AMERICAN GI FORUM OF CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION Section 1 Preamble We, the members of the local Chapters of the American GI Forum of California, having expressed ourselves in favor of the aims and purposes of the AMERICAN GI FORUM OF THE U.S., by accepting and approving the Constitution and By-laws of said organization; and desirous of solidifying and perfecting a more useful and beneficial union, so that the needs of our people, our useful and beneficial union, so that the needs of our people, our state and country, might better be served, do hereby form and organize THE AMERICAN GI FORUM OF CALIFORNIA. Now, therefore; we, the Veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States and our Families, joined together as the AMERICAN GI FORUM OF CALIFORNIA, do humbly invoke the blessing of Almighty God, for this organization and do hereby establish and adopt this Constitution. ARTICLE I Name, Headquarters and Office Section 1 – Name The name of this organization shall be: AMERICAN GI FORUM OF CALIFORNIA Section 2 – Headquarters 1

Constitution of AGIF State of CA

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Section 1


We, the members of the local Chapters of the American GI Forum of California, having expressed ourselves in favor of the aims and purposes of the AMERICAN GI FORUM OF THE U.S., by accepting and approving the Constitution and By-laws of said organization; and desirous of solidifying and perfecting a more useful and beneficial union, so that the needs of our people, our useful and beneficial union, so that the needs of our people, our state and country, might better be served, do hereby form and organize THE AMERICAN GI FORUM OF CALIFORNIA.

Now, therefore; we, the Veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States and our Families, joined together as the AMERICAN GI FORUM OF CALIFORNIA, do humbly invoke the blessing of Almighty God, for this organization and do hereby establish and adopt this Constitution.


Name, Headquarters and Office

Section 1 – Name

The name of this organization shall be: AMERICAN GI FORUM OF CALIFORNIA

Section 2 – Headquarters

The headquarters of the AMERICAN GI FORUM OF CALIFORNIA shall be located in Los Angeles, founding city of the AMERICAN GI FORUM movement in California, and site of the World War II Memorial to the Mexican-American Servicemen.

Section 3 – Office

The office of State shall be located wherein the current Commander resides.


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Description, Objectives and Powers

Section 1 –

The AMERICAN GI FORUM OF CALIFORNIA, as a constituent part of the American GI Forum of the U.S., declares itself to be a non-profit, non-partisan, non-sectarian veteran’s organization.

Section 2 – Objectives

We unite under God for the following purposes:

A. To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and of the State of California.

B. To secure and protect for all veterans and their families, the privileges vested on them by the Constitution and laws of our Country.

C. To foster and perpetuate the basic principles of democracy, i.e., the religious and political freedom of the individual and equal social and economic opportunities for all citizens.

D. To advance understanding between citizens of different national origins and religious beliefs.

E. To relieve the distress of worthy disabled veterans and their families.

F. To develop and improve the social, economic and political conditions of the Mexican-American people by encouraging their participation in community, civic and political affairs.

G. To support and encourage higher education for needy qualified Mexican-American students through a system of grants and scholarships.

H. Use only non-violent and lawful methods in pursuing the objectives of the organization as described above.

Section 3 – Powers

The AMERICAN GI FORUM OF CALIFORNIA shall have the following powers:

A. the AMERICAN GI FORUM OF CALIFORNIA, as a constituent part of the American GI Forum of the U.S., shall represent all subordinate American GI Forum chapters located within the State of California.


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B. the AMERICAN GI FORUM OF CALIFORNIA shall have the power to dedicate itself to the accomplishment of the objectives set forth in Article II, Section 2 of this Constitution.

C. the AMERICAN GI FORUM OF CALIFORNIA shall have the power to act upon all matters affecting the American GI Forum of the U.S. Its programs and policies, insofar as the AMERICAN GI FORUM STATE OF CALIFORNA and local chapters located

therein are concerned.

D. the AMERICAN GI FORUM OF CALIFORNIA may act on government measures, whether national, state or local, and on issues affecting Veterans, the low-income community, or the public interest.

E. the AMERICAN GI FORUM OF CALIFORNIA shall have the power to engage in any enterprise or to associate itself with others in any enterprise, on a temporary basis only, for the purpose of advancing or securing its objectives.


Prayer, Pledge and Oaths

Section 1 – Official Prayer

The official prayer of this organization shall be “Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi.” It shall be read at the beginning of every GI Forum, GI Forum Women and Youth GI Forum meeting.

Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi

Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love: Where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith: Where there is despair, hope:Where there is darkness, light: Where there is sadness, joy: O DIVINE MASTER, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console: To be understood, as to understand: To be loved, as to love: For it is in giving that we receive, It is in pardoning that we are pardoned, And it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.


Section 2 – Pledge


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The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America shall be recited at every meeting of this organization.

Pledge of Allegiance

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, One Nation, under GOD, indivisible, with Liberty and justice for all.”

Section 3 – Oaths

A. All members shall take the following oaths when they join this organization and as often as the local, state and national offices shall require.

1. Pledge of Allegiance

2. Non-subversive Oath: “I do solemnly swear that I have never knowingly belonged to any

organization which advocates the overthrow of the government of the United States by force or any other means and that I do not now believe in or belong to any such organization.”

3. Oath of members: “I do solemnly promise to defend and uphold the Constitution of the

United States and of the American GI Forum of California; to abide by the Constitution and Bylaws of the American GI Forum and to neither wrong nor harm any member thereof, SO HELP ME GOD.”

