Consumer Behavior : Learning

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consumer behavious is study of management where purchasing patterns of consumers is judged .this ppl focuses on learning with examples

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Consumer Behavior : Learning Case Study and Examples

Consumer Behavior : LearningCase Study and ExamplesSamna KhanSaqib AnwerSarfraz AhmedSuddam HusseinTausif JamalWaseem RajaZainab Gazali Audi R8 Super Bowl Adv. 2008

The Super Bowls commercial break gave Audi a vast coverage and promoted the R8-model before its release in USA, on the fall of 2008. In 2008, advertising in the Super Bowl cost as much as US$ 3 million for 30 seconds, while the number of viewers the previous year was between 93 and 145 millionAudi R8 Super Bowl Adv. 2008 Public is closely following what is happening in the field as they support their teams. The advertisement benefits from peoples high cognitive processing enhancing the recall of the product. Audi also attempts to have a positive influence in the public by making use of the Godfather movie-setting which is well recognized by US consumers. Audi R8 Super Bowl Adv. 2008 The nostalgia of the movie in contrast to the brand new Audi enhances consumers recall and learning process of the whole advertisement. By declaring at the end of the ad that old luxury has now got put on notice, the message of R8 and Audi as part of new luxury is highlighted to the viewer with a short memorable slogan.

Audi R8 Super Bowl Adv. 2008

Porsche 911 (997) Carrera / Carrera S Adv. 2004 Porsche 911 (997) Carrera / Carrera S Adv. 2004 The Porsche 911 was first introduced in 1963. During the years, over fifty different variations of this model have been available. Through technical improvements and cosmetic changes Porsche has kept the 911 up-to-date among other sport cars. The new 997 that was introduced in 2004. Porsche 911 (997) Carrera / Carrera S Adv. 2004 This advert is a good example that shows how Porsche makes good use of the cognitive learning theories. Purchasing a car such as Porsche is high-involvement since it is something that the consumer plans for a long time, works to gather the money, and finally, after many years, he or she is able to buy the car. Despite the high-involvement nature of the purchase, the TV-commercial does not engage in major information deliverance to the viewers; the ad mainly aims at consumers feelings and nostalgic memories. Porsche 911 (997) Carrera / Carrera S Adv. 2004 The very nature of the sports car market explains why it is so. The purchase of a sports car is considered a deeply emotion driven decision. For the same reason, the cars in this market are usually advertised with very passionate ads aiming at influencing the emotions of the viewer, and often also to provoke nostalgic memories.

Porsche 911 (997) Carrera / Carrera S Adv. 2004 The commercial intends to enhance the recall of Porsches 911 by appealing to nostalgia: the whole idea of presenting events from the point of view of a young boy aims at getting the viewers identified with the child Many of consumers that form part of the target group have dreamed about purchasing a Porsche from a very young age. Consumer TeachingMarketers want to teach consumers about their product and communicate effectively with them. Directly through advertisementsIndirectly through product appearance, packaging, pricing and distribution channels Evolution Of Coca Cola Bottle

Coca ColaContour BottleIn 1915 the company released an innovative design the curvaceous Contour bottle. The design brief for the new bottle was demanding. It had to be so distinctive that it could be recognized by touch alone and so unique it could be identified even when shattered on the ground.Inspiration from Cocoa Pod

Coca ColaContour BottleCoca-Cola VP of innovation and entrepreneurship David Butler the uniquely contoured bottle asone of seven marketing strategiesthat allowed The Coca-Cola Company to scale into a global player.The bottle has been featured in over 400 movies, has travelled to moon with astronauts and become icon for pop culture.The bottle has one of highest brand recall value.

A market research survey was carried out to examine the attitude of consumers to the contour shape. In this survey, consumers described the contour bottle as communicating a variety of positive meanings. It was seen as: a symbol of the ultimate enjoyment and refreshment from Coca-Cola possessing a sensual look and feel a symbol of good times universally known and accepted a symbol which unites consumers around the world an aesthetically beautiful symbolCoca ColaContour Bottle