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    First and foremost, I would like to thank my respectable and learned

    guide, Mr. Purunendu Patra but for whos untiring, persevering and

    unflinching help; this project would not have seen the light of day. It

    is he who initiated the development of the project and was thus

    instrumental in showing the right direction in the field of . He

    provided encouragement and boost in the transformation of my

    inherent internal knowledge into a real work for external audience.

    Lastly, I would like to bestow my regards and gratitude to the

    G.M.College, Autonomous, Sambalpur, specially Dr. S. Dash, HOD,

    Department of Professional Courses, which provided me this

    opportunity to undertake the Dissertation program on consumer

    perception towards online shopping for allowing me to go through

    this worthy dissertation programme.

    (Subhasis Pattnaik)



    This is to certify that the dissertation report entitle CONSUMER PERCEPTION TOWARDS ONLINE SHOPPING submitted by SUBHASISH PATNAIK bearing the Roll no- PC13MBA005 is his own work and has been carried out under my supervision. It is recommended that the candidate may now be evaluated for his dissertation work by the college.

    DATE; 06th April 2015 (PURNENDU KUMAR PATRA)

    PLACE: Sambalpur Signature:


    I Subhasish Patnaik, Roll No. PC13MBA005, a student of Gangadhar Meher

    college(Auto), Sambalpur, hereby declare that the dissertation on CONSUMER

    PERCEPTION TOWARDS ONLINE SHOPPING is done by me is an authentic

    work carried out for the partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the

    degree of MBA program in management under the guidance by Mr. PURNENDU


    The matter embodied in the project work has not been submitted for the award of

    any other degree, diploma or any other similar title or prizes to the best of my

    knowledge and belief.

    Subhasish Patnaik

    Roll No. PC13MBA005

    MBA 2nd Year




    1.1 Significance of the study 1.2 Objective of the study 1.3 Scope of the study 1.4 Research objective 1.5 Limitation of the study


    2.1 National

    2.2 International


    3.1 Online shopping in india

    3.2 Recent development

    3.3 Gaint players in Indian online shopping


    4.1 Introduction to the study

    4.2 AIDA Principle in online shopping

    4.3 Porters 5 force model in online shopping

    4.4 Marketing mix (7p) in online marketing

    4.5 Models of online marketing


    5.1 Research objective 5.2 Determination of information needs and sources

    5.3 Research framework

    5.4 Data collection

    5.4.1 Primary data

    5.4.2 Secondary data

    5.5 Sample design

    5.5.1 Sample unit

    5.5.2 Sample media

    5.5.3 Sampling method

    5.5.4 Sample size

    5.5.5 Sample place

    5.5.6 Sample design






  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    Chapter 1


  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping



    Internet is changing the way consumers shop and buys goods and services, and has rapidly evolved into a global phenomenon. Many companies have started using the Internet with the aim of cutting marketing costs, thereby reducing the price of their products and services in order to stay ahead in highly competitive markets. Companies also use the Internet to convey, communicate and disseminate information, to sell the

    product, to take feedback and also to conduct satisfaction surveys with customers.

    Customers use the Internet not only to buy the product online, but also to compare prices, product features and after sale service facilities they will receive if they purchase the product from a particular store. Many experts are optimistic about the

    prospect of online business.

    In addition to the tremendous potential of the E-commerce market, the Internet provides a unique opportunity for companies to more efficiently reach existing and potential customers. Although most of the revenue of online transactions comes from

    business-to-business commerce, the practitioners of business-to-consumer commerce should not lose confidence. It has been more than a decade since business-to-consumer E-commerce first evolved. Scholars and practitioners of electronic commerce constantly strive to gain an improved insight into consumer behavior in cyberspace. Along with the development of E-retailing, researchers continue to explain E-consumers behaviour from different perspectives. Many of their studies have posited new emergent factors or assumptions that are based on the traditional models of consumer behaviour, and then examine their validity in the Internet context.

    Online shopping is definitely a great way to shop with everything available on the websites. From clothes, gift items, food, home needs, medicines, and many more, this mode of shopping allows one to shop conveniently without hassle on spending hours in a supermarket or shopping areas. The Internet with its wide array of information nooks, allows the customer to go through various reviews of the product or service before actually heading for purchases. These online shopping websites also have daily deals for the customer looking for discounts and store offerings.

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping



    In recent years, online shopping has become very popular. The growth of technology has made these a part and parcel of everyday lifestyle. The advent of plastic money or the debit /credit card and the smooth access to the World Wide Web has brought the shops from around the world to the desktop. We personally have seen many of our friends surfing through various online shopping sites and purchasing things. Student community has become so strong that even the parents seek the help and advice of their children before conducting big purchases. This is solely because of their exposure to web and social media. Moreover, while it comes to personal purchases, students are very particular that they get best products available in the market and seek all the possible ways to secure the best products. This is where the role of online shopping sites emerges. Students who are well versed in the use of internet and active in social media, know about online markets and have tried at least some of them.

    The study is very relevant because it can give a clear picture of the future of online markets in India and the emerging trends in this particular field. The various factors that influence online shopping habits and its merits and demerits are also dealt with.The study also tries to have a comparison of online shopping habits among different age group as well as income group.

    1.2 Objective of the Study

    The objective of this research study is to investigate online consumer behavior, which in turn provides E-marketers with a constructional framework for fine-tuning their E-

    businesses strategies. The specific objectives of this research are:

    1. To know the consumers awareness and perception about the products and services provided on internet.

    2. To know how it provides products and services and satisfies their customers.

    3. To know how it reduces the uncertainty in purchase decision process.

    1.3 Scope of the Study

    The theoretical scope of the study includes the popularity of online shopping, the need of virtual markets, their role in influencing the consumption pattern and habits, merits and demerits of e-markets, major players in online retailing etc. We can listed the scope as below :

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    1. The Study was conducted among the Internet users.

    2. The Geographical area covered was Sambalpur.

    3. The Study was based on a Schedule of Questions. 4. The scope of internet shopping


    1. To analysethe consumer interest on online marketing.

    2. To determine the factors affecting online buying. 3. To evaluate the growth of online marketing. 4. To forsee the demand of online shopping in india. 5. To study the impact of traditional retailer over the online retailer. 6. To gather information regarding growing sector for online purchasing. 7. To understand the barriers of online marketing.

    8. To know the consumers awareness and perception about the products and services provided on internet

    9. To examine what the consumer had bought and what they want to purchase in the near future.


    Utmost care has been taken with regard to the collection, classification and analysis of data. However, the study is subjected to the following limitations: There were hardly any previous studies on the topic and it was a great challenge to deal with a fresh topic.

    1. Lack of environmental support for the study on the topic. 2. Less sample size, as it is just survey with 100 respondent 3. Basically based on primary data , hence we can not argue that the research is

    applicable in each condition,time& place. 4. Short time duration, with in such short span of time it is too much difficult to

    analyse the topic.

    5. Lack of customer support, while asking the consumer they were behaving rudely and not responding to the questions.

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping



  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping




    A literature review is a select analysis of existing research which is relevant to your topic,

    showing how it relates to your investigation. It explains and justifies how your investigation may help answer some of the questions or gaps in this area of research.

    A literature review is not a straightforward summary of everything you have read on the topic and it is not a chronological description of what was discovered in your field.


    Rajeev Kamineni (2004) in his study finds that World Wide Web can change humanbehaviour and human interactions to a very large extent. Web based shopping behaviour is one major example to point out the trends in this direction. This study is of a very exploratory nature and it intends to establish the differences between several web-based shoppers from different parts of the world. Several critical factors associated with online shopping behaviour have been explored. A cross cultural data set has been collected and an illustrative description of the shoppers has been provided. As a final step the cross cultural differences between several shoppers explored.

