TAU Consecration o f a Tcrrlple for Ole hI~lstcric*s f /l ~ c Third Order, i rr Ihc: Grarlcs o f Aile/Vslrip, tit11t.r Pic- su~/wsts th e e1istct11.t CY d /ou~~r 'cm/dc ~wtI;i~rg Clrc Rites of tl~ e ~dlwsl~i~ )r the ll'otftls ( 4 'ut rr~crliojb and Acfioti, the PUI~LII f th e Third 0,llc.r i/rt.lrri/t.ll, or such a Terrrp I~ trcltst be opcoed LII,,~ co~rscirl~l~~,l within twtlt~c O I . h i s Lliw utis~s from the syr~tbolistn o f flrc Tree of I.afe, ~ h c wrts rltrd worlds whcrcof ci~~~rrol ubsist i lr scpo rutiorr UIIC 1 ) tr r atloll~rr. It i s f o r this rmsujj tIlil1 the l*~cstiiu/s f t h e I 1 S I I ~ s i i 1 ) i r r s t alx-i~ys btgin with the l'.dA'S ,!IA~iG.9'.-l b'l;C'l1'/<7*.l !icing a dt~itutiott roui l h c l'orf~if 4 h c Fuli)t)r V1.11:r.

Consecration for a Temple of the Third Order

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8/3/2019 Consecration for a Temple of the Third Order

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TAU Consecration of a T crr l pl e f o r Ole h I ~ l s t c r i c* s f / l ~ c

Third Orde r , irr Ihc: Grarlcs of Aile/Vslrip, t i t11t.rP i c -

s u ~ / w s t s the e1istct11.t CY d / o u ~ ~ r' c m /d c ~ w t I ; i ~ r g

Clrc R i t e s of t l ~ e ~ d l w s l ~ i ~)r t h e l l ' o t f tl s (4 'ut rr~crliojb

and A c f i o t i , t h e P U I ~ L I If the T h i r d 0,llc.r i/rt.lrri/t.ll,

or such a Te rr rp I~ trcltst be o p co ed L I I , , ~ c o ~ r s c i r l ~ l ~ ~ , l

wi th in t w t l t ~ c O I . h i s L l i w u t i s ~ s

from t h e s y r ~ t b o l i s t nof flrc Tree of I.afe, ~ h cwrts rltrd

worlds whcrcof c i ~ ~ ~ r r o lu b s i s t ilr s c p o rutiorr U I I C 1) trr

at lo l l~rr . I t i s for t h i s r m s u j j t I l i l 1 t h e l * ~ c s t i i u / sf

the I 1 S I I ~s i i 1 ) i r r s t

alx-i~ysbtgin wi th the l'.dA'S ,!IA~iG.9'.-l b'l;C'l1'/<7*.l

!icing a d t ~ i t u t i o t troui l h c l ' o r f ~ i f 4 hc Fuli)t)r V1.11:r.

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The. Co~rsecra t iono f a tarw i l o r r s c o f t h e H o l y S p i r i t or

Te)r lp lc o f the Th i r d Order rtloy conic t o p a s s in

either of the t wo ways wh it- /I warrarrt th e Corrsecratinn

o f Te trr j lcs for t h e ,l l y s f r r i r s of !he i t S r c o d

Orders , as sFeci f ied b y the Rubrics a l facjred lo the

R i f u u l provided fur thrtt ptrrpose i r t the IVorld of Ac t io n.

T h e arrangerrrertt o f the / /o l t se fo l lows the ,,,'* i t t e~ t p rc -

ced evt s. O n (Ire d n y d11'1 af the I lu i t r appuir l t cd ,

tlre Brctllreu oj ail Grrzries in the It'orfd of Cretrtiorb,

Ira oi~ tg usscrrlbfctf u ? d c f o t h cd , tcrkc t h e i r s c d s i u t h e

body of tlre T e m p l e urtricr charge of the U sh er of t h e

R i t e , W I L O sllotdd be prcfc rubly up; A d e p t u s E x e t n ~ t r r s .

