock with pop, adult contemporary and country music.

The band won a Grammy in 2006 for the Best Country Collaboration for the

song Who Says You Can‟t Go Home with Jennifer Nettles from Sugarland.

They also became the first rock band to reach number one on the Hot Country

8 Scott Brewster, Lyric, London and New York: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group,

2009, p. 13 9 www.historyking.com/Music-History/Bon-Jovi-History.html, accessed on February 12,

2020 10

William Phillips and Brian cogan, Encyclopedia of Heavy Metal Music, United state of

America: Greenwood Press, 2009, p. 43


Songs chart for the same song. Since then, Bon Jovi has been nominated

twice for It‟s My Life super hit and two songs from the albums Bounce,

Misunderstood and Everyday.11

The writer is intended to analyse the Connotative Meaning of Bon

Jovi song so that we know what the implied meanings are conveyed by Bon

Jovi, so that listeners understand the meaning of the song‟s, wheter the

meaning of the song leads to positive things or lead to negative things.

Based on the explanation above, the writer is interested in conducting

research about “Connotative Meaning of Bon Jovie’s Selected Song Lyric”.

The writer chooses Bon Jovie‟s because one of the rock band that received

many awards, they are a famous and influential rock band that have produced

many top ranking songs and the lyrics of the song contained a lot of implied

meanings in it.

B. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background of the problems above, the writer makes the

formulations of the problems are arranged as follows:

1. What are the connotative meanings of Bon Jovi‟s selected song lyrics?

2. What are the messages contained in the connotative meaning of Bon

Jovi‟s in the lyrics?


www.historyking.com/Music-History/Bon-Jovi-History.html accessed on February 12,



C. Limitation of the Problem

Bon Jovi has many song, but in this research the writer only chosee a

few songs to limit this research. Furthermore, the writer also limited the lyrics

that is being studied to five lyrics that the writer choose in the Album Crush

by Bon Jovi Song; Always, it's my life, Living on a Prayer, You Give Love a

Bad Name, I'll be There for you. The writer limits the song only five lyrics

because these five songs are the most common songs that always listen on


D. Purpose of the Research

Based on limitation of problem above, the purpose of this research are:

1. To know the connotative meaning in Bon Jovi‟s seelected song lyrics.

2. To know the messages contained in the connotative meaning of Bon Jovi

in the lyrics.

E. Significance of the Research

There are two functional considerations for conducting the research.

This study is significant to conduct due to its theoretical and practical


Theoretically, this research is expected to be useful and give new

information to the semantic study especially about the connotative meaning

on lyrics of Bon Jovi‟s songs.

Practically, this research would give contribution for the lectures and

the students of UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, especially at English

Literature. It is expected to be able to broaden the knowledge in


understanding the denotative and connotative meanings of lyrics of songs.

Also it is hoped to give contribution for readers who are interested in this

study and it will be the alternative reference for the readers who are interested

in researching this ar




A. Semantics

In linguistics, semantics is the subfield that is devoted to the study of

meaning, as borne on the syntactic levels of words, phrases, sentences, and

even larger units of discourse (referred to as texts).12

As with any empirical

science, semantics involves the interplay of concrete data with theoretical

concepts. Traditionally, Semantics has included the study of connotative

sense and denotative reference, truth conditions, argument structure, thematic

roles, discourse analysis, and the linkage of all of these to syntax. Semantic

contrast with syntax, the study of the combinatory of unit of a language

(without reference to their meaning) and pragmatics, the study of the

relationships between the symbols of a language, their meaning, and the users

of the language.13

In this study, some theories are used that provided by Crystal and

Akhmajian, Lyons, Goddard, Wittgenstein, Alfred Korzbsky, Hurford and

Heasely to support this analysis. According to Crystal in Sarifah (2003),

“semantics is the study of meaning in language”. Akhmajian in Sarifah

(2003) states that “Semantics is the study of meaning and reference.” Lyons

concludes that semantics is the study of meaning. The term of meaning in the

theory of semantics can be described from the mind of speaker to the mind of


G.Leech. Semantics. London: Penguin Books 1981, p.1 13

Kitcher, Philip: Salmon, Wesley C. Scientific Explenation, 1989, p. 20


hearer by embodying them, as it was, in the form of one language or another.

If the term meaning is described as ideas or concept, than it will not help us to

answer such that question because the term concept is not clearly defined, and

it is too vague and general. Moreover, he states that the word meaning may

not have the same range of application as any single word in other languages.

For examples: there are contexts in which “meaning” can be translated into

French with signification or sense, and the context of meaning (signification

or sense) does not match with “bedeutung and sinn” in German.14

Hurford and Heasely say that “Semantics is the study of meaning in

language. Because of this, semantics cannot be separated from the so-called


. Semantics is not only concern about the study of meaning but also

the relationship between language and culture as what Goddard states:

“Another concern of semantics is to shed light on the relationship

between language and culture. Much of the vocabulary of any

language and even part of the grammar will reflect the culture of its

speakers indeed, the culture specific concept and ways of

understanding embedded in a language are an important part of

what constitutes a culture”16

Semantics has a very important role for linguistics, Ferdinand de

Saussure referred as the signifier (significant) and the signified (signify), then

actually the study of linguistics without semantics is merely meaningless.17

These both components, significant and signify are things which cannot be

separated each other.


Lyon, John, Language and Linguistics: Cambridge University Press 1995, p. 138 15

Hurford and Heasely, Semantics. A Course Book. Cambridge. Cambridge University

Press, 1984. p. 1 16

Goddard, Cliff, Semantic Analysis. New York. Oxford University Press Inc, 1998, p.1 17

John Lyons. Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics, New York Cambridge University

Press, 1968. p. 308


B. Meaning

Meaning is what the speaker‟s interpret or the speaker mean. Meaning

is always fused in the speech of the word and sentence. In Oxford Dictionary,

meaning is the relationship between languages with the world which has been

agreed by the users so that can be understood. It can be concluded that

meaning is the result of the relationship between languages and the world,

determination of meaning occurs because the user agreement and the

realization of meaning can be used to convey the information that can be

understood by mutually.

According to Lyons, examine the meaning of a word or give the

meaning of a word is to understand the word study which regard to the

relationships the meaning that make it word is different from other words.18

1. Kinds of Meaning

a. Lexical Meaning

The meaning of words or lexical meaning is a part of

linguistic knowledge and therefore a part of the grammar. Our

mental storehouse of information about words and morphemes is

grammar in that the vocabulary or lexicon does not only list the

lexeme (the minimal distinctive unit in semantic system of a

language), but associate with each lexeme all the information that is

required by the rules of grammar.

Additionally, Chaer says that lexical meaning refers to the


John Lyons, Linguistic Semantics an Introduction, New York: Cambridge University

Press, 1977, p.2


real meaning, meaning that proper with our sense observation, or for

granted meaning. It has been known that a language has amount of

lexical system by which the semantics structure can be expressed

based its meaning relation of paradigmatic and syntaxmatic.19

b. Grammatical Meaning

Grammatical meaning could also be known as a formal or

functional meaning, or an internal meaning. The grammatical

meaning is different from the lexical meaning. Grammatical

meaning present if there was a process of grammatical in it as

affixation, reduplication, a composition.20

For example, in the affixation process of suffix -er added to

a stem big produces bigger, the grammatical meaning appears that

the degree of the word bigger is more than the word big in terms of

their lexical meaning (of great shape, size or power).

c. Contextual Meaning

Contextual meaning is “meaning of a word within a certain


Contextual meaning is associated with the place, time

and condition when the language is put into use. For example, the

word rain has different meanings in each sentence below.