    ArchanaShrivastava, UjwalLanjewar, (2011) in online buying, the rate of diffusion andadoption of the online buying amongst consumers is still relatively low in India. In view of above problem an empirical study of online buying behavior was undertaken. Based on literature review, four predominant psychographic parameters namely attitude, motivation, personality and trust were studied with respect to online buying. The online buying decision process models based on all the four parameters were designed after statistical analysis. These models were integrated with business intelligence, knowledge management and data mining to design Behavioral Business Intelligence framework with a cohesive view of online buyer behavior.

    For better understanding the factors of internet and consumer shopping behaviours towards internet shopping, this chapter would provide academic research reviews and

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    relative ideas expressed in the literature that associated with this subject. Furthermore, a number of hypotheses will be tested to answer the research questions that mentioned already in the introduction. Due to the recent research shows that internet shopping becomes a full and effective business model (Black, 2005), therefore there are several studies that already investigated more or less related on internet shopping and consumer behaviour. In the following chapter, some point of view will be taken from literatures, and needs careful review to achieve them as the basis of the subsequent research investigation. J.SINHA 2010The number of people engaged in various online activities is increasing every day. While the number of online shoppers is increasing, it is not proportional to that of brick-and-mortar shoppers. Research has tried to explain the dismal performance of online shopping as compared to the physical shopping format. Reasons for the lower level of Internet sales have been cited as being perceived risk in carrying out an online transaction, socio-psychological factors (Like - influence of friends and relatives) and infrastructural limitations (Availability of Internet, computers, credit-cards, cyber laws etc.). Under the purview of aforementioned factors this study tried understanding the online shopping behavior of Indian consumers. Socio-psychological factors and infrastructure have been found influential factors while the perceived risk surprisingly is not significant as a whole but at gender level there was significant difference between the online behavior of male and female

    due to risk perception.

    Lal studied the determinants of adoption of Information Technology (IT) in India. The study was based on 59 electrical and electronic goods manufacturing firmssituated in NOIDA. Semi-structured questionnaire were used to collect the data. The study examined the factors influencing the degree of IT adoption by firms. The factors included are entrepreneur characteristics measured by entrepreneurs qualification, importance given to market share, R&D and quality consciousness, firms international orientation factors measured by import and export intensity, work force skill and firm size. The sample firms were divided into four categories

    depending on their intensity of IT.

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping



    E-Business probably began with electronic data interchange in the 1960s (Zwass, 1996). However, (Melao, 2008) suggests that it was only in the 1990s, primarily via the Internet, that e-Business has emerged as a core feature of many organizations. In his opinion, the hope was that e-Business would revolutionize the ways in which organizations interact with customers, employees, suppliers and partners. Some saw e- Business as part of a recipe to stay competitive in the global economy.

    Christy M. K. Cheung, Lei Zhu, Timothy Kwong, Gloria W.W. Chan, MoezLimayem,(2002) The topic of online consumer behavior has been examined under variouscontexts over the years. Although researchers from a variety of business disciplines have made significant progress over the past few years, the scope of these studies is rather broad, the studies appear relatively fragmented and no unifying theoretical model is found in this research area. In view of this, provide an exhaustive review of the literature and propose a research framework with three key building blocks (intention, adoption, and continuance) so as to analyze the online consumer behavior in a systematic way. This proposed framework not only provides us with a cohesive view of online consumer behavior, but also serves as a salient guideline for researchers in this area.

    Burke, R.R. (2002), Trust is a key factor that determines the success of Business toConsumer (B2C) e-commerce transactions. Previous researchers have identified several critical factors that influence trust in the context of online shopping. This research focuses on available security measures which assure online shopper_s safety and great sales promotions and online deals which stimulate customers to shop online.

    Abel Stephen (2003) in his paper represents the findings of research studies that address e-commerce design and associated consumer behavior. The innovation of e-commerce has affected not only the

    marketplace through the facilitation of the exchange of goods and services, but also human behavior

    in response to the mechanisms of online services. Researchers have identified and hypothesized on

    relevant subject matters ranging from Web usability, marketing channels and other factors influencing online buying behavior. Though researchers have focused on what appear different aspects of online

    buying behavior, their studies may be shown to be interrelated and interdependent, even to the extent

    of revealing constructs upon which e-commerce, in terms of future design and research, could be


    Balasubramanian, S., Konana, P. and Menon, N.M. (2003), In this environment, sometraditional service quality dimensions that determine customer satisfaction, such as thephysical appearance of facilities, employees, and equipment, and employees_ responsiveness and

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    empathy are unobservable. In contrast, trust may play a central role here in enhancing customer satisfaction. Model trust as an endogenously formed entity that ultimately impacts customer satisfaction, and we elucidate the linkages between trust and other factors related to the performance of the online service provider and to the service environment.

    The classic consumer purchasing decision-making theory can be characterized as a continuum extending from routine problem-solving behaviors, through to limited problem-solving behaviors and then towards extensive problem-solving behaviors [Schiff man et al., 2001].

    The traditional framework for analysis of the buyer decision process is a five-step model. Given the model, the consumer progresses firstly from a state of felt deprivation (problem recognition), to the search for information on problem solutions. The information gathered provides the basis for the evaluation of alternatives. Finally, post-purchase behavior is critical in the marketing perspective, as it eventually affects consumers perception of

    satisfaction/dissatisfaction with the product/service.

    This classic five stage model comprises the essence of consumer behavior under most contexts. Nevertheless, the management of marketing issues at each stage in the virtual

    environment has to be resolved by individual E-marketers. Peterson et al. [1997] commented that it is an early stage in Internet development in terms of building an appropriate dedicated model of consumer buying behavior. Decision sequences will be influenced by the starting point of the consumer, the relevant market structures and the characteristics of the product in question. Consumers' attitude towards online shopping is a prominent factor affecting actual buying behavior. (Source: Jarvenpaa Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, VOL. 6, and NO.2, 2005)

    Todd [1997] proposed a model of attitudes and shopping intention towards Internet shopping in general. The model included several indicators, belonging to four major categories; the value of the product, the shopping experience, the quality of service offered by the website and the risk perceptions of Internet retail shopping. In the research conducted by Vellido et al. [2000], nine factors associated with users' perception of online shopping were extracted. Among those factors the risk perception of users was demonstrated to be the main discriminator between people buying online and people not buying online.

    Other discriminating factors were; control over, and convenience of, the shopping process,

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    affordability of merchandise, customer service and ease of use of the shopping site. In another study, Jarvenpaa et al. [2000] tested a model of consumer attitude towards specific webbase stores, in which perceptions of the store's reputation and size were assumed to affect consumer trust of the retailer. The level of trust was positively related to the attitude toward the store, and inversely related to the perception of the risks involved in buying from that store. Jarvenpaa et al. [2000] concluded that the attitude and the risk perception affected the consumer's intention to buy from the store.

    Consumer risk perceptions and concerns regarding online shopping are mainly related to aspects involving the privacy and security of personal information, the security of online transaction systems and the uncertainty of product quality. Trust is interwoven with risk [McAllister, 1995]. One of the consequences of trust is that it reduces the consumers perception of risk associated with opportunistic behavior by the seller [Ganesan, 1994]. Lack of trust is frequently reported as the reason for consumers not purchasing from Internet shops, as trust is regarded as an important factor under conditions of uncertainty and risk in traditional theories.