The T e m p l e i s liglrted o d y by two candles ort tl is

P i l l a r s wh i ch s h r d otr e i ther s ide o f the Sn t t c t ~m ry - I 'o or .

T h e I tuperat or o f t he Fcllorus lr ip , or h i s Subst it rrte !awf u(ly

a p / m i ? r fcd , s t e l r k s u s I f i ~ l r Pries t of tire C e r e r m t l y

fr or n tvitllirr t h e Mo s t I l o f y S a m f u a r y .

The l l ig l i Pr ies t . - I testify tllat t lie Fellowsliip of

the Rosy Cross ir, perfect in the body o f Adeptdlip.

May the Div i n e Spirit therein bear witness from DAATH

on the threshold o f the JIoly Supernals, froin Ilencc-

forth and for ever. The witiiess is also in the w o r l d ,

in the Holy Houses of tlle Fe l lowship . The Lord give

increase thereof, and tlic glory of the Lord visit 11s.

hlay the Great White Light of the Divine Spirit come


The L i g h t o f t h e Rose i t l icmi?tates flre Sarrctuary sutl-

d en l y a n d s h i n es throrrgh t h e wa l l s t hereof . T h e U ~ h t . r

o j t h e R i t e r i s e s i n h i s pluce a n d tfrrrrs t r p ihc: l igh t sof t h e Tern@ sayi t lg :-

The U s h e r of the R i te . -0 send out Thy light and Thy

buth . Let them lead u s : let them bring u s u n t o Thy

Eloly Hill and the Everlasting Tabernacle of Thy service.

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Tha Nigh Priest.--Salvetc, Fratrcs e t Surores, Iiosttrt:

c? Aume Crucis. The peiicc of GOL) be with yorl int h e Light of t h e Supcrnals a11c1 lw co nso la ti o~~f C!il.i=t

Xj-stical, the Spir i t \ \ 'h is i v i t l l i i l .

Tlb Usher o j r h c R i t e , r i s i u g i r r h i s p h c e , givcs a Ucltlcry

o/ on8 knock- . - - c t r r r i tu r t rs ll'estwccrd.IT h Usher of thc Kite.-Vigilate, Vratres e t Sorow.

T h High P r i e s t . - 1 Io~~ouriiMend Adept ljrct Iircn,

the counsel is f . i i t l ~ f t l l i i11cf true tllat tire 1iccl)cl.s of a

%;lad~ n d i t i o l l , nd of olit\\.~1.11 i g ~ ~ snd S y l i ~ l ~ ~ ! ~L

an experier~ce l ~ a t s v i t l i ~ , 1 1 1 ~~air~trrinnd ! ~ ; i i ~ ( l

un the Mysteries, t o \vliicli end i t Ills been given 11sa t

t\is t ime to consccrntc a 1Iorlsc of 3Iii113 5 a S a i l ~ : t l ~ i l ~ . ~f

Divine S c ~ i c t . nd a Tt. r~~l) lef the 1Ioly S1)irit. 1p n y that here in , as in otllcr l l v l y I'bces R I I ~ I o ~ I ~ c ~

ai the Rmv Cross, wc ~ l l a y 1c;lr t l ~ e oicc of ou r S ~ ~ I I I -

b l i c Fotinder and Lovirlg 1;a t l ~ c r peaking i l l t lie syil\\w!s

of the \\'ordB May tlw work of tlic l\'orld uf Crc;klion

be performed in tlle grace of its sacraments, tllc \ V O I I C

of t!w Christ-Life i n t lre 5Iy~teiy 1 tlw ~ C C O I I ~iirtl1,

[!LC blessed d e a t h of the 111) ..(ic \v!iosc cycs arc c l t ~ A

in Chris t , the union w i t l i Cilrist the Spirit, an d tllc (; lory

of I k s u m t i o n in COD.