Section 4 – Oath of Officers

A. All officers within the AMERICAN GI FORUM OF CALIFORNIA take the following oath when being installed.

1. Oath of officers:



Section 1 – Emblem


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The Official Emblem and Seal of the AMERICAN GI FORUM OF CALIFORNIA shall consist of the Official Seal and Emblem of the American GI Forum of the U.S.

Section 2 – Motto

The Official motto shall be “Education is our freedom and freedom should be everybody’s business.” This motto must appear on all literature, letterheads, bulletins and other written matter distributed by the AMERICAN GI FORUM OF CALIFORNIA and subordinate sub-divisions.



Section 1 – Qualifications

Any American citizen who has served honorably in the Armed Forces of the United States, and who is not otherwise barred from membership under provisions of Article V, Section 2, shall be eligible for membership.

Section 2 – Restrictions

No person who is now, or has been a member of a Communist, Fascist or any other organization or conspiracy which advocates the overthrow, by force or other means, of the Government of the United States; nor anyone who refuses to take the Non-subversive Oath shall be eligible for membership in this organization.

Section 3 – Cancelling Honorary Members

The state Commander of the AMERICAN GI FORUM OF CALIFORNIA upon recommendation of the Board of Directors, may, for the good of the American GI Forum, direct the cancelling of an Honorary member from any Forum; such action shall not be directed except upon request of the local Forum made by a vote of 2/3 of its members present at a meeting, written notice of which has been mailed to every member of the chapter in good standing, at least ten (10) days before the meeting. Such notice shall contain the name of the honorary member in question and the reason why it is proposed to cancel him from the roll. At such time and meeting, the honorary member shall be allowed to be present and personally state his case.



Section 1 – Election and Appointive Officers

A. The officers of the AMERICAN GI FORUM OF CALIFORNIA shall be the following:


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1. Commander 2. 1st Vice-Commander 3. 2nd Vice-Commander 4. Regional Commanders (one per Region) 5. Secretary 6. Treasurer 7. Chaplain 8. Sgt.-at-Arms9. Immediate Past Commander


10. Legal Advisor 11. Executive Secretary 12. Parliamentarian 13. Historian

Section 2 – Elections and Appointments

A. Elective officers shall be nominated either by recommendation of a nominations committee of from the floor at the State Conference, and shall be elected by ballot on the last day of the Conference. A majority vote shall be necessary to select, except when there is but one (1) nominee for office and the elective ballot is dispensed with by a unanimous vote. All officers shall take office immediately at the close of the session in which they were elected and shall serve until the adjournment of the succeeding Conference.

Each regional Commander shall be elected by the chapters in his region at the regional meeting preceding the conference by the same procedures used to elect other state officers.

B. All appointive officers shall be appointed by the new Commander immediately after his election. All appointees are subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. Their term of office shall be the same as for the elective officers; however, the Commandershall have the power to remove any appointive officer upon good cause being shown, provided that the action is approved by the Board of Directors.

Section 3 – Eligibility and qualifications

A. the State Commander, Vice-Commanders, Executive Secretary and Regional Commander must meet the following qualifications:

1. Must be a citizen and veteran of the Armed Forces of the U.S.

2. Must have a minimum of two (2) years active membership in the American GI Forum of California; except that if he had previously held office


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as Local Forum Commander, appointive or elective office in any capacity in the AMERICAN GI FORUM OF CALIFORNIA or the National Forum, the length of membership shall be reduced to one (1) year.

3. Reelection of Commander No member shall be eligible to the office of State Commander after serving three consecutive one year terms.

B. The Secretary, Treasurer and Sgt.-At-Arms shall meet the following qualifications:

1. Must have held the same office at least one year in a local chapter and that said candidate be a member in good standing.

2. Must have a minimum of six (6) months membership in good standing in the American GI Forum of California.

C. The Legal Advisor shall meet the following qualifications:

1. Must be a citizen and veteran of the Armed forces of the U.S.

2. Must have a minimum of six (6) months membership in good standing in the American GI Forum of California.

3. Must be a practicing attorney.

D. The Chaplain, Parliamentarian and Historian shall meet the following qualifications:

1. Must have a minimum of six (6) months membership in good standing in the American GI Forum of California.

Section 4 – Vacancies and Inactive Officers

The Board of Directors may, by a 2/3 vote of the members present, declare vacant the position of any officer who has absented himself from, two (2) consecutive meetings without good cause; provided that notice has been given the delinquent officer and the Board members of the proposed action. In the case of vacancy in the position of the State Commander, the 1st Vice-Commander shall assume the duties of that office. The Board of Directors shall convene within thirty (30) days after the occurrence of said vacancy at a special election meeting, to fill the office of Vice Commander.

Section 5 – Duties of Officers

A. The State Commander shall:

1. Preside at all Board of Directors, Executive Committee and special State meetings.

2. Be the official representative of the American GI Forum of California, at all functions.


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3. Appoint all Appointive Officers and present them for approval by the Board of Directors.

4. Make all appointments to all committees.

5. Make provisions for the discharge, protempore, of necessary duties of absent or suspended members.

6. Enforce the Constitution, Laws, Rules, Rituals and Customs of the American GI Forum of California.

7. Sign all orders on the Treasury.

8. Co-sign all checks with the Treasurer.

9. Carry out assignments and instructions given by the Board of Directors.

10. Perform such other duties as customarily pertain to the office of the Commander.

B. The State 1st Vice-Commander shall:

1. Assume and perform, pro-tempore, the duties of Commander in case of the absence or disability of the Commander.

2. Aid and assist the Commander.

3. Be ex-officio member of the Convention planning and public relations committees.

4. Perform such other duties incident to his office as may be required of him by the Commander.

C. The State 2nd Vice-Commander shall:

1. Perform all duties in his section of the state that are the responsibility of the State 2nd Vice-Commander.

2. In the event that the 1st Vice-Commander assumes the duties of the State Commander, he shall aid and assist the new Commander.