    Mayer et al. [1995] developed a model which combines traditional marketing philosophy on consumer motivation to buy and the trust model. In this model, trust propensity; which is a personality trait possessed by buyers; is an important antecedent of trust. In Internet shopping, there is not much information available to the buyer regarding the seller, prior to purchase. A buyer with a high propensity to trust will more likely be a potential customer than a buyer with a lower propensity.

    Purchase decisions are ultimately guided by consumers' perceptions of the product or service. Of

    course, the critical nature of perceptions as they relate to purchase behaviour has been repeatedly

    demonstrated in advertising and marketing research. Negative perceptions of the product, service,

    brand, or company almost always translate to a lost sale or, at a minimum, expressed lower intentions

    to purchase the advertised product or service. If the goal is to increase online spending among

    consumers, particularly female consumers, then consumers' perceptions of online shopping are

    ultimately matters the most. Presumably, the more positive consumers perceive the online buying

    experience the more likely they will make online purchases. The primary construct that we believe

    will have a bearing on perceptual differences between male and female internet shoppers is emotion.

    Related to emotion are two additional constructs, trust and convenience. (Robertson , Zielinski and Ward, 1984)

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    CHAPTER - 3


  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping




    The birth and growth of Internet has been the biggest event of the century. E-commerce in

    India has come a long way from a timid beginning in the 1999-2000 to a period where one

    can sell and find all sorts of stuff from a high end product to a meager peanut online. Most

    corporations are using Internet to represent their product range and services so that it is

    accessible to the global market and to reach out to a larger range of their audience.

    Computers and the Internet have completely changed the way one handles day-to-day

    transactions; online shopping is one of them. The Internet has brought about sweeping

    changes in the purchasing habits of the people. In the comfort of one's home, office or cyber

    cafe or anywhere across the globe, one can log on and buy just about anything from apparel,

    books, music and diamond jewellery to digital cameras, mobile phones, MP3 players, video

    games, movie tickets, rail and air tickets. Ease, simplicity, convenience and security are the

    key factors turning the users to buy online.

    E-commerce revenues in the country are projected to reach Rs 2,300 crore in the year 2006-

    07, growing at 95 per cent over 2004-05(Source: Internet and Mobile Association of India,

    IAMAI). This pertains to the business-to-consumer (B2C) segment. It may be too early to do

    a comparison with the e-commerce scenes in countries such as the US where billions of

    dollars are spent online but the business in India is growing exponentially every year, albeit

    from a smaller base, the total revenues have reached a respectful size.

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    3.2 Recent Developments

    The number of users logging on to the Internet is growing by leaps and bounds. The number

    of Indians who are online is expected to touch to 100 million by 2007-08, from the present

    38.5 million according to the research conducted by IAMAI. The numbers indicate a growing

    sense of comfort with the use of Internet for shopping. Accompanying this growth, there is an

    increasing maturity in the way people use the Internet. It's a classical curve. Online users

    typically start by using e-mail, gradually move on to browsing for news, information and

    entertainment, and finally graduate to shopping and conducting business online. Online sales

    have registered a huge jump and what was a concept five years ago is now beginning to hit

    the mainstream levels. Roughly 10 percent of the world's population more than 627 million

    people have shopped online at least once, in India it is just sprouted and beginning to perish.

    Internet is now going beyond the simple exchange of information to a shopping paradise.

    This medium is far bigger than expected, but many retailers and marketers are not using it to

    its full potential.

    Indian customers are increasingly getting comfortable with online shopping, and there is a

    higher acceptability for the concept. India has 25 million Internet users and more is now

    turning to online shopping. There has been an influx of online shopping sites in India with

    many companies hitching onto the Internet bandwagon. The revenues from online shopping

    are expected to more than double by 2006-07. According to IAMAI, the average number of

    transactions per month in India has gone up from 2 lakh in 2003-04 to 4.4 lakh in 2004-05

    and has doubled to 7.95 lakh transactions per month in the year 2005-06. The online sales

    during the festival season had increased rapidly especially during Diwali and Ramzan which

    recorded a sales of Rs115 crore, a 117 per cent increase from the Rs53 crore in the year 2004-

    05(source IAMAI). These figures clearly show that online shopping has truly come of age

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    and consumers are keen to shop on the net. Effective customer communication on products

    plus reduced shipping costs and timely delivery has helped online marketers to seize a slice

    of the Rs 115 crore sales.

    Online shopping has become the latest trend among shoppers. Indians are becoming more

    comfortable with e-commerce. The consumers attitude has been evolving towards online

    purchases. It has become increasingly positive over the years. The attitudes that drive people

    to shop online, such as

    convenience, price comparison and choice are improving tremendously in India.

    Though a miniscule amount in the global context, the Indian online shoppers population

    would make its presence felt quite remarkably. The potential of the Indian e-market can be

    gauged from the fact that 16 percent of Indian consumers want to buy online in the next six

    months, making it the third most online-potential country after Korea (28 percent) and

    Australia (26 percent) (Source:IMRB). This is an indication of a growing breed of Indian

    consumers who are not only better equipped but also more confident of the online

    transactions. Indian businesses have also grown mature enough to move up the IT curve and

    they are considering Business to consumer (B2C) e-commerce a viable revenue model. Some

    of the companies that have benefited are baazee.com, indiatimes.com, rediff.com,

    indiamart.com, fabmart.com, traveljini.com and sifymall.com.

    Indiamart.com has witnessed a growth of more than ten times in just two years in its online

    gifts domain. In the online travel domain, the company was able to generate an average

    $8,000 worth of room bookings/month for its premium client. It is expected to touch $15-

    20,000/month/client by the year-end, which is over 100 percent growth (Source:Indiamart).

    Brick-and-mortar businesses are also building up e-commerce revenues. In the year 2005-06

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping

    Samsung India recorded a 120 percent jump in online buying from its site over the year 2004

    05 (Source: Samsung). Nirulas

    revenues in the year 2005-06 and is positive for the next one to two years (Source: Nirulas).

    Companies like eBay India have seen a large increase in the number of sellers and buyers

    from B and C cities and in a year the eBay community (buyers and sellers) base has increased

    to 1.7 million users, which shows that more Indians are shopping online (Source: eBay).

    Online sales are currently marked by a single digit growth, but the leading garment retail

    like Pantaloon, Shoppers Stop and Globus have already made business strategies to enter

    into the world of e-retailing. Famous apparel brand Zodiac has already started online stores.

    The main motive of these retailers through online sales is to reach t

    small towns where they do not have the outlets. Thus the India's Internet shopping sector is

    preparing for a massive growth, which is fuelled by increasing broadband usage and growing




    A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping

    Samsung India recorded a 120 percent jump in online buying from its site over the year 2004

    05 (Source: Samsung). Nirulas witnessed more than double growth in its B2C e

    06 and is positive for the next one to two years (Source: Nirulas).

    Companies like eBay India have seen a large increase in the number of sellers and buyers

    ties and in a year the eBay community (buyers and sellers) base has increased

    to 1.7 million users, which shows that more Indians are shopping online (Source: eBay).

    Online sales are currently marked by a single digit growth, but the leading garment retail

    like Pantaloon, Shoppers Stop and Globus have already made business strategies to enter

    retailing. Famous apparel brand Zodiac has already started online stores.

    The main motive of these retailers through online sales is to reach the global markets and the

    small towns where they do not have the outlets. Thus the India's Internet shopping sector is

    preparing for a massive growth, which is fuelled by increasing broadband usage and growing


    Flipkart.com is an e-commerce website founded

    by SachinBansal and BinnyBansal in 2007. Both

    are from IIT Delhi Alumni and also worked in


    Flipkart.com ranks #502 in world according to

    Alexa traffic rankings. In Google

    It forms advertising revenue of $4.8 million. It

    receives 2.2 million page views in a day and

    generates $6,574 in advertising revenue every

    day. Moreover it has certain losses 0.60% in

    traffic ranking. Loading time of an average page is

    2.1 sec as it is much faster than 29% of sites

    around the world. The mode of payments include

    Credit card, Debit card, Net banking, e

    vouchers, cash on delivery.