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The I l igh I ' Y I ' ~ s ~ . - T I I ~\lord, 0 L o r d , is immar ie~r t

in all creation ; Tlly ~ i l ~ l c t i t yinds expression ; Tl ly lovem anife s ts t ile re in. ' Slay t h e y be declared also in rile,

working i n hunlil i ty of Ileal-t-as a S e r v a n t of Sacred

hlysteries-the Rites of I I ~ I ShIyst ical Ortf er. hIay

Thy blessing, as a R 'ater of Lif e, descend here upon us.

May Thy presence be rea l ised in our hear ts and within

th is Hidden Temple , apar t f rom t l lc world , wll ic l~we

are about to dedicate to Tl iy service . May t lw f ru i t sof Tliy I i igher Law be ad~r l in i s tc rcd t o the dwellers

here in , t o those a lso w h o sllall knock a t the Door wi thou t

a n d unto whom that door shal l open. May t lwy a t t a in

union with Thee and tlre peace which w e implore at t h e

Centre . Amen.

TIu High Pries t / W E S IVest and the Brethren restctrla

their seals.

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6 Cl i l<Eh lONY 0 1 4 LuSSECRATION FOR

creature of sweet Incense which I now consecrate

in Tliy Name-%-tint it may be a sign of aspiration

and ascent of the mind to Thee, and t ha t we may call

tllc ~ I ; L C C lioly wlierein its smoke ascends.

Tire / I i g h Priest.-It is wri tten : If any man be sick

among J W I ~ , et him cal l i r l the priests of tlle Church,

an d Ict tllenl pray ovcr lliln, anointing l ~ i ~ nit11 Oil

i n tlie Xame of the Lord. And tile prayer of faith

sliall save the sick rnan ; and the Lord slrall raise liirn

u p ; and i f he bc in sins tllcy sliall be forgiven lri~n .

Purify tllis creature of Oil, O Lord : sanctify it, liolyMessias : bless it, Eternal GOD. I n T l ~ y Name, O

Lord, 1 consecrate this cruature of Oil, tlrat it may I~ eal

the sickness of tlie Iiorlsc. arid reform i ts ways in Tllee.

So shall it signify to u s t l ~ e eace of Thy \\lord, wl~ich

stills the troubld U'atcrs of the Soul, the restless sea

o f our desires, a i d tllcrc follows a great calm.

Thermfter the I I i g k I ' ) i e s t consecrutcs the Ll im l , of the

Sa~rctrrury,which hus bea t kim!led b y the Usher o j

the Rile.

T h e High Priest.-0 send out T hy light and Tlly

truth : may tlley bring u s unto Tlly lIoly IIill and to

Tlly Tabernacle. l)iscovcr unto us Thy light in th e

EJouse wlrich we have b~ri lt for Tlly scrvice. Vow l l -safe, 0 Lord, to bless tllis Fire and 1-igl~t, llat i t nlay

sanctify the place of our 3lysteries. 1:or the Glory uf

Tlly Xame , 0 Lord : i n t l ~ e at w of our lloly l<cligiun :

by tlie Invisible Mountain of \Visdom, on wl~icll we

ascend to Thee : I consecrate-+--this creature of

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T h e High Pr ies t . -3 lay t l ~ e art o f earth of this Tcmple

be purified by the Eartli of Zion. ( l l c tirrns a d cuttcrs

Ashes orr the Altar irr the sarue rrtan~rer.) hIay tliis Altar

of Sacrifice bc the Foundation Stone of our election.

(H e passes rcdlrout the Sa m tr ta rv ajtd scatters A shes in the

Su /r th em qrrar fr r of the 7 'o ) rp fc . ) May the body of tllis

Temple be purified by the work of the will in COD.

( A t tlrc 1Vest.) 31ay it be as the body of GOD in its

manifestatio~l. ( A t t hc N o r lh . ) )lay desire of the Iiouse

o l the Lord purify the Lucly thereof. ( M e rcltctrrs to

tlre Doo r of I f o l y S u ~ r c t u a r y d lrerc faces ]Vest , ~r /d if ti t t g

the V c s s d of As h es . ) May t l ~ ebody of tliis Tc~nple

and of all who serve lierei~lbe integrated in the nlys-

tical body of tlle IZwy Cross.