D. Regional Commanders shall have the following jurisdictions and duties:

Region 1 – San Diego and Imperial Counties Region 2 – Riverside and San Bernardino Counties Region 3 – Orange County Region 4 – Ventura, San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties Region 5 – Kern, Tulare and King Counties Region 6 – San Benito and Monterey Counties Region 7 – Fresno and Madera Counties Region 8 – Merced, Mariposa and Stanislaus Counties


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Region 9 – Alameda, Santa Clara, San Francisco and Contra Costa counties Region 10 – Sacramento County Region 11 – Los Angeles County

Boundaries of each Region may be reapportioned at the Annual State Conference or recommendation of a reorganizational committee prior to the election of Regional Commander.

The Regional Commander shall:

1. Promote the activities of the American GI Forum.

2. Be empowered to call meetings of the Forum within his region.

3. Be Chief Organizer of his region.

4. Be Chair of the Forums in his region.

5. Represent the American GI Forum of California in the absence of higher State officers.

6. be accountable to the State Commander.

E. The State Secretary shall:

1. Keep a correct record of all the proceedings of the meetings of the Executive committee and of the Board of Directors and State Conference.

2. Maintain a roster of all State Officers and committees, a roster of all Forums, Commander, Secretaries, Treasurers and other Forum officers as well as

meeting times and places and membership data.

3. Issue notices of meetings and agendas after consultation with the Commander.

4. Have charge of all records and papers of the State, except such as assigned to others.

5. Draw and sign with the Commander all orders on the Treasury.

6. Mail copies of the minutes of the meetings to all Forums.

7. Conduct the correspondence of the State.

8. Render a written report at the Annual Conference.

9. Aid the Commander in preparing the annual budget, financial and administrative reports.

F. The State Treasurer shall:

1. Collect all fees and dues.

2. Keep a list of paid-up and delinquent members.


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3. Co-sign with the Commander all checks for disbursements of funds as authorized by the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee.

4. Be custodian of all funds, securities, vouchers and such other property of the State as may pertain to his office.

5. Give bond in such amount as the board of Directors may determine.

6. Submit an itemized statement and report to the Board of Directors at each meeting on the condition of his accounts and transactions.

7. Submit his books and accounts for audit by the Auditing Committee.

G. The State Chaplain shall:

1. Render the Official Prayer, invocation and benediction at all meetings and at the Annual Conference.

2. Be and undertake the duties of an advisor, together with the Commander of the committee on Youth to the Youth GI Forums of California.

3. Be, and undertake the duties of, a member of the committee on Youth.

3. Be, and undertake the duties of a member of the Scholarship Committee.

H. The State Sgt.-at-Arms shall:

1. Take charge of the door at all meetings of the Executive committee and of the Board of directors.

2. Examine the credentials of the delegates to the Board of Directors.

3. Take care of seating arrangements.

4. Take charge of the color guard.

5. Perform such other duties as might be requested of him by the Commander.

6. Shall keep the decorum at all meetings of the Executive Committee and board of Directors and at the Annual Conference.

I. The Immediate Past Commander shall:

1. Advise and counsel the Commander of the State Board members.

2. Be entitled to vote at the State Board of Directors meetings.

J. The State Legal Advisor shall:

1. Advise the State Commander in transactions and legal matters of the AMERICAN GI FORUM OF CALIFORNIA.

2. Be Chair of the Legal Staff.


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3. Be, and undertake the duties of, exofficio member of the Legislative Committee.

4. Make him readily available to any Local Forum requesting his services. (He may be compensated for his services as directed by the Board of


K. The State Executive Secretary shall:

1. Be Liaison Officer of the American GI Forum of California between the Commander and the local Forum Officers.

2. Formulate and distribute such information as may be necessary to keep the membership abreast of all developments.

3. Be, and undertake the duties of exofficio member of the Legislative Committee.

4. Aid the Commander in preparing the annual budget, financial and administrative reports.

5. Together with the Secretary, is custodian of all rolls, records and papers of the State?

6. Notify officers, committees and delegates of their election or appointment.

7. Furnish committees with papers or orders referred to them.

L. The State Historian shall:

1. Collect all literature, notes pictures, newspaper and magazine clippings which deal with the American GI Forum of California and compile a history



Annual Conference

Section 1 – Purpose

The supreme legislative and judicial body of the American GI Forum of California shall be the Annual Conference, to be held at a time and place to be fixed by a preceding Conference, provided, however, that in the event of an emergency, the Board of Directors may change the site of any annual Conference by not less than a 2/3 majority vote, previous notice having been given.

The object of the Conference shall be for the purpose of electing State Officers, transacting State business, conducting American GI Forum of California affairs and all vested interests of the American GI Forum.


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Section 2 – Sponsoring and Promotion

The State Conference shall be sponsored by the American GI Forum of California and promoted jointly by the American GI Forum of California and the American GI Forum Women of California. It shall include the following committees:

A. Conference Planning Committee (Joint Committee)

1. The Joint Conference Planning Committee shall plan and organize the annual Conference. It shall also coordinate the work of the subcommittees and

Special Committees.

B. Queen Contest Committee

1. The Queen Contest committee shall be a Special Committee.

2. The Queen Contest shall be directed by the State and GI Forum Women with the aid of the State. This special committee shall be chaired by a member

of the GI Forum Women.