    Samsung India recorded a 120 percent jump in online buying from its site over the year 2004-

    witnessed more than double growth in its B2C e-commerce

    06 and is positive for the next one to two years (Source: Nirulas).

    Companies like eBay India have seen a large increase in the number of sellers and buyers

    ties and in a year the eBay community (buyers and sellers) base has increased

    to 1.7 million users, which shows that more Indians are shopping online (Source: eBay).

    Online sales are currently marked by a single digit growth, but the leading garment retailers

    like Pantaloon, Shoppers Stop and Globus have already made business strategies to enter

    retailing. Famous apparel brand Zodiac has already started online stores.

    he global markets and the

    small towns where they do not have the outlets. Thus the India's Internet shopping sector is

    preparing for a massive growth, which is fuelled by increasing broadband usage and growing


    commerce website founded

    by SachinBansal and BinnyBansal in 2007. Both

    are from IIT Delhi Alumni and also worked in

    Flipkart.com ranks #502 in world according to

    Alexa traffic rankings. In Google page it ranks #6.

    It forms advertising revenue of $4.8 million. It

    receives 2.2 million page views in a day and

    generates $6,574 in advertising revenue every

    day. Moreover it has certain losses 0.60% in

    traffic ranking. Loading time of an average page is

    .1 sec as it is much faster than 29% of sites

    around the world. The mode of payments include

    Credit card, Debit card, Net banking, e-gift

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping



    A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping

    eBay is an online shopping website a consumer

    to consumer corporation which helps the people

    and businessman to buy and sell products

    worldwide. It is operated to almost 30 countries.

    eBay ranks #544 among Alexa traffic ranking. In

    Google it has pagerank #6.

    revenue inculcated was about $4.4 Million.

    Moreover it receives 2 million pageviews per day

    which generates $6,066 in the advertisement

    revenue. Recently it has shown 15.13% growth in

    traffic rank. The pageloading time is upto 2 sec

    which is likely faster than 24% sites across the


    Snapdeal deals with online marketing of

    products including Mobiles, Electronics, Fashion

    accessories, Apparel, Footwear, Kids, Home and

    Kitchen, Sports, Books; and services like

    Restaurants, Spas & Entertainment. It was

    launched by KunalBahl, a Wharton graduate

    and RohitBansal, alumnus of IIT Delhi, in

    February 2010.

    It ranks #576 in the world as per Alexa traffic

    ranking.It ranks # 5 in Google PageRank. The

    advertising revenue is about $4.2

    receives 1.9 million page views in a day and

    generates $5,729 in advertising revenue. It has

    suffered loss of 4.16 % in traffic ranking. The

    loading time of an average page is 1.6 sec which

    is faster than 46% of sites across the world.


    is an online shopping website a consumer

    to consumer corporation which helps the people

    and businessman to buy and sell products

    worldwide. It is operated to almost 30 countries.

    eBay ranks #544 among Alexa traffic ranking. In

    Google it has pagerank #6. The advertising

    revenue inculcated was about $4.4 Million.

    Moreover it receives 2 million pageviews per day

    which generates $6,066 in the advertisement

    revenue. Recently it has shown 15.13% growth in

    traffic rank. The pageloading time is upto 2 sec

    s likely faster than 24% sites across the

    Snapdeal deals with online marketing of

    products including Mobiles, Electronics, Fashion

    accessories, Apparel, Footwear, Kids, Home and

    Kitchen, Sports, Books; and services like

    Spas & Entertainment. It was

    launched by KunalBahl, a Wharton graduate

    and RohitBansal, alumnus of IIT Delhi, in

    It ranks #576 in the world as per Alexa traffic

    ranking.It ranks # 5 in Google PageRank. The

    advertising revenue is about $4.2 million. It

    receives 1.9 million page views in a day and

    generates $5,729 in advertising revenue. It has

    suffered loss of 4.16 % in traffic ranking. The

    loading time of an average page is 1.6 sec which

    is faster than 46% of sites across the world.

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping

    A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping

    It is an online shopping commerce for Home;

    Lifestyle & Fashion e-retailer founded in 2009

    BigShoeBazaar.com has a user base of about 1.5

    million people. Yebhi.com offers lifestyle &

    Home products and products

    some 250 brands to its customers dealing in

    Shoes, Apparels, Bags, Mobiles, Cameras,

    Sunglasses, Watches, Home furnishing, Home

    decor, Home ware, Lingerie and Fragrances.

    It ranks #1,782 among Alexa traffic ranking. It

    ranks #4 in Google page ranking. Advertising

    revenue is about $1.4 million. It receives 617,284

    page views per day generating $1,852 in

    advertising revenue. It has recently shown 6.70

    Growth among traffic ranking. The page loading is

    about 2 sec which is faster than 39% of s

    around the world.

    The International giant eCommerce retailer recently stepped into India with a Indian version site www.amazon.in, since the launch, amazon.in has seen a nice growth in the number of customers. Amazon.com too had a huge number of Indian customers even before it launched store in India. The store hosts wide range of products like Electronics, Mobiles, Laptops, Books, Fashion, Jewellery, Kitchenware and more

    A reputed online shopping retail website having headquarter in Gurgaon,Shopcluesmore than 12,000 merchants who are registered with the company. It is one of the top ecommerce websites in India, which deals in more than 2 million products. They guarantee authenticity of products, warranty and even ensure lowest price. They even have a record of catering to more than 42 million online visitors. The company has even more thanemployees across the country. They offer wide range of branded products to consumers from every corner of the country.


    It is an online shopping commerce for Home;

    retailer founded in 2009

    BigShoeBazaar.com has a user base of about 1.5

    million people. Yebhi.com offers lifestyle &

    Home products and products from a range of

    some 250 brands to its customers dealing in

    Shoes, Apparels, Bags, Mobiles, Cameras,

    Sunglasses, Watches, Home furnishing, Home

    decor, Home ware, Lingerie and Fragrances.

    It ranks #1,782 among Alexa traffic ranking. It

    page ranking. Advertising

    revenue is about $1.4 million. It receives 617,284

    page views per day generating $1,852 in

    advertising revenue. It has recently shown 6.70

    Growth among traffic ranking. The page loading is

    about 2 sec which is faster than 39% of sites

    The International giant eCommerce retailer recently stepped into India with a Indian version site www.amazon.in, since the launch, amazon.in has seen a nice growth in the number of customers. Amazon.com

    e number of Indian customers even before it launched store in India. The store hosts wide range of products like Electronics, Mobiles, Laptops, Books, Fashion, Jewellery, Kitchenware and more

    A reputed online shopping retail website having Shopclues.com maintains

    more than 12,000 merchants who are registered with the company. It is one of the top ecommerce websites

    than 2 million products. They guarantee authenticity of products, warranty and even ensure lowest price. They even have a record of catering to more than 42 million online visitors. The company has even more than 350 registered employees across the country. They offer wide range of branded products to consumers from every corner

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping

    A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping

    Shopclues.com initiate free delivery services at the doorsteps of customers through reputed courier services to nearly 10,000 cities across the country. They even initiate a 30-day return guarantee if unable to meet customer satisfaction. One of the leading online shopping companiesShopclues.com accepts online payment through major credit and debit cards, including net banking services. The online shopping website service employs more than 400 personnel for effective handling of the business and is even funded by national institutional investors.