1. Why does it always rain on me?, Even when the sun is

shining ( part of Travis song lyrics).


Abdul Chaer, Linguistic Umum, Jakrata. PT. Rineka Cipta, 2007. P. 289 20

Abdul Chaer, Linguistic Umum, Jakrata. PT. Rineka Cipta, 2007. P.290 21

Abdul Chaer, Linguistic Umum, Jakrata. PT. Rineka Cipta, 2007. P.290


2. The rain in saturday night (part of song lyrics Evi


The word rain (1) in the first example has a meaning

„sadness because of pain.‟ The word Rain (2) in the second example

is the real rain that water fall from the sky. These two sentences

above used the same word but it has different meaning of each word.

d. Denotative and Connotative Meaning

Denotative meaning has similarities with the lexical and

conceptual meaning.22

According Harimurti in Mansoer Pateda book

(2001) based on the denotative meaning is straightly designation on

something outside the language or that are based on certain


Connotation meaning is different with the denotation meaning.

The meaning of the denotation or original meaning is the real

meaning. The connotation meaning is other meanings associated

with the value of a sense of people or groups who use the word.

Connotative refers to the personal aspect of meaning, the

emotional association that the word arouses. Connotation is

stimulating and evocative sense, feelings, attitudes, judgments, and

beliefs as well as certain purposes. It can be individually and


Connotation had the right to live and need to be

talked about, discussed, and controlled by the user language.


Abdul Chaer, Linguistic Umum, Jakrata. PT. Rineka Cipta, 2007. P. 292 23

J.D. Parera, Teori Semantic, Jakarta: Erlangga, Edisi kedua, 2004, P. 99


However, the use of language usage and connotation has limits,

which not used in report language, the language of scientific papers

and magazines were formalized. According to Kreidler (1998)

connotation refers to the personal aspect of meaning. The word

aroused that the emotional association. Connotation of individuals

have common experience, some people has a shared word


In said that “words have literal or referential meanings

(denotation) but also evoke feelings, or opinions (connotations)”.

Yule said that “denotative or conceptual meaning covers basic,

essential components of meaning which re conveyed by the literal

use of a word”. Some of the basic components of a word like needle

in English might include „thin, sharp, steel, instrument‟. These

components would be a part of the conceptual meaning of needle.

However, it has an association or connotative meaning to this word

which lead us to think of painful‟.

As the researcher explains in the chapter 1 above, the

denotative meaning of a word is its literal meaning – the definition

you did find in the dictionary. Denotation refers to “the words whose

meanings exist in the dictionary”25

Sometime, the components of its

meaning are not mentioned. For example: The song lyrics from


Kreidler, Introducing English Semantics, London and Ney York: Routledge

publishing, 1998, p. 45 25

Yule, George. The Study of Language: an Introduction, New York: Canbridge

University Press, 1985. p.92


Beyonce with the title “If I were a boy”. Connotative meaning is an

inferred or related additional sanse to aphras.

e. Referential and Non-Referential Meaning

A word or lexeme, if its context, or relation, is called

referential meaning. Words such as horse and red are included that

5are valid referential because the real world has reference. Instead of

terms like and, or, and then words which are not valid referential are

included because the words do not have the relation.

Based on the above definitions, it may be inferred the Kinds

of Meanings: Lexical Meaning, Grammatical Meaning, Contextual

Meaning, Connotative and Dennotative Meaning, eferential and non

Referensial Meaning.

C. Lyric

Lyric derives from the Greek word lyrikos, meaning "singing to the

lyre” A lyric poem is one that expresses a subjective, personal point of view.

The word lyric came to be used for the "word sofa song"; this meaning was

recorded in 1876. The common plural (perhaps because of the association

between the plurals lyrics and words), predominates contemporary usage.

Use of the singular form lyric remains grammatically acceptable, yet

remains considered erroneous in referring to a singular song word as a lyric.

Lyrics in songs are not only the arrangement of words into sentences,

but also interpretations of the composer intention to describe their feeling.

Such as: love, struggle, trouble, jealous, peace, etc. the lyrics of song always


have a theme inside. Theme is any basic idea of the written text or an image

created. It is the writer central or general idea reflecting on the public.26

Lyric in the song have meaning inside the labguage that singer song

writer used. According o M. H. Abrams: “lyric is any fairly short poem,

consisting of the utterance by a single speaker, who expresses a state of mind

or a process of perception, though, and feeling”.27

E. Connotation of Lyric

Lir-Ilir, Tandure wus sumilir ” Wake up, the plant has been grown.‟

This part of the Javanese song lyrics. The sentence above has a

connotative meaning; the words wake up, the plant and grow have no real

meaning. The word wake up means to be awake, to relax by moving with our

arms in order to get fresh air, this word means that we must always be

conscious and aware of the situation. Words that the plant has grown mean

that the "plants" are the representation of the Muslim society that had been

growing at that time. The ideological color of the muslem is green. The words

in the lyrics contain a positive connotation, because growing a plant is a

symbol of life. That song's lyrics contains a religious message that we should

be aware of our sins and repent immediately to Allah SWT, always trusting

Allah's commands and avoiding Allah's prohibitions. Not only that, but we

must also wake up to perform Dakwah according to His command..


Haryanto Rudy, A Pragmatic Analysis of Praise Expression Used in English Love

Songs, thesis school of teacher training and education Muhammadiyah University of

Surakarta,2008, p. 16 27

Scott Brewster, Lyric, London and New York: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group,

2009, p. 13


Connotation is the kind of lexical meaning which is related to the

certain item it refers to. According to Pateda, he states that “connotation is the

meaning which appears by association of language used by the speaker or

listener about the language which they speak or read”28.

Chris Barker state that

connotation is “the part of the meaning of a word and he says that connotative as an

implicit meaning29

Connotation is more or less synonymous with intension. Connotation

is often contrasted with denotation, which is more or less synonymous with

extension. Alternatively, the connotation of the word may be thought of as the

set of all its possible referents (as opposed to merely the actual ones). A

word's denotation is the collection of things it refers to; its connotation is

what it implied about the things it is used to refer to. The denotation of dog is

(something like) four-legged canine carnivore. So saying "you are a dog"

would imply that you were ugly or aggressive rather than stating that you

were canine. Connotation also the kind of meaning which is indicated that we

abstract away from emotional and sociocultural aspects of meaning,

restricting ourselves to what an expression refers to. For example word dog in

Arabic if someone called as a dog you are not good people because in Arab

dog has negative connotation as the dirty animal in contras in west country

dog has good connotation as the symbol of faithfulness.

Connotations are shifting and idiosyncratic associations that one word

may have for another speaker, but not for others (as opposed to the fixed and


Pateda, Prof. Dr. Mansoer. Semantik Leksikal. Jakarta. Rineka Cipta, 2001, p. 112 29

Chris Barker, Lexical Semantic. USA: University of California, San Diego Press, 2001,



generally accepted meaning of word). For example, the word "feminist" and

"environment" tend to have very different connotations depending on the

person's attitudes and experience. Connotation plays an important role in

advertising, politics and literature. For example, the word "democracy,

freedom and communists" often has emotional connotations of such a highly

charged nature that the speaker may be blind to the fact that there is no agreed

definition of their use. It is their potent affective meaning that makes such

words attractive to propagandists or political fanatics who wish to give rise to a

strong feeling without inviting a critical examination of their case.