3. Queen rules will govern this committee in all cases where they are applicable and not in conflict with these by-laws and/or Constitution.

C. Conference Finance Committee (Joint Committee)

1. The Conference Finance committee shall be a special joint committee and shall be the custodian of all income from the Conference. The monies shall be

tabulated in six separate accounts, namely:

a. Income from Queen Contest

b. Income from Brochures

c. Income from Registration fees

d. Income from Banquet and Luncheons

e. Income from conference sponsors’ grants

f. Income from Coronation Ball

G. and any other income derived from the State Conference.

2. The Finance committee shall be empowered to liquidate all bills and expenses incurred by the Finance committee.

3. The American GI Forum of California Treasurer shall be the Chair of the Finance Committee.

4. The Finance Committee shall render a complete report on the conference finances within ten (10) days after the Conference for certification by the

Auditing Committee.


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5. The certified report shall be presented by the finance committee at the following Board of Directors meeting.

6. The Finance committee shall distribute the net income in the following manner:

a. A specific amount shall be set aside from the Queen Contest income to defray the anticipated cost of financing the trip and incidental

expenses of the new queen of the American GI Forum of California to the site of the National Conference.

b. A specific amount shall be set aside from the Queen Contest income to defray the anticipated cost of room and board of the current queen during her stay at the site of the State Conference.

c. After the deductions included in Articvle VIII, Section 2. Sub-section 6-A and 6-B have been made and all Conference expenses have been

paid, the American GI Forum of California shall receive forty percent (40%) of the net income which shall be composed of all Conference income as indicated in Article VII, Section 2, sub-section C-1, with the exception of the income from the Queen Contest.

d. If the Host Forum has previously declared itself responsible for any Conference deficit up to $200, it shall be awarded sixty percent

(60%) of the net income which shall be composed of all conference income as indicated in Article VII, Section 2, sub-section A-1, with the exception of the income from the Queen Contest.

Section 3 – Voting Procedures

(A) At the State Conference each chapter shall be entitled to a minimum of three (3) votes, one each for Senior Forum, Women’s Forum and Youth Forum.

(B) Each chapter shall be entitled to one (1) additional vote for each paid chapter member attending the conference.

(C) Votes shall not be cast by proxy. Members must be present and duly registered to exercise voting privilege as prescribed above.

(D) No delegates shall cast more than one vote except the chairs of the components of the chapters as described in Article VIII, Section 3, Subsection A.

Section 4 – Voting Restrictions

A chapter shall lose its voting rights at the State Conference if any of its legitimate debts to the State have not been paid.

Section 5 – Selection of Delegates


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The delegates shall be chosen by the local Forums and their names submitted to the American GI Forum of California Executive Secretary no less than two (2) weeks before the conference.

All Forums must provide their voting delegates with credentials, to be presented to the Chair of the Credentials Committee at the time of registration.

Section 6 – Quorum

A quorum shall exist at the Conference when sixty percent (60%) of the local chapters are represented as provided under Article VIII, Section 5.


Board of Directors

Section 1 – Composition

Whenever the Convention is not in session, the American GI Forum of California shall be governed by the Board of Directors, which shall be three (3) delegates from each local Forum, one (1) of whom must be the Commander/Chair.

Section 2 – Powers

The Board shall have the administrative, legislative, executive and judicial powers and shall be the highest authority in the interim between the meetings of the Annual Conference.

A. All resolutions, rules and actions of the Board shall be binding upon all subordinate, American GI Forum Sub-divisions and officers within the

American GI Forum of California.

B. the Board shall have the power to institute impeachment proceedings to remove officers at any level under the Constitution of the American GI

Forum of California.


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C. the Board shall hold title to all property belonging to the American GI Forum of California. It shall hold in trust all property belonging to local Chapters

which might have forfeited their Charters or have become inactive; however, upon reactivation, all property shall revert to the local Chapter.

D. the Board shall have the power to create such other subordinate groups or committees as may be necessary for proper administration.

E. Based on the merits of the case, the Board shall have the authority to recommend to the National Board of Directors the suspension,

cancellation or revocation of the Charter of any local Forum, GI Forum Women or Youth GI Forum.

F. There shall be a per capita tax if necessary to balance the projected budget approved by the conference. The per capita tax shall be based on membership

as of January 1st and shall be payable thirty (30) days thereafter.

Section 3 – Meetings

The Board of Directors shall meet at a mid year annually. The site shall be selected by the State Conference. Special meetings may be called by the Commander when, after consulting with the Executive Committee, he is convinced that the need is sufficiently urgent.

Section 4 – Voting

Each local Chapter shall be entitled to three (3) votes. No proxy voting may be allowed. The vote of any delegate absent and not represented by an alternate shall be cast by the other members of his delegation. Alternates may have all the privileges of delegates except that of voting.

A chapter shall lose its voting rights at the State Board of Directors meeting if any of its legitimate debts to the State have not been paid.

Section 5 – Quorum

One-third (1/3) of the accredited strength of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for conducting business.



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Executive committee

Section 1 – Composition

The Executive committee shall be composed of all State Officers. The committee shall be empowered to act for the board of Directors in business and administrative matters in the interim between regular meetings of the Board. It shall execute and enforce the orders of the National Board of Directors in the issuance of charters to newly organized local Forums, GI Forum Women and Youth GI Forums. It shall prepare the agenda for the following Board of Directors meeting.

Section 2 – Meetings

The Executive Committee shall meet every six (6) weeks or at such other times as the Commander may direct. A special meeting shall be called upon demand of any five (5) members of the Executive committee, regardless of the wishes of the Commander.