    Myntra is an Indian ecommerce site. It is regarded as Indias top 3rd online site to shop products. Myntra allows its users to chose varieties of dress. One can choose any type of dress of any brand from Myntra. Thabout Myntra is its product quality and service. Now, Myntra is merged into Flipkart to compete Amazon, but myntra.com is still running as a separate website and entity. Buying clothes and gifts online can be best done via Myntra.

    HomeShop18 is the online & onmarketing and distribution venture of Network18 Group that was launched as Indias first 24 hour Home Shopping TV channel on April 9, 2008. HomeShop18 offers innovative, differentiated and demonstrative retail experiences on TV and internet and has emerged as the largest multimedia retailer in India with a user base of 2.5 million users and some prestigious awards. HomeShop18 is a venture of theGroup, Indias fastest growing media and entertainment group that operaleading business news television channels like CNN-IBN, CNBC TV18Awaaz .


    initiate free delivery services at the doorsteps of customers through reputed courier services to nearly 10,000 cities across the country.

    day return guarantee if unable to meet customer satisfaction. One of the

    companies in India, Shopclues.com accepts online payment through major credit and debit cards, including net banking services. The online shopping website service employs more than 400 personnel for effective handling of the

    d by national institutional

    an Indian ecommerce site. It is regarded as Indias top 3rd online site to shop products. Myntra allows its users to chose

    choose any type of dress of any brand from Myntra. The best thing about Myntra is its product quality and service. Now, Myntra is merged into Flipkart to compete Amazon, but myntra.com is still running as a separate website and entity. Buying clothes and gifts online can be best done via Myntra.

    is the online & on-air retail marketing and distribution venture of Network18 Group that was launched as Indias first 24 hour Home Shopping TV channel on April 9, 2008. HomeShop18 offers innovative, differentiated and demonstrative

    TV and internet and has emerged as the largest multimedia retailer in India with a user base of 2.5 million users and

    is a venture of the Network18 Group, Indias fastest growing media and entertainment group that operates Indias leading business news television channels

    CNBC TV18 and CNBC

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping



  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping



    The Internet has entered the mainstream consciousness over the past decade. This has happened primarily because the web has got a graphical interface and Internet has moved from governmental control to private hands. The activities which are happening on the Internet are email and instant messaging, general web surfing or browsing, reading news, hobby searches, entertainment searches, shopping and buying online, medical information searches, travel information searches, tracking credit

    cards, and playing games.

    Communication i.e. email, chat or instant message is the basic activity for which Internet is used. It is the single most important reason for people to go online. E-mail provides the opportunity to communicate more often with a much broader circle of people than one can reach by telephone or by mail in a convenient way. In India too email constitutes the major activity on the Internet. It was found that more elderly people are increasingly using email as compared to the younger generations.

    In India the top five online activities are e-mail, surfing, chatting, search and job search. Some of the sites, which are commonly used for these particular activities, are:

    Yahoo -Most preferred communication portal, tops for email and chat

    Indiatimes Best event and sports news provider.

    Naukri-Best recruitment portal

    Google-Best information domain

    Shaadi-Best for matrimonial services

    eBay-Best online shopping portal

    Rapid growth of cybercafs across India

    Access to Information

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    The increase in number of computer users

    Reach to net services through broadband

    Middle-class population with spending power is growing. There are about 200 million of middle-class population good spending powers. These people have very little time to spend for shopping. Many of them have started to depend on

    internet to satisfy their shopping desires.

    The figures from IAMAI show that the internet users in India will grow to 200 million by 2010. Around 25% of regular shoppers in India are in the 18-25 age groups, and 46% are in the 26-35-year range.

    Indian online matrimonial sector is worth around $230 million.

    Worldwide e-commerce is only growing at the rate of 28%, since India being a

    younger market, the growth of e-commerce is expected at 51% in the coming years.

    In line with global trends finally India has also started shopping online these days. As per the study by IAMAI online shopping in India has rose from $11million in 1999-2000 to $522 million in 2008 and it is expected to rise above $700 million by end March 2010.

    Indians are also Shopaholics like other Asians. There is a strong booming

    young adult population in India with good levels of disposable income.

    In India

    Over $50 Billion and growing rapidly - Most popular online shopping products

    include: books (45%), electronic gadgets (42%), railway tickets (38%), accessories

    apparel (35%), apparel (35%), gifts (34%), computer and peripherals (32%), airline

    tickets (28%), music downloads (21%), movie downloads (21%), hotel rooms (22%),

    magazines (18%), tools (16%), home appliances (16%), toys (16%), jewelry (17%),

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    movie ticket (15%), etc.


    Online shoppers commonly use a credit card to make payments, however some

    systems enable users to create accounts and pay by alternative means, such as:

    Billing to mobile phones and landlines

    Cash on delivery (C.O.D., offered by very few online stores)

    Cheque/ Check

    Debit card

    Direct debit in some countries

    Electronic money of various types

    Gift cards

    Postal money order

    Wire transfer/delivery on payment

    Some sites will not accept international credit cards, some require both the purchaser's

    billing address and shipping address to be in the same country in which site does its

    business, and still other sites allow customers from anywhere to send gifts anywhere.

    The financial part of a transaction might be processed in real time (for example,

    letting the consumer know their credit card was declined before they log off), or might

    be done later as part of the fulfillment process.

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping




    4.3 PORTER 5 FORCE ANALYSISPorters Five Forces is a framework for describing factors that affect the profitability and attractiveness of industries. Named after Michael E. Porter, this model identifies and analyzes 5 competitive forces that shape every industry, and helps determine an industry's weaknesses and strengths. 1. Supplier Power 2. Buyer Power 3.Competitive Rivalry 4.Threat of Substitutes 5. Threat of New Entry

    1. Supplier Power Here we assess how easy it is for suppliers to drive up prices. This is driven by the number of suppliers of each key input, the uniqueness of their product or service, their strength and control over us, on. The fewer the supplier choices we have, and the more we need suppliers' help, the more powerful the suppliers are.

    2. Buyer Power This is driven by the number of buyers, the importance of each iones business, the cost to them of switching from ones products and services to those of someone else, and so on. If you deal with few, powerful buyers, then they are often able to dictate terms to you.

    A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    PORTER 5 FORCE ANALYSIS IN ONLINE SHOPPING Porters Five Forces is a framework for describing factors that affect the profitability and

    industries. Named after Michael E. Porter, this model identifies and analyzes 5 competitive forces that shape every industry, and helps determine an industry's weaknesses

    Here we assess how easy it is for suppliers to drive up prices. This is driven by the number of suppliers of each key input, the uniqueness of their product or service, their strength and control over us, the cost of switching from one supplier to another, and so on. The fewer the supplier choices we have, and the more we need suppliers' help, the more powerful the suppliers are.

    his is driven by the number of buyers, the importance of each individual buyer to ones business, the cost to them of switching from ones products and services to those of someone else, and so on. If you deal with few, powerful buyers, then they are often able to dictate terms to you.


    Porters Five Forces is a framework for describing factors that affect the profitability and industries. Named after Michael E. Porter, this model identifies and analyzes

    5 competitive forces that shape every industry, and helps determine an industry's weaknesses

    Here we assess how easy it is for suppliers to drive up prices. This is driven by the number of suppliers of each key input, the uniqueness of their product or service, their

    the cost of switching from one supplier to another, and so on. The fewer the supplier choices we have, and the more we need suppliers' help, the

    ndividual buyer to ones business, the cost to them of switching from ones products and services to those of someone else, and so on. If you deal with few, powerful buyers, then they are often

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    3. Competitive Rivalry What is important here is the number and capability of your competitors. If you have many competitors, and they offer equally attractive products and services, then you'll most likely have little power in the situation, because suppliers and buyers will go elsewhere if they don't get a good deal from you. On the other hand, if no-one else can do what you do, then you can often have tremendous strength.