In addition, Chaer states that connotative meaning can be divided into

two kinds, namely positive connotative (purr word) and negative connotative

(snarl word). Besides the positive and negative connotative meaning, there is

neutral that is most of them is jargon language.30

Here are the examples of positive and negative connotative meaning.

Positive Connotative Neutral Negative Connotative

Cottage Shanty/shack

Soiled linen Dirty Underwear

Sanitary engineer Dustman/ Garbage man

Lingering illness Carcinoma Cancer

Mercy Killing Euthanasia Legal Murder

Pass away Die Kick the bucket

Mentally unbalanced Psychotic Mad/Crazy


Abdul Chaer, Linguistic Umum, Jakrata. PT. Rineka Cipta, 2007. p. 292


Words such as celebration, springtime, and kissing give rise to unique

assemblies of positive emotional connotations. Words like homeless people,

cancer, and rape summon clouds of negative emotional connotations. Many

words and phrases, such as bullfighting, call for mixed positive and negative

connotations. Connotative meaning also includes the evocation of other

feelings and impressions, such as power (e.g. war) and activity (e.g.,


F. Messages

According to Onong Uchjana Effendi, the message is a set of

meaningful symbols conveyed by the communicator, the message is

conveyed through symbols that are meaningful to the recipient of the


Meanwhile, according to A.W Wijaya is the whole of what the

communicator wants to convey.32

Within a song, there are many messages that the songwriter want to

deliver to their listeners, be it in the form of verbal or non-verbal messages.

Both of those messages are part of communication.

“The message in the communication process is something that is

delivered by the sender to the recipient. The message can be delivered

in a face-toface way or media of communication. It is contents can be

a science, entertainment, information, advice, or propaganda.

Messages essentially abstract. To create a message into the concrete

so it can be sent and received by the message recipient, a man with his

mind create many symbols of communication in the form of sound,

mimic, gestures, spoken language, and the language of writing.” 33


Onong U. Effendi, Ilmu Komunikasi Teori dan Praktek, Bandung: PT. Remaja rosda

Karya, 1992, p. 18 32

AW. Wijaya, Komuniasi dan Hubungan Masyarakat, Jakarta: PT. Bina Aksara,1986,

p.14 33

Cangara, Hafied. H. Pengantar Ilmu Komunikasi, Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada,

2006, p.23


According to Soemardjo (1987:79): “A good literary work always

give the message to the reader for do well.” 34

According to the writer, the message is something that will be

conveyed by the communicator to others, both verbal and non-verbal

messages. A verbal message is a message that is conveyed orally, while a

non-verbal message is a message that is not carried out orally, but in writing,

body language and so on. Without messages, a literary work will be

incomplete and the singer‟s purposes cannot be sent to the listeners and

readers properly, because messages is that which make the audiences

understand the point that the singer wants to tell in literary works. When the

writer writes the lyrics, they must have something in their minds that want to

say to the listeners and readers.

G. Review of Related Research

There are some previous studies which have also insvestigated

connotative aspect. First study was revealed by Siti Aminah (2016), a student

of English Literature Department - The State Islamic University of Sulthan

Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, wrote a thesis entitled „The Analysis of Denotative

and Connotative in Metaphor as seen in Adele‟s song by That aim of this

thesis is describe the form of the types of metaphor and kinds of denotative

and connotative meaning in Adele Song. This thesis using Leech theory for

Denotation, Connotation, and as a supporter of denotation theory and

connotation the author also uses the theories of Victoria Fromkin, Robert


Soemardjo, Jakob: K. M. Saini. Apresiasi Kesusastraan, Jakarta: P.T Gramedia, 1987,



Rodman and Nina Hyams while the types of metaphors use the theory of

Backson and Ganz. The thesis of Siti Aminah uses descriptive qualitative

methods to analyze data. This research data is taken from the primary data,

namely three Adele song lyrics.35

The second study was analyzed by Armawansyah (2016), a student of

State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in the title An analysis

of Conotative Meaning in Selected Maher Zain‟s Song Lyric in album

“Forgive me and Thank You Allah”. This research focuses on analyzing

connotative meaning in Maher Zain‟s song lyrics. The reason for choosing a

song lyrics as the main sources of data because the connotative meaning is

common in the song lyrics. The song lyrics choosen as the main sources of

data are Forgive Me, Hold My Hand, Thank You Allah, Palestine Will Be

Free and My Little Girl. The method of this research is qualitative descriptive

method to analyze the data. From the lyrics of the song, it is found six

positive connotations, four neutral connotations, and four negative


The last research was analyzed by Fatkurrohman (2014), a student of

State Institut for Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga in the title An analysis of

An Analysis on the Denotative and Connotative Meaning and denotative

meaning of Creed‟s Songs Lyrics. He focused to see how the connotative

meanings and denotative meaning were used in the lyrics of Creed. He used


Siti Aminah. “The Analysis of Denotative and Connotative in Metaphor as seen in

Adele‟s song” (Thesis of The State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, 2016) 36

Armawansyah. “An analysis of Conotative Meaning in Selected Maher Zain‟s Song

Lyric in album Forgive me and Thank You Allah” (Thesis of The State Islamic University of

Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2016)


the teory of J.N Hook (1975). Then, this thesis using some theories are used

that provided by Crystal and Akhmajian, Lyons, Goddard, Wittgenstein,

Alfred Korzbsky, Hurford and Heasely, etc to support this analysis. The

thesis of Fatkurrohman uses qualitative methods to analyze data. From the

lyrics of the song, it is found 37 words that include as denotative and

connotative meanings. It is dominated by words with kinds of noun. There is

22 words of noun, 5 words of verb, and others is adjective word. It can be

conclude that in the creed‟s song lyrics included denotative and connotative


From those researches above, Siti Aminah analysed about “The

Analysis of Dennotative Meaning and Connotative in Metaphor as seen in

Adele‟s Song”. She used the objective theory as a tool to analyse and used the

semantic approach to analyse the songs as the object of the research.

Armawansyah “An Analysis of Connotative Meaning in Selected Naher

Zain‟s Song” The researcher use the linguistics as one of the method of the

research and Fatkurrohman used of J.N Hook theory and Semantic to

compose her thesis entitled “An Analysis of the Dennotative Meaning and

Connotative Meaning of creed‟s Song”.

Previous studies and the current research carried out by the researcher

have similarities and differences. Whereas all three of which were analysing

meaning and used semantic approach just like this thesis. Despite of all

similarities they also have some differences whereas they have different aim


Fatkurrohman “An analysis of An Analysis on the Denotative and Connotative

Meaning of Creed‟s Songs Lyrics‟ (Thesis of the State Instutut for Islamic Studies Salatiga, 2014)


entirely and the previous research were analysing religious and pop songs. In

this research, the researcher is intended to analyse rock songs which tells a

story about broken heart and one of the rock band who gained many rewards

in the history of music.

Most of the research above focuses on Connotative Meaning and

analyze religi and pop song, from the three related reviews above focuses on

Religi and pop song, while the writer focuses on connotative meaning that

analyze the Bon Jovi‟s song. From the preview related to the above research,

it can be seen that this study has differences and similarities from them. The

difference of this research from the research above is that this study was

conducted to find out the kind of connotative meaning and general message

delivered by Bon Jovi and also this research focuses on song lyrics and this

research used Abdul Chaer and H. Hafied Canggara Theory. While the

similarity is that this study discusses the connotative meaning and also uses

qualitative method.