The Nigh Priest.-31ay t11e mind of the Fatl~erAl-

mighty purify tllis I l i t ldcn Temple and make a l Io lySanctuary 11erein. (If t irrus tad o f i r s 1ncetlse ov'r

the i l l tor . ) May this Altar of Sacrificc be purified by

t l ~ e ivine JIind. ( I l e /msszs c+ith oir t h e S n m t r r e r y o ~ r d

o f f ~ r s ~ c s t ~ s crr the Sozrtht*r,l ylrurtcr o f the T e ~ t ~ p l c . ) ay

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the mind of t l ~ i sT C I I I I , ! ~w ~ , L ~ ~ J ~ u I I ( Y ~n 111,: I , I I I . ~ I O ~ C

of GOD. ( 4 I ) \l,ly i t c ~ ~ r h l ylrc r l ~ t l l ~ g l i t

of GOD. ( I . r 1 1 ) I\I,iy t l ~ c U V C c,f ~ I I C !:,I I I icr

Alrniglrty abitlt. 11crcirl. ( } I t : r , i ~ i ~ , u s the I ) , w (4 11c

Sanc :m r y a d l ~ t * r d i ~ c d s I ' t * h t l l ~ p i l j / r ~ gk 1'1111)i d i , . )

31av the purified ~ l ~ i l r t f sf all wllo s c r v c i l l t l ~ i s IitlJcn

Temple be one ~ n i dn t lw l;cllu\vsl~il)uf tile l i c , ~ ) ? ..ross., .

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And purify tIiis Altar, 0 I.ord, to Thy IJuly l ' t lrpose.

( i l e pnsscs ulitlrot4f the Srtr~ctrltrry ml r lo ~ s ikewise itr lire

Soi r t l~ r r~rrutrtzr of the 'I'et,l/de.) Stmd clown Thy s a v i ~ i g

f i r e : make clean oiir wills lierein. ( 4 s t ) 110

TIlou clothe u s with Tlly liglrt as with a garrncnt , a n d

be tltis Temple Tl ly l ight entbodied. ( A t thc Arurth.)

Pur i fy i t as a I ~ c ~ l r tf Iiglrt arid as a l amp slii~lirlg n tllc

darkness . (N c rett rrm to the l h o r of the Sa,~ cttrnr j) rrtd

there /rites Itrest, uj5lifti)tg the 1xt11F.) M a y t l ~ cwill of

tllis Tentple, which is t11e will of Thy serving brot l rcrs ,

be one with Th y H o l y Pu rp o se in the Light of t l ~ e iosy


7'he Usher of the Rile rcc t i ve s the La~r ll , f f l ~ c tltrr.trrrtr>l

and +laces the V L ' S S P ~f Su1f i l l the HLIIIJSf thr: l l i g h

Priest, who proceeds to tlrc Eastl*rtt side of th e Scitlc-

trcury a d here frccrs Ertst, scattering tire Srtlf cross-


The High Priest.--1 Iiave brought a new cruse and

h ; ~ v c ut salt therc in, as a sylnbol of p erp etuity an d in -

corrupt ion. I consecrate t l t is Tctnplc a ~ i d lo ly S a nc -

t u a ry in th e N am e of t lw Tllrce Supernals. 3Ii1y tlre

presence of j EIIOVAI I i1ud lil.OlIl!d abide I le rc i~l , or

GOD a n d I l i s S H 1 3 l i l N A l l a re One. ( H e t w ~ so the

A lltir i j ~ d cuttcrs Sulf flrt*rsotr.) I consecrate t l i is A! tar

of Sacri f~ce-+--on tlie t lrrt.slrold of the 1 oly Supcril;tls,

i n th e Xa~ne of I>:Ih'Tl i , wliich is the rcalisation of

Divine l ino\vledge. ?clay t l ie Spiri t and the I3ridc s a y ,

Come-to all tliose wlio offer u p their l ifc I~c rco n.