Section 3 – Restrictions

The Executive Committee is subordinate to the Board of directors and cannot modify any decision or action taken by the Board.


State Committees

Section 1 – Membership Committee

The function of the membership committee shall be:

A. Correspond regularly with the National Membership committee Chair and membership committee Chair of the local Forums, urging them to work constantly toward increasing their membership.

B. Suggest to the local membership committee Chair ways and means of increasing their membership.

C. Conduct an Annual Membership Drive.

D. Maintain a list of and correspond with those members who have not renewed their membership and have dropped from the rolls.

Section 2 – Auditing committee (Joint Committee)

The function of the auditing committee shall be:

A. To examine the report of the Treasurer, and his books and vouchers and see that all the money received is properly accounted for therein.


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B. To see that the Treasurer shows a receipt for every disbursement and that all disbursements have been properly authorized.

C. To certify to the correctness of the Treasurer’s reports.

Section 3 – Public Relations Committee

The function of the Public Relations Committee shall be:

A. To acquaint the general public with the objectives, activities and accomplishments of the American GI Forum of the U.S., and of the American GI Forum of California.

B. To strive to win the sympathy and support of the public for the American GI Forum of California

C. Advertise and promote the best interests of the American GI Forum.

Section 4 – Veterans Affairs committee

The function of the Veterans Affairs committee shall be:

A. To keep abreast of any local, state or Federal legislation which might affect the veteran?

B. To make a study and an analysis of all such legislation submitting a report of its findings to the board of Directors with appropriate recommendations.

C. To compile and list the different official governmental agencies which concern themselves with the veteran, setting forthe the services which each one renders.

Section 5 – Education and Scholarship Committee (Joint committee)

The function of the Education and Scholarship Committee shall be:

A. To formulate on a state-wide basis, a Scholarship program that will contain the minimum requirements to qualify a study for a scholarship grant from the American GI Forum of California.

B. To hold in joint-custody with the State GI Forum Women, the Scholarship Fund of the State.

C. To evaluate and qualify all candidates of the local Forums, seeking a scholarship grant.

D. To seek ways and means of enlarging the Scholarship Fund through fundraising projects or direct appeal to individuals, businesses or foundations.


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E. To publicize through all media of communication, the names of recipients of Scholarship awards names of the sponsoring Forums and GI Forum Women and college major of the recipients.

F. Inform all local Forums of the different Scholarships offered by foundations, colleges, etc.

Section 6 – Legislative committee

The function of the Legislative committee shall be:

A. Keep abreast of legislation that might affect the political, economic and/or social conditions of the veteran or of the Mexican-American people.

B. To study and analyze all such legislation, submitting a report of its findings to the Board of directors with appropriate recommendations.

C. Draft timely resolutions which reflect the spirit of the American GI Forum, especially on those issues which concern our country, our state, our people or our organization; for action by the board of Directors, of the Executive committee.

D. To stimulate and encourage the membership of the American GI Forum to participate in civic, political and community affairs.

E. To stimulate and urge membership participation in civic and community affairs.

Section 7 – Committee on Youth (Joint Committee)

The function of the committee on Youth shall be:

A. To formulate a practical Youth GI forum program.

B. To make available to the Youth GI Forum such information or material that will encourage them to seek better preparation for the future.

C. Research and make available to the Youth GI Forum, films and other material which will educate its members on the dangers of drug addiction, juvenile delinquency, etc.

D. Guide, counsel and advice the State Youth GI Forum Officers.

E. Prepare and disseminate among the local Forums and GI Forum Women such information as will aid in the fight against drug addiction and delinquency among juveniles.

Section 8 – Organizing Committee

The function of the Organizing Committee shall be:

A. To constantly look for and develop leads for the purpose of organizing new chapters.


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B. To direct the establishment of new local Chapters.

C. Coordinate all organizational work within the American GI Forum of California.


American GI Forum State Women

Section 1 – Recognition

The American GI Forum of California recognizes a dependent and subordinate organization known as the American GI Forum Women of California.

Section 2 – Entity

The American GI Forum Women of California shall be subordinate to and under the control of the American GI Forum of California; however, in the interest of developing and sustaining a spirit of cooperation, trust and mutual respect, the GI Forum Women shall be considered a separate and autonomous entity with its proper structure and By-laws, subject only to such limitations as are outlined in the constitution and By-laws of the American GI Forum of California. Its geographical limits shall be identical to those of the State.

Section 3 – Function and Powers

The primary function of the GI Forum Women shall be to aid the local Forums in their welfare and charitable work and in their community and civic activities.

The GI Forum Women may draft By-laws for their government, provided that any article, section or provision that may be in conflict with the National and/or the State of California Constitution or By-laws shall become null and void.

The GI Forum Women may engage in or initiate any activity or activities which are not inconsistent with the objectives and general policy of the American GI Forum of the U.S. and/or the American GI Forum of California.

Section 4 – Membership


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Membership is open to any American female citizen 18 years of age who is related closely (third removed) to a veteran; and to any women who is related to a veteran by marriage, provided, however, that such applicants are not barred from membership under provisions of Section 2, Article V, of this Constitution.

Section 5 – GI Forum Women Annual Convention

The Annual Conference of the American GI Forum Women of California shall be held in the same city and on the same dates as the American GI Forum of California conference.

Section 6 – Joint State Committees

The American GI Forum Women of California shall be represented in the following committees of the State of California:

A. Scholarship Committee

B. Committee on Youth

C. Conference planning committee

D. Auditing committee

The American GI Forum Women of California may also be represented in ad-hoc committees which the Board of Directors might create from time to time.