A. Design of Research

In writing this thesis, the writer uses qualitative research and

descriptive method that is suitable with the aim of this research. Qualitative

research may be in descriptive form. The data are collected in the form of

words as a descriptive explanation than a number. Descriptive research is a

research which aims to describe a phenomenon accurately based on the

characteristic of research.38

In this thesis, the writer uses qualitative research,

where the data are analyzed through interpreting, not statistic analysis.

According to Denzin and Lincoln define:

“Qualitative research is multi method in focus, involving an interpretive,

naturalistic approach to its subject matter. This means that qualitative

researchers study thing in their natural settings, attempting to make sense

of or interpret phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to


Based on the quotation above, the qualitative research can be used in

this research due to the qualitative method did not only involves the intrinsic

aspect in literary work. But, it can be related with the extrinsic aspect in the

literary itself. So, that is why, the qualitative method also can be said as multi

method. Because, the relating of the intrinsic aspect and extrinsic aspect in

the literary itself.


John W. Creswell, Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design, United States of America:

California 1997, p. 15.


In this theory, qualitative research in research procedures which

produce descriptive data as spoken words of the person or behavior being

researched.. It means that qualitative method is analyzing about descriptive

data who are used read the lyric in this research, by using this qualitative

method, the writer felt easy to analyze the song lyric.

Based on those statements, it can be concluded that qualitative

research is analyzing about descriptive data that is collected is in the form of

the situation of the natural object. Where descriptive data such as writer or

spoken, by using qualitative research the writer had a rice answer about the

question in analyzing the problem in Bon Jovie’s song.

B. Sources of Data

The source of data in this research came from the lyrics of Bon Jovi‟s

song in the album Crush (2000) because one of the albums that received many

awards and the lyrics of the song contained a lot of connotative meanings in it.

that is Always, it’s my life, Living On a Prayer, You Give Love a Bad Name,

I’ll be There for you ,the writer downloaded the song from youtube, and the

writer uses any books, journals, internet which is related to the research.

C. Technique of Data Collection

The writer collected the data for this research in various ways. Data

collecting is defined as the procedure of collecting, measuring and analysing

accurate insight for research using standard validated techniques, Sugiyono

has confirmed that :‟‟Dokumen merupakan catatan peristiwa yang sudah


berlalu dan dokumen ialah setiap bahan tertulis, film atau pun dari record yang

di persiapkan karena adanya permintaan seorang penyidik‟‟. In the collection

the writer uses library research, to collection the data with documentation.

Steps on collecting the data in this research is consist of,

1. Download the script of song lyrics.

The writer downloads the song lyrics from internet and youtube

2. Listen and read the song lyrics of Bon Jovi‟s song.

The writer read repeadly to make sure that contains connotative


3. Selected the word that have connotative meaning.

Choosing song lyrics that really contain elements of connotative


4. Write down the data

After find the word that have connotative, and then make a data.

5. Compiling the data into several part based on classification.

After researcher collected the data and writer it in appendix.

D. Technique of Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the writer analyzed the data. In qualitative

research, technique analysis data are used to answer the formulation of the

problem in analysis data, the writer used a technique of data analysis. The


writer had several techniques from the data analysis, in order to make this

research more specific. According to Susan Stainback, “Data analysis is

critical to the qualitative research process. It is to recognition, study, and

understanding of interrelationship and concept in your data that hypotheses

and assertions can be developed and ecaluated”.39

In this research, the writer used content analysis because this research

the writer had some steps in analyzing the data, in order to make this research

more specific. The steps are:

1. Identifying

The writer identified the data which have correlation with

connotative in Bon Jovi‟s song, that has from five songs

2. Classifying the data

The writer classified and marked the words or sentence about

connotative meaning in Bon Jovi‟s song.

3. Describing

The writer analyzed, described and explained meaning of

Connotative in Bon Jovi‟s song.

4. Making the conclusion

After all the data have been analyzed, described and explained in

the research, the writer makes the conclusion of the research.


Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R & D, p. 244.




A. Finding

In this thesis the writer analyse the connotative meaning that are

found in the selected Bon Jovi‟s song lyrics, such as: Always, it’s my life,

Living On a Prayer, You Give Love a Bad Name, I’ll be There for you. The

writer explains the connotative meaning and the massages in connotative

meaning that are found in the selected lyrics of Bon Jovi‟s Song. This study is

aimed to find a connotation that exists in the song lyrics.

In this finding, the researcher found the connotative meaning and kind

of connotative meaning; the kinds of connotative meaning in bon jovi‟s songs

are positive connotation and negative connotation. In Bon Jovi‟s song lyrics

the writer found six positive connotation and eight negative connotation.

Then, the writer finds a general message in Bon Jovi's songs that contains

connotative meaning. The message in it is to explain how we should not

waste our loved ones so that they do not leave our lives or our hearts so that

they can return to their original state. Therefore, after the data has been

collected, the next step is data analysis. It means by reading and observing the

data has been collected, the writer does the analysis process.

B. Analysis

In this data analysis, the writer uses teory of Abdul Chaer and another

theory to help this research.


a. The Connotative Meaning in Bon Jovi’s Lyrics

1. Positive Connotative

Positive connotative meaning is a word which implies

emotions and associates to a positive direction and delivered in fun

manner. The following are some example of positive connotative

contained in the lyrics of bon jovi‟s song;

a) “The Crowd” in the lyric it’s my life

I ain’t gonna be just a face in the crowd

You’re gonna hear my voice

When I shout it out loud

From the lyrics above the word “crowd” is the connotative

meaning which is delivered by the singer in his song. The meaning

of the word “crowd” is a large group of people who have gathered

together to do something, Informal a group of people who know

each other, work together, etc., ordinary people not unusual in any


But the meaning that by Bon Jovi tried to convey was

different from the true meaning. The singer is expressed his desire

to be different than everyone else which he described as mere

„faces‟ among the „crowd‟. Crowd here means people in geneal and

faces means identity Bon Jovi used this song to describe his painful


Longman Dictionary of contemporary English, New edition for advanced learners

2011. P. 405


love experience, and what he must do to be better than everybody


From the explanation above the lyric song is include in

positive connotative meaning because Bon Jovi said that it is good

to be different than everyone else, the most important this is that

we believe in ourselves, and try to love ourselves, thus we can be a

better individuals.

b) “Open Highway” in the lyric It‟s My Life

My heart is like an open highway

Like Frankie said

I did it my way

From the lirics above the word “highway” is not translated

as Public Road, A main route by land, sea, or air.41

But the word

“highway” is not the real meaning that is try to deliver by Bon Jovi,

but the word “highway” here is a connotative meaning spoken by

the singer.

From the lyrics above the connotative meaning which is

delivered by the singer to the listeners are The word “highway” in

connotation means freedom. Freedom is like a Public Street that

everyone is free to pass through. The author uses "highway" as

freedom because a highway is like a person choosing what they

want to pass. From this explanation, the lyrics are known as the

connotation of the lyric, that someone is free to choose. The


The Oxford Dictionary, Oxford University Press, 1991, P. 302


sentence "My heart is like an open highway" connotes "My heart

feels free to choose". This has a positive connotation because by

giving him the freedom to choose someone, he will determine his

own happiness.