    4. Threat of Substitutes This is affected by the ability of your customers to find a different way of doing what you do for example, if you supply a unique software product that automates an important process, people may substitute by doing the process manually or by outsourcing it. If substitution is easy and substitution is viable, then this weakens your power .

    5. Threat of New Entry Power is also affected by the ability of people to enter your market. If it costs little in time or money to enter your market and compete effectively, if there are few economies of scale in place, or if you have little protection for your key technologies, then new competitors can quickly enter your market and weaken your position. If you have strong and durable barriers to entry, then you can preserve a favorable position and take fair advantage of it.

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    Porters five forces for Online Retailer

    Supplier power: Here, suppliers are the manufacturers of finished products. For any product, there are many suppliers online, so they cant show power on online retail companies. For example, if you take computers category, there are many suppliers like Dell, Apple, Lenovo, and Toshiba everyone wants to sell their products through online retails like Flipkart,Amazon,Snapdeal etc. Selling online saves a lot of money for the manufacturers, and as many people nowadays prefer purchasing product through online stores, Companies cannot afford to lose this channel. So, in this industry the supplier power is low.

    Buyer power: Buyers in this industry are customers who purchase products online. Since this industry is flooded with so many players, buyers are having lots of options to choose. With many competitors like Amazon.com, eBay, Snapdeal etc. Customers get a wide range of choices. Customer would prefer the one who would provide goods at reasonable price, deliver it fast and provide them with other benefits like Cash on Delivery, EMI facilities, other offers etc. Here Buyers have more power.

    Competitive Rivalry: Competition is very high in this industry with so many players like Jabong, Snapdeal, Amazon, Homeshop18 etc. Many competitors means more choices for the customer to choose from. This also increases the cost incurred by the company to stay in the customers mind i.e. on Promotions and Advertisements etc. Giving the customer better deals, making customers experience delightful and continuous innovation can help a company to stay at top even with tons of competitors around.

    Threat of New Entrants: Threat of new entrants is very high in this online retail industry because of following

    reasons: Indian government has allowed 51% FDI in multi-brand online retail and 100%

    FDI in single brand online retail. So, this means foreign companies can come and start their own online retail companies.

    There are very less barriers to entry like less capital required to start a business, less amount of infrastructure required to start business. All you need is to tie up with suppliers of products and you need to develop a website to display products so that customers can order products, and a tie up with online payment gateway provider like bill desk.

    Industry is also going to grow at a rapid rate. It is going to touch 76 billion $ by 2021. Industry is going to experience an exponential growth rate. So, obviously no one wants to miss this big opportunity.

    With the new entrants like Jabong, Snapdeal etc. rapidly racing towards the top Position.

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    Threat of substitutes: Substitute for this industry as of now is physical stores. Their threat is very low

    for this industry because customers are going for online purchases instead of going to physical stores as it will save time, effort, and money. With the advent and penetration of internet and smart phones, future in retail belongs to online retail.

    When we compare relative quality, relative price of product a person buys online with physical store, both are almost same and in some cases, online retail store offers more discounts and this attracts the customer to purchase products online.

    4.4 MARKETING MIX OF ONLINE SHOPPING : The elements of marketing mix are also being applied for online marketing. Marketing mix is essential for analysing the business. Marketer analyses the parameters then select appropriate strategy in order to face the market complexion effectively. The 7Ps of marketing is being applied in the online marketing industry. The effect of marketing mix is being explained below diagram :

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping



    By:Mary Ann Eastlick

    This chart shows how consumer attitude toward online shopping can lead either to approach

    coping (wanting to shop online) or to avoidance coping (deciding not to search or shop

    online). Someone who is optimistic toward the benefits of online shopping will develop

    approach coping. A person who is pessimistic toward online shopping will think of the

    drawbacks to it and decide to purchase in physical stores instead, which is avoidance coping.

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    Source: research by Emerald

    A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    Source: research by Emerald



  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping



  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping



    5.1 Research Objective

    To know and understand the consumers perception and awareness about internet marketing/ shopping. This will help to know the attitude and perception of consumers towards online shopping and what are the factors which shape the consumers perception towards online shopping. Also what are key concerns from the point of view of consumer while online


    5.2 Determination of information needs and sources

    The following was the information required:

    What is consumers attitude towards online shopping?

    What are the key concern areas for consumers while online shopping?

    Which factors shape the consumers attitude towards online shopping?

    How has been recent shift taking place in online shopping?

    5.3 Research Framework

    Eleven different factors were identified by studying the existing models of consumer attitudes(Refer Annexure 1, 2) that play an important role in online purchase, then a model was proposed leading to online shopping.

    The data was collected only through Questionnaires. The sample size was 100. And random sampling was done among the internet users.

    5.3.1 Proposed Model

    After examining the 10 empirical studies, we identify a total of eleven interrelated factors for which the empirical evidences show significant relationships. These ten factors are perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, information on online shopping, security and privacy, quality of internet connection, attitude towards online shopping, intention to shop online, online shopping decision making, online purchasing, and consumer satisfaction.

    Six (perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, information on online

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    shopping, security and privacy, quality of internet connection )are found to be ordinarily independent and five (attitude toward online shopping, intention to shop online, decision making, online purchasing, and consumer satisfaction) are ordinarily dependent variables.

    Consumer satisfaction is considered to be a separate factor in this study. It can occur at all possible stages depending on consumers involvement during the online shopping process. The relationships between satisfaction, attitude, intention, decision making and online purchasing are proposed to be two-way relationships due to the reciprocal influences of each on the other. In addition, three of the antecedents, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment , have been found to have direct impact on consumer satisfaction.

    Perceived Usefulness

    Perceived usefulness is defined as the degree to which a person believes that using a particular system would increase his or her job performance. It is an important factor affecting acceptance of an information system, because the ultimate aim of any person is the superior job performance.

    Perceived Ease of Use

    This is an important factor that affects the acceptance of a particular information system. It is

    defined as the degree to which a person believes that using a particular information system would be free of effort. Hence an application perceived to be easier to use would more likely be accepted by the user.

    Perceived Enjoyment

    Enjoyment refers to the extent to which the activity of using a computer is perceived to be enjoyable in its own rights. This is seen as an intrinsic source of motivation to use a particular application.

    Amount of Information

    Amount of information is defined as the information which is available for the product which a person wants to buy through online shopping. This factor eases the decision of the user to actually buy the product or not, or which product to buy. This factor becomes even more important in case of High Involvement product.

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    Security and Privacy

    Security and privacy are the main factors which hinder the growth of online shopping. The user is concerned about his ID and Password which can be stolen by persons with wrong intentions and then misuse it. At the same time they are concerned that their personal information may be sold to the third party which poses a serious threat to their privacy.

    Quality of Internet Connection

    Not only is the presence of internet connection necessary but also its Quality is important to shop online. This is an important factor which determines whether the user would shop online or not because presence of internet is a basic necessity for this mode of shopping

    Attitude and perception towards online shopping

    Consumers attitude and perception toward online shopping have gained a great deal of attention in the empirical literature. It is believed that consumer attitudes will affect intention to shop online and eventually whether a transaction is made. It refers to:-

    1) The consumers acceptance of the Internet as a shopping channel

    2) Consumer attitudes toward a specific Internet store (i.e., to what extent consumers think that shopping at this store is appealing).