The membership strength of the four (4) committees mentioned on this sub-section shall be determined by the State Commander; however, the representation of the American GI Forum Women of California shall not be less than four (4) members in each committee, except in the case of the Auditing committee where they shall be represented by two (2) of their members.

The Scholarship Fund shall be held and administered jointly by the American GI Forum of California and the American GI Forum Women of California through the Scholarship Committee.


State Youth American GI Forum

Section 1 – Recognition

The American GI Forum of California recognizes a dependent and subordinate Youth organization known as the Youth GI Forum of the American GI Forum of California.


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Section 2 – Jurisdiction

The Youth GI Forum of the American GI Forum of California shall be subordinate to and under the control of the American GI Forum of California and the American GI Forum Women of California through the Joint Committee on Youth.

In the interest of developing initiative and leadership, the Youth GI Forum may develop its own structure and write its own by-laws subject to the approval of the Joint Committee on Youth and the Board of Directors of the American GI Forum of California. Its geographical limits shall be identical to the State.

Section 3 – Objectives

The objectives of the Youth GI Forum shall be:

A. To foster and encourage spiritual and ethical values.

B. To develop character.

C. To teach responsible citizenship.

D. Instill a desire of aspiration for higher learning.

Section 4 – Functions

The functions of the Youth GI Forum shall be to develop and promote a program of educational, charitable and social activities.

Section 5 – Membership

Membership is open to single persons between the ages of 14 and 18 years of age who are closely related to a veteran (third removed) and who are not barred from membership under provisions of Article V, Section 2, of this constitution.


Parliamentary Rule

The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order (revised) shall govern the organization in all cases to which they are applicable when not in conflict with the provisions of this Constitution.

Article XIV


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Basic Document

This Constitution shall be the basic document for all local Chapters of the American GI Forum of California; Seniors Forum, GI Forum Women and Youth GI Forums within the jurisdiction of the American GI Forum of California.


Political Endorsements or Support and Affiliations

Section 1 – Endorsements

The American GI Forum of California shall not endorse, support or oppose any political candidate or political party.

Section 2 – Affiliations

The American GI Forum of California and all subdivisions thereof are prohibited from affiliating themselves with any group or organization for any subversive purpose.



This Constitution may be amended at any State Convention by a 2/3 vote of the accredited delegates, a quorum being present, provided, however, that each proposed amendment be submitted in writing to the American GI Forum of California Executive Secretary at least thirty (30) days prior to the convening of the next conference for distribution of copies of same to the local forums. However, the provisions of this article may be dispensed with if any proposed amendment is accepted by unanimous vote.


Enacting and Repealing

At such time as this Constitution is approved by a majority vote of Delegates present at the State Conference, it shall become the basic law of this organization. Customs and usages, constitutional provisions and by-laws, resolutions and any other regulations in conflict with this Constitution are hereby expressly repealed.


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Section 2


Local Forums

Section 101 – Formation of Local Forums

A local forum may be organized by the authority of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors upon fulfillment of the following minimum requirements.

A. There must be a minimum of ten (10) qualified applicants.

B. Eight (8) applicants must be honorably discharged veterans.

C. Approved application cards must be properly executed.

D. Non-subversive oaths must be taken by all applicants.

E. Admission fees and dues shall be paid.

Section 102 – Charters

Petitions for a charter shall be submitted to the Executive committee for approval, together with all properly filled application cards and fees. Upon approval, request for a charter is made to the National Office by the Commander of the American GI Forum of California. Charter shall be signed by the Commander of the American GI Forum of California and the American GI Forum of California Secretary.

Section 103 – Institution

Upon the issuance of a charter to a Forum, the State Commander personally, or his duly authorized Regional Commander, shall institute said Forum in accordance with the rules and usages of the American GI Forum, and shall also install its officers. Each new Forum shall be instituted within sixty (60) days of the date the charter has been authorized.


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Section 104 – Report of Instituting Officers

The Instituting Officer shall inspect the applications of all prospective members of the proposed new Forum, before it is instituted, and shall countersign the roll of muster, attesting that all applicants for membership are eligible according to the Constitution and By-Laws of the American GI Forum of California. After the Instituting and Installation of Officers, the Instituting Officer shall immediately make a report in writing to the Commander of the American GI Forum of California, giving the name and location of said Forum, date of institution, and names of members obligated and the names and addresses of the Officers for the ensuing term.

Section 105 – Re-Organization

Eight (8) members of any defunct chapter (Forum) may have the charter revived by making application to the Commander of the American GI Forum in writing, provided said members were in good standing at the time of disbandment of the Forum. Section 106 – How Re-Organized

The Commander of the American GI Forum of California, by authority of the Board of Directors, may order the re-organization of any Forum for cause; the same shall carry the original name provided that it shall not have been appropriated. A new charter shall be issued bearing the old and new names petitioning there for.

Section 107 – Defunct or inactive Forums

Any Forum becoming inactive or defunct shall return the charter together with rituals, records, paraphernalia and all monies and property of said Forum to the American GI Forum of California Treasurer to be held in trust by the Board of Directors until such time as the Forum may be re-activated or re-organized.

Section 108 – Suspensions

The Commander of the American GI Forum of California, by authority of the Board of Directors, may suspend the charter of a Forum for a period of sixty (60) days for violation of the laws of usages of the organization or refusal to comply with the lawful orders or resolutions of the National Conference, National Board of Directors, State Conference or State Board of Directors, and if no appeal is taken within the period of sixty (60) days, the State Board of Directors may recommend to the National Board that the charter of the Forum be cancelled; provided, however, that before the action to cancel is taken, the Forum in question shall have a suitable opportunity to appear before the Board of Directors of the American GI Forum of California to show cause, if any it may have, why action to cancel its charter should not be taken.