The lyric to this song tries to tell people that the heart is free

to choose; that in the matter of love, there is no formula to follow

and solve. When in doubt, follow your heart, and ask yourself,

which path will make you the most happy, because everyone have

different desires. Learn to trust your heart.

c) “A Place” and “Shine” in the lyric Always

We can pack up our old dreams and our old lives

We'll find a place where the sun still shine)

The meaning of “Place” means (Position, Situation) a point or area,

especially one that visit or use for a particular purpose. Sun means

the star round which the earth travels and from which it receives

light and warmth. “Shine” means to produce bright light, the

brightness that something has when light shines.42

But the meaning

conveyed by Bon Jovi is different from the true meaning.

In the lyrics above the songwriter referred “place” which connoted

to the wishes of what he wishes to do for his girlfriend. Meanwhile,

“Sun still shine” is connoted to something that will be better and

brighter again like the sun. It means a struggle to win the girl‟s


Longman Dictionary of contemporary English, New edition for advanced learners

2011. P


heart, therefore, the relationship stay tied and asks the girlfriend to

give him a chance to win the girl.

From the explanation above the lyric song is included in

positive connotative meaning because wanted to give himself

another chance and start over; he promised that he would fix every

mistake he had ever make.

d) “Prayer” in the lyric Livin‟ on a Prayer

Whoa, livin‟ on a prayer

Take my hand, we‟ll make it, I swear

From the lirics above the word “Prayer” is not translated as word

that you say when praying to god, a wish or hope something will


The meaning that by Bon Jovi tried to convey was

different from the true meaning. "Prayer" meant by Bon Jovi here

was his hope for the future because life must have high hopes

because sustenance comes from God. By giving each other love is

the highest hope that every human being wants.

e) “Angel” in the lyric You Give Love a Bad Name

An angel’s smile is what you sell

From the lyric above the word “Angel” is not translate as word

someone who is very kind, very good, or very beautiful.44

But the

meaning that by Bon Jovi tried to convey was different from the


Longman Dictionary of contemporary English, New edition for advanced learners

2011. P. 1360 44

Longman Dictionary of contemporary English, New edition for advanced learners

2011. P. 56


true meaning. The word angel was meant by Bon Jovi to refer to a

person who is kind and charming.

f) “Swimming For The Shore” in the lyric I‟ll be there for you

You say you've cried a thousand rivers

And now you're swimming for the shore

Swimming for the shore connotes that she wants to immediately go

away since she no longer wants to commit to her relationship. The

word swim is similar to her desire to leave. “swim for the shore”

means her love to her lover was no longer there.

From the explanation above the lyric song is include in possitive

connotative meaning because not committing to people who are

harmful to use is much better than hurting ourself.

2. Negative Connotation

Within Bon Jovi‟s song lyric contained negative

connotative meaning, negative connotative meaning is a word

which implies emotions and associates to a negative direction.

When connotative meaning is made, it presents person or things in

an favourable view. The following are some example of negative

connotative contained in the lyrics of bon jovi‟s song;

a) “Calling you out” in the lyric It‟s My Life

Better stand tall when they‟re calling your out

Don‟t bend, don‟t break, baby, don‟t back down


Calling you out connotes that someone is being singled out due to a

mistake, or a peculiar action taken by that person. Calling someone

out usually entails the act of shaming them, or putting someone in

front of others as an example, which is usually a bad one.

Therefore, calling someone out has a negative connotation.

b) “Bleeding” in the lyric Always

This Romeo is bleeding

But you can’t see his blood

In this lyric the researcher found the connotative meaning

which is bleeding the word “Bleeding” means that to leak blood or

other fluid, to draw blood or fluid from, to extort money from.45

what the singer meant is not like that, but Blood is symbolism for

getting hurt, or experiencing painful things..

From the explanation above the connotation within the

song‟s lyric song is classified as negative connotative meaning,

because the lyric tells how his heart is hurting inside due to

something bad that happened in their relationship.

c) “The Flood” in the lyric Always

It’s been raining since you left me

Now, im drowning in the flood


The Oxford Dictionary, Oxford University Press, 1991, P. 65


The meaning of “The Flood” on this lyric is the coming of a great

quantity of water over a place that usually dry, the water itself.46

But the meaning is different than connotative meaning told by the

singer in the lyric above, where the flood symbolize someone‟s

deep sadness. The word rain has a denotative meaning that means a

person crying or at least in morning. The words “it‟s been raining

since you left me now I‟m drowning in a flood” means that ever

since his lover left him, he‟s been deep in the flood of sadness.

From the explanation above the connotation within the

song‟s lyric song is classified as negative connotative meaning,

because the lyric tells how his heart is hurting inside due to his

lover suddenly left him.

d) “Loaded Dice” in the lyric Always

Well, there ain’t no luck

In these loaded dice

Before seeking connotation meaning, the meaning of the ”Loaded”

is Not Fair, Rich, Drunk and “Dice” means a small cube marked on

each side with a number of spots, a game played with these. But the

meaning conveyed by Bon Jovi is different from the true meaning

which is meant by the singer is Connotative meaning that contained

within the lyrics above “Loaded dice” is referred to address their


The Oxford Dictionary, Oxford University Press, 1991, P. 245


relationship that is written to fail and unsuccessful relationship, and

finally the girl left him.

From the explanation above the connotation within the song‟s lyric

song is classified as negative connotative meaning, because the

lyric tells how the lover‟s relationship is fated to be separated and

there‟s no way back for the man to return to his love.

e) “String In Hock” in the lyric Livin‟ on a Prayer

Tommy’s got his six string in hock

Now he’s holding in

What he used to make it talk

From the lirics above the word “string in hock” is not

translated as narrow cord, a length of this or some other material

used to fasten or lace, or pull something, or interwoven in a frame

to form the head or a racket. Hock means In formal to sell

something temporarily because you need some money, to pawn.

But the word “String in Hock” is not the real meaning that is try to

deliver by Bon Jovi, but “the word String in hock” here is a

connotative meaning spoken by the singer. What the song meant by

six strings is not a normal string for trying stuff with, but instead

guitar strings, since guitars have six strings. To put something on a

hock means to mortgage it. which means that the lyric implies that

Johnny is having financial difficulties.


From the explanation above the lyric song is include in negative

connotative meaning. The connotative meaning came from the the

lyric where it said that Johnny was forced to mortgage his precious

belongings in order to help him financially.

f) “Passion’s A Prison” in the lyric You Give Love a Bad Name

Chains of love got a hold on me

When passion's a prison, you can't break free

The word “passion” means implementation of someone‟s feeling of

comfort toward their lover. In this lyric the word “passion” was

directed towards the singer himself. When passion is too strong,

you cannot escape from it and it becomes a prison; so was Bon

Jovi, the singer, was so in love that he could not escape his passion

towards his lover and he was blinded by it.

From the explanation above the lyric song is include in negative

connotative meaning because the singer told us a too great of a

passion can become dangerous for us. When someone is

imprisoned in their love, it can be very hard to escape.

g) “Loaded Gun” in the lyric You Give Love a Bad Name

Oh, oh, you're a loaded gun

The connotation of these lyric is in this lyric, “gun” is a kind of

weapon that can endanger a person. When someone is connoted as

a gun, it means that someone is very dangerous since they are


capable of hurting someone else. As such, “loaded gun” has a

negative connotation.

h) “Dirty” in the lyric I‟ll be There for You

But I can't buy back yesterday

And, baby, you know my hands are dirty

But I wanted to be your Valentine.