    Intention to shop online

    Consumers intention to shop online refers to their willingness to make purchases in an

    Internet store. Commonly, this factor is measured by consumers willingness to buy and to return for additional purchases. The latter also contributes to customer loyalty. Consumers intention to shop online is positively associated with attitude towards Internet buying, and influences their decision-making and purchasing behavior. In addition, there is evidence of reciprocal influence between intention to shop online and customer satisfaction.

    Online shopping decision making

    Online shopping decision-making includes information seeking, comparison of alternatives, and choice making. The results bearing on this factor directly influence consumers purchasing behavior. In addition, there appears to be an impact on users satisfaction. Though

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    it is important, there are only five studies that include it.

    According to Haubl and Trifts (2000), potential consumers appear to use a two-stage process in reaching purchase decisions.

    Initially, consumers typically screen a large set of products in order to identify a subset of promising alternatives that appears to meet their needs. They then evaluate the subset in greater depth, performing relative comparisons across products based on some desirable attributes and make a purchase decision.

    Online purchasing

    This is the most substantial step in online shopping activities, with most empirical research using measures of frequency (or number) of purchases and value of online purchases as measures of online purchasing; other less commonly used measures are unplanned purchases

    Online purchasing is reported to be strongly associated with the factors of personal characteristics, vendor/service/product characteristics, website quality, attitudes toward online shopping, intention to shop online, and decision making (Andrade 2000; Bellman et al. 1999)

    Consumer satisfaction

    It can be defined as the extent to which consumers perceptions of the online shopping experience confirm their expectations. Most consumers form expectations of the product, vendor, service, and quality of the website that they patronize before engaging in online shopping activities.

    These expectations influence their attitudes and intentions to shop at a certain Internet store, and consequently their decision-making processes and purchasing behavior. If expectations are met, customers achieve a high degree of satisfaction, which influences their online shopping attitudes, intentions, decisions, and purchasing activity positively. In contrast, dissatisfaction is negatively associated with these four variables (Ho and Wu 1999; Jahng et al. 2001; Kim et al. 2001).

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    5.4 Data Collection Method-

    5.4.1 Primary Data

    It is original primary data, for specific purpose of research project. For this project, I have to use following common research instrument or tool-

    Questionnaire- Questionnaire development is the critical part of primary data collection method. For this I will prepare a questionnaire in such a way that it will be able to collect all relevant information regarding the project. The questionnaire was designed using various scaling techniques. The questionnaire was used mainly to test the model proposed for consumer perception towards online shopping. Likert five point scales ranging from Strongly Agree to strongly disagree was used as a basis of Questions. The data collection was done over a period of 8 weeks This was done by going directly to the respondents or through mails.

    Information on

    online shopping

    Security & Privacy

    Perceived Usefulness

    Perceived Ease of use






    to shop







    Perceived Enjoyment

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    5.4.2 Secondary Data It will be collected to add the value to the primary data. This may be used to collect necessary data and records by different websites, magazines, annual reports, journals, reference books, and newspapers, etc.

    5.5 Sample Design 5.5.1 Sample Unit For studying consumer perception on online shopping, samples were selected from Sambalpur,Odisha.

    5.5.2 Sample Media The respondents in the samples are reached through personal interviews.

    5.5.3 Sampling Methods Sampling methods fall under two broad categories-

    a) Non-probability sampling methods. b) Probability sampling methods.

    5.5.4 Sample size- 100 5.5.5 Research place-Sambalpur

    5.5.6 Sample Design I have prepared this project as descriptive type, as the objective of the study.

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping



  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping




    The objectives of the research were studied with respect to a regular online shopper who shopped more than once because they would be the right respondent to give an insight about the online shopping. Therefore it is firstly important to understand who is a regular online shopper. In the survey the respondents where asked the following questions which helped to know about a regular shopper.

    1. Q.1 Do you use Internet?

    Yes 98% No 02%


    The above pie -chart represent that 98% consumers had used the internet. The

    uses of internet is a vital thing in todays competitive era. The rapid uses of computer

    has make the internet well known to others. While as the influence of social media

    and mobile internet makes the uses of internet more popular. The 02 % people were

    never uses the internet from the study of 100 individual respondent.

    Q.02 How long have you been using Internet?

    Less than 1 year 3 5 years



  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    1 3 years More than 5 years


    The diagram shows that shopping has increased with the usage of Internet over the years. Regular shoppers who have been using Internet for more than one year had shopped to 98% and regular shoppers who have been using Internet for more than five years have shopped to 78%. Internet is not a new concept for these regular online shoppers and they have been using it for more than 5 years now. The increased usage over the years has lead to an increase in shopping, as these regular shoppers are able

    to make use of the various e-commerce activities.

    Q.3 On the average, how much time (per week) do you spend in surfing the Web?

    0 5 hours 16 20 hours

    6 10 hours More than 20 hours

    11 15 hours

    2% 6%14%




    13years 35years More than5years

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping



    The research shows that 36% of the online shopping had been done who use Internet for more

    than 20 hours a week and 96% of the shopping has been done by regular shoppers who have

    been using Internet for more than 5 hours a week. As more the regular online shopper are

    using the Internet it is seen that they end up buying more also. This shows that Internet is

    becoming an integral part of the daily activity of the regular online shopper. The regular

    online shoppers who have been using Internet for more than 20 hours are more comfortable

    and confident as a result they purchase more online as compared to who use Internet for less

    number of hours.The study shows that the growing usage of Internet has lead to increase in

    online shopping as seen above. There is a positive relation between increase usage of Internet

    and online purchase. The marketers should capture this enormous growth, which can be

    brought by the penetration of broadband and lowering the prices of computers. Thus increase

    in usage of Internet over the years and the more time spent has lead to an increase in

    shopping. But one needs to know whether online shopping is an integral part of regular

    shoppers or not this understood as follows.








    0 - 5hours a

    w eek

    6 - 10hours a

    w eek

    11 - 15hours a

    w eek

    16 - 20hours a

    w eek

    Morethan 20hours aw eek

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    Q.4 Have you purchased anything online ever?


    The research showed that 65% of the Internet users had shopped online while 35% had not

    bought anything. This is mainly because of the changing lifestyle and taste patterns. As the

    life is getting more and more fast paced more people are moving on to shop online mainly

    because of convenience. This shows that a more Internet users are using it as a shopping

    medium and there is a huge potential in this sector but one should not be carried away by this

    figures. There could be a possibility that only a small section of the online shoppers are

    shopping or only a particular category of good had brought about this huge number. As a

    resultthe entire analysis was done incase of a regular online shopper to understand the

    shopping behavior of the online shoppers.

    The following question helped to understand who is a regular online shopper among the 65%

    who had indulged into online shopping.


    YES 65%

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    The web online activity

    The following classifications are done to study the online activities in case of a regular

    online shopper.

    Fig. 5 Online Activities

    The Internet offers four basic services communication (socializing service with peer group or core group (email) or with new groups of people (chat), information services, entertainment services and commerce services and shopping. The research shows 32% of the regular online shoppers use Internet for communication while only 10% uses it

    for shopping which shows that communication still forms the major activity among the regular online shoppers.