While under suspension, no meeting shall be held in the name of the Forum or organization except for the sole purpose of the discussion of cause, effect, or removal of penalty.


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No funds of the local Forum shall be expended or obligation incurred, except for the purpose of reinstatement from suspension, during and while the order off suspension is in force and effect.

The charter of a local Forum having less than eight (8) Active members in good standing on its rolls shall be cancelled at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

Section 109 – Regular Meetings

The regular meetings of the Local Forum shall be held at least once a month.

Section 110 – Quorum

The Forums shall specify in their By-laws the minimum number of members required to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, in no case, however, shall it be less than six (6) members in good standing.

Section 111 – Forum By-Laws

The local Forum may draft and adopt By-laws for their chapters; provided these do not conflict with the National and/or State Constitution and By-Laws or orders of the National Board of Directors and Board of the American GI Forum of California. All proposed Local forum By-Laws must be submitted in triplicate copies to the State Legal Advisor to be scrutinized as to their adherence with the National and State Constitution and By-laws, signed and forwarded with appropriate recommendations to the State Commander who shall in turn submit them to the State Board of Directors with his recommendations. The Board of Directors shall ultimately approve or disapprove the By-laws.

Section 112 – Change of Name

Any local Forum may change its name by a 2/3 vote of the membership present at a regular or special meeting called for that purpose, of which meeting and proposed action at least thirty (30) days notice in writing has been given to all members, and provided that such shall be approved by the Board of Directors of the American GI Forum of California. When permission for the change of name has been granted by the Board, such Forum shall be issued a new charter at the expense of the Forum.

Section 113 – Change of Location

Any local Forum may change its location by a 2/3 vote of the members present at a regular or special meeting called for that purpose. Notice of meeting and proposed action must be given in writing to all members at least thirty (30) days prior to meeting date. Such change to be approved by the Board of Directors of the American GI Forum of California.


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Section 114 – Roster of Officers

The elective officers of each local Forum shall be the following:

1. Commander2. Vice Commander3. Secretary4. Treasurer5. Chaplain6. Sgt-at-Arms

The local Forum may, at its option, elect a second and third Vice Commander, elect or cause to be appointed any or all of the following officers:

1. Corresponding Secretary2. Legal Advisor3. Parliamentarian4. Historian

Section 115 – Tenure, elective officers

All elective Forum Officers shall be nominated, elected and installed in office for a period of one (1) year.

Local Forums shall hold elections in the month of May.

Section 116 – Tenure appointive officers

The local Commander shall fill all appointive offices as soon as practicable after his election. They shall enter upon their duties at once, and may be removed for any cause by the Commander; subject to the approval of the majority of the membership.

Section 117 – Installation of Officers

Officers shall be installed into their respective offices at any regular or special meeting and such installations may be performed and no other business transacted.

Section 118 – Installing Officer

The installation shall be conducted by a member in good standing, who holds or has held the office of at least Forum Commander. The Commander-elect shall select the installing officer and shall send the installing officer’s name to the Commander of the Forum in sufficient time to permit the issuing of the necessary warrant.

Section 119 – Vacancies and Inactive Officers


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A Forum may by a 2/3 vote of the membership present, declare vacant, the position of any officer who has absented himself without good cause, from two (2) consecutive regular meetings; provided, that notice has been given the delinquent officer and members of the proposed action. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Commander, the 1st Vice Commander shall at once succeed to the title and duties of such office and the Forum shall be convened for the election of a new 2nd Vice Commander.

Section 120 – Past Forum Commander

A Past Forum Commander shall be one who having been elected and installed, has ceased to hold office by completion of his term of death before expiration of his term of office.

Section 121 – Membership Classes

A. Members shall consist of three (3) classes:

1. Active Veteran member

Any American citizen who has served or is serving honorably in the Armed Forces of the United States and who is not otherwise barred from membership under provisions of Article V of the State Constitution shall be eligible for membership.

2. Active Non Veteran Member

Any adult non-veteran American citizen of sound character, who has been recommended by an active member, and who is not otherwise barred from membership under provisions of Article V of the State Constitution may be elected to membership by a majority vote of the Forum.

3. Honorary Members

Any adult who has rendered outstanding service to the community or who has attained a distinguished place in the field of letters, science or arts, may be elected to honorary membership in a local chapter (Forum) by a 2/3 majority vote of the members, provided that he is not otherwise barred from membership under provisions of Article V of the Constitution of the American GI Forum of California.

Section 122 – Limitations, Non-Veteran membership


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The total non-veteran membership in any local Chapter (Forum) may not exceed 25% of that Forum’s membership at the time of admission of a new non-veteran member; however, there must be no less than eight (8) Active Veteran members to retain the charter.

Section 123 – Rights of Active Veteran and Non-Veteran Members in Good Standing

A. No member shall be deprived of his rights and privileges as a member, except for non- Payment of dues or actions of a duly constituted trial Board having jurisdiction, and in Accordance with the provisions of the constitution and by-laws of the American GI Forum of California.

B. All members shall have the right to appeal through proper channels from the actions of the Local Commander, Local Chapter, State Commander, or Board of Directors, with the right of Further appeal to the State Convention; provided that appeals from, the decisions of the Forum or Forum Commander shall be taken within thirty (30) days, and all others within Sixty (60) days from the rendering of such decisions. All decisions appealed shall have full Force and effect until reversed.