Before seeking connotation meaning, the meaning of the ”Dirty” is

not clean, bad/immoral. But the meaning that by Bon Jovi tried to

convey was different from the true meaning. what the singer meant

by “dirty” was actions referring to mistakes and wrongdoings

committed in the past. As such, “dirty” has a negative connotation.

Based on the analysed data to answer question number one

regarding the connotative meaning in Bon Jovi's songs. The

researcher found that the song written by Bon Jovi is more

dominant at negative connotative meaning than to positive.

In the previous study of Siti Aminah of State Islamic

University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, which discussed

about The Analysis of Denotative and Connotative in Metaphor as

seen in Adele‟s song. Her research found more positive meanings

than the negative ones, due to the song which deliver in a fun

manner and uplifting. Her finding analysis is in line with the

current research carried out by the researcher, however her result

did not mention what are the messages the singer try to deliver


within the implied meaning so the listeners did not understand the

meaning of the song.

b. The Messages in Bon Jovi’s Lyrics

Within Bon Jovi‟s song lyric, the researcher understood the

messages that delivered by the singer in the song. Those the

messages are conveyed by Bon Jovi within the song is;

1. Song Title “It’s My life”

This song is one of the bestseller song, and hit the top

charts in some countries. One of the thing which makes this song

so famous is the up beat rythm and the meaning of the song is very

good. The song tells a story that this life is not the place for the

weaklings, this life is only once, don‟t let anyone buble you, and

this is life is yours.

In the song "It‟s My LIfe", the researcher found the

message conveyed by the singer to his listeners, below are the

messages conveyed by Bon Jovi;

a. You don't have to be afroid to be different

In the song ”its my life” by bon jovi, the sentence “I Ain't

Gonna Be Just A Face In The Crowd” can be found in the third line

of the lyric, the messege of this song expressed his desire to be

different than everyone else which he described as mere „faces‟

among the „crowd‟. So, the researcher conclude that the message


delivered by Bon Jovi is you don‟t have to be afroid to be different,

instead you should try to love yourself. The writer hopes that,

everyone listening to this song can be a better person.

b. You is Free to Choose

In the song ”its my life” by bon jovi, the sentence ”My

Heart Is Like an Open Highway” can be found in eleventh line of

the lyric, the messege of this song expressed that a highway is like

a person choosing what they want to pass. So, the researcher

conclude that the message delivered by Bon Jovi tries to tell people

that the heart is free to choose; that in the matter of love, there is no

formula to follow and solve. When in doubt, follow your heart, and

ask yourself, which path will make you the most happy, because

everyone have different desires. Learn to trust your heart.

2. Song Title “Always”

Always is one of the two new songs in the greatest album

called Cross Road. The album Cross Road itself was realesed on

october 1994. Eventhough it is considered old, the popularity of

Always and the singer Bon Jovi are still legendary until the

milenium era. This song tells a story about a deep regret of a

separation with a lover due to his own mistake which makes his

lover left him


In the song "Always", the researcher found the message

conveyed by the singer to his listeners, below are the messages

conveyed by Bon Jovi;

a. Hide your pain away

In the song “Always” by bon jovi, the sentence “This

Romeo is bleeding, but you can‟t see his blood” can be found in the

first and second line of the lyric, the messege of this song

expressed that Romeo said he is bleeding, and yet people can‟t see

his blood, not because he is physically hurting, but the one that is

hurting is his feelings. Romeo is suffering, and yet people can‟t

readily see that he is suffering because he kept it inside, invisible

from everyone else.

b. Don't get overly attached to someone

In the song ”Always” by bon jovi, the sentence ”It‟s been

raining since you left me” can be found in fifth and sixth line of the

lyric, the messege of this song expressed that when love someone

too deeply it will often be really hard for you to recover from the

sadness whenever that person decides to leave you.

c. Failures are part of relationships

In the song ”Always” by bon jovi, the sentence ”Well there

ain‟t no luck, in this loaded dice” can be found in fourty first and


fourty second line of the lyric, the messege of this song expressed

that in human life there is something that is called failure. It was

created to make someone better. Failure in love is common thing

in human life, so be yourself and seek out for someone better for

you. Failure is not a scarce thing which has been experienced by

all people. We all need to know that failure is one of Allah‟s ways

to say, “Be patient, I have something better for you.”

d. Find better future

In the song ”Always” by bon jovi, the sentence “We‟ll Find

A Place Where The Sun Still Shine”, can be found in the line fourty

fifth of the lyric, the messege of this song expressed that we need

to fight together for the brighter and the better future for yourselves

and for the people you care. In order to become the best, you have

to dream big and fight for it.

3. Song Title “Livin on a Prayer”

Livin' on a Prayer is a song by the American rock

band Bon Jovi, and is the band's second chart-topping single from

their third album Slippery When Wet. Written by Jon Bon

Jovi, Richie Sambora, and Desmond Child, the single, released in

late 1986, was well received at both rock and pop radio and its

music video was given heavy rotation at MTV, giving the band


their first No. 1 on the Billboard Mainstream Rock chart and their

second consecutive No. 1 Billboard Hot 100 hit.

In the song ”Livin‟ on a Prayer” by bon jovi, the sentence

”Tommy‟s got his six string in hock” can be found in eighteenth

line of the lyric, the messege of this song expressed that sometimes

it is necessary for us to sacrifice something very close, dear, and

important to us to get through the difficulties of life. Johnny was

willing to mortgage his favorite guitar in order to be able to support

the ones he loves.

4. Song Tittle “You Give Love a Bad Name”

This song tells a story about that About a woman who is

dumped by her boyfriend, the song achived no. 1 in the US

billboard Hot 100 on 29th November 1986 and became number one

hit on 2007 .

In the song "You Hive Love a Bad name", the researcher

found the message conveyed by the singer to his listeners, below

are the messages conveyed by Bon Jovi;

a. Do not let your desire controls you

In the song ”You Give Love A Bad Name” by bon jovi, the

sentence ”When Passion‟s A Prison, You Can‟t Break Free” can be

found in the seventh line of the lyric, the messege of this song

expressed that a passion too strong can be bad too, as it can become


a shackle, a prison that keeps a person prisoner to their own desire.

It is sometimes hard to control your feelings, and when you become

a prisoner of your love towards someone else, you‟ll think that love

is a bad thing, giving it a bad name.

b. Be careful of dangerous people

In the song ”You Give Love A Bad Name” by bon jovi, the

sentence ”Oh, Oh, You‟re A Loaded Gun” can be found in the

twenty fourth line of the lyric, the messege of this song expressed

that you need to get dangerous people as far away from you as

possible. From the explanation the lyric song is include in negative

connotative because in the lyric it is told that the other person is

very dangerous and therefore we need to be careful of them.

5. Tittle Song “I’ll be there for you”

This song is a song by American rock band Bon Jovi,

released as the third single from their 1988 album New Jersey. It

was written by Jon Bon Jovi and Richie Sambora. The single

ranked at number one on the Billboard Hot 100 and 5 on

the Mainstream rock chart.

In the song ” I‟ll be There for you” by bon jovi, the

sentence ”And Now You‟re Swimming For The Shore” can be

found in the sixth line of the lyric. From the lyric the researcher

conclude the message delivered by Bon Jovi. The singer wants to


deliver a message that simply means that in order to have a

successful relationship you need to commit to the relationship

itself. You need to consider the feeling of the other person and you

must not run away from your responsibilities.