    Fig. 6 Online Activities by Age







    Inf ormation












    communication Informationgathering

    Finance Shopping

    18-30 years

    31-40 years

    41-50 years

    above 50years

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    This classification further provides an insight that Internet is mainly used as a means of communication in respect all the age groups of the regular online shoppers. It

    contributes to 60% of the major activity among the regular online shoppers who lie between the age group 18-30 years. It could be seen that shopping as a basic activity on the Internet contributes to the minimum. Internet as a medium of shopping is maximum used by regular online shoppers between the age group18-30 years, which is 18% while above 50 years it is used just to 2%. The increase in usage among the 18-30 years is basically due to high awareness. The marketers should focus mainly on the age group between 18-30, as they are the main drivers for growth. Thus the research shows that though the regular shoppers are using the Internet for quiet some

    time now but shopping still remains a small part of the major activity

    Fig. 7 Online Activities by Time

    It is evident that regular online shoppers also spend a major part of their time in communication unlike the occasional online buyers. In 0-5 hours a week they spend 77% of their time in communication, which includes email, and chat as the major activity with shopping which does not seem to exist at all. Information search constitute 20% of the time. The information search increases as the regular online shoppers tries to figure out ways to surf the Internet and access the information they require. It is true that more regular online shoppers use Internet shopping sites to











    0-5 hours 6-10 hours 11-15hours


    more than20 hours






  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    gather information about products rather than to make a direct purchase.

    But it is to be noticed that as the time spend increases communication falls and other activity picks up like entertainment and finance. One could see from the graph that between 16-20 hours a week communication falls further but information search also falls as the regular online shoppers becomes more focused in their information search rather than wandering aimlessly in the Internet space. They continuously use search engines for routine information needs. The time spent on entertainment increases marginally to 18%. As the people spend more time it has been seen that activities like shopping and finance related needs increases. The regular online shoppers who use the Internet for more than 20 hours a week has shown that they have indulged into more shopping i.e.10%. It is true that as the regular online shoppers spends more time on the Internet there is a possibility that they would end up buying more as they are ease with the use of internet. Increased usage of Internet is positively related to the buying

    behavior on the Internet.


    It is true that increase in internet has lead to an increase in the online shopping as 78% of the online shopping has been done by the regular online shopper who have been using internet for more than five years and 36% of the online shopping have been done among the regular shopper who uses the Internet for more than 20 hours a week. Thus increase in usage of Internet has lead to an increase in online shopping. But shopping still constitute a small amount of the major activity on the internet as 32% of the regular online shoppers uses Internet for communication while only 10% uses it

    for shopping. Communication still constitutes the major activity on the Internet.

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    6.2 Demographic Factors

    Online behavior is affected by demographics i.e. by gender, education and income.

    6.2.1 Hypotesis

    1. More male Internet users are frequent online buyers than female Internet users. 2. Regular online buyers are better educated than occasional online buyers. 3. Income is higher in case of a regular online shopper than occasional online


    Fig. 8 Online Shopping & Gender

    Among the 65% of the online shopping, males (72%)had purchased more as compared to women (28%). This shows that it is true that more males are shopping online as compared to women. This is mainly because women still like to feel, see and touch the product before buying. It was noticed that some of them felt shopping as a reason to go out with the family and spend time together, which was not possible in case of online shopping. As more and more Indian women are flocking to Internet there is a possibility that they might end up in a purchase. Also an increase in the spending power in the hands of the women might lead to an increase in the online shopping. The research showed that 28% of the women who shopped online fall mostly in the service and executive class with an income above Rs10,000. The marketers should make sure that they produce the item keeping in mind the needs of the women



  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    population as they still continue to be an important decision maker when shopping for

    the family.

    Fig. 9 Online Shopping & Educational Qualification

    Educational difference is a significant demographic variable, which shows that regular shoppers who were better educated made more purchases online. 89% of the shopping has been done by the regular shopper whose is educated with a graduate or postgraduate degree. This shows that frequency of purchase is more in case of a higher educated regular shopper as compared to a online shopping done by a regular online shopper with matriculate (8%) and non matriculate (3%).

    Fig. 10 Online Shopping & Income










    1 2 1 13


    1 1

















    Student Service/Executive Business Others


  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    Income and buying behavior are positively related. It was seen that a regular online shopper with a higher income had purchased more online as compared to lower income online shopper. This trend was seen in all segment of the population. It is true that more the income in the hands of the population they would indulge in shopping. The service class had done the major purchase in all the various levels of income. It can be seen that hardly any purchase is done among the regular online shopper whose

    income lies below Rs5000.


    Thus three hypotheses stated were true in case of the regular online shopper and it can interpreted that online shopping is effected by demographics like gender, education and income levels. Among the 65% of the online shopping, males (72%)had purchased as compared to women (28%). There is a positive relation between education and income of the online shoppers. 89% of the online shopping was done among the regular shoppers who were educated with a graduate or postgraduate degree compared to 11% shopping who were matriculate and non-matriculate. A 60% of the shopping was done by the regular shopper who had income more than Rs 25,000 than 40% who had income less than Rs.25,000.

    6.3 Motivating & Satisfaction Factors

    To identify the factors which Internet users choose to buy or not buy online and how frequently they make such purchases. Analyzing the importance of satisfaction level

    in the online purchasing environment.

    6.3.1 Hypothesis

    Consumers who make frequent online purchases are higher in convenience orientation

    than those who purchase occasionally.

  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    Fig. 11 Online Shopping & Motivating Factors

    It is believed that consumers whether online shoppers or non-online shoppers value price to convenience but the study contrast this popular belief. The study showed that 32% of the shopping had been done by the regular shopper who think convenience is the main driving force while 23% of the shopping had been done for whom price was the main orientation for shopping online. Other motivating forces, which had lead to online shopping, were saves time (26%), product availability and superior selection (12%), and product comparison (7%). Convenience here is characterized as ease of purchase, home delivery and ability to shop 24x7. These factors motivate the regular online shopper to buy over the Internet and regular online shoppers who value convenience are more likely to buy on the web, as compared to occasional online shoppers. Every connection is a potential for net shopping. Therefore the companies

    should attract and retain its regular online shoppers, as the Internet is a tangled jungle of web sites, which is possible at a click of a mouse. They should design strategies and

    develop products keeping in mind the convenience factors.









    Saves Time




  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    Fig. 12 Barriers to Shopping Online

    The main areas for concern in respect of the regular online shoppers while shopping

    were privacy and security (33%). Most of them still preferred the conventional method of shopping like the touch and the feel factor (21%). They felt that it is possible to see, feel, touch and try the products before buying in a shopping store as compared to Internet shopping. Other reasons that concern the regular online shoppers were inability to reach the customer service (16%), hassle of returning the product (14%), technical foul ups, hesitant in purchasing from an unfamiliar source and person and delivery costs. The marketers should formulate such strategies so that the

    privacy and security concern can be taken care off.





    Hassle of



    Lack of




    Inability to

    touch & feel


    Privacy &


  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    Fig. 13 Convenience- The Motivating Factor

    It has been seen that there is a positive correlation between the frequency of purchase and the convenience factor for buying in the Internet arena. The regular online shopper who had purchased more than 6 times (9%) for them convenience is the most important motivating factor (48%)for shopping on the Internet. Convenience has been characterized as ease of purchase, home delivery and ability to shop 24x7. The online shopper believes that large amount of information about the product and the ability to compare prices is available at a click of a mouse thus making the entire shopping experience very convenient. Thus the marketers to should keep the convenience factor

    in mind while providing the goods and services.

    6.3.2 Satisfaction Index

    It is important to understand the satisfaction level among the regular online shoppers, which had lead to online shopping. This could be understood by the satisfaction index

    and the frequency of purchase among the shoppers.
















    Only once 2-4 times More than5 times

    More than6 times



  • A Study on Consumer Perception towards online shopping


    Fig. 14 Satisfaction Index

    A 55% of the regular online shoppers were satisfied with 12% dissatisfied. An important thing to be noted is that only 2% of the regular online shoppers were highly satisfied while 31% of the