C. All members, except Honorary, shall have the right to examine the books, reports and Correspondence of the Secretary or Treasurer upon request.

D. All members, except Honorary, shall have the right of voice and vote in any and all business Of Local Forum.

E. Any member may move to censure the Commander or move that a vote of confidence be taken at local Forum meetings.

F. Any member may be elected or appointed delegate to Board of Directors meetings, State Conferences and National Conferences.

Section 124 – Privileges of Honorary Members

Honorary members may attend the meetings of the Forum of which they are members. They may be granted the privilege of the floor when called upon for information or advice, but shall not make or second motions or participate in debates or seek by word or act to influence the decision of the Forum or any question. Honorary Members may not vote, hold office or pay dues.

Section 125 – Application for Membership

Every application for membership shall be in writing, and in triplicate, and shall be completed in every detail upon blanks to be furnished by the American GI Forum of California


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.Section 126 – Investigation

An Investigation Committee shall be responsible for applicants whom they endorse.

Section 127 – Notification

Each applicant, upon his acceptance to membership, shall be notified thereof by the Chapter (Forum) Secretary in writing, and upon presenting himself shall be properly obligated and inducted.

Section 128 – Admission Fees and Dues

A. Each local (Forum) may fix its own initiation fee, but in no case shall that fee be less than Fifteen dollars ($15.00). Current and proper dues together with triplicate copies of the Dues Transmittal Form and membership application cards shall be sent to the American GI Forum Of California Treasurer who shall forward the appropriate copies to the proper national Offices with the corresponding current national dues. The admission fee shall accompany The application in all cases and upon obligation the applicant shall receive a membership Card and a copy of the Constitution and By-laws.

B. Lifetime membership holders must pay the portion of dues that is retained by State and Local Chapter.

Section 129 – Members in good standing

A member whose current dues are paid up is in good standing but ceases to be in good standing as soon as his dues become delinquent.

Section 130 – Transfers

Any member in good standing against whom no charges exist may transfer to any other Forum upon presentation of a properly executed application card and his current is accepted by the Chapter he is requesting his membership to be transferred. A transferring member shall not be liable for any fee whatever. The transfer shall be reported properly to the American GI Forum of California Treasurer by the accepting Forum.

Section 131 – Names of Honorary Members

All Forums must submit names of honorary member to the American GI Forum of California together with a copy of the resolution authorizing the admittance, for recording in the Department roster of Honorary Members.


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Section 132 – roster of Local Boards

Each local chapter shall submit a roster of its Board of Directors to the Executive Secretary every three months to insure proper mailing addresses for all chapter Commanders.


Local GI Forum Women

Section 201 – Formation of a Chapter of the local GI Forum Women

A. No GI Forum Women Chapter shall be formed unless it is sponsored by a local Chapter of The American GI Forum of California, acting under a legal and unforfeited Charter.

B. A GI Forum Women chapter may be formed by a local Forum upon fulfillment of the Following requirements:

1. Approval by a 2/3 vote of the membership of the local Forum present at a stated Meeting, due notice of the proposed formation having been given the entire Membership of the Forum one week prior to such meeting. Each GI Forum Women Shall be assigned the name of the Chapter with which it is affiliated.

2. There must be a minimum of eight (8) persons eligible for membership.

3. Non-subversive oaths must be taken by all applicants.

4. Approved application cards must be properly filled out.

C. Application for Charter

Application for a charter shall be made in writing to the American GI Forum Women of California Chairwoman. Such application must be signed by the GI Forum Women Chairwoman-elect and certified by the signature of the Commander of the sponsoring Forum. A copy of the application shall be mailed to the American GI Forum of California Commander for his information.

D. Election of Local GI Forum Women Officers

Local chapters of the GI Forum Women shall select officers during the month of May.

E. Joint Local Committees

The Local GI Forum Women shall have representation in the following committees of the local Forum with which it is affiliated:


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1. Scholarship Committee2. Youth Committee3. Special Projects Committee

The membership strength of these committees shall be determined by the Forum; however, in no case shall the GI Forum Women Chapter have less than three (3) members in each committee.

The local Scholarship Fund shall be held and administered by the Joint Scholarship Committee.

F. Revocation or Suspension of Chapter

The American GI Forum of California shall have the authority to direct the suspension of the Charter of any GI Forum Women Chapter.


Youth Forum local Chapters

Section 301 – Formation of Local Chapters of the Youth GI Forum

Local Chapters of the Youth GI Forum must be sponsored by local chapters of the American GI Forum of California, before they can be chartered. A local chapter of the Youth GI Forum, provided that there exists a minimum of eight (8) prospective members who have qualified under provisions of Article XII, Section 5.

Section 302 – Election of Local GI Forum Officers

The local Chapters of the Youth GI forum shall elect officers in the month of May.

Section 303 – Revocation or Suspension of Charter of local Chapters

The American GI Forum of California shall have the authority to direct the suspension or revocation of the Charter of any local Youth GI Forum. Such action to be taken only when recommended by the parent Forum and after consultation with the American GI Forum of California Youth GI Forum State Chair.

Section 304 – Activities


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Local Chapters of the Youth GI Forum may engage in any activity or activities which have met the approval of the GI Forum Women or Forum who sponsored them.


Section 401 – Amendments

These By-Laws may be amended at any State Conference by a simple majority vote of the accredited delegates, a quorum being present, provided, however, that each proposed amendment be submitted in writing to the American GI Forum of California Executive Secretary at least thirty (30) days prior to the convening of the next conference for distribution of copies of same to the local Forums. However, the provisions of this article may be dispensed with if any proposed amendment is accepted by unanimous vote.