Based on the analysed data to answer question number two

regarding the messages delivered by Bon Jovi‟s. The researcher

found a general message in Bon Jovi's songs. In the song “it‟s my

life” the general messeges are you don‟t have to be afroid to be

different, you is free to choose; in the song “always” the general

messeges are hide your pain away, don‟t get overly attached to

someone, fuilures are part of relationships, and find better future; in

the song “livi‟ on a prayer” the general messeges is sacrifice; in the

song “you give love a bad name” the general messeges are don‟t let

your desire conrols you and be careful of dangerous people; in the

song “i‟ll be there for you” the general messeges is commitment.

In the previous study of Armawansyah of State Islamic

University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, From the analysis, the

writer finds the message of the song‟s lyrics of Maher Zain‟s that

contains connotative meaning are people should construct good

relation with others, and virtuous relation to Allah. The message of

the lyric is delivered by Maher Zain in a good structure by using

positive connotative meaning.




A. Conclusions

According to the formulations of the problems, the writer can state

that there are several main points that can be concluded those are:

1. According to the first formulation of the problem, to know the

connotative meaning in song lyric, the writer found ten connotative

meanings in Bon Jovi's song lyrics. Of the fourteen terms of

connotative meaning found in the song's lyrics, there are multiple types

of connotative meaning, including six positive connotative and eight

negative connotative.

2. According to the second formulation of the issue, the writer finds a

message in Bon Jovi's song, and also the writer finds a general

message in Bon Jovi's songs. The message in it is to explain how we

should not waste our loved ones so that they do not leave our lives or

our hearts so that they can return to their original state.

In conclusion the findings in this research show that from the

finding above the writer assumes that Bon Jovi uses positive

connotation in his lyrics to deliver the message to the listener in an

encouraging way, and uses negative connotation to deliver something

bad and shouldn't be done.


In addition, the connotative meaning of those five song is different.

The first song “It‟s My Life” Bon Jovi explains that life is not a place

for the weaklings, don‟t let anyone wobble you, this is my own life.

Second, in the song “Always” Bon Jovi explains that regret always

comes at the end. Then the tird, in the song “You Give Love a Bad

Name” the singer explain that nowadays we often hear other people

say love however along the time they don‟t say it anymore and

eventually they ended they‟re relationship. The last song, “I‟ll be

There for You” the singer tells about the story of Bon Jovi and his

girlfriend who is now became her wife.

Overall, the writer found connotative meaning occurs in partial of

the lyric, and the denotative meaning occurs in majority of the lyric.

The message of the lyric is delivered by Bon Jovi in a good structure.

B. Suggestions

In the end of this thesis, the writer wants to give some suggestion:

firstly it is important to know the meaning behind the word and consider

the word which will belong to especially in Connotative Meaning and The

massages of Connotative Meaning we used in our life and would like to

hear like song. And the writer hopes this thesis will give contribution and

knowledge to the readers especially to the students of English Literature of

Adab and Humanities Faculty about Connotative Meaning. The writer

hopes that junior of English Literature will continue this research with


other subject and this thesis will help them about the theory. The writer

realize this thesis was not perfect yet, this thesis has many mistake,

therefor the writer expect to the reader for give some critics and suggestion

for make this thesis better.


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Biography Jon Bon Jovi

John Francis Bongiovi Jr. (born March 2, 1962), known professionally

as Jon Bon Jovi, is an American singer-songwriter, record producer,

philanthropist, and actor. Bon Jovi is best known as the founder and frontman of

the Grammy Award-winning rock band Bon Jovi, which was formed in 1983. Bon

Jovi has released 15 studio albums with his band; to date, the band has sold over

130 million albums worldwide. Bon Jovi has also released two solo albums. In the

1990s, Bon Jovi started an acting career, starring in the films Moonlight and

Valentino and U-571 and appearing on television in Sex and the City, Ally Mc

Beal and The West Wing.

As a songwriter, Bon Jovi was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of

Fame in 2009. In 2012, Bon Jovi ranked number 50 on the list

of Billboard Magazine's "Power 100", a ranking of "The Most Powerful and

Influential People In The Music Business". In 1996, People Magazine named him

one of the "50 Most Beautiful People In The World". In 2000, People awarded

him the title "Sexiest Rock Star". Bon Jovi was a founder and former majority

owner of the Arena Football League team, the Philadelphia Soul. He is the

founder of The Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation, founded in 2006.

In March 1983, Jon Bon Jovi called David Bryan, who in turn called

bassist Alec John Such and an experienced drummer named Tico Torres, Guitarist

Richie Sambora later joined the band; Bon Jovi, Sambora, Such, Bryan, and

Torres became the founding members of Bon Jovi. In 1984 and 1985, Bon Jovi

released their first two albums and their debut single "Runaway" managed to

crack the Top 40. In 1986, the band achieved widespread success and global

recognition with their third album, Slippery When Wet, which had sold 28 million

copies worldwide as of 2011. Slippery When Wet included three Top 10 singles,

two of which reached number one: "You Give Love a Bad Name" and "Livin' on a

Prayer". As of 2019, Bon Jovi has released 14 studio albums,

five compilations and three live albums. They have sold more than 100 million

records worldwide, making them one of the bestselling American rock bands. Bon

Jovi has performed more than 2,700 concerts in over 50 countries for more than

34 million fans. Bon Jovi was inducted into the UK Music Hall of Fame in 2006,

and into the U.S. Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame in 2018.


No Songs Tittle Connotative Meaning Kind of Connotative


It‟s My Life I ain't gonna be just a

face in the crowd (L.3)

Positive Connotation


It‟s My Life My heart is like an open

highway (L.10)

Positive Connotation


It‟s My Life Better stand tall when

they‟re calling your out

(L. 29)

Negative Connotation


Always This Romeo is bleeding

But you can't see his

blood (L.1)

Negative Connotation


Always It's been raining since

you left me Now I'm

drowning in the flood.


Negative Connotation


Always Well, There ain‟t no luck

in these loaded dice (L.


Negative connotation


Always We'll find a place where

the sun still shines (L.45)

Positive Connotation


Livin‟ on a Prayer Whoa, livin‟ on a prayer

(L. 17)

Positive Connotation


Livin on a Prayer Tommy's got his six

string in hock (L.18)

Negative Connotation


You Give Love a

Bad Name

When passion's a

prison, you can't break

free (L.7)

Negative Connotation


You Give Love a

Bad Name

An angel’s smile is what

you sell (L. 4)

Positive Connotation


You Give Love a

Bad Name

Oh, oh, you're a loaded

gun. (L. 24)

Negative Connotation


I‟ll Be There for


And now you're

swimming for the shore


Positive Connotation


I‟ll Be There for


And, baby, you know my

hands are dirty (L. 22)

Negative Connotation


Bon Jovi‟s Song Lyrics

"It's My Life"

This ain't a song for the broken-hearted

No silent prayer for the faith-departed

I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd

You're gonna hear my voice

When I shout it out loud

It's my life

It's now or never

I ain't gonna live forever

I just want to live while I'm alive

(It's my life)

My heart is like an open highway

Like Frankie said,

"I did it my way."