(Hz asses without the Scl);~tlutry d si~uttcrs i ~ i t j l the

Solttlrcrn qttarter of the Tct,r/de.) 1 consecrate this Tcnl-

ple with Salt-*-invoking th e I7atller i n C l l O l i h l A l l .

( A t tlr IVest.) I co ns ec ra te tliis Tcmple with Salt--+--

invoking th e Divine Spouse in TlI'HERET11 and the

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Tlu l f i g h Pricst rciurrrs to the Door of the Surrt.turtry

a d faces Ead.

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The High Priest.-0 Thoti W ho hast been our dw rlling-place in all generations, for Whose love we have set

aside the kingdom of tliis world, w i t h the sp i r i t and

adornment thereof, we have consec ra ted and se t apa r t

to Thy service this place, which henceforth is holy.

Place upon it the seal of T h y s a n c t i t y , a n d g r a n t i t all

heavenly increase. May tliat which is begun for Thy

glory be raised to perfection in Thee. hlay T l ~ y re-sence abide here in , to sanc t i fy our ac ts and preserve

our souls inviolable. M ay this House of t h e l i d y Spir i t ,

dedicated as a Hidden Church in the L ight of t h e Rosy

Cross, be t o us IWW a n d to many he rea f te r a gate

and threshold of tho Union.

H c turns TVcstwurd a d ays :-

The High Priest.--Fratres e t Sorores, th e L o r d g m r d

our conling in and going o u t , f rom hencefur th and for

ever. I te s t i fy tha t tllis Telnple is dedicated a d con-

sec ra ted to the Glory of G O D in the Highes t.

The Usher of the Rite g i v e s a Battery of otic kttock-

I-a?ld says :-

The Usher of thc Rife .-- l fonourable Fr atr es e t Sornres

below th e rank of Adcptus Exemptus , come for th and

follow me.

l l c leads them Jroljr the Te~ftplc nd r e twns , i f qualified

to do so . The r l d e / d i E x e m p t i a r c s e a t d . ?'ha

Throrle of the T h i r d Ct.lebratr t is re~~tovrd, d theCross of Olligatiotr is replaced by tkc Ctcbiatl Altar

of the 7 4 Grade. T h c sy),tbols of cor~secrutrdper-

sonality are laid thcrtvrr 11nd also tlrc Rose-Crtrc-;fix.

Otr the Al ta r withi)l tht: S'cnctrrary are placed a Chulice

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tuary, where he nrakes the aflrtnation cottccrtrirlg theFaitlr/ul Priest, as i r r hf YSTER IUM TIPIIER-

E T H . T h e answer hzreto i s given b y the U d e r 01

the Ri te leading tlre Cclebratrt-k-Chief to kneel before

the Cross of Obligation. T h e text i s followed fhroirgh-

otrt, exccpf that the Czlehrant-Elect descends jrortr the

Cross i~r ight of t he Br ethr en arld i s at on ce irrvested

wi th the robes and i~isigtriaby t lre High Priest , who

leads h im outside tfre Satrc ua ry , kindles h i s catrdle

orr the Altar and pluccs it i n h i s h an ds . T h e High

Priest takes his seat .

T h e Celebrant-in-Chief circurrratnbulatcs t he Tetrrple wi th

the proper versicles. A ft e r their irrvcstitrcre th e

Se eo fid arrd T h i r d Cclebrattts circrrtrtatlibtrlate the

Tevtple recititrg the versicles ailot/cd to each, a s inhf Y S T E R I U M T I P H E R E T H . TItc Cross o f Obli-

galiorl i s removed a ~ t d the Al tar replaced i l l the

San ctt mr y. T h e firral procIutt~utionof fhe Celebrant-

in-Chief i s orrd fed , attd the Closing i s fakcta i t r i k c

Grade o f Adeptus Mi nor .

Here ends the Solcrnn Ccrcrlrony of Cottsccrafing a

Tetnplc of the Rosy Cross fur the Mysteries

o/ the Third Order .