I just wanna live while I'm alive

It's my life

his is for the ones who stood their ground

For Tommy and Gina who never backed down

Tomorrow's getting harder make no mistake

Luck ain't even lucky

Got to make your own breaks

It's my life

And it's now or never

I ain't gonna live forever

I just want to live while I'm alive

(It's my life)

My heart is like an open highway

Like Frankie said,

"I did it my way."

I just want to live while I'm alive

'Cause it's my life

Better stand tall when they're calling you out

Don't bend, don't break, baby, don't back down

It's my life

And it's now or never

'Cause I ain't gonna live forever

I just want to live while I'm alive

(It's my life)

My heart is like an open highway

Like Frankie said,

"I did it my way."

I just want to live while I'm alive

It's my life

And it's now or never

'Cause I ain't gonna live forever

I just want to live while I'm alive

(It's my life)

My heart is like an open highway

Like Frankie said,

"I did it my way."

I just want to live while I'm alive

'Cause it's my life!


This Romeo is bleeding

But you can't see his blood

It's nothing but some feelings

That this old dog kicked up

It's been raining since you left me

Now I'm drowning in the flood

You see I've always been a fighter

But without you I give up

Now I can't sing a love song

Like the way it's meant to be

Well, I guess I'm not that good anymore

But, baby, that's just me

And I will love you, baby, always

And I'll be there forever and a day, always

I'll be there 'til the stars don't shine

'Til the heavens burst and the words don't rhyme

And I know when I die,

You'll be on my mind

And I'll love you always

Now your pictures that you left behind

Are just memories of a different life

Some that made us laugh, some that made us cry

One that made you have to say goodbye

What I'd give to run my fingers through your hair

To touch your lips, to hold you near

When you say your prayers, try to understand

I've made mistakes, I'm just a man

When he holds you close, when he pulls you near

When he says the words you've been needing to hear

I'll wish I was him 'cause those words are mine

To say to you 'til the end of time

Yeah, I will love you, baby, always

And I'll be there forever and a day, always

If you told me to cry for you

I could

If you told me to die for you

I would

Take a look at my face

There's no price I won't pay

To say these words to you

Well, there ain't no luck

In these loaded dice

But, baby, if you give me just one more try

We can pack up our old dreams and our old lives

We'll find a place where the sun still shines

And I will love you, baby, always

And I'll be there forever and a day, always

I'll be there 'til the stars don't shine

'Til the heavens burst and the words don't rhyme

And I know when I die,

You'll be on my mind

And I'll love you, always

"You Give Love A Bad Name"

Shot through the heart

And you're to blame

Darling, you give love a bad name

An angel's smile is what you sell

You promise me heaven, then put me through hell

Chains of love got a hold on me

When passion's a prison, you can't break free

Oh, oh, you're a loaded gun

Oh, oh, there's nowhere to run

No one can save me

The damage is done

Shot through the heart

And you're to blame

You give love a bad name (bad name)

I play my part

And you play your game

You give love a bad name (bad name)

You give love

A bad name

Paint your smile on your lips

Blood red nails on your fingertips

A school boy's dream, you act so shy

Your very first kiss was your first kiss goodbye

Oh, oh, you're a loaded gun

Oh, oh, there's nowhere to run

No one can save me

The damage is done

Shot through the heart

And you're to blame

You give love a bad name (bad name)

I play my part

And you play your game

You give love a bad name (bad name)

You give love

Shot through the heart

And you're to blame

You give love a bad name

I play my part

And you play your game

You give love a bad name (bad name)

Shot through the heart

And you're to blame

You give love a bad name (bad name)

I play my part

And you play your game

You give love a bad name (bad name)

You give love

You give love (bad name)

You give love

You give love (bad name)

You give love

You give love (bad name)

You give love

You give love (bad name)

"I'll Be There For You"

I guess this time you're really leaving

I heard your suitcase say goodbye

Well, as my broken heart lies bleeding

You say true love is suicide

You say you've cried a thousand rivers

And now you're swimming for the shore

You left me drowning in my tears

And you won't save me anymore

Now I'm praying to God you'll give me one more chance, girl

I'll be there for you

These five words I swear to you

When you breathe I wanna be the air for you

I'll be there for you

I'd live and I'd die for you

I'd steal the sun from the sky for you

Words can't say what love can do

I'll be there for you

I know you know we've had some good times

Now they have their own hiding place

Well, I can promise you tomorrow

But I can't buy back yesterday

And, baby, you know my hands are dirty

But I wanted to be your Valentine

I'll be the water when you get thirsty, baby

When you get drunk, I'll be the wine

I'll be there for you

These five words I swear to you

When you breathe I wanna be the air for you

I'll be there for you

I'd live and I'd die for you

I'd steal the sun from the sky for you

Words can't say what love can do

I'll be there for you

I wasn't there when you were happy

And I wasn't there when you were down

I didn't mean to miss your birthday, baby

I wish I'd seen you blow those candles out

I'll be there for you

These five words I swear to you

When you breathe I wanna be the air for you

I'll be there for you

I'd live and I'd die for you

I'd steal the sun from the sky for you

Words can't say what love can do

I'll be there for

I'll be there for you

These five words I swear to you

When you breathe I want to be the air for you

I'll be there for you

I'd live and I'd die for you

I'd steal the sun from the sky for you

Words can't say what a love can do

I'll be there for you

"Livin' On A Prayer"

Once upon a time not so long ago

Tommy used to work on the docks

Union's been on strike

He's down on his luck

It's tough, so tough

Gina works the diner all day

Working for her man

She brings home her pay

For love, for love

She says, "We've gotta hold on to what we've got

It doesn't make a difference if we make it or not

We've got each other and that's a lot

For love we'll give it a shot."

Whoa, we're half-way there

Whoa, livin' on a prayer

Take my hand, we'll make it. I swear

Whoa, livin' on a prayer

Tommy's got his six string in hock

Now he's holding in

What he used to make it talk

So tough, it's tough

Gina dreams of running away

When she cries in the night

Tommy whispers

"Baby, it's okay, someday

We've gotta hold on to what we've got

It doesn't make a difference if we make it or not

We've got each other and that's a lot

For love we'll give it a shot

Whoa, we're half-way there

Whoa, livin' on a prayer

Take my hand and we'll make it. I swear

Whoa, livin' on a prayer

Livin' on a prayer

We've gotta hold on ready or not

You live for the fight when it's all that you've got

Whoa, we're half-way there

Whoa, livin' on a prayer

Take my hand and we'll make it, I swear

Whoa, livin' on a prayer

Whoa, we're half-way there

Whoa, livin' on a prayer

Take my hand and we'll make it, I swear

Whoa, livin' on a prayer


A. Informasi Diri

Nama : Raihan Assiddiqy

Jenis Kelamin : Laki-Laki

Tempat & Tgl Lahir : Bangko, 12 Maret 1999

NIM : AI.160804

Alamat : Desa Pasar Muara Siau, Kec. Muara Siau,


Email : [email protected]

No. Telp/HP : 085378662254

Nama Ayah : Yakub

Nama Ibu : Yusriati

B. Riwayat Pendidikan

1. SD Negeri 86/VI Pasar Muara Siau II

2. MTS Negeri 1 Merangin

3. MA Negeri 1 Merangin

C. Pengalaman Organisasi

1. Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan

2. Purna Paskibraka Indonesia Kab. Merangin

3. Yayasan Bersama Rangkul Anak Bermimpi

Jambi, 10 Maret 2021


Raihan Assiddiqy

NIM. AI160804